All His Hewn of WE DO BED SANK iiKd Surroundlne Towns ¥? k r-- Told Fearlessly nnd Without Bins. JQUR PART

leauci WctiUy. £..UtLd tJ C~coi d-Clmj Clutter hi ihe foal- Subscription Price! Ore ¥ear SI.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 26. o/lico at 1UJ B-iil', N. J., under tLo Act o( MtsuU Ut 11*70. RED BANK, N. Jl, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1933. SU Months 81-00. Single Copy 4c, PAGES 1 TO

sisted from their labor and stood THE CAR CAME BACK. Site Recommended reverently idlcnt with bared heads. Reicfiey To Be School IJoaircl Has Tho attractive home of Mr. and .iceoses John II. Murphy's Automobile Was Mrs, Diver, beside tho old mill Missing Moro Than a Year. For New School stream, is the only remaining evi- Director Of Board Liquor Sales Has New Owner dence of old timea when Eatontown More than a. year ago, namely on Middlctown Village Civic Asso- Eatontown Soon to Have a Re- was one of tho chief places for flour His Selection as Presiding Officer Fifteen Granted by the Mayor election night in 1932, John R. Mur- Louis Kaiser, a Famous Horse- phy went to the polls at Port Mon- Arguments, Criticism and Ac« ciation Suggests the Purchase stored Lcikc as One of Its At- making In Monmouth county. Tho and Council of Red Bank rimony Galore at Session oS appearance of the house has been of New Board of Freeholders mouth to vote and left his car parked man and a Member of the of T. W. Ridgway's Property tractions — Twenty Unem- changed, but it bears the ear marks Was Announced at Demo- Monday Night—Twelve Ap- in front of the place. While he was New York Stock Exchange, the Middletown Township for $4,200. ployed Men to Work on Job. of old times despite its moderniza- cratic Victory Dinner. plications Were Refused. lasting his ballot the car was taken Buys It From Bertram Cutler. Board of Education. tion. Tho fo'ur brick-lined brick walls and all efforts to recover it proved Some time ago tlio Middlctown Thanks to the mayor and council of the dwelling are still standing and Announcement that Frederic P. The mayor and council of Kcd unavailing. Mr. Murphy• never ex- A real estate transaction of con- Virtually right "from the drop of township board of education asked of Eatontown, the Boro Busses com- in other respects it iy just as it was Reichey of Bradley Beach lias been Bank on Monday night granted five pected to see it again. What was his siderable interest was consummated the hat" until adjournment was taken tho Middletown village civic associa- pany of Red Bank and the Civil when it was built, including enor- selected as director of the new board licenses for the sale of liquor to bo surprise, therefore, when on Thurs- last week by Feist &. Feist, incor- the, meeting of the board of educa- tion to recommend a site for a Works Administration, Eatontown Is. mous and heavy hand-hewn oak tim-of freeholders was made by John J. consumed on or off the premises and day morning he found it U\ his yard. porated, of Newark for Bertram tion of Mlddletown township Thur*. schoolhouoo which it la proposed to soon to regain a historic landmark bers held in place in wooden pegs.»In Quinn, state cotnmittecman,' at a ten licenses for liquor to be "sold in Whoever had taken jt had apparently utler, a Standard Oil executive, who day night was a battle royal. There build in tho village through a loan through the restoration of tho an- the cellar Is a very large stone flrc- Democratic victory dinner given last packages at stores. Those receiving used it little or not at all. It was ti'?insfrrrecJ zi large acreage, located was a full representation except fop from tho Ilcconatructlon Finance cient mill pond at the northern en- placo which apparently In old times week at Vivian Johnson's at .Mon- licenses to sell liquor for consump- inequally as good condition as on the near Lincroft, to Louis Kaiser, a Mrs. Barclay W. Moffat, ono of the Corporation. A delegation- of mem- tranco to the business section of the wag used not only for cooking but mouth Beach in honor of Arthur tion on or off the premises were Isa- night it was stolen. member of the New York Stock Ex- new members. Spectators were not bers of tho association, with Capt. borough, on the west side of the state uloo to heat the entire house. The Pryor and Henry Herbert, freehold- (lore Weinstein of Monmouth street, change, The property which changed numerous, but the few who attendees Anthony Blaohoff, president, as their highway. For tho past week or so chimney on the / floor was open the Strand restaurant of Broad hands is on the road leading from saw plenty of action. spokesman attended the meeting; of twenty Eatontown men who had so as to diffuse the heat. street, August I^lelnschmidt of West Red Bank to Lincroft and is within The chief matter at issue waa th® the board of education Thursday been jobless have been engaged in Front street, Michael Canzona of New Councilman a very short distance of the famous recent report made by Morrla Part- night and suggested that property clearing away underbrush and in do- Shrewsbury avenue and Angelo Whitney and Grecntrco stables. The ner of Red Bank, a certified publio owned by T. W. Rldgway be bought ing other work to make a lako which Scotti of Shrewsbury avenue. The sale comprised an area of large sta- accountant, concerning tho financial an tho fjite. wiil be about half a milo long and Barboor Will Not ' Atlantfc and Pacific company 4'c- At Eatontown bles, outbuildings, large dwelling and condition of tho schools. In th|g r©» This land comprises seven acres, which will cover about 23 acres. ceived licenses to cell liquor at two a bungalow, with a half-mile race port Mr. Portner claimed that & with a right of way eighty feet wide Not ono cent of additional taxes stores on Broad street and Mon- John S. Read Appointed to Posi- track, which in the early eighties number of changes should be madQ on tho King's Highway. It adjoins will bo imposed on Eatontown prop- Run For Governor mouth street. Other store licenses tion Made Vacant by Resig- was well attended by society while in order to correct wrong practices. erty owners by this project. The were granted to Louia Prate of "West proportion owned by Mr. Ridgway nation of Carl Whitehurct— the place was then known as "By- The audit was referred to the flnanca and (ho Mary Holmeu Taylor estate. property which will be flooded is Senator Issues Statement That Front street, Christian Berge of ram's track." committee of the board for a report. The prlco aoked Is $4,200. Mr. BIs-owned by the Boro Busses company He Will Stick to His Present Broad street, Liggett's of Broad Postoffice Not to be Moved. The property was taken by Mr. This committee consists of William of Red Bank. This concern bought street, Whelan's of Broad street, Kaiser in the name of Race farm, M. Petingale, clerk of tho board, Irv- chol'f, in a written report, said that The Eatontown governing body the location wan tho nu-.»t central tho land several years ago when it Position as Senator Instead of Butler's of Broad street, Louis Felsh- incorporated. Mr. Kaiser intends to ing Roop and Rev. Ernest W. Man* one available. John N. Hlllycr, who bought the business of tho Public Trying for a New Laurel. man of West Bergen place, the New met Wednesday night at the Borough utilize this farm for the breeding and deville. The clergyman is a Be* Is a real estate broker and a mem- Transit company, of which Fred Jersey Wine and Liquor company of hall with Mayor Charles Breeae pre- training of trotters and pacers and member, ho having been elected last! bei* of the board of education, com- Beal was the chief owner. To make United States Senator W. Warren Monmouth street and Raphael To- siding. Due to the stormy night very also for the raising of choice farm February. plimented the association having ob- tho lake a dam which has been part- Barbour of Locust Point issued a maino of Shrewsbury av'enue.- few were "present. Minutes of' the products and poultry. The new own- The alignment, "old board vs. new statement Monday that he would not tained the offer at tho prico men- ly washed out will have to .bo re- Licenses were refused to Rocco past regular and special' meetings er has been veiy successful in the board," which has so frequently beeU be a candidate for the Republican tioned. Ho said lie had tho property built. Tho Boro BusHe3 company has Nesci of Leonard street, Tony Pingi- were read and approved. addle horse field and is undeternv so much in evidence at meetings 06 nomination for governor of New Jer- on hln Hut of salable placeo at $7,000. agreed to pay for all the material tore of Leighton avenue, Kate Scalia Councilman Gibbons reported that ined at present whether he will con- the board of education, was marked" sey at the primary election next Tho board of education has decided needed for this work. Arrangements of Chestnut street, Anthony Mazza Lhe project of moving the Postofltce tinue in this part of the sporting ly apparent at last Thursday night's! May. It is as follows: not to call an election to vote on the to this effect were made a few days of Herbert street, Sebastian B^zar to the borough hall would not be car- ^features connected with his activi- meeting. The "new board" did noS achoolhouse project until after the ago when tho mayor and council of "For many weeks my name, with- of River street, Louis Barberio of ried out because it would lessen the ties. The property is ideally located muster full strength on account oS proposed loan has been approved by Eatontown had a conference with out any encouragement on my part, West Front street, George Grause of room for the meetings of other or- for the training of trotters and pac- the absence of Mrs. Moffat, but ort. the Reconstruction Finance Corpor- W.illlam V. Russoll of Rod Bank, the has been repeatedly advanced fT West Front street, Salvatcre Vaitl ganizations using the hall. A delega- ers as the track on the property was one occasion they polled three votesg ation. president of the Boro Busses com- newspapers of the state and by^ of Shrewsbury avenue, Paul'Kutsche tion recently appeared before the originally constructed for that pur- due to the deflection of John N. Hlik pany. friends as a candidate for the Repub- of West Front street, Patsy BorelU Board of Freeholders to see if they pose. Mr. Kaiser seriously contem- yer, an "old board" member, t« It Is estimated that tho cost of lican nomination for governor in of Morford place, James Vaccarelli would take over Wikoff road aa a plates entering the field of racing. their side. the material -will be about $500. The 1931. And I am anxious at the outset of West Bergen place and Antonio county road. A joint meeting of Bor- In the transaction Mr. Cutler was The finance comlttee turned In K labor cost, which will amount to ap- of this statement to express my very Dellapietro of Herbert street. ough and County officials are in con- represented by Howard S. Higginson report 6f Mr. Portner's audit and tha proximately $2,000 will bo paid en- deep appreciation to all who have Action on the applications! for 11- ference this morning on the Wyukoff of Kcd Bank and Mr. Kaiser was chief, fireworks occurred at thaS tirely by the Civil Works Adminis- thus indicated their confidence in csenses was taken at an executive road proposition. represented by A. Louis Spitzcr of time. The report was signed by Mr. tration. Tho work will be completed me. session of the mayor and council af- The resignation of Councilman New York. Petingale and Mr. Roop but not t)X about the middle of February. Plans "I feel, however, that the time has ter the regular meeting. It was Carl Whitehurst which waa handed The property has considerable his- Mr. Mandeville. The latter turned Its. fteansburg School Trustees Make for rebuilding the dam have been now come when in fairness to all voted at thia meeting to make the in at the last regular meeting was toric interest, having originally been a separate report in which ho asked Accusation That Paul I. Red- prepared by J. Wesley Seaman & concerned, I should make my posi- "§£i license fees for clubs ?600 per year. accepted with regrets. Mayor Charles part of a tract of 162 acres owned at the board to answer a number og cay Uses p?ofimiri?~5na"Rrdi- Son of Long Branch. Concrete will tion entirely clear in this connection. Previously it had been decided to Breesc appointed John S. Head as one time by James Grover, situated questions which he said had beeis FREDERIC P. BEICHEY. culc to Discipline Pupils. bo used principally. An Island will "Never before In the history of the mako this fee $360. The change to Mr., Whitchurst's successor. on both sides of the road from Rdd raised by Mr. Portner's audit. Mr, bo in tho center of tho lako. nation have tho activities and the $600 por year waa made upon tha Three applications for liquor li- Bank to Lincroft, formerly Leeds- Petingale and Mr. Roop, in their re- ers-elect,' and Assemblymen. Theron That Paul I. Redcay, principal of J2atontowr\ residents seem to be authority of the federal government recommendation oX Frederick Bur- censes were received by the clerk. ville, and known years ago as the port, claimed that Mr. Portner was McCampbell and Fred P. Shock, Jr. Ihc Middlctown township high school enthusiastic about thia project. It is been so far reaching and intimately nett, tho state alcoholic commission- Saling's Diner on Main street applied road from Leedsville to Grover's inaccurate in several particulars and Mr. Quinn was.tdastmaster. The din- it Leonardo, uses profanity and rldl- viewed as affording tax relief be- linked with the everyday life of the er. . for a consumer's . license, and An- bridge and extending from Jumping that some of the recommendations ner was attended by 600 persons from which ho made would be illegal I£ :ulo to discipline tho chargo cause several men who had been on individual. It is my belief that this The license question was discussed thony Ratti, and Max Miller, both ot brook on the north almost to Swim- situation makes it more necessary all parts of,tho county. The incom- carried out. . In other respects, they; made by' the board of education of tho relief roil will bo put on the pay briefly at the open meeting. A num- Main street, applied for a distribu- ming river on the south. Grover's than ever before that those who rep- ing board of- freeholders -will com- said, that some ot the recommenda- Kcansburg In a the board roll. The restoration of the historic ber of persons who had applied for tor's license. It waa stated that bridge is now known aa Newman resent their state In Washington prise four Democrats and one Re- tions were pertinent but they wers it education of Mlddletown township. pond will add materially to the licenses were present, and Council- Ratti's and Miller's license- would be Springs bridge. should be ns familiar as possible with publican. man Thomas M. Gopsill invited them being complied with. Kcansburg has no high ochool and charms of the borough. In the old laid over becaus? their places might In 18G5 James Grover conveyed tho every phase of their increasingly Mr. Reichey said that eighteen to express opinions about the matter, TtoBt of the older pupils there attend days before • the dam collapsed it be within 200 feet ot the borough hall. 162 acres to Robert B. Warden, who William M. Smith, county superln* was a great place for fishing, boat- perplexing duties and bo constantly years ago when the Democrats were Paul Kutscho of West Front street tendent of schools, was present and •.he one at Leonardo. In closing of the meeting it was died about 1872. Mr. Warden's exec- Ing and skating and thero Is no more and more alert in guarding the last in control of the board the coun- was the only person who took ad- was asked for hl3.opinion. To a large The letter was read at tho meeting staled by Mayor Breesc that the utors conveyed 59',-i acres of the tract doubt that all of theso things will interc'sts and rights of the individual ty debt waa $18,000, whereas tho Re- vantage of this opportunity. He said extent ho supported the arguments if tho township board Thursday borough would have a decorated to William H. Grant and that con- come back. The mayor and council of tho state they represent. publicans will relinquish control this he had spent about $3,000 Kor a bar veyance included the property now made by Mr. Petingale and Mr. Roop. light. It stated that profanity and and to make changes to his building Christmas tree as in the past years. .ldlculo were not a proper means to proppso to have the lake stocked with "Tho two years which I have al-' year leaving a debt of $15,000,000. Mr. taken over, by Mr. Kaiser. In 1883 Ho said that the audit In many -ways trout nnd other fish. ready spent in the senate of the Uni- McCampbell, Mr. Shock, Mr. Herbert when he received a license last sum- William H°. Grant conveyed about was informative and helpful but that regulate the conduct of pupils and mer to aell 3.2 per cent beer. He 1 :hat Mr. Redcay should bo reprlm- Near the dam is the residence of ted States have given mo a back- and Mr.Tryor expressed their grati- 27 '/£ acres to Henrietta M. Byram, it showed failure to understand Mr. and Mrs. Harry Diver, near ground and knowledge bora of ex- tude for the support received at tho said he had run a respectable place wife of James Byram, and Mr. By- school accounting. He said the audi- manded for having acted In this man- and .that he cpuld see no reason why ner and should be warned to uae bet- where for many years a grist mill perience in respect to these many and November election. ram operated a trotting and training tor should not bo blamed on this ac- titood. The mill was constructed in growing problems involved in the re- Congressman William H. Sutpbin his application should not be grant- track for horses until about 1S05, count. He said he had examined tha ter judgment in tho future. ed. Ho said it seemed strange that colonial times. It was razed a few lationship of the federal government denounced the "die-hards" who were Chosen President when the property was acquired by reports of three other certified pub- The board of education ordered the not a single application for a West years ago. The last persona to oper- t<, the people themselves. It would attempting to obstruct the recovery John M. Corlies of Rumson. lic accountants and that all of them letter filed and deferred other action Front street license had been given. had made the same mistake of not ate tho mill were the late Charles appear to me therefore to be neither program of President Roosevelt. He Election Held by Monmouth In August, lfp, Mr. Corliea sold aecause neither Mr. Redcay nor the realizing that school accounting ia and Joseph Richmond, who were fair to those who so recently elected urged his audience to co-operate with Mr. Gopsill stated that thia was the property tc/ Anna Lewis Allen, members of the Kcansburg board uncles of Mrs. Albert W. Worden of mo to the senate nor justifiable from County Horticultural Society different from municipal accounting. ivero present. William M. Petingale, the President to the fullest extent. merely a coincidence and did not in- ifo of F^mtfcl G. Allen, and Mrs. Red Bank. Joseph Richmond died the standpoint of the state's best In- dicate that licenses for West Front —Thirty Dollars for Relief Alfen "soon thereafter acquired He said that Mr. Portner had mad@ slei'lc of the board, was instructed to terests to abandon my present du- Leo J. Warwick, county chairman, his audit on a cash basis Instead ot eighteen years ago and Charles Rich- lauded Mr. Quinn for his efforts in street were taboo. He said that no of Needy. further parcel at the northwest cor- notify Mr. Redcay and the members mond dlod about six years ago at the ties at a time like thi3. on an accrual basis, as it should ba :>f the Koansburg board to attend the the interests of the party and ho favorites were being played nnd that ner of the tract from Joseph W. home of Mrs. Worden. The mlll- "In other words, with all that tho an effort was being made to so dis- OtHcers were elected for the com- Thompson of Lincroft to straighten made. next meeting. All of tlio interested houae property was bought by Mr. joined with Mr. Sutphln in appealing ing year at last week's meeting; of parties will then have "their day In federal government now means and to the people to support the Presi- tribute the licenses that every busi- her line. Mrs. Allen in September, Mr. Mandeville said that although Diver from Joseph Richmond's son, lhe Monmouth County Horticultural 1928, disposed of her holdings to Ber- court," it was said. will mean for the next few years to dent. ness section of the borough would be ho was a member of the ilnanco com* Lewis Richmond, who is now living tho state of New Jersey and the peo- represented. He said the muyor and society at Red Men's hall at Rumson. tram Cutler, 'whose son, Bertram S. Unable to attend owing to previous mittce no copy of the report of thaS in Ohio. ple of the stato as individuals, I be- coilncil had set no limit :IR f.o the William Porter was chosen president, Culler, ha;; since occupied the prem- engagements or inclement weather committee had been given to Itlnu NEW LHJUOK KIKM. Tho mill, with tho waterfall and liove that it is my obligation to servo number of licenses to be granted, but Alfred Grililths first vice president, ises. A copy of the report waa handed tot out my term as a representative of were Freeholder T. Edward Jeffries, that it miiKt be nhvious to everyone Michael Connors second vice presi- A large bungalow, larger stables pond benldo it, had a peculiarly at- Governor A. Harry Moore, Judge the clergyman by James C. Hen- flcllelier and \Emtin Conducting Bus- tho state in the senate and by the that too many liquor-selling places dent, John Schumann secretary, Percy and other modern outbuildings, as drickson. the president of the board* tractlvo and picturesque appearance. William L. Dill, James Baker, stato iness 111 Old MnlnUlinhctl location. same taken, give no thought to seek- would bo bad for tho community. Rjidford financial secretary, William well as a modern addition to the or- Mr. Mandevillo claimod that the re- Artists frequently sketched it and to highway commissioner, Assemblyman Many years ago the George R. this day picture postal cards arc Bold ing any other olllce." He reminded his listeners that under Macintosh corresponding secretary iginal dwelling, were erected during port of the finance committee waa David C. Wilentz of Middlesex coun- the liquor law local option is possible and L. Jones treasurer. William Mac- the Allen and Cutler ownerships. Mr. virtually a one-man report inasmuch] Lanr. j Distilling company occupied showing thin old scene. Tho restored ty and Mrs. Rulif V. Lawrence of nno of the stores In tho Hcndricltson pond or lake will not bo readily ob- Alumni Dance. and that the town might vote dry intosh is the retiring president. Cutler subsequently acquired from as it dealt with changes which, Freehold. and bring back prohibition if the Chosen on the executive commit- Leslie It. Stewart a parcel o£ about Mr. Portner claimed should be mado . fc Applcgate building on ICast. Front servable to travclero booausc-'of. the Tliu annual Chriutmas reunion and Voctil tiolos were rendered by ICd- liquor question were not properly toe were Charles II. Rice, Matthew 22 acres adjoining his holdings on in Mr. Pclingale'a methods. Ho saiU street, near Broad street, conduntihg fact that the road Is considerably dunce o[ the alumni association of lower than tho proposed new dam. ward O'Brien of Rumson. Dancing handled. Curran, Harry Collies, William1 MnC- tlie" ea:>t',' on' M-hich-are-situated a that Mr. Pctingule in passing judg- the Htore as a wholcBalo wine nnd Miildletown township will bo held At this point there Is a sharp decliv- wus held after the dinner, with music lntush, John Porter and Albert Sto- modern dwelling house and outbuild- ment on Mr. Portnet's audit waa vir- liquor distributing establishment. Tuesday evening at tho Red Bank ity known as Mill hill, at tho top by HackettV, orchestra. John I-I. CHRISTMAS 1CVK CAROLING. vick. On the auditing committee are. ings. This parcel was sold by Wil- tually reviewing hia own aetst. They were later succeeded by J, I. EJk.'i' home. Tho Now Yorkers or- of which are tho tracks of tho Cen- Nnughton was chairman of tho din- Percy E. Hides, Frank Edington and liam H. Grant to George Eifert in Criticism waa directed nt Mr. Man- Monaky, who. continued the business chestra, under the direction of Louis tral railroad company, much used ner committee. Special Service to «n iMd at Alfred Oridlths. 1871 and live years later was sold by doville by James C. HcndWckHon, tha imd added a retail bottling distrib- Mlchehion, will provide music. The Mr. Eifert to Henry Langendorf, when horse racing was In vr/guo in 1 ^ town Church, The society donated $30 for the re- president of the, board, because tho uting feature.-- Mr. Monsky retired public ia invited to attend. who occupied lhe premises until his from business and sold out to his Monmouth county to convey folks Dnncfl tho New Year In A special community enrol Kinging lief, of the needy. Distribution v audit was released for publication be- nt tho Llncroft Inn Sunday night, death in 1'JIO. Mary E. Farley nnd head clerk, John Taylor, who con-to nnd from tltc famous Monmoutli service will be hv.hl at Christ Kpla- left in the hands of Rov, W. Calvin fore the llnanco committee had op- Park race track. CT. December 31. Special entertainment Henry C. Langcndoif, children of Mr. portunity to study it. Mr. Mande- tinued tho bufilncs:! until ills death. copal church of Middle town village Colby, pastor of the ltunison Pres- Having completed pry .n£;*e;;!!ment and. orchestra,.. A j.;ood time is aa- Langendorf, who inherited the prop- ville stated that in hi:i opinion thero During the past four years tlio The mill was built In 1C07 rind en- Biircd, ?3.00 per couple, including byterian church. Mr. Colby stated for 1!>34 tho taxpayers of Holmdel Sundnv night itt half-past, eleven erty, sold it to George E. Palmer in was no impropriety in this. lie said, store- hna been operated by Jum.cs larged in 1780. It was for many township may inspect my books at dinner. Make re.-imvutlon now. thero jue many needy case:; Ui;it o'clock. Thin Chri;-itma;i e.\c, service l'J20 and he occupied it until 1U27, the audit waa virtually a public- ICclleiier, who bad a lino of noiwil- years owned by the Katon family, my olilec in llolmdel on Friday. De- Phono Red Bank 397S.—Advertise- never receive proper attention and has ahvay.s been very popular. Kvcry- when he disposed of it to Leslie R. owned document in view of tho fact cohollc wines and liquors. Mr. Kel-from which tho borough of ISaton- cember 22il, from 1:00 to -1:00 P. M. ment. ho was sure much relief would he onc will join In singing- Clirl^tiiins Stewart, who occupied this part of that tho people of tho township had Ichor has taken Into partnership town derive!) Its name. The house Alex L. McClees, given with the. society's contribution. Notice. carols until midnight when Holy the tract until ho sold it to Mr. Cut- paid the bill for Mr. Portncr'a serv- with htm Gcorgo Evans, jr., nnd thoowned nnd occupied by Mr. and Mrfl. Asuesrtor, Holmdel Township. Certilleates of culture were award- - Advertisement. I hereby publish according to law Communion will bo celebrated. Hcv. ler. ices. Ho said the public waa entitled atoro in now being operated under Diver wan for nmny yearn the resi- ed to Percy Hiciw, Alfred Grllllths. . -«»-»~«SM- my intention of applying for a retail Ernest W. Mamluvlllo will offleiate to a full report about tho audit. the Him nrnno of Kcllchcr & Evuns.dence of tho owners nnd operators of A Itargain I''or Sale. consumer's liquor licence. Joseph Kennedy, James Kennedy ami and preach. New Iluildlng Firm. Mr. Hoop called attention to tha' Tho firm hna an Inlliul advcrtlnc- the mill. On tho coming New YenrD 100 feet of railroad property, good Margaret Harvey, The children of Christ church will Edward Itomaln for exhibits which locution; milliiblo for coal oi- lumber Pleasant Valley Tea Room, Incorporation papers have been fact that in tho audit an published, monl In today's issue of Tho Regis- dny, fifteen yeaTn ago, fire of un- glvo their ontritiilnment, at eight scored 05 or more points during tin: yard. Easy terms. Size of entire Htftte Highway 31, llolmdel, N. J. tiled at Freehold by William Mon- tho last paragraph of Mr. Portnor'S ter. known origin destroyed part of the o'clock Christmas eve. At thia tlmo year. Edward Romaln exhibited a property: lOOxlliO feet. Frank Pit- —Advertisement. erieff & Co., of Navesink avenue. comments did not appear. A re- Mr. Kellchcr nnd Mr. Evans liavo old building. Tlio milt waa still be- tenfior, phono 21-11 nnd 703.—Adver- (fie children will luivu their ivva and di';h of k''rown tomatoes ing operated at that time, but after Rumson, contractors and builders. porter for The Ite|;i;itcd who attend- Informed Tho Register that tlioy will tisement. Notice. gift;; will w dhttribiitcd. On Chrlnt- tho ilro its wheelf! never turned again The lirm incorporated with 100 ed tho meeting stated that Ihhs was endeavor to hmintuln the high I hereby publish according to law man morning tlirro will bo celebra- Nancy Ijme CandioH. to make flour or corn meal or to U. A. Johnson Co.. my intention of applying for a retail As.sorled chocolates in two, throe shares at 5100 per vnl'ui William i li M< ttablo onil ion ,ir»i tint it * standard of goods and reputation ea- tion of Holy Conmnininn at, eleven labllsbod by those who had formerly prind up grain for farmer:! to feed 110 Monmouth street, !inu expert ra- consumer's liquor llcenm\ or live pound boxes: two pounds clear MoiK:l-i<>IT of Kmn;-oii hold , slv wi not iutentiiuiil on tlio lMit et oVluck, with llv.v. KinruL M;imlevi]]e 1 conducted the liquor bnnlmviii at the to tliclr llvo stock. dio service; ahio generator, Imttfiry, Gnorgn Finlor, liiirij (.-anily -life, one-pound jar clear shares, ('harle.; < Juppli .-: nl lied IJ ink the i> ipn. in the )> XIIM j tph n lcn(fi "taiter and electric motor service. Tiroadway, lU'lforcl, N. J. oHlclatlng. hard candy 2!)e, one-pound hoxc.-i as- to Mi I'm Inn 11 il MI MI l'itlm;.»l« iiiune location for nearly half a cen- Price.'! rcuiionublc. Phono 3(10.—Ad- two !ih:ir<\i mid Kibi-rt Ulhtu of 1 on tury. ^ Churlcn Richmond, who \v;t:; a — Adveitlnf nu'iit. sorted chocolates 2i'e and up, all and At! , Vim Mmji on, tin ssnu- <<> baclielor, was tho operator of tho tl especially packed for Xinus sit Pe- branch two sh:ii i'.-->. t n\ to Mi 1'itlni >lc, fot tin (l»3 I'or Hale. Dunhill, Kaywuuilie. Miilim* anil mill nt tho time of the fire. When nh.c nnd Kwiinnell's, Broiul and Mr- -^ •«* . pull ol hdplulm i mid < » "t« rotiort UPolley'M for (ilirbtmnn OnrilH. the blaze occurred ho wa:i nt thr: HUM to New York City. .Sodii water, all flavors, Camilla Frank'« Medico pipe/i; Icitaieco clumii' streets, Itcd B'.-uik.- - Adver- Due to Chrislniiis nnd fv u Vt n No.vrr before have wo IIIKIWII tiuch 7iic. one Wiiy, $1.00 excuifilou, good Diy, VVliito Rock. Kruq;er'ii bocr. poiichon, bill loldii, ciKiircttn lighter;;, tisement. day falling un Monday time will In liowii hy tin ni In imul hint: furls homo of the lato Hurry l'"ny of Hod fur llftocn diiyii. Ilurdgn Hus Lino, and other brand:!. Ainu distilled wa- pipe Htnnd.M and a Inrgo number of and ilf IIU i foi th i ml. Ml. Toil* attractive, timistml Xninn cardu us Hank, father of Mrn. Albert W. Wor- —«a» !.«»— • no rtiUtM-tlon of gat-baj' on the ( VMi Blond ntreet. Red Hunk, l'bono ter. lJMiJnmln H. Crate, 11 Nortl. other tsmoker's iinvrllic:) nt. Denbw 'I'et.loy'fi I/ead A|Ciiln days. Collection will bo made tin IK i Ud that this H ihtaiitr noi* *>** thlii yenv. Why not pick youni out drn. Mr. Richmond died live: yean! 1 now'! I'm whiit I:; Olirlnlmiin without. 891.—AdviTtlppnifiil. Tirldconvcnuc, Red Hank, phono H8!i and Hwtinneir;!. lUond nnd Mechnnli; with the mont attractive and unusual following Thursday. OKI mime u , un li'lp I" him md Hi it It viidd n good fi-lr-ndly card. Tclloy'ij, 17 Inter. It in recnlied by Mr. uiid Mn<. —Adverti.'iemcnt-i .'itreci, Red Kunk.—Adverihienicnt, Chrislma;.1 cnlihi ever offered. They quested t" observe this i ultnt In ut I'M uiif i ui* i} pntiMd by tlio rnlll which Mr. Rich- iieo ihom to npprcei.'ite tlioin. Tru- to Bult your burner; b«it grades and iJorvlco eallu nmdo at your homo arc* box assortments with 3!> < irdi - Advertisement. liln'fi, ail liroad IHIOCL--Advertise- price;). Unoxcollcrl narvlca. Fr«d U. i unmlttii vii. mil > discount on chtldren'!i pool bill's. M liroad ulriict. O|i( n m lilni 1 !ilti;i, and mnny other popular lnand:i Adti poili i ll< < Hd II.if In h • S'lif >t» 1 1 cotno un cycHorr. It. hud lost, all of Hank «7. Trained nnd practical tahlen; nil iikuri. At TniMii'n, III) • Advertisement. in bttKt , ! of 25 or hi), fit Di'nlm) and Nollf.r>. linlli hi tu|i 11 t,i o .1 hi I i 'tit 11 ijui;ipn on mil,- -Advortl-'jement. Uroml (ilreot. Ojien ovniiliijiii.- Ad- TmrHml VAttH nt VnhiWn, I hereby publish acconiini; to law MwunnnU'ii, llriiml nnd Mechanic KM oM-tlmo nttrnctlvem'S!! and ar- . i'onHjtc. tft dim ilsuf.dln tlhMlnnui* iHjsmHH id uiflsM t j ah V!-itl:jeinenl. Kverytiling for tin- !smoker. All my intention of applying for a reluit rlreetii, Htd Hank.-Advertisement, tltits no longer upent time; In milking 11KK) I'ontlac il« lusn HIIIII, HI.i- Ihllid I) MIII i III jinlillf oi '(i picture!) of It. The properly Imd liilfi- Only tlio Host In Used kindii oC boiuldtj liqiiorn and wine:), consumers' Honor license. Mllln-1 €nimi Knliool or llimcli um r Hi 'H It ' ly brsen noit! to the Public: Trniitill In prc-HTlptloim iHnpnn.ind l>y Chlim- (luinri- Wlmrf avenue ami WVi.t Alfred I [linker, Toyn nml (]in« IH'IH I'lmnnmy. Yi Wnllncn ntrnet, Phone itod Hank 2011, 15 Kedor l'l. fi:i I'nrlc HI,, Port Monmouth, N. J hi Iglit.-- Advert iweltlcti I. diitt "l lid l« mil >. « linMl.'illll, piwiin 111). Aril'i'i'tlnirmnnl l liptiilofHi Ihj mi ( i mi iU'i , tt< n't Isii-p; selection i>( Xivin*! 'OIIIIH mid Ciill tbiit when tin- fiinrnil prnci'Miilon Hind i'ltmly. Tiiiblu'ft Tvprvvi'llcr "Ifi xliiimlrt <. ,i ihll lull H It t n> i !)<• ' ' wnipplii);" at Ti'itliln'n, Ml ltroml <• Tnvt;, piss-Jed by th*! nif,n v.'im wnr tut- 'I'll.' i-ii:ul (li Ill'tter iilld lii|;|-l-r liu: I I 'uro liniiXMiindc Itiitil rninlv nl Doll ll.i pllal TypnwiltiM-M renti-d. hml lit n hi tint lln II III ' !/ i p st , t 'tirM. Op.-!* t'-S't-uillf;^.- Advtutl-ir-- (JiiBfd in traiIng iluwn llio mill de- I'liu- in,tar Mimic Vh'.'ll- (oyM Jit, IK'S!' lend.'! Ihrollj;!] Til'1 Vti'|;l:iti'r'.'i ad- IIIMM'1:;, ••!!<• pound, live jMHind.-i nt UK: al Truliln'.i, 3U l'.r.oiid street, Ailvc it ml ri-imlrcd, Ttillilll'i .i' I I ad j'uiinunij i ! i < it • ,a i # jurist. Hi'.'••<',':<, Me uotiml.—Advcittacnicul. VCI'llsilUS folUlHllil.--Allvcrt|M;|ln;ilt d AllU lilred, llol llaiili.-Aitvutl utniil. f Page Two" BED'BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1933. when tax nnd state moneys wero weekly, as per recommendation of were they not submitted to tho audi- board and of tho finance committee, ugement eecm to mean uuthSisg at teiut~snd same attention jmt en the just 8ia wrong to m&Ke the finance I must continue to work towards that all to them. Their mlnda bava wero The present overdraft should be (validated by a statuto of limitations, ager, propose to do about clearing up and bungllngs and devoto themselves ordered paid. Mr. Mandevillo and correctedtd . I it should bo cancelled. and rectifyinctifylng thin matter? only to an attempted whitewash. Mr. Williams voted against paying Why has not the bank balance j What other unpaid expense and That proper and right financial Recommendations for corrections of tho bills on the ground thnt Mr. been reconciled with th._.o boo. k bal- supply bills were there in addition management 1» immediately essential ances each month, in accordance with to those listed In the audit? Why is self-evident. As a member of the mistakes and Improvements in man- Mandovillo was not consulted as a ordinary bookeeping custom? member of the finance committee The board should issue instruc- CEL when the bills were approved for tions that this neglect go no further. payment. Mr. Hcndrlckson and Mr. CaBh records should bo Installed Boop said that this was unjust no- for the purpose of controlling salary Marking The Opening Of tion. They said that Mr. Mandevllle account, as per recommendation In Do your was away on a busiensa trip when the audit. Thb Radiant New tho bills were approved by the com- Pay roll sheets should be signed each' time by the president and dis- mittee and that It waa not fair to trict clerk, as required. hold up tho payment of salaries to teachers and other school employees Donations. on this account. Mr. Mandevllle said It was popularly understood by both the people and the teachers that his courao In voting against the bills tho ten per cent donation was to be being paid was not unjust. Ho said universal; that is, that all were to and the new tho other two members ot the finance make it and there were to be no ex- 60 Broad St., committee could havo granted him ceptions. It appears from the audit opportunity to study the bills before that a number of teachers did not Red Bank the meeting If they had wanted to. take this so-called voluntary cut In Eleven years ago, as pointed out in salary. Mr. Portner's audit, a check for Why were some of the teachers $507.29 waa given to given preference? T _ a contracting Which teachers did not make the firm for work done at the Port Mon- donations? TOOUtli schoolhouse. The firm in Why was not a record kept of question was in the hands of a re- those who had agreed to donate? Saturday Evening, 23d ceiver at tho time. Tho check was Who wero the lato donators—in never presented for payment and It other words, who were the ones who at 9.00 O'Clock has outrun the statute of limitations. returned the ten per cent during the summer and after the , school year It was votefl to stop payment on tjhe was over? check and to transfer the amount v The recommendations of the audit involved to tho capital outlay ac- should become an instruction to the Dinner... Dancing Entertainers count. district clerk, i. e., he should check Many gife to choose Mr. Mandevllle called attention to the contributions in order to record the fact, that Mr. Portner's audit what comprises the balance of from. EveYyfhing on showed that about $800 was due from $804.89. a few teachers who had nofyet con- Vouchers. one floof. No crowded tributed ten per cent of their salar- Why were many vouchers approved , lea, under the arrangement made last for payment not itemized—not sup- aisles. Save time and year whereby all of the school em- ported by Invoices, and not sworn ployees had consented to take such to in accordance with tho law? This matter should bo rectified at « « shop hsro s a person a cut In the Interest of tax relief. once. Also, vouchers for personal At present the board Is deducting reimbursement for expenses should ten per cent from salaries, but last be substantiated, as per recommenda- year tho voluntary contribution plan tion of audit. •wan In effect. At the meeting Thurs- Why was this matter of faulty day night Mr. Mandevllle asked what vouchers misrepresented by Mr. Fet- gets ingale to the board? Berkeley steps were being taken to collect the Evening in Paris $800 due. In answer to questions made at the public board meeting, Mr. Petlngale Wine—Tokay, Port, Sherry | .25 qt. Asbury Park F. Howard Lloyd, the township stated definitely that each voucher supervisor of schools, stated that all was accompanied by proper affidavit, Conrain»EveninginPari3 of the teachers in question had prom- etc. Face Powder, Perfume, Whiskey—Bourbon -i .60 to .00 to ^.75 at tho earliest possible opportunity. ure is contrary to law? Recommendation of audit should Mr. Mandeviilo stated that he had be followed In the matter of payment ascertained that some of the teach- of bills, the payment of sums on ac- Old Colony Gin—Fifth $1.50 ers who had failed to make the con- count, specific bills filed with vouch- AU NATIONALLY ilNOWN MAKES. tributions were those iJn the high ers, ^etc . VjJcullvJCreditors,D ' „,.,bill„s should be NO COUNTERFEITS—THE BEAT, GOODS FROM salary brackets. Mr. Lloyd stated I attached to tno vouchers, • OOVKHNMKNT BONDED WAREHOUSES. that he had investigated the circum- stances and that there were extenu- Bcpair Work. S8S5 Tho audit states that Insufficient ating reasons in every Instance check has been made on theso activ- For the Pipe Smoher where a teacher had not made the ities. contribution. Ho said that all the Why haa this been—and why the teachers in question had experienced laxity in time reports, authorization, misfortunes which had temporarily etc., as pointed out by tho audit? caused financial embarrassment to Repair bills should bo submitted them, but that he was sure they L. en ing in Paris would eventually pay the money promised. There was a long discussion about In a beautiful satin lined A REAL SOcDRIAR PIPE providing bus transportation for pu- star package. Makes an A Una Mover Tobacco Pert pils who take part In school activi- ideal Xnia5 pi ft. nnd your choice o/ We will make it possible for you to always be dressed in the height ties after study hours. Mr. Mande- for C 1 TIN OF ANY 15: TMACCO of style regardless of how much cash you have. Select whatever clothing vlllo advocated that bus tickets be bought and distributed as needed to 1.10 5 23 you need for yourself or your family NOW and we will arrange terms for * the pupils taking part In such activi- All for 59c payment that will please you. ties. Mr. Lloyd stated that the dally Reynaldo Bankers 10 for 29c Packed In very attractive box average of such pupils was 89. Consists of new single El Roi Tan Perfecto 5c; 5 for 23c Mr. Lloyd called attention to the ! compact, gold tone, en- possibility of getting tho high school! graved with matchingcol- La Provedora . 5c; 5 for 23c Frank athletic grounds at Leonardo graded j or inlay decoration and Spanish Smokes '. 10 for 25c and otherwise Improved, under the Toiler Vpr:rr, '2 oz.) provisions of the Civil Works Ad- 1 ministration. Unemployed men would Rexall CORONA 5c; 5 for 23c io r; - bo put at work on tho job and the 2.00 Match King Lighters 50c to $1 Girls' and Boys' administration would pay tho entire Men's Suite labor cost. It would be up to the /'V board of education to provide tools I .,.The. hnard.membpxB ' DU BARRY Exceptionally flno ma- were of the opinion that these things ( t terials, Exclusively tai- could be borrowed from the town-1 R. HUDNUT lored; nit i'lib' "newi'i't" ship committee. The hnnrd Eciuneil Specially Priced. shades; single and lect the private tuitions listed on IMWEKIES 2V2 \h. BOK ll PuKA 3 of tho audit? Ittfllclcint bookkeeping mcthodn set up on theflo tuition cliartfrvi and col- j BLUE BLADES LOESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Imrtlons, as per recommendation made In audit. 100 BLADES ' 'llic /,n atest combination of stylo and value that any smart Miss or I.tolrlMlos. STAFFORD ARMS DELDALE ;\];itin)) cinilfl nskior. I'rop^r. pi'Ocednro of recording lfa- Specially Priced at $E.5O and Up. bllitlea' when Incurred should bo fipt Double h FORTY-SECOND STREET up onftKioka us per recommendation In audit. SANDWICH Assorted Chocolates Why lutsi tblis procedure ;ui oullinrul All Pound Packages by the HtAtc department not been fol- J I 1 1 Imved Ht tho punt? 10>j Inches x 5,'4 inches. EACH 29c J Why win nearly $7,000.00 omitted (Junr.inff.l f - -;u. 1 1 [ i from thy ccmtmcumtl ortlcui entered I «> June 30, M)»? Gas — Oil Homsmaid Chocolate J 1 1111 . Why WIVB $!>0,B7T.O0 unpaid on PEPPERMINT PATTIES Pound bonds and Intercut emitter! from y Ihr o Free Crankcaae Service • ..'. V ) ,i i,ml' l« M In the '"it of < for SHELL PECANS TIP-TOP fhfl IMipll' ttpmlptl i( Ih0 county tu- Cor. Maplo Avc. & Bergen PI. WRIST WATCH 1 BOOK TO WOOIAVORTH'H FIVE AN!) TEN-CENT RTOBE. jn tlnt«ndi>iit I'houkl lin •"'itidtrd. Vtnpa cif J oo Hi" bund I m< BttntH A. C'. o ) ) ! \h\v in mi.' tl f iKtuilt, In II" Iiifint Sclirafft'a Chocolates ( ji b^ )' to 1ii*r (out. tnnd) H bond's Cor. Front & Spring St«. 182 BROADWAY PHONE L. B. 2079 " Snmucl Katz, Prop. in M il V,n i "nil tins fH U} 16S 60c to 1.50 per Ib, 3. -Ts^^ M ftW RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBEE 20,1933. Pace Three Girl Scout and Boy Scout booths were prises* will be awarded, one to tho per- the Marlboro road Friday morning. to Washington in their automobile j received a license to sell alcoholic well paironUed. Tho program given son making the hlsheet score in This was caused by the icy condition and conveyed him home. beverages. The tea ia 1350 per year. Ulgb Point SpljiUwUn In connection with tho bazar waa as pinochle and one to tho person malt- of the highway. No one wats hurt Forty-six persons attended an old- follctws; Miss Louise Seals of Sklllman, New UQUID. TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROI'S ing the highest score In bridge* and the damage was small. . fashioned dance at the Pleasant Val- York, spent two day3 last week with Violin duct, "O Littlo Town or Hcthle- Tho firemen arc completing ar- Robert R. Voorhees, Jr., who at- ley tea room Wednesday night. Music her parents, Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Cheeks Colds first day. Headaches or; hem" ...- -.. Joseph VVsckur «nd rangements for their New Years eve tends Georgia Technical college at waa provided by UcGuire Bros, of Seals. Neuralgia In 30 minutes. Malaria in 3 days •net. near ftpplcton Ava., LiiankHa, "Satisfactory" Work as Senior Guatavc J3al8rSus, with piwio ucewmpan- dinner. The number of dinners has Atlanta, Is homo for the Cfrriatmas Piiono Atlantic Hlffctnadi «rt Imetit by Mrs. 1'Yed Wciut'l. Asbury Park. Miss Dorothy Lefsky Is visiting her Fine Laxative and Tonic lo Ai Required in Plan for 1938— Flnno solo .i A. J. Weldt been restricted to 115 nnd that many vacation season. His parents drove The Pleauant Valley tea room has j cousin at New York. "Kettle of Kindness" (ilrl 8i:outa tickets have already been sold. , "Excellent" Juniors to-be Re- Zither «olo A. J. Weidt Hoio, "Tha Sons Wo Love" eeive

"Old Maids' Club." A comedy entitled "Old Maids' Individual Ice Cream Order Our Home-Made Club" was given recently by the © »•* /r»i 12.59 Ice Cream for Your Ladles' aid society of tho Farming- a ant a Llaus j~ «« dale Methodist church. Atflcfi wore Mmas Dinner. ransacked for tho old-time dresses worn bp the participants. Those who took part wero Mrs. Ethel Butcher, ULTRA-SHEER MEN'S Miss Grace F|andreau, Mrs. J. R. Al- laire, Richard Brant, Mrs. George FULL-FASHIONED Genuine Broadcloth Mcglll, Mrs. Ida Meglll, Mrs. Edward Meglll, Mrs. Frank Jacobson, Mr3. R. Holdingcr,-Mlss Mary Yard, Mrs. Wil- THE HOME TOWN STORE KOSE SHIRTS liam Flrostino, Mrs. Arthur Foster, Mlsa Josophino Miller and Miss Paul- ino Stanford. TEA SETS Car Found In Lake. James Jones of Asbury Park, box- Ing inspector, thought a fr.tend had LADIES' taken his car which he had parked near the Elks' club ot that place one PURE DYE, SILK night last week, eo ho walked home, expecting the car to bo returned tho next day. Tho "friend" had driven the car Into Wesley lake, where it •was found tho next morning. It waa not darraged. Wool Dresses .., MEN'S TIE & . -o^&—; Muffler Sets Port Monmouth News. Silk Dresses ...

(The Red Unnk Register can bo bought Dinner Dresses ... In Port Monmouth ot thu stores of Charles Meyers and Snlvadore Scnglimic.) Street Dresses ... : FILAMENT RAYON Albert HennesBcy, son of John Hennessey, returned home last week Evening Dresses.. from the Long Branch hospital, where ho was a patient for a brolten Dresses for Every leg which ho recolved in an accident laBt summer while he waa riding on Occasion... his motorcycle. Tho Injured leg is in a plaster east. in up-to-the-minute styles and Howard Etistmond, BOH of Mr. and wanted shades. ing Toys Mrs. Ralph Eas^monil, is out aftor having been sick" with scarlet fever. Sizes 14 to 20 — 38 to 52. Irving Gillette and Hugh Hennes- LADIES' sey, who are stationed in Virginia with the reforestation army,,aro ex- SIMULATED LEATHER pected homo Friday to spend the hol- iday season at their homes. Mrs. Josephine Kotchum is con- lined to tho"1>cd with sickness. Joseph Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ralph, la homo for tho holi- Men's ROBES day season from Baltinioi-e, wherojjc LADIES' LADIES' attends college. 6 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. William Oliver, son of Mr. and Mr3. WE GIVE AUTO AWAUD TICKETS! Everett Oliver, la a patient In a hos- FASCINATING SCARF SETS pital In North Carolina, whero ho at- tends college. Ho Is improving and LADIES' AN IDEAL GIFT AND it is expected that he will bo home Ladles for tho holiday vacation. SERVICEABLE. Mrs. Margaret Stelnborn la improv- GENLiiNE KID Vanity Sets ing from sickness. JSoautiful Combinations. William Poling, son of Mr. and Mrs, Russell S. Poling, is back at C&6B.7S 11 school aftor having been laid up a 'week with a heavy cnid. • C to *|] .59 John Verbot, Jr., was a visitor at Now York Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Noble were visitors at Now York Saturday. The Ladta' auxiliary of tho fire company will give a Christmas par- ty at tho ilrehouso tonight for the HANKIE CASES children of the members of tho aux- LADIES' iliary. Santa Clnus will bo present and there will bo a Christmas tree ALL-WOOL nnd glfU. PAJAMA CASES | .00 Earl Compton, a atudent at the New Brunswick theological seminary, was In chargo of tho service at the FOR MEN, WOMEN,. CIIILUKEN Community church Sunday. Cornelius Beautifully VanLceuwen will have chargo next Sunday. Albert, Harold and Rudolph Made QuackenbUHh received awards for Formerly 1.29 LADIES' CHII.nitENVS perfect attendance for thirteen weeks. Doris Dlngwcll received nn Bath Robes award for perfect attendance for five weeks. LADIES' l<'itteen members of tho Monmouth SATIN FINISH IN COLOKS. unit Republican club went on a bun It's tha now TEMPERED RUBBER bet wo con I And we'll show 100% WOOL FLANNEL trip to New York Thursday. Dcn- jilto tho Inclement weather they hud tfcaddovolopodforU.S.Tires.U you prices on thoso tires In a delightful tlmo. They visited makes U.S.Tiros safer, tougher, your size, that are really SEN- THREE LITTLE PIGS Radio City, !iud dinner nt a restau- rant and npont considerable tlmo In longor wearlng'lhan any other SATIONAU They're tho lowest shopping. leading brand. Prova It? You by far In our hlstoryj Tho Ludlcn' aid society of tho Com- munity church mot nt thn homo of Mra. John Montag ycfttorduy after- noon. In tlm nvoaittf! tho regular monthly butiinpisii mooting of tho church wan held. Tin! members of tho Monmouth Phone 2112 unit tUnubllenn club will moot nt tho flrehoiiMo i'Vldny mornlnj; to jmclt 24 bushntn with Chrlslmmt dinners for Artistic [I (nrnlllcD In needy clrcuiniitnncc.t. The Chi Intmrui tmterltiinincnt of tho fUindny-Dcltool will bo given Sat- JOHN HANSEN MPS urday evening nt olRhl. o'clock. All pnrentn and frlanils um Invited to »t- tend. Ktintii Olaua will mnko bin ap- 42 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. jioniaiwn nt tlm ami of tlio program. Tito bsiKtir nt tho fichoolhmisf) Frl- tiny uvontng for the tumeflt of th« ,. ". .'^36 Broad Street, Community chmvh wmi Miicc^'nfnl

Demoorats in the community have been candidates for drivers of food and ammunition au- gathered from mllass around to ehoot' Hit by Cm. K«ouga wes attempting to cross at day pigeon targets, Tha prises | p Keougi), 0? years old, wao Broai street Irom ths east to ths the position. tomobiles with the American army in 1 were turkeys. My cousin had prom- treated at Riverviw hospital! tor west elde. Tho cor, which wiutidrlven In point of service Mr. Ivlns la the oldest member Franca. The school children of Monmouth ised to win one for my Thanksgiv- ns about the fcce, which he by Fiitssy Vaearell! of West Bargan ESTABLISHED 1878 BY jTQHW B. COOK. of the tax board. One good thing which the board has Editorial Vkws county raised $14,260.80 (or the gen- ing dinner, and ho niado good hlsi Sunday night when lie was place, was proceeding north on Broad GEOEGE G HANCE. Etfltos. done during the past year ia to eliminate the position of eral Victory War fund. Tho Kumson promise by tying for first place by struck by an automobile at tha cor- street. Policeman Benjamin P ner of Broad and White utieets FBEDEEIC 8, HAYES. Stonagtag Editor. a salaried secretary. John IJ. Sweeney of Atlantic High- center representing Kumson, Oceanic, breaking id out of 60, shooting 29 be- investigated the aoclUt-nt, lands, who iB a member of the board, is now Borvlng as They Should Worry. Soabright and Fair Haven took first fore, h« mlsaed. Not only thtft, but X 1 ., THOBIAS IBVINO BEOWN, secretary without, extra compensation. He has the as- Announcement that leaders have place In the campaign took a chanco on a live turkey which FabUaher and Business Manajf sistance of a stenographer. By the change a saving of agreed upon the personnel of the ap- William Tomanio, Thomna Brasch, was to bo shot for In a. trlclt target shoot. I won that turkey, too, but about 51,500 has been made for the taxpayers. propriations committee of the state Cyrenlua Bennett and George Brow- Subscription Prtecs: bestowed him upon the generous Politics often takes queer quirks and twists, espe- senate for 1034 reveale tho Interest- er, all of Rod Bank, were mustered $1.50 cousin who had given mo hla prize One y«ar cially when jobs are at stake, and jus. . t. becaus...... __e Mr. . ing fact that control of the commlt- out of service at Camp Humphries 1.00 ? bird. Btt months — Ivins always has been re-appoihted is no surety that he' tee, which has Vast power over what ami returned homo, •'. .50 John E. Kanoy of Bradovelt, who Even at th» gun club the crowd Steeo months will get another term. However, one thing is sure. In New Jersey shall spend or cave, was wounded In action, arrived In waa entirely new to me. Ed Cooper THE EI5B BANK REGISTER any well managed private business an employe© who vested In three counties whose net 0 8 taxable valuation represents about tho states on the steamship Levia- was not there, a " to hla Happy 13 a member of had given 38 years of efficient and faithful service would two per cent of tho total for the than. Ho was attached to the 310th Hunting Ground. Hla brother Jim- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be sure of keeping his job as long aa he wanted to. He state. Infantry. gone. John B. Bergeri—gone. Thoro Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to thawould be in no danger of being ousted by a new. Inex- The committee will consist of Prall John S. Cart-on of Holmdcl received wero a fow old timers, but they wore usa lor republlcatlon of all news dispatches to It or notperienced, untried man. There is every bit as much of Hunterdon, which has ratables of word that his eon Francis F. Carton new-timers utneo the times -when I Otherwise credited In this paper and also the local newa reason why public business should be managed In the {28,804,931; Read of CapeJIay, which had been missing jn action uinco No- attended tho Rlvoisldo Gun club shoots, when At Ivlna waa a young published therein. On his record Mr. Ivlns should bo re-ap- la worth all of $89,619,506; lioder of vember 7. same way. man. Thero wero some young trap- pointed. Cumberland, $52,305,450; Reevea of Charle3 J. Mouser of Llncroft, who Mercer, 5283,384,167, and Loizcaux of was a German war prisoner, wrote to shootem there, too, all new; only ono WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1933. -o-o-o-o-o-o- Union, $403,001,234. his mother that ho was In good health old timer among those who wore com- Cape May, Hunterdon and Cum- but said nothing about the treatment peting, and ho tho young man of yes- As Christmas approaches, the spirit Senator Barbour Not teryear, the man I wanted to sec berland have a total valuation of he was getting In tho German camp. of the Son of Man steals into all our Shop Now and Mail $1TO,817,876, according to their 1032 in action onco again, after all these to Run for Governor. years. hearts, whispering again "It is more Now for Christinas. figures. The total for tho Etato is United States Senator W. Warren Barbour haB chos- $6,353,428,735. Contributing only an PLAYING BIP VANWINKUC. Tlmo 1B fleeting1, faces change. It blessed to give than to receive." Only three more shopping days before Christmas! en wisely not to bo a candidate for governor on the insignificant fraction of tho state's you don't bolievo it, go back,to your Even at this late dato tho advice, "do your Christ- Republican' ticket. From the standpoint of the people revenues, and determined to get Haddon Ivtns Describes a Visit to home town, and look around, after And that, the spirit of joyous giving, Ills Old Homo Town. mas shopping early," Is not inappropriate. Those who of New Jersey It will be welcomed as good news, al- back that and a3 much more as they an absence of nearly forty years. is the true spirit of Christmas. follow this course will avoid the last minute rush and though from a Republican partisan aspect the reverse Is can. Cape May, Cumberland and In a recent issue of tho Hudson —Hudson Dltpatoh. •will have a largo range of goods from which to make Hunterdon, with the support of other Dispatch, Haddon Ivlns, tho editor of selections. Buyers who need more than a selflsh reason eouthcrn counties, will have a con- that paper and a native of Red Bank, To use the parlance of the street Republican pros- trolling voice in state expenditures, IN SOXJTHEBN CALIFORNIA. for making purchases without delay can flnd it in the lecta of electing a governor next year are "not so hot," described as follows a visit which he Of which Essex and Hudson, neither made to his old homo town Thanks- fact that by acting now they will relieve the work of the and It Is readily understandable why the party bosses A Letter from Howard Eallly About represented on the committee, will giving day. ALBERT W. WORDEN. DIRECTOR clerks and other store employees by lessening their tried to capitalize the senator's popularity to lead a for- meet a large part. the Holiday Season There. work on the last shopping day. These workers are no lorn hope. The party has fallen upon evil dayo, as evi- —Newark Sunday Call. It's fun to play Kip VanWlnkle, In 157 So. Loa Robleo Ave., PHONE 557 lesa entitled to a Merry Christmas than other folks. The denced by tho election last month and the Roosevelt ono way or another. That's what I Pasadena, Cal. 6OE.FRONTST. ^RED BANK. N.J. stores of Red Bank have never offered a moro attrac- landslide of 1032. Senator Barbour Is tho one and only Democratic) Opportunity. found out yesterday In a new kind of Saturday, Doe. 16, 1833. ****** a visit to my old home town In Red To tho Editor of The Roglster. tive, varied and economical assortment of goods. proven bright and shining light In the Hepubllcan lexi- Budget time in hero again. Onee Bank, which I loft as a cub reporter, Dear Sir:— The advice, "mail your Christmas gifts now," Is con. This was shown last year by his election when moro governing bodies are faced with back In 1896. I've gone back many I am spending the winter In Cali- equally as worthy of being put Into practice as immedi- very practical problems of cutting pretty much every worthwhile prize except that of tho times, as you well know, but yester- fornia and am a regular reader of expenses to meet ever shrinking rev- Tho Red Bank Keglstor, and it oc- ate shopping. Uncle Sam has no more efficient work- senatorshlp went to Democrats. day's visit was some different again. ers than the mail carriers and other postal employees. enues. The new Democratic control curred to mo that eomo of tho peo- MEMBER. THE ORDER But it is not on the basis of such reasoning that of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, I drove down to attend tho old Pres- ple of Red Bank might bo interested -Drastic reductions have Been made in their salaries of Senator Barbour has chosen wisely and well not to be a while It has made no announcements, byterian church which I attended as n tho things of interest In a South- late, but there has been no dlmimiitlon of service. Ex- ern California column. candidate for governor. He is far stronger than his s known to be working quietly on a boy. I wanted to mingle once moro pressions of appreciation are in order, but a more prac- party and it is not improbable that he could be elected the problem, gathering facts and con- with somo o£ the old families^ who Just at present tho interest of tho tical way to display this feeling would be to make the wore thero when our family was people of this Bectlon Is centered on governor despite the low estate Into which hla party has idering possibilities which may help the Christmas decorations, the Rose last minute work of the postal employees easier. fallen. But as governor he would be a far lesa influen- in slashing costs. TrT6 new control la there. In the first half dozen years parade, and the New Years football tial factor in guiding tho destinies of his state than as under no necessity to keep in olllce after leaving, in 1896, I werit back game. many times, but It's now about thirty o-o-o-o-o-o- senator. any useless employees. They are all "Santa Claus lano of Hollywood tcpubllcans and can bo dispensed with years since I've stepped my foot in- this year consists of gilded card- Never perhaps in the history of the nation has it board imitations of Christmas trees A Thoughtful Act Which without difficulty, provided tho faith- side that church at Red Bank. been so necessary that the people should have honest Wo wore a few mlnute3 late arrlv: In futuristic atyle, Inset with many ful Democrats do not sot up too great colored bulbs. Each night along Deserves to Be Emulated. and capable representatives at Washington. Senator growl. With many people looking ing for the morning service. The Santa Claua lano IS a spectacular church was almost filled, only a few Tho township committee of Mlddletown township Barbour hag filled the bill so far and there is every rea- for work the few Jobs open will hard- parade with many floats which at- soats left In the very front pows. It tract tho attention of tho people of tlid a thoughtful and considerate thing at Its meeting son to believe that he will continue to do so. Even ly go around, but these are not the wa3 good to see tho church almost tho surrounding communities. last week in allotlng sufficient money to the board of among Democrats who voted against him there is a times to continue sinecures. The general disposition to admit that since a member of Democrats won this year on Sheriff crowded. Being ushered to a front "Not far away is Pasadena with education to pay the teachers and-other school employ- seat, well to one aldo, I could readily its miles of beautifully lighted Christ- their party was not elected no better representative of Height's record of efficiency and on ees a week'3 salary In advance eo that they would be turn iriy eyes to scan tho congrega- mas trees and festoons of lights. In tn0 their promise to follow his example this glittering row thero are 8,000 better eupplied with cash for Christmas shopping. It opposition could be chosen tion, at add moments, without seem- In th tlme3 when tho f ederal It is up to them to make good on the bulbs on tho Christmas trees and •was a move not only calculated to make a Merry Christ- I <*e government is 80 romise, and it Is their opportunity to ing to be staring. In my numerous 8,000 strung in festoons. At ono of mas for the school employees but to stimulate business.' intimately linked with the ordinary, everyday life of the glances I could see only three face^ the entrances to the city near the It is a refreshing contrast to scrip issues, defaults on individual a United States senator is vastly moro InQu- ay the foundation for many years off I recognized. That didn't ceem pos famous Colorado bridge (known as tho Suicide bridge), dozens of silver salaries and various other thinga which so often paint *ntlal than a governor. As a senator Mr. Barbour has power-Freehold Transcript: sible. Tho minute the . servlco was nga sprayed trees aro banked as one, 35 been trle and te3teii and httS mado Ma be ended, I stood up and glanced around, a Hack tinge on the news nowadays. <* S°od. y ? foet high around tho Memorial flag- • would not be so good as governor. At any rate New Tho tawyers Get Busy. searchlngly. Not a face did I sea that pole, and aro lighted with hundreds of blue bulbs. This magnificent sight 'jersey is the gainer by his decision to remain In the The American Bar association, po3- I knew, except those three. I worked my way to tha rear of the church drawa many Interested spectators. isenate- " ! Bibly spurred on by the lynching the Birds in Incidentally, it may be appropriate to mention that it epidemic and the nation-wlda con- as fast as I could. One fellow was "In front of tho now city hall In is not be nd tne waiting there for mo, one of tho old the civic center of Pasadena there Is y° range'of possibilities that Mr. Bar-; victlori that both our lawyers and our Their Hungry Season. boys on my block, Warren Smock, erected a giant sequoia tree around hour In 1936 may be the Republican candidate for Pres- courts need reforming, has "sounded which a choir of community singers now a lawyer. VVintor has shown its fangs earlier than U3ual and \ J(lE.nt 0{ the united States.' a call to arms" for quicker, cheaper will entertain nightly tho people of / We have a most complete stock of Jn a way which is especially precarious for birds. Now and more certain justice. • • It didn't take any time to get into this city. . that the hunting season for quail, pheasants and other ! -o-o-o-o-o-o- We are glad to hear of It, and we the past. Rogers bakery at Maple "Another point of interest to the visitors Is the famous Christmas Tree ' HOLLY WREATHS with BERRIES, hope something comes of it. It will avenue and Whito street, where we game Is ended, thought may well bo given to protect IVI_ i _L___j.____ M«nJ«J j lano in Altadcna. This is composed used to go for Washington pie, the and conserve the feathered friends of mankind. Sleet IW i-.'U'lr publliihed a picture of merely a placo of larga propoi tlonn, ft. ft. fVIOUNT & SOU term will oxplro. Ono ut Dm chief toplcn jif convcroatloi n llelnfa provloiiflly managed the Clark only nelnnh but ntupl.l for them to handicap the fire j Daniel Median of Red Bank who Itii largn round plllaru supporting tho Funeral Directors Hi political clicU'ri In whether hn y/HI bo re-appointed. wan killed In action on October 12, porch In a dilapidated condition—tho lano hotel nl Brooklyn. 'nnd Mrs. 1 fllilitero. II w«, -mid ,,t tho mo«tlnB of the mayor and Frederick K. Adimis, Mm% 1018. place now listed for a tsocond hand fur- llnlntz previously managed tho Clark Mi", lvh*9 li^fi rem?*!ii«'d hi ofllco under both Uf'pub council Mo,,,i, , „ , , / , ly n Bht )hat now e|ep lon . IJoiitonant Benjamin h. Atwater of niture plnce, although it tries to boast flva yearn with Mlfi,'i C. K. Strotid, MS W. Front Street, Red Banfe, N. f. would noon ho put In tl.c town linll whereby calls from lied Hank mcolved tlio Diwthigulfiticd of "antl( HUH rut to wll tho flrn dcpiirtmcnt would be immedlnlely answered tel ut Anbury Park. Mr. ^nd Mru. 1 Hcrvlco crotl-i for cutraordlnory hero- Moro roaming, nnd then a vloll to Tclcpfiohc 226 An ilotlosi fit lit A 1'inlt, MM I in u ulll" bi> mill/irl firm hirtvevnr hii «io wlron mlitht br. Flefnre thin new HelntJi will leave for Fl(nfld» thla 1 Ism In the air service In Franco. my noursiri, for It was! to sfift Mm shoot ihf £sut Umt Mi IUfi> !'! H** only membci of thn* p.uty »y«te.», I,, Humca week. ' ', 'lonl. call up tlio tnwn hull on (he ,Mlntnm Bstellc and Gowitanca that th« trip -wan originally planned. \n hold thp 1,111. i nf i •< I; telephone when the flrn bnll Diiga imiil KUn dull ^ Hi, auoi", the U\u at Ihn j{\>tl t» Sn-Hcr mi'l blsfjar biml- We Furnish N"W r to it a I C of tha moit popular lwv« had tho fltst chsmes. on their way IKUIIH aft«i Moving pnvti CM omesjif (htuffeuu awt I.liie!of&. H teas* a 'IhjifikiVTivlnf, i!n

car waa pushed up'on the sidewalk. owing to the fog they turned back 20. MIBS Gertrude Crellrt is In gen- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy, who M.-3. Emilte Groome, -Ira. Lavina County Republicans Both curs were damaged but no one when they reached Keyport. eral charge. Rev. Guy Moon con- aro traveling with the "Green Pas- Voorhees, George Schmidt, Mrs. Ber- was hurt. , The borough hall Is being repaint- ducted the services Sunday, Rev. tures" show company, aro now In nard Mount, Harry F. Schwlnd, Mrs. Name Officers Here Employees of the electric light ed under the Civil Works program. Percy R. Comer, Sr., the pastor, la Texas, and will spend Chrlstniaa at Florence Adalr, E. Almond and company liuve completed the work The entire cost of labor la being paid still confined to tho house with ill- Dallas with Charle3 Miller of High- Gcorgo Schmidt, Jr. Mrs. Hogan of Harold H. Woolloy of Keyport was of litrliiBlng colored electric, lights In by the federal government. ness. The annual church roll call lands, who Is also in the theatrical Leonardo won 52.5a in gold and Mrs. re-elected president of the Affiliated a zig-zag manner across First ave- The mayor and council will wind, will he held January 25. business. Caroline Weber won a set of dollies. Young Men's Republican cliibs of nue. The light will bo turned on dur- up tho business of tho year next <^*Tho estate board of health has set Mrs. Annabelle LaBue has re- Mr. Dean of the lighthouse, who =Montiiouth county last Wednesday ing tha holiday Benson, a practice Tuesday night. up headquarters In the Derby house turned home from a two weeks' stay has been sick at the marine hospital night at that organization's annual •hlch has been carried out for sev- C. Allen Knight and Charlen Mc- to test clamB. The clams will be dug, with relatives at Newark. at Brooklyn, returned home Sunday. mooting In the headquartcru of the eral years. Kelvey are home from Wheaton col- opened and canned by local residents Mrs. Fiederlca Schleber and Mr. Tho last card party of tho year Ited Bank Young Men's Republican Midnight mass 'will be celebrated lege in Illinois for tho Christmas under the supervision of the state ond Mrs. John Kwik and children was held Thursday night by the club on East Front itreot, Christmas eve at St. Agncs'a church. season. They aro studying for the board. Grover Glvena of Freehold will spend Christmas, with Mr. and Trailers club. The Christmas club LeRoy Qarrabrant of Neptuno was Tho pupllB of St. Agncs'B school will ministry. will conduct the teata. Mrs. John Hagaman of Laltchurst. funds were divided and each mem- elected first vice president, Milton present a Christmas entertainment Miss Beatrice Gaffcy IB steadily Im- William Andrews has moved from Leonard Hardy and Jack Wein- ber received 532.80. Th recipients Slegfred o{ Red Bank wan chosen as tomorrow night. The Holy Name so- proving at tho Long Branch hospital Seadritt avenue to Fourth street. heimer are home frorh Duko univer- were Mrs. Ellen Olecn, Mre, Etta second vice president, Victor H. Le- iety IB planning to g've a minstrel after a second operation, ex- Councilman Jacob S. Hodman, who sity for the Christmas vacation. Quast, Mra. Hattic Smith, Mrs. Va- Valley cf Lons Branch was named chow In January. pected to be able to bo homo by is Gelling Christmas trees and Tho Rangers athletic club held a leria Smith, Mrs. Celina Robertson, as secretory and Howard A. Mallen A chimney fire Sunday night In tho Christmas. wreaths, disposed of tho first lot Sat- card party Friday night at tho Dowd Mrs. Margaret Liming, Mrs. Eliza- of Leonardo was mado-treasurer. homo of Mrs. H. Deltoid Little on urday. Another lot arrived Monday. cottage on-Nuve3ink avenue. Prizes beth Mount, Mrs. Grace Schieber, The nominating committee, wliaoo Fourth avenue was put out by the Mr. Hoffman's sUmd Is on Bay ave- wero won by Miss Julia Ahern, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Bielcr, Mrs . Myrtle elato wea adopted by the member- firemen. ' Highlands, News. nue,' near the Methodist parsonage. Mario Schmidt, Mrs. Helen King, Molirback, Mra. Fred Hess, Mrs. ship, consisted of Joseph C. Williams Mr. Hoffman will spend Christmas Mrs. Lottie Fahrer, Mrs. Elsie Louisa Brey, Mrs. Loretta Duffy, Fred Qcrkons lu home for the holi- of Red Bank, Harry Welaford of Al- (Tho, Red Bank Register can be bought with his family at Brooklyn. Wright, Mrs. Louisa Brey, Mrs. II.Mrs. Mary A. Parker and J. S. Hoff- lenhurst and Mr. Mallen. days from Duko university, In Highlands at Beetle's drug ntore, ut Jos- Mra, Loretta Duffy was hostess at Schwlnd, Mrs. J. Rutter, Mrs. Louisa man. A covered dish luncheon was Mlfla Arline Forbes of New York Plans for a "get-together" meeting eph Stamen'a store and Mulligan's store.) last week's meeting of tho Indepen- Kohlenbush, John Dowd, Mrs. Lor- nerved. Mrs. Kntberine SchaJler won spent tho week-end with Miss Eunice The Highlands fire department last dent social club. The Christmas club etta Duffy, Jacob S. Hoffman, Mrs. first prize at pinochle. The club will to bo held on Wednesday, January Rogers. 10, were discussed, week elected Irving Parker chief funds were divided among the mem- Mary Parker, ,Mrs. M. Kcndrick, begin its ninth year January 11, A mooting of the Phi Sigma Chi and Fred Mohr assistant chief. bers. A puiae was given to Mrs. Mrs. John Dowd, Mrs. Henry Hein- when the weekly parties will be re- fraternity waa held Monday night at The choir of tho Methodist church Louise Kohlenbush, treasurer, In ap- cck. Mrs. Leo Eoeckel, Mrs. Hattle sumed. MILK EXCHANGE. SEBVICE. tho fraternity house at Leonardo. ' will render Christmas music at both preciation of her services. Smith, Mrs. Margaret Liming-, Mrs. Dr. A. Rosenthal-and Harvey Bow- Hattic Wal3tram, Mrs. Carolina One of tho quickest ways to find a cervices next Sunday. The Sunday- Mrs. Ida Intemann, Miss Catherine job is to advertise in The Regis- State Department of Agriculture En- tell started' for New York Sunday school Christmas entertainment will Lang and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sayles Weber, Mra. Grace Schleber, Mrs. ter's.Want Department.—Advertise- deavoring to Get Steady MarUct. overling' to sec a hockey game, but take place Tuesday night, December were visitors at New York Sunday. Etta Quast, Mrs. Minnie Liming, ment. In an effort to provide a uniform aupply at New Jeroey milk through- out the state and assure New Jersey dairymen of a steady market, the state department of agriculture 1B In- ntltutlng a milk exchange Bervlce, CANNON TOWEL SETS William B. Duryee, state secretary of Large towel with two wash rags to agriculture, announced today. 1 The new service will constitute a match, various colors. Attractively rib- medium for the transfer of surplus boncd, and packed in cellophane. Set milk from dealers vvlth excess sup- plies to' dealers -whoso supplies arc Pure Silk Chemises and Dance Sets inadequate. It la also designed to aid : • •• f V - farmers In obtaining markets for Also pretty Stepins. AH beautifully their" milk. Tho department of agriculture Is trimmed with lace, many styles. " Instituting1 tho service at tho sugges- tion of the stato milk control board which Is frequently Informed of prob- EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES' lems arising because of the develop- ment of surplus milk In some sec- 45 x 3G, fine quality, various new em- lions of the state and inadequate supplies In other sections, Secretary broidered designs. A pair, boxed Duryee reports. It Is hoped, he sayfl, that such shlftlngs of surpluses and Broad & White Sts., Red Bank shortages due to seasonal and oth^r NEW FANCY CUSHIONS factors can be dealt with cffocctlvely Telephone Red Bank 355. under tho plan. Damask and Taffeta for boudoir and "Qften a dealer who is confronted living room. Also Nest Cushions in ivlth a shortage of milk will apply to pastel shades. Special (ho milk control board for a per/nit to obtain a s. .>ply from another state," Secretary" Duryee points out. TAFFETA PAJAMAS AND GOWNS "At tho Bame time there may nIo of health. * Our IMPORTED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS • D.RST SINCE 1878. Full Assortment 2 yards long, various colors, attractive Berkcloy-Cartcrct's License Ends borders. Genuine Belgium Crash Linen. '// I/>ng Period of Aridity. When tho Bcrltclcy-Carteret hotel at Asbury Park obtalnd a liquor 11 DAUDET SKIN TONIC 49c Handkerchiefs for Men and Women censo last week It waa tho first li- LINDE ASTOR COLD CREAM .. 29c cense for the sale of liquor Issued Hand drawn linen handkerchiefs, good there since 1878 when Col. J. A. Bly, PONDS CREAM (65c size) ... 39c quality, for women. For men, satin lather of Nellie Bly, received a li- J&J TALCUM POWDER 25c size 17c stripes, large size. Six to a box. cense to Bell Intoxicating liquor with- in a stone's throw of the Ocean Grove DAUDET CLEANSING TISSUE 16c i camp moeing association. Mary Scott Rowland LIPSTICK .. 59c COTTAGE CURTAINS In 1896 Ocean Grovo secured paa- uage of tho "one-mile" law which pro- BRILLIANTINE (75c size) 21c Special sale. Novelty Cottage Sets in hibited the ealo of liquor within ono CUTEX COMPACT , 50c various colors. Value to §1.69. Special, xnilo of tho camp meeting association per pair nnd tho territory became legally DAUDET ASTRINGENT 49c 'bono dry" 24 yearn before tho ad- D&R COLD CREAM 49c vent of national prohibition. With "MARTEX" TURKISH TOWELS repeal and tho enactment of a liquor LINDE ASTOR TALCUM 19c Extra large, double threaded, various control law by Now Jersey, acquie- DAUDET, CREAM OF ALMOND 37c scence to tho repeal of the 1896 law colored borders. A most useful gift. has been given by Ocean Grove. CUTEX FIVE MINUTE»SET .... $1.00 3 for . •&*-&* AND MANY OTHERS BACKWARD SLIDE. Blends, Bourbons and Straight Ryes. Hand Embroidered Porto Rican Gowns The Wheels Spun Ahead, But tlio Fine Nainsook, various colored embroi- Cars SIM Down Hill. SEE OUR WINDOW dery and Siipliqe. A pretty and durable . Ice as smooth as glass covered Mill DISPLAY. WIDE ASSORTMENT gift. ^_ Hill at Eatontown last Wednesday night during tho gleet storm. Auto- .MILK @F MAGttESIA-MiNT POPULAR DRANDS PRISCILLA CURTAINS mobiles got about three-quarters way GAY CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS- up the hill and then slid back to tho OR PLAIN FLAVOR-QUART BOTTLE Pull width and length. Cushion dot bottom. Tho wheels of tho cars sped S Marquisette, novelty self figured Gren- uselessly forward, while tho vehicles YA1DLEY... Square, 100 TABLETS-EXCEPTIONAL VALUE' ndine, r.lso line Portugene. Cream and // coasted backward:) at various angles, Kcru. Finished ready to hang. Per pair Tho cars bumped and slid into each single compatt SALTS 49c other, but no serious damage was done and no one was hurt. Among SELTZEK 39c the slid^a Tr-as a passenger bus. About forty cai'o wero at tlio bottom of tho .-, ^Doublo compact. WITCH' HAZEL-Pint. alll piled up against ench other. With- QIL-8Oz. Bottle in a short time the difficulty waa overcome by using a tractor to pull EMULSION OF COD LIVER Oil-Pint... tho cars to tho top of tho li 111 and by spreading rock salt over the Ice. RUBBING ^L€©H©L-Pint Compact . . $2.75 SEY5 FOR Carried Mull Fifty Yearn. Conniti of Shaving Crram, ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION-Pint e A m a Volvo, P rush ten il ovt> Jarcd L. M. Dominiclc of Matawan, Croiim nncl Talcum Rotail aged 83, who retired ten years ago PEROXIDE-Large Bottle , value SMS . after having been a mall carrier over fifty years, died last Wednesday at ©DJI mmt ?ABLETS~Only. the ago of 83. Surviving are seven Dolls! K30NERAL Oil-Full Pint , children, they being MltiH Elizabeth AND MANY OTHER ipEClflLS RAZOR SETS Domlnlqk, Mra. A. U. Smith, Mm. Q. Dolls! Dolls! W. Allen, Mrs. Robert Smalc, Edwin Gillelle, Gfm, Ever-Ready, W. Domlnick and Franklin J. Domln- Scgnl and Autoslrop. Icli, all of Mntawan, and Jackson s» Domlnick of Duncllon. Mr. Dom- lnick wan a chiutor member of tile and sap Matawnn flro deportment. Complete XylopSione NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT 01 ACC0UN1 HI itimi utiil nth i , in li. i '•, VtZNIDA liatiilo nf Wllllum W. Tuyloi ih c tn ul ml \ou null utliu i in i il f, u l i I i. . i Nutlets l:i liciol-y kivcu lluit thu HC mo n lulu i to npi ii niul i ii (In n\{ SAMITARY KAPKItaa-SPECIAt AT... ninlB ot thu yulifirribcrp, i\tLiilrm ami f i oiniihiiiit HI il b/ Iho to 11 I ii i i Atlantic Highlands.' . 49c ©riirakk in.teca ot tlio fi;itato of i ill] IILLUI. in hi lou tin ml ilnc ot In i,. 'i !. MADELON TOILET TISSUE Ill lin tuiililcil ami i;ti\tc«l liy tilt. >ur mill lilll ^ 111 I, Inli i . t nto II Illi I 1 , I ii I In Atlantic Highland!! at tlnj ntotmt of Dcxol -t Rolls ol 1,000 Shcttjl'ach ..-..•.... . f nnlcl County, >m Tim mil o tin fomlh inn mi.,I, ID Ii, int I Ii Wllllum l.cff. J. Lemliurii oml A. Knt«.) . fMi-utU>r> will lncl f,, i Hi W J, I K itiun,iutli,n ,1,1, 1 I nodflrn P pe». . . 1 , fnrcd a broken leg Fiidny nftornoon Large Bottle S>9^ liatetl NovrinliPr l!^. A. It 1' II l'i I im I mil i m Iho tin ii Iii f f when ho wnn lilt by a nletl. The ni> A nioit occspl MAItY A. TA1 I OK iKv i In t!i« I oimty of * i ' , i •II IlOfUl'.:, I'l., Hill II 111! (1 1 , itnti of il, v di o >i i| II i Ml > , cldent. occurred on Mount nvenllo, 'QO7M PASTE..., 34e liAltltKIT K, I ONdVl K 1 iiniiut mi iiliitlt] it 1 i! tv ' , ' t where the young folks of tlio bor- l''«l'hiiluHi • HI H hi It I ough have been counting. Morrlnwnn lllvcr LIIIVII, Fall IIIIMII N J nml ,|t nil i'I In ml I I III , I walking bacltwurd up tho bill when 1 KDW1N H. 1,'OMOV I II ntttli i [ iimntii fit* mi ho waa hit by tho tiled on which wcro CASH LE SOAP-Pound' ,«;~.:.: I7» 12 llruml .St., Hi I Hunk H ! It mli in In mi t It Ii nil ,, ii ' f GOID STAR BAC5ATEI.IE Esri-ul.i™ mill Iruit'i i tli \ Ify of Ml), f II I n • three boys. The ttiut nld nqtiad nm- Ilnw»r III (i tailnnca took tho boy to Iho Hlvor- GIANT HEALTH SOAP....,, §o Itcil Hank, N. J.. Hint ih i II i ,1 tti ttif! li IE viaw Iio.'spital at TICAI Ilnnlt ami Inter GAME . . . . Special ^S3® I'roclor, IMtitl i).w tin I I' MEIJ CARB O^NTflL CREAM If n I'nl J I M .'• hn wan removed to Kllkln hospital. • ill i:,:. r I i Carn driven by Arthur Mnlcr of lliln ! •> ml , >, THERMOMETERS-ainical & Rectal. Sfo IN CHANCF.RV M NliW Jl II IV place nnd H«nry Ilnpn of Olinpol Hill To Al.lli:UT 1). I.AMONT mil I i I Ml! IH lilt lurl J.iiil f,| i , rfillitiptl Humlny moi-nln^ alttnit rleven "»'•> - n II J . i - , H. I.AMIINT. lil'i n If..-: »>rlr» I at only lly vli-lim .if in, .ink.,- ..f II i it I o ft i i V in 1 tl! S.i „ o'clock NU thfi coiner tif Klnit tivr- AHIl MANY OTHER s,|«eclAI h Clinnrciy mmln f.n tlie .'A I i i« it ill. li ul III Mn i II, il !> • i nue and Memorial parkway. Mnlnr'a viMillini-, II'3:l, In n ••MM-u »kniM lihll liw i i ( , Mi , I . Union 'i'niiil. Coiili'iitty, ft JHtnv Jin »y m tlitlltiill l|f di i >i* lit Rage Six RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 20,1988. COUNCILORS' ASSOCIATION. bridge club last week. Mrs. Wiliism cehool principal, Mteu A. VsaKuls ot 3HSSB Peagel wen Erst prira. Mrs, Hany Hed Bank, Tuesdiy. Mrs,' Zuoker i. talrd HuMa Fteslflent ol Ameri- Fincken flsus a mjtatltute. assisted by Mt®, can Mechanics' Group. Mtea Amy Collier o! New York was Mra. ChristiaChiti n KKeuaor, Mrs. Hsrriscn the guest of Miss Irene E. B6H0 over Travis, Mrs, Milton Btaveason and Dry Cleaned Perfectly J. Laird Hulse of Engllnhtown waa 1 Sunday. Miss Bolts invited a *ew MM. Harry Stacker. Guests wcra en&utiona elected councilor of the Monmouth frlenda to tmppor Sunday evening in present Irom Rabway, Kosolle, Red Past Councilors' association ot Amer- honor of her guest. Bank, Metuchen, Now Brunswick, at ican Mechanics !wt week. Other of Mrs. Carl A. Gesawein entertained South Araboy, Perth Amboy and Mat- ficors are Edward Roswell vice coun By Mrs. Alexander Georgo tbo members of the Wednesday af- awan. cilor, Joseph Bohooley secretary ternoon contract bridge club last Favorite Christmas Bcolpes George .Hall MalBtarit (secretary weelt. Mrs. S. B. Eggleston won first Richard Lufburrow treasurer, W" prUSj Allentowa Club fturty. lard J. Hobo conductor, Fred Smytlif Canapes \ Mr^ and Mrs. Lawrence IjOraaire Members of tha Allentown Garden (To Servo With Cocktails) warden, lCly Miller Inslda simtlnel club, dressed In old-stylo gowns, at- Max Hubbard outside sentinel, Al spent tho weak-end with Mra, Ls- gtiKa, Toe«i«e», Haln CtoaU 12 small rounds 1/8 cup tuna malre's mother, Mrs. Tunis R. tended a Chrletmae party laat week buttered tea at bert Snyder county representative at tho home of Mra. Charles A. . and D 12 Blrlpe but- 2 tablespoons Elmer Mitchell, alternate, Charles Gil Schenck. They returnod with their one tered toast pickle relish young oon to their now home at Al- Spaulding. Carols were sung under 22 small squares 4 olives, ladcau past county councilor, em lentown, Pennsylvania, Sunday* , the'leadership of Mra. Albert W. Rob- buttered toast chopped Dr. E. A. Robinson, Mortimer Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maltin oflilno. Readings and poems woro 1/3 cup sardines 3 tablespoons Roy Gasklll, Georgo Bowman ant glvo1V0!n by MMrs. B. D. Yardara , Mra. WRINGER! 1/3 cup chopped salad dress lag Samuel Clarke mombers of the execu Ridgowood wore week-end guests of B » W ™;. "• "• * - - hum Uvo committee. Mr. enAnd Mrs. JosepJooerih BalorBaler. Satur- George B. Smith, Mrs. a, K. Hornor, Mix littlo of the dressing: with Un day evening Mrs, Baler entertained Mrs. Wyekoff Handrlckson, Mra. sardines and; apread on rounds o at two tables of bridge In their Spaulding, Mra George T. Ford, Mrs. - IRONER! toast, ndd a Uttlo dressing to bam honor. Mrs; Makln recelvod tho T. H. Rogers, Mrs. J. W. Naylor and use as topping for the strips of. toas :awau News. prize for high score. Mrs. R. W. Mark. and add rest of dressing to the tuna, Mist) May Lines, daughter of Mr. (Tha Bed Dank Register can ba bousht pickle, relish and olives and spread .. Matawan dam M. J. O'ConncU. 124 and Mre. Loollo Lines of Jackson Circulation Tbat Cour.ta. CLEANSERS and DYERS, las. Complete Laundry Outfit on the squares of toast. Servo at Main street, Jacob A. Lev/la end J. & J. street, Is a patlont in Rlverviow hos- Newspaper circulation that counts once. ToaBir.l.) . ..i V. ,T •£» , «i'' L jt *i«WBjm[Jur vituutuiiuu IIIUI counts We Know How Virginia Corn Pudding. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jordan opltaln Thursda, Red Banky afternoo. Shon wafoar operateappendd! I one—thwith thoo kin advertiBod Tho rRegiste ta thra haobonafld. Noe ._ At entertained a few friends Saturday cltis by Dr. C. A. Oesawain. premiums or other inducements havo Main Offica aad Plant: (Serving Eight) Bliss Shirley Baker, daughter of ever been offered to secure circula- 3 cupa canned 1 tabloapoon evening;. tion,—Advertisement. 24 ¥/. FRONT ST., RED BANK. or fresh corn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toole 6t New Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, waa five Less Than The Former Prke Of A t: 1/3 cup butter, 1 - tablespoons York were week-end guesta of Mr.years of ago Saturday. In the after- melted flour and Mrs. R. C. Devlin. noon Shirley entertained twelve of 1 teaspoon aalt I es&s her friends In celebration of the oc- WASHER ALOW \i teaspoon ! Several local people enjoyed skat- paprika t ,3 cups milk ing on tho "duck pond" at Cllflwood casion. Christmas gamea were played, Mix corn, butter, oalt, paprika, su Beach tho latter part of the weok. Thursday evening Miss Laura Gor- gar and flour. Beat eggs and add to Miss Dorothy Haywood of Nowdon entertained tho Teachers' bridge corn mixture. Add milk. Pour Into a Hork opont over Saturday with her club when' high ccoio was hold by shallow buttered baking dish. Set In grandmother, Mra. Charles E. Clark. Mre. H, L. Cartan and low score by pan of hot wator, bake fifty mlnuteu Mrs. William O. Dlggln entertained Mrs. Edmund Allen. In moderate oven. The "pudding" la tho Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club JJls^Efiio Baker entertained tho Friendly Credit done when It la set like custard. at a luncheon and bridge last week. Tuesday Evening contract bridge Servo In dlah In which baked. F. Howard Lloyd has been elected club last week at hcr^homo at Koy- ortport. Mrs. Philip L. Neldllnger re- Christmas Salad > membership In the American ceived, tho prlao for high eooro and for -CHRISTMAS Academy of Political and Social Nothing; gives more lasting pleasure anil comfort Uinn a piece of FurnKuro. co S halve, canned ' J|^t0, Science. >r. anil Mrs. William H. Pongel re- Christmas gilt.' Eloro at Eton's you will find Bis great floors fillet! with tho new- pe»r» S almonds Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank. .Toolo of ceived tho consolation prizes. est; In Homo Itarnlahlnga ready Cor your Holiday selection. Cams In and Arrange pears hollow side down New York wore gucsto of Postmaster Tho Trl-County Municipal associa- your Betcotloria and IUO Leon's Friendly Credit to pay for It. jn lettuce to represent Christmas and Mrs. R. C. Devlin over tho week- tion will hold Ho regular monthly for only ... jells. Arrange pimento strips at topend. dinner meeting at Buttonwood Manor ONE OF THE MANY GUT for "bow" and almonds for tho "clap- Miss Virginia Yerger attended a Inn hero Wednesday evening. The BARGAINS AT LEON'S 1 per. " Serve with French dressing or lance at tho Chi Psl fraternity house last meeting at tho Squankum Inn mayonnaise. was devoted largely to a discussion of t New Brunswick Saturday evening. tax collection under tho new etate RECLINING CHAIR Escallofiod Oysters, SorvlnsT 8 Q Georgo Outwater, who attendo tho law governing time and methods of 1 quart small 2/3 cup butter niversity of Pennsylvania, spent tho ;olloction. oysters 1 teaspoon salt yeek-end with his mother, Mrs. Ad- le Outwater. Tho annual old-timers' night was 3 cup> cracktv Miss Barbara Todd spent covoral hold Tuesday night by Washington i'icturo yourself enjoying the crumbs Vij ,00>poon comfort of this fine chair. celery talt lays at Orange last week as theengine company when about twelve This sensational offer makes it possible for you .Inspect oyaters and remove any guest of her grandparents, Mr. andjld timers were present Spaghetti An unusual voluo In this day bits of shell. Mix crumbs, buttor and Mrs, Philip F. Tlmpson. was cooked and servo! by Frank ot Increasing costs. Covered to buy a complete Home Laundry Outfit at less seasonings. Sprinkle layer of crumbs Miss Mario Roche of Baltimore, Tourine. Thursday night M. E: in your choice of a variety in bottom of buttered shallow bak- rJaryland, and Norman Shanahan ot Haley held their yearly blowout when of high grade covers, sprlng- than the cost of your weekly laundry bill. ing dish. Add layer of oystors and Eastern Shore, Maryland, wore tho a largo proportion of their momber- illlcil, this chair rccllnca lit somo milk, add more crumb3 and re- week-end guests of Mr. and MrsBhi. p was present. three positions. Complete maining oysters and half the remain- Harrison Travis. Mrs. H. A. Elgard entertained BOV- with stool to match at tuls BUY NOW and SAW ing milk. Sprinkle with rest of the Harrison G. Travis and Lieut. R. ral friends at a bridge party Tucs- low price. crumb3 and add re3t of milk. Bake . Thomas have gone on a week's 3ay evening of last week. Those $1.00 Wcoltly Delivery. thirty minutes in moderato oven. tuntlng trip to Fork Union, Virginia, present included Mra. Milton Steven- Phone for FREE Home Demonstration vhere they will bo guests of Liout, son, Mrs. Mildred Linehan, Mrs. E. I D. Welch. Story Hallook, Mrs. Nicholas Mun- — No Obligation — Nifty Six Club Meets. Mies Frances Lloyd, who attends nlng, Mrs. August Muchlhausen, Jr., The Nifty Six Girls club of Long he New Jersey college for woman at Mrs. Charles ffi. Junt, Mrs. William Branch met at the home of Mrs. Ray- 'ew Brunswick, spent tho week-end O. Diggin and Mrs Elmoro Kattncr. Philip H. Harrison & Co. mond Casey Tuesday night of laat vlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. Munnlng won first prize, Mra. week. Following the meeting a so- toward Lyod. * Hunt second and Mrs. Stevenson con- Stors Hours: Electrical Home Appliances cial hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Carl H. Koeker entertained solation. Dally until 0 P. M. Those attending wore Mr: and L. ho members of the Ida Fay chapter Mlas Dorothy Rader and a few 93 S8UTH ST., OOB. liJNG, ST., Saturday until 01 Pop*"--^ Street, Red Ban!: Harrington, Mr. and Mra. Arnold of tho World Wide guild at their rlends attendod a show at New OP.BI. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Casey monthly meeting at her homo Mon- fork Monday evening in celebration PERTH AMBOY, N. J. 1736. Miss Hilda George, Miss Dorothy day afternoon. if MISB Rador's birthday. Mulligan, L. Baum and Ray Waln- Mrs. Fountain Burlew entertained Mrs. Henry L. Zucker entertained wright. he Tuesday afternoon contract t a tea In honor of her former

in the Automotive World Christmas

,• I i Is | Our Christmas Club makes it possible for anyone, who chooses to put aside small sums weekly during the year, to accumulate money for next Christinas. Make The Turbulator The Turbulator your 1934 Christmas a merry one by joining our club. ., If you have not been a. member, you can easily ap- WILL WILL preciate what a wonderful satisfaction it will be to re- SAVE GASOLINE.., INCREASE POWER... ceive a check the first of next December. If you have Make Starting Easier .. . Improve Hill Climbing Ability.. been a member, increase your class'this year and receive Lessen Carbon Formation ... Give Greater Flexibility and a larger check next December. Improve Compression. . Smoothness... Revive Your Engine .., The; following popular classes' are available: // $ .25 per week for SO weeks $ 12.50 Easily and Quickly Attached to Any Car .50 per week for 50 weeks 25.Q0 9 ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE ! 1.00 per week foj 50 weeks 50.00 THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE 2.00 per week for 50 weeks 100.00 LOCAL USERS: Boro Busses c Wm. L. Russell Le» '». Winfield Han HfHarUhorne 5.00 per week for 50 weeks 250.00 Albert S. Miller 3 A. Minton B. W Covert Union County Ga» Edward Hubbard y Cross C. E. PichW Co. Richard Applegate R. Smock M.Schwartz Wm. O'Brien .Any amount per week for 5 weeks AND MANY OTHERS tW wook d .results * " ° ' -ing. Cost refunded if DISTRIBUTORS FOR RED BANK AND VICINITY. The llercliaits Trust; Co. FS¥?g*% f» a mtfr v * * OF RED BANK, NEW JERSEY , ' PIERRE A. PROAL, Pr«|! PHONE RED BANK 840.

iwsiiJiis^M^^ AED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1933.

!> r ties county. In April, 1S»2, Governor months ot the time be took it over, lonjr resident of Freehold, was struck daughters. While tho amount of tho —\ -S *-' JH ~S' ^!' J-\ -1\ ~FJS* *&JV J? -J J ,*> Jl.«« < £ -' SfA BOROUGH OF |-AIt> UAVf.I, II. J.- Murphy made him hia attorney gen- and he should decide not to rebuild, by a .railroad train while operating settlement was not divulged by Mi ual. During the World war he wasthe uum of §7,500, which he deposited, his automobile across the crossing. Qulnn, it was reported to have been ^ •% *ATX chairman of the war board of thowould be returned to him. Mr. Lopatin was {survived by hia'wlfc substantial. j American Electric. Kailway asaocin- Tho theater wan destroyed by fire Fanny, and also by four daughters, tnut I, Percy I) HuiWt ( K f km on January 10, 1931. Several months Gloria Lopatin, Nora Figaraky, Re- WOMAN INJURED SLIGHTLY. to of the lioiuusti of luti ilavhi. becca Flicker and Rose Hubenstein. i^f tfonmmith htttp uf tkw Ku , \ Cpunly and State Taxes Peid ' . «,.«-——- were epent in preparing plant* and l a > t fl With the Exception of School I J _ I A : t specifications for a now theater, but Suit wan Instituted by Mrs. Lopatin South Itlver Resident Treated at; f^J33, at 2M, V H ol tUl dav, *t 11Ju by the and that to nvoid borrowing money ' ' y Brunswick handled by Former Prosecutor John said that he did not see the other collector, together with the total Amount ho recommended that only part of and tho amusement company by Leo- J. QulniV'of the firm of Quinn, Par-car. Investigation revealed that he duo thereon an computed to the first Any tcr C Leonard of Hed Banlt Railroad Settles for had had his driver's llceme revoked ot July, 1933, and the tmid respective Undu the utato school tax be paid for the , ' . - sons Sc Doremus. The railroad com- will ba (.old to rnftke the eraount charge- present. Ho eaid bo expected more In May, 1930, BhuBterman leased pany was defended by DoVoe Tom-, by Justice Elmer C. Wainrlght of able attalnat ouch lands on tho said first taxos before the end of tho year ami the Hunting thoatcr from the amuse- Death of Automohilistlinson of Jersey City, William V. Shrewsbury following an accident, duy of July, 1033, ca computed ill Raid 1 lUt, which irtfty bo Inspected at the ollico wus hopeful that a auillclent aum men company for fifteen years at Hanlon of Jersey City and J. Victor some time ago. Arraigned in police | of the undersigned, toeethoi- with interest would be received to pay tho balance : 57,200 a year. In the agreement " On March 22, 1032," after Carton of Asbury Park. court the following morning lie was ] on »aiii amount from eald first dny ot the opening of tho County Welfare fined $20 and costs. Capt. Harry Van- July, 193;i. to the date of cale and tho of tho state school tax. Tho county was stipulated that should tho the- costs of sale. and utate taxes for tho second half ater burn, Shusterman would have Home at Freehold, the 'railroad cross- On the second day of the trial It Note investigated the accident. ing leading to the Welfare^ homo was of tho year amount to 564,720.37. the option of Ualng the insuranco 1 was announced that settlement had Owner unknown, Lot No, 20, one the scene of a local tragedy In which lot on the eaat side of Chestnut Mr. White reported that tho bor-money to rebuild the theater, but if been made by the railroad company Boya ean make extra pocket money street „ „ % 17.6S ough doca not owo tho banks any It should burn within eighteen Max Lopatin, 51 years of age, a life In behalf of Mrs. Lopatin. and herselling Tho Register—Advertisement TLWTS, J. HigRlns, house and lot on money. Collection of taxes this year, tho went clde of Cedar avenue B«.43 CharlcR I*. Invhi, ono lot on the he stated, was not quito so good as SSE north afdo of Flak streofc 3{T.38 loot year. A special effort will bo 2ffi "William Shoemaker Estate, one lot made to collect delinquent 1931 and on tho north side of Fisk street.. 86,38 E ilalia M. Wall* houee and lot on 1032 taxes, Mr. White Issued a warn- the aouth Bldo o£ Flak Btrect . . 123.80 ing that unless tho borough baa good Romeo Itcevey, one lot on tho south fortune in collecting these taxes It I eide of Fisk utreot . «... SE.SG aicclla Sweeting, ono lot oa thg may be necessary to hold a tax sale south fide of Fisk street . 85.31* next year. I P. Dodd, Lot No. 10, ont lot on tho south elda of Harvard Mayor Van R. Haleoy expressed tho . roat No. 121, gust 1 and November 1. The advance , btiiltlln^ and lot on the north side bill for tho first and second install-1 of McCartcr avenuo . 26.G^ ments is based on 1033 taxes. Thla Is [ Lulu Martin, Lot No 7, ono lot on tlio west aitlo of Allen atreet 18.Q8 necessary because tho 1034 tax dupli- /HAT shall you give her? How Deborah J, Richardson, Lota Kou, IS cates aro not received from the coun- much shall you spend? Wo'H nnd .16 Mi. houso and two lots on, ty board of taxation until April. When west Bide of Allen street —...... T9.0V; A GIFT SENSATION ! solve both little problems for you Robert S. Jones Estate, Lot No. 2C, tho regular tax bills for 1934 arc one lot on tho eaat side of Wil- issued the paymentn made on tho ad- with our bomitiiul gift slippers, at liam ntroet _ _ „ vance bill will be doduoted. PURE LINEN John Howard, Lot No. 35, building moderate prices. AH the now styles nnd lot on the meat side of Wil- Borough Clerk Jero J. Carow re- OPEN EVERY NIGHT nnd colors! liam street — „.. ... ported collection of liquor license foea William W. Cook and Iona, Lot No, TILL XMAS ! 63, noune and lot on the vest a totaling 52,187.60. Licenuoa have been side of Forrest avenuo ...... 179.4& I Issued to Fred Andro, Charles Van- Tommifl Rosevelt, Lot No. sf ivud Mcn'B §M A Marvelous Assortment! ACTION Union Ilinluuri A BUSY MAN. Doll Sulkys 49c Slwli •,. IT. _ . J WOOD TOYS Door % Thomnn N. MeCarlcr Utility Man Doll Dressers 89c DERRICKS Kor .Jerflny Governors. I'-OK LITTLE TOTS l'opular Jlnterials". Hoiilor *f Kitchen Cabineta „ 79c I'nvflhnink! 'Vast \ll Clironio Front When governors have tough jobr, nnd Sewing Sets 19c they turn ihom over to Thomas N. I.iitto, Tlddcly Winks, Comblnn- hcrlbiMl, li>r lai'fio McCartor, whose dutleu nn president llon Hoards, Ten I'lnn, Dol of Public thi'vlct) corporation aro IVIiIrl find Others. SV'xW FOLDING onough to keep any ordinary man "~CLOCKlilRRoF buoy olfjhlficn bourn ii dny. But Mr. McC'arter In no ordinary man. Hn him n. prodigious) capacity for work Sprt-lal Itall, nnd Hhoiililiu'lni; vciipmiHltOHIy. Thnt'n why Governor Moore nmilc! him i-luili- nian of tlio School 'Survey coinmlo- nlnn, which hi now ready to muUo ttn report, lio nerved, nlno, no chairman of thn Alcoholic t!ov("ra|(o Control cnnmil.'iMion, which thri'iilicd out thn FLASHLIGHTS "Vislvc maple con Oi>»iiilrl<( wltli Hull. niv.iiio,,-,, ,,f t|ln HI,„„,. tralllc: ami liiill" prtjyontcd an ablo and a eoniprohon invi! ri'pcivl. to tin! lofilnlaturn lltiit month. Another jolt to which lie l> C(nni|> on ilovotllii; rotinldernblo tlmn ,lu tho CIGAR LIGHTER ciowlilila i-lwlrinnmilil)) of tho Commission on Municipal Consolidation, lln han, of 21-23 St., mill ASH MWKIX l.K course, received no pny for thosio iirduomj tnsIiH. Identified BO long In L RED BANK tho public inlnil an hand of I'ublU. OH III hi ficrvlco, Mr. McCtartcr'n early public cuicor lit often forgotten. In tho 'fiO'n lie wuti jmlRo of tho Firm Illutrlot Court of Nownrk, nnd In 1891) wan. elected to lilts ulnlo nciiatn from B» i Page Eight RED BANK EEGISTER, t>ECEMBEEjO,J98g. daughter of WiHJaw J. Hy»n of i OR. L, W« CARLBON of a patented sled which was being [Others taking part wero Lydia Mc- Mlddlctown village1 freight station. introduced in thia section by William ; Queen, Mario Skelly, Beatrice Cham- Amunj; them were William Magee, TIMOTHY R.-HOUNIHAN A. Wailing of Phalanx. berlain, Evelyn Chandler, Helen Kel- Edward I'mnclo, Theodor 4 e SUlwell ly, Guila Gustin and Christine Cook. and Jacob Wyckoti. • Oflito Houtsi Daily 10 8. on. ouf,'l;in Cook, and the young tion of you Instant lubrication that protects your motor during Hi© Host Powerful Gasoline Belford shore. Ira Gibson. David E. Hancc and Unm«i Hhutlr;, the dangerous warm-up period. Valves and piston!) work fii Jr., bought the boot and nlinn bimi- T«-«n(y Yearn A, freely, dry friction spots are eliminated. nea» of Whltnll H. Hill located in tin V. B. (Jreenawalt of Bank street Nftveslnk Bank building on liroad j entertained a number of Red Bank- Triple "X" TYDOL is the only motor fuel (o offer this com- 1@ s atreft. • fiA, which Intor developed Into n, dra- {HP *^ Wfeh® ^ Anti-Knock The Women's Tempenim.e Union nuitir, ;niv.lo.ty. Tiie oillearx wove Keg- bination * • • $£ occond fttiirling plus instant lubrication. of Bed Bank attended CJiaee church limld II, Mun ay president, Mb: jJs§ 3 Sineev@rs0idatregiiiargasprSc© in n body anil listened to ;i tompct- K^U'llc Orccnnwiilfc vice pi'dj-siilcnt Triple "X" TYDOL costs no more than old-fashioned gaso- 'iiicfi fsemiou delivered by Rev, W. F.Miflf* CumUnncfj ('{reonuwnit liocnitarj line. Prow to your own pleasure and profit that it is differ- 1I»1T. utid Irenmiror and Mlfi" Clrtho Hou#h Mism Jermio Winter mid Archibald ton pi'Mii ntfcnt. Otncrn In Uio Krouy ent. It lubricates as it drives. Tide Watcf Oil Sales Corp., Entontown, N. J. Quiickcuhuiih, both of Atlimtic llij;h- were Harry Ilfiwf-:!, Harold Wood, huidfl, wero nmrilnl at the bride':; («l;idy;5 Mtcwarl, Vivian OtUrflon, M Rev. Willhim IS. Hurrl/i. ThroiMunoiton, \)v, Helen J1'. Cihium, 1 Tho rjecond of u m'lli'M of nuri.-ibh'ii ,fulm I*'. HwaclUiniiHT, ClmrlOii Week. : jiii'l WnltiT Vjtnbom. , f:ivtfr( by the yoiinj; peophi of iihi'o.wii- '.mry won lioM nl Mr;;. Miiry C. A niitutlrol jihriw wn;i j;ivnn by thi * filing's near Knlontinvu. J;II1M of iitft itcd i'/.iuk lii^li f.:ch')ol v mm^ix mm mm ma vm uunjm BuaiWB Edgar If, Cook i>xMh)tvil Wiul

About 150 Attended Affuir at Shrews- bury Saturday. Elsele, King & Nugent • Tho Monmouth fiold hockey club FOR YEARS, OF HANDLING THE FINEST AND CHOICEST WINES held a subscription dance Saturday 21 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. night at Shrewsbury Manor, Syca- AND LIQUORS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. more avenue, Shrewsbury. A group of about 150 danced to the tuney o£ Telephone Red Bank 2. Donald Grumann and his orchestra. Decorations were of pine and laurel branches with pairs of hockey slicks Members yew York Htocli Exchange decorating the corners. ORIGINALLY OPENED AND OPERATED MANY YEARS BY THE A "Paul Jones," led by Thomas Associate Mcmhci-a. New York Curb Exchange GEO. R. LAMB CO., FOLLOWED BY J. MONSKY, AND NOW Field of Mlddletown, and a balloon dance featured the evening. Sand- wiches and coffee were served by the STOCKS and BONDS hostess committee, which way com- Accounts Curried on Conservative Margin posed of Mrs. Edwin Best, Mrs. Earle Siiyder, Mrs. I<\ J. Ficke.r, Mrs. Lcd- yard Avery,, Mrsi S. B. Boynton, Mrs. CHESTER L. EBIE, Manager Lee Conrow, Mrs. H. Li. Powers, Mi.s. 3 A. W. Bry, Mrs. Ira Crouso, Mrs. C. V. B.. Cutihmen arid Miss Katherine Fire!—Our First Adventure LaMarche. ' Several dinner parties were held QN BOAED THE BYHD FLAG- In addition there are two alr- prior to the dance. Among tho din- Main Office: 9 Clinton Street, Newark SHIP, JACOB RUPPERT: — planes/ona an Immense Trl-motor- ner hosts und hostesses were Mr. and other branch offices: Here ire ara still at Bayonno and I ed Ford all-metal piano and the Mrs. Ira Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace VanArx, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Alleuhurst Trenton East Oranga we're just had tie first thrill ot the other a smaller scouting machine, Expedition, Best, Mrs. Stanley Danser and Dr. Jersey Cily New Brunswick OUR SHELVES ARE STOCKED WITH THE MOST COMPLETE LINE buried In the snow down at Little and Mrs. L. S. Ylvlsakor and Charles After breakfast, a long day of America which Admiral Dyrd hopes Otte'rson, OF WINES AND WHISKIES IN THE COUNTRY. ALL OUR GOODS back-breaking, labor, but excellent and believes aro still In perfect :*= HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED BEFORE PURCHASED AND meals at lunchtlme and at dinner condition. helped a lot. If I could only get WE PERSONALLY GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL. some sleep. If I don't soon there will In order to uao all of this auto- he nothing left ot me to take to motive equipment for our explora- the South Pole. tion and other scientific work. In IMPORTED BONDED RYES, It Is 10 o'clock at night—gee, It's addition ip the dog teams, it has Friday, the 18th!—A loud explo- been necessary for us to carry sion. Shouting from the dock. A along immense supplies of fuel and sudden rod glare in the sity. Our lubricating olio. Pocked down in and PORT, AND ALL THE INGREDIENTS TO MAKE ANY ship Is Illuminated as If by a gigan- our holds aro 16,450 gallons of avia- tic red eearch- tion gasoline; 800 gallons of lubri- FOR KIND OF A MIXED DRINK. llght. cating oils; 3,000 gallons of auto- Dead ollonco on mobile gasoline; 1,500 gallons of our ship for a few kerosene; 25 pounds of aero rocker minutes. Then a arm grease; 30 tons of Diesel en- ohoutlng of or- gine fuel oil; 200 gallonB ot Diesel THIS BEST IN THE TVOKLD—GUAEANTISEM EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD dors. An oil engine lubricating oil; COO gallons tanker is on fire of. cylinder oil; 6,250 gallons of two docko away. marine engine oil; 250 gallons of ERE is every floral gift-need Wo ara in terrible rod swabbing oil and 400 pounds of H well fulfilled. From the danger because cup grease. Some supply of petro- our holds and leum products! most expensive decoration to the tanka are bulglngArthur Abcle, Jr.' finest spray, our flowers, our ar- with oil, gasoline and high ex- I Bhan't know for months how WHAT COULD BE NICER FOB A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAN A QUART OF plosives. If the fire Is not controlled many 6y you people of high school tistic arrangements and our ser- OLD FOltBESTEB BYE EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD? ANSWER, TWO QUARTS. Immediately the whole Expedition age or over havo Joined the Little vice are outstanding. We will may be wiped put. I've onl" been America Aviation and Exploration help you give the graceful gift THE STORE OF REPUTATION 10 E. FRONT ST., RED BANK aboard the Jacob Ruppert 20 hours Club, through -which Admiral Byrd and here io one of the greatest of flowers. Your telephone can KELLEHER & EVANS PHONE 2813. hopes to build up a tremendous In- thrills of my life. terest in American aviation among bring you our suggestions for a A breathleas wait on our ship. the young people of the land. I hope Floral Christmas. The distent clanging of fire engines. It is in the thousands, because the A gradual darkening of the ruddy club members and I are going to glare. The situation la under con- have •come exciting times together trol. Two men are dead from bums and later I am going to send each in the original explosion. Grim real- of them a detailed map on which be Open Every Eveniiv. U itil ity only a stone's throw away from or ohe can keep a dally record of no. This is no tea-party we ore set- our Journeys and flights of explora- 10 O'Clock ting out on. tion and other scientific slgnlfl- THE I while we are down at the All day equipment and supplies bottom ot the world. It you haven't of all kinds have been pouring over joined yet, now IB as good a time the elde of our vessel. Here, for ex- as any. There are no obligations ample, is a list of the automotive FRANK BERARDI whatever. All you have to do Is TOY equipment for which I am the fuel send mo a etamped, solf-addreBsed engineer and all details of which I PHONE RED BANK 2571. — OF _ envelope and a note saying you havo to learn before we got to Lit- want to Join the club. Send it in Seven-Bridge Bond, near Rumson Road, LITTLE SILVEB, N, 3, tle America:—a 1400 horsepower my name to the New York head- CurtisB-Condor airplane with a :5t?3tfftieNr»$»vr6p^grW*t7;rW-!rt^^*fi<^ quarters of the Little America Avia-! wingspread ot 82 feet; a 700 horse- tlon and Exploration Club, at the power Pilgrim airplane; a 600 Hotel Lexington, 48th Street andj horsepower General airplane; a Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y., 10-12 BROAD ST., (Broad St. National Bank Bldg.) RED BANK, N. J. Kellett auto-gyro airplane; a Cleve- and tho membership~~card wiiT be land tractor; 2 French Citroen trac- sent you Immediately and later the tors; 2Ford snowmobiles with cator- map and, perhaps, other communi- KEYSTONE plllar treads at the rear and metal cations. Children's Table the front. i and

ALL SIZES. Chair Sets Union Beach News. GREEN FINISH. (The Hed Bank Register can be bought $J.5O and $S.75 Sc to $©.75 in Union Beach at the etors ot Gus Sen- , son.) | Edward Culien, seeking re-election Bills Amounting to $55,000 Paid for lire chief, was defeated for that BIG SPECIAL » by the Township Committee office at the annual election last Wall Blackboards Last Thursday—Want Street Wednesday night by Vernon Sulli- 3L TAI LEI Extension at NaveBink. van, a member of the Union hose u PO< 31 Special at— company, by a vote of 21 to 11. The o OUT At the meeting of the township defeat of Culien is said to have been committee of Mlddletown township the result of a grievance against him at Thursday afternoon, bills to the by the members of the Harris Gar- SB dens hose company. Several months amount of ?55,0OO were ordered paid. Easel Blackboards Some of this money was turned-over ago Mr. Culien charged that com- to tho board of education, including pany.-wns not up to the standard of a sum sufficient to pay tho school the other companies. As a result of I" Your Choice at— $S1.00 this charge tile company worked for teachers and othor school employees Each one week in advance. The object in the election of Sullivan. Adam making this advance payment was Kllnsky, another candidate, received three votes. Joseph McCoy, - tho to help the teachers with their Christ- fourth candidate, received only one mas "shopping sjid to stimulate vote. Christinas buaineBs. Dolls .' from 10c to $3.75 Carriages 95c to $8.75 Some "time ago Schuyler Sickles, The Holy Name society of tho assistant chief of the townBhlp lire Holy Family church held Its month- Doll Beds $1.30 to $2.50 Bassinette $1.00 department, asked the committee to ly communion breakfast Sunday extend Swan avenue so that it would morning. Tho breakfast was served Dolls' High Chairs, Ivory or Green $1.50 and $1.75 run all tho way through from Mon- In tho Catholic club. mouth street to Valley drive. Tho A fire believed to have originated firemen of Navenlng -want this done from an overheated furnace did slight damago to tho "Old Home- becauso In the event of a flre in the stead" on Beachview avenue last Plattraonnt section the UBO of Swan Tuesday morning. The prompt nt^ avenue would lessen the distance. rival of tho firemen saved the build- / / Howard W. Roberta, the township ing from Bcrtous damage. The blaze clerk, stated that In order to-• make tJ. was extinguished with the aid of the proposed extension it would bo chemicals. Scooters necessary to buy land owned by tho Mr. and Mrs. George Martin havo Central railroad company. Ho said closed up their home on Park ave- $-1 .25 to $«S».5O ho had taken up the matter with a nue and have gone to Newark for representative of tlio* company and the winter. that the latter had stated that ho Mrs, J. Dorl was hostess to the would find out what price would be membcra of the Ladles' Aid society Wheelbarrows acceptable. Mr. Roberta said he had of Grace M. E. church Monday after- 'c to $f|.5O not yet heard irom tho railroad com- Mrs. Charles MacDonaltl enter- Exprasj Wagons 50c to $5.00 pany but that as soon as ho did he tained tho Ladies' Afternoon social would report the matter to the town- club at her home on Park nvcnuo Toy Autos $4.45 to $775 ship committee. Thursday afternoon. The club ha3 Buddy-L In a letter to tlin committee Luther postponed social nct.tvlt.ic3 until nfter Walling, Jr., of Belford aaltcd that the Christmas holiday:!. Velocipedes $2.75 to $8.50 and he be given a chance to use hla motor Tho Ladies' Aid aoclcty of Grnco trucka to remove snow from roads. M. E. church will hold n bazar to- Kiddie Kars $1.25 to $2.50 Keystone The request wan referred to Thoman night. The committee in charge of 13. Day, the township supervisor of tho oflice is composed of Mnf. K rofuhs. Brady, Mm. A. Behr nntt Mru. L. Kiddie Bikes at 1 $3.50 A lotter was received from William Rotter. M. Pctlngale, clerk of tho board of Municipal Director Goorgc Jtais Rolls Racer at ...r $3.75 education and cii/itodlan of school has secured sulllclent funds from tha monlM, to the effect that under a law Public Worltt! Administration to glvo We also carry a complete line of Mechan- recently enacted hla salary aa cus- employment to about ninety men. J J todian would not bo due until later Tlio project upon which they have 'if 'li'^' i'. 1' ical Toys and Games of all lands. Visit our than it had. been paid In tho past. been put to work Includes clearing Mrs. Loulro C. Botlman, chairman a lnrgo plcco of borough property nn .1. Toy Dept. before buying elsewhere. of the county committee for unem- Florence avenue, where it la pro- ployment emergency relief, urccd In poned to lay out nn nthletic Held. letter that BB largo an appropri- They aro also painting, the school ation aa possible- bo mudo in the building;?. township budget of expennco to pro- ~~ «*»o-— • Tiffin Glassware! vide work for tho Joblean. Tho let- ter was ordered filed. Eyerett News. All Pieces Priced at ICxomptlons ot (HUM In taxes v«>ro H SALE J^ Most Appropriate Gift for a ordered inada an recommended by Edward Ho wo of Main titrnot Hi Merry Christmas ! Collector John M. Went In a written nnnflnod to h!ti homo, with it heavy 1 ^fijc Each report. These- reductions were iluo cold. Latest Styles All Floor Lamps "....$2.75 to $7.50 chiefly to double anscMmontii nml ex- Minn Dorothy Howe, (laughter of omptlo>i8 for military nervlce. Ko- Ifrlwartl Howe, In ennflnmt to her KpgnrillntM (if flljlo or Him Large Table Lamps at $1.50 corctar Loula MUEBO turned In f'20 homo with whooplnj* roiu;h. Colom: Ainlwr, Green, Cnnnry. which lie had collected In fines. Many of tho oldor folks of this With I'uK'rlitln >S«fi<> mill l'archmont Blmdefi. place attondod the old fmihlomul 8-Piece Bridge Sets danco hold «fc Holmdcl OH Wcdnoii- Bridge Lamps at $1.50 A Ironftfldo newspaper circulation day nlftUL I ill Jl l'arrlimmit Simile™Metal Htlt'it. -tha hind Ths KCEISW hns—IB tho i iii Glass, $2.S0 only Ulnil that counts with tho ad- William Conn and hi» dniiphtor vertlner.' No premiums or other lit- AUcft of Vn[v Havmi iipunt. Hundny •iiicfiiiBntfl havo nver been offered to vMtlngtMr. and Mra. Uoil Warnokd ft^^^ secura circulation Aityetttemfmt. and family- f I t . . 1 I f 1* > * ( > > l> 1* «ft Uti" >(«< * Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20.1933. are new member of the Masque club Here and There of Long Branch. William Caaler was elected a The scavenger hunt was postponed from January ; In to 10. Auction Company Formed. Personal Notes, Sales of Prop- Ernest Peterson, John Crlne and Say It with erty, Building Operations. Harry Bernstein of M&tawari: have Lodge Doings, Births. Mar- organised an auction company to pro- •' riages and Deaths. mote weekly auction sales. John M. FLOWERS" Evans of Adelphia will ba tho auc- At a moeUng of tho Freehold tioneer. chamber of commerce laat week charges were made that-"selfish in- Dies at Ago of 86. It won't be long now. Here are our gift suggestions •••for the last tisreats" In the borough were responB- Martin L. Bamman, a resident of minute shopper... practical gifts that are always welcome, and best of all, li iblo for the delay In building the Anbury Park since 1887, died laat l d b ll ' ? new postofllce there. It was declared week in his 87th year. He waa con- reasonably priced. ,i lhat' Ji representative was Bent to troller of Asbury Park In 191-4 and .Vashington to delay construction, j commissioner of parks and public olnsettias iiie mayor, and council were accused grounds from 1915 to 1910., Exchanges will be cheerfully made after Christmas; & of assuming an Indifferent attitude. Utility Rate Fight Po&^ined. *' A yon was born laat week to Mrs. Hearing of the utility rate fight « Joseph Storey of Freehold. Her hus- brought by the Monmouth County clamen band died August li from burns re- Taxpayers' association against the HE LADIES! - 1 ceived while fighting a fire August Jersey Central Power and Light The newcomer io Mrs. Storey's company haa been postponed until SLIPPERS HOSJERY if fifth child. January 22. o The monthly dinner meeting of the Felt 9f .to $1.75 .85 a pair; 3 pair $2.45 I'rl-County Municipal association No Liquor on Boardwalk. ill be held tonight at Buttonwood Sale of liquor on the boardwalk at Satin I.SOto 2.95 $1.00 a pair; 3 pair 2.85 inor Inn tonight. Asbury Park has been prohibited by 1.15 a pair; 3 pair 3.25 Cut Flowers the city council. License^ wero grant- Leather 1.9Sto 3.50 Harrison G. Travis and Lieut. R. ed to the Whelan drug, company Sheepskin 1.75 to 1.95 , Very Sheer, Medium and Service. >'. Thomas of Matawan spent last Peter Wertz and Michael Florlllo. week on a hunting trip in Virginia. Rubber Footwear (SRoe Gloves) - '. j Mrs. Sol Oglensky has been elected Attendance Officer. BAGS president of tho Council of Sister- Miss Elizabeth H. Woodward of Calf Skin .:.$2.95 to $3.95 Cloth Arctics $1.00 to $2.50 hood at Freehold. Freehold was reappolnted attendance Matawan Licensed Seven Places. oitlccr by tho Btato board of educa- Suede 2.95 to 4.25 ' Rubber Arctics 1.50 to 3.50 if Five taverns and two stores were tion l8st week at a salary of $1,500 j S granted liquor licenses last week by a year, plus $700 for expenses. Beaded for Evening 2.25 to 4.75 Either zipper or flap; black or brown X the Matawan borough commlssion- !j era. Those who received retail 11- Ardena Resident Dead. ? DEAN'S ; ! censes were Philip S. Culbert and Frank Barton, a lifelong resident • f Charles Zumbano, trading as' thoof Ardena, died Thursday of paraly- Little Silver, New Jersey Sandwich shop and grill; Conrad sis at tho age of 77. Ho was ill only Wold, proprietor of the Old Dutch a few days. Surviving are hla wife, SLIPPERS HOSIERY Members Florists' Telegraph Mill; Anthony Cerrato, Pasquale P. a daughter and two sons. Dl Santo and John Henry Fallon. Felt: $1.50 to $2.25 .35 a pair; 3 pair $1.00 Delivery Asso Store licenses were granted to Dan- Federal Radio License. Leather ? 1.95 to 3.75 iel Rapolla, Henry Bromberg and A federal license has boon issued .50 a pair; 2 pair .85 Anthony Rapolla. for station W2GcK, tho amateur Sheepskin 1.95 to 2.25 broadcasting station conducted by WALLETS Catholic Daughters Card Party. tho Freehold radio club. Vincent ARCTICS Tho Catholic Daughters of Long Suhoski is" tho operator. $2.50 to $5.00 A complete line $l'.00 to $3.50 Branch will hold a card party and Oalthurst Club Election. social December 28. Mrs. Mary Co- Tho Progressive Men's club of Oak- *jj gan is chairman. At a trustees' hurst has olectcd Harry Demarest election last week Mro. Margaret president, Harry White vice presi- O.'Leary was named chairman, Mrs. dent, Alonzo Clark secretary and Chris Wlddis secretary, Mrs. Nora James Serlno treasurer. Healy and Mrs. Anna Moran la SLIPPERS ARCTICS charge of property and Mrs. Julia Body in Cast. Dispango and Mrs. Jennie Hellkcn. A cast was applied last week to Felt 75 to $1.35 Cloth $2.25 to $2.95 auditors. the body of Roy VanSiso of Free- hold, who cracked a vertebrae in his Leather. 85 to 2.00 Rubber 1.50 to 3.00 Hospital Auxiliary. Election. back in a fall from a platform lead- Auxiliary No. 1 of the Long Branch ing from a freight car. Sheepskin 1.25 to 1.50 Fleece Lined, Zipper or Snap. hospital held a Christmas party last week at tho Oarflold-Grarit hotel at Died In Her 70th Year. Long.Branch. Officers elected at the Mrs. Henry M. Olesen, aged 69, And what better gift than a pair of Simplex Flexies i.... Patent Leather, gathering were Mrs. Patrick J. died last week at tho Perth Amboy Tan or Smoked Elk and White Buck or Elk. A complete range of sizes and Meade president, Mrs. Raymond hospital. Her husband owns a Wyckoff vice president, Mrs. Earle gladlola farm on tho Frechold-Ten- styles. $2.50 to $3.75. ~ . Shelley secretary and Mrs. Frederick nent road. W. VanNote treasurer. Oceanport's Liquor Furvoyors. Compensation Awards. Liquor licenses wore granted last Settlements and awards amounting week by tho Oceanport mayor and to $4,767.76 were made Friday before council to George S. Woodward, Jos- Deputy Commissioner Daniel A. eph Mazza, Carl Mazza and Charles Spair in compensation court at As-M. Meek. , bury Park. Tho largest amount was Liquor Fees at Deal. ' ?2,D00 plus $150 expenses In favor of It costs 5600 for a retail liquor li- WE ACCEPT MONMOUTH COUNTY SCRIP ON ALL PURCHASES. Anthony DeMato of Asbury Park, cense at Deal and 5400 for a distribu- who was injured in an auto collision. tor's license. Retailers aro permitted to sell on Sunday, but not distribu- Freehold's Liquor Licenses. tors. The, Freehold commissioners last week granted retail liquor licenses to Two Hurt in Falls. John VanBargen, proprietor of the Mrs. Henry Whito of Froohold American hotel, Joseph Murphy, fractured her left arm in a fall last SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY George Mulholland, Harry Forman, week. George Oakley, a]80 of Free- I Frank Federlcl, Gus Chagaris, Harry hold, foil and broko hla right should- * Barkalow and the Elks' club, and a RED BANK, N. J. ! distributor's license to John Kens. Doctor Opens Oflloo. Prices Effective Dec. 21-27 Freehold Bed Cross Drive. Dr. A. A. Simon of Freehold, who I Mrs. Walter H.' Sherwood, chair- graduated recently from tho Illinois man of the Red Cross drive In the school of Chiropody and Foot Sur- Freehold district, which Included gery, has opened an office at Mont- Freehold and the surrounding com- clair. munity, reported $1,055.49 has been To Distribute Toys. collected, with returns incomplete Tho Girl Scouts of Adelphia will from some sections. This amount is collect and distribute Christmas toys $94 less than last year. to tho children of tho community. Fldeau—Grasberger. This has been a custom for. aevural | Mrs. Augusta Fldeau of Lakewood years. .. , , and Henry F. Grasberger of Free- To Wed Doctor. hold wero married December 10 at A shower was tendered last week St. Rose of Lima rectory at Freehold to Miss Minna Bogan of Asbury by Rev. John Kucker. The groom Park, who will wed Dr. Joseph Is employed In the rug mill at B'ree- 1 Binder of Long Branch in February. hold and Is a member of tho Elka Hospital Boncflt Dance. ' band. The Freehold unit of Fitkln hos- "Jag" List at Matawan, pital will hold a benefit dance Selling- liquor over the bar on Sun-Wednesday night, December 27, at day will not be permitted, at Mata- the American hotel. wan. A man arrested twice In oneSeventy Years Old. year for being Intoxicated Is put on Mrs. Katheryn Parker of Hamil- the "jog" list and a wife may have ton was tendered a party last week I her husband's name placed on the In celebration of her seventieth birth- list If he Imbibes too frequently. day. Mnrtlllo—Dalley. Announcement has been made of Law Firm Dissolved. tho marriage December 7 of Miss Tho law firm of Athol C. Rees Mary Martille of Long Branch and and William Hartshorno of Freehold Lloyd E. Dailey of Bradley Beach. hao been mutually dissolved* Rev. Albert Banse of Simpson Meth- od!::' church of Long Branch per- Telephone lied Dank 2430. formed the ceremony. DR. J. B. KUDNICK, CIimoPODIST—FOOT SPECIALIST I/«vy Wins in Recount. 08 I*cteri Place, Red Bonk, N. 3, As tho result of a recount Joseph Omce Hours: By Appointment. Lovy of Freehold was re-elected coun- II. D. FBISDERIK PEDDERSEN, cilman over Philip Davklofsky by a Certified Public Accountant, N. Y. majority of 44 voten. Tho orlglnul 227 MAPLE AVE, RED BANK, N. i. or Plain p«« 17c count olectlon night gavo DavldofDky Tclcphono Red Bank 3427 a majority of two votc3. Tho re-QUITO, PAE8ONB © DOBEMBS. count cost about $400. COUNSE1.I.OKS AT LAW iVMlfkld Building. Rod (limb 2 BInrrled in New York State. John I Qiilnn, Theodora IX Parson*. n» 19c Tho marriage of Mrs. Ethel Imlay • ' Thorns* E* OaremuB Butcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BAKING POfJBER -U.STON BKEILMAN, II GELATINE Edward Imlay of Farmlngdale, to UOUNSEU-On A1 LAW. Cleveland S. Rogers of Freehold, has iimcc*. 10 Brocul St. IUiI> BANK. N 6-oz can 12-oz can been announced. Tho couple wero married November 21 at Wlntersboro, JAMES INGLIS, New York. ATTORNEY AT LAW iAB HEAT Flagstaff Hrads of Fire Companies. Olllri-, 05 Iirond St., UEX1 BMUZ, 11. J. Dalton Graham hrnj been elected A real Santa Claus !a ano president of M. 15. Haley hoso com- nutomutio loo-tray release!* pany of Matawan and Amos B. vrhoso gifts last long, long xninrt, nrw design and npnr-. years. So, immediately, wo KIIIIR Duliu finish. Btultz lias been elected prcnldent of think of Frigtdairet THIS NEW FtilGIDAIRE Washington englno company of the USES LESS CURRENT TURN .Wiicn you select y<;up name borough for the ninth connecu- Newark ond Qizabcth A hero Is a person who tmves Christinas Frlgldnlro, we'll JSS fire 1%-oiiK.t. tivo year. people. If you buy n Frigid- ONE OriDltlflliV S.HF.IC BULB nllix a hniidaomc, sterling nil- Biro yoti*H save your \*Ifo nil • © Trr medallion, cngirnvcd wltlt«nsea Infilled to Seven. kinds of Inconvenicnco and imy Christ niusnentfjncnl you Within tho pnst week liquor li- IS1EEI Prunes 2-n>PkB Round Trip S3d St. end 7tli Avtmuo menu-trouble , . . you'll save nlre costa CO little to lmy mtd i'Y-MOTT'S censes havo been Iraniod at Aobury your family from tlio monot- use! Yet it hao inir-fonrtli I''r!|tiilniro is going to iniilio Purk to tho BorUoley-Carterct hotel, 11 €%f% Hudaon ony of tn&tdk<33 mcalfi... and mom food space, with vxtra this il Merry Clii'slmim fop Gr.l. JUP Jw;j the Elto' club, Jerry Narclcuo, Sam- $ you'll Bnveypuractraoiuenlcr, PEEL uel Brody, Ryan, John room for tall bottlft; Kfitlimr, ^ Iot» of fYimilicfl. Wo liopij Jacobs, Patay Blvillo and Week:! and Kuund Trii) Corttandt and Chttrcb St9. I)!g, (round dtdlnra, ntoli)!c»» porcelain iutrHur; yoiirj will ho ono of the lucky Tho now Standard Frigid- uutomatlo (icfrostln^t and t" Jonnnnfi-on. 8UNBA1T U'<\V '•thirteen Yearo In Office. December 21 Georgo H. VaiiWlnltlc, Bi\, wan rc- WEDNESDAY nlertcil president of tho Lone Branch Wrcnipt Firemen's ansioclatlnn laat December 21 witk for (ho thirteenth connccutlvo I,V. REO BANK - 9.-S3 A.M. ytn\. William Il.'Vuiillriinl wnn le- • lcrtnl occictiiiy fur Iil.'j twentieth SPECIAL, FAST TRAIN V.n. WEDNESDAYS ONLY , Lv. Ned Bank - 0:41 A. M. ( lull I)iuitii:ri| l,v Mr.-. At. Now Yo>li- 10.42 A;M.. lJ»tmi|;c (iilluintr-d nt $n,ftflo wim 3c» Flyers or CottsuU • uuiifd I>y ii, (lit, Thm-iulny nli;lit in O mi Mnndol'ii night, ciuli n.t Anbury J'«ili Tlin (Ireuicn fought, (he liiaxo Pennsylvania Jim i- houiii, l)(.||iK hninporcit by Jersey C Ilildl HIIIOIH-. Ttio p|0,.|! will) ijllltmi, L ke f j W d Mil > !'< m ni.. n |.,,,itn(.|i,.,i. Tho mud to better find blfifgor Imnl- r mit «'«Cliristm;in entertainment to feel «t tiiso and perfectly -Nixon unit Aniiy Devlnc, will be the Saturday of thlB week at a dtnner- and Carl Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs, tomorrow night at tho schoolhousc. poised. main attraction itt llio Carlton the- her children and their families at a daneo at tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel at John Smith, ran away from home Jirlstnms dinner -party and family Lester Sickles and Donald Quacken- ater today and tomorrow., New York. Receiving with Mre. Kills and went to Virginia. Carl, In a re- bush went hunting at New Grelna . Th« fctory, which ran aerially In gathering-. It is expected that 27 per- Created b.y and her daughter will bo Minn Mar- cent letter to his parents, told them ions will be present. r-.nd Harry Feency went, to Pasadena Liberty magazine, la about a wuall not to worry about him. He aiild he Christmas garet Fink of Plalnfleld and Miss Ijsst night the members of the. during the deer season. Gossard town boy who la in love with a coun- Elizabeth CIcmenta, roommates of the wan on his way to California. try jjlrl.1' He la swept off hla Jeet by World Wide guild ot the Baptist Mrs. Mary Reed began jury duty S3 the nnswer. debutante at Mlsa Porter's school at The library will close Saturday and church had a Christmas party at the yesterday at Freehold. Tho pull of tho. tlio infatuation lavished on him by a Farmlngton, Connecticut. will rc-open Thursday, January 4. Flowers city debutante. An elopmtmt with home of Mrs. John E. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert During have b ac k • :-:tra j*fi Inyltiitlona have been issued to Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Ijlppincott closed their home on Monmouth ove- flattena the ab- the sophisticated drl makea him rea- have gone to Florida for tho winter. James E. Grlggs butchered hla hogs Mlsnofl Adrlonne B. Oharlos, Martha last week. William Dpwncs, who is nuo and have returned to Westbury, ?\y colorful domen, uplift;! lise how much ho carea for hla rural The members of tlio Needlework sweetheart. Hall, Margaret Morae, Anne Waring, famous Hereabouts as a weather "Long: Island, for'the winter. tho bust, and Jnne Aldred, Nancy Kwijig Elizabeth guild enjoyed a luncheon at the home profit, did tho Wiling. Jin states that The Navesink library . lias been llont ih express tho controls the Those who fuiicd to nee tho Warner Glover, Caroline P. and Eleanor H. of Miss Marie Conovcr Friday after- closed for the Christmas holidays and hlprj. Brothers' musical, "Tho Footlight the amount of fat near tho skins of ( hrKtnu.s spirit. Hoaglund, Louisa Heriick, Sara Hol- noon and flpent the rest of the time the hogs indicates that the early and will reopen January 4. Let our expert Parade," with a host o£-stara in tho ler, Clirlntine, Elisabeth and Honora in malting garments. Otters e h o w cast, will have another opportunity lato parts of this winter will be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maxson cn- C hoobo from imr Knapp, Eleanor Mullally, Zelia Pcet, Mrs. John Liecty has returned from vero while the middle will be mild. teltained Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lori yon what em Friday, for Manager Morris Jacks Angeline Pell, Nancy Putnam, Alyce visit at Plttsfleld, Massachusetts. choice bloom*. Mis-SlmpIlcity has acceded to the many requests to Mr. Griggs has prellcted the same of Jersey City over the week-end. Preaprich, Elulnc Richardson and Miss Helen Murray wa3 a recent kind of a winter as a result of observ- can do. bring it back to tho Carlton [screen Loutna Wood. guest of Mlsa Clara Greenwood. for another day. In tho picture, which ing the color of caterpillara. William Also Thomas Adams, Jr., William Mrs. George Bevans of East Or- Logan, than whom thoro is no better A CHRISTMAS RECITAL, &S one ot tlto most lavish of spec- ange lias been spending a few days known weather prophet in Middle- $4.50 to $10 Wtucles ever filmed, are nuch stars aa Borden, Peter and Carl Behr, Jr., Al- fred Beadlcaton, Walter Blrgc, V, with her daughter, Mrs. Wardwell township, claims that neither the James Cagney, who sings and dancea, Thomas, Jr. Miss Lillian Terhuno Will Broadcast Morgan, Samuel L. and Henry Brook- amount of fat on hogs' or tho color It from Station WJDI. Ruby Kecler. Richard Powell and lleld, Jr., Hnmuol Clark, Jr., Chaiiea Thomas Dey Conover, non of Mr. of caterpillars Is so accurate as corn Joan Iflondell. and Mrs. Gcret H. Conover, cele- Dunbar, Morris Dumont, Robert De- „„„..=huslts. „H=o ™,say»s tha....t. i.f. the husks am.—• A Christmas Chopin piano recital 17 Broad Street, lit J Bank, N. 3. "The Chief," with Ed Wynn, will bo bevoifio, Blain Ewing, Jr., Vcrnon brated Ills eleventh birthday last • ahown on Saturday. Produced by week by taking several of his-young thicker than they were last year it i will be broadcast by Mi.-;s Lillian lor- Forbes, Shlppcn. Gecr, Edward B. Is a sure sign that the weather this hunc at. Station WJBI at Bed Bank Metro Goldwyn-Maycr, this picture Hanfien, O. Waring and J. Hartley friends to a theater performance and hn3 In tho cast Dorothy Mackalll, afterwards entertaining them at din- winter will bo more severe than it Friday at half-past seven oclocks It AMIiek, Jr., William Lulmbccr, Wil- was last summer. On the other hand will feature the Berceuse, two of the Charles (Chic)) Sale, Willium (Stage) liam Norton, 2d, Conetantlne Mitten- ner. The guests were Hubert and Boyil, Purncll B. Pratt and Mickey Michael Mandcville, James, John and if the husks are thinner than they preludes and a nocturne. Recent re- dorf, Charles McVeigh, Jr., Harry were last winter It is equally certain icitals of this series havo included the el Hoo:iey. Parker, Northrop Pond, Robert Pect Egbert Swackliamer, John and James JgteM «lKeltona «UB eoliotrea, tt Rcmsen, George W. Smlthl Jr., and that the weather next winter will ITrolslonno ballade, the Valso opus 42 " Phone Rumson 320. NBVEB I'AIUS. Drepltoel -tartui ? Bn*t^^^J^j*W«W*««ftWJWi«*^^ From TEPPERS Strand Theater. That Will Assure Your Expression of the Christmas Season "A Shriek Jn tho NlRhl," with Gin- ger Rogers and Lylo Talhot, and "Skyway," with Kathryn Crawford, ivlll bo tho features todny and tomor- BROADCLOTH row at tho Stranl theater.. On Fri- day and Saturday of this week tho iilm, VKIng For n. Night," will be shown. "A Shriek In the Night," an Allied production, la described aa a comedy mystery thriller. Supporting MiS3 Rogers Talbot in a cast composed of Arthur Hoyt, Purnell Pratt, Harvey Clarlt and Lillian Harmer. The story Irresistible Silk Is said to be based on an actual crim- Every Man and Woman is flattered by a gift of fine Jewelry, and you can inal caso in New York, city and wag written by Kurt Kemplcr, former find no higher quality Jewelry than our splendid and large selection. New York ppllco reporter. We are offering many practical and beautiful gifts, including CERTAIN Dealing: with a sorlca of myster- LINES of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, NOVELTIES ious murders, the story also has a of delightful newspaper tingo anil and GIFTS at through it runs 11 vein of hilarious comedy that completely overshadows ALL SILK tho other elements of the story. -"Skyway," a Monogram picture, deals with the adventures of "Flash" CREPE Morris, an avlntor, who saves hla em- ployer money by running down and EVENINGS capturing a crooked financier. ft "Counsellor-at-law." a Universal An Unusual Holiday Value! ''picture with John Barrymore In tho tltlo role, cornea to tlio Strand for a Splendidly tailored broadcloth Pa- jamas with the Lnstcx Wonder Belt. run of thrco days beginning on Sun- Boudoir Sets, Atomizer Sets, Electric Elgin man's Wrist Watch, 14k. day, In tho supporting cast aro Bebo Man's. Wrist Watch,. Bulova, Chocks, LaVnlllores, Wntcli Brauelels, A selective variety of solid colors, 15-Jewel, on link bracelet. solid gold, 15 jewels; on link stripes and all-over patterns with Daniels, Doris Kcnyon, Onslow Stev- Dress Clips, Cigarette Cases, Compacts, bracelet. 1 one, Isabel Jewell, Molvyn Douglas, $24.75 TCar Kings, Tearl Necks, Oold Mings, contrasting or harmonizing trim- Tholma Todd and Mayo Mcthot. $40.00 mings. Your choice of coat or flip- Bracelets, Bnr Pins, Stock Tins, Lektro- over styles are cut full to assure "Counsellor-at-Law" is a' cross-sec- lites, I'erfu Misls. comfortable fit. A line quality liiic in a gorgeous assortment of-iace- tion character drama. A lawyer's of- MORE . Irinnned aiul" tailored styles. V or round necklines. fice iSUhe only locale. A lawyer is $g.00 TO tho coiitral character. About him and These jjowns can-lie v;ivcn in colors of tea rose, flesh or hla activities rotate tho group ot SHOPPING blue. Ladlco' Wllst Watch, I8kt. LaValllorcs, Cigaretto Cases, Brooches, BROADCLOTH clients, his associates and employees, solid gold, high grade 15-jew- Suitable Watch.lor child or TIOPFERS—MAIN FLOOR his mother, wife and friends, through Bracelets, Boudoir Sets, Sterling Silver, nfl, chrome case, 7 jewels; el movement. Rings, Bar Tins, Marcaslto Jewelry, Jade, whom in quasi-episodic fashion, aro on link bracelet. portrayed the modern life story. Stock Pins, Wrist Wntchea, Guard Rings, Boudoir Sets, Clocks, Jewel Cases, Makc- $12.75 Tho counsellor, ably portrayed by Left 'Til parrymoro, mcet3 a crisis In hla Up Boxes, Traveling; Clocks, Glass Ware. Women's Warm gareer when Balrd, cruoading head tf the bnr association, announces Christmas Mint ho has proof of shady practices on his rival's part. Simon, however, unearths ovidenco that's too much $®.00 TO $E.OO for Balrd to stomach, but triumph turns to tragedy as the realization of Uiicltlc, Tie & Collar Holder Sofa, Iden- his wife's faithlessness turns Simon tification Bracelets, Wallets, Ten & Tcn- to contemplating suicide. But a new f Soml-baguotto Wilst Watch, T cil Sets, Bill Clips, Tio Holders, Watch ALL WOOL sensational ense galvanizing him in- Jewels, chrome case and Bracelets and Chains, Cuff Links, Cock- Hamilton man's Wrist Watch, All Black to the old firebrand. Retina, his sec- bracelet. (ull Snt.s, Cnrlt Screws, Drlnltinc- Cup ivbite gold filled, 17 jewels. retary, Joins him in this new dra- Sets, ClgnrcttH Cases & Boxes, Vena, Mil- FLANNEL mntic battlo which ends successfully. $15.00 Itnry Sets, M.vslcry IJghtcrs, Electric $50.00 Clocks, Bflt & Bucltlo Sets. WRIST WATCH FLORIDA VISITORS. $^.00 TO BARGAINS SILKS' IN BRACELETS Closing out many models in Specially Priced for Many Monmouth Coiintlnns Blnldng SOLITAIR15S Flrtit Visit There. Electric Clocks, Binoculars, Pen & Pen- Gruen, Tavunncs, Bulova, El- IA VALLIERES gin, Wnlthnm and fine Swiss QunliU nt i Nn\iut;' Gift Purposes That New Jersey resorts will havo fiROOCIIES cil Sols. Bn»li ISiids, Wui<:h JiracpMH, Scarf Plus, Wrist Watches, Stono KlncK, Watches Our famous lnwnlcv 5-jhiil.. o[ line Give a i)rcs« length in a nice Rift their biggest Hummer ueason in many WRIST WATCHES AT GUARD Cuft* Unls, Brush & Comb Sets, Ash quality broadcloth at a special boll- box. We'll show you how. This in yearn,.In 193-1, is Indicated in Florida Trays. Clgarnitp CUSPS. Flaslis, Tio Hohl- day sale price! Men will enjoy by thn early arrival of several thou- 1 a novel idea for ^ift-^ivin;;. ore, Stock Pins, Wallpls, Pocket Watches. TO OH- wearing a shirt of this kind, plenty Thev come in styles with mannish notched lapels sand winter visitors from tho "Skcet- of style, cut full and excellently tail- y p Cnrlilall Shakers? Barometers, Kcy-Tnln- id tld l Slid l cr" slttto, largely from tho shore re- crs. Included are somo very flno ored. Collar attached : tyle only in Pure Silk — Pure Dye or shav.'l collars, and wide tasseled s.blies. Solid colois, sorts, who are loulntf no time in talk- Inoxpenslvo IHuinond Wrist all White, Tan or Dims Kize* 1-1 to stripi'.s and cuiiibiiiatiiins in a wide selection of feminine ling up their respective communities Flat Crope SI.-9 Vnrtl Watohos. bhade:. /an only cnUmfilafltlc boosters know ;i[i!o rrcp*- - - $1.39 Tnnl haw. Talks on Jcreoy resorts aro be- TKl>l'i:i(S— .SKC'O.M) FLOOR ing delivered before all state Eiacictles SILK (nv Heavy Vint Crep" ... Sl.-l!) Yard nnd at thn tourist recreation olnlw. Triple Sheer _ SI.HI Yard Tons of literature Is being distributed. 10-i>leco Chrome Bou- Klhbcd Sheer '. .S1.!)S Ynrd Meanwhile fit. Petersburg Is cash- doir set, In either It's Called A ing in on what proiulooo to bo Ha black, grcon or buff. Horchcdco .. Electric C.'hcn.-y's Putin, fi! ill ?:i.O5 Yurd greatest winter Reason, as all records Complete in gift Clock, hour and half are being rtlmttorod by dally nrrivahi. case. hour strike; mnhog- The biggest spurt In rail travel on- Crcpp. Hnrli Satin TINSELSWEATEI - any two-tone cane. joyed In years hint been on since tho $12.00 Kolld ebony 4-pleco II!) Inrhra wkki SI.SI Vnnl first of the. month, when greatly re- Combination Pen & nian'n Military Sot, S15.00 duced rates went Into effect, airing Pencil, made In two with Sterling Silver Donblo Fuced Satin Add Color to Christmas Cheer! iihield. with tho elimination of the wm'-llme fllze:*, nnHoitt'd coloita, 39 liioliCK ivldc 'Sl.flS Ynrd Pullman surcharge. 1-ikt. nlba. $8.00 On tho present ratio of arrivals, all 'ITJTKltS—MAIN l"I.O01t fit. Peteriilmrjj hotel;: should reach SI.50 rapacity into In .Jamiiny. All uport Each ohlb.'i havo tncreaned in membership, Ciivf. tlu' Kiifsl ami Clio biii.uicst in Su:i:;itm. A por- (Jl ill 1 A, ranging from twenty-five to fifty, per |\Vo ivill acoopt Monmcmth County li:otlv stunuin;;1 creation in wool, knit -m,a spidery frame- 'scrip tho same n^i cash in payment work of silver tinsel. The iieuest pa-lel shade; .nut V Aiming the Mdnmouth county vlnl torn who urn onjuylng their Unit visit Hie ijislcnii),^ lin.sel combine, elleelivelv In vi\c nn In thn irlitnnlilnu City nro I.. F. Hrewo. lk'n' King, -t linn diCLiiiK'il dl' charin ami brightness,, ll's a -in|ilii;e hlmi < cut diamonds, Imita- tec «nA '!<> \M. \K 1)1 I'i —hi ( DMI 1 I I1OK Sterling Hllvcr and Inuni with two illl< <1 on I i hnml\ I, ft '1 Dudley, filii Cookmnn nvenue; Mrn. (!old Killed Novelty with 14k. nolld ,vOld II. A. Hunt, Mr. and Mrij. C. A, Nl|;h- nhio.ld (Uid corners. nmnllo.r cut dla- PItliK AUTO AWAIt» TICIC- Jewelry. mondn. inoni 1,300 Eilfsewood avenue; Mr. . KT8 <1IVKN I1ICKI0. nnd Mm \V. II. Pattoriton, COS Fourth SI.60 to $6.00 $5.00 SI 00.00 A Hppcliil lluliiliiv 1' nvnmt nnd Junior A. HtrmiMtnnn, all of Anbury I'nrlc; Mm. Cl. H. urrf:S.;or,i tu l.u M il ill' < id I.untbanm,, 4H TJmadway, EARLY ! IH|;H In n dl.'itlni'(l\ •• iiMiuiluirnt of tic. fahrlfii. 8..10 A. M. to Cuolimnn and Emory I'mur-ll. Monmoulh's Leading Jewelers MKN'i! U'l-.'Al: liKl'T.. fl,WI 1'. ill. "» ?otl nf tho qtilek^t wuyn tn tlnd a 36 BROAD STREET, Phone 1831 RED BANK, N. J. ••] MI I'lll l 1" ullvcilli.o lii 'Tim Uc);ln- vVant Department,—AdV: f-3' ' RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20, '1988. Page Twelve Colt's Week New*, FIEEMKN'S ELECTION. Harold McCormlck President of Pranlc.Magce is on a deer hunting Shrewsbury Company. trip in South Jersey. The annual Christmas entertain- Shrewsbury Hose company held an ment of the public school will bo held election of officers on Thursday night Ihla afternoon and It will consist nt the. firehouse on Broad street. The principally of a cantata by the, older officers ate'. pupils. The school will close for the President—Harold McCormick. Vice president—Leatrr Scott, By QUINTON 'JAMES. Christmas and New Years vacation Treasurer—Harold Hiordan. tomorrow afternoon and will re-open Secretary—(ieorce H. Lsnse. The first new .stamp of 1031 hai Wednesday, January 3. Chief—Ceorgc fcllvrr. nssdo ita appearance. It comes fron First iisshtnut I'rlli Yore. Mrs. Jolm W. Thomson of South Second ns.tlMimt—Henry, Ol>rScott was nominated to act ings institute of Reformed church of Colt's Neck. ns representative for Hie Ttclief asso- Store Open Every Night This Week Sweden, of which All of the road machinery of Atlan- ciation and George II. I,ange. John the stamp is tic township has been repainted. Sasgurton nnd Harold Rlordan for ; jj commemorative. Its color is green, Preparations arc completed for the the board, nf visitors. This election it is a vertical rectangle and was de-Christmas entertainment to bo held will take plnco thcysqcond Thursday signed by Einar Forscth, arlst. rhe Friday night by the Reformed Sun- ill January. %, stamp, valued at five ore, went on day-school and for carol singing on December. Christmas eve in front of homes. The The road to better and bigger busi- sermon topic Sunday will be "What ness leads through The Register's ad- Another from Poland. to Kxpect Christmas." vertising columns.—Advertisement. Poland is augmenting its regular Mrs. Walter D. Fields Is coniincd issue of 1932 by i »»een. to the bed with sickness. groszy stamp. The The Helping circle of the Reformed design is the church will meet at the home of Mrs. same as the other F. Alvin Langwlth Wednesday, Jan- five .values in this uary 3. issue, based on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mock and the country's .coat Mr. and Mrs. Rczeau Conover spent of arms. Tho one day last week at New York, mak- of arms. The color ing the trip by automobile. is lllae brown. The- sewing club of the Reformed Zlotkins' Stables, church will meet at the home of. Mrs. FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY ihrlney Conover tomorrow after- Maiiy of Our Best Toys In Stock From Hero and There. noon. An announcement from the post Two government revenue men are office department says that Decem- boai-dlng:' at Emll Hotmail's hotel. ; teco 28 at Lowered Prices! ber 6 wns the last date for which They arc stationed at the Laird com- covers bearing the new Byrd stamps pany's distillery at Scobeyville. ; at 12:30 1*. M. Sharp, Rain or Shine were receivable at. Washington in Christmas music will be rendered Fresh Cows and Close Springers timo to get to Little America for a at the Reformed church Sunday return with the first cancellation of morning by the choir. the postofiice there. Hereafter all covers received will hear the second cancellation. Tinton Falls News. Just announced is the discovery of (The. Red Bank Itenistvr can he bo ight additions to the United States en- in Tinton Tails at the alurc of fllrp. Sarah velope stamps of 1M7. known as the Scott.) o>al type. They are two more five- On Saturday, Mrs. Edward Eng centers, one on blue paper and the land moved to Lambertsville, where Patsykin, rcg. 2.50, now 1.98 other- on oriental buff. her husband is engaged in the lunch Uruguay is preparing a set of com- wagon business. [Guernseys - Jerseys'- Holstein Patay, reg. 3.9S, now 3.15 memorativc3 in honor of the seventh Edward Evans is the most b'uecess- T Real heavy milk producers and high Jbti't- Fan-American conference at Monte- ul trapper in tills section. He has terfat testers. Marie this sale down for Patsyjoan, reg. 4.95, now 3.95 video. The shape.will be triangular, leen making good catches of fur your special occasion to come buy only find the design consists of a map of )carlng animals of late. the best dairy cows nt your own price and Palsylou, reg. 8.95, now 7.15 the three Americas. The six values One of the trucks of the Frelhofer the kind of cows that give satisfaction, will range from three to 3Gcentcsimos. jread company skidded on the ice on sold with tuberculin rctcst and usual •Sycamore avenue last week aad it guarantee. Everybody is now coming la Theao beautiful little dollies are oC vas so badly damaged that it was these sales every two wcefes—they know tho famous family of Eff an Beo Double Trouble. Lowed td a garage to be repaired. No they get their best dairy cows here for William Bailey of Keyport, 33 •no was hurt. ICES money. You can do the same, so be Patsy dolls. They nil have real wigs years old, pleaded not. guilty last The firemen now have three chem- on hand rar]y Thursday, December 28. and most of them liavo moving eyes. at Freehold lo two indictments. ical tanks on their new apparatus. Several hulls and other live stock, feed WeeK at r reenom iu i»v JUUII.U"H,W. iijnt HUMS uii well JiCVV npi> - - and harness. Exquisitely dressed in fluffy dressc3 He is charged with desertion and They bought two tanks from the non-aupport of his wife and four Hightstown fire department last 28 Choice Horses and caps. children since December 24,1931, and ••"-'ieek-. also, for bigamy in marrying Doro- A horse owned by Henry Phipps JUST ARRIVED fay express from Iowa. diieed last week. It Is indeed a pleasure and an opportunity thy Theresa Naughton at Matawan for o|ur farmers to see once a real lot of last juiyJuly. H-"oe waas luiaauuvremandedu tuo jajaitt l Mr. and Mrs. John LeStrangc of "farm and work horses. Those good farm to await trial, the date of which will j jersey eity, Mrs. John Sanford of chunks, all colors: blacks, bays, sorrels, Steel PulS-Toys be set later. | Elberon and Miss Margaret Schultz greys. Several mated teams and single horses. Also two teams of brown mules, of Belmar were recent guests of Miss extra sood ones and well broke. Ex- Margaret Dean. Miss Dean, Mrs. changes made. You will always find a 1c Zartaian Favors City Manager. Mary Carney, Mrs. Bland Height and horse here at the right price. Samuel B. Zartman, commissioner Miss Schultz spent one day last week of public safety of Long Branch, in Horses and Cows at private sales daily. at New York. TERMS CASH. Children lavo these fascinating steel pull toys, rind theao are especially an address last week advocated adop- Mrs. Andmw "Williams was a visi- Delivery trucks on grounds. tion of. the city manager plan Jor tor at Weetaaw'kcn Saturday. grand. Largo uteam rollers that a tot might rklo, 22-inch airplanes with Long Branch. Ho scored the present The annual Christmas entertain-! JACOB ZLOTK1N & SON, rubber •vv.hecla and Macon Zeppelins of whito enamel, 25 Inches long. All commission form, stating that three ment of the public school pupils will Phone 330 Freehold. of the five departmental offices were be held tomorrow morning at ten "The Men Who Sell Good Cows and Horses made of sturdy automobile atecl. "nothing but sinecures." o'clock. and GiVc a Square Deal." STEINBACHS—Fourth Floor "Boudoir Luxuries" To Glorify Leisure Hours itary Sets

. From Steinbachs Who Have A gift that may safely bo choacn for a man • < . and Inexpensively, too, at thla lowered 'last minute' price. Three-piece sots of ebony . .. oomb, Men's, Women's & Children's ' Every Gift for Private Lives clothes brush and two hair brushes. In rtatural and black finishes. Make A More SLIPPERS STEINBACHS-JThst Floor Variety of Styles and Colors. 95c to $3.25 Let your personal Santa Claus know that in our Negligee Sec- tion we've an array of robes, negligees and ^pajamas that would suit anybody from a frivolous-hearted deb to a fussy grand- mother. There arc warm, snug robes, simple tailored ones, luxurious lacy affairs and pajamas that will make 'night-life' THAN A PAIR OF comforliin: . . . all so practically priced that they're within everyone's bud get.

m Tailored Silk'Robes Flannel Robes 9 Broad St. -' RerJ Bank SHOES... SLIPPERS... ARCTICS 6.98 6,98

-For Mother, Dad or Children Mannlshly tulloirrt or heavy pure dye Smartly tailored robes with a flair .. alllc crepe. Cjno nt (he ntyleii lias a and an ulr of comfort, Casual shawl or Hosiery "As You Like It" notched oollitr, Uir other a Hhawl col- collar, ruglrm sleevpn, roomy pochct3 lar. In blue, vo!;c, bl.-ielc and orchid, and tlo sash with fringe eniln. In r. SPECIAL HOSIERY OFFER—3 prs. $3.25 trimmed -with ciiutmullni; colors. •wine, rose and deep blue. FOR SWEETHEART, MOTHER OH SISTKH. plan ke'ts OUR STOH15 m NOW Ol'JSN ]OV13NINGf3. Quilted Robes Silk Pajamas That Promise Warm Appreciation ! 6.98 6.98 Treat Your Beautifully quilled robes of rayon Femininely lovely oneu with dreas- Own Feet taffeta, warmly Interlined. Modern nittkor tuclca and puff sleeves. Others to a Pair of monogram racllcal glfta. Thoy arc In full.. ALLEN'S blacU, biown, m:;R with complimen- nnd HchiapaiolU'fJ shoulders. Blue, C, 72X84 Inches; satin bound and In ro.'io, blue, cold, (;reen, tan and orchid. tary contiiisitfi. pink, yellow, rone. Shoes. (UKlHllAl-'llfl- Mi I MMII -ME Silk Negligcei, 6.98 ASK FOR YOUR AUTO AWARD TICKET ! Dainty, luxurious affairs of heavy tillK crepe. With lac« USE FREE PARKING AREA ! (rimming tho Bleevra and filmjiln elegant tillliouotte*. Also tho Chinese Influence with dragon monograms, THEN SPEND THE DAY SHOPPING. fink with coral. We have been accepting and will continue to accent Monmouth County Scrip. Sizes small, medium nn<] large flTKINBACUS—flcccmil Floor ! LI1IB.

S\ I . < All tha News of WE DO . imp BANK ' jiriil Surra^indtng "Towns <: OURiPART ToW Fearlessiy' an(l Without Bless. ,. , !/ - -

Subscription Priest On© Yea* S1.E0 VOLUME LVI, NO. 26. S& BED BANK,- N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1933. . Sis Months 31.00. Slngla Cop? 4c. PAGES IS TO 26,



Santa Clans To BANQUET TONIGHT. MAYOR IN FLOK0JA. Junior Woman's Club to Hold Mother Bed Bank Official Enjoying Annual Catholic School and Daughter Dinner. Injliies Fata! j, Vacation. Christmas Party Tho Junior Woman's club of Bed Mayor Charles R. English, left Sat- Firemen Make Final Plans for Major League Ball Players Bank will hold a mothers' and daugh- John Mion Dierf. Monday at Red Bank Lodge to Hold Dance urday morning for his Christmas va- Record-Breaking Attendance of Losui of $190,000 Paid Off thii ters' banquet tonight at eeven o'clock cation which he spends yearly at El- Children's Patties Christmas Scheduled to Attend Gather- In the Woman's clubhouse on Broad Fort Monmouth Hospital— Sunday Night ja Auditorium dora, about nine miles from New Children is Looked for at the Week — Reconstruction Fi- Day end For Distribution of ing Tomorrow Night—In- street. Mrs. Franelco, state chairman Car Hit Train at Little Silver —Noise Makers and Other Smyrna, Florida. He wa3 accom- Cnrlton Theater Christmas nance Corporation Loan Pdi spection of School Building. of tho Junior Women's cluli of New —Driver Has Close Call. Novelties. panied by Mrs. English and their Morning. Dinner Baskets, Clothing, etc. Jersey and Mrs. Thomas Voorhls, daughter, Betty. His son, Donald, a Off Two Months Ago. The Fair Haven tiro company is Tomorrow night a "Father's Night" president of the Senior Woman's John Mlon of Long Branch died The Elks club of Red Bank will student at Cornell university will Independent fire company of Red The indebtedness of tho Broad. making final preparations for the gathering will bo held at the Red ciuo, will be tho guests of honor. early Monday morning at the Fort ring out tie old year and ring in the join his family later, making the trip Bank is rapidly completing prepara- Street National bank to the Federal Chriiilmoa parties tor tho children Bank Catholic High school. It lo the Mrs. Sarah Norman and Mies Ger- Monmouth hospital of injuries re- new with a dance Sunday night, De- by train from Ithaca, New York, in tions for its 24th annual Christmas Reserve waa paid this week. About and for tho distribution of Christmas first of Its kind In tho parish and trude Norman, advisor of tho Junior ceived when his car collided with a cember 31, in the Elks auditorium time to reach New Smyrna for the party for children Monday morning two months ago the bank paid tlio dinner baskets and clothing.' About tho purpose is to acquaint fathers club, will also bo present. Entertain- train Saturday morning on the Sil- for Elks and their friends. Dancing holidays. Mrs. English's parents, Mr. at nine o'clock at the Carlton theater. money which It owed to the- Recc-a- forty baskets will bo given to those with tho educational methods of the ment will be provided. veralde avenue crossing at Little Sil- will begin at half-past/ night o'clock and Mrs. W. E. Mount are already on It will not be as elaborate as former struction Finance Corporation. who would not otherwise have Christ- school and tho work accomplished by Last night tho members of the ver. Death waa due to a brain In- and noise makbrs and other novel- their estate, "Eldora," where they affairs of this kind, for Santa Ciaua The Federal Reserve debt waa ap» mas dinners. 'Tho baf&ets will con- tho pupils. About 200 are expected Junior Woman's club filled Christ- Jury. He also had a crushed wrist ties will be distributed. A break- plan to spend the entire winter, but ls,.less prosperous than In some oth- proxlmately $186,000 and the debt tain 3Ulllclent food to take caro of to bo present. * . mas baskets and decorated the and internal injuries. fast will be served New Years morn- the Englishes will return shortly af- er years, but during the past few days owed to the Reconstruction Financa tho needs of tho families according Thero will bo an Inspection pf the Christmas tree at tho W6man's club. Mlon was on his "way to work as ing from three to four o'clock. ter the New Year. the firefighters have been agreeably Corporation was $247,000. With tna to their size. Every case hem been classrooms, together with an exhibit manager of a chain grocery storo on The entertainment committee, of surprised by a number of develop- payment of these two loans aggre- carefully Investigated, West Front street at Red Bank when which Joseph Johnston is chairman, ments. gating $443,000, tho bank Is now Santa CIUUB will bo at tile Flak his car skidded on the ice-covered is In charge of tho arrangements. The usual free moving picture practically out of debt eo far as bor» street aehoolhouso Christmas morn- road and crashed into the side of a Others on the committee are John :erian' show will be given and each child will rowings are concerned. To thosa fri. ing at eleven o'clock and at tho firc- locomotive bound for New York. Tho Rohrey, G. C. Worthely, Tony Hunt- receive a box of candy, an orange and mlliar with the circumstances this house, afnoon. Enough candy, ar- car was demolished. Mion was picked ing, William Turnler, Thomas Klngi an apple. There will "also be some performance la regarded us remark- ranges »ind gifts havo boon bought to up unconscious and rushed to the Arthur Farrell, Morris Button, Elmer toys, maybo not enough to give one able considering tho general adverts make 400 children happy. Thesso hospital. His condition grew stead- Dey, Ben Blfant, Lester E. McQueen, to every child present, but a consid- economic conditions and tho fact Christmas parties havo been held by Monte Carlo Night Saturday ily worse and ho never regained con- Arnold Hess, James McDonougb, Sunday-School Entertainment to erable number. For this thanks are that few aulta wero brought to col- theiilro company since 1927. Night at Red Bank Yacht sciousness. Langdon Norton, James Dowlen, be Given Friday Night and largely due to the Lions club. A few lect money due to tho bank. Newton ' Tho firemen upend a great deal for Charles Davidson, Robert Graham, weeks ago, under tho auspices of this D. Ailing-, tho receiver, haa toeca th© Club—Prizes for Largest Mion was 25 years old. He is sur- J. J. Ballin, James Clayton, Joseph J. Special Music to be Rendered recipient of many compliments.' clothing and shoes for tho nqedy. Al- vived by his wife, the former Miss organization, a campaign waa started tliough much Is given out at Christ- "Winnings." McVoy, William Maloney and Milton at the Services on Sunday. Among those who commented on Mary Anderson, and two children, Heller. to solicit second-hand toys and up- mas, thin work is continued through- John four years old, and Howard, to-date over 1,000 havo been collected. the lino showing mado by the bank On Saturday evening of this week Tho Christmas entertainment of was Mr. VanHouten of the Federal out the year. Clothing has been do- a Monte Carlo night will be held at two. The funeral will be held tomor- tlw Red Bank Presbyterian Sunday- They are in a building on Mechanic nated by the Red Cross and indiv- street. The Lions club had tho co- Reserve bank. Ho said It consti- the Eed Bank Yacht club. The row morning at the Star of the Sea school will be given Friday evening tuted a record, or at least a near iduals. Theso will be distributed church at Long Branch and burial at quarter to eight o'clock as follows: operation of the other civic clubs of along with tho clothing bought by games to bo featured are roulette, approach to a record, for the quick craps, bird cage, horse racing, black- will bo in Glenwood cemetery. Christmas carol. "Welcome" ..Robert Wood tho town. tho llromen. Christmas Engineer" .... John Vmiderveer' payment of debt by a bank in the jack, banker and broker and poker. Last Thursday night Robert Mc- Baptist Church Some of the toys are in flrst-clas3 hands of a receiver. The Institution "Bethlehem" „ Kay Doremus condition, almost as good as new. About $TO0 will bo epent this year. Each member or guest will receive Coach of Ked Bank had a narrow "Tho Holly Wroath" Morion Dunnell has been closed stneo March i. Usu- \ This la about tho same amount as 3,000 baloney dollars with which to escape when,hla car skidded on.the Special Music to be Rendered Exercise, "Sharing" Janet Richmond. Others are badly worn out and unus- ally before re-payments are raaie by Jast year. Tho company realized a participate In tho various games. lco and crashed- through the gates tlorothy Cadmsn, Charle3 Conovcr, Wal- uable except as parts may be taken most closed banks a great many BliSts good sum at tlio reeont oharlty ball. on the Oceanport avenue crossing, at the Morning Service and a ter Corey from them to patch up others which Threo persons having the largest Song. "Baby of Bethlehem" : Jos- have to be brought against those Several hundred dollars of the pro- winnings at the end of the play will about 200 yards north of the crossing Cantata to be Given at the ephine and Martha Ottman, Mariorie need only slight repairing. Firemen who owe money to tha bank, enS ceeds o£ the fair last summer will be awarded prizes. where Mion was hit. Tha car stopped Mooro and other interested persons are re- that this was not the casa with, re- bo spent for welfare work. Many on the track's. An expresso was Vesper Service. "Boy Wanted" William Fold painting and otherwise "doctoring Play will start promptly at nine "The Babe and th« Little White Lamb" gard to the Broad Street bank Is re- contributions havo been mado by and will end at midnight, at which thundering down the tracks only a The following musical program will Betty Jenn Doremua up" the toys. The Lions had orig- garded as attesting to tne flntmcikl residents o£ tho community, for time a buffet supper will be served. short distance away. McCoach got be rendered at the eleven o'clock Sun- "What Makes Christinas" „ inally intended to distribute these stability of this community. As = $ /which the, ilremon arb very grateful. It will be recalled by many mom- out of the car and off tho track3 in day morning service at the Red Bank Katharine Jane Harvey things themselves, but subsequently result of these re-payments tha ray Tho wclfuro work la done quietly as "Wonderful Thing We Call Christmas".... bers that the Monte Carlo night held the nick of time. The train hit tho Baptist church: John Fcdderson they decided to turn them over to the cess collateral held by tho two na- not to attract attention to tlioso re- machine and demolished it com- Sontr. "Heralds of Christmas" firemen. The Boy Scouts were en- tional organizations has been «n ceiving aid. two years ago was one of tho most Prelude, "Gloria In Excehis," Stalner enjoyable and successful affairs' of pletely. Anthem, "Rlntr Bells of Christmas," Nor- Elaine Gregory, Marjorie EeohlegB listed In making solicitations and turned to the bijnk. 1 man' Sketch, "In thq Starlit Path" ;„ ., they did a great job. Tho members of tho Christmas and that season. It Is the expectation of Quartette, "There were Shepherds," Vincent Gwendolyn Lucas, Carol Eckcrt, Joyce "When the depositors" commlttea 04 wolfaro committoo aro Harry B. Kur- tho entertainment committee to make Anthem, "Bethlehem's Crowded Inn." Snydcr, Lorraine Chamcroy. Virginia At 1c 3t 200 lolls are In the collec- the bank visited Washington recent- tls chairman, Percy D. Bannott sec- tho present affair equally successful. Spenco Havllsnd tion. Then there are trains, veloci- ly they were told that tha bank could retary and treasurer, Arthur B. Library Volumes „. Offertory, Improvisation, "The First Noel." •'Giving" .._ _ Jean Tobias Reservations for the Now Year's Traditional Carol pedes, scooters, crossword puzzlei'and not reopen until all its Indebtedness Sickles, Clmrlea P. Cross, George JOHN J. QUINNV eve dorico at the Kingsley-Arms roof Tenor aolo, "Night of Nights" Van Do "MOTHER GOOSE EPISODE" a great array of other things. Just was paid. This condition haa now- Cui'chln, Raymond Davlson, Leroy Voter. Eugene Mnffee Mother Gooso _. Barbara Olecn how it Is possible to take two broken been met. Tha next hurdle whicH at Asbury Park aro coming In rapid- Little Bird that Tells . Betty Ottman • King, Arthur Davison, Claronco Ut- ly. A largo number of reservations Anthem. "My Soul Doth Magnify the down toys and to combine them so the depositors" commutes must get tlo, Vernon Little, Thomas Cleary, of. school ^voric. John J. Quinn will Lord." Norman Dr. Poster _.. Gordon Forbes preside. Efforts aro' being mado to are from out-of-town members and Fair Haven Library is Nine Postlude, "Itoeegslonal." Wilson Old Woman in Shoe Ruth Reamer that one good toy will result is shown over in order to get a re-opaningT William Anderson, Russoll Minton, havo several big league baHGball stars guests who aro planning to spend Months Old and ia Growing Old King Cole Robert Davey by what happened with regard to two plan is to have Examiner Black's ap- Jacob' Grimm, William. A. Miller, Sunday afternoon at half-past four Old Woman in Basket .... Nancy Malchow praisal show at least fifty per cant present, Including Jimmy Dykes and tho holiday woek-ond at the shore. Fast—Story Hour Saturday o'clock the choir will present Handel's "Santa Claus" velocipedes. One had a broken front Henry A. Frledlander, Georgo A. wheel and the other had two broken "good" or "liquid" assets. Upon such Hawkins, Roland Fennlmore, Mrs. Georgo "Mule" Haas of tho Chicago Those who mado reservations first "Messiah" as follows: Sunday morning the church quar- White Sox and Urbansky of the Bos- will be assigned to the tables in the Morning. rear wheels. Aside from the wheels a showing being made a re-openlng Agnes Allaire, Mrs. Elizabeth Little, Prelude, "Adeato Tidella," Reading tet will render the cantata, "Tho In- plan will be approved. y/ ton Braves. John L. Montgomery of combination bar and grillroom, which The last story hour of the year will OtTertory, "Christmas Lullaby." Gabriel. everything was all right with both Mrs. Viola Sickles, Miss Gladys Tay- Cantata "The Messiah," Handel carnation" by Gelbel, with Mrs. War- lor, Mrs. Harry Vcroneau and Mrs. Red Bank and Lieut Colonel Philip 13 a glass enclosure overlooking, the be held at tha Fair Haven public li- machines. By putting a new front . ^»^a ' J. Connelly of Fprt Monmouth will bo Doxology ren H. Smock at the organ. Miss Bar- wheel on the velocipede which had Augustus Wulflng. ocean. brary Saturday morning, December bara Woolley of Long Branch will among tho speakers. Vocal solos will Tho usual evening supper will.not 23, at ten o'clock. It will bo prin- A- supper tea for the members of two bad rear wheels a machine al- bo rendered by Edward O'Brien of the Baptist Young People's union will sing a request number. The program most as good as new was produced. Lions Complete' be held at the clubhouse Sunday. cipally a Christmas story hour, and follows: Bumson. A turkey luncheon will be In addition to Christmas articles more bo served immediately after tho can- Yesterday afteraoon tho annual served afterward by members of the tata. The devotional program will bo Organ prelude, "Noel," Buck "food show" at the Carlton theater ' Seabright liquor 1 will be' read from "Pinocchlo In OlTertory Solo parent-toachez association. America." under the leadership of Jean Stryer. Cantata, organ, "Lento, Rcliiriosti" was held. About 1,600 children were Christmas Party Tho library is exactly nine months The members of Troop 23 of Boy Baritone Recitation and air. "Behold The present and they were admitted to Scouts will hold a Christmas party Days Come" Toys and Clothing to bo Distrib* . Fees Total $939 old. In that time about 7,300 books Duct. "Ho Shull Feed His I'lock'J-, the performance by paying for tickets High School Awards have been circulated and nearly 350 and sociable Friday night In tho Quartet, "Aa -the Mountains Arc Round- with food Instead of cash. The con- uted on Christmas Eve—Ra- Overseer of the Poor Expended persons enrolled as members. Tho chapel. Scoutmaster Warren de about Jerusalem" sequence was that four truckloads of dios to he Presented to !a« Brown is making a special effort to Soprano, "ild Comes, Let Notes Exultant food were hauled from the theater $547 During the Year—May Made on Friday Community Festivities to be Fair Haven collection of books num- Swell' mates at State Home for Boys. bers almost 1,900 and tliero aro nearly have all tho scouts present. Tenor nolo and quartet, "A Radiant Btur" to the building on Mechanic street Spend Board of Health Bal- Football awards were handed out Held on the Lawn of Shrews- 700 books at the library from the The_ members of the Men's league Ounrtct. "Peace to the Earth" where the toys are stored. The pro- Plans for two Christmas activities, will hold their annual Christmas par- Duct, "Call Him 'Jesus' " visions will be given to needy fam- ance Digging Trenches. by Coach Willard Rinehart In the bury Farms—Santa Claus to Monmouth county library, making a Contralto Solo, "Slumber Sweetly" tho distribution of toys and clothing Senior assembly on Friday. Twenty- Make Gifts. total collection of some 2,600 books ty Thursday evening, December 28, at Quartet. "Bethlehem" ilies. to needy families in Red Bank.and At Friday night's meeting of the two men received either their cer- for circulation. Over 200 special re- eight o'clock. Finnic. "CroA'n Him the Lord of Love, Hal- Santa Claus will be at tho theater vicinity and the organization's an- Scabrlglit mayor and council, IB. The spacious lawn of Shrewsbury A watch night service will be held lelujah. Amen." nual visit to the state homo lor boys tificate or their hard earned.letter. quests were filed with the library and Postlude. "Hallelujah Chorus" (Handel) Christmas morning and there will be Wolcott Fary, borough clerk, report)- Tho letter is an eight-inch towel Farms at the corner of Sycamore ave- these were filled through the court- New Years eve. tho usual music and other features. at Jamesburg, wero completed yes- cd 5039.43 had been collected In li- "R." A certificate was given to the nue and Shrewsbury avenuo will bo The White Christmas offering at The Sunday evening music will be terday at the regular meeting of the quor licenses. esy of the Monmouth County library. It is expected that about 1,800 chil- boys who had alrpady earned their tho ficeno of a community Christmas the church Sunday amounted to more as follows: dren will be present. When the first Lions club at the Globe hotel. Jumes Miller, Sr., overseer of tho Owing to tho largo amount of clei> letter in other sports. party lor the children of Shrewsbury leal work the library hours will" not than $200. A pageant of unusual ex- Organ, "Holy Night." Itawley. of those parties was held at the com- The Lions club haa been co-oper- poor, mado hla report for tho year. Saturday afternoon. The festivities cellence was given. Carol. "Harkl What Mean Those Holy ating with Independent cnglno com- Expenditures amounted to $047.20 Those -who received tho awards bo changed for tlio early part of the Voices?". Buck pany's fii-chouse 24 years ago the ju- will bo given by Harry May, the now Quartet, "There were Shepheards," Buck pany in collecting toys and clothing. receipts $144.00. There 13 a balance were: Patsy Arnono, Randall Dodge, ensuing year. The hours are from The church school will conduct a venile attendance was 150. Robert Pottlgrow, Anthony Savage, proprietor of Shrewsbury Farms). Christmas party next Wednesday Duct. "Noel of the.Bells." Shclles- For tho past two weeko, the clitb'a of about ?600 In tho poor appropria- two to five o'clock In tlio afternoon (Mr. Baker and Mr. Woolley) William Holmes, Jame3 Stokes, A huge cedar tree, about fifty feet on Tuesdays and Thursdays and evening for all members abovo the Quartet, toy committee, headed by Theodore tion. Ninety persons received aid.' Moore, has been busily engaged In Goorgo Thompson, sccrotary of tho Georgo Worthlcy, Lloyd Vaccarelli, high, on the property hag been dec- from seven to nine o'clock Friday primary department. (at "The Holly and the Ivy" traditional Good Advance Sale Dennis Arnono, Ernest Grlfllths, Leo orated with hundreds of vari-colored evenings. Tho beginners and the children of carol) gathering toys and having them ro- board of health, reported $175 In (b) "Bring n torch, Jeanette. Isabella" ' palred. They, along with articles' ef plumbers' licenses! had been collected Cloth, Arthur Kerr, Lester Swartz, electric bulbs, which will bo lighted The patrons of tho library have ex- tho primary department had an en- ty Enin'l iy nh,M ft M, IHPI'U wan nnld. Thn biiMliicra IH oncn to tho county from Ilio boiouj;h. ' from -half-pant novr-n until nine. lioiipital will hold a card party social meeting!! until tho clubliouno In tholr flroliousje at Hcaddcn's. Cor- dny, after which tho township of- Tlnmidny nftcriioon, Jiuiuruy 2!), nt JIUIUM'., ruiiiy a lcmii,;lii,r v'" "**•* more hi tho pOEwecjEjlon of the Ciar- •<©»«»-— — rtoponn next, uprlng, but, huskiest! ner. Ofllcc .; to hn elected Include, piciriiled to lUiv. )>r Jolsa It. Mr htirlnl family mid will bn conducted Tree Unfits, SBo Complete. ficials! and their fjuosta will have tho haif-pii'jt two o'clock ut tho Wom- Trubin'i* T«.y Hciidfjuiirte^rH. meetings will bo held every two president, isoeretury, trcatiurer, threo annual "family dinner" at tho Molly an'ti i-'lubhoiuic CUnki'y, lu ubii iVitnii' nt lil< rl^litn "by Dai'iiiB Gmlmrlnl. wcckfi at tho Iionio of members. Yes, eight bulbs and entire ntriiiR. trustees, foreman and assistant fore- iinnkei uy n i pi'itoi of th* tlm.c";. Twenty uor cent diiscount on clill- Outdoor ootn 08c. Bulbs, 2 for lie. Pitcher hotel. Thlsi feast luiu fea- drtni'o uutomobtlci} »n nwl-ry, Chi'lulmn.'i l>y nliaiipltii; at Tiuljlri'n, Toy (ipeclaln: Largo blackboards $1, for a numbur of yearn. All the cx- Aluminum whintilnn ten kntllo OOc, f nijrht, December «>l, for momboni and recking chnlru IMc, large drums !)8c, biif of tlin (aintly n'HHOnably prloQil rwiiitytwf mi*tiih"i 1 'mil }x>i>> i" f>«i * ri(H'Ol« $1.14, cttke <*owr and board Hlllco.—Advnrtlncmenl. Plenty of toys and Ramen loft nt low ally by thn k-wiiahlp ofHclnls. plntf ut Tl'iililn'fi, IJiofid fitiiHst, oppo f We, c.ii'vInK not $1.25, bread box net ^-. ... -«^.»^^.. ..^ January t) nt tlio homo of Mru. Mor- Tho Mechanic Street Parent-Teiicli- . —^- ».^u* liux li nit v i '< (njoVi ii. ton l'lunlt'.i at Fair Ilnvcn. [H'lcea. National Bo, lOo and $1 Slore. iilto ltejciiiter tiltlco. Adv<*i'th;<:!iieiit. §1, Humiy jmppon} -IDe, ehtld'ji Uiiitliflr Merry Chrlntnuiri to niy fiiondfi t"reo delivery.--Advertisement. er nHiioclatlon hnld a buiilnffin niool- Truliln'o Typewriter IlwulqimrUM's. glove:* -idv., mocraiilnB fi'Jc, liiyon im- and mlallvf-M iiii.r» will t* Doll npcclalu nt Triibln'B. Come In Mt'-'i. It. Hhiirman, mifioclfttlnri presi- opon wiu'kdaysi fnuii 7:00 A. M, to l ])UI'<'1IHIICH. National (in, Kin uml $1 KlfiMI'll, Mulu; i ^mu'vntlonu now for your litrect, lUd Bunk.—Advertisement. IHI lulll'llil, "I" h«Il,,.'o .«» t '-"t ( and pick a beautiful doll at tho right dent, presiding. Pian.s wnrn com- 1:00 A. M.; Siinilnyii from 1:1)0 f. M. Htorc. IJ'ioii delivery. AdvcitUc- l\Ir^, Kitrl 1^. l''(M'r(itnr sind i 'nniily, New Yenni ovo party. A npefiial price. Havo money thin Clirlntmim to 1:00 A. M. 'Mli Wfi:it front ytrnet, dm.' t''ill>'itl'>ri HMI V » lit I'll nient. Miclillcti)\vh. N. J. filmier will lie nerved at nny time pleted for tho January mentlnj-. Mm. fnlUivInii 'i Inn d»y <"l", ,.»((•' 1 by shupplnjc at Truliln'ij, 3d lirond Truly a Vmg tiiotc, ltlvi-i- 1'la/ii. l'liont! 3010, Ucd Urjmlv ~ ~-~ivo Uil tiilio »• «c Mont Vorgrt Now Venn) nlfflil. J.VDU per cinifitt; Phono Jtcd vcf tl-rf nn'tif. ]>!' Ill (.'JlJU'KO ot till1 |>!'(Vp';inl- filrnft. Red linnli, phiinn lit).—Ailvcr- ,|rr t'i J'nl|i ) »">s> nu »'*-* t <>' i*-. nl. Triniiglfl lun, Uncroft, N. .1. lJan,", Hmili llli.s. .'llui'widiury avrnun unit tli-.eiiifiit. Hard Caiiily. !.•<.! I, ik V.-iu,., i (V up time with fim gukno. Mi'ialc by IPIIi! 1'ulillin: ilc l\i;,e like Nfwiiiaii iiprlii|;ififivicnt! . Bclljnit Tllu Itcijlfltcr—Advuilliicmunl (umiul. • AiU'eitlf ontcnU 1% s>»> i I'j i'.» P»»byt«flB« WomtnVIttgw A surprlsa houae nf liury left by motor car early yester- xiza cf Mr, and Mn. Elweoi Jr., of Fair Haven and ISaet Orange iven bya . Ceisiral Power ««id Light ' County tilmt of Red Bants held a Chrlitmu party have issued invitations to the com- Odds and Ends of- Things Acted i S E«'oup of friends and re day morning for Miami. Florida, Monday evening In the coda! hall oi Prc;l«t Discovered em Floe; atlves In honor of Mr. and Mrs. iSa Company Changes ma Form where they expect to. spend tho win- F«!l«wei Ifarriers at Ifelai&l ing marriage of their daughter Mary on by 6l»e Towaship Beard 1 : the church. Invited guests} Included of Gea FilW KJiclieis in Their Elisabeth io DeWitt Wcaley Han- Education at Its Meeting La Wolcott in their new home at Still of' Monthly Stateaseal So It ter. Mrs. Bry'a raethes , Mrs. C. —is tfar« HB&B the ttts bunbando of tho ux-mbaru' ot tho Home et Felr Haven. more of Bradley Beach. The cere- man Park, Eatontown, on Tiiureda; Brodewon, eccompsnl»4 th«n> on teagu* «nd wembew ot Girl Scout' mony will take place Sunday after- Tlhumilay Night est L4onard< night. The couple, who tomerl; ..Will be Better Undentood. thslr trip South. Instead of spsadlng Prlvcte funeral services tor Mr. lived at Newark, were presented w|tl troop 24 end Boy Boout troop 87. Tha noon, December 31, at two o'clock at At the meeting ot the board < Jersey Central Power & Light com- tha winter in the city of Miami or on v A hunt brertfast for lollowers of SSassquorB of Red B«nk high splidol nnd Mi.'. Elwood Prceton, who were the Rumson Presbyterian church, a chair and lamp. Games ft pany, through its local manager, Tlifr the nearby beaches, Mr. and Mrs, Bry the Mcnmouih tJwnty Hound» was education of Mtddletown townalv the evening after which presented a Christmas pageant under found dt.-.d In the gas-filled, kitchen River road. Rev. W. Calvin Colby, ThursdaThd y nightih, Oliver Williamsl , on> odors D. Moore, announced today plan to spend almost tbetr entire tlmo glvon last Saturday morning i>y Bsr- the direction bf-\ Mr*. Theodora of tnrir homo at Fair Haven late pastor of the church, will officiate. monts were served. l'.on 4 xsrsntlje ar,4 his daughter of tho members, stated that Mis; Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. that a new form of bill haa been exploring and hunting In the Ever- Brown. Thons who took part'.wera luat. Wednesday morning, were held Miss Cleeland is a graduate of tho Dunne had acted aa a substltut* adopted by hla company, which wll! glades, Two winters ago they spent Clelro at their country catalo at Jane McDonqugh, Phylllo M!le«, Carol Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock James Woleott, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holmdel, "RstnanessJn Farw," The Red Bank high school and until re- teacher at the Blair View school ove: Wolcott, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jollne, bo put in effect with bills on antwdo months hunting in the interior of Eckert, Hurold HeynoldB, Kugsno at the funeral parlors of R. E. Mount cently held a secretarial position at period of several mouths at cu!> after January 1 next. Florida, (shooting scores ol enaltet, sl- breakfast v/as parved {rom ten until Mageo, Jack Clftrii, Arthur Mayhsw, New York. Mr. Hanmore haa an Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turner, Hr. and eleven w4 a hunt wltli the pack of & Son on West Front street. Rev, stituto pay. Ho said Mlsa Dunn* Mrs. Albertus Woloott, Mr, and Mra. One of tha features of the new bill -Igators, wild cats, ducks, eta., end Charles Allaire. H»rry Lako ami Wil- W. Calvin Colby, pastor of the Rum- executive position with the Sears, had displaced Mrs. Warrinffton,' wh' s the printing on the baok of same mado one of tha finest collections of harriers WM ' Khodulctl to start at liam Bloom. They wera osslttad by Roebuck company at Its East Or- Earl Wolcott, Rev. and Mrs, Carlton eleven but ono ot the huge horse eon Presbyterian church, conducted had previously received substltut Whltehead, Mrs. Vanderveer Marx, the standard electrlo and gas rates trea enalla evor mado, and thls-yeaf a chorua of girls.under tho direction inge headquarters. • ( vans used to transport tho hunters to the cervices. Burial was In Fair View emuneration for a considerable per- of the company toyna w rato designs, ;hey hopa to add many trophies to of Lsroy Baker, Chrlatmas carols t Mrs. B. Williamson, Mrs. Florence the meat slid into a ditch, near cemetery. iod. Mr. Williams said he waa no Wolcott, and the Misses Frances Wol- tlons, which will appear on the face, :heir already large collection. were rendered by a string quarUt The Bed Bank post of tho Ameri- prepared to state whether or no1 or bill proper, In each individual Chapel Hill because ot &n Ice coated which Included Helen and Marlon, cott, Doris Wolcotttt, Mlllloent Martin, hill, with its ioad ot horses. This can Legion, of 'which Mr. Prealon Miss Dunno or Mrn. Warrlngton oi Clara WltWolcott t and case. In Bhowlng tho Ii-1 schedule, Pilling, Jane Pearaall and, Richard, was a member, also conducted ser- Un6i May Plerson, necessitated dispatching another someone elso should bo appointed t( 'heater Appy. ho standard residence rate, a tnbls Ward of Rumson. Girl Scout troop vices with the chaplain, Archibald tho position but that he thought a lias been worked ont EO that any Officers Elected ' horea van to the ccono ot the mishap 21 gava a varied program. Thoao who MacKellar in charge. A- volley was permanent teacher should be en- customer can determine tho number with tho result that tha hunt did not tools part were Marian Petit, Ruth Bred and taps was sounded by Wal- gaged under a contract because 1 of kilowatt hours at ton and one-half By Medical Society got under way until nearly an hour . Snlfifen, FJorenca Pettlngale, Barbara and a half Inter. ler Cogherty. The bearers, all mem- More Than 2,100 Monmouth waa unfair to pay substitute wage cents, six cents and three cents by Balnea and Harriet Woods. bers of the legion, were Messrs. Gogh- over a long period of time. P. How- merely referring to the number of 'iho annual meeting and dinnoc of Among thoao who attended tho crty and MacKellar and ' Harold County Residents Now on the ard Lloyd, the supervising principal rooms as shown on tlio face of tho ,ho Moibnouth County Medical eo- Refreshments were oorved by a breakfast were Mr. and Mrs. Amory eommlttea ot Which Mrs. Margaret A, Burns, Thomas Brockhurat, Charles of schools, wa3 instructed to name t cloty waa held last week at Freehold, I* Hosltell, Hdward Stewart, 3rd, B), Pay Roll of the Civil Works,! 1 ffilo was chairman. Sha waa eeBlBt- Hand and George Flemmlng. teacher for tho place at the nex Dr. Warren H. Fairbanks waa elect- laddls Plum, Wilbur B. Buthrauff, Administration. The rates as printed on the re-ed president-elect for 1035. Other of- ed by Mra. Peter Forbes, Mrs. Albert "The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Pres- meeting of the board of education New Drug Slore on Comer of •orse side of the bills lmvo beon Mr. and Mrs. Thomw B. Field, Mrs. ton, who were 38 and 48 years old Thursday night, January 11. Hcera chooen wara Dr. John IS. Mah- W. Wordon, Mrs, Harry Wooley, Mrs. As a result of projects fostered by Bread Street and Linden Place lied with the Publlo Utility com- Edward M. Crane, Burden Maynard, Thomas Dorciuuo and Mra, Grace respectively, were found by a bro- ar of liong Branch president tor 1034, Mro. B0njamln Gating, Mm. Butti .he Civil Works Administration William M. Petlngale turned in re Espected to be Ready for Bus- mission aa tho company'py s standard King. Mrs. Florence Longstreet was ther-in-law of Mrs. Preston, Andrew Monmouth county men to the num- ports as clerk and as custodian of Dr. Manuel Featharatono of Aebury Nathan, Ewlng, William Zerr, a former councilman of Rum- iness Tomorrow. ^ Approximately ninety per cent .'arli uocretary-treaouror, Dr. Swnuel In charge of the, decorations and Mra, ier of more than 2,100 who had been school monies and they were ac- if the company's customcre, ^Itcwaa Foatar, Fredarick C . TatumTt . AllisoAlll n Arthur Mayhew dlreotad tho entor-: son, who wwt to the house after obleja until recently received wages cepted. JUdclaon of Aabury Park reporter, 0r. repeated attempts to reach Mrs. The task of completing alterations laid, ere now being billed oh these Storn, Bourno Buthrauff, Tliomao S. talnment. Saturday. On the previous Saturday W. Q. Horrman of Asbury Park anenoflt more on tho particular rates way, the harrloro cournod over Mr, time, It was said, had found the -otal numbor now employed is 2,744 a football game for tho benefit of laie, couple In a highly nervous state. Mr. ing rudhed so that tho H. T. Toung pplied to them, which rates are now Prontico'a estate and thanes eouth- and if plans go through aa arranged tho company. ihormacy may be'opened for bus! On tho executive committed ara ward to Potcr Wabor'o farm wheta a Preston went to the Doremus bro- ibsolete nnd of no benefit >'to other Dr. Mali'or, Dr. Falrbanka, Dr. Wai- thers grocery store on Broad street, his will bo increased to over 3,000 A deed was received for the Par- ,083 by tomorrow. :ustomers. huge haro was viewed very soon jy the end of this week. This would ons property at Naveslnk. This ,er A. Rullman of Bod Bank, Dr. At the annual meeting ot the ess-' where he had been employed for the Harvoy Tqrronce Young, son of Dr. Tho face of the bill will show the ter the start. Tho haro circled in cutlve committeo of tho Women's • >xceed the county allotment, which property was given to the board of Harry Slocuro of Long Branch, Dr. back of oevural bantu In Holmdel past twenty years, as usual on i. W. Young, owner of tho building, meter reading dates, the previous O. K. Parry of Asbury Park, Dr. F. Democratic club of Mnnmouth coun- Wednesday morning, but asked,for a 2,832. education as a memorial to General proprietor of tho now pharmacy, Center, then dodged through Daniel William Barclay Parsons by hla wi- nd present meter readings, tho class . Altachul of Long Branch, Pr. Rob- ty Saturday at tho home of Mrs. a short leave of absence. The request The office of the administration pn irhich will be one of the finest and f service, tho rate schedule applied, Ely'a yard and across tho highway to Howard Height, tho following stand- Mechanic street at Red Bank la one dow and children. jrt E. Watjtlna of Belmar, Dr. James tho Cort Hoyer farm with the entire was granted and Pre3ton returned to pat up-to-date in tho borough. Be- he consumption In kilowatt hours Flahor o[ Anbury Park, councilor for ing committees were agreed upon, for his home. Neighbors say that he ran it the busiest places in this locality. A report from Mrs. Barclay W. idea the many alterations that havo pack and field in close pursuit. After tha coming year: Moffat, one of the members of the f electricity or cubic feet of gas-ho fourth district i Dr. Herrman, from his car into the house. Ml day long and far Into the night ecn mado to tho interior of tho nd the amount of tho bill, Tho bill running the entire depth of the farm jt Is a veritable beehive of activity. board, about a meeting of the state ore, tho building haa beon redecor- truatoa of tho otato society; Dr. Stan- almost , to Hop Creek, the hare Welfare—Mra, Robart Scarbureh, Bed County detectives, who were called federated boards of education at Is marked "Duo on presentation" and .ey Nlchol3 of ABbury Park, chair- Dank: oselstimt, Uts. Juno aorloml, gas.. to the scene after the bodies were Mrs. Louise C. Bodman, county di- ated ^nd repainted both inoldo and lecomes delinquent ten days there- doubled back and the bounda lost brlsht. je'etor of emergency relief work, and Trenton, was received and filed. Mr3. •utsl'de. New and attractive fixtures jnan of the social welfare committed; him temporarily, only to pick up tho Publicity—Mra. Harold Woodruff Rum- found, are inclined to believe that Moffat represented the Mlddlctown .fter. Dr. John C. Clayton, member of tho non; cssbtaiit, Ml>o Mary Gill,- fillddlo- Preston was overcome by gas while Harold S. Whitney, deputy director, ave been installed. The now bill represents rate studies scent later on the Klnnoy plitco, tgwn. • , ' .re In charge. They and their as- board at this meeting. Largo Neon electric algns in red jtato welfare committee, and Drwher, e the scent was again lost. He Naturalization—Mrs. Katherlno ElKus attempting to revive hla wife, whom overlnjf more than a year in order Robert A. MacKcnzlo of Aabury he had found In the gas-filled room ilstanta start each day's work at It was voted to send letters to the rainst a background of white have was finally tracked o?&r some snow- White. Jteii Biuik; asolotnnt, Hn. Morcltt teachers and other school employees, sen installed on both tho Broad make possible a reduction In tho 'ark, chairman of tho maternal Kent, Freehold. upon his return from the store. ;alf-past eight o'clock In the morn- lumber of rates of the company to drifts into a field bounded on three Social—>Mre. £40na Hauselt.. Drndle7 ng and usually do not knock off complimenting thorn on tho efficient reet and Linden place sides of the wealth committee. sides by steep ravines but although H»chl co-olialrman,M ra. Dlanolio Hoe- Mrs. Preston, attired In a night- and loyal service which they have ulldlng. The windows and doors point where they could bo contained Dr. Watklne, retiring president, vath, KaonBburff. gown and bathrobe, was lying on ntll well past midnight. lengthy search was mado he was performed the past calendar year. 111 bo attractively lettered. in tho reverse aide of the bill. Davo a resume of the activities of the M«mb9r»lilp-—Mr», Mwnrd OTInhorty, her back on tha floor. Her husband, More than 100 projects have been Commenting on this work Mr, not to bo found. After an hour's ITair View! aBBlfltuntn. Mrn. Jolin Wormert, •pproved and many of them are un- A draft of tho letters prepared by The carpentry work is being done society during tho past year and fruitless search the pack waa brought Belford and Mrs. Adeline .V. Lawrence, fully clothed, was lying face down, Mr. Pctingale waa approved, > Benjamin Fielder and Adolph Moore said this morning: iralsed Dr. Nichols for his work aa his arms outstretched, Indicating to ler way. A constant stream of folks on back to the field where ho was Freehold. ' Mr. Lloyd mado a report Bhowlng >hnson. The eleotrlcal work has It should bo remembered that ihalrman of tho social wolfaro com- Flayers vand CardB—Mrs. Margaret the investigators that he had at-;o In and out of tho office each day omo eight or nine years ago Jersey first found whora the scent was SlwarlnB. Hwhlandi. • •' , rom the time it opens until it closes. that tho average attendance the past een In charge ot Fred Brower. The mittee. tempted to lift his wife. Three jets ecoratlons wore made by A. Cham- >ntral Power & Light company was picked up Immediately, either of the Spaskera—Mi». Howard Iloleht, Saafrtrt. . of the kitchen' range bad been There la an almost Incessant ringing month was 03 1-10 per cent in the. original hare or another one. schools of the township as a whole oy. The electric sign was Installed rganized by the merger of some- JUNIOR'S.ANNUAL DANCE. The committee voted to accept tha turned on. Police believe that the f telephone bells. Varied are the hlng lilts twenty Independent operat- They usually will circle and return Allied club of Long Branch under ths couple had stayed up all night dis- alters. They range all the wayand 93 4-10 per cent at the high the Art Kraft sign company. Cook to their starting point and It was school. ing companies. Each one of these Vill Take Flftca at High School leadership of Mrs. A. KrlBsoff, as a cussing*their troubles, for the beds 'rom well groomed officials seeking Oakley had the contract for theIndependent companies had a rate thought* that when the scent was lost member of the county olub. were untouched. pproval for municipal projects to The board accepted an invitation umblng work. Tho window letter- 1 Gym No*t Friday Night. the "Jack" had doubled back on his to attend a concert to ba given by chedule differing from the other. Al- Th9 next regular meeting of tha County detectives believe that Mrs. oblcsn men in Uttered attire. g will be dono by Charles Champ- iost immediately upon organizing The junior claoa of tho Red Bank original track only to be found again club will be held January 27 at the Equally as varied are the projects the high school band Friday after- n. This loot run took the field in back Preston had decided to end her life r heso several independent.companies ilgh school will hold tholr annual borough hall at Union Beach, with as' soon as her husband had left for hich tho administration is financing The prescription department of the nto one company the Jersey Centra! .ancb in tho nigh school gymnasium of most o( Holmdel village for theMrs. Beatrice Fonzono in charge of work. It Is reported that Mr. Pres- >y paying labor costs. They Include harmacy will be In charge of P. I. tartod !ta work of standardization JIX Harding road next Friday ntqht, second time in 'the course of the af- arrangements. ton had confided to friends before federal job at Fort Monmouth, "lnton and Frank C. Cooper. Both f rates. In tho last five years this December 22, under tho ouporvlaion ternoon to tho enjoyment of many of returning home that he had hidden three federal jobs at Sandy Hook, a Plea for Forgotten •e members of well known Red the residents who could watch the tandardlzatlon of rates has meant jf Mrs. Nora Strauss. Mary Burdge PASTS; IN NEW HOME, his revolver because hla wife was tate undertaking at the hospital at Christmas Seals ank families and have had conold- eductions in consumers' bills of will be goneral chairman of the affair. progress made •' from their windows very much worried and he feared Iradevelt, a county project at the •able experience as registered phar- more than $1,013,670. Reduction in iualc will ba furnished by Donuld or porolies. By this time \t w get- she might "do something rash," Ilenwood sanitarium and such mu- laclsto. ting pretty dark so otter following Mr. and Mra. Fred Seodorf Entertain A piee. for the forgotten Christmas ratos, mado in 1033, totaled 5283,000. ramann and his orchestra. ut Buttonwood Fork. The dining room and kitchen are Iclpal projects as laying sowers and Strangely both men began their In this process of standardization the Those on tho danco committees are tho scent eastward across Bamanes- laklng other sanitary Improvements, Seal accompanies a report on the first sln Brook to the Theron McCampbell separated by a swinging door which three weeks of the 1933 seal sale ractlce of pharmacy with their old rates of the former independent Decorations, Robert Gorauch, Phyllis Mr, and Mra. Fred Seedorf gave a was evidently closed when Prcaton rainage, improving athletic fields others, who conducted pharmacies companies . have gradually disap- Todd, Robert Sheldon, John Munn, farm, the run waas brought to aa ftn- house-warming party Saturday in arrived at home. When Preston en- md playgrounds,, restoring", lakes made December 15 by Mrs-. Lewis S. Thompson, Chri3tmas Seal "chairman Red.. Bank" many years ago. Mr. peared, having been replaced by. Jow- Doris Averre, Helon Mazza, Ella Dey, ish. In tho morning the going honor of a number of friends in their tered the kitchen, police point out, ,nd ponda, beautifying streets, trim- llnton was first employed by hiser rates of tho Jersey Central com- -enevieve Curtis, Paul Walsh, Evelyn very slippery with every road coated new home in Buttonwood Park, the door naturally swung shut be- llng roadside trees, putting down for the Mohmouth County-Christmas with loo but with the horses shod Shrewsbury. Mr, and Mrs. Seedori Seal committee. rother, C. A. Minton, whose store pany. IVnlto, Robert Imlay, Joseph Christ- hind him. Overcome by grief, It is mter mains, repairing and lmprov- as located on Broad street near "In the,, past, reductions of rates man, Harold Fields, Mama Beuck- with frost nails the hunters kept received a, number of useful gifts. .believed that the man attempted to ng roads and streets, repairing Mrs. Thompson reported that $.6,- 1 their footing remarkably well, MUBIO was furnished by Mr. and Mm. 966.8T had been received from 3,717 Tont street. Mr. Cooper waa cm- have applied to the many schedules :iaus and Florence Averro. RofreBh- lift his wife's body without first at- choolhouses and other public bulld- "oyed by his brother, James Cooper, in effect throughout tho territory, nents, Virginia Duske, Tony Trufolo, Both the Friday and Monday drag Russell Bowkot of Elizabeth. • • , tempting to open the doors and win- ngo, cutting firewood and building a persons to whom seals .were mailed hunts with tho foxhounds had to be. Entertainment was rendered by the day after Thanksgiving. A total hen the latter conducted a phar- but with the standardization of tar- loseph Eacco, Gerald Canclla,, Jean dows, and during the effort suc- aboratory at Highlands for the acy at the corner of Broad and iffs, reductions in tho future will bo 'ope and Edith Bunln. Tickets and called off because of weather con- Mrs. May Earl, Ullas Stella Eckert cumbed to the gas. tudy of -shellfish. of 3,845 persons have returned seals, ditions, Friday on account of tho Ice and Russell Bowkct. after whlcU who wore unable to purchase them "hlte streets. / ; concentrated on a greatly reduced -nancing, Helen Ides, Jack Lover- Mrs. PreBton had been employed At the new Highlands laboratory a Mr. Mlnton for the past 28 years sldgo and Stanley Parker. Chairs, and Monday because of the thaw many of tho guests gavo specialties. this year. number of schedules. Mrs. Josoph Graney gave a recita- by the Straus company dry goods lanitary chemist will be Btationed. iaa been employed aa a pharmacist "We believe that tho now bill is larah Cloth, Jack Schooley, Tony which mado the fields so soft that store for the past eight yeara. 'or a number of years past oysters Community reports Bhow: tho hors6s would cut up tho turf too tion, Bert Richardson gave a' tap Plainfield. Mr. Cooper has re-a step toward meeting customer re- Jtoble and Donald Johnson. Publle- dance, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanBrunt Mr. Preston was born in New and clams gathered in Monmouth Allenhurat ... S 69.00 rned to Red sfiank after being em- quirements, that It will be simpler -ty, Robort Wise and Helen Mazza. much. Likewise the hunt tea which York city and was the oon of Mr ounty waters have been prohibited Aabury Park '. -«,...... ,.„....„. w 554.32 was to have been given by Mr. and an old-fashion dance and Mr. and Atlantic HIshlandB 114.80 loyed at various times at Chicago and easily, understood, In connec- Invitations, Lucy Greenwood. Orches- Mrs. Seedorl rendered a piano duet and Mrs. William Preston. He is rom being sold at New York. It IsAtlantic townnfiip ..._.._ „ Mrs. John M. Ellis at, their "Sandy- 27.10 id Los Angeles. tion with tho preparation of tho new tra, Ollye Truex and David Wolcott. hill" estate near Everett was can- At the refreshment table Geprga Rcr survived ,by hla father and a sister, oped that the study of shellfish Avon ~ .-..._.._ . 3D.7E One of the features of the newbill it was necessary to writo new Coat checking, Mildred Hollywood, Miss Edna Preston, both of New lade by the sanitary engineer will Belmar , _.._.„..„„„ 151.25 celled as the back roads wero almost gan acted as toastmaster. - - Bradley Beach . 66.50 harmacy will bo a cosmetic depart- sheets for the meter readers' books, Mildred Douglass, Leslie Douglass York. He waa a member of the isult in a report from him which impassable, with tho heavy coating Those who attondod wcro Mr, and Briellc _ ..._ "•" 39.50 ent, which will ba In charge of an operation which called for setting md James Marlow. Hosts and hos- of ice, making automobile travel ex- Qceanview council of the Junior Or- III prove convincing to the New Deal : : 72.00 i83 Naomi Olmstead, who was form- up the records of more than 130,000 esses, Frank Garutto, John Brcm- Mrs. J. O'Brien and family of Kcarny, dcr United American Mechanics. ork health authorities that the oy- Eatontown •15.55 tromely hazardous. Elb.ron _....:...™™.^ZZV •ly connected with Paulson's beauty customers." er, Shirley Marka and Tina Canella. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and During the war he served In the ters and clams of this locality are 49.22 Mrs. Joseph Granoy and family, Mro. 78th infantry of the signal corps. 11 right and that the ban on them Fair Haven 39.00 h'arrafnsdsle ...... —. . 42.00 BIBLE CLASS May Earl of East Orange, Mr. and Mrs. Preston was born at Mana- ihould be removed. freehold borough ...... —„..—...... 205.20 Christmas Services iEVEBAl, BBNTA13 REPORTED. Mro. Russell Bowket of Elizabeth, nquan and waa the daughter of the Two weeks ago the payroll of thoFreehold towniblp 45.00 Elks Bowling Club Mlea Stella Eckert, Bort Richardson, : dmlnietration amounted to apprpxi- Highlands - 37.00 Presbyterians) Have Enjojnblo Time late Robert and Catherine Sherman. Holmdel township 35.25 At Methodist Church :ho G. Howard Llpplncott Agency At Mrs. It. 15. Aekerman's Stane. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanBrunt and She is survived by a sister, Mrs. An- lately $13,000. Last Saturday the He-well township . 27.30 Christmas Party . Cloaca Tlixco Deals This Week. Mr. Gill of Tlnton Falls, Goorgo Ro- drew Zerr of Rumson. ital amount paid was almost §25,- Keansburg -<~- 53.75 A party for tho Adult Bible class gan of Red Bank and Mr. and Mrs. 00. Some of tho newer employees Kcyport —.._..—....._...... HO.16 ChristmaB Vlll bo 'observed^ all Tho G. Howard Llpplncott real es- of the Red Bank Presbyterian church Fred Secdorf.' 'Id not go to work until tho middle Little Silver 64.00 Members of the Lady Elks' Bowl- of the services at tho Methodist ;ate and insurance agoncy on Mon- Long Branch ... 328.65 g club held a Christmas party Mon- waa held Friday night at the homo of [Teachers Religious r end of last week. The pay roll Marlboro township . 25.00 church Sunday. At the morning ser- louth Btreet reported list night that Mrs. R. E. Ackerman of Haddon :he coming Saturday will be still Manftlapan township 49.75 y night in tho lodge home. Thfey vice the pastor,, Rev. Albert L. Baner, hey had rented to tho Red Bank ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. ^changed gifts, bowled and played Park. A short business session was Courses Are Planned arger. From various sections re- Maliasquan 103.85 will preach on tho subject, "Realiza- ttrake Service, who have boon occupy- held, at which Miss Gertrude O'Brien Matawan and MatAwan township 112.10 •idge. Mrs, Guy HendrlckB, with tion." The senior and juniors choirs Mica Estella Xanlio to Wed Leo Gold- orts are coming in that tho money Middletown township - 374.64 ing Martin Griffin's garage on'Maple was re-elected president, Mrs. Harry Plans for a teachers' training aid to men who were until recently 1, made th.e highest bowling score. will sing. berg of Freehold. ' Millstone township - — 11.50 Those present were Mrs. John Can- ivenuc, ono of tho garages In theC. Knapp vice president and Mra. F. course to bo given in the Methodlat jobless haa great^ Improved trade Monmouth Beach „ 18.50 Tho evening servico will be In led Bank building and loan aeaocl- C. Rhodes secretary and treasurer. church beginning on Monday, Janu- Neptunn City „ 14.00 Illon, Mrs. Elmer Dey, Mrs. P. J. Tho announcement of tho engage- and general business conditions. The Neptune township — charge of the junior choir and tho itlon's building at 10 Maplo avenue, Games were played and the prize for ment of Miss Eatella Yanko, daugh- . ary 22, were discussed last Thurs- lowosl wage is $15 for a thirty-hour •18.25 ilchele. Mnt. Reginald VanBrunt, church school. The junior choir, con- Oalihurat and Ocean township .... 42.85 'ra. Fred Jones, Mrs. Alfred Tobias, 'ormerly occupied by tho System receiving tho largest number of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Yanko of, day night at a regular monthly meet- week. Skilled mechanics receive OOcea n GGrove - 159.66 Blatlng of 35 voices, with Miss Jane r». Arnold Hees, Mro. Joseph John- irake Sorvlce of Nowafk. points went to A. L. Bergo, the tcaoh- Peters place. Red Bank, to Leo Gold- Ing or tho Red Bank council of re- more. < Oceanport - 3U.76 LaFetra and Miss. Iorb Uennett, Durli Crawfo and Mra. Turnler will bo in charge of bo costumed and there will ho spe- New York university choruH at Mad- Mrs. W. A. Shoemaker, Mn. G. Har- Harriet Thorpe the program. Mrs. Walter K. Dcn- program. DrcsBQd in the coatumo of rhllk for needy children of Seabrlght. wedding. . , Ild Novlu.i. William L. Bennett, Mrn. Four Clirifltman riliopppra lior native country, tho hoatcsn wel- cial lighting effects. Tho cast con- ison Square Garden Saturday^ even- —; ^a-«-©B Helen Ivlno, i.iton la in general charge, fiamet; slots of Leonard Compton, Norman ing. Tho Wagner opora "Rlenzl" v?aa This work will bo ilono by Mrs. Ed- Florence M. Goraiich and Miss Clat- Helen White, Lnura I'mzone, Murlpl comed the guetsts. At tho conclusion mund Cllno ohd Mrs. William Coul- A Farewell Party. Newton will he played and fruit, candy and Ricklcs, Steward Eddlngton, Austin ;Iven and It was applauded by thouo- :tta M. Bem,on. toys distributed. An Illuminated of -various gamc3 pertaining to muolc, ter. A farewell party waAMield lit tha Ftiur scooter boy* Charlti] Cottrpll. booku and personalities In lltoraturo Pohl, Thomas Calrnn, Malcolm Mln- indu. Tho performance waa condvict- lomo of Mrs. Clyde Haycn of ffiat'bn- Harry Entell. Hunter olid Kdwnril Crelin tree will bo one of the featurea. nnd drama, rcfroRlimentfl consisting ton, Robert Dangler, Horace, Patter- ;d by Walter Damrosch. Tho An oleotrlc plate given by BrlggB I'AIIKED TBUCIl HIT. >ur buyA win) talk tn .Santa Chiirlen and VanBrunt waa awarded as a town on Monday night In honor'-of Oottrell, Clmrlei Morris, Michael IinoVii. A luncheon-bridge meeting was of Armenian food, candy and nuts eon, Harold Coddlngton, ,1ho.-Misses jololflts wero Marguorlto Matzenauer, Mr. and Mra. Churlou Btoln of Ocean- tlUBter Cretin -linn Ucdoll, Lillian Clark and door prlao to Mra. C. Ivlno. .Tho Five farm children hold lafit week and high score;! at VO served. On tholr departure each Bernadlne Thompson, Alberto. Nel- port, who left Tuesday morning to Mrii. Jullii Truvors In Accident Last • Joyce E.ttclle. bridge were made by Mra. Wlllinm ifion, Deborah Buchanrin, Helon cdcrlck JneRel, \/ho nro prominent Eachol beauty shop of Red Bank of- Helen Purker, l)<.rl» HI Ilci.othy l.ov- spsnd tho winter at Miami, Florida, Wednffiday, er»lilKe. Vita Cottrell Turnlcr, Mm. George Roblnnon, Mrn. cnt received a ainall pnekago of Brunor and Lydla Ivlnn and Mrs, pi opera. Tho participants received fered a shampoo and finger wave as A truck owned by the VVhiltlcr Four waifpi Jane J'ennlnj(tnn, Walter Layton nnd Mrs. Werner Ben-, confectionory tied in Christmas Harold Coddlngton, iluch praise for tho artistic- nnd In- another prize and tho winner waa meij wcro played and entertain- Itwnber and mill work company of HyMn Wlln.n. Milllcent llrown. I.UlInn nlng. wr.ipping.1. iplrntlorml Interpretation of the Mro. Lollle lSngholm. A cake mada ment wan provided by Mr. A. Vin- Tladen 'J'ho hoiir.n WJIB attractive v/lth hol- Incidental muulc will bo furnished by Mrs. Raymond Pullon WHO dis- cent, who did various trlcko. rjc- iVcwnrk, which wnfl parked In front Four pollcrmm William I'hlfrr. iiufllc. •)f the .Standard Oil compnny uttition iday decorations, a urnoU llglited by tho eerilor choir under tho direc- posed ot on the co-operative plan. frouhmenta wero nerved, Those who ' Itnymond I'lcrcr, Altrcd Knit*. Cheittr ACCIDENTAL HIIOOTINU. tion ot Mrn. Theresa Wlllcy. Prior to this tlmo "Ricnzl" had •\n Broncl titreet Wednesday while tho Sleupdll ChrlBtmn.i trpo being tho center of attended wero Mr. and Mra. Chrivlca ihivcr, ftalmtto Mnryoiuiu of Newark, Five children with ljrontti loj» Verun Interest. Kr:fl fandlpu, poiiiHotttan and lot beon heard at Now York since Heldt and daughter, Joyce, Mre, An- r-frrrtiFt, Hhot In Ankle, ICxoneralea holly formed the decorative scheme. 1801, when Mr. Dnmrooch conducted TO MAKE EIGHTY HAMT. drew Becker, Mr, nnd Mrs. A. YJi\- wafj wiping the ice from hio -wind- and Sylvia Wihou, line Jonen, Mice Her Companion, Ilanws of 31 Club. tihlPlti, wsv.i struck by a car owned Knbll,. Almu Murrln Thfi winners of tho gamfia were Mrs- at tho Metropolitan opera house. cent and daughter!* and Mr. nnd f&ra. KU hernlds Ilulli Kulill. Doris Victor King, Mm, John IJ. Montgom- Tho excciitlvo olilcera of thn 31 Glfis to Be Dtbtrlbuted by Nursing Clyde Hnyca. fend driven by Mrs. Julia Travera of Aumaek. I'anny Levalley, Tegity Itanklu. Marion Taylor, colored, -who livcu club held a meeting Monday night at Kutli MnlfTen, Lorelta I'nrker ery and Mrn. Krnnk Curtlu. Others Alumnan Meeting. Association. . K«d Bank, which wnn coming north on the Mcadowbrook farm atfJIirevvii- 1 tho Hi-Y liousn on Branch nvenue lovMrd Hed Banlt. Tho door and Klx amlllnii children Venm Wllion, bury, wiia ircnted at Rlvcrvlew hos- present Were Mrs, A. I* . Ivlndcnfitnith, Mrs. Il'dward do Monsolgle of Bel- Eighty bugs containing toya and Dorothy I^ivrraldtc, line J,me«, l),iri» Mi'«. Wllllnm Jobnatone, Mra. Tliom- with uroulcUmt Edward Jacoubs pre- German Club Utnnor. glagii of Mro. Trnvcrn'ii were lllce, Hylvla \VII»M1, Joyce lialclle pital for a gun ahot wound In her nar travo a talk on "Current Topic*" clothing, principally for widows ivnd broken.. right ankle, which, according to utate fiit Voorhi/i, Mrs. Ifarry itorford, Mrs. siding. Further plans wore made for their holiday danoo which In to bejt a meeting of tho Monmouth Coun- tholr children, v/111 be distributed Tho Gonnnn club of Red BnnU nnd police, wna inflicted during a drink- Frednrlclt Ilulwlnkel, Mrn. Edwin o. vicinity Invites nil intoreaUu! to nt- Mrtf, Talbot Traveni, a rmNfjfiiu Spiritualist Hcrvlcos. fllllnnd, Mr;). Mark Beott, Mrn, H. O. hold on Tuesday night, Deeenibar 2fl, ty Alumnao aaaoclfttlon of tho Now Saturday morning by tha Itumaon, in Uis cur, received a (,'fl»h over the Though the High Point Hplrltualbl ing party on tho farm early Thurs- 'eruey Collcgo for Women last week Fair Haven and SoAbrlght Nurolng t«nd a illnner, conslotlnfr of Imaon- day morning. Clarence Wilson, ix MccltlBin, Mis. Alfred Wlllgerotlt. ot the Molly Pitehor hotel. It was itiriit nye nnd was rushed to the chupcl at Ch«pel Hill v/111 bn cloned planned to lmvn tap dancing and it tho Molly Pitcher hotel. Those association. Mambars of tho nursing pfeffor ami German fried pork «»us- Rlvorvlow hospital by Mrii. Itutmrll for \ho winter months, t;ervicefi will farm hand, who wnn with tha girl ircfient wcro Mra, Dolbert Bosui, Mr^. committee, of whloh Mrn. Ooorge ngea -with tlio uaunl tilmmlngj, tp b« when tilui \vn« allot, wnn detalnfjd for singing aa entertainment and miujlo Hodgklus of tho Hodgliien flower lm conducted at tho homo of tho pnn to bo furnished by Toddy Hoyt nnd illlton Brlggo, Mrn. Claronco Woodon, Dwlght la chairman, tjpent Monday hold nt BtitMor'u grill and bonthotisr, 'ilttrp. fihn wus treated by Doctor A- tor, It»v. France.! Htevvnsnn of Flor- iHH-stlonlng, but tho hitter ntttr.k to . 7J. Loo lCau<> l!iv(Mi(l,»«t«l the accident, made Wilson tn;;clhr-i- In tin liiloxlent"! Juno Hstmas |>f*IHi ninl f^Ullh 'I'tH- l m li\loxl«itrr! l'rni/m l lilrhujiil VVVnn , lOugono 'i-ow. Thd next. inPQtlnjr .will take roiuillion. 'I'lu* v/(iund lind bi^cn lu- Mn(»e>.i, Jn>:k Chirk nii'l Arthur May- iid ti> tmticr nnd bigger 'luce Tucotay lilfiht, .Inniiary 0, at Boya can make e^trA fioak^t. money Inn cents, to be illatiibulcil ainoiig ii»y of each uionlli at 8:3(1 o'clock. n tlnutigh Tiio Rit' nd- flletcil liy a oijiall caliber rifle* howhow . ! the Molly Pitcher. ' wlltas Tlis BegiaUiv—A •Shoso present. • .., RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1988. nm fifteen THE JUNI0B COIXEOE. HBW UQUOR STOBE. Yulotlda Dance. Tiia social committee of the Young Correspondent® on This Subject Ma- Slgmuad Splteer of Perth Amboy Women's auxiliary, headed by Mrs. -{('rank Welter 'bf Wed Front street, {e*aa| by Mr. UeOmpitttt. • , Opens Brsjicii Here. Auten Reed. Is malting final pteas who has been na Invalid the past .Afsaemblyman. Theron McCampbell Tho New Jersey wine and liquor for a Yuletlde dance to be held' at four years as t, result ot an Injury he of Holmdel has released,for publica- company, Slgmuna Spltzer proprie- Lo Dcauvlllo Inn, West Burner. Tl«, received tour years ago in a fall, lias tion the following correspondence Supreme Court -of New Jcreey tor, lisa opened a retail liquor etorn dance will bo held Christmas night shown improvement of tale. Ho laconcerning the employment of in- Yesterday Dismissed Writ of at 38 Honmoutb street. He ha$ onand will be largely attended by stu- now able to be about the house In a etruetorg at the junior college at Certiorari Obtained by Frank hand a full lino of imported and do- dents .homo for the holiday*, and wheel chair, A number of. Ills friends Long ranch: mestic winea and liquors. Mr. Spit- their friends. Thla is tho outstanding and acquaintance!! who have called Leonardo, N. J. • W. Downs in August of 1932. zer began to business at Perth Am- Bocial function of the year, Bpon- on. him lately are encouraged to be- >• ' December 12, 1033. Yesterday the Supremo Court at boy In 1809. In 1003 he moved to tho sored by this group. Toddy Hoyt and lieve by his Improved condition that Hon. Theron HcCampbell, Trenton handed down n decision Hotel Central at Smith and State his Red Coats will furnish the music the time will not be long before ho Holmdel, New Jersey. wherein the writ of certlorari served streets, where he operated until he and entertainment. / wlil'etate to ba a shut-in. My dear -Bir; ' • upon tho recorder and the borough retired In 1016. With the advent of Our buyers for montfys have been In Donald Shlppee of The Grange, a One of tho more recent methods of of Seabrlght by Frank W. Downs of repeal, Mr. Spltzer returned to busi- SeabrJght Church Doings. student at the Hun Preparatory .dispensing federal relief hna been the •Scttbright, relative to the zoning or- ness. Ho will again take over the close touch with farmers all over the BdiopVat Princeton, is upending the I CBtabllBhment of junior colleges dinance, wan dismissed. As the re-Hotel Central, which he will greatly The Sunday-school of the Sea- country checking and carefully se- CbHstmaa holidays at-bis home. | throughout this state. I understand sult of the decision Downs loses tho Improve. Mr. Spltzer has an adver- bright Methodist church will hold Ha that the purposes of thla move wore: first leg in the fight against the or.tisement in this leaue pertaining to Christmas entertainment Friday lecting; these young.tender birds that Ifvrcelltte, the infant daughter of 1. To ald( unemployed teachers night of this week In the church. .Mfw. Reginald Ely of Wcatslde avo- •who arc in' need of relief. dlnance. his Red Bank store. Special music will be rendered at will make your Christmas Dinner an n'u«, has boen dlBehai'ged from the 2. To aid otudenta able to qual- In August, 1932, a complaint waa Sunday's service. assured success... Be sure to get FUltln hospital, and is now with her ify for admission to colleges, but mado against Mr. Downs for a vio- Tho Ladies' Aid society wan enter- mother, Marcellne waa bom Sep- unable to continue their studies lation of the zoning ordinance In that Car end Truck Collide. yours today ! tepnbsr 7 and weighed a little over • because of lack of funds. hn violated Bald zoning act, by'Con- tained Thursday night at the par- It is to the first of these purposoa A Bulck coupe driven by J. Gordon sonage by^Jlra Harry P. Folger and two pounds. She waa kept in an in-that I should like to direct your at- ducting and operating a public daily McNair of Rumson and a Shrews- Mrs. John Lindsay. — Where Quality Courils, Your Money Goes Furthest — cubator at the hospital and now ti^$ bathing buslnoEis by tho erection and bury dairy company truck^driven by the scales at six and a quarter tcntlon. Printed Information aa to rules governing the selection of In-construction of certain olgns in vio- Clarence Scidar collided about eight New Year's Eve at the Globe. poundd. structors In these units has been lation of said ordinanco, and carry- o'clock this morning at the corner t Our Stores will be closed CHRISTMAS DAY. •Mlsa .Ruth VnnNotb and Mclvln sought both at tho ofllce3 of Mr. Colt Ing on a continued batlilng business of Rumson road and Buena Vista The Globe hotel Is planning for a liosB of Plnckney road Bpent Satur- »t Trenton, and at the oftlcea of thoon tho west aldo of Ocean avenue, big celebration on New Year's eve. Open late Friday and Saturday Nights, Dec. 22 & 23. personnel . department at Newark; avenue. The car and truck were dty at New York visiting frleridk known as 20 Ocean avenue. A hear- damaged but no one was hurt. A popular orchestra will provide arid attending the Ford Exposition but till? has not.been secured. >'• ing was set beforo Recorder Cyril A. music and a supper will be served It ia my opinion that It la the In- at midnight. Blllto Turnler will, as Fancy, Young, Tender Fresh-Killed of'Progress. tention of tho present national and Smack. Before tho day of hearing, Ge6rgo Buhler of Long Branch la Btate administration that faculties Mr. Downs, through his attorney, Bush Fire at Bumson. usual, act as master of ceremonies omployed as a butcher at ttif Dore- . should bo selected principally from Ward Krorner of Aabury Park, ap- A bush close to the home of Jo- ft. raus Bros, store. Edward Baclga- /^arr.led men with family responsi- plied to tho New Jersey Supreme Won a Turkey. lupl is an additional employee at the bilities, and from those individuals Court, and as a result of such ap- seph G. McCue of Rumson caught store during tho holiday season. Mr. who have been unemployed for a plication, a writ of certiorari was fire yesterday afternoon. The blaze A twelve-pound turkey was dis- Buhlor' formerly conducted a atoro long period of time, and are unable Berved upon, the recorder and thewas put out by the firemen before posed of on the co-operative plan at I/ing .Branch, to secure adequate support through borough of Seabrlght, restraining any damage had been done. It Is Monday by Frank Llnzmayer and Fresh Killed Roasting other means. I believe that In ono believed a lighted cigarette thrown was won won by Al Berlow of Red Fresh Killed Fatted Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hynan of Wil- particular case a flagrant violation such hearing until the matter waB o liam street have returned from Stam- of the sprit of the relief program has adjudicated by the Supremo Court. in the bush started the fire. Bank, . . . ford, Connecticut, where thoy attend- been' committed. This 13 the case of the appointment of Frederick Benjamin B. Smith of Asbury Park ed the funeral of .Mr.Hynan'a brother Roberta of New Monmouth as In- was appointed a commissioner to oft Monday. . structor in engineering and mathe- tako testimony .of all parties con- Mra Thomas Cook of Broad street, matics at the recently established cerned, at his ofllce at Asbury Park. Mrs. JomcB Smock. ofWallftco street junior college at Long Branch In this Several. hearings were held before and Mrs.. Mary Blley and Mrs. Janet county. the commissioner and witnesses from WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ! Napier of Elm place returned today I would like to point out that Mr. Seabrlght and summer residents tes- after spending a week at Now York. Roberta hao only recently graduated tified. Nut Bread 12c Jack Strode arid Edward Mulligan, (June, 1933) from Harvard univer- (seniors; Herbert Ewing, junior, and sity. He has not beon out of work Briefs were filed by the attorneys tester Berkowltz, freshman, all of for a long period o£ time. Moreover, In the case last October and tho same Mince Meat Cake . . . . 23c ho is the son of a prominent politi- were filed in the court at Trenton. n Fresh the University of Gettysburg, arrived cian in thla part of the county, How- Pork Sausage name Saturday for their Christmas ard W. Roberts of New Monmouth. The borough wan represented in vacation. They will return to school Howard W. Bobortfl Is a lawyer, hav- its legal battle by Edward W. Wise, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ! Wednesday, January 3. ing offices at Atlantic Highlands. I the borough solicitor, and Lester C. Select Oysters doz Mica Mary Bookman of Broad .understand that he has a good law Leonard of Red Bank. Pound Cake Loaf large size 39c practice, la director of banks, and haa (Whole or Half) street is homo from Centenary Col- Interests in other local Industrial (Whole or Rib Half) ! legldta Institute at HackettBtown for ventures. He also holds the follow- the Christmas holidays. ing public offices, which alono bring Weddings. Christmas Layer Cake . him a considerable income: 4SCO or Del Monte California Township clerk of Mtddletown White—Hbfman. township (now under life tenure); Mlsa Muriel Alva White, daughter Buy your Xmas Fruit Cake, Cookies County auditor of tho county bf of Mrs@Pearl White of Belford, be- and Pies now. Monmouth; came the bride of Dirk Hofman, son Counsel to the Mlddletown town- "Christian Science" will bo tho of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hofman of ship board of education; Brooklyn, Saturday afternoon at fom subject, of tho Lesson-Sermon in Counsel to the borodgh of Keans- fruit for pies, tarts, salads or desserts. Red Bank church of Christ Scientist, burK. o'clock. The coromony was performed on Sunday, December 24. I believe that theuo facts would In- by Bev. A. C. Polhemus of South Am- • Services are held Sundays at 11:00 dicate that thin man is well able to boy at the home of the bride's moth- Delicious Candies for Christmas look altor the needs' of bis eon; ander. A. M. and 8:00 P. M. with Sunday- feel that this appolntnient has been Poinsettia 5-lb Sweethome Assorted school at lliOO A. M. Testimonial made more because of political Influ- Mlsa White was attired in a brown meetings are held Wednesday even- ence than because of real merit or velvet gown and she wore a corsage PASTB1T DEPT. Chocolates hox ing'at 8:00 o'clock. . ' . dire need on the part of the appoin- of Talisman roses. Her bridesmaid \ Chocolates The Golden Text Is: "These signs tee. . I, would also call fo your at- was Mls3 Claire Lingo of Belford. 31 BROAD ST., RED BANK Lucille Chocolates tb box 49c | Hard Candy lb pkg 10c: B-lb can 89o | FamouB Mixtures lb lOo shall follow them that believe; In my tention the fact that County'Super- She wore a rose crepe gown and had intendent William. M. Smith of Free- a corsage ol tea roses. Leonard Hof- namo shall they oast out devils; they hold, and Paul I. Redcay, principal 9c Best Pure Glenwood Cranberry SSCQ Cooked shall spealc with new tongues; they of tho Mlddletown township high man of Atlantic Highlands, brother shall take up serpents; and If they school, are both familiar with the of tho groom, was best man. Fran- 139 drink any deadly thing, it shall not financial and political status of How- cis BauEcb of East Keansbu_rg Bang hurt them; they shall lay hands on ard W. Roberts; and that thesu two "I Lovo You Truly," and Mlsa Alma Jll the sick, and they Bhall recover" men sat on the committee which Tarnow played the wedding march. (Mark 16: 17,18.) made thlB appointment can I feel that, in all fairness to the Following tho ceremony a recep- ' Among the citations which com- present national and state adminis- tion was held for about 35 immediate prise the Lesson-Sermon iB the fol-tration In their efforts to provide re- relatives and friends. Four genera- Finest open-kettle rendered. Sava timo and work. cans lowing £rom the Bible: "But as It is lief for those truly In need, this mat- tions were represented .by those pres- All ready to use. written, Eye hath not seen, nor earter should receive your careful at- ent. Miss White's great grandmother, Ssgc, Thyme or Marjoram pkg Bo Bell's Poultry Seasoning pkg Sa heard, neither have entered into.the tention, and that all these appoint- Mrs. Martha Truex, 91 years old, was Flako Pie Crust pkg So NJB.C. Chocolate Twirls lb 18o heart of man, the things which God ments should be carefully scrutin- among the guests. The young couple Calumet Bailing Powder lb can S3c Tomato Joleo Cocktail jar 17c ized, it tho true purpose of the fed- Swansdown Cake Flour hath prepared for them ' that love eral: government is to be effectively left for a trip to Washington. p!:gS5o ^f£2) Finest Baldng Powder canBclOo him: But God hath revealed them carried out. This Is not the time for The bride graduated from the Mld- Baker's Premium Chocolate Del Monte Tomato Juice S cansSSo unto ua by his Spirit: lor tho Spirit playing party politics or for giving dletown township rlgh school with Bator's Coconut toz pkg 14o Sofiasilk Calto Flour soarpheth all things, yea, the deep someone "a start" in a career; it is the class jof 1930, and is employed In N.B.C. Assortment DeLuxe pkg2Da Chase £ Sunborn'o CoiTca thlriga of God" (I Corinthians 2:0.10.) the. hour when need cries out from the housetops. The needy must be tho law oillces of Snyder & Roberts $Sffl Freshly Made The Lesson-Sermon also Includes aided Ilrst, last and alwayB. of Atlantic Highlands. Mr. Hofman the following passage from the Yours very truly, fa employed by tho New York stock Christian Science textbook, "Science Ernest B. McGilvray. exchange. . Tho brldo was the Mince Meat and Health with Key to tho Serlp- Mr. McCampbell states that he sent recipient of many fine gifts. tuiW' by Mary Baker Eddy: "Beyond the above letter to tho State Emer- &SGQ Finest Quality 14c Farmdale Brand thev frail promises of human beliefs, gency Relief Administration and re- Van Mlddleworth—Wilson. above the loosening grasp of creeds, No. 2 61 No. 2 $ ceived the following reply: •'Announcement of the marriage of cans jgj cans the demonstration ol Christian Mind- December 12, 1033. Mrs. J. S. Van Mlddleworth, former- 2 t healing stands a rovealdcl and prac- Honorable Theron McCampbell, ly of New' Brunswick, daughter of Finest grown—new pack. Tender -new pack quality peas. tical Science. It Is imperious through- Holmdel, New Jersey. Mrs. W. P. C. Strickland of Elm out ail ages as Christ's revelation of My dear Mr. MeCampbell: place, Red, Bank, to Richard S. Wil- Hom-do-Iilto Jelly tumbler 15c Richardson & Sobblns C.&B. rlurn Pudding can SEa Truth, of Life, and of Love, which re- I am in receipt of your letter of son of Trenton, was made Saturday. SSCO Tomatoes big can 17c malna inviolate for every man to un- Fancy Mixed Nuts !& SKo December 10 enclosing a letter from • The ceremony took placo at Mrs. Farmdale Milk S cans 17c Phim Podding derstand and to practice" (p. 98.) Mr, Ernest B. McGilvray in which he Soft Shell Wal-.-ts R>8Sa Strickland's home and wa3 attended Gold Seal Flour 24-tb bag §1.08 The Lord's Supper will bo adminis- complains aa to the engagement 6f only by tho immediate family. Rev New Figs pkglto tered at the morning service thla Mr. Frederick Roberta as an instruc- Hap. Baker Flour 24rlt> bag Me VanDyli'a Dates pkglBo tor in the junior college for mon- Henry Brinkerhoff of New Bruns- Sunday at tho Lutheran church. On mouth college. wick ofllciated. The couple will it': Christmas morning at soven o'clock I am investigating this case and side at Trenton. Fancy Sugar Corn 25c the congregation will hold Its annual as soon as I have tho Information early Mat. In Bcrvlco. The children's will communicate with you further. Well—Maxson. Crushed, Shoepeg, Golden Bantam, Country Gentleman. Christmas service, will bo hold Mon- Thanking you for bringing this day night at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Catharlna Well, daughter of matter to our. attention, wo are, Mrs. Walter Boskcy of Spring street, Have Plenty of Bread for Poultry Filling ! The Women's Missionary Bocloty of Sincerely yours, W. M. VanDcusen, .and Oliver MaxBon, son of Mrs. Kath- the Lutheran church has invited tho arlna Maxson of Chapel Hill, were Our Own Make \7 :„«.,*« Loaf •women of the Keyport, Long Branch, Assistant to the State Director. •WMV:MM married Sunday afternoon, nt half- Anbury Park and Manascuian Luther- Mr. McCampbell received the fol-past four o'clock, at tho Leonardo an churches to attend its Christmas lowing lcttor from tho commission of Baptist church. Rev. Thomas Thom- Loaf party next . Wednesday. Mrs. Paul education, which ia self-explanatory: as performed tho ceremony. The at- Trltschlor will liavo cliargo of the December .14, 1933. tendants wera Mfsa Gertrude - Wei' program. Mrs. John Schwlnd, Mrs. Hon. TVhoron McCampbell, and Harold McGoldrick. IE. Robinson and'Mra. Trltschler will Holmdol, New Joraoy. 2-lb have charge, of the decorations. Mra. : My dear Mr. McCampbell: Perkins—Mlnton. cake John HarisPi), Mrs. Fred Wilman, Mr. Strahan has askod me to reply Hade with tho choicest ingredients and packed'In an attractive tin box, with a detachablo handle. Mrs. .Thomas . Mead, Mrs. B. fcfazza to your post card of December 11th. __J3 Ava Pcrlclna of Red Ban nnd Mrs. H. Franz comprise tho re- The junior college at Long Branch and Chester W. Mlnton, son of Ma; freshment committee. Mrs. J. Mar- and the other Institutions of the or and Mrs. Augustus it. Mlnton o. Rambler Sport Coaster Wagons """ $2.95 tin Dougherty is taking euro of thesame oort aro organized under a Fair Haven, were married Sunday 1 invitations. A largo representation grant for unemployment relief se- Dccomber 3, at Jacksonville, Florldn. Slui'dy , strong, oversize rubber tiros, disc wheels, whole drawn steel axles. Every child will want one. from' each church is expected. cured by Btate Director Colt. The After the ceremony the couplo spent teaching staff is selected by a com- a week nt Miami. They returned mittee of truateon made up of school ,', Headquarters for Butter and Eggs for Over Forty-two Years officials of tho county. Selection is North last' Thursday and aro now FORM .NEW' BIBLE CLASS. niado from a list of unemployed residing at Hi River road, Fair Ha- teachers. ven. While there Is no law governing Yojirig; Men of Presbyterian Church the organization of Junior colleges, to Meet on Sundays. tho State Board of Education will Carton have tho function of validating. or Tho Finest Sweet Cream Butter in America. Strictly frenh—for boiling, poaching or sick room. A meeting of the Young Men's Bl- approving the work of theso Institu- Federal Judge Clark bio clans'of tho Presbyterian church, tions. Mr. Colt ia reaponslbjo for all n> which woa formed luijt Sunday morn- tho financial arrangements involved, Richland Butter 23c Selected Eggs doz 23c . Ing, will bo held this Sunday at theand I understand that he haa ap- In a talk at the monthly dinner of An lino aa many bests. Every Kgg Guaranteed. church. Regular meeting!) will bo pointed a supervisory commlttco to the Monmouth County Bar associa- C13 again as Christmas bolls ring •held every Sunday thereafter. O1I1- have general overnight of the educa- tion yesterday at Freehold, Jame3 D. out old friends meet or send their Every Meal Is a Success When Good Coffee la Served, Doubly Su When You usn cera of the now organization arc: tional and administrative plans. Carton, Si\, former city solicitor of greetings from placca far away. Any Ono of Our Three Fiivorlto Wends. Try them Now nt those Low rrlc« ! Very truly yours, i ABbury Park, look exception to ro- Friendliness and Good Choer aro the or- .Prenldont—Stanley Tnt-liur. Victor 11 Aetna . Ib tin I '.Vice president— Him-? Wordcn. Howard Daro White, morltB madn recently at a dinner at der of tho day. And no wo Join in wlsh- asco •Jdcrfitary—Jamafl Wordcn. Assistant Commissioner of Education Anbury Park by Federal Judgo WII inji you and yourn a very happy Cliriut- .Trenatiror—^Harvoy HoEerfl. Ham L. Clark. Mr. Cnrton said the mas. Coffee Coffee Other'memboru of tho club aro address reflected unfairly on the The "All Brazil" Coffee with ThCoffee choicee of thousands. Cortiftcd Arnblan Moebrt and Robert Bobat, Robert Allen,. Nell Patients At The ' . character and integrity of our estate tho appealing flavor. Ground Java—skillfully hlonded with Sherman, Fred Wlkoff, Clinton and the lawyers of Monmouth county. freflli to your order while you Ground fresh to your order selected South American Cof- Thompson, Arthur Cadman, nichard Riverview Hospital A commlttco of three members will * wait. whllo you wait. fcC3. D»Wltt, • Bernard Clark, Reginald bo appointed to prepare a resolution Woleott and Clark Kennedy. Mi's. Charles S. Prague of. condemning the remarks, and a copy "•JSil Young men between tho agen of Infjton litrcot, Kcyport, gave birth to will bo Font to tho rotate association dm Finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables—Specially Priced Mventeen mid 2(1 ore eligible to mem- •x daughter born Thursday In his talk Judge Clark nald oxeeo bership. The organization WHEJ fox'- Miss May Lines of wim nlvc fecH were allowed In chancery §11 * * merly a Sunday-school drum taught courts and he denounced what lie by Ralph It. lCckort of Borgcn place. operated on for appendicitis Thuns- dny termed "the vicious Interlocking: be- The members of the nlnia have been tween bench mid bar." I'resli Cnllfornlit LARGE EXOKIDA I>arg*t Delicious YELLOW BOILING associated with Mr. ICcltert for tho Arthur Deficit of Keamilitir^ fell pnBt fourteen yctire. Atuilatlng Mr. nml fractured his Ehoulder in a fall PEAS ORANGES APPLES ONIONS IBckert In the (supervision of tho club .'ii the olllco of Laird $ Co. at Scobcy- .Surprise Tarty nt Llncrott, liozen ffiPC lloicn StlifhO 10-11). lias S%W> aw Dr. IJ. P. MncKenzle of Shrows- vlllc Friday. On Siindny nlRht a nurprine party bury and Joseph Koohna of r>>.l Mr, and Mra ICdword Johnson of wnti given nt tliu homn of Mies Har- etrcot. • ' Little Silver nro the pnrcntn of a non riot Hoach of Litioroft In honor of born ycfitcrdtiy MIH. Loulii Walter. Deconitlona con- ciitisr warns TELLOW ICEBERG Mra. Charles Rowoll of Curmcn sisted of laurfil, holly, rod candles mid Grapo Friil Amaranth Club l'nrty. Celery Hearts Sweet Potatoes LETTUCE 1 placo gave birth to a son yesterday. haaketa and other clirlstirfas desorn- Mem'fasrs of tho Armirunth club tlonn. Grtincn featured tho evening, irrad hsld a Ghrln'tmna parly loot night nt nfter which refreshments! were served fine furniture, bedding, rugs, lamps, etc. Iho homo of Mrs. Itulph. Johnson on Bnein't Want to I)«'Senator. Mayor Frank Itafsuo of Jersey City Thoflo attending were Lotlia Walter K(vliinc'''man-' lal nomination In tho VLuy prinuirieo, White and Harold1 White of Holmdol. Mnlcc nonin needy family Imppy with a basket $1 •: $1.49 : $2 - - Special K«e«»l» In} by Mien Elizabeth ' Peyrl. GlftfT ami 'Ftrnnlor w. Wnrr'en Harbour of food. Accepted sumo as 0A81I hi any of our to Wtfrfi eseharigfid' emrt tirrnngt'ni Monday (mid ha will flntah his term I'lio road to better ami nigger Duel- Slows. JJuy Minn .from our Caoiifani or Manager*. 'Ank were msile to send flower* to almt- j and will not bm a enndidnto for tholiens leiiiln tlirouith Tho HaglHtor'u ">i- Ins. for Christina®. rsomiartlwj. ' vettlBlug columns.—/ " jj|_Jl«»j_i>.li;a« «W*slJ»» In »»» 3t*tM ami M(»l I 'RED BANK EEGISTER^DECEMBER 20,1833, Sixteen B«sa to bs held in Trenton, January els and Santa Claus will five to each Meeting Auxiliary of 21, In connection with agricultural child a box of candy donated by week and Uia New Jersey farm show, Charles Schneider's meat msjk Legion Last Week tha state department o! agriculture The program will be under the di- A. JOYOUS HOLIDAY CELEBRATION ! announces. rection of Grace Malehow. The regular monthly meeting In preparation for the final contest, jSbrewtbury Unit, No. 168, American elimination spelling bees will bo held Boys can m&ks ©xtra po legion auxiliary, was held last Thurs- between now and January 16 by !ec-selling Tii#" Register—Afl 0®y afternoon at tho Woman's club AT IBB 6» Broad ttroet, with tho president, turera of Subordinate granges in Sin. Carl Breeser, presiding. many rural communities la the •Mra. W, W. Sbassipanore, chairman state. Boya and girls, in the seventh &t the rehabilitation commutes rfs- or eighth grades of grammar school partad tho jilans for the Christmas or In tha first two yeara of high activities were complete. She also ecljool are eligible to participate in TOIV.Y . Sreportefl veterans In hospitals were theso preliminary contests, the win* being e^ni for and veterans' famil- nera of which compete in tha final Serving a Delicious ies !n need wero to ba supplied with bee. Christmas dinners, The bee, which to arranged for by Turkey Dinner A Chtiatinas party for the children the etato grange and the department of members. or the legion and theof agriculture, la one of the features auxiliary up to ten years of age will of participation in the Farmers' TICKETS, •-• $1.50. per Peraon hv held tomorrow afternoon from Week progratn by children from the ; . INCttJBINO DKHNBE. three to five o'clock In tho legion rural parts of the state. Last year, post rooms on Broad street Mrs. 84 children representing 42 granges A BEAI. HOXIDAY X.VNOU .Wtl£ .BB- BBBVBB OV& Louia Millar Is In charge of games from all sections of the etats partic- spid entertainment, OVBSXS AT HIONIOHT. .• ipated in thp final contest. First and Self Setting, Wtafilns With : A donation was' voted for tho Sal-second places were won by children KINDtY MAKE yODB BESBEVATJONS tSNBXX. • vation army by tha auxiliary, Mrs. representing Egg Harbor grange, Enflo Up. PHONB BED BAfflS It. / ' NGER BOGJ2H9 Thomas Mead turned over the money which thus obtained first place in BOXY XDBKIBB ' deceived from the last card party tho contest for the second timo In 1AMAN mxon S tield for the benefit of the unit, and succession. Will Ba OUT Master ol Corcaionlcs. alno tha receipts from the tale of The grange winning this year's con- tickets on a pillow which was dis-test will bo awarded a handsome ban- •£• Bear Santas posed of on the co-operative plan. ner. The prizes for winning children The pillow, of the boudoir variety, will' be: first, a medal and $10; iec-. ^ , THERE have been whis- FRI.—ONE DAY ONLY! 'was mado and donated to the aux-ond, a medal and $5; third, a medal Complete—Nothing Extra to perings in my family recent- iliary by Mrs. Anna do la Heussille, Return Engagement By Popular Demand ! and $2.50; fourth and fifth, modalc. ray ly that I wasn't supposed to a former president of tho unit. It Paul H. Axtell, supervisor of the Was disposed of at a card party held Flemlngton schools, will conduct the hear. My husband and my at the Woman'H club and was wonfinal contest and awards) will be pre- son and daughter have been ty Mrs. Walter Boyd. sented by former Stats Senator David Shampoo planning to buy me a wash- Mrs. A. T. Doremus reported plans H. Agano, master of the state RIVERSIDE AVE., RED ing machine for Christmas. &ra progressing for the novel teagrange. . , Marcel :, N.J. I Which is to be held in January. Con- School children desiring to enter NOW, listen, Santa. I Valeacent and sympathy cards wews .he contest should do so through the Rinse Will Feature Its Famoii® Sent to several members. subordinate grange nearest to their wish you would do some- ! At the close of the meeting Miss home. thing to nip their plan before jBladys Shropshire, music chairman, Except Friday and Saturday. they get too far with It. A ^nd Miss Joan Field of Long Branch, Jilayed several piano ducts and tea FOB THE HAPPINESS CLUB. washing: machine is no gift. Sros served by Mrs. Thomas Mead. Ask any "woman who owns Christmas Message and Broadcast one. Friday Afternoon, Rackl's Beauty Salon 6 I C K ft 0 W.t L !. k * 1OAN atOMfCi GRANGE SPE1.1.ING BEE. Rov. Thomas G. Thomas of Leon- TELL my family for me that I'd rather have a fitted ardo will deliver a Christmas mes- 15 East Front St., Red Bank From 13:00 O'clock Noon to BtW F. M. Ho Be Part of Featured Program sage to the children of the Happiness bag, a fur piece, a lamp or During Agricultural Week. olub Friday afternoon at Station SAT. ONLY—ONE DAY ! Phone 3919. » MONDAY, DECEMBER 2Sth, 1033. even a simple box of candy i. School children from all parts of WJBI at Red Bank from halt-past four o'clock to half-past five o'clock. —anything but a washing vHIS eiG^EST FLAMS WAS A $8&w Jersey arc expected to compete 1 New Bar, stocked with tho choicest Wines, Beers and ;ln the fifth annual Grange Spelling Tho children will sing Christmas car- Uqnors—Moderately Priced. machine. Giving a house- wife a' washing machine is lED-HOT MAMMA/ 'CBS Please majto early reservations.' like giving a horse a. brand new • shiny harness for Phone lied Bank 2500. B, C. MOIBHEID, .. Manager. Christmas. It may look nice Hotel Hefmrlt, N. J. and it may cost a lot. of money, but it still means plenty of • work. 7 BROAD STREET TAKE it from me, Santa, washing is work, machine or RED BANK PHONES JgJ no machine. Ask Mrs. San- Sat. Mat. Only—Latest Chap., "The Wolf Do8'" ta Claus if that isn't so. You will have to lift the heavy 41E0 Mickey McGuire in "Mickey's Tent Show" SPECIALS—ENDING XMAS SATURDAY, DEC. 23rd pieces out of the thing, you Cartoon, "Easy Aces"—TraveltalU; 4nd stiil have to hang them on the line and you will have all M. G. M. News. \ the ironing to do. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT at the IF you have any pull at all with my family, tell them that if 1 must get a useful SUN., MOW., TUES. gift that will give me pleas- ure and still cut the family LARGE TQM TURKEYS 27c expenses, let them give me a has all the gift of a year's laundry Grain Fatted Roasting wiibs average I FresnJersey Corner Shrewsbury and Sycamore Aves., Shrewsbury, service. That will save us #fe2 world at her all money, save our clothes, i N. J., Osia Block South of Red Ban!: Airport ,]'•• •* ^\ £0^mlit dancing- feet! » atld it will save me a full day each week. J.\ Dinner Served from 12 Noon to 9 P. M. Smoked Hams Friday & Saturday . Ib Only! Leg Lamb • MY best wishes for a. Mer- All Brands Also a la Carte ry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Trommero Best Beers on Draught. Veal Cutlets Fresh Hams . ib Santa Claus and please do whatever you can about this Veal Rib Chops NO COUVERT OR MINIMUM CHARGE washing machine business, as 1 find that it Is just as Round Steak We Cater to Wedding Fartlea and Banquets. economical to send my laun- Top Sirloin dry to Leon's, and eliminate Roast Telsphono Red Bank 3908 the'drudgery of home wash-

Sincerely yours, Matte Your Reservation Mow for tho Special R & R Plum Puddini? I Ib 23c Cranberries 2 lbs 19c Mrs. A. Housewife. Mince Meat with Brandy 2-lb jar 29c White Onions 2 lbs 13c NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION Figs 8-oz pkg 9c Yellow Turnipo 3 lbs lOc DECEMBER 31 "Trado in Red Bank; Celery Hearts 2 bunches 18c Pitted Dates 8-oz pkg 15c Make Rod Bosk tho Small Grape Fruit doa 25c Tel. Red Bank 3908 Table Raisins, clusters plig 29c First to Prosper." Mixed Nuts Ib 23c Everyone in Red Bonk Walnuts Ib 27c ROLL BUTTER Should Practice Tliis Slogan. ALL BRANDS FLOUR JERSEY EGGS 1 3-DAYS OLD 24 /2-lb Sack $1.09 SEND US YOUR FELT 12 -Ib Sack 59c large Florida HAT FOR CLEANING. Nfao- Rpi .Lovely Joan in glorious re< 7 -Ib Sack 37c doz > Trees WE MAKE THEM LOOK uni n with Clark Oranges 27« LIKE NEW. "V"' lM-t\ ? Cable—a '%M|^ thrill-packed drama—a superb LET US HELP YOU GIVE SOMEONE A XMAS BASKET. TODAY and TOMORROW —Two Features f ' JsimiM .musical that is a new mile- . SELECT YOUR CHOICE ... FILL OUT A GIFT CARD ... FUE GARMENTS stone in screen entertjdnmentl WE WILL DO THE REST. GINGER ROGERS Kathryn Crawford GIFT No. 1— | GIFT No. 2— | GIFT No. 3— , REPAIRED and LYLE TALBOT KAY WALKER REMODELLED by an EXPERT. 8 Ib Boast Chicken % Freah Ham TOM DUGAN 10 Ib Turkey 1 lh Cranberries 1 Ib Cranberries 1 Ib Cranberries 2 ltw Pcaimta 1 Ib Peanuts 3 lbs Wbltc Onion- 12 Oranges 1 nan Apple Snm. IN 2 lira Peanuts » lbs Turnip I Ib Coffee 12 Oraii(jP8 1 Ib Wnito Onions 2IIlia Fresh Fens 1 Minna Me 2 Celery Hearts 'j na\ Cider 1 Ib CofYeo 1 lyoafNj^l, Bread 1 Ib Butt*r 6 Banannft I II. IluWr (J Bananas 300 Singing, OUR OWN 1 Ib Coffofl CHAHli & FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY!' Dancing Beauties! with FRANCHpT TON! COFFEE HjafGOAaL i Holly WreatliN. MAXWEIJ, HOUSE Mirrors of Venus MAY ROBSOM. < WINNIE 'j Ib Xmns CooUlo 1 IDs. fl #sr<; 6 lbs Apples Coffee 6| & Scores o/ LIGHTNER • FREp ASTAIRE I-qt, Peanuts Free other Great Scenes! ROBERT BENCHlEY • TED A Dozen Hit HEAIY «»d HIS iSTOOGES . Steamer >cItoht,CodFi»h |c »>|Sea Trout n> Songs They're All Directed f>y Clams c |Mackerel I 3-Qt.j —m—• Singingl ' ROM". Z. LEQMARD " ING FOR: A-HT Plssrliiiliafiig Extra Added Attraction \r 7 BROAD ST. "with MAXIE ROSENBLOOM V/XUS BISNEY'S IATEST SUCOE8SOU TO Tire "THBEE UTTIill! PK13" • ' ' COMPLETE YOUR XMAS DINNER WITH TASTY ASSORTMENT SUNDAY -t- MONDAY — TUESDAY "THE. PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN" . Prince of Wales ANOTHER SENSATION IN nKAUTlFUL TKOHNICOLOU 1 £|»rlngerle» Our Famous A TBEAT »OIl TIIK CIIILDUKN ! • Anise Drops RED BANK STARTING WED. NITE, DEC. 27th, Spice Drop* PUMPKIN IN — CtnnMnott Start 25.-45-80c Batter Cooisfes MINCE FroFi Fruit Loaf Rlcrlngua Kigies WITH MAIN OFFICE & ON THE STAGE ? French Mnccaroons 30 - 50 - DORIS • PLANT s At Kine ^nd Every Wednesday Thereafter KENYON DANIELS 70-76 White Street, _. Cams AND BEE AN ARRAY OF HIXENUH) A! ^^^ms^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New i IJ0N08, 3»AKCJKS, COMEDY, MUSH) AND LAUUUH ( RED BANKEEGISTEl^DECE^ER 20,1938. B1BTHDAV LUNCHEON. bo announced within a few days, in- Sunday-school to Blown Off clude: Tkomm 0. Held Oftan JsliB Bopwn No Longer WotMns e& Oceen—*nico^ora B. Ctknmer. Y/sst i «be Cttobo Hotel . ' .Shotgun Sh4U Cw«k: Freak W. Eotton. Jr., TOJS» Bivcr; uredsy. Ctercnee J. Brown, L&kcwood, A luncheon lo/honor of tla birth- John Hopson baa given up hla po- day was tcndcrta Thornas S. Field of sltlon at th6 Globa hotel at He4 Bank Kenneth Rhodes of Forman place, Boys can make extra poeltet money "Cbristawts Eve In David's City" Mlddletown township by Wilbur B. after haying worked there forty Fair Haven, twelve years old, ta la lll Tho Register— Advertisement to. ba Given Sunday Night at BulhrauK ajfti B, Gaddls Plum last years. The- hostelry has changed Rlvervlew hospital with three Singers Central Baptist 'Church at At- Thursday. /Tho luncheon v/aa given owners and proprietors many times missing and burns on his arm andThe American Export Line : lantic Highlands. In tho clubrooms ot the Cloud club during that period. Mr. Hopson, who facer The boy picket up a shotgun on the 67tb floor ol the < Chrysler la one of the best known and most shell and attempted to pry off tho 26 DeLuse- Mediterranean A pageant entttibd "Christmas Eve building at New York. Other guesta respected colored residents of Red cap with a forfc. Tho shell esploded la Davld'fJ City" wll) ba presented by Included Ampry L. HaEkell, Edward Bank, haa dons varied work at the in his hands and three lingers israre Cruises Annually the Centra! Baptist Sunday-school of Stewart, 3rd, Kufua C. Finish, W. hotel, serving as utility man, waiter, blown off. He was rushed to River- Atlantic Highlands Friday night, De- Strother Jones, Jr., ancj Frederick C. porter, fireman and bartender. Mr. view hospital, whoro his wounds were To Spain, Vrtaxce, Italy, Egypt, cember 22, In tho church. The ucono Tatum, Hopson (states that he Is going to treated and tetanus anti-toxin treat- ralesttae, Syria. h 1/iidin Bethlehem. AH tha well That evening Mr. Wold was thotako things easier hereafter, but ho ment administered to prevent lock- knosyn characters In the story; In- guest of George Dexter at the Sports will not retire from active work al- jaw. 43-Day Cruise now f 375 up cluding the shepherds and the wloe dinner given for charity at the Hotel together. He will take «aro of fur- X&camblon — Excallbw men, arc in tho pageant. Mrs. George Astor, where tho flva hundred guests naces, cater for parties and do other , A HEW COMMISSION. It. Ellin, wlfo ol the pastor, is In gen- present were entertained with vaude- kinds of work for folks who want Eiochorda-—Exeter eral charge. . ' ville acts and listened to speocbos hla services. tthomaa K. McCarter Heads Sail fortnightly—Firetrctass only. ' Convin K. Llneon of Atlantic High- made by celebrities of tho sports Government Plan Body. Outslda rooms, Bhower and b»-t3i, lands, internationally known' artlar, world, political leaden*, etc. Other who spent three years In Palestine, In Temperance Union l'srty. The £«ocal Government Plan com- a la carte eervlco' Included. Slop- local people who attended this din- The Women'u Christian Temper- over privileges. In,charge ot the ocene netting. Tho ner Included Colonel Reed Kllpatrlok, ancco union of Red Bank will meet mission, headed by Thomas N. Mc- characters ^llt wear robes which Mr. manager of Madison Square Garden: Carter of Rumson end created by the Lihson bought In the Holy Land. at the home of Mrs. Anna Enlckuon Vagabond! Cruises. Gene Tunney, former resident of of Elm place tomorrow afternoon at legislature to consider consolidation Some ot theao fine dresses are liter- Monmouth county, Bernon S. Pren- and economv In municipal and coun- Black Sea ssid Medllerranean Ports, ally weighed down with hand work, halt-pact two o'clock. Christmas will tice, president of tho Seabrlght Lawn be celebrated, gifts will bo exchanged ty administration, /Monday announced 69 to 70 days—$0 a. day. RE! Tennis and Cricket club and chair- appointment of assisting county com- An electrically Illuminated star will and the sixtieth anniversary of the HBIJBN IJKE OETTr. Agent. travel across tha auditorium during man of the Davis Cup committee; temperance crusade will be observed. missions. tho pageant. Other lighting effects William Caipentri, ttluinc Ewfnfj, Refreshments and a social time will Tlio members of County commlo- Phone Ited Bank \%%i lor further ione Slbl will be a gradual fade-away of day-Dr. John Victor, and [>e\eral others. bo enjoyed. tlons, with exception of Monmouth, to Information and reservations. Free Delver? light, -Albert Woodruff Is In charge of tho lighting arrangements. The cast la as follows: In keeping with our reputation for supplying our patrons with the choicest Inn keeper • ~ George Murphy Marian ...... Mary Naylor First uplilier _ Franklin Tuckor products at moderate prices we are now prepared in our wine and liquor .Second'soldier :... Kenneth Bell Jlbbi _ Herbert Pontcn 'ISstflcr „.., Jean Jyhnatone department with the finest domestic and imported wines, liquors and cordialo llachcl ...... Caroline Wadsworth Joaflh ~ Laurence Lufburrow ThoniBa Thomas Bell —brands known the world over for quality at popular prices. Joaejih Henry Writ-lit < 1» N> OIM Htil Sntmtal ...» ~ - >. John Atiums V Obcd - - -. Gerald Klctt Demaa ' , ...... Robert Drako Joel . Sterling Joalin First; Wiseman Donald Shepson Secoml Wiseman Jlmmle Fosten Third wlneman William Shepaon QUALITY PLUS SERVICE Simon ; „ —... Fred Hanson Program 2 PHONES—NO WAITING. At Shrewsbury School PHONES: 3262 or 3263. FREE DELIVERY. 6 to 9 Years Old Guarantee This Christmas CXCI-CIKC:) of tho srammur nchool \vl" Iv .1 throughout tho grades this wceli. Kacli two grades win ine.^ The first and socond grades will pn s«n6 "Tho Dolls" Chrtetniaa"; tljlrd and fourth grades, ("King Winter's Sherry Hairte Satiteme Throne," with a recitation, "Why Do Bolls For Christmas Bins," by Aud roy Johnson;'recitation, "Which Tree Is Best," by Helen Buckelcw, and Thursday? Fri carol, "Santa Land," by the class. "The Birds' ChrlBtmas^Carol will be giveti by. the fifth and sixth grades and "Everybody's Happy" will bo given by the seventh and eighth . grades. Bottle | Tho boys' Red and Gray teams of the local school have begun to play basketball, now that the football sea- BUTTER SUGAR Bottles son is over. Recently tho Reda de- •Assorted feated the Grays by a score of 12 to 6. Finest Roll or Tub DOMINO GRANULATED * .The score for tho soccer.teams so : far this year showa that the girls' Gray team Is leading with 35 points, while tho glrlB* Rod team Is second Ic with 22 points. These two tcarrm'aro captained by Margaret Silver of tho Red team and Helen Marx of the Qrty team. . BONDED AND AGED IK WOOD 7 lie- school has recently welcomed 16-YEAR-OLD tv new pupils, Neville Connors, fifth grade, transferred from St. James's school at Red Bank, and Raymond AL'rfi Grovop| third grade, transferred from or FRUIT COCKTAIL Lakcwood, William Hunt, grade two; Private Stock pts. $2.75 HoIIoway's Sloe Mary Anderson, grade four, and Jen- Largest Cans DOLE'S—Sliced or Crushed Fancy California—Largest Cans nie Tllton, grade five, havo moved VERY SPECIAL ! from Shrewsbury. During tho past week Principal ,'Vni .England brought to tho school ® cans enlarged pictures ot tho graduating classes of 1932 and 1933. Tho pic- boh tures are handsomely mounted in frames painted In tho respective class colors. The 1932 class picture Is In a white fram'o with gold corners. The Pineapple Juice Cranberry Sauce 1033 c)as3 picture ia in red nnd gray. Apricot Cordial bot. I.' The class of 1932 is. shown on a BOLES ALL GKEEN—targe Cans DBOMEDARY BBAND LARGE CANS—JEBSEY / background of flowers with tho Amer- Cans ffli Peach Cordial hot. 1. ican flag in the middle. The 1031 class gft Cans if PC g^i Cans AAC . gft Cans ffiPC pennant is on the left and the 1932 pennant on the rlglit. Tho girls are Cherry Cordial bot. 1.! dressed in white and tho boys In dark suits; Kummel ....!.! The 1933 class picture has a back- ground of rod roses, tho class flowor, in the center of which is the Atnorl- Cream can flag, and bolow it is tho class SUN-MAID—SEEDLESS AXL FLAVOB8 BIPE SPECIAL.'. motto, "You Mako Your Own Luck," painted In the class colors of red Cans S| I Cans fflPC Johnnie Walker Black and gray. Tho girls, flvo In all, aro Creme de Menthe shown In white dresses, while the four* boyo sport white fiahnel trousero and dark coats. Creme de Cocoa Tho 1034 graduating class picture will bo placed along eldo of thoso Creme de Rose LSI pictures and it wi'.l bo mounted in a blue and white frame. Black & White A goography contest was hold last m week. Tho captains wore Billy Drake and Dorothy Jackson. Posters were Mixed Nuts Finest New Crop lb. Table Raisins Fancy Malagas pltg. mads of the' Middle Atlantic states, CALIFORNIA showing the cities with their manu- factured products either pasted or Walnuts California lb. drawn on them. Namea ot the citlea Mince Meat 2-lb. jar 3 Star Hennessey bot 4.50 woro riot written in but each pupil had a chanco to guess tho names of the different cities. There woro slx- Walnuts Diamond Brand Budded ... lb. None-Such Mince Meat ® pkgs. 3'StarMartell . bot.4.50 teerrcltlea. Dorothy Jackson's team won tho content. Tho grammar school cloaca for the Almonds Paper Shell lb. Dates 2-lt). pkgs. Christmas holiday Thursday, Decem- ber 21 at 12:45 P. M., nnd will re- open after'the holidays on Wcdnes- Brazil Large Washed , Sfa lbs. Dromedary Pitted Dates ® pkgs. Martini Rossi, sweet doy, January 3. Martini Rossi, dry-' Overheated Chimney Filberts Large fij. Popping Corn 1-Ib- pkgs. ti?s French ; Causes Small Blaze Pecans Large Stuart it,. Heinz Plum Pud. or Fig Pud. 1-Yh. 3 cans l''lro early lust Thursday night did slight damngo to tho apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seals In a houno on Pecans Fancy Paper Shell, Schley's .. lb. Heinz Mince Meat, 1-lb. tins I fto cans Nowman Springs road owned by Mouquins Councilman J. Alhort VnnScholcli. Tho Liberty lioac company wan culled Chestnuts special 6| ]\ Unit and Inter a general alarm.wn'i it Heinz Mince Meat, 2-lb. tins il. IftA *«r ftPC for 6%F»O M mo Dos. Thfl damngo wati confined lo tho rear Solano Sherry, Dry St. Julian wall of tho (llnlnff room. Sauterne and Haute Sauteme Red Seal Mndoria '99 Victoria Port (20 years old) .Evangelist tit I.nng .TlrnncU. BfeETS and CARROTS Veil de Moinc Bourgogue Kov. nimo Balflmnn (if Trvlnjjtoii, Port Wine No. 1 Rhine Wine wnll-itnown rsfllo evnngefliit, will con- WAHIIICD—.1BI1HEV t-ATMM KDNCIIES MBOIS BUNCHES duct a sp*ielftl Ksrvlce n\. Ihn Klrst Pentficontfll church at Lonfj Hranch filk' Bonclte* ftpo gft Bunch a 'tonight n( 7;4B n'clook, Mr. I'.iilp.irmn rnmlitntn a fiuape! hour over atulioiu* WPAP «t»d WJH3, e Eighteen RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1938. tried before Judge Rullf V, Lawrtnci week wild Jjsr graadawtfasr, Mta. Mm. SutpMe Dies and a Jury at Freehold last week. A' Julia Roche of Jersey City. tha conclusion of ths testlmoay In UM, Jamea Bobbs IB improving behalf' of Mr. Morris, Judgs lAwre from intestinal grip. ruled that the evidenca did not nwkt Mr. and Mrs. Buchanon and Mrs. To our Friends a»d Patroiss we extend the out a causa of aotlon sgalnat Mr. Bushanoa'a daughter, Miss Mildred Mother of Congressman WiMiam Young's estate and declared a non- Willing, of Newark will malte an au- 117 West Front St, II. Sutphin Had Lived at Mat- suit in favor of Mrs. Youngg. TSieo- tomobile trip through this South dur- very be$t greetings of the Season ! awan Since 1890—111 Sines'"10"1 J> ott tiwti flrmfl of ing the holiday Mseon. They will Qulnn, Parsons & Doremua repre- make stops, at Ashvllle, North Caro- Branch Store: Opp. Schneider's Meat Market Fall Last September. sented Mrs. Sarah V. Young execu- lina, Greenville, BoutU" Carolina, At- Mrs. Charlotte Sutphln,. mother of trix of Mr. Youns'o estate. lanta, Georgia and Washington. Mrs. longrossman William H. Sutphln, Buchanon in tho mother o£ Mra. died early Thursday morning of James Asha of Belford. heart disease at the homo of her eon Margaret Mrs. Irving Roof and her assistants at JIatavvan, She vrai in her 84th will present a Chrlstnmss program in year. Pupils Give Recital tho Mothodbt church Friday night, Promise* moan nothing — it's psf at Mrs. Sutphln was tho daughter of Tho election of trustees held in tho formanco that counts. Tho "bor- Cb,arles T. and Rhoda Brown and A piano recital by pupils of Mar- Methodist church last week resulted 0Olr(" battery that looks good In 39 BROAD ST, i bornMn Browntown In 1850. Sha garet C. Manna, assisted by tho kin- In tho selection of Elmer J. Wilson I AH Kinds of Xmas Plants. had been a resident of Matawan dergarten and advanced rhythm and George Beck for three years. tha store ii no bargain tn your car since 1800. Mrs. Sutphln had been bands of tho Knollwood school, was Rev. J. J. Messier will preach spa- If you can't depend on It. »y & *8» &Pe THONE 863-J ll since September when she fell in given Friday night at th6 Waman'3 clal chrlstmoa sermons Sunday at tha Millions of motorists entrust their Congressman Sutphin'a summer homo club on Broad street. Tho program Methodist church. A Chrlatmaa morn- comfort and safety to EXIOES— at Asbury Park and fractured a bone opened with a eelcctlon from "Car- Ing service will bB hsld from seven I n her foot. men," by Marion Allen and Grade to eight o'clock. they know tha EXIDE slogan Is no Besides her eon, she la survived by Jamiarone, first piano, and Carol Two hundred large, red Christmas mere phrase. WHEN IT'S AN EXIDE, a daughter, Mre. John Inwood of Eckart and Betty Moore, second stockings are being ailed by friends YOU START. South Bend, Indiana; a sister, Mra, piano. ot tho health center in Mlddletown You can got a genu- Joseph Magga of Long Branch, and The kindergarten band played township, to bs distributed to boys ine EXIDE 13-Plato a brother, Charles Brown of Rosella 'Who's Afraid of tbo Big, Bad Wolf?" and girls by Santa Claua on Christ- Bafrery for as low o» 'ark. Four grandchildren and a great Hoy Younger was conductor and tho mas eve. grandchild also survive. • players iwore Ledyard Avory, Dorothy M. C. Knapp, assistant chief of tho JSrocers and Butchers The funeral was held Saturday af- Parmly. Jano Merrill, Juliette Mor- Monraouth council of Boy Scouta, vis- "Sfirving some of tho mist conservative families ernoon at tho house. Ray. William row, Daisy Loud, Vllma Nemesh, ited Rev. J. J. Messier one day last Henry Dilts, pastor of First Presby- John Finnegan, Jerry Jeroloxnon, woek. in Bed Bank and VicUJty (or more than n Gladys Harrison and Margaret Cook. quarter of a ©entury." ^--. erian church, of which Mrs. Sutphin Arnold Wentworth, an Eaglo scout as a member, officiated. Burial was "The Parado Passes" was the selec- and head of tho scout movement in ifi ? 123 WEST FRONT ST. TekR. B. S78. In Rose HU1 cemetery at Matawan. tion by tho advanced band, which this vicinity, Is preparing for special Mrs. Sutphin was a charter mem-, was conducted by Edith Loon. The activities with his troop. er and first treasurer of American players wero Dorothy Schissell, Llnd- Miss Etta Morris has accepted a •at Legion auxiliary No. 176. sey Hunter, Ehrick Parmly, Miriam position at Red Bank. _ Silberatein, Gloria Chameroy, Arthur Mrs. Alma Conover has recovered 16 WEST FRONT STREET this old established Market. Jacks, Richard Doughty, Tommy 'rom a Jejigthy Illness. Glenwood Cemetery Morrison, Clara Lou Merrill, Julianna William Snyder will spend Christ- Ossn. 1ES3, by HM Elect?ti SfeHtsa BtUsi? G*. iMiller and Doris Allen. mas with hla parents at Salom, New fna Impetflon on All Makes of EolJor Mausoleum Matter Others who took part In tho pro- "ersoy. gram wero Florence Fogelson, Buth Everett Luker and his sl3tor Anna The same famous meals and > One of tho sequels to the efforts Katsln, Lauren Taylor, Barbara Bau- have been confined to their home sev- of varloua local residents to con- mann, Jean Predmore, Samuel Kar- eral days by severe colds. struct a mausoleum at Glenwood lnja, Margaret Splllane, Botty Eng- Mrs. Douglass Cook has recovered all kinds of Legal Drinks cemetery took place at Freehold last lish, Murial Rath, Dorothy Fallon, 'rom a two weeks' sickness. wcok, In tho form of suit by Henry Barbara Hunting, Barbara Manna, Elaborate preparations are being W, Morris of Long Branch to recov- Thomas Woolley, Jean DeVoe, Botty made for Christmas services at St. at Moderate Prices. er the sum of $3,500 from the estate Reilly, Anna Louise Campbell, Joyce Clement's Episcopal church. On Sun- Our Service Car At the Market's Lowest Prices. of Charles L. Young of Deal. Both Estelle, Wesley Conn and Vivian day tha cervices will Include church Mr. Morris and the late Mr. Young Claussen. school meeting at ten o'clock, morn- FANCY qt. jar were officers and stockholders In tho ing service at quarter after ten Is Always Ready AH our old friends are kindly invited to again Pumpkins Mince Meat Glenwood Mausoleum company which New Manager of Casino. a'clock and tho Chrlatma3 festal ser- With Brandy waa formed for the purpose of con- Jack Osgoodby has been appointed iflco for tho children and their par- patronize us. structing a modern, up-to-date maus- manager of the Asbury ParJc casino and friends at half-past three Flour Mixed Nuts oleum in the ceriietory oJ that name. by the city council. He succeeds >'clook. Santa Claus will be present All Brands A note in the Bum of $10,000 wag ob- Thomas F. Burley, Jr. The building, to distribute the gifts. Tho midnight sack Selected tained by the mausoleum company which has been closed since sum- Christmas evo candlelight carol ser- August Kleinechmidi, in tho Asbury Park National Bank mer except on week-ends, will bo vice will begin at half-past elevon 12-lb. sack Pitted Dates and Trust company which was sub-' open every night, and admission to o'clock. Tho service on Christmas 8-oz. pkg. sequently reduced to $3,500 with Mr. the balcony will be free at all times. morning will bo ot ten o'clock. • 42 West Front St.,- Morris and Mr. Young as endorsers. 'j 7-lb. sack Cranberry Sauce Subsequently suit wag instituted on No. % can the note by the bank and it was Belford News. 't pays to advertise in Tho Register. RED BANK agreed that both endorsers should SV^-Yb. sack Walnuts lb take over the_ note. Thereafter Mr. (Tho Red Bank Register can bo boushl Young died arid Mr. Morris was com- in Belford at the stores of Mrs. John 1033 CROP pelled to pay the balance duo on tho O'Neill. H. ClnyBnh nod JJarcy Wautet- note. Peaches Sliced or Halves ^2 lgst. cans 25c Action was brought by Mr. Morris Millard Foster received a painful Pears Bartlett 2 lgst. cans 31c to recover from the estate of Mr. injurj y Thursdah y whllh o chopping Young the amount which he claimed wood. The ax slipped, cutting a gash 3 ie Pineapple Hawaiian Sliced '2 lgst. cans 33c he had been compelled to pay on tho ,1^ t' S: which required three note. Mrs. Sarah B. Young, executrix stitches to close. Dr. Frederick Bull- B & n It> can l°:j LairdV Cider of tho estate of Mr. Young, defended winkle of Atlantic Highlands was the the suit on the ground that Mr. Mor-attending physician. Plum Pudding 9 I No Deposit gal. jug ' ris was a stockholder and officer of Mrs. Jennia Trimble is on tiio sick the company and therefore received list. FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETABLES. personal benefits by reason of his en- Capt. John w. Glass has been kept dorsement of tho note. The case woo Indoors with a cold. Miss Helen Smith is able to be out (PROWN-COOPER). ;^»«!M89J8te!»«il9S8^ after her recent illness, . Mia. Kenneth Cooper entertained her card Club Thursday evening. The 47 BROAD SX guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry clay of Fair Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett, Jr., and Mr. and Mra T. R. Compton. Refreshments of hot bis- cuits, hot molasses cake, baked beans American and coffee were served. I 'f XMAS Mr. and Mrs. John Gloss enter- Mixed J -., TREE tained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worden of Keyport and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part-Filled STANDS Cook of Point Pleasant Sunday af- ternoon. XMAS In dli?er©3it Miss Jean Ahearn is sick with In- ctylos and prlcea testinal grip. - CANDY Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. MacLeod 41 me 16. • and daughter Elizabeth, Mies Claire Arch of. Indianapolis and Mra. Ward R. Jeffera of New York are spending Jie holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- .ett A. Lee. THERE IS STILL TIME FOR YOU TO SELECT YOUR TOYS AND GIFTS AS Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Roche an- OUR STOCKS ARE SO COMPLETE THAI WE ARE IN THE POSITION TO OFFER nounco the engagement of their YOU MORE THAN THE NECESSARY VARIETY AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. daughter Florence to Henry J. »;nochol of Leonardo. The wedding will take place In January. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eastmond AlXrBTEJSL BOOT rvuu SIZH spent Wednesday at Ocean Grove BUDDY L Punching Bag Outfit with Mrs. Eastmond's sister, Mrs. ALL-STEM. TRUCKS LOCOMOTIVE FOOT BALL Frank T. Bloom. #fe £&.«*> Complete Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wormort and James Murp'hy spent Sunday A complete set with board with Mrs. Savage of New York. It Giiro Is a dandy ! .Bright rei ennmel finish with eleo- and braces all net ready to Mr. and Mr3. John H. Wormert and bo put up. James Murphy spont Sunday with trio headllBUt and solid rub- People may not have as much Mra. Savage of New York. ber tlrea. Will hold 150 IPS. money to spend on Gifts as in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flick spent SIZE past years, but they're just as Wednesday with Mrs. Flick's sister, SOFT BODY Wardrdbe Trunk Mra. Slbcrt of Jersey City. BABY DOLL anxious to have their gifts make Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lohsen and A real leatherette full-size Football a hit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rowley and With Moving Eyea. complete with Inner rubbor Madder, dfiughtftr Vernico spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan of Free- Yes, It's' tmo ! A 23-In. nll-stecl Reinforced cornero with hat at a price to gladden eny boy's h£ari. hold. ' Buddj-L Truck with rubber tirea drftwof and open top—in strong enough for a child to rldo on. A lovely little baby with green or red. MrsN Clarence Stokes and children BIDE-AWAY Joan and Phyllis of Noptuno City It'anwowi .,___L—^__ dimples In her face erioiiKh spent Saturday evening with Mrs. tn delight any little girl. jajmntmx TRICYCLE J Stokes's mother, Mrs. Joseph Heyers. DROP-SIDE Mlaa Laura Runyon, Arnold Went- KCBBEIl CUSHION DISH SETS worth end Edward Runyon epont BASSINETTE Thursday with Mr..and Mrs. Robert POOL TABLE Men's Suits 16.50 to 35.00 Runyon of East Orango. Suede Jackets 8.50 to 9.75 Mrs. Louis Richmond spent Mon- Fcrcolator Sots, Tea 8st3, Men's Overcoats 19.50 to 35.00 Wool Jackets .: 4.25 to 4.95 day at Newark. Dish WosMng Boto, BJalted Knox Hat3 6.50 Sweaters (Button) .„...3.50 to 7.50 Mra. Pauline Morris returned homo Adjuutabfo legs with num- Mill Seta and Drlpolstor Oots. Emerson Hat3 3.25 & 4.00 Saturday after spending two weeks Each dot a useful toy. Sweaters (Slip-on) 1.95 to 3.95 with her daughter, Mrs. William My- bered balls and counter bemto. Ottinr Sizes, 08o to $7.98. Flannel Robea 5.95 to 12.00 Neckwear 65 to 2.00 er of Leonardo. COMBINATION DESK Silk Lounging Robes 6.95 to 13.50 Mr. and Mra. Mark Allen of West Golf Hose 1.00 to 3.00 Brighton spent Sunday with Mr. and BLACKBOARD Silk Pajamas 2.95 to 10.00 Linen H'dk'fs (Boxed) 6 for 1.00 Mru. David Voorhccs. Bureau ^^|# Fancy Pajamas 1.25 to 2.50 Linen H'dk'fs (Boxed) 3 for 1.50 Joseph Rockafcllow of Keansburg Bel spent tho week-end with hla aunt, Chiffoniers Flannel Pajamas 1.00 to 2.00 t Seta 1.00 to 2.50 Mra. Irving Roop. Hcgular $1.00 Site furniture. No doubt OJO. most out- Austin Johnson entertained Stew- ttondlng valuo In BIsokhosrila Dress Gloves 1.25 to 3.50 Othor Sizes at BSo to $1.49. Ftaislieil In Ivory and green Wallets 1.00 to 4.50 art Moadlng of New York over tho combliuitlons. tudey. Opens as a dcaU. Umbrellas 1.50 to 6.00 Toilet Seta 2.95 to 6.00 week-end. Silk Scarfs 1.00 to 3.50 Mra. Wallace Miller, Jr., Mra. Jos- POTTERY TYl'B Full Dress Seta 1.50 to 3.00 eph Hoyers and Miss Laura Runyon, Htrong Red Trteyclo wJth TOMM* Wool Scarfs 1.00 to 3.00 Suspender & Garter spent Friday with Mra. Claronco TABLE LAMP tires. Boys' Suits and Stokes of Koptuno City. ana SHADE 1/ BO¥S' LEATHER n\v; 50tol.S0 Miss Helen Naylor of Jersey City Overcoats 9.85 to 14.85 spent Sunday with her mother, Mra. «fl @h£h Complete KID GLOVES Boys Wool Jackets ...2.95to4.25 Fred Flick. il^|_ Fair r Mra. C. B. Roeha and hor twin Beautifully finished In Boss, Green daughters Florence and Lucille apont ot Black with Blisdes to match, GIFTS BOXED FREE Thursday at New. York. A renl Uttmy Glove, f|«!ci>-Iliic.(«. • J. P. Eulcx Mra. Roso O'Flaherty, XMAS Mlas Mnry1 Gill, Mr. Kalusr, Mr. and Bunny Slippers 49c Pyres lVi-qt. Caisw- TREE TRIMMINGS Mrs. Frank Bhorry, Walter Smith, TREE SETS Rayon Underwear . .29c rolo 94c Harry Bennett, William Dennott, Mr. Ehcttk Toa»ter ... .98c and Mrs. G. V. Kadonhncb, John H. Comb and Mirror Sefs Wevmort, Jr., Mr. and Mra. John II- 98c Enamel Brcadbox .. ^Sc Wormerti and Mra. Loula Trcdcgu at- Manicure Sols 69c KoMtcrs 98c tended the Democratic victory din- Handkerchiefs, bos.. 2Sc Pearlin top Wkker ner lit Vlvlun Johnson'a tea room at Hampers .' 3.S0 Monmouth Beach Wednflndtiy evon- School Bags.28c to 1.S8 Tinsel 6 y,Is ioc Gkla' Wool Gloves, ,39c Paper Bel|.t ; Ac to 10c 1 K Neckties 10c Ladies* Sills Ho«o pr. 30c Midnight mass will ba held at St. Bridge Lamps 1.00 Mcn'a Hosa B pr. for 1.00 Clieaille ...... toll 10c Mary'n church ChtlBttnng evo. Icicles ...-.- .... ,!„»,. 10c I t'J UtOAD 5TMEF.T, Jolm RoiWIngton, who mnlwa hla Military Brushes. . eel 98c Whiallirtg Tew Kettle.. Official Boy ,S< out Outfittcis RHD BANK, N. J. homo with hlo daughter, Mro. Mary Taffeta Slips 60c 69' Xmai Cards '. .10 for 10c Tliorp, oeloliratcd his SM birthday It't'May, JII38 Florence Boeho ia trending -a RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 20,1988. Page Nineteen glvsn by persons who would aot care l publlo recognition. I therefore, Keypori News. wiih to extend a general Christmas SODA FOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT. Helen Burns, treasurer; Marlon Co- Tho card party held by tho Aiethia and Mrs. Henry Mecklem, Sr. gan, patrol leader and troop scribe; club Saturday night in the Dut-Cltff The Republican women's 1-5-8 club SCHRAFFT'S and HUYLER'S CANDIES. . FANCY FRUITS. Margaret Fleming, patrol leader and Den was vory successful. Non-play- cleared ?36.70 by a card party last troop assistant; Margaret Foley, pa- erB* prizes were awarded to Mrs. Vin-week. Tho money will ba used to buy trol leader; Dorothy Grause and Christmas dinners for noedy families BASKETS OF FRUITS SKILLFULLY PREPARED. Voronlca O'Neill, color guards, Dorla cent O'Sage and Mrs. Jerry Bottlno This will be done under tho direction Riley, fiag bearer; Dorothy Little and the door prize went to Mrs. Peter of Mrs. James C. Hendrlckoon, Mrs troop assistant; Emily DeMarla, Ann Christiansen. Other winners were Thomas Morford, Mrs. John T. Law- Fleming,. Jane Flnan, Gladys Gill George Kovolsky and Walter Haul- ley, Mrs. Dewey Wllllam3, Mrs. Hen- FREE:—On Opening DajC Candy Souvenirs given to Paulino Grob, Mary Hoag, Jean boBky in plnochlo and Mrs. Margaret ry Mecklem, Sr., and Mrs, James Tay- Sloyan, Mao Donahue and Marlon Coons and Mrs. Blood in bunco. Oth- lor. Children making purchases at candy counter. Spence. ers present besides thoso mentioned t were Clifford. _Huddleaton, Cheater A cooking^ demonstration tor the Members of the troop committee Guttonnsen, Mrs. Rose Melele, Ben- members of the Woman's club was Purchasers at our Fountain will bfi given a cup of Abbott's are Mrs. William Cogan, Mrs, Vin- jamin Haulsbosky, Mrs. Grace Haul- held yesterday at tho office of the cent Flnan, Mrs. Peter Fleming and bosky, Mrs. Arthur Rhunke, Mrs. M. General Electric company at Red DeLuxe French Ice Cream—FREE ! Mrs, M. Riley. Mueller, Mra. H. Quest, Mrs. Frank Bank. easily selected at Patterson, Mrs. Florence Huddleston CHBISTBIA8 GREETING. Miss M. O'Sage, Michael Pllcknic Lincroft News. Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mrs. Frank Patter- this Men's Shop — Girl Scout Official Expresses Thanta son, Mra. J. Wakefleld, Mrs. Louise (The Red Bank Register can be bought nt Llncrott from Georffe Toop, who hfis IV)r Co-Oporntlon. Bray, Mrs. T. Conray, A. O'Sago, Mrs. • delivery route.) In a Christmas greeting made pub- M. Dutka, George Robinson, Fred The Ladles' aid society will meet lic today, Mrs. Ernest A. Linburn tho Meyer, Mrs. Louise Thompson, Mrs at the home of Mrs. Henry Fenton County Girl Scout commissioner, ex- Chester Guttormsen, Grant, Yvonne on the Mtddlctown road Thursday, j. presBoa tho appreciation of tho scout and Michael Dutka. January 4. ; . organization to all of the Individuals There will bo no Christian Endeav- William Homer la enjoying a two * and groups who have co-operated or service Sunday night, but there weeks' vacation from his position throughout tho year to insure the will be a pageant entitled "The Story with the Consolidated Water com- succeau of tho work under tho dif- of Christ's Birth," under the auspices pany on the Newman Springs road. Men's ficulties Imposed by present unfavor- of tho Christian Endeavor society. Raymond Reid and Samuel Goodo able economic conditions. This will be given at half-past seven attended the automobile show held at "Our work this year," Mrs. Linburn o'clock. Madison Square Garden last week. declares, "has been tremendously On Christmas morning at seven Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porry, Miss S. SP1TZER, Prea. o'clock there will be a church service Flannel hampored by lack of funds with Ada Fenton and William Woodward (ESTABLISHED 1899) which to carry on. In thin situation at whlcr the pastor will speak. opont Saturday at New York. the response of various Individuals A watoh night candle aervlco will and organizations has been so effec- bo hold on Sunday December 31, at Iteeholdewi to Pay 0138,000. tive thai we have been enabled to ac- eleven o'clock, under the auspices of The board of freeholders at a spe- complish a large proportion of the tho Christian Endeavor society. cial meeting last week made i originally scheduled." One of tho quickest ways to find a rangements to pay $125,000 on a THE OPENING TOMORROW (Thursday) "It would be Impossible to person- lob la to advertise in The Regls- $530,000 bond Issue. Interest charges ally thank all thoso who have helped m'n Want Department.—Advertise- of $24,760 for a nine months' period Specially this year. Much assistance has been ment. were also paid. OF A Priced Store WITH A FINE SELECTION OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. 38 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK. CHOICE BRANDS AT POPULAR PRICES.

Johnny Walker Scotch Whiskey . . $4.00 bottle Many other Accessor- For Mother and Sister For Dad aind Brother Black and White Scotch Whiskey . . 4.00 bottle ies to a man's ward- California Brandy 2.00 bottle robe that he would Canada Dry Gin and May Fair Gin at Reduced Prices. naturally liny himself

can be found in our •• i, - Your Choice complete assortment |C to $.|| .SO a Pair <•,', .815 a t'air Sherry Zinfande] of I i Claret AIX LATEST COLOKS. Muscatel AZSJ STYLES AND SIZES. Angelica Sauterne Reisliiig HOLIDAY GII*rS FOR MEN fen's Tokay Bottle TOKE SILK—VULL-VAStnONEIl Let us assist you a a r FANCY DESIGNS. Case of Twelve Bottles in your selections. finite ^ ' [ICtog^C a Pair GIFT BOXES JTKEEl' Also a complete line of Italian $nd French VermoutN and Hig GIFT BOXES FK15K! Applejack and Cordials, Champagne of all Brands. n, Take advantage of Our Specials for the Holidays. J "IJoltlis" MoiiiiH a Fifth. Frea | / 1CI,MB1CTS S!»e Stare Telephone Red Bank 98. Open Automobile Eveningc. Coupons. ill ' rsmoiai ion'.un: ENTIRE FAMILY OPEN EVENINGS. V . FREE DELIVERY, ¥ . '3. EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. MB BANK REGISTER,-M5CBMBBR 20,193S.

and was better than any Una mei during the entire season. Tha de- Wirt Twpieai Ftok far CtttliUuu velopments ot this backs vvero slow- OUTFITS, ®IM'VP; er, but tlio final combination which functioned in the last two games of B«lay XEOM Ftoh I&tohsry, , tho year was excellent, and was char- incftSon Senler i* Welteti Qfi Br"er rabbit-1 Is at last coming; 1T4 W«rt Front SU Meraber* of Football squad to actcrized by Jiard charging and ex Receive Sweaters and Letters ceilent blockings Title Holder ©f .South Jewey n fos- his share of care in game eon- •Team Lost i "To attempt to oame men In tbe in Boxing Tonmainepl—Win* gervatloa, uccordlas to a bulletin of j Tomarrow Nigbt- 'lino would osly appear to work an Two Fights in Fksl Round. he American game association, Borne- Only-One Game, injustice on other men in the line, bow, Br'er rabbit, being BO obvioui.: Stanley Ivlns, eon of Mr. and Mrs.has been overlooked. Surveys show but tiie consistently stellar playing Gcorga Ivinli of Ruroson road, tat The soldiers completed successful of Miko Durik and tho -work of that Br'er rabbit bears the brunt of Reasoson on tht o ggridiron two weeks of week captured tha 147-pound cham- hunting; the largest number of BEO They won seven games, loslt t onno Brown and Curry, guard and tackle pionship for the Somtli Jersey dis- lla are lirod at hto fleeing eottoo- and engaged in two tie stoics. The respectively, is worthy of more than trict in the Newark Star-Eagle's tall; tha small boy "breahs In" on passing mention. The other linemen liamploiifship belt amateur bpslng Carlisle, medical school was tbe only Br'er rabbit, mounting from his baelt team W defeat the local eleven, which did their jobs, as evidenced by the tournament Ivlns is In hia senior to wlngf shooting. • tied Uio Freehold Beits and Fort Du- fact that no team was consistently year at Princeton university, where Hove comes tho Calumet County nost and defeated tho West End able to score first downs against the ho la studying medicine. Last March Sportumen'B club of Brllllon, Wiacon- Monmouth defense,^ and at no tlmo he-won the university boxing chain- oln, to set a precedent that conserva- during tho seasoift was the Mon- pionahip. tion officials bellevo will spread mouth offense bottled up. A sports writer on tho Star-Eagla throughout the United States. Island. During Uio past two "Tho Monmouth team for the most wrote the following about Ivlns: Figuring that Br'er rabbit need's to years Fort Monmouth has won six-part, played a 7-1-2-1 defense, switch- "Princeton university has a great ft eat, tfiey fed him. And what hap- teen, lost tlirce and tied three. ( Ivina. He has thepened? He Increased many foida and Tho opposition has consisted of thefacing teaniB that specialized'Sri pass work. No little credit for the fine potentialities of a state champion, now affords good hunting without leading local teams as well as some even in a class which toasts of auch danger to tha parent stock, for not Of tire outstanding service teams ol work of tho back signal school line ably gifted 147-pounders as Buster was* due to Lieutenant Watterg, who only the. members of the oliib but tia cast. The attendance at the Hardy, the preBtmt New Jersoy ruler; Imnterg that come forty or iifty miles E«mes has steadily increased and came to the post In September, from Jim Middleton and Vines De Cola, to hunt on Uio 3,000 acres under feed- pifcBS are now being considered to the 1033 class at West Point, where tlie Bergen county «stars." ng control. A shook of alfalfa hay •iniiinnj- manm«iyv imnrovementimproveme a to theho had been well' grounded in the Tho Southern Jersey eliminations waa placed every half mils or BO In field before • next season, Stands to essentials of line play by 'Fats' El- were fought Thursday night at Tren- good cover last January. It brought accommodate 1,500 persons are ex-linger, tho famous coach at the ton. In tho Boml-flnala Ivhw droppsa Br'er rabbit through tha winter In pected to be tuilt Authorities at the Academy." John Henry of St, Joseph's of Tran- flno chape, resulting In vigorous arid A HEAL Job of charging. A i fort predict that before long local tfln twice and won by a technical proHflo littora, increasing the num- fully equipped, modem fitr-r-t | residents will have an opportunity to Quadrangles Trim knockout In 30 seconds of tha open- bera many times despite tho numbers in constant operation. Bams i see 8. brand of football similar to thnt ing round. taken In hunting during the winter. servlca and quality tlsst ] now played in. the other, big army Metuchen Five yyou've teamed to espect tit schools in tlio country, such as the It took Ivlna a little longer to dis- This club la plannlnfj to feed Br'er B | pose of Donald Calu of Trenton In rabbit on 22,000 acres this winter, E. infantry school at Fort Benning, In a rough and hard-fought game Bears. Georgia, the Langlcy flying Held at tho finals. Calu, who had knocked F. Behnke, secretary of tho club, Loan Battery played at the River street gym on out Marlon Hammonds of Princeton states JLn urging other sportsmen- to Hampton, Virginia, and tho marine Monday night, the Bed Bank Quad- school at Quantico, Virginia. All in tho first round, fell beforo a bai> follow big, club'a example In helping rangle club scored a 20 to 23 victory rage of blowa from Ivlns In tho opon- Br'er rabbit, to multiply, " 3 these service -teams have boen pmy- over the Mctuchcn Y. M. C. A. The lng college, teams for. past several round. Ho got up, but was. a aoo • Quads took an early lead in tho first eplesa target and went down again. 25c a day thereafter years, and if the progress made at quarter, but were unable to hold it A party of eight mon who ars em- Fort Monmouth during the past few Tho bout was stopped one second bo- ployees of the Mutual Llfo Insurance throughout tho half. At half time fore tho first round onded. years continues, it is not unlikely the visitors came up and tied the company of Newark wont flshlng will be brought Ivina will now tl0ht other ecctlonal Sunday at Leonardo on the boat that college teams score at 13 to 13. champions of the state and ths win- hcrtf. In tho tliird quarter Grooms put Lena Bradley. Thoy caught 24 cod- Twenty-two members of the 3?ort ner will bo acclaimed state champion. fish and a number of large black fish. tho Quads in tho lead by sinking a Ivins Is a graduate of the Hod Bank Monmouth football squad -will bo cripple, whllo Seel of Metuchon fol- Alfred Groves got a alxteen-pound - ONCE A(Or3£ SOES M high school of tho class of 1028. codfish, Harry Palmatlor a twelve- awarded sweaters with the block let- lowed, tying tho score again. The © SEL0/WG 1Gof1 tho Bed Bank and Middletown fell on the Ice while walking to school years. In his younger days, the Col-the indoor course in tho Dodge auto- Poutofflco 28. U 880.16 087 teams; William Sherwood, assistant Friday and dislocated her elbow. Sho onel was a baseball star at West 730 766 856 35 WHITE ST., '. RED BANK, N. J. mobile agency on West Front street. J Krldo! 20 16 860.8 951 The Professional Men won two outcoach at Red Bank; Dr. Allan B. was taken to tho Long Branch hos- Point, and later played baseball in N»ve»lnk Team 18 18 854.1-1 917 Randall, a meynber of the Ked Bank many of the best regular army reg- The Dodge team is in second place, Tilton Dairy 17 19 874.30 960 if three games from tlio Leddy & pital in tho Rumeon ambulance and Commercial Chnuffetira.16 20 850,30 958 board of education, and Dennis Ar-after her injury had been attended ismental teams in the days before with the Fair Haven firemen two Professional Gnrdeneru.13 23 825.31 94C Son team last Friday night. The games behind in third place. The Professionals took the first and sec-none and Phillip Adams, captaing of to she waa brought homo. the World .war, when each regiment Grocers & Plumbers 12 24 835.16 936 the Red Bank and Middletown teama. splrltely placed athletic teams in Oceanport firemen are directly be- Lcon'a Clcanem 12 24 823.311.002 ond by 148 and 48 plna, respectively, Mra. Emory T. Wales reported to competition with other army units. hind their brother smoke-eaters. Leddy & Son ...: 0 30 802.10 899 but lost the third by a margin of The. Leonardo players present, be- the police that a bobsled and aleo a STANDING OF THE TEAMS. El.ner No. 2 .-. 3 33 805,2 913 twenty pins, Grob of tho Leddy team sides Captain Adams, were Julius sign, "Journey's End,", had been During tho season just completed, Truex of the Professional Men Aschenback, Leonard Covert, Roscoe stolen from in front of her property TELEPHONE SERVICE several individuals who were prac- W L PC was high with scor of 218. The Lincroft Team II .833 leads the Individual averages with a scores: Dlkey, Paul Morback, Thomas Paris, Sunday afternoon. Tho police are In- tically unheard of at the beginning of nc .777 Harold Smith, Craig Waltt, Frod Dotlso Whito Cnps 14 mark of 191.7. King, another mem- PROFESSIONAL MEN. vestigating. . from Red Bank, New Jersey, tha season, developed into first-class r .666 Williamson, William Bennett, William I air Haven Firemen 11! .611 .her of the Professional Men, ia sec-Klne 133 201 157 Capt. Henry Kruso of tho police football players. CicersKi, a young Oconnport Flromon 11 Best, John T. Hendriclsson, William soldier who recently came to Fort .389 ond with .18T.1, and Crispell, ace Wan! 20-f 170 160 department is having a vacation and to our New York Office Red Bank Liona 7 .33.1 bowler of the Utility team, ia third Hurley 161 162 201Lloyd, Stephen Olnas, Wilbur Smock, William Zerr is acting captain In his Monmouth from Long island, where Stoye'n All SUra G .333 Itryker .._ 119 127 170Victor Schmidt, Leon Waitt," John he had formerly played with the Long Red Bank Foatoffice 6 .055 •with an average of 185.25. Truex -..- -. 138 188 . 172 absence. Mr. and Mrs. Kruso &ro Island University team, was the out-Jersey Central 1 Caatellacio of the Bluo Eagles and Hortor, Phillip Leinlg, Stanley Pos- moving into their now home on Bins- CALL W&-3300 Schroeder of the Postofflco team have 878 848 872luaney, Francis Smith, Charles Kos- ham avenue this week. standing backileld star oil season in INDOOR BASEBALL. LEDDY & EON. the Monmouth aggregation. His made tho highest scores for single ter arid Manager John Lawloy. Tho community Christmas sing games. Each has a mark of 277.Grob 03 152 219 Conservative Accounts InvlteS. charges through the line time after Standing of tho Teams in the Amer- Dowd -... 168 Besides Captain. Arnono the follow- will be held at five o'clock ChrlBtman tirao for long: gains always brought Trucx has matjo a high score of 268.Mlnton. -•- 169 119 ing Red Bank players were present: afternoon around tho illuminated tree ican Mechanics League. Following are the averages of the ten I^cddy 127 170 131 Patsy Arnone, James Stokes, Robert this prowil to its feet. He was a con- vlcDormott —- 162 187 ]3» in Victory Park. sistent and reliable ground gainer. Three teams are tied for first place leading pinmen, who have taken part Hai)! _ : 163 172 182Pettlgrew, Anthony Savage, Frank Tho publio, schools will doso to- Cicerak*. can kick, pass or run equally in the Northern indoor baseball In twenty or more games: Loversldge, William Holmes, Randall morrow afternoon at ons o'clock for 730 809 • S5» well. Great things are expected of league being conducted by the Junior INDIVIDUAL AVEIIAGES. Dodgo, George Worthley, Lloyd Vac- tho Christmas holidays and will re- Order, United American Mechanics. G AVE. HS The Naveslnk. team took three carolli,. Ernest'Griffiths, Leo Cloth, F. P. Ristine & Company this young man. nnxt year. Mike open Wednesday, January 3. They are the Middletown, Holmael Truex Professional Ii0 01.7 268 ;ames from the Eisner No. 2. team Daniel Deiuca, • Wilbur Hammond, The board of education swarded a Mem&srj Dyrik, the hard-working center for Kins, Professional 30/1S7.1 217 David -Wpicott, Leater Swartz, John and Fair Haven councils. Long Crinpcll. Utility 2v 185.25 221 in easy fashion last Friday night contract last week to tho Ssnbrlght New York Stock Exchangt the past three years at Monmouth, 223 They won the ilrst by 150, tho.uoc- Bremner, Robert Sheldon, Vincent was the key man in the line, and Branch has a six-game lead In theJoncn, Utility : 21 185.10 and Rumuon Plumbing company to Philadelphia Stud Esehsnii Iftiu Yeri Curb Exchangi Southern league. Tomaine. Jersey Central....2!t 184.24 235 ond by 105 and the'third by 114Dresser, , Arthur Korr, Harold Turn- played Jjis usual aggressive and Kennedy, Gardeners 'J5 184.21 250 Install now radiators In tho library STANDING OP THE TEAMS. 226 itryker of the Navesink team .was ock, -Rlcharrl Morris, Clifton Boyd, and ono classroom In tho high uchool steady game nl center. Duiik i.s ini-1 Uolc». Clothiers 28 184.11 23G Anthony Slelliano, Frank Garruto 15 Broad Street, New York Northern League- Curchln, Sr.. Eagles JO 184.10 high with 237. The scores: building on Lafayette otreot. Tho Job doubtedly one of the best centers on I W 234 and Manager Abram Zoger. any army team in the country. Dean, I 1, PS Merrill, J. Krldel 24 184.7 211 NAVESINK TEAM. will coat $124. Philadelphia EUzsbcth Westfleld Rldgotvood 12 6 .607 Parker, Pootoffico 36 184.3 ?o»tcn 103 Mrs. Ralph DoVito gava birth to a another ;youngster who arrivel at the jHolmdci : 10 5 .667 The Jersey Central power and light Hnnson 158 133 . 1 post in the middle of the football j |-^ r.,"jven " 5 .C67 Strykor - 237 105 147 daughter last week Bt Hazard hos- l j jv^ "j 7 .633 company won two out of three games O'RourliO - — 172 161 200 PBIZE 1 3 .467 from the Tilton dairy team last pital at Long Branch., Eeason, developed very fast, and is : T;C. 11 10 .5Z4 _ullllarna 131 153show held at Bioomflold tho week of Christmas service will tako place Sun- games, when ho sp.cmcd suddenly to 10 .an The dairymen took the third by thir- Knight 133 find biinticlf. Smtffer, the diminutive 10 .444 ty pins. Smock of the Jersey Cen- Murphy 136 129 December 4, C. 0. Cleveland of Sun day night at tho Preabytoriah church. 140 pound backfleld star, who waKntontows n 12 .429 tral team was high with 21.7. Steams Whito. 155 170 144nybrook Farm, Eatontown, showed No garbage will bo collected In tho Occunimrt 10 11 .417 Elgrlin 133 borough on Christmas and New burl in the middle of the season, and B 12 .333 rolled 214 for the dairymen in onePnlamlrnno ... 189 Columbia Wydandottos. Ho took ilrst 159 Monmoutli Sjt. kept on the sidelines ever since by match. The scores: Rowland -•• 160 18S 174and second prizes in that class and Years. the post Burgeon, -will probably be also received a Dpeclal prize for tho able to phty again next year. He JERSEY CENTRA!,. 7B2 748 760best Wyandotte fomalo of any va- Allenhurst Wins Morrln 147 170 201 really caused the opposition more Phillips - 179 191 ISO riety. Fair HaveitNews. trouble than any of tbe backlleld Polo Tournament Bmock 217 168 140 Little Silver News At tho Now England poultry show SPECIALS for THURS., FRL, SAT.' men, duo to bia small size, and nlril- McGowan - 164 154 1C2 held at • Hartford tho week of De- (Ths Red Bank Register enn bo bought if.y to suddenly reverse hi.'j field. He Tomaine „ 180 215 164 In Fnfr Haven In the etoro of Hurry Kur- By a score of 13 to 6 tho Allenhurst (Tim Red Bank Heffifltcr can ba bought cember 11, Mr. Cleveland . allowed tis, from Mr. Ri&pa, and ct the Gold simply had tlio knack of slipping polo club defeated the Wlnmount3 of 887 891 800 tt Llttlo Silver at the Union Newa Stand White Wyandottea and won first prize Ccdnr*.) through holes in the line, tlmt cjthcr lied Bnnk In the ilnul match of tho TIMON ri.MB.Y. t tlic depot And at Gcorso Quackcnbush'B for cocUa, first and second for hena, players didn't even see.. 211 182 general store.) Twenty men are now at work re- Jjiniifl B, Kule indoor polo tourna- first, second and third for cockerels; pairing tho otrcota under tho civil ment Saturday night at Westfleld. KockMii ,,-.;.: ICG 166 110 Communion will bo observed on first, second and third for pullets and The line of the Fort Monmouth 191 179 1works program. Moro v/IIl bo em- team was tbe bent seen in Ibl.i local- Allonhurst made ilve goala in the Bradnhaw ...-,, fi..>..'...— 171) 148 129 Christmas eve at ten o'clock at St. first for a young trio. Ho reeoiveci ployed when the school building; oa Duncan - 181 r,j nv John'a chapel. A processional cross a special prlzo for tho bent display ity in lieveval yearn. It wan- rosnon- llrat period Bud Combs, with nine Willow ntrcet la razed to make way - e re.) Giblo In a great measure for tho ex-tfouls, v/aa tho star of the game. 813 891 830given in memory of Mrs. Elizabeth of .all varieties of Wyandottcs. Ho Bailey will bo dedicated. Tha regu- took second, third and fourth prize for tho now building. cellent showing made by the bsclt- Keber scored five goal3 for the losera. Tho Clothiers and Insurance team flcid. A great dc:il of thlii was dunAllcnhurst also captured last year's lar oorvlco will bu held Sunday for Silver Lacod 'Wyandotto pulloto Tho public fichoola will closo at one defeated tho Poatofflco plnmcn In two morning at eleven o'clock. No eer- and second for a young trio. o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the to the fact that it was coached by tournament. The iinc-up: out "of three gamea last Wednesday Lieutenant Walton;, himuclf a linns- vlccn will bo hold Christmas day. holidays and will reopen Wodne3day, Allml.mst. Winmonnta night. Both teams rolled over nine Jununry II. Parties aro bolng held man, who just nrrlvcd from West ...No . 1 I'eM Mtnu Ellznucth Havlland, la expecst- 1 hundred In each of tiio tlireo matches. today in tho various classrooms. Point where ho, lmwl/ig made dancs wan held by tho firemen In tho thin year, lias Insued tin; following Hower in CUuiti A, lliiviy 0. Latigcn- 1S7 172 16B Krcilrrlclt Pafitesr linnyard, Infant her father, i - - 201) r/o icy flrohoua^ -l^aUmluy night. etntcntont, in which he reviews tho dorf In Clusa B, BpUfford Walling In f>on of Oapt. and Mtn. JjVederlck Ban- 'J'iie Methodist Sunday-sceool will Clao.i C and Joseph Phillips In ClasB Warner ... 160 1611 101 A Christmas parly for tho children hold a Chrlstmas entftrtalniipent to- ROLLED BUTTER pflflt Uf^OJ)'. !Slntl*ly ... ~ 101 HI yard, will f>a Imptlzod Baiuk^y af- of this neighborhood will bo lic.HI by "Kort Monrnoulh nxperietipntl tlio i!,'. The club will hold H» next nhoot Dcimla ...... - 178 181 j;r ternoon at HI. John's chapel. morrow night In tho church. At New thft firemen at tho flrohousa- Friday Buntlay morning's tsorvico Itov,vHRnry Eigenraucige h Vitamin heat B?aison it 1>«B bail In a minium- afternoon. »":> 914 018 A nurprlao party was given laVst night. Tliare •will ba a decorated sf yoirs.' Tho Metro Damn type of weak for Mrs. Edward Borden In P. Bowen, the pastor, witl pmfph oa Tlio Utility team took lhr«i« gamea Christmas trca and Santa Clous will the topic, "Tha Greatest Bplrlt.'|,Sun- EGGS &H®W$® w&a lw?d throughout I be tica- A botmfldfl ncuMspnpcr circulation from the Professional Oardmiorn colobrallon of her birthday. About distribute glftn. son wHH certain motilllcullonr. I,, —HID kind The Kogtatcr lias—Is tho thirty /^UPSIH woro pre.-icnt. day nlglit tho choir will presfnt • only kind Hint CDiintu with tho ad-Thursday nlfjltt. Thfl first two ga Jullu.1 KOVAI'ICIC In rxpecteil homo mu.ilcnlo," "King of Kings." ,;• The SATURDAY ONLY ! ih& VnlUUfK'^'f-r coiullf loll it nl>- »n« very cltjac, the' \milUulnnn vrillspi'. No ptenitum:i or other In- Tlin roiid to hotter ami Ijiggcr Imal- HJJS wf«k fr*>m Hut Ijmx llinnvh ho.^- ttuttttPily mrdliiK nt Dm hr>.h)n ile- ; wflh t!io ptftyrij on the nriurnJ. il hy nix and el«ttt jiiiw. 'I'licy lf have ever rieen offered to npiis leiidn through Tho JXttgisttfa « pll«), whom hr> Ma bwn s pallent piiilmont. will iolm j>]nr,tt •vJ lUMtpt flJi fcl b 58 U i h et teal w«e]c «* &$ BED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1933. Paw Tv/«mty-Qna Ident of tlie crippled kiddles com- llam Decker, Mra. John ilertz, Mrs. Margaret Murphy, Mrs, David Leroy, Cferistmas Music mittee for the state end father of the John Ryan, Mrs. Arthur Little, Mra. Mrs. Robert Norman, Mrs. Joseph movement, who explained the work Jane Chandler, Miss Tlllio Nestler, Oilenbach, Mrs. Elizabeth Pools and that Is being carried on to help the Mrs. Martin Mead, Mra. John Wil- Mrs. Michael Byan. crippled children help themselves. £0n, Mrs. William Johnson. Mrs. Ed- Sunday, December M, at 10i45 A. ThJB.was followed by b, talking mo- •war« Eg&n, Mrs. Arthur M. Randall, Circulation That Cowita. Red Banter Again Gets Prowl- M., a Chrlstmtii program will be pre- tian plctur6 showing crippled vic- MIBS Virginia, Laufino, Mra. Theo- Newspaper circulation that counts •uent Office in New Jersey As- sented at the Shrewsbury Presby- tims and tha methods of rehabilita- dore Koch, Mrs. William Cogan, Mrs. with the advertiser Is tha bonaflda .erian church under the direction of tion. In addition to members of tho Buth ICnney, Mrs. Edwai-d O'Kane, one—tho kind Tha Register has. No sociation of Real Estate Rev. George H. Mitesch. lodge a number of doctors and nureea Mrs, Harry Quinn, Mrs. Patrick Ken- premiums or other lnducementa ha.V8 ever been offered to eecurs circular Boanb< tile mueia will ineluScj saw tha aim. " Jj, Mrs. Cnaile"- Ho'rman, ill s tlon — Advettliicment. 'WHie ShsslieiiSB Wfetehcf "ThfeSr FIoek»M Tomorrow night's meeting Ss be- Tha Jfew Jersey aaeoelation el E. M. Btults Ileal Estate Boards held Its annual 'Ho Shdl Fwd His tttiV B. M.StulU ing planned eo as to be of special In- •ItOaae tJson tte Mltotebt Cltor" terest to members from Fair Haven meeting at Asbury Park lost Friday It, M. Btuits and Humson. An entertainment will and Saturday. Tha realtors elected •Aa Witt Olsilnsss M«a tti Old Morris Goldfarb of Perth Amboy It. H. Stulta bs given and a buffef'luncheon -will •Noel" - Blla Bowe« be served. , i president, George F. LadOtnba of 'llfily Night" „.„ Aiiaa-\VII»on Miplewood, Harvey 8. Llnbargar of •Glory Ja tha Hlslitsr -•- Traditional with itn large creasolesa Hahifleld, Samuel Walker of Keans- [ARITY BALL Tho sopranos will lacluda Mrs. W. PENNY BAGS. Trouner Bar 'Viet out in front Ask for a demonstration at Ilia burg and W. W. Chalmers Of Camden A. Shoamaker, Mm. J. N. Wolcott, vice presidents, A. N. Lookwooa of Uttle Silver Woman's Club to Aid and can be folded down" on NATIONAL S, 10, » (WORE, Mrs. Witllam Kathsmlth, fllsa Qroce 1 BENEFIT OF Newton treasurer and R. V. E. H. Brooks, MIEB03 Bessie BlordM. Alice Blind Babies Home. which Trousers can bo hung Bed Bank, M. 3., Stout of Red BanH socrotary. 10 MoanaotiA Street, \; White, Martha Comar, Ethel Groves Funny bags will bo given to mem- and taken off aa deulrod with- or by The realtors decided that timo laa ana Mary irarrel. Tha altoa will bo bers of the Little Silver Woman's VHONE SflS7. arrived 'when etate, county and au* Misses Bessie Green, Ella King end out fishing under tho coat. nlctpal officials should realise that rt at last week's meeting. They Elizabeth Hobba; tVdi .will be collected at>tfl2aster time and property owners cannot pay 89 per Hobbs; end basses, Edwarward OrOrrr and tfefeaa i money will bo sent to tho Blind In a Gift Box cent ot what It costs to run the gov-Klehard Hobbo. Tho organists ^slll BafeBabiesi ' homo at Summit. Mra By- Silver, N. J. ernments in the state. San&tor Jos- be Mr». Edwin Hobbs. Wednesday Eve., December 27 ' FINE FOB A PRIZE eph G. Wolber of Newark mads a rolronl II Aspdln, Mrs. Roy Sheldon and flory speech on this matter, following Christ church of Shrewsburrcwabury will MrsMrs!! Wethecble, nsw membors, were II li Ho Hnndy to Vi,e Bed Eank l«*n. which the organisation framed a snes- presssnt the following ChristmaJhristmas propro-- welcwelcomei d into tho club. Mrs. Clark sag& to send to Governor Moora Mk- "! Kemp gave a discussion on current Bundav, Dacfimber 24. morning t>rftyer ftt topics. A. L. Moasman of tho Furncsa lng that he, the senate and assembly OiSO A. M., fnatoK] ot 10:46 A. M. Bermuda lines gave an. Illustrated leadens consent to a conference T/IUI Hfitsti&B ova, midnight choml conimun- talk on "A Trip to Bermuda." Ho representatives of the aECOclatlon bo ion at Hits V. M., with the following RED BANK, N. J. fore tlKi~iic!it meeting of the l^gle- prograrat was introduced by Mrs. Helen Lee ?*r«eeaBldAft] hpmn. "It Came Upon tho Getty representative for. tho uteam- Uture. The coaoclatlon has for many Mldnlsht Clear,1' Willis shlp line. A handicraft eKhlbltlon ycara voiced In vain Its csntlmsnta WfOlt Carol, "Bllent Nlatt. Holy for tax relief for tha property owner Nlsht" ,....«..,.«...... Crubar-Rfllnecko and tea will ba given January 10. 'Short Kjtic." "alorltt Tlbt," "Qtuiu and at last week's convention It de- Tlbr (l» D flat) Foster cided on a program ot action more Ofilca br^n, "0 Little ¥own of Satlilo- forolbls than In any previous years. hefti" ...» » -.. ftgdner PABENT-XEACHKKS' PABTY, ' HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS 19 EAST FRONT ST OSettoty earel, "The Flrrt Mtul" „ * iJ\ LJV'J Tha conference with Governor Moore . Tradition Melody i and RED BAfSK. and other etato officials was suggest- &neluB," "B«nedlctua," "Aenus Dol." Card Gomes Played at St. James's ed as a moans of getting together to "Olorlo In Bscelols" (In D tlat)....roBtor Auditorium; Baut/rnt Nets Phone 372. go over certain legislation beneficial cesBlonal hymn, *'H&rk the Herald . CELEBRATE WITH OUR LIQUORS to property owners.. Angela Sing," —...... I MendeleBohn The regular weekly card party of No rnctlof where you'ra SPECIALS—Week Ending Saturday, Dec. 23d. ChrlBtmno tiny, Holy communion fit O'OO. St. James's Parent-Teachers' associ- Full One of ng In fforlda . . The association by resolution rec- Holy Innocents day, December IB, chil- ation wag held Wednesday afternoon the dellehlful end ECO- ommended the Immediate adoption dren's festival 7180 P. M. In St. jahWB, auditorium. Boxes of NOMICAL way fo sal A 'Christmas carda were awarded to the High Grade Liqoors, Wines FRESH-KILLED ot any and oil legislation nocecasiy vocation In Usslf—ths'v$y- to effect reduction of fifty per cent high scorers.. Refreshments of cof- ogo OD @ big modern llrisr In- tha taxoo now levied on real prop- CBDPPLED KIDDIES' NIGHT. fee and cako wero served by tho Qtud- onta of the school. with deck sports, recite, erty in tho state of New Jersey. The , efs. icaltorB pointed out that the assist- Father of Movement Addresses Ellto Mrs.. Otto Herden waa chairman. Take Home or Consume on Premises. ; ance of property owners themselves Lodge of Bed" Tho card parties •will bo discontinued Farts istcted* mea Is necessary to win the flght for ad- Thursday night was "Crippled Kid- until after the'holidays. ttetctvest JUBtment of taxes. Tha conforonoa al- dles Wight" st the Elks elub. Tho Those present wore Miss Mario no passed a resolution asking Gover- program was In charge of the crip- Cassoll, Mrs, Charles Watlilns, Miss ROASTING Fresh-Killed nor Mooro to call a constitutional pled UlddlcQ committee, ot which Eleanor Garvey, Mrs. Elnar Ham- convention, stating that there is Herbert JB. Edwards Is chairman, Dr. rnor, MrK David Noonan, Mrs. Mat- e much evident economic need for re- Fred Newman secretary ana Joseph thew Power, Mra. Ernest Wooleoy, vising the systotn of government in Salt treasurer. An address was given Mrs. Jacob Bloom, Mrs. James Lark- 72 Monmoiith St., License Wo. 19 Red Bank, N. J. 2 our state, counties and municipalities. by Joseph S3. Buch of Trenton, prcs- in, Mrs. Frank Marchant, Mrs. Wil- 11) The realtors also went on record, to- ward furthering a plan aa a moani (ANY SIZE) ot reducing the coat of governmental _ . law fares .lorvlcea and to eliminate overtopping joints la Florida, S«ati ' / Qcofgla. em. LOIN PORK JEBSEY FEE8H FBE8H aotlvltlea in tile interest of efllolenoy. / tfJBMAfai— lCltlinr End EGGS Pork ShoulderG The association favored an appro- priation by tha federal government svaiy Wednesday aodi I& dot for loanB In tho form of mortgages to Sarurdoyv 15° - 39° 10°»" finance modernization of homes and I—Tuosdoys. Tknndoya es^i eonstruotlon of new ones. — Tutsduys, oficrnof Christmas Party T i—-St. j days of low nlea. MtomI 13 days $91; i Friday At Lincroft Dse. 23. Tbsreaftsr Tha Lincroft Sunday-school will mlj ilirfbtlf ti'iltt, present Its Christmas program BVl- IOW RAfES FOS AUTOS dny night, December. 22, at 7:80 o'clock In tha Sunday-school room. . 20c* Candy arid fruit will bo distributed to the children by a Santa Claus. PET, BOBDEN'S or Pi.r 34, North River, N. Y, or White Rose Following the program refreshments AuyA^horixad Tourist Agent Will bo served by tho Ladles' auxil- sasnxexD OUR TUBKBVS ore strish/ Feisty North- 'US If iary of the church, Decorations will bi> done by the young men of the western birds., .hand-picked practically PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. Sunday-school. hand-raised ... really uugiiificcat, blut- By virtue of an Order 01 tho Orphans' c Can Court of tho County of Monraouth made Tho program is as follows: ribbon specimens... young, tender and on th« rth day of Dccembar, 1933, tlio 1 grafrj.fed... their meat is fine-grained and aubierlbtr, tho oclmlnlitrntris of all and 2 cans fol 35c Song by school "The Song Wo Love." elntrukr th« ssods, chattoln end eredlu of Prayer by Rov. Edward W. Miller of th« tmttT'Swect... a revelation Deborah Champlln, daceaeaci, will, on ih» Baptiat church of Red Bank. In flavor and Jdidousnesj. lEtb day of Junuary, 1934, at two o'clocls DIAMOND ResponBivo reading. in the afternoon, ficll at publto vendue, ORANGES Recitation, "Wolcome'VEulth May Mounner upon tha pr«ml>o». »U that tract of Isnd WALNUTS Sons, "Jolly Old St. Nicholas." Elsie and •Per Stuffings and prcmlsM, situate, lying and bein? in C for c Enthor Breokonridge and Dorothy Millar 37ICKN3Y'5 STUFFING . . . ,i, 10c the Borough of Oeeanport, County of Recitation, "I Learn to Spell" Monmouth and Stato of Net? Jersey, en- 27 "* 15 25 • . SUwart Goddard 1SUND OYSTEilS tho northerly aldo oi a now etreafc msiia Sons, "JlnKlo Bslln." by tho Ktndsrkartan and openod by the lat« William M. Loas- etreet, deceased; Large Assortment of Christinas Trees from 50c up. Recitation, "Willio'e Santa OlauB," "* BEGI.NKLNo st tho taattwest eonttr Stanley Stlllwell of a lot of land formerly balonglnir to fiecitatlon, "A Chrlotmao Pin," John L. Longstreat! thencs (i) north for- Ooleman Klchdate ty-fivs de^reaj and tdlrty-tsran mteuNs A plo as a «ltt to How. Mr. Miller. east one hundred and eeventj-soven feat tzz Recitation, "Among Christmas pie," alonff the lino thereof to a earner: tbenca , , ... Barbara Potter (2) north forty-four degrees and nva min- A plo In which there is a nlft to Superin- utes went fifty feet to a comer i tlisnca tendent Joseph W. Thompson (3) south forty-flvo desrees and thlrtr* Sons, "Christmas Asaln"..' School ndven minutes west one hundred and 6ir- Koeltatlon, "Shopplna and Advice." cnty-aeven feet to a comer In tha nottn- ' ,. ., • Dorothy Millar «rly eilgo of tho said new stroeti thsHta Cocltatlon. "Just a Word" Lol« Otrann MIXED NUTS (4) along the erfgo thereof eouth forty- Sonit, "Snow Flukes" Nancy Schoffleld BSA2II NUT9 . . four degrees and five inlnutea oast fifty RecHntlon, "A ChrlstniaB Picture." 90rr SMIL AIMONPS feet to tho place of beginning. Betty Mo4n9 DIXI3 ANN PSCANS BEING Intended an tba was lar.f! KII! Eocltatlon, "Christ Ohlld Still," .-emt&aa described in A desd ms4a -by • . ElBia BracIionrldEO !ary M. Ehoades, ^Idow, to Dabo^ali Vocal duot, "Sons Immortal," Champlln, dated August 4, 1914. and re- ilv DeLuxe Coace Service Mra. Myrtle Perry and Miss Ada Proton corded In tho Monmouth County Clerlt'o Plono duot, "Historical Pa&eont," offleo In Bool; 1413 ot Deeds, pases 2^8. Evelyn Craft and Julio McCarran etc. Recitation, "Away in a Manger," Dated Red Sank, NOT? Jersey. Esther Ercckenrldffe DEL MONTI RAISINS oVS Pi,,7c December 14, 193S. SoJB, "Come With Mo"....KcnnW* ^lOe CRACKERS .... pi,.5e wcted. Issued, out of tho Court oi Chan- tor and Miss Harriet E. Roach v/lll (unihlne Chtiicmi, Tret Ajiaruntot-Fairy TmU^ cery of tho Stato of New Jcraay. will ba 7 Toy Cookiu, Andy Gumpi, Kaaea|idmer KIdi. exposed to ealo at pubHo vendua on direct the music. Those in the cast DROMEDARY DATES^ra^. ;tri7e 1 HONDAY, THE 15th T>AY arc: Uot, Ji B.ltt. IiiEIi.h St)U Ik box ISo LEAF, THYME and SAGE . fvtSe Mra. Barnes, a Lonely Wido^? „ betvreon the houra of 12(00 o'clock ER3 BAKER'S CHOCOLAT1 v, IK u 21c 5:00 o'clock {Rt 2:00 o'clock) In ths «{• Julia MeCarron a tornoon of aald day, nt tha Court Uoasa, Muvy, lha Maid, Elisabeth Johnson BAKER'S COCONUT cffl5ffiu OLD ©OLD CIGARETTES In tha JBorough of Freehold, County-of Sully, the Cook..-.-. Xoretta Brecktnrldsa Monmouth, Now Jersey, to satisfy & dfi- Tip. a Newaboy ,..Bobby Davorlo Trj Mrt. Wagner's Famous Mime and ^Pumpkin 'Via ctoa cf oatd court amountlns to approxi- fllefr. ft Lonely Orphan.— Doris Lsyton mately §2.077.00. Olil Klin, a Grouch Billy McCarron Ail the following tract or parc«3 of tam$ Mrn. BORES, Alwayu Jolly Evelyn Craft and premtBea hereinafter particularly d«- Shirley Trlpp. Who Believes In Santa •^Beverages For Clmstmas- noribed, altuat*, lying and being In the CIIUIJ Shorley Stllbrelt Horough of Fair Haven in tho County of Ben. who Wants a House..Kenneth Layton Appetizlng DrirJcs to make the Cliristmaj Dinner a real (cast Monmouth nnd Stato of Now Joracy. The progrflm will close with a Bone by BEGINNING at a point on tho castBrly tho acliool, "Glad Tidings." line of Avenue 13 (also known AD Mapla Avenue) and distBnt fifty feat hnrthsrty from thb point of lntersaction of this east- Leaves Asbury Parh, 337 Cookman Avenua at 8:40 A. M.* FOB FIANO erly lino of Avenuo Jl with tha northerly in Tilt APPU-SIMPEI) JUS H gil. 2So gd. lln* of Fl»k Avenuo j thonco (1) In a Leaves Asbury Park, 337 Cookman Avenue at 9:00 A. M. Parties Held Yesterday Afternoon at 1 northerly dfrection nlons the easterly Una GRAPE JUICE 2r..u.u.23 ic CANADA DRYncmu 2n.^\ of Avenue B, fifty feat to landa of Chad- Leaves Long Bronch, 586 Broadway, at 8JSB A. M.* Fair Haven Scjiools. I wkk; thenco i'Z) caatorly and parnlUI HOFFMAN'S ciiicn at CL8CQU0TClUBrtlS ffi™2'bSi'2Se witlj Flak Avcnuo nlon^: ChailvfJck'n nouth- Leaves Long Branch, 586 Broadway, at 9:15 A. M. A ChrlstniaB party for the piano erly line ono htindrcd ami- twenty feat ta classes of, tho Knolhvood school at HOFFMAN'S LIME DRY MARASCHINO CHERRIES wul2t a point; thence (3) In a southerly direc- Leaves Red Bank, 125 Broad Street, at 9:10 A. M.* tion fifty teat lt> A point in other landgi Q! Fair Haven was held yesterday af- '•Pius Dtftsit ' ":; t Hendrlekfion; tticnca (4J In a weaUrly di- Leaves Red Bank, 125 Broad Street, at 0:30 A.M. ternoon under tho direction ot Miss rection nnd iiarnllel with Flak Avcnus, ons ——^ -\ fii-htasol, Hlchard Doughty, Clara Lou Holrod «« tho (troitfiity at John J. Han- 6tl5 P. M. Merrill, Gloria Chameroy, Tommy knoii, taken In e;s#cutlon at tho »»i% Morrison, Lltuloley Hunter, Julianno JEiSlY PORK LOWS cnrcn-wi»iE«iuuF ot Oarollno 'lurton nnd to ba moM by HOWARD UBKilVV, tfhtr/iT. Miller, Arthur Jacks, Doris Allen, ated D^e. 4, 193a. Kevins Bus Terminal, 33d Street ond Seventh Avenue, at Dorothy Parmly, Dalny Loud, Mar. of SI ward W. WUo. Kol'r. 6:20 P. M. garet Cook, Jerry Jorolomon, Xj *8 I.) «30.1« yard Avery, John yinnegan, Juliette -Fresh fruits and Vegetabks- K011CI OI SITH»MtNTOI AUOimS" Morrow, Jano Merrill and Gladys 1 Intr ci )i ,h I ^ lh-i lid I U i I % >l 1 ll a at I.ilnod with duetu and solos. Lor- M,ORI1)A OlUI'l'iVUIW.' . 4 for Wo WHHMIWMMI, ONIOM., „ lb.). Mo lllfilloi < III I a i 1 fo I T ,11 » » • Hues not run Bunilnya ond Holltfaya. ' 'Ihln shin SWKK'i' "r(»TATOKR . . 3 lbo. 10O Ia/ cheer. NontL oi HLI OAMI.N r or ACCOUNT lio mRtia ior th« nllovrenca of coramlssljna We wish all our friends I I It N ) ntuil counsell ff«ss. irledrfi, Conrad Lyona, Dorothy a ,:«Ul« ut William 0. Ileimtstt, Rlcliard Crawford, William and a, Merry Christmas and- Notira la iKiitthy KIVGII ttmt rim occutmt' !)«( T j t t muiitli JIII.I np°*Ui fur Cl)\ltity o! Won- ,'.,., hxee.iloi ir, ..II Tliurs- Attorneys >t La-". Job In In nrivnrtlco In The Ke(;l.i- ml mill )i ill 1? »u Sf*iHl (»!{'l(«(ifl €aiirfc "of ftitltl O rer'H Want Dspnvtment.—Advertise- -r M i i in M » t I* tu il.y, dm twAiitvKletitlt ilny of r)«remli«rn«ramli«r.. Atlnntln HlBM«n4««ml«,, W. 3.J., 1 A. J>.- IMil, at which lima ainillwtloa will' Proetots. incut, • . , .95 BROAD STREET NI5XT TO l'OSTOFFICE lion -Z M$xLi

NOTICE. TJie Pl«ss«r« of Ali fisliua und hltttz «? feny ngtura c*w li and Sharing With Others i!j© B'jrou.ih tit Hurncun dt ti c!r H Christmas . . . holly and mistletoe ta im held on IM**mbttr t'S, t$tti$, m JERSEY TOBKBi'S; ALIVE OK m ra ottitr* . . . candles shining Into the night win they will not be paid utitil ly. S. BBKSSED. MilCE BEASONABLE. . . , eager, happy children around- By Griter ol the Mayor arid Council Rumson, New JeiBaj-. the Christinas tree . • . crowds,of Jh.UU 3. CA1WW. merry shoppers .:. . family re- Ith CU unions . , . and then the greater NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. Nulswamp Road, :-: Red Bank and bigger things . , ., joy In tha To Ilia S!*ar«boldfcy8 of the Saeo&Hl Halloa* v heart and peace and good will to- at Bants end Trust Co., &t (Second Farm West ol Hlvcr Plaza School) ward all men. Red Bank. N. J. tiw regular annual meatlnsj of (Its How much of good has blessed tsbnreiioidera of this bank, for the election of DiDirectors for the erimi!n£ year end, such the world through tho spirit of glv- ther ^n an may properly 1)9 pro- , Ing that Christmas awakens In the SAY, "MERRY edited, will heha hold fn its hanking houes on 'i'liesfiay, JJunusry 9, IB34. The tylla you llko It, all this?" j-heart ... Since tho Three Wise CHRISTMAS," will }IQ} open ffrom ulov'en o'clock A. M, t« twelva o'clock noon. asfced JoeL I jrerii Ie(1 By (j,,, 1Igilt ot B ffieam|nEr t Flowers or beautiful' Holly non WILLIAM •'Oh, well enough," re-, stnr> brought their gifts of. gold, Wreaths carry your Chrlatroas piled Sonla. without enthusiasm. | frankincense and myrrh, and laid Others $17.S0 to $2450 Wlshoa to someone. No one need It was evening, but the snowy them at the feet of the Christ Child, fall to Bend Greetings. No one need NOTICE. path through the woods )vaa easy to men have been bringing unnum- tool forgotten when we &ra pre- To JOSEPHINE JACOUS anil MIOIIAEIi 8. JACOBS, her Jtuibandi follow. Their feet broke through bered glfta of love for the sabo of pared to deliver a Greeting from you I Order Yoyrs Now! to any person, anywhere. Think! tiy virtue of un order of tha Court of the crust with a crisp crunching. the samo Child.. . fij BIUMD bTBEIST, KLD DANK, K. J. Who would be thrilled to hear from "I thought this would bo so dif- •\Ylierever tho message oC Christ- (Next door to Llggctl'i dug Stoic) you In thia way, this Christmastime? Tasty Home-made Pumpkin and ferent," explained Joel. ."I'm fed mas, has been heard . . . kindness, Toll us. We'll do the rest! up on tho usual Christmas parties. charity, giving, serving, have fol- end nnawcr tho bill of enid complainant en, Ojten Evenings Until 0 P. M. Sat. Until 11 V. M. or bflfot'9 tho ninth day of Febi-ufiry, Hfl3t, Mince Pies Sometimes It seems as IE wo were lowed . . . How much of hope haa ART FLORAL SHOPPE, agitlnHt you. pot trying to remember Christmas." been reawakened—hovr much, of Onp. Jl. B. Station, Bed Bank, N. 3. Tho tmki Mil h ftlcd to (oxcclaka e. Holiday Fruit Cakes The spruce, trees on either Bide faith reborn—by tho gifts of Christ- Phono U1DB-J. stood silent, and laden with snow. mas . . . Something of magic secm» There was no sound In them but an to touch tho smallest thing that la Don't Endure Slipping Dresdner Stollen occasional EOlt soughing, as It they done for others at Christmas . . . sighed In anticipation &t somo ex- and how many of these gifts of love tinted December 8th, 193a. pected miracle. o there are. ... APrLEGATB. 6TI!JV£NH. i'OSTEU and "Noise, people , . . "andng. ... Wo only can dimly guess at their Da your falsa teeth drop or oHp -when Sollcitorn of CompInlnBitt, you talk, cat, laugh or Dneose ? Ooiit 84 Broil d Street, Red Bunk, Now J era ay. Fancy Christmas Cakes Cookies I've liked it nil as 'ell 03 you, multitude . . . and ot the hours of ho annoyed and ernborraeasd a mlnulo happiness and joy they have brought ipiiKer. FASTEETH. ft new powder to Sonla. But lately I've wanted ioo.e- Bpilnkio on your pinion, hoi da tenth thlng more. I've felt as If I were to mankind through the ages . . . firm'.' Gives fine feeUngt ot accurlty and We have a most pleasing assortment. But there Is Ono who keeps count comfort. No nummy. gooey, pasty tasta missing out, letting Important things or feeling. Got FA8TBKTH today at get by, and not really knowing It." of them all . . . and One who camo "Whelan'a ov any other drug store. Sonla walked with a light, quick down to show us that the greatest.! * ** And if you con ustfsomo to good advantage TUESDAY. TUB SN» PAY OF JANUARJf. grace. She wore a white sports suit happiness and' peaca'conies to us— now get in touch with us and loll uj how much IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. 1034, not through self-indulgence or easo To PASQUALE X. - between tho hours of 12:00 o'clock and. WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS ! topped by a red cap and a tasseL By vtrtua of an BiOO o'clock (nt 2'<(lO o'clock) 111 tho after- —but from giving and sharing with you needl \) tokos on!/ 24 lo 48 hours to arrange 0 order of the Court of noon of said tiny, nt tho Court HOUBO in She was very quiet—Sonla the spar- Chancery ot New i tnado on the day others.—Kathcrlne Edelmtin. tho BoroilKh of Freehold, County^of Mon- kling, tho much-sought-after, the loan and havo tho cash in your hands. .Don't wait} o'f thth e datdto hhereof, in a causs whereihi n mo«th. New Jeruey, to y a docrfis of 5> 383*. Western Newspaper Union. Nicholas J. Wilson, Hurvivinff executor un* wild court umountlns to most popular girl at parties, Joel until tho lost minutol der tho last will and te&tnment of Poter 322,008.011. approximately moved closer. "I don't want to H. Conaver, deceased, is complainant and All thnt ertain tract or parcel of Ian3 COM! IN ***;WBirt 44* OR 'PHONG TODAYS Delflna Tomnlnl (widow) nnd othora are and l spoil your Christmas fun by Insist- u heieiimftcr i>arUcufar]y de» dofondantR, you ftra required to appear Bcrlhodl , fiituntc, lying and beingbl , i!n thhs ing on this country stuff . . . but 1 and Gnawer tho bill of said complainant Borouyh of lied Uank. in the County of Small fiSoiitltly Payments on or before tha twenty-third day of Jan- sort ol thought—" ho tried to keep Granny Well Remembers Honmouth nnd Stuto of New Jersey. to Salt %'oar Sneomo lmry next, or the said bill will bo token as Bcslnnintr at a point In tho easterly Bids 29 Broad St. Tel. 252 ,. Red Bank. | fits volco from sounding wistful— a Kiss Under Mistletoe eonfesBQd agalnat you, of Itlveini'ld Avornio at tlio oouthwenterty Tha said bill la filed to foreclose a cer- coi'nor of property of toTntcrJy Alexander "we might even understand, each << 3JT WAS Bnowlng Just llko this." tain mortaoKO slven by Delflna Tomalnl Frnzernoim, thencuioncae u(1>) nionnlonffs tho southerly other better If we got away from ond Plstro Tomalnl, hor husband, to fho Bldo of proporty of formerly Ateionder «» said Granny, remlnlscently, City Mortt-ngo Company, a body corporato Frnior and at light anslcj to tho eauterly routine pleasure. Looli ahead, there, as tho glrls/yBnba and Charlotte, of tho Etato ol Now Jersey, dated the Bldo ot lUvoraldo Avenuo North 42' 15' dear ... see? There's a faint, trimmed ,t& tree,. twonty-elBhth day of Ootober, 1027, on i KuEantt two hundred and forty-eighforty-eight feet 1 lands in tho City of Loner Branch. In tho more or loaa to tho westerly aide oC Maplo % clear light In the east." Impulsively. "When what, Granny?" Babs County of Monmouth and Stnto of New Avurme. Beginning again at the above Experience is telling people that ordinary ha put his arm nbont her. "Who asked. Electric Bldff., 601 Bangs Avenue, Jersey, which mortgage is now held by mentjonod beginning point thenea (2), Fbone A. P. 7693 License No. 070 complainant; find you, Pasqualo 1. Slmon- along the caatorly nido of BWersldd Avo- coal cannot stand the test of severe cold weather. knows? Maybe a star will rise for "Dear me, child, did I say that ASBURY PARK. N. in Qlli, are maao defendant bocausa you hold nuo South -47* 4H' East forty-ono fcet'to us!" aloud? I was remembering my first Monthly Cbarsra Two. and One-Half a mortgage covering the lands described a fenco line on tho northerly aids or other Only premium quality Jeddo-Highland coal has Per Cent on Unpaid Balance Only. In naid mortgage. property ot J. Trafford Allen, thenco (3) A rabbit darted across their kiss—long years ago. Under the Dated November 22, 1089. nlonff nnld fence lino and nt right engl^B that tough loner-burning quality. At no extra path. An owl deep In the woods mistletoe, It was." VO A N S MADE I N ALL NEARBY TOWNS to the easterly elde ot lllvarelua Avenuo HOWARD S. HIGGlftsON, North 42" 15' East two hundred and threo cost to you. gav a faint; far call, almost^hu- "Tell na about it. Granny," begged Solicitor of Complainant, feet more or lees to the westerly eido of man. "Come on, Sonla, let's sing a tho girls, and atopped working to 12 Broad St., Rod Bank. N. J. Maple Avenue, thenea (4) northerly along tho westerly nlde ot Maple Avcnqo ebtty carol. I feel Just llko lit Let's listen. The Red Bank Register travels and eighty hundredtha feet more or ICEB sing a carol to the Christmas star," "Your grandfather was a good over every street in town and every to thhee ending of ththo flvet described course. Being also kknon w N % Riid begged Joel. looking youth, In those days, and I road in tho county. Lot It carry your HoV'z "Rivoroldo It Pays to Advertise In The Register. message to thoas on tneaa Avenue. "Xqy're a Billy boy," sha said. was a pretty pert lass," she began. ThThe aatd premlnoa to bo cold subject, to thoroughfares.—Advertisement existing raunlclpat Hens; to rcatrlcttons of Bnt she kindled to his enthusiasm. "That particular Christmas Eva I record, if any: to tho effect, if any, of alt "When, • shepherds watched their was helping decorate tho tree at tho roning ordinances) to such Btato ot f&cta MM»»M^g^^ as an accurate survey of tho premlBea flocks b"y night, all ceatcd on the church — not many peopla had might dls'clOBo; and to alt TUIGB and regu- ground," began Joel. a Christmas trees at home in thosa lations pertaining to tlio erection of build- days, and tho only decorations were ings and tho uses thereof.. Sonlo Joined In. Their voices rang Schcd aa tho property of Frank Madura, oer'ly through the white, silent cut papers, candles, and snch et a!., taken in execution at the suit' of goodies as fruits, candles and gin- a John S. Applcgato and Cioorgo Klota Al- woods. The very trees, seemed to len, Executors of tho Estato of John Traf- gerbread men. foid Allen, dcceancU, nnd to be sold by HOWARD HErOHT, Sheriff, "I was busy catting out stars and Cntcd November 24. 1033. be wa3 hanging them on. tho tree, ApplogntCi Slovens. Foater & RbUQslllo, &ol'ra. and wo wero talking of all the ollly, (SO linos) S23.SR romantic dreams boys and girls do talk about Somehow he hung a IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. piece of mlstletoo over my head and To PARKER JOHNSON, FLORENCE JOHNSON, hlii wife, EMMA SMITH At a small expenditure, for extra heat then—my, what rumpus I made (widow), WILLIAM C. JOHNSON, about it! Girls were different then." KTIIISIJ JOHNSON, hit wife.- CLAR- value, nothing will quite equal our. Jumbo Pea ENCE JOHNSON, LILLIAN JOHNSON, "Ha kissed your gasped Char- his w|fo. BESSIE DEICHLER. LIN. W. Coal. Try it. lotte. DEICHLER. her hasbend, NOBMAW , LUFBURROW and EVELYN LTJFBUB. i |.5O per ton (cash) "Yes." ROW. his Tvlfes "And then," said Balis, ".yon got By virtue of an ordor of tho Court o£ Chancery of New Jersey, made on tho day married?" M ot the dnto hereof, in a cause whoreln Vir- "Married? Dear no, child," said K ' Ktnla G. Allen and Charles Allen, Jr., hqi* jgJ hlmband, nrd comnlainnnts and Charles A, Granny. "We didn't marry, but our S ' Mount nnd otherB nro defendants, you ar« : children did. That was your other g lutjulrcd to nppear anil answer the bill of . A Step Jn tho Snow at tho Other fa itald complainants on or befoto tho. twan» .' grandfather."—Helen GalsforA ^ ty-nlnth day of January, next, or the saiq* Side ot tho Bridge. ®, 1933. "Western Newspaper Union. bill will bo taken as confessod agaiast you, Tho said bill Is Died for tho partition ot listen. As the final note died away, certain lands and premises irt tho Town- fililp o( Mlddletown, In tho County of Mon- thinning to a mere thread, they mouth and Stnto of New JerBey, of which Tel. 103 heard agnIn that far, strange call ono CharloB Lufburrow died seized, and CHRISTMAS TIES you. Parker Johnson. Emma Smith, "Wil- Where Quality Rul of the owl. liam C. Johnson, Cinrcnco Johnson, BCZBIO es. "That's the loneliest sound I ever Dolchlcr. and Norman Lufburrow Bro imido defondnnts bocauso you aro aix of heard!" cried Sonln. "Wouldn't the tho ipnants in common ot eaid lands and premises; and you, Florence Johnson, Ethel gang at homo laugh at us for this Johnnon, Lillian Johnson nnd Cvolyrr Luf- crazy stunt at Christmas Eve?" burrow, nro rando defendants becaueo you mo tho WIVOB ot said Parker Johneon, Wil- , "There, what did I tell you 1" Ex- Ilum C, JohiiBon, Clarence Johnn^n ftrtd citedly Joel pointed to tho top of a Norman Lufburrow respectively; and. you. Lin W. Deichler, aro made defendant le* tree. Just at tho tip hung a star, cause you oro tho husband of sald'Usssia beautiful beyond belief, trembling Delrhler. with a clear radiance. An Icy prism Dated November 28, 1933. HOWARD S. HIOGINSON.- caught the gleam and shattered It Solicitor of Complainants, Into a thousand glancing rays. "Our 12 Broad Street, Bed Dank, N. /* Christmas star, Sonin," breathed Monmouth County Surrojjota's Oftico. Joel. So they Etood a moment, 1 "So Dobs Invented a Christmas In tho matter of tho cstato of John Tils* 11 & 13 BROAD ST. 1 tie that is making millions?" pot, deceased. - both cauglit up In a. .hush of won- Notice to rrcdltora to. preaont claims 15G0 der. "Tes. Ono sldo Is for the wife's nKnlnnt oBfiito. 3 PHONES: J6Bi taste and the other for tha hus- Pursuant to tho order of Joaoph • l« Free Delivery. "'Forgive me If I Bound too sol- Donnhay, SurrogatQ of tho County of Men* emn, KoiiiJi—but somehow I think band's." U" J~LJ mouth, mado on tho sixth day of Docem- bqr. I9B3, on tho application of Joeetih of Christmas as being a time of rev. Lliidtior, Bctinff executor of the estftte of ' SPECIALS—Thura., Fri., Sat., Dec. 21, 22, 23. erence as well as rerelry. I want- John Trlcpol, decoBBed, notice la hereby „ Come in—see and hear the marvelous given to tho creditors of eald deceased to 1 ed you In fool Oils, ton, tonight with Biblical Dates exhibit to tho fluliHcrifter.' acting o>:coutoi? new PHILCOS, just received! Built-in, nn a(oro»aid, their debts nml demands me. when we're married we've got Although students ot biblical nrtalnnt tho pnfd ofllnte, under imth, within to have i-oiiM' fine things to hold to, chronology have gono far toward balanced-unit quality and every worth- nix montliB from the (Into at the atoreiiftld order, or they will bo forever barred of. Fresh-Killed MARYLAND "jjoaielliiiiK Wi-wr tlinn ourselves; determining tho actual date of Good while feature in radio! The finest radios their actions therefor ugninst tho «ald eub« something that meiina Christmas— Friday, It la unlikely that the real ever designed—at the lowest prices in Bcriber. the real spirit of it." date of the orglnal Christmas day Dated Freehold, N, J., Dec. C, 1933. JOSEPH LINDNER, She smiled up Into Ms ftice. will ever bo determined. We may radio history! K5 Snuff Harbor Avo., JHghlands, N. J- "You're ft tunny boy, but I'm aw- bo reasonably certain, lioivever,' Sarah D. Utnyth, Atfy. 522 45th Street. fully fond of you. I..." she broke says Tit-lilts Magazine, that It was „ PHILCO I4L Union City, N. J,, off, Btnrtlcd. not December 25, since that data oc- Proctor. curs at the height of tho rainy Ju- A stop crunched through the snow COMPLETE Monnmutii County Surmgatn'o Ol nt the other side of the bridge. Gcnsdn, Tvlien shepherds would FsJerol Ton Pold In tho mnttcr of tho estato of Frc The figure of a man staggered Into certainly not bo watching their C. Parker, deceived. Notice to creditors to present \lew. "Hey!" he called us he clung flocks by night. In the .curly days mininst catnte. !o the brhlgo rail for support. His of Chvisliiinlty tho feast was kept. Extra power, supieme tone I l'urBuunt to tho order of Joseph 1/. Don- iahny. aiinounlo of tlio County of lilon. mice h;irely reached them; he was up nt I'itrloaB dates In January, quality and exquisite cab- mouth, muflo on tho twcnty-thhd daMy of panting for breath. "Them enrols April ami May, and It was not until inet work make this new Novcmbor. 1033. on tha application of Clarence Little, mirvlvlntf executor of ths you saiig . . . heard 'em awny the Fifth century that December £5 PHILCO an outstanding ciitoto of Frederick C. Parker, deceased, oft . . . intRhty pretty ... I lost was nfjroed upon, prolmMy from & value. It has concealed notlco la hereby ulvnn to the creditor* of Inclined Sounding Board, Sha- «etld deccrued to (nlilMt to tlio Bulisorllior. my way . . . couldn't find tlio deaire to supplant tlio .SflturnnHa, BiirvlvinB esecutot ns aforesaid, their dote road. I kept a-liootln', hopln' uome- from which pagan festival, however, dow Tuning, tha excluilva nnd dcman./vi3.S.?» .In month, from tlio doto «f tbo Bforceal* onier, or they will ba torevar burred of ilioir octiona tiiurcfor uisalnut tha «»M »ub« SUCCESS IT SHOULD BE AT THE LOWEST If you have anything to acll, or if you want to buy •••. • Hior. anything, you will "find The Register's Want Column Red Bank's FwJrsl Growing Furniture House Dated Fieshnld, H. J,, Nov. 14, lS'I KNT WITH QUALITY. i 110 ni»or«ldo AvciHM, [ted Hank. N. • IIP (jiiii Uc'.t and tlitMro-vi way of filling your want. Eweuttl*. ' AnuIet'iUe. Btftvonw, Fanter & I J^IIMHIO. i ) I n««d Uank, M. ,f. 1ED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20,1933. Papp Twenty Three A Frograin of Music.' Local Five Wins Urged A program of nms|c; featuring Christmas carols, waa prps8nte4 Fri- Its First G To Beat Bootlegger day afternoon by the music depart- Expert Repairing W RATES Quarters ment at the Red Bank Roman's •OB own OAV & Hiqii'r ciiich Bill •Sh.erwfjod released his Senator Biirbour Ksld yesterday the c]ub, under tha direction of Mrs. John 1033-M fftBlfftlJi'lJ BfjU«d !a§t night bootlegger would be driven out of 'olitlcal Organization Will Move WATCHES, CLOCKS State Highway,, Eatoqtown, N. .1. existence "when liquor of gopd ity caii bo bought Bt loy* pr! ? Wi'd la |!o0j»s in tha Monmouth and JEWELRY Ing out ft, 25 tci 28 Victory It1 th.B )wtnot until then." on New Year*—First opened the program. Several Kelec- Phone Eatontown B2S uwter of tho eQ|)te4 qp the High- He urged a |ow federal tax and the Friday, Jaroiafy 12. tiona were sung by tha choral dub, Accuracy, skill and experi- land tipBj, Th,e JppaJ I)1?!* fspbool sec- importation «f llijuors until doinealie lira. Olive Wyclcoff, directing. Mrs. ence enable us to do the , for your onds piiiysd fi {jacfj^qtight gftffle and 'production can raeet dornands. On Hew Years day the Bed Bank Wycltoff and A. Lerpy Baker each most delicate repairing. We dpfeifited the Roil and S!»c|( fseconde I "Ono of (.he principal motivating pertocretlc league v;iH move to its oang several numbers and also sang by a Bcpr? Pf iWJ'to.^O. ! forced ciiMoing repeal," Senator Bar- ew home In the Monmouth butldjng a tluet. In conpIUEion tho aEGejxibly guarantee satisfaction. Our hour a;ild, "WHO the universal desire it No. 65 Broad utreet. A committee ''Noel" and ''America." Tea was prices will please vou. oliday Poultry Tho local Red un$ Gray flvo trailed In the library following tho the HJgh^mlffa tbiWgliWt the game to ellfnlnato the bootlegger and the omposed of Harojd A. HendricUoon, ALL FRESH-KILLED. U]i until the last pis mlnuteo fq play. ! widespread attendant evils. The boot- hettdoro J. tobrecquo, Robert program. Hr3. Morris announced Silverware Repaired : logger can bo dvlven out! only by low icosia and George F.Wilson, has for that the nest choral ipepting will bo REASONABLE PRICES ! At half tlmo Atlsntlp Hlghliwda win held Monday, January 8 and Invjted and Replated Like New atjlnfc', 13 to 7. T iirnoolt, being eup- j prjees for good brands of liquor." past threo weeks been inveatl- JAMES REALE, Prop. Utiitet| In tfip Itiot quarter, put the n^ locations, and rooms In theenyonq desirous of joining to attend MnmoutO. building wero chosen as at that time or communicate with OTHER MARKET AT 261 SHREWSBURY AVE. nn!(er« ahead hy ringing UP Beven ha most central and accoBalhlo to olnts In that period. Bendrlckson, Highlands Grants RED BANK, PHONE 35S9-J. a nw ccntPr'fpr thq KwlsW, proved :he m^mbew. The club rooms will 36 Broad St., Red Bank Thirteen Licenses e located on the third floor, adjacent The road to better and bigger busl- WE DELIVER. \vorthy last n'llit by topping h(a to the, etudio of station WJBI and noaa leads through Tho Eeglster'B ad 1>1 183L team mates wjth ten PPltl's. Brlt- The Highlands mayor and council w'H bo used for both meetings and verttelnR columns.—Advertisement. tlngham. led tho Hlghlanderu w|t|i last vveeU granted eleven jlfjuor li- ecreation. nlno iPolnto, whllo Mortenaon followed censes to retailer* and two to dis- The first oulclal meeting in the new with' eight. • tributors. Retail llcenpea wore ob- :lnb rooms will bo held Friday, Janu- tained by John JR. Ahern, Mrs. Ponj- sry 12, and thereafter regular month- G F TTS inicH Parillo, lfMward WelnhelmGr, TurTurnock, , f - 3 I V ly ' meetings w(U ho held throughout Pazzono, ff 0 0 0 I Mrs. Edna Kruee, Rennle Brown, the year. Vn|ln, '• •••-. 10 1! ! Johnson'** cafe, Mlchtel Mendep, Hiiclwnan, t 0 0 0 JEmll Auflerl, Mrs. Minnie Cummlna, •'The club rooms will bo open flvo ..... ^ 2 1(1 'Loo Horan and Thomas Henneeacy, lights a weelt for the accommodation Xfnono, g 0 0 0 at the club members. Ortxini. g The diatrlbutoru ore Fred Jlohr and Vaacnrellii, - ^ a t ! Gcorgo V. Brown. Tha latter has It lo proposed to grant the usa of 'rented a store, adjoining Wagner's thQ fooma to tha Peraocrjitlc Ladles' o . IItt meat mailtet on Bay avenue. lllary of which Mrs. I^red L. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDSD , Jones Is president. Other affiliated Mortennon, * -•• 4 0 6 Democratic clubB of the borough will Egldlo. f 0 0 0 TALK ON MUNICIPAL AFEAIES. bo permitted to uso the roomo. Rotnandattl, ! ,...., • o o o Former Mayor William H. R. Nmltli, o. , 10 2 Mayor Edward H, CurWe of Mata- ratttjuoii, c ooo White waa the drat president of the HrlttViiKlmm, £ 4 10 wnn to Spoak at X'alr View. Democratic league. He waa succeed- Ryan. «• •- -Jl _l J> Mayor Edward H. Currlo of Mata- ed by Edward vonKattongell, who wan will be the principal cpealior- at l holds the ofilce. The trustees of Sales ^ncTService. Tho Bod Bank (seconds at half tho meeting of the Mlddlotovvn Dem- the league are B. V. R. H. Stout, ttmo traded their opponenta, 15 to 9,ocratic organization in tho Fair View eorgo F. Wilson, Theodore J. but In the lajtt quarter started a rally, j school on Friday evening, January 6, Labrecque, Walter Hogan, Robert winning out by a score of 25 to half-past eight o'cloclt. Tho meet- Nicosia, Harold A. Hendrlckson, John ing will be tho ilrat of a oorlea to beJ. Eplllane and William H. R. White. Kellum tied the ecore, 18 to 18, in theheld monthly and to he devoted to ad- middle of the. final quarter. LW drosses on civic affalra by llonmouth Blonda, tho one-armed star, led thecounty residents who ore prominent Large Tree Illuminated. ueconda with a total of nine points, In public life. Others who arc ex- Shining brightly on a hill on Thom- whllo Pappft of Highlands led hiapected to speak at later dates are As- as N. McCarter'a estate at Burhson team with six points. semblyman Theron McCampbell of Is a large evergreen tree illuminated . RED DANK. Holmdel, who will speak on "Tax- with over 260 colored lights. Ap- C P PTS ation;" Former Mayor William H. R proaching tho estate from Red Bank tllo, tr 0 0 0 White, who will spealc on "The Pub-and Fair Haven tho tree can bo seen Helium, '• • • t o a llo Works Administration;" Mayor from a considerable distance. The New Torxlan, 1 0 0 0 Ijilto, f ~ 0 0 0 Frank P. Bedla of Highlands, Judge electrical work was done by Harold LuBlonda, o. ..—.... 4 19 Leo Wurwlck of Long Branch and S. Allen of Red Bank, Factory Built Gettl.. o , 1 1 » Sheriff Howard Height. Heara, ison. Scorer, Swarts. garage. Those electod are: Ladles' .(Ud society were guests of Tho alumni game, which was sched- President—Robert L. Cook. the men that night. SALE Vice prcaidont—^nBon Qoodo. Initial Handkerchiefs uled for Saturday, ivlll be postponed Secretary—Goorao Goode. The Ladies' Aid society will hold until after tho holidays. Treasurer—Harry Sprung. their regular weekly meeting tomor- PTJBB MNT5N •rain Silk HOSK Silk crope, handsomely Liquor fa MMdletown. Trustees—Itufleell Craft, Harold Perry ITEi AND COLOI "V" neck front and Jalio Jcilrey, Edgar Layton. row afternoon at 2:30 o'cloclt, WHITE''AND COtOKED During tlio Month of December. At a special meeting Friday, tho Cnlitaln—Fran(i McCorron. Tho Wornan's Foreign Missionary township committee of Mlddletown Lieutenant—Itqsiiell Craft. society wtUVentertaln members from township granted licenses to sell FlrBt Lieutenant—Harold Perry. Oceanport this afternoon at 2:30 at 25c each liquor to Mrs. Lorctta Dunno of t!:e Recouil LJoutennnt—Arthur Auatrom. John H. Burns, Mgr. EnRlnoer—Eugeno Ford. tho home of Mrs. G. B. Whitfleld. Brentwood hotel of Lconai'do, Joseph 1-ii-Hl assistant englneei^—Eugene Lay Christmas services of tho M. E. Hctfular Trice, S1.05. J. Halllday of Meadowbrook inn ofton. Jr. church will be hold at the usual time ICAYSEK GREAT CHRISTMAS VALUES? Belford and James Zaromoa and Second asMntant oneincer—Gcorso Goode 151-153 W. Front St., Fire police—Jnke Jelfrey, Eayra Sunday, December 24. Rev. Louis M. in our Men's Furnishings Department Felix Platnlck of Leonardo. Reed, Edffar Layton. Caee will preach on "The World's RED BANK' King" at the morning service. At In. Pull-on mid Button style. MEN'S LINEN INITIALED City Manager Operated On. ATLANTIC GBANOEHS. 11:00 P. M. a group will go about Brown and Black rilONE 1290, City Manager Harry H. Freeman town singing Christmas carols. underwent sin operation for appendi- Tho Members Enjoyed n Cavcxci On Thursday evening tho Ladles' and Black with White trim. citis last week at. Fltkln hospital. Dish Supper last Week. Aid society will hold their annual Very Fine Quality. Mayor Sherman O.Dennis announced Christmas party In the social room that no appointments to offices can Atlantic grange colobrated "its of the Methodist church. The Men's Clronlatlon That Counts. ! birthday with a covered dish supper bo made while Mr. Freeman is ill), Tuesday night of last weeli at thi Bible class will be guests of the 25c each. Nowopapor circulation that counts but the council will continue to car-Colt'a Neck achoolhouse. The feaa ladies at this affair. Gifts are to be with tho advertiser is tlio bonafldo ry on othor affairB. was followed by a business meeting exchanged. one—the lcind Tho Register has. No ATTRACTIVE ...premiums or other Inducements have and card party. A Chrietmaa party Tho Presbyterian Sunday-school ever been offered to secure circula- Boya can malto extra pocket money will be held by tho grange at Ita will hold their Christmas program JPoudh Bags, In calf leather. tion.—Advertisement. selling The Register—Advertisement next meeting Tuesday, December 20. Sunday, December 24. SUIc-Ilned, double compartments. Panties Tho now officers of tho grange will A Christmas tree In front of the Blaclt and Brown. ilk bo Installed Tuesday night, January borough hall was trimmed with lights FINE CREPE. LACE TRIMMED. 9- Monday night and was lighted for •NICELY TAILORED. "It Pays To Deal Where The Atlantic juvenile grange mem- tho coming holidays. bers mot at the schoolhouao Tuesday Quality Counte." night of last week. They wore among EXTRAORDINARY VALTJE3 IN MEN'S the diners at the covered dish aup- per and afterwards they made plans Shrewsbury News. to hold u Christmas party at their Lingerie Gowns next meeting Tuesday, December (Thi K«d Bank HMlluter can bo boutrht EEL GRAY, BIACK, RKOWIf, NAVY. 20. In Shrewsbury from Itichurd Beake at tho Holly will striped back gown in satin which aro All-Wool and tie prica Is calf postofflco and at Shrewsbury Markot.) crepe, beautifully trimmed loco top and Now Under tho Management of RUSSEtX 6. HENDBICKSON. Tho Reading club met/yostorday Cartcrot Club to Dance. afternoon at the homo of Mlso Emma $1.95 and $2.95 each bottom. $4.95 8 E. FRONT ST., Phone 508. RED BANK, N.J. The Carterct Social club will open Holmes on Sycamore avonuo. its now season with a ropoal eclebra' About ten men have been put to I tlon at the Berkeloy-Carterot hotel work under tho CWA program. They REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE S A3bury Park, Saturday night, Docem started Friday and wero working on Misses' Bags her 23, at nlno o'clock. Thore wil! bpecials tor Fhurs., rn. & Sat. be dinner, dancing and an entertain Sycamore avenue Monday. SUEDE LEATHEK. jene Christmas exercises of the Presby- - BHOVVN AND BLACK. COUNTItY BOLL nOYAI, SCARLET ment by Broadway professionals. The terian Sunday-school will bo held Satin crepo "V" (shaped ncclt; Iaco trimmed celebration will also mark tho open- Consisting of tho follonliiff materfaJai ing of the radiant now Sapphire bar Sunday, December 24 at 4:00 P. M. top and bottom with net trimmed urmholcs. and tho now Berlcoley bar at the ho-at tho church. $1.00 each Striped Broadcloth, Woven Madras, Silk- Hi. hC ID. tel Tho Cartorct club will bo open Tho Monmouth Held hockey club iilled Broadcloth. Theso Shirts have colter every Saturday night throughout tho Ihna arranged a hockey game with Stationery attached and neckbands. Moat of tlio iMrto season. tlio lied Bank high school to bo plhyed on Friday. A1X ATTBAOTIVELY BOXED. ^a CJJC in this lot liavo sold for S1.79 to S3.25. HEINZ FIG or PLUM PUDDINGS 29c LACE TRIMMED. Hero uro REAL SHIRT VALUES. A lew Bizes aro broken. They g» on oalo for WHITE HOSU SUN-MAID SEEDLESS 35cs 45c, 50c, 69c ADJUSTABLE Sl'HAFS, LOW BACK. $L00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00 and $3.20 98c I-argu Cans '•,A VVHIXIO KOSI5 NONE SUCH Cranberry Sauce ©w Cans


Very Fancy APPL_ES_ a]TvarietieiSL:;;;;;;_65c_ba8:_ Wo arc now able lo supply you with a line line of POTATOES Jersey Green Mountains LIQUOR, WINE, NEW BEER, ALE, PORTER, PMe Dnshct Featuring j JAC

iK (TMI11A Orang<"« 15 f ' ~•&ac x EED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20, 193I>. BJflg For Mr B«v. a ScfaooL BFCISNT KKNT/Wb. vived by his wife, Mrs. Clara Craft Steller. •BWthe« ».i»™"Reformedi »ti..-«vchurch. -of' n«n'Colt'»s No^Neckt, the Garden of Allah, Streets of tho movable frames" states Mr. Douglass., Tho store on tho west side of wher*»hore the busy workers roll oily ci- II In charge. Rev. Mr. Hogan assisted Orient, Darkest Africa, the Midget "The two most important factors in* Shrewsbury avenue at Rod Bank, Emllo Blanlonan Lovey t u uaro as a reader stands on a dais! in the service. Tho church organist I', ulage and Mpmmalo of .the Deep, - -'~ was owned by the late Louis and reads movie magazines in Span- .rendered a number of hymns. Tho died at his home on Rumson road, a i«interestin(nrne,*intgT Aniinntinncollection nof deenp lab for their entertainment, Yet you church was well filled with former Little Silver, on Monday, following a sea monsters that attracted can ceo both of these flights within ; parishioners and friends. Interment long illness. He was 64 years old. 3i,read aitentlon during the Chicago PEBMANENT WAVING SPECIALISTS His wife, Elizabeth Goodyear Levey, half an hour of one another in Ha- jwn 3 m the cemetery at Mlddlebffsh, FOR THE PAST 10 YEAK8. ' vana. Keep your eye peeled when | v.'ith Rev. Mr. Langwith and' Rev. died several years ago. juiLu.mLuu. „,'™ch care may ada y, you are driving through the remark- jjr. Hogan conducting the service. The funeral which will be private j Some idea of the gigantic task ot o£ tho boardSj second, tho frame yard 171 BROAD ST., Tel. R. B. 2342. will bo held'this morhing at ton moving the major attractions frQni | be limed, manured, plowed and able narrow, [streets of old Havana, i Besides her husband Mrs. Thom- Humson Entcrtaliuncnt. (opp. Woman's Club) yclock with Rev. Herbert S. Craig. • - '- go to New York may bo gained, (,,8ked with machinery, thereby ellm- It IB a fact {hat aome of the corners >Eo n |g sUrvjVed by three sons, Claude. The pupils"of the Rumson public are1 so narrow that street cars have Ralph and Harold Thmr.rn.- She roc-tor of Trinity Episcopal church, in tha fact that it required a spe-1 jnating much labor during such prep- OUE XMAS GIFT TO YOU! Got your coupon now chirge. cially built stcol motor truck and araUon_ Then, should disease appear schools will present a Christmas en- to have their bumpers lifted in order .a ]s0 ]eaves seven grandchildren and I trailer 65 feet long to transport tho in tj)0 jrame soj,i3| the location may tertainment tonight in tho high for 10-plece Vanity Set to bo given away December 2Sd, to miss the buildings. i niece, the latt?r being Mrs. Ruth Oita share given with each JSOo purchase. a Mrs. Elizabeth BrlmaU , 35-ton whale— , _an d necessitated specia. l icaall easily bb0o cchangcd in an effort to elim- achool auditorium. There will bo se- You'll visit the Gran Casino I«a- • Hunge. During the sum- lections by the school orchestra, rocl- clonal, Qt course. Ask the guide to | __— from Qve slates to travel |:j ]natnat00 BucBuchh diseases. During tne sum roads with truck ot UCh dl taliona and playlets entitled "Christ- point out the lovely fountain wltti , Conrad Decher. at the Branch 1 menslons. ! "!mer. a cultivated crop may be grown mas Evo in Holland" and "Christmas otnt §15 the oancing figures. Perhaps he will, Pneumonl complicated with tho age of tell you the tragic story behind that , Besides a goodly number of Chi--!! mmate trouble witith weedds in ttheh ' In Mcrrlo England.' aplendid other allmcnt eaugcd he dcatQ of years She had been at the hospital! y attractions, tho Now frames whilo growing early plants." PERMANENT WAVES aplendipl d sculpturinpg It Is a story , ^^ ^Dccher o{ Colt.a Neclc Thura. about two weeks. The funeral was j ^a&° worth hearing anandd worth <•<*"<£• day. s Fair has added ; There are two types of movable Card of Tlianlts. d h you are bacic ^ The end was veryy unexpectedp , held Saturday and the burial was at * WITH RINGLET ENDS your friends when you are bac c s and attractions of frames used in New Jersey, accord- We take this way of expressine y Dechel. Bcemcd to be well on Arlington. d b ll amusement and educational Ing to C. H. Nissley, extension vege- our deepest and most heartfelt againi . ; , ' the road to "recovery until a few _, - -. . , - , thanks to those who extended their ITOB ONLY — • worth. There's the Jal Alal, Cuba s na-, He waa sick table specialist. The moet popular of kindness and sympathy in our sad tlonal-game. whlohis faster_jhan ice ^ ^^ Estate Goes To these frames aro those where tho j bereavement. We desire especially ALSO hockey and more exciting than foot | Mr_ Decher mQved Newark to Nieces and Nephews walks or paths aro constructed, i to thank Rev. W. C. Colby, the Mount ball. YOU will never forget the Fron- Colt,s Neck ^^ ^^ ^ por & Hazlet News. These -paths'aro easily carried from '& Son funeral homo, American le- #2.50 and ton with its high hanging Ugtits: its inumber o£ J,cara he conducted an au. ono location to another. Four *x« j fc *%$&'%& %Ze XZ I?* great court and hysterical Ba»"^- jtomobilo repair business and road- Harriet R. Reid of Freehold, In a I he Hazlet flre company will dis- inch wooden strips, tho width of the re T Bookmakers will rush about in *sidp Dooth. Later he was employed will made in August, 1930, left her I pOse of a fifteen pound .turkey on board aro nailed secured to each Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Zerr $3.00 , ....i. *. ,.__ ,__. —,..„._ . evening on the co-operative board length. These will keep the berots, offering unheard-of odds, tno ,a t thg dlstlll o£ Uiil.a and com. and Family. Permanent omall hard ball will be projoctea pany at Scobevville Hi, was one o£ board3 from warping or twisting. At —Advertisement. (Guaranteed) Bgatnat the cemencet t ™» wltnt;5;5; ;| | ththe founderfounderss ooff AtlantiAtlantic townshitownship firfire ono ena the 2x4 Is allowed to exvend ll B uuer'y Charles R. English, Elsie Hutchlnson | * The Crescent club met at tho home From 0 to B Waves rlflo speed, and you will Be uuer'y, company and at .„,, tlme pregjdent inches over the end of the board. Card of Thanks. and Paulino Pace. She bequeathed jof M*is3 Helen Lambert3On on Thurs- Months. astonished at the grace and agility • Qf th(, company J I extend my greatest thankks o my Guaranteed one-half Interest in any real estate to ' day evening. Mrs. George Emmons This offset Is necessary in laying the 57 slgnor3 the petition for my 11- ot the basket-wielding players irora , Mr Dechcr ls survivcd Dy hlg wife t0 her brother, William Harvey Reid of ;and Miss Lambertson -n oie tho hos- frames In order to keep out the cold , cense to sell beer and ltcjuor. Sorry Ueal Castile Finger Wave Andalusia, and four children, the latter being and keep the j to say I am again refused; but I will AZiaaiuoju. . n ana iour cnuaren, me laicer oemg Philadelphia, and the other half in-Itesaea. Tho usual business session air and to lino Shampoo Eyebrows Perhaps you will dance in tne su-iM,ss rjorothy Decher and Kenneth, terest to Mr. English and Elsie ;wa 3 held. A Christmas party will be frames straight. placing these bo the same good American citizen g ;wa 3 held. A C py frames, ono should begin at one side';! aJ^jOja^becn^ Wtahln^ you all very moonlight at ono of the gorge- jGeorg e and Frariklln Decher. Ho al- Hutchlnson. Mr. English was named jheld tomorrow night at the church with Vinegar Klnao Haircut OUS night clubs out in the parkway. • . George of tho frame yard and lay the paths g Q lcavea hi3 motherj Mrs executor. jjor iha members. A social hour and Except as straight as possible. Either sash I'rl. and Sat., Thcso Operations 35c Perhaps It will be a dip, on the aaz- |Dccncri and n|s sister, Mrs. Edward Mrs. Beatrice E. Wlnant Cook of refreshments were enjoyed. Those rcmain truly yours, Manicure .,.. jltng beach at Mariano or an aa-1 Umber| both of Coir3 Neck Spring Lake left $100 to her husband, 'p nt were Mrs. Jamea Glenn, Mrs. bars or specially mado spacers aro Paul Kutche, . «&gc •: Marcel Wave mi« und Minn Jonn Field of Long aat.urduy, fnllowliiR Ilvo yoarn, Into, of a cerebrol h of Mr. sUt'lh;*', who wnn Bi ynntt; old, Vlfi -slit- it—Artli •Iwnrd t Orculatton Tliat Connta. Serving You 13 Years Wills Milk Produced }il* Uttdo and IMHII, Mr. nml Mm. IB. j WUM bm 11 at Now York city. For l ! Nowopn|i«r circulation tliut coiinta T« Tilokw. Bev. T. J^- l^'ay, r*M',(oi ' many yearn hn vmti il dealer In pipe with tho ndvortlner lo lh« Ijotmllda Solely in Monmouth County. ot St. Story"* churdi. "f wlilfih In: anil plnn-limi' i,nppl|i-ii. JIi- ••T:.IW,..,I I:,,,,, one- I Jin Iilnd The Ileulntcr linn. No rn.tnicto Red Bnnh HBR. -mtol w,i» In Old 1'onnent eenretery.. liecauae ot pvm licullh. Ha Is our «tvpr been offejed to usuurs olrculs- U ptyn In adveiiiss la 'i'lw tlon.—A

Chrirttaas eoi. ^ Figure la Nanst , lieUy (Ax wotnl wheels; new paint now rubber. for business people; |iKht colored wom- non-houeekecping. Fine neighborhood, Christmas Core Is tiua nama of a months; very reeeonabls. E'hone Eaton- peple; |Kht colored wom near town, river nnd station. 45 Illver- rttionablt. ftnssn p1s««. Call Roan Flth Hatchery. 174 Wett fr'tont motootor completely overhauled; depiwlodepressionn an> experiencedid;l sleep iin . ClCall EEatontown town in Maine, wn_JI_0S, __^_ itreet, Ked Bank, phone a662»W. >rlce. lliieBRs Uroa., 19-21 Mechanic — fcido_u\eiuic, KcdUank^ Oii SALK, uss rana«, prfictlc&lly new. treet, phono Ked Bnnk 3065, Easy t«rmB. Bethlehem] seems ie have had en CHRISTMAS TREES—Fine collection of DRESSMAKING, remodeling, curtalna, ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms; warm, apaxtmen(ai improveSt^ ^t^^^^ Sacrificed at any iirlce. 104 Harrison i, M._A._C. Open evenings. i comfortable, house; plenty of hot water. appeal for towhilta planners In ttvpnuo. lted Bank.* _____^___ Christmas trees on sale ut corner of ^draiierica, coats rsllncd; Bewlng for la- Just.ofif Brow) itmt Us«d A &6&a Co* Monmouth street ami Mapla avenue. Bun- iOOD iifiotl car cheap; 1928 Chevrolet PrleBB reasonable. Ella 101 Uroarl street. Red Bank. Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Ktn- FOUH uesd UrcB~Bnd iubee. in gQod~cori- dies jupt openpd to insure leoting. Macin- panel delivery; lato 1929 Whippet BIXBIX, . RyBcdorph Wallace Etrcet, phone FURNISHED rooms for rent on the river rflilon. ia::S.t(l: est tire chains 30KU><, ; tosh Brothera.' _. _ 27 gpt-clal Naiih, 1927 Chrysler sedan, j 38B0-J. bank. 59 Rector place, Red Bank, F^lT^trro^'r^^bTinifeioV^C'ft^ tilery, Maryland, New Hampshire, Fort! \Vint«riront. year lttao, rheau for i room buafftslow; ell (mpras®ffij»at4 1'IANQS, violins, organn, tuning' and ra- APiplesate'e carnse. Valley Drive, phono j ^fijtxI'rj'rA Phone 237-R. Charles Breaker, 60? W&si Profit etMst, Indiana and Pennsylvania, as there r&fili, M. V. Brown, 21 Wharf avenue, A-,...l ^ 3H-J. •CLASS white waitress-chambermaid R«il Bank." ^ putrln?; heated storage.; Dirhttti'at Pi- %vlth lone reference!! for permanent pool- COMFORTABLE rowm for rent, private River Plsza. H. 3. little clrirch at the cad is a piaca of that .MUM In each,pf FORT'S ALE. UEcd 1933 Ford-truck chaHala; family; good location; very reasonable. ,„_ lied, teak table, Slelnway piano. ano Shop. Drummond place, lid. u&nh, tion; ?TiO. Reply iramediatcly. Mon- HALF of a houso for rent, ttvsn~voSmi cf Graco street wan one those states. . phone 033. ' lenaorablc. AIHO lt»30 Packard club ee- mouth Kmployment Anency, 107 Mon- 21 Harrison avenue. Call Red Bank 35PE. and bath: nil Improvements; garage. Oriental ins", wall ratrrofs, commercial mouth Btreet, Ked Bank, phone Itcd -Hank t jnaia of brilliant, sparkling Indiana, lioworar, la tho only state camera, cabinets, chest of drawers; clos- PEKINESE puppies tor Bale, five'months dii» in excellent condition. Phono Atlantic .„ .tunny rooms, well heated, eincle or Convenient to bus and Ualn. , &l F.sctt>? 2500,* double: near bath; with or wltiiflut Olitlstme? decorations where great ing entate. JRHICB A. Jlsndrloki&n, at- old; am all and very reasonable. Mrs. Highlands 050-M. _ ^ place, _Hcd_Bankf_phonQ 74-W. of tha Union which has a postofSce S. F, fitavens. 130 East Itiver road, Rum- USED CAIia And parts of ell kinds bousbt meals: cholcq location. Call at 21 Branch FIALF of double hause for^entTinTroo^J preparations wera in progress (or torney, 133 Hudson avenue, Itcd Bank, and sold; uleo &U klnda of engines for VOUN(i HAN, neat, induBtriouj, willine; venue, opposite Ited Bank high school. named Santaclans (tha Pootofike de- ibono 4oo-J. , phona 747. . desires any kind of work; careful driv- sit improvements! newly decorated; EE» the usual community Christmas tree, WASHING MACHINES, repairs and ealea; boats; also eecond-hand tlrea. Abo Simon, IN SHREWSBURY, on Uroad street, two ratfo; rent reasonable. 12 Bprlne etrett, • partment make's It one word). It Is SEAUTJFUL Cocker Spaniel puppies: ped- 44 Worthloy street. Ked Bank, phono, er; willing to contribute uae of own Bulck n t Btreet phon9 1828 Maytag apocIaliBta. Tuutintr'a, Ifl Mon- cednn. Reasonable wagca. • Fred I)olc- •' rooms, furnished; huninep.s people pre- D£ *_££2T - ; - ^°^ Bank. T largest forest troe aver ot>- igreed ; price reasonable. (Jibeon Ken- 2-3. ferred. MIBB Jennings, call between 6:00 at Christmas time that Santnclnus mouth street, phono Rod iiank 39. r hal, ifi Allen etreet. Kumson, N. J. SEVEN-ROOM House, bath, riew hotwa^ had been donated by a 1930 X ORD coach, clean job'; mufit be WHITE WOMAN and 8:00 P. M.. Red Hank 131Q.J. tor heating plant j two-car sarsKO; two attains Us widest iiopularlty and PLAY I'EN and LJoycTbsby carriage 'or RADIOS repaired i finest caflterlalj and WOMAN VLlieadaysnorinday's j 'Ighboring tarmcr, and wna otand- vTorhmanehlp; modern test equipment. seen and driven to bo appreciated. Kan- dod , or woulld do laundry In or, out. Cull ONE OR TWO rooms with kitchenette, for blockfl from school; rent reduced. Inqulra fame, tor tho dally newspapers al- BBIOJ pr&ctlcally now. Reasonable. Ap» Tuatlng'ja, 10 Monmouth a treat, phono 89. sas Brothers, 19-21 Mechanic street, phono Bt 276 Mechanic ctreet. after 5:00 I*. M., rent: large nnd plenmint, furnished or -1wner._12^ Oak place. Fair Haven, K. J. at tbo altar as If conscious of ply 40 Spring street. Rod .Bank." 3065. Eaiy termB; G. M. A. C. Open phone Red liank 1274.* light hounckeeplng; EQ.H, elect re iity and TEVEN-R06M~~house, hot ant! coIcTwflT ways work up a good wise story PEKINGESE dogs for aalo, farm raised: evenings. 'Its wonderful privilege of being ac- about It " USED FURNITURE sole "every Thursday. wonderful company for lonely perfiono, REFINED woman would Ilko any kind of hot running water; all improvements. Near tcr; electricity, 11 replace, one-car us- cepted as host for this glorious oc- Friday ant) Saturday; furniture from cleo for ch|ldron; at & reasonable price. housowork by the day. AddreeB A, C, flttitlon and bua line. 130 ^Bridge avenue. age ; laryg lot; conveniently located to At Christmas and the few days homos In this section at out show roome. Coyle'a ICennele. Nutewanip road, obone FARM PRODUCE liox Sll. n«d Bank. Red Bank. -_ tares and ijchoolis; 315 per month. 0. casion, i (iranmnn'n, II White street. Red Bank.* Red,.Bank 10S3-M. ' - _ Inward Lipplncott. 31 Monmouth atrest, preceding, the postmaster at Banta- HOOVER vacuum cleaner, nickel casing VARMEBABMBBS and truck arowrgrowers. will flndSnd a. \ ^^fllo WELL "HEATED rooms for rent; private mono Itcd Bank 321. SoToral volunteer members wore DRY oaU wood In et,ove and flreplaco bath ff desired; home-like: reasonable. claua receives from all part) ot the enclosed eenled motor, aboolutciy per- lensrthi; well rotted manure, top eoll; ready market for th«lr Produc. by rf- nomeone rc,ld, »„ In trimming tbo tree, fect condition; little usedt no repairing or attlnnz In Tho Reslnter • cwulaea col- . noar hy phon() Bej ON153K Enp OUt Fron TWOt Btreotfurnishe, phond roome 2070-J.s for* rent, country letters asking aim to mall rebuilding needed, 920. AIco Jloovcr elec- driveways sravelcdr tractor plowing nnd 1728-W. "while happy truck for hire. J, Xt. Carney* phono Eat- . 1 /'*? n t u all improvements; south west exposure, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. enclosed letters, which are stamped tric door polisher, to be uaed on eame ontown 448-J-2. Pf{ TV/I BT1)1 Hf>f*{l I *"""" .•T*i«.L-i* 'VI ^ Via| IJUUDDnmjk 411JU very pleaKnnl; nicely heated; jfiu. If need- thoughts wore motor. 50; also complete eet cleaning at- t). ed. 17 C Hudson avenue. Red Bank." MONMQUTH COUNTT farma, larffe Mice- and addressed, from bis postofika tachments, $4. Als£ Hooveratte (hand -..„,. ~-A 16.00'per load, 810 per .cord; : Co., Red Bank. , Mr^M? H. KlarlnVfiHverton'avo^uerU^ tlon to choo5a from. Prices from bursting with with the Santaclsus postmark upon olectrlc vacuum cleaner) $6. Last three ftreplaco wood, 311 par cord. Locuut lihono, 652. _ tic Silver. 81,200 to 540.000. Write toduy for ap- pride at this op- mentioned Items never used. Ideal Xmso inetfl, oak lumber, planing and sawing, TURKEYS for mala; conio and pick your REAL ESTATE FOR RENT pointment. Ray IT; Ktlllman, State hlab- them. These, running literally into p re sent. Cfi Wolluco street, lied Bank.* /harles G. Bennett & Co.. office phone holcfl from 700 real Jersey turkeyn. vray. Eatontovrn, N. J., pjiono EatontQT5» IWtunlry ot ex- "J" fi68. rcRldenro 70. Alive or dreseed. Prleo reasonable. M. TWO-3TORY chop on Clay Btreot for rent. ttio thousands, era almost invari- BOSTON terrier puppies, well marked; LOST AND FOUND. AIHO garases. Phone 3837 or 133 Broad pressing them- EVERGREEN^ 17,000 plants, assorted (JaEoilB. Nut Swamn road. Eed Bank, ECC- NEW aix-room hoiiEe, tllo kitchen, t|lo ably addressed to children. Imagine highly' pedigreed; regletererl with Ameri- ond farm west of Itlvor Plaza school. LOST, black leather pocketbook, isrner street. Red Bank. __ selves In lovo for can Kennel club. Mrs, W. N. Palmer, varietiesi lO.OOp privet; apple .fire wood of Manlo avenue and West Front Jt NICE HOME at G4 Second street, Eastslde bnth with tub and stall shower, ctcsra tho excitement when little oyes road phona 88-J, Middletown." for flrcplocea, top soil ond sod for sale. EAR CORN for »lo. Last year's crop. ; PleaBO return to AimR nccojo, R. t). 1, ] icat -with rccepocd radiation; flreplacis, mankind. H s u e a l aik, Fair Haven: two ehort blocks bus right there In plain- letteso, "Santa- ORDERS taken on home-made Xmgs Thorn an S. Field. Red Bank, phono 861. . '_Mlt J* LjL O. 5L 'box 205, or phone Ked Bank 1603-J. Re- line; ulx roonus, bath, eparo room; hard* ira*a iiiumbinu, tllo first floor lavatory, For many years claus" I And coming through the and Now Ycara cooklca: Anlne cakes DAIRY EQUIPMENT, ciuifl, pa"». separa. HAY, alfalfa, timothy and mixed hay for ward.* wood polished floors; lame attic, privato tfnme room In bssement; one-cfl.i^Bttach<£l, 30c pound) eprlpgerles 25c pound, tor, otanchions, etc.; very reasonable. inUu E. I). Lentllhon, Middletown, N. LOST December 4th, In the vicinity of hall, pantry, double garage, large porch heated varaee; $8,500. G. Howard Lip- Clara May bad mall, too, from away off—maybe up almond stars 80c dozen, butter cukes E._P. LentUhon, Mlddletovm. N. J. J., phono 681. — • ...... '. plncott. 31 Monmouth street, phone Eed Fair Haven and Seabrlght, male dog; and awnings; new ftcreena throughout; Bank__321._ fait h f.u 11 y somewhere near the North Pole I 2Gc dozen, butter S'a 60c pound, al- TRA'CTORS, new or used, for sale, . What FEED—A dollar fiaved Is a dollar made. black, white spot on lower jaw; woro coU kitchen range, gaa range, hot water coil, attended this mond nmccaroon cakes 4 So round, pfoffer- ore your requirements 7 Cbnover Bros., Get our low cash price for high qual- RcBemblea Spitz and Chow. An> hot oir furnace, register in each room; im- 'IVE ACHES, sultablo for poultry rolsinE Whatover It may be at other sea- nuesBo 35c pound; assortment put In boxes, Wickatunk, N, J. Try our service. Phone ity poultry end dairy rations. Save i to namo of Winnie. Phono Red mediate rental; reasonable. To bo seen ap- four milea from Anbury Park, neap AB- ehyrch and never 50a and up. Mrs. Sehollncr, Port Mon- Ilolmdel 9 Phono Red Bank 103. Hanco & ply Leddy'a, €2 Second street, or call Red bury avenue and Roeevelt crossings bor- sons of tha year, business at tho mouth. N. J., phono__Keflni)burg 732-R, Bank 4IB-R. dered by Southern division Central ralU missed a single PIANO tunlnca, on all makes j Etelnway LOST, large yellow dog; long, shaggy roud. Price S175.00. Georso W. Mcn^on, Santaclaus poBtofnco booms at !>/E Frendi~nutrla coat,~e!zG 38 to 40; CORNSTALKS for Bale. H. Illtzau, hair; answers to the name Brownie; on- TWO FLOORS for rent for factory; 30x75. .celebration of worn twlco; mode to order; one-thtrd and Aeolian specialists. Tustlng'H, 1R ">2 Peters place. Red Bank. Christmas time, especially Just wben 1 Bank. ly a mongrel, but children's pet. Any in- Will rent both or part. 356 Broadway, the community v,-|ginal price. Sell at sacrifice, 1701 Rod^"JS.*! M*_?*£*et, phone Red pank S9. oorno packages are beginning to ALFALFA HAY for sale; first, second, formation will bo appreciated. War- THIRTY ACRES of desirable land mar tree. She hai al- Bnnk. Can bo neon by appointment. 74 ren. 75 Garden, road, phono Red Bank BUNGALOWS, house a, farrna, country town; fifteen acres of best truck land, come In to bo rGrrmlled - with tho South atrcet. Red Hank. COCKER SPANIELS—Select Chrlat- third and fourth cutting; sea this hay and fifteen acres of meadow, bordered-by ways done, her part with fine en- iriaa puppies now. Black and v?hitc, nnd got our prices. C. Itezeau Conover, homes, estates, for rent In Monmouth wide brook. Price and Una* reasonable. Santaclasjp postmark. ANTIQUES—-Chrlatman sale Wednesday Locust Lawn Farm, Colt's Neck, N. J., County; from SI5 to $200 per month. Ray George w. Manaon, C2 Patera plaea, Had ithuslnsm and many times even moro end Thursday, December 20 and 21. red and •white; pedigreed, bred from phone Freehold 7I8-M-2 H, Stlllman, State highway, Eatontown, Bank. A. Merry Christmas to the post- nellerqian'B Antiques, 38 Washington chow utock, A. J. Schiller, tittle Sil- MISCELLANEOUS. N. J., phono Eatontown 178. ^than hor share. But somehow her street, RumBon, N. J. STRICTLY frenh egga. We soil our eggs jwork had been unappreciated and master at Saataclaus, Ind.—Charles ver, Hod Sank, phono 16DE-W. from our, rhfoken farm In Everett on AUTO LOANS—Confidential, prompt, FOUH ROOMS for rent; $15 per month; FOR SALE, fifteen-room houeo furnleh^di ITrederlct Wadsworth. ALMOST new, $26 overcoat for Bale, very Middletown Highway, opposite Went Fur- courteous service; no endorsements; Sas, water, electricity, lavatory; Main cheap, on account ot elckneao. Phona yearningly unnoticed. " cheap) medium size. Address Overcoat, nlturo store. Fritu Ewald." paymentQ reduced. Federal Acceptance otreet, Eatontown j one-cat garage. Ray 468_Atlantlc Hifihlanda. •. ©, 11SI, 'W«»toni N«wf»»piir Unite. box 611, Ited Bank." ... UVING~ChrlBtraaH t»eaj~beautiful ~"op eel - H. Stlllman, State highway, Eatontown, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, 14 Eaot Wash- i Olnrii May hart n secret! In all TWO Partridge Cochin hens for sale: no Co., 610 Electric building, Aiibury Park, SACRIFICING wardrobe, bed aprlng and mens very roaaonably priced. Due while phone 3230. Open evenings 7sOO to i):00. N. J., phono Eatontown 178. ton ftvenuo, plot 100x100; hou&a newly tticae years eho had never received you wait. N. I*. Swim, Naveslnk, phone place to keep; prizo stock. Sacrifice decorated; first class condition; concrete mattress, chaise lounga and reed porch Atlantic HIghlanda 351. $2.00 each. Mra. W. Koop, 19 Drum- WATER SYSTEMS- Fairbanks-Mo ma w* FIVE-"ltb'OM~bungaiow for rent at Rum- cellar, new furnace: two-car concrete ga- W gift from the great trco of lovo, jet. Inquire Apurlrocnt 1, "17 Union ave- mond place, Red Bank. tor ayetemn installed. Wo upeclallzo ID son, modern Improvements; garages nue. Long Branch. REOUILT eecond-hand waUr immps.F; nicely decorated Inside; near bua line; rea rage; 38,000, part cash. B. M. Gardner, .^although sho hod wrapped and tied The Yul©-Log With Their G. Hurat, Mlddletowo. phone Mid die to vm pump lepalrlnff. Rcdldeaco, MtdJletown, NavtBJnk. N. J. HACKED fox terrier puppy, three F0R~6ALB. fino LoBhorn imileta and N. J., phona Middletown 66. Plumblna. sonable lent to reliable tenant. Can bo 'jnany of them, with which to make 60. yonnff hens. In good laying condition. aeon at any time. Phono Rumeon 437. BUY NOW—Monmouth county farms, es- Initials, isa the Grate months o{d, of exceptionally good bloot Treasonable prlco for quick sale. Mrs. hoatlne and tlnninff. Fred G. Hunt- lino i usven world-wide known champlom PAINT NOW nnd aavo half by buylns dl- I BUY and eell oecond-hand clottesi taunt MIDDLETOWN—Part of attractive V . tates, dwellings to meet any requirement jjithers happy. For Eevornl years AOK BAKTON was helping un- rect from factory; hlnh prado hourm RurKess, C8 Tlnton ovenue, Eatontown, nt very attractive prices. Apply to J; Tr In pedigree. For Bale at a rcaeonablo N. J., phono 115-J.* bo in good condition. L. Karber, 209 family house; fivo rooms, large living ^ha had swallowed her pride' at not load tho Yule log when he no- price. Can bo neon any night after 6:00 paint, 31.SO gallon; good paint 00c sal- Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank. Phone room; open fireplace, tiled bath; garage, Hlllyer, Middletown. N. J.. phona 208. ^hearing her namo colled out, and f P. M. at W. K. Hannibal's, 272 Fair Ha- Ion, shingle paint 75o gallon, root paint CHICKENS, about thirty laying hens. Cull 3532-J. porches; station, fivo minutes. Lawne HEW COLONIAL typo six-room house. In ticed the carrefl Initials "DL-JB" >tn road, Fair Havcm.* I COo gallon, Full line of shellacs, varnlsh- Thurflday mornlnB, Hlghlanda 1294. Or cared for. Reasonable rent. Phone Shrewsbury, tile kitchen and bath-} E|hen one year something snapped— nt 127 Highland avenue.* STAR Window Cleaning Co., George Lee, and tho surrounding hoart With a BED DACHSHUND for manager, 6 Wharf avenue. Red Bank. 80-11. Mlddletovjn^ steam heat, cuh parlor: two-car saraffo; Jjiho jirnt couldn't stand It any ™.c, PIGS for sale, J7.00 a pair. Mlddletown large plot of ground, 57.B0Q. G. Howard shock It brought back memories of phone HOP. UOU3E HUNTING t If »o. lot ma hlp •anger 1 Sha had written her own V. Stock farm, Thomas S. Field, Hod Bank, you, I havo many listings of bouses tor Lipplncott, 31 Monmouth streat, phone the day, so long ago, when he and phono Ked Bank SGI.. OLD GOLD—Wo pay cash for your old rent ;n Red Bank and vicinity. Reason- Red_Bank_321. jlamo tipon.eomo of the parcels and THEY are nice and handy to use. Eor- BLOCK and furnace wood, $3.00 a load; gold jewelry, watches, teeth, etc Roua- Dora had picnicked In tho woods, rlll's Ideal suit hanger. See dlaplay ad- BilleV, 36 Brond street. Red Bank. able rents. W. T. Parker. 64*60 Broad FOR SALE—Country estate, HolmdS j'roncealed them among tha others at kindling wood, seven bagu for $1.00, •treat. Red Hank, phona 8822. township, on Telonraph Hill, fine viev? and ho bad carved those letters vertisement eluowhero In this Isnuo of Tbo CONTRACT BRIDGE leaaono. Mrs. L. J. $3.00 per load. Telephone Keansburg BUSINESS NOTICES. SIX-ROOM houBQ and Garage for rent; of Greater New York and ocean: wonder- -the foot of tho tree. there. Register.' 716-J. William Vivian, Hudson avenue, Selling, 97 Maplo avenue. Red Bank. ful night view of liehta of tho Bic CHy: S. ESTELLE oaya If you ottll demand the For appolntmcnta call Rod Bank 221. 231 McLaren street; newly painted. .' Thla year, however, Clara Mny REBUILT bicycles and three-wheel ve- box 822, Port Monmoutb, N. J. Choap rental. Phono 1584..T.* 160 acres. To close H. G. Hotidder eatRt«. !had decided to omit her own pnr- The lighting of the Tula log was locipedes for Bale reasonable; make a NEW gas-fired boiler for Bale: perfect con- best In pnlntlnsr, decoratfnff and paper TRAPPEHS,~ attention!" I "will ""pay ths Alston Bookman, attorney, Rad Banlc. flrns Christmas sift for your youngsters. dition; mi J table for hot water or steam ..angina, call Red Bank 1810 for esti- highest prices for all your raw fure. GOOD six-room house- with motor stoker an impressive part of tho little Seo them today at Grover Parker's, 8 mates. I will bo glad to help you with and one-car garage; located near bus EIGHT acres, Beven-room housa, 300 U$t 5cela from the great' celebration. system: will heat from two to fiva rooma. Abo_Goldman, 52 John Btreet. Red Bank. on imrroved road: one-quarter mile town's Christmas Eve celebration. Mechanic etreet, just around tha comer Bargain. Ray H. Stlllman, phono Eaton- your painting and decorating problems. lino nnd schools. Rolston Wnterbury, 107 TWhat's the use?" she thought. "No from Broad street. Red Bank. Open even- Office and shop,' 20 Mount street, Ked SPIRITUAL aorvlcea and" messages. S3 Monmouth street. Red Bank, phone 3500.* from highway; two miles from Hed Bank. As the flames caught It op, Jack town 178. Bank. South atreet. Red Bank, Friday after- Prcle $1,000. Frank D. Lawaa, 105 Mon* % *area anyway, whether I ro- noon ond Sunday evening. ^^Rev^ J!. Bartel. ON" "ACCOUNT"" of moving to anothe mouth Btreet, Red Bank. , :elvo anything or not" watched Dora there across the hall. , MUSICAL INSTRUMENT fflfta for Xmaa! METAL "WEATHERSTRIPS for doora end state, must rent one-fnmily house, six He wondered whether »he bad no- ELECTIUC train not, Lionel, conBlBtlns; of Violin outflta n. specialty. Also best windows; save 2C% of fuel coBtfs. H. WANTED, antique furniture, china or rooma and bath, with airMmprovemento. Midst tho Joyous co-oporatlon of englaa, ten cara, slenalB, station, gates, tested strlnffn for all Instruments. Osten- A. Hendrlckson fi Co., phono Red Bank Ktaaswaro, old family solid silver plcceF, Reasonable to a small family. Inquire at HOUSES—Six-room single housa in ticed the initials. And then he saw transformer, Hunts and quantity of trnck. dorfl Musio Shoppc, 25 Wavcrly place, Red 1400, 1X4 Monmouth street. Red Bank. old Kold. or atiythinir In the antique line. 40 Mechanic utrcet. Red Bank. Red Bank, lot 40x160; low taxeo; . p\\, Clara May was lovingly twining Bank. _. C. M. Wflllar, 73 Taylor avenuo, Mana- her brush her hand across her eyes, Ciramonn'fl, 11 Whlto otreet, Red Bank.* PAINTER and paper hanger and decor- BUNGALOWS, fivo rooma nnd bath, all aacrlfico ot 93,500. Five-room bun- Sha tinsel about. tho pine-scented FIUEWdOD~for sale. S4.00 a larca load", Bqunn, phono 3018-J. ^^ and suddenly leave the room. ator; reasonable prices. Will paper n improvements; one at 320 per month, galow In Eatontown, newly built: lot branches at tho tree. As sho did BO, 35.00 a half a cord for fireplace; kind- room for $3.50 and "up: oil work guaran- RAW .FURS. We pay the highest market three nt §25 per month. G. Howard Lip- Iho spirit of forgiveness came to Everyone else was too engrossed ling two barrels for $ 1. Delivered any- teed. Joseph Hoffman, 10 Monmouth prices for nil klnd3 of raw furn. Miller pin cott. 31 Monmouth street, phono Red 60x150.^2.500. Six-room house In- * whftre, Fred Covert, Eatontown, phono etrcet, Red Bank. Phone 2104, Red Bank. Broa,, Eatontown, N. J., phone Eatontown Bank 321. Fair Haven," all Improvementa; larss' ^ier as plainly as though a voice had In the festivities to notice, and pres- 121-J. T. G. ESCHELBACH Ss SON, 125 West 232._ , lot, nico trees, shrubs end garden; ently he, too, stolo out. FINE Christmas gift, Russian wolfhound^ (jpolten. 'Twao tho Christmas Bplrit Front Etreet, Ked Bank, phono 127S. TRAPPERS, ATTENTION—We ray hlirh- HOUSES—Six-rocm elnglo houso in foreclosure bargain, 53,250. Milton' He found Dora in a parked se- whlta; for BRIQ reasonable/ Howell, Auto accessories and vulcanizing. e»t prices for raw furs. Phono Red x and all other encumbering thoughts West Park avenue, Oakhurst, N., J. Bank 474. Voxel's, Mechanic and Broad Itcd Bank, newly decorated, con- Berk, ~3 Mechanic otreet. Red Bank, had vanished, leaving her freo and dan, eobblng. Gently ha opened the THE HIGHEST prices paid for IIVQ chick- Rtrcetn. Red Bnnk. venient, quiet location; garage; $35. Invasion of Manchuria Discussed CHRISTMA~S~*TREES; Jersey Brown, 50c ens. Joe Baker, 230 Mechanlo street, 1617- • Jmppy. Sho smiled contentedly as door and came In beside her. She to 32.00; freah cut or with roots if phono Red Bank 2300. BOARD at reasonablo rates; all modern Six-room single house In Red Bank, from Two Viewpointo by the.around Is not frozen. We will eell troea .8ho reached tho very top of tho sat up hurriedly and dried her eyes. THE FURNITUKK hospital, cnalra coned, Improvements; hot and cold running residential district, redecorated; ca- ATTRACTIVE homo, excellent location; Spring of 1034 at same- low prices as Fall wator; central location. Hudson House, nige; $30. Five-room bungalow nnd Hvinsr room, dinlne ond tlUhonj four - eo to hang tho Star of Bethlehem. "Did you Bee It, too?" he asked. Woman's Club of Red Bank of 1933. Nelson's Farm Nursery. Imlays- furnitures repaired and . rcflnlnhed; 131 Hudnnn avenue. Dhone Red Bnnk 944. bedrooms; hot water heat; bath, etcrta rushed and porch chairs. W. X. Williams. ffarago: all improvements; best loca- The" others about her icnoed tho "Yes," Dora answered. "I sup- Last Week. t' WANTED, Rlri'a used bicycle, three-quar- flchoolfs, two-car garage; grounds 57x200; Howard Lipplncott, 31 Monmouth atreffit* Jiad not emlled In such a manner alnk avenue, Hlghlondfl, P. O. bos 72.• ter or full BIZO; must be In good ^con- fruit. Kropes. Owner. 47 Washington Red Rank, phone 321. ^4 "What?' weekly evening round table last MUSIC TEACHERS' Association ot Red Btreot, Red Bank, phone 1751. Sor many jeors. It appeared to week. Mlsa Florence Forgotson stat- OLD BOOKS, prints, glass, furniture, pot- Bank nnd vicinity; clafls intructlon on dition . Phone Atlantic Highlands 233-M.* SEVEN-ROOM houee, convenient to "All tho past did burn there, tery ond fireside piecep, Bud Hatfiold, WE RUY old ifhocs, men's and boyu' only. ADVERTISER will have for rent In nbout schools,' newly decorated; ostorior paint' ed tho question, explained tho issue ! InBtrumenta; 50 cents in class of flvo ithem as If a otntuo had suddenly Dora.! There were some Jojly times, 18 Sth avenue, Atlantic Highlands, phono or more. For furthor information kindly 20 Went Front Btreet, Red Bank. three weeks nice five-room house; steam cd; every Improvement; garage, lot iurat Into human facial expression and conducted the discussion. 707. heat, electric lie lit a, (fan and stone ea EOxlKO. Prlco SG.BOO. Eaay terras. W. but there woro a lot of misunder- address Registrar, .194 Bergen place, Ked COW BEETS and cabbage wanted. Byron raeo; on Monmouth road. West Lonsr A. Hopping Agency, 8 Linden place, HfejiS Srid they. marveled. Dr. George H. Hunt outlined the GIUL'S sidenalk blko for sato; newly Bnnk, or phono 174T-R. Jackson, R. F. D. No. 1, box 204, Eat-Branch; 530 monthly; responsibility ond Bank, phone 307.* - ' standings, too. Lot's carve our Ini- painted; In good condition. Price $3.00. ontown. reference absolutely essential, Anderson, Christinas Evo all was In readl- history of Japan the past eighty Phono Red Dank 2011. SEVEN-ROOM house, good residential tials on another tree, and start all ycara. As reasons for Japan's ag- HAWKINS BROTHERS, reol estate, OLD GOLD and nilver bought in any Box 87. Monmouth road, Long Branch, as and tho church was a bower CHILD'S roll top desk for sale. Phone quantities; will call for same and pay phone Eatontown 82.* street, hot air heat, bath: ovory £aa- over again."—Helen Galnford. gressive action ho mentioned increase Insurance, mortgage loans. 10 Mon- provement; large attic; lot 60xlflO. A Of loveliness, bordering on fairy- Atlantio Highlands 770. best price. E. S. Howard, 131 Hudson SMALL FARM for rent, alrc acres: oood &HS». Wcnl.rn Kinv'w union. of population, tho development of in- mouth fitreot (ground floor), Ited nvenue, phone Red Bank 044.* cood investment: prira 3f»,QO0. Easy land. Gifts carefully and lovingly AN EVERLASTING Xmaa sift: Eight-gal- Bank, phono 352. Bbs-room house, barn, chicken houso tei-mn. W. A. Hopping Agency, Red dustrialism and the example of west^ lon aquarium on stand, with motal hood. use of horBO and farm machinery, feed to Bank, phono 397.* Iwrappcd nnd tied with glistening ern nations. Horace G, Fowler set Including light, for 54*75 complete; three WE HAVE mortgage money to placo ha iiupplled by owner. Everything in good FERTILE Monmouth county farm of 17*> pairs largo nlze gupples for 25c. Key- condition. Rent $40 month. Ray II ftlnscl wore heaped high and Santa, fortfi a different viewpoint, He said FUEL OIL tanks for sale nnd Installed; on Improved uii-to-date property In a^rpa; good potato land; old Colonist) port Tropical FI«h Hatchery. St. Peter's grading nnd landscape work; manon Stillman. Eatontown, N. J, farmhouse In good condition: BIBI® roof; himself, sat at tbo foot of tho tree, tho Japanese did not migrate, al- place, KeyporU- N. J. ' work, trucking; sand, cinders and gravel. amounts of $2,000 and $3,000. Milton Dcrk, 3 Mcchnnlc ntrcct, phone Red HOUSE of BIX rooms, bath, new hot wa- tenant house; barna. poor. Price 88.C0O* to Jovial good will an Inspiration CHRIStMAS PLATE though they had plenty of opportun- PIANO for eflle, upright player, complete Old buildings torn down nnd removed. A. ter heating plant; garage; two blocks Ray H. Stlllmnn, Eatontowm. N. J. to all. ity to do so before occupying Man- with rolls, S25; wonderful tone; excel- Jonea. phonfl_Eatontown 87-3. Bank 1617. from 'school; rent reduced. Inquire Own- VERY large dulry imiiJIn,: for aide, to t>» lent XrnGB gift for tho children. Used churia. Ho said their BOIG reason for ARTHUR E. BOYCE. painter,* decorato'n er, 12 Oak plnce. Fair Haven. moved oIT premises; concreto block end llJ^NIQ of tho very nicest radios 53 up. Atlantic Furniture Wore- wall paper expert; splendid workman- WANT to buy player iimno, mukic rollp, SHREWSBURY homo, living room, dinlnk frame; excellent condition. RayH. Still- that step was the acquisition of more houQe, 3fi Monmouth street. Tied Bank. ship; reasonablo prices, estimates and ad- old or new. Phono Ited Bank -180 even- room, kltchon, hot water heat, ft replace nmn, phono EntontoTtn 178. ^ After many benutlful Christmas w^ things oho can receive at vice free. Your decorating troubles arc territory. During the discussion It THATCHER cooking range. EIBO wed coal inc_B_at 6:()il oVJodt. cncloEcd porch, four bedrooms, tile bath FOR RALE. 70 ncrea oMiiiih woodod land, Christmas timo Is an attrac- heating iitovcs, 53.00 up; gii3 rangen and solved by phoning Rumson 666. Easy to WANTED, Hua engine, about two h. p. Inrgo plot; garaKo attached: S80 per carols had been sung by tho choir was said that Japan was doing all in remember—It's 606. located In Middletown Hills j pries.for fend tho children had delightfully tive old plate, and it will be her power to Justify her invasion of kitchen Btoves at bargain prices. Drntul Also sheep hurdleH. E. Ostberg, South month. W. A. Hopping Agency, Red quick Bnle at 56,500. AJBO n complete lls?; new circulating hentlns coal Btovo. walnut rpK. ElJ^ Jh2J)l Bunk, phono 397.' nicer still If It contains a few Manchuria in tho eyes of tho world. 1 of farina. Rolston Wnterbury, 107 Mon* entertained with their sweet, young grain, for aalo cheap. Atlantic Furniture inc nnd tlnninc. P|impa anil wintlmilln $3.50^ nvnilnblc OTI iir^t mortgage; no S1X-KOOM house for rent, all improve- mouth iitiect._Red Bnnk. phone 3500.* homemade cookies. Talro a It was 'claimed that almost every civ- Wnrohouse, 35 Monmoutb. etrcot. Red repaired. Agent' for" Master carburetor ments: Rood location: priced reason- FOUR-ROOM bungalow for sale, wltli yokes of Christmas cheer, tho dis- Bank. cool saving device. Fits any furnnce. 4« ban UP. Property must bo worth ut tribution of tho glfta wnf) begun. largo square of holiday paper ilized nation disapprovea of Japan's Lclghton avenue. Ked Hank, phono 36H7-J. leant 57,00 D nnd be In come producing. able, liuiuiro 61 Briilno avenue. Red some improvements: located In Eaton* 1 In a color harmonizing with conquest of Manchuria and that this FURNITURE, new and used; living room Apply Room 21, fifth floor, 12 Broad Bank.* town; $1,800 each. Rolaton "Watorbury, A hushed sllenco fell over all $15, dining room $19.75; ruga, beds, CONTRACTING carpenter; jobbing a ape- Btreot. Ited Bnnk.' FIVE-ROOM buntialow for rent, till Im- 107 Monmouth street. Red Bank, phono tho decorations of the plate, shows that real strides have been breakfast sets, dresnero, clmirs, Hoover clalty. W. H. Marvin. Iliveraldo drive. provements; Kamge; two lota. , Joseph 3500." M each one, young and old, antici- made to end warfare.' vacuum cleaner and other clectrla clenn- MOTm;A(;E~money wanted; $2,000 on gather It together at tho top, Red Bank, phono 2108. proprrly in town. Address Loan, box Stnvola. box 71, Riverside drive, Rad FORECLOSE!) properties—I havu a num- pated tho bidden treasures about CIH at tremendous Having. Wo buy, sell Itiiiik. Cow mnnuro for nalc. with tho corners nil frilled nnd exchange. Atlantic Furniture Warc- TYPEWRITER headquartcra. Typaw.-itors fill, Hed U:m ber of exceptionally good barg-alns In to bo delivered by Santa Claus. A Glenn Wlshard, who has spent rented, bouffht, told and repaired. Tru- NHWI.Y decoruted six-room Iioii6e.,in Red building- anil loan and other foreclosures ce. 95 Monmouth street, Red Bank. bln'a. C8 Broad street, R.ed Bank. WANTED, I'omiuensor for electric rpfrlg- great wavo of enthusiasm was pres- out, and finish off with a many years In India, described the orator. I'hone R«|l_ Ba»k_J_6jL8^_ J_ Bank, otic-csir garage; pood location for for xnle at the value of tlie mortgage nnd. apray of mistletoe, gold or effect produced there by tho iin- DINING RO~OM~tabtc, larKe, »olkl~wain~u£ JANS WILLIAMS, certified teucher. Is rommuter; $"^ fcr month. G. Howard in aomo caseB below that figure. G. How- ent, holding all within tho grasp ot with eoven leaves; can be used for ping ONE OIt~T\VQ "elderly persona (prefer- Lippincott, :U Monmouth ntreet, phone nrd Lippiiu'ott. SL Monmouth ntreel. Red ' ;a great Universal Christmas Silver leaves, or a contrast- poratlon of cheap • Japanese goods. pontrj bonutlful piece of furniture. tJra-' rc-opcnlnc her ntudlo for bridge lessona; ably indieHi to board; comfortable I Dunk 321. Bank, phqno 321. Othors who took part In the discus- n-iann'B, U AVhlto street, IteJ Bank." la nroups or singly. 63 TCIverflldo avenue. liome; quiet location in Red Bank; prfvato ing how. Red Hnnk. 1 Spirit 1 sion were Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Fowler, COCKER SPANiiasrn-irToroni amTaKci family- Special caio slven if neccaaaii . lioBton toriicr puppies; mnlea and fo- PHOrJiTEIiW^ -SII?^o^eTa~ani"l Tiialw AddrenH It. T., box 511, Itcd Bnnk.' Namo after name was called out Mrs. Wlshard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert nalen. Registered and pedigreed. Prleo iona made to order; cabinet work, mat- ROOM wanted by educated younjr wumati fcy the cheerful volco of Snhta WlHgerodt, Mrs. Marfc ' Scott, Miss endoimbJe. Cull 33 Second ntrcet, Fnlr tresses renovated—curtnlnn. drnperlcn, All for ?-.00 weekly; iionnibly higher vent. Sara Armstrong, Miss Haft and Miss Haven, or phono 3313-W. work gunrantood. Stophon'a Upholstery Inter. Addrean P. H. R-, box 511, Red Claus, and each Shop. 177 Lqlshton avenue, Ked Bank. # Florence R. Krldcl. SMALL haby granil, |275, Dirhan Tlano IUink. filftwaa received Shop, Drummond plnce, phono 933. MOHTHAfJE money wanted on new prop- Chrietmas Breabfaet The'next round tablo will bo held MISS~THELMA^EYNoTlTs~fo'rinerhrof Sjrncloualy and SfKIN WAY trrnnd, bargnln. fiTrhan I'l- ft'ho Ecumomy Bctnity Shop, wlchcs to an- erties, ona-iii-ru o»tatpa; $5,200 on prop- Within recent yenro open house Thursday, January 11. Tho subject erty costing Slfi.COO; $8,500 on liroperty inoat expectant- fino__Shop,_Prummonri plncc, phono 93ri. nounce sho la doinn work at her homo nt toiitlnfj Sltt.OOO. Will l>ny flvo pet- rent at breakfast Christmas morning will bo "Nationalism and Inter- TWO HEAVY a" fast ironTctttlng^ntoVOB, cut rate prlcca, 2fi ccntn. Phone Ited llftnlc lionui. Addreuu O. A. E., box Sll. Red ly. nationalism." Miss Krldel and Mlaa three men'n fur i-ontn. lady's rncronn 702 fot* nppolntment. 39 Eiiflt Front has been growing moro and moro treet, Red Dank. Bnnk. But what was Forgotson aro co-chairmen of the In- cont, new threo-Iiolo oil rniiBC, tHah wash- popular. It probably all started ing machine, laundry gaa ranifo, three NOTICE to trai'peni—I buy all kinds of A Trifling Cost. 11 tha cxclte- ternational relations department. Imttcry rndio*. two Armetronc plpo ciit- raw furn. h. H. Becker, 117 3 Shrcowbury when friends and relatives dropped ON AND AFTER January let. 1934. aveuue, Rod Bnnk, phono •'ifi"T-)lv"^____ 1 mont? Every- tlnjr etockB and dlcn, set of tnpn and drills, (Icorao B. Brown will conduct hln 1 > 1 1 in to brlnf; gifts nnd found the late- i gnttollno torches, threo cfimcrnf, TW0 ~l "A SSEN(;"EKS~wanie"(rto~Ko South! You can ialk to tho folks in Two Hundred and body Wan look- SETTLED OUT OF COURT. Ivo new and iiped typewriter a, all rani ontnte and inaurnnco bunlncsB BL driving down around Jnminry 1st; $14 rising members of the family still HO McLnron utrcet, Iniitend »t nt Ii Ninety-Six Homes for one cent when you put an ad- Ing In the direc- At table. , Mother tnado another mftkoa; Pyrcne lire extinguisher* bnr room each. Immediate connection nece Heavy; tion of Olara Rlonmouth County Kt Miilcnt Injured heavy nidebonrdi Setli Thomas cinfht-day Union atrcet, 1ho former nffice nd- referenros exchnnced. Addresa T. I*., box vertisement Jn Luke Longhcad'a Classified Depart- pot of coffee, urged tho visitors to In Newark Accident Last Year. cloclt, two very flno oil imintlnuH, two-ton nil. Red l)ank._* May. She vens truck, two nnlra of men'a now ithoes. port- HAVE money to put out on flrst-clnnn ment of The Register. Join the family, and another of the An mitomobllo truck owned by the ablo bnlMnrh electric drill, electric paint mortiiHK'c ftt BIX i>or cent Interest. Rol- racolvlng so prayer. All at reanonnble prices. Store, WANTKP, tobacco (lalcmnnn, UiKnvlnff (ho most plensant Social customs was Mllhurat Milling company of Free- uton Waterbury, 107 Monmouth street. Tim ROKISUV ROCS into 7,400 or nioro homea trnny gifts Bho C» Whlto street, Ited Uniili." __ trnde. to Invent (mmo money to liecotno Itfd^nniijt^jihonnjtcd Hank 3r,00.» born. Nowadays tho perfect host- hold while parked on Charlen Ktroet, eiiun! partner In toburco joliblnjr company COPY of Antonlus Stratllvftrltm violin wllli LEAVINO for Kloriiln January 2. can nc- KViiUlY woek. Many weelm it goon into moro than was ronlly be- Newark, August 10, 1032, wan struck now forming. Will oporrtto In Mtinmoulli ess prepares for an indeterminate enne, etnnd and bow, or Royal typewri- nnd Ocean rountlcH. Addrcra \V. K-. tiux rtiinimninle two pernono: Into model Seven Tliouisand Five Ilvindrotl Homes. coming qnlto em- number at the holiday breakfast. by on automobile owned by Henry H. ter No. fi, litmulnril Iceyhoardi for nalo or nil. Itcd Bunk. _ _ OadlllHi'. T'hoiKJ Knd Hank. 264-1.* barrassed. Sho Hulllger of Brldgovlllo, Delaware, In •hariKO for Mimll BJICC. Or what hnve iT AddrcHU M. K., box Cll, Ho fnclmy Innml iic^ -* , nc.ia Wiimitn, hox fill, Ktd Hank. Tlmt,\; fhrap adverti.'ilnj; nnd H'n ROOU advortiolng:, expected to mnlse an eapeclnl fa- ark njid hla Bubttoqucnf:* inability to WOUM) like To Bwnp Tiiio-ton "moving" typcwrltom nnd inlclhir inn.-h!iir«. Wo M*1I plrlt .'vhll« trlmralns tho tree had attend to his employment, truck, 'an mndo). for IIKIIL netlan; must tu luiylmdy and denkiK. Ked; Typr- fin- Tho llotl Baltic Kochitcr hi KKAD— It, has things wrltor cxrhnnKC'00 WhMo slroot, FninK- APARTMENTS tho tnin isplrlt of brother- vorltn of tho police and provide so. bo In fair condition. Write Hox D'J, Now of Intf'ir.'it ovnry w*M>k fur every member of tha Mr,.Conovor through hla attorneyn Monmoutb, N. J." Hn C. Moyan &. Co., iu'(M'rlotor». W« lutlons for all tho niyttorlcs. tranten t« Knvc you ? 15 Ut $-0 un uny APAUTMViNT for rent, four roomn, (all !oo(l to nil and each and every one Instituted suit in tho New Jerncy Su- outside) and bath; heat nnd water j S'Jfi family. o£ thorn.had paid his debt of grat- premo court against Mr. Hulllger and tier month. I«an- cuotomei's. by Theodora I>. Puyimnn of tho firm t-iHARl'I'JN nkfttM. (n-lftiiurH and RHWK: luHt- L-n,. Cmi ho ei'flii pvcnlnen or nnd Ml fccyii. Tony CroriM. 11 '•• OuMnnd,'1'WO-UOOMfiiUilniHMl aiKutmcnt f«r llk'iit' Ttmr»iU.yn. Kihvnrd Henuctt, Mwnroo avo* Hlrnnl. Itrd Mrsn!<.* | ltmK-kooplitB! B«od l«rnll«». c\p»lr "fiervl.-f. lfit» 'rhinpflmry r inlh n-l HUM" Bfll liquor to IiJniil TFofmnn, iiroprlr- Ilrown. 24 \Vhsrf itvcntic, Util Ihin]..* nvrmir. lied nr.w and mH nets In icd Advertisements, Here you find the seller who 103 r'l'ONlJ AG'^etian," y hlproi .1 w\m\- Ire ft! WU M» tor of lh« (Vilt'n Neck Inn, nnd to ntcry. point antl rubber like news nn»i'n- ' I'AlNTlNd* "nu'tl" IMMISC" i>/ilniln7"l'V .trc«t. Ited H; ifunto to sell ond the buyer who wants to buy. th'i Mm!mouth Htar mttnunmt of inpftiRnli ally I'orfect. Hei« K lUc l»*'**t M nvrni !-ii,it li'. nnd Qtini.ii ml*i.ifni : !• ijiun;-m;i'. I'oli'fl U$ck* Th» fflo Is 43fl(> per hvy ttt Utt\ Ilflitk. 1(«MH« Ilnm.. I It-:; | louii .M 1.1 lf"{>. li^i-i fi|tt1i>m«iit mill trllnblt h MoritnTifc Btic^t, i>hon« iifA rifuik aoiir., Ity. Tc'.lfl l*v ctfHr. fcil»:i-iil ir»v»i iminut ; Bats^ Urnu, p. K, A* ^ Opta •v«pin#«. l atrvletb Sa WfeUs ntcfiat* Uni Bank," •• Page Twenty-Six RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 20^1983...

*<- **.*• after spending "savgrsl wepka with day afternoon for Stat© College, KNOWLEDGE, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rudloff of Main Pennsylvania, where she wll! spend (street. / " • ' • the holliteys with relatives. Our sarv- , wuss READING ROOM Tna Gcoanport Civic association Is Tho Field club will dlepcw® of two s vfclus in ion planning a program of relief work turkeys on the co-operativo plan Sat- prlcss, ss«rv!s9» nsspsms who was totmesly In Marion .Ctartb Edifies: Beauty Khop In Asbury Pdrii, £09 Bread St. t'.sd Ess!:, N. J. for the/holidays. urday night at the Brevent Park and LAMES' COATS Mrs. Isabel Dole Wins Suit Leonardo firthouse. BEE8SES is now employed Is Opsn dally, except Sundays end Against Martina Davis lor Fred Neu and Joseph Maxaon, stud- SUITS Mrs. Hois Aleyse's Beasty iiulidsya, from 1:30 to 4:30 P..M. ents at DuU@ university, ars epend- : Here may ba fotmd the works of Alienation of Affection*—Pre- ' Dry €toan»ii Shop, stmas Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and ing the holiday season at their homes I'ounder of Chritstisn Science, and all vious Verdiet Set Aside. Mr./snd Mrs. Glen B, Wood and here." Ul West Braaea Kaes tho authorised literature of tho Christian Science Publishing {Society, Mrs. Isabel Dole of Cambridge, daughter of Philadelphia visited Mr., and Mrs. Leland Murphy have Wavtas Is lier speeteliy. l'beso works may bo studied. bot- Massachusetts, brought a suit ngalnst friends hero over tho w,eek-end. gone to Maryland to spend the holi- CJUSANEBS ft SJ1TEB3 Phone for an eppointment for rowed or purchased. Miss Martina Davis, a summer resi- i Mr. and Mrs. Megllo, who were days with relatives! 'Ilia publio Is cordially Invited to married last Sunday, are occupying Mlaa Florence Ulrlch, a nurse at "We Ara Dyeing to Eorro You" Xmas or New Veais. ue® th© Reading Uoora, and to attend dent of Kumson and Seabrlght, for PionK 33, the Services. tho sum of $160,000, for what the law Jhe apartment over the Elscnberg tho Long Branch hospital, la spend- Phono 1897. terms alienation of affections. Mrs. store. ing a few days with her mother here. 45 Vrogpeet Ave» Mei Rmk. Dole Bays that she and her husband Mr. and Mrs. John Heiaer. have lived happily after their marriage been home from Jamesburg for a from August 16, 1016, up until Au- visit. ' i, gust 18, 1928, when Miss Davis ap- Mrs. Van Alqtyne, who haa been peared on ths ecene and alienated spending a few weeks with Mr. and American Mixed Hard Candy or c lb. the affections of her husband, Ar- Mrs. L. B. Conover, has returned to thur A. Dole. tho horns of her daughter at Now French Mixed Creams A trial was held a year ago and York for tho holidays. c ancJ |C lb. as a result of the trial before Judge Mrs. Rose Sampson of Astoria, L. "Milk Chocolates 2l^| Rulif V. Lawrence at Freehold, a T., was the recent guest of her daugh- lury awarded the Bum of $75,000 to ter, Mrs. Chester Wlllett. >' Milk Chocolate ic lb. Mrs. Dole. A rule was taken out by Harley Cook and Joseph Elsenberg the uttorney for Mlos Davis and wera granted liquor licenses the past Fruit and Nuts Judgo Lawrence set tho verdict aside week. If your typewriter ts fussy aa being excessive. c ft. use our expert service. Minor Ezra Whltaon, who farmed tho Ribbon Candy adjustments or a complete Tho trial on Friday and ending Richardson farm the past year, will overhaul—economically. Monday of this week at Freehold be- move there early In tho spring. His fore Judge Lawrence resulted in an- son will occupy the Whltson home, other verdict In the sum of $50,000, which many years ago was the par- Home-Made Candy Canes and Baskets. in favor of Mrs. Dole. sonase of the First Reformed church Among the high lights of the testi- All SIOTS. of Freehold. Make Your Reservations for Our mony It was shown that Arthur Dole Mrs. Lizzie Strycr is recovering met Miss Davis in tho month of Special Prices on Christmas Candy to Telegraph Hill IW., from a severe cold.^ March, 1929, in somo restaurant In Tho dance held In tho flrehouse on Gala Party on New Schools, Churches, Lodges, etc. Kcyport, N. *'"-*s*\. > ~s~' --V in the sum of $3,000 alimony. Mar- tina Davis was represented at the trial by James H. Erwln of Jersey City, and Mrs. Dole was represented by Edward W. Wise and Lester C. Leonard of Red Bank. Oceanport News. (The Red Bank Register can be bought In Oceanport at tho side of Carlo Mama.) Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanScholck of Pemberton avenue recently visit- ed their daughter, Mrs. Edward Champlain and Mrs. Weeks at Eao- ton, Pennsylvania. | The annual turkey supper and I bazar given by the Ladies' Aid so- j ciety of the Oceanport church on i Wednesday evening was repeated on Thursday because of bad weathor. Prices in Effect December 20° 21*22 -23

Progress is being made on tho 38- .-•"\ foot cruiser under construction at tho Riddle boat works. The boat is be- BOSTON 4 - 6 - 6 16. SWWMB PBEMITOI FANCY ing built for Mr. Fisher of Little Sil- ver Point and Newark. MILK-FED Liquor licenses have been granted ROASTING lb li@ in Oceanport to Carlo Mazza, Georgo Woodward Yo Colonial Inn, Hilltop club and Joseph Mazza., Whole or Half Wliolo or Half HBINZ'S Frcab or Tho annual Christmas entertain- Quality ment given by tho pupils of the Fig Date Call Oceanport school will be held Thurs- Loin Fresh Sirloin day afternoon. or Plum Mrs. George S. Lopcr of Long Branch has rented her house on Up- per Main street to Joseph Lewis of Newark. An all-day meeting of the Ladies' \id society of the Oceanport church as hold Tuesday at tho church hall. • took tho form of a Chriatmas uty and tho hostesses wero Mrs. FBEITIUM or STAB Sweat corgo C. D. Hurley and Mrs. Lloyd XMAS STRICTLY . Sickles. Mrs. L. A. Anderson of Asbury FRESH ."'ark, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Gullladeau of Turtle Mill, has returned to her homo. Mrs. Ju Edelman of North Cedar FANCY NORTHWESTERN PREMIUM or STAR XMAS avenue, West Long Branch, was hos- tesa to members of tho Oceanport auxiliary of tho Rlvervlew hospital at her home Thursday afternoon. Re- if. ports wcro received and a commit- •I /C tee reported donations of food and money to the hospital at Thanksgiv- v FANCY, FRESH-KILLED YOUNG TURKEYS ing. A collection was taken at tho •1 , ) meeting to purchase Christmas gifts A WELCOME XfilAS PBESENTI f ' ] for hospital patients and a donation FANCY SELECTED mESH STOCK waa made of articles for tho super- Your Choice OUR ONE intendent's room. ..Those present were Mrs. Ralph Mauriell, Mrs. Charles Maryland and Jersey Turkeys 27c Sliced Ham 24e Prothoro, Mrs. E. S. Wlllard, Mrs. AND Edward Worthlcy, Mrs. James H. Jotmuon, Miss Mayetto Johnson, Mrs. 8-OUNCE ALL Schneider's A. A. Welter, Mrs. John Blel, Mrs. H. L. Ronne, Mrs. Henry Hance, Mro. LEADING Ralph Parkcll, Mrs. Philip G. Hood, UKAND3 llfj OR Mrs. Henry Tilton, Mrs. T. G. Ifowo, Mrs. B. Haydcn, Mra. P. J, Kutcher, Mrs. Russell E. Gillam, Mra. David Fancy Large Jones, Mrs. Martin J. Connelly, Mrs. Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Large No. 2 Gertrude Davit!, Mrs. Caroline Tur- ton, Mrs. E. W. Wlilcy, Mra. J. L. String Celery Sweet Florida Iceberg Rosetlalo Herbert, Mrs. Zachary Taylor. Fol- lowing the meeting the mombera fold- ed comprnsitofj and mutlo tipongoa. Re- freshments were served by tho hos- fnr tess. The next rneelln^ will bo held lta FfC lbs- -d /f&O Junmrnry 11 at tho homo of Mia 2 ' 2 3 Zachary Taylor at West Long Branch. Mra. Mary Hall of Pcmborton ave nuo had an her guest Imjt week her Pillsbury'a Best Paper Shell Walnuts Pillsbury'a Beat alfiter, Mrn. M. Leming of lfciyvlllr, Stanloy VnnKIrk of Newark re Flour '3>yz.\h. -i Flour 7-lb. ©Be contly visited hhi parcn.i, Mr. find - PECANS Alinorulo Mm. John VnnKIrk of Main r.trecl JInrry Blakrlcy of Wolf Hill a\e- nue, who i« creeling a houso opposite m I'OIITLAND the. school building, had completed Schro '% Fillet 27c EXTRA SPECIAL! Ih the franio and work hn?i begun on 17c the Interior. FRESH-CUT BLUEFISH A prayer service will bo hold Bt e tho parnnnugo Tliur.idny evening fol- " 25c MtSESH-lPICKED lowing tho supper and study porlocl lb ot tho tcachera of tho Ocamport tiun . . 37c dny-ncliool. Tho nnminl Chrlotinaa en- tortnlnmcnt of tho Gcennport fiun- ISLAND day-.ichaol will lie held Krhlny cvi'ii- 15. I»C In tho chinch hull. Tlinro'wlll l«i 29c »Iai,>; who him r; IMIINT not. nilHneil Munilny-^nltool durini; tin "Hf rg-*^ 3© Monmouth Sttwf, Red'Bank, ft J. your. Mini Piuncln linillli lm-i rrtnriMil to llCI" hotllt! at Tticknhue, Kew Vol k, I