PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME III. FRIDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1864. WHOLE NO. 400 ! him. Ho PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, threw a bridle over his head and a saddle WANTS....LOST. MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, upon his bark, ile then mounted and ! _HOTELS. BUSINESS CA11DS. LEGAL & rode mile? to OFFICIAL. II published at No. 8a* EXCHANGE STREET, by thirty his home in Shrewsbury. He likes Clerk Wanted. N. A. FOSTER to tell of this now, and he often say*. Help Hie Mick and Wounded. rwmcaiiu heavers & CO. j /\NE that has experience in the apothecary bu*i- MOUNT CUTLER HOUSE. Proposals for Ice. “People talk about brrrikln;/ colts, and they V" new. Apply at 16? Middle street. The subscriber j hr.ving purchased the I* leather color, drabs, pur; las, ,“<’Rvrrr.R's do Portland, Dec. JK>. janl dtf Mount Cutler House, at Hiram and ornci, | Thu Portland Dailt Pum-kIs break them in constitution and in I TH E CHRISTIAN Bridge, Ac D. published at »7.00 spirit, COMMISSION now will Ac at Washington, c„ j»b„ jggJ if in refurninbiug. open theiame to the } per year; paid strictly advance, a discount of but horses 'houidu't be should now organized, f>o that it can reach the W PROPOSALS will 1.00 will be broken—they ! fully ,■ public January 1,1804. __C. ROBINSON A f'O.'s. he retched.. ,ni. • made. soldiers iu all of the 8KALEDoffice until lie Iralneit." To Merchant*. IS part? army with store* and _jji W. G.SPRINO. W'u>x1!*Dat, the loth day Single copies three cents. aud instruction. Deo. ary. MM at lio clock MAN of religious reading irara, 5,1SG3. deo9-dtjanl VELVEIS, M.,rer ainh business talents would like a situation Its ala within tornlshlutoiA'1^' Tub M State Press Is published every Thurs- \\ lieu the war commenced in hun- object is the spiritual and temporal welfare of gCOTCIi the followiur eighteen A iu some mercantile hii?innvs as. Salesman or the soldiers Departments,'"until iheYt day morning,*! C2.(K) per annum, iu advance; *2.26 and sailors. It distribute* its stores bv for Ladles' Cloaks, of January, 1864, with a (lreu and his business Book-keeper, where there is a proepec* of becoming mean? supply o|“55, II' within nix months; and if be twelve, Morgan gave up of Christian men, who go v.Rhout pay and imRNATIONAL Jtov ler! paid »2.W, payment partner or proprietor. Address J.A.T., box 679. HOUSE, a!* delayed beyond tin year. in and went give person&lhr to those who need, of tht Shrewsbury to the town of ulna Portland. accompanying Junction of Con and W. Eaat, He.dqo.rtet. at Ktw 1 each distribution by words of religious counsel and Exchange, great Line __C. ROBINSON A CO.'S. ^jepariment in Linaoln P. 8. Buould like to talk with at their and New Portland. Rotes of county in (lie District of Maine, any party cheer, by such personal attention as may bo Stt.,opposite City Hall, °r ll,e 8“*<I«ofc«». Advertising: convenient time. dec30 dtf needed. This new and centrally located Hotel is AND FUR BEAVERS. Headquarter. at One inch of space in of constitutes where lie an office and Law First in all its nuiEStS? length column, opened practised The main object of the Commission is the religious appointments, and one grAN(.LEI) Middle Department, n '•BSIDAUE." the nin.-t h Headqttartera at BaJtfmore witli success until the hundred welfare of the soldiers, but they find that best --of .rae-iike houses in New Eng- In black,brown, drab, °‘ 'VM‘*r" til .26 per square daily first week: 76 cents week year eighteen they land. moderate, Vif*‘»ta« Headquarters at per succeed iu this by first ministering to the Charges Ac., Ac., at CumKrtaEd after: three insertions or 81.00; eve- and when bodily nova 3m lea#, continuing eighteen, ho commenced building a wauls, and then pointing to Christ. O. C. ROLLINS, Proprietor. °f ry other day after first 60 cent#. FOR SALE & TO LET. C. W. ROBINSON A CO.'S. WMhi0*t0»- at week, At the prcsoift time the Commission are all ne.dqu.rt.ra ilalf square, throe insertion# or 76 one steamboat which lie intended to set afloat with doing m'SEfiS? lose, cents; in their power to aid our soldiers who ar» in week, $1.00; 60 cent# week aftet. starving TIIE AM ERICA A Kary’t at per ! His own for the benefit of the theprisonsin Richmond, hud for this need GERMAN TRICOTS, l^epur.meutofSt, Headquarter. Point Under head ol Amupkmknt*. 82 00 improvements purpose HOUSE, per square per Counting Room to Let. large sums of money. JJLACK week; three insertion# or and to-lhe increase of his less, 91,50. world, own Funds are much to .... Castor ■»*Caroiiaa,He*. private ROOM over No. 99 Commercial fit. needed procure religious read- an over Street Beavers, Special Notices, 81.75 square first week, and Bo*ton, q.W«,'i'i2&te“< per fortune. He a deal of his Thomas to let. to ing such special stores as are not gi, on. We be- [H Doeskins, the •1,00 per square after; three insertion-* or lea#, 81.25; j spent good money COUNTINGBlock, Apply South, Headquarter, at Hilton N. J. lieve all stores entrusted to us will be dis- -78- Broadcloths, H^rt-ontof half a square, three intertions, 81.00; one in this affair MILLER. faithfully week, and failed. He went to the town tributed. An i such other k. •1.26. mohlldtf Over 92 Commercial Street. The Largc.t and Rest Hotel Extra fine and heavy goods, Hospital. a. m»,7 b* For further in formation.directions and documents Arranged uoontlie Texa- coast, pat.blUh<«l Advertisements inserted in the Maine 8tate of Brunswick in Maine: built another steam- at at addressUknky 11. BUKUKa«,bO Commercial IN NEW ENGLAND. great bargains, *iU ** m*<1' Pek## (which has a circulation in | street, uecotding to th* large every part of boat there; and failed, in Portland. W ROBINSON A CO.'S. fomT’0’*1* following the for 60 oents in addition to again eighteen To Let. _C. State] per square the Money may be sent to Cyrus 76 LEWIS above rates, for each or in over Sturdivant, RICE, Proprietor. PROPOSAL FOR ICS. insertion. hundred and nineteen he came to Portland XjlOUR OFFICES, single suites, Stores Commercial street. Portland, and Legal F Nos. store? to any mem- ocI6 Notices at usual rates. 152 and 154 Exchange street, opposite the ber of the Committee. ly without Army T» « (k*sid*»c* axi) pats Transient advertisements must be for in ad- money and worked iu different ways International House. on the to Tho paid Apply premises Where more convenient, stores and Received every undersigned proposes io furnish vanoe oc2 dtf T. 8. HATCH. money may be day J dully or oth- to get his living until Winter came on when sent to (iEouii* II. Stuart, Esq., 13 Bank atreot, PARKS HOt'SB. erwn«, 'as determined by the Medical Dlrreor Superior garments and low prices at best qualitjof Ice to such tyAllcommunications intended for the paper lie went back to Philadelphia hospitals in the should be directed to Brunswick and a vil- The member? of the • uient aud in Ik’part! the Editor of the Press, and taught Commission are— C. W. ROBINSON A CO.'S, of-, Rnch(iuantiti«v!i as th« MmIimI those of a business to To he Let. H When yoa vi»it to the Director of this character the Publishers. lage school. In the next lie came to George Stuart, Esq., Philadelphia, Boston, go PAKKS Department may order, at the follow- in year Rev. Kollin II. HOUSE, Corner of and Preble Streets, ,n* hmidrvd Bumynes Notices, reading columns, 12 cents No. 69, reaideuce on Neal®, 1). D., Boston, Congress per poiu<J«, tamely: an H£USK adjoining my The ice to per line for one insertion. No less than Portland, opened office, and commenced to State street. Charles Demond, Eaq., declotf be nbjNi to the of ohargv fifty Boston, (Norfolk in approval the Sure ton cent# for each insertion. Rev. R. 8. Janes, I>. New Avenue,1187 Washington St., charge of each hospital. practise Law. He has been here ever since W. H. STEPHENSON. Bishop D., York, will v Rev. Jainos Eel D. It has recently been enlarged. Ton will And correct amount delivered. receipt"?!?! Printing o 1 executed doc 12 dtf Is, D., Brooklyn, good every description then. Mitchell M. rooms a:id a quiet hotue for ladies aud l’a}tn«nt to be ma le with dispatch. Miller, Esq., Washington, gentlemen, The Model Cook ! up^n dunlicate bills r*rtiHa.i John P. F*u or the business man. and reasonable. to hy the Medical F. Traveling He the first Church of Crozcr, Philadelphia, prices DirectSr of Tracy, Agent. joined Universalists For Sale or to Let. Jay Cooke, Em., JOHN A. PARKS, Agent, A* a guaranty of the faithAil Philadelphia, above performance of Ihe ever established in this uud Rev. M. L. K. F. Formerly of the Marlboro' Betel. agreement, ph»u!d the contract *A city for many CLIFF 20 Thompson, Ctnsinnati. Proprietor U'm .rHi COTTAGF., containing over Col.Clinton B. Fisk, 8t. Bouton. Nov. 6. 1803. liovT dW«Slcw3m me, I will enter into bawd,in into stable and sheds -situated two Lirafe, also uSim •f*£Sft<'? years paid liberally their treasury; but rooms,large John V. ap{N<nd to the enclosed form of and oue-half miles from Portland, and the Farwejl) Esq,, Chicago.
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