P E R E G R I N E N a T I O
"The Toothsome Twosome" — Elric and Megumi © 2003 by Trinlay Khadro P E R E G R I N E N A T I O N S VOLUME THREE, NUMBER FOUR / JANUARY 2004 This Time ‘Round We Have: Silent eLOCutions / art by Trinlay Khadro / 3 Book Review by Lyn McConchie / art by Rod Marsden / 10 In the Interim: Fanzines Received / art by Marc Schirmeister / 11 The Agriculture and Cuisine of the Shire by E.B. Frohvet / art by Brad Foster / 12 Will the Real Swamp Thing Please Stand Up? / mascot art by Brad Foster / 15 Additional Art: Trinlay Khadro/ cover Alan White / masthead This version has the addresses of contributors removed, for privacy reasons. ________________________________________________________________________________ peregrination, n., L., A traveling, roaming, or wandering about; a journey. (The New Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, Avenel Books, New York: 1980). ________________________________________________________________________________ This issue is dedicated to the animals with whom many of us share our lives. They make us laugh and keep us warm (furry or not), and their departures are never easy. To all the critters in fandom, here's a scritch and a smooch. Thanks for joining us on the ride. ____________________________________________________________________________________ This issue of Peregrine Nations is a © 2004 J9 Press Publication edited and published by J. G. Stinson, P.O. Box 248, Eastlake, MI 49626-0248. Copies available for $2 or the Usual. A quarterly pubbing sked is intended. All material in this publication was contributed for one-time use only, and copyrights belong to the contributors. Contributions are welcome in the form of LoCs, articles, reviews, art, etc.
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