The Anglican/Episcopal Parish of St. Peter, Caversham, Dunedin, NZ

The Vicar Writes

CONTENTS Contemporary Dilemmas edition will of Anglo-Catholicism consider the u n f o l d i n g o f n 1923 a nation wide conference contemporary PAGE TWO: I gathering of thousands of Anglo- dilemmas at some The Vicar Writes contd: Catholics took place in , depth. which culminated in an outdoor How Anglicanism Works PAGE THREE: Mass at the White City . hroughout its history the Church The Vicar Writes contd: That such a large venue was required T spoke volumes for the critical mass of has been renewed by a the movement had acquired within series of holiness movements that PAGE FOUR: the Church of England. Some have have enriched, enlarged and subtly The Vicar Writes contd: argued that this was the high water changed its sense of identity. Anglo- tidemark of Anglo-Catholicism, and Catholicism is but one of these, along that a down hill momentum set in with Evangelicalism and the PAGE FIVE: from that time on. The reality was Charismatic movement, to name but Our Parishioners more complex and nuanced than two others. As each of these that. In many ways the movement movements first emerges they come PAGE SIX: produced some of its most as a surprise to the parent body. outstanding personalities and Generally the Anglican Church Vestry in Brief contributions to the Anglican Church reacts by at first opposing the Wardens Warble from the 30’s through to the 60’s. movement, then at a later stage by Origins of the Eucharist But from then on there was a sense of granting it limited toleration, and reacting to developments, rather than then by swallowing it whole, and PAGE SEVEN: setting the agenda as it had before, taking it on board lock, stock and and in recent times splits have barrel. I will be arguing that this is Friendship Group occurred within the movement that the most dangerous stage for any Fellowship Group have revealed unresolved tensions holiness movement of renewal, Film Season Extended that were there from the beginning. because it then loses its agenda having apparently achieved what it Concert This edition of the Rock considers set out to do. Does it then have the Celebrating Pentecost the dilemmas that have beset the generativity to bring new gifts to its movement in recent times. It does so parent body? Is there a reason for its mostly from the perspective of the continuing existence? And often the apparent taking on board of its PAGE EIGHT: Church of England, but its spin offs and ramifications reach us here, and major demands and outward forms Service Times the New Zealand dimension can be turns out to be a cosmetic exercise Calendar the theme of a later Rock editorial. that doesn’t change the parent body Contact Information This is a big subject, and the May in fundamental ways, and which in edition of the Rock will set the scene turn blunts the movement by wearing and raise the curtain, while the June

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its clothes yet not truly acquiring developments, and the ensuing expression of worship would its mind. counter blast sweeps Newman appeal to the unchurched poor out of the Anglican Church, and who were bored by the “words, Each of these movements is an the Tractarians out of Oxford. words, words” of Prayer book expression of the Holy Spirit that worship, while in reality it was brings much-needed gifts to the This first stage of the movement deeply attractive to the middle Church as a whole. Each of them is breaking up in the late 1840’s class. has strengths and weaknesses that at about the time that the first become apparent under the waves of colonists are arriving in T he protestant minded pressure of events and the New Zealand. We can note also Anglicans who took to the streets passage of time. And each wax that what marks out this to protest at these new and wane in different epochs of emergent Anglo-Catholicism developments in the public history, according to the from the high church party of worship of the slum ritualist operation of Divine providence, the 18th century, the “high and parishes had grasped an and the demands of each age. dries” as they were known, is its important truth in what was infusion with romanticism, the happening. The clergy who wore Opposition, Toleration, most vital cultural force in 19th Eucharistic vestments did so Acceptance century Europe, with its because they were proclaiming insistence on the passionate life their belief in the doctrine of We can see how these three and the awakened imagination. Eucharistic sacrifice. Cranmer stages played out in the and the protestant reformers development of Anglo- were vehemently opposed to this Catholicism in the 19th century. catholic interpretation of the Mass, and had shaped the Book The Tractarians emerge in the of Common Prayer in such a 1830’s as a group with the way as to suppress this agenda of let the church be the understanding, particularly by church. Their message – recover sawing the Eucharistic Prayer in your Divine mandate, be a two in the 1552, 1559, and 1662 supernatural society, dispense versions of the BCP. This was an with state interference in church issue worth fighting about. matters, look to the past of When in the 1960’s the General Christendom for inspiration, let Synod declared that the wearing of Eucharistic vestments had no all things be done decently and in Rt Rev Charles Gore order. Relatively uninterested in doctrinal significance it was ritual and ceremonial, they giving expression to a trivialising The Heroic Phase conduct a pamphlet war in untruth – to wear vestments just which, among other things, they because they looked nice was a seek to rewrite the history of the Whenever Anglo-Catholics look pointless piece of dressing up for Church of England in such a back to the golden age of the vainglorious reasons. way that the Reformation is seen movement they invariably recall as a move towards a reformed this second stage, of slum ritualist This heroic phase of the version of Catholicism, and not a priests contending with rioting movement produced a deeply siding with the continental mobs, militant protestant satisfying story of origins, a reformers. When in Tract 90 demonstrators, court David and Goliath contest for the John Henry Newman argues that prosecutions, and persecuting truth against overwhelming odds the 39 articles of religion are Bishops. The ritualist priests in which larger than life capable of a catholic wanted a more imaginative characters loved the poor into interpretation a neuralgia point is approach to liturgy, and turned returning to the faith. It struck with many of his Anglican either to models and patterns of culminated in the granting of a contemporaries. They have been contemporary western limited toleration to the deeply irritated also by his Catholicism, or to the imagined movement because the public felt leadership style of the medieval usage of the English that the opposition had Tractarians in picking fights over past in the Sarum rite. Their overplayed their hand by using many contemporary church argument was that this fresh the courts to lock up ritualist

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priests, and because exasperated conservatism and at times Bishops tired of the issue and obscurantism, but at a cost. Not nglo-Catholics had already used their discretionary powers a few of the Tractarians and the A to create an uneasy peace. Ritualists and their leaders, such pioneered the establishment of We can note also some side as H P Liddon, felt utterly theological colleges with the effects that it generated within betrayed by this development, founding of Cuddesdon outside th the movement – a sectarian and shunned Gore and his Oxford in the 19 century. Until mentality of us against the rest, associates. It could be argued then Anglican ordinands simply and the rise of priests societies that this was an anticipation of read theology at Oxford or with an embattled anti- the late 20th century split , or did some private persecution ethos – and a between the Forward in Faith course of study under Episcopal suspicion of the Episcopacy, movement and the liberal supervision. whom on the one hand they Catholicism of Affirming valued highly as successors of the Catholicism. Anglo-Catholicism changed the apostles, and whom on the other look of churches as The Commanding hand they devoted a lot of time the Camden society, Heights and energy to avoiding the the Ecclesiological authority of. This would later society, and a variety lead to some bizarre results when For the first half of of influential heroes of the movement such as the 20th century architects, convinced Charles Gore, Bishop of Anglo-Catholicism the ecclesiastical Worcester, then Birmingham, went from strength to world that gothic was then Oxford, would spend much strength, permeating godly, the only of his time trying to discipline his the ethos of the possible style to build ritualist priests. Church of England, in, with results that and gaining in can be seen right The Acceptance World c o n f i d e n c e a n d The interior of St Mary's Wellingborough around the world institutional today. In the first half T he year 1889 saw the buttressing. of the 20th century some of the publication of Lux Mundi, a most beautiful churches and collection of essays edited by By now a flourishing number of interiors in the British Isles were Henry Scott Holland and religious communities had created by the greatest of the Charles Gore, in which the emerged in which the full range movements architects, Sir Ninian Anglo-Catholic contributors of liturgical prayer, and the Comper (1864-1960) argued that it was possible to complete expression of the accept the conclusions of Divine Office, was on offer. Bishops often looked liturgically German critical biblical These communities functioned as different now with choir dress scholarship, as it applied to the retreat centres, unknown to less the norm, and cope and Old Testament anyway, to Anglicans up until then, resource mitre being increasingly adopted. theologically come to terms with centres of highly motivated The Archbishop of Canterbury Charles Darwin’s theory of parish workers, powerhouses of during the abdication crises was evolution, and to legitimate intercessory prayer, and the Cosmo Gordon Lang, an Anglo- Christian Socialism as a way of matrix of inspiring, charismatic Catholic, as was Kenneth Kirk, abating the industrial struggles holy men and women, such as Bishop of Oxford from 1937 to and social injustice of Victorian Benson of Cowley, Raymond 1954, one of the outstanding society. Liberal Anglo- Raynes of Mirfield, and Mother moral theologians of his Catholicism had arrived, Mary Clare of the Sisters of the generation, who still managed to impressing many with its Love of God. Several of the write heavy weight books while intellectual coming to terms with orders were active in the world presiding over one of the largest the spirit of the age, and clearing wide mission field, and the dioceses in England. the way for the enfant terrible of Community of the Resurrection the Victorian Church to be created a theological college for he publication of Dom accepted in the corridors of poor boys who couldn’t afford to T power. The movement had go to the old established Gregory Dix’s The Shape of the overcome its earlier doctrinal universities. Liturgy in 1945 was a major event

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which shaped thinking about the South India and unhelpfully hindered by liturgy for a generation, while Anglicanism being submerged in Austin Farrer’s ministry as Fellow In 1947 some of the mainline the two most populous nations and Chaplain of Trinity College, Protestant denominations in on earth, in Communist China Oxford from 1935 to 1960 would South India came together in an by the forcible government see the emergence of the one of ecumenical union to create the merger of the Protestant the greatest preachers and most Church of South India. This denominations in the 1950’s, and intriguing theologians of his day. was bitterly opposed by many in India by voluntary ecumenical His Love Almighty and Ills Unlimited Anglo-Catholics. Signs went up union. Perhaps Anglo-Catholic is still one of the best books on in the porches of churches like St instincts were more perceptive the problem of evil around. Michaels, Christchurch reading, than others gave them credit for. “This Church is not in union with the Church of South Anglican Methodist Unity Anglo-Catholic laity were doing n the 1960’s a proposal to some heavy lifting on the I intellectual front also, with C S reunite the Church of England Lewis writing the most popular and the Methodist Church came works of Christian apologetic of close to fruition. It was defeated the 20th century, and W H Auden by the all out opposition of and T S Eliot being arguably the Anglo-Catholics working in greatest English poets of the tandem with other traditionalist century. Lord Halifax was an elements in the Church of influential politician of the inter England. This was a bitter blow St Michaels, Christchurch war period – guests staying at his to the saintly and scholarly country seat were asked by the India.” Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Butler on first rising in the Canterbury, Anglo-Catholic by morning, “Tea or Eucharist Sir?” Anglo-Catholics had been choice and non-conformist by pioneers and inaugurators of family background. He took it magnanimously, rising to his feet ndergirding all this was the significant ecumenical U in the General Synod hall and emergence of a patronage system conversations with Roman Catholicism and Eastern calling out, “Long live God! controlling a considerable Long live God! But ominously number of parishes, which Orthodoxy, but this was uncongenial ecumenism from an Anglo-Catholics were now being ensured that only Anglo-Catholic perceived as the “no” party in priests would be instituted to ecclesial stable that they were not comfortable with, particularly as the Church of England – they those livings. Evangelicals, were reacting to what others Oxbridge Colleges, and wealthy the scheme raised doubts as to whether all the Presbyters in the proposed rather than having a landowners had being playing positive and forward looking the patronage game for centuries, new Church would be validly Episcopally ordained. Anglo- agenda of their own – and their and now Anglo-Catholics joined negative victory had been won in in with enthusiasm. Catholic opposition was ignored, the union went ahead, and was despite of one of the finest leaders their movement had Perhaps most telling was the followed some years later by the creation of the Church of North produced. capacity of the movement to India. elicit a spirit of sacrificial service But this was merely the curtain in some of its followers. One t the time Anglo-Catholic raiser on other struggles coming thinks of the Company of A opponents of the scheme were the movement’s way. There was Mission Priests who would band one in particular, the ordination together under temporary vows written off as being ecumenically ungenerous, but just lately of women that in the following so that small groups of clergy decades would tear the could serve together in some of Michael Poon, a theologian of the diocese of Singapore, has movement asunder. And there the roughest, most run down and were increasingly powerful poorest parishes in the land, argued that the Asian Provinces are about to emerge as major cultural forces at work within living a simple communal life so western society that would begin that they live off one stipend. players in the Anglican Communion, and that this to gnaw at the movement’s vitals. development has been held back To these dilemmas we will turn in the June edition of the Rock.

THE ROCK St. Peter’s Caversham - Dunedin THE ROCK - PAGE FIVE MAY 2012 Our Parishioners

David Stocks Wendy Stocks I was born in Christchurch and baptized in the Church of the I was born in Woolwich, South East London during the War Good Shepherd, Phillipstown (now demolished). While still of and was baptized in Holy Trinity Church Woolwich, and like small child my family moved to Nelson and then, after the end Wendy’s, this church has now been demolished. We moved to of the war, to Wellington. I went to Miramar South School Devon during the War, and stayed in the West Country until and Wellington High. My sister and I both went to Sunday about 1949. Back in London I attended Burrage Road School at the Brethren Church until I started High School, Primary School (for motor cycle enthusiasts, this was situated when we started attending St.George’s Church Seatoun where I next to the A.J.S. motor cycle factory). My secondary school was confirmed. I worked for 20th Century Fox Films until they education was at Wickham Lane Boys School (now a Roman moved offices to Auckland, then worked in the offices of Catholic boys school). Whitcombe and Tombs Printing Works until I left to go to My passions were Railways (like lots of boys in those days) and England on my OE with my sister. cinema. Unfortunately I failed the eye sight test for the While in the UK we both worked to pay for trips to many places Railways, but fortunately a vacancy for a trainee projectionist and a tour of Europe by train which we planned ourselves. was available at a local cinema where I stayed for five years Back in Wellington I joined the office staff of Watson Victor ending as the second projectionist. But the Railways still called where I remained until late 1970 when I again travelled to UK, and having a meal in a dining car on one of my many this time by myself. As I needed somewhere to live, I asked excursions and talking to an attendant who suggested I apply about YWCA Hostels (I was staying at the YWCA Central Club for a position on the dining cars, which I was lucky enough to at the time) and was advised there were several Church hostels I be accepted. I started as pantry boy (at 20?) working between could try. They rang one and sent me to St.Ursula’s Hostel. London and York, and within a short period of time I was Where there was a vacancy and I moved there. The Hostel was elevated to the Flying Scotsman between London and run by St.Alban the Martyr Church Holborn. I should have Edinburgh, and working through the ranks to Assistant Chef. I had a reference from my Vicar back in Wellington, but owing to spent the rest of my working life in various Railway jobs until I a postal strike this was not possible, and by the end of the strike took early retirement at 60. I had started attending St.Alban’s and the reference was never During my years on the Railway I moved to Slade Green, near mentioned again. Dartford, Kent where I attended St.Augustine’s Church, and During the years at St.Alban’s I was soon involved in Church the Vicar there asked if I would like to be a Server which I and social activities. We went on Pilgrimages’ to Walsingham, accepted. Sitting reading Church Times one day in early as a Parish and with school groups, trips to the Church Burial June, I saw an advertisement for the Patronal Festival at Plot in Brookwood Cemetery twice a year (sounds a little St.Albans Holborn so I took myself off there on St.Albans Day, morbid but when the old ladies told you stories of people they and what can I say, I was hooked on Anglo Catholic worship knew buried there, it was very interesting), and as the Church from then on. It became my regular place of worship each had a residential home at Tankerton on the north Kent coast, week and as far as possible I took part in church activities there were trips there with the elder people and children in the although it meant an hour’s train journey each way. It was summer. I was secretary to the Social Club, which organized here I met Wendy and the rest, as they say, is history. Shortly many outings and games evenings, and I organized the parish after our wedding I was asked if I would like to join the serving pilgrimage to Oberammagau. I also went on pilgrimage to team and I started as a torch bearer, through Crucifer, Thurifer, Lourdes, which I loved. I worked for a stockbroker in the City and eventually one of the MC’s and then Sub-deacon. of London which meant that I could walk to work or catch a With our love of Anglo Catholic worship we tried to support bus. other Churches of like mind on their Festival days, including When David started coming to St.Alban’s we often went out St.Nicholas Plumstead, St.May’s Cable Street and St.Alban’s with a group of friends and we had several pilgrimages to Romford. We went on pilgrimages to Glastonbury, St.Davids in Wales both before and after we were married. Walsingham and St.David’s in Wales (apparently two Our wedding was a Nuptial Mass in St.Albans where the choir pilgrimages to St.David’s is the equivalent to one pilgrimage to sung Schubert’s Mass in G and two anthems. We travelled Rome) and other places in the UK and Europe. We are both overnight by train to Scotland where we spent the two weeks of members of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham, Church our honeymoon exploring the Western Islands. Union, and Forward in Faith, and are Life Members of the After a variety of temporary jobs finally worked in the Friends of York Minster. Radiology Department at Joyce Green Hospital which became My interests are travel, reading, music and of course the Darent Hospital in 2000. I enjoy photography, handcrafts, continuing interest in films. What has all this got to do with reading and music, all of which I have more time for now we St.Peter’s Caversham, well it’s the Anglo Catholic welcome, the are retired. I love travelling but apart from trips to Dunedin and liturgy, the ceremonial and I had better mention the music Christchurch, we spend most of our time now here in Timaru. which make our occasional visits from Timaru to special. We wish we could get to St.Peter’s more often, but the distance from Timaru is the problem as we get older, but we find the presence of prayer and worship and the friendship of the congregation makes the journey well worth the effort.

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VESTRY IN BRIEF A WARDEN’S WARBLE At the April meeting of Vestry, the following items were of note: At Eastertide I travelled to Melbourne to spend eleven • A water filter and tap have been days with my eldest son Gavin. One of the highlights was installed in the hall kitchen. attending a wonderful presentation of the Opera Turendot. The opera is the work that includes the loverly • The new parish contact list is currently being tenor solo “Nessum Dorma”, and featured our local lad drawn up. Judd Arthur in one of the major roles. On Easter Sunday we walked across the busy Toorak • A ‘new’, second-hand photocopier has been Road, in South Yarra, from Gavin’s apartment to attend installed in the vicarage. Eucharist at Christ Church. There was a very large congregation, the Order of Service interesting, and the • The lecture given by Fr. Hugh in St. Peter’s choir sang beautifully. Following the Service, morning tea Church was well attended. was served in the large Vicarage where I was approached by a very personable young man who said “..good heavens it’s • Fr. Hugh thanked David Hoskins for help with Joy Henderson”. It was Malcom Montieth who now works in service booklets etc. during Holy Week. the Docklands area of Melbourne in banking. He was very interested to hear news of St Peter’s and • Ian Condie, Heather Brooks, Joy Henderson, and sends his regards to everyone. His parents, Vivian and Tubby Hopkins were re-elected as parish Brian, and his brother Chris are all now in Melbourne. nominators. Brian is retired and Vivian teaches at a boy’s school. It was a very special morning - of all the many Churches in • Timers are to be installed in the hall so that Melbourne and thousands of people, we just walked to the heaters cannot accidentally be left on. Church across the road and had this wonderful greeting and surprise. • Tubby Hopkins’ daughter, Danielle, has generously I have had many complaints recently concerning the offered to provide financial services for the parish. unusual taste of the tea and coffee at morning tea. To She spoke to vestry about her background in overcome the problem a filter has been fitted to the cold finance and an eight-point motion was passed water coming into the main sink in the hall kitchen. It is a regarding the provision of these services. Note separate tap that delivers the filtered water. Modifications that the diocesan office has failed to provide us have been made to the hot water boiler on the wall and with a financial statement for the second month in hopefully the problem has been overcome. However I suggest that all water to be drunk, either cold or in the a row. electric jugs, should be used from the filter. Heather Brooks (Vestry Secretary) Joy Henderson - Peoples Warden.

The Origins of the Eucharist On Saturday evening 9th June, the eve of the feast of Corpus Christi, we will gather in the hall at 5.30 pm to recreate the Agape Banquet, or Love Feast, which is the way the first generation of Dedicated and the Church celebrated the Lord’s Supper. The sacred meal, which is the centrepiece of our Sunday worship was first celebrated in compassionate the context of a community meal when the Church met together on Sunday. This is the pattern we see in 1 Corinthians 15, and to professionals some extent in the accounts of the Last Supper in the synoptic gospels. In the following years we will trace the evolution of the “Buildings are only brick and mortar; Eucharist through its successive historical stages as we meet on it’s our people who provide such quality Corpus Christ eve in this same way of teaching, worship and service to families” social gathering. Please sign the notice in the porch to indicate if you will be attending so we can cater for you. A simple meal of Alan Gillion fish and bread will be served. Please bring with you a gold coin donation, a salad and or something to drink.

Gillions Funeral Services

THE ROCK St. Peter’s Caversham - Dunedin THE ROCK - PAGE SEVEN MAY 2012

Movie season extended St Peter’s Fellowship Group In April the Fellowship Group entertained residents from St Barnabas An extra film will be added to with afternoon tea and a concert by Arnold Bachop, Heather Clough and granddaughter. Thank you to all who helped. our line up of Monday night films, this one covering the Our next meeting will be a Pot Luck Tea in the Lounge at 6.30 pm on Reformation without which it is Tuesday 22 May. Fr Hugh will be our speaker. All welcome.

difficult to understand the Group 2 will set up with help from those attending. evolution of the Anglican Contact Gwen Hudson 4557100 or Gay Webb 4761613 Church in its present form. The dates and titles now are 21 May St Peter’s Friendship Group Richard Taylor’s “Churches: The Friendship Group met on Tuesday and enjoyed a game of scrabble. How To read them,” “the Results of the Sunday Raffle drawn 6 May were - medieval period,” and 28 May 1. Joy Henderson - Jigsaw Set “The Reformation,” 4 June “The 2. Shirley Hall - kitchen towels etc. 3. Mahlia Napier - Doll Oxford movement and modern period” in the same series. This raised $91 for the Hall Renovation Fund. Many thanks to all who These will be preceded by a took part. celebration of the Eucharist in Our next meeting will be a Winter lunch at St Barnabas on Tuesday 19th the Church at 7 pm. June at 12.15 pm. Cost $10. Contact - Gay Webb 4761 613.

Saturday Special at St Peter’s 2nd June at 2:00pm in the Church Arnold Bachop (tenor) John Lewis(cornet) Mike Crowl, acc. and Sarah Oliver(mezzo) solo. Justin Scott (baritone) David Hoskins (organ) Kaye Smith(mezzo)

Special guest star John Lewis - Cornet NZ Champion of Champions. Former Australian Champion of Champions. Admission $15 Proceeds to the refurbishment of the Clelland Hall. includes a cup of tea and a biscuit...! CONCERT Pentecost Vigil Service On Saturday evening 26 May, the eve of Pentecost Sunday, there will be a celebration of the Eucharist at 5.30 pm according to the rite of St Basil, incorporating a Vigil of readings similar to the Easter Vigil. This will be followed by a potluck meal in the hall. Pentecost is one of the most important feasts in the Church’s year – the Eastern Orthodox would argue that it is on a par with Easter, a conviction the Vicar shares – and this Vigil Service provides an opportunity for deep Scriptural reflection and further teaching on the significance of this high point in the liturgical year. Please let the Vicar know if you would be available to read a lesson at this Service. THE ROCK St. Peter’s Caversham - Dunedin THE ROCK - PAGE EIGHT MAY 2012


Regular Worship Services ! CALENDAR please consult calendar for variations with festivals and observances

ALL SUNDAYS: 8am Holy Eucharist Sun 20th May - Ascension Day 10.30am Solemn Eucharist Thu 24th May - Edith, Founder Sacred Name, Christchurch, 1922

ALL THURSDAYS 10:00am Eucharist Fri 25th May - Bede of Jarrow - 735 Sat 26th May- Augustine of Canterbury

Sun 27th May -Pentecost - Whitsunday PARISH HALL BOOKINGS (03) 479 0754. Fri 1st June - Justin, Martyr at Rome, c165 PARISH HALL PHONE (03) 455 3851. Sun 3th June -Trinity Sunday Boniface Bishop of Mainz, 754 VISIT OUR WEBSITE Sat 9th June - Columbia of Iona, Abbot, 597 Sun 10th June -Corpus Christi

Mon 11th June - St Barnabas the Apostle

Wed 13th June -Anthony of Padua, Preacher, 1231 BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, HOUSE BLESSINGS, Thu 14th June - Basil the Great - Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia 379 BURIALS AND CONFESSIONS BY ARRANGEMENT WITH THE Fri 15th June - Evelyn Underhill, Mystic, 1941 VICAR Sun 17th June - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Directory Tue 19th June - Sadhu Singh, Teacher, Evangalist, 1299 VICAR VESTRY SECRETARY Fr Hugh Bowron Heather Brooks Thu 21st June - Henare Taratoa of Te Ranga, 1864 The Vicarage, 57 Baker St. Phone: 481-1916 Caversham, Dunedin. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Fri 22nd June - Alban, First Martyr of Telephone: (03) 455 3961 David Hoskins Britain,304 Phone: 455-7537 Email: [email protected] Sat 23rd June - Wiremu Tamihana, Prophet,1886 ROCK EDITOR: CHURCH WARDENS: Dereck Gray Sun 24th June - St John the Baptist Vicar’s Warden: 13 King St, Mosgiel Tubby Hopkins Phone 489-3520 Thu 28th June -Irernaeus, Phone: 455-3613 Email: [email protected] Bishop of Lyons, c200

People’s Warden: Fri 29th June - St Peter & St Paul, Martyrs Joy Henderson PRINTED BY Phone: 456-1141 Dunedin Print Ltd

THE ROCK St. Peter’s Caversham - Dunedin