Phil and Sara Whyman

Manchester Haunted: Hello Phil and Sara, how are things at the moment with Dead Haunted Nights?

Phil Whyman: Hey guys! We're working on some new ideas for 2012, but can't say too much at the moment.

Sara Whyman: Hi, we’re just settling down after the rush, as you can imagine this is our busiest time of year. Like Phil says we have some new ideas that we’re looking at for 2012 and we’re starting to fill up the calendar with bookings.

MH: For people who haven’t been on a Dead Haunted Night’s event yet, what can they expect?

PW: We're well known for the relaxed and approachable manner in which we run our events, which I think is a vital part of putting our guests at ease (some are pretty nervous!). We aim to give guests a memorable hunting event, where they can participate in such things as seances, glass work experiments, even ouija boards if they want, all under the supervision of our experienced team leaders. Incidentally, for those worried about taking part in experiments all participation is optional. And for peace of mind no team leader is permitted (apart from seances) to take part in any other experiment; as we therefore say, if it happens then it happens for real and not because we are faking anything. We believe we have the best, most trustworthy team leaders in the field working for us.

SW: At Dead Haunted we try to give an insight Investigation, we look at things more from logical scientific point of view. Although we do use some spiritual based equipment like the Ouija boards etc, we encourage our guests to make their own minds up about any experiences that might occur on a night with us. Like Phil has stated, none of our team leaders will take part in any of the hands on experiments, therefore giving our guests the peace of mind that they have spent their money on a true experience and have no doubt about any activity that does take place. On occasion we do invite a medium to work along with us as we do also appreciate that people enjoy the psychic side of investigating.

MH: Having been a person who has joined in and very much enjoyed your events, they are incredibly well run and professionally executed. That being said, has there ever been anything happen, of a paranormal kind that has created a panic/hysteria?

PW: We often get guests experiencing all kinds of strange incidents on our events, and inevitably panic does ensue on occasions. Because the way we run events - splitting into small investigation teams - you can often hear screams etc coming from the other groups. Usually it's when someone's clothes or hair gets pulled or 'something' breathes in their ear!

SW: There have been numerous occasions where this has happened, thankfully our team are always on hand to deal with any such situation and will calm our guests down the best they can.

MH: What initially drew you into the paranormal field?

PW: Books. I used to read myths and legends, like Dracula or werewolves, and progressed onto and hauntings...I was about 11 years old. Then I believe I saw our deceased family cat when I was 14-15 yrs old...just went from there really. At 16 I started my own investigations, mainly at the homes of friends or their relatives.

SW: Strangely enough I was only discussing this the other day, for as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with ghosts and hauntings, as a young girl I used to have a subscription to a comic called ‘Misty’ which included stories of the which I’m sure will have had some part in my interest! Growing up into my teenage years I often suffered from a condition called ‘sleep paralysis’ whereby you wake into a semi conscious state and are able to see your surroundings but your body is still paralyzed as if still asleep. This is a very frightening situation to be in and many sufferers report sightings of ghostly figures in their room or of a huge pressure being applied to their chest. I researched into this frightening ‘phenomenon’ that I was experiencing only to discover it to be a natural occurrence. Even now I still see many ghost or alien abduction reports that could be explained away rationally by sleep paralysis!

MH: A question to Phil. You have recently been part of the upcoming Christmas DVD, “Christmas Spirits,” how did it feel to be with the Most Haunted crew again?

PW: It was awesome, just like old times again! Everyone was really excited about the whole thing; there was definitely a buzz about being together again.

MH: Obviously, people know you best from your work with Most Haunted. What is an average investigation like with the crew and do they take the investigations as seriously as it appears?

PW: Hectic from the get go. Everyone on the crew takes their role very seriously and professionally, and it's great being part of such a team. It's hard to describe the excitement of wandering around in the dark with just a night vision camera for company, knowing that a place is haunted and wondering what might be round the next corner! And every so often you'd hear some kind of commotion in another part of the building from some other team members, which really puts you on edge.

MH: Sara, before Dead Haunted Nights you had and still have your own team called White Rose Paranormal, are there any particular investigations that stand out to you personally.

SW: I founded White Rose Paranormal in 2005 and more or less from the offset we were quite busy investigating local hauntings. There are a few that stand out more from the rest, one being at RAF Holmpton where I believe I witnessed my first apparition, I don’t say that lightly either as I’m a very sceptical person, however I have never been able to give a rational explanation for the man I saw in the camera flash whilst taking a photograph of an empty space! The other one I would like to mention was at a Knottingley Town Hall, during our first investigation there we experienced lots of banging and footsteps coming from the lower floor of the building whilst we were upstairs. The noises were that loud that I was convinced that someone had broken into the building! Upon inspection there was no one to be found and again no logical explanation could be given!

MH: Sara, you have many ‘special guests,’ join you on your events. I particularly enjoyed John Callow’s talk on the Pendle Witches when we came along. Are there any special guests lined up you can tell us about?

SW: We are very lucky to be able to boast some of the most famous names in the paranormal field as having joined us on our events, with Phil’s connection to Most Haunted we do on occasion have members of the show as special guests along on some of our nights. At present I can’t give out dates for you, but will say ‘watch this space!’

MH: Phil, tell us about Scream Team?

PW: In 2002 Living TV ran an ad campaign looking for 3 guys 3 girls to take part in a new investigative show; Scream Team. After 2 audition stages I was chosen as one of the members. We then travelled the length and breadth of the UK looking into accounts of ghosts, hauntings, ufo's and was tremendous fun, albeit bloody scary at some points!

MH: Phil, you are also a writer and have released a book on the subject of Hauntings, ghosts, investigations etc. have you got any plans to start another book?

PW: Not at the moment...might try some fiction next and have some great ideas for at least 3 fiction books!

MH: Ghosts have been reported as far back as biblical times for example, King Saul had the Witch of Endor summon the spirit of dead prophet Samuel for advice. Given that the ghost phenomenon has been around for so long why do you think modern day physicists are so ready to throw away the possibility of they’re actually being something to this field?

PW: Good question! What do you think (lol)? I think it's basically because they do not have any solid proof (ghost in a jar, etc). I think it's easy to obtain proof; go to eBay and you can by said ghost in a jar! Be careful though, cos if you open it they apparently escape. Simples...

SW: That’s a difficult one to answer indeed! I can only assume that said physicists feel this way because like Phil says they don’t have any solid evidence to say otherwise, as you and I know getting that evidence is not an easy task. Even though I have witnessed unexplainable things I still have not gathered physical proof that I can put in front of someone else and convince them of the existence of ghosts.

MH: I personally think that 95% of phenomena can be explained by natural or environmental elements but the sporadic nature of ghosts makes it almost impossible to scientifically investigate the phenomena. In my opinion, this is part of the reason why serious scientists feel they can explain away people’s experiences. That being said, for many years scientists refused to believe in meteorites because their falling out of the sky was sporadic and not predictable or repeatable. Scientists also viewed the universe as perfect and had no theory to explain how there could be little pieces of extra rock floating around in space. Your thoughts?

PH: My thoughts are that the question contained to many long words! My point would be to look at it from the other end; ok, if say 95% of paranormal phenomenon can be explained, what about the remaining 5%? Explain to me what that is...hallucination on a global scale, or some kind of mental disease we have yet to uncover? Whatever it is people ARE seeing what we describe as a ghost or experiencing phenomenon they class as paranormal in nature.

SW: Again I’m agreeing with Phil on this one, and I guess the same could be said of religion, and yet this is accepted worldwide as normal practice. People worship, lives are dedicated, wars are fought and all for something that hasn’t and probably never will be proven.

MH: Phil, you are also a musician. Are you working on anything at the moment you can tell us about?

PW: Not working on anything at the moment...trying to conquer Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

MH: To both of you, what are the benefits of the close husband and wife dynamic in investigating the ghost phenomena?

PW: I get to go home with the person I love after each event we do!

SW: We’re very lucky that we share our interest and because of this both have the enthusiasm to work a successful business from it. I know many people believe that I got into ghosts/hauntings after meeting Phil, but in actual fact it was the spooky stuff that brought us together in the first place!

We work well as a team both professionally and personally! Oh.. and I get to go home with the person I love after each event we do!! ;o)

Thank you so much for answering our questions. I didn’t once mention Phil’s designer stubble. Oops!

PW: Jealous!

10 Simple Questions

1: Outside of the paranormal and occult world, what else is your passion?

PW: Messing with my synth, editing videos of investigations, annoying you, flirting with Natasha (joke, please don't hit me!) wife Sara x

SW: Horses, I’ve always been horse mad and started riding at around age 6, I spent several years working with them training and doing British Horse Society exams, I’m currently trialing a new mare who’s on loan to me for the moment in the hope she and I get on so she can come and live with us permanently! I also love photography and spending time with my family.

2: Scariest moment?

PW: In peterborough Museum, we were doing a seance and didn't know a member of the group had wandered off. Anyway, so as not to cause a fuss and interrupt the seance, she came back into the room on her knees. Well, three of us saw this child-sized silhouette out the corner of our eyes and all hell broke loose...funny though now, but scary as at the time! I've actually edited that whole invest into a 15 minute video...with that part included!

SW: lol am I allowed to say giving birth!?! Oh well I just did!! But if we’re talking scariest spooky moment then I’ll go for the time we were investigating Derby Royal Infirmary. I was stood with a group of guests in a long corridor staring into the darkness (and it was very dark!) calling out to see ‘if any spirits were present’ all of a sudden a white shape emerged from one of the doorways and appeared to be floating towards us! I remember about a thousand rational thoughts rushing through my head as a string of obscenities were piling out of my mouth and at the same time I’m desperately trying to find the ‘on’ switch on my torch! It turned out to be two guests that had wondered off earlier into one of the side rooms unbeknownst to the rest of us! However one had a rather unfortunate choice in clothing as she was wearing a knee length white coat and black trousers, which, against the darkness just looked like a floating white shape!

3: Proudest moment?

PW: Several:

1. September 27th 2010 when Sara and I got married. 2. Being part of the Most Haunted phenomenon. 3. 30th July 2002 when I was chosen for Scream Team. 4. Having a great bunch of supporters and followers!

SW: Getting married to Phil, Sept 27th 2010 a perfect day with perfect memories that I will never forget. Raising my son Ben and being told by my own mum that he is a credit to me and all that I have done for him. Several more regarding Ben like scoring goals at football, winning awards at school, all the ‘proud mum’ things! Seeing Phil rejoin the Most Haunted team when they did the live shows in Morecambe and West Rainham, and now more recently for Christmas DVD special, although insane with jealously I’m very proud that he has been invited back onto the show!!

4: When you where a child, what did you want to be?

PW: From about 13 I wanted to be the next Jean Michel Jarre!

SW: I wanted to be an actress like my idol Marilyn Monroe!

5: What is your favourite genre of music?

PW: Various. I like stuff like Muse, Placebo, Keane, Jarre, Pink Floyd...

SW: Big range really, love a good girly sing along with Madonna, Gaga, love a boogie so throw in some dance tunes (choons!) and also enjoy Keane, Muse etc

6: What is your favourite film?

PW: Several really. Tombstone with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer; The Haunting (the 1960's original) with Julie Harris, Clare Bloom, Richard Johnson and Russ Tamblyn; The legend of Hell House with Clive Revill and Roddy McDowell (underestimated actor in my eyes!); The Thing with Kurt Russell; The Cat and the Canary with Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard; The Ghostbreakers with Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard; The Lord of the Rings trilogy...

SW: Phil has stolen my favourite movies! ‘The Ghostbreakers’ ‘The Cat & The Canary’ with Bob Hope, the original version of ‘The Haunting’, ‘The Legend of Hell House’ on a totally different theme, ‘There’s Something about Mary’ and ‘The Wedding Singer’ ohh there are so many! Love a good thriller and when I can steal the TV remote I enjoy a good girly movie that makes you cry!!

7: If you could travel to any point and place in time, where and when would it be and why?

PW: Tombstone, Arizona, Wednesday October the O.K corral; to get the real story of what happened on that afternoon.

SW: Wow that’s a difficult one, I think I’d probably end up going with Phil to make sure he doesn’t get in the line of fire at the O.K Corral!

8: Within the paranormal field we are all in, what (if you could) would you change?

PW: I would have a direct dial line to the otherside, so I could call ghosts and ask them to make an appearance on our events! Lol

SW: Seriously, I wouldn’t change anything, people will be the same whatever field you are in, although it would be nice to have a device that allows you To reveal peoples true intentions in doing what they are doing and for what reasons!

9: What is your view on medium-ship?

PW: Undecided. Over the 25yrs I've been involved in the paranormal I have worked with numerous; some have surprised me and others have been nothing short of scandalous.

SW: Hmmm… I’m going to have to say that until someone can prove to me personally that they can speak with the other side I’m still on the fence here too!

10: If you could sum up the paranormal field right now, what would it be?

PW: Green, square, nicely mown with a picket fence containing ghosts! Seriously? Confused. Mysterious. Unknown.

SW: Ever changing, egotistic, a little bit mental on occasion but fascinating!