University of Birmingham

The development of late-Holocene farmed landscapes Smith, David; HIll, Geoff; Kenward, Harry

DOI: 10.1177/0959683618804645 License: None: All rights reserved

Document Version Peer reviewed version Citation for published version (Harvard): Smith, D, HIll, G & Kenward, H 2018, 'The development of late-Holocene farmed landscapes: analysis of assemblages using a multi-period dataset', The Holocene, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 45-63.

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The Development of Late Holocene Farmed Landscapes: Analysis of Insect Assemblages using a Multi-period Dataset

Journal: The Holocene Manuscript ForID HOL-18-0023.R1 Peer Review Manuscript Type: Paper

Date Submitted by the Author: n/a

Complete List of Authors: Smith, David; University of Birmingham, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity Kenward, Harry; University of York, Archaeology HILL, Geoff; University of Birmingham, Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology

Coleoptera, prehistoric farming, landscape development, field systems, Keywords: econiche replacement, archaeoentomology

Global agricultural intensification and expansion has led to the spread of a fairly cosmopolitan insect fauna associated with arable land and pasture. Studies of modern expansion and intensification of agriculture have shown profound effects in terms of declines in biodiversity, with implications for current nature conservation. However, modern entomological studies of farmland faunas do not consider if such effects occurred over a longer period of time or are merely a modern phenomenon. We examine the substantial British archaeoentomological dataset for the development of (Coleoptera) faunas in a range of intensively farmed archaeological landscapes dating from the Late Neolithic through to the early Medieval Abstract: period (c. 24,000 cal. BC – AD 900). The archaeological beetle fauna typically consisted of generalist species which still dominate modern farmland. Our analysis indicates that there is an essentially stable ‘core group’ of taxa that repeatedly occur regardless of period, location or the specific nature of the archaeological feature involved. On the basis of this result, we argue that the effects of the expansion of intensive farming on insect faunas seen in the modern world is a continuation of a longer pattern. We suggest that this is an example of human econiche replacement and ecosystem engineering. The approach taken here is applicable elsewhere in the world and we offer suggestions for future British and international research strategies. Page 1 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 4 5 The Development of Late Holocene Farmed Landscapes: 6 7 Analysis of Insect Assemblages using a Multi-period Dataset 8 9 10 11 David Smith1, Geoff Hill1 and Harry Kenward2 12 1 13 Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, 14 Birmingham B15 2TT 15 2 16 Department of Archaeology, The King’s Manor, York, YO1 7EP 17

18 19 Abstract For Peer Review 20 21 Global agricultural intensification and expansion has led to the spread of a fairly cosmopolitan insect 22 fauna associated with arable land and pasture. Studies of modern expansion and intensification of 23 24 agriculture have shown profound effects in terms of declines in biodiversity, with implications for 25 current nature conservation. However, modern entomological studies of farmland faunas do not 26 consider if such effects occurred over a longer period of time or are merely a modern phenomenon. 27 28 We examine the substantial British archaeoentomological dataset for the development of beetle 29 (Coleoptera) faunas in a range of intensively farmed archaeological landscapes dating from the Late 30 Neolithic through to the early Medieval period (c. 24,000 cal. BC – AD 900). The archaeological beetle 31 32 fauna typically consisted of generalist species which still dominate modern farmland. Our analysis 33 indicates that there is an essentially stable ‘core group’ of taxa that repeatedly occur regardless of 34 period, location or the specific nature of the archaeological feature involved. On the basis of this 35 36 result, we argue that the effects of the expansion of intensive farming on insect faunas seen in the 37 modern world is a continuation of a longer pattern. We suggest that this is an example of human 38 39 econiche replacement and ecosystem engineering. The approach taken here is applicable elsewhere 40 in the world and we offer suggestions for future British and international research strategies. 41 42 43 44 Keywords: Coleoptera, prehistoric farming, field systems, landscape development, econiche 45 replacement, archaeoentomology 46 47 48 49 Introduction 50 We live in a world where agricultural production, and consequently farmed landscapes, are expanding 51 rapidly at the expense of natural ‘wild’ landscapes resulting in largescale loss of global biodiversity 52 53 (e.g. Tilman, 1999, Foley et al. 2005; Tscharntke et al., 2005; Deininger and Byerlee, 2011; Zabel et 54 al., 2014). The effects of modern agricultural intensification and expansion seems to be particularly 55 dramatic and are presenting major issues for both agricultural production itself and also for nature 56 57 conservation (e.g. Touhasca 1993, Holland and Reynolds 2003, Hutton and Giller 2003, Purtauf et al. 58 2005,). This decline in insect faunas as a result of farming is often portrayed as an essentially modern 59 phenomenon rapidly approaching an ‘ecological cliff edge’ (Tilman 1999, Foley et al. 2005, 60 HOLOCENE Page 2 of 54

1 2 3 Denininger and Byerlee 2011;). However, there is little apparent understanding of how these effects 4 may have operated over a longer timescale than that normally considered by ecologists (Ellis et al., 5 2013). 6 7 8 Many regions of the world currently do not have sufficient archaeoentomological data to address this 9 issue; however, in Britain several decades of archaeoentomological research is available. Early work 10 11 in southern Britain by Osborne (1978) and Robinson (1978, 1981a) described a number of Iron Age 12 and Roman agricultural faunas which were dominated by a range of dung , predatory ground 13 beetles, click beetles and chafers. Both Robinson and Osborne noted the obvious contrast between 14 15 these later prehistoric and Roman beetle faunas associated with farmed landscapes as compared 16 with the woodland beetle faunas that dominate sites from the preceding, largely pre-agrarian, 17 18 Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. Osborne (1978) suggested that post-Iron Age faunas indicated the 19 presence of open grasslands,For dominated Peer by grazing Review and arable fields, and described this as 20 ‘culture-steppe’. In a later series of review papers, Robinson (e.g. 1983, 2000, 2003, 2013a, 2013b) 21 22 outlined temporal changes in the insect faunas from a number of sites in the upper and lower Thames 23 Valley. In particular, he observed a pattern such that many faunas from the Early Iron Age (c. 800 BC) 24 onwards increasingly include taxa indicative of progressive woodland clearance and the development 25 26 of pastureland, grassland and arable fields. Kenward (2009) also has produced similar results for the 27 north of Britain. 28 29 These early studies often do not explicitly explore a number of issues surrounding the ecology, 30 nature, origins and development of ‘farmland beetle faunas’. More recently, as a result of developer- 31 32 funded archaeology, many other archaeological sites associated with ditched and/or farmed 33 landscapes have become available for study. The archaeoentomological data from these sites cover 34 a wider range of archaeological periods, regions and deposit types, and most have a strong 35 36 chronological dating programme. 37 This paper presents an analysis of the current dataset of archaeological Coleoptera (beetle) faunas 38 39 from farmed landscapes (both arable and pastoral) dating between the Late Neolithic to Medieval (c. 40 2,4000 cal. BC – 900 AD) period in Britain. This analysis was undertaken to explore the following 41 research questions: 42 43 44 1) What is the archaeological fauna recovered from farmed landscape? How does this 45 compare to modern insect faunas from this habitat? 46 47 2) What is the ecology of the taxa that belong to this fauna? 48 49 3) To what extent do these faunas vary across periods, locations and by type of 50 archaeological context? What other factors may account for any variation?

51 4) When did this fauna first appear in the archaeological record? What are the potential 52 origins of this fauna and how quickly does it come to dominate in this changing 53 landscape? What are the implications of this? 54 55 This paper also outlines a number of potential research directions for the study of insect faunas from 56 57 archaeological farmland which are applicable worldwide. 58 59 60 Page 3 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 4 5 Archaeological background 6 The insect faunas considered come from 30 rural archaeological sites encompassing the British 7 8 Neolithic (c. 4000–2200BC), Bronze Age (c. 2200-800 BC), Iron Age (800 BC – AD 47), Roman (AD 9 47 – 410) and early medieval periods (c. AD 900). Where sites are multiperiod, they have been 10 divided into separate archaeological periods giving a total of 39 separate ‘chronological entities’. The 11 12 location, dating, site type, details of publication and the number of samples analysed from the 13 individual sites are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. Where available, radiocarbon determinations 14 for the sites mentioned are given in Table 1 and have been standardised and calibrated using the 15 16 OxCAL programme (Reimer et al., 2013 OxCAL V.4.3, 2017; Bronk Ramsey 2009). Other chronology 17 is based on archaeological finds or stratigraphic association. 18 19 Over the last 40 years ourFor understanding Peer of the development Review of the rural archaeological landscape of 20 southern and central Britain has greatly changed. ‘Co-axial ditched field systems’ developed from 21 22 around 1600 BC in upland areas; such as, Dartmoor, Cumbria and the Pennines, and also in lower- 23 lying areas such as Wessex, the North and South Downs, the Midlands and substantial areas of the 24 Thames Valley (e.g. Fleming, 1988, 2007; Yates, 1999, 2007; Johnston, 2005; Chadwick, 2013; 25 26 English, 2013). Earlier field systems have been primarily linked to stock rearing (Fleming, 1987; 27 Yates, 1999; 2007; Fyfe et al., 2008, 2015). Ditched landscapes rapidly expanded in the Iron Age (c. 28 800 – 0 cal. BC) and the mid–Romano-British period (c. 100 – 200 cal. BC). These ditched field 29 30 systems typically took the form of ‘strip fields’, ‘brick fields’ or ‘ladder enclosures’ and represent mixed 31 farming landscapes incorporating arable fields, drove roads, waterholes and wells, the latter 32 associated with livestock rearing (Riley, 1980; Taylor, 2007; Yates, 2007; Fyfe et al., 2008, 2015; 33 34 Chadwick, 2013). 35 36 The development of such ditched agricultural landscapes at this period has often been attributed to an 37 increase in agricultural production by a ‘top down’ autocratic authority responding to population rise 38 and climatic downturn (i.e. Bradley, 1980; Fleming, 1987). However, alteration in landscape often is 39 40 not synchronous with periods of dramatic climate change (Fyfe et al, 2015) and may relate to 41 changing ideas of ownership and land tenure in response to social intensification and the production, 42 exchange and consumption of elite materials (i.e. Brück, 2000; Johnston, 2005; Yates, 2007; 43 44 Chadwick, 2013). The development of ditched farmlands appears to have coincided with a series of 45 major changes to the British landscape (Huntley and Birks, 1983; Bell and Walker, 2005). Recent 46 large-scale surveys of environmental archaeology by Dark (2006) and Fyfe and colleagues (2015) 47 48 indicate that widespread clearance of woodland occurred in central and Southern England from 49 around 1400–1200 BC, with a peak in clearance at around 500–200 BC. This loosely coincided with 50 51 the onset of clay alluviation in most river systems, possibly in response to agricultural intensification 52 (i.e. Macklin and Lewin, 2003; Macklin et al., 2005). 53 54 55 Data collection and Analysis 56 57 Sampling 58 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 4 of 54

1 2 3 Bulk samples of sediment were recovered from the sites listed in Table 1 during excavation from a 4 range of archaeological features (mainly ditch, pit and well fills). Typically, the sample weight and 5 volume ranged between 5–10 kg and 3–10 litres of sediment. 6 7 8 9 Basic identification and quantification 10 11 The bulk samples were prepared using the standard method of paraffin floatation outlined by Kenward 12 and colleagues (1980). Waterlogged insect remains were sorted and identified under a low-power 13 14 binocular microscope at magnifications between x15 and x45 by a number of different specialists 15 (indicated in Table 1). Where achievable, the insect remains were identified to species level, often by 16 direct comparison to specimens in reference collections. The nomenclature used in this paper follows 17 18 Duff (2012) for the beetles and Stace (2010) for plants. The number of samples available per site 19 varied from 1 to 22. The Forscores for thePeer samples from Review each site have been amalgamated to generate a 20 combined Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) for each taxon. The full dataset consisted of 34,678 21 22 individuals, representing 932 taxa. 23

24 25 Analysis 26 27 The degree of variation in the faunas over time, location and archaeological feature was analysed in 28 29 the following ways: 30 Ranked occurrence tables: These were constructed for each of the main archaeological periods and 31 32 were based on the MNI for each taxon. This analysis allowed the comparison between the most 33 common taxa in each archaeological period and against modern faunas. 34 35 Functional group analysis: Taxa have been allocated to functional groups where possible (see Hill 36 2015) and the relative proportions of these groupings were calculated. This analysis was undertaken 37 38 to assess the extent to which the ecology of the faunas might differ between sites and periods. 39 40 This approach is a revision of both Robinson’s (1981a, 1983) ‘landscape’ and Kenward and Hall’s 41 (1995) synanthropic (associated with human activity) groupings. The functional group codes are 42 displayed in Table 2. Ecological information comes from the Bugs CEP database (Buckland and 43 44 Buckland 2006), Koch (1989, 1992) and the authors’ field experience. 45 The aquatic and waterside ecological groupings are calculated as a percentage of the overall MNI for 46 47 each ‘chronological entity’. The percentages of terrestrial ecological groupings are calculated once the 48 aquatic taxa have been removed from the NMI. In order to examine the extent of synanthropy 49 (association with human settlement) shown by the faunas, two other summary statistics have been 50 51 calculated for the terrestrial fauna: 52 53 1) The proportion of ‘house fauna’ recovered (a suite of beetles that have a particular 54 affinity for human habitation and settlement – see Hall and Kenward, 1990; Smith, 55 2012a) 56 57 2) The Synanthropic Value (SV) has been calculated for the terrestrial fauna. In this 58 S 59 statistic ‘strongly’ synanthropic species ( ) carry more value (or weight) than ‘typical’ 60 Page 5 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 (T) or weakly ‘facultative’ (F) species (Hall & Kenward 1990, Kenward, 1997; Hill, 2015) 4 using this formula: SV = F + (2 x T) + (3 x S) 5 6 7 8 Similarity coefficients and Statistical ordination: The degree of similarity of the faunas was 9 assessed using Sørensen’s similarity coefficient (Sørensen, 1948). This coefficient was chosen 10 11 because it gives more weight to multiple occurrences and less weight to outliers, and its reciprocal is 12 equivalent to Bray-Curtis distance (McCune and Grace, 2002; Borcard et al., 2011). The coefficient 13 was calculated based on presence / absence of taxa. 14 15 A statistical ordination was carried out using non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) within the 16 17 ‘R’ statistical package (R Core Team, 2013). In terms of exploring community ecology data nMDS is 18 generally considered to be an effective and passive ordination method. The ordination here is based 19 on the proportions of theFor terrestrial Peerfunctional group Review with aquatics and ‘uncoded’ taxa removed for all 20 21 39 ‘chronological entities’. We chose to restrict the nMDS analysis to the functional groups to 22 determine if the faunas recovered are distinct or clustered according to their ecology and to prevent 23 any ‘superabundant’ or rare species unduly influencing the ordination (e.g. Smith 1991, 2012a, 2013a, 24 25 Hill 2015). 26

27 28 Results 29 30 Defining the beetle fauna of archaeological farmed landscapes 31 32 The ranked occurrence of taxa in each archaeological period is presented in Table 3. The ecology of 33 the main species recovered is summarised in table Table 4. The relative proportions of functional 34 35 groups recovered by archaeological site are presented in Figures 2 and 3 and by archaeological 36 period in Figure 4. 37 38 The insect faunas from archaeological farmed landscapes appear to be dominated by a relatively 39 narrow and repetitive range of terrestrial beetle taxa. Dung beetles, account for between 15%–40% of 40 the terrestrial taxa, with 5%–10% belonging to the genus Aphodius (Figures 3 and 4). Aphodius 41 42 contaminatus, A. granarius, A. sphacelatus, A. prodromus, A. rufipes and A. fimetarius are particularly 43 common. Geotrupes spp., Onthophagus fracticornis and O. joannae also occur in some numbers, 44 45 particularly in the Neolithic and Bronze Age material. 46 A large proportion of species (20%–40%) are associated with open and disturbed ground (Figure 4). 47 48 Often this includes a range of predatory ground and rove beetles (e.g. Bembidion spp., Calathus 49 melanocephalus, C. fuscipes, Trechus quadristriatus, T. obtusus, Stenus spp., Amara spp. 50 Xantholinus linearis, Rugilus spp., Philonthus spp, Harpalus rufipes are particularly common). 51 52 Phytophages associated with plants of disturbed ground are important (e.g. the weevil Nedyus 53 (Cidnorhinus) quadrimaculatus, associated almost exclusively with stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L), 54 and ‘flea beetles’ such as Chaetocnema concinna, Phyllotreta spp. and Longitarsus spp.). Other 55 56 phytophage taxa, such as, Mecinus pyraster, Mecinus (Gymnetron) pascuorum, Sitona spp., 57 Rhinoncus spp. Gastrophysa spp. and Apion spp., are associated with plants common in pasture. 58 59 The ‘click beetles’ Agrypnus murinus, Agriotes spp., Athous haemorrhoidalis and the ‘chafers’ 60 HOLOCENE Page 6 of 54

1 2 3 Phyllopertha horticola, Melolontha melolontha and Hoplia philanthus also occur commonly in 4 grassland. The larvae of click beetles and chafers can be pests of arable crops; but as Robinson 5 (1983) pointed out, they are only a serious problem in newly ploughed fields from former grassland. 6 7 Beyond this core group of recurrent species, there is a long tail of individual taxa that occur in small 8 9 numbers, often only at one or two sites. These beetles probably represent small populations of 10 individuals associated with isolated patches of ‘wild’ or weedy ground which will vary with local 11 conditions. In addition, taphonomic effects can bring into archaeological deposits from some 12 13 distance (Kenward, 1975, 1978). 14 Water beetles usually account for between 10%–40% of the individual assemblages but achieved 15 16 60%–70% of all taxa at several locations (Figure 2). The aquatic fauna is dominated by three taxa 17 (Ochthebius minimus, Hydraena testacea and small Helophorus spp.), which are indicative of slow- 18 flowing, vegetated and often temporary waterbodies. Colymbetes fuscus, Agabus bipustulatus, 19 For Peer Review 20 various Hydroporus species and a range of are associated with this environment as 21 well. Given that many of these faunas come from archaeological ditches or waterholes, the presence 22 23 of significant numbers of water beetles is not surprising. 24 Several phytophage species also are associated with aquatic environments and watersides. 25 26 Tanysphyrus lemnae is associated with duckweeds (Lemna spp.), Notaris acridulus with reed sweet 27 grass (Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb.), Plateumaris braccata with water reed (Phragmites australis 28 (Cav.) Trin. ex Streud.) and Donacia crassipes with water lilies (Nymphaea alba L. and Nuphar spp.). 29 30 Surprisingly many of the ditches from this survey did not yield large numbers of these waterside 31 phytophages (functional groups MA and MFC – Figure 3), suggesting they were periodically 32 maintained and cleared of vegetation, perhaps indeed by grazing. The Late Roman sites of Balby 33 34 Carr and East Carr in the northern Trent Valley do, however, contain high proportions of these taxa, 35 but these ditch systems appear to have been affected by rising water tables which lead to the 36 37 development of carr (Knight et al., 2004). 38

39 40 Comparing modern and past beetle faunas from farmland 41 42 There is extensive modern literature on several families of Coleoptera from farmland, since beetles 43 have potential economic importance as pests or predators. These studies often concentrate on issues 44 45 concerning resource partitioning, predator-prey relationships and response to different cultivation 46 practices. They also tend to be restricted to a limited number of beetle families (Carabidae 47 Staphylinidae, Scarabaeidae and some phytophage leaf beetles and weevils), rather than considering 48 49 the fauna in its entirety (one exception is Robinson’s (1983) survey of a variety of agricultural 50 landscapes near Oxford undertaken for comparison with archaeological faunas). A ranked order list 51 of taxa from a number of these modern studies is presented in Table 5. One limit to direct comparison 52 53 between archaeological and modern coleopterous faunas is that they are sampled in very different 54 ways (e.g. pitfall trapping vs. sediment sampling) and can represent very different time intervals (often 55 one season for modern work as opposed to an unknown number of years or decades for the 56 57 accumulation of archaeological deposits – Smith, 2017; Smith et al., 2010, 2014). 58 59 60 Page 7 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 Despite these issues, there is a remarkable similarity between insect faunas from farmed landscapes 4 regardless of whether they are modern or from archaeological sites (compare Tables 3 and 5). Both 5 modern and ancient faunas include the same range of xerophilous predatory ground and rove beetles 6 7 from arable land and a similar range of dung beetles and phytophage weevils in grasslands. This 8 implies that the ‘farmland fauna’ has been essentially stable in Britain for two and a half millennia. 9 10 11 12 Variation in the faunas between sites by period 13 14 The similarity of the ranked occurrence of taxa (Table 3), the proportions of functional groups 15 recovered when plotted chronologically (Figures 3 and 4) and the close clustering of the nMDS when 16 displayed by period (Figure 5) suggest remarkable consistency for the majority of fauna associated 17 18 with farmed landscapes over time. 19 However, two componentsFor of the ‘farmland Peer fauna’, Reviewto an extent, change over time: 20 21 1) There is a relative decline in species associated with dung and grassland 22 between the Late Iron Age and the Romano-British period (see Figures 3 and 4). 23 During the Bronze and Early Iron Age half of sites (8 out of 16) have dung beetle 24 values exceeding 20%. This declines to a third of all sites (6 out of 19 sites) in the 25 Late Iron Age and Romano-British periods. 26 27 2) The values for ‘house fauna’, and the Synanthropic Values remain consistently low at 28 these sites throughout all periods (see Figure 3 and Figure 4), with the exception of the Romano-British ditch deposits from Northfleet, Kent, Perry Oaks, Berkshire and 29 St. Loyes, Oxfordshire, where synanthropes and grain pests are quite common. 30 31 32 Variation in the faunas between sites by deposit and site type 33 34 In order to explore whether deposit type was an important factor in shaping this data the nMDS 35 ordination was replotted with deposit types labelled (see Figure 6). No obvious clustering or 36 37 separation of deposits is seen, suggesting that the insect fauna is ubiquitous, regardless of the type of 38 archaeological feature it comes from. 39 40 The only clear distinction identified by the nMDS ordination is the presence of a strong gradient for the 41 wet-loving taxa (MA and MFC fauna) towards the lower left-hand side of the plot. This suggests that 42 the greatest variation between faunas was largely determined by moisture. The two sites that most 43 44 strongly indicate the influence of wet-loving taxa are Balby Carr and East Carr which were mentioned 45 above. 46 47 It could be argued that this survey of faunas results in such similarity because it concentrates on 48 ditched farmland sites and ignores other landscapes. As a result, it may overemphasise the 49 50 dominance of this suite of beetles and, indeed, this type of farmland landscape which exists in Britain 51 from the Late Bronze Age onwards. However, a number of archaeological insect faunas from other 52 landscapes have been recovered for this period, for example, the woodlands and heathlands of the 53 54 Humberhead levels (Buckland, 1979; Whitehouse, 2000, 2004), the swamps and carrs of the 55 Somerset Levels (e.g. Girling, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1985) and the floodplain of the Trent river (Smith 56 and Howard, 2004; Greenwood and Smith, 2005). Crucially, all of these sites have insect faunas 57 58 distinctly different in character from the farmland faunas discussed here and that they come from a 59 range of landscapes that would not favour agricultural production in the first place. 60 HOLOCENE Page 8 of 54

1 2 3 4 5 Another form of variation? 6 The construction of matrices based on similarity coefficients using only presence-absence of taxa 7 8 between faunas (see Figure 7) was undertaken to understand any variations by period and site type. 9 In addition, this explored whether any presence of ‘metacommunity level’ regional variations (sensu 10 Gilpin and Hanski, 1991; Hanski, 1998; Leibold et al., 2004) could be established. These plots 11 12 indicate that there is little similarity between faunas (most of the plot has light shading, which indicates 13 little or no similarity). This seems contradictory compared to the results outlined above. However, the 14 use of only presence-absence in the analysis is probably significant. The presence of the very long 15 16 ‘tail’ of less abundant, ‘rare’ and local species at the sites probably has a greater impact on the 17 ordination than frequently occurring taxa which are limited to a comparatively narrow range. This is a 18 problem already identified for this kind of ordination when used on occupation-site faunas by Carrott 19 For Peer Review 20 and Kenward (2001) and overcome with considerable success by excluding such rare taxa (or 21 ‘outliers’). 22 23 Once the sites are organised by statistical similarity rather than by chronology (the right-hand plot in 24 Figure 7), there does appear to be a pattern. Most of the sites from the Midlands and the Lower 25 26 Thames Valley plot towards the top half of the diagram, those from the Upper Thames Valley plot in 27 the middle and lower right, and a small group of other Midland sites plots at the bottom right. This 28 could indicate weak regional variations (sensu Leibold et al., 2004; Brooks et al., 2008) or the effects 29 30 of local ‘mass effects’ such as field size, heterogeneity of the landscape and the presence or absence 31 of wild areas (e.g. Brooks et al. 2008). 32 33 However, this pattern also could be caused by a less edifying effect. The faunas appear to group by 34 which archaeoentomologist studied them (the specialists have been named on Figure 7). In this case 35 36 the analysis may be picking up on quite minor differences in the way in which the various 37 archaeoentomologists have identified insect fragments and/or how precisely these are recorded. For 38 example, the Helodidae (Scirtidae) has been classified in a number of different ways by specialists. 39 40 This ranges from the conservative ‘Helodidae Gen. et sp. indet.’, through ‘?Cyphon sp.’ to the 41 possibly overoptimistic ‘Cyphon pubescens (F.)’. It is worth noting that one advantage of basing the 42 nMDA analysis on ecological groupings, rather than the individual taxa, is it helps to negate this exact 43 44 problem (e.g. Kenward 1978, Kenward and Hall 1995). 45 46 47 Discussion 48 49 Stability and change in the ‘farmland’ beetle fauna 50 51 The results presented above clearly indicate that once agricultural landscapes developed, the majority 52 of the insect fauna associated with them remained very stable, consistent and resilient over a 53 54 considerable period of time reaching up to late medieval/pre-modern times. 55 56 The decline in the relative proportion of ‘dung beetles’ in the later Iron Age and the Roman periods 57 merits further discussion. Robinson (2013a) also has suggested that there is a shift from 58 Onthophagus-dominated faunas to Aphodius-dominated dung communities at the same time. Using 59 60 Page 9 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 specific proportions of dung beetles to estimate proportions of landcover can be problematic (Smith et 4 al., 2010, 2014) but this decline in dung beetles probably indicates that grazing and pasture were less 5 dominant in the landscape from c. 400 - 200 BC onwards. Some (Fyfe et al., 2008, 2013; Trondman 6 7 et al., 2015) have argued that there is evidence in the British pollen records for a change from 8 predominantly pastoral economy towards mixed and arable farming at the same time. Van der Veen 9 and O’Connor (1998) also suggest that the British landscape becomes predominantly arable during 10 11 the warming effect of the ‘Roman climatic optimum’. 12 13 It could be argued that in terms of deposit types and depositional environments, we are comparing 14 apples with oranges. The majority of the Bronze and Early Iron Age samples are from relatively 15 shallow features such as ditches and ‘waterholes’; whereas the Later Iron Age and Romano-British 16 17 samples derive from deeper features, such as pits or wells. Wells and pits often are thought to act as 18 ‘pitfall’ traps and collect insect faunas from a wider geographical area than shallower features (e.g. 19 Hall et al. 1980; KenwardFor et al., 1986; Peer Smith and Review Kenward, 2013). However, the nMDA analysis in 20 21 Figure 6, where the sites are plotted together independently of feature type, suggests the relative 22 depth of context is not actually a factor; therefore, a change in land use remains the most sensible 23 explanation. 24 25 The increase in the proportions of synanthropic faunas at some Roman sites can be explained more 26 27 easily. These deposits may have formed particularly close to settlement or, more likely, incorporated 28 dumped settlement waste that contained numerous synanthropes and grain pests. 29 30 31 32 The ecology of the ‘farmland’ fauna recovered 33 This analysis has demonstrated that there is a very distinct ‘farmland fauna’ associated with 34 35 archaeological agricultural landscapes. Many of the common species in this ‘farmland fauna’ such as 36 the carabids and staphylinids, are fast moving, mobile ground-based predators which feed on small 37 insects, snails and slugs and effectively exploit disturbed and temporary habitats. Modern ecological 38 39 studies of these taxa describe them as being eurytopic and essentially opportunistic (e.g. Turin, 2000, 40 Luff, 2002; Brooks et al., 2008; Betrand et al., 2016). Other species, such as the dung beetles and 41 42 many of the phytophage taxa, also are adapted to exploit suitable temporary patches of habitat as 43 they occur. Many of the species, especially the ground beetles, are to some degree xerophilous 44 (Lindroth, 1974; Luff, 2007) and favour open environments with some disturbance. The species 45 46 concerned, whether they are water beetles, ground beetles, phytophages or dung beetles, are all 47 typically associated with the early stages of ecological successions (Brooks et al., 2008, Tonhasca, 48 1993, Turin, 2000). What is apparent from our analysis is that through continuous human agency 49 50 (uninterrupted farming in this case) what essentially is a short-lived, opportunistic fauna has had its 51 longevity extended by millennia due to the stable and continuous generation of this farmland 52 environment. 53 54 Many of the beetle species encountered in farmland, both in the archaeological record and today, also 55 appear to have high dispersal and breeding rates (the so called ‘R’ reproductive strategy) which 56 57 enables them to rapidly distribute themselves across the landscape and quickly build up large 58 populations. This R-strategy is seen as particularly important for species that take advantage of the 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 10 of 54

1 2 3 early stages of successions in fragmented landscapes, where resources often are short-lived and 4 separated by long distances (De Vries et al., 1996; Ribera et al., 2001; Bonsall and Hastings, 2004; 5 Woodcock et al., 2010, 2014; Brooks et al., 2008; Betrand, 2016). 6 7 8 9 Possible origins of the ‘farmland’ in Britain 10 11 The nature and ecology of the Later Holocene ‘farmland fauna’ are quite distinct from earlier insect 12 communities dating to the Early and Middle Holocene (c. 9500 – 4000 cal. BC) which are dominated 13 14 by numerous species associated with long-lived urwald woodland (e.g. Smith and Whitehouse, 2005; 15 Whitehouse and Smith, 2010). These woodland faunas are ecologically complex, have many trophic 16 levels and contain a wide range of highly specialised species which probably follow the so-called ‘K’ 17 18 reproductive strategy (low dispersal and breeding rates). Conversely, the ‘farmland fauna’ identified 19 here is relatively simpleFor with shallow Peer trophic levels, Review is eurytopic-dominated, and follows a clear ‘R’ 20 strategy. This replacement of a ‘natural’ fauna by a ‘farmland’ fauna, from the Neolithic onwards, 21 22 seems to have been very rapid where it happened (i.e. there are no faunas that could be regarded as 23 transitional) and this process appears to have occurred repeatedly in different regions of Britain at 24 several points in time. The earliest occurrence of the ‘farmland fauna’ seems to be at the late Neolithic 25 26 sites of Silbury Hill, Wessex (2550–2535 cal BC) and Etton, Cambridgeshire (3725–3210 cal. BC). 27 Despite their relatively early date these sites already contain most aspects of the ‘farmland fauna’. 28 However, both sites are associated with landscapes that were cleared of forest very early (c. 2600 29 30 cal. BC) as compared to other parts of Britain, where clearance generally occurred from 1600 cal. BC 31 onwards (Allen, 1997, 2000; Bell and Walker, 2005; Fyfe et al., 2015). Whether such early clearance 32 of the Wessex Downs or the Cambridge Fen resulted from factors such as thin soils preventing 33 34 reforestation, the development of a predominantly pastoral economy, or was related to cultural factors 35 surrounding monument building and ritual use is not clear (Thomas, 1999, 2013; French et al., 2007, 36 37 2012; Wilkinson and Straker, 2008). However, these sites do demonstrate that the ‘farmland fauna’ 38 was present in lowland Britain from the late Neolithic onwards and, presumably, had the potential to 39 develop wherever woodland was cleared. 40 41 Most of the taxa which later become associated with archaeological farmland probably existed 42 naturally within a range of small, localised ecological niches (niche in this instance being the place, 43 44 function and ecological requirements of an individual insect) as part of the Early Holocene woodland 45 habitat (habitat being the wide environment in which this insect can occur). Andersen (2000) and 46 Buckland (2005) suggest that species typical of dry anthropogenic habitats, such as farmland or 47 48 heathland, were originally steppe species which recolonised open landscapes at the end of last 49 glaciation. As woodland returned during the Early Holocene, they became associated with temporary 50 51 glades and open areas. These glades could have resulted from storm damage, forest fires, river bank 52 erosion, beavers and/or actions of grazing animals (e.g. Coles and Orme, 1988; Vera, 2000; Coles, 53 2006). Large herbivores may have a particular significance in maintaining openings in the canopy 54 55 (Vera 2000). There has been considerable argument recently over the physical extent of such 56 woodland clearings in the Early and Mid-Holocene woodland (e.g. Vera, 2000; Mitchel, 2005). 57 Additionally, a number of recent studies using estimates of landscape cover based on regional pollen 58 59 proportions has indicated that open areas may have occurred more often than previously thought in 60 Page 11 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 Britain during the Early and Mid-Holocene (Fyfe et al., 2013, 2015, Trondman et al., 2015, 4 Woodbridge et al., 2014). Ecologically, any Coleoptera associated with these glades would have to be 5 able to exploit these spatially and temporally limited open environments before woodland 6 7 regeneration occurred. They would exhibit many of the same forms of ecological adaptation we have 8 described above for the ‘farmland fauna’ itself. A substantial part of the beetle ‘farmland fauna’ has 9 actually been recovered, albeit in small numbers, from a range of Early and Mid-Holocene woodland 10 11 faunas (Buckland and Buckland, 2006). 12 13 It was only with large scale woodland clearance and the development of extensive farmed landscapes 14 from the Middle Iron Age onwards that these small limited niches in woodland begin to coalesce into 15 the larger anthropogenic habitat of open farmland and pasture. For the ‘farmland fauna’ beetles, it is 16 17 their ability to exploit open, dry and disturbed landscapes that allows them to become dominant. This 18 is a ‘ragbag’ of a fauna, which probably never existed together in nature prior to this point. They have 19 not changed the nichesFor they use inPeer essence but Review have come together as a fauna to exploit a new 20 21 habitat made through human agency. The ecological history and origins of the synanthropic fauna 22 from archaeological settlement is also similar, with taxa that previously did not occur together in 23 nature coexisting in the new habitat provided by human habitation (Kenward and Allison 1995). 24 25 It is possible; however, that some of the species associated with open farmland may have dispersed 26 27 alongside Neolithic farming practices as they spread across Europe. This is probably the case for 28 some field pests, such as the bruchid ‘pea weevils’ and some leaf beetles. A similar origin also has 29 been suggested for most of the pests of stored grain (see Smith and Kenward 2011). 30 31 32 33 Conclusions and implications 34 35 Implications for modern agricultural expansion and the development of insect faunas and 36 biodiversity 37 38 The archaeoentomological story described here – a decline in insect biodiversity, the growing 39 dominance of eurytopic species, and a shallowing of trophic levels as agricultural landscapes 40 41 developed – has clear echoes in the modern world. A number of studies have examined the effect of 42 modern agricultural intensification on insect faunas (e.g. Firbank et al., 2008; Brooks et al., 2008; 43 Bertrand et al., 2016). These suggest that the loss of wild areas, increased cultivation, development of 44 45 monocultures, decline of fallow crops, and rapid crop rotation all reduce the number and diversity of 46 beetles present in the modern landscape (Brooks et al., 2008, Fournier and Loreau, 1999; Pettit and 47 Usher, 1998; Bertrand et al., 2016, Purtauf et al., 2005, Woodcock et al., 2014). Woodcock and 48 49 colleagues (2008, 2010) have indicated that overgrazing, loss of surrounding ‘wild’ areas, decline of 50 traditional grazing techniques and hay cutting times all can have a devastating effect on beetle 51 diversity in grasslands. Crucially, this leads to a decline in plant diversity, a resulting drop in 52 53 phytophage species richness and then a drop in the quantity and diversity of predatory beetles 54 (Brooks et al., 2008; Dombos 2001; Lagerlöf et al., 2002; Purtauf et al., 2005). Recently, Hutton and 55 Giller (2003) have shown that intensification and ‘improvement’ of pasture can lead to a rapid decline 56 57 in the number and variety of dung beetles. 58 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 12 of 54

1 2 3 One of the major implications of the archaeoentomological study presented here is that the modern 4 decline in insect biodiversity and the shallowing of trophic levels resulting from modern intensive 5 agriculture is not a new phenomenon; it is part of a continuum of effects with deep temporal roots that 6 7 stretch back to at least 3,500 years in Britain. The main differences between the past and present are 8 merely a matter of the scale and perhaps the speed of the effect. Presumably this process may span 9 a much longer period in other parts of the world, such as the Fertile Crescent of the Near East or the 10 11 ‘rice bowl’ of China, where there is longer agrarian history leading back to at least 9,500 BC (Ellis et 12 al., 2013). 13 14 15 16 Is this an example of Human niche creation? 17 18 ’Niche creation’ is a relatively new concept in evolutionary biology; it suggests that organisms have 19 the capacity to modify theirFor environments Peer so they canReview influence their own and other species evolution, 20 ecology and distribution (Jones et al., 1994, 1997; Laland et al., 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001; Kendal et al. 21 22 2011). Humans are undoubtedly efficient ‘niche creators’, for example the shaping of Pleistocene 23 (Sterelny, 2011; Boivin et al., 2016), agricultural (Rowley-Conwy and Layton, 2011; Gerbault et al., 24 2011; Smith, DB 2011), and urban landscapes (Boivin et al., 2016). Intentional human ‘niche 25 26 creation’, or in this case ‘habitat creation’, can pronouncedly affect the distribution of other animals 27 and plants. For the insects concerned, there were obvious winners and losers. The creation of farmed 28 landscapes is profoundly destructive for ‘urwaldrelikt’ specialists such as Prosomis mandibularis, but 29 30 beneficial for open ground generalists, such as Pterostichus melanarius. 31 32 33 Implications for further study 34 35 As is the case in every large survey of data, many issues raised here are in need of further 36 37 investigation. One obvious flaw is the shortage of insect faunas related to farmland from the Neolithic, 38 Saxon and Medieval periods in Britain. The lack of suitable Neolithic sites, in part, relates to an 39 absence of evidence for large-scale agriculture or grazing outside a limited number of locations 40 41 (Moffett et al., 1989; Thomas, 1999, 2013; Richmond, 1999; Bell and Walker, 2005; Stevens and 42 Fuller, 2012). The shortage of rural archaeoentomological faunas from the Saxon and Medieval 43 periods is partially explained by present archaeological research priorities, which tend only to prioritise 44 45 the excavation of prehistoric field systems. Gathering more archaeoentomological data associated 46 with agriculture from historic periods should be a national priority in Britain. The present dataset is 47 also largely biased towards the south and midlands of England and again identifies the urgent need 48 49 for archaeoentomological sampling of farmland environments to occur in other regions of Britain as a 50 national priority. 51 52 We also, with some reason, have assumed that the adaptation of Coleoptera from the ‘urwald’ 53 woodland biome to culture-steppe was rapid, but this can only be tested on sites which span the 54 55 transition itself. 56 The rarity of comparable archaeological studies beyond Britain has restricted this analysis to a limited 57 58 geographical area. It is likely that preservation of insect faunas will be rare in many areas but similar 59 work should be undertaken in other parts of the world where possible. It would be fascinating to try to 60 Page 13 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 establish how insect faunas are affected by the development and spread of farming from the 8th 4 millennium BC onwards in the Near East and continental Europe. Examining how the insect faunas of 5 North America developed in response to farming, whether first nation maize-based agriculture, or 6 7 European introduced agrarian practices, also would be fascinating. 8 9 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11 12 The authors would like to thank the individual archaeological field units who have supported this work 13 and frequently have funded the analyses. Any unpublished insect faunas that have been used in this 14 analysis have been included with the permission of the individual field units and we are grateful for 15 these permissions. The statistical analysis included in this paper was supported by a University of 16 Birmingham College of Arts and Law Research Assistantship grant which provided funding at a vital 17 moment to Geoff Hill to participate on this project. The paper was read and edited at several points by 18 Wendy Smith who made many helpful corrections and suggestions. Figure 1 was prepared by Helen 19 Moulden. The authors wouldFor like to Peer thank the referees Review of this paper for many useful suggestions and 20 criticism. A referee’s comments were particularly helpful in terms of how to restructure the paper. 21 22 REFERENCES 23 24 Allen, MJ (1997) Environment and Land-use: the economic development of the communities who built 25 Stonehenge. Proceedings of the British Academy 92: 115–144. 26 Allen, MJ (2000). High resolution mapping of Neolithic and Bronze Age chalkland landscapes and 27 landuse. In: Fairbairn, A.S. (ed.) Plants in Neolithic Britain and Beyond. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 9– 28 26. 29 Andersen, J (2000). What is the origin of the carabid beetle fauna of dry anthropogenic habitats in 30 western Europe? Journal of Biogeography 27, 795–806. 31 32 Bell, M and Walker, MJC (2005). Late Quaternary Environmental Change (Second edition). Harlow: 33 Pearson. 34 Bertrand, C, Burel, F and Baudry, J (2016) Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the crop mosaic 35 influences carabid beetles in agricultural landscapes. Landscape Ecology 31:451–466 36 Blake, S, McCracken, DI, Eyre, MD, Garside, A and Foster, GN (2003). The relationship between the 37 classification of Scottish ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and the National 38 Vegetation Classification of British plant communities. Ecography 26: 602–616. 39 Boivin, NL, Zeder, MA, Fuller, DQ, Crowther, A, Larson, G, Erlandson, JM, Denham, T and Petraglia, 40 MD (2016) Ecological consequences of human niche construction: Examining long-term 41 anthropogenic shaping of global species distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of 42 Sciences 133: 6388–6396. 43 Bonsall, MB and Hastings, A (2004) Demographic and environmental stochasticity in predator–prey 44 metapopulation dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 1043–1055. 45 46 Borcard, D, Gillet, F, Legendre, P (2011) Numerical Ecology with R. Dordrecht: Springer. 47 Bradley, R, (1980) Subsistence, exchange and technology: a social framework for the Bronze Age in 48 southern England c. 1400-700 BC. In: Barrett, JC,Bradley, R (eds.), Settlement and Society in the 49 British Later Bronze Age. (British Archaeological Reports, British Series 83). Oxford: British 50 Archaeological Reports, pp. 57-76. 51 Bronk Ramsey, C (2009) Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates. Radiocarbon 51(1): 337–360. 52 53 Brooks, DR, Perry, JN, Clark, SJ, Heard, MS, Firbank, LG, Holdgate, R, Mason, NS, Shortall, CR,Skellern, MP and Woiwod, IP (2008) National-scale metacommunity dynamics of carabid beetles 54 in UK farmland. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 265–274. 55 56 Brück, J, (2000) Settlement, landscape and social identity: the Early/Middle Bronze Age transition in 57 Wessex, Sussex and the Thames Valley. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 19: 273–300. 58 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 14 of 54

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1 2 3 van der Veen, M and O’Connor, T (1998) The expansion of agricultural production in late Iron Age 4 and Roman Britain. In: Bailey, J (ed.) Science in Archaeology: An Agenda for the Future. London: English Heritage, pp. 127–43. 5 6 Vera, FWM (2000) Grazing Ecology and Forest History. Oxford: CABI Publishing. 7 Whitehouse, NJ (2000) Forest fires and insects: palaeoentomological research from a sub-fossil 8 burnt forest. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 231–246. 9 10 Whitehouse NJ (2004) Mire ontogeny, environmental and climate change inferred from fossil beetle successions from Hatfield Moors, eastern England. The Holocene 14: 79–93. 11 12 Whitehouse, N and Smith D (2010). How fragmented was the British Holocene wildwood? 13 Perspectives on the ‘Vera’ grazing debate from the fossil beetle record. Quaternary Science Reviews 14 29: 539–53. 15 Wilkinson, KN and Straker, V (2008). Neolithic and Early Bronze Age environments in South-west 16 England. In: Webster, CJ (ed.) The Archaeology of South-west England. South-west Archaeological 17 Research Frameworks: Resource Assessment and Research Agenda. Taunton: Somerset County 18 Council, pp 63–74. 19 Woodbridge, J, Fyfe, RM,For Roberts, PeerN, Downey, S,Review Edinborough, K & Shennan, S (2014) The impact 20 of the Neolithic agricultural transition in Britain: a comparison of pollen-based land-cover and 21 archaeological C-14 date-inferred population change. Journal of Archaeological Science 51: 216-224 22 Woodcock, BA, Edwards, AR, Lawson, CS, Westbury, DB, Brook, JH, Harris, SJ, Brown, VK and 23 Mortimer, SR (2008) Contrasting success in the restoration of plant and phytophagous beetle 24 assemblages of species-rich mesotrophic grasslands. Oecologia 154: 773–783. 25 Woodcock, Vogiatzakis, BA, Duncan, IA, Westbury, B, Lawson, CS, Edwards, AR, Brook, AJ, Harris, 26 SJ, Lock, KA, Maczey, N, Masters, G, Valerie, K., Brown, VK, and Mortimer, SR (2010) The role of 27 management and landscape context in the restoration of grassland phytophagous beetles. Journal of 28 Applied Ecology 47: 366–376. 29 Woodcock, BA, Harrower, C, Redhead, J, Edwards, M, Vanbergen, AJ, Heard, MS, Roy, DB and 30 Pywell, RF (2014) National patterns of functional diversity and redundancy in predatory ground 31 beetles and bees associated with key UK arable crops. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 142–151 32 33 Yates, DT (1999) Bronze Age field systems in the Thames Valley. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 18: 34 157–170. 35 Yates, DT (2007). Land, Power and Prestige: Bronze Age Field Systems in Southern England. 36 Oxford: Oxbow Books. 37 Zabel, F, Putzenlechner, B and Mauser, W (2014) Global agricultural land resources – a high 38 resolution suitability evaluation and its perspectives until 2100 under climate change conditions. PLoS 39 ONE 9: e107522. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107522. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 22 of 54

1 2 3 Figures and Tables 4 Figure 1: Location map for the archaeological sites in this survey 5 6 Figure 2. The relative proportions of the broader aquatic, wetland and terrestrial functional groups 7 Figure 3: The relative proportions of the terrestrial functional groups for the archaeological sites 8 9 Figure 4. The relative proportions of functional groups (dung, foul material, open and woodland) and 10 synanthropic groups by archaeological period 11 Figure 5: nMDS analysis for of the taxa from each individual ‘chronological entity’ by archaeological 12 period (see key for details of each archaeological period) 13 14 Figure 6: nMDS analysis for of the taxa from each individual ‘chronological entity’ by archaeological 15 feature (see key for details of each archaeological feature) 16 Figure 7: Dissimilarity matrices. On a simple score of presence/ absence, sites’ faunas are largely 17 dissimilar to each other (i.e. large tail of less common species heavily influential). However, those 18 sites that are similar cluster to a large extent according to the person carrying out the analysis. 19 For Peer Review 20 21

22 23 24 25 Table 1. Location, dating, feature type and reference for the archaeological sites included in this survey 26 27 Table 2. Functional groups used in this analysis (based on Hill 2015) 28 29 Table 3: Rank order and % MNI for the 29 most frequently recovered Coleoptera by period for the 30 sites in this survey. Note that some taxa (Chaetocnema concinna, Aphodius sphacelatus, A. 31 fimetarius, ‘boletophagum’, here rendered as ‘concinnum’, Hydrobius fuscipes, 32 Anotylus sculpturatus and Carpelimus bilineatus) have been split since these sites were recorded 33 34 Table 4. Summary table of the insects thought to be particularly important in archaeological farms by 35 ecological groupings and then by taxonomic order 36 Table 5. Beetles typically recorded in modern ecological surveys from arable, grassland and pasture 37 (taxa ordered by frequency) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Osborne, 1969 1969 Osborne, Robinson, 2006 2006 Robinson, Hill, 2016 2016 Hill, Tetlow, 2010 2010 Tetlow, Osborne, 1979 1979 Osborne, Smith, 2002 Smith, 2011a Smith, 2012c Smith, Reference Reference Robinson, 1993 1993 Robinson, Robinson, 1979 1979 Robinson, Robinson, 1998 1998 Robinson,

Early Bronze Age Age Bronze Early Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2010 Tetlow, Mid Iron Age Age Iron Mid mid to century First Late century third ‘Roman’ Period Mid to late Iron Age Iron Age late to Mid 1986 al., et Chowne Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid Age Bronze late to Mid 2014a Smith, 2009 Smith, Late Iron Age Iron Late Early Neolithic Neolithic Early Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2015a Smith, Mid to late Iron Iron Age late to Mid 2012b Smith, Bronze Age Age Bronze Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2007 Tetlow, and Smith Late Iron Age Iron Late Mid to late Neolithic late to Mid 1997 Robinson, Late Bronze Age - Iron Age - Iron Age Bronze Late 2009 Smith,

3210 cal. cal. 3210 - 1500 calBC. 1500 -

based on on based calendar

Estimated dates dates Estimated

dated bypottery dated

200 BC 200

200 BC 200 – 1210 cal BC and 1380 1380 and BC cal 1210 -

00 BC? 00 3670 to 3310 to 3670 –

- 250 AD 250 –

– Estimated period dates from datesfrom period Estimated Radiocarbon or 3725 1450 1690 sample One 500 ca. 200 770 ca. 80 archaeology estimated dates BC BC Cal 1040 – BC Cal 1500-50 dated 25 Age Iron archaeology from archaeology ca. 1200 – 700 BC BC 700 – 1200 ca. BC cal. 750-260 ca. 1200 – 700 BC BC 700 – 1200 ca. BC cal. 1210-910 calAD 70 – ca.BC 380 Age Iron Late 382 cal. BC-76 cal. AD AD cal. BC-76 cal. 382 Age Iron Late ca. 1000 – 0 BC BC 0 – 1000 ca. 390-40 cal. BC BC cal. 390-40 ca. 1650 – 900 BC BC 900 – ca.1650 1450-1130 cal BC calBC 1450-1130

HOLOCENE rickfield ditches rickfield For Peer Review series of recuts of terminal end of ring ditch ditch ring end of terminal of recuts seriesof b waterholes, waterholes Type ofTypefeature waterholes and pits Age Bronze

2 waterholes 8 features pit and waterholes 5 pit ditchand field 5 succession fluvial 5 waterholes ditchesand BC cal. 91-431 of date Single Age Bronze late to Mid 1992 Robinson, 1 2 6 6 gullies and sumps Age Iron 3 waterhole 3 ditch enclosure 1 Agebarrow Bronze below well / shaft baseof BC cal 1290 1470– 7 mound below stack peat and surface ground old BC cal 2535 – 2550 26 waterholes ditchesand 10 13 waterholes 10 ditches 11 Camp Causeway of ditch enclosure baseof 22 waterholes ditchesand 12 ditches enclosure 15 ditch enclosure Age Iron of Number Number samples

Terminal 5 Heathrow, Greater Greater Heathrow, 5 Terminal Heathrow, 5) Oaks (terminal Perry Quarry (BA), Horton Kingsmead Greater Ground), Sports Imperial Burghfield, Cottages, Anslow's Bronze (Late Heathrow 5 Terminal Staffordshire Haye, Whitemoor Quarry, Horton Kingsmead Cambridgeshire Paxton, Little waterholes Derbyshire, Lockington, Table 1. Location, dating, feature type and reference for the archaeological sites included in this survey survey this in included sites archaeological the for reference and type feature dating, 1.Location, Table Site Cambridgeshire Etton, Hill,Wiltshire Silbury Wiltshire Shaft, Wilsford Age), (Bronze London Age) (Bronze London Greater Somerset Hillfarence, Berkshire 71808 Quarry Horton Berkshire Age) (Bronze London Berkshire Age) Iron - Age – Iron Age Bronze (Late Berkshire Age) Leicestershire Enderby, London. Greater Park, Olympic Linconshire Thorpe, Tattershall Staffordshire Fisherwick, Oxfordshire Ditches, Minges Age) (Iron Oxfordshire Farmoor, Page 23 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 24 of 54 Smith, 2013b 2013b Smith, Robinson, 1979 1979 Robinson, Reference Reference Smith and Langham, 2000 2000 Langham, and Smith Tetlow, 2010 2010 Tetlow, Smith, 2015a 2015a Smith, Smith, 2009 2009 Smith, Smith, 2011c Smith, 2011b Smith, 1997 Tetlow and Smith Smith, 2014b 2014b Smith, Smith 1997 Smith Robinson, 1981b 1981b Robinson, Smith, 2006 2006 Smith, to mid third century century tothird mid 2015b Smith, nd Mid 2 Mid Period ‘Roman’ ‘Roman’ Roman Roman mid to Age Iron Late Roman? by (dated Roman late to Mid pottery) Roman Roman Early Roman Roman Early Roman Early Roman Early century 4th or 3rd Early to late Roman Roman late to Early 2010 Tetlow, Medieval Mid late Roman Roman late Mid 300 - calendar estimated dates dates estimated

Estimated dates dates Estimated estimated dates dates estimated dates estimated

estimated dates dates estimated

225 AD based on on based AD 225 estimated AD 500

– – 130 AD 130 dates estimated AD 450 dates estimated AD 450 250 AD and c 200 c 200 and AD 250 100 AD 100 AD 120 - – – –

450 AD 450 – – - based on archaeology archaeology based on Roman 2006 Robinson, Radiocarbon or from dates period Estimated c100 60 80 100 50 c.150 200 300 c.350 estimated dates archaeology archaeology from archaeology from archaeology from deposit fill in pottery from assemblage pottery century 2nd pottery and archaeology from century 4th and 3rd 2nd, archaeology from 2014b Smith, archaeology from dates Saxon early to Roman Late al., 1984 et Robinson 240-510 cal. AD AD cal. 240-510 220 to BC 170cal of date One estimated features Other AD. archaeology from Estimated AD? 250 – BC 100 archaeology from dates AD 350 – 150 ca. 200 – 400 AD Estimated dates dates Estimated AD 400 – 200 pottery and archaeology from Roman late to Mid estimated AD 1600 – 1200 archaeology from 361 cal. BC to 252 cal. AD but but AD cal. 252 to BC cal. 361 AD 300 – 200 archaeology from AD

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Type ofTypefeature

3 waterhole 4 material) stabling (dumped wells military 4 villa with associated ditch 4 wells three 4 wells lined timber three 3 waterholes 1 well lined timber Roman 5 pits or waterholes 8 cistern and well 1 ditch 6 features other ditchesand 5 waterholes ditchesand 4 waterholes and wells Roman 4 waterholes 4 ditchsystem Roman brickfield 7 wells Roman 2 wells 10 systems field Roman subrectangular of Number Number samples Courteenhall, Courteenhall, Imperial Sports Ground, Greater Greater Ground, Sports Imperial Heathrow, 5) Oaks (Terminal Perry Park, Buisness Catesby Carr, Balby Well. Park, Grange Terminal Frieght Rail Daventry 12, West North Cambridge Site (Roman) London Hertfordshire Bund, Wood Brickets (Roman) London Greater Quarry (Roman) Horton Kingsmead (Roman) Heathrow 5 Terminal Exeter College, Loyes St. Kent Villa, Roman Northfleet Yorkshire South Northamptonshire Farm) (Covert 13, West north Cambridge Cambridgeshire (Roman) Oxfordshire Farmoor, Oxfordshire Appleford, Mattersey, Carr, East Nottinghamshire Cambridgeshire Warwickshire Priors, Salford Oxfordshire Farm, Court Barton (Medieval) Heathrow 5 Terminal been have these site theat features different from exist dates several sigma). Where (2 probability to 95% are and OXCAL using calibrated dates Radiocarbon range. age extended an give to combined 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 25 of 54 HOLOCENE

1 2 3 Table 2. Functional groups used in this analysis (based on Hill 2015) 4 5 Functional Group Code Definition 6 7 8 Beetles which spend the majority of their adult life in water. 9 Aquatic A Not included in terrestrial sum. True

10 Aquatics 11 12 Hygrophilous taxa, littoral, usually in the bare waterlogged 13 Riparian R soils besides water. Also associated with emergent 14 vegetation. Included in terrestrial sum. 15 16 Marsh and Aquatic Chrysomelidae and species which feed MA exclusively on marsh and aquatic plants. Included in 17 Plants 18 terrestrial sum. 19 &Wetland

Watersidetaxa For Peer Review 20 Hygrophilous, and often eurytopic taxa, found across a variety of semi-aquatic environments, such as marsh, 21 Marsh, Fen and Carr MFC swamp, fen, and floodplains. Included in terrestrial sum. 22 23 24 Species living on various types of foul (decaying) organic 25 material. Sometimes, but in most cases not exclusively Foul Material FM 26 synanthropic. Foul material includes dung, but these taxa are 27 not dung specialists. Included in terrestrial sum. 28 Generalists 29 30 Taxa strongly associated with the faeces of herbivores. 31 Dung DUNG Included in terrestrial sum. 32 33 34 Taxa found in open and vegetated, or disturbed and 35 Open and Disturbed OD relatively bare conditions, wet or dry (but not strictly 36 landscapes Open ‘wetlands’). Included in terrestrial sum. 37 38 Species which show strong preference to forest margins, 39 forest-steppe, copses/felled trees within woodlands, open or Edge of, or Light, pasture woods, pine heaths, hedgerows, single or sun- 40 ELW exposed trees (e.g. certain Elateridae), or whose larval and 41 Woodland adult stage alternate between open spaces and forest (e.g. 42 certain Cerambycidae). Included in terrestrial sum. 43 44 Includes the Coleoptera which feed on wood in varying 45 Woodlands and stages of decay, leaves, fruit, and bark and live wood, fungal 46 WT feeders and predators strictly associated with woodland. 47 associatesWoodland Trees Except where a taxon can be defined within ELW. Included in 48 terrestrial sum. 49 50 Taxa to which none of the other FGs can be applied owing to 51 Uncoded or Ubiquitous u either lack of taxonomic resolution or ubiquity. Not included 52 in terrestrial sum. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 2.4 2.4

Page 26 of 54 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.5 igripes (F.) (F.) igripes 1.9 spp. spp. 8.2 spp. 2.4 spp. spp. 3.6 spp. spp. 4.5 and spp. spp. 1.3 2 sites in period period sites2 in spp. Latridius minutus Latridius grandis Helophorus Post Roman Post Roman (group) (Ill.) Meligethes Longitarsus Phyllotreta n Phyllotreta Platystethus Megasternum Megasternum Phyllotreta vittula Phyllotreta (Redt). 2.2 Helophorus brevipalpis Helophorus Bedel 8.4 Oxyomus sylvestris Oxyomus (Scop.) 1.9 Cercyon Apion Aphodius

Chaetocnema Chaetocnema 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.8 indet. Ceutorhynchinae 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 2.4 2.4 %MNI

Anotylus Anotylus sculpturatus , , spp. spp. 3.7 spp. spp. 3.7 or or the entire archaeological (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.9 spp. spp. 1.5 spp. 5.1 18 sites in period period in sites 18 spp. spp. 1.2 indet. Corticariinae 1.5 spp. Latridius minutus Latridius Megasternum Romano-British Romano-British (group) concinnum (Grav.) Cercyon Platystethus arenarius Platystethus (Fourcr.) (Goeze) (Goeze) Lesteva longelytrata Lesteva Ochthebius Platystethus cornutus Platystethus (Grav.) (Grav.) 1.3 Helophorus Philonthus (Geer) 1.2 Anotylus sculpturatus Anotylus Apion Amara Anobium punctatum Anobium Aphodius

1.9 1.9 1.6 1.6 2.8 2.8 1.4 1.4 %MNI Hydrobius Hydrobius fuscipes , ,


Bedel Bedel 4.7 (L.) 2.6 (Grav.) (Grav.) 2.0 indet. Aleocharinae 1.8 (Grav.) (Grav.) 1.4 (F.) (F.) 2.8 (group) (group) 1.8 9 sites in period period sites9 in spp. spp. 1.8 spp. 2.5 ‘concinnum’ spp. 10.6 spp. spp. 4.0 spp. Megasternum concinnu Megasternum Iron age (Marsh.) Ochthebius minimus Ochthebius Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema (Marsh.) Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha Cercyon Ochthebius Platystethus cornutus Platystethus Helophorus brevipalpis Helophorus (Hbst.) (Hbst.) Latridius minutus Latridius (Payk.) (Payk.) lemnae Tanysphyrus 1.3 Helophorus Apion Aphodius Aphodius contaminatus Aphodius Anotylus sculpturatus Anotylus

1.3 1.3 2.8 2.8 1.7 1.7 2.6 2.6 1.8 1.8 %MNI here here rendered as


Curt. Curt. 1.3

(L.) (L.) 4.7 The second column lists the rank occurrence scores f spp. spp. spp. spp. 1.9 (Preyssl.) (Preyssl.) 4.7 spp. 1.5 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.2 spp. spp. 6.7 8 sites in period period sites8 in spp. spp. 8.9 spp. 1.2 Helophorus (Geer) (Geer) Onthophagus Onthophagus Calathus fuscipes Calathus joannae Onthophagus Bronze age age Bronze melanocephalus (Goeze) (Goljan) Ochthebius Geotrupes Hydraena testacea Hydraena Megasternum concinnum horticola Phyllopertha (L.) 1.2 Phyllotreta Anobium punctatum Anobium fracticornis Apion Aphodius

1.2 1.2 1.9 1.9 4.3 4.3 %MNI

For Peer Review (F.) 1.2 (L.) (L.) 1.4

Heer Heer 2.0 Megasternum Megasternum ‘boletophagum’, (L.) (L.) 1.9 indet. Aleocharinae , , spp. spp. 1.2 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 10.1 spp. spp. 3.5 spp. spp. 7.1 2 sites in period period sites 2 in spp. spp. 6.5 spp. spp. 4.3 spp. /longiventris Calathus fuscipes Calathus (Goeze) Calathus Calathus minimus Ochthebius Neolithic faunas Neolithic faunas (Ol.) melanocephalus (F.) Megasternum Megasternum concinnum Stenus Helophorus Ochthebius Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha (L.) 1.2 Tachyporus obscurus Barynotus Xantholinus linearis linearis Xantholinus Aphodius granarius Aphodius Aphodius Apion

A. A. fimetarius , , 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 1.4 1.4 %MNI

Grav. Grav. 1.4 (F.) (F.) 1.4 ) have been split since these sites were recorded. (group) (group) 1.9 palpis 39 sites in total total sites39 in spp. spp. 2.7 spp. spp. 3.2 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. 1.4 indet. Aleocharinae 1.7 spp. spp. 7.4 spp. spp. 2.1 spp. 2.4 Aphodius Aphodius sphacelatus , , Megasternum concinnum concinnum Megasternum brevi Helophorus Total for all periods forTotal periods all (Marsh.) Bedel (Grav.) (Grav.) (L.) 1.3 1.2 Geotrupes minimus Ochthebius cornutus Platystethus Philonthus melanocephalus Calathus Ochthebius Helophorus Cercyon minutus Latridius Aphodius Apion sculpturatus Anotylus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 indet. Aleocharinae 13 14 15 Rank Rank Carpelimus Carpelimus bilineatus concinna

Table Table 3: Rank order and % MNI for the 29 most frequently recovered Coleoptera by period for the sites in this survey. Note that some taxa ( order dataset, dataset, ofregardless archaeological period, followed by the percentage of individuals partofas the wholetaxon. for each fauna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.9

(F.) 0.9 (L.) (L.) 1.3

(F.) (F.) 0.9 (Geer) (Geer) 0.9 (F.) 0.9 spp. 1.3 spp. spp. 0.7 spp. spp. 0.7 spp. spp. 0.9 spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 1.1 quadristriatus Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema Post Roman Post Roman (Marsh.) Philonthus Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrobius Ochthebius Tachinus Trechus obtusus Trechus Er./ (Schr.) Tachyporus Phyllotreta atra Phyllotreta Geotrupes Aphodius rufipes Aphodius Atomaria Aspidapion aeneum Aspidapion Anotylus rugosus Anotylus

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1 %MNI

(F.) (F.) 1.1 (Hbst.) (Hbst.) 1.1 indet. Cryptophagidae 1.3 spp. spp. spp. spp. spp. 1.1 spp. (L.) (Marsham) (Marsham) 1.0 spp. spp. 1.1 Oxyomus sylvestris Oxyomus urticae Brachypterus minimus Ochthebius Romano-British Romano-British (Scop.) (F.) (Group) Phyllotreta Ptinus fur Ptinus (Grav.) (Grav.) Longitarsus Stenus contaminatus Bembidion Chaetocnema Chaetocnema concinna Anotylus nitidulus Anotylus Xantholinus Anotylus rugosus Anotylus Aphodius Aphodius

0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 %MNI

(Panz.) (Panz.) 1.0 (Steph). (Steph). 1.1 (Brahm) (Brahm) 0.7 (Geer) (Geer) 0.9 (L.) (L.) (Panzer) (Panzer) (L.) (L.) (F.) (F.) 0.8 indet. Corticariinae 0.9 s (Schr.) 1.1 spp. spp. 0.7 spp. 1.0 spp. 0.9 spp. spp. /sphacelatus /sphacelatus /quadristriatu Trechus obtusus obtusus Trechus Iron age Er. Limnebius Bembidion Carpelimus bilineatus Carpelimus Longitarsus Brahm Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrobius Philonthus Aphodius prodromus Aphodius Aphodius fimetarius Aphodius Anobium punctatum Anobium Anotylus rugosus Anotylus A. prodromus prodromus A. Aphodius sphacelatus Aphodius

1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 %MNI

HOLOCENE (F.) (F.) 0.7 indet. Scirtidae (L.) (L.) 0.9

(Hbst.) (Hbst.) 0.8 Heer Heer 0.8 spp. spp. spp. 0.8 spp. spp. 0.8 spp. spp. 0.8 (L.) spp. spp. 1.0 /longiventris Chaetocnema Oxyomus sylvestris Oxyomus minutus Latridius Bronze age age Bronze (Grav.) (Scop.) (group) (Ol.) Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema (Marsh.) 0.9 Philonthus Ptinus fur Ptinus Limnebius pyraster Mecinus Stenus Longitarsus Brachypterus urticae Brachypterus Anotylus sculpturatus Anotylus Aphodius granarius Aphodius Xantholinus linearis linearis Xantholinus

1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 %MNI


For Peer Review (L.) (L.) 1.2

(F.) (F.) 0.8 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. spp. 1.1 spp. spp. spp. spp. spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 1.0 spp. spp. Onthophagus joann Onthophagus Neolithic faunas Neolithic faunas (Goljan) Longitarsus pyraster Mecinus (Hbst.) 1.2 Philonthus Quedius Gabrius glabra Hydrothassa (Hbst.) Tachinus 1.0 Rugilus Phyllobius Geotrupes Anotylus rugosus Anotylus Agrypnus murinus murinus Agrypnus Atomaria

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 %MNI

(L.) 1.1

(Geer) (Geer) 1 (Scop.) (Scop.) 0.9 (Goeze) (Goeze) 1 (F.) (F.) 0.9 spp. spp. 0.9 spp. 0.9 spp. 0.8 spp. 1.1 Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema longoelytrata Lesteva arenarius Platystethus fracticornis Onthophagus Total for all periods forTotal periods all (Marsh.) (Goeze) (Fourcr.) (Preyssl.) Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha Stenus fuscipes Calathus (Hbst.) Phyllotreta Longitarsus sylvestris Oxyomus 0.9 Anobium punctatum Anobium contaminatus Aphodius rugosus Anotylus Amara 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rank Rank order Page 27 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 28 of 54 S. S. ., 2004). These These ., al et2004). seems to be typical of soft damp ground, ground, damp soft of typical be to seems C. fossor fossor C. of open sandy ground. ground. sandy open of D. linearis D. and and ECOLOGICALNOTES grassland. fields or ploughed truncatellus grasses. of roots the feed on they where old grassland, of typical to be tend species These and meadow and grassland in occur which species the between overlap is substantial There ground. in disturbed those Hall, 1997). and (Kenward hay cut and land agricultural in both ground disturbed and wet open, of typical are species These ground poached or trampled of areas with be associated often may They settlements. within simplistic. overly be may this but channels, and waterholes around herbivore with associated of range species a wide of common most the of selection a is This Ages Iron and Bronze the from which of some recovered, are species other Several dung. of capable be to thought also are Several 2013b). (Robinson, day present the at rare are (Kenward settlement human around materials in waste wet breeding 40% to up for account can they where sites some in numerous very be can associates dung or pasture. grazing nearby suggesting fauna, terrestrial the 60% of – of few very contain landscapes rural and ditches agricultural from sites archaeological Most taxa. these A range of ‘generalist’ predators favoured by open and often disturbed ground. This may be may be This ground. disturbed often and open by favoured predators ‘generalist’ of A range in settlement into carried are they Often grassland. of typical plants on feed species these All The The (on (on (stinging (stinging HOLOCENE spp. s. lat. lat. s. spp. and ‘the Welsh ‘the and Phloeotribus Phloeotribus spp. (leaf miners), miners), (leaf spp. (ash). (ash). , Athous haemorrhoidalis. haemorrhoidalis. Athous (lanceolate plantain) plantain) (lanceolate Rhynchites Rhynchaenus spp. and and spp. etc. etc. Melolontha melolontha Melolontha Agriotes

For Peer Review and gorse), (broom (Vetches) (Vetches) (Docks) (Docks) (birds foot trefoil) trefoil) foot (birds (poppies and mignonettes) mignonettes) and (poppies . . Leperisinus) varius, Hylesinus toranio (oleiperda), (oleiperda), toranio Hylesinus varius, ( Leperisinus) (Shepard’s purse) purse) (Shepard’s

Anobium punctatum, Grynobius planus, Lyctus linearis Lyctus planus, Grynobius punctatum, Anobium (common mallow) mallow) (common , the ‘cockchafer’ ‘cockchafer’ the , horticola Phyllopertha Andrion (Sitona) regensteinense (Sitona) Andrion Hylesinus , Hoplia philanthus Hoplia SPECIES quadristriatus, Trechus fossor, Clivina pilicornis, Loricera brevicollis, Nebria biguttatus, Notiophilus spp., Amara dorsalis, (Agonum) Anchomenus P. melanarius, madidus, Pterostichus obtusus, T. Syntomus melanocephalus, Calathus fuscipes, Calathus rufipes, affinis, Harpalus Harpalus linearis Dromius truncatellus. various Typically beetles’ ‘click Elateridae of Range Chafer’ ‘Garden Chafer’ meadow and Grassland hydrolapathi P. violaceum, Perapion frumentarium, Apion viridula, G. polygoni, Gastrophysa docks) (Clover) spp. Hypera humeralis, S. suturalis, S. lepidus, Sitona waterhousei S. cambricus, Coelositona pomonae cerdo, O. O. craccae, Oxystoma (thistles) piger Cleonis wasteland and ground Disturbed castor Rhinoncus pericarpius, Rhinoncus contractus Ceutorhynchus erysimi Ceutorhynchus quadrimaculatus Nedyus pollinarius, (Ceutorhychus) Parethelcus urticae, Brachypterus nettle) pascuorum M. (Gymnetron) labile, (Gymnetron) M. pyraster, Mecinus cornutus Platystethus nitidulus, Anotylus ‘bilineatus’, Carpelimus longoelytrata, Lesteva Cercyon haemorrhoidalis Cercyon impressus, Cercyon lunatum, S. scarabaeoides, Sphaeridium Onthophagus spp., Geotrupes arenarius Platystethus unipunctatus, Cercyon melanocephalus, A. sphacelatus, A. contaminatus, A. luridus, Aphodius rufipes, Aphodius fossor, Aphodius spp., - woodborers Various rhododactylus - Phytophages bramble), and hawthorn blackthorn, as such shrubs (rosaceous weevils) spp. (nut Curculio Aspidapion aeneum Aspidapion granarius A. ater, A. fimetarius, A. porcus, A. prodromus, theauthors’ previous experience. 3 and and 3 PART OF PART TO NEAR Table Table 4 Summary table of the thought to insects byin farms be important groupings archaeological and particularly ecological then order by based on taxonomic Table FAUNA TYPICAL GROUND BEETLES OF TYPICAL GRASSLANDS PLANT FEEDERS AREAS DAMP MUDDY AND GROUND DUNG BEETLES TREES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

and spp. also also Anchomenus Anchomenus Meligethes Meligethes Bembidion Bembidion elytrata, Philonthus Philonthus elytrata, salis, Amara Amara salis, ilonthus cognatus cognatus ilonthus spp.,

, Notiophilus biguttatus biguttatus Notiophilus , Amara apricaria apricaria Amara favoured, spp spp. ., Harpalus rufipes, Pterostichus madidus, madidus, Pterostichus rufipes, Harpalus ., pp Trechus obtusus obtusus Trechus Aleocharinae gen. & spp. indet., & gen. spp. Aleocharinae s HOLOCENE nd a

Species in order of occurrence in oforder Species occurrence Bembidion obtusum, Harpalus Harpalus obtusum, Bembidion with grassland Damper Harpalus rufipes, Tachinus rufipes, Pterostichus Pterostichus rufipes, Tachinus rufipes, Harpalus Ceutorhynchus floralis, Phyllotreta Phyllotreta floralis, Ceutorhynchus Abax parallelepipedus, Pterostichus niger and Platynus Platynus and niger Pterostichus parallelepipedus, Abax ., Bembidion obtusum, Xantholinus Xantholinus obtusum, Bembidion ., Calathus fuscipes, Amara aenea, aenea, Amara fuscipes, Calathus with also grassland dry

spp Harpalus affinus, Trechus quadristriatus, P. melanarius, Calathus fuscipes, fuscipes, Calathus melanarius, P. quadristriatus, Trechus affinus, Harpalus present solutus. Tachyporus transversus, Enicmus typhae, Ceutorhynchus dorsalis, Sweep-netting trapping Pitfall familiaris, Bembidion obtusum, Drusilla caniculata. Drusilla obtusum, Bembidion familiaris, rotundicollis Philonthus caesum, Omalium nitens, Ocypus fuscipennis, similata, Amara melanarius, obtusus, Notiophilus biguttatus, Nebria brevicollis Badister sodalis Badister brevicollis Nebria biguttatus, Notiophilus obtusus, Pterostichus melanarius melanarius Pterostichus Nebria brevicollis, Anotylus Anotylus brevicollis, Nebria longo Lesteva inustus, Anotylus hypnorum, Tachyporus N. brevicollis, Pterostichus madidus, Anchomenus dor Anchomenus madidus, Pterostichus N. brevicollis, Ph guttula, B. aeneum, Bembidion brevicollis, Nebria and Poecilus cupreus. Poecilus and Coprophilus striatulus striatulus Coprophilus Longitarsus pratensis, L. luridus, Sitona lepidus, S. lineatus, L. L. lineatus, S. lepidus, Sitona luridus, L. pratensis, Longitarsus Protapion troglodytes, Trichosirocalus melanocephalus, assimile. Protapion loti, Ischnopterapion rubidum, fulvipes,Sphaeroderma Badister bipustulatus, Amara aenea, A. communis. A. tibialis, Syntomus Syntomus tibialis, A. communis. A. aenea, Amara bipustulatus, Badister foveatus Notiophilus biguttatus, Bembidion lampros, Anchomenus dorsalis, B. B. dorsalis, Anchomenus lampros, Bembidion biguttatus, Notiophilus aeneum B. lampros, B. guttula, assimilis; assimilis; Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Pterostichus strenuus, Amara Amara strenuus, Pterostichus pilicornis, Loricera brevicollis, Nebria Synuchus dorsalis, Anchomenus familiaris, Harpalus rufipes. rufipes. Harpalus affinus, Dromius melanocephalus. melanocephalus. Dromius affinus, Amara Amara Aleochara bipustula. Aleochara

Arable land Arable For Peer Review Families Families Grassland, meadow and pasture and meadow Grassland, Staphylinidae Staphylinidae Staphylinidae Staphylinidae Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae Whole fauna fauna Whole method method Sampling itfall trapping trapping itfall Carabidae itfall trapping trapping itfall Carabidae trapping itfall Staphylinidae P P P Pitfall trapping trapping Pitfall and Carabidae Pitfall trapping trapping Pitfall Carabidae by Dominated trapping Pitfall Carabidae trapping Pitfall and Carabidae Suction collection Pitfall trapping trapping Pitfall Carabidae and Pitfalls sweep-netting

et et 1999

1991 1991 eynolds, eynolds, chaefer, chaefer, oreau, Reference L 2003 1998 Fournier and Fournier and Holland R Kroos and S al., Greenwood Greenwood etEyre al., 2003 1989 Luff, traping Pitfall al., et Blake 2003 Carabidae et Greenwood al., 1991 et Woodcock al., 2008 Blake et al. , , al. et Blake 2003 Robinson, 1983 Habitat type type Habitat Table 5. Beetles typically recorded in modern ecological surveys from arable, grassland and pasture (taxa ordered by frequency). frequency). by ordered (taxa pasture and grassland arable, from surveys ecological in modern recorded typically 5.Beetles Table open of Middle in fields crop Southern England arable Mixed on land of floodplain Trent river land Ploughed in Sussex, England fields Ploughed in northern Germany number Large of undisturbed sites grassland UK across of Series coastal grasslands Mesotrophic in Grasslands Scotland on Grassland of floodplain River Trent Mesotrophic meadowland Sussex Scotland Scotland Lane Binsley South and Oxford Hinksey, Arable lands in lands Arable land, Arable Page 29 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 30 of 54 Margarinotus ventralis ventralis Margarinotus and HOLOCENE L. pratensis, P. trifolii, P. fulvipes, L. Longitarsus pratensis, Sitona lineatus, L. luridus,

Species in order of occurrence in oforder Species occurrence Pterostichus versicolor, Peocilus cupreus, Amara Amara cupreus, Peocilus versicolor, Pterostichus Philonthus cognatus, Loricera pilicornis, Bembidion Bembidion pilicornis, Loricera cognatus, Philonthus Protapion trifolii, Cantharis nigra, Cantharis rufa. rufa. Cantharis nigra, Cantharis trifolii, Protapion communis, Oedostethus quadripustulatus, Pterostichus melanarius, melanarius, Pterostichus quadripustulatus, Oedostethus communis, rufipes, Harpalus fossor, Clivina gilvipes, Bembidion luridus, Longitarus Trachyphloeus alternans, L. parvulus, Catapion pubesens, S. hispudulus, seniculus. C. dichroum, Protapion L. atricillus, Mesotrophic grassland melanocephalus, Sitona lepidus, S. lineatus, P. assimile, L. atricillus, S. Calcareous Calcareous grassland apricans P. hispidulus, Pittrapping fall trapping Pitfall guttula, Tachinus signatus, Aleocharinae gen and spp, indet. Notaris Notaris spp, indet. and gen Aleocharinae signatus, Tachinus guttula, lunulatum, B. properans, Bembidion brevipalpis, Helophorus acridulus, fossor Aphodius laminatus, Philonthus Sphaeridium lunatum, S.scarabaeoides S.scarabaeoides lunatum, Sphaeridium Sweep netting Sweep variation of 95% for accounted Agriotes obscurus. obscurus. Agriotes Aphodius prodromus, A. sphacelatus, A. ater, A. rufipes, A. depressus, A. depressus, rufipes, A. ater, A. sphacelatus, A. prodromus, Aphodius For Peer Review Families Families Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae fauna Whole fauna Whole Scarabaeidae, Hyrophilidae and Histeridae beetles’ ‘dung method method Sampling Suction Suction collection Pitfalling and netting sweep and Pitfalls netting sweep Baited pitfall traps Reference Woodcock et et Woodcock al., 2010 Robinson, 1983 , Robinson 1983 and Hutton Giller, 2003 Habitat type type Habitat Calcareous and and Calcareous five mesotrophic sites grassland in southern England meadow, Hay mead, Pixey Oxford Pasture, Grazed Meadow, Port Oxford pasture Grazed in Southern Ireland 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 1: Location of the archaeological sites used in this survey survey in this used sites archaeological theof 1:Location Figure Page 31 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 32 of 54

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 2: The relative proportions of the broader aquatic, wetland and terrestrial functional group for each site in chronological order (N – Neolithic, BA – Bronze –Bronze BA Neolithic, –(N order chronological in site each for group functional terrestrial and wetland aquatic, broader of the proportions relative The 2: Figure Age, IA – Iron age, RB – Romano British, S – Saxon, M – Medieval). Medieval). – M Saxon, –S British, – Romano RB age, –Iron IA Age, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 3: The relative proportions of the terrestrial functional groups by site in chrological order (N – Neolithic, BA – Bronze Age, IA – Iron age, RB – Romano –Romano RB age, – IA Iron Age, – Bronze BA Neolithic, – (N order chrological in site by groups functional terrestrial of the proportions relative The 3: Figure Medieval). –M Saxon, – S British,

Page 33 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 34 of 54

HOLOCENE For Peer Review whisker plots to indicate the range and mean for each functional group. Outliers have the same numbers as are given for the sites in Figure 1. The number of Thenumber 1. Figure in thesites for given are as numbers same the have Outliers group. functional each for mean and range the indicate to plots whisker diagrammes. the row of middle the below isindicated period archaeological each in sites

and box using period archaeological by groups synthropic and woodland) and open foul material, (dung, groups offunctional proportions relative The 4: Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 5: nMDSFigure foranalysisthefrom taxa of each individual‘chronological entity’ archaeologicalby (seeperiodkey for details each archaeologicalof period)

Page 35 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 36 of 54

HOLOCENE For Peer Review

Figure 6: Figure analysis fornMDS the taxa of eachfrom individual ‘chronological entity’ archaeologicalby feature (seekey for details of each archaeological feature) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Mark Mark Robinson Robinson Peter Peter Osborne Osborne

The The left-hand diagram presents the sites David Smith David HOLOCENE For Peer Review ordered alphabetically by period. The right-hand diagram re-orders the sites by the degree period; assemblages with to similar faunas plot which closer together. Results theirare presented as a archaeoentomologicalheat map of faunasthe similarity matrix with are blocks indicating the similar,highest degree of regardless of similarity. Figure Figure 7: Dissimilarity matrices for the insect faunas from the sites examined based on simple score of presence/absence. Page 37 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 HOLOCENE Page 38 of 54

1 2 3 4 5 6 Figures and Tables 7 8 Figure 1: Location map for the archaeological sites in this survey 9 Figure 2. The relative proportions of the broader aquatic, wetland and terrestrial functional groups 10 11 Figure 3: The relative proportions of the terrestrial functional groups for the archaeological sites 12 Figure 4. The relative proportions of functional groups (dung, foul material, open and woodland) and 13 synanthropic groups by archaeological period 14 15 Figure 5: nMDS analysis for of the taxa from each individual ‘chronological entity’ by archaeological 16 period (see key for details of each archaeological period) 17 Figure 6: nMDS analysis for of the taxa from each individual ‘chronological entity’ by archaeological 18 feature (see key for details of each archaeological feature) 19 For Peer Review 20 Figure 7: Dissimilarity matrices. On a simple score of presence/ absence, sites’ faunas are largely 21 dissimilar to each other (i.e. large tail of less common species heavily influential). However, those 22 sites that are similar cluster to a large extent according to the person carrying out the analysis. 23 24 25 26 Table 1. Location, dating, feature type and reference for the archaeological sites included in this 27 survey 28 29 Table 2. Functional groups used in this analysis (based on Hill 2015) 30 Table 3: Rank order and % MNI for the 29 most frequently recovered Coleoptera by period for the 31 sites in this survey. Note that some taxa (Chaetocnema concinna, Aphodius sphacelatus, A. 32 33 fimetarius, Megasternum ‘boletophagum’, here rendered as ‘concinnum’, Hydrobius fuscipes, 34 Anotylus sculpturatus and Carpelimus bilineatus) have been split since these sites were recorded 35 Table 4. Summary table of the insects thought to be particularly important in archaeological farms by 36 ecological groupings and then by taxonomic order 37 38 Table 5. Beetles typically recorded in modern ecological surveys from arable, grassland and pasture 39 (taxa ordered by frequency) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

a c

2002 2011 2012

, , , Osborne, 1969 1969 Osborne, Robinson, 2006 2006 Robinson, Hill, 2016 2016 Hill, Tetlow, 2010 2010 Tetlow, Osborne, 1979 1979 Osborne, Smith Smith Smith Reference Reference Robinson, 1993 1993 Robinson, Robinson, 1979 1979 Robinson, Robinson, 1998 1998 Robinson,


’ century oman R Early Bronze Age Age Bronze Early Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2010 Tetlow, Mid Iron Iron Mid mid to century First Late third ‘ Period Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid Age Bronze late to Mid 2014a Smith, 2009 Smith, Mid to late Iron Age Iron Age late to Mid 1986 al., et Chowne Late Iron Age Iron Late Early Neolithic Neolithic Early Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2015a Smith, Mid to late Iron Iron Age late to Mid 2012b Smith, Bronze Age Age Bronze Mid to late Bronze Age Bronze late to Mid 2007 Tetlow, and Smith Late Iron Age Iron Late Mid to late Neolithic late to Mid 1997 Robinson, Late Bronze Age - Iron Age - Iron Age Bronze Late 2009 Smith,

ed dates dates ed 3210 cal. cal. 3210 - 1500 calBC. 1500 datesfrom -

based on on based calendar


dated bypottery dated BC

to 3310 to period period

0 200 BC 200 AD

200 – 1210 cal BC and 1380 and BC cal 1210 -

00 BC? 00 iocarbon or 367 –

- 250 –

770 500 –

. ad a Estimated Estimated R 3725 1450 1690 sample One c 200 ca. 80 archaeology estimated dates BC BC Cal 1040 – BC Cal 1500-50 dated 25 Age Iron archaeology from archaeology ca. 1200 – 700 BC BC 700 – 1200 ca. ca. 1200 – 700 BC BC 700 – 1200 ca. BC cal. 1210-910 BC cal. 750-260 calAD 70 – ca.BC 380 Age Iron Late 382 cal. BC-76 cal. AD AD cal. BC-76 cal. 382 Age Iron Late ca. 1000 – 0 BC BC 0 – 1000 ca. 390-40 cal. BC BC cal. 390-40 ca. 1650 – 900 BC BC 900 – ca.1650 Single date of 91-431 BC cal. 91-431 of date Single Age Bronze late to Mid 1992 Robinson, 1450-1130 cal BC calBC 1450-1130 HOLOCENE

For Peer Review rickfield ditches rickfield b

series of recuts of terminal end of ring ditch ditch ring end of terminal of recuts seriesof waterholes, waterholes Type ofTypefeature waterholes and pits Age Bronze

2 waterholes 8 features pit and waterholes 5 pit ditchand field 1 2 6 5 succession fluvial 5 waterholes ditchesand 6 gullies and sumps Age Iron 3 waterhole 3 ditch enclosure 1 Agebarrow Bronze below well / shaft baseof BC cal 1290 1470– 7 mound below stack peat and surface ground old BC cal 2535 – 2550 26 waterholes ditchesand 10 13 waterholes 10 ditches 11 Camp Causeway of ditch enclosure baseof 22 waterholes ditchesand 12 ditches enclosure 15 ditch enclosure Age Iron of umber N samples



, ate w

), Greater Greater ), , Late Bronze Bronze Late Greater Greater

, Staffordshire , e Derbyshire

, Terminal 5 Heathrow 5 Terminal Heathrow 5) Oaks (terminal Perry Quarry (BA), Horton Kingsmead Ground Sports Imperial Burghfield, Cottages, Anslow's ( Heathrow 5 Terminal Hay Whitemoor Quarry Horton Kingsmead Cambridgeshire Paxton, Little Lockington Table 1. Location, dating, feature type and reference for the archaeological sites included in this survey survey this in included sites archaeological the for reference and type feature dating, 1.Location, Table Site Cambridgeshire Etton, Hill,Wiltshire Silbury Wiltshire Shaft, Wilsford Age), (Bronze London Age) (Bronze London Greater Somerset Hillfarence, Berkshire 71808 Quarry Horton Berkshire Age) (Bronze London Berkshire Age) Iron - Age – Iron Age Bronze (Late Berkshire Age) Leicestershire Enderby, London. Greater Park, Olympic Linconshire Thorpe, Tattershall Staffordshire Fisherwick, Oxfordshire Ditches, Minges Age) (Iron Oxfordshire Farmoor, Page 39 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 40 of 54 Smith, 2013b 2013b Smith, Robinson, 1979 1979 Robinson, Reference Reference Smith and Langham, 2000 2000 Langham, and Smith Tetlow, 2010 2010 Tetlow, Smith, 2009 2009 Smith, Smith, 2015a 2015a Smith, Smith, 2011c Smith, 2011b Smith, 1997 Tetlow and Smith Smith 1997 Smith Robinson, 2006 2006 Robinson, Robinson, 1981b 1981b Robinson, Smith, 2006 2006 Smith, to mid third century century tothird mid 2015b Smith, nd Mid 2 Mid ‘Roman’ ‘Roman’ Period Roman Roman mid to Age Iron Late Roman? by (dated Roman late to Mid pottery) 2014b Smith, Early Roman Roman Early Roman Early Roman Early century 4th or 3rd Roman Roman Early to late Roman Roman late to Early 2010 Tetlow, Medieval Mid late Roman Roman late Mid 300 - ted dates dates ted dates from from dates based on on based estimated

calendar estima dates estimated dates estimated

Estimated dates dates Estimated estimated dates dates estimated dates estimated AD

estimated dates dates estimated

period period 225 AD 500

50 AD 50 – – 130 AD 130 4 AD 450

iocarbon or 250 AD and c 200 c 200 and AD 250 100 AD 100 AD 120 - – – –

450 AD 450 – – - based on archaeology archaeology based on Roman 350 350 ad

R Estimated c100 60 80 100 50 c.150 200 300 c. estimated dates archaeology archaeology from archaeology from archaeology from deposit fill in pottery from assemblage pottery century 2nd pottery and archaeology from century 4th and 3rd 2nd, archaeology from 2014b Smith, archaeology from dates Saxon early to Roman Late al., 1984 et Robinson 100 BC – 250 AD? Estimated Estimated AD? 250 – BC 100 archaeology from dates 240-510 cal. AD AD cal. 240-510 220 to BC 170cal of date One estimated features Other AD. archaeology from AD 350 – 150 ca. dates Estimated AD 400 – 200 pottery and archaeology from Roman late to Mid estimated AD 1600 – 1200 archaeology from 361 cal. BC to 252 cal. AD but but AD cal. 252 to BC cal. 361 AD 300 – 200 archaeology from AD

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Type ofTypefeature

3 waterhole 4 material) stabling (dumped wells military 4 villa with associated ditch 4 wells lined timber three 3 waterholes 1 well lined timber Roman 5 pits or waterholes 1 ditch 8 cistern and well 6 features other ditchesand 5 waterholes ditchesand 4 waterholes and wells Roman 4 waterholes 4 ditchsystem Roman brickfield 7 wells Roman 2 wells of umber N samples , Greater Greater

, Courteenhall, Courteenhall, sby Buisness Park, Park, sbyBuisness e erminal 5) Heathrow 5) erminal T Imperial Sports Ground Sports Imperial Oaks ( Perry Cat Carr, Balby Well. Park, Grange Terminal Frieght Rail Daventry 12, West North Cambridge Site (Roman) London Hertfordshire Bund, Wood Brickets (Roman) London Greater Quarry (Roman) Horton Kingsmead (Roman) Heathrow 5 Terminal Exeter College, Loyes St. Kent Villa, Roman Northfleet Yorkshire South Northamptonshire Farm) (Covert 13, West north Cambridge Cambridgeshire (Roman) Oxfordshire Farmoor, Oxfordshire Appleford, Mattersey, Carr, East Nottinghamshire Cambridgeshire Warwickshire Priors, Salford 4 wells three Oxfordshire Farm, Court Barton (Medieval) Heathrow 5 Terminal been have these site theat features different from exist dates several sigma). Where (2 probability to 95% are and OXCAL using calibrated dates Radiocarbon range. age extended an give to combined 10 systems field Roman subrectangular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 41 of 54 HOLOCENE

Table 2. Functional groups used in this analysis (based on Hill 2015) 1 2 Functional Group Code Definition 3 4 5 Beetles which spend the majority of their adult life in water. Aquatic A 6 Not included in terrestrial sum. True True

7 Aquatics 8 9 Hygrophilous taxa, littoral, usually in the bare waterlogged 10 Riparian R soils besides water. Also associated with emergent 11 vegetation. Included in terrestrial sum. 12 13 Marsh and Aquatic Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae species which feed MA exclusively on marsh and aquatic plants. Included in 14 Plants 15 terrestrial sum. 16 &Wetland 17 Watersidetaxa Hygrophilous, and often eurytopic taxa, found across a variety of semi-aquatic environments, such as marsh, 18 Marsh, Fen and Carr MFC swamp, fen, and floodplains. Included in terrestrial sum. 19 For Peer Review 20 21 Species living on various types of foul (decaying) organic 22 material. Sometimes, but in most cases not exclusively 23 Foul Material FM synanthropic. Foul material includes dung, but these taxa are 24 not dung specialists. Included in terrestrial sum. 25 Generalists 26 27 Taxa strongly associated with the faeces of herbivores. Dung DUNG 28 Included in terrestrial sum. 29 30 31 Taxa found in open and vegetated, or disturbed and 32 Open and Disturbed OD relatively bare conditions, wet or dry (but not strictly

33 landscapes Open ‘wetlands’). Included in terrestrial sum. 34 35 Species which show strong preference to forest margins, 36 forest-steppe, copses/felled trees within woodlands, open or 37 Edge of, or Light, pasture woods, pine heaths, hedgerows, single or sun- ELW exposed trees (e.g. certain Elateridae), or whose larval and 38 Woodland adult stage alternate between open spaces and forest (e.g. 39 certain Cerambycidae). Included in terrestrial sum. 40 41 Includes the Coleoptera which feed on wood in varying 42 Woodlands and stages of decay, leaves, fruit, and bark and live wood, fungal 43 WT feeders and predators strictly associated with woodland. 44 associatesWoodland Trees Except where a taxon can be defined within ELW. Included in 45 terrestrial sum. 46 47 Taxa to which none of the other FGs can be applied owing to 48 Uncoded or Ubiquitous u either lack of taxonomic resolution or ubiquity. Not included 49 in terrestrial sum. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 2.4 2.4

Page 42 of 54 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.5 igripes (F.) (F.) igripes 1.9 spp. spp. 8.2 spp. 2.4 spp. spp. 3.6 spp. spp. 4.5 minutus and

spp. spp. 1.3 2 sites in period period sites2 in spp. Latridius grandis Helophorus Post Roman Post Roman (group) (Ill.) Meligethes Longitarsus Phyllotreta n Phyllotreta Platystethus Megasternum Megasternum Phyllotreta vittula Phyllotreta (Redt). 2.2 Helophorus brevipalpis Helophorus Bedel 8.4 Oxyomus sylvestris Oxyomus (Scop.) 1.9 Cercyon Apion Aphodius

Chaetocnema Chaetocnema 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.8 indet. Ceutorhynchinae 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 2.4 2.4 %MNI

Anotylus Anotylus sculpturatus , , spp. spp. 3.7 spp. spp. 3.7 or or the entire archaeological (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.9 spp. spp. 1.5 spp. 5.1 sculpturatus minutus

18 sites in period period in sites 18 spp. spp. 1.2 indet. Corticariinae 1.5 spp. Latridius Megasternum Romano-British Romano-British (group) concinnum (Grav.) Cercyon Platystethus arenarius Platystethus (Fourcr.) (Goeze) (Goeze) Lesteva longelytrata Lesteva Ochthebius Platystethus cornutus Platystethus (Grav.) (Grav.) 1.3 Helophorus Philonthus (Geer) 1.2 Anotylus Apion Amara Anobium punctatum Anobium Aphodius

1.9 1.9 1.6 1.6 2.8 2.8 1.4 1.4 %MNI Hydrobius Hydrobius fuscipes , ,

Bedel Bedel 4.7 (L.) 2.6 (Grav.) (Grav.) 2.0 indet. Aleocharinae 1.8 (Grav.) (Grav.) 1.4 (F.) (F.) 2.8 (group) (group) 1.8 concinnum 9 sites in period period sites9 in spp. spp. 1.8 spp. 2.5 ‘concinnum’ spp. 10.6 spp. spp. 4.0 spp. Megasternum Megasternum Iron age (Marsh.) Ochthebius minimus Ochthebius Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema (Marsh.) Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha Cercyon Ochthebius Platystethus cornutus Platystethus Helophorus brevipalpis Helophorus (Hbst.) (Hbst.) Latridius minutus Latridius (Payk.) (Payk.) lemnae Tanysphyrus 1.3 Helophorus Apion Aphodius Aphodius contaminatus Aphodius Anotylus sculpturatus Anotylus

1.3 1.3 2.8 2.8 1.7 1.7 2.6 2.6 1.8 1.8 %MNI here here rendered as


Curt. Curt. 1.3

(L.) (L.) 4.7 The second column lists the rank occurrence scores f spp. spp. spp. spp. 1.9 (Preyssl.) (Preyssl.) 4.7 spp. 1.5 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 1.2 spp. spp. 6.7 8 sites in period period sites8 in spp. spp. 8.9 spp. 1.2 Helophorus (Geer) (Geer) Onthophagus Onthophagus Calathus fuscipes Calathus joannae Onthophagus Bronze age age Bronze melanocephalus (Goeze) (Goljan) Ochthebius Geotrupes Hydraena testacea Hydraena Megasternum concinnum horticola Phyllopertha (L.) 1.2 Phyllotreta Anobium punctatum Anobium fracticornis Apion Aphodius

1.2 1.2 1.9 1.9 4.3 4.3 %MNI

(F.) (F.) 1.2 For Peer Review (L.) (L.) 1.4

Heer Heer 2.0 Megasternum Megasternum ‘boletophagum’, (L.) (L.) 1.9 indet. Aleocharinae , , spp. spp. 1.2 (Marsh.) (Marsh.) 10.1 spp. spp. 3.5 spp. spp. 7.1 2 sites in period period sites 2 in spp. spp. 6.5 spp. spp. 4.3 spp. /longiventris Calathus fuscipes Calathus (Goeze) Calathus Calathus minimus Ochthebius Neolithic faunas Neolithic faunas (Ol.) melanocephalus (F.) Megasternum Megasternum concinnum Stenus Helophorus Ochthebius Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha (L.) 1.2 Tachyporus obscurus Barynotus Xantholinus linearis Xantholinus Aphodius granarius Aphodius Aphodius Apion

A. A. fimetarius , , 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 1.4 1.4 %MNI

Grav. Grav. 1.4 (F.) (F.) 1.4 ) have been split since these sites were recorded. (group) (group) 1.9 concinnum concinnum 39 sites in total total sites39 in spp. spp. 2.7 spp. spp. 3.2 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. 1.4 indet. Aleocharinae 1.7 spp. spp. 7.4 spp. spp. 2.1 spp. 2.4 Aphodius Aphodius sphacelatus , , Megasternum Megasternum brevipalpis Helophorus Total for all periods forTotal periods all (Marsh.) Bedel (Grav.) (Grav.) (L.) 1.3 1.2 Geotrupes minimus Ochthebius cornutus Platystethus Philonthus melanocephalus Calathus Ochthebius Helophorus Cercyon minutus Latridius Aphodius Apion sculpturatus Anotylus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 indet. Aleocharinae 13 14 15 Rank Rank Carpelimus Carpelimus bilineatus concinna

Table Table 3: Rank order and % MNI for the 29 most frequently recovered Coleoptera by period for the sites in this survey. Note that some taxa ( order dataset, dataset, ofregardless archaeological period, followed by the percentage of individualspart ofas the wholetaxon. for each fauna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.9

(F.) 0.9 (L.) (L.) 1.3

(F.) (F.) 0.9 (Geer) (Geer) 0.9 (F.) 0.9 spp. 1.3 spp. spp. 0.7 spp. spp. 0.7 spp. spp. 0.9 spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 1.1 quadristriatus Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema Post Roman Post Roman (Marsh.) Philonthus Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrobius Ochthebius Tachinus Trechus obtusus Trechus Er./ (Schr.) Tachyporus Phyllotreta atra Phyllotreta Geotrupes Aphodius rufipes Aphodius Atomaria Aspidapion aeneum Aspidapion Anotylus rugosus Anotylus

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1 %MNI

(F.) (F.) 1.1 (Hbst.) (Hbst.) 1.1 indet. Cryptophagidae 1.3 lvestris spp. spp. spp. spp. spp. 1.1 spp. (L.) (Marsham) (Marsham) 1.0 spp. spp. 1.1 Oxyomus sy Oxyomus urticae Brachypterus minimus Ochthebius Romano-British Romano-British (Scop.) (F.) (Group) Phyllotreta Ptinus fur Ptinus (Grav.) (Grav.) Longitarsus Stenus contaminatus Bembidion Chaetocnema Chaetocnema concinna Anotylus nitidulus Anotylus Xantholinus Anotylus rugosus Anotylus Aphodius Aphodius

0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 %MNI

(Panz.) (Panz.) 1.0 (Steph). (Steph). 1.1 (Brahm) (Brahm) 0.7 (Geer) (Geer) 0.9 (L.) (L.) (Panzer) (Panzer) (L.) (L.) (F.) (F.) 0.8 indet. Corticariinae 0.9 s (Schr.) 1.1

spp. spp. 0.7 spp. 1.0 spp. 0.9 spp. spp. /sphacelatus /sphacelatus /quadristriatu Trechus obtusus Trechus Iron age Er. Limnebius Bembidion Carpelimus bilineatus Carpelimus Longitarsus Brahm Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrobius Philonthus Aphodius prodromus Aphodius Aphodius fimetarius Aphodius Anobium punctatum Anobium Anotylus rugosus Anotylus A. prodromus prodromus A. Aphodius sphacelatus Aphodius

1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 %MNI

HOLOCENE (F.) (F.) 0.7 indet. Scirtidae (L.) (L.) 0.9

(Hbst.) (Hbst.) 0.8 Heer Heer 0.8 spp. lvestris spp. spp. 0.8 y spp. spp. 0.8 spp. spp. 0.8 (L.) sculpturatus minutus

spp. spp. 1.0 /longiventris Chaetocnema Oxyomus s Oxyomus Latridius Bronze age age Bronze (Grav.) (Scop.) (group) (Ol.) Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema (Marsh.) 0.9 Philonthus Ptinus fur Ptinus Limnebius pyraster Mecinus Stenus Longitarsus Brachypterus urticae Brachypterus Anotylus Aphodius granarius Aphodius Xantholinus linearis linearis Xantholinus

1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 %MNI

For Peer Review (L.) (L.) 1.2

(F.) (F.) 0.8 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. spp. 1.2 spp. spp. 1.1 spp. spp. spp. spp. spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 0.9 spp. spp. 1.0 spp. spp. Onthophagus joannae Onthophagus Neolithic faunas Neolithic faunas (Goljan) Longitarsus pyraster Mecinus (Hbst.) 1.2 Philonthus Quedius Gabrius glabra Hydrothassa (Hbst.) Tachinus 1.0 Rugilus Phyllobius Geotrupes Anotylus rugosus Anotylus Agrypnus murinus murinus Agrypnus Atomaria

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 %MNI

(L.) 1.1

(Geer) (Geer) 1 (Scop.) (Scop.) 0.9 (Goeze) (Goeze) 1 (F.) (F.) 0.9 spp. spp. 0.9 us fracticornis us spp. 0.9 longoelytrata spp. 0.8 spp. 1.1 Chaetocnema concinna Chaetocnema Lesteva arenarius Platystethus Onthophag Total for all periods forTotal periods all (Marsh.) (Goeze) (Fourcr.) (Preyssl.) Phyllopertha horticola Phyllopertha Stenus fuscipes Calathus (Hbst.) Phyllotreta Longitarsus sylvestris Oxyomus 0.9 Anobium punctatum Anobium contaminatus Aphodius rugosus Anotylus Amara 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rank Rank order Page 43 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 44 of 54 S. S. ., 2004). These These ., al et2004). seems to be typical of soft damp ground, ground, damp soft of typical be to seems C. fossor fossor C. of open sandy ground. ground. sandy open of D. linearis D. and and ECOLOGICALNOTES may be This ground. disturbed often and open by favoured predators ‘generalist’ of A range grassland. fields or ploughed truncatellus grasses. of roots the feed on they where old grassland, of typical to be tend species These and meadow and grassland in occur which species the between overlap is substantial There ground. in disturbed those Hall, 1997). and (Kenward hay cut and land agricultural in both ground disturbed and wet open, of typical are species These ground poached or trampled of areas with be associated often may They settlements. within simplistic. overly be may this but channels, and waterholes around herbivore with associated of range species a wide of common most the of selection a is This Ages Iron and Bronze the from which of some recovered, are species other Several dung. of capable be to thought also are Several 2013b). (Robinson, day present the at rare are (Kenward settlement human around materials in waste wet breeding 40% to up for account can they where sites some in numerous very be can associates dung or pasture. grazing nearby suggesting fauna, terrestrial the 60% of – All these species feed on plants typical of grassland. Often they are carried into settlement in settlement into carried are they Often grassland. of typical plants on feed species these All The The (on (on (stinging (stinging HOLOCENE and ‘the Welsh ‘the and Athous haemorrhoidalis. haemorrhoidalis. Athous (lanceolate plantain) plantain) (lanceolate spp. and and spp. etc. etc. Melolontha melolontha Melolontha ForAgriotes Peer Review (Vetches) (Vetches) (Docks) (Docks) (birds foot trefoil) trefoil) foot (birds (poppies and mignonettes) mignonettes) and (poppies . . (Shepard’s purse) purse) (Shepard’s

(common mallow) mallow) (common , the ‘cockchafer’ ‘cockchafer’ the , horticola Phyllopertha Hoplia philanthus Hoplia SPECIES quadristriatus, Trechus fossor, Clivina pilicornis, Loricera brevicollis, Nebria biguttatus, Notiophilus spp., Amara dorsalis, (Agonum) Anchomenus P. melanarius, madidus, Pterostichus obtusus, T. Syntomus melanocephalus, Calathus fuscipes, Calathus rufipes, affinis, Harpalus Harpalus linearis Dromius truncatellus. various Typically beetles’ ‘click Elateridae of Range Chafer’ ‘Garden Chafer’ meadow and Grassland hydrolapathi P. violaceum, Perapion Apion frumentarium, viridula, G. polygoni, Gastrophysa docks) (Clover) spp. Hypera humeralis, S. suturalis, S. lepidus, Sitona waterhousei S. cambricus, Coelositona pomonae cerdo, O. O. craccae, Oxystoma (thistles) piger Cleonis wasteland and ground Disturbed castor Rhinoncus pericarpius, Rhinoncus contractus Ceutorhynchus erysimi Ceutorhynchus quadrimaculatus Nedyus pollinarius, (Ceutorhychus) Parethelcus urticae, Brachypterus nettle) pascuorum M. (Gymnetron) labile, (Gymnetron) M. pyraster, Mecinus cornutus Platystethus nitidulus, Anotylus ‘bilineatus’, Carpelimus longoelytrata, Lesteva Cercyon haemorrhoidalis Cercyon impressus, Cercyon lunatum, S. scarabaeoides, Sphaeridium Onthophagus spp., Geotrupes arenarius Platystethus unipunctatus, Cercyon melanocephalus, A. sphacelatus, A. contaminatus, A. luridus, Aphodius rufipes, Aphodius fossor, Aphodius spp., Aspidapion aeneum Aspidapion granarius A. ater, A. fimetarius, A. porcus, A. prodromus, theauthors’ previous experience. 3 and and 3 PART OF PART TO NEAR Table Table 4 Summary table of the thought to insects byin farms be important groupings archaeological and particularly then ecological order by based on taxonomic Table FAUNA TYPICAL GROUND BEETLES OF TYPICAL GRASSLANDS PLANT FEEDERS AREAS DAMP MUDDY AND GROUND DUNG BEETLES

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Most archaeological sites from agricultural ditches and rural landscapes contain very few of few very contain landscapes rural and ditches agricultural from sites archaeological Most taxa. these HOLOCENE spp. s. lat. lat. s. spp. Phloeotribus Phloeotribus spp. (leaf miners), miners), (leaf spp. (ash). (ash). , Rhynchites Rhynchaenus

(broom and gorse), and gorse), (broom For Peer Review Leperisinus) varius, Hylesinus toranio (oleiperda), (oleiperda), toranio Hylesinus varius, ( Leperisinus) Anobium punctatum, Grynobius planus, Lyctus linearis Lyctus planus, Grynobius punctatum, Anobium Andrion (Sitona) regensteinense (Sitona) Andrion Hylesinus , Various woodborers - woodborers Various rhododactylus - Phytophages bramble), and hawthorn blackthorn, as such shrubs (rosaceous weevils) spp. (nut Curculio TREES TREES Page 45 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 46 of 54

and spp. also also Anchomenus Anchomenus Meligethes Meligethes Bembidion Bembidion elytrata, Philonthus Philonthus elytrata, salis, Amara Amara salis, ilonthus cognatus cognatus ilonthus spp.,

, Notiophilus biguttatus biguttatus Notiophilus , Amara apricaria apricaria Amara favoured, spp spp. ., Harpalus rufipes, Pterostichus madidus, madidus, Pterostichus rufipes, Harpalus ., pp Trechus obtusus obtusus Trechus Aleocharinae gen. & spp. indet., & gen.spp. Aleocharinae s nd a

Species in order of occurrence in oforder occurrence Species Bembidion obtusum, Harpalus Harpalus obtusum, Bembidion with grassland Damper HOLOCENE Harpalus rufipes, Tachinus rufipes, Pterostichus Pterostichus rufipes, Tachinus rufipes, Harpalus Ceutorhynchus floralis, Phyllotreta Phyllotreta floralis, Ceutorhynchus Abax parallelepipedus, Pterostichus niger and Platynus Platynus and niger Pterostichus parallelepipedus, Abax ., Bembidion obtusum, Xantholinus Xantholinus obtusum, Bembidion .,

Calathus fuscipes, Amara aenea, aenea, Amara fuscipes, Calathus with also grassland dry

spp ll trapping ll Harpalus affinus, Trechus quadristriatus, P. melanarius, Calathus fuscipes, fuscipes, Calathus melanarius, P. quadristriatus, Trechus affinus, Harpalus dorsalis, Ceutorhynchus typhae, Enicmus transversus, Tachyporus solutus. solutus. Tachyporus transversus, Enicmus typhae, Ceutorhynchus dorsalis, Sweep-netting present Pitfa familiaris, Bembidion obtusum, Drusilla caniculata. Drusilla obtusum, Bembidion familiaris, rotundicollis Philonthus caesum, Omalium nitens, Ocypus fuscipennis, similata, Amara melanarius, obtusus, Notiophilus biguttatus, Nebria brevicollis Badister sodalis Badister brevicollis Nebria biguttatus, Notiophilus obtusus, assimilis; assimilis; Pterostichus melanarius melanarius Pterostichus Nebria brevicollis, Anotylus Anotylus brevicollis, Nebria longo Lesteva inustus, Anotylus hypnorum, Tachyporus and Poecilus cupreus. Poecilus and Coprophilus striatulus striatulus Coprophilus Nebria brevicollis, Bembidion aeneum, B. guttula, Ph guttula, B. aeneum, Bembidion brevicollis, Nebria N. brevicollis, Pterostichus madidus, Anchomenus dor Anchomenus madidus, Pterostichus N. brevicollis, Harpalus rufipes. rufipes. Harpalus Longitarsus pratensis, L. luridus, Sitona lepidus, S. lineatus, L. L. lineatus, S. lepidus, Sitona luridus, L. pratensis, Longitarsus Protapion troglodytes, Trichosirocalus melanocephalus, assimile. Protapion loti, Ischnopterapion rubidum, fulvipes,Sphaeroderma affinus, Dromius melanocephalus. melanocephalus. Dromius affinus, Badister bipustulatus, Amara aenea, A. communis. A. tibialis, Syntomus Syntomus tibialis, A. communis. A. aenea, Amara bipustulatus, Badister foveatus Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Pterostichus strenuus, Amara Amara strenuus, Pterostichus pilicornis, Loricera brevicollis, Nebria Synuchus dorsalis, Anchomenus familiaris, B. dorsalis, Anchomenus lampros, Bembidion biguttatus, Notiophilus aeneum B. lampros, B. guttula, Amara Amara Aleochara bipustula. Aleochara Arable land Arable Families Families Grassland, meadow and pasture and meadow Grassland, Staphylinidae Staphylinidae Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae Staphylinidae Staphylinidae For Peer Review fauna Whole method method Sampling Sampling itfall trapping trapping itfall Carabidae itfall trapping trapping itfall Carabidae trapping itfall Staphylinidae P P P Pitfall trapping trapping Pitfall Carabidae trapping Pitfall Carabidae by Dominated trapping Pitfall Carabidae trapping Pitfall and Carabidae Suction collection Pitfall trapping trapping Pitfall and Carabidae Pitfalls and and Pitfalls sweep-netting

et et 1999

1991 1991 eynolds, eynolds, chaefer, chaefer, oreau, Reference L 2003 1998 Fournier and Fournier and Holland R Kroos and S Blake et al. , , al. et Blake 2003 Greenwood al., etEyre al., 2003 Luff, 1989 traping Pitfall al., et Blake 2003 Carabidae et Greenwood al., 1991 et Woodcock al., 2008 Robinson, Robinson, 1983 Habitat type type Habitat Table 5. Beetles typically recorded in modern ecological surveys from arable, grassland and pasture (taxa ordered by frequency). frequency). by ordered (taxa pasture and grassland arable, from surveys ecological in modern recorded typically 5.Beetles Table in lands Arable Scotland open of Middle in fields crop Southern England arable Mixed on land of floodplain Trent river land Ploughed in Sussex, England fields Ploughed in northern Germany number Large of undisturbed sites grassland UK across of Series coastal grasslands Mesotrophic in Grasslands Scotland on Grassland of floodplain River Trent Mesotrophic meadowland Sussex Binsley Lane Lane Binsley South and Oxford Hinksey, Arable land, land, Arable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Margarinotus ventralis ventralis Margarinotus and L. pratensis, P. trifolii, P. fulvipes, L. Longitarsus pratensis, Sitona lineatus, L. luridus,

Species in order of occurrence in oforder occurrence Species Pterostichus versicolor, Peocilus cupreus, Amara Amara cupreus, Peocilus versicolor, Pterostichus HOLOCENE Philonthus cognatus, Loricera pilicornis, Bembidion Bembidion pilicornis, Loricera cognatus, Philonthus Protapion trifolii, Cantharis nigra, Cantharis rufa. rufa. Cantharis nigra, Cantharis trifolii, Protapion apricans

. communis, Oedostethus quadripustulatus, Pterostichus melanarius, melanarius, Pterostichus quadripustulatus, Oedostethus communis, rufipes, Harpalus fossor, Clivina gilvipes, Bembidion luridus, Longitarus Trachyphloeus Trachyphloeus alternans, L. parvulus, Catapion pubesens, S. hispudulus, seniculus. C. dichroum, Protapion L. atricillus, Mesotrophic grassland melanocephalus, Sitona lepidus, S. lineatus, P. assimile, L. atricillus, S. Calcareous Calcareous grassland P hispidulus, Pittrapping fall trapping Pitfall guttula, Tachinus signatus, Aleocharinae gen and spp, indet. Notaris Notaris spp, indet. and gen Aleocharinae signatus, Tachinus guttula, lunulatum, B. properans, Bembidion brevipalpis, Helophorus acridulus, fossor Aphodius laminatus, Philonthus Sweep netting Sweep Sphaeridium lunatum, S.scarabaeoides S.scarabaeoides lunatum, Sphaeridium variation of 95% for accounted Agriotes obscurus. obscurus. Agriotes Aphodius prodromus, A. sphacelatus, A. ater, A. rufipes, A. depressus, A. depressus, rufipes, A. ater, A. sphacelatus, A. prodromus, Aphodius Families Families

Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae fauna Whole For fauna Whole Peer Scarabaeidae, Hyrophilidae and Histeridae beetles’ ‘dung Review method method Sampling Sampling Suction Suction collection Pitfalling and netting sweep and Pitfalls netting sweep Baited pitfall traps Reference Woodcock et et Woodcock al., 2010 Robinson, 1983 , Robinson 1983 Hutton and Giller, 2003 Habitat type type Habitat Calcareous and and Calcareous five mesotrophic sites grassland in southern England meadow, Hay mead, Pixey Oxford Pasture, Grazed Meadow, Port Oxford pasture Grazed in Southern Ireland Page 47 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 48 of 54 HOLOCENE For Peer Review survey in this used sites archaeological theof 1:Location Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 2: The relative proportions of the broader aquatic, wetland and terrestrial functional group for each site in chronological order (N – Neolithic, BA BA Neolithic, –(N order chronological in site each for group functional terrestrial and wetland aquatic, broader of the proportions relative The 2: Figure – Bronze Age, IA – Iron age, RB – Romano British, S – Saxon, M – Medieval). –Medieval). M – S Saxon, British, – Romano RB age, –Iron IA Age, Bronze – Page 49 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 50 of 54

HOLOCENE For Peer Review

Figure 3: The relative proportions of the terrestrial functional groups by site in chrological order (N – Neolithic, BA – Bronze Age, IA – Iron age, RB – RB age, – IA Iron Age, – Bronze BA Neolithic, – (N order chrological in site by groups functional terrestrial of the proportions relative The 3: Figure Medieval). – M Saxon, –S British, Romano 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

HOLOCENE For Peer Review

using period archaeological by groups synthropic and woodland) and open foul material, (dung, groups offunctional proportions relative The 4: Figure 1. in Figure the sites for given asare numbers the same have Outliers group. functional each for mean and range the indicate to plots whisker and box diagrammes. the of row middle the below is indicated period archaeological each in of sites number The Page 51 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 52 of 54

HOLOCENE For Peer Review

Figure 5: nMDSFigure foranalysisthefrom taxa of each individual‘chronological entity’ archaeologicalby (seeperiodkey for details each archaeologicalof period) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 HOLOCENE For Peer Review


Figure 6: Figure analysis fornMDS the taxa of eachfrom individual ‘chronological entity’ archaeologicalby feature (seekey for details of each archaeological Page 53 of 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Page 54 of Mark Mark Robinson Robinson Peter Peter Osborne Osborne

avid Smith avid The The left-hand diagram presents the D HOLOCENE For Peer Review Figure 7: 7: DissimilarityFigure formatrices the insect from faunas the sites examined based on simple score of presence/absence. sites sites ordered alphabetically by period. The right-hand diagram re-orders the sites by the degree to which their archaeoentomological faunas are similar, regardless of period; assemblages with similar faunas plot closer together. Results are presented as a heat map of the similarity matrix with blocks indicating highestdegreethe of similarity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60