Ecocriticism in Meghaduta of Kalidas Mrs

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Ecocriticism in Meghaduta of Kalidas Mrs ISSN: 2349-7637 (Online) Volume-1, Issue-3, October 2014 RESEARCH HUB – International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Research Paper Available online at: Ecocriticism in Meghaduta of Kalidas Mrs. Mita Rajesh Shah Associate Professor and HOD, Department of English Uma Arts and Nathiba Commerce Mahila College, Gandhinagar Gujarat (India) Email: [email protected] Since Paleolithic age, human race is connected at various levels with nature. Man rather lived in the lap of nature. This started man’s interlinking with nature. Most of mankind’s life is derived from nature and various aspects of nature. For instance various colours flowers, leaves, birds, sky etc. taught mankind the colours of life. Thus, human being is indebted to nature. It is obvious that man might respond to nature by reflecting it in his creation. The seeds of protection of environment are inherent in the glorious treasure of Vedic literature. For example “Do not cut trees because they remove pollution” (Rigveda- 6.48:17), (Satendra viii). The reference of water pollution, utility and preservation of water are found in Atharvaveda (Satendra 41). Trees are ‘natural sweepers’ (Kulshrestha 32) which absorb our carbon dioxide and gives oxygen. In this research paper, the researcher intends to discuss literary theory named ‘Eco criticism’. Since last two-three decades, the research has started on eco criticism. The paper will evaluate Meghaduta of Kalidas as an eco critical text. Eco criticism is an interdisciplinary field in which literary and cultural studies come together. It analyses the role played by natural environment in literature. The term ‘eco criticism’ was first introduced in 1978 by Willian Ruckert in his essay named ‘Literature and Ecology: An experiment in Eco criticism.’ There is an official announcement of eco criticism theory in 1996. The word ‘eco criticism’ is the combination of two words – eco and criticism. ‘Eco’ means earth, the whole universe and ‘criticism’ means study. So eco criticism means study of nature. However, eco criticism is more than nature studies. It widens and gives more comprehensive approach to the study of literature. It includes the study of nature, culture and geography and thus it is interdisciplinary in its approach. Eco criticism is the study of literature and environment from an interdisciplinary point of view where all sciences come together. Eco criticism has broadened the scope from nature writing to the study of literature, society and science, all under one head. Hence, eco criticism is more inclusive term than nature study as the study of natural elements is one of its aspects which also includes other aspects such as society and culture. In nature study, the writers reflect various aspects of nature, the beauty of nature like trees, rivers, clouds, mountains etc. and back side of nature like flood, cyclone etc. While eco criticism is larger in its perspective than nature studies as it involves texts of literature also. “Eco criticism takes as its subject, the interconnections between nature and culture, specifically the cultural artifacts of language and literature” (Chandra 613-614). It is a literary theory which is an interdisciplinary enterprise which seeks to engage with environmental history, philosophy, sociology, science and certainly not limited to nature only. Nature, ecology, society, culture, animal study etc. are components of Eco criticism. Nature attracts the literary writers and their works embellish with depiction of nature. Buell uses the words ‘First wave eco criticism’ for such type of the nature writing. The British Romantic poets named Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats used nature in their poems. William Wordsworth is the high priest of nature. He praises nature in his famous poem Tintern Abbey: “Nature is never failing friend….nurse, guide and guardian of mankind” (Rengasamy, ed. 45). In Rime of the Ancient Mariner , Coleridge has given the reference of bird named Albatross. We should not kill the bird is the indirect message of this poem. Eco criticism studies the protection of animals and birds. “British Romanticism has proved to be a fertile and varied ground for eco critical revisionism” (Buell 3). Eco criticism also guides us to take care of birds and animals. Garrard observes, “Animal study is important ally of eco criticism” (Garrad 144). Society and culture are the parts of eco criticism. Eco criticism looks closely at the human, culture, nature interaction in texts. Eco criticism often presents the scene of an interplay that stresses the cultural aspects of various concepts of nature. Thus, “Eco criticism is means of moving from monoculture view of nature to multi cultural one from world of self isolating societies to world of united and unifying culture” ( Karala and Kathlen xxii). Kalidas occupies unique place in not only Sanskrit literature but also in world literature. Humboldt appreciates the qualities of Kalidas: “Tenderness in the expression of feelings and richness of creative fancy have assigned to him his lofty place among the poets of all nations” (Dave 65). The celebrated poet Kalidas’s summit of all his works is Meghaduta (Meghasandesha). It’s going to satisfy the connoisseur with best theme and poetic style of Kalidas. It is conceived by the master poet as a lyric of love as well Page 1 of 3 2014, RHIMRJ, All Rights Reserved ISSN: 2349-7637 (Online) RESEARCH HUB – International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Volume-1, Issue-3, October 2014 as that of nature at the same time. It is also Dutakavya and it has influenced the poets of future generation for developing tradition of Dutakavyas. Kalidas’s Meghaduta is a lyrical gem. The poem is divided into two parts – Purvamegha and Uttaramegha. It consists of 115 stanzas composed in Mandakranta meter. The title of Meghaduta itself reflects the theme of the poem. Meghaduta means cloud as a messenger. The Opening of Meghaduta depicts that certain Yaksha who has deviated from his duty and has deprived by lord’s curse for one year who has lived at Ramagiri, which situated in natural background. Meghaduta is full of references of ecology. One of the components of eco criticism theory is nature and ecology. The best thought suggested by Kalidas is the choice of cloud as a main character though it is a part of nature. Kalidas has suggested the path of cloud from Ramagiri to Alaka through Yaksha’s instruction to cloud. This journey is full of depiction of parts of nature like trees, flowers, rivers, lakes, mountains, wind, sky, rainbow, sun, moon, stars, clouds, Manasa lake, Kalilash, Himalaya, birds, animals, mythological places like Vidisha ( Avanti),Ujjayani etc. The cloud will be happy with enjoying favorable breeze, sweet singing of Chataka, company of female cranes and royal swans in his journey to Manasa Lake and also to the mountain kailasa. The narration of rainbow is very beautiful. Thus eco criticism is here. It depicts nature and also the world of birds and animals. The mountain slopes look beautiful with spreading of ripe mango trees. Through the route of cloud, Kalidas imparts the lively and pictorial picture of mountains like Vindya Amarkuta, Himalaya and Kailas, rivers like रेवा (Reva) , वेवती (Vetravati) , ा (Kshipra) , सर वती (Sarasvsati) , गंगा (Ganga), यमुना (Yamuna) and मानसरोवर (Manasarovar) and variety of flowers like नीमा (Nima) , कुटज (Kutaja) , केतक (Ketaka) , कदंब (Kadamb) , जा मीन (Jasmina) etc. The reference of flowers like lotus, कुंद (Kunda) , लो (Lodhara) , कुवाक (Kuryaka) , िशरष (Shirisha) in Alaka( city) reflect aspects of nature. Eco criticism studies harmony between nature and human being. The intimacy between cloud and Yaksha is shown. Thus direct and indirect narration of poems show the presence of parts of nature in Meghaduta .The story of Meghaduta itself is the result of its effect on human being. The dialogue between Yaksha and cloud, Yaksha’s instruction to cloud, his treatment with cloud and how he narrates the root to cloud show harmonious tuning between nature and man. Eco criticism studies the relation between nature and human being. In Meghaduta , we come across various names of clouds which are addressed by Yaksha. They all are meaningful and symbolic e.g. जीमूत Jimuta (the refuge of those that are oppressed), जलध र Jaladhara (one who holds water), सुभागी Subhaji (fortunate one), कामचा$रन Kamacharin (wonder at will), साध ो Sadho (good one), सौ&य Saumya (gentle one), स'य Sakhya (brother), जलद Jalada (water giver) etc. Thus the aspect of eco criticism- harmonious relation between nature and human being- is well expressed here. Eco criticism advocates the lives of society emerged from nature. The theme of Meghaduta has social approach. The reference of Nicha Mountain signifies the throbbing youth. The mountain is the treasure of stone – caves emitting the smell of perfume used in their sports by harlots, proclaims the unrestrained youth of Vidisha. The care to give shade to female who plucks flowers, shows cloud’s helping nature to benefit others which is part of society. The depiction gives reference of nich of the mansions of Ujjayini and the trait of female of this city whose tremulous corners of eyes are surprised after seeing the flashes of lightning. The way of living of people in cultural city named Ujjaiyini (Modern name) reflect its traits. “On reaching the country of Avanti, where the old men of the village are proficient in the stories about Udayana move on to the city of Vishala of great opulence already indicated to you, the city appearing like a bright portion of heaven brought by those who after having lived there, down to the earth with the remaining part of their merit, the fruits of their virtuous deeds having run short” (Unni, 11) (Purvamegha-31). The use of beauty lotion and pleasing smell of blown lotuses on legs of women show the current fashion of society.
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