Annual Report of the Colonies, Northern Rhodesia, 1925-26
COLONIAL REPORTS—ANNUAL. No.. 1863. NORTHERN RHODESIA. REPORT FOR 1925-26. (For BqwH for 1084-86 m No. 1808 (Price Is. OA).) LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased direotly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE attthe following addresses Adastral House, Kingaway, London, W.C.2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Orescent, Cardiff; 16, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller. 1927. ^3&-$ Price Is. Od. net. 58-310 ^ CONTENTS. I,—GEOGRAPHICAL and HISTORICAL II.—OLIMATR ... ... III.—VITAL STATISTICS IV.—GENERAL EVENTS of the YEAR V.—LEGISLATION VI.—FINANCE and BANKS ... VII,—CUSTOMS and TRADE VIII.—LAND, AGRICULTURE, and LIVE STOCX IX.—MINING and INDUSTRY X.—NATIVE AVPAIRS ... XL—EDUCATION ... ... ... XII.—HEALTH XIII.—JUSTICE and CHIME XIV—POSTS and COMMUNICATIONS A NORTHERN RH3DESIA. ANNUAL REPORT, 1925-26.* I.—Geographical and Historical. The territory known as the Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia lies between Longitudes 22° E. and 33.35° E. and between Latitudes 8.15° S. and 18° S. It is bounded on the west by Angola* on the north-west by the Belgian Congo, on the north-east by Tanganyika Territory, on the east by the Nyasalaud Protectorate and Portu guese East Africa, and on the scJth by Southern Rhodesia and the mandated territory of South West Africa, comprising in all an area which is computed to be about 291,000 square miles. The River Zambesi forms the greater part of the southern boundary; its two mam northern tributaries are the river's Kafue and Luangwa. With the exception of these river valleys, the territory consists of a table land varying from 3,000 to 4,500 feet in height, though in the north eastern portion, and especially in the vicinity of Lake Tanganyika, the altitude is higher.
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