NOTES ON THE SENATE CHANCELLERY OF THE SENATE 6, WiejsKA STR. | 00-902 WArsaw Essential statistics about tel. 48 22 694 90 34 | fax 48 22 694 93 06
[email protected] the Senate of the Tenth Term The Tenth Term Senate elected on 13th October 2019 has 100 members: 48 were candidates of the Law and Justice Election Committee, 43 of the Civic Coalition Election Committee – Civic Platform, Modern Party .Nowoczesna, Polish Initiative, Greens Party; 3 of the Polish People’s Party Election Commit- tee, 2 of the Democratic Left Alliance Election Committee and 4 of their own election committee. The current Senate counts 76 men and 24 women. In the past, the number of women senators ranged from 6 in the First Term to 23 in the Fifth. The average age of senators is 58 (in the past, it ranged from 49 in the Second Term to 56 in the Fifth, Eighth and Ninth). 4 senators are younger than 40 and 6 are older than 70, 2 are older than 80. 97 senators are university graduates (in the past, the education level ranged from 85 university graduates in the Third Term to 96 in the Ninth). 3 senators have secondary education. 21 senators hold scientific degrees and titles. There are 5 university professors and 16 doctors or doctors habilitated (in the past, the number of professors ranged from 8 in the Ninth Term to 26 in the First). 77 senators have experience in territorial self-governmental work (in the past, it ranged from 13 in the Second Term to 75 in the Ninth).