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MANUFACTURES FOR SALE &. RENT MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS BOOKS & MUSIC R. BICCS &. CO., For Rent. Fgits on&l* White Stella Scarfs. i^LORA’.S dictionary, by MRS. MANCfACTCRFRB OF ONE large AND VERY WISH TO OBTAIN INFORM A- iller tabu, I Wirfr; new editicn. Ssdes’ Koran, with notes. & corner of Coopers Nosels. 33 roU. Irsinf, Is sols. Leich Hun', commodious three-story Brick Honse, on the dsin^bter I tion of mj CATHSRINK, who, lome M Fourth and Market ptreotSs received this morn* 4 vols. Charles Lsmh, f toIs- Mrs. Oilman’s Rec^- eist Side of Fifth ttre^t, near Msin—formerly twenty jeore oco, married a man hy the name of New- iag a food aaiortment of LlGIlTAIACi RODS, M white Stella Scarfi, very rich lections rf a Scnthem Matron, fcc- O’Doterty Pa- occupied as the Merchants’ Rxchange ; will he rented OF THI BB8T man Jackion, in tbediatenf Tenne?»e«. Her proitor- and beautiful. LadUs are n^pectfuUy invited to call pers. Hebrew Bible. List’. National of FoliU- (JCALITY AND LATldT NTYLB, on faTtirable terms. Apply to 8y,(em (opiH>sito the Park), Mew Tort. tion of the eaiate of her father, James Head, is ready and esamiue them before mahiof their purchaees elaa* cal Kconowy. Rdith Hale. Wild Western Srwnes, aplhds TUUo. Ci/L£MAN,atMerchants’Hotel. fcr her If apidicatten be mode by her t>eraon. Wholesale Retail. ia mLLRK & TABB. new edition. Wolfsden. De tjuincry’s Wri'inps, I* and UAKY U£AD Apis Comer Fourth and 31 frket atreetfl. sols, rot ms by Bliaaheth B. Brownlnc. Mrs. Ciireen Bbhton, Marshall county, Ky. Norton’s .fountain CiirlM. $700—For Sale. apl6dtf&w(im PMms. Kosiiln’s Bcsen Lamps of Arohiteetare. lso—BRASS founders and EUory o| Vermont. DomeBtlc Dry Gtoods. Thackeray’s Ballads. Bnhsb Poets, 66 r„ls.. faU rno- A Ficisbei^ and matinfaetarers | t>9 do, ia advanee - CM A of all kinds of rocco, flit. LOTd 5 AND 6, BLOCK 22, IN KnAhth Books, in extra bindinf , k e- week, payable to the Carrier. Brass Wo»k— sTo. 64 FIFTH 8TRKKT, between Main Chronic Disease. By BLYTHB WfllTBfjr. Owe saL LMao*, lUaMrated Tea C«bU p«r the city of JeffersonTUle—containing a new cot- ILLER MORTON k QKltfWULD. edition, • • aad Market. LonissHle, Ky, apif dkw3m & TABB, CORNER OF PhUyDswocrat, coup^ pw year iW tern, j iBKa 61 a. .tage, with three rooms, kitchen, ci Fourth and Market streetfp 110 octor justin williams have in store a large TERMS OF ADVERTlSUfO. minung on Broadway M ieet and on Para street stockffk/»k ofFvf Kmaw PrvdPekSs rbrnlli:*... Ut.^X.dn^Aa r\ ^^EW BOOKS. (•Ifera his serrices to heavy Cotton Drillings, Plaid CoUods. Osna- CONTENTS. r\. Gould, feewail fenced in. Title indispuuble. D Uie citixens of Lonisville in OhS a«hhn of U linee, SBC inserttoB -Bi M burgs, Co’tonadea, Brown CoUons, and Lineu Drillings, The Stable Book—a Treatise A. DERTILLK, tbe treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, in any and all of on the Manage- Vermont is ths OUen Bscape, Do oarti additional Insesttea . • V Manufacturer and Wholesale for servants, to which we invite the pent of Horses, in relation to staMing, Pursuit, and Cap- and Ketail Dealer in Culver, Main street, or its forms; Rtieam:«iigDi, Piles, Scrofula, Uioeroua Af- attention of those grooming, Times. tur« • • At Banking UoufC of W. K. in search of feeiHng, wiuering, eno month, withwtit atteratioa 6 W fections of a'l kinds. Falling of the such goods. working, ko.; by John tiuwart and ALL KINDS OF aplodb* JUUN D. HfIKtKK, JetfersonviUe. Womb, “Habitual Alien. Yankee Bmngi'.ers. A Steeple Obase, Mx to one two montha, do do • • • 7 id Miscarriage,” tic apis HILLKK k T ABB, Fourth and Market sts. A B Illustrated. , kc. The First and Last Kiss. Arrest— Fri* I—Coo rlct-oa. three months, do do • Id M Theoloo of Invention, or Manifestations of Deity la S Sale. In the irealment of Chronic Disease, Dr. W. bar, in Btcry beglna to be inter- fliAbt in Weoda at One squre six montha. wilbont alteratiea • - li M For the Works of Art; by Bev. Jahn Blakely. Mid- addition to his own reading and experience, tbe prac- ManUllas aod estinf. Dipht Do twelve months, do do • • dO N Parasols. ConCrihntiocs to Literature— Descrirtive, OF SUPEHIOH QUALITY. tice pursned I>t Dr. Samuel Gilbert, late of New Ur- Critical, On- Woman Qriphtened and an- Alloa followed by Woleoa. Wa^ additional oquaro for six months • * ^fiHREE BEAUTIFUL SITES FOR morouj. Biographical, he.; by Ssm’l 7M leatia (now of New York), who, in his line of practice, MILLER At TABB, Oilman. D. D. do twelve • • Ift Id .1. building couL’try residences. Two of tbe sites CORNER OF The Suifenng Savionr, or ia tbe Wide Ds months LSO—DEALER IN PATENT is, beyond doubt, the mo sh'.rt. hot full of Are. The Storm fiend’s Bere- Id srull,and will refund the money if they fall to give THE as— aquore dor the Brat, and cents tor every snbseqneirt m Drillings: ARPER’S MAGAZINE A Houatain »sor* isfartiok. premises of the subscrilier in Hart county, Ky., Linen Linen Duck; FOR Thunder naoe. i ’on. FARM, CONSISTING 'jy OF I2t April, l>iS6, Irish Linens, a large assortment; May received aod for sale fay Plunge, lolVdkw CARBABOrX k SNOWDEN. 111 the 13th day of my negro man ^ ^ Drowning, and t^^The pel vtlefTC of yearly adverUaers it strictly eon- leres, lying neat P. A Diaht long to A Hobbs's Depot, on tbe Louis Mil WILL. He is at>out years old, 6 feet high, well Btaik and fancy Cassimeres; A. CRDMP.64 Fourth st., near Market. remember. Rescue. Baed to the.r own immcd'ute and regular bnalneaa, and vUieand Frankfurt Uailroad. For parUoularsapiiiy tc of lull black color; will Black Cloth*; vierioo Catsimeres; Plans to entrap a Partner A Wedding and the tbe hasiness of an advertising 5rm is not consider^ made, and weight about IH) Bad. as CAST IROM RAILING. MUCK, WICKS kOO.,or to Satteens; Veetirgs, kc. DItRBY * JA*’KSO.M. Fucli.hers, M«w Yo“u. tpsladios that of its individnsi members. pounds. He hasrather a dewn cast look, and eyes in- ARPEH’S MAGAZINE. HAR- goiS O.M.JiKOKWITH.onthepremises. clined to be red. Also, a large assortm.-ut of— For sale by Booksellen and Agenta every where. |^*No Gr«taiU»as Advertibinfi. \HTE HAVE A LARGE ASSORT- per’s Magaxine for May just received and ior aplbdSswl 1 will par the usual reward if taken in tbe State, Richardson’s Linens (gen nine); w w ment of very handsome Railing Patterns, suit or F. MaUDEN’8, lul Third street, For Sale. dlMif tsaen ontrf it and returedtothe Pillow-Case Linens; able for yards, cemeteries, and balconies, to which Louisviilejall three doors from post office. we so that I can get him. Linen Pheetiegat Damask Napkins; B I S' call the sUsotlon of those in want of KaiUng for asy of M M VALUABLE PROPERTY. apl6dlmk.ylm* WM, A. WALTON. Damask Doilies; Linen Damasks; the above nam»d purposes. W e are prepered to put it BUSINESS xNOTICES AUof which will be sold low and at one price only. apl9 BORDER ROMANCES OF THE SOUTH. up at short noties and on the most reasonable terms. THE DOUBLE TWO-STORY Oiderv from a distance, with JOSEPH GRIFFITH, satisfactory refersnses, Brick Building on the soatheast comer of Mar Completion of the Series Lf’ander E. Bnker, will receive attention prompt JmBB.ketand Filleeutb streets is offered for sale (or iMroKTKK or Fancy Goo Main street. ture: by John Bavage. hPRINGS on the (.ouisville ana Nashville Railroad, tus.sceh as Game Bags, nhot Belts, Fiaeks, Cleaning Courtship and Marriage: Beal Estate Agents. streets, Louisville, Ky . fek9 dkw8m •P*» A. D. MANSFIELD. by Mrs- CaroUne Lee VOL. II. 18 miles south of tbe HenU. tMF'Offiee Ko. d Court Plaec. dtfkwt tunner cin. The lerms w til he Rods, and lianUng Knives; also, a large stock of K|- Bhoepac tieeollcctions, % Wayside Glimpse of Amcrl- made lavorable to the lessee. Xwo-Uurds of the rent Besot my own manufacture and warranted; Fishing can Life; by Waller March. MASON BROTHERS, sill be allowed aunualiy lor iffiprovemeuts cf a sub- fork'.e and Fishing Apparatus of every d«sorirticn;an .Memoirs of Cumberland; by Henry A. RANI) .ALL, Hughes & Hutchison, Flanders. New T 'rk, pubdeh this day, BEN. FLOOD, ftenital character upon tbe grounds. These dprihgs at wfiirh 1 will sellat eastern prices. aetidkwly Literary Criticirra; by V. B. Wallace, Bso. been analysed, and VSKITIAN BLIND have pnysicians and chemisis have (Succesaora to Newland, Ungbei k Co.), The Ocean, by P H. floeae. — TUX LHTXR8 Of Sign Painter and Brand Cutter, pronounced their remedial virtues to be ot the hi|hest Notlco. ilorscmanshii order, fro waieriug place in me western cuuniry oilers HOLESALE DEALERS IN of Uors-e; by B I#ady Mary Wortley (AT JOUNSrON’B PAINTER’S DEPOT). as great aoracUous Montagae mi SHOW CASE MAKER to an euierpilelnf proprietor as the J HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNER. W Fancy and SUple Dry Oooda and Varietiee, For sale by Paroquet Springs. no. tda Mainstreetisoathvide, between 66 Edited by .Mra. Sarah J. Hale, aathere No. bi Third Street, A A ship with D. D. Spear, I am now practicing Law Fifth and Sixth. Fourth street, near Main. ev ef “Woman’s mSI dAw 94 Third street. For furtlier patticitiars, apply to me, at Louisville, Having purchased the entire interest of J. W. Records,” “Northwood,” “Vigil of Love,” iaSK dCf LOriSTILLB, Jh my own account. Allhusiheeiintrastedtomesball New- fce_ KY. daring the month ol May, or before that tiBc to Mr. land in tbe late firm, we will continue the Parlor ’1C croinptly attended to. Offiee Jefferson street, near businesaat Grand andMqnare Piano Forten. Levl’i'yier. rap«dkw6irj J. D. CULUe.dfr me old stand, and respectfully solicit ten.” 1 vol. Uha.o., 4BS IL. .-'ifrb, nortn side. a call from their pp. price dl H. friends CARRIAGES. •elO dkwtf GEO. T. and purchasersof goods visiting this market. A COMPLETE ASSORT- ARMSTRONG. fe33 6^H|YHE WORK CAN Farm for Bale, UCUUES k UTTutilSUN. of tb« atyvre iDstromenta now on SCARCELY riLCUER k H.4USEK, HADDOX, CARRIAGE DEAL- ‘aeowsT J.l. raTCB....a. TBRKT,rniim. 9 hand and for tale at low price* by ““ Amerieaa twad- If B u 3 er-~ ^body Mary Hved A. tt. X0BIM8ON g. Z. KAKTIK aad wrote in the area half J • er,T)iird etrect, between Market and Jefft-raon, W YIXG ON SOUTH SIDE OP U. K. PUIITON. *« “ eg the N.B.o . . K .. w®- eightevGth Mntury.when ear Uad was A t t o r n e Y 8 at I* a w. ha* now on hand, of bis own maiiufactnre, e fall and MlA Louisville end Berdstown turnpike €wowdy, Terry A €o., Second band Pianea taken in exchimga for a^Mpmeae road, adjoin- new. pvr^n of Bntish empire, sad coosegaeatly her eeieet aasortment of Rockawayi, Suikiet, Phations, ing the Farms of S. B. Lewis, Stephen Cnenoweth, and Bobinson, Martin & Co., genlus aod ^bertaseeareoure FFICE—SOUTHEAST CORNER Oven Unegiee,ShifUnfdop Buggire, SUde-seat MPORTERS AND WHOLESALE byHaaritanee. Hvr let- Buggies, Henry Fredericx on the noi-m aide, eight mil.'. in>a> ters will found valaaolu, vQ of which are vranranted of the iimt most durable Fine M a* well as amaelM, O of Sixth and Jefferson etreete, Louisville, Ey. and Louisville, and contains 14s>g acres, lib cleared, bal- I Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, No. 438 KK7HOLESALE AND VloUns, Oultara, Ac. the students ef history RETAIL to catch the ssaaaers Wvwkmanship, combined vrith styleXastc, and eleganoe. Mein street. between Fifth and Sixth. auKdkwtf aud opia* ance in Umber and grass, hourus Cuiufortabie, excellent W W dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, lens of ^lieh jmeiety la high Isnu them the He irvites the attention of his friends and tbepublio. soil JU8T ^-aat springs, aiudaudgeiual,ayouug orchard of choice No. 86 Fourth street, between Market und RECEIVED FROM powrr of the realm, at th* time Beajaaeia oeSS dhwtf J. HADDOX. fruiu There Jefferson. Fraokba aad PBTBR 8MITB, are fonr or hve beautiful building sites, Land for Sale, Louiiville, Ky. the East, a large lot of YieHcs, of superior hi* so- patriots hi this Weetem waeLl wefw worklof eat and the sprii-gs and cleared tone and finish: OniUu'*, Flutes, and Umbered lana may be We are j usv in receipt oduother Ihrgetavoice of rich Flnttnas, Accords- the proolem of Amerieaa iadspeiMleiMe a-d poaakr divided to suit them. Im akt Sizx Lots, from 10 to 500 Ac-hm. ons. Strings, new Piovr koX CoBsmiaeioB Merchaiitf Farming utensils, com, ke. i Spring and cummer Dress O.ioGd, Cogger with a gen- Musim and Musical Merchandise, sovereignty.” will sell in Whole or be found at the Store •< in part to suit purchasers. (Food ual assortment of other de.iraltie gdods. The follow. may Music duet pahEabed. Ad. 154 JfisMS s U. J 67 Apply to portion of our .atesi receipts: KENT, Third sU The Letters of J . Madame de dev igae te her DaouhSar G m. HEaDY , Ob the Land, or to Heady ,of the nrs. I Land, on the northsideef Lonisville and Frankfort Eiegant Barege, Urgaudie, and Grenadiu. OCCU- Itobes: mid Frieds. Mted Mrs. Sarah i. Uaia. fve*. N THE HOUSE LATELY of Wdson k Heady, on Market street, Louisville, turnpike road, and south side of Beargrosscreek, seven Super printed Bareges Urgaiidies, and Lawns: I pled hy OrmsbyOrmi k Ovren, Hardware Dealers, keep* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, tetx dkwtf miles Louisville, livery 8 pUd from welUmprov6d,audin a high state shads of Grape ai.d plain Barege. Standard Letter*. fensunUy on hand a supply of tbe beet faruDdsof Fam- of caltivation,equal in fertility and beauty to Spring ana .ummer coiurs any Land all-wool De Lainesi In Prase, iy Flour. which heeclU at theloweetriarket prices- jyl8 BY M. HUNT, in the Statefor fanning or gardening purposes. Also, French Chinues, in robes and by the yard: ahont the same quantity ot Land, four miles from the Printed and white Brilliantes; The Humorous Poetry ef the BsgNsh Language, D. J. WILLIAMS, No. 81 Third atreet, next door to Democrat Office, CUUAKl\NjtgKJ!illlUfe city of Louisville, on the west side of the Shephcrdsville Bar-ge de Laiue Robes, and neat figures; ^m Chiucer to Saxe. Narratives, Mtireerinmmas. ARCHITECT BUILDER, LOUISVILLE, KY. plank road, well improved, with every convenience for Plain and pUid Ginghams and Chiutxes; Buriesques. Parodies Travesies. BpUnms. Epl- AND DiSBOlutiOJL farming, gardening, or dairy purposes. The above Engiuh and American Prints, ad stvlcs; Uphs,TranslAtioBs,iacladiog all the m-mt eelebrmed Cumie Poeas from Ra8tet.,beC Welnntaod Ckcstsat, Lonisville, ^ hunt HAS A Lauds are abundantly supplied with never-failing Elegantly embroidered Bilks, of all colors; the Aati-JaesMa: Bejocted Ad- Ky., ipringseqnalto the Dtate; nresees; Ingu.dsby Legeads; Onstkahaah’s large and fine aseortment of SOLID ri^HE NOMINAL PARTNERSHIP any in indeed, ail that can Anp!ication aud Oiantilly Mantles; iimiiid us bo diwirud by the farmer eon be hod in these Lands, White embroidered Grape Scarfs, beautiful: Bentley; Blackwood and Puoeh. with a eotleetioa of «^OULD RESPECTFULLY AN- ^y^nSOLE-LEjITIIER TRI'XICS, Ladle*’ JL exijiU&ff between the uudenigned* under the more than which 1 will seii on 1, k 3, and 4 years’ credit, or t« Black TMoet end Bilk two haadred Epigr ams , mad the V w ta the cttiBens of Louis rUlc ***wDre»s and Traveling Trunk*, Bonnet •tyte ct FKislX \luOD suit Shawls; choieem nounee aad vicin- Peper HuLxrerftf Humorous Poetry of Peier »— »- ' purchasers. For further information apply on the Stella Scar's, very rich (in a tew days): Viudar. Cowper, ity that be ia prepared to give deeigns, make drawings, Boxes, Valise*, Carpet Bogs, kc., which he is pre- ved on the 1st of January. hiiiusr partjr wUl use AU ol which we are offering at Thackeray, Preeq, Swift, Scots tiolmee, “Aaea,” Guy. execute builoingt of every style pared Ui sell at the loweK terms f-r cosh. sme of the late iirm in oeuiements. sma 1 profits. and dea^ption and of Boms, Soutbey. Saxe, lluod. Prior. Cetendee, Byrou. rthHeeturc. Country merchenu will find it to be to tbehr interest ROBINSON, MABTIM k CO., u .. FELIX WOOD, Muere, Lowell, eta., e’m with uoiee to give t.’iis .0,0. •P*'* 86 , explaaetoiy aad ty t ile tieetrefereneee can be given. jagl d6m house a cell before making tbtir porrhases osviUe, March 30, 18^. WM. s. WOOD. Fourth street. elsewhere. To the Ladlee ut Louisville. ttographical; by Jas. Pertoo, author ef -Lifeof Horoae apIO qlp Greeley.” Gee vos ISmo rsks. sanprx b. h. ikitr Pikuo Forte Taninir aud Krtpalring. RINTS. Wayside age; by E.C Goodwin, anther ef a. X. New Paper Hangings Store. “Hemp- MILKS eiLSS UeWITT. MR. ton Deiglts 1 vol. JHaddnx A. lintith, JOIliY H. CAiYx\Oi\, 90 casesnew style American Prints; STROTUMAN, l6mo. TM. F. 9 do do English do; jn|pMpw9%one of the most competent Tuner* and ..5U4SON BROTH IBS, ruhlishere, .Tliles, WOOD, PAPER HANGER U£XL£B 1.'4 . - - ^ Dewilt Al 1 case Ilayle’s 4 4 neat [/Repairer* in the United Stairs.!* now epKddkwl Noe lUS and lie Duane st. fr«w York. COMMISSION AND r and dealer in French and Amerieaa J J y J GENERAL Paper SILK AND straw BONNETS, RIBBONS, 9 cases black ".permanently h>c*ted ol my store. Merchaats, 97 FIBST-IHEJIIUM SADDLE, HARNESS, AND Hangings, Third street, near Main, oppu#iie Conner „ , Forwarding Third atreet, betweea J ust received and for aale cheap by FerMss wishing Pianos or other Mnsicel Instruments aad the River, Louisville, Ky. (JIfice. FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS, TRIAI- Main TRUNK MANUFACTURERS, I. kK.BLBVIMkCATH tuned or repaired, by leaving order*, will have them RIFIBENCXfi. MLNOS, Ao., promptly and faithfUily alL-.cded AllSCELLAiN EO U o to. Ko. 561 JFista .Skreet, between Second and Third, Cupaitoerbhip Notice. eptJ LiaAenberger k Oo., LonisvlUe, Kjr. No. 421 Market etreot, between Fourth and Fifth. D. P. FACLD8, 839 Main st. B 8. Hopkins. Panes, Ky- ARE qilHE Ceesi^ m Ficklio, Peris, Ky. PREPARED UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS Mora New Books! To the Public. ^ for the spring and JL associated with THE UNDERSIGNED HAS Joha Thomas, LeUaoon, K> summer day him in hasiness Mr. li. B. ^^y^now in store, ana is constantly receiving, a vety Job**. Bros, k Cu., Cineinnsti, O. ^^w|b trade with a large stock of op in MYKKB, under toe st>le of MaGfraeB k MYKH6, 10IJRTSHIP AND MARRIAGE, HAVING PURUH.ASED *^1'*' superior stock ol MiLLlfraRk GDUDtl—the THE lurumerRlckettr k Daily,iwiiy, SMinourg,ICdinburg, lela T- their own work, mode of the who wilt continue the laerccant Tailor burintss at.bee Uectx. Frtec, paper, dl; chn-h. ffi aawiiwatt eftrner Id. tention of theiaiiesuf L«.'Ui!*vUle. Ills stock embraces dl btae, on th« ef MHkamd Jeffer- lion. J.L ^kinsoB. RoshviUe,!*. Murtberu Bank of Keuiucky.at tbe stand heretofore Liteiary Criticisms, and other Faprrs; by itreeta. I *411 be happy servo Dress Uonneis.of theiaiest New York anu Parisianlasn- the late m my Mfirno^s aad A. Poeey k Co., do, do. occupied by A U. Runyan, where we design keeving Horace Uiniiey W'eUaoe, a*q. Friec dl St. iH»«rj wno mar a*ed iitiadm a lons; Biraw B.-nrvtr, ot every variety aud price: wiih te m« fim*. Ttepe, hibh*B, Mad Jnx k Carmicbeal, dr, do. Great Western large aud .ut>eriur as^uitmeut of Cloths, CsMiuieies, A Uiiturv ol Phil sopty in Epiteme; by Dr. Albert teution to barioess, to meed Trank Manufactory, all Uie Uecerstry Trimm i'- e- y** u»«.» noUBliAiuus, So aamftdemre and Keith k Ch*now*HE UNDERSIGNED, Flat*, MiSMs’ Fiats, and Ufiildien’* Hal*. Indeed, with drug F CommlwioD M'-rchanta, LoaieviUe, Ky. We, tbe FORMER- More te II Pivissler, I shemdulte the ureseat stock, ants such arr-mgeiuents as have eeen H seaemsMad Siloer Oup aieanfed to D. Of Hare by the businees COAL &. LUMBKH aadevKigned. have this day formed a Copartnership for Sjuih- JL ly doing on Market street, have entered aim to my eustammer* oa a gsattaaam la made for the regular and prompt receipt of the UUst I enmy reg.grt puriKMie of UanssctiDg a seaefern into copsitocrship, onotr the name and style of worthy of ihcir the Forwarding and Genera' Ajrienltnral and Meckanietd Aeeo- MEN- Doveities, the uiidersigneu H-uter* himself that he can aattoa*«a HU iewg rMteeee* mmT their r^misaion business, and have taken the honse fnr- DEL k el'ElfrAt,and have removed stuck to taste. rxteamv* ^luain^c* « airy toode* naaecae- dation for (ke heed *j>ectst«M Trunke, acccrnntudatti the mo*i fasud.ous Coalf ! R IJL.v oeeu^ed by J . Beil, No. 93, of Main street, between F ifth and fiixth streets, at uowdy Coal •an that I MoolJ East side ef Third, apl7dtf J0H.N H. CANNON. say ^ im MgMfi to hu cm- hLvesB Mala and the Eivec. <^’HARE Tory k Cu.’s store, up stairs. paeity as a Dmggiet. FRANK CARTER, HAS CON- Tneir stock comprisesa variety of French and Swiss 10 A L ARRANGEMENTS COM apl6dn* JNO. N. stantly on “ gABlNB. v.gBl svine, OcL L DA4. W. R. JOUETT. hand a large assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and Watch Materials. They ore d PLBTED— AT— LAST. -We have our Cool Screens Gentlemen ’s solid SoleXeatlierSole ^o. 85. C^Oonvignment* o< Nails, GUtts, OoUob Yams, and V fH& Leatlier Trunks,Trunk*, confident they can suit their cusiumers, and sohcil I^UNDRIEsi. so arranged a* to have coarse lumps for family use, Ladies’ Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Vai'.oes, Bleaching Flttabur* d-'anufei-torussolidtod. *epX their patronage before purulmsiiig eiscwhere. 8? d cartoons Silk Uluaion; and no slack. and Preesing. Carpet Bags, Packing Trunk*, kc., which are of the skin free of ALL ERUP- mrl8 d--f MENDEL k STKINAU. d do white Bobbiuet; The tow boat Ontbrie has bronght down one fleet of best quality, made by experienced workmen, tioDS of all kinds can be seenred witbont fail, by Hi4p« Oil, Rnd LeatiieT Store, and can A 6 do barges, and w II be down next week with another. JOHN ENGF.LN, Brussels do: We HAT AND be bought lower than in any other house in this city. usuig Faimer’s Vegetable Cosmetic Lotiun. Very many ^ Copartneniliip Notice. Received this day and for sale by are prepared to delivtr at retail such quantities is may Pisaeer, has Countiy merchanu wrlJl find it to be to p-ers..DS ar. excessively afflicted during ihe w,orm s«a- rcamved frosa KIRKPATRICK A SONS, 21 their interest to aplodkw JAMES be wanted. waUr Fmh to Jeflersow fa give this house* call before purchasing elKWhere. suo by burning, itchiug eiupuons, and, by rubbing and LOW k CO.. 418 Main gt. smet. betweea Foonh ead MFa F-tutb Third *»., between Marfcetgnd Cheetau: rgiHE UNDERSIGNED Also, at wholesale, by the berge-Ioed, to fonnderie*, kiiiiw onpoeiteUieBew RaeouicU*!!. mr97 dtf HAS THIS otherwise irriia’ing the suriace, it often becomes very ftreets. PhilaideJpbia, have for sole Spanish Uides,dry fact* r:e*, aud milis, at cheaper rates ihan any one els*. tSF’ All ainde ef Uai* and finnaeu JL day associated wtith him in business JOHN T. sore and troublusume. Tbe above named preparaiion Bleached aafi mnd gvesB saitud PatBS Kips, Tanners* Oil, TonDcrs’ ‘ ' ALF-HOSE—SILK, It will be to the interest of t uy er* to call and see us be- Pressed in the smstfaehienabiestyie. MtORK and O. J MUEHAV nnoer the style • 1 MERINO, use dim will relieve this iuhlng almost immediately, a a all ap- fore purchasing their - Coal eiaewhere and Curriers'Icois, at the loweat prices and aponthe DICKINSON k SNYDER. KRAY, who will con- Lisle-Thread, and Cotton—white, fancy,striped, pearance of the eruption wilt dieappear in the course ol 1. beat teriBS. 1, and brown L. UYaTT k CO., Third etrect, near Main, A. SSHlUlUkDAfrIZ’S 79 tinne the Whol -sale Grocery and Commi*tion Business half an hour, when applied without delay. This cau —rise* s>« to IS-inch feel, for sale by All kind* of Lesdher in tbe rough wanted, for which No. Fourth itreet,between Main and Market lion or tingle pair kpl8 Old Stand. at the old stand, fro. El Xhiro street, between Main and be proved by a single tri&l. at the highest market price will be given is cash, i or tmkec (axaK TUX RkTIOXkL HOTEL), Water streets. T. BLAfrCAUfrlEL. Fur curing Tettm, Riusworm. Pnstulons Eruptions MANSFIELD’S. Commercial ^ickool. IB excnaBgetor hidee. Loi'uvuxx, March 10, 18fi6. kinds. Barbers’ llcb,cicaid Head, Erysipelas, Lemther stared tiee ef ebarge and sold ea LOUISVILLE, KY., of all and commU diseases, 1 John & Hugh Irvine, ^HE THIRD COURSE eloT- Ividdiv a bust of other entaneous have in my pos- id gloves. ^ANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- T. XLXKCXaXUL. JOHM T. MOORK. O. J. XURBAT. session testimony uudispnted, sufficient t'l convince eoBuaenee toaigh:. the Mtb.»t • 60 dox Ixdies’ dsu’k colored -evM era all K Kid QIotcs; at my house, swuth out* in kinds of Matlreaees, Bedding, JI^^KjMo’oloek, ef Mar- Tarpan- BLAN CARMEL, MOORE k MURRAY, bu do light do do; LUMBER MERCHANTS, lins. Flags. Window Shades, street, near fieveath. Ri.*fi-ke«piag, Curtain Goods, and 16 do Kiii-flniebed FumisbiLg Materials. Silk Oioves; ave for syle at i>y ooub-e enUT, in all its varieu* br^nehrs, together WHOEKSALE OKOCEKS, Received this day and for saie by their We wanant our work as represented, Lumber Yard with Cummerriol CaiuHlatiuns, Cerr*s|.oDdrB««, and and offer it at apl6dkw H (the oMest in the -ity ), on Wash* CORRlSblON AND FORWAKDINU UEKCHANTS, JAMES LOW k 00., 418 Main et. Penmanship, will BARIFSTOWN, KY'. low priees- Patronage solicited. rmrl8dly] D. k 8. iegton s* reel, between Uancock and Clay, north aide, be taeght prsetMottg. FrimM edi- tions sra not used at all ia school. hit., a large and superior stoex of White Pine Hoard*, Pine my No. 29 Third bet. Main aud M ater, Terms for ihe TlfESSRS. MOORE ic O’BRYAN Shingles, Cedar Poats, ko aud ail whels eomrse *96. Two eeholare arm c;UlNG IT ALONE. ARASULS. lOU SILK PARA , kinds of LMber aBDoanee to their frieBds the L'ilTfrVlLLE* KY'. snitabts for tuildiug. and public tba P •uls received this day and for sale by they have leased, for a term of years, the above wel We havs aleo in operation a Planing Machine, and HE PARTNERSHIP OF WEA- They will always have on hand a large stock of Qro- uplbdkw JAMES LOW k CO., 418 Main st. known Hotel and Btagi- Stund. are always ready to fumlsh Flooring sndDiessei num- VER k NORWOOD is how dissolved, eerie*. mrlu tJ^Tb* House hvc been renovated and re-arranired and the ber uf all kinds. afascriber offers hiihis MlMlite bow to the ciiisens and evr^Uiing nml in proper order fur the entertain of Louit- OrJers from the country will be promptly attend- fro- fif* Main s>reose of carry ing on and doing a General Tobacco this office.] TTORNEY AT LAW .YND wiiere I car.be found at any tinse during the day. A1 Manufacturing Business. We ho*« fnim out long ex- Carpets and rurnishing Goods. A Commisaioner tor Misrireippi, Tenaeaeee, Al^ those who td Fonnh. 3t» Jaiadlnstf on ereuuen sna imrrs is fooa saanainsie** requesiea ON DON PORTER. CASKS Ho. 445, NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN FOUBTH AND FIFTH, BOWSER k FULT8. tojoinus. J- W 8. ERi-W>B. I ic pints snd qusrts, in store snd fcr ssle by CUAS. W. dMlrU. New Goods ! New Goods OULD RESPECTFULLY IN- U Pj>N DA fc MORki 8. IVIaiii A. O. SRtTON. Cor. and Fifth attention of Dry WALL PAPERS, vite the Goode merchants to rVew Coal Office spl6 d6kwl CommUloo of .-Vrruugements. BORDERS, &e , JUST RE- W INE. 5<» kAHKETS LOUISVILLE, KEIfTUCKT. his entire new and well assortM stoek of Spring and CHAM CEIVED PER LATE JlRRIVALS. Summer Goods, consisting in part of genuine Swiss em- rO. 64 THIRD ST BETWEEN pogoe Wine jast received and for sole by John U. Howr, MPORTER AND DEALER IN8AD. broideied Collars, Sleeves. Chemiseitea, Window Cur- m Main and Market. Mining from our own pH. Ftin LA * MGkdIB. UILDERS AND THOSE IN tains, dotted and figured white and colored Hwis* Mus- We can furaUh dealers snd families I dleiy. Hardware, HameaeMouatiagB, Trunks And with Piuabors ^IGN, HOUSE ANDF.\NCY PAIN- B want are respectfully solicited to csll and ex- lins, Edgings and Insertions, Swiss Ginghams, kc.. all Coal of tbe best quality Coach Trimming*. ter, Imitstor 'f kinds of Wood Msrbi*. MLARET. smine our assortment of Wall Papers, Borders, kc., of which ore of the very latest and best style* aud pat- de4 d6m M. fc sU sad I am now receiving my fall stock, which PRATO gQHE, will be the just received. Our stock consist) ot the most modem terns- XixedPaints, Glass. Putty, ke.. for saie. ^ fldO boxes Cisret, 8t. JuKen ; handsomeet and best selected stoek of goods in “ “ my line sod approved style* of Pspers suitable for parlors, As I am importing most of these goods direct from 8. Terms made to suit eustomar*, both as te rates aad 46 Pepe Clement. that bas ever before been imported in this HM. DAVIS 4k CO., market. I chambers, hall*, 4tc., affonliog a varied asaorUnent, the maonfactorers in Swttxerland, 1 am enabled te offer tiiDe* of pvment. Per ssle by world inviumy old eBStomera,andtbe trade generally, lace at lit 176 00 j Orsea street, first door east ef fourtb, upll BLAfrC inequaled for neatness snd exquisite finish. them at the very lowest prices. LUMBER MERCHANTS, tSTNo-Ju AQfrlEL, MOORE 4t MURRAY. to eaU and examine my stock, wliicb I am determined 87 Breastpin* for Ladies, one at dlS. eighteen tt Lootsville. di^dlaatf The pttbUc are sssered they will at all time* find Purchasers will find it to their interest to examine my to sell at prieee that cannot fail to secure me the beet 111), three at 18, five at 18, two at S7. two at $6, extenuve aod complete an assortment as can be fonn stoek before buying elsewhere . mid dkwlm ave for sale at their NOR SALE—600 BBLS WHISKY. trauetbai eomes to the market. My ctoek enibraeef three at $6, twentir at di, ten at 12 60 elsewhere in the eity, snd st greatly reduced prices. 388 00 Lumber Yard, oa Main *trect,adJoiningthe DR. /. A. McClelland, ludbbis Its foliowi ng articlee 4 Gold Extension Feus and Pencils, one at 11$, H new new Bourbou, new in ttore; 109 new Cop- EVART9 ML'RToN. 641 SadAle Trees; Eklrtlng: k Main street, Woodland Garden, alarge and superiorstock of whU* r, ia stare; and did to arrive kr 1st June—all of the apl between Becond andTbiiff. oneatdl3M, iwoatdl9 69 60 pRAPE. 150PIECES,ASvSORTED Bridle Leatbeni Meroooo8kiiit) Gold PencilB, three st 17, five at 16, three Pine Boards, Pins Shingles, and all kind* ef Luasber DENTAL SURGEON, tl malia. J. MtifrKfl, U at IS, Ly received this day and for sale by Harness Leattaen: Patent colors, uitablefor building. ltd* Main etyaSt, between Pixth end Seventh. do; one gd 00 upl6 dkw JAME8 LOW k UU., 418 Main st. BogSkine; Btirrspa; 16 bilverBxteasionPeDiaDdPcncilt,fuaratd5, WM. S. DAVISwillpenoaallyattaBdthedeUvarTof RESIDENCE AND OF- Lumber at the Yard, where he will be pleased to meeiaJI JeffeiwoB street, Qalf do; Bitto; four at d4, two at dJ 76, two at d3. two at d9 60, 60 00 .WtfMniLfleeoB south Mde, b» ink old whisky. patren* and other* in want of Lamher. Goat de; Bu^ea; 39 Gold Lockets, Chains, Brscelets, Clssps, Belt LOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND hisfonner Xr^^^^^t-reen Fourth uud Fifth street*. Leute- F dd bbl* Sol Renerisbrung Old Bourbon; Threeds; Phitaes; Buckles Order* from the eounfry wiUb* prompclyottsadedte, wlDe, Ry. ress for 68 00 90 bbls Mcll vain’s hats spring, isse, nd the Lumber shipped without delay. pertaining te the de do; Taeke; Riding whipe; 19 Fob8eals,oneatdl0,threeatd7 60,threestd6, Cloths; a AUeperaOent EeotalArtperfaruwd bbis Crewe’s and of the floeet qnallty, for 04. (Trench on abort paper. the IS M-and Old Copper. D K^Termalowforeashor . eet ears ful and thorough Coudi Laoes; do; a m moaner. iyts/r Soft or Business Hats at sU two st 93 oO, three st *3; six Keys st d'J 76 00 do Doeskin Cassimeres; This let is acariy the la*( that can b« had of rsslly Qoaeh Lempe; Wagon prices. and four WM. 8. DATIB k OO., t^’Prioea those of *ust«-u elUea.uod uH work wer do; Cloth Ceps in every variety. 9 Finger Rinoa—five Diamond of them J Casaimeres; gesuine sad fiae old Whisky: it is becoming very Rubber Oil dlotiui; RUptic Springs: at dl5,flve at dIS.two atdlO.... IwTdtf .ant-d delddinetf 8Uk snd Reaver Bata made to order. Emerald-two 110 00 1 do ksd llarsciUe* Testing eeorre. Forseieby 1*^1 j7MuNR8. Axles and Bands; Harness Ilounungg; 8 Beal Kings, four at dU>, four at d< JAB. B. WOOD, 461 Market street, gO 00 Received a sale cheap by Trunk Boards: Trunk Trimmings: 10 Pearl, Bnaaieied, Ruby, and Bchmoine Rings, 700,000 FEET LIJJIBER. FLRABANT „EFFRCTUAli Bufi Three doors above Fooith, softtb side. mrlO TTkR.BLEYINkOAIN. WINE. 100 Mnl.lron, kc. at WEET RBL8,BFAU- 06 each 60 00 HAVE ON HAND ABOUT 700,000 Sliiggold*B Cherry Elixir UfURy fined, far sale bp to* dray deed te the trade. Also.keepsoonstsatiyon ksnd s renersl 14 Rings—Enameled, Box, Glass, Qametand To- ssaortmau Pine Lu .iber, oompriaing fair A. MDKRB. •f Baddies. Bridles, Hsrness, snd Trunks- pus—six at 06 80, eight at 06 73 CO 1 feet Dry a propoitioa Opal, Sign of the Golden Hand. of clear, second and third rote, and common, which 1 R.E.—Ailcrdifiidrnmiitlysttsudsdte st tksshoidstl 19 assorted Rings--dl*rnet, and Topax— [TILL CURE COUGHS, COLDS, at sixteen at *4 am desirous of selUngeutln Ism lots, u much rsdneed HIKKV. 100 BBLS OLD uetie*. son d three 04 60, 77 60 EOHGE BLANCHARD HAS RE- F Croup, HesrseBes*. flov* Threut sad allether 100 do assorted Rings—Osrnet, Psste, and Topos— oes ef the Tlureat and Cheat, aae afford greal tuHaf Reuibon WWsky in etere ard for sal* by ALT. BAGS GROUND ALUM six 09 60, to the southwest corner of 8«coi(Q and nine at 03 60, ten at 08, st five at 09.. 86 60 G mov^d snsumptiv* patten.s It will set offend the mead T.T. RRENT, SON fc OO. Balt just reeelved and for sale by where he will oonUnne to keep a fine X3F‘ Back ticket will admit a lady and gentleman to Main streeU, a'estomeeh. and eitiMreu wtlltab* it without dlffi* )19 D. 8. BEM EDICT k BON. tbe Coneert. . Itt* ihe meet safe pleasant, and effectual sam- the different Hum Belt! ng fkLD BOURBON WHISKY. tSF Tickets to be had at hotels, snd st *Nte?*^lo?hlng : lewiuBSU. Give it atrial, rrapare ii aud enid bv do; Gum Packing; Lw bbit, warranted pure, in store aad for eat* ,YAR. 60 BBLS CAROLINA TAR tbe store of Mr. Frents. Boys’ ^d. RI»GGt>LD.Drusu»al. Furnishing Goods; Odd Fellows’ Regalia; fratloaa) Fr mrW T. Y. BRENT. SON k L j ust received per Fanny Bullitt aod for sale nv Unte Hotel, urth ttreek known do; Masonio do; II pli P.8. We, the ttsdersigned, have Mr. A. Frents for Oum-Elastio LUMBER I LUMBER te, soM bp G-. T. t,.Mx. Duwee BaNBDICT k SON. Masonic Carpets; -*>i***^9* k s number of years, snd have always regarded him as a QnttaPercha; B6KCO. ffte ^UGAR. 25 HHDS. PRIME man of vcmaty—tau and honorable. large and complete as- aad Beil. Taibott bOo. NEW WILL. P. TH0MA880N, sortmentef dry Pin* LusMier, compriaingelear, l^Orlean* just received A per steamer Belle Sheridan, OAPT. BAM’L DILLIK, aad third rates, aod eosnmon White anoTellow 20 for aale by second ICE. TIERCES RICE IN and F. MARCUAND, Flooring, Bhiugles. Cedar Poeu, and teasing api9 Fin* star* and for sal* hv BLANOAONIBL, MOOKI k MURRAY. mr91 dtf JOBH. K. FLINT. Boards, cheap forceah. Call on ECEIVED AND OPENED AT B. WM. W.BULINfffi, as FOURTH ST., BIT. Fourth etreet— N. W.Mflrner Apoew n»m*a«llate HO. MAIN ANDMARKKT, |-4LARIFIED SUGAR. 10 HHDS. off at Cost R F. TURNER’S, aoddkw ard 8AMT* BYTMAR. Selling pink, and green Wool D* Lain**; BT AUCTIOimR flke Oidieei Stand in Louieuille. Super blue, lemon, ^-’'Jnstreeeived per steamer Belie Sheridan, and for and all colera Bareges; 8n^ Mae, lemon. LOUISVILLE No. 50fi Main st., oppotete Hatie—I Hodel, sale by Barege and Uigondie flounced Robes; rs. NICHOLAS INVITES THE apl9 BLAHCAGMIBL. fc MOORR MURBAY. Positively no Hmiibqg 8ilk Tissue* and Grenadines; attentiea *4 her euatomcra and otberste her ttALES AT AUCTION STORE OP M 90 pieces figured Barege* (low prieed.) Lumber Yard, Plauing Mill, ud .LACB POP! k OO. new ty -invented TBNTILATING DIAMOND WIGS. Furniture aad (Ireeesleersery Meadap uadTbus» |L1VE OIL. 60 BASKETS JUST BIO, 000 Worth of Watches, Clooka, AJe*. aeplendid aseortment of Ledies^igs, Half Wiga, MOURNING GOODS. day mesuine.eemmenciag at Id o’cloek received per steamer Belle Sheridan, and tor sole Jewelry, Ac., Ac. Braids, and Curia, always *n hand aud made te orisr Super bombssine-finish Mack Canton Oleth; JOINERY, l3r*Bales of Railroad Stocks, Benda, Mavtgaeee, and HANQHAI WHISKY FOR SALE altkeebsrteetnoae*. MRS. O. NICHOLAS, Cloth and Lustre*: ether eecovlti** every Wednesday moraiag utlfio’ateek gpl9 BLANOAqNIBL, MOORR k MURRAY, 2,000 PAIRS OF SPECTACLES I fitter black Tamiee fsmtdj MADDUX k SMITH. dd Fourth Ml ast, beta eeo Main and Market. super black Cballiee and Besebasine; Corner Wnshingtonand Brooksts. JxwigvUld,K7., attbe Herehaats’ Rxchaag*. Lapin’s every Tuaadny f.Bwuax,AgMit. mrflS FRENTZ, ON ACCOUNT OF Super biacb Crap* Bareec and Silk Bareges; OF Sulee af Real Httefc and fiatep- MYRNA FIGS. 4fJ0 DRUMS IN IngUsh HERE CAN BE HAD AT RE- day eveuiag a* 4 s'elseh an Ike irmiieee e ill determined to retire Am^ean, French, and ^nu; HIKKV A health, hue from bosi- of selee any day er cveitiag wbMdreqafrad. S store and for eel* by Maucuester aad Soutch GiaghaaM. daeed rates Lumbar anv klad.aitberiu the CW’Mpeetal entire stock of WaUsbee, 4U-iach ess, and offars his Oloeks, W into Fteorlng, Shelving, Person* ceutouMtettng eoUing eat wUl find Wn. Kendrick opl« k MORRIS. rough or msuaufaetured fiuaa, mv ^NDA }ewelry. Jet aud Fancy Goods, Spectacles, aod. in BUYS’ WEAR. Moulding, Door and Window Frames, Seah, emahlRhment meet edvu<.tegeeaa in every reifsiit. i for sale test, every artiel* ainaUy kept in e first-ctaae estabiisb- Camngt. uxtru: W ome again from the east checked (J^mew*; P«’n and jd’d Angola do; Doors, BUads, ke., kc., ae woU m evcrytbiag aloe will attend la petsoa te the irrangemeat. diepimy aad KENNEDY. EMONS. 60 BOXES IN STORE meat, at cost rxicu. His assortment embraces all the AU-wooI JAMBS Wlthanew aad vd. ledaeeoitmentef and white Linen 1 Of latest styles, meuMy diruet fteus Iketmpoitarauaf m In wont of bdrgoins srill find it to their odra'ituce by These, with e gr-at variety of other goods, w* have out •Mufaetuniu. Cull examine my atew at No. T ' in dteiu and for dale fay u^^appUctetPUhtthteA oeUiag ea A. FKBNTZ, received and '2,Vf w - ' inM dOOMdifcdtstrddt, one door hboToFUUi. j ' — L T ; : : u — T T , — A . I — w

Proscription ner of the settlement of the Territorial Blavery anea- tYor th« LoulsriUe Democral.] Thiatnu.— b« performftoeat Bfttardftj alfkt McLANcaoi.T Bnens.— t«7 kMMipftfiickl Begun! Abolitionism and NUgerism tion, provided it can be settled permanently and with- M^hat is tli6 QuMAft N®wtoa TH UilLI! UBMUURIT, out danger to the Union.” wsronoc v®ry interwtia^t Mtlj The eorreapondenoe beluw, u well m the notion LouuvilU December 8, 1848. 1> BOITOR OF THE JOURlTAIa Jonmal, Messrs. Editors: In your paper of Thursday you r BI Ml •!* A D r C SLifiaBb t OF THB ^ foolishness. U U one to dieoontiBae, we enticipated. We differ too DXNOrNCBS BOCTBEKN MEN FUR BEINO CNCOM- veryjustly.h5wuptheabsurdityofscmeIndi.ua ft great f.„ulauit of01 Miss AiteueilAitchell'ss pisce.pieces thattoai thaylaey H\&NEY, fiUGHEb CO., 'rilE PKOMlBlNa ON THE SUBJECT OF THE WILMOT day meeMflMl,l^^bmiginghiillfby haapng himself ap«BMatrae, widely with theee gentlemen on the point! at PRENTICE FOR penny-a-lloer who argues, in a oity paper, from THlEDflTKkfiT, PROVISO—TBOCGHT THEY OUGHT TO BE RE- have Boobjeet but toauuae; are light and trifling on bis own laras^ aud ia sight of hie reMeuee. iwoetoallow any room for eon>promise. Wearefor Equality of the Xegro and the White Man, the fadt that he SAW vsst piles of boxes, barrels, He wes abeot do years ot aaa,aod baa left a 7*^*wife BCIED for their INSOLENCE BY NORTHERN in tkemselvse, and I... 1 : remembrance F«**^* • B ait -ide, —tween EarBet and Jefferso n itreet leave no pleasinw ^ ^^ right, and justice in Louisrille first without A.,„diu..,.fiovi.dd»^..Mn..u~mi». ; And Against Slaveholders, “?»• Ti.™ « Ugh, ^,1,1.1. BMECtAL. ADVKKTI8IMO NOTIC*.—AM adrer- them no appliances will do any good, and we hare "lleretofore the Northern Locofocos have tamely all is most prosperous in Louisville.Louisville, Would it submitted to all ^eganoe with amusement, and at the same time two of bte tieteve-ia-law, wbeare “s^itSMd” Wbum liu aud Seward rail AriMtucrats. requiations impcsedjpn thembytbeir ...... tisesM*DU oi fuMic MeeUuAi, Masonic, Odd Felloe*’, ooDocsaions to make. to their support or As southern twethreu.tnrethreu. They have subdUedsubdued to such sur- Were SO—would that OUT doomed oityOlt oould UOW « -i : diums, have been inculca! low lhair doeMinminto t^inmeu’m, ne., arc charsed ttf oenu per *>iaare of eonvav a wood 1 mw>b a pisasieg rememramam y ...... ALL MKN HAVE A BIGHT TO LIBERTY, NO reuderof their own views for the sake of harmony aud * Uu Uusa acMe tne Irsi lasertion, ana teeuty-&Te opposition, it u a very lougnifisaut matter, ne Fouriuii, 1M4. oxuUin the- possession of that proud ^.ti^ bis ebiidren of abomteibn- WHAT - jr MATTER COLOR.— tf asi« waaas A XXV D V «A wu istap w s* • uxMii' M A A o VffMIVV behind.WUiUU • TheA U® comicCUUUQ songWOOK byOJ Dougherty,A/tJUffDOTIT. gwan-* Maa — Wuu,. tb., miwblctilM. il Um, upiioM Uibt tbi. Speaking of Mr. Clay, be says: .Mb.rk.ih«i,h„d .hioh ,h„.,hw-.hi,„.^.»h.«»...««M.i««. ihTShJIliIlS '*» «•»“ •"» p»'*' “ “The struggle was a fierce one, but the advocates of .»h.ri l»t«r« i»i»al..nddiTiM»h l^Dlhcdr slavery prerailed, and the young champion of lUurtg Thatn., teuperanoe iaI. a virtue ..._drtta ». ~~M.-d ~1»-S sercioB. US any harm. Mf rgunl rtgStt, who bad made the ariatocrata tremble friend* composed a maiority of the members ef the work of min. Our oity ss doiuE a Rood business ueaa by u geatlemnn pntneg aleic the ronsl shoci- reniaeaienu published in the momir.B paper CSTAd \ . , , . , , for their ancient prerogativ-, became unpopular on ac- i ill fI- Itit nooo at half pnoe.pno«. If thesetheso men had boon as actiToactire arearr •eri'•fri' theevSninstheevSiiiQs for law and count of the par' he h^ acted, i'ht trm prineipUt tf AvvaaTikSHShTS raiaaLS l« ' tV' Au,AU, taahMKHT M . , . .. i • ,. tUvtrp were not then ouderatood; the idea ot emanci- l**f F***' •• *hsy are now in trying to pro- Darners onerea Dy tne Diina an^nCa I pation was new.” Fa-rneas would require that the bouihern aelegatea ^ community by law. We trust wo anau _ scribe us for telling the truth about Louisville Lifttf Clap, Stand Stetion, page 81. , f...ti.i>m.hi,hw»uldnunll_,n.n.l«lU ud ,_*:»> a~k, .Ml. MU-MIAV, - APiilL 21, lolid. PRKKTICB LONGINO FOR NKOBO FRBKDOU IN LEN- [ it tckick thejf know Uu truth—they might have TUCKY— PKEIifCTINU TliaT IT WILJ. COMB, AND

I done some good. They now plaoe themselvee on tnumpoea. Ana it is to be noped thwt at leeat PKOmaiNO TO HELP. will rebel afAinift tbe nomination. Much arrogance and “Bob N«lU«3 .” B/-the-by, the Cin- Nniioonl bere oYercoflMhi^ hebita of MeCeaio«e- ImponantImportant Notice. the side of mob law they did n’t mean it, some of w»e branches of trade will always to aeea, for Isis ; We have ever looked forward to the day when Ken- gatM^rom toe Froe’flrates arc a? sta^'clf Continue oinnati Commercial of Saturday, credit e to tho it U said that pby-ical proportion, are tucky should contain eithin her bound* no bondmen, We find it neoeeaary t^ eall the attention of them at least, but that is the effect of their eon- liberty and “^"‘*‘** ““ whatadverMi cause, arc at work aud we hope to live to see the Ugh; of such a day. 83, 1848. Dea,oerat a paragraph in refrenee to Mias Mitohell yearly advertisers to the fact that after the duct. So it will bo understood here and elso- Journal, 84, 1845. just u a man of constitatron wUlwill liveliva OBon our REJOICED THAT THE VAN BUBBN whjch novcTnever appeared in OUToar oulumas.oolumas. W# dondon’tk Many of the beat minds of the BtsOe are engaged with MBN WOULD pRUosophgrphilosopher aotnaliyaotaaily iadulgadiadalgwl ia thetka maayaaay wala-eeelu- where. The movement is in aeeordance with the sausonseason of slcknessslckaess 1st of January, ISM, wo «hail oonfino thorn toe ancgect of emancipation, and they will express freely RERisT 8UUTHBRN DICTATION. hrougharoagh ua sufficientaaffioient to carry off tiouetioae of a quadrille,qaadrille, ia eompaayeoaspuay with a lady la | jn be misquoted, nor to barehave the remarksremarke ofot their opinions and act freely upon them. to hoggestion of the Know->rthing and mob organ “Their resolutions [the FreesoU Van Buren] breathe those of frames not so stout and elastic. biae eyee, laliB etippera, and an stylet.m of«# hair thatthmt •triotlvto their oontraote, or, what amounts We must make np our minds to meet that question, othersothoiw patnot into oaronr moath.month j ‘*^®“**‘* dictation of rr of traA„ wWK kii m. floHwd abimt her oeck like a nvuUt ef sherry. It’e < of this city, the Louisville Journal, which has for no human power can ttop it. If oeruun branches of trade, with all the draw- the snao, ehargo extra for all over and ahova. the South, and iteration of such hostility at this time, loumal, j3u£. 31. 1845. itard to sit giusd toaa arm ehair such its eonrso to injure Louisville is highly signilicant.” fioarisbing, Fire la the .Ylonatains..81 onntains. getting about I done more by than backs existing, are thas what would , Some of our advortisort have boon We believe there ia .settled conviction in the minds of LouinilU Journal, eaastaaoee, or to deeBaa eaavae-baah dock ^aad April 31, 1848. n. , „ , .V I a large majority of the people of thatiheir copy from an Owsley ... the twice as mach as their ooutracts called for; wo lall other causes combined, and which is now as Kentucky in- be their condition, lot mo ask, if soch drawbacks Wo oorrespondentoorrespondi of ,oodooek at the invUatioa of a lady. terests—social, moral, and nnancial—would be promoted PBENTtCE THOUGHT IT A MERIT IN A NORTHERN published powerless for good as it has boon cflicient in by disiKising of the slavey md we believe that one Uay STATESMAN TO BE FOR THE WILMOT did not exist, bat, on tho contrary, if tbe general Richmond Meseenger, of the 18th lost.: “The beet laid pUoe of man aad miea oanuot permit it any longer. iJee onr l PBOVISO. tUev will themselves begin to move in the matter. We Ozng aft aglee.’* * •’ Hy apology for writing you this note iis to inform terms. “jafF await tbe movement, and shall stand ready to second it In 1848, ha said cendition of things wera prosperoas, and thusthns fa-

| - whenever oar aid can be of any avail. you thai the neighl^bood, Mouad Oray Hawk, — \Mutrt.Hmmif,Ilugiti^Ct;D*m»cratoffice: “Since toe death of Silas Wright some of the Locofo- vored activity in partiouiar departmente? A^ I'ERFCMEDI'Erfcmed Baxara.riaxaTa.——What lady orc gotia- Journal, Oct. 6, 1846. . CO* asserted that *»n oatorday, U« I2th met., hae sustained great > hare be was sed to toe a The editor of the Louirviile Jouma] Data Sixs: Will you have the kiudnest to discon opp Wilmot - . . . , . ,, - . w / proviso They neem to Let me give few word.* what dropped from the «®*n would rensasn ander the eurse er a ““ “To him [Clay] more tNan any other individual is to cons der It their duty to vlndi- m 1, Me by lire. It caught the neighboring woods, and has boe. oaiUn* for help against the Democrat for ! be ascribed the great revolut on which has taken place of • wept over the plantations of the m.Mt of ooroiu- aW® hreash, wheu, by uaiag she “ in public sentiment upon this tutoject; a revoluqon n” rt“*iTi s Hps an Indiauian, who W8S foTmorly ono of the J some Umo. Ho wanU it pat out of the way by prevent tbe flvuth from entirely burnt U^U.^akVcOMB li BBO. whose wheels must continue to move onwsrd till they ttcoudaucy iu the \rerybeU largoat of up—dwcltir.g 21owea»d Floss.rs’* ee dentifrice would not ealy ^•* and » eatk patrone the LonU- | a ^ reach the goal of universal Freedom. A conviction of counciUoicouncils of toenauonlthe nationl the v tancyCV that patriotismttffitriotiffim 1 ^ * \ kpsnmmm mPmklAm oasvWM Jb a I given divers hints Lorisviixa, April 19, 18c6. . houses, sublee, ourn cribs, ho. Some farmers aome moans or other. He has ^ . ^ ^ bad , . .w . .v wi. i the expediency and necessity of ultimate emancipation require* a Northern man to endeavor to strengtoen an viUe trade. It so i,: _? v re«l®T i* sweet but, leave the teeth white ae ala- was a wfok or since he dropped „ oa., ranwinff k„F .x I h>.. that haslioeu spreading farther farther Utcreittcreit hostile to his *“«“„ ®® P*®u®« <•! fencing burat. f have to his rounders; and u very much provoked and among ourcoun- U own secUonl”sectionl” . . . .u i .v Louistills, AprU19, 1S66. .... r ^ in to seesoo ms:me; I garegave him a cordial welcome,weloomep and I baeter Maay peiwas do aaa know their toeaia trymcD, aud taking deeper and deeper root in their prknticb^^tcidedl^ boonbeen raised in the moantains,mountain*, and harehave often his suggoeiioiis are not acted upon. Ho onilod for j^tttrt. lUmtt Untktt: minds, and it requires not the spirit of prophesy to fore- aga^.^^thk^^sesident A talking about business. “I have come,” witnessed too terror of fire in the woods, but never is bad, and the eubjeet is so deUoate their frleada teh toe end.”—Z,ty« */ Clap, page ‘H. remedies, and insisted that panishmeuts were acNTLansK: Please discontinue my paper. Bend — give LouisviUo dollar aad *«tioa it. Pour a siaglo drop of the . . your biil to Mitchell, Outhrie A Uo. for ray meat, and PBE.NTICE ON SLAVERY IN OKNERAL “MONSTER “We have strong hope the controver*y (about 8Iave- said he, “to a a half for deserved. Last Saturday his paUenee wore out, oUi«e, J. U. liliMCAM, OF EVIL,” ETC. nlgbt’e lodging and breakfaet. I am on re- “ ®n jour touth-brnsh atel wueh tho toteh «<»* Qreen.brtween First and Second. SuW lloMibi^ar'^li a my firrthrouS pluntation;, over^reeks and r.iads, he aaiO, in bitter irony, that the people of and ] “ Mr. Clay views slavery toe eAecntive veto. in the abstract with nnmin- by Whether the provtio ia I without halting one mument; I night will torn from Cincinnati : I made all my parehaeee aad Uod oaly kaows aad moniag.* A fifty' eaat boCUe gled abhorrence. lie JUSTi.r considers it monster of expe .'lent'lent or not, no man who unlersUnH*un'IerstauHs toe LouiiviUo wore a truly Christian and forbearing Locuviti.t, April 19, 183i>. a temper . . •h.n it -v.— w..i 1 / k.j .... I | evil; a deadly vampire draining awav the life blood of of ilie whole people of tue North can this doubt that its de- there; laat fall I did the same; and, although ^*il**^ ^tkr Kiitorttf tht l^uitvUU Utmocrai; ’ been for little i interposition a shower of ram that people, talks of our bitter, uncompromising tbe Republic.'’—Mfe #/ Clap, page 376. feat by toe of the veto power of toe Freii- . T . Ml a litUebe- A BEamruL Complrxmm* may ausHy he ae* . » • Gikts: Ton WiU ple.se discominue our suhecrip- , the people..I. ot Douisvillo.r o.ni.riii.. Ue,K. the PBENTtCE UN THE SUPFEKINUS OF TBE SLAVE — hatred of your p.per from thi* date, and oblige quirad “ “FIERCE HEARTS AND DARK HANDS,” ETC. by using tha Balm 0/ u Thaueamd blositof a Vankoo, who has boon from miserable Ftowers.’* It will rfite'^ve ^"‘”'^“‘^a?*ii0BIN80N h CO., On the same page he Bilds tow, fiemflea, aad fifel to last a traitor to kentocky, tries to identify DruggisU, Main, between Ihu-d and fourth. “ He [Clay] proclaimed in vivid colors wouid put toe •luestiou ot agitabua into toe next Fresi- good feelmg towards its merchants; frotkUe, from the side, leaving it ef a soft aad tbestUfeT-MRS, ance With, and 1 am ever yours. Ac., with the people of LouuviUo I He and the bodily desradation, of the slave. spoke of the dentialelecaon, and then, by their strength us a sec- bimscU LocisvitLs,Louistillb, AprdApra 19,1«6.19,1866. He ..... j , r aeata hue. Wet a towel, p-jur on two or three d uigera to bs apprehended from toe insurrection of the tional and geograpbioai party, elect men who will m( yet I can t deal hereany more,and would prefer not ISAAC L. HORN. his taetien are the people of this city! It would yvcAe KAurr tf tk* itemoerat: blacks, when in every abiding place of slavery there TCtO the PFOTIAU* *•••••• n a A !• setting foot upon the streets of, or sleeping over drops, and wash the fkoe eight aad SMaing. were herce heaits broodng over the accumulated wrongs Louieville JoumeU,Joumai. DecembersDecoiubvJ.Ut8.1818. indeed bo a sad atury to tell the world, that the OaNTLanaK: We deep.y tegret that a respectful re- queai, cotSoayius, a* Celicve, tne wishes of years, and dark hands ready to grasp the fire-brand lawless a place. I feel unsafe even for Seam**Ssavnie MadeM-adb East.—East.—Wet your skavlag-skaviag- . . . . of most of night in, so . , dagger.'* imoplo of this city partscipsbtod la too awinl orimos oar ciuceus, has not influenced yon to desist from a and toe Q^One hunter, in less than one hour after I In passing through.” * either warm or cold water, peas ea b ... wartar« upon the intereMs of Louisvilie, of Arkansas. Tne editor oonld not find words to two , , ...... and consc- PRENTICE EXCUSING THE NEGRO FOR BILLING HIS of laat year, or sympathiaod with the gnilty. The it, indiviauaiiy. starting out from Texas, hsfLd atns queuuy, upon cnisens Waco, dear is express his high admiration of Mr. Uike. But or three drops of “ Balm ot a Theaeaad Ftowesa,** ACCOUNT OF TUB He continued: “Mr. , of , with me tiiWiiaiig to .uppon a paper wluch. it teems to us MASTER, ON BAD PASSIONS FOS- is oue of the infamous ULsehoods that . a( two ehoul Mr. I*ikeaasrepudmt«i the Abolition aoiug iU uuuual to our Uijury, we reiiuesl that you TERED AND UNCHAINED IN ALL THEIR WILDNESS Cincinnati also—we came down on Know- rub the beard well, aad it will make a beaatifal — Nothing eoDcem, the editor wiliai.cuuuuueourp*perau4adveiUsiiig,and kcud in .... • oi the Journal has the otuior of the Journal dally propagates.‘ W'e and stkb.sgth by the wrongs of slavery. . , V « “ >uiir bill to tnis date lor pay lueut. boat—wo were talking over affairs; he l»w®r. ®J‘ facilitatmg tbe epsMttoM ef J He aie unwilling to BF"The WabaBh Uasette says that a Mrs. the same dUooTsrfd that Mr. Pike is a great demagogue, oan inforss the editor that we have the cordial close wimoui eapresMug a nope thatyou wui so modify On page 17 of the Life of Henry Clay, ho says ho know fifty Indiana tmerckante who had and of very little eceount. Any man who true shuring. Price only Fifty Cexti...... r your ooursB as to meet the wishes of those eflOihy it, Rodgers, living near Ljnn’s Mills, hanged herself me u city, even law of mantlanghter inquires only as to the sappvtrt of the true men of this and are reiucuuiuy placed in opposition to you. The fact *® ^® S>outh is sure to incur too displeasure ol withdrawn their custom from Louisville for the I PETRIDGE A CO., PTup'ra. N. Y. ' of toe existence of the excitement at the timethedeed on Thursd&y last. ef aenm ot his own part}- know that we ate its provisions are as valid in men ”"‘w is perpetrated, aud behalf II. .“^'^b’klbnaP ; riotous lawless character of A. RobinwinRobinson A Cn,Co., aud Beil, & CO., same cause,,, thothe and Uwlem ^9^-^ TalWf tk fronIron Merchants,Mercha.dU, corner of the slave as any other member of the community, r talli^telli^ the truth. They know that no permaneatpermAncBt Alain and Third, STIn making our estimate of vacant houses ’ | \t thoten that tht endurance the unUtt eon U of wrenge piaoo. Theee,” he added, “are unpleasant 1 Co., Louisville, Ky. ; Seribaer A Devol, Now etaoerp nnnihilatee Ike darker pastxeat, ^ prospsnty is to be expected in LoubviUeLouisville whilst mad mtetrus of on Main street, we did not take into aooonnt tho ! Louuvu.lx,Loi;uvu.lx, TheTbe Democracy of Trimble April 19, 1866. ineUad of faUrutg and unchainiag them in all their tj,j|jis to be toUing you; but you know I have not hare held a Albany, ladiaaa. apMoodAweewly party is supreine,supreuie, andaud lawless- ToUuZhthr AMuersJidutrt tfof Uu Jwu%mut Oemurat:Utmocrat; wildness and strength- sadly looking meeting and reMmmendtd Elgah Nuttall the higher taw of eocaai houses of Quinn’s Row— withdrawn my oustom from LoniivUle because dis- F. for j j- ...Ik...Ik. _..k ' GesTLiiMeJi;OxiTTLiiMeJi; Please to cease sending your paper to PRENTICE MAKES A HERO OF SAID NEGRO. Judge, and P. U. Major for disorder stalkstnlk abroad with impunity. Comoeunwealth’s At- Thx Hobeb Fain Postponed.— n eoMcqusaeo aeasnees and non**non*« irum this date, and send iniu your bill tor the thirteou in number. satisfied with the merchanU hero; I am sorry for Soon afterward he was borne to toe place of execu- in toi,' J JaicirDtetrict! the Joumar says peopls abroad •‘“"Rut “«• F««- of toe boekwardneee of the seaecn, aud the impoo- The editor ef tion, anuthe spirit aud pride of character which be it.” • ^®”Thob8 persons who have discontinued the you all, but I cant help Frankfori Fseataa. there diiplayea is said to have been worthy of a Ro- believe us : that is a fact, and, wnat is worse, peo- A. B. tlEMPLE M BRO., •ibility of getring etoek ready by the I3th ot May patriot. Being asked whether he was anxious above Indianians are first rate mcr- hMAbiislimeni, corner Mam ana oixih. man Democrat can have it at twenty-five cents par Both of tho toU the ««th, and that his tott his life should be spared—“Mo,” said he, sternly, Bouxbon County AGaiccLTunaL Hocibty.— the direetory ef the SoatkweeUm Agricultuna ***nto at bosne know we well and most favorably known to our T. \ . Brent, Son A Co., Main street, between “1 would not live a longer, nnless in the copy this morning; others can have it at five cents chants, and , day enjoy- , , fr,. j meeting of UiU Aseociation WM>k pli^ ktatemeuu ere fialsenobds. That is liberty.” Mecbanicai Aseoeuticn have determined tu doMato ef our ^ c-k-.^ .i v- j • j- ment of ^ _ ... tsecond and Third, order iheir advertuins ducon- per copy as usual. mercantile community. They are men of truth, I in Paris on Saturday last a week, when the follow- The editor ef the Joumai boasts MR. clay not RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS NIOGKBISM. *he exhibition of horses uutil too l««k thesoteiMiuutmm oMw . . ^ j open dealing, who would to ‘ng genUemen were Mooted effioeri for the ensuing P«®*P<«® • tinned and paper stopped. and honor, and eeom k ..j Mr.V, YiW'illu,in f n If K ij * 1. I ^ I deem it proper to that Mr. Clay is in degree XSr of Orange, Maas., has sold the : of his prodigious circulation and tus prodigious say no . ^ ^ ^ year Jayiay of June. List efof rinarings audaad vrmiuteJpreaiuteJ can kuka C. Miller, Coal Dealer, Wall street, orders his retpnntthle for the manner or matter a tingle para- n*’**^^ facts, Md furthermore, they have anaple of right of his “Improved Stump Extractor,” for the y>r*«*(Li*«—Brutus J. Clay. emdit. He towers away above the Democrat in graph tn the volume. 1 have often had the pleasure of had at tkis office. A sale, at aaetsoa, ef mtl kiuaU paper diccoutinued. ^h, ai^ they exercise their Yica FraeLdenu—Wm. meeting him in society, but I am confident that he has Sutes of Wisconsin and Iowa, to a gentloman in “®““ C. Ljle, Jeremiah Dmn- hie estimauan, eoid in the estimatiba of his 4 etoek, will take plaae ea Fridey efier Ike Caix. own communicated to me far less infonuation w to regard right to go where there .. law, order, safety, even casL to himself than lie naturally would have done had he Milwaukie, for $3,000. ^ __ ...... mrSINlAwlsi begus Aiuariaaaa but the world believes ur, and JJiraetora—(3eo. W. W illiams, O. H. Burbridge, ; Locofocolsiu and Abolliioniimi. not Known that 1 was preparing a sketch of his life. though further off and less convenient. . James L. Ware, Thos. L. peo]ile of this uty Some months ago my publishers applied to him, by let- . 1 Cunningham, C. P. Tal- 4« B*t batMve bun. Tbe know If there is any one poiitiaal fact that cannot be ^9~We thank cur friend J. £. Moody, clerk of judge fromt suchV examples as the ter, to know whether be was willing that his biography Lot any one Lindsay, Charles S. AVGUST ELECTION. aj»d saccessfoUy or honest controverted by inteliigeui ^ H Brent, Kiohard 010 lell tbe truth, that he does n’t. He y should be given to toe worid. In tiis answer, he statM the Jacob Strader, for a copy of yesterday’s Cin- t^We are anthor'sed to aancunc* WAT1I1CK Ills that above what is the immense loss to Louisville busi- Hawes, F. P. Clay, and H. W. U. . men. the msss of ihc Democracy of tue Norm, Varaon. tliat as his acts were before bis fellow-citizens, be could MaJOH. of ffrAUAlia euuatp, aa aaai> with j»gUy regard it u a monster of evil, draicing titutions.”—yowrwaf. tti. 31. 1846. muttors with them; they are, after all, tbe great tbe women’s rights women who are old maids don’t permanent becefite to the great intereeis A a sell a large aasortaaeut of LCMBBk. at whole tells his bogus Ameticaus that they are raving PRENTICE'S APULUGY FOR HIS ABOLITIONISM—ON tbe life blood of the country ? Do they “»7 '>® R ' ^8*“ 1®* the which it is designed to foster aad promote. sale or retail, ehcap forcaeh. Oflee aortheast eoruetop ACCOUNT OF BAD KAISING. marry, U that they ooniidor themselves so far in OrevaandUamebeUAtreeta. eaSIdtf like wild beasts he warns tnem to stand back Lexington ; bold that the endurance of the wrongs miee- world know that things are so bad ? Can’t it, and Obacrctr. and The editor cf the Dt-ioocru has raked up extracts advance ef the age, that they are afraid their off- aeoosee ot providing arms ANTED. WE ARK PAYING from the polls ; he tnem from onr biography of Mr. Clay, written and published lies of Slavery foctera and unchuiiis the darker ought it not to be kept a secret ? Well, perhaps upwards of a quarter of a century avo, when we were a spring would \)Cgrand-Uiildrcn. ^ eeting of tbe bar of Fleming eoun W the market price for LonisvUie aad NaehvQl* snoot down native-born people; he inlurms Railroad Stock aad Scrip. to citizen of Mew Englaud, to zhow, not that we were in it is no use exposing to the whole world the extent ty, at Fiemingsburg, on the 13th last., it was an- passions? Did they oppose the annexation o> fe6 HUTCHINGS their in the favor of abedisbing tlaver}’, hut that we then thought k CO- them tbere is no rooas tor elbows An exchange, commenting on the fact that There is one thing, however, nounced ttot by the late bill re-organixiag the ** ” slavery a very bad thing. Undoubtedly we did think nialady. - _ . v*r a- 1 * .d'Wu a k. i* sitt*u , , . . . lexAS on Aooonnt of the sin of extending Hla- it; ^®*^^*®» *1^® 9®- mwrANTED. NORTH AND J'UUTHtJCTr ribs ot naavas on elecUou days; be rants and thus of we had at that time seen uo person that a number of Cincinnati young^ ladies have lately _v:„v ^ ji thought, ^ which will StnEe.trike everyeverv man 01of gooacood praoucuto'^tical w w andaad SouthSouth'''aroUna,aroUna, TenaTenaeseee,esaee. Georgia,o’ Wilmot pro- or seemed to think, diilerectly. H'e wereedu- , . . u^oj^ed ae to make the uendinir term the laat hieEla- b.muurs .bout fir. and.tool, and tfiieatons what cated and brought up from childhood to regard slavery been mamed and cam^ away to other plaow, common sense as being ear duty. And that is, which the Hon. J. W. MooJrew^ hoU in FUm- as an evil wherever it exisud, the opposiie view of the CO. atU do. p.rU«tas says no eity has a better claim to supply sjtar* rs6s hi. bogus Anmnimn. Uu matter having never been presented to our mind. We to call ourselves well, aye, strong and healthy! iflg county. Uesolutions complimentary of toe ——— ™ U»® Territorie. of the United 8utee? Did the, do not imagine that, aquarier of a century ago, a and fiendish yells, set hr. to the man for toethe uniuniverse.verse. ’^“<*8® were therthecenpon adopted.—Aex. .a.itoatewiou.eeaiou. EUxriaon’a ColombianColomblkn Balx-DyaiBalx-Dy*. .msdsi eavog. of any par y or degree could be found In New England ^ pi^^ tc beb, seeng^en that there lurks a fatal repeal of the wt ib-ee arusans, rush in, alaughter Lhom, 0PP«" Missouri compromise? It who did not think of slaver; what we said of it in the houses systemlsystem i How foolish the man ENLARGED,ENLARGE.!), biography we wrote. Tbe subject of slavery was not a Notice. gangrene in our The Bane op Ashland.—Ashland.—We learn from a gen- ||iIZE STYLE IM-IM' taem up. Tne two *>u ot Mr. Long, tney say or sail and do or did all these ibingf, they fiftieth part so well understood there at that time as ills ;: and bum Wehope our subscribers wUl not alh>V the fel- would be who should persist that nothing was the Ueman of this city, woowho waeiawaetn Ashland on Mm- ^ now, and i' it nut very well understood there now. H e ,„y®,JSlVnWt£?V ^»**riT^ysS^?UT*aUn??i**u*'^*ee*a*»ertocSy" a2a«i* inuustrious, ahiUtut mseUs eios, thus penshed wuu are not to be trusted, w«® o^ned on that day eeioneverv to^e.fross Hgte teowa le ourselves, froiu thinking slavery under all circum- lows who have disoontinuei the isiper to ^get hold matter with him, whilst it was evident that he yet kteeh ;’itt ; it stances an evil, have oume to think it an evil in oli , «. ... . • about two 0 clock, and that too whole lido.ooo use is ea»v and rand U perleeUy KaraieM te iba beuee. HMter mABUlmtturer. oeu of, it to-day. „ , J I T * T their fatuer’s Tht-y wUi ba-Mf frosou See It, was gradually sinking into a decay ! Let Louts ** •*•** ** ®*« it lu mates Where K is not required, aud a good in those to ^ ,tock was subeeribed in less than three verwaaeai j ie InEk auu impulses. wnere it i*. tale Oh thu suoject, it they wUi. We have ^ and must oiifier steal ar borrow, rut it is tell a out of v4Ue first acknowledge that she not exaotly in noursl A very anspieiojisDegiiuung, indeed! Tne "pJtoe- ^Jid it oider legal voters to stand buck from the PRENTICE E.XPr.K6SES HIS SCORN FOR SOUTHERN hearu tne sickening recttai without asking for it. MSN WHO DENOUNCED ATT ACES UPON SLAVERY had been engaged nere polls, and order iu vutera to deposit their talloU Excellent wutkmau, who —UIH SNEKBS AT ANY DEFENCE OF THE INSTITU- «11 th* of her mJ-lji l.t h- o^«vor to J. BronS A»,«lh.MWk.M. ,.u, ,„„0.io .od Virgi’oi.r'n. bmhScV.S o?KI-o“.W3!!LJKL yean, and wnwae piuees it is haru to supply, through fire and steel, in a peaceable city ? Did TION OF SLAVERY, AND BIH HOPE THAT SOME fee of Main, between 'Eighth. aiMi Yinth strtets, have remove them; let her try to recover her former Bank will go into operation about toe first of Aa- trict of !^0 NORTHERN MAN WOULD KICK V- *’*^*^*J®fEDWIK MOKRI8.m,vj»i.i siter the sixth of Augu/t. Soon leit to it slaughter people and ONE OF TUE CHI OrkorMieby aad by HAWKS Mil here burn' their houses, and in store potatoes and dried fruit, soundness of constitution. And let ns hope that, gust, with llattoting proepeots. jz*X^ATOX.*Lonisvi!ie.*Looisvi!)*. ALBY, -AS HE SNEEKINGLY CALLS SOUTHERN wkieb they adver- kTXATOX. si*niifahe a joaog giantess, she will yet, and that ere mrl9illawAw6aiina*Bkd ” ware ludaeed to go to quiet tho just app.-when- It has made war upon property, learning, talent, in- IHK Chivalrt.— be chivalry went off veiy bril aro yet short of seed potatoes, who should ayail ^ong, arise in her might, shake off tha ineabns of Louisville MEBCHaNTS.—Tha Ciaoinnati pa- Carolina, was the gun of the occasion. He wij makiu themselres of ibis opnortunity to get their supply, misrule and divisiou and auimosity which weighs pers squirm and flounder like eeLi in a frying-pan, Splendid Fruit and Flower PIrbU will not owiae we siiall toll them no lie# to ^ l^uvUlo is meeting from the ; Has K lisiAed ubuai youog caampions of liberty her down to the earth, and assort her former rank tions, and of course waxed very wsrm and intensely metchants and business TheThe Cincinnati Daily Inquirer. .v . i- u. j i-x > . • - meu of Indiana. They iaduec them to come. and equal rigUu making eloquent; amouast utliers, of burning and blending •'»® ROUARD, ilorticaUarint, “aristocrats" (slave- •“®°8 ^***I®^» ) P''o«P®'‘ rail out at a round rate, pnde and scorn, in the report of his speech in tbe In- old acQuainULnae and heap upon Loaisville were tue agents ia this infamous busi- This acquaintanoe comes to usuh in a new From FertaUloa, near Faria, omd tero ai at .Msrasi ffsw, And wno holders trembie for thoir ancient prerogative telligencer, Mr. Burt said: cities of the land. Why, it osed to be pro- all manner of abase. We hope our Indiana ) ? , ... mer- “lie thuukl give dress, ciusons ol Louieville, murder- Juzi offence to his constituents and new form, and with new proprietors. It is - BEGS rtoas ut abaaii^ tbe If ever the time shall come, it ^arbial that Kentucky was the seat of liberal sen- ohanU, whoaro souafortanate as to be sabscribers LEAVE TU INFORM at undoubtedly must, incor hiz own (lUasleeui, if he could t>e inouced ever to 0|Hnladi«s and aasateon tbat be has Jest airtwefi i toe tDctuiM; rati party chali double site, burning their houses ? We answer, when c) sceonhiak that it vindicate on this floor any institution of his State; but the contains a vast amount of rea.iing (Am), *od sateiy grauiy ^Unent and genuine hospitality, and that Louis- 3MHfrum Francs with a s<-liecticn ef Uoees aad can lU ae«tru> ing in«tincts, we shall be- hewi ui-lMy that language was impotent to express interests, will matter, and is gotten up in good taste not be misled by these Viuik xrevf. Magnolias, Rhodeden izea*. Fnnaaa Ar- offtoourinxs of creatiou, grog-shop and fioia sulIi a wartare azaiu,t the lostituiiou* cf ihc the uUer scorn aud ooutviupt generally. •„ .v i v ur . •, ^®*J tfic rerj with which the South re- * yiUe wos the Very soul of thess ennobbng traits. i„ureateJ champions ot the J/og bottth as fias never yet been nr vx .U ... . k . . cur. Their . uuaenakeu ... J . V. J , upon UiU garded the miierahie, upstart, huckstering mortality of ho do not know tho 1 Itandj-aamm ballMS aad brawlers, knaves and oouUutot. orth, * *7» * abate of the Louisville merchants g-afted Bone Tresn. Ainu, Pear, Ajopse, Fhsm, and | the N in her attempt to hold up tbe institutions of jg she now content to bear a character, should be as- mx ^ uhevry Tree*; perpetaal Oooombmrj maa>'.en, ano^, newer or dang- tried to enouurage a purtiuu Now this is what we like hugely. It is fair be aerving the Suae in too peutteuUary, . oi them to toe wariare, 3 sample of cliivaliy approaching the fall-bead but intensity at Itog mi the Uid of a. rope, between earth aad the time hadn't como, very much to the oha- which it becomes more brilliant and scorching than ~ ooor, agiunst tne>'>• uoueeiess Buwngor aaoto uie A ue mercuanis oi Louisruie . ““SS" liVmnckmB jLouyui.'ii«d«,™«,.»«..need no recommen- had sunbeams at midd«y. If we had been at tbe cbivalric Strength•I...... V I -r...... grin of eaid editor. in the campaign before ns. d*tion from os among those who enjoy their ae- *oi a^ dis* heaven. gentleman’s side, we sheuld have patted him heartily j, determined to do all she can to render The editor of the Journal, and a few ofitoe- Northern men of all parties dislike Slavery, oil the shoulder and shouted—Uo it, Burt. Nothing can | but "ncomforUble large masses of her citiiens, if not W X. F. C K A M L, be truer than it would be very unbecoming in the chiv- S^Mr. C. C. Spencer’s sale of Real Estate ofVhatuS!‘^TheJ'5iS*rs^ • .,««< u.,.1, Ik. -.Hot. rf Ik. bu.- alry to vindicate any of the institutions it p cherislies, last absolutelyabsointoiy to onvedrive allaii ofor thetne prosonoed,proscribed, whowno have on Saturday afternoon, was as : facilities to Cincinnati in oondnering baaiaess.bnaiaess. I Tk« kiu«. which were framed in accordance with the dictates of follows tlie most euptrUUwe, pre *‘‘® sort of metol in them, away to seek a With a capital of over $4,000,#00-withabun- eminent tciedom. The aross Tha lots on Broadway, commencing with the ”8ht ^k noinuiE to lem-. minds that grow up in the North ate wholly unable First Class Cabinet-Ware, spirit, prompted by intense bigotry aad touut for to elsewhere? but jMterday a iiscrrauve party is tho one greatest preaumptiuu in atriviug toaeeendto the height .... they aro orner ol .^ixth an*! Coart Place., , todustrions ani enterprising manufaatnrer, who V the ereml argument on 'rhich thep repote. Tho First street lots, between College and to distance Cincinnati in the eompetition for KY. hand what wou'id be toe fruits ot euoh an agita- retused to sanction, by resolution, a elauss of LoCUriLLK, , Mr. Beardtly, of New Yors, got un his feet, and ssid a Breckinridge, has bought large supplies of material from the the Indiana trade. Every Indiana merchant who few words iu exteuuat on of what he bad previously sold from $22 75 to $24 75 per LL ORDER8 tion. Mid now we shall not help lie toe city out th® Federal Conzticution, when offered in tbe has heretofore traded at Cincinnati, and who will THANKFULLY | iHid, and fur which chivalry was writer of this, for the last doien years and more, skinning him.— foct. L received, aad psompUy attended to. Me namM- Kentucky Legulature, egainst U hereupon the chivalry boilM over, and exclaimed: her ^rohants, will not 1 auy religious of It. Let a just penalty fail on toe guilty. test. was shaping his affairs so as to wind K® denUy refers to his i uaserouafnenas and cas*oa< “Whoever used such epithets as atrant 1 ts aai f ij V told me he had been applied to TheX he CollegeColievQ street lots, east of Brook,R k sold for ® inelined to again miAe^ a bill at Cincinnati. ^ the gd quality and variety ef style of his work. . . — To is ' K party, not saxisfied with the forms and ot theiesUtutiOD of aiavery There but eiM way to get out of the trouble, oaths he denounced here, and held during this coming snmmer, and move off to himaelf responsible elsewnere.” $19 50 per foot. ap be satisfied of this foot, Indiana merehants have aad that is to bs boaest; oonf ess yoar sins and the Federal Constitution, have gotten np a secret Dr. Beardsly grew fierce, and asked—"What is that * manufactory eUewhere. He said he did only to try the Rich Dress GooU- by Express. you eay, sirr’ Quite a large number of persons attended this reforas —concealment ar.d lying will not do. The government, with its officers, its oaths, and powere Indianapolia StaUStata SSentinal.entinal. In reply, tbe chivalry eaid—“I said. I hekl myselfte- not feel at home here, becausebecanse ho happened to be HAVE RECEIVED, IN THE atory was told on the sixth of August in all its of punishment and taxation—the party that spunsible for my words eisewbere.” He here repeated that thegentieman from of foreign birth, although he had lived herohere most New York f Mr. Bradley i had Embalming a Wife.— he following enrioas of msgwtudo; sdi the world kaows it. The oondi- drives legal voters away from the polls, breaks used expressions that had no foundation. Mammoth Moving Mirror.— Onr readers will If this re- of his lifetime. The pnblio sentiment gave him ^*®unoed Baroge Boecs, wperior Ma a and Printed mark was offentiv^ be left it oircnmstance is jnst now creating seme merrimeat baiiot-boxos,etc. to the person offended to perceive, by the advertisement in our paper to-day, the oity was procisaly the same before we . tioi. o! seek hia address. The gentleman had denounced tbe sort of ohiiliness; he didn’t feel in hU element, a in ocmmereial circles. Didn’t he sail the oil? We FrroS, Ingiish, Bod*^r«rieaB FssTcolor^wisa*!^ The Black ^publican party of the Konhern BU'e* institution of slavery—no perflap* not denounced it— that this great painting will continne for another it, . said a word ; we have not altered and tha etate ’ but he had spoken disrespectfully although ho always nsed to fool proud of the city . isbaa euouEh aod dauserous eO' ugh. its of an institution ^^^’1 : ... , I claiiu* ana believe he was a Yankee week, at Mesart Hall. of tbe ease will be just tha aauta until toe people pretenBion* never wui tie, aud never sfaoald be, sdmit- with wDich he (Mr. B ) and his ooustiluenis were iden- In opposition with other tified— an institution iu the of hit choice. • er recosnite 1 ; bat we iielieve middle of which he had A Yankro ropttin, whcte ^go was <»nsi^ , , . . 1. . u . . I ia our hearts t at naustor the oourage to be just to pxaoratnas, where the public grows dull and of LoauviUe eyen tfo* p*ri.y 1 * less ouirsseou, in its proposed a«- grown up, and one to which the State which he in pari | ha eonldnot now get any to Messrs. Banug A Co., bad the misfortune to lose rtor Det'ed, represented attributed Bnt further: ha said White, And Fi.ured Sw.i* NuMlas: Wi.im .. “W" “‘-utn tban the Northern Locofooi much that was illustrious in her fatigued as the close of the exhibition weuauuon, uauu Inin produciacpiwwuag tbe i history draws to an pan* "oU'd •>«, if, uo longer bopiDE to make oouthern and eunubdng iu her condition. Tke meet iliuelrioue thing elover gtisnss toat destroyed the credit of this city. We cspiial, it were lett to the nubridi^ iudaigenea of lU p hat produced it, the leveling passious. South Cat olina chivalry, to charaUerittirailp lUnetroUd I chaltengean Invcrtigatom. Jtnd, if you can, a in the conduct of Mr. Burt. To speak disparagingly toat’s a pretty plain hint. The eon- of sDcb an institution, should of course subject imper- eisglc ioeendiary paragraph, aad we are ready »« tinent Northerners to such excruciating torments as | test thie year is between the Democrats and Were inflicted by the eloquent tongue of chivalry on in gr:at variety, fur at answer for it : but we are now toe aMuser,^ and hhas c^iowMSsoicsA. . poor Beardsly. g^ck lUpubiioana, and thie is a pretty plain inti- aisO B. y. TUit.>ER, Feort But the chivalry tells Bear ’sly we have a right to be. We have tbe Know-Noth- that it is responsible : „ t,, bow you wish U to go. elsewhere. This ia very significant, and calls up vis- ing title oi cubLity la this Stale—toe title of ions of an In vitation fur pistols and coffae for two. But 107 Fourth Street | Beardsley, Uke all other Northern 7.«cas, does not love birth. bcloitg State that title, Uiat way of troting any further la thu mysterious and oxtraor- the oil was consigned, and requested to know how We to toe by and |^~Read thaeouimunitation signed “Citixen.” amusting difficulties. The chivatry is per. the city. If theae foots j departments qf fei'tly aware of this lact. It knows Northern men will dinary part of the to *® quantity of oil he bad CARPET STOCK. toe State bolaag* to as. orthiess as the title is It is understood that Louisville is world. Wo hope see Mcixrt 7 i . v i W j well suffering, not shoot nor be shot. They bate ’ cold lead. In this "« *® used. WAS at being told that the fact is to be found ii'.ii .V- V A -,7 _ H# ^oded in fact, Kuow-Xotoingiaaa must acknowledge its and mea are beginning to speak ont what they the reas n why the chivalry is a’- au.o.,,d.d.,e.3.^ | ways ao accommodat ug in aeuling these small matters j;;; u vaHiity. We ehall therefore toll any part of knew before but bated to confess and are in that way. If the cbivalry leally thought there waaa ** P*i® *1 "“3, of tie ; we » di.p«itioa he moetimmedietel, oMttheteam. Of ooniee CwoMe ead Femlehin, 8.^., ere a chance of a light, like iu great inqttir, no. tbu th«e Mem. to b, ... er>;..M te exemplar, 8ir John admiration ofi«r to the pwtNie of all who behold it. • this out of the question, and the captain was fos laraest sod i>«st sskicud •- Keatucky of its eias; and a fellow of bad raising, a fair way to learn just how the causes of our Falftsff, il would be very parucnlar in makiugproposi- , i . i-v . . j i wm ^ la ®“r P®ople to give new life to trade and manu- “*• «®®*® b*i®*w®**rod tioDs which might end in a shivering of the body and a ^ amount but was whoa we have proved guilty cf a life of sin misfortunes operate. Then we shall have seme lustirance baking of the bands. New Company. foctures, to look into every aspect of the city’s af- bailed out Messrs. Barlmr, it is by who reported XhnJohn C^syCraesley fe Ben’sBen’S j~eeletwated4r>-n“m BaxiisbBasllsb TeVeteSF.tesro; M hat we wonder at particnlariy is, the Christian against thu Slate, has ao right to sat himself np ohance to apply a remedy. It is not a time for The following ciirporatcrs of the “Kentucky have satisfied tho owners. The Cvosaiey k Son’s BasUsfi Taperiry Bra-ve FarUee. manner in which tlie Nortberu men bear these eloquent furs, to see what is wrong at the bottom, and ap- Customs antbori- ; HeasAc 9t PsTdoe*! beet Bneltsfi Geode, te eM sr^ee ofi ' oatr.onriiigs of *»®®“ acquaint^ as a defoadar of Ljuhville in bnr Crimea. He toe practice of moutebanks and lying quacks, scvrn and contempt. M t woudtr that a Farmers’ Mutual Life and Fire Insurance Compa- ‘***ties having been mademode aeqaainted with the eir-oir- Velvets ply^ suitable remedies before it is too late. And tspestiy BruM-:lsi Henry teuton M BenM Xorthern foot cannot ie found tritA on iiuUact to guide .. . _ A • 4®n irtffitRTWUkffi. tARllAW thji Atl af AimaAmf-xn cninstances, refuse to allow tbe oil of cinnamon ta snpevior qnAlitiea In riefi eoKr* of YeSwt aad Tapes- gives the advio# of a traitor. Tne first step to There mast be a radical change here, or it is idle iUelf to the cketnlrp’t eoat-taU. J! few euchnpflteatiout pany” are requested to meat at the Fanners’ Ex- | CITIZEN. be landed. The Yankee captain will have to taka Wj Braaeeie; H g/finn’r sayor iasrain *jjj Carpels: would draw the eptrU. fromlhe head to the Jett of the ckir- promote tbe rarmratioa of credit aad prosperity, to talk of snocea in manofactarcs. The very change, corner of Second and ilain streets, airy, and thru, tneteadof talking of iloodand thunder, it on Sat- would take to have all heard of tbe IS to deauuaea and spurn toe indorsement of population needed in manufacturing pursuits Ue heeU and win admiration for its loeMtir- urday, April 26 th, What’8 in a Name ?—Wo The oU is used for flavoring pies, pastry, . to take the initiatory steps for and pet- Jul Jltttneee. SSte! , w.ta every vsiiety of Cotton-Chain caipecs oil crime oar city autoori'ties; reverM the toroats have been tbe victiats of party vindictiveneas, a permanent voting man who. upon being asked if he was a fumery —London .VeiM. m by organisation: • sradee,radea, tofethertetather wttfi sU qnalitioeqRAlitiee of % , ^ V V h ... EafS,BafS, ParWr aadsad “- No,.10 butou» heu« had a coosin whowuw of the repetition ef these crimes and resolve, let loose a pack of lawless mieoreants Prentice, in 1848, Striving to Persuade George Uermaa,’ answorou,answered,’ , wuiu ; 1 which has W. Meriwether, Joshua B. Bales, H. T. ^ « Police Court. tains, bonaht wueh bvlow importers’ petcee, ohich *• the houth to Acc«i»t the H®rman flute I” It U just so with aad see that toe resolve is executed, that tho law upon them, to insult, abuse, beat, and kill them Curd, James Anderson, jr., James W. Henning, J. “Poa ^® eon seU mneh ekenper than nsnal. Lames Brvsa | Wilmo Proviso. j sobra-candidate for Vice President on tho Goods, ia evarytnine tbs* is kandeoioo sod dseirssle. | JOHNSTON, JUDGB. ehaU he eupceuM in this dty, that the legal voters pretty much at discretion. EK MAKX8 LIGHT OF THE PROVISO. H. Rhorer, Joshua F. Speed, Isaac Everett, Cole- Wnito Btella Bcsifs, whato U«:oc Besrfe; wi’kaiargo | ticket. On being questioned as to Variety of Hoarninr Oooda wie r with great cars. oi Loaisville shall ehneee their owe eivil officers, Murder is nothing at ail in Lonisvllle, par- “WiiMOT Proviso.— • • in point of fact, the man Daniel, Benj. J. Adams, William H. Pope Know-Nothing Wd ; Bat SATumoAT, April 19. DUBKBB. OMATU A cq.. t«n FoorcKte.. Wilmot proviso presents no difficulty, for it rsuses no “ Hickory,” and that toe Issuer shall not be imposed upon them if victim is a foreigner. Men who John Barbee, whether he was a relative of Old he _apsMfew bstwesn Market and JeBeeooti. . ticuUily the VirgU McKnight, Wm. P. Thomas- questiOD The question of Slavery to arise in the new The case of M. Rutlinger for erecting a frame ^ territory acquired, does not appertain to the General repliw, “Oh,“ Oh. no;no but I am »a ntphewnaphew ot Q^artdGeneral by oiaW Un. aspire to be eoneidered decent, dare to say that son,SOD, Edward D. Hobbs. ; witoin the DUJfiESNIL, RURDOC'K ffi CO.v Government, either in its treaty or law-making power. p^t.^ ^ d? Us™ ThsUiritory, in regard Slavery, will take and Jackson’s wife T*f* A miserablemiserabls notoriety to bs the It mu*t come to that mtrk it. Nothing elan 1 foreigners shall vote hen no more, that they have to hoM ROBERT N. MILLER, mijeed. ; ) p NEW YORK; that ehAnseter with which it comes within the boundary > Corporators Mr. will resuxn eenftdeaco; aud the sooner it ia JOHN HERR, Jr., **J[SfJ**?^®^^^^ bogus representativeraprosentative of the old hero’s honors. Wm. A. Rkhardsou admitted and sworn begun determined upon it ; a party has so deoreod. Now of the United 8tat^“8 Of than is this poUiioal charlatan, hexes were broken—bat tbe party for whose ben- isville look at this oondition of things with disgust Farmers’ Exchange. ts^'frorJa^°8tork^dTth2^^tenses from Jos. Sterk and others. Tbisoeeorred f?aaEEiEBniaaiskiE Institution continRed. I n other territory in which new .Hwrrfemmiu * ’^'*® ®mpty distinction, to be Vioe abontabout years there living afit thmeriaa was e*;iuiit4ed met and denounced and biathiiig but what are they doing to stop it fitates have been funned Slavery aid not exist, and At the third meeting of tho Farmers’ Exchange P®'!**!®® 2 ago. Stark was In ^ ^ ; therefore Slavi ry was not legal there while the territo- Bloomington, lad., and his irife here. Poore S H ADV.\NCES M.\DE it set tettei ttey washed their p~id.h..iu,.u.u..d3uu., ON in ; hands of it. it slide along is the wish and, in the mean ry was nnder tbe Jurisdiction of the Union, and it has Md » s.u.rt.,, ih. uu»i™. ; w firdth“^rrhXs.:;S;;uhteinad mono, h”,;hdw winr’h.J^Ldi’s:hare, nad-v ih. not been established by those Btatea since their admis- ^ jx IL. ,*& Not B'j hero; Ifoe pnnr whose saoh lande a reign of «iD4ing large, (9’* B H.US SS. tiffifo let LonSAvUle go on down kill. It sion into the Union. In tho torritory now to be ac- aad the same interest heretofore noticed was Mm riaffll Hyman sold at pablie anetioa, pretense that tbe old find seat far it; when quired in Mexico Slavery does not exist, and, by the teiTuc in Louieville, set up denials ia the fees of may be very unpalatable to read what the Demo- manifested in the proceedings. The committee on last Saturday, eleven lota, eaoh 26 by ITS feet, going to Bloomington henproaantsd to Stark that iORN. 4,000 Ba\GS general law. Slaves taken into it after it is acquired by in 8TOKE C^ med fortor salesal. hyhv dfiy and formal jusufiention. They hod all the icdividnals the United fitates will, in coiitemplalion of law, be to .oi.i..to offitoto totol. th.lr ent says, and some may stop the paper; .. Adun, .OM, .1 $5 » pto fo. DVMB8NIL.MlJ.fohOTOhll. UU. . OO.(30. mvM power of the city, ani the legal eontrel ef iU but it tolls the truto, and they know it that *s Whereupon the foUowing gentlemen were eleotedi feet, ; Judge would be bound to declare them tree.” Two lots, each 26 by 178 on Adams sUeet, ,appi; her waato; he gave him $16 to earry im- 1848. i^AfirMVdi .vn Od.isui a. « rwponaible Car ito peace Louieville Journal, March 7, president, ^ HDFE,. » E 9 phymsei fene ; wen and what makro it unpalatable. We shall help Louie- £. D. Hobbs; Vice Presidents, Robert at $3 flO per fool—$180 00. mediately to her; this money he nevar delivered. T AOaiH 8LATSBT IB A LOCAL they hneely neglected all their roe* deserves MAINTAINS THAT Ayres, Robert Bate, Hite; nndw false repreeenUtioM, a^mpted to spw goefi eahsr ; villa wheu the it; we ehall not defend T. Ormsby Secretary, 26 by 178 feet, street, PCMIBN IL. INSTITUTION—THE MASTER NOT TO BE PBO- Two lots, each on Adams ^ Mlt A CO. pon^MliUss, and have been from that day to this her ia her guilt and shame. We soon it. Get L. Woo^ury Fieke; TreMurer, Bern at $176 “ TBCTED IN HIS PBOPEKTY IN THE TERRITORIES. $3 60 per foot— 00. fo tofowy, took ftem^him by foree. When hf |?XTRA FLOUR. 145 j BBL9 EX- defanae de- 1 t/omauttoe of Arbitration, eetmag up a hefebe toe world. The somebody else to do your lying for yon. Sooner “A large number of ren distinguished Jurists and Ormsby Hite, *x q^^'o/ One lot, 178 by 266 feet, oorner Adams and Fol* was arrest^ a loaded pistol was foand ea him, We while Wheel fleer la More and for seW ky citizens contend Ihnt the doctriae wlmdi w* have sus- H. fRBGUaq.N fo fiONl feoae is aa iasult to the cqMsmaa aeasa «f man- or later you will have to look the diecaaedisease ia the J. B. O. Brannon, Thomas P. Kemp, Gibson Mai- * ®olt, whwh he stat^ to the offioer was his .. tained in this paper is the true oonstitdtional doctrine, ton streets, with a frame hoase thereon, $2,800. *Efit C(«er fiftfoaad MmEoS tesselK as Slavery is a local institution it eapnot It is tittle better than the crime Itaeif. 1 apply name^, that toi^Robwt N. J^ler C^mittee of Umd. faee,face, aad a remedy. No palistion will help ; Appeals, One 26 by 133 feet, on Shelby, between the exist in any Territory independent of tbe laws or- lot, Si^fony wiih“whkh hT^ lour, si bbl8 suFBRin^ tbe matter, and the deads of thie eity stnd da'ned for its eztstencei that as the territory neqnired Robert Ayres, ex offino/ Robert T. Bate, ex thoir ojffieio; ereek and river, at |7 60—$187 50. being cenunitted 'uUK. GGO. V180 WILL DO NO HAEM. IS preporee i’*’”!!’’to do all man- base BolMTecsts a«h,aad no eompromisos to make, U Kaox county, Indiana, findiag their party in a P/Mnnu,. ... J- J V tween Third and Fourth, proceeded to bnek open the door, causing groat dis- d«y*s Ledyfo hoek for Mv ja'»aW roestvedsrorlvefi ndsmH | CompanyCoopto, was.to thanthto discussed peroeiye in svevy part of the coun- byh, to,«tosererel gentle-„nlto. twsafoky f . M \DBfoN. H>4 IhirUsteees. Soad on year diaeaa- are trying to bring “Bnt already wt kting. H.He hashto totoalso «on banee.benee. They went in ead getnpiefodget » piefod belongiagtobetonuiac to aad iro defy prreertpMca. hopalca minority, disgrace np- that the qwiwtiou under consideration men, and, ^ a»3> Throe dean foem pate Mfoee. try indicatt. os on motion of Arthur Peter, it was . . a a , .u v- w its troe dimanaions. the Dsaaoereey by eironlating a report ie rapidly aasumlug ta ah eyes It hand a fine lot of eassimeroe andend broaddoth, which tiwaaaeee : dam’taemedesA ea that sev- n.ecJa^d Tk-» hi, I 1 lu UV Beil appear that it is not a daath-strnpgie bo- lietolved. That tbe oorporators of the “ Ken- , .. shotathim. in $290 for 3 moatehm begins now to , , , ^ r.ii„ mmaAa OTATOf^l^BHLSlN STORE leading Know-Nothings have applied North ar.d Bonth fer aapremsoy—that their »>® ®»4® ^ ( fashionfofoehiouB. CallCell rouad •rrrl^weuiamritet®® Amermaa par^] for aad tw^n’he tacky FarmerE’ Mataal Lifo aad Firo Insurance “P i>*uk UaauMmd, ehvged with euttiag Chas. P sad for .)« ky „ tranquility is rooHr no* distarbed or endangeied any J. who are all AboUUenism. full fellowship Company” be requested to org;aniae that Company and examine hia steak, W. Patton. Tbyae hoys wsbb down on the river BROWN fo** BONBON, seuthsMseuth hr fitoshman aad tUthoUcs, admitted to in the Demoerat- than it was by a b:U cres ing a Territorial gov- . , LamieaUle Jeurmat. RMHV sytl df U*wMBkrowroe OlEm® enJNiMK . k. 1 w . j b.i. srnmentteursgon, orsn any other sense tban it would aoourding to the provisions of the charter, approved amusiqg themselves, when, fi«ai a very alight^eir- — ^ Free 8t*te North firs* bS nr tie Intrjductlon of a new of Mereh 7ih, 1860. OmoNWOODCEHBTERT.—The interw®ptlR eumstanee, they qnarreled; this oontinnsd uatit Missouri, or tha abolition of Slavery North, or tho abo- WteRlED PEACHE8 ^ BOSHKI.A Bth, they reaehad Fattm's bonsa, when, elawiat without kill, ll» HUon of tharerrin Delaware and Nary land.” On motion of Geo. E. H. Gray, the meeting ad- this noted oemetery wes on September 1840. RW fo ttero ead for «te ky ^ -k-Nb-*.- r ^ — taeih vile siaaMMMt ffito Democrary. Louieville Journal, December *, 1848. »»o«l!l« .o<.|Ur ot J^JUVS^aM, journed to Saturday, April 26th, at 11 o’clock, Th. whri. .toPhto ot ihttotoOht., to Ih. 9th itoL, t^WbanihfiM to the geatlemaaJy offieen . kjM v e» PBENTIbE OMm.ka.tSl UMSSLf ttkVV TO ACCEPT | wasforly-teoen ihoaaandtwokwadmd and (wsnfy- APPLeS^^ 130 f^ThemkaEag^iinowii frUnd for a preeamt rauviso, or anything eub. k. L. WOQDBURY FlSi^, Seo’y. ^shewTtTffl^^ fRRIRD tmU I viutOT of ^ A Ve. 1 ttoamer A. L. ShotweU for rivw nB n. andtetaeleky meat for miademeanor. anxions to the Louisville, 19, I860. three, a ^ I of tan dollars throng the poot office. “We confess we arc not very u man- A^ » i 1 —T W —1 T a , ^ -

_^fI8CELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES.WOTICE.S, NEWS BY MAIL. AMUSEMENTS. AUCTION SALES. BtB< H MtaMl.liAB 4KBU.W J. MrMW KAIt BY a O HINRY A CO. To the Public California The fulloning documeati vo trsotlate from the LOUlliVILL£ TH£ATB£. MUSSELMAN &CO., Affairs. COATS, VESTS, AND PANTS, T0BACX70 MA>'t.'PA01LKtl48, aaoaoaMai.i.rs ....Manager. AT ACCTION. OF THE UNITED STATES! op costx rica, » 0. T, Arrivar of the George LaW. D.A. SaRABDas ....eta«cMaa< ST K K BE *dT*rttoei»eiit of Mr. Liiskkia, ADDITION TO THE STOCK An adTortiMBieiit UDOLPHO WOLF£,WOX.F£.UUIylately _ . . Headquabtbks, March 20, 1S56.J 1^ Mala aa4 H MMr. a«viU MMM ^ atMase* k«»r«B ^ t » -.u ...... o t^’SeTentta nitflit of the eoRafcment of thedistin adeertieod f,.r »alo at Auction Eooms. TO- P®W>»h*A«** lMippot*.fortheprote Iiuportaiil from tenlral Chicago, April 19. “* ''^“ ^^* **^ *-^ “* tttre of Sehied*m were 1 to let it pMf withe at; America. L°S“:aiV« N THIS EVENING, MONDAY,

Weather pleasant and oold, with strong north I ilst.wiUwill be the Drama entiUedentitled noUoe.lBtiihtbicontidered amoof thoaehedeaoBi- — Vr AprilAprililst, acted FT* Terns caak. 8 . O. H£N£T k CO.. SwUfwesUTtt TT ;; aeasion of this hacienda, and bad eaUbliahed -V Agricullaral Works, Of ifd.* apH Aaetioasefa. aatea “Pirate* aad rtwUre ^ Pei$e%.” Bat the im. A Fait Walket B Tioops Reported themselres behind the many stone fences which SATAN IN PABXi. mense palronacc and sasceat that attended Nearly half a- million...... uu bushelsuuouma ofu. comcoju atn.vuarrived Thexne — »••••, CotxMZ O' Eighth and Oraen treeta. has the sale Defeated. exist hero ^ yesterday and day before from .MauMe Clotilda, BY 8. O. HBNRY A CO. ofthsartide manatactaredw.- •aaar it .. . _.tk ... ' places situated — — — — — by me,aad the opinion ofw* Bl lUjf withff I UU soMU UiUOlA valorVakAVt 8IUt8 deter-tAOLVA • OurU T army foughtiOUKUb mueh and AUTI* ylH'V* 1 Manchere, on the Indianaindianl and MichiganMichiiran canalcan.l/^ /•••••••• Miss Ma««ie MiteheU. oMBpeteat jadeesasto iu qnalUUs as abeverAfeand The San Francisco Cbruniole, of Uaroh 20th, mination that the attack did not last over fourteen Pricc<*fs 2^mira» DWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT, MUNi^ CO., tu medicinal vlitaea, precludes gives the following Cspuin Muntel, the possibility of the sammary of the fortnight’s minutes. [ AT AUCTION. I CaiCaiKOy April 19, Clurisse Lemlle, J - Q«W0 : LOCISVILLE, LEXTl'CKT. id«aUi*l 1 *m inelad«d m&«qc ihote he defigui to im have to mourn over the loss of fire or siz I «. o..,-- We clear rivers Count Henry Beausoleil... rvNHE LATE RESIDENCE OF Weather and cold ; both rising. he the depreciation I Tne Democratic State Convention met at Sacra- I soldiers. as Count Vanlile Mr. Ashmer. ^HK H 1 excellent officew and Tarious As soon Mrs. Rebecca Wonky, d-.c«ae«il,uw First street, U B C K B E R H Mr. Henson. •** ichnapps, which is manifest to all, ®tnto on the 5th inet., and eloct^ the following tranquility is restored, I shall communicate to your between Walnat end iJheHiiUt, will be oRer.d for leot a lummsda oe^a^MmanAw*^^ ud'tim The *for^St *I^*uia*LasLd Caw^fn (js^’,^nide‘"' Mr. Henry. ‘ for OLO ye«r> to the bifb.*t bidd-r, oa tHcRdDaY of I lolrgates to attend theihe National Convention ’ MUJKKfcHUTsirS OO., for tM |.arpuoe|.orpuoe «f manufaptuHas I tinoemlnehasbeentinor mine has been broufbtbrouebt into eompetUlon with his. to be Excellency the detail of this glurioos action, as I j j , . DunlumetDuplumet | , r . Mr. Duusherty. MORNlKO next, vrewtou* n> the laie vf the Varnilare. a-:d one hundred Missusippi emigranU fer Botmtiy havel.ueeeededtneompeungwiihhunin at Cinoinnaii-P. ^ Dosh, J. L. well as tUi, conduct of the office?, who have most Ma^xe.Ma-J'he De Nauteile...... Mrs. Ssrsedas. npil d. Q. HKNRY fc tiu.. Aa«Au>neer*. .•‘**:* ‘actory foriur^ Eansas. Madame.Madame DeI Luceval.. Mrs Laws. . . . ^ Brent. J-.H.J. H. Hill,Hdi. D. E. Butl,Buel. 1’.U. L. Solo!;.on,J.So!.,, ...n. J N.\ distinguished themselves. IT haveh.». the»k. honor to ocsujnteu by Uhrist,.pter k liUiiclitle, corner of Bighti, quality, hot the conUant and increasicf demand for Madame De davifnl.. Mr*. Miller. Nkw Yobk, April 19. Dawley, 8. lage. The Convention I arddrevr etre--i.: and, bavins aeean^ alarteamouBi •yaitioiewiU soon satisfy him that his caution to the W. adopted subscribe myself, jour very obedient servant, BY C. C. aPENCBB. *t Ikss'iaab y-epasoatrd luiMaer, couiicteut weramea approving of tho mam principles of J08E JOAQUIN MORA. stesmer Africa bas just arrived from Liv- To conclude with uiusvii.cttiseiis ofo, theuic -oo.uicni“808010™ Wetternn eai«rn Bute." willwui * j • andana evam I .l »- • *», Large Sale of GlaMwaiw, Paper, Drags aad Medi- ai^aov efii>'iey<-i m the mauafactarc of Hc-rec Pow- 1. 1. V*ii i-“ 4. , . j I t, c t l I Nebraska bill, alias “popnlor sovereignty, and present ers, P.S.— I am at ooeapied in tho pursnit erpool with news to April 5th. The news of 8 . Threahi -if Machtues, and varu ut kind* of Farm avall him nothmf as far as I am concerned. The I BOB NBTTLB ciaer, Eseencee, C«.rdials, Tubaeeo, Cig-arr, Va« lpka^tl. A. li. MLNX, Buenanan was iheir first of the fillibusters, so that not one may escape. As signing the trwty was received at St. Petersburg Bob Netties Miss Maggie Mitchell. charaeter of my Bohieiam bohnapps U too weliealab- I Liquors, Ao.,al Auction. ^BPSB BMBKBK, choice for the Presidency. thisplapo does not offer ei.her convenience or wa- with extraordinary demonstrations of satisfaction. Tuorbiainn Mr. Lotton. mrWdkwIiaisshc ^M. R. OODDAKD. -Uhed in theec Biales to be injured by any such Invidi- Mas'er Waddiluve Mr. Benson. It is said that 8. YV . Inge has sent in a rcsigna- ter, TUESDAY MORM.NG, APRIL 1 intend to maroh tho troops back to Pelon at I The Conference at Paris is stUi engaged on cer- N ous publication. The motive of bis advertisement is _ J Ur. Swish Mr. vot ner. is, at IS o’clock, will be sold, at Anctioa Room*. doh of bis position as United 8tates District At- •t 10 o’clock to morrow morning. tain details of the treaty. The peace Conference .!!.!!!!!!!!. iilir*. b.*rs«das. O Mary bwUh.!.... sbviousto every one, and feehni w,iU atisfl'^ that all stieei, between Third and torney for the Northern District of California. Vuramie Mrs.Miiler. No. UO Main Fomth.a large would not probably close its labors for a month. nf Hlar.ware such missile* Uirofrn ar me by him will fall harmless at IIbadquarteb-s, Liberia, March 21, 1856. Nettie* Mr*. Heuson. and varied aseoitmeot (joK reoeired>, A shipment of eighty tons of copper ore has ar- A vessel had arrived in Spain from Newfound- Wrappiuil Faeer, Letter Paper. Vwxuuaaad Kentucky ay feet, X will here, for the satisfaction of the public, « ? ^ rived from tho Atisuna [lately styled “El AJio”] r/ierbmmaHdpr-iu.a.y^ UndTand ^porTcd hrvin^ Tobacco (just received). Cigar*, of varion* braads, flue publish my Copy Right, entered in the Southern D:s- PRIORS OF ADMISSION. Uio. Hrandie* in bottie* (fu. aodicinai uee; end la A MOST EXTRIORDIKARY mine, in the Gadsden puioOaso. 'i'ne ore coniains Rieatotke Mmtilerof War. hundred miles the shore. S from She also saw a DresaCireleandParuuette Ticentt; Second Tier 3 ca*a*.alarge a»*.UAria«. Iwsiera SHESTMUST STASETASDING I! «*iu I'lrtrict, h»th deposited iu Un* uUc aearij of the hacienda of Santa Rosa, a splendid xcliicarj W { mu | 1 o'clock r. It., ana from 3 o’clock r. a. nntil 60’elock *)H And many deairdde i^Ues suitea to their sales. APcuitorl^i.Uieiijleor whicaiiioihewoidi fol ow^ ifO per oent. for Clear profit. elevated and surrounded by wails position, of aybe*ecar.a..where*eatsm Tnirty-six Indiana—men, women, and cLildron .tone in all iu extent, has been glorious for oar specially called tj this tale, essrs, baker a go.—dear Invifuratiof Contial,’ the rifht whereof he Claims A* —wore kiilod by the wnites two week* since in army. Such opinicn I form from information The riverhas risen about three inches. Weath- B'.le positive. Terms cash. cooforiuuy with on imt oi mTozart hall. apit ti. O. bFBNCCR. Aactioaeer. IvB. Situ:Sirs: TheTke pal>UepaiiUe feneruliycenpraUr arc fai:yfai:r oi author and fropiietor, in near Creek Valley. or oooi and cloudy. M awareawuw of I and Cow The provccation which, tboneh not official, oan be relied npou. The »* •*, m.uued_“ An.acl w amend the ^^veriti acu ^ >^*** I was, that the rod skin* had stUeustllen cAttlecatilo and bogshi. attacko«IV rapid andId ins’.antanecnsin,ra„tan»on,_,hrl.I.“!the soldiers tbe liUa* of Sanaiardlas, l’i;-s, reepecting copy right*.’ OLU. H. MURTuN, was — An.sapolis, April 19. Piaslers, Ltaimem*. I iHa 111 1110 til iiig[ .Mirror JUST PUHLISHED,BY TUB ice., that are dally truagot to ibeir Clera of the Sonthern DislnctDistrict ot New kork.korl to .ervevuema.,ou«u.«.ngserve them as food during tho1an, 5uowe.ormanasnow e term and throwingiDrowiDg themselvesiDomscivcs upon motho niiiDusiers,fillibntters, nooec throogh the I whowoo President, accompknied by The Sidney Webster, i llowaid A.'>M*cuUu*a« Fhiladelpkia. Bewapapets, iy Way ut ad veniseuiwBU. My object in is derived Iron a thee ooldcold weatherweaihor suoooeding itit. THE LARGEST IN THE WORLDI The word bchiedam Schnapps town succoring arrived writing this nrtr f .r pubaca'ion, is to iodace ih- pob Secretary Dobbin, last night. They were n UuUand, colled “liAiadaai, * which it celebrated os a ThtroTht-ro LosLas been great complaintoulupli among the mi- fen cs; one discharge of firwmjand then the bsy- eport onspehmatorrhcea he. or at ksat tRoae wise are afilieUd (if they will nae by a Committee of citi.ens, and coLduct- rflHIS BEAUTIFUL MIRROR OF pat-Btmed>dces),to aee one tRK conU'usarUuieso' place of exteuaive juniper planUtions and numerous neri and faimcrs, on bcoouiUi of tho drouth. On onet in close cembat. B'onrteen minutes hod JLJ NIAGAHA FALLS and the Lakes, with UMbor- R or ScBiinal Wcaknese, Lsspotencr, Uir vice of ed to the Senate chamber and formallv welcomed distUkno.ofihe above article, which ha. been known as the 13 th there was a lively shower, but it was hot scoroely parsed when the enemy, 400 in number, by Hon. Murray. The Pr’eaident replied in a neat “ cchnappr” for centuries. were flying to the sureounding wi^.*, tcrriaed, anddarogator) tjthe inieresu o( medtealaciviiceam! gpocch, which was received with much )e< lu 1 applause. fwgaiar RhiNies A Whitnej s Expresst was robbed almost thirst, th* i-tacwueuer* of meaicine. D-*®* h. «ot appear, now, poor and deceitful for U. W. on without ammuniticn, dead of with . .0 .. „ night tho President was a guest at a grand bail _Tb,ti.ed..ioeti.wr..obiThe vaiedtrjucto WMoh i refer ,s“DB.UALL’8it “DR. HALL’S HAL. near Snaata, the BAL- ua-ruc impression on Mountain, 12th inst., of no hope, of finding water within a league’s dis- SAM For the Ll NUc.” 1 liave preacrihed 11 m a Aoademy^by clp^^ flC,0d0. live men were m*“ company auo the sauce, andauu that.ua.-- toward the-u-u direction occapieduccupicu byvj meet, fur tiM rviief of the ties anJ (iiatrts*«.i, large nnajoer «l cases, and sawavs w iiu sc< cam I the puUicpublic by asserting that the name “ hchiedamHchiedam I Fough,rough, oommandantoonunandant of the station. iSlicUwl ° ’ A large and u“ . ... . T . . r.xiWF.«uiaii. ar.d Lha balance of the omuiianv wereWf.rA curr.nr loroes-lostfVimM—liMt andar.d pursuediinraucil byhv ournnr valiantvn iani. sol-sol. . .. . _ . ® i “ belong, excluti vely to his article, and that bnlTiaut “^**Do^rroi>en at 7X o’clock. MUror will move r r m\ aavsBac itttMcaaMS dchnapp. company were awcmbled. The froDo ( tho above report will bo *eDt ty mad (la a scaMdT’" 'i' wh-y had bren calkd in « •o- to sw eh thef total amount to diers,uiers, whosewnose onlyoniy thirstluirsi waswm. to destroy the enem precisely at n o’ciock- enval- sukaltun kitii? m>seU. Ihe patient all other,oiLer. are count rfGurfuu and imposi-Uonstimoositionst neutunkept up aU niehinight with greatxreat spirit.stiriL ThisThismor,morning ope), free • t charge, on the r-ceipt oi two stames fcr had etl the I *ya«y. T t xprem Adciiitance only H cent*. "‘>out $2o.000. ihe c^pany were com- entirely. The field 11 strewed with the I thM.age. Adores* ilr. i tanw *r cMisraied Cemtamntien, Such as ouid Nigh U. W. ha. no monopoly, and UO mere right for the the Presidoai and Seefetary Dobbin, escorted bf t*«o. R. tialltoun. No. BoutR Fweata, lleMic !'• »rr, 11 araaauir Cough, with CMltinbeO Trinity mountiUD, and were attacktd by ers are wandenng wounded throngh the for^t; Ninth Bt., rhiUaephia, Fa. aliJt wx* importation of gchiedam lichnapp. than anyboa, “P Governor and Secretary the Sikto »!• Hie ®r Tti* ai«-uT •ok- of of Mary- pain Li au, ^ai.ded with -7- T.VTr niLric”! twelve men in ttisguur, wuo sprang upon the Lx- tw arvere D a'rlMKa'. He cumiuiiicoa imn>rdiavr!y cet eke, and he may real assured that I shallV be the iMt 10 ® .l- 8. to _ 1 .. 1,.... o. 1 i. 1 i. .c STKAMISUAT C. C. b-tt«r. the use 01 the prewmen from out ot the bmhes, and h^ ihcm th« BY aPBNCBR. b* a^ve-nam-d meOi-Xie^nd ^^it to hi. aiuatiflabie pretenMonti r« a chance to was «•«« ntata/vd A « asaaf AcsicA I have also loc nd ^ ^ ail secure before they Lad ofier any Cot Flowers ami Greek Home* Flaats Dr. Hal.;. Balsam the aoax VAOCAaca txi-KCTOxajrr The great aud increasing demand for my Genuine tbeir exeroires. Iho trainlrom Wasaington brought Fur New Orleans. ^gi^xnaon.r®«ist«»o®- WWhenhen thetne new* reached Shas'a,Shasra, 140 partepai ot other divisions which have arrived. . *^'®**'*« ^ *«“*‘‘*® tJehnapp. in LomavUle,-in. and throughout Ken- . a large number of the membeis of Congress,i:T.no-r«s and AT AUCTION. robhers. , wtr*’— . The splendid Passenger Steamer Sv?iJ?;riL*f rr .“6Mt^lGUT‘'M^D i «th® glorioi« result which the brave de^ The ’ tacky, has induced mo to appoint Messrs. CLAkx h mUmSBCeCLIPHIC, K. T. gTraesoN, Master, Assembly, previous to thedenarrmthe departure offtbthe foofunders Of Central America have obUined In N WEDNESDAY MORNING noor, and to visit tho Merrimao. 10 JOBiwoa, Mholesalo Drugguu, No. bufl Main street, as p^e^ed As the O April S3d, at oclock, wiUbe sold at Auctioa. ateamtr, adopted a resclukion MOKE I’HVSICIaKS' TESTIMONY. cotniemcaiory cot 6stt Rooms No. M«in sirsef , a large aad choice eoilee- the eleciiou of Banks. Tne Senate, We. the nndrrtixned. Physician, of Cincinnui.cerli. of on the sui tion of Flowsrsaad Green Ucuse yianca, ouumsting m rytbaii>r.WrdN^Ftiate(B-i.u are entit!ed toihefclkat a®d they will alwa> s be furnished with a full stock ol IJtb, rejwted that resolution, and tabled a sub- six part of Axaha*. Camsba, Japoutca*, tikanders, Gera- uinoM, Tea Roies. sleiiolroveo. Tush i as, confl enev ot the puijic, and We car> (uhy co-ruburaic both quaru and pinu, safely packed, in good shippiuc stituto to the effect that CaiHornia declines to in- ful Cactas, dal- w MV umm *p aamw saa^ a*Ma» 8AAirf8-.c reception inspeotion, tbe vessel vias, wasraas. Hydraoeius, Tnstiiuuas, Vorb<^iiae. mm -t I and drums beat, DA h«0 «rder. snd’t*' tarfere in sectional dissensions. 'i taananiticr el cases, wiTii lUK HAi’i-ia»T uracTi!! tarfere in scctionfll ... ^ . .... ^ J. B. LA\t>uN, M. U., ItakepleatareonthlsoecasioDtoUndermy amcere Measures navo been taken torlor the < *^nkf to the public in general, and to my friendain of a l^publican party in this State, ’ • bO.>i, . D. paitica>ar, for the kind liberality with which they have nave been no puouo demonstrations. twelve riety of other Ta.aa*lc and destrafie flowen; deAth,B3 weU as soldiers, whoso names are beat to — nmng the broadsides. Boarder* qtmeralthe sides person dwpenstag patronizedme from my commencement of this enter- Jo^John VaaienhoffVanieuhoff in San E'lauoisoo, I^nk Caa- not yet known. Ciuclnnatl. entire stock of a won their wraen DR. HALL’8 BAL6AM is the most ralaabie remedy were manned, and the engagement carried on in For House. for Asii.ma. Broocia'is, Wtiuupiug Cough. inCuenasi, ictae. aud X aasare them that I ahail oouunne to oro- hell in Sacramento, have been ounvic special attentioa of the „ - a. The splendid steamer JACOB Ihe Ladies is eailed to iMa -la^hwr, aud A. O. Riesborg in O sale. lerms cash. vidothem always wdh a genuine and superior article ^ ifl8lfil8BKssTKADEa, Summons, master, will ^ Itevicro hAve bteui apJt O. C. 8FSNCER. Aaetieaear. Cough^outfit in a uuvw hours’UouTiF* umtifpOftime, or ihcthe moneymofiejr wuibea Ul be cheer-cheer' of bohiedwa hchaapp*. h. L. liiJdii'hUX. cdio in Mftnpushi l;aveaa auute on this day.ilit insti, at lio’cioek, a

I Forfrsigui or passae* apply onnoaruor to fatly rotnnded. For sak by New Yoaa, March 10,1866. inrat dhsrljell murder. • • • flowed freely. Tne President left at 3 o’clock, wnen aprJ W.%. apISdcwioalm BSLL. i.“ I T \* -1, 4 V • e ... UARFER. TALBOTT A CO. Inere was a mtmici^ elecUon in JlMysvillo, pleased to make this knot™ to their families, BY 8AMX HYMAN. ^ the yards were again manned, and a salute fired, Omeeon Gnltedfltates Mai>XdncMrbari8oat4o«tef Cautioa to Woatern MexcXumUl i^olitnipst. The Democrat elected almost It is some oonsolauon under such sfllicUon to know Thirdstiset. MEDLEY SALE. »nd -with the member* of Cor grass returned to«, The Greatest ^joritiw rongicg from 70 they have d curved well of their oonniry, os well WOLFE’S ‘ Washington in the evening train. The President IiBDortad Cigars, Virginia Tohaooo, Schiailaa to 200. Tbe Know-NothingsH at the state eleotiuo as merited tho tears and admiration of their saXut A,uoia. , . , . ^ . ^-nd ^Xe^atarv of the Narv exi>re&*ed hioh admi. Fur t^nnapps, Ghoiapagne Braady, Ginger Braudy, ackiedam Aromatic Hchnapps. earned the city by 400 majority. In tseplember, worthy chief and companions. May God preserve Medical Discovery ration of the strengthstren.»ih and ^uivbeauty of tbethe Murrimac,LrrimaK - - srit'—'^ a. The fine steamer NORTHERNER Cherry Braady, irean Sweet Oraages, Lsamms, Thu oei«brftted uediclQ&l bererA^e !• m&Dafactared I Itbb, there were 1,600 vetM cast, in MAbrcn^ j ! 18 6, joa RiFAEL MURA. and appeared to enjoy the oeromuniea and exer- Erwin, master, will leave as above oa Furaiiure, Ac. -lat IJ or TOE ai;e! et the factory ef the andersigned, at Bchiedam, Uoi- I 1,500. Private letters state that the President and his luu ouy , tnsti, at o’clock, m. oisea to which tbe visit gave occasion. Furfreigut or passage apply on board or to N -MONDAY, APRIL ’2 1ST, -mm XleijiheeokUnporter, as wellai the exclaelve Orioon.—Thehe Indian war oentinneso< in the army embarked at Punta Arenas. Before bis de- AT 10 R. KENNEDY OF RUXnURY api3l C. HASUAM. wi M-ihern urrilories.territories. Gen. Wool, Nflw Yurx, April 19. „ O o’clock, J be soid. at my Aechea 8loiv, No FSfl of article; and no preparation bear- Northern with nearly all poriuie tbe foreign residen s gave him a public ..1 dls<-^v«ied in one of our on- Main slree;, wppoaile Nauoaoi Hotel, a lasge variety common p,udnr«’ Tk I J 1 . of diss avaimbieavailable force, has teltleft here for All The splendid steamer Weed*, a remedy Ui at care* EVauY KIND OF HU- •*!* the name of “hchnapp*,’’ that is not procured the seat ot tertaioment. Tbe tro<*ps were in tbe highest spir- Tbe schooner Searsville arrived to-day from k TriOMAb gue Cigars, varioos brands ; Xonacco, natl-pound trum the worst dcroi ala down DfHlilHws WANN, Andrews, master, will leave lump*; btiUlea Braady, oi atCasent oranoa MoR, p> a common pun- eitnsrtnerfromfrom his estxbdshmentiaew ^K.i*h ment i* New York,Yrtrk, ornrfmfromm hishi* war. its and well armed. Considerable disappointment Trinidad port, Spain, bri aging a cargo of old guns, w—*— , a..e lie has tn«d it In uauv>«-uuuu tue*day,inexuesday, me sso,SSO, at lu A. a. t.-*-, ^ pk. overeteven haadred cases, and nirn ; ^ hairs ; l ismone. agents in other cities, Is genaitie aud reliabk. At the latest adviocs, a decisive and great battle was felt on account of Guatemala not evincing Ac., raised by tbe Submarine Diving Co., from tbe never taiievl except in two. He has now m hisi>j*a«s Fur iteigut or passage appiy on board or to Orauges, an i a vmicty of utuer arueka oter two hundred certificates expected between tbe volunteers, several huu- more energy in oomiog to tho aid of Costa Rica. wrecks of Spanish war vessels sunk near that place apli1 a. MOOstXXBAD. Terms caau. mon of it* value, ali Xt u made from barley of the finest quaUty, selected 'J.Jl. ^MUOjUIBAD^ dAMtiaL HYMAN, twenty miles of Boston. ' wiuun dred streng, and the Indians, numbeting upwards All kinds of rnmors were current, and it was in 1797. T...... \ apl» AacOoneer. sith great ewe from the products of the most celebra- | Two botiiiM are warranted to core a narsing sore The fine steamer UlGiif'LkER, of three thousand. difficult to arrive at the truth. Adviocs from Bolivia, Brasil, to Maroh 19th, f. mouth. ted grain -growing dlstficts;is flavored with the essence sM&fiHisJIaaiiriscoe, master, will leave as atWT* en BY 8. O. HENRY A CO. to threi' bottles will The United States steamship Massachusetts, express that arrived in Punta Arenas state that the yellow fever still prevails One core the wont kind V.of pimples of the aromatic Juniper Berry of Xtaly,and isrectified An on the there to iu e*na> , Asu a.st., at IX u'clucka a. en the face. was at Steilocuom when we last heard from there. 26tb, states that ninety of WtUer’s men were some extent. >uT treigiit ur passage apply on board or to Fancy and Suple Spring Dry Gjoda, aen’s aad Two or three bottle* will clear the system of biles. ® peculiar troc-xs, which expels from tbe spirit _aAtXi_^ ^U^BAfllXAM. We believe they have now three United States found dead, and others are supposed to have per- wumaa's whiwt and ooiored Hveiery, water- Two boCUe* are warrauted to cure tMthe worst cankrcanker in every acrid particle. Y a -i ia men-of-war the Sound to aid in New Orleans, April 18. proof SateheU aad Tapeetry Carpst mea'f the mouth and sti»mach. cn protecting the ished in the woods. Nineteen prisoners were tried | The fine steamer A* a means of preveaUng correcting UiGGFLYER \ and the dUa- boys’ Three to b L bottle* are warranted6dtoto corecare the wormworst oouuiry from being overrun by the Indians. by court martial and shot. The great raoe to-day, between Pryor and Le- HttmmSBI^L Wright, master, will leave a* atmve on Calf Bouts aud Saoes ana Gaiters, and 85 warn of er> sipelaa. greeatdeond often dangerous effects produced upon express came irom Olympia to Vancouver cholera and yellow fever oompte, terminated in the former winning the at u o’ciock, a. dvxen white and ouXored Snirts, One to la o tso Sh#«u.*s. Giocers, dealers, housekeepers, April 19, Ji. Two or Uirec bMdea are warranted toe Madder,bladder, dyspepsia, and general debility, it is re Wright, we hear, has none to send. cjinpanyc jinpany fanners, and oth- _ to cure the most | A REGULAR TUESDAY FACKET FOR ST. LUOIS. desperate cases ot ***•” reminded that Mr. Samuel will The river 'nns risen eight inohes. Tne weather “ex'! rfaeumatism. I commended most emphatically by tbe mostn distin- of twlunuers loit on Wednesday night, on too Hyman seU a t.,‘7" I no sieaiaer UaudkercLiefs, mla aad Bone Buttuus, or four bottles are warranted te cure the salt- Auction Rooms, on Main street, 1* cloudy and cool. a .. ^G l*i hue paeseug^r ItiGa- wito aa la- ^ujpfied members of tbe medical profession steamer Mttltnuinab, tor tbe mouth of theCowlitz opposite the National Ikd-a-Runber Batc^ls sfaai^ 1 imiaMHMIDBS'LY'ER (the people’s favorite), Wright, Voice A Oau Xrafeuai Begs. ' --j llote', this 10 Fire to Xi is put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases cf one I route for Olympia. morning, at o’clock, without reserve, a At IXoeioca vreCiaeiy m dusea »a.M eight botT.es wiU cure the very worst case ef en Baltiborb, April 19. ib.u.Gi,ae.Gi, a.uM.x .cave asa* above voud aJ iaieiiuetuaia laud- auu cOMWwfl j with on invoice of oseu * Coll acrofalA great many desirable articles of housekeeping, such u«gA»g,, uuvu lues1 uwi .ay.Ay •- .XI-J 1 mat., at 10 o’clock, a. Shirts, Boots, yoatt-s' . . . doaen, with tbe name of toe undersigned on the bottle Gapt.v-o- Judan mid Lieut. MoFeeiey, of tbe Uni a* aau rauut- taroUie* eRuss, aad ’* At Augusta, Ga., the Americans bare elected I * ur iicigui or passage tuaviug tu.erior accouimoda- aaamekd meu Posenv- cork.ond* fac-mmile of hi* signature on the Ubel. twdted btatosbtates Army,i went down to Port Oxford vvfr'Eerator*, imp»oved shower baths, bedsteads, * ’ Also, wiuoe on the vi,. . , r IfeatnerGauers aoiteu, avancty sf ai^ cm^ w\^I^ud*t t^l^a^^ifiiS^ 'tk e Mayoryor andan nine ouout oof twelve oounoiimen. tioua), apply on boaru or «rw Xvys, maitrewei. Ac. Also, ® •' and Fancy ArbiLea. tits is laaea. Forsalc by all respectable druggisu and coantry iner- Kvpublic,Republic, wwith a company of regulars, tor the pro- corn-planter;, lemons, oranges, N. 8 . Long, Agent, FeriOBtcry , airJl t7*Tsms cosh. a. d. URRfcY 1k EoUunslooktsoiraprobafaletothosewboharcinTain canto. UDOLPHO WuLFE. Mcueiiottocuwiiol thattl place against the Iiidians. liquors of aU. kinds, cigars, tobacco, herring, and a large Newivsw YorklOBA, AprilAoril 19IV. N«. Waii »t. CO.. titwd all the wunc.*rfd; med.ciues of toe day, as that XneMigiiflyer will take fnaghto .,f an aiuci. ti, apl3 Auction' sn. • ». , u.. u . . v- v- o vk> ^ 16, liO, and 2i Bearer s.reet,New Fork. From the Oregon eekly Times of tne 8 variety of other article*, all of which are now ready for cemmou weed, growing in the pastures, atiif along old Nos. th inst., The stcamshipWashingtoQ sailed at noon to-day any poxiun toeomo and Mi**.s*ipvi- ihraugii luL* ui •tone watis. should core every we take tbe following: ins(>ectioD^ aulLg humor in toe system; 8oulhampion and Bremen, taking I7y possen- Mgued Icr »liipiuei.t* maue oy her tu placts a* BT OOWOY, T2RRY A CO. yet It is now a ax-d fact. Xf oa bsve r it CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. unu 6L 1.UUU (with privuege ttisrs* > a bam. Lm “ The present aspect of Indian hostilities in y u> resuippiug from to start. There ore no if* nor onds alum it, suihn* tSf" By on inidvertance, tbe time of tbe sale of tbe g®f* and $lGil,tK)U in specie Fourth large Sptiuff Sale ol' Dry Goo4a, but fiinod toe introduction of my Bchiedam Schnapps I N'urthem and 8oathern Oregon, and Wusbiegton ~ some coses, not your*. He has peddled over • tbou- sventeen building lots on Breckinridge, Brook, Floyd. Fur Urleaaa. By oatalnffue, on thrwa laotithf' cradit. saad loule* of it in to': vicinity of Bust u,audu,a«d knows into tne United dtaus, a number of liquor-anxers in ferntory, look* anything but flattering. Thereto 1’ New coiure. Arhnr. snd First and Sseond I’lreetii waa nnt IkV 'PIT F flii A M a the effect* of it in tvety ca»e. It has alreadyalre-ady done E iT ri Bt Aia.t*A • l i dalph.a,hav* commenced dJXiVXXlW Ux A .Ngw york.Butlgn, and P hi a gloomy a^X>ect pcrvodUlg the - » Tho splendid _ _ tuCure • k paaeenger r ... J I r lortUUU Ot stoamat of toe greatest rar>wev-r in B w, »i j i _»i o i’ — F N WEDENHDAY, 30TH INST. •oac done Maasachuaetta. j’,n. „ i, i f meutiomid in the advertisement on Saturday. Megaveittochildrenaye*.-uid.tJoldpcoi4eu’'Mxtj rotting up mixed and pouon gin. and caUmg ii toe whitoe. J. WARD, MUlerr master, wUl commencing at 9)a o'cik, we win sell, at pniar,. i LorisviLLs O gnr* Omci or Daily Dshocrat,) icaVc -* ouuve I bur* Jay, l*t May, at 4 o’clock, p. a. eatalogus. -n a rre..'t i.1 tht.m and has seen pior, puny I'-ukiug children, whose tlesli echnapp*. That name belongs expressly to my article; too Indian tioa, by m«nto*7^ 8 atdruat, April 18(6 { For freight or paatage apply ou board or to packages and lot* *f Forsign and Domes.ic was suit and Labt-y, restored to a perfect state of health maass «t.,pi« ^ad ^ other* are coantorfeiia and impositions on ihe ahii a ot aip21 CARTER fc JOL’KTT. or Dry Gouda. coa*i,Lug m part ot 1)^ ooe ojUifl.. TOB.VOCO— bales at aoreiiouses 25 hhus, vis:— Fancy Sr«nc^ Ens- 3 u • DUMK8N IL. Sc Ameiicon Ciotrt; To those a ho are subject ty a sick headache, onehot- pablic. wariUion 1 at So 4^; 3atS usqtd 2S; 5 at 6U.(SS 7S; Sat 7 UgvR.7 A,; 4 BELL CO. Uah. Geraan.aad block an.i fancy sa; 4 at b *5 1'5, i at f lU. Cossimeras; Sotineu, Lrap d'Atos; Acown. tie wiil always cure il it give* great ralisf in evtarrb “ noruesn.iraes in ihetl Waiia W alia vicinity are bidding us at 7 ti9|&7 ba; 2 at 6 .r.S Meoeb^. ;• * Real E.tate buyers will rememb r that Mr. C. C. and dissiuess. rone"Ji who nave toaen it hare been cos- iT.rtw CUkFLr.— HI bigs Klu do al ti)4&>2^c. * iefiance--yet it to hoped that Cel. Cornelias will hnus do at tive foryears, and1 have ^n^re^iwibeen regulated byby'^R.it. Wh-re gpcncersaisl 15 feet of ground on Broadway, between 8UG kit— N. O. e>t.a>&>ho: 2) bbls re- >• it TO rxRSO.Nfl WHO DRiKE AT BARS AND BOTKLa. De able With Lis bOO Volunteers to rout this fined do at 11.&1I14C- Ti.unMtoy 24ihiust.. at4 o’cloc the beuy auuns,, U workswork* quitequiie easy,ea»y, butUui wherewher* there com- |jr„ok and Floyd. Also sixty feet Broadway be on at for bbls Forfreigui ur apply to any aerardiement of the tunciioasof nature, il wUi binatmn, MoLAeaaa—aa>es 40>»4Jc and hlf-bUs passage are made of persons who keep . NumerouscomplainU tween Floyd and Preston ihi* afUrnoon at 4 o’clsck.- KICE—calesol 2tcsdo at*>c- CARTER fc JOCEMT. Ia Dress 0©«»l*,qar a.sortmeat wi t smbraew cause very visg-Har^“ar^fe*Gt.st‘^brtfeeGngfq bat V*!fn“mu^you must not be I „ , v , v , stsst- T he \ illamotte A alley ia dasiroble la stjr i*s, > in hotels, who fill my empty I abcat tho only por PitUV .'8—339, laX, and 13d bJs mess pork at thing new in Ua*. La> ns, oisimsil —tary aisraysvays duappeardisappear ia fromfr^im four daysday* to a I i-arslar* on sicamboausteamboats and .***,., ground will be divided into lots to su t purchasers. 1810 Joe^ nets. Barege ua Lmn«a,C’ haHi*«>. Bareges, : al t; , Th.s There u ne^ a hoo resul. from it—<*'i toe con- Hon of Oregon, at present apparently sate from the (|5 3 j 1(N Uti cauvaseu hams p 2 pcs bula « - xfT**** H flnesteamerfine Steamer .MOsE8-MOsE 8 McLEL- Tisswes, a «.; common gin, and sell it to the ansutpect- e terms will be liberal at ths sale. and made known hams at loose; >, 76U (ics bu k shoulder* at a:hc: Ha “•* trary.when tost feelii.g is goeu. y ou wiU fed y ourselt Indian murderers—and this portion of hag 7sc, daMudMasUBaL ON, Mather,ilather, master, will leave aaas ;ngfor bCUXEDAMKrii i wn* m ABOMATXLxunu atii' 8LU.NAPPB.ki'HN app8 1I Orecon rib-*ide* 'c. ahi.ve JacoD«t M.i»La8» in«k L$u«D 8> keJt kr%Adt; like a new person. X hear . »jme of the most exU-sva my pc* bulk at on co.* day,Vyi2'stitusSt.aatmat., at 4o’clock.4 o’clock, r. X.». AocHttk* “^*^^*^*?«* men, and gener- VViiXoKV— bbls raw do at l3Xc; 15 bbU prime ex- krisiicb»kiMi PinK*» Afiiu*88orta/eiAi itUi4t«k 4r mmnUAieoedto. fromnitLereforeadvive all who driXLkthcHclmapi>»8t lb* For freight or passageid &VVapply1 t onnii boardboiutl orot U»to tieack- advanced lu means POET OP LOUIsYiLLE. old Bourbon at (1 75(^2 26—fur aiemptus. .uchplaces.WHAakTHSArraARaNcaorTHBsoTiLx: on credit for vigorous tra aprji C,4^E^fc^ETT^Carter, fc joc ett. MuuL—2,600 tti* do lu grease at 23c; 6do R* do tub- * ® ence the be defaced, of at from siore- AXIoi^erssaouldbeaiidrsssrdi i Bfiy mnnd APation, and if the ouUide wrapper or label should Locitviua, April 19. washed 34c— The fine steamer nO.-^Eri Me- BaTTIm,—60 bale* Caunelton do at lie- ** saMBEsBxSawLELLON, Mather, master, will leave os watvaiitiM ‘ ^lark ABKIVAL8. liltiaa-3UU Mo Dint do at private terms; lUU green do W'Every article fresh aad soaad. aad ritiS «;!!* county volun- aonve on tu.s day.• 21-t2l-t iD*tiDSt , atOt 4 oo’clock,clock, e.P. x.X. . in good seder. Buyers will mrtS dAwXmr UDOLPHOUDOLPUOWOLFEr WOLFE Jacob Strader, Monfort, Cincinnati. at tie, wiih 27C $ bide comm ssiun. dehvsred have tfcc udwoc-er-'. leeis lei t lor the Bound yesterday.” Fur freight or passage>ae*]Cire api^yaanlv onnn boardhnanl ornr toIfi (he goods laoronshly,to. . . .k 1 ^ tuuitv to exomins in the ThisTOisiawa, ia to certify..f tnxtKxymoiMlthat Kxy mond«aiei.„k Patton arc the dulya „ Susquehanna, New Orleans- CAN ULRa—ICO ox* summer pressed do at UOsc. morn- 76. C. BASHAM^ ing of toe sole. OS our store. No 46b Rasn stresL aatAaruadaatkaruad ssiecU fur my Medical Discovery, fwtoef w the [ From the Panama Herald, Aprils Bevejity-6ix, Burclsy, Cincinnati. FLOUR— bales in lots at $5 ^ 8^SHY.’I1MEK*8 ] Tsaxs—8um* ut SHF. and under, ea*n, witooat BtaSr ol Kcntacoy, aad that they sre supplied witii the Elbe Afton, Hurd, Ne» Urleaii*. WHEAT—600 bu do at SI(3H 1«- “ **““ pa.-'-tonjjer steamer »EN dle- Ciuitle Pittsburg. bale* of 17 bale* low fV^'Asw^^ 0"«a“ ov« Tito, s^llictory m genuine direct from my laboratory, Photograph and Dagoeirean Gallery, Xxxipottailt from Costa Rlca. Garden, Derinny, COTTON- middling do at 6)ac; BliFRANKLIN *t;nu*^maJ^““w*lU Siva ti Walia-e, bt. Louis. teflb dinaiawaw^itii txtX ALD KENNEDY. Mr m. 6 do al an. -a* above on r rklay . lbs 2; th, ai 4 r. x. | So.617MMAia* betwwn Third and ^urto. Monougabels, Cux, Ft. Louis. For freight or passage ' apply onboard or to ^he Hamburg steamship Emilio sailed from | FiXIAV, JiRUSSLLS. ASH TAPESTRY ALL work done.tUti.es abhshmentwHl be ex^n^ Emma Dean, Cline, Vevay. aprtl C. BA8HAM. Our fifth large sals will been the t«h ef May. ^ March, for the ports of Blue Wing Sander*. River, deXk Fuma NoX, Kentucky TELEGiiAPH MARKETS. ^ Onr s.xih Urge sale wilt be oa toe2Mh el May. CARPETS. withcareandatreasonableprices. btutesman. bt. Xauii*. Arenas, La Union, AcajuUs^ and 8au Jose de Gua- Malm, « , The splendid passenger steamer A. L apM dfcw H.. T. * OO. Floor Oliclotts »nd ludU Mfittiae temala, touching at Cbiriqui, Tishomingo, Memphis. ELL, Elliott, master, will leave and rotornod from Saracen, New Albany. NSW Yoax. April 19-r. M. MKDICINBS. as above on yiouday, 21st lust., at 4 o’clock. P. X. DRUGS AMD (be name yesterday (3Lst ot March), at ten o’clock, McLellou New Orleans. BY C. C. 8PBNCHR. Mo.e* , Flour—Market shade firmer, and prices unchanged. For freight or passage apply on board or to Bell, Talbott & Co., A. M. DhPABreURN. Africa’s news arrived an hour l^v Ute t. have any aprl8 C. BAa HAM. Very Desirable Uite Se Ismail, Strader, Monfort, The Large and Broadway Lots Jacob Cincinnati, the market, hales 7UuO bbls at 63 daiSi'6 50 lor Darooun.IWrOOiaT*. anaAW> ArOTHKCAUES,AroTHscxaiES, MarketJSarXei street,SirCVl, be-oe- On her upward“P" — - voyage to Fonta» lauu. Arenasaiguos shesue effect upon •». l>n u WatwMM, Tkir-i and Fourth, busquehauns. Cincinnati. to extra 8t.*(a,7 37 >• fur W esteru; s7 The fine steamer CORA ANDER- AT AUCTION. ^twThira and common . No. 499 Ma.® foupd the whole repubUc of Costo Rica in great Seveuty-BIx, Barclay, Nashville. i« Fourth, Loai*viUe,Ky., have on hand (§jVlcr extra Ueuesee and $7,67v>aotu,12 jor extra 8t. idHtoSBC^UN. Carroll, master, will leave as excitement about tbe war to Elbe Alton, Cinciuuali. N -M O N D Y AFTERNOON, K •* U KT Rr.U EIvED,INAD ^ large and well eelectod slock of Drugs, Medicines, be carried on against Louis, market closing quiet. above on ihi* da' 2lt* inst., at 4 o’clock, p. x.. Castle Garden, Devin iiy, Wabash. April 21, at 4 b’clnck, will be *uld, already large several new '' aiher and his party. The port of Bye Flout—44(tt$5,30. For freight or passage apply on board or to O oa the premises, dttion to ih”:"^ih stock, ph.rma«.nticai Preaaration.. which Funta Arenas Mouongahela. Cox, Si. Louis. L'hemicala, and Pharmaceutical Preparations, which mea.—a3,6lH lor Jersey; Brandy vrine (3,62>i. commen'-ing with the flr.-t nasaed Loiw— woe full cf troop0, aiad the Cc-ru Superior aceomodations for Stoc'k. commaDd of the tame Einma Dean, Cline, Vevay. - hey guaransee of the purest qualities, and offertophy- Wheat—ceinSud moderate, hole* 2,90J bushels lair aprl4 C BASH AM. lU feet frual by ob at lee s«p, to aflEfoot alley, RiriRov^VelretVelvet Carpeting; 1 Rirh Royal «i»®n to Baron Bulow. btatosinan, Maliii. Cincinnati. fronting on the north side of Broadway, bstwsvn Boa’s rurn Tape*uy Carpaing; The principal army. while Soatheru, at 61,65 dehvereu. Ke j southeru 61,60 On>ss)cy A .^cTaLruddJltor.^ W. A. Eaves, AHhoy, Green River. Br-tok and Floyd strecta to be elvidcd iato Lots to salt U. Brintin A t^ju’s d-"' do; ® cf ^«^Dcral Mora, was ^out (&9I,76. _ _ jiC" g. The Steamer JAMEcri >U)NT- may with confidence rely upon the prompt and faith- R. F. 8a* Mulford, 8t. Louis. firm. Sole* 7,600 bush Penn, purchasers. EagitSh Br«ia»e)s do. Hyc—Uettex and at 32c. )M KRY Wentx, master, will arrive on e-framc Fashion, tteed, 8t. Lout*. Also, two Lots, 31) feet front soch by 146 deov, to • 26. . moiketeloaing buoyant. »i execution of theU orders, sentby mml or otoerwiae. _ Mu iday , and have quick despatch a* onove. rXAtOR OIlAlLOTUfl, perboo, andaZT was Fanny Bullitt, New Grleans. 3300 mttiXCgitoti foot alley, on toe nona side of Broadway, between Mora in marching toward* tho Corn—Demand good. Sales bush fcr For freight or passage apply on boanl or to mrtu dxa K. K Patton No- 2, Tennesiee River. new mix white and yellow. Floyd and Pirston. If dosirobie, the abeva tiwfaet wJI Vartoas wtfldn and quahties, in handsome new pat- frontier of Nicaragua. Tho whole number of common to prime aptl6 CARTER fc JOUETT. Blue Wing, No-X, Frakfoit. 3s<£.41 be sold >n ona lot. various xosses. I Oat* lower, sales at lor State and Ohio. toeiw. to sitii toe IS to 'at*— . troops to be levied amount to 9,000 men, and, Sl'NOXT, April 90. privaU resiliences toes- are decidedly ... Whisky is lower—Ohio aud prison 26>2 a,j6c. tjTFur tbe INDIA MATTING. :yjrsTthlnkofii.atBaow«’sGAL«aTyonmay ARHIVALB. Lois BOW oflereu at auction, $100,000 amongst the natives Pork OeCiJedly littler. Fur mess there is good de- For .Vem|ihls. best and mam be sold le- of supsrlor .btiua afineDagueireuype ofyourseliforthetrlfling Telegraph No 3, Ilhdretb, UincinnaU. 61ti 61ti,76ia»17,26 gardlfs of price. 4, 6, and^A white Matting, 'inahtyi deoreed. The war appeared to be very popu- mand. Sole* tiOU bbls a: 618; prime and do. Foverei,;u, Pittsburg. REGULAR PACKET. QT The Unas will bs lihsral and made hnowa at toe 4,6, aad e-4 ootorod do, sam of Due Dollar, iacl.sed in a neat ease. How dudytuliitmeiitiol for Drinitt lut^ss* and volunteers were spoktn Del(q{ate, Pittiburg. Sties at 66 2A£610 00 for tAwx^t 4m1«« «r%v Irxn ill .• • w lower. country The fine steamer TI8HOMINGO lon’ilelayaa/ longer,mm* .KnPbut takefak* yourv/k«w familiesdown#m m H/kWn ’ ..y_ beef Amongst tho foreigners a tender of thofr scr- Eda. Nashv'lle. prime mcM quiet at 617iBii2* Beef hams ateady ^ C.C.aPBNCBx.Aactiob 8t. XKjUi«, Pittsburg. mtss; Uriscee, master, will leave as above on ondhaveiheirploturestaken, and yon will no. regret Bacou fit«“ *“4 >»* fait request long clear country, »nd osr goeds at a* low rrice* as vices was made to the government. at 613(fc617. ; tl.L- day. 2.*t mat., at 3 o’clock p. City of V> heeling, wheeling. bulk kidcs s„.cui meats iu good demand. auv house east or west. Call and examine fur your it. 8am Is bard te beat. jyl7 Commerce appestied to be very brisk at Coeta Wm. Hickson, Tennessee ttiver. midoleskH; For freight or passage apply on board or to BY 8. O. HXDVRY & CO. -•e* strwrl. shoulders at 7^<>i. Homs 6)i'S3)4. rSves. HITE Cl PMA LL Xsatn | J. W. Cheeseman, 8t. L>oaii. Sales 1. 8. MOORHEAD. Hotel. Rica; the coffee crop aecending to about 85,U00 Steady at 9.'a(3,i0 (4. .r.i: S do»<3ilU. 'T^® TENNES- Saveotaen splaodad Building Lots, oa Braekia- Cm«b!! CamIi!!! already, and was shipped on board of English and Landis, Cincinnati. state. Cavlt! PILLS THAT ARE PILLS. Cora Anderson, New Albany. nd«®. s lojd, Utoiega, Arthur, EirU, ami other foreign v«.selB. Aetna! price of good ooffee C»ctXNaTi, April 19—X. ai'^?eoFfu^®*y!auf«T.Tw “?Kk. r? ERHUNS HAVINGMAVINIG SECOND Prof. HAYE8, State Ohemist.of Mauachusetts.sayi DEPAHTUkES. For freight or passage appiy on board oi to Saeond streets. MBERMUN8 at Funta Arenas,. $10 to $10 50 per quintal. Telegraph llildreth, Flour firmer at 65 65(S5 75. 'wseteld orMtteben Furnltort of unyd they arc the best of all Pill*, and annexed are the men No 3, Cincinnati. aprlS I. A MOORHEAD. AT AUCTION. P Bard H Tbe port* of San Salvador appeared to be very Borereign, 8t. Xtouis. Provisions firm; mess por'x 615; sides 7;bulk ihoul- (•enptiunt- seH,(:an find a cash buyer by calling on th knows, vis: who certify that Dr. Hayes Bt. Louis. St. Lou’s. dm 6; hams 8; meis pork 615. andir.igned.ai So 6U' Market strest.fcetwee^b^D* quiet and dull; the Uiue for the shipment of the wlTI Si, TheftnesteamcrTISUOMINOO.Bris I 4^KN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Delegate, 8t. Louis. No I lard 9. P ^ J . Gardner, Governor of Massaehnietta. AudTtuid auXOdiasifl 8. WHARTOE. U, priccipal produce, indigo, having past, and the dafitoWEgimroe, master, will leave as above on M..r next, Apr 1231, at 3 e’chick. wa will #;!, oa the war better. Salts 95U bbls | J. W . Cheeseman, Pittsburg. Whisky at Emory Waakbarn, ex-Oevernor oi Massachusetts. chisday, -1*1 inst., at lo o’ctock, a. x. premises— against the filibustering party not being City of Wtigeting, St. Louis. Grocenes unchanged. popular Forireifhtor possageappiy onboardorto 2Qfl on street, 125 BBL8 fimeoB Brown, Lieut. Governor of Hastachnsett*. Landis, New Orleans. 1 Lot, 4s feet front by deep, Breckinridge aIh I L y FLUUK. in general, still, at the return of tbe Emilie, some Foreign .HarketA. acrI8 C. BtSHAM. north side.eosamcnciiig Wafeetfrom Second stri.ec ust reeeired Ella, Cincinnati. white wheat Flear, a superior article, J K. M. Wright. Seoretstiy of btate of Massachusetts. —- - — 3 Lats,eacb feetfroLtSy 2UUd«cp,i»B rscaadstraat. more talk was prevailing about this topic of the Belle Sheridan, Key, New Orleans. Us .wjfysaleby Catholic Bishop of Boston. between Bteeaic ridge sa'iCoUegv suwet*. BOS. tJohn B. Fits Patrick, day in Central America, and people appeared LrvBBPOoL, April 4. rurFor WEpplinww neciing ana&nu*Iac««. u merit the eonfloence and pikints, Khenmatism, DrorsF, neartbnrn, Headache acd fences of the hacienda de Santa Roea, had M Burns, Fayette co , By generally unchanged and quiet. ted, of good Kse, hnd we well wortry tbo attentioa of upon me . entirely Kobt Burns, doi MaJ Jack Downing, Ky. * •Pt'4 1.^ A. MOORHEAD.Hfc * n pwtr.r^ lar-.wed from foal Stomach, Nausea, lndigMtioD,mor- bean charged and defeated by 500 Costa Ltrd quiet. There were large arrivals still on to gutke on InTcstssont er for privato “ oriMuy • Mulliu, Hick LARD.— 1 those wishing tTsf iELEtt'^'' 1* Campbell, Georgetown U K ~ ~ ~ ~ under of General - , , rotideacoo—boing ecntrolly located, and ia rapidly- of the Bowels and pains 'rising theiefrom, Rica troops, theMmm^d Mora, tv U Bnodgrass, K>ck J L bhilwell. Is I XtoUifTine, Ry., April 14th, 18(6. bid in action Tallow ha* slightly advanced. private lettsr, dated Liberia, 25tb, written by a J tv Falk, Flortne-, Ala J Brumaugh, llopkini TALLOW.— Por Mauhwiiisk increasing no'Staioot hoods. Fltihlency, Loos ef Appetit", all Uiccroiu and Cuta- A —Sugar has sUvanced Is, closing quiet. Forw or Na.qhvillekle n.qiiTiiiUk W C W Williams, Is J U Mayor, Frank BU GAR Tssxa—Ono-ihird eaah; balance in 1 and 2 yoan. foreigner at headquarters, confirms this iinport- Uen SOLD OITT MY DRl aeons Difeaass which reqnirean cvocnont medicine. J Sparks, Hend K Daciel, Niehiasville LognoN, AprU4. _ wll^' ^^®Th® ®°®fine *teamersteamer CLIFTON,CLIl Poe, with iutcrem and a AVING I „ "h* ant evTO^ and hw good faito for the suc^ ol tlb 11 C P*eu. Bone, la apl» a. G. HEN RY fc HBAD . ^ led against the filibusters,fiUho.ter* inI^bontabout eighteioht do more Ezeeutor’a saie of ^lor, Drawing Ruem, and that anysmythtagihlag ia regard totuaoa-to hie oa- «*riiai Nci*ral.i* to be G W Chadwln,Lock Mis* M Tanner, IL*aory tost I^auld1 stiould any rcaot^cnosfeaoh—anch as.. H^nem.Deafness, partial nnnuuc,Blindness,Hiindnau. Newralgia ricultural purpose*. . p^.. Black, co, , ..k,-™-. i Carpets, Silvorvsarw, and pitoity as a Ihrag*iSi- was to pa«6 the Dontiem and enter 0 UershoD, N SoUno, la C W Uend Ky ^“®tk- fin® H«»m®rsteamer ELLA,KLJn Lovell, Cbambor Fnmitmrs, ...n v- I.wiww n*r,na<>nirnts of tha Liver ^ NSW TORE, April 19-x. r V Jfc'O. K. JABIMK. and Nerroa* ImtohilUy, Derengenicntt ot the Liver 1 Wilfgeiie, Iowa O D Shear, llarlin co Harness nnd Hosaea at anation. State of Nioaragua. Mere than twenty prison- - . ikrk V... . k mwHSHBbmaater,ammMMMMnmaster. will leave asaa aboveaboi oa Thnra- Carriage, I Mr* Eden rk kindred complaints, A Dean, Mattie Util C Robertson, Mt improTinff'^sle* of h.OCObbls at 6® 2^b to for 24th inst., a.*. and Kidneys, Ooqt, and other principally of Irish and Germans, Flour d»v.dav. at lolu o’clock x. conxisting B Qalmo, Pitts A J Jepu, do 6ti 44(Sti 8V for better brands, 67(3, , to for of straight State, For freight or passagepostage apply on board ortooi N THUR8DAY MORNl NO NEXT, Pressing' oriBlng from a low staU of the body or obstrmotion* tt,, (j^^ta Ricaiw; they liamiltan, Warsaw N D Hossiter, Mod, la Bleaching and I wete A Sonthern. aprJlaprJt I.1.8.8. MOOKHBAD.MO( April 2fch, St lu e’elocfc, we otH tall at too l»M rvo- J Jones, Misv « , « .«««« - O Grayson co J J Clagett, Wheat firm—9,000 bushel* sold. Corn also firm—30JI00 Mr*. K. Wixtley, deceased, oa First suvet, y Coon, yiaydsbiirg P 8 mms, CO idenee ef U west aide, totweea Walrut aad Chcstnwt, the eatirw J D Iniuon. Gakesville i Ilea* L £ Ransom, Mon ^Vle^p’oric ha* advanc»d-600 bbU soidat618. Beef For Oweueboro. EvanHTille* aad aasortasent of Uunsehold and Ri chcu Furoiture cun- 11 Peru J M Thompson, Bliss W Watts, dull—20ubblssold. Lord firm—40o bbls sold. dereon.dcrsoilk in tbe said dwohing. eonsi tins ef agreai variety Bullitteo 8C He tauqhey, Ala Mined II all. B Chapiee, FwBitaie, Brokswls 8tr«w Carpet, F lUn, aapaafc r ttx new Staaontc Miss M B Dowell Bsw (HEQULAK(KEGULAK PACKET) of Mohosany aad t^Ankitids of Hat* and BonnaU Meaebed aad b Chambers, lean »*"a^ffl?:C^vM 83. Erie 5ti»*.Sg*.. B-dsond Bedding, China and GUs>wsre, Window Lnr- by J-C-Ayer It Oo-.OineinDati, all tbe Druggisuio axeeuUd. 3 HcMasler, His* J C Dowell Cuicago 115, Michigan Central Mil- Preeaed in Uie iwost laahioaahle atvle. aittitidlm Oolona and 96K, Tbe fine and reffnlnr passenger tains. Drawing Room Fomituse. fce., wita 104 enace* Louisville, Bcribner fc Dcvol, New Albany, and all James Moody, Tenn II Bridewell, N Hansen Chiengo and Bock Inland ’I'hg Emilie bringti a full eargo of CentralAmeri- waukiewauxietw:u.uu*i^-g''«'‘>*^>*k*”*-uu;-.^,i.umi>eri»nusjla, Camberland ocket RAINBOW, Uolerofl. wioetor,wioater, of 8i‘verwsre.8i'verwsrv. .At I2e’«e«kpr»e»*eIflefetock preeiee y, in fr*>tef*v*nte* owsu-awell- N N Gould, ky J E Crombaagb. Wash .jggUfll^pMket A. itiICKEDANTZ’8 I Dealers ih Medicine every whvsw. mrlfldAwSm predaoe, for Fanama and Europe, and aboot ***• **“^® ®* e^^® »® Tueedoy 2Bd insti, at 3 o’clock, ing. one Family Carriage, ^raee* and Uorars. con Stiuiun, Bolema J Fasher, Gsorzetown r jr^,*^Penn^Penn Coal Co. 99, W Central Reading 91^, Cleve., gjT Iho »itontUn of unym Is called t . ihm into, am peijenghrs. Cnt M Btimbridge, CuxdsvUle 1U3. 200 W U Rochester, Col., and Clnclunati Burling exchange du 1. Forfreightor posgageapplyoaboardorto wticle wUl be poAvely eoW Ibr what it will Cemmrrcial School. O Carnahan, do H C WilUngbom, do every Notice. Tbe English moil from Oreytown for Cost Rica W Cim<;uuati, April 19— I. a. MUORIISAD. or twisg witooat any reservati. n. Tenas at sole. M. fc CO. a. G. HENRY fc CO-- Aacfto. THE THIRD COTR8E go to hoe been taken by Walker’s people at Hippe’ Flour 66 60(@5 76. Provisions ore firm.* HALBERT gpl9 ^ Percent vrishing 6e Bhepherdgviile, by the JOHMBOS, majitis fc co. mb. rt of tho .Sarapiqui river. NATIONAL— Mess pork 615 X6(S1.) 60. Biilk meats b'^Te. 8 g^^TiUe and Nashville Koilrood. will pUate leave Point—«ntjac30 BY 8l G. ECBXfRY A CO. J 8 Graf, City I W Bk^,Bkoer, ChicagChicago W’hisky 19W19}4c. Groceries unchanged. TU08. POWEl,!,, It •Tk-kreping, bmrorderg atOWEN’8 HOTEL. oeflUtf Akotheb Vebsion OF THE Avfaib—State- J O Borland, N Albany J K J gcoW do BoLTixoag, April 19—x. S. G. HENRY, auctioneer in *11 IU varion* branches, together BENT OP Capt. Wm. E. Bcsbmkll.— earein- J Bcoreh, do J Foster, Ky uction and com.viission f Flonr steady sales of S,000 bbls of Howard street at do C A Harris. Tenn — Merchant, 68fl Market street, firstftret desirahie City Reehfenoe, with a Ifllge flad t^BRAMFaAaa gays; “Lady.yoa arethe erneleit debtodiloCapt. Wm. E. Bushnell.whocamo pae- J O Rudy, city 5U. A No 6M between A most P H CuDont, Ky 66 62. Uhio and miHs 66 Wheat Arm; sale* o’ J W Pollard, do and Brook,brook, south tide. CMh advaaoedadvonoed on eoneign- 1 .:r-i iw. Maameated with ahrabberw ol fll 90. Corn Arm; sales of white 52(364* uousoR nrt nnS nt xUib my nchnol. cbertlv«,ir you srilliead theeegraoeetethegraveaad bent^er in the George Law, for a copy of El N 10a- BhotweU, do P J Prewit, N Orleans white tiVibl at W Yellow B6ii,i7. fruit tnce, at Anetion. Terw e for toe whole conree 626- Two aeholars arc Maretheworld nooopy;“aad had Sbakspeore lived in ragaense of tho 221 ult., and for tho following T Winer, 8t Louis Bom Kttack, Cin _ gad J A Keynoldi, Rich New OaiJiAgs, April 19—x. gtiii I iilii-lto*- , . Mist 8cuit, Petersbnrgh ^ ,, I LouUvUlcattbel-ABtaviU* KtfJut preeeatnr—ent time, heha woaldwnald have added: I statement relativofOlatiVO totO thOthe defeat of aR portiontuirtion of BY C. C. AFTERNOON, • .-ell, BPEMCER THUR8D\Y 1 be brat ef refereaece can he W L Scott do L Pur HI Cotton advanced M@?*: sales of 14,000 holee middling I AAN the Coeta Rioans : will seH. tlks remlsee. A L G. blllCKEDAATZ. “modeby HAKB18.’* DagnerreotypcGaUery,47rMrtn Walker’s army by Btewart, Cin C Robinson, River soles for the week 68,Olio boles; in reosed May Istiat 6 e’ci< ck.we ea F Vi at lUfedblOS ; Two Bullitt Street Store HeusM at Anetion. Will k k ~~pm I' E. fc e LWherman’s. left D MCanev. Clifton 6B,0OU boles; «nrabi« rwe-etory Erica House (with oa attte)«ad street, between Fourth and Fifth J Capt, BcaHWELL’s Statbmeiit.— I Virgin B U Hoyt, do V receipt* ov**r hist > eor stock onhandkuS,. N u. 42? Ms(s etreet, near Sixth. Green, J D Moriarty, Phila Sale* of Rio ooffee for the week 7.0to bogs; a^UdM Bay on W ednesday, March 25; the reports at Yir- WB . 060 bale*. O F Thomas, New York G lu^mond, Bnngs Ferry oo hand 34,000 bogs: coffee quoted rt Ujie. KOESIIERGTfl gin Bay, when I Mt, were thM Col. ^hleMinger, U A Ugiesby, Decatur, 111 W Klcbardsun, Alton 2 — and i*y oUrv. Q. C). €rra«t|’, with two hundred and fifty men, was met about O G wiilon, 8t. Louis „e, two sabotanUaliy built Hnck Store Uoeses !«),.. m Id feet front 2W deep te a 2u-re«t Mammoth Daguerroan Gallery Mr* Wilson, do Lots, on the *est stile of Bnlhtt street, between Maui gyit ie aknemaeed teee to eoil’he otteeriea ef these I eiztaen miles from Guana Caste, by from eight ArtUTiAK.<4F, assortments OF LIJM.tirtJ.M LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, F Lyon, fie J M 8mito, Cin w.ter.lSjqfeetfrontby aboot!*»fe.t(feep vi^ngtopareDasesfatsiiyrretileMetotoisntoeide- S^ndrrf to one Uouamd Co.t* RiVes; and bSng Orleans A P Hall, Tsnn L C^Tlkis property is In on exeelfoat loceliua for bas- pressety. It is sHnated la sas ef tbe beM Moffit. New O R K F V A-T l A AND the beet Daguerreotypes alwgvsbe had. fel« A rt A. J. “ortheMt steamboat VtT T O R N E k AT LAW AND where can routed, but soon gained a poei- MuilU, do V F CnnuDius, Tenn /« ineis-being cumigaeusto the centre of toe ••;>hbcrbooua ia the oty. aolal of kcatiee, ^ U W Green and Campbell streeU.streoto. anUdtf a- t*.- i Ky J 8 Harney, Wash Uindlog, and will eoettively be eeW. eonpot_A«. be eu rp tseed . The Lo, ie a lorg' ewe, ew A tion which he (tolifideat he eculd hold nntil C A Heed, 12 aseaths, toSlastnebe WM B Kendall, Tenn Tsaxs—vioe-’htTit cosh, balanee ia 6 and with a variety ef thrrt26cry andoanfrnitfruit treMtreM- homa.ud ViriiSto, wiU sSriSi promptlV J Brick fclady N Y | ndoraed .A.mmON’BBR K I ooilsetiea BAMT*BAMTti BxlttAJN, AuCTZOInBER frdtnfrdba WalkersWalker’s army, wbiub wm about Sawyer, Tenn safeB PLEASANTPLEASANT. EFFECTUAL notesn4i>a payablenevohle in bank, with interestond li n- I Teoxs er 8aLW—Owe-Uuml eaefc; bsdaaee la ewd S Inttwgtod to lie c*re, and eeforec of claiau BY reinforetdrointoretd E Bbelby fc Son. Depu H 1 1) C O- gPENCRIti Anettoneee. rest fi,!a- distant. reported los;, inolu- Misi'‘hclby, Jo 8 Ihiekner, Cin years, elthiak and a No. 500 Main It., oppodte National Hotel, seventy miles Hu — •* -iaall *‘‘i^rira^Mafb^fl!^TaUdtog, Fifth sIreeC betwoen Miss liand, do G M Kawllng, Id Biuggold’s Cherry Elixir S. G. HENET fc CO-. em rr.« Ml A leffrrnrp mrll dtf K Eooertson, Ky BaUBS, — AT AUCTIOS 8TOREOF 1 A I’ayuo, Ark UCTIOH «M,E8 Dotioone, N Albany J D Fergnson, la AUCTION NOTICE. tiW rarniiaraaitoarooeriMeTeryMo^ay and Thar*. F W ITILL CURE COUGHS, COLDS, ANDERSON A CO., rui in nBm,n,enA J W Irwin, Tenn AID icky fc lady, Ohio BY TH08. 8 Pool, Tenn EF Davis, Ky StoMs. Eunds, Mortgagee, and the forces at Granada. Walkers army is ocm- W l3P8alc* of Kaiiroad il Haines, N Albany O F Ford, Va othi-reecerittoeevOTWedoeoilay mornlngrtUo’cloch A p^jad entirely of American*, each one of whom [s J Kndder, do M Campbell, III Hunter, do M M sTtio, do * every Tonedoy Sotur- eoniidored eeunl to threo CoetoRwani. G C BrtM*«f BoaMtstote and Sharpe city tbe premiaet of alker bas G F day evening at 4 o’clock on Tbe military government W moved 19 a. B. 8. RINGGOLD, Druggist. the f*U, commenewg oa oart yetoto M , eroltorm* l^^nraial role* any dsy or evening when rtonired. from Granada to Rivas, and the civil government will flad gvees advoatoee and ssttie- HOUSE—JOHN baine A co. Under National UqUl. F -arth Mreet. when we will srli a seaerml oseortmeat of Dry Goods Rvrry coniconsignor GALT Brog>.nfcBrog>.iis, fce. aad oven all par'hosere will eajey mwch beae- hMbton removed to Lelin. Thi. w« done on the AlvOsBOia O.V- Wwv AndwsoB,dRU9svij|i>np T.a • i,.kj* Dix, DaweeMnswvE * Bo.In. u.U. Shoos, fR.fa-Uon.oadtion. J D Gsrsher, Md vj > toe sales, evseyiUag is seM lx a J M Newlsnd. Ky Jenkins Smith, wm. Nock, Kohlhc targee our ipocio! advertisement tor each day’s flt in ottenJiag m will otund Iw pseeoB to the errangreBeot, display and 14ua ot March. n GarsliM, Beaton, & A J H Swope, do K do Talbott % Oo. tali’ dln» ale. Terms eeeo. saleef Hosisckeeiiiag arttoleg aad Merchandise/Mor Boll. and Beil. will be Daring tbeaioknaH of Gen. Walker, ihe BiMiop own Tyler, Va J W KaUimoro T. ANDERSUN * CO.. Anefre. **AieorMt-deor salee ef Eeel Estate, ^ , ally, rltoer at my store or at private rceideweus, Aad ee lowvot ratM. The respem. offered in A Williams fc Son, la H C Landrum, Ky BroBBtly atteadod to at too kifme. ef Granada ordered prayer to be tbe ca FIG.'i. 400 IN medwate and sattafaictotT Grimes, Lex J Foster, Georgetown ^MYRN\ DRUMS "• for his rottomtion and on tbs death of M W EMUNS. SO BOXES IN STORE thedral ; C A Douglas, do store and for tale by ' I. OlAniAN.iacttoaM.. Mrs Uerrisen, do 1 •aired- sfflRirRsls. lAondforsaleky CapU] FONDA fc MORRIE. .iSE“ George B, Ratchinfl, a oltUen of New York, the Grant, St- Louu AGgM.Mo ' apifl FONDA fc MOBEI8. FMdgtf J A ; ; . H G« S h ,

GROCERIES, &C FURNITURE JEWELRY HOTELS & BANKERS MEDICAL. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION RIKD PLUMS 4*i CASKS IS Louisville Chair Factory, Watches, Jewelry, &c. Owen’s Hotel. BVotr mi4 f«r mU by Hawkins’ Omnibus Line JAMES CROMEY, AGENT. fletcher & ben- s IT HAS BEEN REPORTED LEAVES MIDDLE m nim that tbit well and farorably known Hotel it dot- ^^3CNKTT, Mo. 463 Main atreet, between A ARDINES. lU CASES, INUUAR CHAIRS OF EVERY DE- ed on account of the death of itt late proprietor, thit Third and Vourlb, Louitrille, dealert in flneWatebet, onr ter and half oana, in tuwe and for aalc by ^•cription and kind in nnernl lue will b« kept U to inform friendt and the pnblio in general that Jeuelrr, SiWerward Military Ooudt, Cutlery, 8ur* n6t theoa.e,bat >t< rOMDA k MORSI8. loonitently on hnnd and for tale to the trade by vey ort’Com paste., M atbematieal In .trumentt,ldimpt, tuch it thebusioett will be conducted the family. Thankful Tery liberal ' JAUKS CKOMKT. Agent, and Fancy Hooda, have now on hand an extenaire by for the patron- heretofore extended, hope, by ttrict attention, VIA rl3 w3mAd Mo. S8 Wall itreet. and beautiful attorUnent of gooda,to which they will age «e to the wanta of our gueata, to merit a continuance of be constantly making additions of erery thing new and the tame. [anltidAwJ W.K.OWKNteCO. Jeflersonville fashionable, and respectfully tolicit an examination Railroad IHAIRS ! ! ! ! ! ! CHAIRS CHAIRS the ir t xick. ' of TOO doten on hand and for tale by g^Walchet and Jewelry carefully repaired. EXCHANGE HOTEL, irltwlmkd JA8. CROMKT, Agent.38Wa1Itt. ty" Old Bilver bought or taken in exchange. Comer of Sixth and Main streets, Louisrille, Ky. C^r~Cal'fornia Qoid bought at the highest price. Agents for the tale of Fife’s Patent OtAique Qold A. DR LONO Sl BON, Proprietors. MOORE’S Pen. and Happ’t Patent Bcientific-Niche Unid Pent. Bole agents in thit city for the tale of Wm. Dixon’s he ABOVE HOUSE HAS BEEN Book Isla^. Burlington C.noi^U, CUreland, Haininoth Furniture newly tu terior London Watches. a plil T rebniltand furnished throughout. BulTalo, Now York, Boston, Fitufarorg, Balti- aeooModakingtor— . seMm I agS drodk weowSm 1 more, Washington, Philadelphia, Terre Uaato, i Chair and Bedding Depot, HAVING TAKEN THE ^nMi^, EyansTiUe, Cairo, Springfiald, SA [ FOR WASHINGTON CITY, 65 Third FALLS CITY HOTEL, on Main, between Bey- Nos. 63 and st. Jewelry niid iSilverware. ’OM. enth and Kigbth streeu, formerly occupied by Messrs. Bibb A Bon, we are prepared to accommodate 1HR iEFFF.RSUNViLLK RAIL- Baltimore, Philadelphia, ‘l. LE3ION, ST., with AMES MAIN all who may favor ut with their patronage. Our table 1 road U laid heary T rail aad weU baUaeled, MB%Sf VODIF M J between Second and Third (sign of the Oold'U will at all timet be furnished with Hie best the markets and Is well stocked with superior Loeomociyee aad IVBW T WffflAa Host.), has lately re'eived some rich and very beauti- will afford, and our bar supplied with the bestquality of Cars, and hat erery facU ty Inrataking quick time and Wo«t dirwt larwrigmtkrsMtwk I iwai Vae tWa » sure connections. It is the l.iac far laC EMC lul tty les of JKWKLKY ; also, a lot of U()LD and liuuort and ibemott choice brands of eigart. shortest route by 3B miles I ‘ — — — SILVKK WATCIIKB. W e trust, by our exertions to please our patrons, that between LouisTiUesnd Obteago, and is ths only Rail- Tbose desiring articles in the above line are particu- weshail receive aliberalshare of patronage. road route from LouisTiUe to at. Lonia, aad from Lou- larly invited to call before purcha.ing, as these are W.U. SEAKBAOO. isTlUeto the Rast. choice goods- JAHKS 1. LKBiuN, Two Trains daily (Sundays exeepSsd) to Indtaaa- polis. aving disposed of our in- Hr. Creo. W. Phillips’ Two Trains dsily ^ALMON. JUST RECEIVED, A H terest in the Falls City Hotel to W. H. Bears A TIKBT TRAIN.- OrroBiTS Bake of Krnttckt, Locibtillr, RAILROAD! No. 1 article of S.lmen and Mackerel, in kitta, Oo., we take pleasure in recommending our friends and fOrtonyille st6;ia., i fcc.; for sale oy (apSl A FO N' DA, Fnnnn street. WATCHES, the public generally to their hospitality. COUGH SYRUP! OFFER FOR SALE, Ja5l dAw3ni P. W. BIBB A BON. FOR THE CURE OF KW kuRK PLUMS, THE VERY wholesale and retail, a large stock of Jew elry and Fancy Caneetioa, ssrivtag MANUFACTURING JEWELERS with the Scrofula, both before and after they were there la MOV n hours, iaciading stoppagea. FersatotF and Kuramer Garinentn, that jTAR CANDLES. 450 PKGS STAR KprluR ANDDBALEB8 IN I. M. PICKKHBT JOBS V. BSLL. healed. It is certain ulcers of the most inreterste speed, rvinUarily, beauty of the eeant^, and general * Candles ia store and for saieby Unequaludin America. The style of our workmanship character seemed to yield readily to hia Ohronic Spe- eomfoit, this road is seeond to none ia the Ualoa. tested already. VI e tried to surpass out- Uaakiitg and ExchunRe Office of cific. 1 bare seen many certificates in (lossessioa ip6 BRA.DY ft DAVIES. is amply have of FREIGHT^With the largest «q^P)Beatof any Rafl- and, feeling fuily Watches, Clocks, k Fine Jewelry, Price, bearing tMtimony to his entire seives this spring; convinced of our J, Dr. success. read ia Um United States, the company is prepared tm for M. PINCKNB7 & CO., Bowling Green, Ky. JOB. success, we now wait the decision of the trading No. 72 Third 8t.,near Market, Loni-svillo, Ky. E. UNDERWOOD. Louisville and Frankfort do an tmmensebaaineeshithetianspoitationeffrrighte, -ERY SUPERIOR LlCll FEN LtEM CU., which are carried R VIRGINIA TO ooiumuniiy. , ENTUAL A (29 Main 8t.,ono door above Third, Louisrille, Ky. with care and dieaateh, aad at ratea ag W BAC(R>8.— felb Corner of Fifth and Main streets. ^^REAT CARE TAKEN IN From Rev. Wm. L. Breckinridge. AND LEXINGTON Sk FRANKFORT law as thoee af any other first elass Baa. Tbe road 66 H . Crumpton’s ‘Boston makes immediate eoBBectioa at the aharvee and latha boxM againstthe Field; mJT Setting Diamondsin all descriptions of Jewelry, uy and sell exchange on ee d« Hare’s superior Matural Leaf; A servant girl in my family was afflicted with Scrofu- streets of Batcimora with the Railroad to FhUadelphla ne with dispstch. all points of the United States and Canada. RAILROADS. 116 j^O HUBMUG, LIKE OTHER and do B Eyes. Notwithstanding do J. L. Bnwn’A fine article; lous Sore she hadmedical treat aad New York, steamers of Ericseoa aad Walfliisri l9’*WAchesaiia J >iwelry repairedin a superior man- Buy and sell American and Foreign Gold and Silver, '6 do D. Brown’s, 4o; Am places. Fr. Welhe, bilk and Fancy Dyer, has re- men t, upon the whole she grew worse, nc til I feared Bteamahin Company’s Kae«,by eaaal and sea, to Earn r. delffdAw buy and sell eastern, western, southern, and north- Sto do several brands moved hii> Dying Kstablishinentto Fifth Areet, between that she wonld become totdy blind. She was placed York rtiamnri to Ejrfr.lk.Ohsrleataa.Ito medium quality; ern Bank Notes. — For sale at low prices to cloae Morset and joilersou, where be is now prepared again under Dr. Price’s treatment, and to all appearances vanaab, ke. conAgninents by Collections made on all points in the United States a SUMMKR ARRANU£M£NT FOR ISM. tu do all kinds of Silk and F aocy Dy lug. , radical core was performed. For several months fcr warttcuMrs see Weight tartffLMpiea of whtrh ap6 BRADY k DAVIES. 66 66 snd Canada, and reauittancus made on the aay of pay- past maw The ladies and geuUemen ol Louisville and vicinity she has seemed to me, as she does now, to be perfectly DAILY FASSINOBB ha had of aay of tho Forwsrdiag Boasee ia the West. SPLENDID AJSSORTMEilT OF ment. dell dtf 3 TRAINS— SUNDAYS RXOBFTXD. are resi-cctfally invited to call U my new store If they free from any defect or soreness of the eyes, and to bo JOHN E. DONE. GLASSES. BBLS MOLA8 wish tu have their Dresoea, Bhawia, Capes, Bonnets, or in perfect health otherwiae. N AND AFTER MONDAY .APRIL aea Joel reoeived in store Coats, Pants, Vesta, Ac-, dyed and finished in a supe- WsttcheM and Jewefiry, . uirroBuiM JMO. c.biltok LooisvUie.Ky. WM. L. W and for sal. by BBSCKIN&IDGl. O 7th, 1866, trains will run as follows: rior uy lo and manner. Crape Shawls, Kid Gioves, ape D. S. BKNKDICT A BOH. and FIRST TRAIN— Leaves LouisTiUe at 6 o’clock a gentlemen’s Apparel cleaned neatly At New York Pricea, ., Wcansg aad stopping at all rrg alar stations and 16 minutae dJesaed. Exchaiige and Banking House of From Judge Ashor Gntham, fm At No. 66 Third street.betvecu Main and Market. breakfast at Lagrange, and arrives at Lexington at It IEK«. UCKETS. P.b. AU work sent to my store will be donein the (Formerly a member of the Bench of the Court of Ap- illL;T'€Uli\4ii» 49k o’clock a. M. Retarning, leaves Lexington at 3:30 ' lOe dosan fancy Enokets; time promised, and altbe shortest notice. LO.3 peals). J. HIRSCHBUHL, PRACTICAL o’clock P.M.. stopping at sill regular station aad ar- 36 4a brass-bound Cedar o; for bi F. WElilE, Fifth street, a do; sale by Jeweler, I have seen someof Dr. Price’s patients. They ap- rives at LonisvUIe at 7 :S6 o’eloek P. a. laldllv lUTwoea Axr.-oi fcr,1 Jeif..rs •». J • Watchmaker and wonld respectfully ^TEWCOMB’S BUILDINGS, COR- 6ukd a oo. peared to have been very much diseased, almost beyond Pasaeiigers by this train connect announce to the public that he has just received, di- 1.R ner of Main and BulliU streets. at Bminenoe with ail hopes of recovery. They now seem to be perfectly stages for New Castle. rect from the best manufacturers of Geneva (Switzer- interest allowed upon deposits of Kentucky money Dreonon Bprings. and Shelby, Little iVliaDii Railroad, MARKET STREET FLOUR STORE CHL.VF TERMS AT THL reUeved. ABUBK G&AilAM. ville; at Frankfort with stages for Versailles, land) and France, a lot of splendid Watches and Jew- or currency, to be w-thdrawn at pleasure. Uardins- Bowling Green, Ky. vUle, Lawrenceborf Usrrodaburg, and Danville, COLrUBl'S. elry of the latcststyles, and which be is enabled to sell Demand and Time Bills on all the pnnciplecities in , at IA BBLS SUPERFINE FLOUR: Payne’s with stags for Georgetown; at prices that will securelor him the patronage of the the United states, in sumsto suit purchasers, for sale at and at Lexiaeten •NAF 411 liage(equai to half with stages for Winrhester. EXCLUSIVELY AX EA.STERX ROUT*. bhU); public at large. favorable rates. From Judge Wm. V. Loving, Mount 8terling, Owinga- J us: raoeivad and for sale liy ville, Richmond, Irwin, Nicholasville, ’R'O. 101 FOURTH ST., BETWEEN Lodies’rich and beautlfulGold Watches,! arniesde Bank Note, Stock,and BolUonbusinesstiansactod os Danville, Lan- Qaickeat, Shortest, «adl JlA«t Direct. JAMES (The American Candidate for Governor). Crab Orchard, Btanf ird, KENNEDY, Markeistreet, O.M Market and Jefferson. Bilk and Merino Dresses diamanu.aua of diCemilsisea and prices. favorable terms. caster, London, Barboursville, fs6 Between Sixth and Bevento. hneassortiuei-tof Gold and Silver and aU poinU south; by railroad for Paris, Faimoutk, oyed black for 61; all other colors on lauies’ Dresses Also, a Fob, Test, CuUeciiobs made npon all points. 1 have seen several of Dr. Price’s patients; amongs I G H T N I G EXPRESS and Neck Chains, Watch Keys, Lockets, Diamond others, Mr. B. U. Dickerson, of Monroe co. the Covingron,and MsysviUe. only 61 to. Crape BUawis, Capes, Stc , cleaned or dyed Kcmittancestu Europe and Great Brittain. At L throngh to ColumbuA CresUiue, aad Clav«4a»4, BBOOND TRAIN— leaves LoulsTiUeatS-AOo’oleek HANDLES. in a superior style. Also, for re-dyeing of faded or Sterlings, Demand Bulsforsaiein sumsofoneponnd time 1 saw him he was diseased from head to foot. The without change of eurs. By p. stopping at Smith’s station, Lagrange, aay otkw rauca puaaaa- Dry Goods, please call at luy store. No. lUl ana up. left sidv of his face and neck was greatly enlarged and and aU baggage easu. 76 boxes Star Candles; damageo stations asst of gerv and ohai^ atreet. Northern, swollen. All of the left aide of his neck, breast, and Lagrangp, and arrives at Lestegton at to L do matter and blood to babble out. The use of tbe arriTing st Tha only route to Wh-ehrg and StoabcavUla. 1 that of Louisville at 10:30 o’clock a. a., ia close eonnection by U.NNY BAGS. 16 BALES probe had proved some these ulcers extended The LiiUe Miami, via Columbaa beiaa the short, GUN . Tailor, WHOnusKLU an) RUTaiLoaaLKUsiu Wm . B. C urroM . , Wm. U . Dkviosom . Tuos. L . OaKT XU. hollow ol daUy mail line of iteamboaU for all points on tho Ohio, A Draper and into Uie the body. Mr. Dickerson put himself qaiek. and direct route from Cincinnati to the BavA tha ny Bags in store and for sale by Mississippi, and Mi> sWnri rivers: a'ao, by JeffarsonviUe 479 CLIFTON, DAVIDSON Ac CO., uudei Dr. Price’s treatment, who admiautered his tlmo is so arranged that it ia made with «asa- lu* T. Y. BLENT, BON 6c CO. No. MAiX STEKLT, LOUISVILLE, KY. sod New Albany railroads with IndianapoBA Conre^ Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc., Chronic Bpecifio, and, strange to tell, a permanent cure Chicago, tioDS are eertein Faosengers are net rabject Terre UanCe, Vincennes, BL Louis. Keokak.BurUng- to del^, fter the presentation ankers, corner of main wu effected. WM.y.LOTlEG. aad have fall time for meals, which ia a gtaat eamfurt ‘ too,Bock Islaad, Galena, Dubuque, aad all the EAN.S AND LINSEY. 90 BALES, AND BULLITT BTRKETB, Inlerestallowed np- Bowling Green, Ky. pria- to ladies and ebildren- Crossing the Little Miami river A of my compliments to my friends and patrons, I irect importers froxM ge- B cipal towns in tbe northwest. •upecier brands, in store and for aale by call attenuon to my fail stock of fancy Cassi- jn deposits by special agreement. near Milford, 17 miles eaetef Cineinaatl. eanaecteal would D neva. Main street, three doors above Fourth, in THIRD TRAIN (Accommodation)—Leaves Louie- 6 BKADY M DAVIES. Plushes, Deal la gold and silver coin and bullion. Purchase Columboe, Crestline, and CleTelaud, with Trains far all meres. Cashmeres, and now in store, selected Jacob’s Buildings, beg leave to call public attention to From Dr. D. R. Haggard, viliaat 4A0 o’clock p. M., stopping at all regular sta- the latest eastern oana notes. eastern placea. The LitCe Miami, ria CohimbuA beiug by myself from importations. Tbe their anrivaled assortment of Watches and Jewelry, tiooA FairGroundA and at Washburn’s, and arrives at this season comprise handsomer Buy time and demandbills. (President of the Board of Internal Improvement). the shortest rente, enables a uniform and safo speed- iHOCOLATE, AC. goods designs and Jast received and opened, direct from Geneva, where Lagrange at 6:36 o’clock P. M. Returning, leaves La- fabrics ever before, beii exchange ufiun all points. knowleJge,Dr. Price, By mey other route frem Cineianeti u dangerous suraA more superior IhLi and 1 would ad- the whole stock was selected by one of the firm. Within my own who nowreaidsa grange at 5:66 o’clock a. N., stopping at tbe same sta- t^ Baker’s Premium Cboeelate; trienas to select euriy while Make cuUeuuoua, and promptly remit proceeds, snd is required and eompeUed to overcome distanoA whseR vise my the assortment is Fine Regulators, for hotels, banking bouses, or any in Lonisvilic, has been signally successful in caring tions, and arrives at Loaisville si 7 ml o’clock a. . Baker’s d < Oovoa; lo all business Uaualiy pertaining to banking. no6dti mnkesconnactlona uneettain. large and choice patteruscan be procured. Of ClulhsI Otlier offices, at moderate prices. Betoruia. Some of the worst cases that have oceurred Baker’s V aniUa Chocolate; have a superior sat ply, of all the varied shades of in Kentucky have been enred by the use of his Chruu- Baarr’s Msm. do; Watch Glasses, Hatorialsaud TooIsforWatchmakers, By 6 (FcUoh A. M. Train, mouse, brown, olive, ulue, audgreen, of DumorSt Mas at N ew York prices. io Bpecifio. When all hope had fled, he was appli^ to, Baker's i’rcmium Brums; »al.»0«« K—wIr. son’s make, W—- , .n/i M«u.r. city tor hi one sale Coats, aad, as usual, black and fancy colors, of every in Geneva, whoU^ale andretauracliew loru prices. IJNciUKAlSCl:: Three of these cases were cared within a few miles of sengers aloe at Crestline; Dunkirk and Buffalo paaaen- aplJ W. M U. BL LKUAkDT; manufocinre. Watch cleaning and repairing done with neatneMund my residence. D. K. HAGGARD. gersdine at Cleveland, and dine the following day is ff^Basincss Enitsmade np to measnre.or Pants and d^atch. Burksville, Ky. New York, Fhi'.adalphlA or W aahington City. Break veai?I'lXKiuthnttp; CORNER James E. Breed, John W. Anderson, Chronic Pills will be added to every box of Cbronio Spe- FITTBBT B(] in 14 hours: prepared io fumiah dealers with BUr Candles of OOATB. FIFTH AND MAIN. U one Train daily will be run an tbe Loaisville and James B. Lithgow, WUiiom ilughet, cific free of charge. Ja3l dit wly PH I LA OF L PH I A in 3B\heam erior quality on favorable terms. Fine blaek bine Dress Coats; Nashville Railroad. The Train will leave the Depot at and JanicS B. Vt iider, Lawrence KiunarJsc-u. WHBRf.TEOtj. Whohrs: eslll il.HUBfiBLL A OO. Louisville at o’clock r. M., and returning leave Fine black, bltte.brown, and olive Frock Coats. 8K BALT I MORE ia hoara; mrHd&wbm BhepherdsTiRe at4>i r.M. Mh WA."HINQTOS in Jk baaru: PANTS. An UmnibnsUne will oonneoC with the FONDA, FAMILY URUOER, HARDWARE, &C fcr Truinsou »TKUBtNVTLI.B la 13 bourn. Black Doeskin Casslmere I’ ants, saperflne; this road, and will take passengers from and to any jurt reosived a fresh supply Washington Insurance Co. BaggAgc ehecked flrom Cluniunati ta Wheehag, A• has of Gmpow. Cassimere Panu, every style quality. place within the city limits. BaL Fancy and The offles of theOanihus timbre, Pittsaurg, Cleveland. Dunkirk. der, IB hnlvca. chests, and 3 and 4-E boxes; , and foaf^. Imperial, riHIE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS I^Utlice Rooms second story of “Insurance Block,” A. D. MILES Jt CO., line is at Owen’s UoteL corner of Fourth Jefferson CRAY ATS, TIEB, itc. and The Little Miami la the Eastern Depot. Vouog Uveou. Oolong, and Orauguc Pieco Teas; Mo- JL day opened the above establishment, and pre- Corner of Main and Second atreets, opposite streets, New ar.d by leaving notice there pagsengurs will bd I cha, JAOA, and Kie Coffees. A. FoK DA, Ties, it WHOLESALE Cravats, Scarfs, and great variety: Bocks, 8ns- sents (ur t.ae accommodation o( the public. His ex- Merchants' Exchange. AND RE- prompt^ eallrii for at any hooee in the city. Foar Oailj Trainu. ops FottrJistrc«t,bet. Market and Jefferson. penders, and Pocket Ukbukerchiefs. fur sale at perience and well known qualifications tor .tail dealers in Foreign )uid American the business - • - - Hard- f«6 dU J. F. GAMBLE. fiuuY Capilui, I deSU BPBoULE s M ANDEViLLE’B. (and years attest it) induce him to oner tas services to Chartered BoOOyOOO 'ware, Cutlery, and Fancy Goods, No. 6U1 FiunTUAiu.—CleveUud.FitUbKrg.Btonbvnville.aMd tne public. - - - WhoellMg Lightning Expteee leavea Cineinaatl a4 6 a. XTRA FLOUR. 40 BBLS ME Faid iu aud secured, 4120,UOO Main street, between Third and Fourth,! LOUISVILLE LEXINGTON, I AND M., for all the Eastern eitiet. Afoo. I invites his friends to him witli haSey’s extra la store and for tale l>y He favor their patron- I SprevfieM and Improved Havauu Ulua LoUcry! age, and assures them that tLeir orders shall receive Covington Delaware: CiroleviUe. Lancaster, and Zsuieraille; Blan- Ii. FERGUSON Si. BON, hU THIS and Lexington faithful attobtion. COMPANY, BEING etwster aad Chilhcothe. 13 Corner Fifth and Marketstreets. organised, ^EW GOODS. OUR SPRING 8UF- I is prepared to do a Marine Throngb to Colaabut, (BY AUTHORITY OFMIIE STATE OF GEORGIA.) C-af This day be presents a Lunch such as may be ex- I Crestline, and Cloveiaad, pected hereaiter. ^^“jusinejs. Risks will be taken on ship- X m plies are daily arriving, and we are now enabled without charge ef rare. (mri7utfj CUAB. C. HUKFRR. I ments by ste^imboata, by V esseis by to offer our customers os great a variety of articles In SUNDRIES, at Sea, and the Bacoaa Tuaia.— Express Mail leaves Cinciaanti at Ifi usual modes of iuiaud transportation; hulls onr line as can be found in the market. o’elneh, A. m., tar all the eastern 4) hMs prime New Orteans Sugar; SPECIAL NOTICE. also, on the cities. FOET GAINES ACADEMY' and appurtenances of Steamboats. ap7 A. D.MlLBBfoOO. TuinnTuani.—Aceoa/miMlation.lcavee Cincinnati ihAi whole and half bbls Plantation Molasses; at E. WauB, Sec’y. W. ROSS, President. 3i30 o'clock. P. M for 8pri:g9( i.i; Jjv bbls New iorfc Reficed , Circlevillc and Lan- Sugars; DIRKCTOU. eueb^r; BUachrster aad ChiUicuthc: Juu libts Tar; 6o bbls Rooin; Lottery. ATTOCKS, PICKS, HOES, Binsharoagh. E.B. Owsley, Frank Carter, ForuTH Tukim —Cleveland aad Fittrturf N-ghtEx. b 41 li^k Turk’s fstsibd Bolt; M Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Manure and Hay Forks, D. U. Davies, >reee, leaves 4 loo ri«:ces best Bagg.ng, G. W. Wicks, Scythes and Snathes, Cow and Sheep Bells, Cany Cinrinaeti at o’etoek, r. ..tor Clsve- Cia6^ 14 Mitchell, fand, Dnnk.rk, 96 Gales Gunny Bags; Warren L. T. Thruston, Combs, Horse an.i Jenny Lind Cards, Axes and Han- Baffoio, Nrw kerk, and Eeston; Creel- J^ERSONS IN WANT OF WILD Hobt. A. Bell, B. P. Scally. mr6 dinstf liae, Pittsburg, Baltimore, It', coils Rope; VKTILL BE DRAWN IN THE CITY" dles, Trace, llaiter, Breo^ Log and Fifth Chains, Iron Philade^hia,aad N-w York. i Game would do well to call at Barton’s Restau- Oaetraia on Bnnday at |:3bo’al>.«k os bales Jeans; w of Wedges, Sheep Shears, tec., for sale at r. m., for Colnm- V Atlanta, Oecrgia, April 24th, 18t6, when rant, where they can be accommodated at the lowest baa. 36 do Litisey; ap7 ^A. O. MILES 8c 00. prises amuubling to 630,Glw will be distributed. market prices, via.: W do Cotton; Fails City Insorancc Company, Louisville and Frankfort Railroad. Treinerua by OotumbasUme, Tmlnntesfoatevthna Capital Frixe Oiaetanati. For sale low to close coosignmenU by Guails, perdosen 61 60 f|V\BLE AND POCKET KNIVES mriM DU ESN IT- PKirs or TicKKr-s—Wholes, 66; halves, 63 60: qnar- lAbole Deer, good sire, from 6 4 00 to 67 00 F F I C li—N EW COMB’S BU I LD THBOUOB TICSETB, M KKLL k OO.. 668 Main JH. (an excellent assortment). Odd Forks, Scissors, tore. 61 36. Filte Saddle Venison, Irom 63 00 to 66 00 O inf.cornerof MainandUullUtstreets. Bntranw Aad all Information, ena be obtained at the New Of- Shears, Raxurs, Knile Sharpeners, epoons. Plated fiS^ Pntet in this Lottery are paid Rabbits per dosen gl 30 from DulUtt street. ..^LM HALL SUGAR. .56 thirty days after Forks, LaJies, floes. Me. 3 Bnmet Honse Building, W. L. O'Bniax, TIERCES Canclesticks, Snuffers, Kitchen Saw i the urawing. in bills of specie-paying banks, without Fersons in want will call soon or send, and if they do Chartered Capital, - - 6300,)00, Y ORDER OF THE BOARD OP Ttekat Agent; Na. 177 Offlee, A ,-xtra and fine landing Knives. Cleavers, Tacks and Hammers, Gentlemen’s front 0%K>a ftonaa Build- from steaiuer Peti r Teilon : deducUon.oufg ra yrsssnUUion i/'ths 'fickst sniitUdu not suiri money will lie refunded, Of which 613b,000is paidln andseeured. Directors, on and after February 1, 1866, all Pa» lag. Ai-Bx.lljiniLTOu, Ticket Ag«at; or at • sai- Saws, Nut Crackers, Shovels and Tongs, Brass, Bell theOWGfltoe. or faplTj A. RAM SON fo CO. ths Prize. tywan ntod fresh and good or no aale. Oontlsnes to insure Merchandise, Stock, etc., againsl southeast Metal and Purceliiui Kettles, Sauce Pans, .Mortars, Tea eorner Broadway and Front street, oapoalto X3f~ Bills OB all solvent banks taken at par. All com- JCB. T. BURTON, Burton’s Restaurant, less when carried on steamboats, or other good vessels, Brancer Hoaseirr at Kettles, foe., at [ap7J A. D. MILES to CO.’S. the Enatorn (LMIte MinmOiNBOl, UGAR. 142 HHliS PRIME RtL muiiicatiobsstrict'y confidential. Jy83 3 doorsfrom tbe oor.of Brook, on Market st. by river, lake, sea, canal, and railroad routes, or on any Bast Front strait. BAM’L SM'AN, Agent and Manager, o; the navigable waters of the conunerci.al world; also B^OMoe hours from 4)6 a. m. untU*H v. M. eeSvei per Feter Tcilou and for sale iiy lurfl* Atlanta, Georgia. against loss on Halls of Steamboats and other good vet U8T RECEIVED A NEW LOT P.W. r» U D. NEtkOuMBfo iRYSTAL PALACE, 9TEADBIl.«lca4gnlAffUB6. BRO. 8SF The next drawing in tMs Lottery wi.I be Class 16, NORTHEAST scls; also, against loss by fire on BBildings,aud Mar of Finishing and Casing Nails, Tacks, Brads, foe., '' THE OMNIBUB LIMB May 36th. Price of Tickets—66. 63 6v', and 61 36. t eornerof JeffersonandFifthstreets. Forthevery shandisc,and property. [ap7J A. D. MlLKSfoCO. iberal patronage hitherto extended to them the propri Oullsfor pawiagers at all the principal Bctals. ter each f ME. 75 BBLS LIME JUST RE 930,000. , U. BURGE, President. THE ADA.HM EXPRESS CO.VPANY. rtors renew their acknowledgments to the public, and E . 0 .B VHiHgs.Beeretary. and every train. By ieaviag direettona as either of the csived per Telegraph No. 3 and for saieby Msure them that no pains orexpensewill be spared to above ofilovs, will can ^>r pegtocgers la all parts of thd >1 JOHN M. ANDERSON, to Third et. OFFICE 54j MAI.V The Pirst liuvanu Plan Lottery E^tab• procure all articles in tbe line of their business, of the DlBBOTOXe. ST BEET. city, withont fail. Wra. B. Bnoddy , lished in the L'uited States. mostsnperior quality, andsuch ns wUlbeappruvedcf Chs. Q. Armstrong, JaU H. B. EUGGLBB. Coadnctor. ,'RESH CIDER. 2rt BBLS FRESH by the best connoisoenrs. JamM Bridgefora, H. A. Dumeanil, fine will be daily David R. Young, Frankibrt aud Cider J ust received aad for sale by A Lunch andregularlyservedjroia JohnA. Dunlop. Lexingtou N£ W ALBANY Jk HA L E.R K A1 LK0.4D. BY AUTHORITY OF THE BTATB A LABAM A pH J >HN M. ANDEKeoN, 80 Th'rd st. OF lOSo’elockA.M. tU113u. We srejnstin reoeiptot60doaenof Wolfe’scelebrated EXPRESS. \K ASHBOARDS. JUST RE- Schiedam Schnapps, and a lot of Havana (ligari of dif- Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Seatkera Military ferent brands, besldesoldRrandies, Wines, foe., of va- RC-YNI.NO w W reived per Teiegrapk. a supply at O. Rioc’s Academy rious superior brands. rinHE ADA.MS EXPRESS CO.MPA- CHA.VCE OF TIME. patout R ushlioardt. Tbe BiUiard Rooms, ttcderthetuperintendeneeof onr Fire jH. ny beg to Inform the pubHo thsl on and afW apv d.k H.BrRKHARDT.tlT Market & Marine Insurance Company N AND AFTER WED.NESDAY st. LOTTERYI ainisl>lcand accommodating “Uncle George,” are fur- Monday, 18th inst-, they srlll dispatch TWO EXPRKBB. nished withsuperior tables, O next, 13tn instant. Trains will run an the Nsw and every imarinableoon- 6(U doz Locks Hinges; EB DAILY (Bundsysexceptedl.to FrankfortandLex- UliAka C—AeW Sririea, vecience. OF PHILADELPHIAT. and Albany aad Salem Railroad as fotlows. 10DFIHH. 5 DRUMS CODFISH 3P0 dos Scythes Snathes; ingtoo, by 6 a. m. and 3 pm. Trains. The best Brandies, and Express Trains will Icavs New Albaay daQy, (Sun- received j,er Bay City and fer sale by Wines,foc.,can be obtained at th* 6UU kegs Nails, best brands; tT'Merchandise, Packages, MoniT. and Yalakbloa ‘'PaI&oe,’’ready houiod,and CAPITAL 6800,000 day s excepted), at 3. A. IS , eonnsrtirg at UrtcacastI* ^rl* *. foil. BCKEHARDT, 417 Marfcetst. areespecially recommend 3oU dos Ooliins’s and Lippinoott’s forwsrdedln charge of Special Messengers. O BE DRAWN IN THE CITY OF oJfor medirinalpurposes. Axes: with Trains W rst for Terre Uaatc, V lacer nes. snd dt. SUO Railroad Wh-elbarroas; ty Notes, Bills, or Accounts eollscted. T Montgomery, May 1st, IBsfi. Only 10,006 numters. iyfl LDFE fo Louis, and arriving at Michigan City st 4:16, a. a., and UAMBRIGHT. DIRECTORS. lOU dos Ames’s Shovels ^^Orders promptly sttended to. AILS. 1..51IU KEGS ASSORTED and Spades: " " Chicago at 7:30, A. h-, making close eonaertmas with OaplttJPriae 66JMM> felSdfim Bf . A. JONES, Agent. Kails and Brads in store and for sale by Hon. ThomasB. Florence, EdwardR. Helmbold, Mill and Cros*cut Baws, Grindstones, Files, Rasps, An- Trains' hcacafor Milwaakie. Back Islaad, and Galana, Price of vils, Bellows, Vices, Horse Noils, Scissors, Shears, Tickets—W holes ,66 ; halves, 63 60; q uar* JOSEPH R. MANN’S Thomas Manderfleld, Isaac Leech, Jr., and and at Michigan City with Trains Emff, an Michigan CUED fo OO. goods, EXPRESS ter» .-6 1 it. K. Penn Middleton, Georgs U. Armstrong, a variety of which we will sell low for cash or ADAMS COMPAIVY Cantrol Road, for Dairoit, Niagara Foils, Naw Yura. vw Prises in this Lottery are paid thirty days after WHOLESALE AND RETAIL George Helmbold, F. Carrol Brewster, good paper. (mr37J ORMBBY, BLAIR fo CO. Brstoa, foe. IMIRIES. tbe drawing, in bills of specie-paying Bonks, witbout James K. Neall, Charles Dingee. OFFICE 545 MAIN STREET. Express Trains South will leavo iii«Kig>i» City at 6T deduction—only on presentation of the Ticket drawing Baltimore President. boxes “Fox’s” Starch; Oynter Bepot? THOMAS B. F LORE MCE, 11:16, r. m , and arr'va at Naw Altoay aaat day as 4:30, t ise. IVORY CUTLERY. RUSSELL’S 6Mi do \a. 1 and tamtly Soap; he Pr EowkkdB. Hkkboui, ecretory. p. ia Ums to put pasasagen lato I- T IGHTNING LINE TO Loaisv^ tama 6-' do CasUie do: oF Bills of all solvent Banks taken at par. AU com- fine Ivory Cutlery of every description for sale by Ito uranicationt strictly confidential. BKFKRKNCK8 IN miLADKLPQIA. mrJ7 ORMBBY, BLAIR m KJ MEMPHIS, TSNN., da \ anegstcu and Toilet Boap; CO. CAIRO, Ito casks Bods Ash, 80 par oeac; SAMUEL SWAN. Manager, Hon.Josopb B. John Bobbins, Jr.| Ohandler,Ilon. 8T. LOUIS. 7«toas PiK Lrun: Uon. William U. Witts. 1ARPENTERS’ TOOLS. A VINCBNNBB, to casks English Alo, in tdat and quart bottles; C'' large assortment of Planer, Files, Saws, and BTANSTILLE, 34 do London Porter, ia quart do: Win. Onborn, Statement ofAflairsofthe Farmers* TERRE 3d0 khts selected RMin: for sm I«v aud everything in the line, for tale low HAUTE. Nortk fidu Juffenon, but. Third mrin OKUSBY, fo INDIANAPOLIS, nff fli uud Fourth sti. Mcchanict,* lutiurance Companyf BLAIR CO. CORNWALL BRO NEW YORK LOUISVILLE, KY., September 17, 1865. . .aamsoM And all parts of tbe Bast, by Railroad Psasengcr Trains T nonaaolsu. Capital paid ITCH. WE HAVE IN STORE A stock in cash 6303JKK) in charge of our own Special Messengers. LANHAM A CO., 4^LEAN8 AND DYES GENTS no36dtf;i Netprofltssince oomaieucementofhasiaetB.,. 11,388 P No. 1 article of North Ctrolina Pitch, large bUs. 1:7' 'Transport Money, Psokages. Valuables, mr34 B. and LUU1HV11.LK TO CUICXGU «7. ^ Btraw Hats; W. BELKNAP w CO. Merchandise of all kinds at rvdueril rates. M PORTERS OF TEAS AND Cleans and IWes Ladies’ Btraw Bonnets; 6313,683 t^EXPREBB LEAVES AT 6 A. .M. Makes Frames rains leave new albant Dealtrsin Fancy Qrooerins, Winea. Brandieu, foe., snd Crowns for Bonnets; ASSXTBa fKAKUM. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE MS suit purchasers, RAN AWAY FROM THE SUB 13.000 Reading Railroad bonds, cost 4A, 13,000 sale low by [mr34J W. B. BELKNAP fc CO. bbls pork in a dry cellar, with gas light. Apply to Terra Haute Railroad for bT. LuUlfl. cosh at 16.000 Philadelphia 8,360 JAMES CHolf BY. mahiag ths BUORTBBT, GUICREBT. aad CHBAP- tX aertber,^abonttwo weehaago, a Negro Boy city 6’s,cost»3)4—. X Wall stresL LANUAM fo OO.’fijffl Third at., cantside. namet Cash on hand 8i,3«i9 a AN DEksON, about flUyeis of a^, wrigh. LACK8MITHS’ TOOLS, OF rner Post Otbee ai |5 leaned on mortgages 61Jieo W Ns I«0poands.from6to6feecr,igh;hasascarovarhii of real estate tho best quality, on hand and for sale by Wholeuale Papttr Warehoaue, WsUI tu Collaterals 36,600 relids; heis very black. 1 wUlgive the above rewari H W.B. BELKNAP fo CO. ' Premium notes for risks nottenninati^ on AMES CROMEY, AGENT lANDLES. 1/400 BOXES HARl taksn out of tho State, or 66u in it. FOR Btcaiiac Oazidleo for esie osUdtf hand 6,034-313.681 J the sale of Frinting and Wrapping Paper aad kff FRANOEB OLDHAM L.T.8 a BMI4-H, RUBBKtL fo 00..8M>o*det. KDQWICK. Proprietor- LIABILITIES—NONE. Bonret Boards. IJW) reasM Frinting and Book Fapur; At Agent ofthe above Solvent Oompanr,! am pr>* 6,0M bundles Wrapjring Paper.assortod sluea; CORN. 12,4KNi BUSHELS Ironstone China, pared to issue policies npon most favoranie terms uj ] 100 gross Bonnst Busrds; iVachiiies. carooes in ad pocked in fine shipping order for course of transmission to or from any po nt 160 roams CbanUler’iPapsr.hiue; EN RY UG8K1N B, No. 8 Second at. AT THE FRENCH CHINA of Europe or America, Hulls of Bteambosts navigatlog I E 160 do Tea do; ARE THE ONLY AUTHOR- the Westwn waters, Uoaec, W Market etreet, between Fourth and and all descriptions of property 100 kundles do; Ued agents for the sale of Bingeris buildings Ham 4>>n'u«' Breakfast, W Patent Pei- and against loss or damage by fire. Tea, pe^.oiraiar 100 to Cloth do; amily flour. Aeaon BUjOght Needle Beiring All I aad Toilet W are, of il>e newest snd most Machine. tW losses will be adjusted and promptly su't ed to buau- *V^*tefore warn aU persons 100 do Roofiag do; F taMs and toaachs (66 Ms) extra Ftour; terns For sole chesp at tbe . from buying or selling by me. Tbe patronage ofthe publicis respectfullr so- On consignment aad for saieby Ito bus'.ieU Meal: Machines without oonsalting licited. L6Bigw01«,X#wAlhaaF,Laray«t6ut«ud CkiahE* INCH CHINA HttUBB,431 Market street, ns,’ or they^ For satoaM dsEvered viD bedesit with MocTdiiyt to Isw* (Jlheeon Ja3i JAMBS CROMEY. free of charge by between Fourth and Fifth. Mainstreet, sooth side, front roemov rO. DAn.7 EXPRESS. s4H» HISBITT fo BON. 4F9 lUrketst. fo WHALEY. Atsato. I, fo A, V. Dupont’s, between Fourth and Fifth streets, entrance same as to Harris fo Oo.’s Dranerrean Gallery. RBMOVAIn UVNUKIEH. Rockingham & Yellow .LAKE. Agent! •J Ware. AMES CROMEY HAS REMOVED A RS E R I C A N 6 bases Star Caadkm; JUST RECEIVED, A COM- J to the Warehouse recently occupied by Gill 8 Monarch FirelnBorance Co., Ooj ' daa 'bahar Brooms: iB^^plsto stock of tbe above, consisting of Sberod Smith k jaSI EXPRESS COMPANY, 16 dos Whitewash lira) WEMfgf D'shes, Rakers, Spittoons, Pitchers, Bowls, OF LONDOH, lu stoce sad lor sale hr Pie Dishes. Pie Plates, foe., at ite ^MNWARE. WE HAVE IN STORE OOL! W OOL!! THE HIGHEST apll FEENCU CHINA Market UIBBir UUU8A4SI stnet, I^APITAL 12,000,000. $150,000 DE. w. a luirgs assortment of superior Tinware, manu- market price for Wool, washed and uu- CASH CAPITAL PVID Ilf, MY50,OOOw <>16 between Fourth and Fiftt. factured W posited in NawMaw York. for onr spring sales. Dealers willcontnlttbeir wasbed.ia eash. flOSI JAMBS OROMEY. interest by giving us a call before making their . LpMespromptlyadJcatodandpaidiWithOtttrsfsrsDas pw- Proprietors: WE ARE RECEIVING BY EX- to London. ohasea, as wears preparedto offerindneementa. For IRE-PROOF SAFES. HALL A Insnranoaugainstlossby Fire on buildings aad eoB saieby (fol4J WALLACE, UTUQOW k CO. fTELLS.BUTTlRFTELD k OO., 5uw Turk. press, direet from the factories, a large and select ' Dodd’s Putoni—60 of the abovs in stora and for *• touts. Agent, 'Rdwr lr n/ irn MflEdI Iwym* ntff f t fl^u w. RIDDLE, sale by fJaflB] JAMF8 CROMBT. LTVIXUSTON, FARGO k CO..Bb&1o. OSoeseeondstory Neweomb’sboilding, noithwssteor ner I^OUNTRY HOLLOW WARE. 70 Main and Bnllitt streets. Entrance on Mfog " — . •treat. mrlt tons assortedaaaorted Country Hollow Wars, a superior HOLESALE IRON WARE- HE ONLY EXPRESS LINE light article, in warehouse and for sale at low prioea houra.-JAMBf agent for the to tiie privileges of by OBOMBT, suk ruBuiag through to 1)B bags wtime Hm Coffee: MOST their Fair Ground, at fel4 W T CUeogelr VUMsmgertralas. HE ELEGANT AND theExhibitl^ WALLAOB. LITHGOW fo Oo. of Bur Iron : Bhset Iroa; P‘y*n« Laaitville Co,’•1 Freif bt tshsa •• law ashy aay nripnnri6hi^rt*ra 36 M shfoCmdeu flvrup; pleuaast spritm or rammer Hat to bg lhund tbelr fourth lnstei«“nL Insurance Boiler Irejii Axles; B6haga ia ** Line. Twenty feurksurs ia advaacesf s6hm Exanra i’siiger UM «Fto< ttX MB h% *^if^’^!iJ?***** called on. [TRAW CUTTERS. Oarriage, Buggy, aad WugoaSpriagu: to boxes grouud Peppur; THQB. Y. FFICE ON THE NORTH 8IDF Linus. POLLARD. PRATHEB M SMITH, BRENT, Trera. 600 Do, do, do Boxes and Washers; 166 de of Mato street, Sandford Btraw Ootters.Nos. 1 and fl{ The Amertou ExyteraCarapany wtE dinatok Bge- heap; Ifl O betwaen Third uud Fourth.ovt Pitchrorks; Hoes, with aad wRhoat andles; 4K Main atreet. 18 Rochester do do. Nos. 1,3, ana rial bv psarangrr truiM, dstfir, thsstoreof D.S. Benediot. 3; Ptek-Axss, Hammers, foe. M^nm, bmwtog Ranaway 18 Biuelair’sPatant Straw Cutters, all aiass; LoaUville, Nsw Albuny, Cbiesge, aad iatssssadlala Chartered Capital, .... 640O,0M large qaanttty at the atovegoods an hand, HITE ole by rnoMl Haviag a ploeee, for thetnaspoitsUsu Nulua, HEAVER HATS, OF SU Paid In aud secured. .... 100,000 MILLBR.WIMQATBfoCO manufaeturcra, and desirmg to close ths at Buak Oaflu, vafl a FROM THE direct from raekageu. Fmight. JjyW miffWullli, con be hod of RESIDENCE OF This Company being noworganixad.will maka inn st prlees for sssk or atmroved usMe aad W **>« same, 1 will sell low m- sttbfosibw.aNlORO attsstlsu gtvea lo tbu OeBauMsu uff roLLAEft, PEaTUKR fo BMITH, WOMAN, ofa dark con- ranoe an Hulls of Steamboats, on Cargoes by sums.bg tJu»J JAMB# UioMItV Prompt BMp A dm. I foedium s:se, sur 4U Main street. •B snd abuat A veu^r vessels stssa, and by the nsuu modes of inland trana 9 100 socks Timothy Seed; NateSiaad other demands, by owu agsmto. •Jranhe has lost one front toothTsnd Our Express Lines sxtood to aBtbe isrisra gad wus6 is rtth» a rtation; mid oluo on Buildings, •te.iUffainst Iom ot IJlOO bushsls Orchard Crass Seed; womsu . She took with her Adraifoletrator's Notice. a• ““wlittfo ^v-hJr^nl-Six>y-ber nagtbyflre. D. B. BHNBDIOZ.Prauldaut. 3,000 era towns, Cauada,CaIUoraio,Aaalraiia. aad Burap^ I88ES' AND CHILDKKN’d ia about tluwe yean old. aon-who C do BlusQrsss 8eenis Wil l nn WIHa.nm .. Xn ' and eurfasllloss age auequaled hr any athsv line. toraw Goods, ef toe left iotoat riylea, Juat received They on Saturday morning, about 11 «>«i/w.ir ll persons indebted to Out Isag enpsrisaseaod well known rsaiiasitilMg Bt oimEoyoBB. ^ve not been heard fi4m or havtog elrims agatoet tbe satoto af BZBKlll “ BenJ.J.Adam a, A POLLARD, for A. PRATHER fo SMITH'S, he paid their rraoveiy. TH08. J/WHITH A.Gordoa, RAIN SACKS. 6,000 STARK FOBT B deraaaed, are hereby aoiiBud to moke apeedy XhomMltWl^B. William t.Burttay. R, 466 Mhto atreet. Bull dtf Corner of Sixth end BroadwaV.