A. RECOMMENDATION That the West Quay Phase 3 Masterplan be adopted as a Material consideration for development control purposes, subject to the following changes to the phasing:

Phase A will comprise: § The western area Phase B will comprise § The whole of the central area § Arundel Circus § The Castle Gardens § The works to Street (or in Phase C) § The southern extension to Western Esplanade south from the City Plaza Phase C will comprise; § The eastern area.



The Master Plan is a natural progression from the Development Brief drawing upon the specific requirements of the preferred developers and their professional advisors. To assist the Local Planning Authority make the decisions on the two separate applications for the western and central areas the Master Plan can now be adopted as a material consideration following the period of consultation. The phasing of the implementation of the Masterplan should deliver the works to Western Esplanade as part of the central area in order to link the new development to the Waterfront both in its current and proposed form under the proposals in the Royal Pier Waterfront Development Brief. This requirement was specified in the original development brief used to market the site and the accompanying marketing material.


The alternative would be to completely rethink the concept and content of the Masterplan, neither of which are justified by the comments received.


Whilst the development area lies within the Bargate Ward, the proposals to create new sports and entertainment arena, City Plaza and other developments will have an impact on all citizens and communities of Southampton and the wider city region. If development/regeneration were not to take place the currently vacant central and western sites would continue to create a poor image in a prominent location. SUMMARY

1. The purpose of the report is to consider the responses of the consultation exercise and to consider whether any amendments to the Masterplan are required.

BACKGROUND & REPORT DETAILS 2. On 1 August 2001 the Corporate Committee agreed to complete the Development Brief for the site and market the land, with the western area being marketed for a multi-purpose sports and leisure facility without revenue or capital contribution by the Council.


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3. The Development Brief was completed and the site was marketed in February 2002. For marketing purposes the site was divided; the western area being offered for a multi purpose facility incorporating an ice rink and the central and eastern areas for mixed use commercial, leisure, retail and residential development to incorporate new public spaces. Developers were invited to bid for all, part, or a combination of these areas.

4. On 12 April 2002 the Cabinet Member for Strategy and Economic Development considered the expressions of interest and selected a shortlist. These short listed parties were invited to submit detailed bids. All partook in informal discussions with officers and the consultants before doing so.

5. On 3 October 2002 the Leader of the Council considered the officers and consultants report on the selection of the preferred developers plus the recommendations of the Cross Party Steering Group and selected the Bravo consortium for the western area and the Hammerson/Linden Homes consortium for the central area.

6. On 26 April 2003 the Leader of the Council approved the Masterplan for consultation.


7. The list of consultees is shown in Appendix 1. A display was manned in the WestQuay Shopping Centre 23 to 25 May and placed in the Civic Centre foyer 23 to 27 June.

8. Two evening meetings were held, one for the residents closest to the site in the Old Town and the other for city-wide interest groups and the Central Neighbourhood Forum. Presentations were made to the Chamber of Commerce Planning and Transportation Committee and the City Centre Management Development Group.

9. The full Masterplan was placed on the Invest in Southampton website with links from Southampton City Web. It was viewed 674 times in May, 1,445 times in June and is still being viewed after the end of the consultation period.

10. It was reported to the Planning and Rights of Way Panel for information on 3 June. 2003


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11. An informal discussion was held with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment and a meeting was held with English Heritage.


12. The respondents are listed in Appendix 2. Their comments are summarised in Appendix 3 with responses to them.

13. There are expressions of support and a lot of positive comments were received while manning the display in the WestQuay Shopping Centre. The written comments concentrate on two main areas, transportation and quality of design.

14. The Masterplan provides a framework in which the transportation issues can be highlighted but it is not its role to deal with them in detail. This can only be done when the details of the planning applications are known. Both applications will have to be supported by a Transport Assessment and a Transportation Plan. The Head of Transportation is represented on the Joint Working Group and has made comments to the developers about is sues that the Masterplan highlights and which will have to be resolved at the detailed stage.

15. The quality of design is very important and in particular the residential towers need to be of the highest quality design to achieve a landmark status. The Masterplan provides the framework in which this can be achieved.

16. Although not referred to in any of the responses, the Masterplan does contain a section on Phasing which suggests the following: Phase A will comprise: § The whole of the central area § The western area § Arundel Circus § The Castle Gardens § The works to Bargate Street Phase B will comprise § The southern extension to Western Esplanade south from the City Plaza Phase C will comprise; § The eastern area.


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17. The site was marketed on the basis that the works to Western Esplanade would be carried out as part of the development of the central area and the Council should retain that principle. It is now clear that the western area will start on site before the central area. The works to Bargate Street are dependant on achieving the appropriate traffic regulation order which will be sought within the wider context of the proposals in the North/South Spine Strategy. A revised phasing to reflect both these points would be: Phase A will comprise: § The western area Phase B will comprise § The whole of the central area § Arundel Circus § The Castle Gardens § The works to Bargate Street (or in Phase 3) § The southern extension to Western Esplanade south from the City Plaza Phase C will comprise; § The eastern area.


17. The West Quay Phase 3 development site is a key part of the development and planning policy framework for the city centre that had its roots in the City Strategy. The consultation draft Community Strategy refers to the site in the Medium Term Actions within the Prosperity and Cultural sections. It is one of the six Keynote Projects within the City Centre Urban Design Strategy.

The statutory Local Plan and the Local Plan Review (Policy MSA6) both identify this site for major mixed-use development focussed around new public spaces. The recent Retail Assessment of the Local Plan Review excluded this site for a major food store, as there was no city centre need and it would detract from proven need in the district centres, and did not identify an immediate need for more retail warehousing within the city centre.


18. The Council is empowered to promote the development of the site by virtue of the Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000.


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19. The funding for this project has been provided for within the committed section of the Leader's Portfolio Capital Programme, the amounts and phasing of which were agreed at the time of the selection of the preferred developers on 3 October 2002 and by Cabinet on 14 October 2002, and included in the most recent Capital Programme update in February 2003.


20. No fundamental objections to the Masterplan have been received and, apart from the points made in Paragraphs 16 and 17 about phasing, there are no changes that need to be made to it.

Appendices: Appendix 1 - List of consultees Appendix 2 - List of respondents Appendix 3 - Summary of comments

Documents in Members Rooms

Copies of responses to consultation


Title of Background Paper Relevant Paragraph of AIP Rules allowing document to be Exempt/ Masterplan Confidential (if applicable) Copies of responses to consultation

Documents available for inspection at:City Development and Economy Division Floor 3 Marland House


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Appendix 1


1. Mr Joe Stevens, Environment Agency 2. Mr Richard Soper, Managing Director, First Southampton 3. Mr Peter Shelley, Operations Director, Solent Blueline 4. Mr Andrew Jarvis, Operations Director South, Wilts and Dorset Bus Company 5. Ms Sue Coles, Cycling - Cyclists Touring Club 6. Mr Stephen Munn, Destination Southampton 7. Mr Graham McLean, Southampton Action for Access 8. Hampshire Fire & Rescue Services, Headquarters 9. Mr A Samuels, Living Streets 10. Mr John Slater, Managing Director, Southern Tourist Board 11. Ms Candice Collier, Sustainability Forum 12. Mr Alistair Whyte, General Manager, Red Funnel Ferries 13. PC Will Rooke, Police Architectural Liaison Officer 14. Ms Lisa Thomas, Southampton Shopmobility 15. Mr Ken Ilett, Director, Southampton Masonic Hall Co Ltd 16. Mrs V Harris, Fountains Court Hotel, Frost Lane, Hythe, Southampton 17. Mr R Andrews, ABP Southampton 18. Mr M Ellis, Director of Operations, BMIF 19. Mr R Hume, Taste of Thailand, 11 Castle Way, Southampton 20. Mr S Dunford, De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel 21. The Manager, Evesham Techology, 9 Castle Way, Southampton 22. The Manager, Burger King, West Bargate Street, Southampton 23. The Manager, QS plc, West Bargate Street, Southampton 24. The Manager, The Zoom Loom, West Bargate Street, Southampton 25. The Manager, Moss Bros Hire, West Bargate Street, Southampton 26. The Manager, Superdrug, 179 High Street, Southampton 27. The Manager, T K Maxx, 172-178 High Street, Southampton 28. The Manager, Argos, 176-178 High Street, Southampton 29. The Manager, Q World, 173 High Street, Southampton 30. R G Maguire, Suite A, 170 High Street, Southampton 31. All Trade Contracts Ltd, Suite B, 170 High Street, Southampton 32. Pitman Training Centre, Suite D, 170 High Street, Southampton 33. The Manager, Barclays Bank, 170 High Street, Southampton 34. The Manager, HSBC, 165 High Street, Southampton 35. Ms S Robinson, Secretary, Castle House Residents Association 36. Ms Sue Sefton, Secretary, Old Town Residents Association 37. Ms Sue Sefton, Secretary, City of Southampton Society 38. Mrs J Webb, Chair, Friends of Old Southampton 39. Ms Kate Martin, Southampton Commons & Parks Protection Society 40. Ms Tina Leng, Southampton Federation of Residents Association 41. Mr Stephen Foster, Chair, Southampton Cultural Consortium 42. Ms Barbara Baker, Fitzhugh Residents Association 43. Ms Marcia Baker, Polygon Community Action Forum 44. Mr Arif Beg, Clovelly Road Residents Association VERSION NUMBER: 2 DATE LAST AMENDED: 01/08/03

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45. Mr Tony Brooms, Development Officer, Confederation of African Caribbean Organisations 46. Mr Ian Court, Hill Farm Residents Association 47. Mr Adbiwahab Elmi, Chair, Southampton Somali Community Association 48. Mr Daljit Grewal, Hyde Housing Association 49. Mr Nor Gure, Co-ordinator, Hampshire Somali Welfare Association 50. Ms Pam Hand, Newtown/Nicholstown Community Action Forum 51. Mr Don Harper, Secretary, Pensioners Forum 52. Ms Cynthia Hazig Ward, Al Nissa Muslim Women's Group 53. Ms Dahlia Jamil, WEA 54. Ms Gillian Jeffery, Society of St James 55. Ms Charlotte Jess, Team Leader, The Prince's Trust 56. Miss Chris Morris, Chair, Albion Towers Tenants & Residents Association 57. Mrs Anju Odam, Centre Manager, Millennium Third Age Centre 58. Ms Brenda Pritchett, Secretary, Federation of Clubs for the Disabled 59. Mr Charles Pritchett, Secretary, Southampton Hard of Hearing Club 60. C/O John Singh-Roath, Secretary, Gurdwara Tegh Bahadur Sahib 61. Mr Gary Villiers, General Manager, Travel Inn Southampton 62. Ms Lynda Walton, HERTA 63. Mr Colin Warburg, Chair of Finance, City Centre Catholic Parish 64. Mr Simon Whitmore, Area Youth Worker, c/o South Central Youth Service 65. Cllr June Bridle 66. Cllr Peter Baillie 67. Cllr Penelope Baldwin 68. Cllr Stephen Barnes-Andrews 69. Cllr Jill Baston 70. Cllr David Beckett 71. Cllr Susan Blatchford 72. Cllr Derek Burke 73. Cllr Edwina Cooke 74. Cllr Carol Cunio 75. Cllr Parvin Damani 76. Cllr Ken Darke 77. Cllr Gavin Dick 78. Cllr Gerry Drake 79. Cllr Richard Forbes 80. Cllr Peter Galton 81. Cllr Norah Goss 82. Cllr Richard Halderthay 83. Cllr John Hannides 84. Cllr Richard Harris 85. Cllr Dennis Harryman 86. Cllr Terence Holden-Brown 87. Cllr Calvin Horner 88. Cllr Nigel Impey 89. Cllr Adrian Johnson 90. Cllr Christine Kelly 91. Cllr Simon Letts 92. Cllr Peter Marsh-Jenks 93. Cllr Terence Matthews VERSION NUMBER: 2 DATE LAST AMENDED: 01/08/03

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94. Cllr Ann Milton

95. Cllr Harry Mitchell 96. Cllr Elizabeth Mizon 97. Cllr Virginia Moore 98. Cllr Jeremy Moulton 99. Cllr John Noon 100. Cllr Brian Parnell 101. Cllr Chris Proctor 102. Cllr Jacqueline Rayment 103. Cllr Paul Russell 104. Cllr Alec Samuels 105. Cllr David Simpson 106. Cllr John Slade 107. Cllr Royston Smith 108. Cllr Matthew Stevens 109. Cllr Adrian Vinson 110. Cllr Peter Wakeford 111. Cllr Richard Williams 112. Cllr Anne Work


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Appendix 2


1. Old Town Residents Association 2. City of Southampton Society 3. Friends of Old Southampton 4. Southampton and Fareham Chamber of Commerce 5. Management 6. Hampshire Economic Partnership Transport Group 7. John Lewis Partnership 8. Beverley Rose 9. Professor N Gaskell


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Appendix 3

Summary of Comments

Comment Number Respondents Comments Officers Response Reference

Appendix 2 GENERAL

G1 1,2,3,8 Imaginative plan for a key city centre site, which will Noted. provide potential benefits to the City and deliver the long held aspiration for a City Plaza and ice rink. G2 4 Why have the developers been encouraged to submit They have not been “encouraged” to do so. After marketing two separate planning applications? the site the Council, decided that the best change of achieving the development it wished for the site was to appoint two developers, one to provide the Arena on the western site and the other to provide the City Plaza and mixed use development on the central and eastern areas. These developers are able and wish to move at different speeds and it is the role of the Masterplan to provide a framework within which the two planning applications can be considered. G3 4 It is regretted that the developer has not suggested The opportunity has not been ignored. It is important that reinvigorating the northern end of the High Street by emerging proposals are viable and it is the developer’s redevelopment. Ignoring this opportunity will compound assessment that, at present the shops around the Bargate the separation between WestQuay and the traditional are trading well and it would not be viable to assemble the heart of the City. land for a redevelopment that would provide only limited new floor space. The cost of archaeological investigation in this area is also a factor.


11 G4 4 A training initiative similar to WestQuay 2000 will be WestQuay 2000 was set up to meet a shortage of trained required to maximise employment opportunities for staff for the WestQuay Shopping Centre that was local people. demonstrated at the time of the consideration of the planning application in the mid-90’s. The employment opportunities are smaller for Phase 3 but a similar exercise could be appropriate once the precise content and employment needs of the development have been assessed. G5 3 No pile driving should be allowed that would Screw bored piles, as used successfully for the WestQuay compromise the stability of the Town Walls. Shopping Centre and The Quays Swimming and Diving Complex, will be used. G6 9 Stringent measures should be imposed to protect The respondent offers a useful and comprehensive list of residents from noise and nuisance during construction. suggestions based upon his experience during the The protection offered during the construction of the construction of the WestQuay Shopping Centre that can be WestQuay Shopping Centre was inadequate used to tailor appropriate controls once the precise extent and means of construction of the development is being discussed. G7 7 Will provide potential benefits for the City centre Noted. TRANSPORTATION T1 1,2,4,5,6 The Council should set ground rules for the The Council’s “ground rules” for considering the consideration of transportation issues which should transportation issues for this site are set out in the Local include the following: Plan Review and in the Local Transport Plan Guidance has been provided by Council officers and Sections 16-19 of the · A suitable Traffic Impact Assessment to be provided Masterplan deal with transportation issues in a manner by the Developers. This should be joined with appropriate for this stage in the evolution of the project. Bravo/Hotel/Linden Homes so that provision is not

given in isolation to the impacts of the other

· A Transport Strategy must be agreed to identify Both planning applications will have to be accompanied by a suitable provision of public transport/walking/ Transport Impact Assessment and a Transport Plan. These cycling access & egress to the proposed facilities. will cover all of the points raised in the representations. Whichever is submitted first will have to take account of the · Additional car parking m ay be required and proposed development on the other site and the Masterplan provision must be investigated and evidence of assists with this process. Both applications will have to take such provided account of all other relevant proposals in the City centre. VERSION NUMBER: 2 DATE LAST AMENDED: 01/08/03

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· The road bisecting the plaza from the arena should have a high-level bridge to ensure there is no Two of the detailed points raised require further comment. conflict of pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

· A suitable coach park with a drop off & pick up point should be provided with easy access for large A second bridge link across Harbour Parade is proposed but groups. at present the Masterplan shows it linking the town level walkway around the City Plaza to the WestQuay multi-story · The closure to traffic along Castle Way should not car park. It is considered that the linkages through the site prevent bus access to the area, where enlarged bus would benefit if these town level route could be linked to the facilities should be provided Arena entrance. · A proper bus station should be provided for the City. · The pedestrian access to Central Station should be Any alterations to the permissible use of Castle Way will upgraded to a suitable level with CCTV and continue to permit its use by buses, taxis and cyclists. It is appropriate lighting. proposed to enhance the bus facilities in Castle Way. · A shuttle bus route along Harbour Parade will enhance access. · Evidence should be shown that all transport providers have been contacted to determine whether those organisations are able to provide additional services. · Section 106 Agreements must flow towards improved public transport and a park & ride provision · Sufficient provision for safe /secure cycle parking must be available. · Traffic movement in West Quay Road must be carefully considered. T2 1 West Street and St Michaels Street should be used for This is outside the area covered by the Masterplan but could access into Castle Way for buses, one access in each be considered as part of the emerging North/South Spine th direction to ensure bus stops remain in the High Street Strategy approved for consultation by Cabinet on 14 July near Holyrood.


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ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN A1 1,2,3,8 The height of the buildings to the south of the City Agreed. The Masterplan incorporates this principle. Plaza and the southern tower block should not be allowed to obscure views of the waterfront.

A2 2,5 It is important to take the opportunity to incorporate Agreed. The Masterplan incorporates these principles. some imaginative urban design, first class contemporary architecture and high quality materials. The quality of the design and build will assist its preservation as a destination for years to come. A3 1 There should be no large advertising panels facing the Agreed, although this is not a matter that needs to be Town Walls covered by the Masterplan.

A4 1,3 The buildings facing the Town Walls should have Noted, although the Masterplan is not the vehicle to deal hanging gardens and/or a landscaped roof with design details. A5 9 Lighting of the Walls is fine in principle, but there is a Noted. This is a matter for consideration at the detailed risk of light pollution and light should not shine into design stage. bedroom windows at night. A6 1,9 As many trees as possible should be incorporated into Noted, although a large number of trees may not be the scheme and none of the existing trees should be consistent with utilising the Town Walls as a backdrop to the lost. City Plaza. A7 2,5 Western Esplanade is very important both as a link Agreed. Western esplanade is included within the from the City centre and for appreciating the Town Masterplan. Walls and should be refurbished as part of the project. A8 2,9 The junction of Western Esplanade with the City Plaza Noted. This sis a detailed point for consideration when the should be broader planning application is being prepared. A9 3,5,8 The setting of the Town Walls should be exploited. The A water feature in this location could reflect the old water feature is a good idea and could be integrated in shoreline. design terms to other water features in the City centre. A10 2 The bridge access from the Walls adjacent to the This bridge is a key part of the Town level access route, VERSION NUMBER: 2 MasonicDATE Lodge isLAST unnecessary AMENDED: and would 01 /inevitably08/03 which would link the new development to the City centre.

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Masonic Lodge is unnecessary and would inevitably which would link the new development to the City centre. damage the Walls. English Heritage is aware of the concept and supports it. The bridge can be designed so that is does not damage any of the original fabric of the Walls. A11 2 The buildings to the south of the WestQuay Shopping The terrace referred to would be recreated around the Centre and the northern tower block would remove the southern edge of the new buildings and benefit from views terrace around the south of the WQSC and potential into the Plaza. views into the Plaza would be lost.

A12 8 The towers should not create windy corners or Careful design and possible wind tunnel testing will be overshadow the Plaza necessary. A13 5 The towers represent an opportunity to provide Noted and agreed. landmarks that will be seen as visitors enter Southampton by land sea or air. The design should be unique and remarkable, but also appropriate to Southampton. A14 9 The concept of public space has been devalued and 29% of the Masterplan site area is open space. This is made the City Plaza is a tiny area near Arundel Tower. up of: § City Plaza 4500M² § Arundel Circus 1800M² (existing) § Castle Gardens 4100M² § Western Esplanade 7300M² The City Plaza extends from Harbour Parade to the Town Walls, about 125M, is about 20M wide at the harbour Parade end and 50M wide at the Town Walls end. A15 8 The paving of the Plaza must be high quality. Agreed. A16 2 The buildings on the western site need careful detailing The Masterplan promotes the principles of high quality to West Quay Road and Harbour Parade design throughout the development.


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A17 9 The provision of a cinema on the south side of the The Masterplan promotes the principles of high quality Plaza will inevitably lead to an inappropriately designed design throughout the development. The response building as cinema building are often slab sided, garish highlights the worst possible scenarios that must not be and present few points of architectural interest. Ugly allowed to occur. This will be addressed at the detailed roof top plant and machinery will be visible from the planning application stage that will be subject of further Walls. consultation. USES U1 2,5,6. An imaginative plan for a key City centre site that Noted. meets the communities long held aspirations for an ice rink and City Plaza without encouraging an expansion to the current drinking culture. U2 9 Unconvinced that an ice rink is commercially viable. The Masterplan fully addresses the historic importance of The Council should not allow the desire for an ice rink the site and suggests a solution whereby the large structure to distort the planning for such an important historical required for the new Southampton Indoor Arena, which will site. incorporate ice, is located on the Western Area of the site in a manner which integrates it into the development on the central area and in particular the City Plaza U3 3,4. A further cinema is unnecessary. Is their evidence to The developers are testing the market to see whether an support it? Is it the Councils intention to close any of operator wishes take the opportunity suggested. The the existing cinemas by default? market will then decide whether any of the existing cinemas will close. U4 5 A cinema is a good option as it guarantees evening A cinema on this site could be described as returning the activity. It is hoped that the programming will attract a cinemas to the City centre. mixed audience and not just a younger audience. U5 5 New restaurants and specialist shops will add variety Noted. and character to the development U6 8 A good quality nightclub for mature clientele would The Council is not able to control the patronage of benefit from waterfront views. nightclubs. U7 8 What will attract visitors to the Plaza during the day Bars and restaurants spilling out onto the Plaza creating a time on Monday to Friday café society with a variety of events including street entertainers, markets and concerts.


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RESIDENTIAL R1 1 What is the Councils strategy for the integration of The Councils strategy for community integration is delivered the present human/residents community in the broad through the Neighbourhood Forms area of the development R2 1 What arrangements are being made for medical Further discussions are required with the relevant bodies. facilities and schools? POTENTIAL NUISANCE N1 1,9 Control over opening hours should be exercised with Noted no loud music after midnight to prevent nuisance to adjacent residents. N2 9 Concern about the application of a “24hr City” The West Quay Phase 3 site is specifically included within concept to the central area of the site. the Night-time economy policies of the City Plan review (CLT14). It is part of the concept of night time corridors, which could be established between areas of activity, in this instance Leisure World and Bargate/High Street, dissuading people from passing through existing housing areas. N3 9 Can it be guaranteed that no noise will emanate The Indoor Arena will be designed with built in sound from the Indoor Arena when pop concerts are being attenuation so that there is no sound breakout. This is in the held? How can it be appropriate to have 4000 developer’s own interests as there is a residential block and people exiting such a facility late at night in a a hotel within the Indoor Arena complex on the Western residential area where noise carries? Area which need to be protected from noise. New buildings on the Central Area will also provide a degree of noise barrier, more than exists at present on the open site, but the Indoor Arena is not located in a residential area, but in one of the commercial areas of the City centre. The conflict between uses within the City centre has been addressed by the work done on the impact of the Night-time Economy, which has already been referred to in the response in N2 above. N4 1 There must be security arrangements in place Noted. The development will be linked to the CCTV network. immediately the area is redeveloped. N5 1 A portcullis should be installed in West Gate and This idea was discussed as part of the consultation on the closed in the late evening to prevent late-night Night Time Economy. It is not a very practical suggestion, VERSION NUMBER: 2 revellersDATE cutting LAST through AMENDED: Westgate Street 01/08 and/03 Bugle would tend to isolate the Old Town and restrict the

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revellers cutting through Westgate Street and Bugle would tend to isolate the Old Town and restrict the Street, which has been happening ever since movement of the less boisterous majority. Leisure World opened.


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