A,P.P.M. Orders 470, 5A0

FIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 &. 157 Cr.P.C.) l.District Police Station Year FIR No Date Prakasam ACB, Ongole 2019 5/RCT-OGL/ZO17 2?.11.2019 1 1-00 hrs

2.(i) Act : 7 (a) of Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) ACT, 2018

(ii) Act: NIL Sections: -- NIL

(iii) Act: NIL Sections: -- NIL

(lV) Other Acts & Sections: NIL

3. (a) Occurrence of offence: Date :iI Prior to ?i:: 22.11.2019

Time Period: NIL Time from: -- Time to : --

(b) lnformation received at the Date: Time: Potice Station: 20.11.2019 09-00 hrs

(c) GeneraI Diary Reference: Entry No. (s) --- Time: --

4. Type of information: Tetugu Typed report

5. Ptace of (a) Direction and Distance from the Beat No...... occurrence: Office. South-West : 40 KM

(b) Address : Kondapi vil[age and Mandal, .

(c) lf outside the limits of this Police Station, then the name of concerned Potice Station : ---

District : - -

6. Comptainant / lnformant : Sri Ummadiprolu Srinivas

(b) Husband's Name : S/o Kondaiah

O Date / Year of Birth: 30 years (d) Nationatity : lndian

(e) Passport No: -- Date of lssue: -- Ptace of lssue: --

(f) Occupation: Driver cum Owner

(g) Address: N/o Gowtagatlavaripalem (v), (M), Prakasam District.

7. Detaits of known / suspected / unknown accused with futt particutars. (Attach separate sheet if necessary): Sri Chenchu Ramaiah, Enforcement Deputy Tahsildar, Singarayakonda, Prakasam District. 2

Physicat features, deformities and other detaits of the suspect:

Date/Year Height in 5ex Buitd Comptexion of Birth Cms. ldentification Marks (s) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 Mate

Deformities / H abi t Teeth Hair Eyes Dress Habits Pecutiarities s (s) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 41

Languages Dialect

These fietds wi[ be entered onty if complainant/informant gives any one particutars about or more the suspect. This witt be onty for the purpose of pretiminary retrievaI assist l.O. to A date base created witt subsequentty tink one suspect in seyeraI cases, if any A comprehensive and comptete data on att fietds witt again be prepared when any accused is arrested irrespective of previous suspicion.

8' Reasons for detay in reporting by the comptainant / rnformant -No detay- 9' Particutars of properties stolen/involved (Attach separate sheet, if necessary): -NA- 10' Total vatue of properties stoten - / invotved : Demanded bribe amount of Rs.1 7,ooo/- 11. lnquest Report/U.D. Case No., if any: -NA_

12' contents of the comptaint / Statement of the comptainant or informant (Attach Sheets, if required): separate That the Accused officer demanded an amount of Rs. 17,ooo/- as br,ibe complainant for rete.asing from the the-comprainant,s Mini rruck b;";i;g No. Leyland Dost) from Ap 26 TB 4183 (Ashok Kondlpi P.s which was seized by the ao on the release order pertaining 16.10.2019 even though to the vehicle *ur lri.]"J ir'in" Joint prakasam District, Ongote on 0g.11.2O1g. colector,

Separate sheet is herewith enc(osed- 13' Action Taken: since.the above report reveats commission offence (s) item No'2, U/s. as mentioned at Registered the case and took uj investigatio," r iir"-'ci-NlL--to Rank take up the

Refused investigation / transferred to Potice station NIL on the point of jurisdiction. F'l'R' read over to the comptainant / lnformant, admitted given to be correctty recorded and copy to the Comptainant / lnformant f ree of cost. /n \\, O t;t/'d;c)\J t.1-rr:;- \\q---2;\tt tHH:": 14' signature / rhumb*ft ;"Ll - ('l Potice station of the Complainant il'I16ffifil''(u'g! / tnformant Rank : Addt. Supdt. of police, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Dist., Guntur, l/c ACB, prakasam District, 15. Date & Time of dispatch to the court on22.11.2a19 at 11.15 hours I registered the above report as a case in Cr.No.05/RCT-oGL/201g u/s 7 (a) of the (Amendmenr) Act, 2018 of ACB, piar

erci:"t ! u

;J" K>sLt";:ro treideJr.Olefo g"5ro, 5or1o"o$:$od ;l.:odoo, Os"Ao AeI. o'5.> AP 2 6 TB 4183 ioa:6 do Ashok Leyland Dosl Mini truck Su6r, o"SB 33 gSOri" bS 6eu", sorlo"oJrsod d$HDbgiro g"iro$ sJ'd)a1gr odA 8e!$o{u' ADiP$J. 35: =. o"iPio$: i\r ry5:otf3 ;1r ao8drld bHDSS, fS o"5o" e.Idr'te, SrUr.6SS D$r 6n{;"tu. eeO)C-.D)A) -"sr A056 o"OB dar$ 6".23O0,/-e .!n:S'S o"Ort$ Src- e),r:. 6.15.1O.2O19i 66s 66o5;o u$ 405;5 Sodo"oj:$od,Sr 6o6$ Sd)50 b&5 $ir6 c1S$ i:S 6o6l ,3i:3 o. Ap

25 TB 4183 So",dJ 6o Ashok Leyland Dost, Mini trucki! s}d).1$,5X})SS EAi-.6. ero"Sel 6 16.10.2019$ e6c6ro -" AcS 95 o.5o. daS Oo5r5o elsiir dr"ca" 6-9r eodn" Sodi: Sodoo, ;N"rtr)oe3er, Lrll4Der: bel:S$, $ocb lfbn: !a$ {cg: a0s$a. ii: Soci: 30p4",$. erd 8ar e6o$o JoSOSoes aqy58 Or"39"6 3 aotS o.$o1)l n 6 ;ld5ior.tD g:b, tuS eS e,,i6 eroD$ ;J. 5:a €s.) b$;r"d). ;:" n:5 gS d asy a;rS OoJ:5o,i: Sod,bef 6115 $iD te.rcL:3r er-o;RoC, o" ScS OS $ Socb ffba: !;r$ erb;flolvd-:. a" so5 OS oba:

Sd$ 3$ z,offer-: a"o::o6 sefsdJ rr"o u.l". f Sgr.f +,a00l:o$ o"5oSr n 5do6 eS;, ,oorio,obsoc o" f:5 gS Obe t,!6 foaa";l,. r:6d: u!6 Joyo&od a;JpJ8 dfie,"6 .'0 i:d: 5o e0)ud:. o"S:, Socb lfb-.r i:qosr u!6 s.be.r: e.)Ja"d:. a" l-:5 gS oba:,aof50 erouj Jofolod aqr56 O*ig,6 6cb Sod,b $bn: txlSos $r)1, ob* ud6 3od$ SDs e$&al e'tu $obs o"s $:oC $56$o AnJSS o.sr aJ5se;b 6$J6. 3s.: J,3J $Oc erCrtu, iofO&oe5 ary5e5 Ornign6 r,"d) ro>6.q)J 36o. ea"1dc. d6 17.11.2019 $ 66cdro i>irdr 9-3O rlobe_:$ Jo$Ogod C4756.1*r|er6 n"o fs to.9948Oll5ZZ $-:oC 3,$r + ffS io,6 5300145395 $ yS 62"d.:. 3,5, o. 5o5 gsr5 obar tuooa erdrdn, d,is) dr.15,000/-eD e.roilo e*5er$, s"$.r Sod,'oB e3,i s"dref $O;,$od:Sr rr6t er6,$on $d

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