This international workshop brings togetherInternational specia- Conference,ERC Vienna, Advanced Grant social Italy and its Rulers in the cohesion, lists on ninth-century Italy in a discussion-oriented identity Ninth Century: event. It addresses the question how Carolingian28-30 January 2016 and Transformation religion Was there a Carolingian Italy? “Carolingian Italy” was in the end, and how the Ca- in International Workshop • 25 - 26 April 2016 rolingian rulers in the century after Charlemagne europe, (814-924) governed. 400-1200 Organized by: Clemens Gantner, Walter Pohl, SCIRE Project • Workshop International In most divisions of the Carolingian realm, the imperial dignity remained attached to Italy. In contrast, some North Alpine commentators saw the Italian kingdom as a mere appendix to the Frankish empire. The Carolingian rulers in Italy did not in- the of spire histories or texts that depicted them ProgrAmmE in a very favourable light. Carolingian rule introduced some momentous texts and practices in Italy – capitularies, the Caro- Italy and lingian minuscule, counts, placita to name just a few of the innovations. Neverthe- LOCATION its Rulers in Hotel Mercure Wien City less, in many respects, we may wonder how Hollandstraße 3 deep their impact in Italy really was. 1020 Wien the Ninth April 2016 25-26 INFORMATION Italian Carolingian rulers turned out to be ERC AdG Project 269591 SCIRE rather luckless and maybe because of this Institut für Mittelalterforschung Century: Hollandstraße 11-13 were also depicted as quite weak kings or 1020 Wien emperors, both by contemporaries and in Tel.: +43 (0)1 51581 7200 Was there a
[email protected] modern research.