EDOS SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS East Denver Orthodox Synagogue, Estab 1962 Rabbi Daniel Rapp 198 S
February 9, 2019 Parashat Terumah vnur, ,arp ywwga, wt rst ws EDOS SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS East Denver Orthodox Synagogue, Estab 1962 Rabbi Daniel Rapp 198 S. Holly St., Denver, CO 80246 President, Craig Schottenstein 303-322-7943 Gabbai, Avi Mehler Times Friday ,ca Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Daf Yomi 5:30 7:30 AM 6:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 Shacharit 6:45 Kriyat Shema: 9:36 7:30 6:30 6:45 6:45 6:30 6:45 9:00 Mincha 5:15 5:05 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:20 5:25 4: 5:10 23: 6:11 4: 5:18 Readings Welcome ArtScroll Torah 444 e extend a warm welcome to everyone who is Wdavening with us today. ArtScroll Haftorah 1157 Special welcome to our Scholar-In-Residence Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb. EDOS Classes This Week A warm welcome to Rabbi Abraham and Roz Cooper, Rambam Shiur Shlomo Fried/ 30 minutes before here for Shai's upsherin and the OU events. ,ca Shacharit Avi Mehler Thank You Shabbat Shiur Rabbi Engel 50 minutes before Thank you to those providing Divrei Torah this week! Mincha Lea and Dr. David Polaner would like to express their gratitude to those who donated in honor of the kiddush Sun Halacha Sugya Rabbi Fleisher 8:15 AM last week. They will miss us (as we will miss them). Mon Women's Tehillim Raacheli 7:00 PM Mazel Tov Fried's home Mazel Tov to Shai Fried, son of Shlomo and Raacheli Tue Talmud Shabbos Rabbi Leban 8:30 AM Fried, on the occasion of his third birthday! Mazel Tov to grandparents Yossi and Agi Fried, and to Rabbi Talmud Baba Metzia Tzvi Gelt After Shacharit Abraham and Roz Cooper, and the entire family.
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