SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment S in O PE

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SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment S in O PE SINOPEC Lubricants For Off-Highway Equipment SINOPEC Working Together For Wonderful Future For Wonderful Together Working SINOPEC Lubricant SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment Contents Company Introduction Lubrication Solution for Off-Highway Equipment Major Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment Integrity Leads To Win-Win Cooperation Introduction Sinopec Lubricant Co., Ltd. is a company specialized in lubricant marketing Lubricant Co., Ltd. has been committed to providing lubrication service for established by China Petrochemical Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhou” series manned spacecrafts and “Chang’e” series lunar exploration “Sinopec Group”) to meet competition in the international lubricant market. satellites, making great contributions to the development of Chinese aeronautics Sinopec Lubricant Co., Ltd. has 12 lube oil & grease blending and manufacturing and astronautics course. Sinopec’s lubrication products completely satisfy the branches, 5 regional sales centers, 5 regional technical support centers, requirements set by ISO, API, ACEA, etc. 5 provincial sales branches, 3 joint ventures, 1 overseas subsidiary and 9 Keeping pace with the development of off-highway vehicles, Sinopec Lubricant RYHUVHDVRI¿FHVWRJHWKHUZLWKSURGXFW5 'LQVWLWXWHVDQGVWDWHUHFRJQL]HG Co., Ltd. has good cooperation with construction machinery enterprises and ODERUDWRULHV:LWKOHDGLQJLQQRYDWLYHDQG5 'FDSDELOLWLHVDQGZRUOGFODVV production equipments and process technologies, the Company boasts over distinct advantage in off-highway industry. SINOPEC lubricants are extensively 2,000 types of products such as lubricants for internal combustion engine, applied to famous enterprises such as XCMG, ZOOMLION, SANY, Lonking, industrial gear oils, hydraulic oils, greases, antifreezes, brake fluid, metal XGMA and SEM in China. With professional lubricants, Sinopec Lubricant Co., working fluids, Marine oils, lubricant additives, etc. divided in 21 categories, Ltd. keeps close cooperation and communication with a number of authorities which are widely used in the fields of aviation, spacecraft, automobile, in the industry as a lubricant expert. Some SINOPEC products also have been machinery, metallurgy, mining, petrochemical engineering, electronics, etc. technologically accepted by specialized construction machinery enterprises and As the sole “China Aerospace Strategic Cooperation Partner”, so far, Sinopec NH\HTXLSPHQWPDQXIDFWXUHUVVXFKDV.DZDVDNL5H[URWK&$792/92HWF 2 SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment 1 Lubrication Solution for Off-Highway Equipment 7KHUHLVDYDULHW\RIFRQVWUXFWLRQPDFKLQHU\DOOZLWKGLIIHUHQWSK\VLFDOVWUXFWXUHDQGFKDUDFWHULVWLFVGHSHQGLQJXSRQIXQFWLRQ work environment etc, eg, mountain terrain, damp or dry weather conditions, dusty surrondings etc. Off-highway equipment QRUPDOO\RSHUDWHLQRYHUORDGLQJFRQGLWLRQVDQGXQGHUJRLQWHUPLWWHQWVWDUWXSDVUHTXLUHG7KHUHIRUHDOXEULFDQWZLWKVXLWDEOH performance characteristics, such as, anti-rust and anti-corrosion, water separation, good anti-wear and extreme pressure performance, oxidation stability is to be used to gain maximun output from the equipment maintaining cost effectiveness and trouble free smooth operations. 3 Major Lubrication Points of Off-Highway Equipment 'LHVHO(QJLQH2LO Major Lubrication Points of off-highway equipment are typical mechanical parts Engine! such as power system, hydraulic system, brake system and transmission system, with high degree of standardization, universalization and serialization. Hydraulic Oil Lubricant and Relevant Products for Off-Highway Equipment Hydraulic system 0DLQO\GLHVHOHQJLQHRLOK\GUDXOLFRLOOXEULFDQWVIRUGULYHOLQHJUHDVHEUDNHÀXLG /XEULFDQWVIRU'ULYHOLQH coolant, etc. 'ULYHOLQH Selection of Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment Equipment working conditions determine the type and category of lubricant oils Brake Fluid and greases. Brake system Application environment and load determine the viscosity brand of lubricant oils and greases. Coolant Cooling system 4 SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment xcavator Hydraulic Engine oil oil Gear Grease Coolant oil Lubrication point Classic protection Premium protection SINOPEC TULUX T300 CF-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T500 CI-4 diesel engine oil Engine SINOPEC TULUX T400 CH-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T600 CJ-4 diesel engine oil Reducer gear SINOPEC GL-5 heavy duty automotive gear oil SINOPEC GL-5 fully synthetic heavy duty vehicle gear oil SINOPEC L-HV low temperature hydraulic oil Hydraulic system SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HS ultra low temperature hydraulic oil CoC olo ing system SIS NON PEC FDD ennginne coc ololannt SINOPEC YF OAT engine coolana t RoRotataryry sysysttem,, Cenntrtrala SIS NONOPEC momolyy-l-litithihiumm greeasa e SISINONOPEP C DZD G grease cooupu lilinng, AxA lee pinn, ete c.c SIS NOOPEP C extrt ememe prprese susuree lithih um grereasse 5 ruck crane Grease Hydraulic oil Engine 7UDQVPLVVLRQ oil oil Lubrication point Classic protection Premium protection SINOPEC TULUX T300 CF-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T500 CI-4 diesel engine oil Engine SINOPEC TULUX T400 CH-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T600 CJ-4 diesel engine oil Transmission SINOPEC GL-4 Automotive Gear Oil 6,123(&07)PDQXDOWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGIRUFRPPHUFLDOYHKLFOHV 6,123(&/+0DQWLZHDUK\GUDXOLFRLO 6,123(&/+9ORZWHPSHUDWXUHK\GUDXOLFRLO +\GUDXOLFV\VWHP 6,123(&$(K\GUDXOLFRLO 6,123(&/+6XOWUDORZWHPSHUDWXUHK\GUDXOLFRLO Cooling system 6,123(&)'HQJLQHFRRODQW 6,123(&<)2$7HQJLQHFRRODQW Brake system 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG Rotary system 6,123(&FRQVWUXFWLRQPDFKLQHU\JUHDVH 6,123(&PXOWLSXUSRVHOLWKLXPJUHDVH QDWXUDO &HQWUDOFRXSOLQJ$[OHSLQHWF 6,123(&PRO\OLWKLXPJUHDVH 6 SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment ower Crane rawler Crane Lubrication Classic protection Premium protection SINOPEC TULUX T300 CF-4 SINOPEC TULUX T500 CI-4 diesel diesel engineengine oil engineengine oil EiEngine SINOPEC TULUX T400 CH-4 SINOPEC TULUX T600 CJ-4 diesel engginine oil diesel engine oil Reduction SINOPEC L-CKD industrial SINOPEC AP industrial gear oil Lubrication gear gear oil Classic protection Premium protection point SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HV low temperature Hydraulic SINOPEC L-HM anti-wear Reduction SINOPEC L-CKD hydraulic oil SINOPEC AP industrial gear oil system hyhydraulic oil gear industrial gear oil SINOPEC L-HS ultra low temperature hydraulic oil SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil or Cooling SINOPEP C FDFD SINOPEC L-HV low temperature SINOPEC YFY OATAT engine cooolo anant Hydraulic SINONOPEC L-HM system enengiginene coollantt hydraulic oil or system anti-wear hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HS ultra low Brake 6,1223(3(&&'2'277 EUDDNHNH ÀXLXLG 6,1223(3 &'27 EUDDNHH ÀXLG temperature hydraulic oil system 7 RQFUHWH3XPS7UXFN Hydraulic Grease oil Engine 7UDQVPLVVLRQ oil oil Lubrication point Classic protection Premium protection SINOPEC TULUX T300 CF-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T500 CI-4 diesel engine oil Engine SINOPEC TULUX T400 CH-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T600 CJ-4 diesel engine oil Transmission SINOPEC GL-4 Automotive Gear Oil 6,123(&07)PDQXDOWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLGIRUFRPPHUFLDOYHKLFOHV 6,123(&$(K\GUDXOLFRLORU6,123(&/+9ORZWHPSHUDWXUH +\GUDXOLFV\VWHP 6,123(&/+0DQWLZHDUK\GUDXOLFRLO K\GUDXOLFRLO 6,123(&/+6XOWUDORZWHPSHUDWXUHK\GUDXOLFRLO 6,123(&H[WUHPHSUHVVXUHOLWKLXPJUHDVH $[OHSLQ lj 6,123(&PRO\OLWKLXPJUHDVH &HQWUDOL]HGOXEULFDWLRQ 6,123(&VSHFLDOJUHDVHIRUFRQFUHWH lj system SXPSLQJYHKLFOH Cooling system 6,123(&)'HQJLQHFRRODQW 6,123(&<)2$7HQJLQHFRRODQW Brake system 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG 8 SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment RQFUHWH0L[HU7UXFN Hydraulic oil Engine 7UDQVPLVVLRQ oil oil Lubrication point Classic protection Premium protection SINOPEC TULUX T500 CI-4 diesel engine oil Engine SINOPEC TULUX T400 CH-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC TULUX T600 CJ-4 diesel engine oil SINOPEC 75W/90 GL-5 Fully Synthetic heavy duty vehicle Reduction gear SINOPEC 85W/90 GL-5 heavy duty automotive gear oil Gear Oil SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil or SINOPEC L-HV low Hydraulic system SINOPEC L-HM anti-wear hydraulic oil temperature hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HS ultra low temperature hydraulic oil 9 oncrete Mixing Plant (tower) oader Lubrication point Classic protection Premium protection 6,123(&78/8;7&) 6,123(&78/8;7 diesel engine oil &,GLHVHOHQJLQHRLO Engine 6,123(&78/8;7&+ 6,123(&78/8;7 diesel engine oil &-GLHVHOHQJLQHRLO SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil 6,123(&/+9 low temperature hydraulic oil Hydraulic system SINOPEC L-HM anti-wear SINOPEC L-HS ultra hydraulic oil low temperature hydraulic oil SINOPEC AE-M hydraulic oil 6,123(&72KHDY\GXW\ 7UDQVPLVVLRQ 6,123(&SRZHUWUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLG WUDQVPLVVLRQÀXLG 7UDQVPLVVLRQ system SINOPEC GL-5 heavy duty SINOPEC GL-5 fully synthetic 'ULYHD[OH automotive gear oil heavy duty vehicle gear oil Cooling system 6,123(&)'HQJLQHFRRODQW 6,123(&<)2$7HQJLQHFRRODQW Brake system 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG 6,123(&'27EUDNHÀXLG SINOPEC general automobile Wheel hub 6,123(&+35JUHDVH lithium base grease Chassis, Suspension & SINOPEC construction 6,123(&'=*JUHDVH Lubrication steering system, Control machinery grease point Classic protection Premium protection Reduction gear SINOPEC GL-5 heavy duty SINOPEC fully synthetic heavy duty automotive gear oil vehicle gear oil SINOPEC AE hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HV low temperature Hydraulic SINOPEC L-HM anti-wear hydraulic oil system hydraulic oil SINOPEC L-HS ultra low temperature hydraulic oil SINOPEC multipurpose lithium grease (natural) Motor bearing SINOPEC extreme pressure SINOPEC HTHS grease lithium grease : SINOPEC Lubricants for Off-Highway Equipment LQLQJ'XPS7UXFN /DUJH0LQLQJ'XPS7UXFN
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