Jinga November 14, 2019 No. 18 The Jinga

The Jinga is a community newsletter produced by P-12 College for the school and the wider community to enjoy. You can keep up to date with what has happened and what’s on the horizon. It is published fort- nightly on a Thursday. Jinga contact details are to Jade through the school: Email: [email protected] Telephone (03) 51586 245 Facsimile (03) 51586 361

It is free of charge to include any upcoming community events or news sto- ries so please feel free to email me anything of interest. Advertising Rates for commercial businesses are as follows: Full Page advertisement $11.00 1/2 page advertisement $5.50 1/4 page advertisement $2.75 When submitting your advertisement, please let us know the duration of the ad. Thankyou.

Front Cover: Halloween Sleepover 2019 Principal’s Page

Bushfire! The extreme fire conditions in NSW and Queensland this year is truly worrying. This is especially true for people in towns like Cann River. I don’t need to tell you we live with forest in all directions and it is possible these roads can become unpassable. We all need to plan ahead in regard this: it is essential that every family / individual has a fire plan. What will you do if you have to leave? What do you take? Where can you go? How do you keep in contact with what is going on throughout summer? How will you know to leave or not? It is important you understand the Local Incident Management Plan. It is important to remind the school community that the school is closed on Code Red Days and on Extreme and Severe if there is a fire in a 50 kilometre radius. See the following page What’s Happening

VCE exams finish on Friday with great thanks to Judy Mckinnon who became our supervisor at last minute. We are very pleased with the way the students approached the exams. A special mention of our year twelves, Anna and Dechlan. These two wonderful young adults will be missed by the school and we with them the best future Pictured left—looking reflective at their VCE dinner New Building This week the first project meeting for the new building occurred. This outcome of the design looks as though it will be a wonderful building. Essentially it sits on exactly the same footprint of the current P-2 building though it will have a wide decking around three sides. The process of the building will involve some difficulties as that corner of the school will be out of use from week two term one into term two. We will relocate the P-2 class into the library during that time. School Procedures for the Bushfire Season

This plan informs families and the local community of what will happen under different conditions during the bushfire season in order to keep our students and staff safe.

Forecast Fire Danger Rating (FDR) & local Action Communication bushfire conditions  Families enact their bushfire  Parents contacted survival plan directly, up to 3 days prior, confirmed the  SCHOOL CLOSED day before  CODE RED No staff onsite  Decision will not change  Local CFA notified

EXTREME /  Families enact their bushfire  Parents contacted SEVERE, with fire in survival plan directly as soon as possible. local area  Request approval for closure from (approximately 50 Regional Director  Decision will not change kilometre radius of  SCHOOL CLOSED Cann River)  Local CFA notified  No staff onsite

EXTREME /  Families enact their bushfire  Parents notified of any SEVERE, survival plan changes to situation With no fires in local  School Remains Open  Parents need to make area sure we can contact  Monitor Vic Emergency website/ them easily or let us ABC radio/ keep in contact with know who the best Regional Emergency Management contact is for that day.  Follow advice of Emergency services

Note: If considered necessary, approval will be sought for school closure as above

EXTREME /  Monitor Vic Emergency website/  Parents notified of any SEVERE / VERY ABC radio/ keep in contact with changes to situation if HIGH / HIGH / Regional Emergency Management possible Low-Med  Contact emergency services  Parents need to make sure we can contact If fire starts  Follow advice of Emergency Services them easily or let us spontaneously during *If time allows and if is safe to do know who the best the day and may so, evacuate with Emergency contact is for that day. possibly impact the services escort school. *Shelter in Place is enacted classroom building. Please note: If parents arrive during this time they will be encouraged to stay at school. EVERY DAY COUNTS! Please contact the school if your child is going to be away.

2019 Fees Due. IMPORTANT SCHOOL NOTICES Please pay by cash to the office or for direct deposits see details below. School Council on 19th November Direct Deposit Details Mallacoota P12 Secondary sports day in Account Name: Cann River Tuesday 19th November Cann River P-12 College 7/8 Camp Thurra 20-23 November BSB: 313 140

Account Number: 120 621 36

Reference: Your Surname If you receive payments from Cen- trelink we are also registered with Cen- trepay, contact us for more infor- mation or any other concerns regard- ing your payment.

ASAA for 2019

CBA School After School Activities (AASA) will run Banking Monday and Tuesday afternoons from: THURSDAY Jade is your 3:30—4:30. Term 4 dates are: Monday School Banking Coordinator 14th Oct until Tuesday 3rd December

Monday’s will be Soccer and Tuesday’s will be games. I am made from 100% recycled Australian paper. Please recycle me when you’re ready!

A school and community newsletter produced by Cann River P-12 College

For previous issues of Jinga and more scan this code or visit our webpage http://www.cannp-12.vic.edu.au/ Pushcart Derby 2019

Once again we had an excellent day at the Pushcart Derby. We saw rain, hail and snow in our travels., and our Cann River 2 team won the team work prize. Friends were made, rac- es run, and Swifts Creek Primary Schools excellent play equipment was thoroughly tested by our stu- dents. We also had ice creams on the way home, which were enthusias- tically enjoyed. T R E E P L A N T I N G DAY Remembrance Day 2019

Rock Candy Experiment Observation: Our Rock Candy has had no growth for the last couple of days. Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that it isn’t growing because of the tissue that is on top of the jar. I think the tissue is the problem because the tissue is keeping the air from flowing in and out. So the solution can’t evaporate. science By Nicole 14/11/19

5 & 6 rock candy

Expression of Interest Teacher’s Aide Position 2020 Cann River P/12 College Please contact Principal Bruce Spink by November 21st on 03 51586 245 COMMUNITY SOCCER TERM 4—MONDAYS At the school oval from 5.00 pm—Game Starts at 5.15 pm Grade 5 - Secondary students and adults No slide tackles, keep your feet, good sportsmanship, wear shin guards and respect the umpire’s decisions. The season will run for 6 weeks NO COST. Any enquires phone Liza Spink at the school on 51586245

OPEN MIC ENJOY AN AFTERNOON OF ENTERTAINMENT IN THE BEAUTI- FUL GARDEN SURROUNDS. GOLD COIN ENTRY. ALCOHOL FREE Event. For more information contact Alison: 0447 193 335 If you would like to perform contact Simon: 0439 829 541

AT PELICAN POINT COFFEE LOUNGE Sunday 17th November 1:00 pm Start

CVBNC Health Promotion: Men’s Health

www.menshealthaustralia.net 27 Monaro Highway, Cann River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Fax: 5158 6409 Find us on Facebook [email protected] www.cannvalleybnc.com.au

Integrity: We will act with the highest regard to honesty and reliability and transparency to ensure measurable community trust. Mobile eye clinic On 25th, 26th & 27th the Royal Flying Doctor Service mo- bile eye clinic will be at the centre. To make an appoint- ment please call 03 8412 0444

Doctors: Dentist: Peter Favaloro Podiatrist: Nerida Manning Dr Sara: Tuesday 26th November Thursday 22nd January members Thursday 5th December $15, non member $20, concession Dr Anis: Wednesday 4th December Ph: 5154 6625 for appointments

Physiotherapist: Maddie Rosen Massage Therapist: Jodie Box

Monday 18th November Tuesday 3rd December (TBC) Member $15, Non Member $20 Concession $5 Ph: 0438 096 808 for appointments

Planned Activity Group: Bus to Bairnsdale: Fortnightly Exercise Group: Tuesday 26th November With our Physio:

Thursday 21st November Monday 18th November Thursday 5th December Please note: A $5 fee applies when booking 11:00—11:30am Seats for medical appointments are priority

Man Cave: every Friday Patchwork: Drug & Alcohol Counsellor: Free BBQ. 12:00pm Tuesdays at 10am Bryn Jones Everyone welcome Wednesday’s as needed.

To make an appointment with the podiatrist, physio, doctor, counsellor, other allied health visitors or to book a seat on the bus, please call 5158 6210.

Annual Membership fees are due on the 1st of July each year - it’s never too late to become a member.

Family $30 Single $20 Family Concession $20 Single Concession $15

Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government

27 Monaro Highway, Cann River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Fax: 5158 6409 [email protected] www.cannvalleybnc.com.au

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5:00pm

ABN: 69 461 662 367 REG: A11159

Do you live alone? Or are you aged over 60? Do you enjoy outings and mixing with people?

If so, you are welcome to come to our Planned Activity Group. We meet every fortnight on Thursday. One fortnight we go out of town for the day, on the other fortnight we have lunch at the centre and do activities. Outings are $10 and in centre is $6

Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government

27 Monaro Highway, Cann River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Fax: 5158 6409 [email protected] www.cannvalleybnc.com.au

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5:00pm

ABN: 69 461 662 367 REG: A11159

Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government 27 Monaro Highway, Can River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Fax: 5158 6409 [email protected] www.cannvalleybnc.com.au Man Cave Join us…… Every Friday at 12:00pm All welcome, ladies too. Come and relax, meet new people or old friends.

Plan projects and tell us how you would like the Man Cave to develop. See you there

Massage Therapist Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Hot Rock and Sports Massage

Jodie visits the Bush Nursing Centre Tuesday 3rd December (TBC) To make an appointment call Jodie on: 0438 096 808 Gift Vouchers available 27 Monaro Highway, Cann River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Fax: 5158 6409 [email protected] www.cannvalleybnc.com.au

Our visiting PODIATRIST will be at the centre on: Thursday 22nd January 2020

Our visiting PHYSIOTHERAPIST will be at the centre on: Monday 18th November 2019

If you would like to make an appointment for either service, please call 5158 6210

Members $15, Non Member $20, Concession $5 Maddie also holds an exercise class between 11am - 11:30am on Monday 18th November All welcome to attend (18 years and over)

Have you been thinking of how you can be more active? Would you like your body to be more flexible? Are your muscles needing strength? Are you looking for expert advice about an exercise program?

Get strong - Get active Our Physiotherapist takes exercise classes on the following dates: Monday 18th November - 11am-11:30am For more information call 5158 6210 All over the age of 18 are welcome Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government Welcome to Town Barbecue Are you new to town? Don’t know many people? Or do you know someone who’s not long joined our little community and would enjoy mingling with older or newer residents? Then you need to join us. Wednesday, 27 November at 12 noon Cann River Community Centre All new comers welcome! Bring a friend if it’s more comfortable. If you know someone new, bring someone new. ph: 5158 6465 Email: cann.river@bigpond. com Monday - Friday 10am - 4.30pm

Older Driver Road Safety Info Session Weds 20 Nov in Mallacoota 11.30 am Ring and book a seat on the bus if you want a lift Art & Craft Show 2020 First subcommittee meeting Weds 20 Nov 5.30pm Carer’s Workshop managing “carer’s grief” with art therapy Friday 22 Nov 10.30 Welcome to Town BBQ for new residents (&those who want to meet them) Wednesday 27 Nov 12 pm

Every Day: FoodBank, Computers, Internet, Photocopying, Laminating Centrelink self-service terminal, phone, and fax Book Swap; Rotating Library collection; Washing machine $5/ load & Dryer $3/load; Op Shop; Art & Craft Shop; Shire Outreach Services; Meeting and consult rooms for hire; Community Bus for hire @ $88/day

Monday Playgroup bubs to Kinder 10am to noon Free Art Classes 3.30pm—5.30pm

Wednesday Centrelink Agent 10-4.30 Gold coin lunch 12—1 Stitch Kids 3.30pm

Friday Youth Drop-In 4.30 –8

Every Fortnight Wednesday Local History 1.30 pm (27 Nov) Craft Group 6pm—8pm (20 Nov)

Every Month

First Wednesday - 4th December Hairdresser Rhonda Gillard, ring 0408 124 112 for appointments

ph: 5158 6465 Email: cann.river@bigpond. com Monday - Friday 10am - 4.30pm

Summer School Holiday Activities Program Worker 2 days a week 10am—4pm For four weeks in January

-1 day a week inventing and delivering children’s activities at the community centre

-1 day a week driving the community bus to Orbost and supervising children at the Orbost Outdoor Pool (EGSC lifeguards will be on duty) Applicants must have a full driver’s license and have or be able to obtain a Working With Children’s Check and Police Check. We will consider job-sharing. Experience supervising young children is an advantage

CRCC is NOT a Child Care Provider and parents will be required to accompany participating children. For this reason child care qualifications are NOT required for this position.

Please contact Susie or Debbie at the Community Centre for application information. MALLACOOTA Older Driver Older Rider Road Safety Information Session East Shire Council, VicPolice, VicRoads, Bairnsdale & Mallacoota U3A, Dementia , Mallacoota District Health and Support Services and Orbost Health services will conduct a free road safety information session for older drivers and those who use or are considering or using a motorised scooter as a means of mobility. Cann River Community When: Wednesday 20 November Centre will be providing Where: Mallacoota P12 School, 25 Bucknall St a FREE bus to this event. Time: 11:30—2:45pm Please call 51586465 to Cost: FREE—includes morning tea and light lunch book your spot! RSVP: Book a spot by 18th November—5153 9500

Participants will enjoy a free morning tea, a light lunch and refreshments, meet students from P12 as they learn more about driving for longer, road safety and scooter use in .

The session will cover:  The VicRoads Medical Review Assessment  Driving and road safety tips for drivers, passengers and pedestrians  The importance of staying fit to drive  The impact of health and medications on driving  How to assess your own driving ability  Information about alternative transport options  How to plan for future mobility

The sessions are aimed at all members of the community and focuses on supporting older drivers to continue to drive safely as well as highlighting important considerations prior to purchasing a scooter, scooter etiquette, maintenance and current road rules. The sessions will also provide important information for family and friends about road safety.

Senior Constable Judy TAYLOR said “that the day is about offering educative information to older drivers and scooter users and that Police will be on hand to support the event. Community members will have the opportunity to ask questions relating to vehicle and scooter safety and use. Thousands of scooters are currently in use in , and it is estimated that this figure will significantly increase as our population ages.”

There will also be a Q & A with police, how the VicRoads Medical Review process works, polypharmacy and an information session on transitioning from driver tonon-driver with the health services, displays and door prizes. Fire Preparedness Officer

The Cann River Emergency Preparedness Group is extremely pleased to announce that, as a result of tenacious lobbying and advocacy, and with the support of the Office Lisa Neville, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, we have succeeded in obtaining the services of a professional facilitator to help us work towards improving our community’s preparedness for bushfires and other emergencies. Gail Cumming, Community Based Bushfire Management Officer (Safer Together program – joint CFA/DELWP initiative), will be working with ourselves, CFA, DELWP, EGSC, and other agencies, to help us to address the concerns our community has raised, and to build a system of ongoing management that will improve our preparedness for years to come. Gail has ten years’ experience in emergency management, focussing on community preparedness and recovery. She will be based in Lakes Entrance/Bairnsdale, and will be working to support the communities of Moe South and Toongabbie as well as Cann River. She is expecting to work on Cann River issues about 2 days a week over the next year. Gail is committed to working with the Emergency Preparedness Group as a reference group, who can provide local knowledge and advice, and act as a crucial communication link with the broader community. The Emergency Preparedness Group is very pleased to have their concerns recognized by the state government, and to have such a personable and professional person on the job to help find the answers to those concerns. Any Cann Valley District community members who wishes to become involved with the Emergency Management group are welcome to get in touch through the Cann River Community Centre. Current group members include: Gus McKinnon, Andrew Filmer, Marg Stevens, Jennet Young, and Susie Bady, as well as Shane Turner and Blanche Evans from EGSC, James Pardew from DELWP, and Rose Young from Cann River CFA brigade. CFA CANN VALLEY

Cann Valley is surrounded by forest so it is your best interest to:


Should a fire event occur in this area: 1: What will you do if a fire occurs, stay or leave early, what is your trigger to act? 2: Discuss your plan with family, friends & neighbours. Not everyone thinks clearly in an emergency, a written well-practised plan will help you remember what needs to be done during a crisis, and don’t forget to include your pets in your plan. 3: Have your emergency kit ready 4. Download the Vic Emergency App to stay informed or tune into the ABC local radio

Cann River’s “local incident management plan”, in the case of a major fire event is for the Cann Valley tanker and firefighters with one DELWP (forest fire management) tanker and firefighters are to protect the Cann River P-12 College. Cann Valley Fire Brigade has one tanker. Do not expect they will come to protect your house if a major fire occurs in this area. Help from other fire stations is at least 40 minutes away. While we work closely with DELWP, and Forest Fire Management, Cann River, they may help where they can.

If you need advice or support to plan and prepare for this fire season please talk to a local Brigade member or contact District 11 CFA HQ on 5153 7400, refer to the CFA website www.cfa.vic.gov.au


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 18 19 20 21 22

ASAA ASAA Kinder Transition VET Auto to Orbost Community Soccer Mallacoota visiting Sports day 7/8 Thurra River Camp 7/8 Thurra River Camp 7/8 Thurra River Camp School Council

25 26 27 28 29

ASAA ASAA Kinder Transition Jinga Final Day for Year 11 Students Community Soccer

DEC 2 3 4 5 6

ASAA ASAA Community Soccer

9 10 11 12 13


If you are interested in a subscription or placing an ad or notice in Jinga please contact me at [email protected] or 03 5158 6245