Cultural Encounters HUM 102
Cultural Encounters HUM 102 Renaissance Art February 18 Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Last Judgment, 1536–41, Sistine Chapel, Vatican “Besides every beautiful detail, it is extraordinary to see such a work painted and executed so harmoniously that it seems to have been done in a single day and with the type of finish that no illuminator could ever have achieved it…Although this was a marvellous and enormous undertaking, it was not impossible for this man…And how truly happy are those who have seen this truly stupendous wonder of our century! Most happy and fortunate Paul III, for God granted that under his patronage the glory that that writers’ pens will accord to his memory! Certainly his birth has brought a most happy fate to the artists of this century, for they have seen him tear away the veil from all the difficulties that can be encountered or imagined in the arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture. Michelangelo labored on this work for eight years and unveiled it in the year 1541 on Christmas Day, to the wonder and amazement of all of Rome, or rather, of the entire world, and that year, when I was living in Venice, I went to Rome to see it, and I was stupefied by it!” First edition (1550) Published in Florence Dedicated to Cosimo I de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany Second, enlarged edition (1568) Giovanni Vasari, Lives of The Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 1568 Lives of The Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects Three prefaces 1) “Creation of man” / design / sculpture and painting as “sister arts” / the rise of the arts to perfection, their decline and their restoration (rinascita) / to perpetuate knowledge of artists 2) Discussion of architecture, sculpture, painting / division of the book into three parts 3) Discussion of the origins and nobility of the arts / surpassing the ancients / perfection of “rule, order, proportion, draughtsmanship, manner” Organized into three periods: Trecento (1300s) Quattrocento (1400s) Cinquecento (1500s) Giotto, Meeting at the Golden Gate, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, Padua, c.
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