Extensions of Remarks E1569 HON. BILL SHUSTER HON. ALCEE L

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Extensions of Remarks E1569 HON. BILL SHUSTER HON. ALCEE L July 21, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1569 established new levels of cooperation and A recent report done by my hometown appropriations for the Department of State teamwork between his program office and the newspaper, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, and for other numerous contractors involved in his pro- discovered that more registered sex offenders purposes: grams. He embodies the highest tenants of live in a zip code located completely in my dis- Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Chairman, I take this Acquisition Reform and the Army’s innovative trict than any other zip code in Florida. The opportunity to state my opposition to the Rapid Fielding Initiative. fact that no one living in the area knew the amendment offered by Mr. ROGERS of Michi- f magnitude of the problem until the story was gan. written is beyond troubling; it’s absolutely The language of the amendment is based RECOGNIZING SOMERSET COUNTY scary. upon a misinterpretation of the precedents AS ‘‘AMERICA’S COUNTY’’ In 2003, the Justice Department completed concerning the management and control of the a report on recidivism rates of sex offenders. Great Lakes, and section 1109 of the Water HON. BILL SHUSTER The report provided some very disturbing sta- Resources Development Act of 1986, in par- OF PENNSYLVANIA tistics. The Department of Justice tracked ticular. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9,691 male sex offenders released from 15 The Great Lakes are not possessed by the Thursday, July 21, 2005 state prisons, including Florida. They tracked 8 states that border them. The United States them for a 3-year period and found that 40 maintains sovereign power over the Great Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to percent of the sex offenders who re-offended Lakes under its authority to regulate com- recognize Somerset County which has re- did so within the first year, and within 3 years merce and to control the navigable waters ceived the honorary title of ‘‘America’s Coun- of their release from prison, 5.3 percent of within its jurisdiction. As the Supreme Court ty.’’ This title, given to the county, recognizes those sex offenders were rearrested for an- specifically recognized, the United States’ ulti- its people whose hard work and determination other sex crime. Even more, half of the sex of- mate interest in the Great Lakes is greater made Somerset County the extraordinary fenders tracked in this study included men than those of any state. place it is today. who molested children, and within the first 3 It is the United States, not the states, that To many Americans, Somerset County is years of their release from prison, 3.3 percent manages the Great Lakes. For example, the known as the site of the United Airlines Flight of these convicts were rearrested for another Great Lakes’ role as a national transportation 93 crash during the tragic terrorist attacks of sex crime against a child. corridor is vital to the national economy. The September 11, 2001. Despite these sorrowful Even more, there are more than 30,000 reg- Great Lakes navigation system generates events, the people of Somerset have been istered sex offenders in the state of Florida more than 150,000 jobs for the U.S. economy, looking into the future with enduring hope and alone. Nationwide, there are more than $4.3 billion in personal income, and $3.4 bil- pride. It is their patriotic determination to 300,000 registered sex offenders, of which the lion in transportation-related business revenue. achieve American greatness that we com- victims of some 70 percent of all the men in The United States has sovereign power memorate today. It is their heroic determina- prison for sex crimes were children. over the Great Lakes and frequently exercises tion that made Somerset County the ‘‘Amer- It is these statistical realities combined with this power through control of water pollution, ica’s County,’’ the source of inspiration and The Sun-Sentinel’s report that led me to co- reducing the introduction of invasive species, hope to millions of Americans. host a community forum with the Broward protecting endangered species, and exercising The people of this great county are viewed County Urban League. At that meeting, our water management functions generally. as having traditional values and a strong vi- community had an opportunity to discuss how Mr. ROGERS’s amendment misinterprets sec- sion of the future. Because of their hard work, to best protect our children from those who tion 1109 of the Water Resources Develop- Somerset County is taking pride in its schools prey on the vulnerable. The forum provided ment Act to mean that Congress ceded au- and its emergency providers; it is taking pride law enforcement, civic leaders, elected offi- thority over the Great Lakes to the Governors in its agriculture, in its recreation, and in its in- cials, and community residents the opportunity of the Great Lakes States. Congress did not. dustry. Somerset County is a great place to to voice their concerns and chart a path to- The legislative history of section 1109 of the live, work, and visit, not only because it is ward making our neighborhoods safe from sex blessed with an abundance of natural re- Water Resources Development Act of 1986 offenders. clearly indicates that Congress was acting to sources and breathtaking beauty, but most im- The legislation which I am introducing today protect the limited quantity of water available portantly because it is blessed with dedicated expresses Congressional support for the track- from the Great Lakes system for use by the and courageous people. ing of sex offenders on probation through the Great Lakes States and to prohibit any diver- For decades now the people of Somerset use of Global Positioning Systems. The Sex- sion unless that diversion was approved by County have been working together to accom- ual Predator Effective Monitoring Act also es- the Governors of all the Great Lakes States. plish common goals for the future, while re- tablishes a grant program that will allow states This ‘‘veto’’ authority granted to the Governors specting the history and heritage of the past. to improve their ability to track and monitor the of the 8 Great Lakes States was the imple- Always welcoming to visitors, always loyal to movement and activities of sexual predators. mentation mechanism for the Federal policy, their friends, these people make Somerset The bill authorizes a total of $30 million over not a relinquishment of authority. Therefore, it County a shining example of American great- 2 years to assist states in accomplishing this is inconsistent with law and precedent to indi- ness. Today their hard work and determination critical task. cate that Congress recognizes that manage- are deservedly recognized, and I rise to honor Mr. Speaker, I can think of no greater mech- ment authority over the Great Lakes should be Somerset County, as it will always be known anism by which Congress can assist states in vested with the Governors of the 8 Great as a little piece of Heaven on Earth, as the protecting children from sexual predators than Lakes States, and the Premiers of the Cana- ‘‘America’s County.’’ to provide them with the financial assistance dian provinces. f to develop and implement effective tracking For these reasons, I state my strong belief tools to monitor these sick individuals. I ask INTRODUCING THE SEXUAL PRED- that the amendment erroneously characterizes for my colleagues’ support for this legislation, ATOR EFFECTIVE MONITORING Congressional policy and law. and I urge its swift passage. ACT OF 2005 f f FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZA- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS A TRIBUTE TO DR. BOISEY O. TION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 2006 OF FLORIDA BARNES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND 2007 Thursday, July 21, 2005 SPEECH OF HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR OF NORTH CAROLINA rise today to introduce the Sexual Predator Ef- OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fective Monitoring Act of 2005. I am pleased to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES introduce this bill with Florida’s senior Senator Thursday, July 21, 2005 BILL NELSON, and I pledge my full commitment Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise and to helping communities throughout the country The House in Committee of the Whole ask my colleagues to join me in paying tribute take the necessary steps to protect the vulner- House on the State of the Union had under to Dr. Boisey O. Barnes who will be honored able from sexual predators. consideration the bill (H.R. 2601) to authorize by the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc. VerDate jul 14 2003 06:22 Jul 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21JY8.040 E21JYPT1 E1570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 21, 2005 in conjunction with the National Medical Asso- colleagues in the 109th Congress to join me in Mr. Fletcher was born in Phoenix, Arizona in ciation on Friday, July 22, 2005 at the Sher- celebrating a milestone happening in my 1924, but grew up in California, Oklahoma, Ar- aton New York Hotel. Dr. Barnes is being hon- hometown of Flint, Michigan. On Thursday, izona and Kansas due to his father’s career in ored for his outstanding contributions to cardi- July 21, civic and community leaders will join the military. While attending high school in ology as an acclaimed physician, researcher, General Motors and the United Auto Workers Junction City, Kansas, he organized his first educator, humanitarian and spokesman. to commemorate the 100th anniversary of civil rights protest after being told that African Mr.
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