Dr John Tillson BA (Dunelm) PGCE MA PhD Web site: http://dcu.academia.edu/JohnTillson Email:
[email protected] Employment in Higher Education Teaching Fellow in Philosophy Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick September 2016 - Academic responsibility within department for admissions, outreach, and widening participation Project Manager on a Warwick philosophy students in local schools program Tutor: PH 133 Introduction to Philosophy Seminar Leader: PH 122 Doing Philosophy Teaching Fellow in Philosophy and Philosophy of Education Education Department, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University September 2015 - June 2016 Lecturing on Philosophy of Education, and Existentialism modules: HD306: The Claims of Children and Parents; HD205: Existentialism; ED 344: The Common School and its Rivals: Educating Together And Apart; ED442: Children, Wellbeing and Society Tutoring and observing Pre-Service Teachers Supervising BED research projects in psychology and social psychology Part-Time Lecturer of Philosophy of Education School of Education Studies, Dublin City University February – May 2015 Co-lead on MEd and BEd Philosophy of Education modules Postgraduate Tutor School of Education, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin City University November 5th 2012 – May 31st 2013; October 1st 2013 – May; 31st 2014; November 1st 2014 – May 31st 2015 Postgraduate writing skills support tutor Facilitating fourth and second year, undergraduate Religious Education BEd tutorials and seminars Acquisition for and maintenance