. : . ! . ! , ! ! : ; ; ; ! Volume xii LOUISVILLE, KENTUCIvV. MONDAY. APRIL 21, 1856 NUMBER 236 MANUFACTURES FOR SALE &. RENT MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS BOOKS & MUSIC R. BICCS &. CO., For Rent. Fgits on&l* White Stella Scarfs. i^LORA’.S dictionary, by MRS. MANCfACTCRFRB OF ONE large AND VERY WISH TO OBTAIN INFORM A- iller tabu, I Wirfr; new editicn. Ssdes’ Koran, with notes. & corner of Coopers Nosels. 33 roU. Irsinf, Is sols. Leich Hun', commodious three-story Brick Honse, on the dsin^bter I tion of mj CATHSRINK, who, lome M Fourth and Market ptreotSs received this morn* 4 vols. Charles Lsmh, f toIs- Mrs. Oilman’s Rec^- eist Side of Fifth ttre^t, near Msin—formerly twenty jeore oco, married a man hy the name of New- iag a food aaiortment of LlGIlTAIACi RODS, M white Stella Scarfi, very rich lections rf a Scnthem Matron, fcc- O’Doterty Pa- occupied as the Merchants’ Rxchange ; will he rented OF THI BB8T man Jackion, in tbediatenf Tenne?»e«. Her proitor- and beautiful. LadUs are n^pectfuUy invited to call pers. Hebrew Bible. List’. National of FoliU- (JCALITY AND LATldT NTYLB, on faTtirable terms. Apply to 8y,(em (opiH>sito the Park), Mew Tort. tion of the eaiate of her father, James Head, is ready and esamiue them before mahiof their purchaees elaa* cal Kconowy. Rdith Hale. Wild Western Srwnes, aplhds TUUo. Ci/L£MAN,atMerchants’Hotel. fcr her If apidicatten be mode by her t>eraon. Wholesale Retail. ia mLLRK & TABB. new edition. Wolfsden. De tjuincry’s Wri'inps, I* and UAKY U£AD Apis Comer Fourth and 31 frket atreetfl. sols, rot ms by Bliaaheth B. Brownlnc. Mrs. Ciireen Bbhton, Marshall county, Ky. Norton’s .fountain CiirlM. $700—For Sale. apl6dtf&w(im PMms. Kosiiln’s Bcsen Lamps of Arohiteetare. lso—BRASS founders and EUory o| Vermont. DomeBtlc Dry Gtoods. Thackeray’s Ballads. Bnhsb Poets, 66 r„ls.. faU rno- A Ficisbei^ and matinfaetarers | t>9 do, ia advanee - CM A of all kinds of rocco, flit. LOTd 5 AND 6, BLOCK 22, IN KnAhth Books, in extra bindinf , k e- week, payable to the Carrier. Brass Wo»k— sTo. 64 FIFTH 8TRKKT, between Main Chronic Disease. By BLYTHB WfllTBfjr. Owe saL LMao*, lUaMrated Tea C«bU p«r the city of JeffersonTUle—containing a new cot- ILLER MORTON k QKltfWULD. edition, • • aad Market. LonissHle, Ky, apif dkw3m & TABB, CORNER OF PhUyDswocrat, coup^ pw year iW tern, j iBKa 61 a. .tage, with three rooms, kitchen, ci Fourth and Market streetfp 110 octor justin williams have in store a large TERMS OF ADVERTlSUfO. minung on Broadway M ieet and on Para street stockffk/»k ofFvf Kmaw PrvdPekSs rbrnlli:*... Ut.^X.dn^Aa r\ ^^EW BOOKS. (•Ifera his serrices to heavy Cotton Drillings, Plaid CoUods. Osna- CONTENTS. r\. Gould, feewail fenced in. Title indispuuble. D Uie citixens of Lonisville in OhS a«hhn of U linee, SBC inserttoB -Bi M burgs, Co’tonadea, Brown CoUons, and Lineu Drillings, The Stable Book—a Treatise A. DERTILLK, tbe treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, in any and all of on the Manage- Vermont is ths OUen Bscape, Do oarti additional Insesttea . • V Manufacturer and Wholesale for servants, to which we invite the pent of Horses, in relation to staMing, Pursuit, and Cap- and Ketail Dealer in Culver, Main street, or its forms; Rtieam:«iigDi, Piles, Scrofula, Uioeroua Af- attention of those grooming, Times. tur« • • At Banking UoufC of W. K. in search of feeiHng, wiuering, eno month, withwtit atteratioa 6 W fections of a'l kinds. Falling of the such goods. working, ko.; by John tiuwart and ALL KINDS OF aplodb* JUUN D. HfIKtKK, JetfersonviUe. Womb, “Habitual Alien. Yankee Bmngi'.ers. A Steeple Obase, Mx to one two montha, do do • • • 7 id Miscarriage,” tic apis HILLKK k T ABB, Fourth and Market sts. A B Illustrated. , kc. The First and Last Kiss. Arrest— Fri* I—Coo rlct-oa. three months, do do • Id M Theoloo of Invention, or Manifestations of Deity la S Sale. In the irealment of Chronic Disease, Dr. W. bar, in Btcry beglna to be inter- fliAbt in Weoda at One squre six montha. wilbont alteratiea • - li M For the Works of Art; by Bev. Jahn Blakely. Mid- addition to his own reading and experience, tbe prac- ManUllas aod estinf. Dipht Do twelve months, do do • • dO N Parasols. ConCrihntiocs to Literature— Descrirtive, OF SUPEHIOH QUALITY. tice pursned I>t Dr. Samuel Gilbert, late of New Ur- Critical, On- Woman Qriphtened and an- Alloa followed by Woleoa. Wa^ additional oquaro for six months • * ^fiHREE BEAUTIFUL SITES FOR morouj. Biographical, he.; by Ssm’l 7M leatia (now of New York), who, in his line of practice, MILLER At TABB, Oilman. D. D. do twelve • • Ift Id .1. building couL’try residences. Two of tbe sites CORNER OF The Suifenng Savionr, or ia tbe Wide Ds months LSO—DEALER IN PATENT is, beyond doubt, the mo<t sacjesstul phyaician in the MedUstions on the last wary haps MiehaeL .no square renewable front the Kewburg turnpike, miles from Fourth and Market streets, opened this days of Christ, by Fred. w. World. six months, once a week -BOM IM the city, Unit^ States mom- Krumsoacher, D. D Journey eser tbe A RIGHTS. Orders left »t H. M. SMITH’S Light- tin (line to ten infi a handsome assortment of tbe above At Home and Abroad, or Moan- Search of a Loet "ister. Oh# square twclvu moaths, renewable twi«e and cout from acres each. The other goods, to Things and Thoughts a ning EUkI Factory, Jefferson street. below Third, or eent As Dr. W.'s s’ay in LonlsTille is necessarily limited, In tains. LutbellameHs Wolf Week ... 4* ae lot fronts tbe Bardsiown turnpike, and contains about which we invite the speti 1 attention of ladies, Ameri-’a and Enrope: by Margaret Puller i^sgollT a through the Post Office, wil' meet with pr n.pt atten- perHoni desiring bis services must make eariy appiica Loo k I n g thre ugh the Apple Pannge and llosk- Oae square tveivo months, reacwahls onor twelve acres. Allihclaad ot tbe above mentioned lots apis miller k T ABB, Fourth and Market sts. The .Memoirr of (Jumberland, written by himself, with a tica. apISdAwSm tion. Orktee. rnaa- Week SO is in the bishest state of cultivation, and cAunot be sur- Ulnstrative notes by Henry PUnders. M kjr Office on Fifth street, between Green andWal- pair. The old nob additlofiaJsqnars for twolve passed in eugibtiiiy of location. Fur The Uuspel in Kxekiel illastr-<t«d in Bell and iU Tonee. montha M dd terms, kc.. in- t a series of Dis- nm , opposite he Cathedral. aplS dJtwtf Gents^ and Itnys* Wear. The White Pban'om. Tearefmm RON PUMPS. WE MANUFAC- quire ihrougn the Lonisville ^st office, courses; \ty Rot Thomas Guthrie, a Stoae Heart. Additiooal advertising sta proportionatspriea. Dis- or to the sub- D. D. IVath of the Smugglers. play and special inside advertisin# extra tnre and havealwaiysoa hand Iron Force and Lift £. Harper for May Mon tain KoaJ and Preci- pneea. UhlNhOHN ARK & DOWN.S ARE ’ Wonner succeeds wonder. pice. ogt both for dstorns $100 REWARD. ^ THIS apl7 AS. D. K, Adverttaem ew u repubhshod at intervals, vis: imps, of them approved kinds, KIR Mosart Buildings. woekly, morning opening a Urge assortment The Lo!<t M.b on the Ice. Teriibie Death. demi-woekfy.tii-weMtly.or monthly, are charged dlper d wells of any depth. Wo warrant our Pumps to per- For Sale. of goods -X RAN AWAY FROxM suitable for gentlemen and boys’ wear, sueh > sh'.rt. hot full of Are. The Storm fiend’s Bere- Id srull,and will refund the money if they fall to give THE as— aquore dor the Brat, and cents tor every snbseqneirt m Drillings: ARPER’S MAGAZINE A Houatain »sor* isfartiok. premises of the subscrilier in Hart county, Ky., Linen Linen Duck; FOR Thunder naoe. i ’on. FARM, CONSISTING 'jy OF I2t April, l>iS6, Irish Linens, a large assortment; May received aod for sale fay Plunge, lolVdkw CARBABOrX k SNOWDEN. 111 the 13th day of my negro man ^ ^ Drowning, and t^^The pel vtlefTC of yearly adverUaers it strictly eon- leres, lying neat P. A Diaht long to A Hobbs's Depot, on tbe Louis Mil WILL. He is at>out years old, 6 feet high, well Btaik and fancy Cassimeres; A. CRDMP.64 Fourth st., near Market. remember. Rescue. Baed to the.r own immcd'ute and regular bnalneaa, and vUieand Frankfurt Uailroad. For parUoularsapiiiy tc of lull black color; will Black Cloth*; vierioo Catsimeres; Plans to entrap a Partner A Wedding and the tbe hasiness of an advertising 5rm is not consider^ made, and weight about IH) Bad. as CAST IROM RAILING. MUCK, WICKS kOO.,or to Satteens; Veetirgs, kc. DItRBY * JA*’KSO.M. Fucli.hers, M«w Yo“u. tpsladios that of its individnsi members. pounds. He hasrather a dewn cast look, and eyes in- ARPEH’S MAGAZINE. HAR- goiS O.M.JiKOKWITH.onthepremises. clined to be red. Also, a large assortm.-ut of— For sale by Booksellen and Agenta every where. |^*No Gr«taiU»as Advertibinfi. \HTE HAVE A LARGE ASSORT- per’s Magaxine for May just received and ior aplbdSswl 1 will par the usual reward if taken in tbe State, Richardson’s Linens (gen nine); w w ment of very handsome Railing Patterns, suit or F. MaUDEN’8, lul Third street, For Sale. dlMif tsaen ontrf it and returedtothe Pillow-Case Linens; able for yards, cemeteries, and balconies, to which Louisviilejall three doors from post office. we so that I can get him.
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