ISSN 0114-9199 ISBN 908881-23-1 WORKING PAPER NO. 15 NUCLEAR FREE NEW ZEALAND: TWENTY YEARS ON Robert E White December 2007 Author's Address: Centre for Peace Studies University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand Tel. +64 - 9 - 3737599 ext. 88897 Fax. +64 - 9 - 3737445 E-mail:
[email protected] ii CENTRE FOR PEACE STUDIES WORKING PAPERS This Working Paper series presents current research carried out by members and associates of the Centre for Peace Studies, and aims to cover topics dealing with matters relating to a broad range of peace issues. Publication as a Working Paper does not preclude subsequent publication in scholarly journals or books. Unless otherwise stated, publications of the Centre for Peace Studies are presented without endorsement, as contributions to the public record and debate. Authors are responsible for their own analysis and conclusions. Centre for Peace Studies University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand iii ABSTRACT & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A survey was carried out in 2006 of all political parties represented in the New Zealand Parliament asking for their positions on the 1987 New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act referred to as the Act below, as the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Act into law approached on 8 June 2007. They were also asked for their views on Anzus, denoted in earlier working papers by the acronym ANZUS. The Anzus version seems to be more commonly used however. The findings show near universal support for the Act in its present form. The National Party now pledges it will retain the legislation unchanged should it become the government, a position that only became clear late in 2006.