The Coconino County Wildlife Connectivity Assessment: Report on Stakeholder Input March 2011
The Coconino County Wildlife Connectivity Assessment: Report on Stakeholder Input March 2011 Photo by G. Andrejko, AGFD Arizona Game and Fish Department In partnership with Coconino County and the Arizona Wildlife Linkages Workgroup 1 Recommended citation: Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2011. The Coconino County Wildlife Connectivity Assessment: Report on Stakeholder Input. 2 Acknowledgments: This project would not have been possible without the contributions of the individuals and organizations listed below, to whom we extend our sincere appreciation. Stakeholders: Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs/Camp Navajo, Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Arizona Public Service, Arizona State Forestry, AZTEC Engineering, City of Flagstaff, Coconino County - Community Development, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works Departments, Coconino National Forest, Defenders of Wildlife, El Paso Natural Gas, Energy Transfer Company, Flagstaff Regional Plan Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Grand Canyon Trust, Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, Habitat Harmony, Hopi Nation, Jenness Enterprises, Kaibab National Forest, National Park Service - Flagstaff Area National Monuments and Grand Canyon National Park, Northern Arizona Audubon Society, Northern Arizona University, Oak Creek Canyon Task Force, The Nature Conservancy, US Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Geological Survey, Verde Valley Land Preservation Institute Partners: Arizona Wildlife Linkages
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