Established 1914

Volume XII, Number 334 7th Waxing of Taboung 1366 ME Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Innovative measures are to be taken with added momentum for production of electrical apparatuses Senior General Than Shwe inspects Kunchaung Hydropower Project, Ye Nwe Multi-purpose Dam Project in Bago Division

YANGON, 15 March—Chairman of the State Peace Than, Lt-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Lt- and cordially greeted those present. and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Gen Kyaw Win and Lt-Gen Tin Aye, Commander- The Senior General, accompanied by SPDC mem- Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe held a in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Com- bers, senior military officers, ministers and depart- meeting with Tatmadaw members and families of mander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein, Bago mental heads, helicoptered to Kunchaung local regiments and units of Toungoo Station at Division PDC Chairman Southern Command Com- Hydropower Project on Kun Creek, nine miles south- Southern Command Headquarters in Toungoo yes- mander Maj-Gen Ko Ko, ministers, senior military west of Pyu, Pyu Township, later that morning, where terday morning. officers, and departmental heads. they were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Electric Also present on the occasion were SPDC Mem- General Thura Shwe Mann delivered a speech. Power U Myo Myint and officials. bers General Thura Shwe Mann, Lt-Gen Khin Maung The Senior General gave guidance to the officials (See page 8)

The Hydro-Electric Power Depart- ment will complete the Kunchaung Hydropower Project, and the Irriga- tion Department, construction of di- version weir and irrigation system. According to the project, a 1,260- foot-long and 240-foot-high rock- filled dam with earth core will be constructed. On completion, the fa- cility will generate 60 megawatts and benefit 110,000 acres of farmland.

INSIDE The national races living in the Union will have to constantly strive for the improvement of their lives and always think of the ways to further develop their respective regions. Senior General Than Shwe inspects Ye Nwe Multi-purpose Dam Project in Kyauktaga Township, Bago Division. — MNA (Page 2) PERSPECTIVES

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Make full use of natural resources * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State for regional development * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy The Government and all the national races of the Union of Myanmar are working hard in Myanmar delegation leaves for India concert to make a complete success of the seven-

point policy prgramme in order that a disci- YANGON, 15 March— pline-flourishing democracy can emerge. Minister for Finance and People in various states and divisions of Revenue Maj-Gen Hla the Union have been able to live and work for Tun this morning left their living in peace and security. As a result, here by air for India to the whole nation is enjoying steady economic attend meeting on infor- growth and there is a great deal of improve- mation and communica- ment in the education, health and social sectors. tion technology of public Not only that, there will be further im- relations departments and provement in the all-round situation of the na- the finance sector to be tion if the people realize the government’s lead- held in New Delhi from ership and fulfilment of requirements in mak- 16 to 18 March. ing effective use of the nation’s terrestrial and The minister was aquatic resources and actively cooperate with seen off at Yangon Inter- it. In his meeting with chairmen and members national Airport by Min- of division, district and township peace and de- ister for National Plan- velopment councils, departmental personnel, ning and Economic De- members of the Union Solidarity and Develop- velopment U Soe Tha, Minister Maj-Gen Hla Tun being seen off by officials, — MNA ment Association and other social organizations Minister for Cooperatives and townselders, Chairman of the State Peace Col Zaw Min, Deputy and family members. aging Director U Maung U Min Han Soe of the and Development Council Commander-in-Chief Minister for Finance and Governor U Kyaw Maung Tin of Myanma Ministry of Finance and of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe Revenue Col Hla Thein Kyaw Maung of Central Posts and Telecommuni- Revenue accompanied said that a sizeable population, educated hu- Swe, heads of department Bank of Myanmar, Man- cations and Staff Officer the minister. —MNA man resources and terrestrial and aquatic re- sources were the sine qua non for the devlopment of a region or a nation and that New houses for rural people in Patheingyi Township development would be a certainty if these three YANGON, 15 March— Development Affairs Col tasks in TadaU in Man- construction of brick factors were combined with hard work. Deputy Minister for Tin Ngwe, accompanied dalay Division. tanks the laying of water The national races living in the Union will Progress of Border Areas by officials, on 11 March, The deputy minister pipes, sinking of tube- have to constantly strive for the improvement and National Races and inspected water supply and party inspected the well and installation of of their lives and always think of the ways to power lines. further develop their respective regions. What- Col Tin Ngwe also ever obstacles they encounter, they will be able inspected rural housing to overcome them and surely meet with success project in Letkaung vil- if they are united and work hard on a self-reli- lage in Patheingyi Town- ance basis. Bago Division has a sizeable popula- ship. He met local peo- tion and is rich in natural and human resources. ple and explained the five Moreover, it has colleges and universities to turn rural development tasks out educated human resources. Therefore, if the implemented for raising local people work hard in concert, their region the living standard of will further develop. What is more important is rural people. to make full use of all the resources available in Under the rural the region and to cultivate crops not only in the housing project in plains but also in the hills. Patheingyi Township, al- We would like to call on the national peo- together 14 rural houses ple living in various regions of the Union, in- are under construction in cluding those in Bago Division, to work for fur- the 2004-2005 fiscal ther development of their respective regions by year. making full use of natural resources. Deputy Minister Col Tin Ngwe inspects a hydrant in TadaU Township. —MNA MNA Course of Training of Service New roads put into service in Bago Division Providers on Trafficking in YANGON,15 March— With the length of Persons concludes As a gesture of hailing 13720 feet and width of YANGON, 15 March — Organized by Myanmar the 60th Anniversary 16 feet, Bawdigwin- National Women’s Affairs Federation and UN-IAP, Armed Forces Day, cer- Pyantalin road was built a ceremony to conclude Course of Training of Serv- emonies to open new at a cost of 1.5 million ice Providers on Trafficking in Persons was held at roads were held on 13 kyats provided by Ottama Hall, Sittway Township on 11 March. March in townships of DAD. Present on the occasion were the Rakhine State Bago Division. Aungchantha road Peace and Development Council Chairman Western Director-General of was also built at a cost Command Commander’s wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Development Affairs of 1.5 million kyat. It is Patron of Rakhine State Organization for Women’s Department U Myo a 400 feet long and 12 Affairs, members of state/district/township CWAs, Myint attended the cer- feet wide tarred one. emonies. In the 2004-2005 fis- local authorities, departmental heads, trainees of nurs- Director-General U Myo Myint attends opening ing, members of social organizations and trainees. The roads opened on cal year, 44 miles and 7 of rural earth road in Kyauktaga Township. — MNA Patron Daw Kyu Kyu Hla delivered an ad- that day were Baw- furlongs long rural roads dress on the occasion. Secretary Daw Htoo Yaw ex- digwin-Pyantalin earthen and 16 miles and 4 fur- plained the purpose of holding the course. Patron road in Kyauktaga longs long urban roads Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented completion certificates Township and Aung- plus 27 bridges have to the trainees. On behalf of the trainees, Daw Khin chantha tar road in been built in Bago Divi- qti®poqti®po Mar Yi expressed gratitude. — MNA DaikU. sion, it is learnt. —MNA m^;m^;m^; THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 3 60th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Objectives

— To work in concert with the people to achieve success in implementation of the seven-point Road Map for emergence of a peaceful, modern, developed and discipline-flourishing democratic nation — To exert energetic efforts in carrying out the five rural development tasks — To strive hand in hand with the people for successful realization of the twelve State Objectives while upholding Our Three Main National Causes — To build a strong, efficient and modern Tatmadaw Int’l symposium held on Asian migration, development LANZHOU, 15 March — More than 90 experts from six countries and seven international organizations gathered Monday in Lanzhou, capital city of northwest ’s Gansu Province, to discuss Asian migration and development. Addressing the open- regional overall plans of tion problems and wish it ing ceremony of the sym- relevant countries so as to can contribute more posium, Chen Weixiong, put the negative effects to through its advantages in an official from the Chi- the lowest level. resources and technolo- nese Ministry of Foreign Chen said that China, gy,” said Chen. Affairs, said that migra- as a developing country, The symposium en- tion is beneficial for the has always prioritized titled as “Regional Sym- economy, but it can also global migration prob- posium on Asian Migra- promote illegal immigra- lems and actively partici- tion and Development” is tion, smuggling and drug pated in “establishing a sponsored by the Chinese dealing. multi-lateral solution Ministry of Foreign Af- Urging to create an mechanism”. fairs, IOM and Depart- effective system with dif- “China highly appre- ment for International ferent nations and inter- ciate the efforts paid by Development of Britain. A Bangkok petrol station seen on 15 March, 2005.—INTERNET national organizations, IOM for solving migra- MNA/Xinhua Chen said that it is neces- sary for all the relevant Sri Lankan foreign countries to work in con- Iraq troops have cost US, certed efforts to prevent investment record the transnational crimes admits Howard while keep the benefits of migration. SYDNEY, 14 March—A new opinion poll showing Labour has overtaken the high in 2004 According to statis- coalition government reflects a lack of support for the doubling of troop COLOMBO, 15 March— Sri Lanka’s foreign direct tics from IOM, there are numbers in Iraq, Prime Minister John Howard admitted today. investment has reached a record high in the Year 2004, more than 175 million The ACNielsen poll time that our decision I said quite honestly and state radio quoted a top investment official as saying people flowing in and out published in Fairfax would not be popular and accurately when asked ... here Sunday. the boundaries of differ- newspapers shows Labour the polls would indicate that we didn’t have any Radio News Network (RNN) quoted the Chairman ent countries, accounting leading the government on that it’s not got popular plans to significantly in- of the Board of Investment Saliya Wickremasuriya as for 3 per cent of world a two-party preferred ba- support,” he told Brisbane crease our force.” saying that the foreign direct investment had reached population. sis by 52 per cent to 48 per radio 4BC. Opposition Leader Kim 23 billion Sri Lankan rupees during 2004, which he Describing the inter- cent. “But occasionally gov- Beazley said the govern- described as “a brilliant success”. The peace prevailing national migration situa- It is the first time the ernments are required to ment had misled the Aus- in the country with the ongoing truce agreement with tion as “worrisome”, Coalition has fallen be- take decisions that involve tralian people by revers- the Tamil Tiger rebels is being seen as the major factor Gervais Appave, an offi- hind the Federal Opposi- unpopularity,” he said. ing a decision not to in- for increased foreign investment in the island nation cial from IOM, urged to tion in seven months and “I never promised crease troop numbers. plagued by over two decade old ethnic conflict. incorporate the migration comes just three weeks there’d be no more troops. Internet The Swiss Cement manufacturer Holcim’s 50 mil- problems into national and after the government an- lion dollars investment is the single largest investment. nounced it would send an Telecom Malaysia’s 40 million dollars investment Poles held in extra 450 troops to Iraq’s and the HSBC bank’s decision to locate its outsourcing Al Muthanna Province. operations in the capital Colombo are the next bigger Iraq bribe Mr Howard said he investments.— MNA/Xinhua never promised not to send inquiry more troops to Iraq, but LONDON, 14 March— he realised the decision Quakes jolt India's Five officers are under in- was not popular with vestigation for allegedly Austra-lians. Andaman Islands taking bribes “I acknowledged at the Polish authorities have NEW DELHI, 15 March— India’s Andaman Islands arrested five officers sus- were Sunday rocked by aftershocks of the massive An Iraqi soldier pected of taking bribes 26 December undersea earthquake that triggered a while serving in Iraq. secures the tsunami in South and Southeast Asia, Indo-Asian News They were allegedly re- Service reported. ceiving money from com- scene following The first aftershock was felt at 4.14 am Indian Time panies hoping to be with the epicentre off the coast of Little Andaman granted reconstruction a car bombing Island and measuring up to 5.3 on the Richter Scale, an contracts. official of the India Meteorological Department said. The Polish Defence in the centre of The second aftershock was felt at 7.49 am and Ministry said two of them measured 5.3 on the Richter Scale, with its epicenter had been caught red- Baghdad on 15 off the coast of South Andaman Island. handed as they returned March, 2005. An earthquake off the coast of Sumatra in Indonesia from Iraq in early Febru- on 26 December had triggered the massive tsunami ary with $90,000 INTERNET that killed over 280,000 people in South and Southeast (£46,706).— Internet Asia, including some 10,200 in India.—MNA/Xinhua

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005

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Thailand to launch “intelligent traffic systems” BANGKOK, 15 March— Hi-tech projects will be launched in the capital of this year to relieve traffic congestion, local Press reported Monday. The project, collec- people to call a taxi by intelligent traffic signs tively named “the intelli- simply pushing a button. will be installed in front gent traffic system,” will “The aim is to help of expressways and im- consist of intelligent traf- Bangkok people spend less portant intersections by fic signs informing driv- time on the roads,” Bang- June. About 150 intelli- ers of the bad traffic areas kok Metropolitan Admin- gent bus stands will be and electronic screens istration (BMA) deputy constructed. And a pilot telling bus commuters governor Samart project involving bus how long they have to Ratchapolsitte was quoted stops with high-techno- Delegates attend the closing session of the National People’s Congress wait for the next bus. The by The Nation newspaper logy information signs (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 15 March, 2005.—INTERNET system will also enable as saying. will also be set up in June. Some of the new tech- Samart said BMA had Chinese lawmaker says school education nologies were imported invited private companies and others developed lo- to invest in the three should highlight safety cally, but Bangkok would projects. Each of the be the first city in the world structures involved would BEIJING, 15 March — Chinese schools should help students to better protect themselves from various to use all the technologies have advertising space for unexpected risks and mishaps that are claiming at least 40 young lives daily across the nation, a deputy together, he added. the company. to the National People’s Congress said Sunday at the ongoing Parliament session. Under the projects, 60 MNA/Xinhua “More than 40 primary and middle school pupils to teach their students some basics about risk avoid- die from road accidents, food poisoning, drowning or ance, disaster prevention and first-aid,” said Zhu. “In Goods train derails in other accidents every day,” said Zhu Haiyan, director fact, 80 per cent of the accidental deaths among kids of the Anhui Provincial Children’s Art Troupe in east can be avoided through preventive measures or timely central India, traffic China’s Anhui Province, citing a 2004 survey con- rescue operations.” ducted by the ministries of education and public secu- Meanwhile, Zhu said safety education will also disrupted rity in 10 localities including Beijing, Shanghai and enhance children’s respect for life, love for others and NEW DELHI, 15 March — Six bogies of a goods train Tianjin. high sense of responsibility. “It’s also conducive to derailed early Sunday between Chhattisgarh’s The survey found that road accidents, for example, social harmony in China, the land of only child fami- Bhatapara and Nipania railway stations, disrupting rail are killing more than 18,500 children under 14 years lies,” she added. traffic between Kolkata and Mumbai, Indo-Asian News old in China each year. “This is 2.5 times the figure China initiated the Security Education Day for Service reported. reported in Europe and 2.6 times the US figure,” said youngsters in 1996, setting it as the last Monday of The derailment took place 75 kilometres from Zhu. every March. Raipur in central India under the Bilaspur railway Traffic accidents, of all the accidents in China, have In March 2004, the Ministry of Health and the zone. No loss of life was reported. Traffic was likely become the second largest killer for Chinese children, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League to return to normalcy later Sunday, a railway official next only to drowning, according to Martin of China launched a joint programme to help school said. “Over a dozen express and mail trains, including Eichelberger, president and chief executive officer of kids improve their self-protection capacities, which the Geetanjali Express from Howrah (Kolkata) to Safe Kids Worldwide.” involved them in simulations of real scenarios like Mumbai, have been cancelled,” said the official. “It has become a pressing task for Chinese schools robbery and fire. — MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua WASHINGTON, 14 March—As of Monday, Chinese smoking population 1,514 US 14 March, 2005, at least 1,514 members of the US military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war reaches 350 million in March 2003, according to an Associated Press BEIJING, 15 March — The number of smokers aged above 15 in China has soldiers count. At least 1,155 died as a result of hostile action, reached approximately 350 million, or more than one quarter of the total according to the Defence Department. The figures population of 1.3 billion, according to a report by the Guangzhou-based killed include four military civilians. Nanfang Daily on Sunday. The AP count is four higher than the Defence The smoking population of the na’s top advisory body, in Beijing, quite in Iraq Department’s tally, last updated at 10 am EST Mon- world’s most populous nation is still a few advisers have proposed the govern- day.—Internet expanding at a speed of 3.5 per cent a ment take more rigorous measures to ban year, the newspaper said, adding that smoking in public places and discourage there have been more minors than adults the would-be smokers. It quoted adviser EMIEW, a child-size in the new smokers. Wang Tianyou as saying that the It said that at the just-concluded an- government should levy higher taxes on nual full session of the National Com- sales of cigarettes to raise their market robot-on-wheels from mittee of the Chinese People’s Political prices, so as to make fewer people able to Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Chi- afford smoking.— MNA/Xinhua Japanese electronics Four Vietnamese people killed in road accident maker Hitachi Ltd, HANOI, 15 March — Four people were killed, and three others injured when a truck collided with a motorbike in Vietnam’s central Binh Thuan Province, move their arms during local newspaper Pioneer reported on Monday. The five-ton truck collided with the police are investing the accident’s cause. a demonstration in motorbike, which was carrying four Last year, Vietnam experienced people, in Ham Tan District on Sunday, roughly 18,000 traffic accidents, which Tokyo on 15 March, instantly killing the four people, all from killed 12,162 people and injured 16,000 the district, including the motorbike’s others, down 13.4 per cent in the number driver and three girls aged 12-19. of accidents and 22.7 per cent in injuries, 2005. Two other motorbikes had minor but up 2.5 per cent in fatalities against the collisions with the truck and the fallen previous year. INTERNET motorbike, injuring three people. Local MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 5 Australian leaders welcome Singapore’s President Indonesian President’s visit starts visit to Australia CANBERRA, 15 March — Australian leaders on Sunday welcomed a historic CANBERRA, 15 March — Singaporean President Sellapan Rama Nathan visit to Australia by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the started his first visit to Australia on Monday by meeting Australian leaders end of this month or next month. and officials. The President will dis- cussing it and it's further mon challenges and val- Nathan arrived in Syd- fence cooperation and Asian Nations, and Aus- cuss one-billion-dollar evidence of the close rela- ues despite difficulties in ney, capital of the state of trade liberalization. tralia's eighth largest trad- (790-million-US-dollar) tions between our two bilateral relations. New South Wales, Sunday He will also travel to ing partner overall. tsunami aid package with countries," Howard told Australia will host and travelled to Canberra Hobart, capital of the state Singapore is the fifth Australian leaders and of- Australian Broadcasting joint ministerial council on Monday morning. of Tasmania, and Perth, largest foreign investor in ficials. Australian Prime Corporation TV, saying meeting in Canberra next He met Australian capital of Western Aus- Australia with 17.5 bil- Minister John Howard the visit will provide an week and "that is another Prime Minister John tralia, before ending the lion US dollars of invest- said on Sunday that he is opportunity to promote sign of how important the Howard, Trade Minister visit Friday. ment in 2003. very pleased that the In- bilateral relationship. relationship is to both Mark Vaile, Defence Min- Singapore is Austral- The Singapore-Aus- donesian President will Howard said the visit governments", Howard ister Robert Hill and For- ia's largest trade and in- tralia Free Trade Agree- visit Australia. shows the two countries said. eign Minister Alexander vestment partner in the ment came into force in "We have been dis- are able to focus on com- MNA/Xinhua Downer mainly on de- Association of South-East July 2003.—MNA/Xinhua Sun Microsystems opens Nearly one ton of drugs solution centre in Singapore seized in Iran SINGAPORE, 15 March — Sun Microsystems, a TEHERAN, 14 March — world leading computer network designer, opened Iranian anti-drug police an iForce Solution Centre in Singapore on Mon- seized nearly one ton of day, according to Channel NewsAsia report. illicit drugs in the central The fourth of its kind in the world, the centre costs province of Yazd during eight million Singapore dollars (about five million US the past 24 hours, the offi- dollars) and will serve Sun's customers in South Asian cial IRNA news agency countries. reported on Sunday. The American company and its partners will help IRNA quoted an an- customers build and test prototypes for network com- nouncement of the provin- puting solutions, with faster turnaround and lower cial police office as saying costs, in the all-in-one centre, the report said. that the drugs were confis- Singapore believes that by cooperating with local cated from seven passen- and regional information technology (IT) companies, ger cars, which comprised the centre will boost the island state's efforts to build Singapore Airlines chief executive Chew Choon Seng addresses a Press confer- 535 kilos of hashish, 118 itself the IT hub in Asia. ence with a model of the new Airbus A380 jumbo aircraft behind him at Sydney kilos of morphine and 247 MNA/Xinhua Airport, on 15 March, 2005.—INTERNET kilos of opium. Drug addiction and Two US Marines wounded Netherlands begins transportation has been a troops pullout from Iraq serious social problem in in E Afghanistan Iran, a country sitting in the BRUSSELS, 14 March — The Dutch government crossroad linking drug pro- KABUL, 14 March—Two US Marines were wounded when their patrol has begun its phased pullout of its military personnel ducing Afghanistan and was ambushed by Islamist guerillas in eastern Afghanistan, the US military from Iraq, Radio Netherlands reported Monday. Pakistan and markets in the said on Sunday. The Netherlands has more than 1,400 troops sta- Gulf states, Central Asia, They came under fire early Saturday tinued their mission," the statement said. tioned in Iraq aspart of the stabilization force. The first Western Europe and other evening on a routine mission north of After a lull over the harsh winter group of 150 soldiers was welcomed at the Eindhoven regions. According to the the city of Jalalabad, close to the border months there are some signs of increased air base in southern Holland by Defence Minister Henk official statistics, there are with Pakistan. Remnants of the Taleban militant activity in recent weeks. Kamp and hundreds of friends and their relatives, the at least 2 million drug ad- militia and their allies led by Gulbuddin In the southeast province of Khost, report said. The Dutch military forces in Iraq handed dicts in Iran. The country Hekmatyar have been active in the area. Taleban fighters fired some seven rock- over command in the province Al Muthanna to the also accounts for 80 per Both of the wounded were hit in the ets, striking the Salerno US military base British troops on 7 March. The change of command cent of the opium and 90 shoulder by shrapnel after their unit re- and a nearby airport without causing any brings to a close a mission that lasted 20 months. per cent of the morphine ceived rocket-propelled grenade, auto- casualties, General Mohammad Ayoob, The Dutch government, which began to deploy intercepted worldwide, matic weapons and machine gun fire. Khost's police chief, said. A Taleban troops to Iraq soon after the end of the Iraq war in 2003, according to the Interna- "The anti-coalition militia members spokesman, Mullah Samad, told Reuters will complete the military pullout at the end of next tional Narcotics Control retreated after the ambush. The Marines in Khost that the attack was a message of month.—Internet Board.—MNA/Xinhua conducted a search of the area and con- defiance. — MNA/Reuters 5,500 US deserters say we won’t fight in Iraq ROME, 14 March—On 25 February, US Army officials at Fort Stewart, Georgia, announced that Sergeant Kevin Benderman, a 40-year-old Army mechanic who refused to deploy to Iraq for a second tour of duty, will be court-martialled on desertion charges. If convicted, he faces up to seven years in prison. After having spent 10 Iraq in 2003. war started in Iraq. years in the US military, Benderman joins a Furthermore, Steve Benderman missed his growing number of sol- Morse of the GI Rights unit's deployment flight diers who are protesting Hotline says that the to Iraq on 7 January. Ten the Iraq war by refusing number of calls they have days earlier, he had given orders, going AWOL, received has grown from his commanders notice fleeing to Canada or 17,000 in 2001 to more that he planned to seek a speaking out. CBS News than 32,000 in 2004. He discharge as a conscien- reported on 8 December says that about 30% are tious objector, saying he that the Pentagon has ad- from soldiers who are had become opposed to mitted that at least 5,500 AWOL or are thinking the war after having US military personnel about deserting. A Cambodian grandmother carries a child along the banks of the Mekong River served eight months in have deserted since the Internet on early 15 March, 2005, near Phnom Penh, Cambodia.—INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 Big nations of west bloc use ILO…

(from page 16) and friendly nations fice lives and blood in Director General of while contributing to- launching operations to Myanmar Police Force wards stability and devel- crush insurgents who Brig-Gen Khin Yi, depart- opment of the region. were supported by exter- mental heads, journalists, With no concealment nor nal groups. During that U Sein Win of Kyodo deceit, Myanmar main- period, under the peo- News Agency, President tains ties with honesty ple’s militia strategy, of Myanmar Foreign Cor- and good neighbourli- people's strength was respondents Club U Sao ness. It always refrains obtained. However, there Kai Hpa, Secretary U from interfering in inter- were no complaints con- Nyunt Tin and member nal affairs of other coun- cerning the ILO conven- correspondents, editors of tries as well as in group tion No 29. local magazine and jour- disputes. In addition, it After the Tat- nal publishing houses and always accepts the lead- madaw had taken over Director-General of Labour Depart- Director-General of MPF Brig-Gen invited guests. ership of the United Na- State responsibilities in ment U Soe Nyunt. Khin Yi. First, Director- tions Organization and 1988, some big nations General of Labour Depart- abides by international began levelling accusa- taken, they used Maung To continue to ar- ernment. ment of the Ministry of laws and conventions in tions against and putting Maung (a) Pyithit Nyunt bitrarily put pressure The Commission Labour U Soe Nyunt made the international commu- pressure on Myanmar Wai as an axe-handle. upon Myanmar politi- urged three points as fol- You journalists have al- cally, William Brett, rep- lows: ready known who is resentative of Trade Un- (1) to ensure the 1907 Pyithit Nyunt Wai. He is ion of Britain and 24 Village Act and the 1907 a son of NLD CEC mem- other representatives Towns Act to be in con- ber U Nyunt Wai and made a complaint to take formity with Article 29 action was taken against action against Myanmar not later than 1-5-1999; him for loss of gems at in connection with (2) to stop all acts of Diplomatic Store of forced labour under Ar- forced labour and prom- Myanma Gems Enter- ticle 26 and form an in- ulgate administrative law prise in August 1988 vestigation commission to inform the public; while he was discharging in 1996. Myanmar's re- (3) to take action against duties as a sales manager there. In 1989 he fled to a neighbouring country to escape arrest. Then he disguised himself as a Local and foreign mediamen observe documentary photos at the democracy activist. press conference 2/2005. —MNA Maung Maung, forming the FTUB with clarification regarding nity. with a view to manipu- a couple of members the arbitrary pressure put Myanmar became lating it at will. lodged such complaints on Myanmar by ILO. a member of the UN on The big nations of based on false news. At this press con- 19-4-1948 and a member the west bloc also used Such false accusa- ference today, I would of ILO (International ILO as a political forum tions were not ignored by like to deal first with the Labour Organization) on to put pressure on Myanmar. Our country one-sided pressure put on 18-5-1948. Regarding the Myanmar in order to in- provided the ILO with Myanmar by ILO siding ILO conventions, there stall their puppet govern- facts concerning the accu- with expatriate destruc- are 19 conventions ment in power. sations in conformity with tionists. ratified by Myanmar. The first step in the procedures of interna- As known to you Of them, one is “Forced putting pressure politi- tional organizations. journalists, some big na- Labour Convention cally was that under the However, these facts were tions with the aim of ma- No 29, 1930”. That con- influence of the big na- ignored. nipulating our country vention was ratified with tions, 25 representatives In 1993 ICFTU through an individual or a effect from 4 March of ICFTU (International lodged a complaint to ILO party they favour, are fab- 1955. Confederation of Free to take action against ricating exaggerations and Myanmar submits Trade Unions) accused Myanmar under Article putting one-sided pressure a report on its observance Myanmar of failure to 24 of the ILO constitu- on Myanmar. In order to of the convention to the abide by ILO Convention tion. Myanmar gave re- influence the entire world ILO every year. During No 29 and made com- plies to ILO with relevant Sai Tun and Ywetsit.—MNA by advocating democracy the period from 1955 to plaint to take action photographs, video and human rights, those 1988, there were internal against Myanmar under records and testimony. ply with sound evidences those who practised big nations are keeping strife in Myanmar and the Convention No 24. Yet it continued to accuse were denied and ILO forced labour under sec- some international organi- Tatmadaw had to sacri- With the first step Myanmar. formed an Inquiry Com- tion 374 of Penal Code. zations in their pockets and mission in 1996. The With political making accusations Commission was formed commitment to end against Myanmar on la- despite the sound reply forced labour and in view bour affairs, women's af- supported by relevant of improved conditions in fairs and child conscrip- facts of the Myanmar the nation, the Ministry tion. Government. of Home Affairs issued History stands wit- In review of Com- Order No 1/1997 on 14- ness to the fact that since mission's report and rec- 5-1999 directing the rel- regaining independence ommendations issued in evant authorities not to Myanmar has not in- July 1998, it is found exercise the powers un- volved in the world's that the report is based der certain provisions of blocs, regional blocs and on fabricated accusations the 1907 Towns Act and treaty organizations but of Maung Maung (a) the 1907 Village Act. remains non-aligned. Our Pyithit Nyunt Wai of It showed the country co-exists and FTUB, terrorist insur- goodwill and righteous- maintains friendly ties gents under the disguise ness of the Government. with neighbours, other of refugees at the border At the same time, it is countries in the region Sai Tun in SURA uniform. (second from left).—MNA areas opposing the gov- (See page 7) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 7 Big nations of west bloc use ILO… (from page 6) with Convention 29 and accorded to members of similar in essence to the not to invite Myanmar to the ILO. However, as a recommendations of the meetings, workshops and responsible member of Inquiry Committee. Al- paper reading sessions the international commu- though Myanmar re- sponsored by ILO”. nity, Myanmar will con- sponded with positive at- In this context, the tinue to comply with the titude, some big western Ministry of Foreign Af- Conventions to which she countries bent on ma- fairs of Myanmar rejected is a party. nipulating Myanmar con- it by issuing a Press Re- “It is most regret- tinued to blantantly put lease on 17-6-1999. It is table that such an august arbitrary pressure upon mentioned in the Press assembly like the ILO should fall victim to the machinations and politi- cal tricks of western na- tions particularly Britain. It demonstrates the com- plete disregard of these Sai Tun, left, in SURA uniform.—MNA countries to the rules and Myanmar. It neglected procedures of the inter- Ministers' Meeting held Home Affairs issued Myanmar's constructive national organization as in Manila, the Philip- Supplementary Order to efforts time and again well as the dignity of pines in May 2002, the the Order No 1/99 dated and gave favour to those these international fora. ASEAN nations issued a 27-10-2000. Moreover, who have ill-will towards It is a move which has joint statement on the State Peace and De- Myanmar. Taking of ac- many dangerous implica- Myanmar. In the joint velopment Council issued tion by ILO upon tions for the small and statement, it is mentioned a directive dated 1-11- Myanmar is very regret- developing countries. It that the ASEAN Labour 2000 that not only rel- table. Myanmar with sin- will also dissuade those Ministers welcomed the evant authorities but also cerity proposed to coop- nations who have not yet constructive develop- policemen and erate with ILO and make signed the ILO core con- ment; and the problem Tatmadawmen are to ventions from signing them, much to the detri- ment of the ILO member- ship as a whole.” The Myanmar Government with hon- Sai Tun in plain clothes. esty and positive attitude our country. Release as follows. complied with resolutions At the 87th Inter- “In view of the of the Inquiry Commis- national Labour Confer- unfairness of the exer- sion of ILO. However, ence, the US President cise, its lack of balance the other side did not addressed the meeting. In and objectivity as well as respond with better ar- his address he blantantly the underlying political rangements, it can be said pressure would be motives, Myanmar finds found. put on Myanmar with it impossible to accept ILO was not satisfied added momentum. This such deplorable and un- with passing of resolu- became the drive for the scrupulous action on the tions. At its 277th Gov- ILO to impose sanctions part of those nations who erning Board meeting in against Myanmar. want to interfere and the year 2000, ILO Sai Tun seen together with seized heroin. unprecedentedly passed At the 87th Inter- meddle in the internal discussions. But ILO re- between Myanmar and abide by the Order 1/99 unjust resolution to take national Labour Confer- affairs of Myanmar. jected them all. Thus ILO should be solved as well as the Supple- action against Myanmar ence in June 1999, Myanmar has therefore Myanmar fully rejected through mutual coopera- mentary Order to the under Convention No 33 Myanmar’s constructive disassociated herself the resolution and rec- tion. The ILO director- Order 1/99. ommendations of ILO general was urged to send However, at the Governing Board to be a technical co-operation 279th meeting of ILO submitted to the 88th In- mission of ILO to Governing Board of ILO ternational Labour Con- Myanmar before the 88th held in November 2000, ference under Convention Conference. leader of ILO labour rep- 33. Action taken by ILO Consequently, resentative Lord Brett Governing Board is not Myanmar received ILO mentioned that it was too fair and absolutely un- technical cooperation little too late as there was sound. Hence, Myanmar missions beginning early a little progress in eradi- assumes that the resolu- 2000 to improve condi- cating forced labour in tion and action of ILO tions between ILO and Myanmar; thus action are not concerned with Myanmar concerning should continue to be Myanmar. She respects Convention 29, to con- taken under Convention the view of friendly na- struct mutual trust & un- 33 in accordance with the tions that instead of criti- derstanding between them resolution of the 88th In- cising and keeping and to get legal advice. ternational Labour Con- Myanmar to be lonely, a During the period ference. Therefore, the chance should be given from May 2000 to Feb- resolution of the 88th ILC Sai Tun seen together with seized heroin. to coordinate for solving ruary 2005, the ILO ex- came into effect begin- efforts were ignored and from this unfair and bias for not complying with the problem. Myanmar in pert teams made five vis- ning 30 November 2000. a sanction was imposed resolution and hence- ILO's recommendation. no way can accept the its to Myanmar, the sen- Although ILC im- on Myanmar accusing her forth will cease partici- Myanmar re- ILO resolution. Myanmar ior official team once and posed sanction on of not complying with the pation in activities con- sponded it with a Press will not get nervous over the special high-ranking Myanmar, she continued resolutions of the Inquiry nected with Convention Release. It is mentioned such pressure and never officers team once. to make efforts to eradi- Commission. The resolu- 29 and Convention 87 in the Press release as allow interferences in her In October 2000, cate forced labour with tion includes the point until such time that follows: internal affairs.” after discussing with the her own strength as she “To give no aid to Myanmar receive fair “ILO did make As Myanmar stood ILO expert team which has dedicated herself to Myanmar except the aid and equitable treatment such things without rea- steadfastly in this regard, made the second visit to do so. Myanmar formed for Myanmar to comply that must necessarily be sons to put pressure on the 14th ASEAN Labour Myanmar, the Ministry of (See page 10) 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 Innovative measures are to be taken with added momentum for production of electrical apparatuses… (from page 1) Energy Brig-Gen Lun The deputy minister Thi, on measures taken reported on location and for constant supply of functions of the project, fuel for the projects, and work being done, and Minister for Forestry progress of work; Minis- Brig-Gen Thein Aung, on ter for Electric Power conservation of forests on Maj-Gen Tin Htut, on Bago Yoma mountain construction of tunnel, range. plans to be implemented In response, the Sen- season-wise, arrange- ior General gave guid- ments for supply of elec- ance, saying that it is tricity through the grid, needed to ensure comple- and measures for arrival tion of the dam projects of machines; Lt-Gen ahead of schedule and Thiha Thura Tin Aung enable the people to en- Myint Oo and Minister joy the benefits of the Senior General Than Shwe inspects progress of work of Kunchaung for Industry-1 U Aung facilities as soon as pos- Hydel-electric power Project near Pyu Township. — MNA

Thaung, on steps for sup- sible. The Senior General added momentum for ply of materials on power stressed the importance production of electrical Construction-1 of the ID and Construction-4 of the lines; Minister for Agri- of simultaneous imple- apparatuses, he said. Hydel-Electric Power Department will implement the Ye culture and Irrigation mentation of related tasks Next, the Senior Gen- Nwe Dam Project on Ye Nwe Creek near Myochaung Maj-Gen Htay Oo, facts instead of doing only one eral and party inspected about the diversion weir after another. It is re- the construction tasks village in Kyauktaga Township. Upon completion, the and irrigation system to quired to ensure parallel from the observation project will be able to irrigate 118,500 acres of land and be constructed for completion of dams and tower. generate 25 megawatts. Kunchaung Hydropower canals. The Hydel-Electric Project by the Irrigation Innovative measures Power Department (3) Kunchaung Hydropower struction of diversion weir cording to the project, a Department; Minister for are to be taken with will complete the Project, and the ID, con- and irrigation system. Ac- 1,260-foot-long and 240- foot-high rock-filled dam with earth core will be constructed. On comple- tion, the facility will be able to generate 60 mega- watts and benefit 110,000 acres of farmland. The Senior General and party arrived at Ye Nwe Multipurpose Dam Project in Kyauktaga Township in the morning. Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo reported on salient points on the project; ID Director-General U Kyaw San Win, on con- struction of dams being undertaken by the ID and work progress; Hydel- Electric Power Depart- ment Director-General U Win Kyaw, on construc- tion tasks of the project and progress of sector- wise functions, Minister Maj-Gen Tin Htut, on the Senior General Than Shwe cordially greets Tatmadawmen of Toungoo Station and their families at bidding of tender for Southern Command Headquarters. — MNA (See page 9) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 9

Senior General Than Shwe gives guidance to Tatmadawmen of Toungoo Station and their families at Southern Command Headquarters. — MNA

Senior General Than Shwe hears report on Kunchaung Hydro Electric Power Project by Law books available Minister Maj-Gen Tin Htut at its briefing hall.—MNA YANGON, 15 March — The Office of the Attorney- General has published books— Mutual Assistance in Innovative measures… Criminal Matters Law and Rules worth K 650 per copy, Myanmar Laws (2004) worth K 800 per copy (from page 8) and Laws, By Laws, Orders and Notifications worth K machines for the project; Minister Maj-Gen Aung 800 per copy — starting 2005 March. Min, Commander Maj-Gen Ko Ko, Lt-Gen Tin Aye These books are available at book stall of the Office and Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than, on relation between of the Attorney-General, Sarpay Baikman book shop, flooding of Yangon-Mandalay Highway and Baidah Inwa Publishing House and book shop of the News and Ye Nwe Creeks; Minister Maj-Gen Lun Thi, on and Periodicals Enterprise. — MNA supply of fuel; and Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung, on conditions of Bago Division’s forests, tasks for greening of the division, and planting of trees for NCC Work Committee, forming of forests in the region. The Senior General support bodies meet gave guidance to the officials and inspected the YANGON, 15 March — The National Convention project site from the observation tower. Convening Work Committee and the support bodies of Construction-1 of the ID and Construction-4 of the delegate groups held a work coordination meeting the Hydel-Electric Power Department will imple- General Thura Shwe Mann gives clarifications. MNA at Work Committee Office at Nyaunghnapin Camp in ment the Ye Nwe Dam Project on Ye Nwe Creek Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, this afternoon. near Myochaung village in Kyauktada Township. gate 118,500 acres of land and generate 25 mega- Chairman of the Work Committee Chief Justice U Upon completion, the project will be able to irri- watts. Ye Nwe Multi-purpose Dam Project is in- Aung Toe chaired the meeting and Secretary U Thaung cluded in Pyundaza Plain dam cluster — Baidah, Nyunt acted as master of ceremonies. Parade columns continue Kawliya, Bawni and Pyinpongyi dams. Chairman U Aung Toe delivered an opening ad- The cluster will be able to supply water for more dress. Vice-Chairman U Aye Maung and Secretary U drill practising than 200,000 acres of farmland. Thaung Nyunt discussed work programmes. YANGON, 12 March — The military columns which Senior General Than Shwe and party arrived back Participants then took part in the discussions. are going to take part in the 60th Anniversary Armed here by helicopter in the evening. — MNA U Aung Toe gave the concluding remarks. —MNA Forces Day Parade participated in practice session of the parade drills by marching from the Myoma Ground to the Resistance Park, here, from 6 am to 9.30 am today. Under command of Parade Commander Brig- Gen Nyi Tun, the parade columns — Anawrahta Col- umn led by Column Commander Col Aung Kyaw Oo, Kyansittha by Col Tha Aung, Bayintnaung by Col Aung Kyaw Oo, Nawade by Captain Aung Zaw Win (Navy), Aungzeya by Col Myo Win, Hsinbyushin by Col Khin Aung Myint, Bandoola by Col Khin Maung Oo, Myawady by Col Win Swe and Aung San by Col Thein Zaw— rehearsed parade drills. Chairman of the Management Committee for Ob- servance of the 60th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Chief of Aremd Forces Training Maj-Gen Aung Kyi , Vice-Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Hla Shwe and senior military officers inspected the performance Chairman of NCCWC Chief Justice U Aung Toe addresses coord meeting of NCCWC and support of the parade columns. — MNA teams of NC delegate groups.—MNA 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005

Rear side of Thai ID card held by Sai Tun. Front side of Thai ID card held by Sai Tun.

tion, the General Administration Department under the director-general of the ILO called on Myanmar Govern- Big nations of west bloc use ILO… Ministry of Home Affairs published 168,544 books on ment to take immediate action to release Aung San Suu (from page 7) the Order No 1/99 and the Supplementary Order to Order Kyi and her supporters. He also said that appropriate meas- the Ministerial Committee and the Convention No 29 Im- No 1/99 in various ethnic languages and distributed them ures be taken for eradication of forced labour as well as plementation Committee and made continued efforts. How- to over 63,000 villages (all villages in Myanmar). for ensuring rights and benefits of the labourers in ever, ILO suggested that Myanmar's legal, executive and The fourth suggestion deals with provision of as- Myanmar. He also said that recent incident in Myanmar management measures and their effectiveness be assessed sistance to Myanmar's endeavours for economic develop- reflected the uncertain conditions. In fact, he delayed the objectively; and only if Myanmar cooperated with ILO, ment with a view to eradicating forced labour. It also whole process by mixing political affairs with labour af- Myanmar's progresses in this context could win the cred- urges the international community to maintain construc- fairs. ibility and the international community would accept her. tive relations with Myanmar. In this context, ILO and So, you journalists can vividly see that ILO unilat- Afterwards under the agreement between Myanmar many countries still need to make economic cooperation erally postponed the signing of Joint Plan of Action be- and ILO, a senior officials team headed by former Gov- with Myanmar. tween Myanmar and ILO. ernor General of Australia Sir Ninian Stephen visited Afterwards, the ILO director-general wrote a letter However, without losing sight of it Myanmar con- Myanmar from 17 September to 6 October 2001. The to the Labour Minister of Myanmar suggesting that tinued to implement the Joint Plan of Action with its own team submitted a report together with four major sugges- Myanmar should select a region to translate negotiations strength and arrangements. tions to ILO Governing Board. for eradicating forced labour into action; draw up Plan of Now I will deal with matters on the visit of ILO The first suggestion demanding constant ILO rep- Action; and then take further steps in other regions. He special high ranking official team to Myanmar. Accord- resentation to properly assess Myanmar's progress was also pledged that ILO was ready to give necessary tech- ing to the concluding remarks at the 291st meeting of accepted by Myanmar and an ILO liaison office has been nical assistance. ILO-GB, the ILO director-general sent a letter dated 12

SURA ID card held by Sai Tun SURA ID card held by Sai Tun opened in Yangon beginning 6 May 2002. Accordingly, discussions and coordinations were January 2005 to the Labour Minister of Myanmar ex- The second suggestion demanded the appointment made with the ILO liaison officer in Yangon for drawing pressing the wish to send a special high ranking official of an Ombudsman to take care of complaints on forced up Plan of Action. In Geneva, the Myanmar Ambassador team of ILO to Myanmar. The Ministry of Labour replied labour. Myanmar did not agree to it as the Ombudsman and ILO Executive Director Mr Kari Tapiola made de- a letter dated 24 January 2005 to the ILO director-general would receive complaints, make inquiries and take action tailed discussions on matters relating to the role of stating that although it coincided with the reconvening of by himself. However, both sides reached agreement to facilitator. Both sides sign the agreement on 8-5-2003. National Convention, the special high ranking official team insert a phrase “the role of facilitator” in the Joint Plan of The Joint Plan of Action was signed in Yangon on 27-5- will be welcomed and received by the Chief Justice, the Action. 2003 by the Director-General of Labour Department and Attorney-General and Ministers concerned. The facilitator is to review complaints, put for- the ILO liaison officer. As the Joint Plan of Action has Regarding the visit of the team, coordinations were ward those he assumes as true to ILO Convention 29 been signed, it is now in the implementation stage. How- made between the director-general of Labour Department Implementation Committee and make coordinations. ever, at the 91st ILC held in June 2003, based on an and the temporary liaison officer of ILO in Yangon on 8 Hence, when the Joint Action Plan is implemented the incident not related to labour affairs in Myanmar, the ILO February 2005. In the tentative programme, the reception role of facilitator will be included. unilaterally postponed the implementation. of the team by the State Peace and development Council As a measure to cooperate with the third sugges- In delivering an opening address at the ILC, the Secretary-1 was included. The ILO special high-ranking official team headed by former Governor-General of Australia Sir Ninian Stephen comprising two members arrived in Yangon on 21 February 2005. It was received by the State Peace and Development Council Member and Prime Minister (Head of Government) whose rank is higher than the Secretary- 1 of the State Peace and Development Council. The team also met with the Labour Minister and the Foreign Af- fairs Minister. (See page 11)

YANGON, 15 March—Matters relating to accusation of Myanmar to be one of the countries conscripting child soldiers and ex- posing of those who published and sold micro books for some students to cheat at matricu- lation examination which were clarified by the Information Committee of the State Peace and development Council at the press confer- ence (2/2005) will appear later.—MNA Organizational set-up of RCSS THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 11 explosives to Myanmar time and again. There are 11 conventions ratified by Myanmar. Of them, one is “International Convention for Suppres- sion of Terrorist Bombing” and another is “International Convention for Suppression of Financing of Terrorism”. As mentioned above, Pyithit Nyunt Wai has been committing terrorist acts. According to the article 3 of constitution of ILO, the ILO can be attended by govern- mental delegates, employers and labour representatives only. In the text of standing order article 2 issued by the ILO, it is stated in detail the Rights of Admission to the Sittings of the Conference. However, terrorist fugitive Pyithit Nyunt Wai has been allowed to attend the ILO meetings. It is contrary to ILO's articles and orders. It is just putting a terrorist on the limelight or glare of pub- licity. Myanmar is a member of ILO as well as a mem- ber of the UN. The article 2 (7) of the UN Charter states that UN has no right to interfere in the cases which are within the judiciary power of a member country. To have ties with the UN, the ILO has signed the agreement between UN and ILO. According to an article of the Organizational set-up of SSPC Agreement, UN recognizes ILO as a special agency. American Free Labour Institute) based in Bangkok. If a Thus, it is incumbent upon ILO to abide by UN Charter. Big nations of west bloc use ILO… terrorist absconder is supported officially, critics would ILO's putting pressure on Myanmar shows that ILO is (from page 10) emerge in international community. Thus, they made neglecting the article 2 of UN Charter and interfering in In fact, Myanmar accepted the visit of the ILO Maung Maung to wear the mask of FTUB and kept him the internal affairs of Myanmar. special high-ranking official team as a token of coopera- under their influence. In the Preamble and Annex (Declaration concern- tion with ILO. The team was received by the Prime What has Maung Maung done under the disguise ing the aims and purpose of the ILO) of the ILO consti- Minister who is Head of Government as well as Mem- of FTUB? He committed terrorist acts together with Da- tution, it is mentioned that ILO is formed to deal with ber of the State Peace and Development Council. Thus, nya-ta secretary Than Lwin. He sent Myo Aung Thant labour affairs only. his status is politically high. Myanmar Government as- and Khin Kyaw to Myanmar in June 1997 to explode It is not appropriate for ILO to support any terror- sumes that his reception of the team on behalf of the mines at foreign embassies and strategic places in ist opposing an incumbent Government as the terrorist is State Peace and Development Council is quite sufficient. Yangon. Authorities concerned arrested Myo Aung Thant labelled with ILO logo. Hence, ILO's lop-sided criticism Myanmar has been busy with reconvening of the and Khin Kyaw. Their confessions before the court and and actions against Myanmar are not in conformity with National Convention and the high authorities are also evidences revealed that the one who masterminded the ILO's constitution. fully occupied. The ILO team assumed that it could not plot to explode mines was Maung Maung (a) Pyithit Myanmar is a developing country and trying hard accomplish the mandate of GB, shortened the itinery by Nyunt Wai. Hence, the court heard the case and ap- to stand on its own feet despite many restrictions and itself and left Yangon on 23-2-2005 evening. proved Maung Maung as a fugitive under section 122 difficulties. Myanmar has been cooperating sincerely with Then, the ILO team issued a press release de- (2) of Penal Code and section 512 of Criminal Proce- ILO as regards many spheres including eradication of manding certain points to be fulfilled by Myanmar Gov- dure Law on 15-8-1997. forced labour. ernment. Its demand and Myanmar's actual fulfilments Similarly, a case was filed at a Yangon North The ILO, an international organization, tried to take action unprecedentedly in its 87 years against are displayed on respective boards. Myanmar people have the tradition of By reviewing cooperation between Myanmar and Myanmar under article 33 is not fair. Is it a true action ILO, it can be seen that Myanmar is a member execut- contributing voluntary labour with religious of ILO which usually gives priority to cooperation? ing its obligations and the ILO has been ignoring faith. Eradication of forced labour affects Myanmar has been cooperating and complying Myanmar's fulfilments. Instead, it is putting pressure this tradition. As some do not understand with ILO. But it tried to take action against Myanmar on Myanmar again and again. the tradition of Myanmar, we have to suf- under article 33 unprecedentedly. Other developing coun- Myanmar is a sovereign nation and it has the fer traditional cultural loss. tries are to be aware of this. right to shape its destiny itself. In harmony with the Myanmar people have the tradition of contribut- actual conditions of the country, the Government and District Court against nine persons including terrorist ing voluntary labour with religious faith. Eradication the people in Myanmar are unitedly striving hand in Nai Yekkha who was arrested with explosives in July of forced labour affects this tradition. As some do not hand for the betterment of the entire citizens. Since 2003. Of the culprits, Shwe Mann (a) Zeya Oo and Nai understand the tradition of Myanmar, we have to suffer 1991, ILO has been accepting one-sided complaints Min Kyi (a) Min Kyi confessed that Maung Maung (a) traditional cultural loss. from ICFTU and, without asking for clarifications from Pyithit Nyunt Wai provided financial assistance and asked In ratifying a convention, all member countries Myanmar or forming inquiry commission, it is putting them to commit atrocities. have obligation to promulgate it in local laws. After pressure on Myanmar by imposing sanctions through Maung Maung who engineers terrorist acts is that there are two portions — law and practice. In rati- ILO-GBs and Conferences. given shelter under the signboard of FTUB. His fabri- fying Forced Labour Convention No 29, Myanmar has ILO's demands based on political matters cated complaints to ICFTU are put up to ILO. complied with law promulgation and practice. Myanmar honestly and frankly replied to reflecting its We have clarified with sound evidences that In implementing law promulgation and practice, actual conditions. Matters relating to eradicating forced Pyithit Nyunt Wai has been financing elements to com- Myanmar lays emphasis on the rule of law. Action is labour pointed out by the ILO have never been ne- mit terrorist acts in Myanmar and sending saboteurs with (See page 13) glected by Myanmar. It constantly replies to and reacts to the complaints in accordance with the obligations of a member country. However, ILO is not a political forum but it has been used as a boxing ring and powerful nations and organizations are attacking and putting pressure on Myanmar which is just a developing country. This should be realized by the journalists and the entire people as well as the developing contries. Myanmar has respected international organiza- tions in line with its obligations. However, ILO does not consider the interest of over 54 million people of Myanmar and it has been supporting FTUB (Federa- tion of Trade Union-Burma) led by expatriate terrorist Maung Maung (a) Pyithit Nyunt Wai. Maung Maung absconded to a neighbouring country in 1989 as fugitive and joined Da-nya-ta (the so-called united front for democracy) of expatriates. Then he had been committing terrorist acts continuonsly. To conceal his moral decay and to attack the Govern- ment from inside and outside the country, he contacted western organisations and formed the FTUB (Federa- tion of Trade Union-Burma). The one who made Maung Maung somebody under the flag of FTUB was an American named John Osolink Jr of AAFLI (Asian Organizational set-up of SSJAC 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005

TRADE MARK CAUTION A D V E R T I S E M E N T AXALTO SA, a Com- pany incorporated in France, of 50 avenue Jean Jaures, 92120 MONTROUGE, France, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:- A X A L T O Reg. No. 605/2004 in respect of “Class 9: Mag- netic cards; identification magnetic cards; memory or microprocessor cards; printed circuits, in particu- lar printed circuits for memory or microprocessor cards; integrated circuits; automatic distribution ma- chines; ticket or banknote dispensers; data processing apparatus; data-processing interfaces, in particular memory or microprocessor card interfaces; readers, in particular memory or mi- Forest croprocessor card readers; microprocessors, in par- decline ticular secure microproc- essors; computer peripher- in eastern als, in particular peripher- Canada due als with secure microproc- essors; prepayment gates to acid rain for car parks or parking lots; OTTAWA, 14 March — silicon plates for integrated Acid rain is causing forest circuits; mechanisms for decline in much of Eastern prepayment apparatus; re- corded computer pro- Canada with losses to the grams; downloadable com- forest industry estimated puter programs; recorded at hundreds of millions of programs of the operating ARRIVAL/CLAIMS DAY NOTICE Trade between dollars annually in the system; telephone appara- Atlantic region alone, an OPEC may agree tus, in particular prepay- MV “MANDALAY” VOY NO 149/N Jordan and official report said to keep pumping ment telephone apparatus. Consignees of cargo carried on MV Romania Sunday. Class 38: Telecommunica- “MANDALAY” VOY NO 149/N are hereby notified Even though acid above quotas tion information. Class 42: that the vessel has arrived at Yangon port on 16-3-2005 surges pollution in Canada has Designing data-processing and will be berthing on/about 17-3-2005 and cargoes ABU DHABI (United systems, in particular de- AMMAN, 14 March— been cut in half over the will be discharged into the premises of Myanma Port Arab Emirates), 14 March signing data-processing The volume of bilateral past 20 years, an additional Authority where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and 14 — Two of OPEC’s systems including memory trade between Jordan and expenses and subject to the bye-laws and conditions of 75 per cent cut is needed, leading Gulf producers or microprocessor cards; Romania reached 40 the port of Yangon. the report titled “2004 say the cartel may agree to memory or microprocessor million US dollars in 2004, Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to Canadian Acid Deposition keep pumping above card consultancy; compu- 11.30 am and 12 noon to 4 pm into Claims Day now compared to 13 million in Science Assessment” said. formal oil output quotas ter consultancy; conversion declared as the third day after final discharged of cargo 2003, the official Petra The assessment, which to cool down overheated of computer programs and from the vessel. News Agency reported is done every five years markets. The United Arab data; software installation; Sunday. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after by Environment Canada, Emirates on Sunday software update, software Relations between the Claims Day. reports extensive ongoing joined Kuwait in sug- development; computer Jordan and Romanian CONTAINER FEEDER SERVICE damage to lakes, wildlife gesting the producer group software maintenance; have substantially deve- computer programming; MYANMA FIVE STAR LINE and human health. might take such a decision loped over the past year duplication of computer Phone No: 293147,296507,295754 But some of the most as US oil prices again since Jordan’s King threaten to breach 55 US programs; research and startling findings concern Abdullah’s visit to dollars a barrel. development of new prod- Spanish police question forests. Romania last year made “The decision may be ucts; technical research”. suspected lawyer for a qualitative push to “At current levels of to maintain current Fraudulent imitation or the cooperation in the acid deposition, it is production levels with the unauthorised use of the said money laundering political, economic, estimated that over half a aim of calming the mar- Trade Mark will be dealt parliamentary, cultural million cubic metres of with according to law. MADRID, 14 March — laundered over 600 ket,” UAE Oil Minister and military fields Spanish investigators million euros (about 780 wood is being lost from Mohamed al-Hamli said Win Mu Tin, between the two countries, Sunday questioned a million dollars). forests in Atlantic Canada in a statement issued ahead M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L Romanian ambassador to lawyer arrested for Spanish police Friday each year due to soil of a March 16 OPEC for AXALTO SA. Jordan Radu Onofrei was being involved in an arrested 41 suspects nutrient loss. meeting in Isfahan, Iran. P.O. Box 60,Yangon quoted as saying. international money from France, Finland, MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters Dated: 16 March 2005 “Jordan is an important laundering operation Morocco, Russia, Spain and element in the Mideast worth up to 250 million Ukraine, after a 10-month Turkey alarmed over sunken peace process and in the euros (about 325 million investigation in security and stability of LPG ship US dollars). cooperation with police the region,” he added. ISTANBUI, 14 March — Black and Marmara seas, Sunday to all traffic, and Fernando Del Valle, authorities around Europe. Onofrei also expected Turkish officials Sunday due to bad weather. maritime officials took head of a law firm in the They also seized a ship, two that cooperation between Spanish coastal resort of small planes and 42 luxury the two countries would expressed their concerns The officials were several hours to find Marbella, was suspected cars during the operation. expand, especially as over the sinking of a alarmed that the accident several LPG tanks. to be the architect of the The authorities also Romania has become a liquefied petroleum gas would result in an However, two of them international money suspected that the embattled member in the NATO and (LPG) cargo ship. explosion in Istanbul’s were still posing a risk. laundering network cen- Russian oil company that it will sign a A roll-on-roll-off ship coastal regions, including MNA/Xinhua tered on Spain’s southern YUKOS may have links to membership agreement carrying 138 tons of LPG several residential areas. Costa del Sol. The El Pais the case, but YUKOS with the European Union sank Saturday in the Turkish authorities newspaper reported that denies its involvement. (EU) in April, 2006. Bosphorus Straits, a closed the Bosphorus DON’T SMOKE the group may have MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua waterway linking the shipping channel on THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 13 Big nations of west bloc use ILO… period, the momentum of suppression work was raised 2546 litres as of March this year. Normally, chemical and beginning April 2002 the New Destiny Project for liquids are seized abundantly in raiding opium refineries. (from page 11) annihilating narcotic drug production was launched. Under the UNODC’s coordination for anti-drug taken against all violators without bias. Under the New Destiny Project, the Government control in the Sub-region, the MoU was signed between ILO is also responsible for ensuring full employ- distributed opium-substitute crop seeds to former opium Myanmar, China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet- ment in member countries. ILO which is responsible for growers. In addition, for enabling them to give up opium nam and it is under implementation. The senior officials’ solving unemployment problems should not make efforts cultivation, the Government distributed 11,000 bags of meeting regarding the MoU is held annually and the to harm the interest of labourers. rice and 300 bags of salt. In response to the goodwill of ministerial meeting every two years. According to the In connection with Convention No 29 of ILO, the the Government, the former opium growers handed over resolutions of MoU meetings and in conformity with the USA imposed trade sanction against Myanmar. Conse- poppy seeds to the Government. These poppy seeds were Sub-regional Action Plan of UNODC, narcotic drugs quently, over 160 garment factories had to be closed set on fire in States and Divisions for 11 times. Alto- elimination work, demand reduction work and supply and about 40 factories laid off workers. Thus over 80,000 gether 16,372 kilos of poppy seeds were destroyed and reduction work are carried out effectively. In this way, workers lost jobs. It affacted over 400,000 dependants of it can be said that 4057 hectares were prevented from efficiency of officers involved in the anti-drug activities the workers who lost their jobs. being put under poppy and production of 44 tons of and law enforcement bodies has been enhanced and It indirectly harms service enterprises, rents of heroin was also prevented. mutual trust and cooperation among neighbouring coun- apartments & hostels, restaurants, transport enterprises, Hence, in recognition of the accomplishments of tries and anti-drug forces were promoted. etc. The demand of workers who lost jobs also declined. the New Destiny Project, World Food Programme and Myanmar has signed agreements with India, Bang- The employers had to pay over K 1,200 million and over international NGOs provided 760 tons of rice in the year ladesh, Vietnam, Russian Federation, Laos and the Phil- FEC 80,000 as compensations. The individual demand 2003 and 4269 tons of rice in the year 2004. ippines. Myanmar has also signed MoUs on drug abuse also declined. According to the world drug report of UNODC, control with China and Thailand. The Sino-Myanmar Myanmar has been endeavouring for ensuring Myanmar produced estimated amount of 1897 tons in MoU on joint drug-abuse control was signed on 21-1- prevalence of peace and tranquillity; bringing about devel- 2001; 828 tons in 2002; 810 tons in 2003; and 370 tons 2001 in Yangon. According to the MoU, it was agreed opment in all regions including border areas; and promot- in 2004. It shows the decline in production thanks to the to carry out cultivation of poppy-substitute crops, live- ing health and education standards of the entire national effective elimination work. Such a drop in production stock breeding work and regional development works in people. There is no reason for Myanmar not to be able to was the result of effective elimination work. northern (Kokang region). Under the border make efforts for eradicating forced labour. Over 54 mil- Similarly, the joint survey by USA's Counter area drug control plan of Myanmar, China and UNODC, lion people of Myanmar know well how the Government Narcotic Center (CNC) and our country on poppy cul- border meetings were held and Border Liaison Offices were opened in Chinshwehaw of northern Shan State has been fulfilling the needs of citizens. To enhance cooperation with neighbour- In Myanmar, there are many regions which lagged and Lweje of . Information is being ex- behind in development due to various reasons throughout ing countries such as China, Thailand and changed between the two countries. The Myanmar-Thai successive periods. To narrow down the development gaps, Laos, Myanmar is making arrangements to MoU on joint drug-abuse control was signed in June the Government is making concerted efforts. Due to the open more border liaison offices in Monekoe 2001. Under the MoU, border meetings are held and correct and noble deeds of the Government, participation of northern Shan State and Wankyin of east- information exchanged. In addition, under the six-nation of the national people and helpful hands rendered by NGOs, ern Shan State. transnational drug related crimes suppression project, development of all the regions are being brought about. border liaison offices have been opened in Tachilek, Instead of rendering a helpful hand, ILO's schemes and tivation and opium production is made annually. In 1996 Myawady and Kawthoung. plots are not in conformity with the status and dignity of there were 163,000 hectares of poppy cultivated area To enhance cooperation with neighbouring coun- an international organization. Nevertheless, Myanmar has with the production of 2560 tons of opium. In 2004, tries such as China, Thailand and Laos, Myanmar is been exerting efforts with full political commitment for there were 30,888 hectares of poppy cultivated area with making arrangements to open more border liaison of- eradicating forced labour and it will continue to cooperate the production of 292 tons of opium. It shows the re- fices in Monekoe of northern Shan State and Wankyin with ILO. With or without help from any organization, markable success. of eastern Shan State. Myanmar will continue to strive for serving the interests In review of data from 1996 to 2004, it can be Significant case was that information was received of the nation and the people. found that elimination work was successful. In the 2002- that stimulant pills would be trafficked in Tachilek on 17 Next, Brig-Gen Khin Yi made clarifications on 2003 poppy cultivation season, 1560 acres of poppy January this year. Those pills would be sold only to a drug eliminiation efforts and cooperation with interna- cultivated areas were destroyed. In the 2003-2004 poppy Thai citizen, it was learnt. Co-operation was then made tional community. At this Press Conference, I will ex- cultivation season, 7610 acres of poppy cultivated areas between Tachilek special anti-drug squad and Thai anti- plain matters relating to endeavours of Myanmar in com- were destroyed. In this 2004-2005 poppy cultivation drug unit. The Thai anti-drug unit made a Thai informer bating the danger of narcotic drug abuse. season, 8951 poppy cultivated areas have been destroyed. to pretend as a customer for trapping the sellers. Hence, In Myanmar, cultivation of opium began in bor- As regards the seizure of narcotic drugs, altogether 400,000 stimulant pills worth about 800 million kyats der areas of Shan State during the period while the coun- 1863 kilos of opium were seized in 2002; 1481 kilos in were seized from back cabin of white Toyota Corolla try was under the rule of colonialists. In Myanmar, anti- 2003 and 606 kilos in 2004. As of March this year, 304 saloon with no official license together with driver Aik narcotic drug campaign has been launched as a national kilos of opium have been seized. San (alias) Aik Kyaing in the compound of Pay Li at duty throughout successive periods. Heroin seizures can be seen as 334 kilos in 2002; Tawkawt Atwin village, Hawnleik village-tract, Tachilek In so doing, the Tatmadaw launched Operation 568 kilos in 2003 and 974 kilos in 2004. As of March Township. Further search of the house led to the seizures Moe Hein phases 1 to 12, Operation Ngayepan phases 1 2005, about 37 kilos of heroin have been seized. Since of 3 pistols with 3 magazines, 53 bullets, 1 Remington to 8, Operation Taungyanshin phases 1 to 4, Operation 1991 to date, altogether 148 opium refineries have been long-barrel gun with 9 bullets and 470 stimulant tablets. Taunghteikpan and Operation Aung Moe Hein before exposed and destroyed. Altogether nine opium refineries It was the result of cooperation between the Myanmar 1988. After 1988, Operation Mone Kyut and Barkyan were destroyed in 2002; seven in 2003 and two in 2004. and Thai anti-drug squads. battles were launched to crush opium smuggling gangs. Seizures of stimulant tablets began in 1996. Stimu- On 14 January 2005, a Taiwanese named To gain such achievements, we had to sacrifice many lant tablets were seized every year. Altogether 9.4 mil- Linzinmin was searched at the Yangon International lives and properties. lions of stimulant tablets were seized in 2002; 4 million Airport before departure and 12 packets of heroin weigh- During the anti-drug operations from September pills in 2003; 8.4 million pills in 2004 and 0.74 million ing 0.619 kilo (worth 48.7 million kyats) hidden in his 1988 to 1998, altogether 259 Tatmadaw members sacri- pills as of March 2005. Machines for producing stimu- underwear, trousers and shoes were seized. Further in- ficed their lives and 937 were wounded. No country has lant tablets have been also seized every year since 1998. formation led to the arrest of another Taiwanese named sacrificed such loss and Myanmar alone did so. So far altogether 20 stimulant pill producing machines Chu Tae Wai at Grand Plaza Park Royal Hotel. Alto- The drug menace was crushed with momen- have been destroyed. The list of seizures of narcotic gether 3 blocks and 4 packets of heroin weighing 0.85 tum. Seized drugs are incinerated or destroyed at the drugs year by year are put on display on the nearby kilo (worth K 68 million) were also seized from him. International Anti-drug Day every year and so far 18 boards. In producing narcotic drugs and psychotropic Further information led to the seizure of 178 such ceremonies to destroy narcotics have been held. substances, essential ingredients are chemicals. Chemi- kilos of stimulant ice hidden in 396 finished timber The volume and quantity of narcotic drugs destroyed cals are essential in producing heroin as well as stimu- rods to be exported. Further interrogation to Taiwanese in those 18 destruction ceremonies are displayed on lant pills. Hence, control of chemicals is important in named Ah Chin (alias) San Sin Chin led to the search boards. Opium growing areas are located in northern drug abuse control activities. Accordingly, the Ministry of the house of Sai Nyi Nyi Lwin in Shwepyitha Town- and eastern Shan State. In the past, these areas were of Home Affairs promulgated a bye-law on restricted ship on 27-1-2005. Altogether 15.28 kilos of heroin insurgent areas and the Government's law enforcement chemical supervision on 1 July 2004. In fact, chemicals (worth 1222.4 million kyats) hidden in sanitation tank hardly reached there. At present, 17 armed groups have are not produced in Myanmar. They are officially im- were seized. returned to the legal fold, joining hands with the Govern- ported from neighbouring countries for industrial use. On 10-2-2005, altogether 2.8 kilos of heroin ment in serving the interests of the Union with full con- Under the bye-law, 25 kinds of chemicals used in pro- (worth about 224 million kyats) were seized from a viction and conscientiousness. As a result, opium grow- ducing narcotic drugs are prohibited from import, ex- baggage of a Taiwanese named Lin Wai Lia before ing acreage decreased and opium production declined. port, transportation, distribution, sale and consumption. his departure for Taipei from Yangon. Further infor- The socio-economic lives of the former opium growers Training courses with the aids of video records on mation led to the seizure of 2.82 kilos of heroin (worth have also been enhanced. investigation of smuggling of these chemicals and ex- 225.6 million kyats) from a porcelain urn in In Myanmar, the Government has been imple- posing of illegal laboratories were conducted under the Kwanyinsi temple in Shwenantha ward, Bahan Town- menting the 15-year narcotic drugs elimination plan since aegis of UNODC in China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, ship. These facts are mentioned to reflect the en- 1999-2000. The 15-year plan is divided into three 5-year Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philip- deavours of Myanmar in anti-drug campaign in co- plans. Up to 2003-2004, the first five-year plan had been pines. The seizures of chemical liquids were 26440 litres operation with international community. implemented successfully. In the first five-year plan in 2002; 36904 litres in 2003; 17971 litres in 2004; and (See page 14) 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 Moreover, Ywet Sit's group has formed the 15- 3. U Myint Than (New Generation group, Taunggyi) Big nations of west bloc use ILO… member RCSS (Restoration Council of Shan State) with 4. U Ba Thin (New Generation group, Taunggyi) Ywet Sit as chairman, Sai Aung Mat as vice-chairman, 5. U Kyaw Win (Inntha) (New Generation group, (from page 13) Sao Hsay Sam as secretary, Sai Htai as joint secretary, Taunggyi) Next, Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan made clarifications. Sai Tha Oo as treasurer, Sai Ouk Kyaw as military leader 6. Dr Sai Mauk Kham (Lashio) He said: and Sao Wein Mein as organizer. The set-up of SSPC, 7. U Sai Kham Hseng (Lashio) At this Press Conference, I will make a wind up SSJAC and RCSS are shown on boards. Although the Shan State Intellectuals Advisory clarification. It is common knowledge for journalists that Now, I would like to explain matters relating to Council was formed, it was manipulated by U Hsay the Government has seriously accepted the narcotic drug the Shan State Intellectuals Advisory Council. Htin, U Khun Tun Oo, U Sai Nyunt Lwin, U Myint eradication programme as a national task. Throughout On 4-11-2004, the SSA (North) marked the 15th Than, U Nyi Moe, U Myo Win Tun, U Tun Nyo, U Sai the past successive years till now, it has been launching anniversary of attaining peace at Sein Kyawt village in Hla Aung, U Tha Oo and U Shwe Ohn. the effective alternative crops plantation and drug eradi- Hsipaw Township, Shan State. It was attended by repre- In addition, objectives have been laid to form cation projects, and cooperating with global countries sentatives of peace groups such as SSA, SSNA; SNLD other advisory councils in the remaining six states as including its neighbours. The data and facts presented at chairman U Khun Tun Oo and secretary Sai Nyunt Lwin, well as other advisory committees in the remaining seven the press meet and the data shown on boards here indi- representatives of Joint Action Committee and U Myint divisions. After the meeting, a dinner was held at Sein cate the extent of endeavours the Government has made Than and members of New Generation (Shan State) group Taungdan restaurant in Taunggyi. It was hosted by SSA and the blood, sweat and lives it has sacrificed in the and other invited persons. SNLD Chairman U Khun Tun group. At the dinner, the Shan State Day commemora- anti-drug drive. And these facts reflect how much suc- Oo presided over the meeting and all those present agreed tive Declaration of Shan State Intellectuals Advisory cess we have achieved. to form the Shan State Intellectuals Advisory Council. Council; Declaration of New Generation Students (Shan Although the Government is striving to annihilate The formation committee was then formed. State) group; and Declaration of New Generation (Shan the drug menace, the SURA insurgent group led by Ywet On 6-11-2004, a day after the set up of the forma- State) were distributed. (Those declarations are shown Sit with its base at the border area are producing and tion committee, its first meeting was held at SSA head- on boards). trafficking narcotic drugs under cover of Shan State lib- quarters in Sein Kyawt village. The meeting decided that The Declaration of New generation (Shan State) eration movement. You journalists might have read the the Shan State Intellectuals Advisory Council must be urges that it was the first step taken to enable Shan State news on seizures of heroin produced by that group in the formed not with chairman, secretary, etc and U Myint to shape its own destiny. It also calls on all nationalities other country near the border. The Government is crush- Than was to lead the entire programme. to unitedly participate. ing terrorist acts of the insurgents who are harming the After that, the second meeting was held on 22-12- In review of the above-mentioned combination, stability, peace and development of the country. At the 2004 at the house of SSA patron U Hsay Htin on aims and declaration of SSA, SSNA, SURA, SNLD and same time, the Government is also suppressing the pro- Myawady Street in Lashio. At the meeting the Shan Shan State Intellectuals Advisory Council, it is found duction and trafficking of narcotic drugs. However, it is State Intellectuals Advisory Council was formed. The that the Union will be formed with the emphasis on a regrettable to see that some NGOs and some groups are members were: genuine Union. The genuine Union means the Union stealthily encouraging and supporting drug-trafficking 1. U Khun Pan (representative of SSA (North), Phayaphyu made up of eight states namely Kachin state, Kayin insurgents like Ywet Sit. village, Taunggyi) state, Kayah state, Chin state, Mon state, Rakhine state, I would like to mention some points on the acts 2. U Sao Oo Kya (representative of SSNA, Hsipaw) Shan state and Bamar state which will be made up of of Ywet Sit and his connections. With a view to making 3. U Myint Than (New Generation Shan State) the existing seven divisions. The entire national people political cooperation, SSA (Shan State Army) and SSNA 4. U Kyaw Win (Inntha) (New Generation Shan State) might be misled by the beautiful wording “Genuine Un- (Shan State National Army) which have returned to the 5. U Ba Thin (New Generation Shan State) ion”. In fact, they aimed to form a nominal Union and legal fold have made contacts with an legal political 6. Sai Kham Hseng (Lashio) later secede from the Union. party, SNLD (Shan Nationalities League for Democ- 7. Dr Sai Mauk Kham (Lashio) The activities of the groups are very dangerous to racy) since 1996. In 1996, SNLD chairman U Khun Tun The second meeting also urged peace groups from the stability of the State, national solidarity and it will Oo visited SSA headquarters at Sein Kyawt and held Shan State who were to attend the National Convention lead to disintegration of the Union. discussions on politics, development and cultural mat- to discuss seriously matters on the emergence of a genu- Since taking over State responsibilities, the Gov- ters with U Hsay Htin and officials of SSA and SSNA. ine Union and a democratic nation. ernment has been upholding Our Three Main National Then, SSJAC (Shan State Joint Action Committee) Causes — Non-disintegration of the Union; Non-disin- made up of SSA, SSNA and SNLD was formed in In review of the above-mentioned tegration of National Solidarity and Perpetuation of 1996. In fact, it was formed with the aim of making combination, aims and declaration of Sovereignty — as a policy and carrying out nation build- cooperation for development, literature and cultural SSA, SSNA, SURA, SNLD and Shan State ing tasks. At the same time, seven-step Road Map has affairs as well as making political cooperation. SSJAC Intellectuals Advisory Council, it is found been laid to introduce multi-party democracy system is consist of SNLD chairman U Khun Tun Oo as desired by the entire people. Hence, the Government chairman, U Hsay Htin as vice-chairman, U Kan Ywet that the Union will be formed with the has been effectively deterring and taking action against of SSA as secretary and U Lwe Maung of SSA as emphasis on a genuine Union. The genu- those activities detrimental to Our Three Main National member. After the death of U Kan Ywet, U Sai Nyunt ine Union means the Union made up of Causes. Lwin became secretary of SSJAC. Afterwards, SSPC eight states namely Kachin state, Kayin Thus, 4 members of New Generation Shan State, (Shan State Peace Council) was formed in 1996 by state, Kayah state, Chin state, Mon state, U Hsay Htin and 2 members of SNLD were detained on SSA and SSNA in accordance with the coordinations 8-2-2005; and SNLD chairman U Khun Tun Oo and of SSJAC. The list of SSPC chairman, vice-chairman, Rakhine state, Shan state and Bamar state secretary U Sai Nyunt Lwin on 9-2-2005. U Shwe Ohn secretary and members has been put on boards for the which will be made up of the existing who played a major role has been kept under house journalists to study. The major aim of SSPC is to avoid seven divisions. The entire national peo- arrest. The rest who attended the meeting did not know fighting each other but to act in coordination among all ple might be misled by the beautiful their aim in advance. They attended the meeting as they including insurgent groups in political affairs. Plans were invited. They did not practically take part in the were then drawn to form three military divisions under wording “Genuine Union”. In fact, they discussions. Hence, action was not taken against them. SSPC to see that there was no fighting with existing aimed to form a nominal Union and later Furthermore, I would like to explain matters re- insurgent groups such as KNU, ABSDF, KNPP led by secede from the Union. lating to ILO. As clarified by Director-General of the U Khuhtair Bupe and U Aung Than Lay as well as Ministry of Labour U Soe Nyunt, the Government with with former armed groups which have returned to the genuine goodwill and sincerity has been cooperating at legal fold. The Government did not recognize the for- The third meeting was held on 7-2-2005, the Shan its utmost with ILO. mation of SSPC as its formation is not in line with State Day. The meeting was sponsored by the following In 1991, 25 labour representatives of ICFTU (In- conditions set at peace negotiations and it was to have persons. ternational Confederation of Free Trade Unions) com- alliance with remaining insurgent groups. North-East 1. U Hsay Htin plained that Myanmar failed to observe Convention No Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing in- 2. U Ba Thin (New Generation Shan State) 29 and action should be taken action against it under formed the personnel concerned that the Government 3. U Shwe Ohn (former defunct of liquidated Shan Na- article 24 of ILO constitution. did not recognize the formation of SSPC. tionalities League for Democracy) Regarding this, Myanmar gave replies on pre- On 13-9-1996, SURA leader Ywet Sit arrived at 4. U Myint Than ( New Generation Shan State) vailing situations to the ILO in accordance with the pro- Sein Kyawt and signed a tripartite agreement of SSA, 5. U Nyi Moe (New Generation Shan State) cedures of an international organisation. However, SSNA and SURA. Col Sai Naung of SSA and Col Kam 6. U Myo Win Tun (New Generation Shan State) ICFTU complained in 1993 to ILO to take action against Ywet of SSNA also signed the agreement. Based on 7. U Tun Nyo (New Generation Shan State) Myanmar under article 24. Myanmar again explained to SSPC, SSNO (Shan State National Organization) was 8. U Sai Hla Aung (SNLD central committee member) ILO with evidences of photos, video documents and formed as a sole organization and SSA was designated 9. U Tha Oo (SNLD member) testimony. as a sole Shan State Army. At the meeting, SSA leader U Hsay Htin deliv- Then, labour representative William Brett repre- On 7-3-2005, Ywet Sit group issued a statement ered an address. U Shwe Ohn supported the formation senting ICFTU and other 24 representatives with the as regards the seizure of heroin from a member of drug of the council. Next, “Declaration of Shan State Intellec- aim of putting pressure on Myanmar politically instead trafficking group of Ywet Sit by Thai authorities. In the tual Advisory Council”, “Declaration of New generation of labour affairs, complained to the ILO that there had statement, Ywet Sit denied that heroin and traffickers (Shan State)” and “Declaration of Student Youths” were been forced labour in Myanmar and an inquiry commis- were related with RCSS and SSA. It can be witnessed read. Then, the Shan State Intellectuals Advisory Coun- sion be formed under article 26. Myanmar replied with that Ywet Sit used the name SSA instead of his original cil was reconstituted with the following persons: facts and figures. ILO neglected the explanation and group SURA. It shows that Ywet Sit is the one with 1. U Khun Pan (representative of SSA, Taunggyi) formed an inquiry commission in 1997. SSA. The statement is displayed on nearby boards. 2. Sao Oo Kya (representative of SSNA, Hsipaw) (See page 15) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 15 and section 512 of True information Big nations of west Criminal Procedure and actual situations can bloc use ILO… Law. be found amidst over 54 Similarly, nine per- million of the people. (from page 14) sisted by an American sons including Nai Authentic news and true With political com- named John Osolink Jr Yekkha arrested with facts can be obtained mitment to put an end to of Asian American Free explosives in July 2003 from local NGOs repre- forced labour in the coun- Labour Institute with were filed a case at senting the majority of try, Myanmar Govern- his office based in Yangon North District the people. ILO should ment issued a directive Bangkok. It can be seen Court. Of them, Shwe consider and review the dated 14-5-1999 in order what is their motive. Mann (alias) Zeya Oo information. not to practise the 1907 Maung Maung (a) and Nai Min Kyi (alias) And ILO is allow- Towns Act and the 1907 Pyithit Nyunt Wai is a Min Kyi confessed that ing Maung Maung Village Act. Such efforts son of NLD CEC mem- they were provided with (alias) Pyithit Nyunt are in conformity with the ber U Nyunt Wai. monetary assistance by Wai who is a terrorist recommendations of the While serving as a sale Maung Maung (alias) dissident to attend ILO inquiry commission in es- manager of Myanma Pyithit Nyunt Wai. meetings. It is like sence. Gems Corporation at Thus, it can vividly be putting a terrorist on the Although Myanmar Diplomatic Store, ac- seen that Maung Maung limelight or glare of has been cooperating tion was taken against (alias) Pyithit Nyunt publicity. with sincerity, the ILO him for loss of gems. Wai is a fugitive insur- Next, Ministers neglected it and put He was a corrupted gent terrorist. Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan pressure on Myanmar service person. He ab- The false informa- and U Thaung and Di- again and again. sconded to a neighbour- tion given by FTUB rector-General Brig-Gen In the latest devel- opment, ILO proposed WEATHER to send a high-ranking official team to Tuesday, 15 March, 2005 Myanmar. Myanmar ac- Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 cepted the proposal and hours MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thun- dershowers have been widespread in upper Sagaing replied that the Chief Division, scattered in Kachin, Shan and Kayah States Justice, the Attorney- and Yangon Division, isolated in Chin and Mon General and ministers States, Mandalay, Magway and Taninthayi Divisions concerned would re- and weather has been partly cloudy in the remaining ceive the ILO team. In areas. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded the tentative programme were Yangon (Kaba-Aye) (1.54) inches, Kalaywa of the visit of the ILO (1.50) inches and Kale (1.30) inches. Day tempera- team, it was arranged to tures were (3˚C) above normal in upper Sagaing and Ayeyawady Divisions, (5°C) above normal in Kachin receive the team by State and Taninthayi Division and about normal in State Peace and Devel- the remaining areas. The significant day temperature opment Council Secre- was (39˚C) in Aung Lan. tary-1 in addition to the Photo of members of Shan State Joint Action Committee displayed at Maximum temperature on 14-3-2005 was 101°F. above-mentioned per- Minimum temperature on 15-3-2005 was 69°F. Rela- the press conference.—MNA sonnel. When the ILO tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 15-3-2005 was team arrived, it was re- 84%. Total sunshine hours on 14-3-2005 was (6.5) ceived not only by the ing country as a dissi- which is led by such fu- Khin Yi gave answers to hours approx. Rainfalls on 15-3-2005 were (0.59 inch) at Yangon Airport, (1.54) inches at Kaba- Foreign Affairs Minister dent in 1989 and stayed gitive terrorists are none queries raised by the in disguise of politician. other than fabrications. journalists. The press Aye and nil at central Yangon. Total rainfalls since and the Labour Minister 1-1-2005 were (0.59) inches at Yangon Airport, Maung Maung Similarly, fabri- conference concluded at but also by State Peace (1.54) inches at Kaba-Aye and nil at central Yangon. and Development Coun- joined Da-nya-ta which cated news given by a 5.15 pm. Journalists Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was cil Member and the is made up of expatri- handful of expatriate viewed the data, facts (28) mph from Southwest at (15:55) hours MST ates. He has then been Prime Minister. dissidents and a fistful and photos displayed on 14-3-2005. committing terrorist In review of the in- of insurgents at border there. Bay inference: Weather is cloudy in the acts. Maung Maung in cidents properly, ILO areas cannot be true. MNA Andaman Sea and Southeast Bay and partly cloudy collusion with Da-nya- elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. neglected the actual con- ta secretary Than Lwin Forecast valid until evening of 16-3-2005: Iso- ditions and endeavours OBITUARY sent Myo Aung Thant U Htay Tin (OLD ALBERTIAN) lated to scattered rain or thundershowers are likely of Myanmar. Its consid- in the whole country. Degree of certainty is (60%). and Khin Kyaw with ex- 61 Years eration was not based on plosives to Yangon to State of the sea: Seas will be moderate to rough C.E.O. FISCA Enterprises the aspirations and ac- assassinate State Lead- in Myanmar waters. Outlook for subsequent two days: Continua- tivities of over 54 mil- ers and blow up foreign U Htay Tin, son of the late U Kyaw and Daw tion of thundery conditions in the Lower Myanmar lion of Myanmar people embassies and important Hla Shin, son-in-law of the late Mr and Mrs M.R areas. and local NGOs repre- places. Before the court, Yu, beloved husband of Marianne Yu of 65/B, Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area senting the people. But Myo Aung Thant and Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, brother of (Daw Khin for 16-3-2005: Likelihood of isolated rain or thun- ILO's consideration was Khin Kyaw confessed Htay), U Thaung Htay, Daw Ni Ni, (U Mg Mg) dershowers. Degree of certainty is (60%). based on fabrications of that Maung Maung and Mi Mi Naing, peacefully passed away at Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area FTUB including a hand- (alias) Pyithit Nyunt 10:30 am on 15 March at Thukha Gaba Medical for 16-3-2005: Likelihood of isolated rain or thun- ful of expatriates and in- Wai manipulated the Centre. Cremation will take place at 3:00 pm on dershowers. Degree of certainty is (60%). surgents at border areas. scheme. Thursday, 17 March 2005 at Yayway Cremato- Untimely rainfall warning FTUB (Free Trade Hence, the court rium. Buses will leave the above address at (Issued at (10:00) hrs MST on 15th March, 2005) Union of Burma) was heard the case and de- 2:00 pm. Under the influence of a low pressure area mov-

formed by Maung clared Maung Maung wm\;nv\;eÂkk∑´®Kc\;







¡ing east from west, isolated to scattered rain (or)

FISCA Enterprises Chief Executive officer

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2 2 to ICFTU, he was as- 122(2) of Penal Code FISCA ENTERPRISES 2morning.

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 7th Waxing of Taboung 1366 ME Wednesday, 16 March, 2005 Upgrading of roads and bridges along Taninthayi-Bokpyin Road inspected

YANGON, 15 March — Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of De- fence, accompanied by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and De- velopment Council Com- mander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Ohn Myint, Brig-Gen Thura Thet Oo Maung of Bok- pyin Station, senior mili- tary officers, officials of the State Peace and De- velopment Council office and heads of departments, Lt-Gen Maung Bo inspects upgrading of Kawthoung-Bokpyin Union Highway. — MNA inspected upgrading of duties, safeguarding lives Pyigyi Mandaing. departmental officials, so- Lt-Gen Maung Bo Lt-Gen Maung Bo roads and bridges along and properties of the peo- Township Officer of cial organizations and lo- and party inspected oil urged officials concerned Taninthayi Bok-pyin ple and prevalence of law Pyigyi Mandaing Gen- cal people are to make ef- palm farms of Htoo Trad- to endeavour for economic Road and cultivation of and order in the region. eral Administration De- forts for development of ing Co Ltd and Kanbawza progress as the division oil palm on 10 March. Lt-Gen Maung Bo partment U Thaung Hein the township. There is pas- oil palm Co. has basic foundations for Lt-Gen Maung Bo and the commander pro- reported on social and senger bus service be- They went to cultivation of oil palm and told officials to finish the vided families of re- economic conditions of tween Myeik and Taninthayi Basic Educa- rubber. work before monsoon. He gional battalions with the township. Lt-Gen Kawthoung. Under the tion High School and met In the evening they met families of regional clothing and cash. Maung Bo met service farsighted guidance of the Chairman of Taninthayi proceeded to Myeik and battalions of Bokpyin Sta- Lt-Gen Maung Bo personnel, social organi- Head of State, some vil- Township Peace and De- inspected arrangements tion and discussed agri- cordially greeted the zations and local people. lages are being upgraded velopment Council and for irrigation in Tone- culture and livestock family members at the In his discussions, to township level, he members, departmental byawgyi Village. breeding discharging combined office in Lt-Gen Maung Bo said added. officials and townselders. MNA Big nations of west bloc use ILO as Myanmar welcomes political forum to put pressure on ratification of the Anti- secession Law by NPC of the Myanmar in order to install their People’s Republic of China puppet government in power YANGON, 15 March—The Ministry of For- eign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar today issued a statement with regard to the ratification of the YANGON, 15 March — The Information Com- Myanmar in combating the danger of narcotic Anti-Secession Law by the National People’s Con- mittee of the State Peace and Development Council drug abuse, matters relating to producing and gress of the People’s Republic of China unani- held the press conference (2/2005) on the arbitrary trafficking of narcotic drugs by the SURA insurgent mously on 14 March 2006. pressure put on Myanmar by ILO, endeavours of group led by Ywet Sit under cover of Shan State The full text of the statement is as follows:- liberation movement and other related matters at Myanmar welcomes the ratification of the Anti- Myanmar is a developing country the meeting hall of the Ministry of Information Secession Law by the National People’s Congress and trying hard to stand on its own on Theinbyu Road here at 3 pm today. of the People’s Republic of China unanimously on The press conference was attended by feet despite many restrictions and dif- 14 March 2005. As a friendly nation which has Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw steadfastly nurtured good-neighbourly relations with ficulties. Myanmar has been cooperat- Hsan, Minister for Labour and for Science and the People’s Republic of China, the Union of ing sincerely with ILO as regards many Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Myanmar maintains that Taiwan is an integral part Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy of China. Myanmar has consistently adhered to the spheres including eradication of forced Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win Sein, Maj- One China policy and supports China’s inalienable labour. Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, right to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial (See page 6) integrity. — MNA

Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan explains SURA’s involvement in narcotic drug production and trafficking. — MNA