BHA news BHA news Issue 2 2013

‘Humanism in the modern sense of the term is the view that whatever your ethical system, it derives from your best understanding of human nature and the human condition in the real world.’ A.C Grayling, Philosopher Voltaire Lecture: The decline of violence The 2013 Voltaire Lecture was given by Harvard Professor, former US ‘Humanist of the Year’, multiple international prize-winner, and one of Time’s ‘Hundred Most Influential People in the World Today’ . His lecture was an intellectual celebration of the decline of violence, summarising the arguments of his latest best-selling book, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Chaired by BHA President Jim Al-Khalili, the lecture presented an optimistic message of how, despite the common perception that we are living in unprecedentedly violent times, violence has actually been decreasing throughout the course of recorded human history. Mentioning Hobbes and Rousseau, who both speculated on what life was like before the establishment of governments in violence from ancient times to the Steven ended his lecture with a call and social order, when human beings present day can be attributed to a range for us to stand up for the things that were living in a primitive ‘state of of factors, not least that, as more people had made our world a less violent place: nature’, Professor Pinker argued that become accustomed to rational thinking, enlightenment values, reason, science, both had been ‘talking through their and reject irrational prejudices, the and Humanism. hats’, because they had not had the justifications for violence against our The audio of the lecture was recorded opportunity to observe human beings in fellow human beings are undermined, and by our partner podcast, the Pod Delusion, this state. In contrast to these thinkers, violence itself declines. This vindicates, and the video Steven presented an impressive body of Voltaire’s famous maxim that ‘Those who will soon be available on YouTube at evidence to back up his conclusions. can make you believe absurdities can He suggested that the decrease make you commit atrocities’. Darwin Day Lecture: The emergence of drug resistance Anti-creationist, chemist, and and experience of being a father — The lecture is available on our Distinguished Supporter of the BHA Sir elucidating on the effect of these on his YouTube channel at: Tom Blundell, Professor Emeritus and work and career. Director of Research at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, presented the 2013 Darwin Day lecture on The emergence of drug resistance: molecular evolution and new medicines for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis. Chaired by BHA Vice-President Professor , the lecture explored how, whilst many accepted mutations are selectively neutral, others appear to be selectively advantageous to organisms by optimising stability, activity, and interactions at the molecular and cellular levels. A true Renaissance man, Sir Tom interwove details from his personal life — from playing jazz trumpet, to being a political activist, and his marriage

We have moved! You can now find us at our new address: 39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB or telephone us on 020 7324 3060 From the Chief Executive Andrew Copson

The news that the BHA has been given restricted themselves to advocating the themselves. If a person is not capable permission by the Court to intervene in legalisation of assisted dying only for of fulfilling their own legal desires and the case of Tony Nicklinson (see below) is people who are terminally ill. Because there are others willing to assist them in an extremely welcome opportunity for us of that, it is worth rehearsing the strong fulfilling their wishes, there is no obvious to make the case on what must be one of moral case for us, as a society, to provide reason why the law should criminalise the most significant ethical issues of our exactly what Tony Nicklinson wanted to the helper. time. His own determined advocacy, the be provided — the case that led the BHA Fourthly: the intentional ending effective use of the media to promote to support this case. of one’s own life is legal and, more his cause, and the ongoing eloquent, Firstly: a mentally competent adult than that, is an act that a rational and ethical, and dignified support of his wife should be afforded control over his or her mentally competent person may well and daughters have guaranteed that Tony own body. Only our thoughts are perhaps consider — in extreme circumstances — to Nicklinson’s death has not been the end more personal and more wholly owned by be preferable to continued life. of the public debate he reignited. The us than our bodies and the right to bodily Respect for the autonomy of a free BHA is the only national organisation to integrity and autonomy of each person is individual, however disabled, combined intervene in the case in support of Tony’s the most important guarantee we have of with the principle of compassion, widow Jane, who has now been given individual dignity. undeniably indicates that society permission to continue with the case in Secondly: some people — through should provide assistance to those in her own right. disability — are unable to give effect to Tony’s position. In the public debate surrounding their own desires. This can create great To support the recognition of the Tony’s fight, there was a general absence suffering for them. right to die with dignity at a time of of prominent supporters from public life Thirdly: compassion should motivate one’s choosing is a rational, humane, and for his position; those who did not oppose us to alleviate suffering and we should humanist position. assisted dying entirely nonetheless be moved to help those who cannot help

Nicklinson Appeal Government releases list of proposed Free In February we made our legal Schools to BHA submissions to the Court Appeal in support of the Nicklinson case. Working In the last issue we reported that we had with humanist philosophers Richard won our Information Tribunal case against Norman, AC Grayling, Simon Blackburn, the Department for Education, forcing it and John Harris, we put forward a strong to release details of all proposals to set defence of Tony Nicklinson's widow Jane's up Free Schools in the first three years appeal against the refusal to grant Tony of the programme — giving their names, the right to end his own life with the locations and religious affiliations, if help of a doctor, as well as on some of any. This followed on from a Freedom of the issues raised in the legal case. We Information request we submitted in also supported several appellants who June 2011. One of the approved Free Schools have been added to the case, who are In February and March the suffering and wish to establish the legal Government provided that data to the GCSE because they believe technology is right to die. BHA. In total, 831 proposals were made corrupting; 27 from Steiner groups (who We will update members once the to establish Free Schools, of which the often give homeopathy to schoolchildren) court dates have been confirmed. BHA was able to identify whether 659 and three from the Maharishi (who teach of these were religious or not. 330 of the ‘Science of Creative Intelligence’). these were religious or pseudoscientific, There was even an application for a representing just over 50% of identified Satanist school in Tower Hamlets. All bids and 40% of all proposals. of these were rejected bar two Steiner Fortunately, religious groups have applications and a Maharishi application. been less likely to be successful than On the other hand, the Church of other groups. Of the 197 proposals have been very successful at that were backed by the Government getting their Free School bids approved: to open, 64 (or 32%) were religious last year almost two-thirds of their 16 or pseudoscientific. Perhaps this is proposals were backed to open. because many inappropriate groups Meanwhile, the Government turned have been applying. There were: down our Freedom of Information nine applicants from private schools request for a list of groups applying to teaching the creationist Accelerated set up Free Schools in the fourth wave Christian Education curriculum; 10 from of the programme, because it was made the Christian Schools Trust network of thirteen working days earlier than a Jane and Tony Nicklinson's creationist private schools; 15 from the comparable request originally made in last family photo Exclusive Brethren, who do not teach ICT 2011. We are fighting the rejection. Meeting with Foreign and Same-Sex Marriage News in brief Commonwealth Office Bill progresses through (FCO) on Freedom of Parliament Memory matters with Thought In a historic step forward for equality, Elizabeth Loftus We met with representatives from the on 5 February MPs voted overwhelmingly FCO to present and discuss the findings in favour of same-sex marriage. The The BHA, Centre for Inquiry UK, and of the International Humanist and Ethical Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was Goldsmiths' Anomalistic Psychology Union’s report, Freedom of Thought passed in the House of Commons by Research Unit hosted Elizabeth Loftus, 2012: A Global Report on Discrimination 400 votes to 175, a majority of 225. Distinguished Professor at University of Against Humanists, Atheists and the Non- We worked with the Coalition for Equal California, Irvine, speaking on Memory religious which highlights nations that Marriage to lobby for support. Matters. The lecture was attended by discriminate against people on the basis Despite attempts by same-sex over 300 people, including 200 students of their , Humanism, or other marriage opponents to dilute the Bill from local schools and colleges. non-religious beliefs and which limit at the Committee stage, it has passed The lecture highlighted Elizabeth’s their freedom of expression. We are very this hurdle and is now in the Report research into how and why people pleased that the FCO will be meeting stage. This gives MPs, speaking on the sometimes remember things that with us every month to discuss progress floor of the House of Commons, another never happened. She identified how, on these issues. opportunity to propose amendments. sometimes, the errors in memory are relatively small, as when people Schools without a religious Reason Weeks across UK ‘remember’ details of recent events character propose faith- differently than they really occurred, but universities also how sometimes the errors are large, based admissions as when people are led to remember Student humanist groups across the UK entire events that did not occur to them, We were concerned when two schools have been running awareness-raising which we call ‘rich false memories.’ without a religious character proposed ‘Reason Weeks’ at their universities; The lecture was recorded and is religiously selective admissions criteria these are dedicated to exploring topics available on the BHA’s YouTube channel. — potentially breaking the law. We of Humanism, science, philosophy, successfully persuaded Surrey Council human rights, and the arts. The groups, to drop its plans, but continue to fight supported by the Federation of Atheist, proposals by Tudor Grange Academy Humanist and Secular Student Societies in Solihull, which wants to use faith- (AHS) this year have included Professor selective Church of England feeder Chris French, speaking on Anomalistic schools. If Tudor Grange decides to Psychology, and science blogger David adopt the plans, this would be an Colquhoun speaking on the Corruption unprecedented step and indicative of of Science. the wider encroach by the CofE into Elizabeth Loftus speaking on former community schools that are now memory at Goldsmiths University Academies.

BHA calls for freedom of Air Cadets commit to speech in OIC countries non-religious oath Members of the AHS at this year's convention Using our recently awarded Consultative It was great news when we heard of the Status at the United National Economic decision of the Air Cadet Organisation To find out if your university or and Social Council (ECOSOC) we called, (ACO) to provide a non-religious oath college has an AHS student group, or to at a meeting of the UN Human Rights for Air Training Corps cadets, following set one up, visit Council, for freedom of expression in the our representations and those of the member states of the OIC (Organisation Armed Forces Humanist Public opposes state- of Islamic Cooperation). Our statement, Association (UKAFHA). The Air Cadet funded faith schools issued jointly with the International oath previously included a promise to ‘do Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) and my duty to God’. A survey conducted by YouGov in January the Center for Inquiry (CfI), was read out showed that the public are against the on Monday 11 March, during the Council’s Children and Families Bill state funding of faith schools by four 22nd regular session. The statement begins passage through to three. The survey asked ‘Here are referred to abuses such as ten year prison some proposals regarding state schools. sentences given to human rights activists Parliament In each case, do you support or oppose in Saudi Arabia, death sentences given to the proposal? … Make all state schools peaceful protesters in Iran for ‘waging The Children and Families Bill has begun secular, and stop them having special war against God’, and the murder of Shia to pass through Parliament. It includes links with the Christian, Jewish, Muslim Muslims in Pakistan by other Muslims. proposals to strengthen the role of the or any other religion.’ The statement declared that ‘protesting Children’s Commissioner. We responded The finding complements a survey against human rights abuse, and pointing to the Public Bill Committee’s call for which we discussed in our last issue, out where the responsibility lies, is evidence by advocating for stronger which showed that the public agrees — not a crime... it is a duty. And may we children’s rights and self-determination by more than four to one — that ‘state respectfully remind the member States (as opposed to parental determination) funded schools should not be allowed to of the OIC that it is their duty to uphold of opt outs from Collective Worship, select or discriminate against prospective the right to freedom of expression, not Religious Education and Sex Education. pupils on religious grounds in their condemn it’. admissions policy’. TAKE ACTION: Introduce a friend to the BHA We know that large numbers of people advice on how to ensure their children capacity to provide more support. base their lives on humanist principles in receive an education at their local state Included with this newsletter is a making moral and ethical decisions, or school which has discriminated against copy of our membership form. If you in making sense of the world. But many them because of their faith-based know someone that would like to play a of them have not identified themselves admissions policies; to providing training bigger role in ensuring secular rights in as 'humanist', and so do not realise the to people who provide non-religious our society, or would like the intellectual range of support available to them. pastoral care in schools, prisons, and social support of belonging to an We rely on our members to ensure and hospitals. organisation of like-minded people, that we can continue to support the We are proud to represent the views please do pass it on. non-religious, and to act on their behalf and beliefs of our thousands of members Without you, and others like you, when it comes to public policy. but we need more numbers to be able to we wouldn’t be able to have the impact Our work reaches a huge number of put weight to our political lobbying. More we do in working for a fair, free, and people: from parents who contact us for members will also help us increase our tolerant society.

Our response to the BBC Impartiality Review In our submission to the BBC’s latest going into decline in this country, we to include ‘a suitable quantity and range impartiality review, we have criticised pointed out that this level of output is of programmes dealing with . . . religion the BBC’s level of output of religious excessive. and other beliefs’, which includes programming. For example, Radio 4 We also criticised the BBC’s failure Humanism. We also criticised the BBC’s devotes over three hours every week to to provide Humanist programming. The coverage of religion in its current affairs broadcasting by believers (almost always BBC has failed to live up to its obligations output, in which religious figures and Christian) about their beliefs. At a time under the Communications Act, which institutions are frequently portrayed in when religious belief and practice is requires public service TV broadcasting an uncritical way.

BHA pilot programme for increasing volunteering in schools

We have now completed the trial phase Education and Personal, Social and of our pilot project to develop a training Health and Economic education (PSHE). course for volunteers who want to work We trained 26 volunteers at courses in in schools. We are now revising the held London and Manchester. pilot materials based on feedback from Working through local groups, we the trials, and building in systems for aim to roll out the training nationwide managing volunteers and requests over the next year. We will soon be from schools. contacting local groups to invite them to The training course is aimed at host training sessions. We plan to start volunteers who want to work more promoting the programme to schools and strategically with teachers. Through local authorities in the new school year, better partnership working, we can once we have a team of people able to provide support and information to respond to our growing number teachers to help plan lessons about of requests. Humanism, and help them to identify It is a big task and we are grateful to how the inclusion of humanist beliefs everyone that is involved. and values can improve outcomes for To find more about the BHA’s school Our Humanist School Volunteer training day, London students across the curriculum, including volunteering programme please visit in appropriate parts of Citizenship Humanists in Parliament meet to discuss faith-based school admissions The All Party Parliamentary Humanist were a major contributor to different Group (APPHG) which consists of over 100 ethnic communities in a locality living MP’s and Peers who are invaluable to our ‘parallel lives’, with religious school campaigning and lobbying efforts met in admissions being a big contributor to this the in February to discuss issue pointed to evidence showing that religious selection in school admissions. UK schools are the most segregated in The meeting was chaired by Lord Europe, and how the situation has got Warner of Brockley; the speakers were worse in the decade since he wrote Professor Ted Cantle CBE, founder of his report. the Institute of Community Cohesion; The meeting covered the Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE, minister undermining of community cohesion of Maidenhead Synagogue and Chair by segregated schooling, and the of the Accord Coalition; and Jeremy discriminatory nature of religious Rodell and Natalie Raja of the Richmond selection in school admissions we Inclusive Schools Campaign (RISC). commitments from all members to work Professor Cantle author of the Cantle together on this issue. Lord Warner, Chair of the APPHG Report which found segregated schools BHA volunteer wins Innovator of the Year award Donate at the Charity Staff & Volunteers Awards Our Dialogue Officer, Rory Fenton, We think that open dialogue with received the Charity Staff & Volunteers different belief groups is important for Donate today to help us award for ‘Charity Innovator of the Year’ social cohesion. Rory’s work not only achieve our aims for his untiring work in ensuring that contributes to our aim to ensure the humanists and the non-religious are promotion of a positive understanding Spending cuts and sympathetic represented in dialogue between people of Humanism and humanists, but also to politicians are making it easier for of different beliefs on a local level. the wider pursuit of a more robust social evangelical groups to influence our Over the past year, Rory has been cohesion, which is an aim shared by all schools, our public services, and even working with local humanist groups and people of good will. our legal system. individuals to build relationships with There is still much work to be done different belief groups and local networks to guarantee that dialogue groups and Our work to fight religious in order to increase wider understanding networks are inclusive of the non- discrimination is more of Humanism among religious audiences religious. Thanks to everyone that has important than ever. and encourage dialogue. been involved in this work so far. We don’t receive any funding from government and are wholly reliant on our supporters to fund our work.

Every single donation we receive is vital.

If you’d like to support us, please send your donations to: BHA, 39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB (making cheques out to ‘BHA’). Or you can donate with a credit or debit card by telephoning 020 7324 3060 or going to:

Rory Fenton accepting the award for ‘Charity Innovator of the Year at the Charity Staff & Volunteers awards I enclose a donation of £______

BHA continues to fight for inclusive school to the British Humanist Association admissions Your Name: ______In addition to the meeting in Parliament Agreement. This showed a severe lack of also covered on the opposite page, we progress on faith-based admissions. Address: ______also took other steps to continue to Later that month, APPHG Secretary fight for an end to religious selection Baroness Massey of Darwen asked four ______in state school admissions, in order to parliamentary questions in order to make schools inclusive to all children, challenge the Government’s policies and Post Code: ______regardless of their parents’ religion. following on from last year’s judicial In January the Government published review in Richmond. We found the its mid-term review, examining how it answers contradictory and unhelpful. had met its commitments in the Coalition

[ ] I confirm I have paid or will pay an Register now for the event of the year! amount of Income Tax and/or Capital BHA Annual Conference, Leeds, science journal Nature, Adam Rutherford; Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 Friday 7 - Sunday 9 June 2013 comedian Robin Ince; geek songstress April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Helen Arney; and our MC for the opening Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I This year our annual conference will be evening, Timberlina. donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that bigger than ever before. tax year. I understand that other taxes Confirmed speakers and guests include such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p the President of the British Humanist of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April Association, theoretical physicist Jim 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every Al-Khalili; psychologist and writer Sue £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. Blackmore; Greenwich Observatory Public Astronomer, Marek Kukula; the Gardiner Using Gift Aid means that for every £1 of your donation, we can claim an extra Chair of Chemistry, Lee Cronin; author of 25p from the HMRC. All you need to do Girl with a One Track Mind, Zoe Margolis; is complete this form — we do the rest comic artist and writer Melinda Gebbie; and it costs you nothing! geneticist, broadcaster and editor for the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies annual convention The annual convention of the AHS (the The AHS Award winners were: National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies), the Best society: University of Edinburgh network of student societies supported Humanist Society. and facilitated by the BHA, was held in Best new society: Liverpool University London on the first weekend of March. Humanists. Speakers included Professor Jim Most raised during Non-Prophet Week: Al-Khalili in his first public talk as BHA University of Southampton Atheist President, journalist and former BHA Society. BHA People President Polly Toynbee, comedian Robin Best Reason Week: University of Ince, author Natalie Haynes, Executive Birmingham Atheist, Secularist and A regular feature introducing Director of Centre for Secular Space Gita Humanist Society. some of our staff, volunteers, and Sahgal, and our own Chief Executive, Best collaborative event: Oxford Atheists, Distinguished Supporters. Andrew Copson. Secularists and Humanists, and Brookes Hannah Hart There are now student groups Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society. in 43 universities across the United Best single event: UCL Atheist, Secularist Namings and wedding celebrant and Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. and Humanist Society. one half of the new ceremonies Representatives from these societies Secular event: Queen Mary University marketing team took part over the weekend in discussions of London Atheism, and and workshops, and met representatives Humanism Society. How did you come to identify from Camp Quest, Ancestor’s Trail, Humanist event: Atheist Society of St as a humanist? Secular Medical Forum, Centre for Andrews. Secular Space, Nightingale Collaboration, Atheist event: University of Southampton I was aware of Humanism for some Survivors Voice Europe, Student Rights Atheist Society. time but it was living in America and The Skeptic magazine. for four years that sent me running to the BHA. I found the ‘assumed Thomas Grainger accepting the award for the University of Southampton Atheist Society religiosity’ troubling. I found my local group, Cotswold Humanists, and trained as a celebrant soon after.

What is the appeal of a humanist ceremony?

It’s important to mark life changes and reflect on the bigger picture. I like our ceremonies because they are honest. I enjoy being involved in occasions that are so warm and sincere. Guests appreciate the PSHE Review concludes with no change authenticity and really respond to it. In March the Government published the We have long campaigned to this effect, I also love that each ceremony outcome of its Review of Personal, Social, including responding to the PSHE Review is different. You could never get Health and Economic education (PSHE), and being an active member of the Sex bored being a celebrant! I have huge in which it proposed to change… nothing. Education Forum’s Policy Working Group. admiration for those who choose We were very disappointed that three On a more positive note, the a humanist ceremony — it isn’t an years after there had been cross-party Department of Health also published ‘easy’ option and involves putting consensus to put PSHE on the National its policy on sexual health, where it your feelings on display — that’s a Curriculum (plans which did not become re-emphasised the importance of SRE, brave thing to do. reality only because they weren’t saying that ‘All children and young people finalised before the general election), [should] receive good-quality sex and What are your aims in nothing has moved on, and many school relationship education at home, at school marketing humanist children are still left with inadequate sex and in the community’. It’s regrettable ceremonies? and relationships education (SRE). that these words have not been met We believe that all young people with action. We know that guests love our are entitled to full and comprehensive Finally, in February, Education For ceremonies. And our customers are SRE, including education about consent Choice (EFC) published a report about thrilled with the experience. But and the advantages of delaying sex, but anti-abortion groups going into schools too many people aren’t aware that also information about contraception, and teaching misleading information humanist ceremonies are an option. abortion, STIs and sexual orientation. We about abortion and contraception. We So first we simply want people to think that young people, once sufficiently have been working with EFC since 2011 to know that there is a meaningful mature to make their own decisions, expose the behaviour of these groups and alternative to a religious ceremony. have a right to this information, and highlight the issue. And second, that our celebrants are in addition, evidence shows that this The report is available at: highly-trained, highly-skilled and approach leads to better outcomes in absolutely dedicated to their work. terms of STIs and unwanted pregnancies. about-brook/education-for-choice From the Chair

One of the outcomes of the World Humanist Congress 2014 in Oxford will be to empower people from such countries to keep up the work they do — by providing training, comradeship, I have three questions for you. and inspirational speakers. We need Although many BHA trustees are people with all sorts of experience, members of local and other groups working together to be part of the Local and groups within Humanism, some of the best team that delivers the Congress and opportunities that I and my colleagues welcomes our fellow humanists from review have to meet members and understand all over the world. Would you like to your views are at the two key annual contribute as a volunteer to make events coming up in the next few a difference to their visit, and at Local Groups round up months — the Annual Conference the same time to make a difference (Leeds, 7 — 9 June) and the Annual to the promotion of Humanism General Meeting (13 July, London). internationally? Find out more at North Yorkshire Humanists The speaker list for the conference is looking to be a great line-up, and the Finally, I have been reading again, Dr Jackie Watson, lecturer in the entertainment will be up to our usual even though not away on holiday yet. School of Education and Lifelong standard, led by Robin Ince. Although A book that has impressed me greatly Learning at the University of East the stand-up comedy and intellectual is Thinking, Fast and Slow, by the Anglia spoke at the North Yorkshire debate will not be quite the same Nobel prize winner, Daniel Kahneman. Humanist Group on the subject at the AGM, we do have a lot to tell The interesting thing about this of spirituality; she explored what you about the year’s activities and particular Nobel prize is that he won spirituality means for schools, achievements. Would you join us at the economics prize, but his academic especially to atheists. Her research these very enjoyable and enlightening career is as a psychologist. He and his interests include spirituality and gatherings this year? colleague Amos Tversky studied human the child. As a humanist and ex-RE The international dimension of decision making, and have undermined teacher, she brought a refreshing new Humanism is an essential foundation many of the cherished assumptions perspective to the subject. of our movement. We assume that the about human economic rationality accidents of your place of birth should that underlie economics. In particular, not determine your human rights and we make most of our decisions so Dorset Humanists your ability to live as a humanist. But fast we are hardly aware of them, our fellow humanists in other countries and most are not the subject of what Dorset Humanists held an event on face difficulties that we do not in we humanists like to call ‘rational Free Will delivered by author and the UK, despite the depredations of enquiry’. Rational enquiry requires teacher Jonathan Pearce. Lively and intolerant politicians and extremists effort and concentration. You can’t thought-provoking, the event was an here. Our colleagues face difficulties be doing something else at the same excellent introduction to the age-old in their countries for just saying that time. So now I have an explanation of philosophical debate as to whether they are atheists and humanists, let why sometimes it can be hard to be a we have free will or whether we alone the gender and other prejudices humanist – you can’t just ride on bias live determined, pre-programmed that abound. Although we have called, and prejudice; you have to think it lives. Jonathan’s talk made at a meeting of the UN Human Rights through for yourself. But Kahneman philosophical terms and concepts Council, for freedom of expression in reports that this ‘slow’ thinking is the easily accessible, and explained how the member states of the OIC, we also least prone to error and bias, with recent developments in neuroscience have the opportunity in 2014 to support better outcomes. Would you join us in have influenced the debate. He also humanists from all over the world more using this humanist way of thinking and explored the connections between directly in the struggles they face in making our decisions in all we do? determinism and the concept of a their own home countries. — Robert Ashby judgemental God, as well as the implications for our justice system if we don’t have free will. Join Galha — LGBT Humanists Birmingham Humanists For over 30 years Galha — the LGBT and want to stay informed about LGBT Humanists — has promoted Humanism as issues and campaigns. Birmingham Humanists have a rational, naturalistic worldview that To join Galha just log in on the BHA announced a new annual lecture trusts the scientific method as the most website and update your records. You'll in honour of Harold Blackham, reliable route to truth and encourages recieve news regular updates and notices philosopher, lecturer, writer, a moral and ethical life based on logic, about upcoming events. ‘architect of the British and reason and compassion. It campaigns international humanist movements’ for equality and diversity, particularly and ‘founder of the British Humanist relating to sexual orientation and identity Association’. This year’s Blackham — both in the UK and internationally. Lecture, on 17th May, to be Last year Galha became a section of presented by philosopher Stephen the BHA and members are now welcome Law, is on the topic How do we raise to join Galha at no extra cost. moral children? Membership is open to any BHA Details can be found at www. member who has an interest in equality BHA news This issue edited and designed by Sara Passmore and staff editorial team. Please send contributions for the next issue — news, views, quotes, and cuttings of interest to other humanists — marked ‘For publication’— to [email protected] or ‘The Editor, BHA’ by 11 May 2013. ISSN 0953 1327 Printed on recycled paper by Rap Spiderweb Ltd, 0161 947 3700

STAFF Andrew Copson (Chief Executive) 020 7324 3066 [email protected] Helen Dickinson (Assistant to the Chief Executive) 020 7324 3066 [email protected] Pavan Dhaliwal (Head of Public Affairs) 020 7324 3065 [email protected] Richy Thompson (Faith Schools Campaigns) 020 7324 3072 [email protected] Ceremonies Training 020 7324 3063 [email protected] Win! Win! Win! Sara Passmore We have a copy of Rumy Hasan’s new book Dangerous (Head of Education & Promotion) 020 7324 3070 [email protected] Liaisons: The Clash Between Islamism and Zionism to Catriona McLellan (Head of Operations) give away to the first person drawn out of a hat who 020 7324 3068 [email protected] correctly answers the question: Andrew West (ICT, Web and Database Manager) What does Rumy first say in the BHA’s YouTube 020 7324 3073 [email protected] Tamsin Van Dyken, Blakeley Nixon video Humanism Intro Part 1? & Iyabo Ojo (General enquiries and orders) Email your answer to [email protected] or 020 7324 3060 [email protected] post to ‘Editor, BHA News’, 39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB by 11 May 2013. PRESIDENT Jim Al-Khalili VICE PRESIDENTS Professor Simon Blackburn, Baroness Blackstone, Mary Honeyball MEP, Professor Richard Dawkins FRS, Professor AC Grayling, Dr Evan Harris, Lord Hughes of Woodside, Professor Richard Norman, Dr Harry Stopes-Roe, Baroness Turner of Camden, Baroness Whitaker, Jane Wynne Willson, Professor Lewis Wolpert CBE FRS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Ashby (Chair), Patricia Rogers (Vice Chair), John Woolhouse (Treasurer), Paul Blanchard, Blaise Egan, Alice Fuller, Allan Hayes, Guy Otten, Alan Palmer, David Pollock, Mary Porter, Martin Rowson, David Savage

The British Humanist Association is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people who seek to live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity.

British Humanist Association 39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB Telephone: 020 7324 3060 Fax: 020 7324 3061 Registered Charity No 285987

DISCLAIMER: Humanists do not agree about everything and some readers will disagree with some views expressed in this newsletter. The opinions of individual humanists are always interesting but are not, of course, necessarily BHA policy. On occasion we include inserts with BHA News. Many of these are part of reciprocal arrangements that allow us to send our leaflets to other organisations’ subscribers. We only accept inserts we think may be of interest to some of our readers, and will not include material promoting causes we oppose. Please do not assume that inserts imply BHA involvement with the cause or campaign, unless otherwise stated.