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February 2005

2-10-2005 Daily Eastern News: February 10, 2005 Eastern Illinois University

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thedailyeasternnews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Networking with students' futures Despite the Career ''This fair gives me weather, Network Day the opportunity to recruitment draws over network with future 100 employers employers." goes on CARISSA ZEHR, to Eastern's JUNIOR ACCOUNTING MAJOR Bv ALYSSA GAENZLE STAFF WRITER campus will be hired from an event like BY jESSICA PILOT Career Network Day because Inclement weather furced Marine aviators to STAFF WRITER her company hires independent postpone the trial flights scheduled for contractors only. Wednesday. Srudents had the oppornmity Students filled both the Regardless of the delayed flights, the Marine Wednesday to talk to 105 differ- University and Grand ballrooms Corps was able to appear at the 2005 Career ent employers from all across illi- of the Marcin Luther King ] r. Netwolk Day and still provide srudents with nois, according to Bobbi Kingery, University Union from I 0 a.m. information on Marine aviation. the career advisor at Career to 2 p.m. While they wererit offered yesterday, trial Services. It also provided a way Ashley Clark, senior psycholo- flights for Eastern srudents will be rescheduled for srudents to meet contacrs for gy major, volunteered to work at sometime within the first two weeks of April, furure jobs. Career Network Day. said Lt. Kenneth Schoonover. Amber Reed of "There has been a great turn "There was a certain cloud ceiling require- Northwestern Financial out of employers and potential ment and a visibility requirement that we need- PHOTOS BY C ARRIE HOLLIS/THED\ILYEASlERNNEWS Network, also an alumna of employees," Clark said. ed to follow," Capt. Mart Beckett said. "The

Ma:JD ~~@} 'ifUOJplhltrom t Uo ~ Grcron p&iMdl ®(JijC@(j' Eli$ J I @ll) ~ . Eastern, said she was looking Several different types of com- conditions wouldn't have been good enough Sp lriinc[ml~ PI ® D@p dkmfuJc fu Ca.JtOOll' DIJ iiD uoo I Illi)~ for "quality EIU srudents" and panies were represented during for flights until the late afternoon." a w•.u, ~ that only one or two students Career Network Day. The diver- Military planes are usually flown between sity of the companies gave stu- 1,000 and 2,000 feet. During a trial flight, dents from all types of majors pilots "cycle prospective recruits throughout the opportunity to come out and the cockpit and give them a chance to wiggle talk to employers. around with controls to let them get a feel fur Tiffany Swiderek, senior com- it," Beckett said. munication studies major, said Many people in the Marine Corps find their the day was going very well. jobs to be very rewarding because it allows for ''I'm happy with the results," extensive personal growth as well as the privi- Swiderek said. "I researched the lege to fight for the United States. companies before, so I knew "We support the guys on the ground. I truly where I wanted to go." believe that Marine aviation is very special For several students, this was because we go through the exacr same training the first career fair they artended. as those fighting on the grotmd," Beckert said. '~t first it was stressful, but "When we are flying. we know exactly what it after talking with several differ- is like on the ground fur those guys and how ent employers I'm more confi- important it is that the air support is on time dent," said Jessica Riner, a junior and in the right location." business management major. No other branch of service sends pilots to Besides the nerves and anx- ground training, he said. iousness the fair gave great Schoonover said he joined the Marine Corps opportunities that prospective because he wanted to be the best. employees and employers "I was told the Marine Corps had the hard- wouldn't have otherwise. est training and that I shouldn't go into it, but "This fair gives me the oppor- being a business major, I fdt that this was a way runity to network with furure to succeed," he said. "I wanted to go to the 0 0 Banillr&l w;fu<9 (!(} fu S®cna.'l ~ ~m iiD : ~ Uaiall® Edw&m!l ll:llG:lnfer M >m!l BOlliia ~klli employers," said Carissa Zehr, (liiicllil)~ ~®Uh aooiillli' airtmJC® -~ dkmfuJc fu Ca.JtOOllj' DtJ llxiOO iiD am l llli)w@~ BallrO@llil om W@mack, IID!li1lliDc. junior accounting major. SEE RECRUITMENT PAGE 7A Efficienc~ funding and participation problematic for university Recycling rant grounds superintendent. Recycling awards received by Eastern "We've been doing recycling since 1995 on a programs need bigger scale," he said. "We're recycling an aver- age of about 48 to 50 percent, give or take." + 2002 Waste Wise Partner of the Year by the Environmental Most public universities fOllowed this same Protection Agency more to excel percentage after the implementation of the + 2001 Outstanding School Award by the National Recycling Bv HILLARY SETTLE mandate, he said. Part IV d the series Coalition focuses on hew CITY EDITOR illinois universities have devdoped pro- Eas tern ~ recyding pro grams similar to Eastern's, and while Eastern • 2001 Program Champion Award by the Environmental Protection !Jfam compd res to o ther It started with srudents. may not be as large and have as many Agency schools. See tomorrow~ edition of Th e News to Even though the Illinois Solid Waste resources as other schools, its program is still + 2000 Waste Wise Partner of the Year by the Environmental read about the need to ManagementAcr, passed in 1994, required pub- on the same leveL Protection Agency recyde on a large scale lic universities to recycle, the efforts by universi- "We're right in there with the best of them," in Coles County. ties began long befure then. Like at Eastern's, said Allan Rathe, Eastern's recycling coordinator. + 1999 Outstanding University Recycling Program by the Illinois these programs were started by srudents. "Even though we may not have the resouro:s, we Recycling Association Western Illinois University srudents began still keep up and hold our ground." + 1998 Outstanding University Recycling Program by the Illinois recycling aluminum cans prior to the state Recycling Association mandate, said Randy Smith, Western's assis- SEE PROBLEMA TIC PAGE 9A FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 31 41 49 45 49 22 27 39 39 32 Partly cloudy Sunny Partly cloudy Showers Mostly cloudy 'THuRsDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2005


Sexual H:!.l2.mllent and Diu:rirn.ination Workmop 9-10:15 a.m., Shelbyville Room Rob Miller from the Office of Civil Rights and Diversity will offer training on sexual harassment and discrimination prevention Thursday. The class is open to all, but registration is required.

Campus Advising N etvrork Training Sessions Sullivan Room, Martin Luther King Jr. University Union 3-3:30p.m.- Electronic Writing Portfolio/Alternative Writing Competency Exam 3:30-4p.m.- Graduate school admissions/tests/appli- cation/ dates 4-4:30 p.m.-Transfer Issues, including 2+2 and dual admissions programs Contact: Kathy Bennett, Campus Advising Network at 581-6902

Outlit:mding Senior Avr.ard Nomination Nominees are being sought for the 2005 Union Advisory Board Outstanding Senior Award. The award acknowledges student leadership through participation in co-curricular acrivities at Eastern. Students must be nominated by an organization or a faculty/staff mem- ber. Candidates must have achieved senior status by Jan. LAURA Ml LEN/THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS 10, 2005. Nominations must be received by March 4 and turned into the University Union Business nffaney W. Ross (left), sophomore communication disorders major, and LaKya Hill (right), junior psychology major, practice their moves for Operations Office. The winner will receive a plaque for the Miss Black E.I.U. Pageant in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union on Wednesday night. "This is going to be his or her achievements. Also, the winner's name will the best pageant ever," Hill said. The pageant takes place on Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Union. appear on he Outstanding Senior Award plaque is locat- ed on the second floor in the Union Walkway. WTF? PEOPLE AROUND ILLINOIS CAMPUSES Turkey didn't make it Jackson case secrecy COUNTING WHITTIER, Iowa (AP) - A wild turkey who lived VENTURA, Cali£ (AP) - An appeals coutt consid- DOWN life in the fast lane near this eastern Iowa town has died ering whether to lifr some of the secrecy in the Michael SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY doing what he did best - chasing cars. Jackson case questioned lawyers Wednesday about how The turkey, called Chuck by some and Jake by others, to balance Jackson's right to a fair trial with the public's New student IDs showed up more than a year ago and starting harassing right to know. Social Security numbers will no longer be printed on drivers by standing in the road with his feathers ruffled. Questions from the three-judge panel of the state's 4 student ID cards, a change administrators say is a direct Neighbors say the turkey was run over Jan. 31 by a 2nd District Court of Appeal focused on whether Days until result of student concerns about identity thefr. car flying through town that no one recognized. They releasing details of a criminal case involving a high-pro- Valentines Day. Larry Dietz, vice chancellor for Student Affairs and buried him. file defendant could poison the jury pool, and on how Enrollment Management, announced in a press confer- "At least you can't say he lived a dull life," said to release some information while withholding such ence late Tuesday afternoon that effective immediately Shirley Hadenfeldt, who lives nearby. "There's a lot of details as the name of the accuser, who is a minor. students could request new ID cards for free. Dietz had people who slow down looking for him who don't Jackson is accused of molesting a 13-year-old former said earlier that students would have to pay a $15 ID realize he's gone." cancer patient. card replacement fee.

READ MORE AT WWW.DAILYEGYPTIAN .COM ONLINE POLL WORD ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY How much is recycling a part of your everyday life? DU JOUR More than teaching purblind A) I attempt to recycle anything that I can, make sure other people recycle, teo. 1. h


II'oorOR IN a.F • • • • • • • • • • • &'J.uT l'iifiWAMS RNOl IIEP(JiriEil • • • • • • • • • • oiK£wN .._ PHONE: 217·581 ·2812 FAX: 581 -2923 ...... rnrnwilliams1220®aol.corn ...... k sampier®hotrnail.corn E-MAIL: rnrnwilliams1220®aol.corn MAN.\c~Nc Bli1!Dil o o o o o)ENNHR 'Ol •••••••••••••• JD)AN WOIIGE ...... cu jc7®eiu.edu ...... woikeda®hotrnail.corn NIGHT PRODUCTION STAFF: NICHT CHIS' •••••••••••••HollY MYERS 1\:'Bws Bli1!Dil •••••••••••• .AAlKlN l!sD.JrZ A\ssocM1E SI'Oirl5 Bli>'Ol ••••• .DAN ll.!EN'Oit o .MIOIAB. ~ Assoa.\1£ VEROE Bll>'ot • • .JOAQUIN Oc:IKM ...... cu jo®eiu .edu •••••••••••••••••••••JES siCA YouNGs published daily Monday through Friday, in If you have any suggestions or ideas ...... rnjsch roeder®eiu.edu AssoaAJE CAM'U!I Bli>'Ol •••lA'--A 'Oil •••• AoVERJISINC MANAall o o o .M£cAN Na.8AUER The Daily Eastern News, feel free to AllMIN-110N j);NiUER PERYAM PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT: summer term except during school vaca- ...... ru nner1 530®yahoo.corn PlloMonONS MANAGBl o o o o o o .5

The event is being organized by resident Bhalla, vice president of Douglas Hall time will be set after the auction, said Matt Auctioning off assistants of the three halls in an effort to raise Council. Bollini, a Douglas Hall resident assistant. money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Everyone is welcome to sign up to be auc- In the past, bids have been as low as $2 and "We're hopefully going to get a good tioned off, as well as to bid in the auction. as high as $35, Bhalla said. your valentine turnout," said Jason Polensky, president of Sign-up sheets to volunteer as a date can be "I would say the dates are an average of Stevenson Hall Council. "Everyone wants to found in Lincoln, Douglas and Stevenson about $10," Bhalla said. BY ASHLEY RUEFF have a date for Valentine's Day, and it's for a halls. Students may register up until the Bollini is optimistic about the turnout for STAFF WRITER good cause." beginning of the event Friday. the auction. Unlike past years when the auction has Bidders will be purchasing a date that will "It's been getting a lot of publicity," he said. Lincoln, Douglas and Stevenson residerx:e halls been restricted to Lincoln, Douglas and include dinner at Reservation Dining in "It should be a pretty good crowd." are getting into the spirit ofValentine's Day by otgan- Stevenson hall residents, this year's event will Stevenson Hall, followed by a movie in The date auction will start at 8 p.m. in the izing a date auction planned for tomorrow night. be open to all campus residents, said Rahul Stevenson Hall's lobby on Friday night. A Stevenson Hall lobby Friday. ABSOLUT THURSDAY AT



Opinion page editor, MICHAEL ScHROEDER Editor in chief, MArr WtuiAMS

Managing ed i to~ jENNIFER CHIARIELLO

News editor, AARoN SEIOUTZ

Associate news editor, jULIA BoURQUE Sports editor, DAN W o lkE

[email protected] THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2005


I am concerned. I have concerns for a lot of little, petty things, but after reading last week's story regarding the increase in the distribution of the Plan-B pill at Eastern, I am concerned for the health ofour campus. It was reported last week that the distribution of Plan-B pills at Health Services increased from two to j ULIA three times a week to 12 to 15 times per week. Ifthe distribution of Plan-B pills had only gone up BOURQUE one or two more cases a week I don't think I would JUNIOR, JOURNALISM have much of a concern because of the growth in MAJOR Eastern's student population. But the increase is at least six times the original amount, and this sparked Bourque is the my concern. associate news This increase could be taken two ways: either more editorfor The students are still having protected sex but being extra Daily Eastern careful by using Plan-B or more students are having News. unprotected sex and relying on Plan-B to counteract EDITORIAL their irresponsibility. Since the increase has jumped to 12 to 15 times per week, I have a hard time believing its cause does not stem from the latter reason. Why buy you This concerns me. when can rent? Are students only worried about becoming preg- Students at Eastern who haven't had the mis- At issue purchase more textbooks. nant after having unprotected sex? Are they relying fortune of buying textbooks may not realize the Eastern's At schools without textbook rental, students solely on a new drug to keep them safe? convenience of renting books. textbook renta I can expect to pay anywhere between $175.00 and Plan-B does not protect against or prevent sexually service transmitted diseases. Not only Sure, during the first and last week of class the $600.00 per semester. does this pill not protect against textbook rental building is jammed with students Our stance Some of those costs are recouped from text- STDs, it is also a new product, "I am just concerned trying to get or return their books. But the long As one of two book buybacks, but the money a student gets and we are not sure what the because with such a lines are much better than a hefty textbook bill. public from selling books back is just a sliver of the orig- long-term effects, if any, may be. universities in At Eastern, students pay $7.95 per credit hour inal expense. In addition, bookstores won't re-pur- high increase in the With all of the recent health con- Ill inois to have in textbook rental fees. This means the cost of a textbook renta I, chase textbooks that have been updated to a new distribution of Plan-B, I cerns found with Federal Drug Administration-approved drugs textbook for a typical three-credit hour course is Eastern edition or will no longer be used. such as Vioxx, I wouldn't trust students should feel students may be $23.85. And there may be nothing worse than waiting taking these pills like candy. be grateful for coming more reliant on Though Health Services does What that doesn't take into account is the fact the cost saving in a long line to either pay a lot of money for program. it rather than taking not yet have statistics for the that many courses require numerous textbooks. books or to not get much back from the resale. number of Eastern students with A student carrying 15 credit hours pays The return policy at some bookstores gives stu- STDs so far this year, it does have responsible actions in $119.25 a semester for books. dents 30 days to return a book and receive a full refund. But statistics going back to 1996. In the first place." 1996, of 45 students tested, 20 IfEastern students had to purchase their books, there sim- as students know, the textbooks students are given at the tested positive. In 2004, of 83 ply isn't a way they'd pay less than $23.85 for one course's texts. beginning of a semester might not even be used. Renting students tested, 41 tested positive. Only one other public school in lllinois, Southern Illinois books, instead ofbuying them, alleviates any refund issues. These statistics were provided by Jenny Hagerstrom, a University-Edwardsville, has textbook rental. SIU-E students Buy renting textbooks, students are saving money, time medical technologist at Health Services. Compared to the total number of students on cam- are charged $6.80 per credit for textbooks. SIU-E students and headaches. pus these numbers may seem minuscule. However, taking 15 credits in a semester pay $10200. Hagerstrom said these statistics do not represent the While the fee at SIU-E is cheaper, Eastern offers more The editorial is the majority opinion of entire campus because students who get tested at the classes in more majors, which means the university has to The Daily Eastern News editorial board. Coles County Health Department, which Hagerstrom said is many, are not included. More students opt to go to CCH D because they swab your mouth rather than taking blood like Health Services does. YOUR TURN: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Whether the numbers are large or small, the statis- tics do show an increase in the number of STDs on PAPER DOESN'T PROPERLY hand the complexity of this situation. process to such an extent that they Eastern's campus. PORTRAY IRAQ WAR As a respectable newspaper, it is the had a substantial presence at the polls I don't disagree with what Plan-B is intended for; responsibility of The News to publish despite the insurgency threats. people make mistakes, and this is a better and more I would like to take this opportuni- a complete picture of our current situ- In fact, the United States ordered cost-effective alternative than abortion. ty to express my disappointment in ation. I think it is both disrespectful our soldiers to pull back during the I am just concerned because with such a high the politically biased journalism of and unsupportive of our troops in election to seem less intimidating increase in the distribution ofPlan-B, I feel students this paper. The recent series of Iraq to present the sin~ation in the to the Iraqi people. I hope that this may be becoming more reliant on it rather then tak- columns and cartoons concerning manner you have chosen. letter causes a reconsideration of ing responsible actions in the first place. I am con- America's involvement with Iraq has In regards to the political cartoon the journalistic practices of this cerned Plan-B may be making it easier for students to been one-sided and sometimes com- that portrayed United States forcing newspaper. have unprotected sex, which we all know is not smart. pletely misleading. Iraqis to vote, I would like to set the I don't know exactly why the increase is so large, As a veteran, I have served my records straight. The Iraqi people jASON PARR and I wouldn't know unless I asked each student who country in Iraq and understand first- proved to embrace the electoral SOPHOMORE PRE-ENGINEERING MAJOR came into Health Services why she is getting it. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Daily Eastem News accepts letters their position and department. Letters whose authors cannot be veri- All I know is that this pill only prevents pregnancy, to the editor addressing local, state, national and international issues. fied will not be printed. We reserve the right to edit letters for length. not the chance of contracting STDs, and students They should be less than 250 words and include the authors' name, Letters can be sent to The Daily Eastern News at 1811 Buzzard shouldn't be relying solely on this contraceptive to telephone number and address. Students should indicate their year in Hall, Charleston IL 61920; faxed to 217-581-2923; ore-mailed to avoid pregnancy. school and major. Faculty, administration and staff should indicate [email protected]. THuRsDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE 5A Coming together to have a ball and score possible scholarships

BY MAuREEN f AYDASH the club, Arias said, who is also an STAFF WRITER employee at University Lanes, but "We are looking for there are experienced members who Students who enjoy bowling now can offer others advice on their games. people who want to have a club that brings them together Although the club welcomes any- bowl and have fun." for their love of the game. one who enjoys bowling, members Eo A RIAS, The Bowling Club is an organiza- are looking for other consistent and jUNIOR ACCOUNTING MAJOR AND MEMBER tion for people who enjoy bowling committed members to come to the Of BOWLING CLUB and want to improve their bowling meetings. skills. Students who are interested do not '1t is very possible for the club to "We are looking for people who have to be highly skilled bowlers to get going in a tournament," Arias want to bowl and have fun," said Ed join the bowling club, which ranges said. Arias, a junior acoounting major and from average bowlers to excellent The club's members want to inform club member. bowlers. An average bowler usually people who are interested that there is The first meeting of club was at 9 has a score of IOO to IIO. Most of the a future in bowling, such as prize p.m. Tuesday in University Lanes. members of the club bowl anywhere money and scholarships. The club will meet weekly at the from I40 to I70, and a handful of The club is a mixture of people same time and in the same place. For members bowl above ISO. looking for a social scene and more only $4, members bowl three games '1t doesn't take a great deal of talent serious people interested in compet- lasting until about II p.m. The meet- to improve," Arias said, explaining ing for money. Some members use the ings are social gatherings where mem- that bowling is more skill than physi- meetings to get ready for competi- bers get together and bowl but also get cal ability. tions. a chance to improve their games. The club does not currently com- "Since Eastern doesn't have an actu- LAURA Ml LEN/THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Right now the club consists of I4 pete in any tournaments due to lack al team, it is a way to keep practicing," llJil'D •~ {W•Ilmm l!lild'ooiAI@ ~ D J1wp ~ tQ,qp;jj J.m~~J.lft:.dJij Sandwich Shop We're way more tha.njus t c,opies.

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CHARI.£5TON MATTOON li~B VI. U~h A>a (;nus. rnal'l'!l M;;•' 217-.3-1 5-2351 700 ~!M;i, [on I &)).,i65,.2J51 ?1 1-/34-?);ij UKISXI2l51 PAGE6 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 Realizing the various benefits of student research BY lAuREN GADZALA Committee sponsored a focus group "You can no longer twist anybody's research. Elin Grissom, graduate biology major, STAFF WRITER titled "Reaching the Highs and arm to get them involved in reseaoch," '1t really gives me pleasure for a stu- has conducted Alzheimer's disease Avoiding the Lows of Mentoring Switzer said. "The motivation has to dent to come up with an idea and really research and fOund it very beneficial. Students who are conducting Student Research." come fi:om the other direction" make it something, " said Assege Haile- '1t's really made a difference in the research while attending college provide Faculty development sponsors focus Switzer said faculty can learn from Mariam, associate professor of the psy- understanding of my major," Grissom themselves with a basis fOr stronger aca- groups every month, but this is the first research strategies that do and don't work. chology department. said. demic standing. time that mentoring student research '1dentifying students early (fur Haile-Mariam said she finds that stu- Through research, Grissom has Approximately 15 faculty members has been addressed. research) is necessary," Switzer said. '1t's dents who are more involved in research learned more about neurobiology. had an opportunity yesterday to discuss Paul Switzer, associate professor of not a class project they're worlcing on; it's are more committed to their majors and '1t's been a really great experience in how to get Eastern students more biological sciences, facilitated the focus their research." that research also helps increase their helping me to focus on what part of involved in research. group and discussed ways to encourage Other faculty members discussed the likelihood to qualify for graduate biology I wanted to concentrate on," Eastern's Faculty Development students to get involved in research. importance of exciting students about schools. Grissom said. RHA develops committees Student Senate seeks the

BY NICOLE MilSTEAD The council is comJX>5ed of the hall council pres- STAFF WRITER idents and voters. The group meets to review hall parents' view of child care and RHA programs and to work through any The Residence Hall Association is excited to see problems. BY AMY SIMPSON to people who need it," Berger said. its effOrts affect the morale oftroops in the Middle "Programming Committee is headed up by STUDENT GOVERNMENT EDITOR Senate plans to use approximately $111 from East. Elizabeth Gergits and is focusing on Kid's its budget to pay fOr advertisements in The News RHA members wrote approximately 30 letters Weekend, which is April 22 to 24," said Sabrina Student Senate voted unanimously to adver- "in order to reach both on- and off-campus SUI- to Marines in Iraq. Norrick, freshman RHA voter from Carman tise an opportunity fOr parents on campus to dents," Berger said. The senate plans to nm the "I Introduced (the idea) at RHA because it was Hall. complete a survey gauging the need for a day- advertisement over two days "depending on a good way to get it out there," said Josh Reeley, a "Public Relations is currently focusing on care center at Eastern. when (senate members) think the most smdents senior computer science major and the associate publishing the monthly RHA newsletter and The senate is in the final stages of creating a will be on campus," Muffler said. photo editor fOr The Daily Eastern News." advettisement signs for Kids Weekend," said Jeff questionnaire fOr Eastern students who have chil- Names and addresses will be gathered and strr- Reeley sent the letters to Kevin Leverance, an Flaxman, Public Relations Committee chair- dren, said Ryan Berger, speaker of Student veys will be sent to students through mail and e- Eastern student serving in Iraq. man. Senate. mail, Muffler said. The senate does not have a set "Leverance gives the letters to his chaplin, who The Financial Advisory Committee is work- "(There are still) a few details we have to woik number ofsurveys to distribute. passes them out randomly," Reeley said. "The ing on fundraisers such as Pie Your Exec Board, through to make it a solid survey," Berger said. '1deally, we'd just like to figure out how many Marines have their letters now, and we are waiting Kidnap Your Exec Board/Hall Council The senate will submit its survey to the smdents (at Eastern) have children," Muffler said. for renrrn letters to arrive." Member and Duct tape Someone to a Pole, Student-Parent Association fOr revisions before Eastern's continuing education department RHA is also trying to focus committee efforts DiPietro said. distributing it to students, said Dirk Muffler, sen- arrrencly has a similar smvey on its Web site toward semester projects. RHA is also planning an underwear auction. ate vice president ofAcademic Affairs. {http:/ /www.eiu.edu/ .-adulted/) to contribute to A large part of being a RHA voter is serving on The auction will feature new underwear with Eastern does not keep a record of parents the senate's evaluation of parents errrolled and a committee, said Lindsay DiPietro, RHA presi- services taped in them that will be auctioned off. enrolled, Berger said, and senate members asking accommodate students who are not often on dent. RHA has four major committees including The time and date of the event has yet to be around their classes to find potential participants campus, Muffler said. President's Council, Programming, Financial determined. won't be enough to estimate accurate numbers of Student Senate meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in Advisory and Public Relations. RHA meets 5 in the Andrews Hall parents on campus. the Arcola-Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther The President's Council is headed by DiPietro. basement. "We really don't have a way to get the smvey King Jr. University Union. ~®00 17~ l?0<£>W@[f'~ Get Your VALENTINES DAY flowers HERE I f LOCATION & QlJALITY ®ffirn~'D' ~Q'Oe@0 are important to you •.•. g rn~MlftJ[fMl1 aO®w®G' THE CHOICE IS EASY! & ®O[f'D'~ ~G' 2;7@(l!JG' wBJLrn~'D'o~rn 345 . 3919 13 3 5 Monroe Street Eost of the Squore \Ve have beautifully furnished 3 bedroom Chor l eston , IL apar'·t•••ents located within seconds fr<~om campus! ONLY4 1JOL"'ATION!!1' LEFT! "" 'l 'h e JVlii II eon ii um PI ace ""(:am pus ]4::dge "'"' 'I'he Atriuln "" ( :entury ( :rossh1g ""' OLD£ffJltJN£ MANAG£h1£Nf 1,2, &3 Bedrooms 4LOCATKJNS Close to campus 345-6533 DOLLAR DAZE AT ~~=enlnnEffingham, IL · Attention Seniors & Parents u~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Effingham's newest full service hotel FRI & SAT FEBRUARY 11th & 12th Featuring "The Great American Grill" Restaurant Indoor Swimming Pool, Whirlpool, 24hr Business Center $1 to $8 on most wearing apparel Complimentary High-Speed Internet 50°/o OFF ALL JEWELRY NOW TAKING formal & wedding RESERVATIONS LAST 2 DAYS - Bay up Parents Weekend & Graduation I Call Today! 217-540-7777 the Bargains THuRsDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE 7A

Internships available in Damage award cut for Summer environmental the following fields: internships still available + Land, air and water poll ution doctor over story on death + Laboratory analysis BY jESSICA PERILLO tions, Neibergall said. STAFF WRITER '1t's a good resume builder," he said. + Waste, drinking and ground THEASSOC IATED PRESS NATIONAL ''We have a lot ofstudents who go on to water BOSTON -T he Boston BRIEFS It's not too late to apply for summer worl< for the lllinois Environmental + Air quality Globe and a former reporter must internships. Council and the federal government." pay more than $2 million to a Solid or hazardous waste The Illinois Environmental A professional in the field will mentor + doctor who said she was wrongly Protection Agency and Gov. Rod each intern. Neibergall said students + Remedial projects manage blamed in the paper for the death not named in the indictment was Blagojevich are offering paid intern- apply for the agency they want to worl< ment of the newspaper's health colum- unclear Wednesday night. nist, the state's highest court ruled ships to students interested in a career for and have a personal mentor who is + Community and public helping the environment. knowledgeable in that field. Wednesday. relations DEAD The Governor's Environmental "To me it sounds like a great way to Dr. Lois Ayash had sued the FROM HEART ATTACK Corps is a nine-week program offered figure out what you really want to use + Legal counsel newspaper and the Dana-Farber to any full-time student. your major for," said Ashley + Staff training Cancer Institute, claiming she was NEW YORK - Steve Burgh, a "This is our 14th year, and we're very Vandennoon, junior biology major. '1t singled out as the "leader of the record producer and musician who http:/t\vww.epa.state.il.us/edu excited about it," said Kurt Neibergall, also seems like a really beneficial intern- team" ofdoctors caring for colum- worked with Billy Joel, the cation.html co-director of the program. ship for later in life." nist Betsy Lehman when she died Ramones, Phoebe Snow, and oth- Funding comes from different Any major can be accepted for the in 1994 from an overdose of ers, died ofa heart attack Monday at Illinois corporations that donate internship, but Neibergall said students At the end of the summer, stu- experimental cancer drugs. his home in Kingston, said his approximately $3,000 for every student who are more involved or have credits dents will have learned what IEPA lawyer, Leslie Berman. He was 54. in the program. These donations are in environmental courses will score bet- does, he said. MEN INDICTED FOR Burgh was a talented sideman used to pay the salaries and expenses of ter in the application process. Past "We like to think it helps people with FIREBOMBING A HOUSE and producer who played with a the interns. interns ofthe program have held majors making their career choices," he said. number ofartists in the 1970s and There are 35-40 positions available in chemistry, engineering, geology, Neibergall said they have not had any BALTIMORE - A grand 80s, including Wtllie Nelson, Judy this summer. Twenty-five of the communications, biology and law. interns from Eastern for two years and jury indicted five men Collins and Steve Goodman. interns will be placed in Springfield, ''We've even had accounting students hopes more apply this year. Wednesday for their alleged roles and the remainder will be sent in worl

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BUSINESS l Sfix-soons Grill NEEDA ----- LITTLE ~ Ladies Night r Steak Phillyw!Fries 8 or ADVERTISE IN $£i0 Stoli Ravors RESCUING? Strawberry, Razberi, Ohranj, Peach Phil~ THE DAILY Chicken EASTERN NEWS $450 w/Fries CALL 581=2816 PAGES THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS

HELP WANTED ~Apartments for 1 or 2 residents FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT Dancers wanted Club Koyote! ~Houses for groups of 3 & 4 House for rent fall 05. Four bed- NEW LUXURY 4 BEDROOM, 2 For Lease-Fall 2005, 4 bedroom 40 min. from Charleston. Make room, eat-in kitchen, large living BATH LARGE APARTMENTS, unfurnished apt., 2 full baths, $500 cash a night. ~Townhouses, 3 & 4 BR for 2 to 5 persons space, WID, large yard with WID INCLUDED WIRED FOR great location 12th and Arthur, Transportation available. 18 deck, close to campus. $820 HIGH SPEED INTERNET. DSL wiring, good parking, 24/7 and over. Will train. 348-0288. per month. 815-575-0285. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1120 maintenance. Call today: 217- ______.2/ 11 ______3/11 EDGAR DRIVE. 345-6100. 346-3583. JWheels LLC Girls needed $200 cash KISS- .Jim Wood, Realtor SEITSINGER APARTMENTS: ______o.o ______00 ING CONTEST on friday night 1512 A Street. P.O. Box 377 1611 9th Street 1 Block East Houses and Apts close to cam- www.charlestonilapts.com Charleston, IL 61920 Old Main now leasing for at THE PLACE ASHMORE call 217 345-4489- Fax 345-4472 pus for next school year. LOOK US UP for details on 349-8613 Summer and Fall 05- Spring Various sizes and prices. 345- these 2005-06 Apts: 2001 S. ______.2/ 11 06'. Completely furnished heat 6967. 12th Street, 1305 18th Street, COMFORT SUITES: Seeking FOR RENT FOR RENT and garbage included. Three ______o.o 955 4th Street, 605 W. Grant, part time front desk clerk. 16-24 month summer or 9 month full For Lease-Fall 2005, 2 bed- 117 W. Polk and 905 A Street. hours per week. Ideal for stu- Nice 4 bedroom 2bathroom 1&2 BR apts, paid cable& inter- lease Call345-7136. room duplex unfurnished Apts. Rents from $230 to $475 per dents. 1408 Broadway Ave. house. 905 Division. net, great locations, 345-4489, ______00 Washer/Dryer, trash included, person. Call to make appoint- East Mattoon, IL. Apply in per- Dishwasher. No pets. Call Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, All new, totally remodeled 3 bdrm Central air, nice parking area, ments at 348-77 46. son Dustin at 630-302-2676. Realtor. house. Near Campus. Available close to Morton Park. 1o month ______00 ______.2/ 11 ______1 {6 ------~2128 Spring '05. 4-month Lease. D/W, lease. 24/7 maintenance. No 05 - 06. Luxury apartments, Brian's Place Nightclub & Small cozy 1 bedroom apart- BRITTANY RIDGE TOWN- WID. Prices negotiable. 345.Q967. pets. 217-346-3583. townhouses, and student rental Sportsbar. Go-Go dancers ment. Available for Summer/ HOUSES, Best Floor plan, Best ______00 ______o.o houses all excellent locations. wanted. Apply in person. 2100 Fall 05'. 897-6266 or location, BEST PRICE.345- Houses still available for the For Lease-Fall 2005, 3 bed- Prices vary. For more informa- Broadway, Mattoon. 234-4151. 898-9143 4489, Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, 2005-2006 school year. 7 bed- room unfurnished apt.- new fur- tion call us at 345-0652 or look ______.2/ 11 ------~2117 Realtor. room house with 2 bathroom nace/central air, new appli- us up at www.myeiuhome.com Customer Service & Sales posi- Large house available for group ------~2128 washer and dryer, central air, ances including-dishwasher, ______00 tion now available. Day or night of 4-7 people. good parking, Extremely nice 2 bedroom living room and dining room. over range microwave, wash- 1 bedroom Apts for August shifts CONSOLIDATED MAR- laundry and some recent apartments and 3 bedroom Also available 6 bedroom home er/dryer, range, and refrigerator '05f06. PP&W PROPERTIES-2 KET RESPONSE Call Today improvements. $225 each. 897- homes. Dishwasher, W/Ds with 3 baths, washer and dryer with ice maker. New carpet, EXCELLENT LOCATIONS. 639-1135! 6266 or 898-9143 included. Close to campus. No close to campus. Plus, many 1 ceiling fans, and fresh paint. ONE BLOCK AND ONE AND ______.2/ 11 ------~2117 pets. 345-9267. and 2 bedroom homes and DSL wiring. Great location 12th ONE HALF BLOCKS NORTH Customer service and sales Now leasing for Fall 05 3 bed------~2128 apartments. 345-5088 or you and Arthur. 24n maintenance. OF OLD MAIN ON SIXTH positions now available. Part- room house, 811 4th. 897-6266 PARK PLACE APARTMENTS: can stop by our office and pick Call today 217-346-3583 STREET. One or two person time/full-time, days or nights. or 898-9143 Now showing for Spring and up a housing list at the comer of JWheels LLC. leases. Central heat and AC, Apply today! CONSOLIDATED ------~2117 Fall of 2005. Fully 1Oth and Lincoln. ______o.o laundry facility. Trash service MARKET RESPONSE. 217- EASTERN ILI.INOIS PROPER- furnished,free parking. For ______00 For Lease-Fall 2005* 2,3,4,5,6 and off street parking included. 639-1135. TIES NOW SHOWING FOR questions and appointments ATTENTION GIRLS! IF YOU bedroom houses, great loca- Perfect for serious student or ______2/21 FALl. 2005 2,3,&5 BEDROOM call Autumn at 348-1479 WOULD LIKE A NICE, ROOMY, tions, competitive rates, wash- couples. 348-8249. House cleaner wanted. Call APARTMENTS & HOUSES con------~Y11 FURNISHED 3 BR APART- er/dryer, central air, DSL wiring ______00 between 1-6 p.m. 345-6230. tact Mellissa at 345-6210,549- Two blocks from campus 3 bed- MENT WITH LARGE CLOS- throughout, 24/7 maintenance, www.jwilliamsrentals.com 2/24 0212 www.eiprops.com room apt. Three people $235 ETS, LOW RENT, LOW UTILI- call today: 217-346-3583. CHECK US OUT FOR YOUR ------~2117 each. Off street parking, trash TY BILI.S AND A LANDLORD ______o.o NEXT APARTMENT. Leasing FOR RENT 2,3 bedroom apts. 1 1/2 blocks included.345-3554 THAT CARES FOR THE 05-06 FALL 2005 - EXTRA NICE 8-10 now 1 & 2 bedroom units. Good from Stix. 1o month lease ------~Y11 SCHOOL YEAR, CALL 345- bedroom, 3 bath house near locations, nice apartments, off Best value 1/2 block from cam- available. 728-4926 or 728- 5 bedroom house. Fall '05. 3664. SEEING IS BELIEVING! LANTZ. 12 mo. lease. NO street parking, trash paid. No pus upstairs furnished 3 bed- 4907. 2019 11th St. 345-6100. 10 MONTH LEASE. NO PETS. PETS. 345-3148. pets. 345-7286. ______00 room apartment. Water includ------~2118 ______00 ______o.o ______00 ed. 10 month $215 each. 348- 3 BR apartment for 3 people. 0288. $235 per person. 2 blocks ______.2/ 11 from campus, no pets. 345- llJeNt\tt lork limes 3 bedroom house for rent, air 3554. Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 1230 conditioning. Washer and dryer. ------~2123 348-0719 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Note: The three circled letters will spell a word that is missing from 14 answers in this puzzle. ______2/10 751 6TH ST. FALUSPRING ACROSS 29 "The Odd 58 Discount coast- Fall of 2005: 3 bedroom, 1 bath- '05/'06. 11 MONTH LEASE. 1 Some student Couple" role to-coast plane room remolded house 2 blocks SECURITY REQUIRED. NO needs 31 Reggae relative ticket east of campus. No pets. 345- PETS. 348-8305. 6 law 32 Pick 64 Shine's partner 5821. ------~2123 65 Good name for ______.2/ 11 1o Weed eradicator 35 Luau doings 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. a DNA expert AVAILABLE NOW! Large 1 br. 1426 9TH ST. FALUSPRING 14 Admit wrongdo- 37 Popular rock! ing rap/funk group 66 Danny of the apt. off Charleston Square. No '05/'06. 11 MONTH LEASE. N.B.A. 15 Tip 42 Deep sleep smoking, no pets. Call 345- SECURITY REQUIRED. NO 67 Ballpark amts. 43 Action star 2617. PETS. 348-8305. 16 On the safe side Steven 68 Quaker ______.2/ 11 ------~2123 17 Memorable 44 Gambling site: 69 Mercury and For Rent: 5 bedroom house 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT times Abbr. Saturn 961 4th Street available August CLOSE TO DAIRY QUEEN. 19 Geese forma- 47 In 1492 it sailed 2005 call 345-7993 or 348- 218 3RD ST. FALUSPRING tions the ocean blue DOWN 1232 '05f06. SEMESTER LEASES 1 Equivalent of 20 Title grp. in an 49 Area next to the "ur 2 funny• ______.2/ 11 POSSIBLE. PETS PERMIT- ABC drama narthex 2 Need dough 2 apartments for rent. 2 bed- TED WITH DEPOSIT.SECURI- 21 Some Balkans 50 False clue 3 Household pest rooms. Close to campus. TY REQUIRED. 348-8305. 52 Full of life 22 Popular with a fiery $500/month. Call or leave a ------~2123 seafood chain 55 Draft holder appearance message at 708-422-4628. 4 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS APART- 26 1950's-60's TV 56 Player of one of 4 Kook ______.2/ 11 MENT. 1430 1/2 9TH ST. star the Corleones 22 Respond angrily, 36 Joe of •Apollo 53 Drink from a Village Rentals 2005-2006. 2 FAWSPRING '05/06. 11 MONTH 5 Passed the 28 Cockeyed 57 Russian river buck? with "out" 13" dish BR Duplexes & 1 & 2 BR Apts. LEASE. SECURITY REQUIRED. 6 Veteran 23 Promise, for one 38 Like "Lawrence 54 A wee hour Furnished, well-kept, afford- NO PETS. 348-8305. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE of Arabia" 7 Lucille Ball, 24 Take off quickly able. Water & trash paid. ------~2123 notably 39 "Yikes!" 56 Trifling amount, Maintenance 24-7. Call 345- Duplex, 2 bedrooms. Washer 25 Builder's guide 8 __ Day in a phrase 2516. and dryer hookup. $425/month. 26 Atlantic fish 40 Talk crazily ______2/13 9 60's protest org. 58 Teamwork dis- 217-898-4588 27 Certain greens 41 Go downhill rupter Close to campus 5 bedroom, ------~2124 10 Pierced body 44 "And I'm the part, sometimes 30 Hold aside, as a WID, A!C with heat pump. New 1&2 BR apts, close to Buzzard, college athlete, queen of 59 Pro vote kitchen. Call Pam 348-0614. water paid, 345-4489, Wood 11 Critical warnings to extend his England" eligibil~y ______2/14 Rentals, Jim Wood, Realtor. 12 Nike rival 45 Popular game 60 Secretive org. import from Fall 2005. 4 bedroom, 2 baths. ------~2128 13 Corporate jet 33 Composer who had a long rela- Russia 61 Business loss New duplex. 3 blocks from cam- 3&4 BR houses, close to EIU, maker tionship with 46 Robin feature pus. 1800 12th st. 217-868- w/d, ale, 345-4489, Wood 18 Alternative to George Sand 62 Geologic period white 48 Puts down 5610 Rentals, Jim Wood Realtor 34 Easy two-point- 63 Article that may ______2/15 ------~2128 ...;...L.~;..L..;..~ 21 Wool wrap er 51 Stirs up go with berets THuRsDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE 9A

PROBLEMATIC: Waste Management, and they resort ue its recycling program is compensat- (oNnNUED FROM PACE lA it," she said. ed by the Facilities Planning and At Western, problems with con- Mar~agement, Rathe said, and other All Illinois public universities use tamination sometimes lead to an universities either find similar ways to bins to collect recyclable materials, but entire container of recyclables being fund their programs or implement sru- Northern Illinois University and thrown away, Smith said. dent fees to make up the difference. Western do not have programs as effi- Along with the challenge ofmaking "Recycling doesn't make any cient as Eastern's. After items are dis- programs more efficient, funding for money (for the university)," said Dee carded into bins, they are collected and university recycling programs often Beverly, recycling coordinator at sent to be processed. Other schools challenges those in charge of making Illinois State University. "Our mission have one more step ofmanually sorting ends meet. is to keep anything (we can) from through the waste to prevent contami- "The (Solid Waste Management) going to the landfill." nation, something Rathe said Eastern state mandate, like most mandates, Although illinois State did not meet doesn't have a problem with. requires us to do something but doesn't the required state mandate during the Recycling bins and trash containers give us the money to do it," Rathe said. 2003-2004 school year, Beverly said are packaged together at Northern, Although recycling could be a srudents are beginning to understand but the janitorial staff sorts through moneymaking venture, universities the need because more emphasis is the waste to make sure all recyclables don't have enough participation to being placed on education. are taken out. The bins are then sent generate revenue and finding money Battles for resources and organiza- STEPHEN HAAS/THE DAILY EASTERN NEINS to Waste Management to be sorted to purchase the initial materials tion in university recycling programs again and processed, said Mary Alice required for a productive recycling are sometimes a challenge; the biggest Allan Rathe, recycling coordinator points out items that could have been recy- Opfer, a graduate assistance at program can sometimes be difficult, threat of failure comes from lack of cled in a dumpster outside of Old Main June 29. The Illinois Solid Waste Northern who handles recycling. Smith said. Some buildings on participation, she said. Management Act requires public universities recycle. "While our bins are separated into Western's campus are still using card- Rathe, Smith and Opfer all said glass bortles and cans, those actually board boxes to collect recyclables. more education needs to be provided university recycling programs to excel. programs, Beverly said, is ultimately end up in the same bin going to The money Eastern needs to con tin- and attirudes need to be changed to get And that means the success of these up to the students who started them. CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT ROOMMATES ROOMMATES ANNOUNCEMENTS

For Fall '05 1,2,and 3 bedrooms Very Nice 3 bedroom house. All Free broadband Internet, large Female roommate needed for a Roommate needed to share FREE TO GOOD HOME. 1 year for close to campus. 4 locations new interior- washer/dryer, apts., new carpet/paint, fur- 3 bedroom house 1 block from house w/male EIU Students. old Siberian Husky. Call after 5. to choose from. Call 345-6533 dishwasher, deck.$295 each. nished, low utilities. Great deal campus. Call Angie at 708-296- Lease ending 5/31 /04. Call348- 217-348-3912. ______00 345-6967 $500/month. 345-7437. 5336 0614, leave message. ______2/ 14 ______00 ______00 BUCHANAN ST. APTS: 1 ,2,&3 ------~10 00 #1 Spring Break Vacations! BDRM APTS AVAILABLE FOR 4 Bedroom Apt. 1/2 block from Cute one and 1/2 bedroom 2 roommates needed for 4-bed- Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, FALL 05-06. PLENTY OF OFF campus. $235 each trash house next to city park 11 W. room house close to campus. SUBLESSORS Bahamas, & Florida! Best STREET PARKING, WATER included. 345-6967 Pierce St. $375 for one. $400 (1919 9th St.) Includes wash- Parties, Best Hotels, Best AND TRASH INCLUDED. ______00 for two. Call 348-5427 or 549- er/dryer, dishwasher, & trash. 2 Bdrm. townhouse for May thru Prices! Book NOW!!! 1-800- CALL 345-1266 2 Bedroom house for 3 people. 1957. 10 or 12 month lease available. July. Very nice, furnished, 234-7007 www.endlesssum- ______00 House 1 block from campus, ______00 $220/month. 217-343-8468. includes parking, trash, and laun- mertours.com Lincolnwood Pinetree has 2&3 trash included. 345-6967 Four bedroom house at 219 ------~~11 dry facilities on premises. 2 blocks ~4 BR Apts. available for second ______00 Jackson Ave. Large bedrooms Female roommate needed to from campus. Youngstown Apts. semester. Call 345-6000 05-06, excellent location, and washer/dryer included. share 2 bedroom apartment. Call217-202-1661 . PERSONALS ______00 across from campus. 1 BR $200 each. Call 348-5427 or Close to campus. Lease option- ~11 Newly remodeled two bedroom apartments, 1 o month lease 549-1957. al. Call Uly at 217-549-3239. AITENTION ALL GRADUAT- ______00 apartments complexly fur- with heat and water paid. $375 ------~15 ANNOUNCEMENTS ING SENIORS! If you are nished, parking, laundry, FREE month. No pets please. 348- Available now. 1 BR apartment Roommates needed for interested in a yearbook of DSL Fast internet, $490. 913 0006. in Charleston close to the 2005/2006 school year. 4 bed- Sprilg Break 2005 Wlh STS, your senior year, and are not and 917 4th St. 235-0405 or ______00 square. Stove/fridge, nice loca- room house, close to campus. America's #1 Stuck3nt Tour Operator. sure how to pick it up, come to 317-3085. 3 bedroom house for fall 2005. tion. For more information call Call Kati at 708-217-2082 or Hiing CClfl1lUS rep>. Call for goup the Student Publications ______00 Free parking, furnished, new 345-5088. Samantha at 708-606-1718. dscounts. lnfcYReservations 1-SCJO. office, room 1802 Buzzard ______00 VERY AFFORDABLE: Now leas- carpet. For information contact ------~2 648-4849 www.ststrawl.com Hall, and for only $6 we will ing 1,2,and 3 bedroom apart- Kim at 346-3583. Royal Heights Apartments. 3 Seeking male roommate for ------~~17 mail you a copy in the Fall ments,three bedroom house. All ______00 BR apartments fall 2005. apartment close to campus. ADULT VALENTINE gifts & when they are published. Call within two blocks of campus. Call FALL 2005 NEW CONSTRUC- Remodeled, free parking. Call Call 345-5088 for more informa- cards - GRAND BALL! - 609 6th 581-2812 for more informa- 345-5373 or 549-5593 TION! 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit. Kim . 346-3583. tion. St.- Open today 1-5 p.m. tion. ______00 ______00 Excellent location. WID, dis- ______00 ------~11 ______00 AVAIL. Aug 05- 1 Bedroom posal, dishwasher, and excel- Apartment. Very clean and nice, lent parking included. ALSO, locally owned and furnished. VERY NICE 1 BEDROOM APT. Close to campus. Laundry on WITH OFFICE SPACE. premises, trash paid and park- EXCELLENT LOCATION. ing included. THIS IS WERE $350/MONTH. For more info YOU WANT TO LIVE! Call and call 345-0652. leave a message 348-0673 ______00 ______00 Available for Summer and Fall 10 OR 12 MONTH LEASE 05-06 school year. Clean mod- AVAILABLE. CLEAN, 2 BED- ern apartments and homes I ROOM FURNISHED APT. w/some utilities included. LAUNDRY, TRASH, AND 1,2,3,4,&5 bedrooms. WID in WATER INCLUDED FOR $260 I some units also. NOT ALL MONTH. 1111 2ND STREET CLOSE TO CAMPUS. NO NEXT TO THE PARK. CALL PETS!!!! 217-345-4494. L.--:.. ... -...•lulL,_._...... ~,.. 217-348-5427 OR 217-549-1957 00 ____oo Attention students! 7 BR home BOONDOCKS BY AARON MCGRUDER BUCHANAN STREET APART- open for the 05-06 school year. MENTS: 1 and 2 bedroom 2 bath, central air, WID, apartments available in January stove/fridge, living room and water and trash included off dining room. Walking distance street parking call 345-1266 from campus. For more infor- ______00 mation call 345-5088. NEW LUXURY 3 BEDROOM, 2 ______00 BATH LARGE APARTMENTS, Very nice, spacious 6 BR close WID INCLUDED WIRED FOR to campus. WID, stove/fridge, 3 HIGH SPEED INTERNET. bath. Still available for 05-06 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1120 school year., For more informa- EDGAR DRIVE. 345-6100. lion call345-5088. ______00 00 PAGE lOA TH E DA ILY E AS TE RN NE WS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 MEN'S BASKETBALL PREVIEW PAGE

Jlllllillli'cmard .Ill® • Co®b {IOJj' a'll ®I'@ID wlh'!hl ~ Uo •Yl!lidl t:J

3.3 ' I o ptOO' gaw&ml OVC SlATS IJ®(la~ 32 SCORING PER GAME •niis\1. GP PIG t.GONNER, Dainmon-SEMO 20 20.5 2.JENKINS, Willie-ITU 21 18.8 3.GOMES, Josh-EIU 22 16.7 4.MERRITT, Robert-SAM 21 16.7 5.GOLSON, Reggie-SEMO 22 16.4 6.McKNIGHT, Chad-MOR 21 16.0 STEPHEN HAAS/THE D\ILY EASTERN NEINS 7.DAVIS, Anthony-APSU 19 15.7 8.DILDY, Emanuei-EIU 22 15.5 9. NEWSON, Jared-UTM 12 15.3

ASSISTS PER GAME Panthers in need of assistance GP A/G !.RUSSELL, Walker-JSU 16 7.13 Eastern hopes "You just can't have starters scor- 22.1 points per game, meaning the In the game, only one player from 2.WITT, Matt-EKU 15 6.13 ing; you need everyone on the team Panthers are getting 13 points per the bench logged over 20 minutes of 3.JENIFER, Keith-MUR 15 3.93 to get a spark to contribute," Catchings said. "It's a game from the bench. playing time -Gobczynski. SMITH, Jerry-SAM 15 3.93 team sport - you just can't do it with Samuels said his team's success But Catchings and Gomes said 7.DILDY, Emanuei-EIU 15 3.60 off the bench four or five guys." has a lot to do with contributions that wasn't the reason for the fatigue. Samuels said he challenged off the bench. "We're used to playing those kinds REBOUNDS PER GAME GP RIG against TSU "We do need to find some points of minutes, so I don't think it con- Catchings to put in a double-figure !.GOLSON, Reggie-SEMO 22 9.0 8v DAN WOlKE scoring night. off the bench, and it may be different tributed to any fatigue," Catchings 2.FLOWERS, Rod-TSU 21 8.2 SPORTS EDITOR "We talked a little before the people," Samuels said. "(Senior for- said. ''But we do need the bench." 3.HANEY, Michaei-EKU 21 8.0 game," Samuels said. "H e's got to start ward) Andy Gobczynski had 13 SEMO used their reserves in 4. HIRD, Alonzo-EKU 21 7.8 The Eastern men's basketball getting double-figure points for us." points at Tennessee-Martin. defeating the Panthers, as the 15.TANDY, George-EIU 22 5.3 team's 88-79 loss to Southeast Catchings responded, curling off (Freshman guard) Bil Duany needs to Redhawks outscored Eastern 25-5 off Missouri Tuesday at Lantz Arena of screens to hit two three-point bas- get some points. (Senior guard) Jason the bench. FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE GP PCT. showed an offensive balance that kets and driving to the rim for his Wright needs to get some baskets." Samuels said it was a major differ- !.McKNIGHT, Chad-MOR 21 .622 head coach Rick Samuels had been other hoops. In the Panthers' loss to SEMO ence in the ballgame. 2.HANEY, Michaei-EKU 21 .608 looking for. Extra sources of offense have been Tuesday, Catchings said the team "They got key contributions from 3.GOLSON, Reggie-SEMO 22 .543 Four Panthers scored double fig- inconsistent all season. didn't seem focused. their secondary players," he said. 4.SCHLADER, Zac-APSU 22 .528 ures in the loss: junior guard Josh Gomes and Dildy, the Panthers' "We need to get together as a team And the Panthers won't have much 10.GOMES, Josh-EIU 22 A39 Gomes (21), freshman guard Bobby two leading scorers, are averaging a and be like, 'We can't keep losing like time to refresh and rebound, as they Catchings (16), senior guard combined 32.2 points per game this,"' he said. "We need to come out return to the Lantz Arena floor at 7 FREE TH ROW PERCENTAGE Emanuel Dildy (15) and senior for- while the rest of the team is averaging with some energy." tonight against the Tennessee State GP PCT. 1.DILDY, Emanuei-EIU 22 .859 ward Aaron Patterson (11). 35.1 points a game. Samuels said the lack ofenergy was Tigers. 2.KELLY, Ramon-MOR 21 .853 Trouble was, the other five The Panthers' other three starters, visible. "Tennessee State hasn't played 3.RUSSELL, Walker-JSU 23 .844 Panthers who played combined for Catchings, Patterson and freshman "Our eyes looked tired at the end since Saturday, so they're going to be 4.GOMES, Josh-EIU 22 .843 only nine points. forward George Tandy, are averaging of the game," he said. coming here with a little fresher legs." 5MERRITT, Robert-SAM 21 .815

TONIGHT'S GAME GAME DESCRIPTION THURSDAY'S GAME GAME DESCRIPTION OVC NOTES Tennessee State won the first meeting of The Panthers are one game ahead of the OVC PLAYER OF THE WEEK the season and are looking to extend a Eagles in the OVC standings and with five Walker Russeii-JSU Junior Guard three-game winning streak. Eastern is 9-3 games left in the season, Eastern has the at horne this season but is coming off a eighth and final spot for the OVC tourna- OVC NEWCOMER OF THE WEEK loss to SEMO in Lantz. In the Tiger's win ment. Morehead is led by senior Chad Eastern Wayne Amold-SAM Junior Guard Tennes'" over the Panthers earlier this season, they Morehead Eastern McKnight who is leading the OVC in field •State @ Illinois State @ jumped out to a 5-0 lead and kept it for Illinois goal percentage, shooting .622 from the OVC FRESHMAN OF THE WEEK (11 -13, 6-4) (9-13, 4-7) (9-12, 3-7) (9-12, 4-7) - the rest of the game. floor. Joe Ross Merritt-SAM Freshman Guard LEFTY'S HOLLER Roses For $1.00 Va lentine's Day DRAFTS! NOBLE Sales/Marketing Position!

Senior center Pam goals made (third), free throws made (second) and O'Connor still manages rebounds (lOth). Sallee said despite all the records O'Connor has gar- nered, winning always comes first. to break records "The best thing about (O'Connor) is that being the all- time leading scorer isn't what's important to her," he said. despite her injuries "She's been team first and done everything I've asked her to do and more." BY MARCUS jACKSON This season O'Connor leads the Panthers in scoring, SPORTS REPORTER averaging 15 points. She has scored double-figures in eight consecutive games and has gone over the 20-point When Eastern women's head coach Brady Sallee took mark in five of those games. over the program last spring, he was well aware that he Despite all the injuries, O'Connor said quitting never was inheriting one of the most decorated women's basket- entered her head. ball players in Panther history, senior center Pam "It was hard, but I absolutely love this game, my team- O'Connor. mates and the program," she said. "When I What Sallee was unsure of was whether or was hurt it was tough, but at the same not he was going to have a healthy time, I was able to learn a lot by watch- O'Connor this season. ing the game and seeing things from a O'Connor missed most of the different perspective." pre-season after tearing the meniscus While Sallee has enjoyed having in her right knee for the third time in O'Connor play during his first season, he two years and had surgery this summer wishes he could have her for a few more sea- to repair it. sons. "It's unfortunate that she was hobbled "She's had one of the best, if not the best, a little bit at the beginning of the year because career of any Panther to ever play here," he said. "Her I think she could have made a serious run at being the all- perseverance has been as good as any I've ever seen as far time leading scorer," Sallee said. as sticking with herself and having a positive attitude." Despite the injuries, O'Connor has placed her name all While a lot of players have a tough time transitioning over the Eastern career record book. to a new coach and a different system after three years, O'Connor currently sits third on the all-time Eastern O'Connor has seen the coaching change as a chance to scoring list with 1,635 points, behind Nancy Kassebaum take a new approach to the game. STEPHEN H AAS/THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS (1,807) and Toni Collins (1,715). "It's been pretty cool because you get a fresh start, and Sooixw ~ Palm D"Co ll®®kl {]@ pass &Jpin!aUS6olr ~ J&m. 21 iiD 11a:Dlz She is Eastern's all-time leader in field-goal percentage at this level, that doesn't happen too often," she said. ~ Et@ID D'C

STEVENS: Chinese food never does entirely fill an said in a bar, hoping to sound funny, FIGHT: said. Samuels is aware that from top to (oNnNUED FROM PACE 12A appetite. Anybody that's had an orien- but Kellogg had enough fortitude to CoNnNuED FROM AACE 12A bottom the Tigers are solid. He knows tal buffet can agree to that statement. say it confidently on air. he's going to have to have a complete correlation in basketball broadcasting. Since Augustine is somewhat So, during the NCAA Morehead and senior forward team effort to pull out of this one with "James Augustine~ post game is inconsistent with his aggressiveness on Tournament even though you won't Rashaun Bowens with 16 points a wtn. very much like Chinese food (at this occasions, this is a correct association. hear McGuire talk about a tail-ender against Morehead. "This is the time of the season to point he's compared an efficient Big I was forced to sit in my chair and from the cracked sidewalks make a Head coach Rick Samuels said he's gear up and put your best foot for- Ten big man to take out cuisine) tip my cap for that statement. French pastry in a white-knuckler, not worried about any individual ward," Alexander said. because no matter how much you eat, You see, Kellogg made a New York Kellogg might amaze you with aver- Tennessee players. He said he's wor- He said Eastern will be focused you get up from the table thinking Tzmes-thought but transformed it bal gem that will leave you feeling ried about the whole team. after its loss to S&\10. If his Tigers you could've had more," Kellogg said. into a Dairy News comment. The the better about the pageantry ofcol- "They're too slow getting guys off don't play well, they won't have much The similarity is a perception that thought and wording was something lege basketball. the bench to substitute," Samuels of a chance.

the table to get in, but we need every !eric than we are," Sallee said had a total of 17 second-chance over Tennessee WIN: win we can get." "(Kendra Bailey) just killed us on the points in the game. "If we don't do the job on the (oNnNUED FROM PACE 12A When the teams met earlier this offensive boards, and most of those "They have very aggressive, physi- boards and we allow them to get season, the Tigers dominated inside, points in the paint came of offensive cal post players and are very athlet- those, we'll be in a dog ftght," Sallee games left, and we have to take care scoring 40 points in the paint and rebounds and put backs." ic," O'Connor said. said. "If we can control the boards of our home games, " Sallee said. grabbing 25 rebounds off the offen- Bailey, a senior forward/center, Sallee knows what his team must and do what we need to do, then I "We're in a must-win situation from sive glass. had 15 rebounds (12 offensive) and do if it hopes to get back on track to like the way were playing, and I feel here on out. Not that we have to run "They're just so much more ath- 17 points for the Tigers. Tennessee the OVC tournament with a win good about playing at home." ARY


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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2005 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston


The talk by 15 in Tennessee, but that was when senior guard Emanuel Dildy was in a slump. With Dildy and junior guard of college Josh Gomes playing well, Tennessee head coach Cyrus Alexander said Eastern has one of the strongest back basketball courts in the game, and he expects tonight's game to be a war. The New York Times called the "Every game in the Ohio Valley late Al McGuire "the James Joyce Conference is going to be a war now of the airwaves" before the 1995 as far as jockeying for a position in the NCAA basketball tournament. tournament," Alexander said. McGuire would've hated that. The Tigers have recently taken a The Times in all of its arrogance step fOrward in their position, winning assumes two things: one, three out their last two games at home against of every fOur readers won't know Eastern Kenrucky and Morehead who Joyce is, and two, those ofthe State. Alexander said every time they majority who don't will look it up win newcomers junior guard Wayne and realize how smart the Arnold and senior center Rod Flowers writer/reporter is. are a part of the success. Here, I'll save you the time - "They're big, big factors for us," Joyce was an Irish novelist noted Alexander said. '1t's good to have for his experimental use of lan- them healthy again." guage. What Mr. Ingenious of The Alexander said both Arnold and Times failed to comprehend is two Flowers were hurt for much ofJanuary were similar because of their her- and the Tigers' record reflects it, but itage, not their style. STEPHEN HAAS/THE DALY EASTERN NEWS they are both now close to I 00 percent. However, I'm happy to pro- In their last two games, the Tigers claim my generation has a new S@liDro ®JI•lill Elnla:mxil~ D111~J lf81c\00Ja 1M ®{} lhiia ~ 5 poo &Jpin!aUS WlOOaaU11& 1 ° U'meadiJ n~ iiD ll.mlz Aut1a are shooting 47 percent from the McGuire to look forward to DiikiJ iii tW®md om um b llil i'm ·~ UtOO'~ 15.5 pmllfll p@li' $1.'ID1l. field. In those two games Arnold, every college basketball season Flowers and Price all scored in dou- and appreciate during the March B Y )OHN HOHENADEL sweep the Panthers in the season scored the last I 0 of Tennessee's ble figures, but they weren't the only of Madness. Trust me, I don't SPORTS REPORTER series, beating them by one and eight points, and his lay-up with 50 seconds ones. In the last two games three think anyone will confuse him points respectively. remaining in the game sealed the other Tigers have scored in double for a 19th century author. The men's basketball team hopes On Jan. 19, 2004, the Panthers come from behind 60-59 victory. figures: junior forward Eric King "Slam dunk," "alley-oop,'' "the to rebound from Tuesday night's loss found themselves ahead by 12 at home In their second game on Feb. II, with 13 points against Eastern key" - ever wonder where these to Southeast Missouri as it takes on with less than six minutes to play when 2004, Eastern was just whatTennessee Kentucky, junior forward Kareem common basketball phrases come the Tennessee State Tigers in Lantz the Tigers went on a 19-7 run to tie needed to break its own seven-game Grant with 20 points against from? Announcers. Arena tonight. the game with 1:2Ileft to play. losing streak, as the Tigers won 75-68. Clark Kellogg is slowly but sure- Last year, the Tigers were able to Sophomore guard Bruce Price This year, the Tigers beat Eastern SEE FI GHT PAGE 1 1A ly changing the language ofbasket- ball into the words we use today, and he's doing it with the elegance WOMEN'S BASKETBALL and literacy of a Harvard graduate - not the befuddled jumble of Dick Vitale's yelling mixed with random proclamations. Eastern faces must-win game McGuire had a way with words STEPHEN HAAS/ that the viewer wanted to hear Women need to THE DALY EASTERN during a telecast. I wanted to hear NEWS that Rick Pitino was a "salt and win four of their $op,'h011l101i'8 pepper" type of coach (translation: ~~ master of X's and O's). In next five games bd ~. McGuire's world, college athletes lktwllill lliOOl bllo should "congratulate the tempo- to keep OVC k@ll &lC 0 rary" (translation: live for the hopes alive [email protected] moment). • •m !fulrw&lli'd! After officially gerting his feet . Pmrc®lll wet in the broadcast booth and B Y D AN RENICK U'mearllaJ ~YtOOiiDc now rerurning this season as the ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR iiD 11.aw lu@rna. weekend analyst for CBS, b~ IMld llllmool Kellogg is taking the creative The last time Eastern and .~. i'm am 71 o torch from McGuire and making Tennessee State met was in Nashville, 5& Pl~li' IJ®aa, it his own. where the Tigers hit a shot with 3.5 During the Indiana/illinois tele- seconds left, sneaking past the cast, I was runing out the broad- Panthers with a two-point win. casts while I was watching the At practice Wednesday in Lantz Fighting Illini go on a 20-3 run to Arena, Eastern head coach Brady Sallee care of that," Sallee said. The Panthers (9-13, 2-9 OVC) are third to last respectively in the confer- the start the game. had the final score ofthe earlier meeting Eastern will get its rematch at 5:15 coming off a loss to conference-lead- ence, and each is hoping to make a run Illini forward James Augustine with Tennessee, 58-56, on the score- tonight in Lantz Arena. Its Ohio ing Southeast Missouri, and the to jump into the top eight of the OVC made a basket, and when the board as a reminder to the girls. Valley Conference tournament hopes Tigers (3-7, 6-15) are hoping to build to make the conference tournament. Hoosiers called time out, Kellogg "We just wanted them to remem- are on the line. momenrum after snapping a five- "From here on out, every game is uttered the most imaginative ber what happened at their place "It's a big game, so we have to get game losing streak against Morehead huge, and we only have three home (earlier this season), and it was a real a win," senior center Pam O'Connor State over the weekend. SEE STEVENS AAGE 1 1A simple message that we have to take said. Eastern and Tennessee are last and SEE WIN PAGE 1 1A ON THE VERGE OF THE WEEK- 2.10.05 HIGHLY FLAMMABLE DISCLAIMER: Author Paul joannides' 'The Guide To Getting It On: a book on sex education, may be too hot for some readers. You've been warned

See COV ~ s·,-ORY Page 68


University Board I CHAI' The fina l part in our SOME brings , ROGER dubbed the lady health series of Crunk & B, measures up human Local deli offers organic Band's winter tour hits brings her good- performance testing alternative to popular drink Foellinger, Champaign ies to Lantz Arena at the Student Rec and puts on an open mic Center. night. See W~.s.CO Page 8B See C~ Page 88 See A"'P Page 38


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Regeneration Jesse Funk Gunner Buc's Junior English Mattoon ''I'd like to see Queens so~ SUNDAY Limit ONEoff of the Stone Age:' EXP. 03-31-05 Gospel Expl osion Charleston 6 p.m. 20 State St. Rachel Seymour Grand Ballroom --- -~4~~.e.~--- Freshman Special Education Martin Luther Ki ng )r. "Well, I hate co untry, so University Union s q9 EIU Value Menu I'll have to say Lucky ~ Boys Confusion:' 2.19.05 Groovatron ~';~'~ Ch-• Fr- 11ta List •••-for -ly Ingred ients. The Uptowner $6.99cach; Better Pizza. Luke Turner CHAM.UTON The Tossers 1) 1 Lars• 1 T-pln9 4!16 W. LINCOLN Allll. Senior History Friends and Co. !t) Bnadsdclcs 6 Cheesestlclcs 348-828g 3) Chtclcenstrfps 6 Braeclslfclls M....-Yhv.. ..; ••...... , ....-. - .., ...... 4) Wings 6 a !IOo& Of Coca-COla "I'd the Red Hot Fri. 6 S.t.: 'tO: OO •·tn. • t:• a.M. say s..... av: tt:Oo...... -1t:• ,..... s) Snoan 1 To-Ins a •--~~- 2.25.05 OnlvUI.v ANo c:.-..utYouT NilS, The Pimps and The Timmys 6 ) S..all1 Topping a tt-tOos Q "1;7'r 0 Chilli Peppers :' 7) 1 Maclfu• !t 'l'applng ..... e-,..,liCIOG,.. __..., __... __, __ (_.,...... - ···---...... -,.~

VALENTINE'S DAY MEMORIES Dinner and slow dancing make things memorable The ftrst Valentine's Day I had curled up on the couch cuddling with my boyfriend was the best in ~ each other. OFF-CAMPUS PRIVATE APARTMENTS. Valentine's Day by far! It was our I pe* d SUBMITTED BY KATIE PA VLINY Stop by for a tour on your way home from Wai-Mart! senior year In high school and he an coul ;ee started the day tly giving me a dozen pink roses. Later, I went th8 €andle~d0n FIRST VALENTINE out with my mom. After many years of wondering She wanted to go shopping, so the ground. what It would be like to be with we did, and I ended up ftndlng a someone you love over KAne PAVLINY nice dinner dress. When we Valentine's day I finally got the arrived at home, there was a glow opportunity. My boyfriend sur- coming from within. I peeked my glass table. In the middle of prised me last year with coming Inside and I could see the candles the pillow was a beautiful heart- down unexpectedly and driving on the ground. When I went In, shaped diamond necklace. My me up to to spend time there were red rose petals and mom helped me get ready as I with him. What I didn' t know tea-light candles leading Into the slipped on the dinner dress I had was that when he said he had to other room. A bit nervous, I went just bought. I let him put on the stop and run an errand, that cautiously around the corner necklace before sitting down to errand was pulling up to the where he stood dressed-up and eat. After dinner, he cleaned Sybarls pool suites and having a about to take a picture of me. The everything up and then asked me red rose with a beautiful card dining room was lined with can- to dance to the music playing In with a red petals shaped In the dles and a romantic dinner was the background. We slow-danced form of a heart. Allin all, It was a prepared with my favorite for a while. Then he went over to great experience and we spent \,tfJ.~Z sparkling juice (red grape). I con- the stereo, pulled out a CD case, the entire evening swimming In tinued to follow the path of petals. labeled "Valentine's Day '03: The the pool/ waterfall and having a It went down the hall and Into Soundtrack" and gave It to me. In great person who loved me right (\CALL ALL AROUND TRAVEL FOR You_R___ _ my room where a white-lace pil- the corner our names were print- there to enj~ It! low surrounded tly candles sat on ed. The night ended sweetly as we SUBMITTED BY MEGA.N O'FARRELL SPRING BREAK NEEDS.



HOLLY HE NSC HE N/VERG E Tasha Thrusby, a senior health studies major, monitors Shannon jandura, a senior sports management physical education major, during the one rep max test in the Human Performance l ab. Students walk in and weigh in at the ATP Lab BY H OLLY HENSCHEN people are tested In the lab each month, It's gauged tly placing the hands on a while keeping the RI'Ms at 50. V021s chart- VERGE EDITOR Daniel said. small, white machine that sends an electri· ed by monitoring the heart rate and enter- Standard fitness measurements Include cal current from one arm to another. By Ing It, with height and weight and age, Into Just a few steps away from the Student height, weight and blood pressure tests. measuring the time It takes for the electric a computer program. Recreation Center sits a room designed fi:>r Most people have a healthy blood pres- pulse to be sent and returned, It gives a "It's just to make sure your body Is testing. These tests, though, require no read- sure of 120/f!IJ. If blood pressure Is high, body fat percentage. At college age, responding to exercise like It should," said Ing or cramming. "we tell them to keep an eye on It and have healthy percentage of body fat Is 18-25 per- Daniel. Students and faculty can test their fitness lev- It checked next time they go to the doctor," cent for women and 12-18 percent for men, The waist to hlp ratio test Is most popular els five days a week In Lantz's Human Daniel said. High blood pressure can be a Daniel said. for classes. It's the waist measurement Perfurmance Lab. The Assessment, Testlng symptom of heart and other diseases. The second body composition analysis Is divided by hlp measurement, and should and Prescrtptlon program consists of a series cl The sit-and-reach tests flexibility In the called the skin-fold test. It measures a be less than one for a healthy person. tests to give a broad perspective cl personal legs tly measuring the number of Inches pinch of skin on men and women In differ· All ATP tests are compared to American health and fitness. stretched In a V-slt. Multiplied tly 2.54, the entways. College ofSports Medicine guidelines for fit- Some classes require students have cer- flexibility measurement tells what percentile For men, the test takes measurements at ness. It takes about an hour to complete the tain tests, while some students simply test the subject falls ln. the trlcep, subscapular (beneath the shoul- tests. Lab workers can even write an exer- themselves to gain a better understanding cl "We give you a range and average of der bone) and chest. For females, skin folds cise prescription for test subjects and their health and gauge accomplishment, what other people your age do so you are taken at the trlcep, abdomen and super accompany them to the Student Rec Center. said Lorle Daniel. Daniel, a graduate student know how you stand among your peers," rellac crest (hipbone). The Human Performance Lab In 1101 In exercise science, worked In the lab for two said Daniel. "Women carry fat along the midsection Lantz Is open about 40 hours a week. semesters as an undergraduate. This Is her The one rep max test has students perform and men In the back and on the chest," said "It's good to come In to see what changes second semester working there In grad successive leg and bench presses, building up Daniel. you've made and what you've accom- school. to the heaviest possible weight that can be lift· The YMCA bike test measures V02 or plished," said Daniel. Full of sliver elliptical machines and blue eel In one repetition. This weight serves as a oxygen consumption. and white stationary bicycles, the Human standard for different fitness goals. "It's how aerobically fit you are," Daniel Editor's Note. This is the last of a series on Perfurmance Lab Is the place to gain Infor- "For general fitness, you want to do 60 said. Higher oxygen consumption means health and fitness possibilities on campus. mation on height, weight, blood percent of your one rep max," said Daniel. the subject Is more active. From keeping a new year's resolution to buff pressure,and test for one rep max, bp, body Body composition Is measured tly two The test subject rides a stationary bike for ing up for Spring Break, Eastern and the Verge composition, flexibility and V02. About 100 methods. The first Is blolectlcal Impedance. about 15 minutes at Increasing difficulty have got you covered.

Daily K:neads Cafe Regional American and lntemational Cuisine ICY MUG • Rot Grilled C.hicken Salad • "ReJII Crab" Crab Cakes• • MWild llan;ested" Salmon 11nd Grouper Sandwich~• J 6V~YJ:J PRJ"PAYI • Our Famous Kev Lime Pie and other Sea~on11l Ucsscrls• • Open for Lunch: ()LfJff{}frlNE fti~ N~t;flrl£N1 ACROSS 0 $5.00 COVER CHARGE Tuesday - Sunday 11 :30 am - 2:00 pm (Saturday '11 :30am-3:00pm) FROM $ t .00 PITCHERS Special Holiday Catering Needs? Call Earfy! Located. in the Arcola Emporium 1,L, & Bedrooms FAIRGROUNDS ALL NIGHT E~st J 201 Main Street, Arcola, lL (217) 268-6229

Veget arian Foods Homemade Soups 4LOCATIONS European Pastries DAILY SPECIALS & LARGE CUISINE Specializing in coffees & teas *5% off w/ this Ad & Student ID! Close to campus Last Saturday of each month -Fine Dining 348-7733 Live mus i c E ver y Friday, All ages wel com e, N o Cover! J~5-05JJ 8 -10 .m. PAGE 48 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 1 Chai' something new An organic alternative to a popular drink ful to a person's body, Overcash said . Fennel seeds, roobois tea, made and sold in Charleston and ginger help a person's diges- tive system, Tucker said . BY NICOLE NICOLAS ground Influences her efforts to Because organic chai contains FEATURES REPORTER bring healthy foods and drinks to cinnamon, ginger, cardamon Charleston. In Europe, people seeds and black peppercorns It On a blistering cold morning In tend to be more health conscious heats up a person's Internal Montana while working construc- than people In the United States. organs to get them moving tion, most would think a nice cup But In bigger cities Americans quicker, Overcash said. Ginger, of coffee Is what's needed to get are healthier than most In the cardomon seeds, and cinnamon your day started. But that's not United States, Farrar said . are also anti-Inflammatory, which the case for Josh Overcash, now a In the last ftve years chai has help with body aches and Charleston resident. He would become more popular and Its headaches, Tucker said. bring herbal, organic chai tea to popularity Is Increasing everyday, Anise seeds soothe your throat his construction crew to warm said Autumn White, the market- and cloves are good for the them up and get them moving In Ing coordinator for Choice Tea. mouth, Overcash said. Tucker the morning. Herbal organic chai tea Is very agreed with Overcash when he Chai wakes up your body's medical because It helps fight said that cloves are good for Internal organs, so that your foreign viruses that enter the toothaches. organs can stimulate your brain body, Overcash said . Traditionally, chai Is drunk at the to wake up naturally. And you Unlike Big Train Chai Tea, a end of a meal because It helps your can work hard through out the packaged powder chai, organic digestive system, Overcash said. day, Overcash said. chai has no additives. Packaged "(In India,) they take fennel Overcash now works at chai tea has Identical Ingredients seeds to chew on to help you Marianne's Euro Dell brewing as organic tea, but also has digest the beautiful food that and sealing organic chai Into Jars chemicals In It such as non-dairy you've eaten," he said . to keep the bacteria out of the creams, hydrogenated coconut STE PHE N HAAS / VERG E Also In India, chai Is traditional- chai once a week for Marianne to oil, corn syrup solids, pipottasi- Josh Overcash brews organic chai tea at Marianne's Euro Deli. ly drank In the wet season, sell. Starting Friday at open mic um, phosphate, sodium slllcoalu- Overcash said. night at Marianne's Euro Dell, the minate and mono and dyglyc- Anything organic Including cinnamon, doves, black pepper- He obtains the Ingredients to owner Marianne Farrar will be erides, according to the Ingredi- organic chai doesn't have pesti- corns, anise seeds, fennel seeds, make chai from Natural Food serving organic chai for $2. 75. ent listing of the packaged pow- cides or any type of chemicals ball leaves and cardamon seeds. and Nutrition In Charleston and Farrar decided to start having dered chai, Big Train Chai Tea . sprayed on It during the growth To sweeten the chai, one can add from a food co-op In Champaign. organic chai because, "It VvQuld "Anything hydrogenated Is not process and Is regulated by the honey, brown , white sugar A food co-op Is designed for fall In the realm of our existing fare good for you because they clog United States Department of or stevia, a natural sweetener. the community to help each because we have a large variety of up your arteries," said Gordon Agriculture, White said . Roobois tea Is an antioxidant other out. Overcash works there vegetarian food," Farrar said. Tucker, an associate professor In The Ingredients In organic that Is caffeine free and helps and In return he gets a discount Also her European back- the biology department. herbal chai are ginger, roobois tea, fight viruses that could be harm- on the food there, he said . Paid Positions are Available at

Writers, Photographers, Designers, Meet at 2pm Mondays at 18 11 Buzzard Hall or email us at Warblereiu@ hotmail.com THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND PAGE 58 Deli kicks weekend off with live music BY CHRIS WALDEN and Kristen Bosco and Courtney sounded really cool and that It STAFF WRITER Shepard, who play the acoustic should be our band name." guitar and sing. The Shady Katles appredate all Starting Fnday, Marianne's Euro Courtney and Kristen Bosco, kinds of music, but mostly folk. Dell will be prCNidlng live music for twins In a family of five girls, never "We love jonI Mitchell. We plan Its customers every Friday night. took guitar lessons. They learned to Introduce bongos and bass Throughout the year, the eatery how to play from their father. The guitar Into our band soon." plans to bring folk, blues, rock, twins have been playing together Anallzlng the evening's music Jazz and bluegrass musicians. since grade school. "Our vocal will be Brent Byrd. Byrd recently "We want to make [the Dell] chords are virtually Identical, so opened a vintage and record store more lively," said Christina we have no problem harmoniz- In Chaneston called Emajonashon Keegan, an employee at Ing," said Courtney Bosco. Street, and has been playing guitar Marianne's Dell. "We're trying to "Anding other people that can do for over 13 years. get as much variety as possible." the same Is difficult." "I play blues and alternative, Most of the musldans are from "One day we saw Courtney and used to play with a lot of the Chaneston area, and some of Shepard performing a different bands," Byrd said. them are Eastern students. routine for a talent show, and we Byrd and his wife moved from Friday's open mlc night at the Dell discovered that our voices were San Diego roughly two years ago. has three performers scheduled to so much alike," Courtney Bosco "There's a lot more places to play music from 8 to 10 p.m. said. "Having Courtney play music In San Diego," Byrd Singer- Eric Meade {Shepard) with us Is as good as said. "But I can chill here In will be begin the evening with having my sister sing with us." Charleston." his acoustic guitar at 8 p.m. Courtney Bosco and Shepard Although the Dell Is unsure yet Meade has been playing guitar have been friends since last year. how to deal with the equipment since 1996. Meade played In a Courtney Bosco said the group's musicians bring with them, band when he was In high school folk sound Is laced with harmonies. Keegan Is confident she'll work and took lessons. The Shady Katles agree to switch something out. "My music Is very freestyle," off leads and rhythms during their "We're working on fitting as said Meade, who plays blues, performances. many people as possible In the rock and uses pop-style lyrics. "I "One day my best friend Katie Dell," Keegan said. "The musldans tend to listen to a lot of Jazz and I were telling stories with will perform In the front-window music, and It comes out In my each other," Courtney Bosco area to make the evening a more music," Meade said. said. "Courtney {Shepard) Intlmlate experience." The trio Shady Katles will fol- walked In when we were joking Marianne's Dell Is located on STEPHEN HAAS/V ERGE low Meade at 8:30 p.m. about how 'shady' rhymed with 615 Monroe Ave. Entry for open Chai tea, poured by Overcash, won't be the only thing available at The newly-formed band con- Katie's name - hence Shady mlc night Is free, and people of the Deli. Local artists will be performing there Friday night. sists of Eastern juniors Courtney Katie. Courtney {Shepard) said It all ages are welcome.

University Village is Coming!!!! 13flmd N~ Far Augrnl2005 28- Four Bedroom rlouli¢S lllld 96- Three &4room Duplexe11, Great Floarplansl The unit~ are mJGCf You've gol yuur own hou..;e ()r duplex. Great Fe,aturest lligh spee4 intemellcahlc in every bedtoCJm and living ruom. Washer1Dryer and Dishwasher in every unit Jnterior Design ofunils is ~eoond to none. Ton~ or Free Parking. Plenty or Room IO Relax Outdoors.

Greal Amenities! Thili mBy be lhe btsl part. University Village will be TilE PLACE l

\\\ for our residt:nL!i1 and MUCll MORE! \1~\\% \\ 0.. ~. 'idetil$ will have TilE miST ~OCTAL ~1Fli! !!! We'v~ ~ot. it all~ Greal U~ils ~-oadcd wilh The Stuff You Want ~r.; ~~ ~ ,,,, A&.uttful .~pa

T.l-n.JRSDAY FEBRUARY 1 SPRING BREA VERGE ISS Call y.our- enilly ad rep ~-·-r •~ -----~~~ "~ specials ~ te ""·· ss-. -2s-. 6 ~- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND PAGE 78 Crank, Teeth, Romancing the Bone play Friday


Musicians from North Carolina, Texas and Charleston will put the rock back In raucous, no matter how the words are spelled. Crank County Daredevils, from Asheville, N.C., are scheduled to headline, followed by Austin, Texas' Broken Teeth and Charleston's new group, Romancing the Bone. Crank County Daredevils play "just old-school, drlvln', hard, In- your-face rock," said the band's bassist Billy Velvet. The origin of their name stems from location and a growing trend across the United States. "We live In crank county," Velvet said . "In North Carolina alone, there were 243 meth labs busted last year-that's one every three days." A contributing editor for Metal Edge magazine awarded the PHOTO COUR TE SY O F BROKEN TEETH Crank County Daredevils Album of Crank County Daredevils (left) and Broken Teeth (above) are set to the Year. Crank County Daredevils highlight a night of rock at Friends and Co. Friday. And from the are finishing up writing their sec- looks of these guys, you should know what you're getting into by ond record, tentatively titled attending their show. "Back to Plss You Off," the follow up to the Independently-released Teeth are bassist Brett Daredevils and Broken Teeth will "Kings of Sleaze." McCormick and drummer Bruce be Romancing the Bone. Crank County Daredevils have Rivers. Containing members of the for- been playing for three years. "We're nastier than just hair mer Charleston hardcore band Singer and lead guitarist Scotty P. metal," said McMaster. ''There's a Dlpshlt, this will be their first and guitarist Adam Stevens have lot of metal sprinkles on top of show. played together since high school. what Broken Teeth does." Broken "Romancing the Bone Is a little They met drummer Mark Hammer Reverend Horton Heat and are anything that we're doing. We're Teeth has opened for Buck Cherry, more on the rock 'n' roll side of as he was passing through about to play with Jackyll, and hardcore gypsies." Dokken and LA Guns. things," said guitarist Paul Beck. Asheville, N.C. while backpacking Slaughter or Skid Row for the Straight from Austin, Texas, Broken Teeth recently released "The riffs are less punk and more around the world. Velvet, who upcoming Bike Week In Daytona, Broken Teeth Is set to play "Blood on the Radio," a live rock. There's a lot more rlppln' also blows glass professionally, Fla. between Romancing the Bone show and DVD on Perris Records, solos In It." plays a three-string bass. The show at Friends and Co. and Crank County Daredevils. through the band's Killing Bird Dlpshlt was together for two "If you need anymore than kicks off Crank County "It's four-on-the-floor rock and label. Their discography Includes years. Romancing the Bone Is three strings In rock 'n' roll, Daredevils' American tour. They roll and It's played with fire," said 1999's self-titled record and comprised of Sean joyce on you've got a problem," said plan to hit 27 cities In 29 days, as Broken Teeth vocalist jason "Guilty Pleasure" In 2002. drums, Greg Franco on guitar, Velvet. they've done before. McMasters. Broken Teeth's name was Andy Wellington on bass and Crank County Daredevils count "We try to hit as many cities as Though Broken Teeth has been taken from an AC/ DC song called vocals by Tony MeAley. Faster Pussycat, Motorhead and we can as fast as we can," said together since 1999, McMaster "Kicked In the Teeth." "We just kind of stopped," Motley Crue among their Influ- Velvet. "We roll fast and hard. and guitarist Paul Lldel were In "That song kind of stuck out as Beck said of Dlpshlt. "It was time ences, as well as Swedish band We're gonna tour till the wheels the late-1980s group Dangerous just to what exactly Is the kind of for a change." Dlpshlt Included the Backyard Babies, who are fall off." The band Is considering Toys. They had a string of hits on music and what's our vision," Aaron Stlovall on guitar and currently on tour with Social doing an overseas tour In MTV and toured Internationally McMasters said . "It sure does Adam Dupols on bass. Distortion. August. with the Cult and Motorhead. connote a lot of weird visuals." Cover for the show Is $ 5. Though the band most often The band has few contempo- Broken Teeth guitarist Jared Bring your earplugs, warned Friends and Co. Is located at 509 tours Independently, they've raries, Velvet said. Tuten was In Pariah on Geffen McMasters. Van Buren Ave. on the South played with Super join Ritual, "There's not anybody doing circa 1992. Rounding out Broken Supporting Crank County Side of the Square. Make your Mattoon Country Club business a Now Hiring Servers "10" 234-8831 Contact John

Llncoln""ood Plnetree 7 miles af BEACH --...~ 112 Hour to .,EX ICO Ap- nts FRfE lslaoll Slllltlle Studio, 1,2 & 3 B edroom Apartments HORSES on tbe be.acb Free Wireless Internet WATER Sports • Lots of s pace • Swimming poo l Baytnmt DANCING • Volle yball court a: ~Jt. CONCERTS ;:::-.___._. Across from Carman Hall -~ ~ - Advertise !"'~ 345c6QQQ ~ ~' ~ in the " YOU'VE GOT A FEVER. call TH E O NLY PRESCRIPTIO N 581 -281 6 DEN! IS MORE ADVERTI SING " for C ALL TO DAY 5 81 -2816 info PAGE 88 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005

IURNING YOUR ORBIT AROUND' LIV- Wilco plays Instrumentalist Jay Bennet left the band and drummer Glen 'The greatest lost Kotche was replaced tty Ken Coomer. , who Joined tracks of all time' Wllco before "Yankee Hotel Filling in Foxtrot" was recorded, was BY HOLLY HENSCHEN exchanged for programmer and VERGE EDITOR keyboardlst Mlkael Jorgenson. blanks in , a keyboardlst/ gul- Fat Tuesday found tarlst who also plays In The Champaign's Foelllnger Autumn Defense, exercised dialogue Auditorium awash In the ghost Peter Frampton-style windmills of Wllco. But It was a friendly In his latter role during the show. "Hey, how's It going?" ghost. The sold out show Touring guitarist trad- "Good, you?" marked the regional popularity ed solos with Tweedy that "I'm good." of a Belleville-based band relo- sounded like a siren and a ban- (Sound of crickets). cated to Chicago. Ten years after shee In a screaming contest. He Has this happened to you? It's forming, Wllco's latest release, also sat with the slide guitar for the dreaded awkward silence. "," Is up for a "Jesus, Etc." and got down to a No matter who you are talking Grammy after the band 's transi- shimmy-provoking rendition of to, you are going to have to deal tion from country to a modern "I'm the Man Who Loves You." with the awkwardness that Is rolling rock sound. Throughout the first set and silence. Here's some advice. PHOTO COURTE SY OF WIL CO As frontman gin- Wilco played Fat Tuesday night in Champaign. The band or publicist subsequent pair of encores, Situation one: You are quite the gerly approached his micro- also canceled their photo passes, res ulting in this submitted photo. Wllco played like no honky- pensive student and have shown phone, the crowd held Its breath tonker every Imagined, as mas- up for class early. A friend takes a for fear of missing a syllable or and cadent plano and organ with recently-purchased, black sport ters of feedback and distortion seat next to you. They're not your Interrupting a note. His voice, string-scratching guitar, they amaz- coat. manipulation, coaxing every best bud, but you're not going to caught midway between a whis- Ingly reproduce In concert what "I Just got a position on Junior sound Imaginable from their Ignore their presence and pretend per and cracking, gently they painstakingly perfect In the faculty, that's why I'm wearing Instruments. During encores, to be enthralled with the editorial embraced the first lines of "Hell studio. this Jacket," said Tweedy. Tweedy broke out the harmonica comic In the DEN. Is Chrome." By the time Tweedy After the gentle build up to a Jet Within gut-wrenching songs and then came back with a cover Here Is my list of awkward reached the more durable cho- takeoff of "'s" of heartbreak ("At Least that's of Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear silence killers that cannot fall In rus, "Come with me," the audi- "I am Trying to Break Your Heart," What You Said "), unabashed the Reaper." class: ence was already there. Wllco sounded like they could play apathy ("Handshake Drugs"), The chemistry between Wllco "Doesn't this class suck?" Wllco then embarked on a string steadily through a hurricane. The and childish giddiness ("Always Is a balanced equation correlat- "Did you do the homework ... cl songs from their two latest and drums and plano erupted Into a In Love"), Wllco displayed that a Ing musicianship to art. The set me neither." most-heralded records. Vying for spurt of chaos tantamount to the song with few words and was devoid of songs from their "What's the deal with this best alternative album of the year Instruments cascading down end- extended Interludes can emote debut release "A .M ." and fol- teacher?" against BJork, PJ Harvey, JV\odest less flights of stairs, before falling bounties more feeling than any low-ups "Being There. " Wllco "How about (Insert area sports JV\ouse and Franz Ferdinand, Wllco back Into evenhanded rhythm for lyrics. marked their departure from a team)?" proves to be the definition, or anti- a bar, and then back out again Just Wllco has undergone several rock-based country roll to a If It Is Monday or Tuesday: "Did definition, If you will, of the alterna- as easily. lineup changes since Its Incep- more pedigreed fusion of Indis- you get wasted this weekend?" tive category. By coupling lilting Throughout the set, Tweedy tion In 1995. The only remaining cernible elements that meld Into If It Is Thursday or Friday: "Are county-rooted melodies with spo- Joked with the college crowd original members are Tweedy an orbit-altering Impact on you getting wasted this week- radic outbursts cl abrasive solos, about Inciting a riot and his and bassist John Stlrratt. Multi- today's musical landscape. end?" Situation two: Another awk- ward silence moment Is from unexpectedly running Into a friend around campus. You may Ciara brings Crunk & B to Lantz be walking to the Physical Science building, see a friend, BY j AMI ARCENEAUX Gara, who has lived In Nevv York, looking for more than an "Iced- tickets will be seated In the bal- you say hi, but Instead of them STAFF WRITER Arizona, California and Germany out chain" In a guy. Her lyrics sim- cony. There will also be a DJ play- saying hi back and continuing the due to a family member's military ply state, "Just because you drive Ing music before Clara performs. walk, they stop to chat. Uh oh, Friday, University Board pres- background, has worked hard to a car, I'm not going home with Although all floor tickets have being caught off guard Is never ents Clara. This Austin, Texas, achieve the goals she has accom- you." been sold out, Positively 4th good, and almost always ends native will perform at Lantz plished. According to www.dara- "I think It's a great opportunity Street Records still has tickets clumsily. Here are some destroy- Arena. world.com, the singer/songwriter for us to have Clara come and available for $20 for the general ers of the awkward silence: "We wanted to bring a hlp hop h~ to sacrlflce things that normal entertain us," said Freddie Perry, a public and students. According to "Where are you going?" act," said Kristen Thorburn, UB teenagers don't. freshman physical education Thorburn, 1, 200 tickets have been "Does that class suck?" Concert Coordinator. "We are try- "I watched my peers around maJor. "I like her songs 'Goodies' sold and will continue to be on Alcohol-related questions. Ing to appeal to everyone." me and they were worried about and 'One, Two Step' and I think sale until the day of the And If you are really hurting for "I think Clara's coming here Is a who's wearing what... and I was she Is very sexy." concert. material: good thing because UB hasn't like 'I'm trying to be somebody. The concert Is scheduled Ciara sin&s "Oh crap! I'm going to be late done a lot with a diverse selection What can I do to get there as soon for Friday at 8 p.m. The \ 'Goodies and for my class! Bye bye!" (May not of artists," said Sharle Gllette, a as possible?" she said In her biog- show will open with Flo, more crunk at work at night.) the winner of the Lantz Arena sophomore marketing maJor. raphy. She had to cut loose going Friday at 8 This Is Just a taste of some of "They are taking a step In the right to the movies and hanging with freestyle battle from last p.m. the situations you may be In. direction." her friends. She even dedded that year's concert. Here's a sample of wacklness: According to www.daraworld not having a boyfriend was a Like previous con- Avoid all conversations during .com, 18-year-old Clara has been good Idea. certs, people with SUBM ITTE D walks by keeping a cell phone PHOTO dubbed "The Arst Lady of Crunk &. However, she described having floor tickets can stand glued to your ear, you're not talk- B," a new genre of music, created her heart broken, which Is what dose to the stage and Ing to anyone on the phone, and tty rapper LII ' Jon. Crunk&. B Is R&.B also gave her Inspiration to work those with the most you will get from that Is energetic and gets listeners harder. b a I - passersby Is a quick hello. to their feet. Gara Is the second Shortly after, Clara Joined a girl Headphones plugged Into artist to release a Crunk &. B song, group, but left the group to go nothing. You can't start a conver- "Goodies," second only to Usher solo. After that, things began to sation with anyone, they think with his hit single "Yeah," the Web pick up for her. She got a publish- you're too enthralled with the site said. Ing deal and then began working "Best ofScatman John" album. A Clara has been nominated for with Jazze-Pha. The well-known head nod will do the trick. Bonus four Soul Train Music Awards. For producer In signed the points for earmuff-sized head- "Goodies," she was nominated for songstress to ShoNuff records phones. Best Dance Cut and Best R&.B Soul after working with her for only five Stare Into nothingness, why Single. In addition to being nomi- days, Clara's biography said. would anyone want to talk to nated for "Best R&.B Soul Album" Gara describes her music as you In the first place? and Best R&.B Soul/Rap New being "girl empowerment" If the awkwardness Is still too Artist, she Is also being honored music. Unlike the Spice Girls, Gara much for you, stay In your room as the Female Entertainer of the delivers a message to the guys, and never come out, for you are year. telling them that the ladles are the king of awkward.