Floor Debate August 13, 2020
Transcript Prepared by Clerk of the Legislature Transcribers Office Floor Debate August 13, 2020 FOLEY: W elcome to the George W. Norris Legislative Chamber for the sixtieth day of the One Hundred Sixth Legislature, Second Session. Our chaplain for today is Senator Williams. Please rise. WILLIAMS: Thank you, Mr. President, and good morning, members. Please join me in prayer. Dear Lord, we thank you for today and for all days and especially for day 60. It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away. With COVID, we have faced great uncertainty, but with you, we have confidence in our future. We know, Lord, that whether we knock loudly on your door with our prayers or we offer them in silence, you are listening. Our prayers are answered in a manner and in a time chosen by you. This is the final day of session for six of our members. We thank you for their commitment to our great state. Senators Bolz, Chambers, Crawford, Howard, Kolowski, and Speaker Jim Scheer, you will be missed. As the session draws to a close, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve. We recognize the talents and gifts that we bring to this body are gifts from you. And today, we say a special prayer for all the support staff that have helped us throughout this session; the clerk and his staff, the red coats, the pages, the Fiscal Office, Bill Drafting, transcribers, our office staffs, and all others working in and around the Capitol. And a special thank you and prayer for our families.
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