
COMMUNITY OF DATA GUIDE Population Density Popueucn Secondary Telephone Cars Visitors and Overn i ht sta s. 1995 Population Density Populatinn Secnndary Ieíephone ces (pop/km2) >= 65 years Housing fines (per 1000 (popll=65 years Housing fines (per 1000 (%) (%) (per inhabitants) % C.M. / (%) (%) (per inhabitanls) 1000 inhab.) 1000 inhab.)

1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 Hotels (number 01establishments). 175 5.488 3,2 1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 (number 01places available). 40.301 904.125 4,5 Topog raphy and Hyd rology Mora ta de Tajuña 5.438 301 Inns (number 01establishments) . 485 4.655 10,4 Móstoles 196.173 (number 01places available). 14.058 169.892 8,3 321 o 400 -600 M 1.778 614 Campings sites (number 01establishments) . 24 1.130 2,1 Acebeda (La) 53 679 Nava lafue nte 459 O 600-800 M 914 (number 01places available) .. 13.144 622.432 2,1 1.622 653 Navataqamella 939 546 _ 800 -1 .000 M 166 695 Number 01visitors (thousands) . 4.289,1 37.428,9 11 ,5 11.601 329 Alama (El) 521 _ 1.000 · 1.200 M 3.878 Navarredonda 99 673 Foreigners . 2.522,5 21.142,9 11,9 Alcalá de Henares 163.386 324 Navas de l Rey 1.440 <13 Spaniards . 1.766,6 16.286,0 10,8 0 ' .200 - 1.400 M 83.031 391 Nuevo Baztan 2.108 823 A1corc ón 141.465 346 Overnight stays (thousands) . 8.410,5 159.463,1 5 ,3 _ 1.400 - 1.600 M 146 59Z 4.630,7 58.281,4 7,9 1.236 642 Orusco 670 643 Foreigners . _ 1.600 ·1.800 M A1gete 12.33 411 Paracuellos de Uarama 5.293 ~ 58 Spaniards . 3.779,8 101.181,7 3 ,7 Alpeo rete 5.211 605 _ MORE THAN 1.000 M 69.163 297 Ambit e 290 866 ~03 360 D RIVER 596 308 1.154 674 Business Activities main figures 1994 Aranjue z 38.900 330 .198 1.130 _ DAM 29.224 406 Perales de Tajuña 1.991 402 Employed Aeovomounos 2.709 298 PezuelaC1e las Torres 540 49 5.000 10.000 15.000 Ala zar (El) 96 228 Pinitla del Valle 167 500 I I I 639 642 Pinto 25.038 369 2.707 803 Pinu écar 160 513 1.142 276 Pozuelo de :Atareón 60.120 403 Berrueco (El) 318 340 252 350 Berzosa del 116 389 Prádena de l Rincón 110 330 Boadilla de l Mon le 17.8 14 35 7 78 294 Boalo (El) 2.451 839 414 500 155 426 829 397 ~ 89 331 Bascatrla 1.459 558 8 runete 3.940 398 Redueña 163 427 Buitrago de l Lozoya 1.403 ~75 Btbatejada 30Z 807 Bustarvieio 1.345 559 Rivas-Vaciamadrid 22.620 422 410 866 Robled illo de la :Jara 84 420 Cab rera (La) 1.337 573 Robledo de Chavala 2.139 686 Cadalso de los Vidri os 2.2H 595 Aob regordo 88 729 Cama rma de Esteruelas 2.086 391 Rozas de Madr id (Las) 45.280 412 2.548 332 3 19 580 I I carencia 474 430 San Agust ín de Guadalix 4.603 517 30.000 60.000 90.000 120.000 150.000 Carabaña 1.063 580 29.688 430 Gr o ss Valu e Added (millions p ts.) Casartubuetos 622 316 San Lorenzo del Escorial 10.828 446 1.898 408 San Martín oe la Veg a 8.995 330 Cercedtlta 5.051 652 San Martín de Valdeiqte sias 5.969 434 Cervera de Buitraqo 97 245 San Sebastián de los Reye s 57.632 363 12.445 271 Santa María de la Alameda 752 692 International trade by groups 01 activity 1995 Cobeña 2 . 07~ a37 Santo rcaz 529 453 5.596 279 Santos de la Humosa (Los) 918 376 Colmenar de l Arroyo 816 501 Serna del Monte (t:a) 111 505 28.328 383 Serranillas de l Valle 810 500 g 3.558 ~70 Sevilla la Nu eva 2.650 462 "1 3.681 593 99 381 g 36.950 481 Soto de l Real 3.992 751 Carpa 384 344 Talamanca de Jararna 1.334 512 '" Cos lada 76.001 359 Tletmes 1.973 299 ~ Cubas 1.149 437 Titu lcia 918 307 ~ Chap inería 1.145 458 Torr ejón de Ardo z 88.821 347 'O Chinchón 3.849 360 Source: Consejer ía de Obras Públicas, Urbanismo y Transportes Torrejón de la Calzada 3.2 19 418 ~ 2.429 492 Torrejón de Velasco 1.504 318 :¡¡ Esco rial (El) 8.554 636 2.612 365 o Estreme ra 1.076 353 tcr reicocnes W .743 450 ~ FresnedilJas 635 538 Torremocha de 32 2 228 Fresno de terete 499 559 3.925 303 ( 11 ,17 % ) 12,7 5%) ~ 163.567 328 27.715 484 Fuente el Saz de Uarama 3.208 a 1Q 650 316 m iIi Fuentidueña de Tajo 1.398 369 vatoeaverc 556 403 (2 .25% ) (2,42%) ;1 EU 15 Galapaqar 16.503 a38 Valde lag una 540 490 329 478 515 475 (9,2 6% ) ~ Surlace area (Km2). 7.995 505.992 3.191.347 Gargantilla del Lozc ya 212 1.069 Valdemaquetla 553 640 (2 2 ,2 1%) (13 ,04% ) ( 11,2 6 %) j By use: 102 537 3.99 7 672 143.153 338 Ü Valde moro 21.240 359 Agricullural (%) . 26 52 3 5 Griñón 3.748 439 o Agrlcultural & fishery products W v atoeotmos-Atalpardo 1.625 393 'O ~~ ~~~. 19 3 2 26 Guadal ix de la Sierra 2.48 1 ~69 Valdep iélagos 32Z 33 1 o Energy and water O Melallurgy & rcn-metamc mineral prod ~ Others areas (%) . 55 16 40 7.830 695 valoetorres de Jarama 1.662 455 (25,9 9%) O Chemical indus try a: Maximun average monlhly temp erature ro C) ... 26,4 25,2 17,8 (1) Hiruela (t:a) 56 276 1.79Z 363 • Building and metal manufacluring 'O Horc ajo de la Sierra 127 727 de Alcalá 265 344 • Machinery Minimun average monlh ly tempe rature ro C). 10,0 6,6 4 ,1 (1) Horca jue lo de la Sierra 91 500 Velílla de San Anton io a.59Z 348 • Electncal & erect-orscar suo. & equip j Hoyo de Manzan ares 5.080 654 Vellón (El) • Transpon supplies 1.045 437 W (1) EU 12 (1993) 8.305 520 539 1.101 • Otner manutacturlnq ínoustnes 'O Leqan és 174.593 329 3.758 388 ~ 2.672 391 Vmacone jos 2.909 282 '2 Lozoya 444 705 3.586 465 ~ Lozoyuela·Nava s·Sieteiglesias 622 692 VilJamanrique de Tajo 585 423 36 600 Vilfam anta 1.499 460 Ü m Madrid 2.866 .850 486 338 451 w Majad aho nda 40.042 374 Villanueva de la Cañada 7.913 375 'O El Real 3.087 721 444 423 a Meco 4.142 315 Villanueva de l Pardillo 2.887 371 11 Mejorada del Cam po 14.677 340 VilJar de l Olmo 1.010 344 Instituto de Estadística 3.365 594 vínare]o de Salvan és 5.384 298 Comun idad de Madrid j CONSEJERIA DE HACIENDA Molar (El) 3.422 363 Villaviciosa de Odón 17.019 399 W Molinos (Los) 2.957 530 CONSEJERIA DE HACIENDA 'O 180 436 11 Mon tejo de la Sierra 279 a60 9 Zarzateio 1.002 522 Instituto de Estadística Comunidad de Madrid 2.289 456 1 I I . 5 % C.M. / Spain WOM EN Me n 95 & m o re Seats 90-94 . 4.780.572 4.947.599 2.411.548 2.610.741 85-89 Extension of roads (Km) . 3.326 162.617 2,0 Municipality Mad rid . 3.058.182 3.010.492 1.338.558 1.528.292 eO-84 01 Highways, motorways & do uble way roads Metropolitan Area . 1.409.60 1 1.582 .077 849 .884 860.092 75-79 PSOE (32) (Km) . 619 8.133 7,6 Other Municipalities . 312. 789 354 .986 223 .106 222.357 70-74 65-69 Number of haulage vehicles .. 316.566 2.936.765 10,8 Demo ra h 60-64 Number of cars . 2.232.131 14.212.259 15,7 5 5 -59 EUROPEAN Passenger Iraflic (Ihousands) 50-54 '/1." UNION 45-49 Railway (RENFE). 7.707 365 .503 2,1 1995 40-44 Air .. 19.571 95.432 20,5 35-39 Domestic ... 39.962 25,2 Birth rate (per 1000 inhabita nts) .. 9,3 9,2 10,8 10.061 30-34 International . 9.510 55.470 17,1 Average number of children per wo man .. 1,1 1,2 1,6 25-29 PP (54) Excess 01births . 2,2 0,3 0,8 20-2 4 Co mmunications Death rate (per 1000 inhabitants) . 7,1 8,7 10,0 15 - 19 Telephone lines installed (thousands). 2.600 16.114 16,1 Age average at death: Men. 67,9 66,8 67,3 10 - 1 4 Mobile telephony (thousands susc ribers ) . 175 929 18,8 Women . 76,8 76,2 76,4 5 -9 0-4 Marriage rate (per 1000 inhabitants). 4,5 5,0 4,3 + , I Life expectancy at birth : Men . 72,4 73,2 73,5 250.000 150.000 50.000 50.000 150.000 250 .000 Women ... 82,6 81,2 79,8 200.000 100.00 0 100.000 200.000

Voles l o Parties in lhe % C.M / Spai n Communily 01 Madrid EU Thousands 01Tonnes (1994) Potatoes ...... 57,1 4.057,6 1,4 Total (thousands) . 2152 ,1 1302 850, 1 15.936 ,1 155. 189,0 THE JURY POPULATION 1996 Melon . 23,2 916,1 2,5 Employed (thousands) 1710,8 1086 624,8 12.396 ,0 137.557,6 Letucce . 76,6 972,1 7,9 Agric ulture (%) . 1,1 1,5 0,3 8,7 5,5 Less Than 500 Garlic 5,9 199,3 3,0 Industry (%) ... 18,0 21,4 12,2 20,1 30,7 501 - 2.000 Wine & grape must (Thousands. HI.) . 268,8 19.571,7 1,4 Construction (%) 8,5 12,2 2,0 9,5 (1) Livestock farm ing, main species . 1993 Services (%) . 72,4 64,9 85,5 61,7 63,8 2001 - 10.000 Heads Unemployed (thousands). 441,3 216 225,3 3.540,0 17.673,2 Bovine ... 76.401 4.830.779 1,6 Activity rate (%) ...... 52,1 66,4 39,2 49,6 55,0 10.001 - 50.000 Ovine 175.560 18.950.757 0,9 Unemployment rate (%) 20,5 16,6 26,5 22,2 11,4 50.001 - 100.000 Porcine .... 50.5 11 13.064.024 0,4 Employment rate (%) . 79,5 83,4 73,5 77,8 88,6 Poultry (thousans heads) . 104.411 0,8 (1) Induslry rs mcn roeo More than 100,000 863 Milk (millions 01litres) 1994 Cow 's milk . 68,4 5.317,3 1,3 Sheep 's milk . 7,8 334,2 2,3

Pre School . 138.499 12,5 Primary Education (EGB) . 470.514 32.553 12,2 Industrial sector main figu res Spec ial Education .. 4.761 991 16,2 Upper Seco ndary /Secondary Ed. . Establishments 1995 . 18.217 (BUP & COU) . 203.762 474 16,2 Employees 1995 . 245.145 Upper Seco ndary Nocational Training 72.739 24.8 18 149 10,1 Staft costs 1994 (thousands ptas. ) . 1.013.111 L.O.G.S.E. 67.843 2.820 12,0 Gross Production 1994 (thousands ptas .) . 4.858 .096 Compulsory Secondary Education 55.319 12,2 Value added at facto rs cost 1994 (thousands ptas .) 1.584.577 L.O.G.S.E. Baccalaureate . 12.524 11,4 University (1) . 247627 15195 214 17,2 Adu lt Education . . 30.4 71 2.024 123 9,4 Gross Value Added Disl rib utio n (1) Academic vear 1994-95 Communil y 01 Madrid . 1994 , (17,73%)

COMM UNITY OF MADRID SPAIN Main macroeconomic aggreg ates. 1994 Thousand million pesetas. Aovance (43,18%) - - (7,24%) 1994 Per 1000 inhabitants Physicians .. 26.589 5,2 4,2 COMM UNITY SPAIN % C.M. / Spa in Dentists . 2.629 0,5 0,3 OF MADRID Veterinaria ns . 1.957 0,4 0,5 1. Gross value added at market prices . 9553 60.766 15,7 In- atient health-care institutions 2. Production-related taxes . 338 3.254 10,4 COMMUNITY OF MADRID SPAIN 3. Operating subsidies 34 1 2.080 16,4 1993 1993 4. Gross value added at factors cost . 9556 59.591 16,0 • Metallurgy, Non metallic loo.& Cbemicallno. D Construction &metalmanufaduring • Wages and salaries ... 5.109 28.98 2 17,6 Beds per 1.000 inhabitants .. 4,3 4,1 • Machinery, Elecmcal &eleceoncalsupplies&.Transport • Other manufacturing industries • Gross operating profit .. 4.447 30.6 10 14,5 Level 01occ upat ion (%). 75,5 77,6 Patient turnover per bed per year . 25,2 25,7 National private cons umption . 5.962 40.660 14,7 Gross Valu e Added Dislribulion Index per bed in service : Total staft .. 2,7 2,3 Food, drin ks and tobacco . 1.238 8.422 14,7 Spai n.1994 Health-care staft . 1,8 1,6 COMMU NITY OF MADRID SPAIN Others goods and services . 4.714 32.238 14,6 Operations per ope rating theatre per year .. 863,5 780 ,7 1996 % 1996 % 1991 Domestic consumption in the economic territory 5.896 42.968 13,7 Number 01 deaths b rnalor cau ses 01 dea lh Total Housing class . 2.105.110 100,0 100,0 Finances. 1995 t rousanc million cesetas • At 3 t st cece mcer COM MUNITY OF MADRID SPAIN Family Dwellings .. 2.103.912 99,9 99,9 1995 % ove r tota l (%) 1993 Number 01opera tive branch bank . 3.976 36.252 11,0 Occ upied .. 1.820.951 86,5 85,5 Deposits in banks and savings banks .. 12.999 56.373 23,1 Tumours . 10.192 29,2 25,8 Principal. 1.638.436 77,8 68.2 Credits granted by ban ks Circulatory system . 11.319 32,5 40,5 Secondary . 182.515 8,7 17,0 and savings ba nks .. 12.912 50. 151 25,7 Resp iratory system ." 3.554 10,2 9,6 Vacants .. 282.961 13,4 14,4 Digestive system .. 2.057 5,9 5,5 Acco modation . 1.198 0,1 0,1 Others causes .. 7.742 22,2 18,5