Pass up Nutley
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... Vol. XVIII. No. 47. NUTLEY, N. J„ SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER II, 1915 THREE CENTS THE COPY __ I_ PASS UP NUTLEY|FRA"KUNBI)YSB0L,> ASK PLEDGERS SCHOOL CHANGE IN HAT STYLE FULL DRAINS 5 AIDS LOCAL FACTORKS FOR BELLEVILLE GEr’T0GEIflER DDINER BREED ’SKEEB The Franklin A. A. held its first Tbe shift in hat styles from velvet annual get-together banquet last, night > u back to velour is given as the reason Suffragtats’ Flying Squadron at Stetters* in Newark. Forty covers Bills For Work On Walnut Pupils of Two Lower Grades for the recent increase in activity at So Commissioners Are Told By Decided That Town Needed were laid. President Stoddard, of the plant of the American Beaver the Club, acted as toastmaster and Street Station Coming Will Report There Monday Company in Washington avenae, East County Body That Is . the Light More among the^ speakers were .Edward Nutley. Supt Charles A. Sherwood Dillon and Arthur Stager. , ^ In Fait Morning said yesterday that the working force , • . Fighting Pest Immedjtely after tbe menu had had been increased from six to some ‘ 1 11 1 p . OTHER FLAKS FOR THIS TOWN been disposed of, reports were heard HOW WORK IS PROGRESSINGEVERYTHING READY FOR OPENING thing more J^an fifty within a few from committee chairmen on plans days and still, more employees are DARBY BROOK DRAIN THROUGH for the roming athletic qpason. Foot wanted. - , Natley was cruelly passed rip thin ball and basketball teams were . The! committee in charge of the Announcement was made yesterday Large orders for sport bats are Blocked culverts at Daily street also a factor in tbe present spurt, but week by Miss Agnes . Campbell’s definitely decided^/upon and Perry improvement work around the Walnut by the contractors at work on the and Vreeland avenue andCoeyman and ’ • ^ t * ___ _________ _ ___ __ the shift in styles is being depended yotfiaj-AfcWomen - Flying - Squadron. Scorso was annotmced-as manager—of street station sent out an urgent call new Lincoln School in the southwestern Bloomfield ave ones were the object the footballs'team. Those on the upon to kee^ business going after After telling Tbe-San last Friday for funds yesterday* — Billa for tbe section of town that it surely would committee' in-cb&rge of ~ the, dinner the sport is over. Tbe of complaints to the Board of Com afternoon that they woald spend & work already done are coming in fast be finished Monday morning. That were:, Oscar Lindstrom, Alexander factory did very little daring, the missioners by the -Essex -County and while there is ample money sub* is,the building itself will be finished, whole! week_ giving the town a full Tasker and'Douglas Slaughter. last two years. Mosquito Extermination Commission. of corner meetings, factory bcribed most of those who have but a week or two's work will remain The low sections—along Bloomfield— promised to help have been away—for on the grounds. ’ ~ avenue were made b reedi ng pi aces, talks and hoase to house work, they WONDERS OF THE WET the Bummer and have not turned in Superintendent Beachler has ordered PLAN FOR LEAGUE OF MEN the complaints said, by the blocked happened to gcT~through Belleville. their contributions. ——— thatpapils' of the Xinc^ln district, drains. ^ That place.looked as if it needed tbe IMPRESS LOCAL PEOPLE . Daring the^ week—the large vase destined -to enter the---Kindergarten- TOAD) V0TE5-F0R-W0MEN Petitions received from property GoodWorkso much brow ^ than' Nut wbiciriB a part of~ the decorative andFirat gradea aball report at the' owners for cement sidewalks bn 's'* . - -bu iWi ng-at-9^ o^clock M ond ay—morn Icy—st least that is tiie ^xplan&tion i» Ian d MrSrHarry Wood, of Cen^ A- meeting of- men in -favor—of Octob er andNovember " the Sedge ing. Children of the other gradps of to PrSspect street, from Har- they giyeout-—that they , transferred tre street, returned Thursday from a Eqaal Suffrage will be held at the avenue will-be planted and it is hoped to pat the building mant report at Pa^kto ri»on streetr to Elasex street^;.'were-- theiractivities to Belleville, where cross-continental trip of five weeks' residence of ' William J. Kinsley*- tbe large trees in place daring the get assignments, supplies acd books ordered advertised for objections duration. Stopping first at Chicago 244 Prospect street, Wednesday tbey have been registering activity latter month. before proceeding to the new school.- returnable September 27. they proceeded through Yellowstone night, September-15r at~8r45-o’clock. all week. \ The committee in charge is. com Only one objection was received to Park to Los Angeles and vicinity and It is planned to organize a Men's Noon meetings were held at the posed of: Rev. William L. Cunning the proposed construction of-a storm then to the Exposition at-San Deigo. League for Equal Suffrage. factories there and the principal cor ham, Richard F. Roberts, W. T. L. LITERARY CLUB TAKE sewer on Park avenue, to take care Going on south they entered Mexico ners of the town were the Beenes of Armstrong, and G. E, “Curti s Wigg. „ of the^ surface drainage in-the Darby - for a short distance andthen started nightly talks from-the squad's auto — UPAMER1CAN AUTHORS Brook- section and an ordinance was' the northern swing along the coast MISS KINGSLAND A BRIDE mobiles. Miss Campbell, Mrs. Lois passed authorizing.- the director « f- touching San Francisco and visiting Babcock Violet Dean, of London, . Mrs Ernest Cockefair was hostess public improvement to advertise for the Exposition. The next s^op was FORMER NUTLEY HAN DIES were the speakers. yesterday afternoon to the members Miss Bertha F. Kingsland, and bids on the work. The entire town Portland and they made the 'tetam M rsrA rthur B.~'Proal, local bead . AT HOME NEAR TRENTON of ~tbe Friday Afternoon™ Cluh- a tth e Joseph,_JamesBoettinger,,.j;,.Jr,, of will be assessed for ..this wbrifc.lfeafl.the trip through. the Canadian Rockies ofjhe campaign, said yesterday that first meeting of t e season. The pro-* Newark, were married Wednesday amount the Freeholders contribute........ tbe Social Service Bureau's rooms visiting Glacier Park—tbe largest in gram for study thfc year will be night at the home of the Bride's Rueben Darvill, former _ Natley opposite Town Hall had been leased e world—^n tbe way. American authors, and the first of parents in Kingsland road. Rev. man, and brother of James~DarviH, for a month beginning September 20. ' Mr. Wood, while enthusiastic about the romantic school, J._ Fen i mo re Noah C. Gause, of Vreeland- avenue, HEALTH BOARD TALKS of William street, dieid Thursday at It is planned to have them open after hundreds of, the interesting thingB to Cooper, was taken up yesterday. performed the ceremony. The bridal be seen in the in the West declared, his home in Lawrence* Station, near noons and evenings and visitors will be Mrs. William J. Kinsley gave a party consisted,of Miss Florence OVER DISPOSAL PLANT Trenton. He was sixty-aix years of urged to come around and talk it that one of the oddest of them all paper on Cooper,and his work; Mrs. Young, of Little Falls, as bridesmaid is tbe geyser in Yellowstone which age and had been away from Natley over and get literature. Oscar Kraeger reviewed “ The Spy',’ and Peter Bush, .of Garfield, as best Health Commissioner Walter O. ■ Other plans are to have a “ window ariseV in the centre, of a large lake. since early youth, bat was well known man. Lincoln is home from a ■ trip to New here. He was in the grocery business and Mrs. Frank Rushy contributed a campaign” worked with posters, all. It is the custom of anglers to stand sketch. ..The ceremony was performed under Hampshire where he was inspecting women tend men in favor of suffrage on the sniall,island made by the gey at the time of his death which was a canopy, of summer flowers, the bride garbage disposal ,pi ants. The Board are to be asked to wear suffrage pins ser and after catching a fish cook caused by stomach trouble. ... ___ wearing a gown-- of-blue-silk™ poplin held a apedal meeting last nigbt ^to from now on and householders wbo it in the centre of the geyser's bub* Surviving Mr. Darvill, besides tbe ONEBIRDCOST $118 trimmed with point lace. She carried hear his report and to talk over the are “ for” suffrage will be asked to "bling mouth. - / brother mentioned, are his wife, who a shower bouquet of tea roses. other plans, broached by other mem was Mary E Vreeland of this town, Mendelssohn’s March waa u*ed and allow the affixing of a card on tbe Ri milo Gernaro, of 65 Sixth ave- i. bers. front xif their homes. Arrangements and_ two sisters. The. latter are: Miss Kingsland's parents gave her in Mrs. David Slater, of Hillside nue, Newark, found the current price marriage. Miss Yoaog wore a gown for the Ball on October 8 are be^ng FIREMEN’S MOVIE NIGHT of Starlings in Nutley on Monday to %y - carried forward.' It is also planned avenae, and Mrs. Nellie Mellor, of of real lace trimmed with pink ribbon. FORMER OFFICIALS AFTER WILL BE INTERESTING Irvington.' . ' be $118. For shooting one on the She carriedtiridal roses. to have Miss Alyse Gregory, a paid grounds of an Italian shooting club COUNTY COMMITTEE BERTHS worker, In the ‘field the two weeks The body will be brought to Nutley A reception and supper followed tbe today by Undertaker W.