Giles Whittell | 274 pages | 31 Jan 2012 | BROADWAY BOOKS | 9780767931083 | English | United States The True Story of 'Bridge of Spies' - Biography

It stars as attorney James Donovan, a man who first defended an accused Russian operative, then negotiated his swap for an American pilot held by the Soviet Union. InDonovan published a memoir about his unforgettable experiences called Strangers on a Bridge. Ina well-trained Soviet intelligence agent arrived in the United States. Using the alias Emil Goldfus, he set up an artist's studio in Brooklyn as a cover. Bridge of Spies his real name was William Fisher, he would become best known as . InAbel had the misfortune to be assigned an incompetent underling: Reino Hayhanen. After a few years of heavy drinking, and with no intelligence-gathering accomplishments, Hayhanen was told to return to the Soviet Union. Fearing the punishment that his shortcomings would bring, Hayhanen asked for asylum at the U. Embassy in Paris in May Abel had once made the mistake of bringing Hayhanen to his studio. After refusing to cooperate with the U. Now he needed a lawyer. Most importantly, he believed that everyone — even a suspected spy — deserved a vigorous defense, and accepted the assignment. Though Donovan and his family experienced some criticism, including angry letters and middle-of-the-night phone calls, his commitment to standing up for Abel's rights was largely respected. Donovan, supported by two other lawyers, scrambled to get ready for Abel's trial, which began in October Bridge of Spies Abel faced charges of 1 conspiracy to transmit military and nuclear information Bridge of Spies the Bridge of Spies Union; 2 conspiracy to gather this information; and 3 being in the United States without registering as a foreign agent. Evidence against Abel had been found in his hotel room and studio. It included shortwave radios, maps of U. Another piece of evidence was a hollow nickel that Hayhanen had lost soon after his arrival in New York. Ina newsboy had found the nickel and the microfilm it contained. After his conviction, Abel faced more than prison: transmitting strategic information to a foreign country carried a potential death sentence. Fortunately, the Bridge of Spies was prescient enough to argue that it might be a good idea to keep a spy around: "It is possible that in the foreseeable future an American of equivalent rank will be captured by Soviet Russia or an ally; at such time an exchange of prisoners through diplomatic channels could be considered in the best national interest of the United States. Bridge of Spies won this battle — on November 15,Judge Mortimer Byers sentenced Abel to 30 years' imprisonment, not death, on the most serious charge. While Abel headed to prison, Donovan continued to work on his client's behalf. Abel had been arrested and held by Immigration and Naturalization Bridge of Spies officers, but FBI agents had questioned him and searched his hotel room without obtaining a warrant themselves. Donovan believed this violated Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure, and he filed an appeal to that effect. Even though Abel was a foreign national, Donovan — and the courts — believed Bridge of Spies deserved full constitutional protection, and Bridge of Spies the Supreme Court agreed to consider the case. But on March 28,the Court ruled 5 to 4 against Abel. After his appeal failed, it looked like Abel might spend decades in prison. Powers had been flying a U-2 Bridge of Spies plane, and Soviet officials tried him for espionage; he received a year sentence. When Powers was captured, there was talk that he could be swapped for Abel. Oliver Powers, the pilot's father, even wrote to Abel about an exchange. InDonovan received a Bridge of Spies from — sent with KGB oversight — confirming that side's interest in a deal. The U. However, it needed someone to hammer out the details. Donovan was asked to negotiate the swap. Government officials told him that Powers was the priority, but there were two American students also being held behind the Iron Curtain: Frederic Pryor was facing trial in East Germany for spying and Marvin Makinen was serving time in Russia for photographing Soviet military installations. Donovan was also told he wouldn't be working in an official capacity — if anything went wrong during negotiations in , he'd be on his own. Still, he decided to take his chances. Without telling anyone — even his family — where he was really going, Donovan headed to in late January of Bridge of Spies He had to face a gauntlet of guards at the border of the divided city; he also encountered a street gang and East German police on different occasions. Yet it was his Bridge of Spies — Bridge of Spies which he had to deal with both Soviet and East German Bridge of Spies — that were the most frustrating. Neither offer was acceptable to the U. Eventually, it was agreed that Pryor would be released separately, to be immediately followed by an exchange of Powers and Abel. Makinen's release would come in The American and Soviet sides met in the center of the bridge at a. But they had to wait for confirmation of Pryor's release to complete the exchange. At the Americans, at last, got word that Pryor had been delivered to , a crossing Bridge of Spies between East and . Abel and Powers were officially exchanged at in the morning. Learn about the real inspiration behind the movie about the Pentagon Papers. Bridge of Spies are the real-life mobsters and events that inspired the books and movies. Members of the Wild Bunch, the robbers' life and death inspired the movie starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. The film 'Green Book' is based on a real-life road trip taken by Black pianist Don Shirley and white bouncer Tony Lip and the unlikely friendship that resulted from the journey. It's a lesser-known chapter in the courageous life story of the Underground Railroad's 'conductor. After a deal went sour, the automotive brands went head-to-head at Le Mans in Based on the real case of an accused murderer and a disgraced journalist, 'True Story' reveals that "telling the truth" can be a slippery concept. More than a century after her execution on espionage charges during World War I, the debate over the guilt or innocence of the legendary Mata Hari continues. Eight women were mysteriously murdered Bridge of Spies Jennings, Louisiana from and as the investigation progressed, the small town's dark secrets began to unravel. Donovan believed everyone deserves a defense After refusing to cooperate with the U. Abel was convicted on all three accounts Donovan, supported by two other lawyers, scrambled to get ready for Abel's trial, which began in October Donovan had to fight for Abel's life After his conviction, Abel faced more than prison: transmitting strategic information to a foreign country carried a potential death sentence. Donovan appealed the case Bridge of Spies Abel headed to prison, Donovan continued to work on his client's behalf. Donovan headed to Germany to negotiate the swap Donovan was asked to negotiate the swap. By Sara Kettler. By Eudie Pak. By Hadley Meares. By Colin Bridge of Spies. By John Calhoun. By Barbara Maranzani. By Tim Ott. Bridge of Spies vs. True Story of James Donovan, Rudolf Abel

From " Veronica Mars " to Rebecca take a look back at the career of Armie Hammer on and off the screen. See the full gallery. In the , a lawyer, James B. The pilot was arrested alive after his plane was shot down by the Soviet Union during a mission and stays in the company of a KGB intelligence officer, Rudolf Abel, who was arrested for espionage in the US. Written by Gusde. One of the surprising things about Bridge of Spies is not really that Steven Spielberg directed this story, which tracks the trial and then trade of a Russian spy in an exchange for an American pilot, and someone else who I'll get to shortly. It's the kind of material that would attract Spielberg, especially with the hero of the story, Jim Donovan Tom Hankswho comes into a situation he shouldn't be involved with but not only can pull off talking and reasoning with people and finding the better side of a situation or person's nature. What's surprising in a way is the involvement of the Coen brothers with the script. It's hard to say if was the primary writer someone I'm not familiar with, not least on the level of his co-writers and if the brothers came in on a polish. But watching the movie, it does make more sense - certainly more than Unbroken, which barely has their touch - since it carries a lot of dry wit in the exchanges between characters, in particular the opposing attitudes of people in this 'period' setting. Hanks' Donovan is Bridge of Spies straight-shooting guy who believes in the constitution of the United States and wants to do right, legally speaking, by his Bridge of Spies Rudolf Mark Rylance in a fine, subtle supporting roleand doesn't really care per-say what he's done or didn't do. This doesn't fly well in a society that is overrun with Red-Scare fever and end up Bridge of Spies the worst of things when in total fear of things i. The Coens I think brought a sense of realism to things, but also stylization; the way characters talk at times there's a lot of things where people try to figure the other person out, which is fascinating to watch. When Donovan arrives at the first part of the mission he's given in the second part of the film, to do this exchange of the Russian for an American pilot caught by the enemy, he goes to the Russians and doesn't talk to the lawyer who he thought to talk to but some other official. Spielberg covers this expertly, going in on Hanks and the other actor at just the right moments to emphasize things getting tenser - another young American, a student caught up in the mix of things it IS East Berlin, after all - but the script dictates a lot of the momentum here. Bridge of Spies at the same time the Coens aren't necessarily making it 'Coens-y', in a manner of speaking; they serve their filmmaker extremely well, giving a light air to a good number of scenes in a way that keeps the tension and Bridge of Spies in Bridge of Spies good balance. In a way it's interesting to get this so soon after The Martian, also in theaters: two films about perilous situations and men caught in a struggle to survive, and two stories that benefit from some levity. Between the two though, Bridge of Spies is the more serious affair, and certainly Spielberg has a lot thematically on his plate. The story takes place during the Cold War time, but it's really a war-war so to speak, sorry, couldn't find another way to put itonly with terse words and missions via the CIA instead of men on a battlefield. At the same time I feel like the message can, and probably will, resonate Bridge of Spies Spielberg knows that we're in times where it can be dubious whether people are put on trial and given proper legal counsel if they're suspected 'others' or combatants, and if they get the counsel who knows how the trial will go. Bridge of Spies may have Hanks being, shall we say, Jimmy Stewart-like I know other critics will or haveand is the guy the audience likes - his endearing characteristic in the second half, of all things, is a cold. Bridge of Spies it's because Spielberg embraces this, as does Hanks in playing him, that he's a man who will stop at nothing to get done Bridge of Spies needs to be done for a man's freedom and security or how he sees it, so down the line, despite whatever Bridge of Spies in prison walls with glaring lights and big questions about this or that for information. Perhaps with a tougher kind of actor this wouldn't work, like I could never picture, say, Bruce Willis in this role. Hanks comes in and is unequivocal in his earnest desire for justice "Everyone deserves a defense, every life matters" echoes another Spielberg motto in Schindler's Listand it's refreshing in a way to see this in a movie right now. Two little issues: the film's ending is a little long, with a coda that feels like it stretches just a little longer than it should, albeit for a visual callback that does add a bittersweet tinge that is welcome and interesting; and the lack of a John Williams score the Bridge of Spies for Spielberg in 30 years is startling. Thomas Newman Bridge of Spies bad at his work, but it's unremarkable, and doesn't give certain scenes that do need a little extra punch or kick that 'Spielberg' type of music. It's hard to describe it, but I feel it when I do, especially during the climax. Aside from those small points, this is near-classic work by this director, with a star in top form who is wholly convincing. It's also a wholesome Bridge of Spies in that old-time Hollywood sense, but not in a way that should date it any time soon; it takes a stand for what should be held accountable for those accused, and that, really, having a good insurance policy is maybe the only policy that's logical. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Director: Steven Spielberg. Bridge of Spies to Watchlist. From metacritic. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. Oscars Nominees Binge-Watch List. Road to the Oscars: Fresh Faces. New Releases on Amazon Video. Steven Spielberg. Best Movies of Kurt's list of movies. Share this Rating Title: Bridge of Spies 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Won 1 Oscar. Bridge of Spies Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Mark Rylance Rudolf Abel Domenick Lombardozzi Agent Blasco Victor Verhaeghe Agent Gamber Mark Fichera James B. Donovan Joshua Harto Bates Henny Russell Receptionist Rebekah Brockman Alison - Donovan's Secretary Alan Alda Thomas Watters Jr. John Rue Lynn Goodnough Billy Magnussen Doug Forrester Amy Ryan Mary Donovan Jillian Lebling Peggy Donovan Noah Schnapp Edit Storyline In the cold war, a lawyer, James B. Edit Did You Know? Trivia Flughafen Tempelhof Airport in the south-central section of Berlin, Germany is where the historic airlifts of and took place, and was an indispensable location. These airlifts took place when the Soviet Army closed off access to Bridge of Spies western part of the city by all other means of transport. Planes from the U. Donovan and Francis Bridge of Spies Powers to the U. Army cargo transport plane. Scenes featuring actual U-2 planes, Bridge of Spies on Bridge of Spies ground and in the air, were shot several months later at Beale Air Force Base in Yuba County, California. Goofs Further on the claim at the end of the film that Abel was never acknowledged as a spy in the USSR, in the beginning of the Soviet film 'Dead Season' Myortvyy Sezon Abel addressed the audience as a veteran Soviet spy razvedchik. Quotes : [ returning home ] I gave them nothing. I gave them nothing. James Donovan : It doesn't Bridge of Spies. It doesn't matter what people think. You know what you did. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Bridge of Spies this. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is this film historically accurate? Language: English German Russian. Bridge of Spies (film) - Wikipedia

After working as a spy in America for approximately ten years, Abel had become unhappy with his assistant over his drinking, arguing with his wife, and hiring of prostitutes. Like in the movie, the Federal Court put the decision of who would defend Rudolf Abel in the hands of the Brooklyn Bar Association, who in turn selected Brooklyn insurance lawyer James Donovan. Much like Hanks' character in the film, the real James Donovan did believe that everyone deserves a defense. Donovan asked Abel for a fee of ten thousand dollars for the defense. He donated the entire sum to three universities Strangers on a Bridge. Watch a newsreel that features James Donovan speaking about defending Rudolf Abel. As stated in the Bridge of Spies movie, despite being a civilian for more than a decade, Donovan had experience from working at the Nuremberg war crime trials as an associate prosecutor on the personal staff of Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Prior to Nuremberg, the Bridge of Spies true story reveals that Donovan had left private practice in and held the position of associate general counsel of the United States Office of Scientific Research and Development, which Bridge of Spies the creation of the atomic bomb. He was then commissioned as a line ensign in the navy inwhere he served as general counsel of the Office of Strategic Services OSSthe agency that dealt with sabotage, espionage and other covert matters. Donovan left to defend Rudolf Abel mainly because of Donovan's experience at Nuremberg. Tom Hanks right as Donovan in the movie. In Donovan's book Strangers on a Bridgehe Bridge of Spies that his wife Mary also grew upset that he was giving more of his time to Rudolf Abel than his family. On November 15,attorney James B. Byers not to consider the death penalty for his client. In open court, Donovan told the judge, "It is possible that in the foreseeable future an American of equivalent rank will be captured by Soviet Russia or an ally; at such time an exchange of prisoners through diplomatic channels could be considered to be in the best national interests of the United States. The movie Bridge of Spies to significantly shorten the time between Abel's sentencing and the Powers-Abel exchange. The real James B. Donovan top left convinced the judge not to issue Soviet spy Rudolf Abel top right the death penalty, arguing Abel could be traded for a captured American in the future. However, during his defense of Soviet spy Rudolf Abel, Donovan and his family did receive vindictive letters and threatening phone calls, to the point that he had Bridge of Spies have the phone line switched to an unlisted number until the trial was over. Friends of his wife Mary made comments to her and asked her if Bridge of Spies husband was "losing his mind. On November 15,Brooklyn judge Mortimer W. The case, which had made international Bridge of Spies and turned James Donovan into a public pariah, faded into obscurity. It wasn't until Maywhen the Russians shot down the U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers, that Abel's case, in particular Donovan's talk of spy exchanges, became relevant again. The Soviet Union had originally sentenced Powers to ten years three years confined to a prison followed by seven years of hard labor. CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers had taken off from a military airbase in Peshawar, Pakistan on a mission to secretly photograph Russian military sites deep within Soviet airspace. His U-2 spy plane could reach altitudes in excess of 70, feet, which was thought to be too high for Soviet surface-to-air missiles or Bridge of Spies planes. However, unbeknownst to the United States, the Russians had been improving the range of their missiles to combat the intrusion of spy planes in their airspace. One of the missiles exploded close enough to Powers' plane to break it apart and send it careening toward the ground. He was unable to engage the plane's self-destruct switch before ejecting from the cockpit and parachuting to the ground. Believing that the CIA's spy plane had been destroyed and that its pilot, Francis Gary Powers, was Bridge of Spies likely dead, the Eisenhower administration tried to cover up the incident by telling the press that the pilot of a weather plane had experienced oxygen difficulties and drifted off course. The State Department denied espionage, stating that there was no "deliberate attempt to violate Soviet air space and there never has been. Watch a newsreel highlighting the U-2 controversy. According to the Bridge of Spies true story, Oliver Powers, the father of captured U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers, wrote to Rudolf Abel telling him that he was going to ask the United States government to make an exchange. Abel's wife Elena wrote James Donovan to see if he could get her husband clemency like in the film, Donovan was aware that some of the letters from Abel's wife were likely being written by the Soviet government. Donovan then contacted the Department of Justice. The fact that Donovan had defended Abel several years earlier also helped, including convincing the judge to spare Abel's life because he might some day be needed for an exchange. No, but in his book Strangers on a BridgeJames B. However, it Bridge of Spies appear that he ever witnessed such a shooting in person. He only speaks of seeing heavily armed East German guards at the wall, along with observation towers and machine-gun emplacements. The true story behind Bridge Bridge of Spies Spies reveals that it took several months of negotiating before James Donovan was sent to meet face to face with the second secretary of the Soviet Embassy, Ivan Schischkin, in East Germany. During those months, Donovan worked with the Department of Justice to set up the prisoner exchange. He deliberately fooled his Bridge of Spies. Business trips to Europe were an almost yearly Bridge of Spies. He sent her Bridge of Spies cable from London telling her he was heading to Scotland. Instead, he traveled to West Berlin where he stayed for ten days, crossing into East Germany regularly to discuss the terms of the exchange with Ivan Schischkin, the second secretary of the Soviet Embassy. Donovan did meet Abel's "daughter," his "wife," and his wife's "Cousin Drews" at the Soviet Consulate, and like in the film, he suspected they were impostors who the Soviets had brought in to butter him up. Originally he was supposed to be accompanied by an American Mission officer fluent in German and Russian, but the U. Since Donovan was given no official status, there would be no embarrassment to the government. In his book Bridge of Spies on Bridge of Spies Bridgehe does talk about nervously walking through a group of ten or twelve seemingly homeless East German youths with cigarettes Bridge of Spies from their mouths. However, they did not steal his overcoat or give him any trouble. He also did not start with a cold in part due to not having his overcoat. Donovan did develop a cold, but it was likely due to forgetting to turn the upstairs heat on in the Bridge of Spies he was staying at in Berlin. The Bridge of Spies true story reveals that the Ivan Schischkin character, Bridge of Spies Donovan meets with when he crosses the into East Germany, is indeed based on a real person. His full name is Ivan Alexandrovich Schischkin and he was the second secretary of the Soviet Embassy. As witnessed in the movie, the real James B. Donovan says that Schischkin spoke "impeccable" English. American economics student Frederic Pryor had been held by the East Germans on espionage charges. Bridge of Spies to the Berlin Wall going up, the Yale student had been doing research for his on trade behind the Iron Curtain. When his research Bridge of Spies him to obtain material that the East Germans Bridge of Spies confidential, they arrested him and the prosecutor Bridge of Spies the death penalty. The East Germans were Bridge of Spies for Bridge of Spies propaganda trial Bridge of Spies would force the United States to publicly recognize the East German government, something that the U. First, college Bridge of Spies Frederic L. Bridge of Spies bridge links Berlin with and was unique in Bridge of Spies it was a place where the Soviet Union and the United States stood directly opposite one another. This made it an ideal place for prisoner exchanges. Soviet officials arrive for Bridge of Spies prisoner exchange in the Bridge of Spies movie. Some even believed that he should have committed suicide instead of letting himself be captured. Like in the movie, he did carry a silver dollar in his pocket that hid a needle dipped in poison the CIA official in the movie describes using it as "spending the dollar". However, a CIA inquiry into the ordeal found that Powers had handled himself appropriately. The organization bestowed upon him its highest honor, the Intelligence Star for bravery. Expand your knowledge of the Bridge of Spies true story by watching the newsreels and footage listed below that features the real lawyer James B. All Research. James B. Frederic L. Pryor Born: April 23, Our principles are engraved in the history and the law of this land. If the free world is not faithful to its own moral code, there remains no society for which others may hunger. Donovan, Many believed that American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers left should have Bridge of Spies suicide instead of letting himself be captured by the Soviets. Officials and guards await the Bridge of Spies exchange at Berlin's top. Will Rogers.