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CITY of CHATHAM D CLASSIFIED BUSINESS Direcrory 0 BILL CITY OF CHATHAM D CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREcrORY 0 ABATIOIR Johns, J L, Entlf'P'I~S, b50 Grand ave L Lenover Brothers UmolA!d, n s Park av e ext ALUMINUM WINDOWS t. DOORS Armstrong, 0 B, 28 O'Neol A ACCOUNT AN T S~~LIC HOSKINS SUPPLY CO (CHATHAM) LIMITED, CHARTERED AND AUDITORS 24 0 William s Hutcningaml' Alummum Products, 2 Indian Creek Austin, G Harold, 52 Fourth road e M Brown , Edmund A, 89 Thames CHATHAM BOOKKEEPING & DUPLICATING AMBULANCES SERVICE, 218 StClair Chrysler, Shollln~oo & Co, 52 Fourth ARBOUR' S CHATHAM AMBULANCE, 159 Ralel~ 0 Janes, C Morley & Co, 31 Sixth Kirne, Beattl~ & Co, 39 Grand av w ANNUITIES Mirtm, Antl1ff & Co, 141 Gral'ld «V e Govemmenl, Federal Bldg McCrack~n , Chas, 188 lnshes av R Pearsoo, Edwards & Co, b7 A~lafde s ANTENNA INSTALLATION PEAT , LEONARD W, 204 Queen Richardsoo, E U & Co, 259 Queen Chatham TV Antenna lnstallat•on5, 401 Queen Papps Antenna Servocc, 1871'1 Rletwnood E ADDRESSING ANTIQUES CHATHAM STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE, 137 King w Pbotopphic Bloomfield House, w s Bloomfield Side rd Studio AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS APARTMENT BUILDINGS ond Case Power & Equ,pment , b53 Grand iN e Chapman's Fann Equipment Ltd, 545 Grand ave And.- Block Apts, 1131, King w Camera Dent, J V & Soo, n s RlchmOf'ld Amold Apts, 342 King w INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES & SERVICE, Avenel Apts, 141 Williams Shop 700 Rlchmood 8,1tes Apts, 30'1 Willlaro s Leeson Tractor Ltd, 400 Rlchmood ext Bosveld & Gr.tham Apts, 32 Lacroox McGrail F.-m Equ1pment, n s lndllll'l Creek rd w Brown Apts 1 87 H!l'vey 8ouud Spocer, Wm & Sons, s s Grand ave Burrows Apts, 58~ Thames Toml'n Mfg Co, 3 Wood Carltoo Arms, 190 Thaml's Tnack Wlleox Glen Farm Equipment, 35 Wellington e Comet A pts, s ·s Richmond Commerce Apt s, 4 7 Market sQ e Crump Apts, 10'n KinCJ w AIR CONDITIONING Eastoo Block Apts, b9~ King w P. A. Edel~te1n Apt$, 1b5'h Kmg w s,.wms CHATHAM SHEET METAL, 27 Centte Fougeuld Apts, 78 Lacro•x MAYNARD HEATING CO, 12 School Gilhula Apts, 59 Lome av PETERS, R G, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, Howe Apts 1 73 StClair 5 1 Centre Jeffrey Apts, 12 Jeffrey R«ord.inp UNION GAS CO OF CANADA LIMITED, 48-54 Johnsoo Apts, 19b Victoria av Tape. Dilc Fifth s Johnstoo Apts 1 52 LatfOIX Kl!flt Manor Apts, 383 Welltnglon w AIR AND STEAMSHIP TRAVE L Kerr Apts, 123 Vtctor1aav RISPIN, W E & SON L TO, 143'h King w Lamson Apts, 11 Rale1~ OJ'PL VELLINGA'S WORLD WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE L TO, L•verpool Apts, 103 ~ Kino w TeleTilion 244 QIJeell :Ne1r1 McWolliar· Apts 1 28 Second Murray Aots, 20 Murray ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Myers Apts, 104 Harvey Canadian Mouldings Ltd, 300 Lacroix P•l< Apts 1 232 Patk Daymood Co Ltd, 300 Lacroix Park Villa AptS, 143 Park 219 QVBD GREEN, WM L, CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY, P~~tltview Apts, 89'h Thames Phou: 117 Gladstone av Rank on AptS, b5 Lome av 3&218tn HOSKINS SUPPLY CO CCHATHAMl LIMITED, Scane Apts, 3 1'.S King w 240 Williams Spa-ks Apts, 26 Florence 17 1 "Jin~onntault" Jl)taltfJ 6tubio~ CHATHAM 352-3733 STEAM BATH-MASSAGE-REDUCING S~ks Manot, 4 04 Grand av e AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Statl« Apts, 273 Wellington w British Canadian MOlOI's <Chathl!ll) Ltd, 202 Graod Stephenson Apts, 41 Third avenue w Stokes Apts, 88 Lacroix CHATHAM MOTORS L TO, Keil dr & Grllld av Terrace Forty Apts, 15 Witherspoon CLEMENTS MOTOR SALES L TO, 16 Adelatde s Tewkesbury Apts, 199 Stanley av Thimesview COtrt, 75 M.-y ELLIOT, SANDY LIMITED, 370 R1ch!nond LOWES, W, MOTORS LIMITED, 150 Richmond Wellington Apts, 111 Wellington w 0 National MotOI's, 400 Richmond APIARISTS' SUPPLIES Nicholson Motot Sales, 533 Richmond RICHMOND MOTORS (CHATHAM) LIMITED, 253 Cl'lysl«, W A & Son, e s Bloomfield rd Richmond RIVERVIEW SERVICE CENTRE, 65 Williams APPLIANCES ROSSINI BROS LIMITED, 630 GrMd ave EATON, T, CO LTD, 76-78 King w STACEY, BERT, MOTORS LTO, 259 King w at Third APPRAISERS STACEY , LYLE, MOTORS LTD, 401 Richmond BABKIRK, BERNIE, 65 Centre AUTOMOBILE DEALERS USED CARS CHATHAM REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, 8 Third CONEYBEARE, F W, LTD, Wellington cor Fourth Siddell Auto Sales, 379 St Clair LAMSON, W F, REAL ESTATE, 11 Ralei!ll Bodkin MotOI' Sales, 193 C4leen LEGATE, MYLES, REALTOR, 211 LlydicM av ext Campbell's Used Cars, 383 RichmONI CHATHAM MOTORS L TO, Kei I dr & Grand av ARCHERY EQUIPMENT CLEMENTS MOTOR SALES LTD, lb Adela1de s ELLIOT, SANDY, LTD, 370 Richmond Peerson Ben of CMada Ltd, 47 StGeorge HENDERSON , BRUCE, MOTORS, 380 Queen ARCHITECTS Lewis Auto Sales, 105 Richmond LOWES, D W, MOTORS LIMITED , 141 Richmond Dawes, Fredk W, 218 Queen Martrn's Used Car Lot, 190 Grand av w STOREY, JOSEPH W ARCHITECT, 15 Grand av w RIVERVIEW SERVICE CENTRE, 65 Will IIIII s ROSSINI BROS LIMITED, 630 Grand av t .ill.!ill STACEY, BERT , MOTORS L TO, 98 Wellington w Jordan, Frank (coml), 74 Sunnyside av STACEY, LYLE, MOTORS LIMITED, 401 Weatherhead Commercial Art Service, 99 Wllliillll s Richmond ASPHALT PAVING AUTO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Kent Asphalt Paving, 170 Byng av ELLIOT , SANDY, LTD, 370 Richmond Labombard's Chath1111 Limited, 55 StClair ASPHALT PRODUCTS STEVENS AUTO ELECTRIC, 307 Ktng w WALLACE ELECTRIC CO, 42 Hney RITE-WAY MAINTENANCE COMPANY, 162 Grand av w AUTOMOBILE GARAGES AND REPAIRS AUCTIONEERS Arrow Repair & Service, 402 StClair Bill & Jack's S«~tice, 343 Queen Cooit, Ernest L, 201 Wood Irwin, Don, 52 Hlllycrd Chatham Automatic Transmission, 77 Houston CHATHAM MOTORS L TO, Keil dr & Grand av w AUTO ACCESSORIES & SUPPLIES CLEMENTS MOTOR SALES LTD, 16 Adelaide s Creek Road Auto Repairs, w s Creek BOWMAN-ANTHONY LIMITED, lb Wellington e ELLIOT, SANDY, LTD, 370 Richmond Browns Auto Supply, 14 Devonshire rd HENDERSON, BRUCE, MOTORS, 380 <atn CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE lies, Norman, 515 Richmond STORE, 384 Richmond JOHNNY'S AUTO REPAIR, 346>,;Queen FIRESTONE STORES, 51 WetHngton w Johnson, Sunoco S«Vice, 178 St Clair GOODRICH, B F, CANADA LIMITED, 15·17 KENT TIRE SERVICE, 124 Byng av King e LOWES, D W, MOTORS LIMITED, 150 Richmond MAPLE CITY GAS & 01 L LTO, 1 Hney COf Morse, Clue, MotOI's, 625 StClair Wellington w Nicholson Motot Sales, 533 Richmond Wright Auto Parts, Ltd, 159 Lacroix RICHMOND MOTORS (CHATHAM> LIMITED 253 Richmond ' AUTO BODY REPAIRS ROSSINI BROS LIMITED, 630 Grand ave Russell's Garage, 31 TayiOI' av Adilllls, Tom, Auto Body, s s Richmond Scotty's Auto S«Vict 1 25 Beatty BALL, JIM AND SONS AUTO BODY SHOP, 360 Smld's Service, 813 Queen Lacroix STACEY, BERT, MOTORS L TO, 259 King w at Bitt«l!la'l'l Auto Body Paint Shop, 98>,; StClair Thild Cecil's Auto Body Shop, 562 Richmond STACEY,LYLE, MOTORS LIMITED 401 Chatham MotOfS Body Shop, 55 Park Richmond ' ELLIOT, SANOY, LIMITED , 370 Richmond, Thibodeau's Garage, 275 Wood STACEY, LYLE , MOTORS LIMITED 253-401 Tony's G~rage, 413 Pan av w • Richmond I Towsley Muffl• Centre, 586 StClair Tumer•s Auto Repair, 205 King t 18 FORD'S JEWEL.LEU Gin'S- JEWELLERY- DIAMONDS - WAfCHU and Jli!PAIBI.O liM JUlfO STKZJ!T WEST PHOHI 85Ht20 Walt's Carage, 190 CrMd BYe Dutch Bate Shop, 450 Cram! ave Wlute Rose Carage, &40 Richmond Jac:~son's Bal<.enes Ltd, 165 Park ave Zellers A1tomot1Ve Centre, n s Cr.Jd IN w Maple City Bakery, 365 Crand 1Y w Marra's Wholeule Bread, 2b5 Richmond AUTO GENERATORS Spudllllt Shop, 161 Rtchmond WALLACE ELECTRIC CO, 42 Htney TOASTMASTER BAKERY LTD,45b St Cla•r Wiersma's Bakery, 6 King w AUTO CLASS Williams PIIStry Shop, 586 Queen BLOND EEL CLASS LTO , 85 St Clair CLEN CARRELL ENTERPRISES LIMITED, 378 ~ R1chmond BANK OF MONTREAL, lMaln Br), 131 Kmg w Ban\ of Morltreal, 55D Rtchmond AUTOMOBILE PAINTING B111k of Montreal, 401 St Clair It McNaugtton IN BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, THE, 132 Ktng w ELLIOT, SANDY, LTD, 370 Richmond Fenton's Auto Palnt Shop, 305 Richmond CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE , St PlerTe's Auto Paull Shop, 315 Merritt av 99 King w CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE, AUTO PARTS (See 11lso Auto Accessorle' & Supplies) 101 Kmg w BOWMAN-ANTHONY LIMITED, 1& Wellington e CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE , 'M~n!ng ~uto & Mac:hlne, 83 Centre 419 Richmond MAPLE CITY CAS & OIL, 1 Harvey CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Walker Automotive & Machine Co, b9 Crll!d av e 424 StClair AUTO RENTALS Canad1an lmperi11l Bank of Co~M~ette, 651 Grand avenuew STACEY, LYLE, MOTORS LTD, 401 Richmond ROYAL BANK OF CANADA , THE, 130 l<ing w Tilden Rent-A-Car, 244 Queen Royal Bank of Canadll, The, &15 Rtchmond Toronto-Dominion B111k, The, 185 King w AUTO SUPPLIES Bondy's Auto Supply (Chatham) Limited, 70 Richmond Toronto-Dominion Bank, Tl~e, 75 King w Towne Auto Supply, 22 0 Rlchmond BARBERS AUTO TIRES Alexander's Bwber Shop, 68 King e ELLIOT, SANDY, LTO, 370 Richmond Baker, B, 18 Hrtey FIRESTONE STORES, 51 Wellington w Central Barber Shop, 203 Kmg w GOODRICH, B F, CANADA LIMITED, 15-17 Clem's Barber Shop, 2b W•lllam s King e o,ck's Barber Shop, 189 Gfaod IN. AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTS Giffard, Kent & Art Hiller Barber Shop, 255 King w Cord's Barber Shop, 49 r.•.ket Sll e Dominion Auto Tr111s1t Co Ltd, w s Met!'IU 1N Hli!Ty's Barbef Shop, 33 King w AUTO WASH Ideal Barber Shop, 48 Williams F arac:l & Sons Car Wash, 9 King e Jac:k's B~rber Shop, 333 Queen Sofsru Car Wash, 'Thanoes·Ln Plaza Johnston Barber Shop, 179 St Cia" Johnston's Barber Shop, 129 Queen AUTO WRECKERS Kenny, Ray, 238 Kong w Dover Auto Wteckers, 57 Sandys Mriet Barber Shop, 141 Wellington w M«ed•th's Barber Shop, 246 Queen AUTOMATION SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT Nortown Barber Shop, 4 2 2 St Clatr T & H Controls Ltd, 300 Met!'iU av Ogle, Thos, b F lfth s Park St Barber Shop, 232 Patk AUTOMOTIVE PAINTS Pete's Barber Shoo, 4 Richmond BOWMAN-ANTHONY LIMITED, lb Welllfl9ton e Ron's Barber Shop, 71 St Cla.r Sales Barber Shop, 23 Klr1g w AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES Sanltll'y Bat!let Shop, 6 7 Fourth BOWMAN-ANTHONY LTO, lb Wellington e Schneider, Ceo, 177 Klngw Manning Automotive & MKhlne~, 83 Cerve Smith's Barbef Shop, b4 St Clair Sl)l'geon's Engines, 47 BC~Yowman Ted's Barber Shop, 37B~ Richmond AWNINGS ANO TENTS Thames-Lea Barber Shop, n s Crane! IN w "'I Tom's Barber Shop, bl StClair Ill HOSKINS SUPPLY CO (CHATHAM) LTO, 240 Van De Vync:kel, John, 31 Mar~et sQ e o William s = Quality Tr1m Shop, 22 Adelaide 5 Wm Pitt B•bet Shop, 2b Sutth ~ ~AKERS (See also Confectioners) BARRISTERS ;i ~C~h~~am~B~u~,~e~~~~8~7~T~M~me~s------------------~A-r_c_hl_~_l_d,__ M_•_9ar __ et_,_6_5_S_I_~ ________________ ~~ 19 .....
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