THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB DECEMBER 2009 AWC OFFICERS President.... ............................................ Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 APPLICATIONS FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP Vice President.... .................................... Connie Brunkow 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to—Membership Secretary .......................................................... Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN ................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 55779 or emailed to:
[email protected] Board of Directors: Class of 2010: ....... ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience Renzulli, David Samuelson Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Class of 2012: …….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten Georgia Cushman, Tehachapi, California AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 WELCOME BACK: AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Carol Abbott, Aurora, Ohio; Susannah Bacon, Asheville, Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 North Carolina; Douglas Conrad, Raleigh, North Carolina; Health. ................ Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello Robert Gunderman, Eugene, Oregon; Marianne Klingkowski, Futurity .........................................................