' Memoiial, Service.: . :'
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If you pass ihe word to your Beniam, 'Jack..D. Cossairt,.'Jam&, ,Rutha& Gallatin,' the Farrell try' award, wezlt to two: Tina. Plc- they pass the friends* and if B:Farrell, Iks. Katherine Foster; Scott scholarship for voice to Joan kard, in the day school, and Den- to others, we can flood Washing. Awards Day Honors. .. '. '. , Catherine L: Knecht, . Verle D. Long, and a special' scholarship nis Thompson, an evening student., ton with the rea' the pm' ICC'Students ' " ple, and we'can have an impact . 'Line, hIrs. Hollis A. Lohman; Wal- awarded by the Pi Zeta chapter An accounting award went to War- we can end the WaF , ,mi electioh by the Indiana Cen- ,ter L. Maxson, blrs., Diana Meth-:of Phi Beta; national professional.ncr Young. " ' .. - on tral College'faculty of 20 students eny, Mrs. Sara:Fettlg hIllls, MrS: fraternity of music, and speech, to;:. su;;li' c;;, ,was ;elected the. if each person willdo his.. part' . to. ~p~il~~.Sigma Alpha,',senior Carolyn 'L. Natalie, :ah. Betty Marcella Stewart, Jane Yates,. a, ' ' honor society,. :announced 'to. Poindexter, Mrs. Loretta S. Sabm,..senior from Butler, received the member 'who made the most sig- the to the Phila. THE.SILENT ,REBEL .#3 . day. at annual Awards.. Day John B.,Schuck; Donna.K:Stone, senior' achievemet award of the nificant .,; ' Nate EvereW convdcation. ' . ,hlrs..Nancy R. Tolson, Marsha I. Beta Psi chapter of Mu Phi Epsi- lethes Literaryi Society... And. a certain nation asked him; Numerous awards and.'citations :Wallace,' Connie. Lou Yoder,. and ,Ion. professional music sorority. pini or' charms were saying, Good'lIaster, what shall for accomplishments during ;the Jay A. Ward... :'. .. This will enter her in the sterling to members 'of,the publications I do that I may never be con- 1969-70 ,academic year were:an. - ' achievement award competition staffs for meritorious service. Re-. quered? .. .. nounced at the student. assembly it was awardingSigma' aAlpha. scholarship among all collegiate chapters to cipients on the.lxooracle (year- _.And Jesus said unto the nation, in Ransburg, Auditorium, presided to Coomhs, a sophomore ,memberfind the inmost the natio~.outstanding~ senior hook) staff were Paul A. momas, why callest thou mc good? none over by Dr. Robert E.. Cramer, from Ileryville, and,a, scholar- editor: Michael A. Shnrn, assist- is good save one and that.. is Academic Dean. .' The llusic Educators' National ant editor; Roger K. IIenry, busi: God.and-country. The members of.the Class .of ship to' Lee'. ' Conference campus chapter cited manager,. a& ,three other Thou knowest .the ten <omm~nd:'1970 named to the senior honor so- The ,Music Department'awarded these seniors as.having made the - ~~~i~lc. ill^^, Debra three scholarships: the.- Dorothy greatest ' contributions as ' mcm perry, and julie L. Zerkel. ments, Do not commit adultery, ciety were: ' .. .. .'Do not steal, ,Do not kill, Do , Helen Y. Archer, Mrs. Norma Munger scholarship for piano to hers: Linda Cook, Susan Day, DI- nne Farlow, Joanna Ifill Garrison,' 'Those .working on the Reflector, , not bear false witness, Honor .. ' thy father and thy mother. ,. ' Joseph Kapciak, Ronald W. No- the student newspaper, recognized The nation blushed 'somewhat, but . '. hles, Karen Risser;Jo Ellen Spen: were PauIJr. Glaspie, editor; Carl then said, all these have been ' Memoiial,Service.: . :' ;'''., . cer. llIelody Sweet, Marsha Wal-. D. IIerbster, sports editor: Vicki my principles since my youth. lace, John. .Williams, , and : Jane Vertrees, assistant editor; Blartha Now when Jesus heard this .be ~ J.'Nees, assistant editor, and Bri- chuckled, but went .on to say, ne~~~~~s~ F&ulty,Club, 'an- an D: Thompson; business man- Planned .For Slain',Students. .. Yet lackest thou one thing: sell ' we mourn the death of.thC four invasion of Cambodia? What sort,y=. nouncing the establishment of a ager* all that thou hast, and .distrib- students slain at. Kent State. The of expression are,armed soldiers scholarship in honor of, Indiana . ds0recognized were the 18 sen. ute unto poorer nations and you responsibiliy for the. death of AI. in our cities and universjties? . Central's retiring .president, pre- iors listed in the lgoedition of shall be a nation in heaven, and lison Krause, Jeffrey Illiller, Sandy ' To express our collective grief, sented the first I: LPd Esch schol: A~~~~ StudentS in ; bring all thy people, and ,come L~~ Scheurer, and William Schroe- memorial . services ,for the four arship to Tina Pickard. 'American ' Universities and Col- . follow me. ' I der lies with our national leaders. dead students will be held. this' 'Nancy Gill was cited as the most .leges. They were: And.when the nation heard his he They'plunged the .country deeper.'week on campuses and in towns outstanding senior in the Student I was very SOlTOwful, for he was into the 'morass of the. Southeast. around :the,country. We urge all Education Association. Mrs. Patri- John W. Bailey, Edward L. Bald- .','very rich. .: ' '.Asian , War, and when :students Americans to join in this demon- cia &IrTrout, was narncd Indiana Win, Jack D. COSSairt! James B. And-when Jesus saw that he. was. gathered. to call. for peace they stration of sadness at Fese' un- Central's, "outstanding teacher in .Farrell,.. James Fernier. Nancy ' , somful he .said, 1IoW hardly responded with soldiers .carrying' necessary. killings. , . .training" .by 'the 'Indiana Council Gill, 'John Johnson, WaltCr L. shall ,they that have riches en; loaded weapons. :, : . ~. ' , .., 2M).Years ago, the killing of five for, Social Studies, receiving.one- Maxson, Car01,Yn ;G hIedCalf, ter into he Kingdom of God! ' In $is'statcment, NF Americans ,by British Imperial year .memhcrships in' the state Steven'. aIluer, . BOmta' IlisMer. FO~it is easier. for a Vietnamese trcmps earned the name "The Bos- group and the National Council'of.. Stephen Schmk, . Jo Ellen. Spen- communist to . obtain mercy .On %sorting to ton Massacre." The tragedy at"Socia1 Studies. cer, Donna K. Stone, Peggy'Young ,"than for a' rich American to.. buy as a means ,of expression.:' What Kent State,may neu be the."mas- plaques representing the Wayne' Switzer, Janet Tburmond, Marsha a ticket to:heaven. ' ' sort of expression is the' American sacre" of our time; Patrick Corner memorial chemis- Wallace, and Jane Yates. .. , .. ..: !l,. I /,. ~''~ . : 8.. , I , . .'I I ,! ., .'.,The .Reflector :histudcnt.ne\vkp ects,.or.nt-, , . , . .temuts .to reflect. :the';cventC which;affect*students on .the', ; ' .. .. .. , . .. .. .. 1 .. :! .. I .. ... , ... .,.. ! ' . .: ,I .. .. ., ., .. .- May21,',1970 . ~, . ,. 'REFLE~CTORi ' . " .. - Page Three INDIANA CENTRAL T&CONFERi sylvania Department ..' Leolin E. Long . ,. :. Summer Volunteer . Positions Available Looking f0r.a job, this summer? The Volunteer Bureau .of the.Com. munity. Service. Council. ..can . .helpj... you find one: . I. ~. ,. ... .. .. 1: ' Seveh hundred 'summer volun, leer positions are: open to India- nnpolis teenagers in.the areas of, recreation, education and. office 'ork:You won't bet paid, but. you'll 'find that .the gratitude and the , sense ' of . accomplishment I &at comes. from . helping someone who needs help will more than eomp- ensate for the lack of a salary. Volunteers ,k,ho. ii.ould. kke to '. work .with youn," handicapped :ehil- drcn are wanted to help with ther- apy and recreation 'activities. ' . Volunteer jobs in. recreation ,are open 'at Park Department play- grounds,, day ,camps and outdoor ,- recreation centers, Some iolunteer the ~SEAand the Exewtive Board, Election .of .197&71' officem. for seeddressings' are beginning :.to' carrp counselin. jobs ,;are also and lo retain and keep up to, date.tho local SEA chapter was held the show in $e US. ;. , . .. ' ope?..:, f., ;: . ,,./:,. ., ' " ' all records of the organization.; ' latter part of April. These.results '.Pheasants recently -found 'dead ' Concentrations of have ., ' ' in. Northern California were test- \Vorkcrs . 'are needed 'for, the During the conrention students .IVere as foil0ws: ' ' . ' President: Judy 'Perkins.:,' ., ' ed, for'mercury;and:levels were. found in fish c?ught in Lake many summer .tutorial programs j, St 'Clair near Detroit, nlich. twice from' various , 'ndidna' colleges. Vice-Ptesident: Mary bfathes. ; . found of up to 10 times higher than th;t.allotved b,, Canadian a;ulqri.that will be in operation in the in-' \\.ere sit'en the OPPortunitY !O Vis.: Secretary: Sue Ann. Carroll.". ,j the .. maximum . recommended r by: ties~.commercial fisl,ing has.been nei city.and mod 'job 'experience, it Indianapolis schools of special Treasurer: Chuck.Schafer. : \.' . the \Vorld Health organization. can &gained-by working in agen- education. as well as, ' inner-city "Congratulations to these officers nlercury contamination is not lim-. Canadians in Lake cies that have clerical. jobs such elementary and high schools. Those and best ixishes for a most suc- ited to animals .wh3. eat contami- St. 'lair and Erie* be- as typing and filing available. SEA. members representing Indi- cessful school year. ' .'...:. '' .' ' nated meat. A famlly of nine re- cause Of the'.detection Of Students .interested in volunteer ous mercury in fish. United States work must be ,at least 15 years of authorities hare not responded >to age and willing to .aork"a mini- F&hmcn'Elcct 'Officers ., khJlTlClniC'S Club Elects Officers ''; . "' '. .".: '..the'findings.~dththe same degree mum 'of' three hours per. aeek.' At their first April meeting, the were the first graduates of the Of '.alarCrity, ,calling, instead f?! They must 'also be'able to furnish For Next Ymr llumanic's Club heard Alr:Ilarold Human Relations program at IC. further 'tCStS., .. transportation to and,: from'. .. the The sophomore' class fOr-1970-11' Brown; Financial Aid Counselor'at President ' Bonnie'.Xishler con. I! IIowever, 90 p'er centlof the fish jobs., ' '., : ' . .. has held its clections , for. next Indiana University, Indianapolis. ducted 'the elecUon of the follow- caught in.Lake St. Clair by either Iff you. ivant'to make yolir sum; year. The new officers arc: John and nlr. nIaurice (Kip). Kistler.