KEITH SUMMERS and MARC W. KIRSCHNER Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 From the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143

ABSTRACT We describe here the continuous observations of the polymerization of individual microtubules in vitro by darkfield microscopy . In homogeneous preparations we verify that polymerization can occur onto both ends of microtubules. The assembly of microtubules is polar, with one end growing at three times the rate of the other. The differential rate of elongation can be used to determine the polarity ofgrowth off cellular nucleating centers . We show that the microtubules grow off the proximal end of ciliary axonemes at a growth rate equal to that of the slow growing end of free microtubules, while growth off the distal end proceeds at the same rate as the fast growing end . Applying this technique to growth from metaphase chromosomes isolated from HeLa and CHO cells, we demonstrate that chromosomes initiate polymerization with the fast growing end facing away from the chromosome nucleation site . The opposite ends of free microtubules show different sensitivities to microtubule depolymerizing agents such as low temperature, Ca" or colchicine as measured directly by darkfield microscopy . The differing rates of assembly and disassembly of each end of a microtubule suggest that a difference in polarity of growth off nucleating sites could serve as one basis for regulating the polymerization of different groups of microtubules in the same .

KEY WORDS microtubules " darkfield bility, and disappearance of groups of microtu- microscopy - kinetochore " microtubule polarity bules remains, for the most part, unexplained . One aspect of this problem has been approached During the cell cycle, microtubules are involved by the identification, isolation, and characteriza- in many different functions. Often, several groups tion of cell which serve as nucleating of microtubules will be present at one time, each centers for microtubule growth (32) . Microtubules with a unique time of appearance and disappear- have been polymerized in vitro from isolated basal ance in the cell (50, 15) . In addition, microtubules bodies, kinetochores in mitotic chromosomes, and of different stability have been described in several pericentriolar material (43, 28, 44, 45, 18, 19, 21) . structures even within the same cell (5, 36). The However, in all cases the nature of the polymeri- mechanism by which the cell controls spatially zation initiating substance is unknown. In some and temporally the appearance, orientation, sta- cases, an amorphous cloud of material seems to be

J. CELL. BIOLOGY ©The Rockefeller University Press - 0021-9525/79/10/0205/13 $1 .00 Volume 83 October 1979 205-217

present at the nucleating sites (18, 34, 35) . bules while at the same time varying their envi- Another means by which the cell could differ- ronment . It is then possible to observe changes entiate among classes ofmicrotubules would be by occurring at either end of single microtubules . the production of more than one molecular form Experiments can therefore be performed with ho- of or the use of different accessory pro- mogeneous preparations of microtubules, whereas teins, which are involved in the polymerization of in electron microscope experiments the nucleating tubulin . The question of tubulin heterogeneity or structure must be physically different from the the role of molecular modifications of tubulin is polymerizing microtubule so that the point of very complex . Cyclic-AMP-dependent phospho- nucleation can be identified (2, 6, 31, 24, 25, 54) . rylation of tubulin and accessory proteins has been These experiments also avoid the potentially dam- demonstrated but the effect ofphosphorylation on aging procedures of fixation, staining, and drying the system remains unknown (10, 17, 37, 40) . required for electron microscopy . The ability to Similarly, enzymes capable of adding and remov- study the dynamics of the assembly of individual Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 ing a tyrosine residue specifically on the carboxyl microtubules has enabled us to develop methods terminal of the « subunit of tubulin are known but for assessing their polarity . We have applied these no effect of this unusual modification on polym- methods here to determine the polarity of micro- erization has been detected (4, 33) . Evidence to tubule growth off cellular nucleating sites . Polar- explain how accessory proteins might control mi- ity, in these cases, can be determined if it is crotubule polymerization in vivo is also generally assumed that subunits can only add at the free lacking, though there has been a correlation made end . The results obtained here complement those between their presence in the brain tissue of de- recently obtained where polarity is assessed by veloping rats and the general polymerizability of looking at the change in bulk microtubule length. the tubulin extracted from this tissue (39, 14) . In the case of polarity of kinetochore growth, our Another potential basis for spatial and temporal experiments support the recent analysis by Borisy differentiation among groups of microtubules (7) using extent ofassembly, as judged by electron within a cell comes from the polar nature of microscopy, to analyze the rate of microtubule microtubules themselves . Microtubules are intrin- polymerization . sically polar as indicated by the subunit lattice structure seen by X-ray diffraction and electron MATERIALS AND METHODS microscopy (20, 3, 12, 9) . The intrinsic polarity is Microtubule protein was prepared from hog brain tissue also indicated by the fact that tubulin polymerizes as described previously (5l) . The protein was stored at to a different extent off the proximal and distal -20°C in 8 M glycerol . Before each experiment, a sample ends of flagellar microtubules (2, 6, 31, 24, 25, 54) . was diluted into an equal volume of polymerization If cells were able to initiate microtubule polymer- buffer (0.1 M MES (2-[N-morpholino]ethane sulfonic ization from nucleation centers with a specific acid), pH 6.4, 2 mM EGTA, l mM mercaptoethanol, 0 .5 polarity and if they also possessed a mechanism mM MgC12, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM GTP), polymerized for differentiating between such polar microtu- at 37°C, and the microtubules were collected by centri- fuging at 75,000 g for 30 min. The pellet of microtubules bules, they would effective control system have an was then resuspended in polymerization buffer and put for discrimination between two groups of micro- on ice. After allowing 20 min for depolymerization, the tubules . sample was centrifuged again at 75,000 g for 30 min to To investigate the role of polarity in microtubule remove insoluble aggregates. polymerization and depolymerization under a va- Chromosomes were isolated from mitotic CHO cells riety of conditions, we have observed the growth by an adaptation of the methods of Gould and Borisy of individual microtubules by darkfteld light mi- (18) . CHO cells were grown to near confluence in 100- croscopy . This technique has been used previously mm culture flasks in F-10 medium . Mitotic cells were to study ATP-induced sliding of doublet micro- shaken loose from their culture bottle and collected by centrifuging at 500 g for 5 min . The pellet of cells was tubules of flagellar axonemes (46) and the move- gently rinsed with distilled water and then suspended in bacterial . ment of flagella (26) Observations on 0.1 ml of distilled water . After l min, 0.1 ml of 0.1 M reconstituted neural microtubules have also been Mes pH 6.4, 0.5 mM MgCl,, 0 .5% Triton X-100 was reported (25, 54, 47) . By using darkfteld light added and the cells were lysed by forcing the suspension microscopy it is possible, in principle, to make through a blunt syringe needle held against the bottom continuous observations on individual microtu- of the tube. In most cases, 0.4 ml of microtubule protein


was added immediately and the sample was incubated from monomers and oligomers of tubulin are dif- at 37°C for 5 min . These chromosome preparations were ficult to visualize by darkfield microscopy . The used immediately for experiments since the chromosome polymeric components in the initial steps scatter morphology tended to deteriorate after a few hours at light less intensely than do microtubules. Since experiments, chromosomes room temperature . In a few they also move rapidly around by Brownian mo- mM CaC1 2 and I M were preserved by adding 0.5 tion, it has not been possible to photograph the hexylene glycol to the lysing media . Such chromosomes nucleation process in real time . These components were stable at 0°C for several hours . In addition, we have been photographed by darkfield microscopy obtained chromosomes from colchicine-arrested HeLa cells from U. K . Laemmli (Princeton University) (1) . and electron microscopy after fixation with glutar- Axonemes were prepared from cilia detached from aldehyde (25, 47) and suggest that the flexible Tetrahymena by exposing a concentrated suspension of intermediates could represent protofilament the cells to I mM dibucaine . The membranes were sheets, which have been reported to be present removed by suspending the cilia in 0.1% Triton, 0 .1 M during the assembly reaction both in vitro and in Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 Mes, pH 6 .4, 0.5 mM MgCl2- vivo (23, 11, 8, 41, 49) . Observations were made with a Zeiss Axiomat light It is possible, however, to photograph clearly N. Y.) with a 200-watt microscope (Carl Zeiss, Inc ., the elongation of microtubules, which takes place mercury arc light source fitted with infrared filters and in the later phase ofpolymerization . Microtubules a darkfield condenser . In some cases, an image intensifier glass slide at some point and (obtained from the U . S . Army) was employed between usually adhere to the the photographic screen and the 35-mm camera . Photo- are thus restricted in their random motion . They graphs were taken on a Kodak Tri-X film at an ASA scatter sufficient light to be detectable with a 1-s setting of 1600 on the automatic camera of the micro- exposure or shorter exposure with an image inten- scope . This film was developed in Kodak HC-l 10 dilu- sifier . In a typical experiment, a sample of micro- tion B for 1 .5 times the recommended time . Under these tubule protein is polymerized at 37°C under stan- conditions, exposure times ranged around I s . Some dard conditions, diluted with purification buffer, pictures were taken on Kodak SO-410 film developed in and introduced into the slide chamber . Some mi- for the recommended time . With this HC- I 10 dilution D crotubules settle onto the surface of the slide and film, exposure times were -4 s . become attached . Depolymerized microtubule Microscope slides were specially prepared to allow precise control of flow in the region of observation . protein is then placed in the sample well of the Grooves were cut on either end of the region to be slide where it was prewarmed to room temperature covered by the coverglass . One groove was used as a well and then rapidly flowed into the area of observa- to hold the various solutions. The other groove was tion . The flow of prewarmed unpolymerized sub- covered with a sheet of flat rubber pierced obliquely by units past microtubule fragments serves two pur- a syringe needle . The needle was connected by tubing to poses . First, the concentration of protein is held a Gibson microliter pipetting device . By using silicone constant and, therefore, not diminished by polym- grease to form the walls of a channel between the grooves erization . Second, and most important for the needle into place, a closed system and to seal the syringe darkfield method, the unpolymerized solution ap- was formed . Microscope slides and coverslips were scru- transparent due to its low capacity to scatter pulously cleaned for each experiment . pears Analysis of large volumes of data was facilitated by light . Photographs are taken at intervals of 10- computer processing . Spatial coordinates of microtu- 20 s . From the photographs of a typical exper- bules were transferred from film into an IBM 370 by iment, the elongation of -20 of the most clearly projecting each frame into a Tektronix digitizer and distinguishable microtubules can be followed for manually identifying the ends of each microtubule with 5-15 frames . In all, experiments on the growth of the electronic marking pen . Subsequent calculations isolated microtubules involved the analysis of yielded graphs of incremental growth of each end of -400 microtubules in over 600 frames. each microtubule . Growth rates were calculated from Fig . 1 shows portions of two sequences each graphs by the method of least squares . these containing about five growing microtubules . The Protein concentrations were calculated by the method position of the microtubule ends can be measured of Lowry et al . (27) . relative to brightly scattering dust spots on the RESULTS glass surface . It is clear from the sequences that each microtubule grows from both ends but that Polymerization ofMicrotubule Protein growth occurs faster off one of the ends. For the The initial steps of the assembly of microtubules analysis, the position of each end of each micro-

SUMMERS AND KIRSCHNER Darkfield Microscopy of Microtubule Assembly 20 7 Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021

FIGURE l Elongation of individual microtubules by darkfield microscopy . Two sequences (A-E and F- J) representing portions of a field are shown to demonstrate microtubule elongation . A number of growing microtubules are visible (one of which is denoted by arrows) . The bright spots are dust particles with which one can align the photographs . The concentration of microtubule protein was 1 .3 mg/ml and temperature was 24°C . x 1,390 .

tubule is determined relative to a coordinate sys- of this experiment, therefore, the fast and slow tem defined by the invariant position ofdust spots . growing ends differ about threefold in their rates Growth rate can then be calculated (with the help of growth. of a computer) by comparing frames. Fig. 2 is an Data from graphs generated by the computer example of a graph of the growth of each end of were averaged for all microtubules within an ex- a single microtubule . The starting points of these periment, excluding those cases where growth was experiments were microtubule segments 3-7 pin in not observed on both ends of the microtubule . length . The average scatter in the data for each This occurred in about one-third of all microtu- point is -0 .5,um, which represents errors primarily bules measured . Absence of growth was noted in superposition of frames and in accurately deter- equally as often on the fast as on the slow growing mining the position of the end of a microtubule. end . The other end continued to grow at either the The rate of growth calculated from Fig . 2 is 1 .1 typical slow or fast rate . It was assumed that lack pin/min for the fast growing end and 0.28 p.m/ of growh on one end was due to the microtubule's min for the slow growing end . Under the condition being attached to the microscope slide in such a


OC u v d 0

1 4 5 TIME (min) FIGURE 2 Growth of each end of a single microtubule . The increase in length Af in microns is plotted versus time in minutes . The incremental distances of the fast growing ends are denoted by 0 and the slow growing end

by A . This plot is taken directly from the computer Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 analyzed data and the straight line is a least squares fit. The rate of growth of the fast end is 1 . 1 Am/min, the slow end 0 .28 Am/min . Microtubule protein concentra- tion was 1 .4 mg/ml and the temperature 24°C . 0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 RATE OF GROWTH (microns/ min) manner as to block that end for assembly . FIGURE 3 Distribution of rates of growth of the fast The growth rates for the fast and 'slow growing and slow growing ends in a single sequence . The exper- ends in a single sequence fell into two classes as imental conditions were the same as in Fig . 2 . shown in Fig . 3 . There was some variation in the rates of growth, part ofwhich may be due to errors in measurement, part of which may be due to 0 differences in the protein from one experiment to E2 another, and part of which may be due to inherent fluctuations in growth rates of individual micro- 0 tubules within a given experiment . The rate of E z growth of the fast end averaged over all experi- 0 ments in Fig . 3 was 1 .0 Am/min and of the slow z end was 0.40 Am/min . These, of course, refer to 0 0 the exact buffer conditions at 24°C . w 0 The fast and slow ends differed also in the 0 0 0 0 W 0 concentration dependence of their rates of growth, a 0 as shown in Fig. 4. Although at concentrations above 0.5 mg/ml the rate of growth of either end i is proportional to concentration suggesting a first- 2 order process, these rates do not extrapolate to MICROTUBULE PROTEIN (mg/ml) zero at zero protein concentration. This may sug- FIGURE 4 Effect of protein concentration on the rate gest a limitation of this method to give absolute of elongation of the fast and slow growing ends . Each point represents a separate rate data . Low concentrations could not be easily experiment consisting of mea- surements of --20 microtubules. The upper line (0) rep- studied experimentally due to the slow rate of resents the fast growing end, the lower (A) the slow growth at 25°C . It is also possible that the concen- growing end. tration dependence could be different than the first order below 0.5 mg/ml at 25°C or that we may be observing some effect of treadmilling ob- constant and its value is 9.3 x 105 s-1 M- ' for the served by Margolis and Wilson (29) . The apparent fast and 3.0 x 105 s- ' M- ' for the slow growing first-order polymerization rates for the fast and ends . Accurate kinetic data for microtubule assem- slow growing ends are 0.31 and 0.10 Am/min 1/g, bly using turbidity as an assay were obtained by respectively . Assuming that the tubulin molecule Johnson and Borisy (22) who calculated an overall has a molecular weight of 105 (53), we can calculate rate constant of 1 .9 x 106 S-1 M- ' under similar the rate of addition of a mole of subunits per mole buffer conditions, except that their data were ob- of microtubule ends . This is a second-order rate tained at 30°C whereas ours were measured at

SUMMERS AND KIRSCHNER Darkfield Microscopy Of Microtubule Assembly

25°C . To compare these two measurements, we the slow end of the free microtubules, while the note that the rate of assembly approximately dou- fast ends are also comparable in rate . It is more bles between 25 at 30°C (16) and that the overall difficult to distinguish the proximal and distal rate of elongation is simply the sum of the rates ends of the axoneme by darkfield microscopy than off each end. Correcting for the temperature and by electron microscopy . However, these results summing the two rates, we calculate a value for coupled with those from electron microscope stud- the overall rate ofelongation of 2.5 x 106 M- ' s- ' ies indicate that the end with the greatest extent of at 30°C as compared to the value of Johnson and assembly is also the end with the fastest microtu- Borisy of 1 .9 x 10 6 M- ' s- '. There is therefore very bule growth and corresponds to the distal end of close agreement between these different methods the axoneme . From these experiments we may of measurement . conclude that the rate of elongation is a useful One casual observation made in the course of indication of the polarity of the microtubules .

these experiments is that if duplicate samples are From previous studies (2, 6, 31, 24, 25, 54, 7) we Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 polymerized, one by rapidly warming to 37°C and may assume that the proximal end of the axoneme the other by slowly warming to 37 °C, the latter corresponds to the slow end and the distal end, the sample will have microtubules which are much fast end . longer than those in the former . Hysteresis and overshoot in assembly of tobacco mosaic virus Polarity ofMicrotubule Growth off assembly into rods has been noted by Scheele et Kinetochores of Metaphase Chromosomes al. (38) . In that case, rapid warming produced long Under the assumption that microtubules can rods while in this case rapid warming produces only elongate from their free end, we would pos- shorter microtubules. In the case of microtubule tulate that organelles which nucleate microtubule assembly, it would seem that the nucleation rate assembly with a specific polarity would be ex- increases faster with temperature than the elon- pected to have microtubules whose free ends grow gation rate . either slowly or fast . Those with free fast growing ends can be termed as having plus polarity and Growth off Ciliary Axonemes those with free slow growing ends can be termed The extent of assembly of brain microtubules as having minus polarity, in agreement with the off flagellar or ciliary axenomes has been demon- terminology of Borisy (7) . strated extensively by electron microscopy (2, 6, Using the methods described above, we inves- 25, 54). The extent of microtubule growth by tigated the polarity of microtubule growth off the sampling a population, at one or a few time points, kinetochores of metaphase chromosomes . These however, may not be an accurate measure of the experiments were based on earlier work which rate of growth, particularly if the ends differ in showed that it was possible to polymerize micro- their rates of initiation . We, therefore, attempted tubules off metaphase chromosomes in vitro (28, to measure directly the growth of individual mi- 44, 48) . An extract of mitotic CHO cells was made crotubules from the ends of axonemes. We could by a modification of the methods of Gould and then compare their growth to that of individual Borisy (reference 18, see Materials and Methods) . free microtubules in the same field and use this Alternatively, metaphase chromosomes were ob- information to determine the relative polarity of tained from the HeLa cells by the method of free microtubules and axonemal microtubules . Adolph, Cheng, and Laemmli (1) . Both sources of Fig . 5 shows two examples of polymerization chromosomes behaved identically . In some exper- nucleated by axonemes isolated from Tetrahymena iments, chromosomes were allowed first to become cilia . It is again clear that growth occurs from both attached to the microscope slide and then were ends of the axoneme and that one end grows faster rinsed with purification buffer. Depolymerized than the other . Table I compares the incremental microtubule protein was then flowed in and the growth of free microtubules and those nucleated microtubules were allowed to polymerize . In other by axonemes in the same field for two separate experiments, however, the microtubule protein experiments. Each represents the analysis of over was added to the chromosomes (immediately after 50 axonemes and free microtubules . The rate of cell lysis) and incubated at 37°C for 5 min . The growth of the slow end off axonemes is within advantage of the latter technique was that a higher experimental error equal to the rate of growth off fraction of the chromosomes had microtubules

210 THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY " VOLUME 83, 1979 Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021

FIGURE 5 Polymerization of microtubules from ciliary axonemes. A and B, and C and D are two pairs of photographs showing growth of microtubules off ciliary axonemes . The time interval in both cases was --4 min, and the protein concentration was " 1 mg/ml. The fast growing end is denoted by fand the slow by s . x 2,380 .

inserting into them. The latter method also served pointed inward toward a single point in the body to verify that the microtubules were actually at- of the chromosomes (see Fig. 6) . They often in- tached to a specific point in the chromosome since serted into the chromosome above the plane of the the microtubules remained in place throughout glass slide . Identification ofsuch microtubules was the process of dilution, settling, and rinsing of the easier than might be implied from the photographs chromosomes . In all cases, they seemed to radiate since, unlike the microtubules on a glass surface, from a small region of the chromosome . This could the microtubules inserting into the kinetochore be most easily observed when the chromosome were not all in the same plane and could only be moved or when it was disturbed by convection in properly visualized by varying the focus of the the solution . Kinetochore microtubules were char- microscope . In addition, since they were anchored acteristically few in number (32, 28, 44, 19, 34, 35) only at one end they showed more movement due

SUMMERS AND KIRSCHNER Darkfteld Microscopy of Microtubule Assembly

TABLE I experiments involving both HeLa and CHO cells . Comparison ofAxonome Nucleated and Free The usual interval ofstudy was -5 min . As shown Microtubule Growth in Table II the free microtubules showed a three-

Free microtubules Axoneme nucleated fold difference in rates of elongation, in agreement with the data given in Figs . 1, 2, and 3 . A com- Fast end Slow end Fast end Slow end parison ofthe incremental growth of chromosome- Exp . 1 4.2 ± 2.1 1 .3 ± 0.3 5.1 ± 2.3 1 .4 ± 0.4 nucleated and free microtubules in Table II shows Exp . 2 2.3 ± 1 .1 0.8 ± 0.4 2.3 ± 0.9 0.8± 0.4 clearly that chromosomal microtubules grow at a Microtubule growth was measured by comparing the rate equal to that of the fast growing ends of the lengths of individual microtubules at an interval of -5 free microtubules . Among 150 chromosomal mi- min at 25°C . The left hand column shows the average crotubules, only six appeared to grow at a rate less incremental change in the length of both ends of individ- than half that of the fast growing end. By this

ual free microtubules, and the right hand column shows criterion, microtubules grow from kinetochores of Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 the average incremental change in the length of both metaphase chromosomes with plus polarity . ends of individual axoneme nucleated microtubules . Both the lengths and standard deviations are given in Polarity ofMicrotubule Disassembly microns . 50-100 microtubules were analyzed in each experiment . Various depolymerizing agents were studied to see whether they too had a polar effect on micro- tubule assembly . Low temperature (4 °C) and Ca" to convective disturbances and Brownian motion (l mM) cause disassembly of microtubules with a so that some always appeared blurred due to the threefold bias of one end over the other. Fig . 7 relatively slow photographic exposure . illustrates this for low-temperature-induced disas- It is impossible to tell by darkfield microscopy sembly . More selective than either of these agents whether all the microtubules arise from the kinet- is colchicine . Under in vitro conditions 25 °C dis- ochore . As the chromosomes were washed, agita- assembly by 0.25 mM colchicine proceeds very ted, and settled, the microtubules gave the appear- slowly, taking - 1 h. However, disassembly pro- ance of growing from one region . Similar regrowth ceeds from only one end . Experiments with fla- experiments analyzed by electron microscope (28, gellar axonemes indicate that the effect is on the 44, 48), and particularly experiments by Gould distal or fast growing end. This has been confirmed and Borisy (19), showed that microtubules appear by electron microscopy (Witman, Weingarten, and to regrow from the kinetochore . We cannot rule Kirschner, unpublished results) . out some adventitious growth, but if that occurred it would be of the uniform polarity (see below) . DISCUSSION In darkfield microscopy chromosomes appear Despite the fact that their thickness is far below as bright spots of light, distinguishable from dust the resolution of the light microscope, microtu- spots only by the organized microtubule growth . bules are readily observable by darkfield light Chromosomes swell and lose their characteristic microscopy . The apparent thickness of the micro- shape when placed in media lacking calcium or tubules is -0.3 ltm in most of our exposures . hexylene glycol, and we were concerned that we Bacterial flagella, while they are even smaller than could not identify them definitively . Therefore, microtubules, have been visualized previously by subsequent to each polymerization experiment, darkfield microscopy where the limiting factor is ethidium bromide was flushed through the field only the amount of light they scatter (26) . To and the preparation was examined by fluorescence visualize the growth of microtubules, it was nec- illumination. Only chromosomes fluorescenced in- essary to overcome some technical limitations im- tensely with ethidium bromide and this method posed by the sensitivity of the film, Brownian conclusively distinguished chromosomes from de- motion, and background light scattering at high bris which scattered comparable amounts of light protein concentrations. These limitations put cer- (see Fig. 6 d) . tain constraints on the experimental design . In As shown in Fig . 6 microtubule growth from interpreting these experiments, it has been as- chromosomes can be easily observed . We exam- sumed that the effects of the glass surface are ined the rate of growth of -150 microtubules limited to the occasional complete blockage of growing from 30 chromosomes in three separate polymerization on one end of a microtubule, as

212 THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY " VOLUME 83, 1979 Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021

FIGURE 6 Polymerization of microtubules off metaphase CHO chromosomes. (A-C) Sequence of microtubule growth off metaphase chromosome . (D) Ethidium bromide stained, fluorescence micrograph of same field . x 1,870 .

discussed above . In the initial phases of an exper- than one point and rotation ofthe microtubules in iment, microtubules seem attached to the micro- the flow decreases. Yet, no dramatic changes in scope slide at only one point along their length the characteristics of polymerization were noted . (usually near one end) . Some pivoting around this Nevertheless, we must consider the fact that some point can occur during the flow of the surrounding of the scatter in the measured rates of polymeri- solution, and the effect of this rotation on length zation may have been due to some effect of the determination was accounted for in the computer proximity of the glass surface to the ends of the program . During the course of an experiment, microtubule . microtubules apparently become attached at more To minimize the possibility that the intense light

SUMMERS AND KIRSCHNER Darkfield Microscopy ofMicrotubule Assembly 21 3

beam was affecting the polymerization or depo- lized against depolymerization while microtubules lymerization of microtubules, parallel experiments out of the beam dissolved . Either filter eliminated were conducted with either a 410 barrier filter, this effect. The 410 barrier filter was also used which eliminated all ultraviolet radiation, or a with colchicine experiments, since colchicine is blueglass filter in place . Periodic observations were photosensitive . In all experiments, the beam of also made in regions outside the spot of illumina- light was diverted away from the specimen be- tion . In only one case was an effect of light noted tween observations . in the absence of the filter. When attempting to Using darkfield light microscopy we have veri- disassemble microtubules with Ca, we noticed fied that polymerization can occur onto both ends that microtubules within the beam became stabi- of microtubules in a homogeneous system . Elec- tron-microscope studies of microtubule polymeri- zation cannot easily distinguish growth on either TABLE II end . They only qualitatively show that with time Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 Comparison of Chromosome Nucleated and Free microtubules grow longer . In addition, breakage Microtubule Growth of microtubules and selective adhesion during Free microtubules Chromosome sample preparation are serious impediments to nucleated Fast end Slow end any quantitative electron microscope analysis. To distinguish growth from each end ofa microtubule Exp . 1 6.4 ± 2.2 2.1 ± 1 .2 6.5 ± 1 .3 by electron microscopy, the microtubule must Exp . 2 5.5±0 .9 2.1±0 .9 5.6±1 .8 somehow be marked . Olmsted et al . (31) attempted Exp . 3 5.2±0 .7 1 .6±0 .5 5 .4± 1 .4 to do this by marking microtubule fragments by Microtubule growth was measured by comparing the diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) dextran and allowing lengths of individual microtubules at an interval of -5 them to elongate . However, Erickson and Voter min at 25°C. The left hand column shows the average (13) have shown subsequently that DEAE dextran incremental change in the length of both ends of individ- has a specific effect in promoting tubulin assembly . ual free microtubules . The right hand column shows the Nevertheless, the experiments of Olmsted et al . average incremented change in the length of individual chromosome nucleated microtubules . Both lengths and indicated that homogeneous microtubules grow in standard deviations are given in microns. Exps. l and 2 a biased polar manner, that is, one end grows refer to CHO chromosome. Exp . 3 refers to HeLa chro- faster than the other, a result which we have mosome . -150 chromosome nucleated and 300 free mi- confirmed here . crotubules were analyzed . Continuous observations by darkfield micros-

FIGURE 7 Cold depolymerization of free microtubules . Microtubules were polymerized at 37°C, and depolymerized by washing in purification buffer at 4°C . The interval was -10 s. x 1,870 .


copy allow accurate measurements of the rate of bly, we have confirmed the previous observations growth of each end of individual microtubules by electron microscopy (2, 6, 54) and by darkfield without the inaccuracies which occur when popu- microscopy of microtubule populations (25) that lations of microtubules are sampled . In the exper- microtubules can grow off of both ends of tlagellar iments shown in Figs . I and 2, it is clear that and ciliary axonemes . The slower growing end of microtubule polymerization is polar in nature, pro- the axoneme has a rate of growth equal to the ceeding about three times as fast at one end as at growth rate off the slow end (minus end) of ho- the other. The rate of elongation of the fast grow- mogeneous microtubules while the growth rate off ing end or plus end increases faster with concen- the opposite end equals the rate off the fast end tration than that ofthe slow or minus end (Fig . 4) . (plus end) of free microtubules . Thus, the conclu- The data in Fig . 4 can be presented in terms of a sions concerning polarity based on measurements pseudo first-order reaction, despite the fact that of the overall extent of polymerization of a popu- the rates do not extrapolate to zero at zero protein lation of molecules by electron microscopy are Downloaded from by guest on 23 September 2021 concentration . However, the sum of the apparent confirmed by continuous observation of the second-order rate constants for elongation from growth of individual microtubules by darkfield the plus and minus end agree well with the overall microscopy . elongation rate constantly calculated from the ki- The above results have given us confidence in netic analysis of their turbidimetric experiments utilizing measurements of the rate of microtubule by Johnson, Vallee, and Borisy (22) when a cor- growth as a measure of the polarity of microtu- rection is made for the difference in temperature bules . As shown in Fig . 3, there is very little between the two measurements . overlap in the distribution of the rates for the fast In studies reported here, we have explored only and slow ends of free microtubules, and similar a narrow set of experimental conditions. We have results are obtained with nucleated assembly from used microtubule protein, prepared by cycles of ciliary axonemes . Microtubule growth off meta- polymerization, which is capable of self assembly phase chromosomes as measured by darkfield mi- under standard buffer conditions and contains croscopy (Fig . 6) proceeds at a rate equal to that proteins in addition to tubulin (13, 52, 30, 42) . of the fast growing end (Table II) . This suggests Other investigations have used preparations de- strongly that subunits are adding the ends of the pleted in rings and associated proteins which are microtubules with plus polarity . In particular, the no longer capable or deficient in self assembly . recent experiments of Borisy (7) and coworkers, The current kinetic experiments, extended to other which determined the polarity of microtubules by preparations of tubulin and associated proteins, measuring the average extent of growth as a func- could provide information on the mechanism of tion of time, are confirmed by the present experi- microtubule polymerization . ments. If the growth rate off is also Recently, Margolis and Wilson (29) have re- plus, then it appears that microtubules in the ported experiments suggesting that there is an mitotic spindle are in an antiparallel array (7), as assembly site for tubulin at one end of the micro- in muscle . tubule and a disassembly site for tubulin located The depolymerization experiments with Ca", at the other end . This is an extreme polar model . low temperature, and colchicine showed that de- We find evidence, however, for assembly and for polymerization again can occur off both ends of disassembly at each end of individual microtu- microtubules and that it also has a polarity, al- bules . These experiments, however, are not strictly though no effort was made in these experiments comparable to one another since Margolis and to correlate the polarity of depolymerization with Wilson worked at pseudo-equilibrium conditions, that of polymerization . These experiments can be i .e., where the amount of polymerization was a susceptible to artifact . Earlier experiments with constant, while our experiments were done under KCl depolymerization were quite misleading since steady-state conditions where the amount of pol- careful analysis later showed that KCl also in- ymer increased linearly with time . However, both duced fragmentation of the microtubule as well as their experiments and those reported here strongly inducing depolymerization . imply that homogeneous microtubules have a po- The differential sensitivity of microtubules to larity in assembly . depolymerization with various agents and their In the studies of nucleated microtubule assem- differential rate ofelongation suggest a mechanism

SUMMERS AND KIRSCHNER Darkfreld Microscopy of MICrotubule Assembly 215

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