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Special Libraries, April 1916

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Vol. 7 APRIL, 1916 No. 4 --- Dooks and The Advertiser By Merle Sidener. Indianapolis, Ind. Sidener-Van Riper Advertising Agency

The day has passed when the business lil~raricsslmial departments for business Inan must learn by exyerierice exclusively. literature, and ~t is cven more pleasing to It is poss~ble today to save many hard an advertising man to find what a splendid knocks by taking advantage of the exyeri- showing in these spccial libraries is made once of other business inen as recorded in by the boolcs dealing with this modern busi- reliable business data. ness force. The output 01 busmess books has been on The Associnled Advertising Clubs of the the incrcasc during the last few years, and World, with headqua1 ters in Indianapolis, publlsliing houses that have issued these tnaintains in its offices a model business boolcs have made a definite contribution to lib~aryand through the efforts of this or- the busines world. Lllrewise, the libraries ganization, many public libraries have been that have recognizod their opgortnnity to helpcd to ~nstall sgec~al departments of render a specialized service to business men, business literature, and thousands of indi- havc added much to the general betterment viduals have hecn inspired to purchase for of business. tlle~rprlvate hbraries volumes on business The day is one of intense competition in subjects. all lines of huinan endeavor, and the bnsi- Tlns organization through the co-opera- ncss world is prcssed to an extremity in tion of Donhleday, Page t Company, has flnding solutions for its coinglex problems. published sevcral volumes which have Perhaps that departinent of business which quickly talcen Il'ont rank among the best deals with distribution, is by reason of its business l~oolc~It was through the efforts greater need for resourcefulness, attracting or the Associated Advertising Clnbs that the services of the keenest and most alert Proi. Paul Terry Cherington, instructor in men The element of productloll 1s no less comnercial organixalion in the Graduate iml~ortantthan formerly, but as production scliool of Busincss Administration, Harvard has become morc cfftclent the problein of Univers~ty,became interested in preparing d~stributfonhas grown, and the big question a scries of lloolrs on the general subject of in the ~ndustrlalworld today is "How may advertising. we sell more goods at a profit?" His first boolr, "Advertising as a Business The ncwest Influence that has been Force," is regarded by many advertising brought to bear on this question is advcrtis- men as an essential part of the equipment ing. It is a development largely of the last of every first-class business omce. Its chief half century, and in fact has been recog- value is in the compilat~onof experience ni7ed as a definite business force only in the records which it presents. Prof. Cherington last decade or so. The wonderful develop- succeeded in gathering a series of records n~entof advertising is very largely due to of experience showing how advertising ac- the educational effect of the books and mag- livities have been related to the selling re- azines which have presented to the business sults they were designed to produce. world both the theory and the practice of TVe place this Cherington book as of fore- advertising. The type of inan attracted to most value in my company's ofice library, the business of advertwng, appreciates the because it presents concrete cases of effort necessity for absorbing information. His and result, with very little comment on the mind must be alert and open, he must be part of the author, and with little or no abreast of the timea, he must be resourcefuI injection of theory. It offers accurate data to overcome difftcultles which block the way on most of the daily problems which come to larger distribution. Re has therefore been to the advertising man's desk. Prof. Cher- quick to reallxe the value to him of books ington's second book, "The Advertising and publications which present in a practi- Book, 1916," is in reality a second volume cal way the thoughts and experiences of to the flrst boolr, for it again presents a others in meeting his problems. compilation of the best data obtainable from It is grat~fyingto discover in many public recent progress in advertising methods. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Another book which is of different type is the study of specific selling problems and but equally valuable to the business man is the planning and execution of advert.ising "The New 13usiness," by Harry Tipper, Ad- programs. Together with the current publi- vertising Manager of the Company. cations which especially represent thc ad- This book is a conlprehensive discussion of vertising business, these books make up a the evolution of business, especially with reference library which may be fairly com- reference to modern methods of ~narlretlng pared to the legal library of the lawyer. and the conflict between the various factors The legal profession will find precedent in d~strihution. It presents just such infor- for every possible move that may be made, inat~onas the business man engaged In ad- offensively or defensively, in the law. Court vertising must lcnow as a foundation tor decisions, from tho lowest to the highest, meeting ever changing conditions. can be cited. Earucst E11no Calkin?, a successhl ad- While our library is not so complete as vertising man, wrote "Modern Advert,isingn that, we are enabled to have placed upon ten years ago or so, and has within the last the desk of any of our principals, all the year I~cencompelled to write another vol- references In boolcs and magazines, pub- ump, "T~EBusiness of Advertising," because lished in the last five years or so, bearing of the great changes in advertising practice. upon a specific problem. For instance, the The new book carries much of the thought librarian was aslced to bring references to of the original volun~e,but brought up-to- chewing gun1 advertising and among them date. It describcs in narrative style what were thcsc : "How American Chicle Worked is done from Lhe beginning to the end of an Out the Zone Idea in Selling Gum," an au- advcrtising campaign. thorized interview in Printers' Ink, May 13, There are many boolcs dealing with the 1915, with Henry Rowley, president of the technical side 01' advertising such as De d~ncrican Chicle Company; an article by Vinne's "The Practice of Typography" deal- Edward Matt Wooley on "The Man Who Put ing with type faces and sct-up, and An- the hlmt in Spearm~nt,"being tho story of drew's "Color and Its Application to Print- thc success of William Wrigley, Jr., gub- ing." lished in Printers' Ink, January 21, 1915, and A serics of boolcs h~'Wallel' Dill Scott, a brief article on the purposcs and plans of Director of the Psychological laboratory of the Sterling Gum campaign, also printed in Northweslcrn University, is found in mosl Printers' Inlr July 8, 1915. Besidcs these, good hus~nessllhraries, public and private, there wore a score of index cards submitted dealing with such subjects as "The Theory for selection, bearing on methods of distri- of Advertising," "Tho Psychology of Advcr- hutlon necessary for a product such as chew- tising," and "Influencing Men in Business." ing gum. While such boolcs are not especially valu- Printc~~s'Tnlr, Advertising and Sclling, and able for refcrcncc purposes, a rereading of System hhgazine arc indexed and cross in- special cl~aptersnow and then, intensifies dexcd as the current nunlbers arrive, and the power of analys~s,so important in the the magazines are hound as cach volume is advertising business. completed. These are of even more use for In spccial fields, a number of boolcs reference purposes than the boolcs, because rendel* service, such as "Financial Adver- the nlagasines are constantly presenting the tising," by E. St. Elmo Lewis, and "News- actual cxperlence of advertisers. paper Xdvertismg," hy G. R. E. I-Iawlcins. A sign of the times is the willingiicss of "Church Fubllcity," by Christian I?, Relsner, succcssful men to give to their fellows the deals with a modern application of the force "how" of their accomplishments, Men who of publicity. have found a means to an end tell just how "The Business Man's Library" and the they did it, in these magazines. In other "Business Correspondence Library," ~ssued morcls defin~tedata on experience is now by the Syslcin Company, are invaluablc in available to thc man who would use this an arlverlising man's library because ol the wonderful business force,-advertising-and tecliilieal help they oIfer. far more progress will be inadc in advcr- Tl~esebooks and others which might bc tising 11.1 the next ten years than during the lncnt~onedare used i11 a thoroughly practi- last ten, because of the availability of this cal way in our omcos, where the daily duty information.

The Commerce Report of the U. S. De- and representative documents for a large partmcnt of Cominerce for January 31, 1916, part of European and other countries are makes the following statement regarding at hand. The Library also has an especially the n~unicipaldocuments in the New Yorlc fine collection of conlmercial statistics for Public Library: practically all foreign countries. These in- "The New Yorlr Public Library has an clude the annual statements of the more im- exceptionally good collection of documents portant countries, and the Library also has pertaining to municipal affairs, which are consular reports from t,he more important classifled by cities under countrlcs. The foreign nations and general commercial sta- collection for thc United Stales IS complete tistics from fore~gntrade papers " SPECIAL LIBRARIES

List of References on Advertising Compiled Under the Direction of H. H. B. Meyer, Chief Bibliographer, Library of Congress

RIBLIOGRAPHY. ',\yW, N. W., 8 son. The Aycr idea in adyes- Brisco, Norris A. Econonlics of business. tising. Ph~ladelphla,N. TiT. Ayer & son New Yorlc, The RIacRIillan company, 1913. [I9121 14 p. 390 p. I-IF5351.B84 3869-1909. Forty years of advertis- Advertising: p: 281, 306. ing; a, collection of son~e~vhatintimate Edgar, Albert E. How to advertise a retail tallis on certain ~hascsof advertising. store, including mail order advertlsing Boston, Mass., New York, N. Y., N. W. and general advertising. . . . 4th ed. enl. Ayer t son [100g1 60 P HF6181.A8A4 ~olui~bus,0. he ~dvehisingWorld, 1918. Ihh~er,Edwin. The science of advertising 582 p. I-IF5823.E24 . . . , The Wallace press, 1909. Llst of boolcs and advertising journals; 6.1 B. EIl?582l.R2 P. 552-560. [Bates, Charles A.l ed. American journal- xnt.ajti, Victor. Die Reklame. Eine unter- ism troll1 the practical side. What leading suchung iiber A~ilc~~iidigungswesenund newspaper publishers say concerning the Werbetatigkeit in G6schaflslcben Lcipzig, relations 01 advertisers and publ~shers Dunclrer & Hurnblot, 1910. 459 p. and abont thc way a great paper should Bibllograph~e' 11. 479-486. HF5Sll.RI3 be made. New York, Holines publishing Public afhirs information service. Bulletin co. [I8971 371 p. PN4864.B3 of the public affairs information service, a The art and literature of business. co-operative clearlng house of public af- New Yorlr, Bates publishing co., [I9021 fairs information. First annual cumula- 6 v. HFS823.B34 tion. White Plains, N Y. and New York Bcllnlny, Francis, ed. Effective magazme ad- City. The H. TIT. Wilson company, 1916. vertising. New Yorlr, 11. Kennerley [I9091 344 p. Z7163.P9 361 p. HF6107.B4 Advertising: p. 12. Iliril. Thomas Alexander, con~p.Sales plans; a collection of throe hundred and thirty- GENERAL BOOICS. thrce successful ways of getting business Advertising and correspondence. Part I: . . . Chicago, The hIeivchants record com- Advertising, by Lee Galloway. . . . in col- pany [I9061 282 p. HF5438.B62 laboration with G. Howard Harmon . . [Borsodi, R'illiaui] ed. Advertisers cyclo- Part 11: Business corrcspoadencc, by pedia of selling phrases . . . New York, George Burton I-Iotchlriss . . . New Yorlc, The Advertisers cyclopedia co. [I9091 1360 Alexander Hamilton institute [1914] 605 p. HF5825.B7 P. (Modern business Canadian ed, v. 4.) Boulder, pseud. Hidden causes of reckless HP5823.A2 1914 advertising wasle. Chicago, Lord and Ailvertising and selling credits. Part I: Thomas publishing house [I9131 112 p. Advertising, by Lee Galloway . . . in col- HF5823.B7 laboration with G. Howard Harmon. Part Reprinted from Judicious advertlsing. 11: Selling and buying, by Ralph S. Butler Breltwieser, Joseph V. Psychological sdver- . . . Part 111: Credit and the credit man, tismg. Colorado Sgrmgs, Colo., Apcx book by Lee Galloway. New York, Alexander co., [I9151 167 P. HP5822 B7 Hamilton institute [I9121 651 p. (Modern Breniser, Ross D. The schemes back of the business; a series of nineteen texts, espe- ads. Light on the real methods of adver- cially prepared for the Alexander HamlI- tisers. [Philadelphia, Breniser] 1914. 36 ton institute course in accounts, finance P- HF546G.B8 and managcment, ed. by J. F. Johnson. nrisco, Norris A. Economics of business. V. 9). HF5823.A42 New York, The MacNillan company, 1913. Amencan business manual, including organ- 390 p. HF5351.B84 ization, manufacturing, advertising, buy- Advertising: p. 260-306. ing, selling, granting of credit, and audit- Bunting, Henry S. Specialty advertising. ing . . . Thoroughly revised and rewritten 163 P. HF6146.N7B8 under the general editorial supervision of Chicago, The Novelty news press [19101 Francis J. Reynolds. New York, P. F. Col- lier & SonJ19141 3 v. HF5356.A5 1914 B~~sil~rsscorrespondence library. Chicago, New York, The System company [19111 Advertising: v. 2, p. 147-195. HF6721.B8 1911 Appel, Joseph H. The master merchant, and 3 v. other writings. [n.p., 19091 320 p. Con- Business man's brain partners, including the tains asticles on: Sale-ient advertising- business man's encyclopedia. 6th rev. ed. Advertising evils-Wanted: a new official : Chicago, New Yorlr, The System company, the publicity man-The kind of a man 1908. 2 v. HF5356.B94 needed in advertising. HF6386.A6 Callril~s,Earnest E. The business of adver- 62 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

tising. New York and , D. Apple- ne JYeese. Truman A. Book on advertising ton and company, 1915. 363 p. . . . Chicago, The system company, 1907 HB5821.Cl5 1915 165 p. (The business man's library, v 7). Modern advertising. New York, D. HF5823 D54 Appleton and company, 1905. 361 p. (AD- Keeoine a dollar at work: fifty pleton's business series). HF5821.Cl5 "talks" on newspaper advertising.. [~ew Casuon, Herbert N. Ads, and sales; a study Yorli] The New York evening post, 1915. of ndvertlsing and selling, from the stand- 176 p. I-IF6107.D47 point of the new principles of scientific The principles of practical publicity; management. Chicago, A. C. AIcClurg and being a treatise on the "art of advertls- co., 1911. 167 p. HF5823.C2 ing." 2d ed. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs Cllrmey, Albert G. Advertising construction, & co. [I9081 250 p. HF5823.D52 sirnglifled. Dallas, Tex., Johnston printing Z)oelcrell, Thomas E. The law of mental & advertis~ngco., 1912. 42 p. HF5825.C5 domination, as groved by history and ap- Cllalman, Clowry. Thc law of advert~sing plied to selling and advertising. New York, and sales and related general business law Commercial publishing co. [1914] 34 numb. wltli which is combmed advertising and 1. HF5822.D6 sales that develop good will. Denver, C. Doorly, Henry. How to get the want ads., Chapman [I9081 2 v. HF5819.U6U6 how to develop them and how to handle Chnsaoff, Joseph E. Retail advertising and then1 . . . [Omaha, Neb., Printed by the the newspaper. Columbia, Mo., University Mangum printlug co., 19131 87 p. of Missouri, 1912. 47 p. (The University of HF6125.D7 filissouri bulletin. Journalism series, v. 1, Dutcher, Le Grand. 5,555 result producing, no. 3). HF6107.C4 advertising, selling phrases. Philadelphia, Selling newspaper fipace; how to de- Dewey & Ealrins 119121 140 p. velop local advertising. New York, The HF6825.D8 Ronald press co., 1913. 133 p. HF6107.C5 Edgnr, Albert E. How to advertise a retail Cheriagton, Paul T. Advertising as a busi- store, including mail order advertising and ness forcc; a compilation of experience general advertising . . . 4th and enl, ed. records. [Garden City, N. Y.] Doubleday, Eolumbus, O., The Advertising world, 1913, PaEe & comDanv for the associated adver- 582 p. HF5823.E24 tising clubs-of -America, 1913. 569 i. Egan, James W. Five practical chapters on HF5823.C5 ';.eta11 advertising; a book for all reta~lers. The advertising hook. 1916. rGarden Chicago [I9081 48 p. HF5823 I328 City, N. Y 1 ~oubleday,page & company, Elliott, Harmon P. Direct by mail advertie- for tho associated advertising clubs of the ing. Cambridge, RIass., The Elliott com- world, 1916. 604 p. HF5823.C52 pany, 1915. 53 p. HB5888.E5 Clifiord, William G. Building your business Contams a description of the Elliott by mail; a compilation of successful di- addressing machine. rect advertising campaigns . . . Chicago, -Howard. The relation of the railway Ill., Business research publishing com- to com~nunityand statewide advertising. pany, 1914. 448 p. HF5730.C6 [St. Paul: 19101 14 p. 13F616l.MSE5 Cobb, Benjamin F. Business philosophy, New Address before Oregon develooment Yorlc, T. Y. Crowell & company [I9051 league in annual convenltion, ~alem;Ore., 292 p. HF5351.C6 Nov. 29, 1910. Advertising: p. 237-271. Emory, Arthur T , comp. The Chicago trib- Cody, Sherwin. Thc Cody system. Business une . . . Buying power analysis of Chi- correspondence and advertisnlent writing cago; an investigation by cross-examina- for business men. [Chicago, 19061 100 p. tion showing relation of house rent to buy- HF5726.C59 ing habits, susceptibility to advertising How to deal with human nature in influence, and emciency of various adver- business; a practical book on doing busi- tising mediums within city limits. [Chi- ness by correspondence, advertising and cago] The Chlcago tribune, 1915. 205 p. salesrnanshi~. New York and London. HF6105.UGE5 Funk & ~agnallsco., 1915. 488 p. Fnrrlngton, Frank. Retail advertisina-com- HF5353 C6 1916a plete; Chicago, Byxbee publishing co. Collins, Clarkson A. Productive sales meth- [I9101 270 p. HF5823.F24 ods. New York, Collin Armstrong, inc., Faust, Charles A. Faust's complete card- 1913. 68 p. HF5438.C57 writer; lessons and alphabetifor use of Curtis publishing company, Philadelphia. brushes-marking-Soennecken- Payzant Selling forces. Philadelphia, The Curtis and common pens. [Chicago? 19111 112 p. publishing company [I9131 280 p. TT360.F3 HF6107.CB Fox, Irving P. One thousand ways and [Dnly, John J.] Window dressing. New schemes to attract trade.. . 3d ed. Boston, York, The bookseller and newsman [I8991 Mass., The Spatula publishing co. [I9121 66 p. HF5845.DE 204 p. HF5823.F83 Deland, Lorin F. Imagination in business. Freeman..-- Williams C. One hundred adver- New York and London, Harper & brothers, tisin$ 'talks. New York, The Winthrop 1909. 107 p. HF539LD3 press, 1912. 228 p. HB5823385 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

French, George. Advertising; the social and the Associated advertising clubs of the economic problem. New York, The Ronald worId, 1915. 298 p. HF5429.H6 press company, 1916. 258 p. HF582l.F7 See index uuder advertlsing. The art and science of advcrtising. IIow to advertise to men. [Chicago, New Boston. Sherman, French & company, 1909. Yorlc The System company, 19121 64 p. 291 p. HF5823.F9 135'5825.H7 Germall-American needle co., Chicago. Cat- How to increase your sales. Plans that have alog of advcrtising matter for any lme of won new buyers . . . 3d rev. ed. Chicago,

business, to be used in connection with New Pork, The System comuanv.- -, 1909.---~ 128 German-Amerlcan needle co., needle cases. P. HF5438.H8 Chicago, German-American needle co., How to write advertiseriients that sell; how 1914 194 p. HF6826.G4 to plan every step in pour ca~ngaign- Gillette advertising co., Kansas City, No. using sales points, schemes and induce- Gillette's advertising prints ; original cuts ments-how to write and lay out copy- . . . Kansas City, No., 1910 41 1. choosing prospect llsts and mediums- I-IF6133.G6 tests and records that increase returns Goodnll, George TV. Advertising; a study of . . . Chicago, New Yorli, A. W. Shaw com- a modern busmess power. London. Con- pany, 1912. 128 p. I-IF5825.H75 stable & coo.,1914. 91 D. (Studies in eco- Hoyt,, Charlcs W. Scientific sales manage- nomics and political science no. 41 ln the ment; a practical application of the grin- series of monographs by writers connectcd ciples of sc~entificinanageinent to selling. with the London school of economics and New Havcn, Conn., G. 13. Woolson & co., political science). I-IF5821.G6 1013 204 p. HF5488X835 Some books on adverbsing: p. 90-91. Internntio~~~ilcorrespondence s c h o o 1 s , Grfmdon. Samuel. Some notes on catalog Scranton, Pa. The advertiser's handbook m~lring.New York, The Trow press, 1909. . . . Scranton, Pa., International textbook 30 p. 2246.G84 coni~aay,1910. 413 p. HF5823.16 Grent Western coinpiling company. Coin- A textbook on mercantile decoration. plete guide and instructions in the collec- Scranton, Inlcrnational textbook conlpany tion, compilation, classification and sale [I9031 4 v. HF5845.161 of names and addresses. rSout11 Bend Contents-v. 1. Backgrounds. v 2. Dl-ess Ind.?] The Great western coinpiling co. goods, white goods, clothing. v. 3. Foot, [I9151 14 p. HF58G3.G7 hand, and head covering, men and wom- Hall, Samuel R. Writing an advertisement; en's iurnishmgs, handlterchiefs, linens, an analysis of the methods and the mental house furnishings v. 4. 'h1iscellaneous processes that play a part in the writing mercliandise, decorations, collection of ar- of successful advertisma. Boston. New tistic displays, llluinination and motion in York, Houghton, h11fllln and co., 1915. 216 displays, fixtures and useful information, P. HF5825.H3 idens for window decorations. Hawkins, George H. E. Newspaper adver- Internntionnl library of technology, v. 102: tising;bcing a series of tnllcson the value Form letters and follow-up systems, cat- and use of this greatest of all local adver- zlogs, booklets, and foldcrs, management tising mediums . . . Chicago, Ill., Adver- of general campaigns, managetnent of tiser publishing company, 1914. 119 p. mail-order campaigns, m~scellaneous de- HFG107.H3 tails of management, the advertising Poster advertising . . . [Chicago?] agency, how to enter the practical field. 1910. 88 p. HF5843.H3 v. 103: Engiaving 2nd printing methods, Hnxton, H. R., and Cecil Weatherly. Adver- advertising illustraticc, technical- and tisement. (In Encyclopedia britannica, trade-pager advertising, street-car adver- 11th ed. v. 1, New Yorlr, 1910. p. 235-241). tising, outdoor advertising, house publica- AE5.E36, v. 1 tions. Scranton, International textbook Hess, Herbert W. Productive advertising. co., c. 1909. T45.16, v. 102-3 Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott dames, Francis B. Advertising, and other company [I9151 348 p. HF5823.H52 addresses.. Cincinnati, The Robert Clarke Hollingworth, Harry L. Advertising and co., 1907. 136 p. 41/J selling; principlcs of appeal and response. Joli~iso~~.Alvin S. Advertisins. (In New in- New York and London, D Appleton and ternational encyclopaedia,-2d' ed., v. 1. company, 1913. 313 p. I-IF5821.136 New Yorlc, 1914. p. 161-162.) "Books and articles referred to in the References: D. 162. AE5.N553 1914, v. 1 text or recommended for further read- Axel P., ed. Library of advertising. ing": p. 306-309 Chicago, publishing company [1911] Holt, Hamilton. Commercialis~nand journ- 6 v. HF5823.J7 alism. Boston and New York, Houghton, Contents : v. 1. Fundamental princi- Mifilin company, 1909. 105 p. [Barbara ples; advertlsing mediums. v. 2. Reachlng Weinstock lectures on the morals of the public, trade-marks, agencies, system, trade.] HB6831.H7 type, outdoor adv. v. 3. Department store Hotchkin, W. R. The manual of successful and retall advertising. v. 4. Show window storekeeping. [Garden City, N. Y.] Pub- display and speciaIty advertising. v. 6. lished by Doubleday, Page & company, for Advertising different lines of business. v. SPECIAL LTBRARIES

6. Methods of selling; advert~singand ad- a manufacturer. Atinneapoli~,blinn., 1914. vertised goods. (Bulletin of the University of RHnnesota. ~allflllll~l,Herbelt The clock that had no General serles no. 8 ) HF5823.hi3 hands, and n~neteen other essays ahout [Mnrlim, Edinundl. Cntalognc topics. [Chi- advertising. New York, Gcorge H. Doran cago, 13 R, Donnellcy & Sons COIIII)~~~, company [1912] 116 p. HF5823.IC3 19151 31 p. I-IP6861.>13 Bhnrns, Theodore. A bale of hay. [Roches- Mtnland, Arthur J. Effective store advcrtis- ter, N. Y. Prmted by De Wolf press, ing; a consideration of the subject from 19131 51 11 RF5856 KG the standpoint of thc pnhlic . . . rCanton, 1(lcise;, ~renville,comp. SalesmanshiP and 0 ] A J. Mealand, 1013. 85 1). PIFS823 314 advertising; practical hints by successful Morrow, JIarco. Things to tell the n~erchant. men . . New York and London, Fiinlr & Lawrence, Kan. [Dc~t. of journalism Wagnalls company, 1813. 131 P. (His Busl- press, University or kansns] 1!114. 16 1). ness success series.) HF5438 K5 (University of Ransas news-bulletin, v. LCH~S,Barnnrd J. How to make type talk; 15, 110. 7.) PN4853.1<2, no. 7 the relation of typography to voice modu- Sattress, IVilliam E. How a ~~c'tailme~~liant latlon basic principles as deteloged and should adverlisc: soinc truths nl)out rctnil proven In actual practice. Boston, The advertihing ~tatesvillc,N. C , ,1Trrchants Stetson press [I9141 31 p. Z25O.LTi8 advert~singand suggly com1)anS' [I9131 -Henry H. Ilow fortunes are made in 98 p. HFS823.N3 advertising . . . Great successes, comg. Xeystrom, Paul H. Retail selling and storc by Orva S. Duff. [Twentieth century ed.] management. New Yorlc, Chicago, London, Ch~cago,New York, Publicity publ~shing D. Appleton and company, 1014. 280 p. conlpany [I9081 242 p. HF5823.L64 (Comnlerclal education series.) Llbrnr~of business practice. Chicago, New I-IP542!).N84 Yorli, A Ifr. Shaw company [I9141 10 v. Retail advertising: g. 241-252. I-IF5361.L6 Opdycke, John B. Nrws, arls anrl sales; the See v. 10 under 1)usiness. See index v. 10 use of English for con~nicrcicllpurposes. under Advertismg. Ncw Yorlc, The SlaclTillan company, 1014. Li~r~~il)rl.c.,('~1.1. Pe~'sonliche,geschaftliche, 193 1). PN l776.07 polltischc Relilaine; Lehrbuch der Reli- Gibliograghy : p 177-18l. la~nekunst,dwen Wesen, Bedeutung und Osbnrn, A41csai~derF. Brass tacks of advcr- Iionsequenxen. Neustadt an dcr Haardt, tlsing, an unn~ysterious analysis of the PfLlxische verlagsanstalt, 1912. 288 1). practical phases of the ltind of ndvcrtising I-IF6821.L5 which analyses. Ruffnlo, N. Y., by l[rnrrl aud Thomas. Concerning a literature Hausauer-Jones prlntin~co.. 1915. 185 I). which comgels action . . . in the interest of advertising as a profession. Chicago and New York, Lord & Thomas [I9111 oretical and practical; n cour:;~ in lhe 11-47 p. HF61 Sl.LSA.4 practical application of successful adver- -AIoney makers a plea to be measured tising, especially adaptcd to the use of h' the dollar gauge only a master sales- business promot~onin the omcc . . . New man's presentation of salesmanship - in - Ynrk, Chicago, Tho Page-Davis conignny print. Chicago, Ill., New Yorli city, Lord [I0151 252 p. HF6825.P2 1915 and Thomas [I9131 73 p. HF6181 L7A5 Wllliam IC. The preparation and care [I~~tle,J0lln H.] Magazine advertising . . . of mailing lists; a working manual that address before Sullivan's advertising chss covers every phase of list handling . . . at the Y. M. C A, in Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 9, Chicago, Ill., Addressograph c o m p any 1913. Dayton, O., Press of United breth- [l814] 62 p. HF5730.P3 D. Parsoiirr, Carl C. 13usiness ndininistratlon; ren publishing- house -r19141 -~ 83 ~~6107.~8the principles of business organization and JracDonald, John A. S~iccessfulrctail adver- systein, and the actual methods of husi- tising. A rev. ed. of the book successful ness operation and management. Chicago, advertising, how to accompl~sh it . . . New York, The System company, 1909, 232 Rev, by Henry J. Rutherford, retail adver- B. I-IF5547.P3 1909 tising instructor, the Koester school win- Advertising: p. 159-171. dow dressing, advertising, showcard wit- *Parsons, Frank A. Tho prmciples of adver- ing . . . Chicago, Dry goods reporter co. tising arrangement. New York, Chicago, [l913] 464 p. HF6107.Jf2 1913 Pub, for the Advertising men's league of Ma11lr1, John L. Advertising, selling the con- by the Prang company sumer. [Garden City, N. y.] pub by [1912] 127 p. Doubleday, Page and comuanv for the As- [Pnschall, Irvin F.1 Selling it to the adver- sociated advertising clubs of the world, tiser; a book of facts for the agent to tell 1914. 260 p. HF5823.hT15 his client. [Philadelphia, Printed by the Contains bibliographies. George EI. Buchanan company] 1915. 96 p. Martln, 31ac. Modern methods of merchan- HF6107.P3 dising. [hfinneapolis, Architect bulletin Perry, George H. How country editors can co., 19151 30 p. . HF6823.hT27 get national advertising. Lawrence, ICans., -Planning an advertising campaign for [Dept. of journalism press, University of SPECIAL LIBRARIES

IId. For salc Tradc journals and class publications: by W. 1-1. ~ichards[1913]'95 p. advertising info~m~ation:p. 117-146. HF5823 R6 Stall~l),Charles A., and J. S. Wilson. The Powcs in advertising. Kansas City, ad-writer's compendium. Over 1,200 ad. Mo.. Ernrm'e printing- commnv- - r19151 274 hcadings ior dry goods, carpets, furniture, B. H-FSS~?.R~~ clothing, millinery, groceries, shoes, Jew- Richardson, A. 0. The power of advertising. elry, cluna . . . Ashtal~ula,O., The Aclver- New Yorlc and London, The Lambwt pub. tising world co. [I9001 391; p. HFGl3lS9 CO. [I9131 300 P. I-IF5823.RG4 'I'aylor, I-Ienry C., pseud. What an advertiser Rose. 'iT7illiam G. The ninaer cure. Cleve- should know; a handbook for everyone who advertises. Chicago. Browne & I-Iomell company, 1914. 95 p. i~isThe "practical" well, George P. Forty years an advest~s- series.) J-IF6823.T2 ing agent. 1865-1905. Ncw Yosk. Printer's Tl~ol~ipso~~,J. Walter, company. Population ink 6ublishine- co.., 1906.. . .. 517.- . n. and its distribution, comp. from U. S. ~l?6181.~6~3Census Apures for 1910. New Yorlr. Chi- Rnssell, Thomas H. Advertising nlethods cago, J. Walter Thomgson co. [1912]' 81, p. and mediums. Chicago, ~ationalinstitute HB1965.T5 of business [1A31] 416 p. (Practical busi- Timer. Harry, and others. Advertising. ~ts ness library. v. 3.) HF5823.R8 1911 %incii)lcs aid practice. New ~ork-citv.-, Authorities consulted: p. 4-6. ?hc Konald press co., 1915. 575 p. fhhennerhorn, Jamcs, Advertising - t h e HF5823.T6 light that serves and saves. New Yorlr, Chicago, Pub, for the Educational com- The ncw business, rGardcn Cltv. N. Y.]Pub. by Doubleday, page & co., for.the mittee A. A. C. of A,, by Doubleday, Page Associated advertising clubs of the world, & company [I9141 30 p. HF6823.S3 Scott, Walter D. Tho psychology of advertis- 1914. 391 p. HF5361.TS "Advertising" : -P. 191-242. ing; a simplc exposltlon of the principles - of psychology in their relation to success- Trexise, Frederick J. The typography of ad- ful advertising. Boston, Small, Maynard vertisements. Chicago, The Inland printer & company, 1908. 269 p. HF5822.S2 company [1911] 134 p. Z246.T87 Bibliography: p. 249-269. Wuds~~orth,Gerald B. Principles and prac- Influencing men in business; the tice of advertising. New York, G. B. Wads- psychology of argument and suggestion. worth, 1913. 277 p. HF5823.W3 New Yorlc. The Ronald press company, Waldo, Richard H. The second candle of 1911. 168 p. HE'5822S28 journalism. Lawrence, Kans., [Dept, of The theory of advertising. . . Boston, journalism press, University of Kansas] SPECIAL LIBRARIES

1914. 12 p. (University of Kansas news- ideas. Chautauqua, APr. 1904, v. 39: bulletin, v. 14, no. 15.) PN4853 K2, no. 8 175-179. AP2.C48,~.39 Wnssoli, Guy G. How to compile a catalog; >Iartt, R. L. The humors of adver- the art of cornpiling copy, selection of il- tmng. Atlantic monthly, May, 1004, lustrations, together with other valuable v. 93: 602-612. AP2.88,~.93 information for the advertiser. Kansas Science of advertising. Magazine of City, JIo., Tiernan-Dart printing co., 1915. commerce, Nay, 1904, V. 4: 370-374. 95 p. Z246.TV28 HFll.M2,v.4 Westernlnnn, L A, company, New York. Higher advertising as shown in the Drawings made for commercial use. New art work of Charles E. Dawson. York City, L. A. Westernlann company, hlagazinc of commerce, June, 1904, 1908. 15 p. Z257.TV45 v 4: 457-464 HFll.M2,~.4 TYIi~eler, John R. An advertising manual Goodall, Ashhy. Profitable advertis- for people who have to write their own ing. JIagnzine of commerce, June- advertisen~ents. Calgary, Alberta [J. D. Aug., 0ct.-Dec , 1004, v. 4: 428, v. 5: JIcAra, printer] 1915. 36 p. HF5825.TV5 52, 140, 300, 376, 469. HFll,hI2,~.4-5 Wilson, George F. The house organ-how Robinson, Charles h1, The artistic pos- to make it nroduce results M~lwaukee, sibilities of advcrtisiilg. Atlantic Wis., n';rshi>&~ park publishing co., monthly, July, 1904, v. 94: 53-60. 1915. ltl0 p. HF6121.R6W5 AP2.A8,vS94 Womnri's world. Wornan's world handbook Rellamy, F. The literature of business. on national distr~bution. Chicago, Worn- Reader, Aug. 1904, v. 4: 244-251. an's world, 1915. 107 p. HF5905.TV7 AP2.R25,va4 Jenkins, M. Human nature and advcr- ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. tising Atlanix monthly, Sept., 1904, 1902 Magazine clearing house. BIunsey's v. 94' 393-401. AP2.A8,~.94 magazine, Jan. 1900, v. 22: 612-613. 19n5 Brady, C. T. Magazine circulation and AP2.hfS,v.22 advertising. Critic, Aug., 1905, v. Advertising and advertisers. Munici- 47: 168-171. AP2.C92,~.47 pal affairs, Dec. 1900, v. 14: 772-774. MacDonnaugh, hhcl~a~l.The craft of JS39.M2,v.4 newspaper advertising. Monthly re- De Wcese, T. A. Young men with noth- view, Aug., 1905, v. 20: 102-117. ing but brains. Forum, Feb. 1902, v. AP4.W382,v.20 32: 695-699. hP3.F8,~.32 Rnbinow. I. JI. Premiums in retail Plea for better street-car poetry. trade. Journal of polltical cconornyi Scribner's magazine, Mar. 1902, v. Sept., 1905, v. 13: 574-586. 31: 378-380. AP2.S4,~.31 FII31.J7,v.13 1903 Sheafer, Henry C. A study in adver- Advertising opportunities. Magazine tismg. Arena, Apr. 1903, v. 29: 383- of commerce, Nov.-Dec., 1905, v. 7: 390. AP2.A6,v.29 367-370; 457-460. I-IFll.M2,v.7 Fowler, N. C. Conversation on adver- 1906 Goodall, Ashby. Advertising possibil- ttsing. Arena, June, 1903, v. 29: 638- ities Magazine of commerce, Jan - 643. AP2.A6,~.29 Feb., 1906, v. 8: 68-70, 146-147 Lang, A Literature and advertising. FIFlI.M2,v.8 Independent, Sept. 3, 1903, v. 55: Forbes, W. D. The question of good 2088-2090, AP2.153,~.55 advertising. Cassier's magazine, Waldron, George B. Vhat America Apr., 1906, v. 29: 515-518. spends in advertising. Chautauqua, TA1 C34,v.29 Oct. 1903, V. 38: 155-159. Lesson In advertising. World's work, AP2.C48,v.38 Dec., 1906, v. 13: 8357-8358. Powers, John 0. The advantages of AP2.W8,v.13 advertising. American academy of 1907 Logan, J. D. Social evolution and ad- political and social sclence. Annals, vertising. Canadian magazine, Feb., NOV. 1903, V. 22: 470-474. 1907, V. 28: 330-334. AP2.C5,~.28 Hl.A4,v.22 Shore, W. T. The craft of the adver- hlataja, V. Economic value of adver- tiser. Fortnightly review, Feb., 1907, tising. International quarterly, Dec. V. 87: 301-310. AP4.F7, v 87 1903, V. 8: 379-398. AP2.175,~.8 Kemp, Richard TV. Ethics of adrer- 1904 Scott, W. D. Psychology of advertis- tising. Bookman, Mar., 1907, v. 25: Ing. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1904, v. 31-32. AP2.B78,~.25 93: 29-36. AP2 A8,v.93 What we really are: advertising sec- Wisby, H. Modern advertising meth- tions of the magazines. Nation, Apr., ods. Independent, Feb. 4, 1904, v. 4, 1907, v. 84: 305-306. AP2.N2,~.84 56: 260-264. AP2.153,~.56 Advertising and the farmer. Scrib-..--- Maxwell, Edward L. A matter-of-fact ner's magazine, May, 1907, v. 41: talk on advertising. Magazine of 635-636. AP2.S4,~.41 commerce, Feb. 1904, v. 4: 117-121. Collins, J. H. Advertisement writer. HFll.M2,v.4 World to-day, Nov., 190V; V. 13: Van Norman, Louis E. Advertising 1105-1109. AP2.W75,~.13 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 67

1908 Reaching the mllllons by advertising Ballou, H. A. How I gave my store a in the magazines. American revlew personality. System, Mar., 1913, v. of reviews, May, 1908, v. 37 : 608-609. 23: 237-245. HFS001 S9,~.23 AP2.R4,v.37 Bailey, William B. Advertising. Inde- 1909 Warren. W. P Commercial art omor- pendent, Apr. 10, 1913, v. 74: 832- tunities. ~ollier's-weekly, ~eb:;13, 833. AP2.153,v.74 1909, v. 42: 29-30. AP2.CG5,v.42 Billings, E. C. Brains and buying. Dcland, L. P. I~naainationin business. Atlantic monthly, June, 1913, v. 111: Atlantlc monthly, Apr., 1909, v. 103: 768-770. AP2.A8,v.lll 433-437. AP2.AS,v.103 O'Donnell, RTilliam T. Reaching the Adams, Samuel H. The art of adver- public through printing, Inland tising. Collirr's weekly, hIay 22, printer, June, 1913, v. 51: 406-408. 1909, v. 43: 13-15. AP2.C65,va43 Z119.156,v.51 Hulbert, E. D. Advertising ethics and Woolley, Edward hI. Custon~er'sshell: the gcnernl welfare Survey, June a study in advertising. hIcClure's 19, 1909, V. 22: 425-426 magazine, June, 1913, v. 41. 102-109. HVl.Cl,v.22 AP2 M2,v.41 Dwight, F. The significance of adver- Lidvertisin~as a arofession. Outlook. tising. Tale review, Aug., 1909, v. June 21,-1913, < 104: 369-360. 18: 197-206. Hl.Y2,~.18 AP2.08,v.104 Art of advcrtisement. Blacl~mood's Holman. \Y C. Chance for your prod- Edinhurgh magazine, Nov , 1909, v uct; horn to find your market and 186: 713-720. AP4.B6,v.186 forecast dcmand System, June, Munstcrburg, H. Psycllology and the 1!)13, V. 23 594-G01. HF5001.S9,~.23 market. 3IcClure's magazine. Nov., Kahn, D. A. Ideas: selling plan, store 1909, v. 34: 87-93. APZ.hI2,v.34 mcthod. service featurc. and orig-- 1910 Haise, A. P. Thentr~csof ndvertlsing. inal angle on advertlsing. System, Harper's weekly, Jan. 29, 1910, v. July, 1913, v. 24: 3-10. 54: 22-23. AP2 H32,v 54 EIF5001.S9,~.34 Wcx, H. C. The awakening of the Bailey, RI. J. Malring the mcathes work clties. Putnam's magazine, Mar., for you. System, July, 1913, v. 24: 1510, V. 7. 673-6SO. AP%.P98,v.7 26-32. HF5001.S9,~.24 Tassm, A. Dollars and display; the 1-Ioyt, Charles W. Securing business earnlngs of advertising men, Book- by n house organ. Inland printer, man, Segt., 1910, v. 33: 26-33. AuE..-, 1913. v. 51: 652-684 AP2.E78,v.32 Z119.156,v.51 1911 Hancy, Louis 1-1. Magazine arlvertis- Holman, W. C. Guess-work in adver- ing and the postal deficit. Journal tising. System, Aug., 1913, v. 34: of political economy, hgr., 1911, v. 170-177. HFSOOl.SB,v.24 19. 338-343. I-IDI.J7,~.19 Allen, John K. 5Iow shall we make Irwin. TV. American newsmncr: ad- advertising effective? Domestic en- vertising mfluence. ~ollier'sweekly, gineering, Sept. 20, 1913, v. 64: 341- hlay 27, 1911, v. 47 15-16. 342. THl.D65,v.64 AP2.C65,v.47 Holman, W. C What malws adver- Possibilities of artistlc advertisinn.- tising pull? System, Sepl. , 1913, v. Craftsman, May, 1911, v. 20: 211. 21: 255-361. EIF5001.S9,v.24 Nl.CS7,v.ZO Sandburg, C Profit from waste space Bruce, H. A. Psychology and business. by retall nierchnnts. System, Sept., Outloolr. Sent. 2. 1911. v. 99: 32-36. 1913, v. 24 : 270-275. EIF5001.S9,v.24 AP2.08,v.99 hiarqu~s,J. C. Advertmng as an aid Throndilce, Edward L. Psychology and to direct selling, American academy advertlsing. Scientlfir American, of political and social science. An- Sept. 16, 1911, v. 105: 350-251. nals, Nov., 1913, v. 50: 197-202. Tl.S6,v.105 HI.A4,v.50 1912 O'Hagan, A. Lesson in buying. Good Woolle-v. Edward 31. Goods that sell housekeeping, Jan., 1912, v. 54: 124- each-other. System, Dec., 1913, v. 126. TXl.GI,v.54 24: 604-610 HF5001.S9,v.24 Colvin. S. S. Mistakes of advertisers. 1914 Louis, George L. When third-class Indegendent, Sept. 5, 1912, v. 73: mail goes unread. System. Jan., 526-532. AP2.153.v.73 1914, V. 25: 25-31. HF5001.S9,v.25 Billings, E. C. Revolution in adver- O'Donnell, W. I?. Maker-dealer co- tising. Atlantic monthly, Dec., 1912, operation in advertising. American V. 110: 782-785. AP2 A8,~.110 gaslight journal, Feb. 2, 1914, v. McJohnston, H. When a store news- 100: 74-75. TP700 A5,~.100 Paper pays. System, Feb., 1913, v. Glenn, C. L. Building a llve mailing 23' 170-176. HF5001.S9,~.23 list. System, Feb., 1914, v. 25: 166- 1913 Brenton, A. G. It pays to advertise. 171. HF5001.S9,v.25 Inland printer, Mar., 1913, v. 50. Loclcwood, R. B. Linking advertising 843-845. Z119.166,~.50 and salas emciency. Domestic en- SPECIAL LIBRARIES

gineering, Mar. 7, 1911, v. 66: 301- Inland printer, Sept., 1915, v. 55: 302. THLD65,v.GG 761-765. ~119.156,~.65 Strong, Edward I<. Effect of size of Ti[>per, H. Choosing a life worl<: the advertisemcnt and frequency of their profession of advertising. McTJridc's presentation Psychological review, magazine, Sept., 1915, v. 96 : 107-13 2. Mar., 1914, v. 21- 136-152. Houston, H S. Working out busi1lCSS BFl.P7,~.21 ethics. World's wol*lc, Sept., 1915, Martin, hlac. Sticking to the subject: v. 30: 559-564. ~~2.37~8,v.30 appeal of advertising and relevancy ?Tyman, TIr F. Helping foreign InW- In deslgn, illustration, paper and chants to sell Alnerlcan goods. ink. System, Apr., 7914, v. 25 352- World's worlr, Oct., 1015, v. 30: 730- 360. 13F5001.S9,~.25 732. ApZ.W8,~.30 Holinan, W. C. How shall we sell? Brown, B. 0. Sclwce to the advertiser. System, Apr., 1914, v. 25: 408-413. Inland printer, Dec., 1015, v. 5G: HF5001.S9,v.25 329-332. Z119.166,~.6G Cody, S. Salesmanship and advcrtis- 1916 Pelling slogans System, Jan., 1916, V. ing. English journal, June, 1914, v. 29: 26-27. HF5001.S9,~.29 3: 376-379. Coryell, Frederick Only rule in ad- Rogers, Edwm'd S, Advertising poli- ve~tiuingcopy. Systcm, Jan., 19163, tics that hold customers. Systcm, V. 29: 28-33. HF5001.S9,~.29 July, 1914, v 26' 39-43. hIorgan, T. G. 1 dlscovcred why lily HF5003.S9,v.26 store's advertising Days. System, Houston, H. S. New morals of adver- Jan., 1916, v. 20: 69-75. tising. World's work, dug, 1914, v. HF5003 .S!),v.2!) 28: 381-388. AP2.W8,~.28 How advertising prolilotes emcicncy. Chamherlam, C. L. Increasing adver- Eng~nccringmagazine, Fell., 191G, v. tis~nppatronage for the small-town 50: 770. TAl.E5!),v.S0 newspaper. Inland printcr, 0ct.- KOV,1014, v. 54: 46-47, 204-207. ACCOUNTING. Zll9.156,v.54 Aniericwl school of correspondence, Chicago. Edeell.- - A. J Free nrlve~tisinelitera- Jdvortising and sales organieat.ion; in- krc: Electr~calworld, Nov. '21, 191 4, struction paper, prepared hy James I3. v 64: 1022-1023. TICl.E5,v.64 Griffith. Chicago, Ill., hnerlcan school of 1915 Using newspapers to build busmess cor~espondencc[lDOOl 64 p I-IFS8P-l.A6 Metal worltcr, Jan. 1, 1915, v. 83: T)lclrsce, Lawrence R. and Herbert E. Blain. 61-65. TS200.M4,~.83 OfRce organ~zatlonand management in- Hanson, D. L. hloscs Irons talks ad- cluding secretarial worlr. London, Sir I. vcrtlsmg. System, ?Jar., 1915, v. 27: Pitnian 8 Sons, 190G. 298 p. HB5647.D5 297-302. EIF5001.S9,~.27 Advertis~ng:p. 126-332. Advertising and selling. Current opin- Isherwood, H. R Keeping ahead of sislng ion, Apr., 1915, v. 58: 283. costs. System, Oct. 1915, v. 28: 878-386. AP2.C95,v.58 I-IF5001.S9, v. 28 Banger, F. The malting of right-hand Snlves~n,3. C. Adve~tisingan asset on lilt men: how to brina un an advertis- balance sheet. Journal of accoun Laliay, ing manager. system; ,4pr., 1915, v. AIar 1914, v. 3 7 : 203-106. EIF5G01.J7,v.l7 27: 358-366. FIF5001.S9,~.27 Snm~llons,Mr. The cost of getting h8ndc. Wmxn, TV. F. How advel tising gets average standards of retail advertising fore~gntrade. System, ~une;1915, costs. System, June, 1914, v. 25: 681-590. V. 27: G13-619. HF5001.S9,~.27 HF5001.S9, v. 25 -How to go after foreign trade. Schnlae, John W. The American omce: its System, July, 1915, v. 28: 23-29. organization, managenlent and records. 2d HF5001.S9,v.28 ad. New Yorlr, The Ronald press company, New essay in tho psychology of adver- 1914. 418 p. HF5647.S4 1914 tising. Unpopular review, July-Oct., Rccords for advertising and sales de- 1915, V. 4: 110-119, 366-373 partnlents: p. 299-334. AP2 U75.v.4 Spillnrd, Chnrles E, hIy fight w~thrking Husband, J. Mail that goes into the costs. System, Mar., 1915. v. 27: 267-276. architect's waste basket. System, HF5001.S9, v. 27 Bug., 1915, V. 28: 161-167. CONGRESSES. HF5001.S9,v.28 Greatest cause for advertising waste. Iridinnn university. Extens~ondivision. Pro- Current opinion, Sept., 1915, v. 59: ceedings of the Ind~ananewspaper con- 206. AP2.C95,v.59 ference, held under the auspices of tllc Extension division of Indiana university, Brenton, A. G. Advantages of hnnd- Bloomington, Ind., Apr. 29 to 30, 1915. lettering. Inland printer, Sept., 1915, Bloomington, Ind, 1915. 104 p. (Indiana V. 55: 753-756. Z119.156,~55 uillversity bulletin, v. XIII, no. 13, Dec. Chamberlain, C. L. Boosting the ad- 1915.) vertis~ngpatronage In a local papcr Intcn~ationalconvention of advertising men. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Pa11 Anlerican onlon. Bulletin, Dec. 1912, with t~ statenlent or estimate of the nver- v. 26, 1189-1195. F1423.B!l55,v.35 age number of copies Brinted by each pub- BIissouri. University. Journalism week in lication catalogued. 1st-40th year. 18E9- print; fro111 speechcs by newspaper mak- 1908. New E'ork, G. P. Rowell t co., 1869- ers and advertising men at the University 1908. 40 v. ~n 61. ZG951.R8S May G to 10, 1912. Columbia, No., Univer- IIcrgcd inlo N. W. Aycr $ sons Amcri- sity of 1Iissoui-i, 1912. 62 p. (Thc Uliivcr- can newspaper annual. s1t.v of ll~ssouri1)ulletin Journalism scr, Stall's directors of thc world's press, and ad- V. I., no. 2. PN4i!)l.bT4 vertisers' rcfcrence boolc. London, Sell's advcltising offices, 1486-1915. 16 v. DIRECTORIES. Z694l.S46 A~ncrican association of foreign-language Stnndartl reglster of nailonal advertising. newspa~~ers.The utireached m i 1 1 i o n s . Wllres-Rarrc, Pa.. 1916. 1 v. HF5805S7 New York, American association of for- rl'ho~~~pso~~,J. Walter co. J. Walter Tliomp- eign-languagc newspapers, 1909. 58 D. son's illustrated catalogue of magazines, 26951.A51 con~pileiifor the use of advertisers. New Association offic~al directory : p. 19-58. ~orlrr18911 96 p. Z6951.T4G -dyer, lirn~,ncwspapcr advertising agents, Tllo~n~)so~~blue boolc on adverlisine. New Philadc1l)hia N. TV Ayer 8z sow' Amcl'i- POI<<, 3. \I7. Thonlpson co., 1904-1'1b9. 3 v. can ncwsgager annual and directory a rIF680Fj.T5 calaloguc of Amcrican newspapers, a cnre- l'lmnpson red book 011 advertising: n, reg- fully prel)a18ed list of all newspapers and istcl. of reprcsentativc organs a$ how to perlod~calspubli~hed in the Unltecl States, use them. New York, Chlcapo, J. W. terr~torics,Do~ninion of , Cuba and Tlio~npsonco. [18!)91 322 p. ITB5806.T53 thc West Inrlics . . . Llst of rel~giousand 1[1'. S. Bureau of lorcign and doincstic com- agricultural p~~hllcalionsand var~oi~sclass mcrce (Dcpt of commcrcc) Forcign pub- and trade publicnt~ons in forcign lan- lirat~onslor advertising American goods. guages . Information regarcling circula- Aduertls~ng rates, circulation, subscr~p- tion plrice, etc. Washington, Govt. print. t~ou.Issue. -, date~~~~ ~ of establlslunent. Telc 1 ~hil'adclphia, N. TP. hyer & sons,' 1k80- OK., 1913 236 1). (hIiscellancous series, date. %G051.A07 no. 10.) HPI;X04.U6 Artwric:i'.; atlverlisel~s;who they are, where Wcstcrn newspaper union. The Kellogg & they arc, how they have developed, and Wcstcrn lists. Westcm ncwspnpcr union; what they are doin!: at the present timc. 5!171 \vocltly newspapers. Chicago, New New, The Nalional advcrtising co., Yorlc, Wcstern newspaper unlon, 1914. 53

18:):. 6117, IRXp. TIFXO~.~I~U. Z6951.TV38-~ ~ C'li~s~~~an,Sclson and co. h'elsoil C'hcsman 8 Wilo's who in advertising, 1916. ~ctroit, co's I11-1eimanual of lcnding LJC~IO~~CEL~S1016 1 v. HF5805.W5 111 thr l'nited Slates and Canada, comgilecl HISTORY. lola ~~eaclyreference. [St. Louis? 19111 9G P. ZG95l.CSl .iyc31; Francis W. Advertising in America. Inclwles advertising rates. (In Dellew, C. N., ecl. One hundred years Fi~ll~r,Charks H , company. Advcrtiscrs' of American commerce. New York, 1895. dn'ect(~1'~of lcnding ~ubl~cations,1898- v 1 P. 76-83 ) RC103.D4, V. 1 1915 Chicago, Buffalo, Charles 1-1. Fuller Itnss, Henry H. A hriel history of ndvcrtis-

comllnnv.. .. 1898-- lrIl5. 12 v. 1914-Advertis- ins. TI7ith some curious specimens of ad- ers' directory of leading publications. vertiseincnts. Chica~o. The F. Weston Z6951.FgG glWting co., 1886 32 p. HF33ll.B741 I,ord and Tlmmas' pocket directory of the Cleveland, 0,W. I-I Whitalccr, 1887. Auler~canpress . . . A complete list of 32 1). HF5811 .B742 newspapers, mngazincs, Parin journals, [~~ICIIIILII,Edgar ITT ] Advertising develop- and othcr periodicals, publisher1 In the n~rnt;a bricf review of and commentary Unitcd Stales. Canada, Porto Rico, Ha- 11go11 varlous phases of adrcrtising devel- wallan and Philimine Islands. 1890-1814. opment as mfluenced by the advertising chicago, Lord t -Thomas, 1890-151. 17 v. manager and advertising agent as factors ZG951.IAG in crcating nation:~l and international Lute's directory of daily newspapers, nr- n~arltctsfor Amcrican products . . . Mil- ~*angc(Ito aid especially in thc placing of v,-aulree, WIS., [Printcd by the Germania advcrtisemcnts 1912. New York, Boston, publishing co.] 1909. 149 p. HF5813.UGC7 Luce's bureau, 1!112. 1 v. Z6951.1~93 I'orn~nr~r~,I?. Some illustrat~onsof olde Lon- McHittricli'\ d~rcctoryof advertisers, 1899- don as quaintly Illustrated advertisements,, 1916. Nen- York, 1899-1916. 11 v. shope slgns and curlous old houses of the HF5S07 N5R12 SVIIIth century. Second series. London. Rowell's American newspaper directory, Privately prlnted for F. Cornmsn, 1894. contnining a dcscr~gtionof all the news- 69 1 DAG89.SgC82 papers and periodicals pub, in the Un~ted Cronrta, Rudolf. Das Buch der Reklame . . . States and territories, Dominion of Can- Uhn, Romrnissio~~sverlagder Wohlerl- ada and Newfoundland, and ol thc towns schcn Buchhandlung, 1887. 492 p. and cities in whtch they are pub. together HF6811.C94 70 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

(iron th of advertising. American review of 1914. Kew York, Hawlrins & co., 1900- revieu-s, Jan. 1904, v. 29: 101-102. 1914. 26 v. In 27. HF580LR4 AP2.R4. v. 29 RATES. Hintt, Cliarles. Picture postel's; a sh0l.t his- to~yof the illustrated placard . . . London, IIigl~eradvertising rates for country papers. G. Bell and sons, 1895. 367 P. Inland printer, July, 1913, v. 51: 557-559. NC1810.I-I5 Zll9.156,v.51 Lewis, Lawrence. The advertisements Of tllc Norrison, J. C. Chaos or legal rates. Inland Spectator; being a study of the literature, printer, June, 1915, v. 65: 385-386. hislory and manners of Queen Anne's Z119.156,v.55 as they arc reflected therein, as Colnpensatory advertising rate. In- well as an ~llustrationof the origins of the land printer, Aw..-. 1914. v. 53: 113-115. art of advert~sing.With arlpend~xof rep- ~119.156,v.51 resei~tative advertisements now for the -- Ideal rate-card. Inland printcr, Dec., lirsl time reprinted . . . Boston and New 1914, V. ii?: 401-403. Z119.15G.v.54 Tork, Hougliton, AIifIlin company, 1909. -- Legal advertising and legal rates. 307 11. HF6105.G7L5 Inland printcr, July-Sept., 1915, v. 55: 539- T,e\\i\. Lawrence. Snectator as nn advertis- 511 ; 683-686; 800-810. Z119.156,~.55 ing kedium. ~tlanticmonthly, May, 1909, Contains a digcst of the laws in the T. 103: 605415. AP2.88, V. 103 states with no unit, and in the states JIutuin, Victor. Die Reklalne Eine Unter- where the inch 1s the unit subh;~n~oher Anltundigung~~esenund Slidlng scale of advertising costs. 1Verl)atatgkeit iin Geschaftsleben. Leip- Inland printer, Dec., 1913, v. 52: 433-436. zig, Dunlter C Humblct, 1910. 489 g Zll9.156,v.52 Bihl~ograph). 1) 479-456. HF68U.ll3 IJ'l~iti~lg,E. I<. The cost of advertising in Jltwuet, Em~le.La publlc1t6 en Francc. His- country daily and weekly newspapers. In- toire ct lurisr)rudence. Paris. Imu~vmeric--.--- land printer, Bug.,-. 1913, v. 51: 718-720. ccntr;lle -dcs chemins de fei,' h Cliaix, & Z119.I56,v.51 cie, 1S79. 468 p. I-IF5813.RI5 SOCIETIES. Quaiut ads of Ions ago. I-larger's weelrlv. Aug. 28, 1909, v.-537 31. -~~2.1-132,v.53dssodnled advcrtlsing clubs of 4merica. Sanlp\on, IIenry. A history of advertising Annual convention of the Associated ad- fron~the earllest tlmcs . . . London, Chatto verllslng clubs of Bincrica, 1911-1913. and Windus, 1874. 616 p. I-II?5811.S2 Boston, 1912-191 1. 2 v. I-IF5801.AIS Terns farm and ranch publishing company, DilSect-l)y-nlniladvertising association. Pro- Dallas pub. Trade-marlced advertised mer- ceedings - papers - discussions; confer- chandise; a lustory of the work done ger- ence of Direct-mail advertising associa- sonally among the merchants of the south- tlon, Chicago, convention, Associated ad- east, in the interest of trndema~-lred-ad- vcrtimlg clubs of the world, .June 20 to 24, rertised merchandise. Dallas, Tex., Texas 1915. Chicago, Des Moines, Issued by the f5l.m and ranch publishing company, 1912. Direct mail aclvertising association [I91 51 135 1). HF'G151.~5 65 numb. 1. HF5861.Db IVilliams, J. B. Early history of Loudon ad- Federation of trade press associations in vertising. Sineteenth century and after, the United Statcs. Proceedings . . . An- Nw., 1907, V. 62: 793-800. AP4.N7, V. 62 nual convention. [Chicago? l!Il] 1 v, PN4841.$4 PERIODICALS. Sl)hinx club, New York. Thc Sphinx club. New York, [The De Vinne press, 19101 Fame; a journal for advertisers. 1894-1914. New York, [A. Ward] 1804-1914. 19 v. in 342 p. HF5801.S6 18. ~nonthly. HF5801.F2 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS. ~ - Judicious advertising and advertising expe- Acconmtancy. rience. v. 1-12 Nov. 1902-3 914. Chicago, Cooper, John A., Edward E. Gore, and E. G. Lord C Thomas, 1902-1914. 12 v. 111 23. Shorrock. Should accountants advertise? monthly. ~~5801.~~8Journal of accountancy, Aug., 1914, v. 18: I)Iercllnnts record and show window. 1899- 85-109. HF5601.J7,~.llS 1911. Chicago and New Yorlr, The Show Ag~iczilt~~~e. wlndow publishing co., 1899-1911. 26 v. Agricultcirl advertising; a nlonthly journal monthly. HB5845.A3 pertaining to advertising. 1900-1907. Chi- Novelty news. 1909-1913. Chicago, The Nov- cago, F. B. White company, 1900-1907. olty news company, 1909-1913. 9 v. month- 10 v. HFG161A3A2 ly. HF6146.N7N7 Dacy, Ocorge H. It pays to advertise the Printers ink; a journal for advertisers. farm. Technical world magazine, Dec., 1914, V. 22: 594-595. Tl.T2,~.22 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 71

Farm journal. A book of facts about farms How to increase a hank's de~~osits;tried out and fxrmers; tcsts and testimony. Comp. plans Chat attract coiumercia.1 accounts b~ Farm journal For the bcnefit of adver- and savings d~po~iis-ad~erli~ingcam- tisers. [Philadclph~a,Farm journal, 19121 paigns and ideas that pull-soliciting 49 p. I-IF6121.h4F3,1912 scl~emesand follow up systetm that gro- Northwvvrstern agr~culturist. The greatcst duce ~.esults-retc.1 5th ed . rcv. Chicago, farm Irade zone: the twin city jobbing, NEX: York, ~flcSystem dompany, 1909. manui'acturing and farm advertising trade 128 p. (System ''how boolcs") zone. lIinneapolx, ll~nn.,1914-1!)15. 20 11. I-IFG161.B2138 RF612l.A4S(i- - - . - . - -. . Ilrrnt. C'. Geltina and holding hunk denosits.- Prtrlrer, T. H. How a fifty-ccnt aclvertisc- system, ~ug,'im, V. 28: i9!1-201. nlerlt disoosed of 50.000 cantaloul~es Conn- I-IF5001.S9,~.24 Il~ur:ll~i~in.Alexander Rl. Judicious bank nd- vertisinr: or. 3Iethotls or i)rocl~ringnew ncconnts' and other 111 ofithblc buhess. Clevelanrl, O., A. 31. Ingrahain [ID111 100 p. Bntcs, Charles A., ed. Thc book for bakers HF61G1 R216 and confectionel-s. New York, The C A. Lcq is, Rlias St. E. Financial advertis~ng, Bates sgndicatc, 1809. 239 1. for conlnlcrcial and savings banlis, trust, HP6161.Gl5133 t~lle insurance, and safe dpl)os~t conb How to advert~schalced goods and con- ~~an~cs,investn~enl houses. Indianapolis, fectionery. Lcvcy bros. 6: company, l!)OR. 992 1). Borsotli, X1illiam, ed. Bakery and confec- E~bliography:11. 956-NO. I-IF6162.B2L5 tionery advertwing; a collrction of sclling ?lacGrc.jim', Theodore D. Banli advcrtlsing phrases, descriptions, and illustrnled ad- plans, a booli of I~ractwnl suggcslions. vertise~nents. . . to facilitate the espres- New York, The Ba~~licrspublishing co., sion of ideas and assist in the PI-eparation 1!)13. 200 p. I-IFIil61.B2JI2 of attractwe aclvert~smg. Kew York, The Bnnltine uubllcit~ Ranliers Inns- Advertisers' cyclopedia company [I9101 128 P. HPGlS1 .L315DG Bnizlsi?lg. Pushing your businesq, a text-boolc Uniley, M. J. RZy bank. System, Jan, 1.914, of advertising, giving practical advice on V. 25: 37-40. HFSOOl S9,v.X :~dvet.iis~ng,for banks, t~wslcoml)anies, Bnnk advertiser, a, monthlv journal devoted salc clel~ositcoingnaics, ~nvc!;tinent brok- to banli advortkine. 1907-1i10. Lisbon.. In... ers. imcalestafc dealers, insurance agents C. E. Auraclier, 1f07-1910. 4 v. in 8. [etc.] 4th ed., rev, and enl. New ~orli;The IIFGlGl.B282 Banlccrs publishing co., 1911. 197 g. Brink advertising and business building. HF6161.B21134 Banlrers maga&e, Nov. 1913, v Si. 54% Two thousand po~nls for linmcial 543. HG150l.R3.v 87 advavtising. 2d ed., rev, and enl. New ~oruoilf,William, ed. Financial advcrt~sing; Po~li,'The Danltcrs ~mbl~shingco., 1915. a collection of words, phrases, illustrated 170 D. I-IFGlGl.B2M37,19l5 advertisements and financial tallis as snc- -- .\loh~lizin~American dollars. Rank- cessfully used 11y banks, trust co~npanies ers n~agazine,kov., 1815, v. !)I: 658-GGG. and olher financial institutions; a~.ranged 13G1501.B3,v,!N so as to lacilitale il~eexpression of' ideas nnd assist in the preparation of attractwe \lor~l~ouse.IS'. R. Banking plclured in the financial advertising. New Pork, Scsanton, mov~c;;. Bankers magazine, Feb., 1925, v. Pa., Thc Borsod~advertising service [I9091 DO: 174-184. IIGl501.l33,~.90 123 p. HFGlGl.BZB8 Uank letters that pull and hold busi- Bnil(1ilig character and develop~ngprosper- ness. Bt~nltersmagaxme, Feb., 1914, v. 88 : ity bv educating banlcers and hank dcoos- 157-163. I-IG'I 60l.I33,~.88 i

Clover sayings by advertisers . . [n.p.l Ludwig, firm, advertisi~lgagcnts, New York. 1898. 1G p. 11~6161.~5~5 (1895. Ludwig 6; hiuren.) Directory and The garment buyer's ad book; being a work rate book Of the medical, pharmaceut~cal of suggcstion and inspiration for buyers and sa~iilaryJournals of the United States and advertisers of women's, misses' and and Canada. 1895-6. New Yorlc, 13. C. children's ready-to-wear parmcnts. New Ludwig [l895l 198 p. Z(i8GO.L95 York, ~arment-buyer and manufacturer, .Ilnn~iinfs supplerncntal service. 1903-1905. 1904. 173 p. HF61GLC5G2 South Rend., Ind., U. G Manning, 1903- Peters, Willis H. The retail clothier's advcr- 1905. 3 v. IIFG161.D7A4 tiser. 1911. [Norwalk, 0..1911.1 1 v. ['l'~~olllpsoll,Wilhan~ A ] Druggists' and dis- HFG161.C5P4 pensers' practical show card instructor. Coal. Rcv. ed. rPontiac, RIich., W. A. Thompson, 19141 144 11. TT360.T47,1914 Untes. Charles 9.. ed. The coal hook. New ~ork,Thc C. A.. Bates syndicate, 1899. 202 D,ry Goods. 1. 15 p. HF6161.C6B3 Ihtes. Charles A. The dry goods book. New norsodi. William, ed. Coal advertising;. a York, The C. A. Bates syndicate, 1899. 220 collection of selling phrases, descriptions, I. 19 D. HF6161.D8B3 and illustrat,ed advertisements . . to fa- Edz~eation. cilitate the expression of ideas and assist Ho~it,E. L. Debating and college advertis- !n the preparation of attractive advertis- ing. Quarterly journal of p~ublicspeaking, ing. New Yorlc, The Advertisers' cyclopc- Oct., 1915, V. 1: 272-275. dia company [I9101 128 p. HF6161 C6B6 Nanrer, E. I<. Schools and the advertiser. Coke. -. Nl.C87,v.24 Fowler, Richard G. Coke calnpaign that in- hetow, Louis J Un~vers~tyadvertising. creased sales seventy-five per cent Amer- Nation, Nov. 3, 1910, v. 91: 415-416. ican gas light journal, Sept. 14, 1914, v. AP2.N2,v.91 101: 166-167. TP700.A5,~.101 P~owI~~I~publishing company, Voline, 111. Concmte. Catalogue of illustrations adapted to busi- Cornmons, J. J. Advertising and selling ness college advertising. Rloline, Ill., methods for concrete drain tile inanufac- Plow~nnnl)ublishing company, 1891. 1 G p. turcrs. Concrete-cement age, July, 1915, v. HF6161.RS5P6 7: 27-28. TA6ROaC74,v.7 I'ritcliett, Hcnry S, Advertising the col- leges. Harper's wcelrly, Feb. 19, 1910, v. Drugs md Medicines. 54: 9. AP2.H32,~.54 Rand, F. P. Anolher case of preachers' prac- Bates, Charles A., ed. The drug book. New tice. School and society, Dec. 4, 1915, v. 2: York, The C. A. Bates syndicate, 1899 816-818. 19 p. 185 1. HF6161.D7B3 Stcwns, N. E. Educational advertising. The retail drug advertiscr New School review, Nov., 1912, v. 20: 577-582. Yorlr, The C. A. Bates advertising company Lll.S55,v.20 [I9041 13 p. 239 1. I-IF61Gl.D71335 Wl~eelor,Willard J. Profltable publicity-a Creel, George. The press and patent medi- study of advertising as applied to business cines. Harper's weekly, Feb. 13, 1915, v. colleges. (In National educational asso- 60: 155. AP2.H32,v.60 ciation. Journal of proceedings and ad- Farrington, Frank. Making a drug store. dresses, 1900. [Chicago] 1900. p. 573-576.) New York, The Ronald press company, L13.N4,1900 1914. 303 p. IIF6161.D7F18 Electricitu. Rctail advertising for druggists and stationers. New York, !?he ~aker&Taylor Advertising electricity to manufacturers. co. [1901] 244 p. HB6161.D7F2 Electrical world, Feb. 27, 1915, v. 65: 547- Rnnce brothers & White, Philadelphia. Dusi- 549. TKl.E5,v.65 ness building and money-Galring for Advertising in the electrical contracting chemists. Philadelph~a& London, I-Iance business. Electrical review and western brothers & White [I8351 39 p. electrician, Sept. 26, 1914, v. 65: 617419. HF620LD4H2 TKl.E45,v.65 How to dress show windows. Phila- dndcrsoli, C. J. How I keep up with rising delphia, Hance brothers & White [l896] costs. Systcm, July, 1915, v. 28: 33-38. 141 p. HF5849.D7H2 HF5001.S9,v.28 A Iinnd-book for medical advertisers; a com- Applinnce campaign in Columbus. Electrical prehenswe little book of ready reference, review and western electrician, Nov. 21, givlng data regarding the medical, drug, 1914, v. 65: 992 TKl.B45.v.65 dental and allied journals published in the Bttrmting the good will of 2,500,000 people. United States and adjacent countries, Electrical world, Nov. 6, 1915, v. 66 : 102.1- 1911. Chicago, Ill., H. R. Harrower, 1911. 1025. TIZl.E45,~.66 1 v. Z6600.HZ Bonner, 1%. G. Plans for securing new busi- Hnmmol, Arthur L., ed. Medical journal ness in small cities. Electrical review and advertising. Philadelphia, Hummel & western electrician, Mar. 7, 1914, v. 64: Parmele, 1892. 108 p. HF6121.M5H9 464-466. TKl.E45,~.64 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

('nmpaignlng past the saturation point. New Yorlr, The C. A Bates syndicate, Electrical world, OC~.9, 1916, V. 66: 813- 1809. 16 p. 213 1 IIF61Gl.F95B3 815 TE<~.EB,v66 noruodi. Willlain. ed. Housc fumishinm ad- Cnrrying thc display room to the cuslomer. vertising . . em York, The ~dv&iser Electrical world, July 3, 1915, v. G6; 28-30. cyclopedia co~npany[1910] 128 p. TKl.lE5,v 66 I-IFG161.F95BG ('l~lkins. E. E. The influence of advertising a:; :HI aid to proper home furnishlug. Good hou~elrecping,May, 1909, v. 48: 643-645. TX1.G7,vn48 Gas. illlhl~r'.?' 11. Advertising and selling. Amer- ican gas light journal, July 26, 1915, v. 103: 60-61 TI'700.A5,~.103 .-". HIIII~I~II,J. P. Ope~at~onand results of a cir- ('olllnlprpilll lighting cmn~aijinin Salt Lalcc cularising dcpartnient. American gas light City. Electrical rcvlcm and mestern elec- jouiqnal, July 18, 1914, v. 101: 17-18. triclan, L[~J.6, 1915, V. 66: 417-418. TPTOO A5,v 101 TIil.lE45.v.66 Honw sc~iei~ccgas advcrtising service, Bos- Co.oppmti~r publicity schemc in conducting ton. Catalogue of the Home sciencc gas electylc house. Electrical woi.ld, Junc 20, advertising servlce, showing advertise- 1!114, v. 63. 1449-1460. TKI.ES.V.GR lncnts for newspal~eruse Boston, Mass., I)ajcl~~l~ort,E. K Old-house wiring cam- 1-Ion~esclencc pub. co , 1903. HF6161.G2H7 paign. Electrical world, Feb. 18, 1915, v. Jns~)rrsor~,R. 0. Value of cl~splay.Anlcrican 65: 388-380. TRl.E5,v 65 gas-light jou~mal,June 26. 1914, v. 100: 53. Uny, A. 9. Advertising in connecnon wth TP700.95,v.lOO electricity supply Cassier's magazinc. Kn1,ionnl conllncrcial gas association. New Scpt., 1906, v. 30: 4G7-468. TAl.C34,v 30 husiness rcport for 1908-09. National cotn- Uistii~ctivcadvcrtising by central stations. mcrcial gas assocint~on. New Porlr, F. B. Electrical world and western electr~cian, Rae, jr. [ll)OS-19091 2 v. I-IF6161.G2N3 Feb. 21, 1914, v 64: 362-363. TI

HoRZ'ET~. Holeproof hosiery co., hfilwaulree, Wis. New Bennett, Charles E. How to advertise a re- ideas in merchandising, for the retailers of tail yard. Rflnneapolis, Minn., C. a. Ben- America. [Milwaukee, Meyer-Rotier print- nett, 1000. 92 p. ing co., 19091 91 p. I.IFG16Z.H7117

Hotels. tlniericnrl machrnist. Selling yuur product: Wcstbrookc, Milo E. Successful restaurant thc modern idea. New Yorlr, Amcrlcan publ~city; one hundrcd ways to get the ~nachin~st,1913. 32 g. EIFGlGl.hI3A6 business. [Poughkeepslc, N. Y., Lansing Seeds. R. 11. Organizing the machinerp- & Bros., 19151 18 p, EIF616.R4W4 selling department. ~ngineering maga- zine, Aug. 1904, v. 27: 762-767. Iron and Steel. TAl.E59.v.27 Jones, George H. Under-advertising of the steel business. Engineering magazine, hyd, Charles N. Rlarketing your product. Dec., 1815, v. 50' 357-363. TAl.E59,v.50 Nusician, Nov. 1913, v. 18: 740. Same cond., Iron age, Oct. 28, 1915, v. LILl.b194,v.18 96 : 1025-1027. T1.17,~.96 lbicrcc, E. 11. Newspaper advcl-tlsing from the nlusic teacher's standpoint, Musician, Scpt. 1009, v. 14: 308. AILl.M94,~.14 Bates, Charles A., ed. The jewelry hook. Plnyer-piano, New Yorl;, pub. 100 of the New Pork, Thc C. A. Bates syndicate, 1890. best ads ol 1!111 devoted to pianos and 14 p. 204 1. HFG161.JGB3 player-pianos. New Yorlc city, The Player- Rorsotli. Will~am,cd. Jewelry advertising; piano, 3912. 84 p. ML45P5 a collcction of selling phrases, descrip- 'I'lie qucsl ion of advertising. Musician, .I an. tions, and illustrated advertisements . . . 3915, V. 20: 24. MLl.L194,~.20 New York, The Advertisers' cyclopedia Wodell, F. W. Advertising for the profes- conlpany [I9101 128 p. HF6161.JGB6 sional music teacher. Musician, May-June, The jeweler's advertiser; a systematical 1911, v. 16: 378. MLl.M94,v.16 compendium of high class spcclalized ad- vertisements for the retail jewelry tradc Optical Tmde. . . 1908. Chicago, Ill., The Jeweler's ad- I'n~c,Wallace W , ed, Advertising the retail vertising company, 1908. 1 v. HFG1 GI 5654 optical business; what advertismg is-it3 relatloa to the optical business-how to Lnuncl.ry. formulate n plan or ca~npalgn-newspa- nates. Charles A, ed. The laundry book pcrs and newspaper advertising . . . [etc.] New York, The C. 4. Bates syndicate, Geneva, N. Y., The Page publishing coin- 1899. 18 p. 216 1. IIF6161.L3B3 pany [I9121 282 p. I-IG161.OGP3 Paper. ihtea, Charles A,, ed. The liquor boolc. New IIclps to profitable paper selling; helpful York, The C. A. Dates syndicate, 1899. 16 hints, original observations, and salient p. 208 1. HF6161.L75B3 suggestions, as to mhcre, whcn and how Law. lo sell paper. Chicago, The Paper trade, 1904. 101 P. HF6201 .P41-IS Hrnutl~off, Edwin A. Advertising. [Is it ethical for a lawyer to advertise?l Ameri- can legal news, Agr. 1915, v. 26: 13-21. Fink, TB A. Business methods fors thc plum- Law student's helper, Apr. 1915, v. ber and filter. Domeslic engineering, Dec. 23: 7-12. 12, 1914, Jan. 9, 23, Mar. 20, Apr. 10, 24, [Sprngue, William C.] Row to obtain a suc- cessful commercial law practice. By A. X. 1015, V. 69: 331-332; V. 70: 13-43, 103, 360; V. 71: 34-35, 101-102. TH1.DG5,v.69-71 Dunner Cpseud.1 Detroit, American legal Ford, Edward R. Waste in advcrtising-how news [I9151 36 p. can we stop ~t?Domestic enginecrlng, Jan. 10. 1914. v. 66: 45-461. TFIl.DG5.v.GG Pal)iicity for. plumbers. Domestic cnginecr- Bowerman, George F. Library advet tising. ing, Mar. 15, 1913, v. 62: 311-312. [Washington, D. C., 19051 4 p. Reprinted from July, 1905, Public libraries. Z716.3.BGg ing anh h-eating business ~o&slic cngi- [Harrison, Hubert hl.1 How libraries adver- neering, July 4, 1914, v. 68: 8. tise, as shown by the library material ex- hibited as a part of the display of adver- THl.D65,v.68 tising at the eighth annual convention of Privzting. the Associated advertising clubs of Amer- nnsford, I-Iarry hI. How to advertise prinl- ica. Dallas, Tex., May 19-27, 1912, [Dallas, ing. New York, Oswald publishing com- Johnston printing & adv. co. 19121 12 p. pany, 1915. 105 p. HFG161.P7B3 2716.3.H3 Frazier, J. L. Advertising for printers. In- SPECIAL LIBRARIES

land prinicr. Jan. 1915, v. 54: 513-516. ture publicity medium . . . New York, Top- Zll0.16G,v.84 ical films corporat~on[I9151 39 p. Fried, Charles. Printed matter distl~~bul~on. PN1998.T5 Inland !)l~.~ter,Dec. 1914, v. !X, 25f.G51. IYcill Paper. Z119.156.v.54 Gross, M. Advertising in the print~ngtrade. l%ntes,Charles A,, ed. The wall paper book. Inland printer, Jan. 1913, v. 50: 521-525. New Yorli, The C. A. Bates syndicate, 1899. Zll9.156,v.60 16 p. 223 1. IIF6161.W3B3 Hoyt, Charlcs W, Advertising for the print- er. Inland printer, Jan., 1913, v. 50: 525- FAKE ADVERTISING. 527 X119.156.v.50 ~rkdsblotters. Inland prlnter, Srpt, i916, Adnlns, Sa~nuel1-1. Falr trade and foul. Col- v. 55: 764a-F84h. Z119.156,v.55 her's wcelrly, June 19, 1909, v. 43: 19-20. Roeil~r.E. R. Advertising print~ng-a grofit- AP2.C65,v.43 able iield. Inland pun&, Dec. j913,h. 52: Bdvertisir~p; methods - deceptive telegram 331-382. Zl19.1q5G,v.52 envelopes. American law review, .July- Tl'rigllt, W. H. Printers' advestis~ng Inland Au~.,1912, V. 46: 607-609. printer, Sept. 1913, v. 61: 838+h-810. .il~rlr,George KT. Unpunished commercial Zll9-Ij6,~.51 crime. Atlnntlc monthly, hug. 1904, v. 94: 170-178. AP2.A8,~.94 Rcnl Estate and fn~z~rar~ce. Fncts versus iiction in advertising. Current opinion, May, 1915, v. 58: 361-363. Bates, Charles A,, cd. The real cstale and AP2.C95,v.58 insurance book. New Yorlc. The C, A. llrilliorls lost in fake enterprises. Outlook, ~atessynd~cate, 1899. 16 p. 206 1. Apr. 13, 1912, v. 100: 797-798. AP2.08,v.lOO I-IFGIG1 H3B3 Lure of falie sales. Current opinion, Mar. How to sell more fire insurances . . . G'i 1914, v. 56: 223. AP2.C95,v,56 business-getting plans used and roved by Roiiest,~in advertising. North American re- 38 agents. Chicago, New Pork, The Systcin v~ew,-Oct. 5, 1906, 17,183 : 693-605. company, 1909. 125 p. HG9706.HS AP2.N7,v.183 Ilisi~rnriceadvertising bureau, Indianapolis. Kiml~nll,A. R. Modern highwaymen. Inde- Greatcr efficiency in insurance advertising pendent. Feb. 1. 1900. v. 52: 307-310. . . . A worlang analysis and report of the AP2.153,v.52 Bnlfimore advcrtislng convention . . . [In- Olsen, \IT.A. Death-lmell of untruthful ad- rilanapolis, Thc Rough notes cn., 19131 77 ve~tislng.Inland printer, Mar. 1914, v. 52: P. I.IFG161.I6IG 854857. Z119.156,~.52 illiller, L. Staging the real estatc sale. Sys- Price. W. 3. How some folks are eas~lv tem, Jan 1413, v. 23 : 50-52. HF5001 S9,v.33 swhdled. Ladies' home journal, hug. 1908, v 25: 18. AP2.L135,v.25 Ilepplicr, A. As advertised. Lippincott's magazine,- Dec. 1900, v. 66: 012-917. Borsodi, Wilham, ed. Tobaccon~sts' adver- AP2.LS5,v.66 tlsing; a collection of sellmg phrases, de- Rohil~son,Charles Rl. Abuses of gublic ad- scriptions, and illustrated advertlsements velStising, Atlantic monthly, Mar. 1904, v. . . . New Yorlr, Thc Advertisers' cyclopedia 83: 289-299. -4P2.A8,~.93 comgany [I9101 127 g 1IFGlGl.TGBG Soiirtdina the ethical note of truth In modern advertising. Current opmion, Aug. 1915, Tailoring. v 59: 117. AP2.C95,v.59 nntes, Charles A., ed. The tailoring l~oolc. Stelxlo, Charles. Publicity men In a cam- New York, The C. A. Bates syndicate, paign for clean advertising. Outlook, July 1599. 14 P., 200 1. I-IF61Gl.Tl2B3 11, 1914, v. 107: 589-592. AP2 08,v.107 Swindling and newspaper advertising. At- Theaters. lantic monthly, Aug. 1904, v. 94: 284-286. AP2.A8,va94 Bnuer, T. H Fine art of grand opera ad- Trntli-in-advertising - the world around. vert,ising. New England magazine, Oct. Survey, July 24, 1915, v. 34: 384. 1910, n.s., v. 43: 197-205. AP?,.N4,n.s.v.43 HVI .C4,v.34 King, E. C. Humor of theatrical advertise- U. S. Library of congress. Divlsion of bibli- n6hts. Collier's weekly, Mar. 20, 190$-?. ography. Select list of references on the 42: 28. AP2.C65,v.42 Trading stamp business. Special libraries, Lny, David Drawing the crowds to your Oct. 1912, V. 3: 182-184. 2671.571,~.3 films. Systcm, Sept. 1915, v. 28: 327-332. Wel~r~,J. L. An act prohibiting fraudulent HF5001.S9,v.28 advertising. [Pennsylvania.] Snrjiellt., Epes TIT. Picture theatre advertis- lcgal journal, Apr. 5, 1913, v. 61: 221-224. ing. New Yorlc city, The Mov~ngpicture Wiley, $1. W. False ads and lying labels. world [I9151 302 p. PN1998.93 Good housekeeping, Sept. 1913, v. 57: 385- Topical films corpo~.ation, New York. Me- 394. TXl.G7,v.57 tcrcd service, motion picture advertising in "Seeing life" the national motion pic- *Not in Library of Congress. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 77

tisers the gathering of data and the appli- Special Libraries cation of analstical lliethods to thein have PUBLISHED BY THE 1)ecomc a ~~ecognlzednecessity. Punters' Ink gives the following state- SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ment of the e~nploynientof analytica1 meth- Monthly exccpt July and August. ods by some lend~ngconcerns: Editorlal and Publicntlon Omce, Indlana Bu- "'The usc of centralized data departments, reau Of Legislative Informatlon, Indlanap- while still slighted, is by no means uncom- olis. Ind. 111011 among Ihc more progressive adver- Subsc~il)tions,Public Librnyy, St. Joscoh, hfo. School tisers. The National Cnsh Register Com- of Minca and Mctnllur~y,Univ. of Mo., Rnlln, Mo. Entered at thra Postornce at Indianapolis, lncl., ~anp,thc Amcrican Sales Boolc Campnny, as SP(:OII~-C~RSEIn~ittt(b~.. 12. I. Dn Pont Dc Ncmours Powder Company, -- -. . -- Gn~'roughsAtld~ng hiachinc Coml~any,TI'. I-I. Subscription.. ...$2.00 a year (10 numbers) IlcElwain Co~nllany, and other proininent Single copies...... -25 cents concerns find such data of lnuch hclg. -- ...... -- The mosl conigrchcnsive depmtmcnt of President...... 4. L. Bostwick thls kind we linow of is conductecl by a large Municipal Reference Library, 208 Clty Hall, Ch~cagofood-product advcrtiscr, A special St. Louis, Mo room is used for ihc data and is in chal-gc Vice-President...... Elizabeth V. Dobbins Amcrican Telephone and Telegraph Co., of n lil~i-ar~anand two assistants. I3es1dcs a New Yorlc Clty. carorully indcxed libra~y dcaling with Lhc Sccr~.Iarv-Trensu~cr. ...A. J. Cunnlngham inclusl~~yand basiness affairs ~n general, Free Public Llbrary, St. Joscph, XEo. spccial lorlted cabinets are uscd lor filing EXECUTIVE BOARD a vast array of dil'lcrcnt comga~.ativcstate- Preslclent, Vice-President. Sccretary-Treas- Inents and a c~onticlentialflle in wh~chdata urer, D. C, Bueil, Educational Bureau of arc coliectcd dcaling with pccilliar trade Informat~on LTnlon Paclfic Ry., Omaha, situations and condltiolis in cvery conl- NeB : Marl& R. Glenn, American Bankers' nionity of iinpo~'tonccin the country. Thcsc Associatlon. New Yorlc Citv. dntn lakc ihe fotm ol slsccial rcports rrom Mannging Editor of Speclal Libraries:-John A. Lapp. Uurcau of Lcgislatlve Inforrnatlon, saiesnicn, carbon copies, or ~)aragraplls Indlmapolis.-. Ind. fro111 lettcl's, ])crsonal o1)scrvations by om- Asslsti~nt Editor, Lillian I-Irnlep, Bureau of cials iu rne~nn~~aurl~umform and ricwspaper Leglslntivc Information, Indlt~napolls, Ind. clil~pings. This blc lnalccs it pnss~ble for CONTRIBUTING EDITORS any ollicial to secul-e at a n~omcnt'snotice F. N, Iforton United Gas Improvement Co., insirlc informalion regind~ng any desired ~hllrldel~hih. ten-ltory. Scrap-boolts are also Itcpt, in I-I. 11. B Meyer, Llbrary of Congress. which arc pastccl important nrwsyapcr D N. Handy, Insurance Librsry Associatlon. cliy)pings com~nentingon the frn~or the ~ndustry. Thcsc scrap-bookc; arc carcfully indexed according to the name of the paper as wcll as the srlbjcct, rind serve lo give Chapter IX of Cher~ngton's"The Adver- the house an insight mto tile cditorlnl atti- tising Booli for 3916" d~scusscsthe advance tude of thc varlous newspapers and how in mcthods of nnalys~sin advertising and Lhcy sho~ildbe handlcd, should occasion de- describes tllc use of special hbrary neth hods mand. in business. From the interesting data there Anothcr Western nianuEactniw finds it given we quote: ~~rofital~lcto gather data regarding a wiclo "The value of unassailable facts in plan- variety of si~bjectsfor use of the salcb force ning salcs campaigns IS beginning to re- in scll~ngto different lines of trade. For celve somctfiing like its due recognition. th~spurpose two papers in every case are This is one of the inost marked evidences subscril)ed for, and the articles lo bc filccl of advertising progress. For years a few arc pasted on cards and indexed hy voca- large corporntions, such as the Standard tion with nictal tabs. It is also undcrstooci Oil Company and the American Telephone that t11c National Lead Company has worked and Telegraph Coml~an)., have had depart- out a method which n~aliesil. possi1)lc for it ments whosc duty it was to accumulate and to collect various lcinds of sell~ngdata pcr- to put into shape for use thc detailed facts taining to its buslncss, but instead of cen- which mere considered necessary for prop- tralizing thc department the clatn are dm- erly conducting the business of these con- tributed among the different branchcs wlierc cerns The painstaking nlethods oi the Un- thcy ]nay hc needed. Some manuf;iclurers ited C~garStores in fol*ming their ideas of find thclr salesmen invaluable for gathering the valuc of a site have become well ltnown. tins kind of data, one concern cven going More recently still the Curtis Publishing so fals as to use its salesmen to size up and Conlpany has surprised the tcxtllc and the report on the local newsgaper situation in autoinob~leand other trades with the inti- each town. Several such instances have macy of its linowledge of how its adver- been cited from time to ti~ncin Pr~nters' tising clients' business is and should he run. Ink, the attitude of John WylrofT hfettlcr, These methods are now being applied to purely advertising problems. Among adver- *Printers' Ink, AplSil 2, 1914, 11. 56. 78 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

prasident of the Interwoven Hosiery Com- clearly shown that joint bureaus if ade- pany, on this matter and his account of quately supported by thew members can do how he gathers and uses such data should th~swork in some respects as wcll as the be of help to the above correspondenr. This data departments of large concerns. It is article appeared in the October 23. 1913, is- possible, moreover, that the Federal Govern- sue of Printers' Ink. ment may iind occasion to enter upon work "It is perhaps not looking very far in the of this kind.* Colleges also mill flnd many future to predict that a data department, in ways in which they can be of servlce in charge of a man with a real inastery of the this sort of work. practical science of compiling and iterpret- In short,, ~t may be said that, as a step ing conlmercial statistics and other clata, in advance in the development of advertis- will soon be regarded as an absolute essen- ing, the spread of respect for, and the abil- tial in selling or adverlising undertakings ity to use, analytical mcthods is one of the of any appreciable size The large corpora- most i~nportantlines of growth." tions and other concerns with amplc capital have had a temporary advantage ovcr their kThe plan for a Fccleral Bureau of Busl- smaller rivals in this respect. But this ad- ness Research proposed by A. W. Shaw, the vantage already is being overcome. Some erlitol- of System, has been well received in of the local and national associations have lnaily quartcrs.

News and Notes

Miss Florence A. Babbitt has resigned study of the scope, policy and methods of from the hnerlcan Electric Railway Asso- some of the mediums now in the fleld." ciation Library to become a member of the The article is not inerely a summary but staff of thc Library of the Amcricen Socicty an analysis of ind~vidualpublications. of Civil Enginecrs. The St. Paill Public Library opened a The Soclety for the Promotion and Train- Business and Munic~palBranch in the bud- ing for Public Service issues a periodical ncss district of the city January 31, 1936. The Public Servant. Numbcr one is dated A casd announcing the opening declares the . It is published monthly at. purpose as follows: Madison, TVlsconsin, with Edward A. Fltz- "Thls Branch is intendcd cspccially for patrick as editor. A National Prograin for busincss men and thosc who are interested Training for Public Service is outlined in in civic problems. The material will include this initial nuillher. City Directories, Special Trade Directories, Fmancial and Municipal Journals, Atlases, Miss Lou~seB. ICrausc, Librarian of H. ni. Maps, Charters, and Ordinances and general Byllesby and Co., Chicago, dcscr~bes"Some worlcs on busmess and municipal govern- business libraries of Chicago smaIl in size ment. but large in service" in the Narch issue of "The Library will begin with a small col- the Wisconsin library bulletin. The libraries lection of inatcrial; the plan is to make of the Nat~onalsafety council, Portland ce- additions according to the demand and the ment company, Gyllesby and company, com- response to the advice of the men who monwealth-Edison company and Pcoples usc it." gas, light and coke company are used as types 01 the real business library in Chicago. Under plans worked out by F. D. Under- wood, President of the Company, the Erie The New York Public Library has issued a Railroad has just opened a Free Circulating list of reports of American cities of which it and Reference Library for the use of the has duplicates to offcr lo other libraries on 1,300 employes at headquarters, 50 Church exchange account. About 250 cities are rap- Street. On the day the Library was opened resented by one or more documonts. Libra- half of the 1,000 books quickly disappeared. ries desiring to complete their files of city Thc demand came from all classes, includ- reports should not fail to examine this list. ing officers and the girls who count can- celled tickets in the auditors' department. Mrs. C. A. Vaughn is in charge of the room Aera, published by the American Electric on the fourteenth floor, which contains stan- Railway Association, New Yorlr City, had in dard text books and refcrence works, en- its issue a comprehensive ar- gineering and technical books of interest to ticle entitled "Electric Railway Journalism, railroad men, and also the latest popular HOWutilities are reaching l~ublicand em- flction, together with current magazines. ployes through company publications, a Only Erie employes are allowed to take SPECIAL LIBRARIES

out books, and only onc book can bc taken Weir D. Hutton, care Norfolk Ad. Club, at a time, to be Irept a week, with the griv- Norfolk, Va. ilege of renewal for another week. D. W. Cnryl S~iller,Paul Jones Building, Louis- Cooke, Vicc-President and Traffic Aianager ; ville, Ky. H. C, Hoolrer, Assistant to the President, and George h'owland, Adv. Mgr. Fels Naptha H. W. Ilawley, Division Freight Agent, Soap Co., 73rd & Woodland Ave., Philadel- worked out the plans. [New YorB Evenmg phia, Pa. Post, BIarch 29, 1916.1 C. W. Stokes, 1301 2262 Calgary, Ata, Can- ada. A Chamher of Commercc in the Depart- John L. Grimes, Adv. JIgr., Wheeling Cor- nlcnt of Junin, Peru, has been organized rugating Co, Kheeling, TV. Va. with headquarters in the city of Cerro de Pasco. The purposc of the Chamber is to American consulates in forc~gucountries promote the developincnt of mining, com- are fast developing facillt~eswhich will en- merce, stoclc raising, agriculture and other able them to become bureaus of information industries. on a tl+uly efficient scale. The Chnmbcr of Commerce will issue re- The following descrigt~onof Ihe worlc of ports incl~~dingdetailed statistics to the the Consulate at Sao Paulo, Brad, was rc- Government of Peru on the mining, com- cenlly given in the Dally Commerce Reports me~waland agricultural activities in the of the U. S. Departnlent of Commerce Department It will disseminate needed in- "I11 selecting thc ofice for the Consulate formation on thcsc subjects, on the com- the most ccntral location was seleclcd, the mercial laws of the country, and on modern large reading and sample roonl occupying improvements. To th~send it will initiatc the center of the offlces, so that merchants and encourage tho establishment of special and othcrs seeking information might come schools. All the commercial centers in the and go without unnecessarily disturbing the Departmen1 of Junin will be notified by thc work of the consular staff A clerk speaking Chamber of Commerce in Cerro de Pasco of English and Portuguese has hls desk in this thc latest quotations on mineral products, room, classifies all catalogues, csplains the moven~ent of foreign cxclmnge and then1 to inquirers, and shows or I'nrnlshes prices current in the principal mnrltets A t.hcm samyles sent. He also, wherever pos- Library will be formed of publications on shle, takes notes of what they des~re,and mlning, commerce, stoclc raismg, and agri- often Ihese ~nquiriesare made the subject culture. of trade opportunities. In case the inqnirer wishes fulther information he is referred either to the Consul or the Vice Consul. In The committee of the Assoclnted Adver- cases where numbers of catalogues are sent tis~ngClubs of the World which is seeking from the same firm thcy are sent to the to promote the active co-operation of the chambcrs of coinmcrce or to persons known library and the business man is composed to be interested in them In the case of of the following well lcnown publicity men requests from the interior catalogues are hcaded by John Cotton Dana, Librarian of sent to inquirers, noted in the catalogue file the Newark Public Library as Chairman. book, and, on being returned, again placed John C. Dana, Chairman. Librarian, Frce on file. Public Library, Newark, N. J "The offlce keeps on hand only the most John Renfrew, 436 Union Oil Building, recent catalogues and commercial litcrature, Los Angeles, California. and periodically sends throughout the juris- Roy B. Simpson, care Fisher, Steinbreugge diction such publications as have been re- Co., 1627 Washington Avenue, St Louis, hlo. placed by newer ones. In case inquirers ask W. 0. TTraldsmith, Publicity Manager of for further data the later ones are sent the Delco, Dayton, Ohio. them. The same is done with co~nmercial hl~ltonBeclcer, care The Boston Store, Fort reviews, trade bulletins, newspapers, etc. Smith, Ark. In this way several mportant firms in tho F. L. Hamilton, 75 Genessee Street, Au- interior have been placed in communication burn, N. Y. with Amer~canexporters Commercial liter- George F. Helm, President I-hoxvillo Ad- ature in the ~nteriortowns is often read vertising Club, Knoxville, Tenn. more carefully than in the capital. More- C. B. Gagem, care Gregg Co., I-Ionolulu, over, there are many towns in the district Hawaii of over 25,000 Inhabitants very progressive E. Gorsuch, Secy. Springfield Advertising and alive to business. Club, Sprmgiield, 0. "The office further intends to call the at- D R. Barrett, care Crystal Laundry Co., tention, by printed notice, of the more im- Spokane, Wash. portant persons in the jurisdiction to the ar- H. H Coolre, care Mi.Green, 627 W. 43rd rival of catalogues and other trade ogpor- St., New York City. tunities. (2. D. W. Marcy, Sampson & Murdock Co., "Weekly or bimonthly notices are pub- 246 Bummer St., Boston, Mass. lished in the leading papers of Sao Paulo, Joseph C. Spiess, care Aclcmann Bros., El- giving the names of catalogues and com- gin, Ill. mercial reviews received and inviting the SPECIAL LIBRARIES

merchants to call at the Consular reading Officers. room to inspect them. It is hoped to extend Lewis A. Armistead, President. this system to the other States in the juris- Boston Elevated Railway Co., 101 Milk diction, Answess or inqu~riesto these no- St. tices often enable the office to prepare val- E. R. IOttredge, Vice-president. uable reports for publication. Under ordi- Old Colony Trust Co., 17 Court St. nary circumstances the inquirer is placed in John liltchie, Jr., Chicf of Service. direct contact with the exporter. In the same Waldo -4, Rich, Jr., Treasurer. manner inquiries for agents or representa- Ilennison Manufacturing Co., Framing- tives are also published and replies sent to ham. the writer giving the names of gersolls de- A. D. Smith, Secretary. siring to cnter into business relations with 491 Boylston St. thcm. Directors. "The ofllce has begun a monthly and quar- 'Ienry B. Alvord. terly co~npilationof all imports fro111 abroad. Abcrlhaw Construction Co., 27 School The manifests of Ihe vos.;cls arrlving at St. Santos arc obtained shortly aftcr the rlis- Frank Irving Cooper. charge of tlie vessel and all imported ar- 33.. Co~mhill-. t~clesare grouped alphabetically showing George TiT. Lee. (1) country of origin of imported merchan- Stonc and Tl'ebster, 147 Milk St. dise, (3) nalure of merchandise, (3) amount of merrhandise, (4) consignee, (5) consignor Tlrc clip the following interesting account --when possible. of a discuss~onof the efficiency of public "By progcr alphabetical classiflcat~onany l~brariesby George T. Shaw, Chief Librarian commercial traveler can at once judge 01 Liverspool, England, from the Christian whctl~crthere 1s a market for his goods and Sclence Monitor: just who are possible gurchasers. He knows "At the annual meeting of the Northwestern also whethel- he can compete. The system Dranch of the Llbrary Association held at has been grcatly made use of in the short Golton, George T. Shaw, Chicf Librarian of t~mcsince it has been in use It enables tlie Liverpool Fublic Libraries, speaking of the oftice, furthermore, to answer intelli- war finance and public libraries, said that gently grmt numbers of comnercml inquir- in the carrying on of business and in help- ies from the Unitcd States and gives the ing individuals to concentrate intelligently writers ~ositiveinformation as to who are on tho war, the ~uhliclibrary did and would importing now and not last year, and who play a useful and valuable, although a sil- are their comgetitors. It is hoped further to ent part. The Local Government Board had extend this system and obtain the prices of asked for economy in regard to public insti- the articles imgorted. Moreover, lrnowing tutions, ~ncludinglibraries, but the Council just who are importing any given ast~cle, of the Library Association had expressed the the office is enabled to draw the buyers' hope t!mt nothing mould be done to rlnpair attention to catalogues of Anlerlcan manu- Lhe elficiency and usefulness of public libra- facturers on file In the office. ries, the necessity for the maintenance of which was never morc important than now, when the people were anxious to have the The Information Clearing I-Iouse of Bos- fullest and most reliable information and ton, torlnerly the Boston Co-operative In- guidance on many subjects of the most vital formation Bureau, has issued an attractwe consequence to the nation. booltlct setting fort11 the object and plans "Supporters of puhllc libraries, he con- of the inst~tution. The booklet lnalres the tinucd, need have no difficulty In justifying following statement of objects : the expenditure of the money necessary to "The Information Clearing House of Bos- maintain them effic~ently. The libraries of ton, formerly the Boston Co-operative In- the United Kingdom, whether proprietary or formation Rureau, has served it& members government endowed, or rate supported, for four years with ability, dispatch and were unlike all other institutions-schools painstaking thoroughness. perhaps excepted. War had made them a necessity, and stimulated their development, "At the beginning of its fifth year its but had never suppressed them. fricnds are endeavormg to enlarge its use- "Men talked of public libraries in connec- fulness by bringing it more forcibly to the tion with this war, as if they were a pure attention of those whom they know will luxury. The idea that a return was made flnd it of great assistance in their business to the colnnlunity was never recognized by and private aKairs. the man who did not know how to use such "By means of our modern index system places or did not require to use them. The we are IU close touch with tho best authori- cry of the ratepayer was raised as if the t~eson every subject. Each member. is listed man was rated for something from which according to his specialty, where expedient. he could not possibly get any advantage. Answers to all questions are recorded for Mr. Shaw appealed to the drastic economists future reference." on other grounds. By cramping the power The officers and directors for 1916 are: of the public library today they were, he SPECIAL LIBRARIES

insisted, going seriously to diminish its use- of Parliament a Commonwealth institute of fulness in the important work which must sclence and industry. be dealt with after the war. Libraries were 2. The functions of the infititute should being uzed to supply information about in- be : dustries that other countries had the mo- (a) To consider and initiate scientific re- nopoly of. In this way people were prepar- searches in connection with, or for the pro- ing for the future, and only public libraries motion of, primary or secondary industries could collect arid disperse such informa- in the Commonwealth. tion." (b) Tho collection of industrial scientiflc mformation and the formation of a bureau Through the efforts of Mr. Alexander V. for its dissemination among those engaged Behr, Vice-president of the Russian-hmeri- in industry. can Chamber of Commerce of Moscow, there (c) The establishment of national labor- has been formcd in New York an American- atories. Russian Chamber of Commerce, the purpose (d) The general control and administra- of which, according to the constitution pub- tion of such laboratories when established. lished in the Russlan-American Journal of (el To promote the immediate utilization Commerce, is "to encourage and promote of existing institutions, whether Federal or the economic, commercial and industrial State, for the purposes of industrial scien- relations between and the United tific research. States of North America." The American- (£1 To make recommendations from time Russian Chamber of Coinmerce of New York to tlme for. the establishment or develop- and the Russlan-American Chanlber of Com- ment of special institutions or department mcrce of Moscow, each In its own country, of existing institutions for the scientific will be tho sole representative of the other. study of problems affecting particular iu- For the attainment of the object of the or- dustries and trades. ganization thc American-Russian Chamber (g) The establishment and award of in- of Commerce will co-operate with the Rus- dustrial research scholnrsliips and fellow- slan-American Chamber of Commerce in ships, or fellowships attached to particular Moscow in the Interchange of information; institutions. render assistance to its meinbers and to all (h) To draw attention to any new indus- who may be entitled to its co-operation; tries wh~chm~ght be profitably established assist in organizing agencies for handling in the Co~nmonwcalth. and financing direct business negotiations (i) To keep in close touch with and seek between the United States and Russia; pro- the aid ol all Conlinonwealth and State Gov- tect the interests of the United States and ernment departments, learned and profes- Russia in all matters commercial and in- sional societies, and private enterprises con- dustrial; collect, issue, and distribute for cerned with, or interested in, scientific ro- the beneflt of its members, statistical reports search. and other inlormatlon relating to trade, (j) The co-ordination and direction of sci- industry, and finance; appear, when invited entific investigation and of research and ex- to do so in a representative capacity, at perimental work with a view to the preven- government, state or municipal conferences t~onof undesirable overlapping of effort. held in connection with qnest~onsof trade, (k) To advise the several authorities as commerce, or transportation; 'and facilitate to the steps which should be talcen for in- the interchange of opinlons regarding trade creasing the supply of workers competent and industry that may arise between the to undertake scientiflc research. members of the chamber and other persons (1) To recommend grants by the Common- interested. The first president of the organ- wealth Government in aid of pure scientiflc ization is Mr. Charles H. Boynton, a member research in existing institutions. of the New Yorlc Stock Exchange. (m) To seek from time to time the co- operation of the educational authorities and scientific societies in the States, with a view The Commerce reports for Februarv 29. to advancing the teaching of science in 1918, reports a conference which was called schools, technical colleges, and universitien by the Prime Minister of at Mel- where its teaching is determined upon by bourne on January 6 to consider plans for those nllthorities. establishing a national laboratory for the study of scientiflc research to Australian m- (n) TO report annually and from time to dustries. time to Parliament. The Prime Minister proposes the co-ordi- The report of the committee was referred nation of existing institutions such as Com- to the Ministry in Cabinet. The Prime Min- monwealth laboratory, universities, agri- ister stated that the cabinet had approved of cultural colleges, technical and mining the recommendations regarding immediate schools and ordinary schools. action, and that the advisory council would A committee of representative men re- be appointed without delay. He has Pre- ported the following recommendations Jan- viously stated that the Government is pre- uary 13: pared to devote 8600,000 ($2,433,250) to the 1. There should be established under act initiation of such an enterprise. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

WANTED. auditorium of the Merchants association quarters. By the Interhte Commerce Commission Library, Washington, I). C. Wallace D. Simmons of St. Louis, Mo.,. Academv of Political Science. Proceedings,- Chairman of the Committee on commercial VOCV(any). education for foreign trade gave the Report Engineering News, August 19, 1915. of the National foreign trade council at the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, recent convention in New Orleans. 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1913. The Report attempts to give the sub- Political Sclence Quarterly, June, 1915. stance of information gathered from busi- ness men who have had cxperience in send- ing commercial agents abroad. Columbia university in co-ogcration with The following phascs are discussed in the Life underwriters association of New the Report: Difliculty of obtaining young York city has instituted a course in life Americans; Americans adaptable to needs insurance to be held from January 21 to of trade; Expatriation militates against se- May 29. It has been arranged through the curing best men; Home e~nploylnentpre- Department of extension teaching to ac- ferred to foreign training; Lack of specific commodate those who are actively engaged trainmg for foreign trade; Failure of for- in insurance or other business during the eign language teaching; Better foundations day. It is offered in connection with the necessary through school study; American courses in commerce now given in the eve- provincialism a hindrance ; Adequate train- ning and will receive credit toward a cer- ing demanded of schools ; Fundamental t~flcatein commerce. The class meets in the training by schools at fault.

Some Recent Books on Advertising

Advert~sing,Its Principles and Practice. 575 sponse. 314 p. N. Y.,Pub. by D. Appleton p. N. Y., Ronald Press Co., 1915. $4.00 and Co., for the Advertising Men's League postpaid. Authors-Harry Tipper, Geo. B. of New York .City, Inc., 1913. $2.00 net, Hotchkiss, Harry L. Hollingwo~~thand by mail $2.16. Frank A. Parsons. I-Iudders, E. R. Indexing and Filing. 292 p. N. Calltins, Earnest Elmo. Business of Adver- Y., Ronald Press Co., 191 6. $3.00 postpaid. tising. 363 p. N. Y., D. Appleton and Co., 1915. $2.00 net. MacGregor, T. D. Bank Advertising Plans, Cherington, Paul Terry, ed. The Advertis- a Book of Practical Suggestions. 198 p. ing Book, 1916. 604 p. Pub. by Doubleday, N. Y., Bankers Pub. Co., 1933. $2.60 car- Page and Co., for the Associated Advertis- riage prepaid. ing Chbs of the World, 1916. $2.00 net. Publishing Your Business, 26 ed., Cody, Sherwin. How to Deal with Human rev. and enl. 202 p. N. Y.,Bankers Pub. Nature in Business. 488 p. N. Y., Funk and CO., 1913. $1.50. Wagnalls, 1915. $2.00 net 2,000 Points for Financial Advertis- French, George. Advertising, the Social and ing. 137 p. N. Y.,Bankers Pub. Co., 1913. Economic Problem. 260 p. N. Y., Ronald $1.50. Prcss Co., 1915. $2.00 postpaid. Smart, Walter K. (in collaboration with the Holl~ngworth, Harry L. Advertising and ed~torialstaff of System) How to Write Selling, Principles of Appeal and Re- Business Letters. 160 p. N. Y.,Shaw, 1916.