Asylum Seekers is a State Issue

If you live in and have a heart for asylum seekers, if you are aghast at the manner in which our nation is treating them, then you have an opportunity to speak up.

That opportunity is the State election.

“What?” you say? Isn’t asylum seeker policy a federal issue? It is. But in the current climate it cannot be and needn’t be – particular in Tasmania. Because in Tasmania, with our multi-member electorates, you don’t just get to prioritise parties in your vote, you also get to prioritise individuals within the parties.

What this means is that you will probably make a decision as to the order you are going to vote for parties – Libs first, Greens second, Labor third – as the case may be. And you’ll probably do this on State issues, which is appropriate. But when you get to the Liberal column – whether that is your first, second, or last column – you then have to decide the order in which you will vote for the five Liberal candidates.

Let me be absolutely clear. I’m not advocating for someone to vote other than Liberal at the State election on the simple basis of asylum seeker policy. What I AM advocating is that you can use the issue to help determine the way in which you order the candidates WITHIN your Liberal vote. Each of those Liberal candidates will have the same Tasmanian policies (except perhaps on conscience issues, but that’s a different story). But they can, and will, differ as individuals on other issues, including asylum seekers. So tell me, if asylum seekers are important to you, when you get to the Liberals in your voting preference, what order will you put the individual Liberal candidates in? I would rather vote for a Liberal that will work within the party to pull it back from the current extremes and insert some heart. I would like to send a message to those within the Liberal party machinations that asylum seekers matter and we are not standing with them in the exercise of current policy.

Let me encourage you to communicate with your Liberal party candidates (and Labor party for that matter, even if they are not in power in Canberra), seeking out their personal opinion on asylum seeker issues. Especially if you are planning to vote 1 for a Liberal, let them know that you are not being narky, but you do want to know which Liberal person to give that vote to.

There are two points to raise. The first is the matter of policy, in particular the detention of women and children in inhumane conditions. The second is the manner in which the policy is executed, in particular the lack of due process and transparency.

Phone call conversations are the best. A personalised email is not bad. If emailing you might want to say something like this:

Dear ,

As a voter in the electorate of I want to draw your attention to the position your party has in guiding our nation’s response to asylum seekers.

The policy of forcefully transporting and detaining asylum seekers in inferior conditions without due process or sufficient regard for humanitarian need is irresponsible and offensive to any recognition of human value.

The manner in which this policy is being executed by the Federal Government is abhorrent to principles of good government and government accountability, as well as being deleterious to our national conscience and our international reputation.

The members of your party who are elected to office in the Tasmanian parliament will find themselves in a position of influence and high standing within your party. I am reticent to prioritise candidates who are not willing to stand up against the intransigence of their federal colleagues.

I would therefore appreciate any insight you could give me as to your personal view on this matter, and how you will seek to promote the cause of asylum seekers.



You can contact Liberal party candidates with the following information (obtained from public sources):

FRANKLIN [email protected] Jacquie [email protected] Petrusma Paul Harriss [email protected] Nic Street [email protected] ?? [email protected] (email Sue Bastone unconfirmed) BRADDON Jeremy [email protected] Rockliff Adam Brooks [email protected] ?? [email protected] (email Kyron Howell unconfirmed) Roger [email protected] Jaensch Joan Rylah [email protected] DENISON Matthew [email protected] Groom [email protected] Rene Kling [email protected] Robert [email protected] Mallett Deborah de [email protected] Williams LYONS Rene Hidding [email protected] [email protected] Guy Barnett [email protected] Bertrand ?? [email protected] (email Cadart unconfirmed) Martyn Evans [email protected] BASS Michael [email protected] Ferguson Peter [email protected] Gutwein Sarah [email protected] Courtney Barry Jarvis [email protected] Leonie [email protected] McNair