June 25Th Agenda
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Bude-Stratton Town Council Parkhouse Centre Ergue-Gaberic Way Bude EX23 8LD Tel: 01288 353576 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bude-stratton.gov.uk To all members of the Planning Committee Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend a Remote Meeting (due to COVID-19) of the Planning Committee on Thursday 25th June 2020 at 9.00am for the purpose of transacting the under mentioned business. The press, public and all other members of the Town Council are invited to attend Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85011257431?pwd=YlM5aG1xRnVQS0lLK2hKMUZwQldldz09 Meeting ID: 850 1125 7431 Password: 740662 One tap mobile +442030512874,,85011257431#,,,,0#,,740662# United Kingdom +442034815237,,85011257431#,,,,0#,,740662# United Kingdom Dial by your location +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 850 1125 7431 Password: 740662 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbha4XefNr Mr K Cornwell – Town Clerk Date of issue –19th June 2020 A G E N D A 1. To receive and accept apologies for absence 2. To receive registered and non-registered disclosable pecuniary interests and non-registerable interests 3. Dispensations: to consider requests for dispensations (for which a Dispensation Request form must have been completed and submitted to the Proper Officer at least 3 working days prior to the meeting) 4. Minutes: to receive, confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held 11th June 2020 (to be signed by Chairman at a later date in the presence of a BSTC officer). 5. Public participation – a maximum of 15 minutes for public present to make comments concerning the business of the current Council (maximum of 2 minutes per person - dependent on numbers present; questions must be directed through the Chairman) 6. Planning applications – to discuss and decide on response to Cornwall Council on the applications listed below 7. Pre-planning Applications – to discuss and respond where applicable on the applications listed below 8. Neighbourhood Plan Action Group – to review progress and agree any actions and expenditure 9. Correspondence Received – for information: copied to all Committee Members unless stated otherwise a) Decision Notices b) To note and discuss correspondence received since the last meeting and agree any associated actions 10. Planning Enforcement – To receive updates and discuss and refer, if appropriate, any new issues 11. Section 106 monies, CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) and Developer Off Site Contributions Planning applications – 25th June 2020 1) Ref. No: PA20/03038 - Erection of 36no static caravans for use as holiday accommodation. Bude Holiday Resort, Maer Lane, Bude, EX23 9EE. 2) Ref. No: PA20/04295 - Conversion and extensions to existing garage to form a self contained Granny Annexe. Roffens Poughill Road, Bude, EX23 8NZ. 3) Ref. No: PA20/03971 - Conversion of Sunday School building to residential ancillary accommodation (Resubmission of previous application PA19/04064 dated 16.07.2019). The Old Manse, Flexbury Park Road, Bude, EX23 8HP. 4) Ref. No: PA20/03972 - Listed building consent for conversion of Sunday School building to residential ancillary accommodation (resubmission of previous application PA19/04065 dated 16.07.2019). The Old Manse, Flexbury Park Road, Bude, EX23 8HP. 5) Ref. No: PA20/04664 - Listed Building Consent for the Installation of boiler flue. 25 King Street, Bude, EX23 8ED. 6) Ref. No: PA20/04663 - Listed Building Consent for the Installation of boiler flue. 22 King Street, Bude, EX23 8ED. 7) Ref. No: PA20/04662 - Listed Building Consent for the Installation of boiler flue. 2 King Street, Bude, EX23 8ED. 8) Ref. No: PA20/04310 - Construction of a Single Storey Garage. Land South Of 98 Berries Avenue, Bude, EX23 8QP. 9) Ref. No: PA20/04424 - Proposed rear extension and deck. 6 Flexbury Park Road, Bude, EX23 8HP. Pre-Applications – 25th June 2020 applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QB8SVBFG0IS00 PA20/01099/PREAPP - Pre application advice for the erection of a single new detached dwelling. Sunrays, Stratton Road, Bude, EX23 8AQ. Voting members: Cllrs L Deely, B Dixon, A Gibbs, P La Broy, I Mason, L Moores, R Willingham, R Uhlig Non-voting members: Cllrs S Browning, P Kelly, P Moores, T O’Sullivan, F Partridge, H Partridge, P Tilzey, N Tucker .