! him. Ho PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, threw a bridle over his head and a saddle WANTS....LOST. MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, upon his bark, ile then mounted and ! _HOTELS. BUSINESS CA11DS. LEGAL & rode mile? to OFFICIAL. II published at No. 8a* EXCHANGE STREET, by thirty his home in Shrewsbury. He likes Clerk Wanted. N. A. FOSTER to tell of this now, and he often say*. Help Hie Mick and Wounded. rwmcaiiu heavers & CO. j /\NE that has experience in the apothecary bu*i- MOUNT CUTLER HOUSE. Proposals for Ice. “People talk about brrrikln;/ colts, and they V" new. Apply at 16? Middle street. The subscriber j hr.ving purchased the I* leather color, drabs, pur; las, ,“<’Rvrrr.R's do Portland, Dec. JK>. janl dtf Mount Cutler House, at Hiram and ornci, | Thu Portland Dailt Pum-kIs break them in constitution and in I TH E CHRISTIAN Bridge, Ac D. published at »7.00 spirit, COMMISSION now will Ac at Washington, c„ j»b„ jggJ if in refurninbiug. open theiame to the } per year; paid strictly advance, a discount of but horses 'houidu't be should now organized, f>o that it can reach the W PROPOSALS will 1.00 will be broken—they ! fully ,■ public January 1,1804. __C. ROBINSON A f'O.'s. he retched.. ,ni. • made. soldiers iu all of the 8KALEDoffice until lie Iralneit." To Merchant*. IS part? army with store* and _jji W. G.SPRINO. W'u>x1!*Dat, the loth day Single copies three cents. aud instruction. Deo. ary. MM at lio clock MAN of religious reading irara, 5,1SG3. deo9-dtjanl VELVEIS, M.,rer ainh business talents would like a situation Its ala within tornlshlutoiA'1^' Tub M State Press Is published every Thurs- \\ lieu the war commenced in hun- object is the spiritual and temporal welfare of gCOTCIi the followiur eighteen A iu some mercantile hii?innvs as. Salesman or the soldiers Departments,'"until iheYt day morning,*! C2.(K) per annum, iu advance; *2.26 and sailors. It distribute* its stores bv for Ladles' Cloaks, of January, 1864, with a (lreu and his business Book-keeper, where there is a proepec* of becoming mean? supply o|“55, II' within nix months; and if be twelve, Morgan gave up of Christian men, who go v.Rhout pay and imRNATIONAL Jtov ler! paid »2.W, payment partner or proprietor. Address J.A.T., box 679. HOUSE, a!* delayed beyond tin year. in and went give person&lhr to those who need, of tht Shrewsbury to the town of ulna Portland. accompanying Junction of Con and W. Eaat, He.dqo.rtet. at Ktw 1 each distribution by words of religious counsel and Exchange, great Line __C. ROBINSON A CO.'S. ^jepariment in Linaoln P. 8. Buould like to talk with at their and New Portland. Rotes of county in (lie District of Maine, any party cheer, by such personal attention as may bo Stt.,opposite City Hall, °r ll,e 8“*. New Avenue,1187 Washington St., charge of each hospital. practise Law. He has been here ever since W. H. STEPHENSON. Bishop D., York, will v Rev. Jainos Eel D. It has recently been enlarged. Ton will And correct amount delivered. receipt"?!?! Printing o 1 executed doc 12 dtf Is, D., Brooklyn, good every description then. Mitchell M. rooms a:id a quiet hotue for ladies aud l’a}tn«nt to be ma le with dispatch. Miller, Esq., Washington, gentlemen, The Model Cook ! up^n dunlicate bills r*rtiHa.i John P. F*u or the business man. and reasonable. to hy the Medical F. Traveling He the first Church of Crozcr, Philadelphia, prices DirectSr of Tracy, Agent. joined Universalists For Sale or to Let. Jay Cooke, Em., JOHN A. PARKS, Agent, A* a guaranty of the faithAil Philadelphia, above performance of Ihe ever established in this uud Rev. M. L. K. F. Formerly of the Marlboro' Betel. agreement, ph»u!d the contract *A city for many CLIFF 20 Thompson, Ctnsinnati. Proprietor U'm .rHi COTTAGF., containing over Col.Clinton B. Fisk, 8t. Bouton. Nov. 6. 1803. liovT dW«Slcw3m me, I will enter into bawd,in into stable and sheds -situated two Lirafe, also uSim •f*£Sft<'? years paid liberally their treasury; but rooms,large John V. ap{Nut rejected justice peace, generally know n old and sees that he is MA Tukey's Bridge. Commission have beeu made.and This a good of which to make An oath of allegiance to the gentleman already piece property upon brought j one mile from Portland post office—a situ- nthersnp- United Slate* Gov- * pleasant plles are about Koine forward to Oichmond as fast improvemehU. It he lifted for a LINS7 “us! and addressed by the respectable title of into town. ation. may AN AIR-TIGHT **'cei"*rily accompany flic bid comfortably | as the necesaarv means are contributed. CLASS BOARDING HOUSE. or a SECOND Bidders may bo present lu Also one house lot on Monument street, in Port- STOVE, person, when the propro- Squire—and it would be difficult to find a Money for this, sent to Cyrus Sturdivant, Treasur- CLASS HOTEL posal* are opened. 'Souire Morean lias aliravH I|TI. land, on which is an unfinished house; and oue lot, WITH TWO er of the Army Committee of Portland Tonne Men's Its near to the terminus of the Grand OVENS, The contract will be awarded £ geld at a to one nov26tf in cost of Biel. "Proposal for loo.” to be the very best of the kind that could gras bargain any Tlietww' Medical .MlF”,Dd Purveyor thing a first rate farm. Possession imme- But the nor*/, the feature of the Model reserves to himself the right eight, nearly two years after the declaration of wanting given peculiar to reject or all bids be had. His inventions of that which it all any deemed unsuitable have licen many, but diately. Inquire JOSEPH MERRILL, West REEVES. Fashionable Military, Naval Cooky distinguishes from nthert, is American at the addition of a u independence and Minot, or JOHN MERRILL, Ju., • and Civic Ventilated lioantinq Oo*n within JOHNSON, 1‘hiladelphia, in none of them has lie met with success. Gray. AD. Tailor, II. 8. K L. S. A., nodUpKY He Jail. 12, 1864. eod& w2m* Pleasure Resort t the body of the stove and in front ol' the lire, so ar- Acting Medical Purveyor five years lie lore the of the janl3 Splendid 98 Exchange Street. ^ —Frinted form of above closing Keroluliou. lias done a ranged that it can be used for or ^ Prop-MaleP ru be good deal in Literature— separately roasting, had by application t»this Office. amid all the haviug (by the removal of a single in connection wilh darkness, and wrath, and fear, COATS. PANTS and VESTS, and Busi- plate) In forma? it tu up to translated the New the oven for the location, capacity, and about Testament from the DRESSuess Suits made to order, at the short notice ol larger baking. — origi- tlie amount of ice by and trial of a young nation, a nation* of THE WHITE I invite those who are not required the hospitals will ha nal w hich was COPARTNERSHIPS. HOUSE, 12 hours, at A. D. REEVES, 98 St. respectfully Billy satis- veii Greek, published—put forth a (rOtlMKBLY WILPOJf BOU8K.) Exchange fied with their by aptdicarioo to the Medical Director of eaeli strong hands and fierce hearts, present arrangements lor cooking, to jiof then* just breaking Grammar of the J. P. make careful examination of this stove, be- Department*. Jtull«td English Language—and -ent MILLER,.PROPRIETOR. habits, zouave honestly out from unwilling submission to a Notice. jackets, and lieving that it combines the elements of despotic out a curious treatise Copartnership Waists lor Ladies, cut and made to or- simplicity, upon Medicine. Besides This RidingFancy aud economy, more than into the fullness and undersigned have this day formed a popular Hot«lh&s recently been pur- der, at A. D. 98 utility perfectly any appa- monarchy glorious bloom tliis copart- REEVES', Exchange St. ratus heretofore introduced. PROPOSALS FOB he has written occasionally for the Port- THEnership under the name and style of chased by Mr MilU-rtef tlieAlbion;and has BEEF. of he was Liberty. Though but a child at been thoroughly rvflfcted, renovated and re- VERY DESCRIPTION of Garments land papeis, aud has been for a contrile- FOSTER <1* for Men -also- 0»»iCEO»THfi A. C. S..U 8. years LISK, paired, and numerous exoellent alterations 1.1J and cut at short notice, at A., I this time, he grew to manhood so near the pe- | Boys 1’orttEud, Maine, Jan. utor to the Boston an lor the purpose of transacting a CORN, PLOT'ft, J_jmadf. It h located on tin- Sarcnrai ]>» road, A. D. REEVES’, 98 Street. A large assortment of OTHER COOK STOTRS, 14lh, 1884. | Cultivator, Agricultural about Exchange will riod ol'.our fathers’ trouble and subse- UK AIN. PROVISION and COMMISSION HU8I- four miles from Portland,aflbrdingu beautiml too well known to ueed such CJRAI.KD PROPOSALS ho remlrrd at this early and any recommendation, K-7 office until I haw Family paper of considerable merit. Be- NPSS. at store No. 2 (Galt Block) Commercial drive over a good road, and Just about far enough as the ay, Jan. 28, 18i4. at UM far that he St., in the shape of for Mem the ot fresh beer quent redemption, he may said to have tween (near the Grand Truuk Railway Depot). for pleasure. Clothing supply to all the troops stationed thirty and forty years ago, lie wrote a EVERYTHINGand Boys made to order with neatness and dis- I'uioii In the of GEO F It has a flue large Dancing JfaU and good Bowling Banner, Cook. Bay State, vicinity Poriland, Maine, for one vwi *. lived iu the hour of peril; and he has FOSTER, patch, at A. D. REEVES’. »8 8t. such time as the brought little work the of Portland, Jan. 1st, 1864. S- 11. LISK. Alleys. lu close proximity to the house is a warm Exchange Commissary General shall direct upon subject Explosion by and Harp. The beef to be of down with him a life inci- jan&dlm and roomy Stable, contaiuhig twenty nice stalls. the be,t quality in through long many and illustrated OF CLOTHS, Caislmerea and Ves7- an ffuarterswSh Steam, it with his own draw- Tl»ere is also a well sheltered Shed, 105 feet for equal proportion of eaeli (ueok* and alianka to bo dents of the war that ate not to lie long, VARIETYlags always on band at excuuled). Each bid great This was hitching horses must be accompanied by tko ing.. published by Congress among D. REEVES’, 98 St. THE VICTOR GAS BURHER ! name, of two found in books. He remembers what bis NOTICE. Tha choicest Suppers witt J* got np for sleighing _A. Exchange responsible persons lresident* ofPort their other documents at the time. *nti dancing who For laud to enter into meudicieot public He this day sold to Cao. W. Bayi>xv. parties, will flliit ii gre-utiy to th«ir besting the best in tho market. pg bond aa auratlm foe mother told him of Hark in the lime pleasure and advautage to feinWl to the White House. u t'.c faithful of the jhe Hay is Ann In Ills HAVINGwho has been my senior assistant the past three E'liSEfJSlit’tta per'ortnanee contract. political principles—a Kcpubli- No effort will be spared for the eutertalnmont of 'fWsi,rftetcJ? Dame and Victor FarnMoa ot the when the stars came out at years, my itock of Drugs, and business in store No. A IE R REYES, ^Exchange St. Spiral, bidelor riasons struggle, cau and a fleets. docVi-dtf __ coucoirod'byififcfoe^iiSlif Unionist, sympathizing earnestly 373 Congress street, atm retiting from the same, CAS T BE BEAT ! Government. All eon and tracts will be submitted to the noontide, tire cattle went lowing home with would cordially recommend him to my friends and ATTENTION given in General for the aud gettingup Boy* as well as Uomuii.sary approval. oppressed, strongly opposing termer as a general a*«ortnieut of articles from tha and the dusk ol patrons worthy thcir'patiouage and con- SPECIALJackets, 1’ants and Overcoat* at usually Proposals must be endorsed for for pastures, night hung whatever he tideuce. A. kept in a tint class Stove Warehouse. Proposals considers unpatriotic. He has L. 11. IircOMB. MORE TESTIMONIALS! novlOdtf D RKEVF.S’. 98 Exchange8t. nishm* Fresh Beef. Box 152S, Portland Po*t otBca.” at an unwonted hour over the devoted land. Portland, Dec. 21,1864. The bids will be been for a Free ALL KI*DS OF JOB opened at the time as specified, at many years Masou, and must WOBK rffice. No. Ill Unwritten incidents and stories of those days HARRIS my Federal street. Bidden are In. be oue of tbe oldest living members in the Notice. BROTHERS, done with neatness and despatch. vited to bo present. make Iris conversation And then HENRY interesting. From tbo of our the stock and taken INMAN, country. beginning present Having bought store formerly 1st Lient. 17th U. 8. A. A. C. there are but few men or women who have Mr WHOLESALE Infantry 8. national he has had occupied by L. H. Titcomb, I shall continue the GROCERS, Jaul5 did difficulty great faith in Retail in MRS. such extensive accurate of Apothecary Bu«inraa all its MANCHESTER XTnder Lanc aster Hall. and knowledge our tlie Lincoln branches. GKO. W. HAYDEN. COMMERCIAL STREET, Administration and unwavering 1, and The business will bo conducted under the tirm constantly receiving unsolicited testimonials ol country's history political affairs, from the OOR5KR PORTLAND PIKR, F. A. confldcuce iu the ultimate success of the name and the cure HOWARD. CITl OF ! sty.'e of N aftoniahini/ performed by her. Among POBTLAND, begioniug until now, as lie has. Xo one is Blbion F. Hrfrris, ( oort« Northern army. The man who should GEO. W. HAYDEN A: CO. msny recently received are the following, which art F.ILrri, JaattABT more give »Dj. i PORTLAND. tSm. 14*4. accessible, more more commended tothe notice HE Joint on accommodating, out an opinion differing from his in relation Portland, Dec. 21,1963. jam) d3w ofthe afflicted. Mrs. Man- ilecSE dfcw3m Standing Committee 8treeta, la, & T__hereby notice that they will meet at easily drawn into conversation, or more free chester may bo consulted at SWEAT CLEAVES, give the to these matters in the hearing of Morgan, Railroad Crossing on Portland street.on Friday, the to in to a few de- anil Counsellors at of give (and excepting regard would be treated him with but little No. 11 Clapp’s 1110011,1100111710.6. Attorneys Law, twenty-second day Jauoary inat., at three o'clock by re- Notice Card Pictures & P M toexamiue and consider the partments of which he Vinbrotypes. PORTLAND. expediency of learning, concerning spect. A. U. copartnership heretofore existing under the raising the grade of said stnet, and also of rnWa* will hear no reason, to receive) information THEfirm names of Francis E. Faxon A Co.. Bos- A CASK OK SPIRAL DISEASE CURED. AT LEWIS' NEW tlie grade of Grove street, at the Intersection of the GALLERY, OFFICE-117 Middle Street. H ••The shadows of Event*.” ton, and A. k 8. Shurtleff k Co., Portland, expires Kadroad with said streets. All rs^fs in- than he is. There is but little iu the world Coming This is to certify that 1 went to «ee Mr*. Manches- No. 12Market over terested can theu and this day by limitation. Sq., McCoy’s Cheap L.D M SWEAT. MATH AM CLKAVIB there appear and he heard Under the above the London Post FRANCIS E ter last March with a mine troubled with and U. S. FREDERICK G about which he canuot tell heading FAXON, daughtcrof Store, opp. Hotel. a MESSER, Chairman, you something. ISAAC F. BRACKETT, Having responsible Agent in Washington, will janlfi dtd oflbe 10th of December introduces the letter spinal disease, for which she had been doctored for procure Pensions. Bounty, Prize and ail His father was a and Jonathan iu JARVIS C. STEVENS, kiouey, farmer, five a fitted nice new claims the of the Loudon Times New SYLVAN flllURTLE* F, year*, and by number oi physicians of all up Photograph Rooms, against (iovernraent. his went barefooted to York correspond- with an elegant and all the latest im- 2 dtf boyhood school, played ALVA SHURTLEFF. Jr. kinds; and she has had HAVING skylight, __my to the twenty-one app'.icntions ol is now prepared to make tor and tumble in Winter and ent, referring collapsed condition of Portland, Jan. 1,1864. d2w pictures Plumer Patent Boots I rough in (summer, janO electricity applied, but all to no effect; lot she coni Srovement*.) DAYS, at prices that will bo an inducement to all in the Office of Collector of things Southern The Tost worse. came to sit for their A. C. Internal Revenue, learned at home to live temperately, and iu country. tlnually grew 1 to the conclusion, ns photographs. LEWIS, remarks: Copnrl nershi p. ooSdlwthen eodtf (Late Tkapk k Lnwis.) fint Collection [Hit the last resort, to go and see Mrs. Manchester, and riel tf Stale of ilalne, this way grew up to tie a strung and active E. FAXON, of Bosfon, Sylvan Shurt- Ini Every war must come to an at least leff of Portland, and Alva Jr., of did so; and to my great surprise she told me the first 99 Exchange Street, Pt*gri Oiisnk Iif Piidier Im(j, young fellow, capable of a end; 1NUANCIS Shurtleff, |4j* swinging scythe, war that ever has South Paris will continue tho business car- cause of the and how she had been from time Sugar, Molawos, Tens, Ac. every been waged terminat- recently disease, roaTLAXD, July 17th, 1863. When first on arc a* a or a school. ried on by the above tirms, in each and under BBLS. put easy a* aa old thou, training colt, teaching country ed early or late in a peace. had place to time, which encouraged mo to try her medicines. Crushed, Granulated and Powdered They long, the same firm names as heretofore. 1O0 For tale by IUs in the of wars in like tbe 1 did so. and now is able to early experience >vfiy keeping Greaee, but, scige of Troy FRANCIS E. FAXON, my daughter be around 100 Bbls. White and Yellow Coffee do. Internal Revenue each came to ail Stamps. E. NUTTER. 94 Middle Street. school was considerable. He often boasts end to the disadvantage, of SYLVAN 8 HP HI LEFF, the house all of the time. She also rides ton or fif- GO hhds New Orleans do. ALVA Office course, of one of the Homan SHURTLEFF. Ju. teen miles without or Boxes H. B. do having been made a of parties. any trouble Inconvenience,and depository — that he the term iu schools history Cortland, Jan. 1. 1864. GO New Revenue the taught through is full of “feats of broil jan0d2w 1 BbU. Orleans Molasses. THIS Stamps, public will bo supplied at and battle,” aud the think in n short time she will be restored to perfect half chests ! the rates: where stouter men than he ever was hud not •00 Oolong Tea*. following thirty years’ war in and the health. Less than at Germany, twenty Copartnership Notice. Since my daughter has been doctoring, 1 bag* Rio and Jamaica Coffee. f60 par. leo » PessrJ Outside hp Fn*tfc Calf Pluur InR, been able to their Iu Ihc sum- war of the French tells the lOoOca ks Nails. SGOto SlUOo. 4 percent, discount. $SJ» keep footing. years' revolution, HAVE this day admitted AMOS L M1LI.ETT have heard of a great many cases that Mrs. Mancht s 500 Shot. $1000 and upwards, 5 per cent. dL-couut. F!eane remember no mer results in their titles. the to I as an in basin era. ter has cured. 1 think it bags require breaking in.’‘ of eighteen hundred he entered the class Happily power (

* MATTERS ABOUT TOWN. Supreme Judicial Court. ■ l ariout Items. JANUARY I TKBM—DAVIS, J., PDESIDINU. N'rw York, J hi. 21. MISCELLANEOUS. Tee Poisoning Case.—Margaret Walker ENTERTAINMENTS. AUCTION Thursday.—No. 202. Stephen Gale and The ship Garibaldi,hence lor San Francisco, SALES. a$ we stated was o BY who, TELEGRAPH 13 Tuesday, I at Southwest suspected ux v Calvin Edwards and reported aground Spit. “It ik easier to pay a small piice tbau n als. TOTH* THERE WILL DE AN I iir Ciootf* to Hie of Mr. C. V I The Mobile the Confederate ; ADDRESS at attempting poisou family ovcn&nt broken. Action to recover six Kegister says one.” Aurlion. armo is larjre shall si li al Bosworth, by arsenic in the tea-kettle years of laud leased naked, liungry and ill-equipped. Oa auction, on Saturday j.„ ore putting by plaintiff to defendants. PhyMical Education, WE at in., clock A. M., at 1 lie defence Portland Two colored men were in Wash- office an iseo,^,’ had an examination is that defendants were Daily Press. kidnapped At the Hal! of or iadiei*- and children’ll before the Municipa ejected the New Gymnastic- lit Middle .st franc? fr'ur (iood* courtr rrom the --- ington yesterday. FEUCHTWANGER & in premises by non. J. M. to ZUNDER, lug part of Victoria.,. Cnpea. Cuit.Muffk ai Court II. P. Wood, Gen. lias n yesterday. Deane. Esq., appeared whom Ilirney written letter to a Friday Also a large assortment ot children's furs plaintiff had sold the premises. After promi- Near the Post Evening, Jan. 99d, for the and John II. Williams, for the case nent member of the Office, HENRY BAILEY » CO State, Esq., was given to the Couit d. XXXVIII OONOBESS—rirat Session. Maryland Legislature, at 7! o’clock—alter which lha Aucfra. Jury, adj tiie that have been Tuesday and Friday the John Band. denying charge negroes B Clana w ill defense. j. c. Woodman. SENATE. (FOX LOCK) Evenlug exorcise. forced into the military service. On the con- OTTliopublic are invited. Adiniuistru tar’s Sale. The a9 us on were were janjl d2t points stated by Tuesday Opinions announced in the Washington. Jan. 21. he. he could ANT a Wednesday trary, says not restrain them from No. 81 Middle to license from tbe Hen. Judge ol On motion of Mr. Street, rl'FtSUProbate for proved by Mrs. Bosworth, who testified that following cases,argued at Law Term. Wilson, the Seuate took rushing to his camp. the County of Cumberland, the the hill New suoscrtbiT wtll se’l at up to provide for the promotion of en- Gold closed this Still keep up a rush to their Hall. Fublic Auction on SAItli having discovered tljat Margaret had com- cumheiu.and countv. aiternoon at 157 1-1. City BA Y, tlio listments. Wm. twontydbird day of January. A D loot site her Joseph J. Walker and als. v. David T. Chase. Clarke, drowned by the wrecking of the mitted larcenies, gave notice at li Mr. (irimes wi-hod the hill to he !r,iu!!t®£!?, "i* btemi-cs. fcilowiag ,le- overruled. postponed, the schooner Vlntor, oil Sandy Hook, turns NEW DRY GOODS Grand Gift Promenade 1° 1" '--late i,Vl«. o’clock that she must Exceptions as it did not STORE. | Concert, aeaSw K£?1 5* V*' bo‘?"lli”f Wednesday eveuiug provide any bounty for the color- out to have been a bearer of from Poftiond .a ,aid iu John Goddard v Mo- dispatches Complimentary to wit TI,'Ihclotot •“a0* court)-. Tbeophilns Cushing. ed soldiers. Laud, with the and a leave. ate her at tion our Consul at St. to our Govern- story hall Margaret supper half-past overruled. on the verdict. Domingo should th* of Portland °“ Judgment The l.ill was until to-morrow. Why people and vicinity SifIf***! **• westerly side of AU and soon after Mrs. Samuel G. postponed ment. The found on his not trade at a whore can 5°a™?rt°"' t!, B. went into the kitclr Chadtniurne v Inhabitants ot 1 lie dispatches person place they boy as cheap f>'m titf',1 1 (fouri resolution of Mr. on were m in New or (AMP Davis, calling forwarded to York ilo-don, and where can i BEIIM BRASS ?“ tbe .®lne whicli waa en and finished the conversation site Windham. Motion overruled. on Washington. they pur- ISAM), coure) ed had lie- Judguieut l’ievident Lincoln for the L. <>. chase DRY GOODS ou the most reasonable term*? bj *I,d the verdict. correspondence Winstead, who was arrested some On Friday deeduM 'i.l' 7V I'ollr Own. by their Those who have them a trial Eveniug, Juunary Slid, dated Juue 4th, lilt and gun with the girl before between the United States and the rebel au- as given usually come recorded in the cum supper." Jabez C. Woodman v Silas if. days since, being connected witli back and On berland of Churchill. thorities was furnishing again remain standing customers, thereby which occasion a number of veteran soldiers Registry Deed,, b£k1?.’ rage *« feu At 7 o'clock Mrs. B. went taken lip, and on motion blockade was ot measures .bve half-past into the overruled. post- runners, to-day discharged. showing conclusively that a fair and honorable »*** the thirty feet on said „. Exceptions « Af gotlirough UtRS'CH tends back about poned. treatment is by them highly OA R I A A / nciSB. III see. nty-seteti feet k it nine the kitchen and saw the tea-kettle on the oI OXFOIID COUNTY. appreciated. ,1 Burst. Flaw cap- width of eecptng the top Mr. Sherman moved to orders Maine thirty-live feet/ Joel Howe v B. B. Willis and als. postpone prior I l?,h »*“! regiment. ill be i'or further the stove containing a of hot water. Defend- and take the from the Also tbe particulars eruoire of quantity ants up unfinished business of yester- Army of the fotomae. ??”T*i .°* 1!t,,e elegant Swords defaulted. — presented to oliicera at ( .. .. LEWIS FIERCE. The was not neither was day. Adopted. amp Kerry girl there, the lamp, IlEAIMJt AKTEItS All MV OF I Hie fo lowing articles will Administrator of the Eatate of W. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. A ot POTOMAC, NEW GOODS ! be given txiv Joseph Weeka. report the Agricultural Commissioner One Gold Match valued at_ JtBlv dtd which was left for her use; her boots were Joel II. Bigelow v. Hiram Itced. January 21. ) swnn Excep- adverse to a tax of 20 cent on leaf Received from New York One sett Ladies’ tions and motion per tobacco Nothing of special interest has daily. Furs.. „i’m there. Mrs. B. then left the kitchen and was overruled. Judgment on was referred transpired One Silk Ureas to the Finance committee. within our lines for several 1’attero,..’gn isi the verdict. days, and the ene- Just in, a lot of Cloths and Beavers for Fire dor Linen or Mr. Johnson, of Cloaks, Napkins. 1*1,011 each).. is on absent, up stairs, twenty twenty-five min- Maryland, then to a similar which are sold the rive Bleached Abigail A'. v Foster 2d. proceeded my appear enjoy state of quiet. by yard, cut and made up into Linen Table Cover?< 42,oo each 10 00 Lathrop Timothy to address the Senate at re- the most utes. During that time she heard the souud Default to stand. length on the rule Krroneous ideas have been by fashionable styles, at the lotceatfigures. Gift* to be distributed at 9 o’clock. WANTS,LOST,FOUND Senators to promulgated quiring take the oath. In the the in COM MITTEJB OF A of in the and heard the FRANKLIN COUNTY. newspaper* regard to the extent of RRANOKMKX18 footsteps kitchen, course of his remarks lie said the Found. people of to the destitute the V » w“M»uni, Mayor McLellan, Beubcn in r Eliab Eaton.— supplies hereabouts,under DRESS .1. B. pump going. On returning to the kitchen she Jones, recieic, the when the rebellion was CiOODS! Brown, John TAN a Plaiutiffin South, subdued, trade regulations of the Lynch, Monday PORTtlONSAIt. containing a review nonsuit. would Treasury Department. Gen. Kowley. Maj | of found the girl’s iter boots gone, again come into the Union under the I am authorized to Hastings. mo»»7- Inquite at Mr. PAt K- lamp there, A1 inon Carson v John Walton. say that supplies will not Merrill, Lieut. J. L. Emerson, AIDS “Jl“"raStore. Exceptions President’s amnesty He Cotton and Wool C?.!;he floor will jau2l del* and the tea-kettle placed, in the stove. The overruled. proclamation. oppos- be furnished beyond the limits of infantry oc- Domestics I be under charge of competent mau- ] ed placing the negro on a as a hot water YOltK political equality cupation except in a few special cases. None had been poured out and it had COUNTY. to Flannels; a Lot of Bed Blankets Dimond’8 Baxd will Wanted. greater evil the slave than to the master, whatever will lie furnished j Quadrillk furnish datc- been Isaac N. Davis and als. v Huffum. except by permis- mg music. filled with cold water, for Benajah *aud a ot the un- will ready boiling political degradation whites sion and of Gen. and none boors at find it for Plaintiff nonsuit. approval Patrick, «$, dancing to commence at 8 o’clock. AXE|0,d?.,r?CU'P;°,rJh*v.i“*“m*11tbeir to cull it in the Some white necessary to the of tlio rebellion. Satinets, Cassiiuercs, Cloths 1 open advantage 220 t#lCob. morning, powder was crushing will be allowed where doubt exists as to sucli IOKETS— Gentlemen 60 cts., l-adie* 25 cts. For gre*» iwtr New City Building. The day was fast if the of * Music st^re, Crosman k Poor’s, and street,^ found in the and upon the cover approaching, power supplies being used or FOB BOYS' AND MEN'S WEAR. /.m! sink, lifting the was appropriated by parties at Gilbert’s,on St. Lawrence st.eet. Municipal Court.—Jan. 20. government exerted as it ought to be, hostile to the Union cause. The janlS dtd of the tea-kettle a similar was found most needy Large varieties of Table Linens, Linen A E«*o»I powder when the power of the rebellion would Toweling*, cienvnaser wanted in town James for military and deserving oi our will first Cambric llandkcrchicfs, and liue Merino Ladies’ every in the water. The next a Davis, drunkenness and disturb- be crushed sympathizers fIIO introduce the morning paper con- and the people or the rebellious be furnished with the necessaries Black Hove just received. universnl clotliea wringer, which of life, to a Ocean * wlienevcr ance, was fined and costs. States would share iu heart as well as in Engine ."® r*P1‘Hy, offered; every family some of the same kind of was deed limited extent Tha most Company's will he, e one. taining powder only. stringent It u the only wringer with the the of a restored Union. patent found under the stove. water in Margaret Wallace, on a complaint blessings course will be enforced to mal- * cog-wheel tegnl itor, which The the tea- charging Mr. prevent any Balmorals, Balmorals! positively prevents he Howard favored the of the Balmorals, tr°m br,'*k,DK or on the her with to the of adoption appropriation of supplies. ASSEMBLIES! fn to twisting shaft. Liberal kettle was turned out and and attempting poison family that, Don’t to inducements offered and preserved, oath, arguing without the fidelity requir- forget look at them if von want to see eaclueive sale given Mr. C. ^ In default of sureties in them in at the OKO. H. both that and the powder found iu the Bosworth, ed by tins oath the constitution became a dead great variety, Middle street HOOD, Agent, paper jan 12dlai 42 Boston the sum of for her at the letter. He said the of the OCEAN E.\fil.\E WaterAt., were submitted to Dr. H. T. Cummings. $2000, appearance people North were Death of lion. S. i*. Banter. CO. No. 4 not such fools as to such a as NEW DRY March term of the 8. J. Court, was committed fight war this, GOODS STORE ! Dr. Cummings testified that he the Cincinn ati. Jan. 21. Will a second course of Four analysed sacrificing 203,000 lives, and then turn around give Assemblies "W anted.! to jail. H. I*. Deane for J. H. Williams lion. S. P. Banter, a member of the Ken- (FOX BLOCK), water and the powder, and declared the pow- State; and invite traitors to come back and sit iu the was burned to for councils tucky Senate, death at Frank- AT MECHANICS' Second-Hand Candle der to lie aisonic without any admixture. prisoner. of the nation. No. 81 HALL, Boxen, fort, K>\, this morning. His clothes MIDDLE At No. 90 Portland The amendment of Mr. Powell was rejectej. caught STREET, COMMENCING ON WEDNESDAY Street, Portland Xo witnesses were called for the defense, tire, and he was too weak from sickness EVENING, dtf A Compliment.—Our Yeas 12 nays 20. long (KEAB THE FOST OFFICE.) January Oth, and continuing H'ethtet- worthy City Marshal, to save and he died beiore trery _Jan7 hut Mr. Williams mai^e an ingenious argu- to himself, assistance day Krittiuy. Mr. Heaid, yesterday recived from the Police Adjourned Monday. could reach him. LuM. ment Lbat the poison was placed in the kettle HOUSE. Tickets for the Course.92.50 Commissioners at the citv of Portland Chicago, Messrs. J. S. New- A new committee Single Tickets,.75 several small KEYS on • by some other one than the prisoner; and that standing on a Uniform INring t he will house and FEUCHTWANGER 1 tor the Gal ery,.25 Juder please forward them by e»- Wm. Waynian, a barrel of prairie System of was ordered to be Movement* of Steamer*. ZUNDER, press to the subscriber at it was done while she was up stairs, the lower Coinage appoint- To be obtained of the Managers ami at the door. Harriaou. and shall be rea- chickens and ed. PORTLAND, Maim. t» quails—fat and N'. Jan. dec4 EO, PElHuE. door so lbat one plump enough Halifax, S., 21,11.15 P. M. dtf JUXl4 diw being open any could gain The House resumed the consideration of the M A N A O K Ii S : for the most fastidious It was a There arc no signs of the Cana- access to the kitchen, lie also goriuand. confiscation act. steamship C. II. argued that amendatory da. The is very RICH. EDW. HODGKINS, pleasant compliment to our Chief uiglit pleasant. C. O. HINDLF. BOARD. the character of the heretofore energetic Mr. Morris, of New York, spoke in favor of The C. II. PHILLI 1*8, good prisoner steamship Africa, from Boston, arrived Mutual Life Insurance. .S. 8. HANNAFoRD. A iiOOD CLASS of Bourdon can from the City of the Lakes. In the kindness the confiscation of the estates of rebels who R. D. PAGE. be accommo- would forbid any that she could be at eleven o'clock to-night, and will sail at one B. A. HALL. suspiciou and nre for of his heart he distributed them among liis inaugurated responsible ail the o’clock A. M. for Liverpool. guilty of so diabolieal crime. evils of the rebellion. Now Tori. Musio by Chandler’s Quadrille Baud. gautlem«*'n"•“jLnBlShl^ and we with Mr. Deane friends, acknowledge pleasure the Mr. of argued briefly, that the evidence Rogers, New Jersey, opposed the Life Insurance Clothing checked free. Dancing to commerce at receipt of a lot of these birds. Company 8 o’clock. VV&Ftf was sufficient for the Court to decide that splendid pending resolution, contending that estates V«r|//uw*/ /.rgUlnture. jan4*M • ESTABLISHED 1845. FOR SALE & .___ i could not lie forfeited beyond the lifetime of TOILET there was probable cause, and that tlio B ai.timork, J«n. .'il. prison- mu unrmici, aim iur lUCROUIi' IIUW Borne IlECBUITS.—About 240 recruits from [>ri»pi>?»eU .The proceeding, in both houses were Offioe, Nos. 112 A 114 Broadway, N. Y. Return of the Favorites! er must be bound over. Camp wa* dearly against the constitution. to-day For Sale. under command of favorable to an immediate Berry, Maj. Drew, march- Tlie House _ emancipation Judge Kingsbury, after the evi- without taking the i|tiesliou on scheme. Het Assets over invested. At ACRES oftb* bento! lend,well wood- reviewing The inolion to jKJStpone the election $3,000,000,securely Deering Hall, iyCJEVENTV cd end ed through the city last evening and embarked the contiscation bill went into a committee of watered, Building, good aad conr,- dence, said that his wu« that the of to the coaventiou was voted Hon. MOKKIS FKANKLIN, President. POSITIVELY TITO ulent theory pris- the whole on tiic delegates XIGHTS OXLY. ploananti) nltaated on the rTter road betwera (in board the steamer lor Boston. The amendatory excise law. down. North Yt inrltiam and oner had the arsenic in her possession for (’amp PLINYFKEKMAN,let nary. (ireat Kalin For farther in- An amendment was all cot- and formation call oo JOHN Band escorted them to the boat. As adopted taxing Saturday Holiday Evenings,* KUOkJtS Windhamwiaonam. other purposes than that of Berry ton in the hands of janll d3w* poisoning any manufacturers heretofore New Turk Market. January 23d and 25th. the streets the air Company offer, ad vantage, not excelled, and one; and that in a fit of at dis they passed through re- exempted two cents per in revenge being pound. Nkw Yobk, J»n 21. TIIISsome respect* nr.t equalled, by any other. It sounded with their cheers in to the Mr. of New moved to strike Cotton hiw to widow* and of the as- To Let, charged, and being charged with larceny, she response Iirooks, York, armor; aak-s 1750 bale, at k| 8 lie for already paid orphan* out the drawback of two cents in middling upland*. sured, nearly two million* dollars. Its Trustee* ” it in the salutations of good wishes from our citizens. per pound in New York br «*’“ placed kettle, not, perhaps, for the ail cases where the Flour—Stato and Western 10c lower, little doing;' City are of the very flrnt and uoet reli- j duty imposed by this act able name*. S^1':“edU^elT0,,PiW, arc to recruit various now in Superfine State 6 40Cq, 6GO; Extra do Inn Bwl ad Alno. a Front Office la purpose of killing any but to make them I They regiments ! on the cotton used in manufacture shall C»O®706; Bislesqie Opm Trwpe, Hannon Block. one, be choice 7 10® 7 26; Hound Ohio 745 M 7 It ia PURELY MUTUAL, the policy holders re- JanS dtf ! the Held. • Hoop 65; The Heroes of a and H. J. LIBBET g CO. sick. As there was no doubt the offense had satisfactorily shown to have been choice do 7 70 9 60; Superfine Western 6 50 6 70; ceiring the entire pr< rits. hemisphere great Iron-Cfatln, previously- gj will as above, an Extra do 7 06 <® 7 Southern firm; 280 K^“Spocial care in the selection of it* risk*—strict appear introducing entire new pro- beeu paid. 76j^ salet^ bbls; not committed, and as there was Mixed to 7 65 8 a safe and gramme yet copied by the many imitators. To Let. probable Messr s. goouc and Chicago.864 prompted Galena A BOismn for the year I'm, nearly equalled the com. T2BMS— For Ladies, $3.00; Oenta., $3.00. limb was set aud the little fellow was House, wheu and a substitue intended to Chicago,.113? The of nald in hehall of a man getting it, Cleveland A billed business of anp other two Companies in the Capital Company actually who had come so far to Pittsburg.117 jau10 td iu caah in over he be offered by Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, Erie United State*. paid up SI 900 000 no listen to the bravely it, when, yesterday afternoon, preferred,. 102* The turpi a* on the ltt of distinguished orator. Kev. Mr. were ordered to be priuted, to Hudson.140’, day December. again fell and broke the same arm. He was preliminary WARREN ion assemblies. 18*a. 1.104.7U7 68 Stebliins, in introducing the speaker, referred further action on the subject. Michigan Central.137 SPARROW, in a comfortable condition Southern. The Manager* of the Uuion Assemblies beg most and last evening. Adjourned. Michigan 87* General Agent for the State of Maine. Total amount of Capital t.A eloquently beautifully to his former Illinois Central scrip. 129 leave to return their sincere thanks tor past ani^arpla,. *2.104,707 ._l__ favors, and would announce condition while a his toils and Kt-mriing .,1M} Central Office No. 74 Middle that, at the re- ASSETS. slave, labors, From Washington. «»ai Street. quest of fHeuds, will Harlem. many they give another Amount of eash in and the be could Mechanics’ Association.—The regular OPPOSITE THE oi S/X ASSEMBLIES Continental Bank, hope now entertain, that bis Jan. si. Frie.98} POST OFFICE, (Course at N. Y., for debate will be held Washington, New York 97,036 90 race were about to be meeting this evening. There is lor Central,.i.186* decll dtf Amount oleash in hand* of recognized as men and authority stating tiiat the great Pacific Mail.229 Lancaster 1 agents,and The of Stall, in course uf transmission 43 that he was subject capital punishment is the ques- live-twenty loan closed to-day, tire entire Cumberland Coal Lea (estimated) 143,164 to stand before the Company preferred brothers, up 47] Commencing TUESDAY EVENING. Amount of uuincumbered real estate, tion for debate. The are invited to at- amount of *500,000,000 having been sub- Canton Company. 861 TO THU AFFLICTUD f January Mb, No. 4 Wall audience not as a black or us a public 1804. and continuing fol- street. 966,000 00 mail, while scribed. The American Gold,.!.. ever, Tuesday Etruing of absorption the 166] with a Amount Unitisi StatesTrea- tend. during present United State* one year certificates lowiug. cloaiug man, but a man. week has been new. 97* rury Notes, 7 8-10 market very rapid, subscriptions hav- United State* 6’s 1881 registered.104] W.N. value, Mr. ou been made of over No sub- United States 6’* 1881 DR. DEWING, 9183,40000 Douglass, taking the stand, was jy At a of the Board of ing $13,000,000. coupons.10f>j Grand Ball I Amount of U- S special meeting made after will Novelty ttefiiterrd and he scriptions to-day be received. and Coupon Stock, ISM .mar- long laptuously applauded; contended and Aldermen last Dan Car- ^Medical Camp Berry Pram Bamd will be in attendance Mayor evening, It appears from a communication of tire Electrician, ket value, 61,040 00 that slavery was the cause of the and during the Course. Ain't of United war, penter and James H. Harmon were drawn as Commissioner of Agriculture to tire Senate, Partner Wanted. No. 11 States Bonds, Clapp's Block, Jf 4MAOKRA— Jlr. J. II. Barbenck. Mr. J. B. Rack- 6-20 market value. 00 there could be no abiding peace while it ex- additional traverse preseuted by Senator Sherman that in 150,760 jurors for the Supreme Ju- to-day, INTEND to withdraw the various irons l have in lyft. Mr. W II. Phillips, Mr. G. 11. True, Mr. M. Ara of United States Certifi- isted in our liis the tax of CORSES OFCOXtlRESS AXD ELM STRES TS cates country. He said the mission of dicial Court. opinion proposed twenty per, I the fire, and devote niy w hole attcutiou to the McCarthy. of Indebtedness, 103.625 00 446 -16 00 cent, on leaf tobacco would tire mysteries the laic. To this end 1 a Am t of Missouri Slate the war was to restore the black man to the destroy ex- of desire Part- announce to the clttacn, ol Tickets to the Course, S3 50; first half. 9176; Sin- Bonds, ner. He must be a* respectfully 6 market which now oily as a mountain of blubber, Portland aud that he has Tickets, 75 cts; Tickets, 25 cts percent value, 18.560 00 port trade, produced *‘-'0,000,000 WOULD vicinity, been in this gle Gallery Amount and to which he was Mechanics’ Assemblies.—The of a* supple in the back as an eel, a* In and as a sum- ot North ( arolina rights privileges justly patrons of revenue. It estimates our stock city four mouths. During that time we have treatee Music by CHANDLER’S BAND. average mer* and wearoj hi* treacherous a QUADRILLE Bonds. 6 per cent, market and to blot these assemblies will that morning, phiz a large number of patients with wonderful success, to commence at 8 o'clock. entitled, out, forever, the foul curse popular remember at less than one third of the ol the smirk. Hi* name Dancing janl value. produce perpetual must be Peter Punk. I and in such a short 6.90 OO curing persons space or time that Amt of is the last of the aud shows that more is propose to constitute the and will as uut of Tennessee Bonds, slavery. His lecture was listened to with. to-night first course. world, tobacco grown Company, bo the question is often asked do they ,tay cured. To a* and a* a* an oh! 6 p*-r cent, market value. 12.000u»» in than in this nwtohat sub- pious, dignified, pompon* wood- thi* question we will say that all that do not undivided Europe country, stay- Amount of Ohio *» attention for nearly two hours, and chuck, cocked up on his kind near his hole in cured we will New Bedford Bonds, per 23. stitutes for the of this are legs doctor the second time for Copper Company. jjy Saturday evening, Jan. growth eouutry al- dorer time. “The chief end of maw” with Funk nothing, ceut. market value, 11,260 U0 frequently and This, with the success wo bavo met with, is a sure enthusiastically applauded. ready driving it out of markets. A Co. will bo to feather their nest, and skin all who NkW Rkppord. Maw June, mG2. Aim>unt of Illinois Bonds, 6 European guarantee that our services are appreciated. There- New Bedford The as was It is showu that the article is come in their way. In anticipation of our fore. lest should Copper Company is now pre- per cent, market value, 30.900 00 singing, usual, delightful. grown through- having patients delay comii g for fear wc to at their shingle out at an early day. 1 advise all the crooked shall not THEpared manufacture, new. extensive Amt of California State Bonds. out South America, Northern aud Southern stay long euongh to givo tho test, we will and commodious £yThe London Saturday lieview remarks old sticks abont to the instead of establishment, all kiud* of 7 p« cent, market value. 0O The Gift the East and hop twig,” hire say that we shall stay in this city at lea*t until 61,760 Concert.—Iteuicmher that the Africa, West Indies, Asia, all of PA vino THEIR DEBT*, to or to all Boiled Anrt of Brooklyn City Water in its conlemptious way that ‘‘the people of sell, pretend sell, next April. Copper, Brass, Yellow Metal, ftc. aud tiic northern they have, real estate and all, without on a Bonds, market value, 11,300 00 Grand Gift Promenade Concert, Europe, excepting Britain, security, Dr. D. has been a practical Electrician for Yellow Sheathiug M* taJ. Copper Sheathing, Stem 186460OO complimen- the United States have hitherto had of the credit qf sir the widow*, in due twenty- Amount of Bank Stocks, HO scarcely portion continent, in every State and years—that time, j ono years, and is also a regular graduated physician Metal, Braziers' Coppec. Sheet Bras*. Copper Bolts, 136 *0 tary to the comes off this be severally installed a* “the and Amount of loans on bonds and mort- Camp Berry Band, a that the is in the United States and in Canada. administratrix," Electricity Is perfectly adapted to chronic diseases Yellow Metal B. Its. Spikes, Nails, Ac. Also Copper history.” Granting Keview right Territory wk their advisur*. As fast a* the assets being first lien of record on un- fVft.nimr at now f!itv (Tall Varorol m-aci.h af legal come in the form or nervous or sick headache; neuralgia Roll* for Calico Printing. gages, The export of Brazil has increased seven fold Into our learned incumbered real estate, worth at it must at least admit that we have made hands, "my Brother,** otherwise In the head, neck,or extremities ; The best *kill in the ha* least called consumption,when country been secured in 91.65I.6UO— rate ot value will be such as a in two years. Holland and have in- "Brother Punk,” will wfetfi to the right and in the acute or where the interest 7 cent, 885,333 50 distributed, gold watch, in 1778 some Belgium stages lunga are not fully the \ adou* departments, sad no effort w i.I be *par* d per nevertheless, and 1812 contribu- left among the creditors, with the of a Amount of loans on stock* and bonds, set of creased their products several hundred per sinosity Involved; acute or chronic rheumatism, scrofula. to produce lb best article of each kind. furs, silk dress pattern, Ac. snake, and with the scissors of Delilah, SO hip possible payable on dc-mand, the market value napkius, ! tions to the history of which tories cent, ill two and other dip away j diseases, white swellings, spinal diseases, curvature Theoualltr will be warranted to manufac- England, years, European States cent of their or iu i equal any of securities least 50 A number tbe respective claim*, other words oi the contracted muscles, and trims pledged,at *490,900, 888,113 of veteran soldiers will go have made while per spine, distorted limb,, tured. prices and will he as favorable as Amount of do not find much pleasure in advancement, France lias ho must lie "like the devil." “PULL the wool” or Miscellaneous Item*, 23,498 35 remembering. j paralysis, St. Vitas’ Dance, Aea'ness.stam- those of any othe first class manufacturer*. ** the French drill. The rebel restrained the over their eyes, awd all the claims to palsy due for Premium* on i’oiiciet through bayonet j absolutely cultivation by refus- get assigiud mcringor hesitancy of speech, drsnensia. indites- Cash paid for obi metals himself for 20 per cent. 1». T. CI1A8E. issued at ottice, the jy The New York Post to The concludes won, cons: matron ami liver piles—we cure WILLIAM T. ROTCII, President. $,7X6 flag, captured by ISth and 15th Maine Evening speaks ing give permits. report a. it. .vi out- complaint, Amount of bills reg- uoeti appiv whom? (juanncatiun* arc case that can receivable for Premi- that ttie United States does not •very be presented; asthma, bronchi- CHARLES 8. RANDALL. Treasurer. feelingly of “the fallen" about the control tiic not up to the chalk, and who cannot a um* ou Inland Navigation Bisks, Ac. 36.649 27 menta, will be exhibited. Dimond's Quad- mighty tnKni>f>rt Irtwln ami (l>ul tlio ooi.unito C produce piece tis. strictures of the chest, and al! forms of female of composition etjual to tiie following: Interest due, aud accrued but not due, 85,334 ’4) rille Hand will furnish the and Custom House in that city. It seems, howev- complaints. SELLISO AGENTS. dancing music, countries to grow all they need is ample. “Pobtlavd. July 2.1861. that the falls “Mb. D. T. Cii Aig—Sir .'—Mr, W. T. MoOILVERY, RYAN ft DAVIS, it is expected there will be a general er, occur on the 'icy steps. The The following Bills have both Kilborn By Elootrioity good passed “holds a note for about $1300 against D. Libby and isn^'dlm 161 Commercial Street. Portland LIABILITIES. Post advise- those who have not the time or and now await the President’s the Rheumatic, the the lame and the time. Houses, only “endorsed by Lewis Libby, which is unpaid, lie goutv, lazy Amount of 1 omo* adjusted, and due nn«l to become a “instruct* u* to commence* suit leap with joy, ami move with the and elastic- The money to go to the that can see signature law:—Articles of cloth- against you under agility unpaid. None. hall ought to be crowded upon this oc- circus, they “Chan. Sec. 47 of ity of youth; the heated brain is cooled; the frost- Dissolution. ing being manufactured, aud cotton and 113, Revised Statutes, to recover Amount of losses incurred, and in in Wall at all wool, double the amount of the bitten limbs restored, the uncouth deformities re- heretofore pro- casion. The Hand deserve it for the music gratis, street, hours of the day, property fraudulently copartnership existing under the cess of adjustment, ¥* linen compressed in a package not to moved; faintness converted to weakness to firm of PHINNEl k 90,tM* exceeding “conveyed you by said L. Libby. If you desirt vigor, THE style CO is thin dnv dis- Amount’ot losses on which have so often and bulls and hears. two ounces in to strength; the blind marie to the deaf to hear solved reported, they gratuitously bestowed upon ground lofty tumbling by weight, addressed any non- “to settlo the matter, you can do so immediately, see, and by mutual consent. “The affair* of *he late no action has been takeu. Non*. the form to move the the commissioned oflicer or in the “without farther coats, otherwise wc shall institute palsied upright; blemishes ol coneera will be settled at the old stand by H. M. Amount of claims for losses resisted public. private serving are obliterated; the bj jy The New York Cuatom House frauds armies of “legal proceedings. Yours, Ac., youth accidents of mature life Phin uey the the United States, may be trans- ; the calamities of old Company, 20,70* CO “Howard k Btboct.” prevented age obviated, and llaviug this day sold to Stuart k Co. our stock iu Amount of divideud* ; over which mitted iu declared and due Death or an Old copperhead papers arc so the mails of the United States at Note—Sec. 47 of 118 an active circulation maintained. trade, we would recommend to Citizen and a Vete- jubilant, Chapter ol Koviscd Statutes, cordially them our and unpaid. 1,100 uO the rate of “to-be in all cases wKI constitute one the in the friends and former ns their ran were discovered, to and eight cents, pre- qf chief gpoke$ wheel of patroius worthy patron- Amount ot dividends, either cash or Phinteb.—Arthur Shirley, one of brought light exposed wvvxk Co. LADIES and couiideucc. Eahio, of Michi- The sold the iu all branches at the old stand, N >. 171 Middle The greatest amount insured on one rt*k is and Chandler, undersigned lias Johns Coal for nine all that long train os diseases will find iu Electric- any weeks since he suffered a i prompt exposure displacement of a ileuio- and ▼cars Street. < HARLE8 H. *60.000, but will uot as « general rule exceed paralytic attack, gan, Harding. of Oregon, and Keprescu- last past. It has given geuoral satisfaction ity a sure means of euro. For painful tueuxtruation. STUART, *10.000. Where is a janlldtf D. R. M EVENS. The has no general rule as to the amount from which in a recovered. l crat delinquent under a democratic adminis- tatives Gooch, of Mass., Julian, of there fill draft, no coal excels for too pro Rise menstruation, and all of those line Company he, measure, Mon- Indiana, long allowed to b iusured in or of .V and cooking use. of troubles with young ladies. Electricity is a certain any city, town, village last he ! tration ? do not Odell, V., Loau, of Missouri. The block, in thh in each day was again attacked with it, and Ordinarily copperhead dogs C if*All coal seut from this wharf will he sent in specific, and will, in a short time, restore the sufferer being governed matter, case, committee is similar to the one heretofore in 1 Notice. by the general character ot width fell into cat good order, carefully picked and screened. to the vigor of health. buildings, of a state of insensibility, from which dog. the copartnership heretofore between 8tr< et* facilities for out Bits, Ac. existence, only difference being iu the I Other to wit: Ey He have cn Electro-Chemical Apparatus lor existing putting he did varieties, THEthe subscribers, under the uame of An attested copy of the Charter or Act of Incor- not recover, but sank Jefferson Davis executed a substitution of Messrs. and Loau iu extracting Mineral i’oison fivtn the such as gradually away £y recently | Harding j LEHIGH. Sugar Loaf. Hazleton and Old system, poration the statement of a Lehigh Antimonv, Arsenic, Ac. Hundreds who COBB A accompanied previous into the arms of A the of Andrew John- Nav. Mercury, JORDAN. deifth. characteristic cfcuaae* around poor old Pius with a view places Ex-Congressmen Company's. are troubled with stiff w eak >ear. j IX., joints, backs, aud vari- is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either par- son and Covode. SCIIU V LKILL« Loiust ous sketch of from the of lie to secure the j (W. Ash.) Mountain. othordifflculties, tho direct cause of which, in ty is authorized to use the uame or the firm in set- him, pen “W.,” may pontifical beucdictiou upou his Static or New 1 __ The old committee was in RED ASH, the nine cases out of ten, is the effect of tlement of accounts You*, appointed Dee., genuine FRANKLIN JOAL.also poisonous drugs LEMUEL COBB an t of New found in another column. unholy rebellion: aud the feeble old the Diamond. oan bo restored to n itural and City County York, J Pope, ISOi, aud closed its labors iu lStl'i. The new strength vigor by the Cortland, Jau. 15,1864. W. 8. JORDAN. Charles J. Martin. use of from five to Baths. President, aud John McOt-e. who is held in civil i in addition to its duties of into CHESTNUT COAL* eight of the Uome power only by Napoleon one, inquiry (Johns’) well screened; Office hours from 8 o'clock a. M. to Secretary, Insikanoc Cobfaby, be- “Five Years oi far 1 ».x.;H1 Phayek.”—This is the the conduct of the is to exam- price $it.50—good small »tovt*, or where the ing severally sworn, aud and each for IU-*—the contenmer of constitutions aud the war, instructed 6; and 7 to 8 r. x. The undersigned will continue the business at the depose say, draft can be chocked, himself says, that the is a title of a book j ine into all contracts und readily Consultation Free. old stand of Cobb k Jordan, uud solicits a «outinu- foregoing true, full and Intended to be a to engagements with )yl4 isedt stall sequel usurper ot honors— CI'M 11FRLAM) COAL, a ance of tho favors of the correct went of the sflhlr* of the said imperial deigns to lay of the aud is prime article for tVieuds of the old firm and Corpor- ‘•Power of which was any department Government, Ui*e. ation, aud that are the above described officer* Prayer” published live hands his head Smiths' the public. they upon and pronounce a quasi authorized to sit the recess ol isoodtf and thereof. years and which was duriug Congress janlu JAMES II. BAKER. llexllli, Strength Happiness JanlS 48w* W. S. JORDAN. ago, hailed with the 1 which he (Signed) CHARLES J. MARTIN, President. blessing. Hut Jeff, aud his cause are so far ! at any place may deemed proper.— RESTORED IN FOURTEEN DAYS greatest interest in tills and abroad. 1 tlds is (Signed) JOHN Met;EE, Secretary. country ! that all the salt in the Besides every taciltty provided for a nissolnCiuii ol For Colds uud gone Papal tec can't Copartnership. Dr. Dumas’ Concentrated Coutfla*. CoasaasaptioB. Subscribed and sworn before me. this 9th of Jan- It a of the the Elixir of Life. gave history commencement of the ; thorough investigation, including sending Balaam Is A. D. 1804. Witness hand sudofficial i save them. copartnership heretofore existing under the numerous applications to Dr Dumas, of Vegetable Pulmonary the most uary, my seal. Fulton street for persons aud papers. of GRAY & lie Tr)E medicine ever discovered. It prayer meetings in New York, 4. stylo JOSEPH CO., is this day AFTERI’aris, has at length appointed an agent in highly approved (Signed) Mr. in The Missouri contested election cases are dissolved the decease of Boston, for the sale ol has stood the best of ail tests. Time, had an ( 1 J. H. WASHBURN, and their ty Commas, the U. 8. Senate, In by Joseph Gray. The affairs hi* highly sought CONCEN- having L* 8 progress and success the of the concern will settled unprecedented sale of It Public. through now being considered by the Uousecommittee be bv the la'e partuer. TRATED Eioat round with his Saco River for Portland, at 6.35 9.80 3.30 cheapest plan, or the half AKrXKINO A (’COt IN ALl. Cassimeres & PORTLAND, Turning steering oar, not* and half cosh CiSLS, whether of long Cloths, Thou dwellest with Clod on the my stic shore. Buxton Centre, do 6.4" 9.40 3.38 plan—the mutual or the joint or Vestings until h< r hows pointed in the direction of the slock ten j standing recently contracted, entirely removing of BY do 7.00 10.00 3 65 system—the year pay ment* or non forfeit- the of dieea-e from the every e.ir*Wv and which he purchased for ». A. FOSTER * dear Hattie, we bid thee new ordered ns to Gorham, dregs system, and making a CO., Sadly, farewell; noise, the mate paddle do 4.07 tny policy— large dividend? or no d i vice fid it- and canh, and cuu*«|uetitjy «»u an “it Saccarappa. 7.12 10.15 er' perfect PERMAXF.XT CURE. give elegant ’Ti* oh! so hard to “it is well.” We and the boat set forward Cumberland dividend* or triennial or out" at the tnu'Fnt ca*h J. T. hard, say, ahead. obeyed Mills, do 7.17 10.22 4.11 dividends—quarterly He would call theattention ol the afflicted to the jtric*$, OILMAN, Editor. srmi-annual payments, or all at une, timo But He who heareth the deep-heaving sigh, with an easy speed. The larking sounded Morrill's, du 7.24 10.80 4.18 payments fact of his long standing and well earned reputation, lie invite* hi* old friend* and cntdomers, and tba In —Annuity Policies, or Policies at cn starting the Portuxd D.ult Pews uutil we Arrive at do 7.35 1).45 1.80 payable any gi. tarnishing sufficient assurance of his skill and generally, t* call on liim. liratefnl for the tht Will fit us to meet thee, loved one, on high. neater every moment, were quite age th*- life of the sue- public we re 1 during person injured. Pol clog ; cess. liberal he ha* received since he Proprietors influenced by what be- it* that it he 1.60 P. M. train out and the 9.80 A.M. train for the benefit of patronage establish- they convinced by peculiarity, emanated wires and children, beyond the cd h< -olicitp a continuant tiered to be a demand of the earth’s clouds of into Portland will be Trains, with reach himselfh*}»*\ e, and will loyal public senti- Mourner, gaze upward, throngh no other throat titan that Freight Paaseuger of credit ft. or Policies for the bent tit en from of it!'1-00. Cars attached. of CAUTION TO THE FCBUC. §pare no effort* to give general satisfaction. ment of the State, and the ds>rs*rs or other creditors. of these generous reception gloom, “But w here w as he 2” Fares 6 cents less when tickets are at Any advantages in'* ocDtt which it lias met purchased may be secured. Every -lligent and thinking person must know with, and the unexpected meas- To yon home of light beyond the veiled tomb; was the the office than when in the cars. that remedies handed out ure of success This question that now arose to paid All needful information and from general use should which has attended it Oot. 22. 1863. dtr DAN cheerfully given, the have their uniformly See ye not there, robed in garments of white, our We could hear him hut CARPENTER, Sup't. of tbo different etlicaoy established well tested rspe- thus tar, atford the most lips. plainly, operation systems explained, on ap-* I| by satisfactory evidence to at this rience in the hands of a educated BELI HEK A Your loved Hattie dwelling in Clod’s pure light ? could *ec of him. the sound of plication Agency. regularly physi- BONNELL, the proprietors that they did not misconstrue the nothing By cian, whose preiiaratory study fits l im lor all the Murmur not for the crown she has won,— his bark, we should that be stood on MAINE CENTRAL • »• duties lie must I public demand. The Press lias been yc judge RAILROAD. LITTLE, Agene I fulfill; yol thccountry is flooded with COHRACTOW, CIVIL EW1.HIKS .VM inexistence dec29 eodiadfeurttw SFIflUIS, but one year and a and will he it done.” the, summit of an iceberg we were then ap- poor nostrums and cure-alls, purporting to ha the half, though it was com- Submissively say,—“Thy WINTER AKRANOKMFNT. ----- best in menced ____ the world, which are not but with no previous Then, when earth's shadows depart from the sky, proaching, and wa* but a few fathoms distant. only useless, al- Ho. 30 Me. canvassing, and with ways injurious. The unfortunate should be pa ktio Exchange St., Portland, the field, to a on Vet no Bluseo was there Trains superficial observer, fully occupied meet your Hattie high. notwithstanding this, rmanD leare Portland, Grand Trunk STATEMENT OF THW ci.au in his as it Joyfhlly you’ll selecting physician, is a lamentable WHE subscriber* arc to make by papers ubl associations visible. What could it mean? Had some mer- fbi Lewiston and Auburn, at yet inconlrovertable feet prepared Surreys of having ami honor- Alina Insurance that many syphilitic pa- A Road*, able we’ll leave thee with 7.45 A M. tients arc made Kailway*. streets. Farm* and Lot*, in antecedents, yet in its brief it has Trustfully, Hattie, God, maid charmed the into Company, miserable with mined constitutions of history dog invisibility/ For and intermediate stations at any part the city or country, together with Maps gained a circulation never not we'll bow neath the rod; Bangor 1.16 r k. OF HARTFORD. maltreatment from before attained by any And murmuring We continued to The CONN., by Iuexperieneed physicians in' or Flan* of amine, at “h or tost possible notice; also to approach. larking RETURNING—leave Lewiston at 6.21 a. m., and general tlcc: for it i. a paiwr in the aud a On the 1st of pno point gen-rallv conceded Plan*, and doily State, hold upon pub- For safely thou dwellest in thy home to-night, became much and was full of frantic arrive In Portland at 8.30 a.m. Leave at .lay November. A. D. 1*63. a* required the best Hpecilicatioua Estimate* for louder, Bangor the by syphilographers. that the study and man- lie confidence and respect m..-t to 7.16 A. and arrive lu Portland at <■> by l.awe of the State of Main.-. Siruinhridges. Roads, Culverts, Drain*, Aqueduct* and all encouraging Far above earth, in those regions of light. The rather large one— M., 2 p. m. Both agement of these complaints should the the anti joy. icctieig—a these engross descriptions of work connected with proprietors, stimulating to tlieir cher- under the influence of an trains connect at Portland with traina tor whole time of those who would lie Engineering. Soon will our mission l>e finished below, trembled as though Boston. The Capital Stock competent and Levels for building foundation* promptly furnished. ished desire to satisfy the public wants mak- i».#1,500.010 successful in their treatment and cure, lire inex- by the of shall we tit. was no Biusco in Disputed boundary lines adjusted. 4c., 4c. such a as Soon o’er river I>enth. go; epileptic Still,—there Freight train leaves Portland at 8 a.m.. and re- «»iatrouage, yet the and him to look tho crev- Amount at risk, 115 proprie- motioning through Nov. 1809. estimated, ',16.478 (■( Tiie Pains aud and taken th« Fruit Store tors have felt that it U tar Oommencing O, T HOS. A. Aches, Lassitude and Nervous Hiring former), occupied by long short of what a The swung heavily to an.l fro, the ice, from which be had just drawn his own ALEXANDER, President. Prostration that follow ship Lecitr# J. Hakokk, may Impure Coition, are Wading journal in the commercial and financial and the Secretary. the Barometer te the whole long yards creaking shivering upon eyes. 3HHR Trains will leare Xov. 1868. system. O. SAWYER, center of the .State should and that the en- Passenger daily, Hartford, 7, Do not wait for the consummation be; mast. Bill did a* and beheld u (Sundays as follows: that is sure to fol- the requested, sight excepted) low, do not wait Tor terprise, wealth, the public spirit and the The wind whistled weird souud which tilled him w ith as much as it did Leave Portland for Batli, Augusta and 8kowbegg.n linsightlv Ulcers, for No. 8 ast wilhjishriil, joy J. C. Disabled Lirnhg. fur Loss of Exchange Street, increasing population of Portland demand, and the shrouds amazement. at 100 r.M. CHURCHILL, Beauty c/id tkould among the shrouds hent in- with Keclining-in one corner of Agent, aud Complexion. ! tkrrrfurr -us/uui, such efforts as are Leave 6kou began for Angneta, Bath, Portland, Art prepared to otter to ttie tnd* and as unseen bands of this ice-bound Nta. 4 Iron largo wall to make a wards though heavy footed apartment—her long golden Boston and Lowell at 8 8RA.M. Block, Portland Pier. HO IT MAX r THO VSAX •elected stock ! necessary paper commensurate with OS CAX TESTIFY TO of l“e uieu were ascending them. It was a dark hair falling about her pale face, and the silkeu Freight Train*, Portland and .Skowhcgan daily. dec6 dtf THIS B Y LX IIAT P I i growing importance and commanding posi- B H E.XPMR1MXUE. night, yet not so dark but that we could sec lashes veiling her beautiful eyes, he saw* the crsilMAN,Superintendent■ ! tion of their city. Augusta. Nov., 1868. tf Men troubled with emissions iu Foreign and Domestic Fruit I the which wc were surround- unmistakable of little Lilian. jaul Young sleep x The Business of this city thould demand much lotty icebergs by figure American complaint generally the result of a bad habit iu Wholesale and Exchange Ketail t more space for its than ed, up like spectres the With a few blows of our hatchet we soon y outh, treated aud a advfrUirmritt her ntun- looming through UIIA.1II TKUNH KAILWAY j scientifically, perfect cure war- merchants Wc were tossing about on tiie waters : ranted or uo charge made. Orange, Bprncc Gana, Laaragai j crops sihftuauiitacturers have as yet gloom. claimed FIRE INSURANCE Hardly a day passes hut we are one for its accomm>»lu while the of the Arctic Ocean, and subjected to a heavy- wall. The little girl aud Blusco were taken Of Canada. COMPANY! consulted by L-as-an. Canary Herd, Cassdiea, tion; great va- or more young men w ith the above disease, some and the new- sea of our was a dan- out and in the lioat. We laid back ol Lime.. Lrsaan riety importance of of thedny—For- aud gale wind, position placed up- OF NEW FORK. whom are a« weak and as Ifrnp. Haney, emaciated though they eign and Domestic, Civil and one. We had already to prepare on our oars with all the strength we. possess- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. had the consumption, and tbeir friends Prnnes. Cacaa Vale. Figs. Military—imper- gerous b^gun Capital by supposed atively calls for more attention than the and to hoist our chests on ed, while the mate a flask *£00.000, i to hare it. All .itch cases yield to the and Cllrea. Nuu. all patron- rafts, deck, expect- drawing brandy proper Made. Dales, age nBn On and alter Nor. 9. lu.are Balldiug,. Mcrrhundiar. Uaaoe® ouly correct course of trealuient. and iu a short actually enjoyed by any pajwr in the State every moment that the ship would be stove from his pocket, poured a few drops of the Monday. 1*63, time Ollren. Kai.iaa. would ing traius will run are made to rejoice iu perfect health. Tehaeea, justify bestowing upon it. The the ice. masses were down Lilian's throat. the faint HM555B6 daily. (Sundays except- h*W F'urniinrr, Renta, Lenar*. Ve*. Proprie- by Heavy continually liquor By pul- td; until-ftfrther notice, &i lolloa>.; Hardinee, Cigars. tors of the Press, reposiug trust in the the and sations of her heart he knew that the currents •el* nn the Sloe It*, and ether Per. MIDDLE implicit crushing against bows, thundering AOED MEN. Faary ('nadirs af all deacrlpilaa. good >euse and the of the of Train*. aennl liberality fwople under the counter, causing the vessel to shake of lifo were not yet frozen—that she had I'p Property nl Ine Lan- OOtSdtf Maine, and tlieir to only There are many men at rhe age of 40 or 5U who are willingness sustain all en- stem sauk into that kind of Leave Portland for Bonth Parts at 7.10 a v For and quiver from to stern, aj though cold, stupid doze, from e*t rrtea. ! troubled with too evacuations from the terprises having for their the Island Pond at 1.10 r. m. frequent object promotion of timber was about At w hick there Ls no bladder, oflm a our common every t,o give way. awakening. SAMUEL BROWN, President. I accompanied by slight smarting or weal, hope the day is not for dls burning sensation, and the system in a taut times the concussion would be so violent that The ship was reached at last. The mate as- Down Train*. weakening NEW when they may, with Tull confidence in suc- WILLIAM manner the patient cannot account for.' On exam- FUNERAL all hands would be thrown oil their and cended to the and took the insensible Lexve Island Pond for RAYNOR,Secretar. C^R. cess, make feet, deck, Portland, at * am. ining urinary dep sits a ropv sediment will often be in a Bill Leave South Paris for at EDWARD SHAW, 102 Middle Street. snbscribar most respectlblie leareto la- tumble on top of each other, manner that burden that passed up to him. Portland h.iv a. m. Agent, found, and sometimes small particles of aenp bags •et27 lyeod rmor T11Eform thecitizensol Portland and that THE DAILY was tar from a white he as he descended albumen will appear, or the color will he of a thin vicinity PRESS agreeable. Suddenly “Captain!” exclaimed, ha has been appointed an undertaker, with all the The are not for to milkish hue, again to a dark and turbid of with and the "I have no Company responsible baggage ehanglng legal rights and to or such and generous face, wild, glaring eyes quivering companiou-way, brought you There are privileges bury remora the enlarged proportions that, any amount exceeding Aiil in value, and that per- appearance. many men who die of this dead that the while the us. It was that of the whale, but that 1 think w ill be still Home superintendent has, and is now ready business of our .lial! be better ac- lips appeared among something sonal, unless notice h and paid for at the rate Insurance difficulty, ignorant of tbeeanee. which is the city given, Company. tp attend to that duty in the most careful manner commodated in its captain’s wife. She hail her hand upon her more acceptable!" of cue passenger for every KjuQ additional value. OF NEW CT. SECOND STAGE OF SEMIS AL WB ASSESS, I hare advertising columns, the gen- HAVEN, j a new FUNERAL CAR, such as is used al- eral the husband's arm. as he stood near the tow. The aud his wife C. .1. BRI DGES, Director. I can a news, varied interests and of captain both caught sight Managing warrant perfect cure in such eases, aud a most entirely in Boston. New York, and other enterprises H. BAILEY, ftiil and largo the State, aud the of her “Lilian! Lilian!" she “where is of their child at ouee. and'at the same moment Superintendent. CASH CAPITAL $200,000. healthy restoration of the unnar organa. oities. which I propiae to o.«e at the ftmerala I attend development almost un- ga-ped, Nov. 4,1863. botI Persons who cannot rivalled natural our Lilian ?” child! Lilian!" screamed the I personally consult the Dr., as ondertaker. at the same price that other under- re-ourees, may receive that de- “My My mother, so receive 76 cent, qf net (or can do by writing in a plain manner a takers charge for the hearse, and nothing extra gree of attention commensurate with “Lilian ? Good heavens! what do forward to her iu her arms. per profit, description city tlieir great wife, you rushing clasp SAC DEALERSt co*h discount made in lieu of of tbeir disease, and the remedies will from the old The PORTLAND, O A PORTSMOUTH participation. appropriate price. poor alway* liberally con- importance and their claim* upon public atten- mean? I left her with in the cabin!’’ ; Then her face and be forwarded — you noticing pale drooping Insure* immediately. sideredby JA8. M. I'LKBIKK, tention thus “She is Building4, Merchandise, Household Furni- All correspondence Heaton of making* ilaily pojwr worthy the not there now—I have looked in all I she sauk into a overcome her strictly confidential and sriil _ Bey. Dr. Shelter's Church. head, seat, hy RAILROAD. ♦ ur*-. Kent*. L* a?f**. aud other practical of Incurable Property, be returned if desired. WBnainnntaNo. 7Cmarsi. Stur. regard every business man in Port- the rooms. my child! child H— and stretched forth her or JyYSddm Oh,God! my feelings, arms, faintly against Lotto Damage by Wire. Address. 1>R. j b land, of every commercial i HUGHES, citizen of Maine, and a and tiie mother wrung her hands in WINTER ABM A X O KM D K. HATTER LEE, President. No. 6 of anguish, murmuring: RXT3, " Temple St.,] corner of Portland. every well-wisher to our Charles WiL8ox. Secretary. Middle] vigorous Conimoa- while her white face grew still whiter. “Dead! dead! she is dead! Give me IrW ikuil stamp Tor circular. weaitit. my Commencing Nov. 2d, 1*68. Sam’l L. Taloott,Surveyor. KNIGHT “Wilt! wife!'' exclaimed the captain, half l>oor little dead girl T’ if FROSTj sternly, “Lillian w as with you when I left tiie "No—no! she is not dead!" the □EBBE Passenger Trains will leave the Sta* THE MAINE replied lion. Canal J. W. HUNGER & Produce and Commission STATE cabin: did uot let her mate. “If the measures can street, daily, (.Sundays ex- SON, Agents Eclectic Medical Country PBESS, surely you leave your proper he taken, a* Infirmary. follows ffi« issued weekly, a a can lie cepte«| SO. FORE STREET. Urge quarto, containing side at such time as this!” she restored in a few moments.’' .So l/eave Portland for BoMon. at 8.4& A. m. and 2.30 forty- M TO THE eight columns, convenient for preservation “\res! yes!'-* cried the wife in accents of the saying, he laid her upon the tied, and assisted P. M. I)2" WtHia PoBrLAHD, X#. LADIE8. MERCHANTS, and Leave Boston for binding, is commended to tbc most It is all fault—she is the anxious father in his efforts to restore the Portland at 7.30 A. m. and 2.30 8 HUGHES invites aH Ladles who -DKALMRtIV- confidently piercing grief. my P. M. particular!) Lilian is of her D need n medical adviser, to call at his rooms. No. lost! My little lost! and I am the circulation blood. Leave Portsmouth fer Loral Families «f Portland, at lft.ho a. m. and ( Temple Street, which they will find arranged for Batter, Ena, Beams, IHnlme, causa Iu a few minutes had the p. m. Potatoes, Ac. t” they satisfaction LOO C OAL & WOOD. their especial accommodation. as a paper which will ever be found a Thee© trains will take and leave at ~ lively, rig- “For God’s sake of seeing Lilian open her blue eyes, and of passenger* way —- Tr.TTLr:__ r Dr. H.’s Eclectic Renovating Medfcinesareunriva]- Vo. 2 LIME explain yourself!” gasped •tations. wr ; 8TSEET, Portland, Mo. orous aud welcome visiter in their the her the word “mother." The lod in efficacy and superior virtue in nil liresideeircle*. captain. hearing speak regulating EVlfllT, BOv2dtf W. A PROMT. It has been increased in Freight trains leave Portland and Boston daily. Female Irregularities. Their action Is site a fractional rrr Ikir. “I left her down in the cabin,” faltered the next instant she was pressed to the latter's FRANCIS specifio and CHASE, Superintendent. COAL & WOOD, •ertain of producing relief in n short time. lyprr cent., and is low agonized mother, "and came on deck, a.* I bosom and covered with tears and kisses. Portland, Oct. 30,1%3. oc31 edlf LADIES will find it CHEAP POK CASH, invaluable la all easeeof ob- wanted to speak to you. I thought you were This probably helped nearly as much as the structions alter nil other remedies have been tried la F. M. The in T*1"- It is CARSIEY, Largest the lu the so I there o! tier one rat ion- had BhLlVKREU TO APT PART OF purely vegetable, la Paper State, waist, groped my way and done to restore the cir- THECITT containing nothing and is not exceeded in sue the leant injurious to the health, and may ba by any political paper tried to find Not I started culation of blood for there was a 7 taken w you. seeing you, now deep with at all times. ®uk'*non iter cheek aud * ofthe with Tall the New t ork It fearing long lip. ___ _ BAT El. TON LEHIGH, Senttoany part country direction, quarto*. contains the news of AND the alone. Hut when I reached the cabin The excitement having iu some dezree sub- COLERAINE by addrwaing DR. HUGHES, day by mail and has a again. LEHIGH, No. UPHOLSTERER, telegraph, Liana ■he was not God loilowed. LOi. 1ST (TempleStreet.eorasrof Middle, Portia.* AR.wr there—gone! gone! only sided, explanation MOUNTAIN, Mo. 51 Union Street, CORRESPOSOK.V R, give, full market r*. knows where!” Lilian stated that alter her mother had left JOHN’S, ports, Montreal Ocean Co. H. B—LADIES oonsnlt on# T8 to do all Steamship THE GENUINE LOB BEE Y desiring may of their prepared kind* of CABINET JOB- “Lilian! Lilian! has one seeu Lilian?” her to on she own sex. A A KI LL MARINE any go deck, sho-thought would just lady of experience in corn-taut attend- JL BING in a prompt *nd iitlitiotorf manner. LINT, Fore and aft, from every lip, in ac- bo up to get a little over the rail at Ike CARRYING THE CANADIAN* US Pare aud Free Burning. nnoe. jnnl dAwly ami besides the discussion of the startling peep MAILS. Book and Show Cues mode to order. great living is- cents, the cry went up amid the storm. icebergs. This idea had no sooner entered sues of the day, it will contain a variety of mis- But the loud wind only answered with a into her head than sit# carried it into execu- CUMBERLAND COAL gyFnruitnre Made, Repaired and Taralahod at celuineMUs matter, embracing article* of % Booked to deeper howl. The long yards still creaked tion. In leaning too far over the rail, howev- Passenger! Londonderry, FOR SMITHS' USE. ATLAHTIC 8 HOST NOTICE. upon their rusty rivets. Tiie heavy icebergs er—the shiji to give a lurch at the Portlaad. May *9. 18a. tf Literary, Scientific. Agricultural and Kdu. happened Glasgow and Liverpool. Coals are strictly oftha bast crashed agaiust the hows: aud timbers same time—she lost her balance and was qiality,aid groaned pre- THESEwarranted to gire satiafkntiou. Mutual Insurance rational character. Historical and HI. and shook as they had done before. The ‘■li- cipitated into the water. On rising to the RB TV US TlCkf- TS GRISTED A T RED VCED Company PLeal 31 Wall St. .(cor. of William)?Sew Estate, ographtcal Welches. Sketches ol very accents of Lilian’s voice eame not to our surface she felt herself seized hy the neck of RATER. Also, forsale, best of Nora Soolia York, qaality aid other Travel, Notices ears, and we felt as if it wa« hushed forever. the dress, and the next moment w&- dragged January 37th, 1343. INVESTMENTS ! of>New Dis- But the wailing tgnes of the poor mother, and safely on to a large cake of ice. Then she m m. TliesteamsblrHIBKRNIAX, Capt. Hard aud Hon Wood. coveries, Inventions, *c. 1 ,tALLA N wUi #aiI from this polt Insurance »gain«t Marine and In- the shouts of the father—both of that her deliverer was out eiiici m muni unu — despairing | perceived noble*Blusco. hi bibb i — **, Tp ir gfor Liverpool, on SATl'RDAY. .Jan, laud Navigation Rieka. Talcsand Poetry original and selected will whom could not bcar'fo their She 00.50 .. CHEAP give up child- felt terribly Irightencd and clung close to BKaHaaoSBl-H*I, immediately after the arrival of CO.\f.5fO.50 receive proper attention. continued after our own voices had the tb»* Tram of the from M HOUSES, at price, from *1000to *5000. long 8be remembered that were previous day Montreal. Che-tunt Coal—Prime lot delivered lor '. Both —the — dog. they 19.50 per ton Asset*, over Seven Million Dollars. wo HOUSE at papers Buily and the ceased. Parang* to Londonderry, Glasgow and LOTS, prioeafrom 88Wlto 83009. Weekly Then we—rough-hearted, childless half shut in by three wails of ice, which part- Liverpool VIZ:— 1.000.080 feet of will be largely demoted, as to the dis- —Cabin according to accommodation! 966 to #80; Commercial head Maine FLATS. heretofore, men we our own i the waves from iu Office, St., of Wh'J United 1.000. 000 feet o» LAND. cussion of the though were—forgetting ly prevented dashiug upon Steerage, B30. Payable in gold or its equivalent. States and State of New York great principles which underlie 1STOHK LOTS on our free danger, gathered about the afflicted pair, and them. Suddenly the cake upon w hich I 1 or Frei n of age; yet- the earnest glance of her were iu In this 1 •7,130.784 64 1, prepared to fUrnbh years thongh they prison. position THE STEAMERS DELIVERED To ANY PART OP THE CITT, he attention of the nation by the crisis large blue eves would go straight to our heart- she remained a and AT SHORT NOTICE. |^*The whole Profits ol the revert t through long time, praying hug- I Company STEAM KMOIMBS and which our institutions aud our and make us feel kiud aud toward each the tho B0ILEBS, constitutional good ging dog by turns, until at last Foreat Our Coal is of the vory BEST and war- asscbbd, and are divided asxuallt, the Oovertmient arc now feeling City, Lewuton and Montreal qaality, upon of rarton, ,tree and imseing, the P-rss will ut- other. To utter an oath when she was near cold aud she to drow- ranted to giro satisfaction. Premiums terminated pattern*, benumbed, began grow dnriugthe year, and for which ter no equivocal voice and ocenpy no doubtful would have seemed like Like a aud fell into a doze. Had her rescue Wlit, until further notice, ran a. FOR sacrilege. sy from -ALSO. SALT.- Certificate rare i.sued, mkakixo until re- Stan aid Bill position. The of those _ iXTMnar, emancipation held in 111.. l.l_A __t.I-a .1 J i:_. follow,: Fife Ritim, tieariiK, Shaftii^. Fifltp,i<, tins situation been n few minutes deemed. bonds before tlie — delayed Loavo Atlantic Wharf, Portland, All Kinds of Hard and Soil Wood. ; rebellion tlie death of slavery Influence about her. we Li«ht Hop** Wona of all and all heavenly longer, would never iu all have evary description*, that and the Nation may live — probability Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and kind, of work in Liberty will find is at, o required building Strong—oh! strong the power of iunocent ! succeeded in her to life. As it was, i Friday, clock P. M., and ludia Wharf, Boston, Jan. 27th, 40 ct. the Paces neither nor reserved in its bringing The Public are invited to give us a cal), as we are Dividend 1863, per FoBTurieaTiona. j hesitating childhood over n sitilul heart! a ere orery Monday. Tuesday. Wednesdav, and aud long timejelapsed the natural freedom of Thur«day bound to xal is fact ion to all who favor u» sdTocac) Friday-, at 5 o'clock I'. M. give with Tbe Profit, of the Company, ascertained IroaStai re and other Architertaral Work. support. It was while we thus stood, clustered near circulation could be to their custom. ✓ In a word, tbc Pares will stand the restored one of her F are in Cabin. *1 M from I he 1st of Jnlv, 1942.' to the 1st of by gov- " Honne*. and ernment uwler the binnacle, offering what little consolation ai ms. on Deck. l.’n January, 1862. for which Certificates Stores, other building*, Itted with all contingencies, aud defend OFFICE NO. 49 COMMERCIAL STREET. tit* and Steam in the beat manner. and we could to the captain aud his wile, that one : Many were the praises lavished on Uluseo Freight taken as usual. were issued, amount to *12,753,780 support those who labor to maintain its in- The are not from oi the erevr—-an old tar the name of for his noble Company responsible for barzai* to rasdall Additional 1st Januarr, 1862, to 1st tegrity and honor: and it will be, as it has been ship's by conduct, aud although he -liakes amount * McAllister In connection with the above I* an Iran Bill any exceeding *j»in value, and that person- January, 1868, 1,T«0,UOO Foundry, heretofore, the foe of ail rebels Butler—came towards us, holding a few | Ids head and turns his broad nose w hen al, unless notice Is and with n large aasortment of Pattern,, to which tho uncompromising up yiven paid lor at the rate of _»«*> lj_ _ little torn shreds attention of Machinixte Mil In aud rebel s> mpathiiers, without to their of cloth in Id- hand. any person -peak- to him about It, aa much one pas.eaaer for erery f Son additions I value. Total profit, for 204 years, right,.,nd Rhip-Build- respect 814,498,730 er, i, invited -and all kind* ol or •‘I found these ere on a hook on a- to it's F*VU,ltM. dtf L. Wood. The Certificates previous lb 1961, bars Casting* furnished locality position. hanging say "pshaw, nothing"—still we be- BILLINGS, Agent. Cheap at short notice. In the outside of the been redeemed by cash, the political campaign to he before bulwark," said Bill in a lieve that iu his heart he is proud of his ex- of 10,273,580 fought •4 CORDS Spruse Slab*, part of which j Reorder, for Machine Jobbing, Patten* and the close of the year l'>tM,’the hum will be found mournful voice. ploit / arc wi ll seasoned and the remainder Poitlitnd and New Vork Steamer* s. Forgings, promptly exeeated. se3 acting with loyal l nion men. of an- "It is of Lilian's shrieked the partly so, which will be sold at reduced for a irrespective part dres«," prices jrusTre tecedents, and alt voice. abort time, to clear the wharf, to b* occupied for i John I>. Jones, A. IMIllot. Jus. Galllard, Jr opposing di-Ioyal men, on captain’s SEMIWEEKLY matter from LINK. Other purposes. Also, hard wood of difltoreul kinds, i Charles Dennis, Leroy M. Wiley, J, Uenr Bargy, Removal. what stock they may have descended. The captain buried his face la ids hands Mason & Hamlin’s oak W. slabs, edgings, Ac. Applv to II. II. Moore, lfan'l S. Miller, CorueiiusGrlnuell Its course for the last year and a half may be with a snd we » The splendid ind fa*t Steamship, groan, looked alone and anoth- WM 11. WALKKR, Tho.. Tileslou, H.T. Nicoll. ( A. Hand. takeu as an "IQCTsTPOINT," (’apt.. indication of what it proiwses for the er in sad silence. There could no be CABINET Willett, decitf Berlin Wharf, opposite Sugar Hour*. Henry Colt, Josh’a J.Henry,Watts Sherman. BYAM, CARLTON A C0„ Allure. longer ORGANS.; "POTOMAt1,’* Captain Shir- W.C. any doubt about the matter. Lilian Imd ial- Pickersgill, Geo G.Hob.ou, E. F.. Morgan i Ki'JHSflHawtwip, will,until fmther notice, ran Lewis David B. ANCFACTCRKKS OF FRICTION rnUK •mtocriU r. with (he (rwat aa follow*: Curtis, lam,-, ,1. llowland, 1UWf leu overboard. beta/tiapr«o»l II. M ATCBKS, hare removed from Csioi »t. A excellence of !he*c Instruments, aud their ; Chs*. Russell, James Brvce. The adap- Leave Brown* Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES- JT. L. WINSLOW' Beuj. Babcock, to their large TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. few remaining hours of the wore taiioD either for sm*11 or Agent' Lowell Holbrook, building recently erected. night churches, vevtrvs. parlors, j DAY. and SATC KDAV, at 4 P. M. and leave Pier Wm.Sturgis,Jr.. (IrtcherWestMy, The subsided. as th* m tor »aic to the citizens of Portland KAVUrACTirftBft V9 P A. Hargout, II K. Bpgeit, R lt away. gale Miraculously, j and 9 North River, New Y'ork. every WEDNESDAY Mlttnrn.Jr., nos. Meyer t.ain, A. A, Low. G W Burubam 92.94, 9o, 90 and 102 friend8t. it seemed to us. the ship had vicinity. ind SATURDAY', at 3 o'clock, I*. If. DAILY PRESS. escaped being t in; manufacturer? have the written Rovall'bflp., Win E. Dodge, Fred. Being the and oldest stove; and as the sea tentimnny ol These ve**el* are fitted up with fine accommodations Chauncey largest manufacturers of Fric- had gone down with the over a hundred of the Caleb Barstow, lb-uni. Matches war bc*t OrgauiM* and Musicfaus, for this Steam Perkin., James I.ow. tion iu this country, dealers, tea Slagle copy. tear.77.00 was passengers, making the next speedy, safe and Engines,Steam Boilers, shippers, gale, ttiere now no more Over- both and native. t«i the effect that JOHN D. JONES, President. and can For advance danger. foreign they are iomfortable route for traveller* between New York captains oonsamers, always rely on a good strictly payments, a discount ot out whelmed with it bis to superior to any Ju»liumcuN of the kiud tliat ind CHARLES DENNIS, View President article, and the match that has dollar It allowed if wilhiu six grief, yet feeling duly they Maine. Passage *7,00, including E are and Stats in itiit mcuniM n only withstood the paid months il/ly hate ever seen. the testimonial* of as lACHinti, W. H. H. 2d Vice Pres't. test of in climate. cent try and console his wife, the descend- Among -tich Room*. MOORE, years every discounted Price tor three or six moot h,' are captain aud is ______on Thalberg. Morgan /uudel, the following from Good* forwarded this line to and M>m StMa Co«k<, Vnlren, i *.* Always hand and packed at short aotioe ratt*. ed into the cabin, leaving Ibe management of Cottsehalk: by Montreal, Pljwitod Connection., Whole, fhr i>n!e or KeUll. rr^n'!tc«tiufi»rorwaM.> P0LIC1I shipment, Card, Block, Parlor or Water-Proof, the affairs in the hands of the mate. Mason ®*n*or' A«I“»t*. Eaatport and St. slap’s & HanlivI congratulate j DUn**' procured by wiped and Paper Box, and the celebrated By am WEEKLY on ibe introduction PRESS. the steward came on deck. lie you of a new Musical Instra- are to STEAM AND GAS Matches. Presently 1 Shippers requested send their to tl.a FITTING. uibLt, long wanted, and sure tv find its into freight JOH.\ W. Slagle rapy, aae year, wished to know if of the hands had seen way iteamer* a* 3 P. on CADTION. lavarlaMy any hntuchold of asearly M„ the day that thsp Done In HUNGER, la ads a are every tacte and refinement that can i •av* Portland. the beet Benner. In consequence of the high reputation oar Match- .**.O0 Biusco that morning. This was the name of afford it* moderate Your es have numbers ot * •» umutha. 1.00 possibly expense. CaMnei 1 ft or freight or passage fo obtained, persons are telling aa a apply WorknO Union St., and 383 *386 St. i No. 166 Fore St., head of Wharf. Ta rlaha af fear ar large Newfoundland dog, which had been a Oryan is truly a charming instrument, worthy of ! EMMtY ft fore Long article of inferior quality, aud even hose raoavJt to aaarr. nil to the POX. Brown's Wharf. Portland. same the high it has aud far ! use our trade marks, iu order to a. poet office. each... 1.74 great favorite with Lilian, and she had taken praise received, superior to II. B. CROMWELL ft No. I nH.ltf roSTLAK D M K. oid auy occur- of it* CO., 86 WeutStreat, Maine Ta rlabe af lea ar everything class 1 have seen. 1 take pleasure ! sew rork. Portland, rence of the kind hereafter, all of oor matches will aaare. all to the especial delight in feeding him. The had in f*b& me pcGtuuA w6t£4 aame each dog commending it most heartily as every where wor- j Dee. 6.1831. have printed on the wrappers, Manufactured by post office, St.40 fond of d|f And a grown extremely his young mistress, thy a place beside the Piano Forte, to which it is a BY AM. CARLTON a CO.” free :opy to the gett.r up of the club. line I PALMER’S n! and would show his attachment in many ways ; complement, from its capacity for rendering 1XTRHXAL TAXKS- lht largest Revenue Tax much 1 Made peculiar to his kind. Now that the darling delightfhl music, sacred, secular, classic and J. W. SIKES, from the pure Balsams of Ferment. paid by any manufacturer of matches in New Eng- Notwithstanding the great increase of sire in j popular, to which the Piano is not adapted." land is paid by Bi am. Carleton a Co., of the was the had ordeied the steward , r artificial Boston, Weekly edition of tlie Pit is., to 30 iwr lost, captain G OTIS Puit haser lor Enslrri Account leg> and more then ail others equal _, ,T CHALK. N. H. Downs's they pay oombiaod. to Biusco to them— > New 22d Vegetable Balsamic Elixir. cent., no addition i. made to the suliecriiilion bring thinking that the York. bcpt.,1363. o» j Them* \ Patronized ^imminent. \ standard old Cough I.evkhv, made ■ At wholesale in Portland by N .L P 0 JUNTO N. but in of the of him afford a conso- Instruments may he found at the Music l»y For# price; consequence increased ex- sight might melancholy LOUR. GRAIN, SEEDS. 11UIShouest,to Vermont, has been nad with entire success for tS7 street, lation to his Rooms of the subscriber, where they will be sold at PROVISIONS, I.ARD. jiense, and the high rates of nearly all articles wile. Having searched the cabin BUTTER and WESTERN PRODUCE thirtv-thr& It is warranted as usual for ! Boetoa, Nov.S. IMS aovlIdSm the manufacturers' prices. nr»HI8 world-renowned Invention which recoil cd year*. used iu the manufacture of u without able to find the ani- Coughs, Colds, nemer, we shall through being generally. A the "Great Pri2e Medal'' at the World'* IFh-mpinu Cough, Croup, Asthma, Lair, is and all die rase* q,r the Chest and be obliged to adhere to the above mal. the steward came on at we have If. S. Particular attention riven to hr s- the ok reliable Artificial Throat, Lungs, j rigidly terms; deck, j EDWARDS, -hipping quickest regarded Ip i>*g now and all diseases to not ■ tending Consumption. Advertisements, objectionable in charac- said, to if he had been noticed No. 849 1-3 Stew ait's Block, Congress St ind cheapest routes. No. 153 80U I'll WATER ST. wade. It i> worn by upward* of six thousand J. A. DAVIS St C inquire by any ; deef, dtf per- We have testimonial* from uiany of the bent O., ter, voilirited Ibr the of tile hands. son-*, embracing all cla**?-. ago* and It * physi- j Ihtily Legal notice*, and We all answered In the nega- P.O.Box 171. Illinois. profesniou*. oiwns and gontletuon of among w hom we Chit-ngo, i* too well kuovtii to require extruded ! standing, [ a liniitei nmaber of liusines- tive. None of us had seen the description.as mention the Hon. Paul Dillingham. Lieut. (>ov. ot advertisements, dog since the j Dli. JOHN C. all information concerning it 1* embraced in the de- will be inserted in the lUOTT. i Vermont; Hon. Bate* Turner, late of the Su- Commission Merchants. Weekly. the was ran- KurntKM ue Messrs. Marnard ft Son*: R.ft W e which is sent free to all 1 Judge j previous night. Thereupon ship scripti\ pamphlet, who ap- preme Court of Vermont: Dr. J. B. Uhlckering; C. II. Cunuuiugr ft Co.: S.G howdlear Woodward, For the purchase of X. A. FOSTER A Co., PaorairrOBa. sacked fore aud aft for the animal; & i Brigade Surgeon U. 8. missing [Physician Burgeon, ft Co.; Charles A. Stone: ilalletl. Davie ft |to.. of t3P*SOLDIEltS of all the Xkw England Rtitm Army. Pobtxa.vo, Jan, I, lbt*4. and although we searched in every nook and i * ILJOURT STRKET.corner of Boston. F. HUN Howard, Boston, Mass. Cashlrr Elliot Bank. Boston. J.N. snm.lied without charge Very large number* of JOHN Hr ft CO., Proprietor,, GRAIN A corner, lie was not to be found. Of I is consulted from 10 until and from Bacon. ut 1 Successors to FLOUR, PROVISIONS daily 2, 0 Eiie, rrtv-idt Newton Bank. Newton. C. soldier* are beiugsupplied at the Boston House, 19 N. U Downs, 8 the on all W Weekly pa per in the State While we were all what to in evening, diseases of the Urinary t B. Collin; Warren Ellis ft Sons, New York City Greta street. to PALMER A Watkkuuuy, Vt. FOR EASTERN rrceicing wondering had be- Apply CO., MARKETS. a marked the j and Genital Organs, scrofulous Affections. Humors ! JyS '68 octli* w&stf W* Price 35 cents, GO cents, and HI bottle. ropy if/ abort proe/teetus, that trill come of him, the man at the musl-liead dly. Boston. Mas*. per sung of all kind*, bores, i leers and Eruptions, Female | II. H. Hay and J. VT. Perkins A Co., Portland, j 220 West Water St., Xilwaukee, Wii publish so much at they find not erased, three out that there were whales astern. The mate Ac. An of over Me.,wLolcsale for Maine. Complaints, *xt*>rience twenty j agents novl9 dAwDQw* j insertions, directing attention to the same edito- ordered the boats to be ext* naive enables Dr. M. to cure ail 84 South 111 Instantly lowered, and yean’ practice JOHN F. SHE HR Water 8t., Chicago, rially,and smiling a marked to the moet difficult eases. Medicine?* Tj BIG THING copy thisoffire before we had time to divest ourselves entirely vegeta- ON ICE! shall be entitled to an ectn scarcely ble. Advice Fbkk. aaptZI dCm exchange with the Dai- of the idea that we were stiff lor Hair Cutter and PRINTERS looking the Mrs. M., who is thoroughly vowed iu the afflictive Wig naker, | Sr BINDERS' ly /‘res*,for one yeai. we were swiftly in the wake of maladies of the ecu be < ouMiilod dog, paddling i*ex, by ladies. No. 13 Market Square,Port' 'nd,(up stair*.) Patent Scotch a great lat bow-head. The whale made Patients fur niched with board and experienced Bailey’s Creepers W Canvas, straight aursos. KP*S**par»tv room for Ladies' aud Children's Hair arehouae, for a field of ice the aud went 1*2—i;\rliaii|t«‘ SlriTl—f‘2 XT- in distance, down Boston. Catting. -FOX SAIsI April 28.1*63 eodl? dec2£» cod if 29 and 31 Gold Street JOHN CROCKETT & when he had got in the midst of it. ,Wc fol- A good *tock of wrist, Half-Wig®, Band*, Braid*, NEW TORE. CO., lowed him Car!*, Fri/etU, l*ad>, Roll?, Crimping Board?, Ac., ♦ A —Dax Lana A— almost to the spot where he hud Ma.tufaotokim—0» Broome, Shrrif t Columbia JAMES T. PATTEN CO., bo., constantly on hand. Jo22'0S d ly He. disappeared, aud then lay motionless and si- Book Card & Fanov liiMolvrm-y Aollcc, tts A Y., aid on Foundry at., Boaton.ifasa. Balk, j l«w»R lecogd Hand Farallnre, Printing NOTICE!* sh eu that the edat» lent, waiting for the next mas- hereby H K sulwcrilorH nmmfoctore * rising. Large of Edward B. late of in th- r|1 ,Nin*le and Doubl, BOLTS Superior Bleached) -ABB- ses of in RF.AIXT EXECUTED FJBLfC Jack, Westbrook, X and iee, flashing gloriously tbe rays SIVYER & Cylinder 300 do All dax "Uov-1 .. early GASCOYNE, couuty of Cumberland. deceased, been repe Type-Hevolvinu Lung worka of sun and moulded having eminent the into a thousand differ- r*'*i nted to the of Probate an insolvent aud contract," FURNISHING GOODS. AT TKF (Iciienil Commivainn Judge J Arbroath. ent surrounded our OFFICE OF TMF PRESS Xlcrtliuuls, insuiticieut to all the dtbts which iaid de- PKfWHii S00 do Extra All Long tax | shapes, little craft on every just MACUliVCS, • • pay SOU do Navy Fine 139 te 130 Exchange Street, land, flouting by with majestic anil -fok the rritcHAaE or- ceased owed, tlie undersigned have been appointed ) slowness, with full to receive and Bed and Platen Book A Job Printing Presses, Delivered la Portland or Boatoa. may 11 dtf now then each Freedom Police. Commissioner:*, power ex- and# crashiug against uther amine all the claims of the -over*! creditors to -aid (Adams* Patent,) is to I FLOUR, GRAIN A PROVISIONS. Bath. April SO. IMS aoMdtf with a force Hint caused some of iliem to be fflHIS certify that have given to my son estate. Sx mouth* from the fifteenth of Hand ted Card Presses, Presses with ~~ j J. Thomas S. Si ms, hi* time tv transact September, Hydraulic rent asunder. Strange, beautiful monument', butdm** FOR EASTERN A. I>. 1863, are allowed to said creditor* for bringing wrought-iron Standing Presses of various L7f rntiiKEE, and act fog hiiu.-eif, and that I claim none of his MARKETS.! in cylinders. are these fashioned the hand their claim* and ing their debts. The Com- kind*, Chases. Furniture, Cases, Stands, Bras* by of nature— and »hsll no debts ol his prov Kule, earuings, pay coutractiug. luixdom-re will meet at the office of the Coiu- Sticks, aud article connected with Bushels monuments of the frozen mariners that HUGH 53 MASOS ud IN NAIV STRUTS, County Composing every "is,000 PATTERN A MODEL MAKER, sleep W.HIMb. niist.iouera.iu Portland, front 2 to d o’clock p.” w. of the f.rts or and Witness—Geo. H. IUko, Letter-pros,Copperplate Lithograph- below. MILWAUKEE.Wisconai*. the second and la-t {Saturday of the following ic aud Electro- and Jan d2w Printing, Bookbinding, Stereotyping Machinist Millwright, it old Bill Portland, 1,18*i4. janl9 mouths, \iz: October, November, December, 1^*4531, on hand or tarnished at short notice. “There goes again,” -aid Butler t X. aiVTK*. w. n. D. OAOCOTVB. typing, always BEST and January, A. D. 1**14, and in the afternoon of the A new cuts and QUALITY BARLEY S3 l uioii Portland. in a whisper. Cuta/oj/ne.containing descriptions No. Street, loth day of February, and loth day of March; 1*84, ot many new Machines not before shown in their WANTED BY F. JONES. “What?” asked the mate. Mew iHolmiefi. mission fo- -Refer by pi for the purpose of'receiving and examining the book, with directions for up, working. Ac., altentloa to all kinds of Wood Work 04 HI1HS. New Molasses. Bark ftt. Leetrr M. Durand A Co., J. A. Benedict putting MOSES Special given “That barking noise,’’'replied Bill; “Ive Clayed jM?r Sexton,.). claim- of creditors of said estate and other useful information, is now iu press, and MORRILL, Agent, In lua line, iocladlug Hatters'. Printers'. Surgeons’, tJ4* Jago, from Hataua, now and for sale A 0o., Wiecoiipiu Insurance Co. Mi hra* been ever since we left landing Bank, hot; I11RAM 11. DOW, when completed will be seat to any of the craft who and miscellaneous hearing it the ship, by BROTHER** W. K. ow 804 Shoe Makers', Artists', general CHASE, CO., Muir. /Jetroit, John Porteou*, Portland. REUBEN HIGGINS. J' will furnish their address. K. HOE A CO.. FORE STREET, fobbing Or all classes of Patter* tad Machine ilr.” > I JMH Iw Vb$rf. Janldim work Wldg*rjr’» W4)dUw*wlmcbl6 *«v9 dttw Mew York tad Bostos, Mast Ofbepa POUT LAND, MB ■orW tatawftoow