Ulk4 Is Essential for Ciliogenesis and CSF Flow

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Ulk4 Is Essential for Ciliogenesis and CSF Flow The Journal of Neuroscience, July 20, 2016 • 36(29):7589–7600 • 7589 Neurobiology of Disease Ulk4 Is Essential for Ciliogenesis and CSF Flow Min Liu,1 X Zhenlong Guan,2 Qin Shen,3 Pierce Lalor,4 XUna Fitzgerald,5 XTimothy O’Brien,1 Peter Dockery,4 and Sanbing Shen1 1Regenerative Medicine Institute, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, 2Department of Physiology, College of Life Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China, 3Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Center for Life Sciences, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China, 4Anatomy Department, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, and 5National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, Galway Neuroscience Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Ciliopathies are an emerging class of devastating disorders with pleiotropic symptoms affecting both the central and peripheral systems and commonly associated with hydrocephalus. Even though ciliary components and three master transcriptional regulators have been identified, little is known about the signaling molecules involved. We previously identified a novel gene, Unc51-like-kinase 4 (ULK4), as a risk factor of neurodevelopmental disorders. Here we took multidisciplinary approaches and uncovered essential roles of Ulk4 in ciliogenesis. We show that Ulk4 is predominantly expressed in the ventricular system, and Ulk4tm1a/tm1a ependymal cells display reduced/ disorganized cilia with abnormal axonemes. Ulk4tm1a/tm1a mice exhibit dysfunctional subcommissural organs, obstructive aqueducts, and impaired CSF flow. Mechanistically, we performed whole-genome RNA sequencing and discovered that Ulk4 regulates the Foxj1 pathway specifically and an array of other ciliogenesis molecules. This is the first evidence demonstrating that ULK4 plays a vital role in ciliogenesis and that deficiency of ULK4 can cause hydrocephalus and ciliopathy-related disorders. Key words: ciliogenesis; CSF; hydrocephalus; hypomorph mouse; neurodevelopmental disorder; Ulk4 Significance Statement Ciliopathies are an emerging class of devastating disorders with pleiotropic symptoms affecting both the central and peripheral systems. Ciliopathies are commonly associated with hydrocephalus, and Unc51-like-kinase 4 (Ulk4) has been identified as one of 12 genes causing hydrocephalus in mutants. Here we uncover an essential role of Ulk4 in ciliogenesis. Ulk4 is predominantly expressed in the ventricles, and mutant ependymal cells display reduced/disorganized/nonfunctional motile cilia with abnormal axonemes and impaired CSF flow. Ulk4 modulates expression of the master regulator of ciliogenesis, Foxj1, and other ciliogenesis molecules. This is the first report demonstrating a vital role of Ulk4 in ciliogenesis. ULK4 deficiency may be implicated in human hydrocephalus and other ciliopathy-related disorders. Introduction drome, Bardet–Biedl syndrome, Meckel–Gruber syndrome, Ciliopathies, which are associated with neurodevelopmental oral–facial–digital syndrome type 1, and nephronophthisis, all of disorders of pleiotropic clinical symptoms, include Joubert syn- which are commonly associated with hydrocephalus (Lee and Gleeson, 2011). Handedness, linked to dyslexia and schizophrenia, is also shown to involve ciliopathies (Brandler and Paracchini, Received Feb. 16, 2016; revised May 14, 2016; accepted May 19, 2016. 2014). MIPT3, an interactive protein of disrupted-in-schizo- Author contributions: M.L., Z.G., Q.S., P.L., U.F., T.O., P.D., and S.S. designed research; M.L. and S.S. performed research;S.S.contributedunpublishedreagents/analytictools;M.L.,Z.G.,Q.S.,P.L.,U.F.,T.O.,P.D.,andS.S.analyzed phrenia 1 (DISC1), which is truncated in a large Scottish schizo- data; M.L., Z.G., Q.S., P.L., U.F., T.O., P.D., and S.S. wrote the paper. phrenic family (Millar et al., 2000), functions synergistically with This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (Grant 09/SRC/B1794s1 and 13/IA/1787 to S.S.) and the the Bardet–Biedl syndrome protein Bbs4 and plays a critical role National University of Ireland Galway (Grant RSU002 to S.S.); We thank the staff of the Bio-Resources Unit, in in assembling intraflagellar transport particle complexes (Li et al., particular Drs. Yolanda Garcia and Cathal O’Flatharta, for the support and assistance of experimental procedure. We 2008). Remarkably, when 41 candidate genes associated with would also like to thank the Knockout Mouse Project Repository (www.KOMP.org) and the Mouse Biology Program (www.mousebiology.org) at the University of California, Davis, for Ulk4ϩ/tm1a breeding pairs. We also want to schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, autism spectrum disor- acknowledgethescientificandtechnicalassistanceofDr.KerryThompsonoftheCentreforMicroscopy&Imagingat der, and intellectual disability are investigated, 23 are found to the National University of Ireland. This facility is funded by the National University of Ireland Galway and the Irish regulate cilium length in cultured cells (Marley and von Zastrow, Government’s Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions, Cycles 4 and 5, National Development Plan. 2012). The authors declare no competing financial interests. Correspondence should be addressed to either of the following: Sanbing Shen, Regenerative Medicine Institute, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland. E-mail: [email protected];or Zhenlong Guan, Department of Physiology, College of Life Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0621-16.2016 China. E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright © 2016 the authors 0270-6474/16/367589-12$15.00/0 7590 • J. Neurosci., July 20, 2016 • 36(29):7589–7600 Liu et al. • Ulk4 Is Essential for Ciliogenesis and CSF Flow We recently demonstrated that the Unc51-like-kinase 4 PCR with two pairs of primers at the same time. The WT allele was (ULK4) gene is a rare risk factor for schizophrenia, autism, and detected by a 271 bp DNA fragment using Ulk4EndE7For (5Ј-TAACTT bipolar disorder (Lang et al., 2014). Our unpublished data show GCTGGACGGATTGCTG-3Ј in exon 7) and Ulk4EndIn7Rev (5Ј-TGA Ј Ј that ULK4 is deleted in some patients with heterogeneous clinical TCTGTAATCGCAGTGCAGG-3 ,nestedwithinthesequenceof5 -CAG Ј features, including developmental delay, language delay, and se- CCTCCTGCACTGCGATTACAGATCAATACCAC-3 deleted in the Ulk4tm1a allele). The mutant allele was identified by a 621 bp PCR frag- vere intellectual disability (Liu et al., 2016, in press). Depleted ment using Ulk4KOMPKOFor (5Ј-GAGATGGCGCAACGCAATTA ULK4 expression in neuroblastoma cells disrupts microtubular ATG-3Ј, which was present only in the synthetic cassette) and composition, compromises neuritogenesis and cell motility, and Ulk4KOMPKORev (5Ј-CTGAGGAGACAATGTAACCAGC-3Ј from in- modulates multiple signaling pathways, which are associated tron 7). with schizophrenia. Ulk4 is developmentally regulated by mor- Histology. P12 Ulk4tm1a/tm1a (three females and one male) and litter- phogens, and there is a switch in Ulk4 isoforms during mouse mate controls (one female and three males) were deeply anesthetized and brain formation and neuronal maturation. Targeted Ulk4 dele- intracardially perfused with 20 ml of 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in tion compromises corpus callosum integrity in mice (Lang et al., PBS. The brains were dissected, postfixed in 4% PFA for 24 h, and em- 2014), and agenesis of the corpus callosum is a frequent brain bedded into paraffin blocks. Serial coronal sections at 10 ␮m were pro- disorder found in Ͼ80 human congenital syndromes, including duced with a microtome (SM2000R, Leica Instruments), stained with ciliopathies and neurodevelopmental disorders (Laclef et al., hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and imaged under a bright-field micro- scope (IX41, Olympus) equipped with a camera. 2015). CSF circulation assay. Three Ulk4tm1a/tm1a (one female and two males) To investigate the role of Ulk4 during brain formation, we and four littermate controls (two females and two males) postnatal day recently characterized Ulk4 gene expression during Xenopus de- (P) 12 mice [three were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ket- velopment, and found coexpression of Ulk4 mRNA with Sox3 (a amine (150 mg/kg)/xylazine (15 mg/kg)]. The 30 gauge needle attached neural progenitor cell marker) and Blbp (a radial glial marker) in toa10␮l glass syringe was positioned at 0.1 mm posterior and 1.0 mm the ventricular zone of the forebrain (Domínguez et al., 2015). To lateral to the bregma on the head. Five microliters of Evans blue dye (4% understand the consequence of genetic lesions, here we system- in PBS) were slowly injected into the lateral ventricle (LV) of mice, which atically investigated Ulk4tm1a/tm1a mice. We demonstrate that were killed 20 min later. Whole brains with a portion of the spinal cord Ulk4 is predominantly expressed in the cells lining the ventricles were dissected and fixed in 4% PFA. Coronal sections at 1 mm thick- ϫ and is essential for ciliogenesis. Ulk4tm1a/tm1a mice exhibit dys- ness were generated by tissue chopper 48 h later. Images at 1 magnifi- cation were captured by a stereomicroscope with a digital camera. functional subcommissural organs (SCOs), obstructive aque- X-gal staining. Five P14 male mice were perfused, and brains were ducts, and noncommunicating hydrocephalus. The CSF flow is tm1a/tm1a dissected, postfixed for 10 min in 4% PFA, and washed in PBS twice for 5 impaired,
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    Supplementary Table S1. Correlation between the mutant p53-interacting partners and PTTG3P, PTTG1 and PTTG2, based on data from StarBase v3.0 database. PTTG3P PTTG1 PTTG2 Gene ID Coefficient-R p-value Coefficient-R p-value Coefficient-R p-value NF-YA ENSG00000001167 −0.077 8.59e-2 −0.210 2.09e-6 −0.122 6.23e-3 NF-YB ENSG00000120837 0.176 7.12e-5 0.227 2.82e-7 0.094 3.59e-2 NF-YC ENSG00000066136 0.124 5.45e-3 0.124 5.40e-3 0.051 2.51e-1 Sp1 ENSG00000185591 −0.014 7.50e-1 −0.201 5.82e-6 −0.072 1.07e-1 Ets-1 ENSG00000134954 −0.096 3.14e-2 −0.257 4.83e-9 0.034 4.46e-1 VDR ENSG00000111424 −0.091 4.10e-2 −0.216 1.03e-6 0.014 7.48e-1 SREBP-2 ENSG00000198911 −0.064 1.53e-1 −0.147 9.27e-4 −0.073 1.01e-1 TopBP1 ENSG00000163781 0.067 1.36e-1 0.051 2.57e-1 −0.020 6.57e-1 Pin1 ENSG00000127445 0.250 1.40e-8 0.571 9.56e-45 0.187 2.52e-5 MRE11 ENSG00000020922 0.063 1.56e-1 −0.007 8.81e-1 −0.024 5.93e-1 PML ENSG00000140464 0.072 1.05e-1 0.217 9.36e-7 0.166 1.85e-4 p63 ENSG00000073282 −0.120 7.04e-3 −0.283 1.08e-10 −0.198 7.71e-6 p73 ENSG00000078900 0.104 2.03e-2 0.258 4.67e-9 0.097 3.02e-2 Supplementary Table S2.
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