TRAINING in PHOTOGRAPH CONSERVATION for the STATE HERMITAGE : Participants, Curriculum, Schedule Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, PA June 9 to 17, 2011

Hermitage Participants

Natalia Avetyan Tatyana Sayatina Natalia Laytar Evgeniia Glinka

CCAHA Instructors

Photograph Conservators Mary Schobert, Head of Paper Conservation Barbara Lemmen, Senior Conservator of Photographs Rachel Wetzel, Conservator of Photographs Jessica Keister, Mellon Fellow

Photographic Documentation Michelle Dauberman, Manager of Digital Documentation Jessica Silverman, Paper Conservator and Preservation Consultant

Housing and Packing Anna Krain, Senior Conservation Assistant

CCAHA • Training in Photograph Conservation for the State Hermitage Museum • Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • June 2011

Curriculum Further develop the participants’ core treatment, preventive, analytical, connoisseurship, decision making and critical thinking skills, through the following activities:

 Discussions and presentations o Reinforce conservation terms, vocabulary, key points, and ideas o Review topics with individual participants and as a group o Have participants present their treated project photographs to the photograph conservators and other participants on the last day o Encourage participants to record their observations and add to their dictionary of terms

 Written documentation o Examination of a project photograph and preparation of a treatment proposal, time estimate, and treatment record . Participants will retain copies of all written documentation

 Digital photographic documentation o Working with our photographer, create before, during and after‐treatment digital documentation for the project photograph . using incident, raking, ultraviolet, and/or specular lighting, as appropriate o Working with a conservator, create photomicrographs using our stereomicroscope and digital camera . Participants will retain copies of the digital documentation as digital files on CD and inkjet prints

 Photograph conservation treatment skills o Treat of a “project photograph” (19th and early 20th century) employing any or all of the following procedures, using the stereomicroscope, as needed. . Surface cleaning and mold removal . Consolidation . Washing and stain reduction through light bleaching and/or other methods . Mending . Humidification and flattening . Unmounting and mounting . Aesthetic compensation – fills and o Participants will retain their project photograph.

CCAHA • Training in Photograph Conservation for the State Hermitage Museum • Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • June 2011

Curriculum – continued

 Housing o Design and construct simple housing for storage and transport of the project photograph

 Process identification o Examine photographic, photomechanical, and digital prints from CCAHA’s with a photograph conservator using the stereomicroscope and a variety of lighting conditions

 Evaluation o Record the participants’ progress using “Workshop Evaluation Forms.”

Outside Activities

These will be offered to the participants but not scheduled for them.

 PMA show “Unsettled: Photography and Politics in Contemporary Art” (admission $16; free with ICOM card)  Film at the PMA “Hockney the Photographer” (tickets $8) 2:00 pm the 12th  PMA Art After 5 (10th and 17th)  Philly Photo Arts Center – show for 2nd Annual Contemporary Photography Competition  Antique markets to purchase photographs for their study collections

CCAHA • Training in Photograph Conservation for the State Hermitage Museum • Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • June 2011

Date Thursday Friday Weekend Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Time June 9 June 10 June June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 11 + 12 18 + 19

Arrive at Begin TR DT Photo Process ID Housing Housing ‐ AT Photo Doc 9:00 – CCAHA and Project Doc Review continued 12:30 settle in Sunday ‐ Sunday – Select TR Consolidation TR Project TR Project TR Project TR Project Complete Project and Review PMA – Written Doc NA and TS Begin Written Hockney travel to Doc Movie GEH for th 19 C. 12:30 – Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Negative 1:30 Workshop

Complete Photomicro TR Project Review Aesthetic Complete TR Each presents TR and 1:30 – Written Doc scopy CCAHA in‐ compensation Project and Project to the 5:00 house Review Housing group + Photo NL and EG Projects Conservators fly home BT Photo Doc TR Project TR Project TR Project TR Project TR Project Pack TR Projects Clean up

CCAHA • Training in Photograph Conservation for the State Hermitage Museum • Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • June 2011