TRANSYLVANIAN UNITARIANISM BIBLIOGRAPHY (Update 9/10/2014)—Compiled by Harold Babcock
TRANSYLVANIAN UNITARIANISM BIBLIOGRAPHY (update 9/10/2014)—compiled by Harold Babcock Allen, J. H. A Visit to Transylvania and the Consistory at Kolozvar. Boston: George H. Ellis, 1881. Ashton, Timothy W. “Transylvanian Unitarianism: Background and Theology in the Contemporary Situation of Communist Romania.” Manuscript of research paper, Meadville/Lombard Theological School, 1968. Balazs, Mihaly. Ference David. Bibliotheca Dissidentium: Repertoire des non‐conformistes religieux des seizieme et dis‐septiemesiecles/edite par Andre Seguenny. T. 26: Ungarlandische Antitrinitarier IV. Baden‐Baden; Bouxwiller: Koerner, 2008. [translated by Judit Gellerd] Balazs, Mihaly and Keseru, Gizella, eds. Gyorgy Enyedi and Central European Unitarianism in the 16th‐17th Centuries. Budapest: Balassi Kiedo, 1998. Boros, George, ed. Report of the International Unitarian Conference. Kolozsvart: Nyomatott Gambos Ferencznel, 1897. Campbell, Judy. “Here They Come! A Visit to Transylvania,”uu & me! Vol. 3 No. 3., December 1999: 2‐3. Cheetham, Henry H. Unitarianism and Universalism: An Illustrated History. Boston: Beacon Press, 1962. Codrescu, Andrei and Ross, Warren. “Rediscovering Our Transylvanian Connection: A Challenge and a Response,”World Magazine, July/August 1995: 24‐30. Cornish, Louis C., ed. The Religious Minorities in Transylvania. Boston: The Beacon Press, Inc., 1925. _____, ed. Transylvania in 1922. Boston: The Beacon Press, Inc., 1923. Erdo, Janos. “Light Upon Religious Toleration from Francis David and Transylvania,” Faith and Freedom 32, Part II (1979): 75‐82. _____. “The Biblicism of Ferenc David,” Faith and Freedom 48, Part I, (?): 44‐50. Erdo, John. “The Foundations of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church,” Faith and Freedom 23, Part II (1970): 61‐70. _____. Transylvanian Unitarian Church: Chronological History and Theological Essays.
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