Mumbai, Sunday, April 30, 2017 entertainment 3 From Shashank Vyas to Vahbiz Dorabjee, BEAT THE HEAT! Television celebrities reveals how they manage to stay cool in the scorching heat of Mumbai Kinnari Shailendra Singh VAHBIZ
[email protected] MRUNAL JAIN ith the heat wave in DORABJEE Mumbai surging, people During summers, I The summer really gets are trying to do all that make sure I take to me, and so, to cool they can to keep them- two to three baths down, I take bath twice selves cool. And why not, a day! Also, I drink a day. I also make sure Wit’s especially important to do so, con- a lot of curd and a to wash my hair every sidering a hydrated body is a healthy lot of water to keep day so that the heat body. And no one does it better than myself hydrated. does not damage it in TV stars, who have to fight a hectic any way and of course I schedule to beat the heat. Here’s how wear shorts most of the they’re keeping it cool this summer… time and love to go to the beach. DIVYAJYOTEE SHARMA AMAL SEHRAWAT No matter how tired I am Well, I have a rather unique or how hectic my work way to deal with the sum- schedule has been, I make mers, and believe it or not, it a point to drink coconut it definitely works for me. water daily. Also, I take a So, I keep my mind cool by bath twice daily, so that I RIDHEEMA TIWARI staying away from negativi- feel fresh, relaxed and cool ty.