A HYMN TO THE TYPES. ing revolution of the earth, and hear the march bably; of my own age, though her self-pos- "In a month I set out for my trav&k. An- in the morning, there to nod in chairs by the the foot-lights shouting "fire! fire!" A terri- records, an order issued to the legation in Paris Mr. Babbitt observed that part of the leather W8S I BT CHAIUJEB'. O. KALPINE. of the moon in her attendant orbit. session might have stafliped her as much older; easy coach conveyed me to Londph, and the side of a bed-ridden mother, a widow whom ble uproar succeeded. The manager went when Mr. Polk was President, and Mr. Buchanan discolored ; and wheu he reached the boat, a t'h'éy supported oii their hard won pittance, Secretary of Stute, directing the minister to send darkly colored liquid was dripping from the sack. H O eiliinl. myriad army, whbse trae metal "My parents loved mfe tenderly, and, fail- but the bloom of her cheek, and her bosom just third day I lay sick in Paris. Sqr§ of Bftdy on tho stage and tried to quiet the alarmed such private letters as he might place in the dis- With lufinlte labor he Worked his dispatches • Ne'er flinched nor blenched before the despot Wrong! ing to soothe or conciliate me, they removed ripening, were indices of a girl's years. She and of brain, strained in nerve, and stunned fifty Cents, or at most a dollar a night. audience. In vain—there was a general stam- I Ye brethren, linked in an Immortal battle patch bag to the agent at ", and not through to Paris. French officials regarded with from the busy city to a secluded villa in the raised her eyes at length, and bade me good in sense, I persisted in my resolve, afld was The play of "Pizarro || contains a stage pede, though no lives were lost; not even the H With time-grown Falsehoods, tyrannous and strongl trouble the department at Washington with them. suspicion the dripping bag, and pronounced it afternoon in a voice which reminded me of whirled, more dead than alive, ScroSs the Con- . baby. The youngest child that can walk is infant. It was uninjured, and-so was the cap- I Fragments of strength and beanty lying idle, suburbs. Those labors which necessitated I chuckled over this considerably. Governor "une chose extraordinaire;" Arriving at the bu- ..selected, because its mother says, "I am sure tain, who says he don't like to think how near I Each in its place until the appointed day; abrupt or prolonged sound were performed the faintest lullaby. The quiet tone was sec tinent to Berlin. In the period^pf. UfWC. Marey was Secretary of War at the time, and I reau of the American legation,' Mr. Babbitt had • Then, swift as wheels the squadron to the bridle, without our grounds. The domestics were onded by an assuring glance, and directly we months I had traversed all the leading king- he will speak soon. " It is a very disagreeable he once came to killing a stage baby. felt that I had the sarcastic old politician on the curiosity enough to remain and see what its con- Ye spring into the long compact array! enjoined to conduct their operations with the were conversing without restraint, as if friends doms, and pushed my purpose to "the sandy and hying part for a baby. Every body, hip. After calliug his attention to the usage I tents were. The hag was opened, and its important 1 I Obedient, self-contained,.and self-contcntcd, utmost quietude. Carriages never came to of yeilrs rather than acquaintances of an hour. banks of the Nile. Every moment , in this Cora, Pizarro, Alonzo, and the soldiers in HER SNOWDROPS. found established iu our legation, I instructed dispatches were found to consist of a liberal con- I Like veteran warriors in the mingled broil, 1 journey was an infinity of tortur^; biit in the' torn pull, drag, and twist it about. Rolla him as to the rales governing other legations, aud signment of pickles, considerably damaged by the threshold, but stopped at the lodge ; the " Heraine was the impersonation of compo- BY THE AUTHOR OF "A WOMAN'S FOBM8." I Each giving help where just his help is wanted, wound up by citing the order referred to ; and as having the huge jar smashed, and the contents drives were strewn with bark to drown the sure. The neutral tint of dress corresponded bitterest pangs I remembered, the divine con- frequently seizes it by the hair of the head B Nor seeking more than his due share of toil. "The woman who sits In tho firelight'here, this order hail never been modified or revoked, I mixed with the letters, papers, aÎTd official docu- rattle of wheels; familiar fowls and beasts with the smooth tresses of her brown hair. summation, and kept on. My infirmities were nearly swiping it. He bawls in its ear, froths H thriving, not vainly, each to bo a leader, Kissing her child to its lovely eleop, had acted under it iu good fahli. ments. I your capitals are captains of the file, were excluded; the pines were cut down, Her toucli was magnetic, and petulancy van- increased rather tnan diminisheil. In the in its face, and slobbers over its little naked, Has the faith of a soul more tender and elgur, My triumph was of short durathm. It lasted A circumstance similar to this occupied to a I Tlie crown you aim at, to inform the reader, though they liad moaned for half a century; deepest thunder I could hear the delving .of shivering bosom. He jerks it .off its feet and In its higher beauty, than yours, to keep. ished at her smile, as at a charm. Her intel- 4 during the time a steamer required to cross the bearer of dispatches I once sent to London. One I And help old Truth on for another mile ! the angles of the house were rounded, that the beetle; and though the whole vault blazed ¿by one arm slings it over his shoulder, where ligence was, doubtless, the secret of her power. '' Ah, she does not love you lying alone, Atlantic and return. I was favored with a brief, of our charming couutry women, while in England, the wind might not seream and sigh of mid- KWhat wondrous dreams of beauty may be flying, She divined my moods without inquiry, and with electric light, I could seethe twinkle of it must strike an attitude in air, held by one A thing of the past, a phantom at most— informal note from Secretary Marcy himself, and requested one of the Misses Mason to select and T'nwlnged, unuttcred, through yonr silent mass! The roof Of your grave all overgrown night, and the flapping of a shutter would have cheered them without effort. She led me out the glow-worm. But among ffli?tnuTKtilde of ami. It dares not cry when he frightens it by the first two sentences disposed of mc and my send to her, through the dispatch bugs, a pair of I Even as a prism in some deep grotto lying. With the wild; thick sands of a distant coast. warranted the dismissal of all the servants. noises which haunted mc, the ludsC uQp>isJ.cnt sprinkling false blood on its face, nor when, stays, or corsets, as we ciill them. They were TTntU the informing soul of Qenius pass, of the unhealthy atmosphere engendered by case. Thick carpets covered the floors. My apart- " Sometimes she Is sad at a rustling sound—, / I Filling the cavern with a light as tender my sensitiveness, and I sometimes forfot my were the footfalls of men. There were pauses still holding it by the arm, he rashes at break- "Sir," it ran, " your communication of the sub- purchased and sent to the bureau, but unfortu- Like radiant wings in the palms, it seems; ! As that which breaks from Love's half downcast eyes; ment» lay in a remote wing, and were sur- in the lives of all other beings. Tine weasel neck speed across a shackling bridge, with ject of the abuse of the legation dispatch bags at nately arrived after the bag had been made up disability for hours. She was as good as she She can feel the shining Equator wound, I Then the cold gem awakos to rainbow splendor, rounded with double walls, filled with wool, and scut off. Tlic next day an Iri6li gentleman was capable, and as amiable as she was reso- ind the hyena rested sometimes, and I i'Ottld shouts confusing it and shots flying fast and Like a chain of gold, through her shadowy dreams. Paris is unsatisfactory. I had supposed that such | Where, couched in moBs, beside the fount it lies. from my native town happened to call on his way to deaden communication. Goodly books avoid their haunts, but men ivere fbr'qra' alert thick. The bridge crossed, lie tosses the baby ubuse originated from your ignorance, and I learu lute. We fraternized immediately, and I felt " She can see the Night above you make home through London. Instead of giving hhn I Oh I what a burst of glory when ye mingle were provided, but n»ne which coujd arouse - and ubiquitous. I heard them in aliysgQ^ upon down anywhere behind the scenes, recking from your communication that it was premedi- all the newness of a regenerated life. My The sign of the Cross on her Catholic breast. the necessary visé,- I made him bearer of dis- B Your Jiloodless hands in the support of truth j fears or passions. Fiery romances were pro- not if he breaks every bone in its tender body; tated," dec.., &c. temperament was fitful as of yore, but the peaks, and in wildernesses. They trod upon And the passionate storms, by their lightnings, break patches ; and, doing up the stays in a parcel, to I When to your banded spoil the pulses tingle hibited, and histories of turmoil and war, However; beyond the reprimand, aud an order • Of tottering age and flery-visioned youth I gloomy specters vanished; and my attention my nerves ; they crushed sleep from* my soul. he thinks only of staggering on tho stage and In the shaken dark o'er your lonesome rest. look as much like an official package as possible, with theology and its mournful revelations, to do better- in future, no further notice was taken I What power and strength when ye stand up united being weaned from the slighter occurences of I closed my cars in vain ; I fled Without dying effectively. The blood, the danger, " And this is all. But the girl who stood, told him it contained dispatches of the gravest and medicine, which revived the bitter story of the affair. The fact w'as, Secretary Marey ; • Beneath the mastor-spirit's guiding sway! nature, I was no longer racked by their tre- refuge; I prayed without avail. The jiatter of flight, pursuit, and shouts, are all real to the Her young eyes drooping with timid tears. knew that he had done mc injustice, as his sub- importance, which he must deliver, as directed, I A thousand lamps at one lone altar lighted, . of my organism. My library was stocked By one she loved, in the vague Spring wood, mors and jars. The soft face of Heraine little children, the footfall of the maiden, the stage baby; and mental distress is thus added sequent conduct plainly showed. to Mr. Buchanau, American minister, Harley • I Turning the night of -error into day I with dreamy and diverting compositions; old Will loveliim only through all the years. street, London. seemed to hush all chaos, and when she smiled elastic pace of the youth, the racking limp of to physical pain. An American woiiuui, wife of a German, and Walton, the pensive angler; the vagaries of ;l • Ye Ere the messengers all oarth pervading, the cripple, "tlic veteran hobbling upon his W hen children arc not available dwarfs play And somotimcs yet, from the dewy air engaged in the sale of laces in Paris, proposed on Mr. Fitzclarence O'Flaherty was delighted with | Which speak of comfort and communion still! I fhought that the very earth had ceased to ancient Burton, and the placid essayists of Of that blossoming morning of long ago, one occasion that I should send through the dis- the honors thus thrust upon him, aud, as I » Clanks of a mighty ship, whose precious lading roll. When her large liquid eyes were fully wooden stump, the confused tread pf crowds, 'jEheir parts. A very heavy, thickset, but re- the Addisonian day. Of poets, I had Cowper lie puts these cold, whito buds iu her hair, patch bags certain articles of value in hy trade, subsequently learned, to iny owu grief, was so Is man's just reason, and his heart's fond will. opened upon me, I seemed to be looking into the steady tramp of soldiers—thqse tortured markably small dwarf was once obtained to And says: ' They will meltin its sunny glow.'" and Wadswortli, who loved quiet life, -and to Messrs: Appletou and Mitchell of New York. puffod up with the dignity of his mission, that he , Launched on the stream of time,our thoughts are drifted me by daylight, and I kept peu&ncer at mid- act the child in "Pizawo"—usually called were the chroniclers of domestic men and .the hungry blue of the sky, and carried aloft I assured her that this method of exportation had took airs upon himself. These became imposing L Far, adown our children-peopled Bhore, night with the going of outcasts and Vagrants. "Holla's child "—though Pizarro is the father I And the gay pennon of our hope Is lifted manners'. Pictures of shadowy studios and by the look beyond the influence of matter. been stopped by the Secretaiy of State. She pro- In the custom-house at Dover. and Cora the mother. That's the proper AMERICAN DIPLOMATS ABROAD. I When him it cheered through life it cheers no more ji calm lakes, unfrequented coverts and sleepy For the moment my nerves grew numb, the "I learned to classify these footfalls!""My nouueed the Secretary an imbecile and a pig, and "It's a bearer uv dispatches I am, ye pokiu compass of my senses narrowed to her wou- sensations of them were so keen that iny mem- parentage. The audience noticed nothing DISPATCH BAGS. divlls, an I mustn't be detained." I Utmarshalled army I earth is still a wonder, wayside inns, covered my wall. Hie tints of asserted that this sort of thing was the regular ory retained them. I recognized individuals, 'strange about the dwarf except that he was The officials thus addressed, regarded Mr. • A bright God's wonder, all too little known! tapestry, panel, and fuwiiture were subdued, dorous face, and the fetters which bound me [From an unpublished book.] practice of all the legations. Indeed the good a trifle heavy for a child who was expectcd to O'Flaherty with positive dislike, and his dispatches I Star-eyes above ns, and the green sod uudeS-, and the sunshine which mellowed a stained to it were forged of gold. not by their faces but by their feet; u A soli- Some time in the summer of ' 55 I received an woman seemed to believe that the only use for tlic diplomatic corps was to attend to the trans- with no little suspicion. »•Oceans of beauty girdling every zone I window, was softened by an ingenious ar- | j," The months went by like tlic stars, which tary tourist met me among the ruins of Dftxor; "speak soon." He spoke sooner than his iudiguunt note from the' Secretary of State at I And man himself, whose deep heart throbs forever mission by means of the dispatch bags of such " Come, hurry up there, ye blackguards !" rangement of shades and refractors. Art op- wheel eternally, but seem motionless as we I knew his tread, though mouths had elapsed, theatrical mother- anticipated, for when Rolla Washington, demanding an explanation of the I With passionate longings, and the fierce unrest light aud delicate articles, as might be unsafe in In evidence of his mission, Mr. Fitzclarence posed her quaintest contrivances against the watch them. Sometimes we read aloud, but among the thousands- on London Bridge. A ffeizeçl him and flung him with some difficulty fact that the dispatch hags from Paris eame to I Of hopcB that struggle in a vain endeavor the hands of common carriers, and exceedingly had given his dispatches to the custom-house our voices were low and lulling, as if quieter gipsy family, whom -I j passed on the Spanish in air, he grasped the actor by the hair, en- the United States tilled with private letters, jour- I To hear themselves by other lips confest. intense and violent moods of Nature, and my troublesofno at custom-houses. However, I told officers. This proceeding, so unusual, was of it- sierras, went under my window in Pajis,' and wrapped him in the manner known as "pick- nals, and' occasionally even "wearing' apparel," I Yo arc tlio mightier tongues we have invented retirement was secure from the inroads of all than silence. Then we talked of my calm her, setting aside the immorality of the trans- self sufficient to create suspicion ; but wheu to aback," and in a deep, gruff voice uttered an addressed to citizens, nofoflicials. I. To bear our utterance ever and allwhere, except my careful guardians. paintings, shadowing deeper lonelinesses in I missed the feet of the lad who had been action and the usages of diplomacy, it was impos- this was added the loud voice aud unmistakable The query was pertinent, but somewhat embar- I Onr hearts Into a thousand hearts transplanted, them. But it was my highest rapture to sit in hanged. Ten thieves were marched io-the oath that curdled the blood of the ladies pres- sible, as" the Secretary amused himself w ith open- brogue of my friend, the officers were satisfied I .A multiplied existence ye confer 1 rassing'. I coutinued the use of these bags as my stillness for hours, while Heraine, cushioned pillory in Kiev; I counted the p'alM <5L.the ent, and rcrared out, "If you let me fall I'll ing the bag6, and would undoubtedly coufiscate something was wrong, and so deviled Mr. O'Fla- I Falsehood with bloodshot eyes awoke from slumber, "But I was still unhappy, and the prey of prCtleeessor—I may say, as my predecessors—had at my feet, made cunning embroideries, like four who escaped, from a closed diligence on kick you!" her laces. Besides, I informed her, that the Sec- herty that at last ho became alarmed, and as the • And glared in baleful terror on your birth, vivid fancies. This privacy suggested the used them, for oil inquiry I found that time out the Siniplon. I lost not one among the mill- More recently a dwarf was engaged to play retary was a near-sighted old gentleman of no train was about starting, he fairly ran away, leav- | Meek-fronted Truth enrolled you in her number, great world without, where men were wrest- some facile poet whose fingers were dropping of mind these leathern conveniences had been so taste, and could not tell a Brussels lace from a ing his passport and dispatches in the hands of » And cried; "lam not without hope on earth 1" ling with dangers. I imagined ships upon rhymes. ions of footfalls. But there were two which a child's part in the drama of Enoch Ardcn. employed; indeed they seemed to have little if fish-not, and might hand them over to his chief the cuetom-house officers. When this fact became stormy seas, and whirlwinds around mountain- I distinguished everywhere. When I puttied, j In the course of the play an actor inquired any otlier usc^hat I could discover. Besides, I Yo are true typos of men I When disunited, '' I remarked that. our conversations were clerk, Mr. Hunter, who would stick his fingers known, the package was opened and the stays H The world has nothing feebler or more vain t homes—the chaos of cities, the rout of armies, they retreated; when I fled, they followed iij,e. how old he was. Ho should have replied most of the prmite letters and journals, and-all. progressive. My companion led me gradually thi•oug h them in the endeavor to determine exposed. The next day Mr. Buchanau received ; But, when one animating thought has lighted They were like two echoes in different keys; "four years." Instead of which he gave his the said wearing apparel, came from the liouso dim arctic solitudes, where the icebergs tum- into forbidden themes, as if to strengthen and whether they were made of flax or cotton. an official note, gravely informing liiin that a pair f The dim recesses of each heart and brain, of the minister, marked "for the dispatch bag." bled apart, and the frozen: seas split asunder. embolden me. We went forth, in fancy, from ajid olio of thein I loved, the other 1 hated. I own age—"forty-four." of French stays, addressed to the American min- I The Iiass rolls onward with a steady motion, On receiving this grave demand from-the Hon. She reluctantly desisted from attempts upon P Warned by Truth's beacon from the rock of Death, They had- banished painful occurrences, but our shadowy chamber, through deep groves, The first was soft, tinkling, harmonious;,like The 'actor was dumbfounded tor a moment, ister, had been taken from a pretended bearer of Secretary, I immediately set about discovering the dispatch bags, but asked me to-find some I The breath of Knowledge sweeps the stagnant, ocean, the sensitive organism could not be destroyed, a memory rather than a sound; the ornoi'was' I but recovering-himself he patted the dwarf on dispatchcs, and were at the custom-house, Dover, into twilights, beneath soft skies, even into tlic best possible reasons why private letters, jour- trustworthy person to take the purchased arti- I And men rise up like b'lllows at its breath— and I bore up until almost insane, struggling firm, vigorous, and vehement, and it. kept I the back, and gazing intently into his old, subject to the order of his excellency. the glare of the sun, and, at last, among the nals, and even wearing apparel sfiouUl be permitted cles to the United States, and, if possible, to get to be cheerful when stunned and dazzled. At time with the soft footstep, as if to drown it! weazened face, he said: "You look it, me The minister, of course, denied the soft im- I Rise up and shake the beetling cliffs of error, storms'and the seas. I may have quivered, t;oo avail thethemselve: s of the sanctuary of the dia- them through the custom-houses of England. I P through its hollow base with thund'rous din! last, when my mother stole into my room one peachment of being the wearer or the owner of but I was not shocked; for the wrack and to my ears. When fagged and wretched,''the | boy, you look it." latcSbags. good-naturedly promised to do so, aud selected Shake down the columns which have shed a terror day—it was October, I think, for I could hear light footfall approached me; but .wheiij in- J A little girl was sent on the stage to play Mr. G., formerly attaché to our legation at St. such an article, or being interested directly or • And a dark shadow round the bay, wherein, roar of the universe were drowned in the It did not require much research into the his- the tiniest leaves dropping to the grass far be- spirited, I rose to behold its .owner, it filed I Fleance in Macbeth. Forrest was the star. Petersburg, aud afteiwards secretary of the rep- Indirectly in it. And this gavé rise to perhaps Landlocked in God's deep love, our bark, undamaged, quietness of her voice. Then, we walked tory of diplomacy to discover that, at an earlier low—I laid my head wearily in her lap and resentatives to the Industrial palace from the the most important correspondence of our repre- fcj, Shimmers among the countless akiffs that Sail abroad a little way, and, though pained, Len- away in the thunder of its companion-tread. . He had placed on a small table at the ' ' wing " day, wïïen intercourse between countries was pre- United States. As he was returning home, I sentative at the court of St. James during his I That "bay of li(f" where heaven and earth arc imaged, Qovered my ears with my hands. My eyes "At last I embarked for America, and when i. oj; side scene a cup of 'something to wet his carious and irregular, a courier with his dispatch dured; for she did hot, abuse tliede- successes; made him bearer of dispatches, put the luces in residence in England. And to this day, for aught H And Nature gleams through Passion's llqnid veil I were filled with tears. the land disappeared, I Said to myself: 'Atijea, throat with when he c'anie off. "The child stole bags nridcr»ertl was a necessity. ! The diplomatic She had traveled in far countries; and often bis -éarpeÉ-saeft; uiider tfiC'sfcal 'ófthc ìcgàtlofi, I know, that pair of French stays* directed to the Ye are the swords of Truth—the only weapon representative could mit'otherwise confer, regu- " 'My dear mother, I cannot bear this life. read nie friendly letters which attested liow at least, no footfalls can follow,' But one up, and finding the bevtfrage palatable, drank Honorable James Buchanan, envoy extraordinary •That Truth thovld wield in this protracted war,— larly and safely, with the government he repre- and left instructions for him to remove the seal night, when the clangor of the- screw drove it all. She had just time to squeeze between and minister plenipotentiary, Harley street, Lon- I Yo are the rocks of Knowledge that, we step on, I suffer as of old, though there be not a mote well the world esteemed her. Sometimes her sented. Thus before the establishment of rogular after passing the English etistom-house, and de- don, hangs in the Dover custom-house, a warning H1,1 thought's bright firmament, from,star to star i across the sun, nor a breath in the air. If my acquaintances came to the house, but never me upon deck, I heard, far astern, through two flats, when he came tearing tip for his mails, merchants, traders, and travelers abroad liver the laces, as directed, when he reached home. to gods and men. I KSee an angel winged in «very letter, blind could be led from these consciousnesses, to my room; and once or twice she was absent the deep fog, the sound of two haiiiifuig fiee't. drink, and, seeing the cup empty, begau to would naturally seek to avail themselves of the .Unfortunately, either my instructions did not • Even as man's soul is hid within his clay! And now, mauy years after the trilling events I might be calm.' a whole day, when my nervousness returned. Next morning a swifter steamer overtook U.S. stamp and rage as only Forrest could. He minister's courier for the transmission of letters, reach Mr. G., or lie misunderstood them, for he |I see a prisoner with his broken-fetter orders, and money to friends at home. neglected to remove the seal, and at New York here recorded, while preparing these sheets for "'Luke,' said my mother; 'you need a There was one correspondent whose missives The waves reveled between, and the winds used to alarm strong men and women in his I Emerging out of darkness into day I* the unfortunate carpct-sack was seized and for- the press, I take from the same box in which companion.' were never read to me—a fine, bold hand, were high, but above the bellow of ourengines passions. : How terrrible lie appeared to this What i h this way originated in necessity contin- rUnspeakable ye are I We have created warded to Washington. It was opened by Mr. they have reposed so long, a small package of '' The thought was a new one and so thrilled and the ," those thrilling iootfaiJ6 rang pilfering stage baby! She thought lie was ued as a convenient custom ; and to this day the K A new existence than our own more firm ; which at length became familiar. Their re- Marcy and its contents exposed. After what had letters indorsed "James Buchanan, "'and find me. out. I caught a glimpse of a familiar-some-, the veritable giant, smelling the blood of a dispatch bags from every embassy and legation ill I Our life and hopes into yonr life translated ceipt pleased' her, I tliengirt;, and once I ven- Europe go and return, tilled witli private letters passed I had a right to expect severe measures ; among them several informal notes, in the clear En " 'No, mother,' I replied; 'strong, healthy thing, as the rival craft went by, and reeled- little girl, and that lier grinded bones would H 3°y a being that Bhall know no term I tured to say: and journals, finding a place theré through the but Secretary Marcy contented himself ivitli for- clerkly hand of the late ex-President, touching I t1li! Plowman's frolic song still kindles gladness beings could not exist thus cloistered.' ''' Heraine, you have a pleasant letter there.' and fell upon the deck. make his bread. Further and further she favor of the diplomatic, agent. I believe, how- wardlng'theiaces to the officers of customs, by this subject of 'dispatch bags and bearers ot dis- I Within the heart, though Care hath gnawn its core, "'For less than money,' she responded, (Gonduded next week.) ' BBSS shrank back out of sight, but not of hearing. whom they were condemned and sold, while the patchcs. I And bright eyes weep at his recorded Badness " She only blushed very much, and all her ever, that the transmission of wearing apparel by 4 I have beeu charged with having conferred the I Wll° sleeps where pride and envy sting no more! they have done more ' quietness was gone for a moment. THE STAGE BABY. The prompter blew his whistle. The scene, these means is an American innovation, and might, incorruptible Hunter hung the offending sack in " ' We should not agree J I said; ' I would r in iieing shoved forward, took lier with it, and possibly, honored in the breach than in his room in the department, where it can yet be honor of bearer of dispatches oil common people, | Even as the marble block contains all beauty, "As the months expanded into 3 ears a new BY CEL1A LOO AN KLILLOGO. the observance. The gossip and speculations in- inspected by unfledged secretaries of legation domestics, and even notorious women. To all of H Enshrined in darkness and the outward husk, be peevish and he would despise me.' feeling engendered from our intimacy. I did rolled her on the stage. Tlic shout which fol- dulged in by the American diplomate, under the about to enter upon the tqpiptiiig and dangerous which, with these letters before me, I incontinently I Which the warm sculptor, with love-prompted duty, " ' Your companion must be a woman, my not comprehend it at first,. It crept upon me The stage baby is thrust upon the stage as lowed frightened her still more, and she took dignified title of "dispatches," might, without paths of diplomacy. I heard nothing of the affair plead guilty. • Shall make to shine through darkness and through son.' to her heels, rushed out of the theater, fled like the unfolding of a new sense, or the grad- soon as it can walk and understand that it any serious detriment to the public service, be until a long time after, when I was attacked by I had come in time to regard this so-called diisk, '' A succession of short chills passed through through the dark streets iu her boy's Highland ipto the day of loveliness, ye treasure ual realizing of the earliest profound thought. must not cry. In the morning, instead/ of intrusted to the hazards of tho ordinary mail; an opposition journal, and charged with having honor with the same contempt shown-it by Euro- «oStume, reSched her home, and hid herself, I All forms of thought and song in your mnte sphere,— every nerve, and a moment's faintness pos- An unexpected ovent gave it recognition. being sent to school like other children, it is but I am by 110 means certain that these huge appropriated the laces of the French dealer, pean officials when it emanated from the clerks in'thc kitchen cupboard, where she was found Our pen the chisel, and our rhyme the measure sessed me. "The boldly-indorsed letters came twice a taken to the theater, to rehearse its. "part." bags, with complicated locks and touch-nio-not which, of course, I indignantly denied. The laces of our State Department, called by our Govern- •' By which we make the inborn god appear! lioihrs after nearly mad with terror and half looking seals, could be put to a better use than in ment and countrymen diplomatic agents. The "'It must not be,' I pleaded; 'a restless, month at first, afterward four times, and finally At night it is not allowed to sleep-and 'build were sold in New York, as the records show, aud suffocated. The child's nervous system was conveying delicatc French gaiters for my lady, kid oustom-liouse officials of Europe are too shrewd I Would that my heart were wider-tongned and deeper, chatting, plotting woman would be worse twice, thrice, and even five times a week. up a constitution for after life, but the wt'^rv the sack yet hangs as -a witness on the walls of gloves for friends, and "even breeches for his ex- and well-informed not to appreciate our great • Nor moved involved in cares of meaner place I than all.' Heraine was quick and flushed. She passed puppet must go through its tricks .,jiei#rp a shocked by the fright, and ever since that time the dim old State Department. "The bricks are cellency's sons. * . • there to testify," so deny it not. sham at its true value, ami unhesitatingly show I Then would I mow down like a sturdy reaper "My mother marked my rising agitation but two or three hours daily in my apartment, crowd of whom it is afraid. The stage baby she declares she has been "iu a hurry all • The crop of thought that rises from the cast. ; There is a reason why the courier, or bearer of During my queries as to the use of the dispatch their indifference or insolence when brought in and glided away. and substituted for the embroidery,a dress of is forced to do without food for many-con- over "—or nervous. contact with its orders. Democrat as I was, I •»Flowers of bright song and fruits of mellow reason. dispatchcs, should yet find a place in the ma- hags, I heard some laughable instances illustra- " 'Whatever can relieve you, dear Luke,' such bright .hues that it dazzled my eyes. secutive hours, to be up late, to face 'storms, A oertain actress with a child in arms Used could not see why the advantages, if any existed, • And many a peeping bud of infant Truth, chinery of European governments: These des- tive of what may be done in that line. During 3(v po she said, 'your father shall obtain.' endure cold and fatigue, to tax its^memoVy, to take it to the theater with lier every night potisms, with the exception of England, not only might not be conferred on private citizens, were 1 «l 8hould garner in its snmmer season, One day she took lier accustomed seat, with Abbott Lawrence's residence near the court of I And steep m dews of a perpetual youth. and to be beaten if it forgets. and make it a bed^ou two chairs, of the act- claim the privilege of possessing by any means, they even domestics. As for the notorious females, " I now fancied that tliey believed me mad, a face subdued to sadness and an irresolute St. James, as minister of the United States, Mr. Bnt m fair or unfair, tlio secrets of a» embassy or lega- there was but one, and her appointment as bearer I «•'. 'ite types I are ye not all too often and that a keeper was to'bo introduced to me, manner. The applause of a large audience, grati- ressesr walking dresses. Mrs. Merrywood Babbitt, formerly of tlic finn of Livingston, Wells • Constrained to serve at some unsolaced toil! tion, but arrogate to themselves the right to open, of dispatches originated in this way. She came under the. guise of a companion. I formed " ' Luke,' she said, after a long pause, ' we fying to men and women, is simply terrifying Was' prevailed on by a gentleman to give him & Co., called, previously to leaving London for I To harden hearts that ye would love to soften, examine, and destroy any aud all mail matter in- to me so appointed, and appeared one morning at many mental portraits of this fierce person, a glimpse behind the scenes, lie supposing it Paris, to pay his respects to our diplomatic rep- • And help to swell where ye would still the broil 1 have passed many days pleasantly together?' to a child. The stage baby leads^the life trusted to their care. This has been adjudicated the bureau laden w ith the bags, and armed with Even S yjas a species of fairy land. Great was Captain resentative. Mr. Lawreuce expressed himself I P wi'h me 1—my dreams of song are hurried and they kept me awake through the long . " She did not wait for me to speak, though grown people, undergoing the hardshxp^of upon and so decided by the courts of France, and the passport that proclaimed her special bearer T ike delighted to meet Mr. Babbitt, and on learning I ' moon-ray flashes through the drifting storm, watches. I even meditated escape, and un- I thrilled and turned deadly white. the hardest profession in the world, without Brown's astonishment and bewilderment as he were hot such outrages s* common that they lose of dispatches over the unmistakable signature of g'-Aiid all that God made noble in me, buried that he was on his Way to Paris, said he would in- closed my casement with that design, but the ''' And because so pleasantly I contemplate any of the compensation which older theatri- stumbled up against piles of scenes in the dark their significance, I might fill a. little volume James Buchanan, our minister iu London. I In wants I share in common with the worm ! trust him with dispatches of importance, which sun-light, the bird songs, and the zephyrs cals experience, such as money, giffc^ajpiifaitle md dismal labyrinth. ' ' Flats " (scenes) were with illustrations and indignant comment thereon. my farewell with regret.' Mr. Babbitt would please deliver to the American How this came about I never clearly under- rusliid into my window, and staggered me and celebrity. The reward of a stage qhi'ld is suddenly pushed against him, pinning him "'Your farewell, Heraine?' ' Upon second thoughts, however, the indigna- minister in Paris. His passport as bearer of dis- stood, although tlic explanation was tendered me THE HAUNTING FEET like so many sentinels. One. day I slept fit- abuse. Its education is-begun in tour, and to'tlic wall; scene-sliifters swore at him for "Yes,' she said, firmly; 'to-day—this af- tion would appear exceedingly ludicrous, in the patches was made out, but the dispatches them- by the Sage of Wheatland in the correspondence fully, and dreamed thM I was poor and or- getting in the wây * " supes," representing the ternoon—this hour—I bid adieu to Glen- perfected by blows. If a child falls from a light of the fact that our .owu Government had selves were not quite ready ; they would meet Mr. to which I have referred. Tho explanation was A TALE phaned, with the alternatives of death or drawn out by certain charges made public by the goyle!' horse in the circus it is beaten. If it fails to invading army, ran him down» mid nearly sanctioned the same abuse. Indeed, at one time, B. at the railway station in time for tho train. work before me. I had wandered to a village perform a feat properly before an audience it trampled him under foot ; actors brushed New York Herald. Tile subject of the discussiou BY G. A. T. '' I fell forward in my seat, forcing down my it authorized postmasters to open, examine, and Mr. Babbitt left duly impressed with the import- and thrown myself beneath some elms, with is made to repeat until it does accomplish it, scowling by him; the prompter shouted at destroy any mail matter of an incendiary charac- ance of his missfou, and fully determined to die, was a handsome, spirited female, who had once heart, which sobbed and swelled, and the whole in her time been exceedingly beautiful, and about t The din of the clay is quiet now, anil the a horrible despair sealing my eyelids. Sud- though at the peril of its life. The ¿raining liim not to block up the wings, or entrances; ter that wa3 likely to disturb the peace of the should the occasion arise, rather than that his world rang, flared, and burst into violence. If whose name hung much of tlié unwritten politi- I street is deserted. The last bacchanal reeled denly the grass was stirred by some human of. stage babies is most severe. Tlieir limbs community ; thus not only violating our well- trust should be abused ór betrayed the seas had opened their fountains, and the the call-boy bawled in his ear, and the prop- cal history of New York. When this lady pro- homeward an hour ago. The most belated footfalls, and-two .soft voices were speaking established theory of government, but making a Thus impressed, he awaited impatiently at the crust of the globe crushed up, there would arc tortured into difficult and unhaiiirafpo.si- efty-man thrust a lighted torch in his face. posed continuing her continental tour, I could cabman has passed out of. hearing. The one close beside me. despot of a petty officer, w ho could try and con- railway station for the important dispatches. have been no greater chaos. But ia my faint- tions when being taught dancing and a,ffo- Feftring his awkwardness would bring a repri- see no good reason for not following the illustri- demn any suspected person, as his stupidity or The time for the departure of the train had al- f poor wretch who conies nightly to the water- " 'It, is strange,' said the first voice; 'he is batic exercises. There is no innate, talent for mand on her for introducing a stranger behind ous example given me by our envoy extraordinary ness and agony I caught the blue eye which malice might dictate. most arrived, but nò dispatches made their ap- side has closed her complaint ; I saw lier shawl pale and delicate, but with no evidences of or love of acting in any stage baby; that thé scenes during a performance, Mrs. Merry- at the court of St. James. Nor is it true as had soothed and melted me so often, and, To this usurped right of violating the mails on pearance. Mr. Babbitt took his seat in the car, float over the parapet, as she flung her lean heavier afflictions.' which seems like talent to the pubHS is siWdy wood, sat him iu a chair in a safe place, and charged, that in this I was influenced by certain al clasping my hands, I fell at her knees, and the part of the French "government I owe my but keeping a sharp lookout for his expected I 'ms against the sky, and went down with a the result of severe training, begun lojtig bcfjv'e delicious little suppers given in Paris by this cel- '"You do not know him,'murmured the said: enjoined upon him not to move from it until trouble with thé State Department at home. We trust. At the last moment a man in the livery of [ scream. Here, in the busiest spot of the ebrated bearer of dispatches to all the courts in other; 'wait and see.' the child understands anything but that it sh»iCttiiie back;,she being called to appear-on " ' Heraine, I love you?' had newspaper correspondents iu Paris, whom I the house of Lawrence made his appearance, Europe, at which suppers, it was said, one could i mightiest city, there is no human creature must obey orders on pain of pUnishniehtf^ "A face bent down to mine, and the lips of "It was her time to tremble now, and I in- the Stage. • ; ? was-anxious should be left free with their clear hastily dragging a huge leathern bag. Mr. Bab- mset some of tho most celebrated authors, art- isibroad; but footsteps are yet ringing on the they are taught OKactly as animaliliri tnii^flt, heads aud ready peus tb comment upon public bitt, leaning out at the window, shouted and ges- a woman touched my cheek, f started in my terpreted the pallor # her cheek as a signal In this particular theater the dressing-rooms ists, journalists, aud politicians of our great re- Vlesolateness. They are heard only by me. through fear of the whip. Gjrb,' bpliig more 'affairs abroad ; thereby giving our administration ticulated to hurry the fellow forward. The train sleep, caught my breath gaspingly, and quiv- of hope. were up several flights of stairs, so the act- public. I was at one oulyj and solemnly assure There are two of them; the first, light, timor- tractable than boys, are preferred in-th^'tem some knowledge of events which it never would was iu motion. He could not open the door— my reader^ that I left soberly ai an early hour. ered like an aspen. " 'I know thai I love you,' I said; 'if the resses had had sonic scenes stood up, like | ous, musical; the other, harsh and heavy, as in the circus, where physical courage is- re' gather from its accredited agents. And being for the barbarians in England lock their victims : if "'This is indeed terrible,' said the soft e^rtli and the stars were to be blotted out, and sfcreeris, behind which they dressed. Those " shod with steel. I recognize them with a quired more than docility, boys are usually well aware that this freedom could not exist if in—so he endeavored to thrust the bag in at the The fact is, I took a grim satisfaction in giving voicp, compassionately; 'but do not despair. you remain, I should not miss them. You are who know how rickety everything is in thea- their letters were confided to the ordinary mails, | wider circulation to Mr. Buchanan's empty honor, thrill; for they have haunted me many years, the infant prodigies: window. The excited Babbitt seized • one end, It cannot be nature. It must be habit, or ters, touch not, taste not, handle not. I proffered these Bohemians the use of the dis- nor can I yet see in what respect that honor was and they are speaking tome now. The one my universe. Without you there iij no crea- and held on, as the express train swept out of the bashfulness, or the effect of some childish and tion, and the elements are at war. If you There is never any playfulaps^, Captain Brown was utterly ignorant of patch bags. Just at that time, unfortunately; station. tarnished. The lady carrying it was no worse than is soothing and pleading, and it implores me 1 forgotten fright. Cheer up, and hope. leave me, you have left only a bright space in nor gaiety of childhood in stage babies. They theatrical mysteries and insecurities, and for certain journals at home were attacking the ad- To the horror of this bearer of dispatches; he two-thirds of the court people she was supposed f to write; but the second is like the striking of ministration with unmerited severity, and Gov- to approach, and the American women abroad, "'Be kind to liini, Heraine,' resumed the a wretched eternity. No voice but yours can are men and women of smaller growth—as a while sat quietly where Mrs. Merrywood had discovered that the bag was too large to enter | » revengeful knell. "Confession and par- ernor Marcy, getting an inkling of 6Ûch an inno- who were so shocked by the abuse, had to my other; ' you are my last resort, and becoming say " peace" to me. Be merciful and re- they say themselves, "old before' they"arfc placed him, outside the temporary dressing- the window. Two-thirds of it hung outside. The Jon," says the one; "horror and remorse," vation of his dispatch bags, amused himself by knowledge nearly broken their- virtuous necks to his companion, you become my child. Do attempt tò pull it in, and failing in this, to hold i echoes the other. They tinkle and toll thus main !' young." room; then he tilted his chair back against a opening and examining them. Up to that time it where it w^s, taxed the strength of this oblig- secure presentations to certain high personages not vex, do not excite him. Be yourself—^ '" She was moved with my appeal, and tears The stage baby's theatrical life if^onji of "painted ocean," immediately behind which an agent of the Government in New York received in Paris who w erer the inferiors in morals and in- § eery midnight, when my hour of penance ing friend sorely. If he let go the bag would be always calm, gentle, and affectionate, and the came to her eyes. fear—of punishment in the mornins,iof the reposed the sleeping baby. At the same mo- and returned the dispatch bags, forwarding to tellect to Mr. Buchanan's frail diplomate. . arrives and I have tried to register my story. dashed down, probably torn open, and theimport- kindness which you show my boy, may God " ' I did not know that it had come to this,' ment, from afar the " heavy villian " hearing Washington only such matter as pertained to the audience at night, the lights, the bustle, noise ant dispatches be at the mercy of the European D.P. It is almost finished now. Let. me read the return to you in mercy and blessing!' 1 his "cue "given to appear, came tearing along Government. Governor Marcy ordered him to she said. Then her Composure returned, and and confusion behind the scenes . despots ; and if ho held ou—supposing he could— f pages softly to myself: send the bags. "I unclosed my eyes; the scene was re- she" raised me with a smile. When the " AVliite Fawn" was in cptvrse of with his false whiskers in his hand. -The there was danger of some projection striking the The county paper at Worcester, Massachusetts, I • "My life has been a long career of suffer- solved to my quiet library. Something glided '"If you would win any woman,' she said rehearsal a few years ago in New York, mini stage was waiting for him ! Stage wait ! stage The contents were said, to have been exceed- bag and destroying it, or perhaps pulling its guard- with the dignified name of the Spy, iu the course ing. The elements, whose changes and com- through the door, but a form from the other meaningly, 'you must first be a, man: You hers of children were daily for six Weeks kept wait! the words ran «around. Wondering ingly entertaining to every body but tho gruff old ian along with it through the window, to be of a sketch of the editors of this paper, indited by binations contribute to the pleasure of my spe- side flung a shadow across my face. A pre- are not a man, Luke. You are -a child ! You swinging five and six hours in the,.air as what that meant, Brown tilted his chair fur- Secretary; and-I cannot help believing that, but dashed violently to the ground. some emulous youth, says: "They have incul- cies, have arrayed themselves against me. I monition of the keeper thrilled me a moment, have shut the sunlight from you, and the trill angels. On one occasion, a little girl fainted ther back to give the actor room to pass. He for my part in the transaction, the old gentleman It was au exccediugly unpleasant predicament cated so pervading a conviction of public immor- am fashioned so delicately that the every-day but I turned slowly at length, and looked into of a thrush pierces you like an arrow. Would from want of food and fatigue; she fell from overbalanced himself, the ocean gave way; it himself would have been amused. He found hun- for a hearer of dispatches. He hung on, however, ality in all departments of affairs as to reduce : dreds of letters to merchants and others not con- their utterance in that direction to a system, and bustle of the world provokes exquisite and the intruder's face. - you cage your wife in the gloominess of this the framework which supported her and broke was touch-and go with everything—scenes, like a hero, though cdvered with dust and per- nected with the Government. He fished out their attacks to a fine art." incessant pain. Embodied like my fellows, "A woman, or rather a girl with a woman's sepulchre ? Would you hush her songs, and her aim. During the same Winter—a, ¡chairs, man, stage baby and all. Brown fell spiration. He occasionally felt obstacles grazing sluoes, gloves, dresses,- laces, aud, it is said, cer- or striking the bag. As his strength gradually We have never, we believe, been hauled up by mynerves are yet sensitive beyond girlishness, face, serene and placid, as if never ruffled by tremble beneath her . caresses, and die in the severe one—a boy aged eight had a part fiât on his back and lay waving his feet in air tain articles not publicly offered for sale in puri- failed him, he prayed a little, and, I fear, swore a a congressional investigation, as was tho corres- and my organs of sight, smell, and hearing care or passion, sat fcetween me and the win- delights of her love ? Go to! " Open the win- play at the then New York Theater. He ap- and crying for help, for the baby had been tanical communities. Be this as it may, ho cer- great deal. Tho exertion was heroic; nothing pondent of the Spy, for inculcating what had no are marvelously acute. The inodorous ele- dow of this vault! Mingle with the crowds of .thrown three feet off and buried under a hill dow, and the gloomy light softened her calm peared only in the earlier scenes, \vhieh left tainly did discover, to his own great wrath and could have sustained hUn but the thought of the foundation. We have so well systematized our ments are painfully odorous to me. I can cities! Ascend into the mountains ! Cross of - canvas; and Brown on top of all. The countenance. As I looked up, her lashes fell, him time to undress and dress for the sheet, my discomfiture, sundry lettere addressed to the important dispatched intrusted to his keeping. business as to beeomff the object of envy, of no hear the subtlest processes in nature, and the and her blue eyes were bent fliedly upon the the seas! Become worthy of my affection, and hurry to Niblo's, undress and dress again'for c'hildSî screams struck terror to the heart of New York Herald and kindred prints,- then, as I The fate of the Union, the fate of Europe, proba- end of small-fry, who indite paragraphs at us from densest darkness, is radiant with mysterious floor. She seemed like one of my sedate por- then entreat mc again!' the transformation scene, in which his sistef, its mother on the stage, plighting her virgin have said, engaged in attacks on his Secretary- bly, hung on his good arms. They gradually failed infinite littleness and distance, and thus keep alive lights. My childhood was a protracted hor- ship. traits, which had come down from its case. " She had shown me the abject thing I was. aged six, also appeared. The curtain never troth to the youth at her side, who felt for her, him ; but, fortunately, not until tjie train slack our reputation. • ': ."". ror, and the noises of a great city in which I She waited, apparently for some sign of re- Her couditions„were harder than death ; but fell till midnight; after which, hand in hand, being a family man himself.. With an ans- So it came to pass that thu Secretary of State ened at the first station from London ; and, as It lived, shattered and well-nigh crazed mc. In cognition, or until'my surprise should have the hope she had spoken was like a glimpse of these two stage babies waded through the wering sliriek she darted behind the scenes, gravely inquired by what right the secretary of stopped, the bag fell from his nerveless hands, WHEN GENERAL BUTLER plunged so wildly into the dead calms, I shuddered at the howling of legation used the dispatch bag to carry " private passed away, and did not move while I ran heaven, and -1 answered ) snowy, deserted streets to the extreme limits fellowed by actors, supes, scene-shifters, and and the bearer of dispatches sank exhausted in poetry the other day about " ways that are dark, iviiids. I fancied that I could detect the slid- letters, and even wearing apparel." his seat. and tricks that are vain," &c, it was remarked her over wjtlj keen curiosity, She was, pro- Heraine, I will do it!' of the city, arriving at home about two o'clock some of the spectators, who scrambled over t Fortunately for me I found, in looking over thç When the dispatch bag was placed in the car, that he drew his Bret-H-arde. hoarse his place was snppMed by a gentleman whose resses, while her beauty is of the highest order. It is, spirited. There never was so base a politics otherwith being guilty of a criminal offense. Mr. undersigned to lend his aid to have said bill pass the delay the press while dictating a full account to eight name we did not catch, who had a blue-back jowl as if the rings that encircle and sustain the despot- however, somewhat to be regretted that, owing to in- THE CAPITAL. as that which politicians solely controlled. Farnsworth did this when speaking of Mr. Butler, House of Bepresentatives by the dishonorable and un- phonographic reporters. his beard had been blasted off. His voice escaped with, isms of Europe, such as the nobility, the mili- lawful tncans stated in my affidavit, which appeared In creasing flesh, she is losing that shapely outline that It is noteworthy, at the present time that and, when called to order, defended himself by On Friday, at 4 p. m., our reporter Informed us that out damage and he sang in rich tones with marvelous tary, the officeholders, and the clergy, is T&E CAPITAL on the 9th instant, which means were the but a short time ago made her form as perfect as her DONN PIATT, asserting that Ben Butler occupied a double offi- the grand piano was being removed. This was a tre- effect. Mr. G.N. Lillebridge sang "Brightest Eyes" EDITORS. none of the papers we have cited are approvers following offered bribes and thrusts: " $1,000,000 worth face. Unlike Miss Denin, she has no height to give GEO. ALFRED TOWN8END, added another, which we designate as the cial capacity, one as director of the Soldiers' mendous affair, as this grand piano had been built into with tenderness and correctness. There were many B of the administration of President Grant; but of stock in the Great Southern Hallway Company," "or dignity even to obesity. Kate Denin has not met with above under the name of capital. And this Home, and the other as a member of Congress. the house by Mr. Philp, who is passionately fond of bright eyes in the andience, so it. was difficult to dig. PUBLISHER, EIJSITA J. JENKINS. a large area or township of land;" the " adjustment and great approbation this winter from our theater-going of this there need be no wonder. Notoriously ring is more grasping, greedy, and despotic music. It required the united exertions of the High cover whose Mr. Lillebridge considered the brightest and Therefore, when he said the gentleman was a reapportionment of the federal patronage In Florida to pnbilc for the reason that she has seldom been assigned incapable, both by temperament and know- Joints, and as it was the butler burst a blood vessel, and was singing to. Mr. Parkhnrst's tenor rose clear and OITICE or PtTBtlCATIOK op THE CAPITAL—NO. 428 than all the others. Said a senator—"there damned rascal, he referred to the director, and my better satisfaction;" "to be received, permanently, any rote fitted to her peculiar style, which is heavy ledge,' the prey of a set of scheming gossips, has since been kept alive on brown stout. Shakespearean parts. She has a commanding presence, sweet above the mass of sound (so to. speak) of the ELEVENTH STREET, BETWEEN Pennsylvania Avenue is nothing more cruel and corrupt than a mil- the House sustained him. into Bald company as attorney, at such salary as I might At Ive, General Dent appeared, bringing from the a sweet, yet powerful voice, and good mind. Actors choir, who were all In admirablevoiceimd perfect train- a party to every personal issue between rival lion of dollars, ulnless it be two millions." This is beautiful, and hereafter the Pickwickian name or' $6,000 per annum;'" "a draft for $20,000 upon and E Street, Washington, D. C. Executive conservatory all the valuable exotic plants In who play month after month in the same theater, act ing. . politicians, and blind and deaf to the fitness of phrase will disappear before Farnsworth parlia - a bank in New York, and my return to Congress, or my pots, to be distributed along the halls and stairways of Taught by their leaders, or led by their what they must, not what they would, but are criticised WALL'S OrERA HOUSE, on Monday evening, April 24 things, the President has deprived his emi- mentary law. Let us illustrate its workings: defeat therefor, and my position In the company to be the house. A night-blooming cereus young man was Bate* of Subscription. instincts against these rings, the people rise in made all I could desire, even should it require the resig- when they fail with as mnch severity as if they had a presents to our citizens a first-class pantomime troupe. nence of its superstition, and used his scepter The Hon. Schuyler Colfax is a member of the put on each Bide of the ladies' dressing-room. At half- For mall subscribers. THREE DOLLARS per year. revolt, and we signalize our sympathy by the nation of a New York man." choice in the matter of characters. The starring sys- The clown makes his first appearance in this city. He Five subscriptions to one address. THIRTEEN COL- Young Men's Christian Asspciatlon. He is also past five Mr. Horace Capron came with all the agricul- to drive his horses and to rake in his gifts. Circulation of slanders and a cry of horror at In feeble and discreditable response to this (by him) tem is just this: some distinguished author writes a comes to us with a well-earned reputation. The well LARS. Vice-President of the United States and presid- tural, horticultural, and fioricnltural specimens in his The newspaper press has no right to commend forced revelation of a broad scheme to enrich himself play for a certain actor, who exacts that his role shall be known New York danseuse, M'lle Marie Bonfantl, and Bates of Advertising. their efforts. ing officer of the Senate. Now, a senator might charge. At 8 o'clock at night all the marines in the good and all the rest bad, so that Us acting shall be Signor Novissimo, are the leading spirits of the ballot this example, and it has none of. the politi- and his brother and friends, the prime movers In the Prices fot Advertising as follows, without deviation Nor mtlst we commifthe grave error of sup- call him a laughing hyena, and say he referred navy-yard, under the command of Secretary Bobeftm, better by contrast, and he reaps his reward when the clement. Then we have the names of Moe and Good- in any case: cian's incentives to do so. The present mission project, at the desperate expense of a squandered public arrived with hammers, and proceeded to inclose the posing that this revolution, or revolutionary exclusively to the member of the Young Men's domain and the future ^dependence of my State of a audience exclaims, "what a fine actor 1 pity he has rich, the original Black-Crook skaters—all offering an For the space of one inch, $1.50 for the first,an d of all these papers is to soften the. rigors of hunting-grounds of the mansion, so as to make one feeling, is confined to France. We must re- Christian Association. A great many members powerful corporate business and political monopoly, such poor support." | $ attractive programme. 75 cents for each subsequent insertion. huge ball-room. - These marines were generously sup- party fliscipline, to enlarge the charities of the of Congress, some eighty we believe, are directors (conceding the scheme of the Great Southern Railway The same rates per space for short or long advertise- member that the industries, aided by com- plied with a reasonable amount of beer, bread, and Miss JANS COOMBS.—Monday night Miss Jane Coombs THE NATIONAL THEATER, that has been doing rather Republican party and put some representative In national banks. What a line opportunity there ments. No space let less than half an inch. merce and stimulated by steam, railroads, and Company Is not a " sivindlt" and a chimera, to the which cheese, to sustain them during their arduous labors of appeared at Wall's Opera House in "The School for an unhappy business with an excellent actor, Mr. Frank American statesman at the head'of it, and to is here to address them as directors, instead of 1 challenge the proof to the contrary,) the honorable Mayo, during the last week, is open to negro minstrels CXTT ITEMS (Nonpareil) 30 cents a line each in- the telegraph, have broken down the old bar- the night. Scandal," bringing with her a company more than ordi- sertion. " press upon the attention of Congress genuine the honorable gentlemen of House or Senate; senator rose In his place to »"personal explanation," Our limits will not permlt'us to* give in detail the narily excellent. Mr. Frederic Boblnson is an actor of this week. rier and united all Europe in one compact and had read certain garbled letters, and tampered ex- BFECIAL NOTICES (Minion) 50 cents a line each measures of a material and economical des- and, as directors, call them bloody Shylocks and reports sent ns every fifteen minutes by our vigilant cultivation, long experience, and great talent. Charm- THE LEVEE for the benefit of tlie Library Association insertion. body. That which influences one part affects other opproblous names. We know an honorable tracts of Interpolated writings and partially suppressed reporter. The last we had before the aBBcmbllng of the ing little Mrs. Sedley Branson has been a star herself, I. O. O. F., at Odd-Fellows' Hall, next Wednesday even- cription rather than propositions of mere sen- communications, and brazenialsehoods over the signa- All other reading notlceg 91 per Jlne. , all; and remepibering the old French revolu- member who is president of a baker's association guests was to the effect that, the rumor is spread through and more recently the New York playgoers will readily ing, promises to be a grand affair.. timent or of party efficacy. All the bright ture of his "private secretary," Alberger, secretary, tion, and subsequently that of '48, both ,of for the better distribution and consumption of town asserting that the carpet, extending from tho front recall her fascinations. light the country is receiving at tlris time also, of said railroad company, and concludes in an un- To Contributors. which spread over Europe destroying mon- aerated bread. What a beautiful chance there is door through the private grave-yard to the street, waB Miss Jane Coombs has youth, gracc, case, under- Midas for Renomlnatiou. comes from without and not from vrithin the intelligible something so sparse, slender, and tender tapestry, is untrue. It. \As in fact a second-hand'three- standing, and great versatility of talent. In her man- Every article submitted by mall to "The Editors of archies and remodeling society, the despots to get at him! A brother member might call Win that I should scarcely have the heart to " trim them They serenaded Morton, 'midst his flunkeys and MB legislatures. We do not possess an original ply, and a good deal worn at that. ner there is no sign indicative of her long retirement, THE CAPITAL " will receive consideration, but we will are aroused; and if we fail to sympathize with an old loafer, with perfect impunity, under the up," even if it were proper In this connection to'do so— peers. be unable to write letters to our contributors or to be Among the more noted lady guests Brown reports the and she is as fresh as if, like the sleeping beauty, time statesman in office, and yet there is probably Farnsworth rule. the whole explanatory statements consisting of a malig- And the President stood by to hear him say: responsible for manuscripts. As a rule we do not pur- the struggle of suffering humanity, we can at following ; Lady Thornton appeared graceful as a swan had been Btanding still all these years of obscurity. more individuality, originality, and ingenuity nant personal attack upon the •ndersigncd fir oppos- "The greatest of the statesmen, seen on earth for thlrtv chase articles, those only excepted which we order upon least leave the unhappy rebels in silence to the in white silk, blue • satin paniera, trimmed with white We fear, however, that that dearest of all appreciation in this than in any other country. The plain ing the said land-grabbing bill, and of an attempt to years, particular themes from professional journalists. We cruel oppressors against whom they struggle. THE women, "God bless them," as the men al- lac{ and blue roses ; hair dressed in lace and roses.' which the public bestows upon its favorite artists—that distort the fact of my not being returned to Congress Is U. S. Grant, who governs us to-day." do not care whether suggestions from our friends are fact is that politics has run into a commerce and ways say, when half drunk at banquets in responss Lady MacDonald was in black silk, trimmed with thrilling, soul-stirring, greenback sympathy—will nevar Into a condemnation by the people of my unyielding Then a little boy cried out, notwithstanding all their anonymods or authenticated by signature; for in either an avocation, and is managed by a class. If to their toast, marched down sixty strong one day white lace extremely neat. be hers as long as she plays the "old legitimate." opposition to this Bcheme for the material development jeers. _ case we shall examine into the subjects for ourselves. A GOOD DEAL of indignation is expressed last week and demanded registration, that they 1 Mrs. Garfield, wife of General Garfield, wore a laven- Conld Shakespeare arise from his grave and take the the people are ever aroused to restune control of the State ? For his papa had an office, being a Dent: We desire Items from sculptors, architects, artists, pub- about a Republican fiythTnamo of Winans, der silk, with a proper trimming of lace. She appeared Bhapeof an American, wo might feel some interest in of the Government, it will be through the vigi- might be permitted to vote under the Fourteenth The senator stands before the country as being aux- " Thrco cheers for U. S. Grant, and for his thirty ear»." lishers, and friends at statt capitals or near municipal gentle as a dove and graceful as another swan. him, and patronize him as jnative-born, for a night or lance and perseverance of the great independ who abandoned his party in New York, when amendment, which that perfect gentleman, Mrs. iliary to, and—being "a two-hundred-and-flfty-thousand And the people understood the compliment. governments. Mrs. Fish came out In a maroon Bilk trimmed with tw». • there was a tie in the legislature, for the sum Woodhull, asserts covers the crinoline, and gives dollar stockholder"—Implicated in, a scheme, the means ent newspapers. « velvet of the same and black lace. # GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN, on April 17, delivered a lec- of $75,000, paid by Tammany Hall. We ab- the female incumbent the right of suffrage. employed to further and accomplish which are not only WASHINGTON CITY, APRIL 23, 1871. In willful violation of the statutes, but infamous in the Madame do Blllé graced a pale blue silk—neat, but ture at Lincoln Hall. Being without a title no cine was THE BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Among the notable and, as we think, healthy hor Winans, in common with all good citi- We are pained to record the fact that our fair nqt gaudy. given the spectators as to his subject. At first it ap- friends failed in the attempt; and now we learn extreme, eapecially BO when resorted to by a senator of AND RICHMOND RAILROAD. indications of the time, is the relative decline zens; but we are bound to say that the Presi- th» United States and « minister of tho church of Mrs. Astor Brlsted was in a yellow satin, trimmed peared to be on "Physical Strength," ond he spent UBOWTH OF THE CNSCBSISIZlED that they are. going to law about It. Sixty suits of the press of in national in dent of the United States set Winans the ex Christ. Instead of making counter statements, based heavily with black velvet. some time trying to convince the people that he "ought PBESS. are to be instituted. Sixty men, learned in the Mrs. Dclaflcld appeared strikingly handsome in pur- to bo dead." The most of them agreed with him at A11 Account of the Route and the Work, fluence. The Herald is still the great adver ample of compounding for privileges. He upon perverted truth and maliclouB misrepresentations law, are to be employed, and divers and sundry ple silk trimmed with black lace. onco; but as time wore on—he spoke two hours and There is no more cheering indication of the Using paper, but its editorial opinion is never has legitimatized gift-taking, which is but of honeat issues, let the senator answer the matter So many disconnected paragraphs have been judges and jurists made to wish themselves dead which Implicates him in unsenatorial transactions by MÌSB Emma Delafleld wore blue silk, with black lace three-quarters—the feeling was changed to one of re- equal and healthy development of the United cited ; it cannot even fasten a nickname upon another form of bribery, and many of his published about the Baltimore and Potomac rail- in adjudicating this vexed question. the easy, if not direct, inference of his brother's own trimmings. gret that such a brilliant mind and wonderful dramatic States, than the prosperity of the outspoken a man as it used to do. The THmes, which Miss Kate Biggs was in white brocade silk with green powers should he so poorly directed. George Francis road, that a short running sketch of that enter- greatest offices have been given to worse men So far as we are concerned individually, we statements. He is upon trial, with his colleagues, A and legitimate newspaper press in every sec- adornments and figures. Train is a man of commanding height, as supple in body prize may have some value in our favorite weekly was formerly the paper of good order and than Winans, and for less purchase-money\ would be very much gratified to have the women C. Osborn and H. M. Alberger, not I; and he cannot tion of the land. Taken out of the hands of Mrs. Edmunds, wife of tho senator, was lovely aB— as he is voluble In speech. His features, without being paper. gracious protestation, has got into a quarrel With Mr. • Tom Murphy at the head of tlie vote if they so desired. Everybody else votes, escape by an attempt, discreditable as desperate, to partisans and offlce-johbers, and established well, "as anything—In a lavender silk and no end of handsome, possess a mobility that alone would have THE INCEPTION. with Tammany Hall, which it conducts with- greatest custom-house in the New World, poor why shouldn't the women? With all the noise shift this corruption, either from his own shoulderB to those of his brother, the doctor, and his private secre- black lace. made the fame of Kean or Macready as it did of Garrick upon broad and reliable business endowments, out spirit, and it is maudlin in favor of the and bluster and prejudice over, about, and tip It is now nearly Ave years sin»e the great Penn- Winans can look at the whole Executive Gov- tary, Alberger, or from the trio's, to mine. Mrs. Bradley shone in pink silk, with white muslin and Foote. these papers are the social exchanges of the wards the subtle constitutional question, one's and lace. sylvania Railroad Company, observing that in the President, which is inconsistent with influence. ernment and say: "Let him that is without I had a right to expect that, instead of an attack upon Tho majority of people incline to think that Train Is country; their beautiful offices are the true The Misses Schenck were dressed in lavender silk region of Pittsburg its industrious Southern rival, The World is full of. good writing, without sin cast thé first stone!" common sense teaches him that his wife or daugh- me, whether made directly or indirectly, or through his but one remove from a madman; he may be in a polit- with hair powdered. the Baltimdte and Ohio road, was see"king tip cut guild-halls of the chief cities, and they are also facts to give it gravity or conscience.to give ter is quite as well fitted to vote as the ignorant brother, or factotum, based solely upon malice, false- ical point of view, but if he would cease howling for Mrs. Audenreld sported a crimson Bilk, trimmed with it off by a short turn, resolved to equalize the the citadels of the rural people against the ag- man, white or black, who exereciscs this precious hood, and revenge, the senator would demand a com- the Presidency, and go.on the stage, there would be no it conviction, and its rank is not above the black lace. GRIM JOKE—Oliver P. Morton, in the pres- privilege. This voting is a manly pursuit, of mittee of investigation. Had such special tribunal been actor to compare with him. He has the most Btartling conditions by also tapping the eastern approaches gressiveness of tlio wealthy burghers. They run of partisan organs. The Sun, when right Mrs. Porter, charming wife of the Admiral, was gor- ence of U. S. Grant, calling the latter "the course. But scrubbing, washing, cooking, and created I was prepared not only to substantiate all that versatility—passing from tho broadly humorous to the and monopolies of the Baltimore railroad. It keep up a standing fight with the municipal geously attired in a corded white silk. and just, has very trenchant editorials; and if kindred pursuits, are manly, and yet no one ob- I had Btated, either in my affidavit or my letter, (not yet most touchingly pathetic with the rapidity of lightning would seem in any other country tliairours to be rings, and are secured against overthrow by greatest statesman seen for thirty years." The We have no space left for the great crowd of fair it would turn its batteries upon Tammany we jects to a woman usurping- his rights in till» di- published,) to Dr. Osborn, and more, if necessary, but In a fierce storm. His wit is so quick and vivid that Its an easy and proper thing for a corporation with the confidence of the people and their own authority is equal to the compliment, and both ladies and brave men not mentioned. should see more effective work in that direc- rection. We have seen, for example, a'poor, weak further than that, I wonli have acquitted myself of all brilliancy blinds like lightning, and the blackness which abundance of means, generosity, and opportunity were of matchless delicacy. .The kettle calls The supper was light as a supper should be, bnt the scientific good conduct. tion than has yet been attempted; it is the creature, inclined to consumption, on her knees imputations. As it is, the case lias gone from the Sen succeeds is needed to restore the sight. He is a thorough to buy the right through other men's farms and the pot white. ate where it properly belongs, to the country, to whose music made up by being heavy. master of oratory, managing his voice, and "making" only two-cent paper in the country which is mopping up the tobacco spit from the marble fields, to undertake a road between one city and The greatest Sunday issue of any journal in lust sense of right and duty, If other» dare, I do, sub- REPORT FROM ^BOWK'S YOUNG MAN. his "points" with a Bklll that does not fall to the lot floor of a hotel, and we never yet saw a lord of another. But so narrow and so provincial have the world is the Seventh-day' Chicago Tri- felt outside of its immediate city. The New mit it, and the position occupied by'Senator Osborn is The President has issued his cards for a diplomatic of old actors after a'lifetime of study, because they WANTED TO KNOW—Whether the notes in- creation grow Indignant at such encroachments been our interpretations of the powers of parts bune. Some of the smaller and more envious York Tribune is managed by a Western man, that of a man who dared not face * fair investigation, dinner, for the 29th instant. have neither tho originality nor the genius of Train. dorsed "U. S. Grant" paid for certain prop- upon what God Almighty intended he should do. It is true Forrest can play Lear, and Clarke Toodles, of the country and the want i)f jurisdiction in papers recenti}' attempted to decry advertising of far more knowledge, precision, and whole- "backed," though he may be, In any qnarter, in appre The beautiful MISB Peck, daughter of Judge Peck, is erty on K street, near Fourteenth, and re- On the contrary, we have Been these lords of cre- bnt the former cannot play the latter, nor the latter the the whole country, that every large city lias been ness than Mr. Greeley, who is perhaps the elation of his vote as against Sumner, and attempts to very low, In consequcnce of an attack of rhcnmatlsm. in th& Tribune's Sunday issue; but, in re- called, were presented to His Excellency, or ation step .over or around the female thus engaged cover up his own footprints by asBaulrtng the way of former. Fancy Forrest as Toodles, and Clarke as Learl more or less at the mercy of some adjacentceom- only weak man on the paper. Mr. Greeley's Her friends are very much distressod, as she is so very ill. sponse, the paper of Sunday, April 16, con- whether he has gone into the note-shaving in an abominable usurpation, with sublime Indif- others. I defy the senator or the trio to challenge an yet Train conld act them both equally well. Jefferson monwealth which had no common interest with Last Monday the Earl de Grey gave a sumptuous din- tained fifteen columns of "wants," "rents," weakness arises less from his cardinal ignor- ference. Investigation. can act but one part, likewise Miss Bateman; our lec- the gre&t municipal population, and made it a business. ner at his residence on K street, and among those prom- and small notices, none above ten lines in ance than from his delight in parading it. "But the end Is not yet." turers have their individuality so inwrought that they point of honor and of Interest to interfere with it i 0ur only objection to the dear women Is to be inent were the President, wife, and daughter. are always the same old lecturers. Train is ever chang- length, which produced $200 per column ; six •Originally of a benignant temperament, some- Carpet-bag Exposure. C. M. HAMILTON. in all its needs and applications for outlet. To- found in the fact that they are apt to run more on All difficulties being settled, with perfect satisfaction ing. Anna Dickinson, "Injun Meal," Susan B. Anthony, columns of display advertisements on the first what like Abou Ben Adhem, he dreamed build a railway demands a charter in every State We publish in to-day's issue a brief card from their beautiful feelings than their judgment. We to all parties, Mr. Bangabee and Miss Gerolt were hap- Sumner, Parton, Taylor, Phillips, Kate Field, Edgarton, page, at $150 per column; and seven inside when he should have been thinking, and formed and all the rest of them, put. in one mortar and pestled through which the line passes, but it has come to the Hon. C. M. Hamilton. It will be recollceted never heard one yet advocate the right of suffrage SOCIAL HEWS. pily married last Wednesday. The newly-married couple his opinions before he had. read anything. together, could not make up the multifarious gifts of be so arranged in our time that a charter lias to columns, at $130 per column, making in all that this gentlemen brought before, the public that she did not threaten our club-house, coffee- commenced life by a trip through the Northern cities. There has been no event of grave Importance to dis- George Francis Train. On the platform people laugh be black-mailed through a legislature. twenty-eight columns, yielding more than We behold him, therefore, with monstrous through our columns certain grtwe charges against houses, and other houses that it won't do to .men- Monday last being Mr. Hamilton Fish, jr.'B, birthday, turb tlie pellucid surface of Washington social life dur- at him, on the stage they would worship him. $4,800. The same issue had thirty-two col- industry, seeking to construct mutual rob- Spnator Osborn in his official capacity, and a num- tion, witii legal enactments. The dear creatures ing the last week. The nearest approach to one was Mrs. Fish celebrated it by giving a large and elegant ThcfourStates of New Jersey,Pennsylvania, Bel- dinner. Of course, on such an occasion, none w&re His manner on the platform, like his language, is not umns .of reading matter, eqüal to about four bery into a buttress of enlightened govern ber of confederate, carpet-baggers inflicted by our cannot be taught to believe, what the world has the trouble Mr. Bangaboe had to get married. aware, and Maryland have held in their own heeds paternal Government upon the unhappy State of asked exccpt the High Commission and the near friends unexceptionable. His gesticulation is somewhat mus- times the whole contents of the Washington ment, and guide the nation which he helped gradually learned to know, and that is, that wo Mr. Bangabee and Mies Gerolt proposed to get mar- of the family. cular; ho alaps his thighs till the noise resounds through- for the last thirty years the destinies of the com- Florida. ried ; toget a good deal married, in fact. Social Wash- CAPITAL. Tlio salaries paid on the Tribune are make free into commercial principles almost cannot legislate for the morals. " Be It enacted" out, the length and breadth of the hall. He drags him- mon capital of the country. These roads haw ington was agitated over the startling diplomatic rumor W, W. Corcoran, Esq., gave a banquet at his resi- as bad as slavery. Aspiring to be both an If these charges were true, and Mr. Hamilton is only good to keep the peace, and has force and self almost on all fours from corner to corncr; then paid the cheapest sum for which any lobby privi- amongst the most generous in the world, and that (he high contracting parties were.to be married three dence, on Lafayette Bquare, on Wednesday last, to the made out a very clear prima facie ease, tlie senator effect only where such " be itenacted"ls uncallod knuckles himself, so to speak, back to the reading-desk, lege was ever purchased in Washington city. They the following are reputed to be some of them ; editor and a politician, he has spoiled two different times on three different days. First, Miss Messrs. Corbin, father and son, of Georgia. Among the and his confederates are candidates for the peni- for. The law called public opinion, that is created which he falls npon as If he would shiver it in pieces have simply given a free ticket now and then to Editor, Horaco White, $5,200; assistant editor, good capacities; and when to theseincompat Gerolt wns to be married by a Catholic clergyman; then guests were Senators Thurman, Stockton, Bayard, and tentiary. * by such wise legislators as mothers, preachers Messrs. J. Manderville, Carlisle, Francis Lnmiey, Sam and then eat them. He double-shuffles and stamps on the men whose votes were demanded. Instances S. II. Gay, $5,200; publisher, Alfred Cowles, ible pursuits he joins the philosopher and the Mr. Bangabce was to be married by a Greek, clergyman; Senator Osboni, in response to this serious in- Sunday schools, and such high-toned journals as then both were to be man-led by a civil duel: in the con- nel Ward and^Ioseph Peabody. the floor till the uprising dust obscures him; he beats are known where persons, who refused to obey ologian, we behold Benjamin Franklin in cari his breast, clenches hfs flfct,clutche s his hair, plays ball $5,200; Eastern correspondent, G. A. Town- dictment, appealed to the Senate on a privileged THE CAPITAL, is the only law that cultivates a sular capacity, BO as to give the affair an International the dictates of these connecting corporations, Last accounts of Secretary Seward inform ns that he "with the furniture, outhowls the roaring elements, send, $5,200; editorial writers, Jas. Sheehan, cature. The smattering of household and question, and after garbling the documents sub- high moral condition of a community. If " be it aspect. is in good health and spirits. He is delighted to meet steams with perspiration, foams at the mouth, paces tip have been notified tlvit their tickets were re- V. B. Denslow, $4,160 each. The Tribune?» farm science which he has spread through mitted entire to the people, he indulged in some enacted" is sustained by such public opinion, It is This was all knocked in the head by his High Bever- Lord and Lady Napier, and enjoy their friendship, and down till ho looks like a-lion in a cage lashing his quested to he returned; and thus, for the con- the rural regions will require years of school personal abuse of the prosecuting witness, Mr.' staff is one of the largest and best organized in as good as useless. If, on the contrary, it is not ence the Archbishop of Baltimore, who swore flatly that which he formed in Washington. A letter from Lady tali; and yet he is not happy, no, he wants to bo Presi- gressman's paltry privilege of a free ride over journalism, and amongst its local reporters are ing to eradicate, and more than any instance Hamilton. Now, admitting all that the senator so sustained, It Is a dead letter. These solemn his clergymen were able to marry them all at once, and Napier, desiring some papers from a friend, states that dent ; probably to get that dog, .the only gift, he said, I few miles of rail, the demands of the nation said to be true, it leaves his own case untouched, he wouldn't put up with any Imputation to the con- she met. Mr. Seward, and that he is very strong and jolly. many men capable of conducting first-class within memory he and his disciples exemplify facts the dear women cannot understand, and his Excellency declined to accept because it was sent have failed to be satisfied. We have lived for two. and results only in making Mr. Hamilton at con- they want to get their sweet little hands into the trary. He aaid that, unless the parties would give bond Mrs. .Grant's reception was crowded, as usual, with C. O. D.—Collect on Dog. Perhaps his most remarkable journals. The annual profits have heretofore the danger of " a little learning." But he has and security not to have any more marriages, he'd be lifetimes tinder the dynasty of a single rail cru»- spicuous as lrimsclf. If the senator is willing to ballot-box, so as to have a few sanguinary laws society in general. Sho was assisted by Miss Schenck power is that of abuse. Ho has the gift of turning led a pure life, according to our belief, which cuBsed if any priest under his control should make any necting us with tho outer world. If this nation averaged $180,000. Sir John McDonald re- have a popular verdict recorded to the effect that and Miss Nellie Grant. It Is the enstom, in Washing- everybody into ridicule, and it is done so well that their might have been a great life had it possessed passed cutting off the heads of whisky dealers, move looking to the union of Bangabee and Gerolt. survives its demagogues and Its provincialisms/ marked of the Tribu ne last week, that it was both sides are to be believed, he has probably ton, for a young lady who Intends entering society, to beBt friends must join in the laugh. Ho recited some bad women, gay gamboliers, and such. u there will be nothing so much contemned and the ablest American paper, ahd it owes its some real humility, and he has .established a gained his point. Archbishops are not considered infallible as the Pope come out" a little In the quiet season before she en- verses in a thrilling manner, well calculated to aronee n is, but they are very tough and obstinate. Although wondered at In the future as the fact that the reputation to the truth of its positions, the paper which the young men around him'have ters the gay life of fashion. Whether this is so or not indignation against hjs enemies real or supposed. The This, however, is not the case in which the coun- THE celebrated General B. F. Butler Is always- the parties most interested and all their friends, rela- of Mies Nellie, we do not know. capital of many millions of men has been practi- breadth of its views, its enterprise, wliipli redeemed in the tone and fullness of their chaste and elegant refrain of these verses was, try is interested. Very few care to know whether turning away criticism by breaking in bursts of tives, and fashionable acquaintances besought his holi- cally Isolated for years by the jealousy of an adja- news from the general stupidity of his editor- Mr. Sam. Ward, the poet, scholar, and gentleman, " Ye lie, ye villainsjl. yo thieves, yc lie! keeps pSce with its profits, and its absolutely Mr. Hamilton, a private citizen, is a virtuous-or a good sense, as, for example, when he protested ness, with tears in their eyes, to let the magnificent cent State and the avarice of a commercial mo- affair go on, he remained firm, and so spoiled one entertained- at a dinner party last Friday night, at And such a mimic is he that when he placed a chair independent entity, being within itself a gov- ial opinions. It is one of the greatest news- wicked man. What we are interested in is as to against any railway depot being built within the of the most imposing ceremonies ever gotten up in Welcker's, the Hon. Wm. M. Evarts, Secretary Bobe- in the center of the platform, and kept trotting aronnd nopoly. In vain do we ask, "Arc we a nation?" ernment. Against such papers as the Spring- papers in the world, and if it had been as in- the facts that will throw light upon the conduct shadow of the Capitol unless Congress had ap- "Washington. son. General Schenck, Hon. Mr. Hoar, Mr. Cadwallader it to show how certain old fogies revolve in the same when, up to the very jfates of the capital of the fluential twenty yeais ago we should have been of a senator, and the quality of a party th.it will proved the architecture. The railway depots of of Philadelphia, and other distinguished gentlemen, field Republican, the' Harffcyd Post, the New Wo did have, over a year since, a fashionable wed- everlasting orbit, he actually resembled a dog trying to nation, corporate rapacity stands, like Shylock, use a high place foi purposes of robbery. It is The dinner was one of Welcker's best, and the wines York Post, Harper's Weekly, thè Cincinnati a nation of smatterers. London, Paris, Milan, Cologne, Lyons, and other ding with a ceremony that ran throngh two days. The make time against his disappearing tall. Imitative art and prates about the specifications of its bond. charged, in so many words, that a senator has large cities, invite comparison with the best edi- of Mr. Ward's own selection. can go no further. Let George write a play for himself— Commercial, the Chicago Tribune, the Sacra- parties were half married on the first day and finished It required no vast enterprise or plu'^fc used his place, not only to steal millions, but fices of their governments. There is no building up on the second. This was very charming and pecu- The managers of the Womens' Christian Association, with himself, of course, for hero—let it be short, like mento Union, and the San Francisco Bulletin, make the first railroad from the North to Wash- to debauch a State government for the benefit of in Paris more striking and patriotic than the (fare liar, not to say exciting. But think of a ceremony rj>n of Washington, gave an exceedingly pleasant entertain- his lectures—say a thousand or so acts, a few million k neither the roar of party rage nor the blandish- THE COMMUNISTS OF PABIS. himself and his rascally associates. The attempt of the Chemin de fer du Nm-d, which is constructed ning through three days, with intervals for rest and ment at the residence of W< B. Moses, on Friday even- tableaux, and Train, the mtich-abnsed and persecuted, ington ; it required considerable to undertake the ments of power can prevail. They understand will touch bottom at last We are having throughout the country the to slight the issue and muddle the investigation, of limestone, glass, and iron, and is ornamented refreshments-. • ing last, resulting in considerable pecuniary benefit to second. In the first place the lcgislr„aires jlad to the association. We will suggest that, in view of the the principle that nothing is so profitable tó a old cry of horror and the old, old tears by making charges on others, must necessarily be in its façade with allegorical statues of twenty of We think the Archbishop might have compromised Miss ISABELLA GLTN on Tuesday evening made be purchased, and we believe this )las i)een suc. landable cause and the excellence of the entertainment, newspaper as to serve the interests of the whole touching a French revolution, that have stirred a failure. Senator Osborn is on trial, and not Mr. the great cities on.itsllne, all wearing their crowns upon a pledge given by the parties not to visit Chicago her first appearance in Washington, at Lincoln Hall, as eessfully accomplished by the, Pennsylvania rail- a repetition, with slight variations in the programme. people, and that any special deviations for the Hamilton. We had a right to expect that the per- during the honeymoon. That "vvonld have been reason- a Shakespearean reader. Her selection» were from road, which has had so muck t-xperienee in cross- comnionplace humanity for neany a century. and leaning upon their emblazoned shields. If any, would be well. son accused would request a committee of inves- able and about as much as an Archbishop ought to ask. Macbeth. Weeks before she came the city stood en- ing the United States that H knows very well that sake of a bribe, office, momentary dema- Murat, Robespiere, Danton, and the host of Within thé depot the compartment waiting rooms, But archbishops get to be very arbitrary and unreason- tigation. Failing in this, the public has the right At last we have a solution of the application of the raptured before store-windows gazing upon the picture the first thing to do is, not to have stock sub- gojjuéry, or personal malice, are unremunera- divided only by low partitions, show, revealed In able. bloody phantoms rise up to chill the blood to demand such investigation at the hands of his term High before the Joint Commission, namely, the of a young, lovely, intellectual, pallid face, with large, scribed nor a route surveyed, but to fill the bellies tive, and of mistaken policy. The power of painting upon the plaster head of the series, an Now an ordinary clergyman would let the parties get rank and dignity of the English noblemen on the Com- and fill the ordinary mind with terror. brother senators, As the matter now stands judg- dreamy black eyes, Grecian nose, and exquisitely and tickle the pockets of the people elected to these papers is immediately felt in the House immense map of tho railway and its branches. married sixteen times, if they were »o minded. AH mission. The Earl de Grey was President of the Queen's molded chin. Washington's male heart-breakcra pre- French aspirations, French sufferings, and ment goes by default, and Senator Osboni is, be- Other depots are inclosed within a hotel, kept make local laws for us. There is no subject on of Representatives, between which body and matrimony is said to be a true thing and sometimes a Privy Council when appointed to his present duty. The pared to meet their long-averted fate from a glance of the. French republic, are all settled by one fore the public, a convicted man. upon the European plan, which hotel affords a good thing, we cannot see how Christians can have too High Joints, then, must stand first in our estimation. those languishing eyes. The press teemed with clip- whicji so much nonsense has been said and about the better-press there has grown up a quiet much of it. It would be well to go on marrying over which so many good men hRve been misguided wornout phrase of "the reign of terror." What are we to think, however, of a Senate that profit upon the whole expenses of the Btatlon, The younger members of this Commission claim from pings from Boston newspapers, extolling the peerless sympathy; while the Senate, which lias within and over again all their lives. One does not pause to remember, if one spends week after week in its anxiety to secure Mr. John W. Garrett, president of the Baltimore the community the respect and admiration that is given readings of Miss Glyn. She had that peculiar mark on as this of State rights. State rights ! As if a the past four years usurped nearly the whale railroad, is also the proprietor of three hotels in We might have the sacrament re-performrtd at the tin to the Second Joints. her which is more prized than the red mark on a green, State had a right to waylay a poor devil of a trav- ever knew, that while the reign of the guillo- the passage of a law to suppress the Ku-Klux out- wedding to be repeated at the leather wedding, and so influence of the Government by a cringing the unprofitable city, for hotels, of Baltimore. Let A dinner given last week by Signor Mariscal, the Mex- hack.; it is known as " the Boston ^tamp!" Conse- eler going across it and charge him thirty cents, tine was counted by months, there had been rages, when it permits one of its own members to on down to the diamond, when the old couple would coalition with the President, finds these jour- him accept General Butler's suggestion and make ican minister, was probably secoqd to none given during quently, though the Washington season expired long as the State of Maryland.long did. The pitiful a feign of terror running through centuries in violate his trust and so degrade his State gov- take It as a good joke and get very jolly over the affair. ago and was bnried, the Boston stamp galvanized it into nals insurmountable.. We may look next for the reputation of IIÌB road national by building In the season. Among those present were Secretary Fish, State of Delaware also waylayod the passing trav- which the rich and well-born under the old ernment, that a general rei olt would be justifiable, We knew an American girl once elope from Paris life for one night, with the tickets at one dollar a head. thè capital city the finest railway-hotel station in Hon. Caleb Cushing, General N. P. Banks, Mr. Perez, a eler, and asked .him for ten c^nts to maintain the a press Ku-Klux bill; for t]iis would be hardly and this, too, without even an attempt at inVes- with a count. We believe he was a count. Some ma- Eight o'clock came! the hour for the Shakespercan feudal system trod the poor beneath their iron thé country. This is his opportunity, as we are distinguished lawyer from Mexico, the Peruvian minis- more infamous than John Sherman's proposi- gation. licious people intimated that he was a cornier. This vision of loveliness to appear. A tall, slender gentle- whipping-post and the Bayard family. Our Amer- heels. The French revolution Svas a protest agitating on all sides for a new hotel and in another ter, and others. The dinner was one of Welcker's best. tion to base General Grant's reelection upon was so hard on the courier that we always felt bound man entered from a door borne down on one side by ican flag, which is our common emblem, goer, ty made significant by the axe,—of the wretched in justice to deny the insinuation. The mother went The table was covered with everything that could he IT is to be hoped, now that the burly-burly is year it will be too late. tho weight of what looked like two huge music books, sea as something to be. dreaded, while at "j,omf. the stealing of jail property, farm stock, and in pursuit of the happy pair, and after some days over- wished for, and the room was beautifully decked with many against the cruei few. Hpw- they tri- done and the battle,, such as it is, fought and wqn, and on the other by a lady of that immense rotundity the privateers of different States stop lls wltf( other convenient chattels of the'Southern peo- took and captured them. She had them married every fiowers and hanging basket». umphed, how despotism went down, how the that this vexed question of mixed schools will be peculiar to middle-itged Englishwomen. The music their constables and ask us for thirty c cnt& as ¡„ plo. If Ohio sends John Sherman back to "-Colored men of Washington,» opportunity on their way back. Wherever »ha could It is a very unfortunate circumstance that Mr. Lewis books were "Macbeth,'.' and the lady Miss Glyn. She feudal system ceased to exist in this just retri- settled by the Territorial government. We ere hear of a consul, she Immediately seized upon him and Mainland ; for ten cents to keep up tho Senate after that suggestion, it deserves Under th is head, in our last number, we Rpoke expressed hiiyiolitical views in the pulpit,'as it has oc- sat down behind a big table covered with a red cloth bution of heaven, are now matters of record. aware that the gentlemen,elected to office are op- had the holy sacrament of matrimony administered to casioned Secretaries Bobeson and Fish, General Hunter, post, as in Delaware ; and, beyon^ it, f^Utgh to be given over to the cattle-plague. of Mr. Lindsey Muse, the venerable assistant doubled In half and wrong-side out, probably to save posed to any such mixture, for they have so in- the unhappy pair. She succeeded In getting her daugh- and Mr. Brancroft Davis leaving St. John's. If Mr. money m New Jersey to run the. whoIe Stete Z France, ever at the head of civilization, messenger at the Navy Department. Any one the better side from the utter wreck a half dozen sput- formed UB, and we know them to be men of honor.- ter married fourteen tlmeB beforo they reached Paris. Lewis is not more careful in the manner in which he stabulary, pay the governor, ¡¡g , opened a new era to Europe, and first made who has had occasion to call upon the Secretary tering wax candles would have made it. Personal ap- The leadjng men of the House of Repre- The attempt to force mixed schools upon the She rather overdid it; for, when the count beat his speaks, as well as in the manner in which he acts, he pearance, either good or bad, Is a matter neither man practical the truth we taught that governments of the Navy at that department, at any time since will gradually thin out his congregation in a way not sentatives are warm friends of the conductors District of Columbia is so infamous an outrage wife and she tried to get a divorce, the most eminent nor woman can help, and should, therefore, be exempt wort ite ill!® BI Pennsylvania were created for the benefit of the governed. 1838, must have noticed this courteous and digni- greatly conducive to the welfare of St. John's In partic- worked for twenty-five H to monopoL* all that we cannot believe'that the people at large lawyers in the world gave it as their opinion that, to from criticism, unless provoked by false pictorial repre- of the great popular newspapers. Mr. Dawes fied official, who. is always in attendance at the ularnor to the Episcopal Church in general. It Is said, the interests of the r,ational . ^ |g And now France, rising in pain from the would sanction it for a moment. Deprived of tlie release her from duress and return her again to the con- sentations. The writer remembers Mias Glyn in her is an intimate neighbor of Mr. Bowles; Mr. door of tlip Secretary's office. Our statement dition of fmrnt sole, she would have to be divorced that General Hunter and Secretary Fish are endeavor- exhaustion of a war where the treachery of citizenship necessary to even influence not to best days; even then her lithographs (the same now Allison and Mr. E. B. Washburnc were asso- hardly did justice to Mr. Muse, and we are glad fourteen times, In as many different countries as the ing to get pews in the Epiphany. her leaders wife only equaled by their imbe- say control the Government, our District lias seen in Washington) were no more like her than Lydia IS« HRil «.e legislature ciates of Mr. White ; Mr. Nordhoff and Mr. to give a fuller and more exMt account of his consuls who married them represented. .The West End theatricals will soon be ready for pre- Thompson is like Ben Butler. She dresses with the cility, again takes the lead and becomes the been made the ground for all sorts of experiments. •Hi duties, •siiid then magnani- Blaine, Mr. Halstead and Mr. Garfield, have personal and Official history. Here was a devil of a fix 1 and the last we heard of sentation to the public. They are working hard, so inevitable bad taste of Englishwomen. The youngest teacher of Europe. These so far have bien harmless, although at that they may possibly give the entertainment 6n the JjgjIfgg I |f J free railroad bill also maintained long and congenial relations. He was born free, In Northumberland county, the eountoss she was playing superannuated old woman and handsomest of our lady lecturers always dress times insults, and always irritating. "' But this laBt S7th. But it is hardly probable. It Is well not to bo ift There is no stupider lie popular among tlie Virginia, and was brought when a child to this in a third-rate theater, where the count wasn't beating plainly, with dress to the throat and sleeves to the wrist. To these papers the Republican party owes proposition embodies a wrong to which we are not her, which he always did before dinner if she had no too great a hurry in such a matter. It will not do for .Z" H 111 111 1 Washington of charging people than that which says That history re- District, where he has ever since resided. Such a display of shoulders and arms as Miss Glyn its wisest counsels, and the Democratic party disposed quietly to accord our submission. money, and immediately after dinner if Bhc had. this troupe to strike below the standard of last wint makes would be considered, by an American audience peats itself. Never was there a more striking In 1738 Secretary Southard 'gave him the ap- "'«re directly against the Baltimore its long and deserved chastisements. No pure, . So yon perceive that one can get married sometimes performance, which is, indeed, very high. Miss Annie as offensive even in a youthful and pretty woman. Her and Ohio railroad 1 but its only plea and apology illustration of this error than in the events now There are some crime's, learned writers inform pointment which he has ever sincc held, and Jeffers will personate the leading characters in her de too much. Mr. Bangabee. evidently took this view of reading of Macbeth could not be called satisfactory. has been tbe nsual talk al)0llt thf( inviolft),mt o£ magnanimous, and unselfish public man has us, that are crimes in themselves, being a viola- making history in France. The masses of whose duties he has performed with a fidelity It, as he got married at last in a quiet, sensible way, partmont. A brilliant evening and lots of bouquets are She has lost her voice, or the sweetness of it, and what State charters. Nothing has been so wronged to received at the hands of these journals other tion of the law of God. There are others again predicted for Miss Annie, as she has appeared once be- French struggling for their rights are no more that has insured universal respect, and a gentle- with only one ceremony, and no cards. At least we with reading and acting she was between wind and the history of the L century as the Unitrf than encouragement, and nò trimmer, usurper, fore in public, and has proved herself to be an fait. AST made so by municipal ordinance, and that second manly kindness that lias secured for him a good suppose so, as none came to us. water, appearing undecided which to prefer. Miss Glyn States of America. Nothing has been s®. much the same men who eighty years since rose She will be assisted by Miss Ada Sherman and Miss or malefactor, "however potential, has es- nature which comes to us through the common will equally universal. Mr. Bangabee and Mrs. Bangabce are making their about sixteen years ago, was a superb actress, and when blindly up at the call of starvation to throttle Hooker, and although these two young ladles have not respected as the petty commands of fractional caped théir artistic and biting censure. With law of custom. Of this last sort is the difference bridal tour through the principal cities with the excep- she acted certain portions of tho tragedy on Tuesday Always economical in his expenditures, and shown us their abilities as performers, we may ex- States like Maryland, Had the United States their oppressors, than if they were a different of race to which we have been born through tion of Chicago. If they go there we can promise them some of the idiosyncrasy and exuberance discreet in the Investment of his earnings, he has pect a great deal from them, as they are so blight, and evening showed (hose tragic powers which then dis- trampled upon, the soli, saoredl or otherwise oi people. Then they were ignorant and vio- that Mrs. Bangabee will be a fair divorcee before old which come from abundant human health, many generations. The white parent, therefore, become the owner of considerable real estate. accomplished. The male performers are Messrs. Hill, tinguished her. If Bhc were to act Lady Macbeth, sur- such commor^-ealths twenty years ago, and com- Bangabee knows what he is about.- All bridal parties rounded by stage effects, Bhe would be acceptable but lent—poor laborers scarcely one remove from who sends his or her child to a mixed'school feels But he has never bought or built on Capitol Hill, Edwards, Hooper, and Sherman. MesBrB. Hill and pelled tlieir petty jurists to know that they lived they may be said, on the whole, to have are warned not to approach Chicago. It is a disagree- not remarkable. No womaa- can read the character of the beasts with which they labored. Since then tlie same eensc of wrongdoing that such parent nor lias he, as our first article affirmed, ever been Sherman will take the leading parts, and will bo well under the, dominion of a groat nation, Maryland abused their great power less than any human able place at best, with such an Impure atmosphere Macbeth successfully: a few have tried Hamlet-all the industries of the empire have 'been de- w;ould feel if the child were permitted the asso- assisted by Messrs. Edwards and Hooper. would to-day have had three hundred thousand institution. A great deal is said about the able to subsist on ten dollars a month. that bridal parties have frequently been forced to wear have failed, and .have never been heard of after public ciation of improper characters. This may be-all men more than she possesses, and «*> District §1 veloped. That better education—that forcing Mr. Muse married, and had a large family of clothes-pins on their noses to avoid contamination. curiosity has been satisfied. journalistic " tone." This is a land of direct wrong In the abstract, but as yet it is the law of Columbia would have been the ' ,'f nltf | man to seek a garment to protect him from children, who have been well educated, and have EABL DE GRET'S LITTLE ENTERTAINMENT.—This High Miss Glynn is a good reader, but we expect something speaking, and of a pithy vernacular ; our ge- our nature, and the result Is, If such result is ob- AMUSEMENTS. million. - nome of half inclement weather, and ends in fashioning fab- well sustained the good name of their father and Joint exhibited hts old English animosity to a free press more than mere goodnesB from the Boston stamp. Were a nius despises formalities and circumlocutions, taincd to debase the white child without a corre- rics-so fine that one is forced to doubt their ori- mother. One son was educated to the ministry, by giving his entertainmenton Saturday night when he S. B. JAMES.—On Sunday evening, April 16, addresses the glamour removed, it would be seen that she cannot THE LULTIMORE A* sponding elevation of the negro. .1) POTOMAC ROAI), and comes to the point. In England the high- and became well known as a preacher in the Bap- thought it too late for ns to get out a-report-of the were delivered on temperance, at St. Peter's school- teach our actors anything new In tho rendering of Mac- We live In an era gin in art—has come in to make the laboring H railroads, but we hope we est prize of an editor is social and court re- We believe not only In schools for colored chil- tist church, of which denomination the father is affair. The invitation calls for 9 o'clock, and as no honse, by the Beverend Father Boyle and Samuel beth. The only new reading she made was a wrong one i have passed the classes wise and thoughtful. They now or- American, possessed of any self-respect, ever gets to an James. Of the former little need be said, as he is cognition, and the newspaper leader there dren, but in having such schools sustained by a a worthy member. utterly at variance with the authpr's meaning, as inter- Baltimore und ra of railroad government . The ganize with a motive and demand their rights entertainment before eleven, and as we go to press at well known as an orator and as a gentleman of the preted by the best critics from time Immemorial. When Potomac road is no only in name • savors alternately of the speech of a pedant, tax upon the entire population. This is not only it is really 't h with intelligence. twelve, this bloated aristocrat.knew that he had us. Ho highest culture ; but Mr. James will require more men- Lady Macbeth asks of Macbeth when Duncan "g a patron, and a flunkey ; but American jour- our duty but a policy that originates in pure self- To the Public. Oe0 vnnla. e southern extension of the Fennsyl- will never forgive our detailed and truthful account of tion, as he is new in the lecture-room. He is original, hence," ho replies, | To-morrow, as he purposes." Miss ishness. The evils that come of dense ignorance- that fox-hunt where he was ignominiously thrown from tal 1 P^S III B Harrwburg, the eapi- nalism, in the instances we lmve cited is a . The evils against which they arm and fight OB the 9th instant there appeared in Tne CAPITAL an and yet he does not say new things, for tliore Is noth- Glyn threw the accent upon "he," thereby conveying Pen an old cart-horse and skinned his aristocratic nose. His 111 n«Jlvania, and descends, Ry | gg ^ manlier creation. Its influence is wider, and arc not confined to France. There is a be- in any class is being illustrated painfull}' at the affidavit made by me in answer to what purported to be ing new to say; but he has a new way of putting old that Macbeth had already been planning the murder Of South. There we are threatened with a ret urn to a copy of an affidavit njade by the Bev. Dr. A. V. Osborn nose is not well yet, and a great deal of valuable diplo things, and he did one new thing In a temperance die- orally southward, to the city of Baltimore It it is the preservative element of our demo- liefpeculiar to our country, that: tlie distress his guest and sovereign; that, while Duncan professed to barbarism through the vicious stupidity of our of Brooklyn, New York, which was filed in the Attor- matlc time is taken up by John Thomas bathing and course. He placed npon tho reading-desk a Binali then evades that city by a series of tuni'iels cratic life. The snob expects no mercy from go hence, he, Macbeth, purposed he should not' whereas in Europe originates in the despotic charac- uneducated classes. Give every facility to the chil- ney General's office, on or about the 10th of March last, poulticing that necessary featnre to oven tho diplomatic steam-engine, lighting the little spirit lamp in connec- bridges, and cuts, to the westward, and by a roi" ' it, and it is readiesUo unmask the demagogue. by his brother, Hon. T. W. Osborn, a senator from Flor- countenance. the whole tenor of the play plainly indicates that Mae ter of their governments. This is to some dren of the people, let the color be what It-may, tion with it. While thè steam was'getting up he said bethftt.h harhadl nno eviov41l intentions againsat thxve kin<« . « ahout thirty-eight miles in length runs BQV' H ida, charging me with having proffered, while a member nntll they It cannot compromise itsèlf with state favors, extent the fact, but the wrong comes in great but let us have done with this vile attempt to Upon last Friday a beggar on horseback, evidently of that sometimes, to Illustrate argument, simple pieces of were suggested by his wife. southwestward to Washington citv of the Forty-first Congress, my vote and influence to English origin, on account of his huge calves, daBhed mechanism were used; Dr. Paley in his celebrated crosses the Eastern Branch upon ' Whcre U and be spared the jeers of its coteniporaries'; measure from the unequal distribution of force upon our helpless people the mixed schools Miss Glyn has talent. She has thought andstudy secure the passage, throngh the House of Bcpresenta- up to Welcker's and sent us in a card. It had no en- work called Natural Theolgy and Hora Paulina made a bnd and it is compelled by the veiy prominence property. The despotism of government is that will not be tolerated In any other locality. but she has no genius, and with our memory of Char' hundred feet in length, and p*- * £e eleven tlves, of a bill, introduced in the Senate by Hon. T. W. velope, hut had upon its back the address in very bad watch the basis of his grand argument against infidel- V tllrou lli tote Cushman in Lady Macbeth, Madame Louise Mrs" ncl, In the region of tho , ¡¡jil S | tun- of its sentryship to practice the law it would felt in sustaining this inequality. The old Osborn, "granting lands ts aid in constructing certain writing, while upon the face appeared also written ity. His object in introducing the tiny engine was to sh!n tm lv Drake, and more recently Mies Bateman, we cannot sixteen hundred feet ft' ' iy .v-yard, enforce. French revolution relieved France of this OUR Congress adjourned in the midst of a mud railroads—especially the Great Southern railway—in the "Earlde Grey, at home, Saturday, 9 p.m." That was illustrate how the thoughts of the sober and healthy State of Florida," for pecuniary and other considera- cede Miss Glyn's snperiority to our Virginia avenue I , °"S"' nnd then up volcano of great violence. Tho crater Butler, as all, and if It had not emanated from an earl, we Bhonld benefited the world. Tho engine was thought materi- evil to a greater extent than civilization has tions. further, there is more than one aotress who fel If the WMihrt' "SffSlxth street> whew is to be For fifty years after the commencement of say it was downright shabby. As it is, Mrs. Senator alized ; all inventions once existing in thought only In effected a like result elsewhere. But, while an. Irishman would call him—and, being a b.east tamed anything beyond local c.plel y ICe Westcm 011 1 this Government, the art of printing and the My affidavit, substantiated In almost every particular Tompkins and the Hon. Mrs. Simpklns and Mrs. Major the brain. We can offer the young lecturer no greater wU passes ou* | ™ '"oad station; the railway then why shouldn't he be called a crater?—erupted with own, such a woman as C^rtotte" Wilkinson Trl™ property lias been more equally divided, labor by letters to me from Bev. Dr. Osborn, which were also General Pumphandle will all be sending out cards with- encouragement, no higher praise, than to repeat the dred • I i H ¡PI «011 where several hun- editorial profession were subordinated to party great violence. That other crater, Farnsworth, stance, who migh g| Miss Glyn somotwi 0 W01 k is burdened to sustain idle classes in the published in connection with my sworn statement, and out envelopes, with a simple inscription bf, tor exam- words of Father Boyle, when he told him to "go on 1" t gers of nT ' IB® "own stone organization. Servility and malice reached was scarcely second to tlie first, while Beck of Shakespejwu reading, but the people ««hl neve a dUraWe .church and government, while nearly a million marked "A" "B," and "C," refuted, in Mo, all the ple, " Major General Pumphandle, at home, 9 p. m. Such MRS. GERMON.—Monday evening Mrs. Germon took W H. ascription,-and going due Kentucky rumbled and roared and threw, mud 1B the force of a bad example when-set by an earl. And lieye. it qny o witbov,t the " BOSTON STAMP." | their basest developments under the sugges- malicioiiB accusations against me; while it, on the other her farewell of th, S ' ' tho sing- hndge, passin g south of- -Bcntsvllle • , or between some of the best intellects and energies in the a seat In Congress, expressed a determination to be put .i,., . - "vubsvuie, or discuss this sort of thing, but we hope to return Mrs. Germon gave Robertson'I play of "School" iii BemlngtonFa^ of pauperism against capital. These paupers on said committee, so also as to the Naval Committee, We handed this disgusting, disreputable-loqklng card tha old court-house town and Dumfries state; and encouraged by Jefferson, on the to the subject hereafter, as the bad little boy re- over to Brown's young man, our Bocietyreporter, with order that tier ila Tighter, MISB Effle" Germon, of Wal- and rue« ** ^»-e are laborers such as our own ancestors were of which he is a member,) who Introduced the bill In all Valsgf" o>— E ' **> SS Z t0 edoricksburg. If the Rich- other, BacUe, Duane, and their successors re- marked when he was chased out of the orchard. Instructions to go at once to the house of the Earl de lack's theater, might appear In her original character of She has« very sweet v^iee we cul S and the capital is the same that now corrupts its various numbers and titles, multiform phases and Dot viled even Washington. There never was so There was ofie little Pickwickian affair that is triplicate purposes, the Bev. Dr. Osborn, President of Grey and remain there until the reception came off, and "Naomi Tighe." It Is strange that so charming an bnt much p^ng slmll)c bal al tl^n n tTpenn« Î T™ 4 «ritto pur government through class legislation and actress should never have Bought distinctly beyopd son s « Miss Jennie lnt6rcst 80 much low a press as that which the politicians in- really delicious. It is considered a violation of the Great Southern Bailway Company, and one H. M. then to leave at twelve, pieclsely, with a full, true, and ' 'be worse for threatens the existence of our republic. To Alberger, (factotum,) secretary thereof—to Induce the particular account of the aflblr, This he did, Bending NewYprk. Mise Germon has a delicacy and finish of stralL t6 BIB 8» Hli to go parliamentary law for one member to charge an- H Pi £n Wn ii ill lot^Lt City 0f us reports every half hoar, and now at midnight we style seldom found in UTR . . , use a sweat echo Xh- I? T - mutT, i ® adorni by a parallel "soubrette" class of act- her the duet of "TV* , i? mcs wae ,0 With route unless it can buy the old road Thus a of magnificent southern highway Is to " i ^Wfeed W teams » hvrt being pass right through our city, controlled by one of the noblest and houses are now offered there for sale at less HE REMEMBERED THE POOB.—One of the lucky i. GO ÀKD HEAR MONEY TO LOAN. railway corporations in the world, and continuing than the original cost of building them. Nothing ones was Mr. T. A. Sullivan, of the "Excelsior THE CAPITAL ATTORNEYS. MEDICAL. on to the region of cotton and sugar. Whatever can save the real estate of this region but bring- restaurant" on Fourteenth street. He made sueh HON. C. II. HAMILTON. THE NEW HON. W. J. PÜR3LAN. Office of the names which the several links upon this road ing it into communication with that part of the good investments in the shape bf bets on Thurs ADVICE may keep, the controlling fact is this, that the country which it has looked upon as an invader day's olection that his money was returned to him RE Vi DR. LIELIENTHAL, C. W. HAVENNER & CO., Pennsylvania Central road absorbs them all and an enemy. An enemy does not comc amongst with very handsome interest. To sigualize his WASHINGTO/' N CITY JOURNAL, HAMILTON & PURMAN, us with his hands full of gold, seeking to buy what Hereafter we can say to the Baltimore and Ohio good fortune he proposes to make a donation to ATTORNEYS A.T_ LAW, Beai Estate and Note Brokers, •TO TBE is worthless to ourselves. Our enemies, in old BY OF railroad, as the Declaration of Independence said the poor of Washington in the shape of one thou No. 643 Louisiana Avenue, Third Door and isolated regions, are we who dislike knowl- (Branch of Florida Firm,) . to King George: "In peace friends, enemies in sand loaves of bread, which he will distribute on T)ONN PIATT East of Seventh Street. edge, because it docs not reflect handsomely upon war." : ; Friday next from before his saloon. For further WASHINGTON, ». C., BROKEN-DOWN IN HEALTH! our own vanity. The South has had much sym- AJND CINCINNATI 0338,000 STATIONS NORTH OF WASHINGTON. particulars sec the daily papers. pathy thrown away upon it, and it is yet poor NNOUNCE TO THEIR FRIENDS SOUTH THAT The chicf engineer of the Baltimore and Poto G. ALFRED TOWNSEND | A To Loan upon Real Estate at Legal and ruined, while the North, retained by thrift CATHOLIC TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION.—This time, attention, energy will be exclusivelydevoted K mac railroad is Mr. Thomas Seabrook, whose office to prosecute claims for losses by war, before the and sacrifice, method and personal toil, is still evening all the Catholic tcmpcrance organizations A Weekly Pa Street. for Gentlemen, Youths, and Boys. Scattering 1 I money: amongst such folks is Governor.Bowie, formed at t^e City Hall as soon thereafter as pos- A Town Half Burned. attend. Harmless to a child and taken by children. Opposite Police Headquarter)*. I who lives between Collington and Bfiall's*tation. sible, to move at 10 o'clock. The chief marshal WHEELING, W. VA., Apra 22.—At 2 o'clock this a. VANDERBILT-On the 22d Inst., CORNELIUS JE- CLOTHS, CASSIMffltES AND. VE8TINGS, NINTH BISTRICT. KOML, son of John and Rody Vanderbilt, aged 3 years. A. S. Solomons I South of the junction, which some persons call will be Mr. A. H. Gawler, with Messrs. John C. m. a fire broke out in a carpenter shop", in Farmington, 1 month and 2 days. .' ' 616 ap 16-tf By the yard or pattern. Benjamin G. Love joy.. .[ 330 HELMBOLD'S I Huntington, the road passes through a very noble Sliafer and R. B. Nixon as ai'des.- T. Bright, J. P. about sixty-five miles from Wheeling, on the Baltimore The friends are respectfully invited to attend the Scattering luneral at 3 p. m. to-day, from residence, No. 924 First POR SALE. \ region, touching the hamlet of Collington, which D. Phelps, R: Cruit, Thos. Greer, John T. Chaun- and Ohio railroad, destroying fifteen dwellings, the sta- street west. GARMENTS made to mea'sure, by first-class work- TENTH DISTRICT. CAT A WBA GRAVE PILLS, men. i is only ai'put fifteen miles from Annapolis, and cey, Harrison Burr, G. Kahlert, and James V. tion-house, a pump-house, a warehouse and merchan- John F. Eniiis...-. ..'. 435 Gentlemen's Underwear, Handkerchiefs, etc., aud D. W. Bliss COUNTITY HOME Supersede-Magnesia, Salts, and every other Purgative. Yates, assistant grand marshals. dise, worth $5,000, and the ticket and express offices, specially White Shirts. 359 I descending Mic Collington branch of the Patuxent with their contents. The fire was caused by some AM USE M£ NTS. Thomas E. Lloyd . 1 The assortment is probably the most complete to be George W. Bauer ...!.!!! "A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN RESIDENCE," river on the ri.'iht side to the court-house town of The widows aud orphans under the care of the drunken men playing cards in tho carpenter shop, aud found. 1 Cassin Ggg| 1 situated on a beautiful eminence two miles from the HELMBOLD'S I Upper Marlboro'* where there is a station. In lodges in chafge. of the school committees will dropping a candle among the shavings. The town is The prices are as low as those obtaining in any large Benjamin G. Lovejoy . .!.. :!.!'! .!! city in the Union. 2 Navy Yard, commanding a magnificent view of the cities i this region are m any rich landholders, for exam- assemble at the Seventh-street hall at half-past half destroyed. ISABELLA QLYN A. S. Solomons 9 .of Washington. Alexandria, and Georgetown, the Poto- No misrepresentations permitted. mac river, and surrounding country. There are over CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, pl*i Clement Hill, who is worth a quarter of a nine o'clock, and Will review the procession. A call solicited. ELEVENTH DISTRICT. A New Comet in Sight. ap 23-4t thirty-five acres of grotind, which is mostly set In Mrs. DALLAS-GLYN Thomas E. Lloyd ! 498 grass, and the surface of the land is undulating and Certain ill cffect and pleasant in operation. j million of dollars. South of Marlboro the road After the formation of the procession it will ALBANY, April 22.—Professor Hough, of Dudley Uni- Edward Champlin .- ]. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 385 beautifnl, with stream of pure spring water running descends into a wo nderful marl region in the march over the following route; Third Btrcct to versity, annoimcos the discovery of a new comet. It will read SHAKESPEARE'S Scattering -. Mi 2 through it. The improvements consist it a large and neighborhood of Chn rles .branch, and it may be Pennsylvania avenue, to Sixth strget, to H street, TWELFTH DISTRICT. very pretty cottage, surrounded with beautifnl orna- HELMBOLD'S was first seen by Lewis Swift, of Marathon, Now York, MERCHANT OP TESflCfe mental trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, ¿be., &c. The that, the town of Marlboro gets its name not from to Seventeenth street, to Pennsylvania avenue, on tho evening of the 13th instant, and reported to NEW BOOKS William Dickson 374 Joseph Gerhardt 181 fruit trees, which are in great abundance, are all of the CATAWBA GRAPE PILL IS NOT A pje great general of the time of Queen Anne, but passing the Executive mansion, Fifteenth to F Professor Hough, who, owing to the cloudy weather, * A*r choicest selections. The stable is large, cottage built/ AT Scattering .....:'.'.'..''.'.'. 11 and modern, with abundance of room, and accommo- (from the fact that It Is tiVe borough of marl. The street, to Seventh street, to Pennsylvania avenue, was unable to observe it until the 18th inBtant. Last THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. PATENTED PILL. LINCOLN HALL, dations for twelve horses. liroad thence runs betweeir the hamlets of Brandy- and to the National Theater. The lines will be night its approximate position was three hours and John C. Harkness ' 658 This desirable Home is offered for the low sum of thirty minutes right ascension and forty-six degrees PHILP & SOLOMONS'. Bushrod Robinson ' 529 I "wiliifl and Tee-Bee, passes Jicar Beantown, and it opened and the widows and orphans will march ON $12,000, on easy terms. Inquire of and six minutes north declination. The right ascen- Warren Choate.. HUYCK & ADDISON, HELMBOLD'S I Keeps on the right side pf tte Tobacco river until through to the theater, the Grand Lodge, &c., William Dixon Real Estate Agents,. sion is increasing three minutes and thirty seconds, and TV BSD A Y EVENING, APRÌL 35, The Life and Letters of Hugh Miller. By Peter Joseph Gerhardt >CA TA WBA G li A PE PIL L S [it reaches the Potomac, nearly opposite Matthias following. Office in Board of Trade Rooms, the declination diminishing thirty minutes dally. Ba;?ne , M. A., in two volumes, - - $4 00 [w.-w. Moor ¡agi mar 26-tf 819 Market Space. I point. Here there is to be a fairy and another Commencing at 8 o'clock precisely. Hand-Book Of Progressive Philosophy. By Ed- Are composed of Catawba Grape Juice and Fluid Ex- At the theater the exercises will consist of sing- ward SchiRer, - FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. Iroail on the south side of the Potomac, in Vir- Opening of the .Memphis and Little Admission, il. Reserved seats, $1.50. Tickets to 1.50 Peter Campbell ,e made for so small a sum. THE LADIES of the German Cutholic church, on to 10 o'clock last evening were $14,000. The fair closes Spectacular Pantomime or the 1 Pharmacopoeia. By John Atfleld, John W. McKnight HUYCK & ADDISON I ¡by the military. The War Correspondence of the Daily News, con- Real Estate Agents and Brokers, the corner of C street and Second street cast, have to-night. W. G. /Moore 1 PROGRESS. 3 HUNCHBACKS. tinued to the Peace. Forming a continuous W. W.Moore .'.'.'..'.'.'.' At Board of Trade Rooms, No. 819 Market Space, made arrangements to hold a fair in aid of the BOS.TON, April 22.—The French fair closed to-night, history of the war between Germany and 1 ap 9-tf or address Post Office Box 120. I Few persons know how imieli of this Egad is Introducing, for the first time in Washington France, - - - - Moore 1 funds required to complete their building, and and was qnite successful. The receipts amounted to - MR. CHARLES ABBOTT Scattering 3 'S ; |Steddy done. It is fully graded from Huntington about $80,000. Probably the aet proceeds will amount and his famous Pantomime Company. ' PHILP & SOLOMONS, HELMBOLD will display their fancy goods at Gonzaga Hall SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. DRY- GOODS, &c. j ntlon twenty-five miles sonithward, or inttf to $60.000'or $70,000. First appearance in Washington of the vouno and ull Jo-morrow evening. We delight to see new peerless : BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, John W. McKnight 479 FLUID E.XTR ACT BUCHU ap 23-tf Samnel P. Rotfbrtson C'harle ^ county. It will be finigSied to the Poto- cliurchcs and school-houses erected among us, M'LLE MARIE BONFANTI 911 Penila. Avenue. 455 >1 e t,u flrst oi Nitro-Glyeevine Explosion—Four Premiere Assoluta, whose high reputation'as it Danscuse Fendell Ms 1 Has acquired a WORLD-WIDE FAME. mac bet " ' " Octoboir. One hundred men Scattering FOR STRAW HATS V now work 011 tlle and especially commend this enterprise to the Killed.- stands upon record m every city of Eurono IOME AGAIN, AND IN RECEIPT OF 3 •persons are Kasteni Branch favor of our readers. St. Joseph's church is de- SMINOFIELN, Mass., April 22,-Another explosion of SIGNOR NOVISSIMO ' B SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN ALL THE NEW one a large assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY' bridge and hundred person* on the Long nitro-glycerinc occurred at the Hoosac tunnel yesterday, The accomplished Dances and Maitro de Balli-t Frederick A. Boswell 1,050 signed to be a very beautiful structure, and the THREE ENTIRELY NEW BALLETS- &c., direct from publishers and the Trade Sales, which F. D. Dowling 702 SHAPES, bridge while W the other points between Balti- killing four men: A. Mason, the superintendent; Wil- Pearls pf the Orient," "Buy a Broom " and we will sell at prices challenging competition, for obvi- •Go to All of my Preparations are Meritorious. enterprise of the venerable Father Wiget, who ous reasons, thorough knowledge of business, expenses William Boyd 2 more and Richn 'l0,1<1 at,out tw0 thousand men arc liam Dunn, Thomas Pycroft, and Robert Roberts. Wil- " Revels Mexlcano." George Shekel Davis', has already gathered around him quite a large MESSRS. MOE AND GOODRICH nominal, and priccs accordingly cheap. 20 to 40 per cent, William R. Hunt A period of twenty years has PROVED THIS to be hard at work, i 7lf re the Eastern Branch bridge liam A. Churchill escaped with a broken leg. The Original and Renowned Skaters, from London and saved for cash. . 801 Market Space, Cor. Eighth street. the case. congregation, should be encouraged. The school- At FRANKLIN PUBLISHING COMPANY W. R. Hunt '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."' is going up there is ! f^y bottom with a gravel top, Niblo's Garden, New York. George H. Shcckells house attached to the church is rapidly approach- The Northern Pacific Railroad. A grand new scene. ap 23-tf 121 Penna.-avenue west. Scattering ||gg Sec remarks made by Benjamin Travers, F. R. C. S., as in the tunnel near-' «>c n.?vy-yard; the tunnel ing completion, and will soon be ready for the ST. PAUL, April 22.—The track is now being laid on THE SKATERS' CARNIVAL BY MOONLIGHT BEST BRANDS OF &c. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arising v in at the Northern Pacific railroad at the rate of one mile ' 150 MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES ! ' MASONS. EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. from the excess of mercury, he states that no remeflv is has masonry openiuf § and is , " S worked reception of the children. Go to the Fair by all NEW MUSIC 1 BEAUTIFUL BALLETS I T All Masonic Books published furnished by tho William R. Hunt 676 Plain and Gros-grain Ribbons, equal to the ,tcliUn Rllcy per day, and over three thousand men are employed on both ends. Its contrai '.tors arc McLo." ' SPLENDID TRANSFORMATIONS! ' Frankiiu Publishing Company at lowest rates: also George A. Sheckell 473 means. ig^ the construction of "the work. Cars are running two The whole entertainment produced at a cost of over large invoices of BOOKS of all sorts, Stationery '&c' Scattering MM "Seventh V All Widths, at Lowest Prices, at EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA; f and Company, and the .tunviel runs from ± THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS t daily arriving, and retailing at wholesale priccs, at NINETEETH DISTRICT. utli "BRIOHTWOOB."—Thos. ^Thompson advertises miles beyond Brainard. ! street by Virginia avem'te to K street and Sew LIBERAL PRICES OF ADMISSION n HOPKINS', John Hogan 362 k Dress Circle and Parquette, only 50 cents; ¿rcliestra ap 23-tf 121, Penna. ave., west. C.. W, Murray Drivi*»'. its power is extraordinary, more so than any other drug for «sic, by auction, one ¿f the most desirable Fire at Sedalia, Missouri. 190 I am acquainted with. It is, in the strictest sense a ¡street south; in the Finstern Branch there arc Chairs, 75 cents-; Gallery, 25. cents Warren Choate " 1 co-nntry sites in the District, known as " Bright- ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 22.—A fire at Sedalia last Satur- Box Hheet will be opened at Ellis' Music Store on tonic, vdth this invaluable attribute, that it is applica- ! twenty-five feet of mud ng run is business hosp. ¡tality, which H. T. HELM BOLD last four days. On Wednesday evening a recep- the army of Versailles has occupied St. Denis, and that AT TWO O'CLOCK. said election for Delegate to the House of Representa- takes one's «ash for lodgiug and tVrows i„ the PHROMOS FOR THE TERRITORY. tion welcome will be given at the Congregational communication with Paris bv the Northern railway is Ef5.No extra charge for reserved seats. 11 S,i HPS: finest assortment. Foreign and Domestic, at tives of the United States for the District of Columbia Davis'. Will remark, in conclusion, that his Remedies are the (courtesy It is the opinion, however, |g all the rail- naif old /prices, whereby you can beautify your homes result of long and careful study. The Fluid Extracts church. Most of the railroads in the country have interrupted. is duly elected such Delegate. have been before the public twenty years; the sale of froad officials, that Charles county, which used at a trifling expense, by the CASH'S RUFFLINGS AND FRILLINQS, reduced their fares. About eight hundred dele- LONDON, April 22, 11 p. m.—A dispatch from Paris EXCURSION FRANKLIN rtlBLISlIING COMPANY, And I further declare that the following persons, hav- them in that time proves their value. All have been [ to be the banner county of Maryland, can be says the representatives of; the commerce and industry ing received the highest number of votes for members of And Every Description of White Cotton Braids and benefited by them who followed my instructions, and gates will be in attendance. FIFTY MILES DOWN THE POTOMAC AND ap 23-tf 121 Penna. ave. west, Hopkins'. to day they stand UNEOUALLEDin the extent of their n lion- of the capital are about to make a fresh attempt at con- the House of Delegates in their respective legislative Trimmings, at i recovered by judici ous agriculture to be RETURN. sale and UNSURPASSED by any Medicament in the 1 orable part of the United States initead of as at BASE BALL.—The game played yesterday be- ciliation, and will go to Versailles for that purpose. districts, viz: Solomon G. Brown, in the First district; Davis'. Dispensatory of the United States, not' excepting a BANKERS. single HERB, ROOT, PLANT, or scientific preparation. present a solepm warning of the folly of unpaid tween the Olympic and National resulted in a The army pf Versailles are strongly fprtifying the SUNDAY, APBIL 23, 18 71. Joseph T. H. Hall, in the Second district; W. D. Cassin, victqiy for the former by a score of 36 to 12. The towns of Sevres, Courbprrie, and Asnieres, and the in the Third district; John E. Cox, In the Fourth dis- TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, AND NOTIONS, Pharmaceutical I claim all mine to be, and have never I labor and of a vicious system of agriculture. 1 H. G. FANT. L.- WASHINGTON. patented a single one. Communists are erecting works at Neuijly, Lovallois, 'i' '« Samel' LADY OF THE LAKE, Captain C. E. trict; Charles L. Hulse, in the Fifth district; JohnF. I The surveyors and engineers all speak in fcipi Olympic had their full nine, but the National Mitchell, will leave her wharf, foot of Seventh street In Great Variety, at were slwrt three of their players. This was the and Villieres. Murray, in the Sixth district; James A. Handy, in the terms of the climate of that region and its abuit- FANT, WASHINGTON & CO., ALL STAND ON THEIR MERITS. first game played by the National club this season, The Mot de Ordre confirms the entry of the Versailles SVNDAY, APRIL 23, Seventh district; George Burgess, in the Eighth dis- Davis'. dant fertility, when managed by men who seek The Pill I have thought of offering to the afflicted for and by the display of their good playing yester- troops into St. Denis. There has been no cannonading at 2.30 p. in., proceeding . BANKERS, trict ; A. S. Solomons, in the Ninth district; John F. ten years. to labor in the interests of their families, instead Ennjs, in the Tenth district; Thomas E. Lloyd, in the GROVER cfc BAKER'S Celebrated ELASTIC- day they will give the professional clubs hard since 10 o'clock this morning. They are now perfect, and I shall stake my time, I of working out the temporary gratification of their FIFTY MILES DOWN THE RIVER, STOPPING AT Successors to Rittenhouse, Fowler & Co., Eleventh district; William Dickson, in the Twelfth STITCH FA MIL Y SEWING MA CHINE, money, and fame on their- effectiveness. The invitiii"- work to win a ball of them. The return game Latest Cuhan News.' GLYMONT, AND RETURN. style In which the Pill itself is made, the bottle, labeL K own passions and their vanities. There are no Nt>. 625 Pennsylvania Avenue, district; John C. Harkness, in the Thirteenth district; will be played during the coming week. HAVANA, April 22.—The Diario says Valmaseda will The simplest, as well as the most reliable machlnc in wrapper, all show with what care they have been pre- I people who have more superstition and reverence . Tickets 75 cents; for sale On board, or by Receive deposits and loan money to depositors at lezal Peter Campbell, in the Fourteenth district; William W. pared. After examination, no English or French pre- go to Camagney with five or six battalions after pacify- interest. the market. Call and examine their malts at I for the State of Maryland than the folks of the 8. P. BROWN & SON, Moore, in the Fifteenth district; John W. McKnight, paration will show greater care, and I am really proud Two magnificent circular beds of tulips of many ing Lancti Spiritfts, It Cor. Fifteenth st. and N. Y. avenue. We Issue certificates of deposit bearing interest and in the Sixteenth district; Frederick A. Boswell, in the of them. | North. The utility of this railway, to all genera- The troops hav« killed Miguel Valasao, quarter- payable on demand. . Davis', aud beautiful varieties are now to be seen in fuil Seventeenth district g William R. Hunt, in the Eight- a Instead of the nauseous-looking, carclessly prepared P Ifl 801 Market Space. Pills vended generally and put up in wooden boxes, aud I tions of mcrt wet women who love the soil on bloom lu the partenes of the Treasury.. The labur- master, and Miguel Goronimo Gutierrez; vice-president MAKE COLLECTION^ ON ALL POINTS IN THE eenth district; John Hogan, in the Nineteenth district; and wUh t0 seoil of the Cuban Chamber, and captured several others. GRAND FAIR made generally or offered by those having no experience I which they were born, brought num bush crouches, oppressed by the weight of UNITED STATES. • Joseph G. Carroll, in the Twentieth district; Lemuel as physicians, druggists, or manufacturers of medicines, nt Official advices fonfirm Jhp report that the insurgents 'Negptiato Railroad, Municipal Loans, and Mortgages EMOVAL. test the medicine offered by I Into sympathy with the rest the United States, its lilac ftorage, but the roses are not yet In full •At GonzujfW Hull, Buy and bell Government Securities aud other Stocks Butsley, In the Twenty-first district; and Madison R f A1 xan remain on the eastern side' of 1119 military line. Your obedient servant, I can scarcely be measured. The ci*" ° f| " bloom—awaiting perhaps the success of the Sec- F street,.-bet«a;en Ninth, and Tenth, for the benefit of Bonds, and Gold on Commission. Pay the hiehest Davis, in the Twenty-second district, are duly elected prices for City Scrip. • H. T. HELIUBOLD, •.dria, which should, as | suburb of the nai.T retary's loan In Europe. Florence F<>r Lome. members of the House of 'Delegates, to serve one year St. Joseph's, Germaii Catholic, Church, Domestic and Foreign Exchange bought and sold on from the said 20th day of April, A. D. 1871. H. BICHEY Crystal Palace Drug Store, 694 , Now York; I capital, be a town of commensurate importance FLORENCE, April 22.—The Princess Louise and the all the principal cities m this country and Europe. Palace Pharmacy, Gilsey House, Broadway and Twenty- • with Jersey City, or Chylcstown, in Massachu- - VigBjir.—A long journev, with short Marquis Lorne haye arrived in Florence from London, Corner Secppd streef East and C strep), if qrth, We PMJeoiaMy favjte acoonnts of merchants and busi- Given under my hand and seal the »1st day of April, Has removed to No. 819 SEVENTH STREET, (east ninth street. New York. HEIGHT OF - chiropodist. * ness men, Sight Drafts furnished to depositors with- side,) between H and I streets northwest, where ho Temple of Pharmacy, Qontinoutal Hotel, Philadel- i.. .setts, has been going to decay for twenty years, And will make a short visit. Open every day and evening, an 83-it» A. D, 1871. H. D. COOKE, shoes, sharp corns, and * ••* • out charge, | ap ¡¡.^ will be pleased to see his old patrons and all new ones phia, and 1M South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Governor of the District pf Columbia. who may favor him with a call. ap 16-it* ap 88-eow-tf SCHOOL-HOUSE ÀT HKTHLEHLIM, MILLINERY, ETC. LETTER FROM BALTIMORE, none now. There was originally a pulpit, chan- HOTELS. BANKS AND BANKERS. DRUGGISTS. BY MÎTET V. LONGFELLOW. There is probably no place in Christendom that cel, and seats in the church displaying some taste, BAI.TDIO.BE, April 20,1871. but. war's desecrations and desolations removed (S XTht RAJÎSI BEN ISRAEL, with a long beard, sitting on a has such a system of parks, only they are not THE ARLINGTON, FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. Pr. MILBURN & CO•j GRAND OPENING high »tool, with, a rod in his hand.) JONES' RIIXA AOAJN. 1 all of them and otherwise marred the old Chris- quite finished. The boulevards extending eom « • AT THE Babbi. I am the Babbl Ben Israel, The ueiv commission Appointed to supervise pletely around the city, from lake shore to lake tian temple. The army used it first as a hospital, "OF WASHINGTON. Throughout this vlllago known foil well, then the soldiers cut down three or four of the DRUGGISTS, MASOMIC TEMPLE, the improvements designed ta confine this ram- shore again, with their magnificent drives, shaded WASHINGTON, D. C. Government Depositary and Financial .Agoni of the And, sa my scholars all will toll, pageous etream within proper limit has come to by fine forest-trees, would make a Parisian sick lower windows so that they could lead their United States, CORNER NINTII AND F STItEETS. Learned In things divine ; grief, much to the relifef arrl satisfaction of all with envy*, providing that unfortunat e person was horses in and out, removing the floor and every- The Cabala and Talmud hoar our citizens, with the exception of the various gifted with the marvelous Imagination that makes thing giving it any resemblance to a house of God, FIFTEENTH S TR E E T, 531 FIFTEENTH STREET, Than all the prophets prize I more, and converted it into a stable. " rings " that infest the cilly hall. Such a storm the possibilities of the future delightful realities Opposite the Treasury. For water is all Bible lore, H. KING, Jr. .of indignation was raised at their appointment to a citizen of Chicago. There Is one park that is When that "cruel war was over" the Govern- » opposite U. S. Treasury, Bat Miehna is strong wine. H. D. COOKE, that the members, although sufficiently "brazen " finished ; that is Union park, on the West Side. ment expended a thousand dollars on the church This New and . (Of Jay Cooke & Co.,) President. My fame extends from West to East, in features and conduct, were compelled to suc- It is considerably larger than those bits of green for repairs, and left it the plainest in every respect WM. S. HUNTINGTON, SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF And always, at the Purlm feast, cumb, and, with two exceptions,.resigned. The seen «o often in front of city houses. On fine internally of any place I can think of for the wor- ap 16-tf Cashier. Proprietors and Manufacturers of I am as drank as any beast. sooner they go and do likewise the better for days a dozen people may frequently be seen at ship of the living God; left it as I saw it on Sun- BRUSSELS AND LONDON PATTERN BONNETS AND That wallows in his sty ; BEAUTIFUL HOTEL, "VTATIONAL SAYINGS BANK, themselves and for the pocketfc of an outraged one time stepping along its graveled walks. All day last, unpretending in every respect. HATS. The wine It so clateth me, -L* Cor. of Fifteenth street and New York ave., community. This whole affair, from the Very day fowls or birds, not web-footed, are caged or ex This church, like most all of those erected In an PAYS FIVE PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS. MILB URN'S UNRIVALLED Also, the Latest Novelties in That I no difference can sec Office hours 9 to 4.' Between " Accursed Human be I" of its inception, has been one of the most transpa- eluded, for one industrious old hen with a grow- early day, and especially in this region, was lo- Since the adjournment of Congress, has been BEFIT- The Trustees of the Banlc arc—Hon. Andrew Wvlie, TED and REDECORATED. More rooms have been French Millinery Good«, And " Blessed be Mordecal !" rent swindles that was ever concocted; and the ing chick would tear the place all to pieces in two cated in a cemetery ground. This ground now William Stickney, Lewis Clephane, S. P. Brown. Mat- added and thew G. Emery, Zenos C. Robbins, Wm. H. Philip, B. time will como, and very sooa, too, when every or three days, scratching for grab worms. The lies in au*open common and in a wretchedly neg- P. Snyder, Hon. Joseph Casey, W. S. Huntington, Geo. POLAR SODA, REAL LACES, KID GLOVES, HOSIERY, LACE Come hither, Judas Iscarlot ; man that has been concernqfl in engineering it playful, prolific fancy of these park commission- lected and dilapidated condition. Many of the H. Plant, A. L. Sturtevant. Alex. R. Shepherd, James Collars, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets, Bay, if thy lesson thon hast got BILLIARD TABLES INTRODUCED. through the city hall and coirncils will be crashed ers fills mo with amazement. When they want a oldest stones have been broken down by more M. Latta, J. H. Lathrop, II. A. Willard. ap 16-tf Nations, &c. From the Rabbinical Book or not. The largest and best selected stock of Why howl the dogs at night f by a load of infamy that wtf.l cause him to wish bridge—and they BSreo a mania for bridges—they than Vandalic liafids; stones that marked the re- J. B. BRYAN, Prest. J. A. RUFF, Treas. Kfssingen, Viclij", Seltzer and Sara- T. KOESSLE & SON, Judas. In the Rabbinical Book, it ssith that he had never been l»orn. The last feather dig a ditch to build it over, and the dirt that posing places of those who- for a century have FINE FLOWER» The dog* bowl, when with icy breath has been placed upon thei mucli-enduriug camel's comes from that ditch is piled up and patted for slept "the sleep that knows no waking," have . WASHINGTON CITY SAVINGS BANK, toga Waters on draught. in this city at Great SammaSl, the Angel of Death, back, and the result wil) be the formation of the a hill, and that hill is crowned by a sort of Hcathen- disappeared. One stone, still partially upright, The Proprietors are determined it shall bo the most Corner of Seventh Street and Louisiana Avenue, ap 16-tf beautiful Hotel in the country. mar ]2-tf Take* through the tows his flight I "People's Reform party," that, at the election Chlnesc -Americano - summer - house-pagoda, and 'boars date 1803. But the ruin wrought, other PAYS FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST ON ALL DE- REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. ap 9-4t Babbl. Well, boy 1 now say, if thou art wise, next fall, will sweep every ward in the city, and the good people rejoice and are exceeding glad. than by the crumbling character of time, in this POSITS. W. S. THOMPSON, When the Angel of Death, who 11 full of eyes, rid us of the vampires that have been sucking our There is a lake with grave-yard should shame our kind. Open daily from 9.30 a. m. to 8 p. m., and on SATUR- Mrs. A. G. GASTON, Agent, Comes where a sick man dying lies, LAKE GEORGE. DAY EVENING, from 0.80 to 7.S0 p. m. PHARMACIST, blood so long. Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid, mar 12-tf isgSQg IMPORTER OF What doth he to the wight f "A boat a boat to cross the lske;'- Judas. He stands beside him, dark and tall, OAS. Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire; 703 FIFTEENTH STREET, Only if you are afraid of the water you can Millinery, Lace, Jet and Fancy Goods, Holding a sword, from which doth fall For manjiyears past this city has been supplied FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL, REEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST Hands that the rod of empire might have swayed. COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Into his mouth a drop of gall, with gas t>y a company whose charges were con- cross anywhere on a bridge, and you can have Or waked to ecstacy the living lyre." F 1223 F Street, And so he tnrneth white. your choice of bridges. There are stone bridges No. 507 Seventh Street. sidered to be exorbitant, and which incurred But to what reflections does this monument of This favorite WASHINGTON, D. C. Babbi. And now, my Judas, say to me that would utterly upBet the lake if they should COD LIVER OILS— much, obloquy and wres heartily abused therefor. a past age give rise ! All those who knew it first What the great Voices Four may be, 4 fall In ; there are bridges of boughs and branches To bring them to teams a "People's Gas Com- are gone. It is said that General Washington DEPOSITS $2,500,000. DE JONGH'S, That quite across the world do flee, Interwoven in the most puzzling manner; and And are not heard by men ? pany " wfe organized about eighteen months ago, was a frequent attendant upon It« ministrations. SUMMER RESORT, FOUGERA'S IODINIZED, RESTAURANTS. there are bridges that Might have been built by The Company pays SIX PER CENT, interest on all Judas. The Voice of the S.un in heaven's dome, which Vegan erecting the necessary buildings and What a train of nighty events have come and SAVORY & MOORE'S PANCREAMIZED. the swallows, for they are mud and gravel; there deposits of $5 and upward, beginning July 1,1871. The Voice of the Murmuring of Rome, laying: supply-pipe In the streets. Groat was the past away! France under Napoleon sjiook all At the head of BURNETT'S, The Voice .of a Soul that goeth home, rc3o'.clng thereat on the part of consumers, and are fountain* that spout and patter in a timid sort Any one can begin an account, by a deposit of FIVE Europe with the tread of her mighty armies since RUSHTON'S, WELCKER'S And the Angel of the Rain I Bloody and sour were the faces of the "fossils" of way, and in fact there is about everything we CENTS or upward. then. The colonial government in this country THE LOVELIEST LAKE Every man and woman should make a beginning Babbl, Right are thine answers every f)nc t who owned the stock of the old company. When can think of, except elbow-room, and a place for CASWELL'S & MACK'S, was overthrown, and a small people resolved without delay. . mar 26-ly Now little Jesus, the carpénter's sop. things arrived at this point several capitalists children to kick up their fidgety heels. Red, ANDREW'S & THOMPSON'S, THIS R,ESTA.XJIiAlS"X let us see how thy task Is done, themselves free and independent as a matter of on our Continent, and standing amidst the Historic came forward and offered to buy the franchises of white, and blue lights give this park a festive ap- ffffi1" ' FrCI1Ch ona "disn Bevolntionary WILSON'S, WITH LIME, Canst thou thy letters SJJ»', right, and adopted the "confederation" and OF tho old company, whose owners, thinking that the pearance at night. Lincoln park, north of the JAY COOKE & CO., NICHOL'S WITH BYPOPHOSPHITES, Jesus. Alepb. fought triumphantly the Revolution. Other con- starting of the new one would reduce their profits city, is something like this, only it has room to NATIONAL REPUTATION, flicts have followed; and civil discdrd-; too has BANKERS, QUERU'3 COD LIVER OH. JfiLLY. Babbi. What Best > Do not stop yet ! from ono hundred and fifty to fifty per cont. per grow and, I believe, is stretching itself lazily. BE OPENED Is prepared to furnish Go on with all the drenched the land in fraternal blood. Life's fit- GUFFROY'S COD LIVER OIL PILL annum, took their offer and sold out—not, how- Buy and Sell at CURRENT RATES • FINE ARTS. ful fever has raged and rent asunder tho souls W. S. THOMPSON, Come, Alepb, £eUl. do8t forget f ever, without many a groan and contortion of on the Breakfasts, This a lively place. There is no mistake about Druggist, Cock's ^oullthou'dst rather play! • visage-at the rich "El Dorado" they were, part- and bodies of four generations of men since tlio Government Securities, Gold and Silver, that. There is more stir here than I have seen mar 12-t.f 703 Fifteenth street. JMU&. wijat Aleph means I fain would know, ing from. Our citizens still thought there would builder completed his work of "Fails -01mrcli;" Dinners, outside of Island. The streets are PSi°'.e I any further go I be competition between the two companies, and sluce the two colored women (one of whom, First of June. Land Warrants, Scrip, &c. fialbi. O, by Saint Peter I wouldst thou so ? filled with hurrying crowds, but whether It ¡6 press and Suppers prices would be lessoned. But, " alas ! and a lack Hannah, died aged 106 years) completed the task GIFT DISTRIBUTION. Come hither, boy, to me. of business, or pressing for business, that keeps 1 Execute orders at New York Stock Board. FOR, PARTIES, a day," it is now settled that the city has been of carrying up the brick and mortal fo'r the The Air is of the purest character, and the Lake fnll As surely as the letter Jod them moving, I am unable to say. Everybody Sell Exchange on New York, San Francisco, Great divided into two districts, and, under an arrange- masons-to construct its walls, and the fact almost of FISH. AAA GRAND GIFT CONCERT AND Or MEALS a la carte. Once cried aloud, and spake to Octf. complains of the hard times. Every other man Britain, and the Continent. | $200,,UUU . DISTRIBUTION for the Benefit ment made, each company lias the exclusive right appalls as it impresses us with the truth that So surely Shalt thou feel this rod, in Chicago, I think, is an Insurance agent, and Furnish Bevcnne Stamps of all denominations. of. the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, Washing- to supply the gas in its particular dist rict. Prices " Death rides on every passing breeze, TROUT STREAMS ton D. C., and New York Foundling Hospital, New And punished guilt thou be I they grumble. The pork-packers, lumber mer- ISSUE CEBTIFIC.WES OF DEPOSIT BEABING York city, to be held in Washington city, Wednesday under this arrangement, instead of being lessened, . Heinrks in every flower:" {Here. RABBI BEN ISRAEL shall lift up his rod to strike chants, and the money-changers, sit sullenly are adjacent, and the Plaifk Boad Drives to INTEBEST. mar 19-tf evening, June 7,1871. After the concert the following PARTIES AT PRIVATE HOUSES; have been advanced, as evidenced by the cost to that every reader, briefly, gifts of real estate, bonds, stocks, &c., will be distri- JESUS, and his right arm shall be paralyzed.) astride their money-bags, while Madder Lake, like buted to ticket-holders by the commissioners: Four the city for the street Irtinps. In 1870 the price MEDICAL. arranged for. a cross " little cherub, sits up aloft" and seowis " Awaits alike the inevitable hour," story house, 66 North Calvert street, Baltimore, $28,000; was 844.87 per annum for each. Now it is fixed The Adirondacks and to Gl'en Falls, 2,240 acres timber land In Washington county, Md.: 3 hungrily at his virgin canvas. Art, by the way, is , 3. S. A. dwellings and steam saw-mill on Chesapeake and Ohio at §62:00. It is eveu loudly whispered that both gTARTLING AND WONDERFUL CORRESPONDENCE, rather the fashion here now. Not that many pic- Canal and B. & O. R.;R., $20,'000; -three-story dwelling, a AME, |orat>anteiii ale pwn|d by, the same parties. So The Proposed Hotel on Capitol Hill. 122 Bolton street, Baltimore,. $16,500 ; 4 country resi- tures are bought or sold, but if the pnblic won't afford easy and DISCO VE BY! dences near Govanstown, Baltimore county, line of VEGETABLES, LETTER FROM NEW YORK. we go. 1 To the Editors of THE CAPITAL. buy Madder Lake's pictures, they will go to the passenger railway, 3 miles from Baltimore, $36,000; SIR : Having perused your article in reference three-story house, 210 Conway street, Baltimore, $7.600; FRUITS, Academy or Opera House to see them; and BETHESDA 7 vacant lotB adjoining country property, $17,500; $30,- St. CLOUD HOTEL, April 19, 1871. THE "PRESS'GANG." to building a new hotel on Capitol Hill, and the INTERESTING EXCURSIONS. AND FISH Jones, who packs pork, will sweep his chubby 000 bonds, Brownvllle precinct and Lincoln county, THE SPRING. A number of the representatives of tho press subsequent comments thereon, I desire to Bay a Mineral Spring Water, Nebraska, 7 per cent, in gold,-guaranteed by real estate Received by Express daily from the markets of Savan- We have hod some of the loveliest weather that of your city, upon the Invitation of their breth- hand across Lake's last landscape, with a con- in said county; cash girts amonnting to $9,000: also nah, Norfolk, and New York. few words on the subjects Pleasant Steamboats lie at the pier of the Hotel. OF WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN. $4,000 U. S. bonds, $10,000 North Carolina 6's, 20 shares ever slipped out of Paliidise. Barring the fact ren here, paid a yisjt to Baltimore not long noisseur-like flourish, and talk glibly of perspect- Baltimoro and Ohio Bailroad, HQ shares National Me- JOHN WELCKEB, In the-first place the project is a grand one. The Hotel has accommodations for of a little too much sun at noon, tlie days are de- since, and, according to all accounts, enjoyed ive, and handling, and breadth, and tone. Jones This Water is the acknowledged cure of the intracta- chanics' Bank, Baltimore, 100 shares Citizen's National No. 727 Fifteenth: street. Such an institution is called for, and specially so ble and incurable diseases known as Bight's Disease Bank, Baltimore, 20 shares Philadelphia, Wilmington, themselves hugely. They were dined and wined has a confused idea of what that all means, but ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE, mar 12-tf near U. S. Treasury. licious. The Central Park is |u all its glory. The at that particular point. That it, would pay there and Diabetes. and Baltimore railroad, 100 shares Northern Central roll and roar of ail afternoon along Fifth avenue .fttRUcjfis ¡t^Uie,. most approved, style, and taken It's the proper thing to do. If he should expatiate Bright's Disease is fatal to the kidney, the body railroad, 100 shares New York and' Eric. In all 1,003 is not a doubt, and that it would be a great public is of superb appointments, and is built to harmonize in wastes away, destroys life by starvation of the blood. gifts. ARR'S ALE VAULT, are alone worth tlio price of a'droission, as tlley to the theater, and afterwards to the editorial, upon the charming perspective of a plum, he tone and outline with the mountain landscape. The convenience is obvious. 1 able has all the advantages of the markets of New Diabetes commences with freqnent desire to pass 62,090 Tickets, $5 each, are to be sold. The drawing M 1227 Pennsylvania Avenue, say at the circus. * Upon this fashionable thor- composing, and press-rooms of the Sun and Amer- would only follow in the footsteps of a great many water, great, thirst, constipation, loss of strength and (between 12th and 13th sts.) In the second place, it can aud should be bjuilt. York, Boston, and Montreal. will take place aftm- the Concert, and list of awards will oughfare of a sunny afternoon .one gets a, bet- ican offices. In the latter thoy were handsomely people who don't, pack pork. That word "per- flesh. he announced in New York ana Washington papers the I see it intimated, in a subsequent article, that Astonishing euros of dropsy have been effected, brick- day following. E STREET BO WLING ALLEYS,' ter idea of the fast life and great wealth of our entertained by the juniorproprietors of that jour- spective" seems to be the cheapest term in art , for For the mouth of JTnne. dust deposit, inflammation of the neck of the bladder, 1218 Nortli E Street. probably nothing would be done about it, because Commissioners—Hon. II. McCullough, EJkton, Md., city than from any other source.. .It is really as- nal, Messrs. Fulton, and the the popular assist- It is in everybody's mouth; Inft, think what a Transient Guests at $4 per day; Weekly Guests at, ft alkali, and gouty swellings. For the liver it is unsur- Mai. Geo. T. Castle, Baltimore. ap2-tf the property-holders asked an enormous price for passed. It will allay all inflammation of the kidney tonishing wlia't a number of costly carriages and ant cd^or, John McGarlgle. comfort It must be to aspiring souls: I niay say, per day; Monthly Guests at. $2.50 pel' day. Trustee—Hon. Jas. S. Negley, M. C., Washington, the property that it was desired to acquire for the and urinary organs in twenty-four hours, giving imme- References—Hon. R. J. Brent, late Attorney General beautiful horses may be counted on such an occa- in passing, that Mrs. Jones and Angelina dote on diate rei ici. of Maryland, Baltimoro; C. F. Abbott, Agent Standard TALTY'S AN INSPECTION TRIP. site— as liiglif I think, as nine dollars -per square For tho month of Jnly. GENERAL AGENT : sion. To have a privats carriage in New York pictures, and appear at all the art receptions in Life Company, Baltimore Maryland; M. D. Savin, Su- foot. Now, sir, I beg to assure you and alkinter- Transient Guests at $5 per day; Weekly Guests at $4 EDWARD P. DUNBAR, Esq., at the Springs, Wau- perintendent Agencies Asb'ury Life Company. New RESTAURANT, implies an income that In itself would be a for- The vice president, chief engineer, master of rustling silks and gleaming jewels. Sanguine kesha, Wisconsin'. York city; Major General D. Hunter, United States ested, that, this not so. Some old fogy, supposing per day; Monthly Guests at $3.50 per day. tune in any other locality. These heavy incomes, transportation, and other officers of the Balti- persons look for the millenium of art at an early DR. WILLIAM B. ENTWISLE, comer of Pennsyl- Army, Washington; First National Bank, Hagcrstown; CORNER SEVENTH AND P STREETS. more and Ohio railroad, it is stated, recently that the agent who inquired had somo game or vania avenue and Twelfth street. Appleman & Co., Bankers, Hagcrstown, Maryland. mar 12-tf however, represent a contiuual stream of strange (lay, and jn this city. It may bo; but city or For the month of August. Consulting Physician at the Springs, Br. ROBERT Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. passed over the line of the Metropolitan Branch State must sit In humility at tho feet of the trick on foot, with reference to the extension of -Transient. Guests at $5 per day; Weekly Guests at DUNLAP. Send for clrcnlar. P. C. DEVLIN, Agent. faces. It Is very rare for the same countenance, to Any desired information, by letter or otherwise, will road MA Point of Rocks to Washington, with a Genius of Art before she can be won. Chicago the capitol grounds, may have-been fool enough No. 2 Wall street, New York. BOOTS AND SHOES. be seen on private wheels tw ii, .-5 L* Washington, D. C. Fine Jewelry, Watches, Chains, aristocratic family. All goes on in magnificent otliprs w ill dp the same. So,^et ijsifyive the hcP METALS AND HARDWARE, A TTENTION f .ffflept German Peace Celebration In New York. EYE-GLASSES, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, ETC., style until suddenly there comes a'miinsli, and, In some mysterious way an academy building tel, and at once. CAPITOL HILL. ii GREAT EXCITEMENT But. little less can be said of the demonstration Will find it to their advantage to give me a call, where PL UMBERM, ¡ fi&liS': AND . WEÁM FITTERS, At, H. KOilH'S like the splendor in the fairy tale, all disap- here on the 10th instant. Like that of New York; has risen at the back of Chicago mahl-stick, and C. C. WILLARD, all articles will be sold for the lowest cash price. pears, and with It the family, never to be heard it stands to-day on a foundation of exceptions, so Washiagtou Correspandeiitn. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to and sat- RANGES, FURNACES, AND LATROBE MAMMOTH BOOT AND SHOE STORE, it was a grand and imposing affair in every respect, isfaction guaranteed in all cases. W. D. GLENN, 2 of again. far as I can learn, bearing the honorable title of Y<5u a i*c they HEATERS. No. 140 Bridge Street, Georgetown, D. C. and great credit is due to our German population EBBITT HOUSE, ap 16-4t Watchmaker and Jeweler. I offer my entire stock of GOODS, t.o, tho value of for the good taste, judgment, and energy, which the Chicago Academy of Design. It has yet to That search into the secrets of the time, Largest stock of $20,000, without regard to cost, consisting of the finest Now, if I were permitted, J could put in here earn that title. There is a collection of-casts And, under fcign'd names, on the stage present WASHINGTON, ». C, DIAMONDS, Ladies' Work; also, the finest Gentlemen's HandsBtched some philosophical discourse touching the mo- they displayed on the occasion Boots and Shoes; to which I invite the attention of the from the antique, somewhat limited in number, Actions not to be toucli'd at; and tradu»e CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURES citizens of the District. This stock must, he sold ou "THE CAPITAL." ap 3-tf VERY FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, rality of this sort of life, but I am warned by your but containing some good subjects. Unlike' other Personfc of rank and quality of both sexes, account of removing from the District. instructions to the effect that my letters are to be Yourcnrrespondent is pleased to learn that the to be found South of Philadelphia. » H. ROI1R. academy schools, however, that I am acquainted And,- with satirical and bitter jests, NATIOHAIi HOTEL, RICH JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, ap 9-4t " 140 Bridge St., Georgetown. brief, pointed, and newsy. Recollecting this, I news agent of the Baltimore and Ohio road has with, this demands a fee. A course of lectures Make even the senators ridiculous' Full stock of CORNER OF SIXTH ST. AND PENNA. AVENUE, Just received in exchange tor Seal Estate, will be sold will not Bay a word touching Fisk, jr., nor Bonner arriinged to pace THE CAPITAL regularly upon on'anatomy, by a resident artist, Was better in To the plebeians. off at low wholesale prices, even by tho single piece. Call early for best selections. GROCERS. with his fast horses, nor Vaodeibilt aud his team. the trains of that company, to meet the demands promise than fulfillment. Classes in drawing and Philip Mamnger, 1630 Midway between the White House and the Capitol, and Slate and Marbleized-ImSi Mantles, You know as well as I do that this is letter-writing convenient to all the Public Buildings. Horse Cars No. 469 Pennsylvania Avenue, of passengers forcoples. A happy thought. -TUB painting from life and the artisan have been fairly pass leading to the Depot, Navv Yard, and Georgetown, of the newest patterns. B W. REED & SONS, made easy, and any quantity of the knights of the CAPITAL should be everywhere, for everybody patronized. The building, a gray stone structure MR. VINCENT, of Wilmington, has published the mar 12-tf TENNEY & CO. ap 16-tf ~ RENJT. L, HOOD. quill Side into tlicir little recompense by a bare wants it. first volume of a history of Delaware, which, Sole Agents for the No: 1214 F STREET N. W„ of five stories, tho lower finished for stores but OR JEWELRY, mention of names that a morbid condition of the added to the recent issue of the life aud letters of TKVIHG HOUSE, BROADWAY AND PITTSBURG ANT) CONNELLSVILLE JIOAI). unoccupied as yet, makes a very respectable ap- F WASHINGTON; D. C., public mind keeps from jfecsmlng Commonplace George Bead, makes the first contribution to the -L TWELFTH STREET, NEW YORK.—A first-class EARTH CLOSET COMPANY, Freight trains were placed upon this "road on pearance from the outside. Within, with the Hotel, on the European plan ; location unsurpassed ; iu WATCHES, and familiar. of Hartford, Connecticut, for the sale of the EARTH Dealers in FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, Monday last, and in a few days passenger trains exception of the galleries, there Is nothing par- literature of that pleasing and hospitable State. the immediate vicinity of A. T. Stewart's RetaifStore, Go to OR ANY IMAGINABLE ARTICLE, CLOSET in this District. • ap 9-tf We may add that Dr. Holland lias also added a Wallaek's Theater, and Union Square. A MTSTEIIT OF MEW VORK. will also be provided. Tho formal opening of the ticularly suggestive of the arts save the name of GEORGE P. HARLOW, PRINCE'S BAZAAR, Choice hrand%of FAMILY, FLOl'K. Tiie great sea of social, political, aud commer- copiously illustrated article on the Eastern Shore road will occur, it is understood, about the 1st of the artist on the doors and a plaster statue of mar 12-tf Proprietor. 1006 Pennsylvania avenue. Hermetically Sealed FRUITS and VEGETABLES, of Maryland, from one of the editors of THE CAPI- PRINTERS' MATERIALS. 1 cial humanity received a shock the other day in June next. E. S Mercury, who threatens you with a half-drawn Loan office sceond floor, ap 2-tf the disappearance of Senéraï Lawrence, Pension TAL. Imported and Domestic CHEESE, PICKLES and PEE- sword at the gallery stairs. I do not include the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, H. L. PELOÚZE. H. L. HABTSHORN. Agent of this city. The scandal accompanying his LETTER FROM CHICAGO. studios. There are two very good galleries, a COSMETICS. SEBVES, and every variety of disappearancc-made it perfectly duUciaus. ¿Gene- lecture room, and quite a number of what pass . A MONUMENT, eighteen feet high has been con- NARRAGANSETT PIER, PRINTERS LOOK! ral Lawrence had not only disappeared, but a fas- CHICAGO, April 13, 1871. by courtesy for studios, although not specially structed in Philadelphia to cover the remains of RHODE ISLAND. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Secretary Stanton. It is simple and bears this cinating fast lady had also disappeared. General A good friend sends me No. 1, vol. 1, of your adapted to that purpose. The school-rooms are BEHOLD! READ» TABLE LUXURIES, ETC, simple inscription: . STEPHEN C. ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Lawrence is a handsome mate aud up to this time Capital paper. I like the ring of Its prospectus, small, hilt meet the present demand perhaps. The ap 2-tf Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier, Orders by mail will reecive prompt attention, has been considered a rather steady goer. He ¿DWIN M. STANTON. ' . I • i 1 1 mar 12-tf as in the two names I recognize the pledge of dark, dim, and roomy corridors of the Opera REMOVES FRECKLES, PIMPLES, SALLOW- Born Dec. 19,3814. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, was a good fellow, aud partial, to good fellows, usefulness and independent treatment of what- House, seem a more congenial haunt for the Died Dec. 84,1869. ST. CLOIJT) HOTEL. NESS, MOTH PATCHES, AND ALL SKIN and would take his little dinner or supper at Del- ever may call for the scalpel. painting fraternity ; but here in Chicago, where • and patronize Home Institution?. CLAIM AGENTS. . BLEMISHES. Send your orders to monico's, Btowing away his bottle of champagne all things are new and shiny, and the smell of fresh This admirable house, architecturally one of the liand- CHICAQO. The Californians are said to be making gyand with graceful cage, that left him duly sober, so someet'ln New York, on Tills preparation has acquired a reputation the past GOVERNMENT CEAIMS, ETC. Nq,v| to my theme, and that is Chicago ; for if paint, the next princijial smell after tho Chicago preparations to receive the President when he thirty years among FASHIONABLE LADIES, which MESSRS. H. L. PELOUZE & CO., that no one considered him dissipated, and now river, even the artist becomes reconciled to tiie visits them. We fear it will bo a bad prece-Dent Corner of 42d Street aud Broadway, makes it sought after by the fair sex, coming from or you* are acquainted with Ihe'tjWays of this city of going to the most distant countries, for it. has no equal he has thrown up a.lucratlve office ; high social harshness of the new. I don't think, however, to set. Is now open on the EUROPEAN SYSTEM with flrst- Type Founders and Printers Furnishers PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL the plains, you arc aware that no one. could or rival in its beautifying and innocent qualities. Like 1 business connected with the Government Denn'! position; brought ruin on his domestic elqelc, that Chicago will develop a school of colorists class BESTAUBANT, by all other of DB. GOURAUD'S preparations, this has breathe this particular atmosphere for three con- extended its sale until it has become a specialty, by its Who are prepared to supplyany article necessary to the ments. j , and goes out a wanderer in the lower walks of life, until time has toned down the glare and white- ap 2-tf RAND BROTHERS. own merits, and is not, the onEATtiKE OF MERE ADVEU- trade at manufacturer's prices, thereby saving the cus- JOS. C. G. KENNEDY & SON secutive months and talk or writo coherently of INSURANCE. m r.fiiued forever. ness of the place. TIBINO NOToniETT. This noticeable fact is proved by tomer the expense of freights and boxing. S fcggg Washington, 1). C. anything but Chicago. I am not a timid man; the large- salos made by dealers in Washington, D. C., They keep constantly on hand Leads of fllsizes , Cases MUSICAL ESTSTUMENTS. Stands, Galleys, Brass Rule of all patterns. Inks from "And so from hour to hour we rips and ripe, I could face the cannon's mouth unflinchingly in aiATIOlVAL CAPITOL, WITHOUT ONE LINE OP ADVERTISING. The flftli annual exhibition of the academy This invaluable Cosmetic is recommended from one the best manufactories, and many other articles too MISCELLANEOUS. And then from Hour to hour we rot and rot. times of peace, but I confess I should make my customer to another on actual knowledge of its value numerous tp mention. Type and material of all kinds "And thereby hangs a tale." will open soon, when, if it meets your wishes, PI ANOS. and utility. frdm any Foundry of respectability in the United States will, bequeathing my personal property to some Life Insurance Company, furnished at short notice, arid delivered here at maker's C* TEAM CARPET-BEATING ESTAB- Now, right here again I could put in some philo- I will say something of the pictures, the recep- Prepared by Db. T. FELIX GOURAUD, 48 Bond St., benevolent institution, before I should undertake Office, HOT Pennsylvania Avenue, New York, formerly of Walker street,, and late of 453 prices. Sr LISHMENT, MAINE AVENUE, between Four-and- tion, &c. I have not learned, Messrs. Editors, H. L. PELOUZE & CO., Type Founders, sophical reflections, but as Shakespeare lias done to tell an old resident of this city that. Chicago GREAT BARGAINS IN PIANOS Broadway. Established 31 years. a-Half and Sixth streets, Island, Washington D C how enduring your-patiencc is, so I will bring W.ASULVflTOX, D. C. Dn. GOtTRAISD is also the proprietor of the celebra- . 402 and 412. Seventh street, aP 9-3t* • L. RICE, Proprietor, it for me in somewhat better style, I can yet obey was not the perfect flower of the nineteenth cen- this rambling epjstle to an abrupt close, apd sign WHICH ILA VE BEF.N VfiED. ted ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP, for the cure of IIS , Washington,D. C. Instructions. tury civilization ; but, Messrs. Editors, my alien Skin Diseases. POUDRE SUBTILE, for nprooting hair 1202 and 1204 Franklin street, Richmond, Va (CHANGE OF BASE.—JUSTICE S. G. I " TOïTQCÎL. myself your most obedient, LILY WHITE!, LIQUID ROUGE, &c, ¡gg|g§ ' mar 26-3m V7 MILLS has taken the office latelv occupied In- bosom is disturbed by rankling doubts, and I can- A NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE INSUMSCE COMPANY Send for circular. justice Klopfer, No. 602-Louisiana avenio, near Sink We have had a new play here by an American QUIXOTE. One 7-oc.tave Chickering Grand Piano.. .$250 mar 19-3m not resist the temptation to give you some of my One 7 " | Square Walnnt Piano, ..' 175 Street west. • ap 8-.lt author, and as it wis produced at Booth's is rather One 6 " 11 T Bosewood .. 50 TO AUTHORS. impressions. I trust you will not betray me :— Falls Cliureli." M. G. EMF.RT", Pree't, J. B. PATTERSON, See. & Treas. STEREOSCOPES, ETC. above the ordinary run of native productions. It One " Halletv Late of the firmo f WASHINGTON, D. C. gives estimates for cost of publishing, scale of prices Agent for THE CAPITAL in Georgetown. Persons wish- have a lively scene, where the husband and child builder of the church, Colonel Wren, on his farm AT NEW YORK PRICES. paid authors, proof-reading, editing, etc etc ing to subscribe will please leave their names at. the " Csesar paused upon the banks of the Rubi- i»ar 12-ly ap 9-tf ' suddenly die, from some unknown disorder, and J. C= McGUIRE «St CO. Book and Stationery Stores-of T. G.Getty H G Wn>* con ;" if it had been the Chicago river he would about three miles from tills village. The grand- ner, or at the Cigar Store of J. H. Schultze the play ends. have turned his imperial nose straight back to daughter of Colonel Wren, Mrs. Captain Robert PALMER & GREEN, mar 2fi-tf Darne, nee Miss Valinda Wren, is living on this IMPORTED CIGARS ATTORNEYS. I doubt much whether it is going to have a ran, camp". No alien armycould ever be led across Successors to Bif.Br A. SHINN, farm, in the township of Providence, Fairfax REAL ESTATE OFFICE, * Of all the O RESTORE WORN-OUT LANDS. but it is an Indication of there being some sort, of its waters in a fighting condition. 57 Oreene Street, Georgetown, D. <'., T NATHANIEL, WILSON, Having given, in the New York Tribune, the outline- county. No. 1306 F Street. Manufacturers of MINEBAL WATERS, POPULAR BRANDS AND SIZES. a supply to the demand long felt for original plays. ARCHITECTURE. of a plan to accomplish this important, object, I here- The name of the church is derived from its Agents for WILLIAM MASSEY & Co.'s COUNSELLOR AT LAW, with invite Agricultural Societies or Clnbs'dcsirons o( BARON BELMBOLD. After recovering in Bome degree from the "effects CITY PROPERTY, VIRGINIA AND MARY- PHILADELPHIA DRAUGHT ALE AND POBTER, W S R O O p E, discussing this question, to state when and where I can. proximity to tiie Great Falls of the Potomac. In Bottlers of GINGER ALE, CIDER, WEISS BEER, &c! No. 630 F STREET?NEAR SEVENTH STREET, One of the evtfuts of the past week was the of this initiation smell, you notice that the LAND FARMS cm lines of Railways, " meet them. CU. L. FLEISCHMANN, the early days of the settlement of every region, Fine qualities of ALE and PORTER for family use, No. 1233 Pennsylvania Avenue, near WASHINGTON, D. C. ap 2-4t Victoria House, Washington, D. C. opening of a new apothecary oii the corner of "upperten " dwell in white stone fronts, that at low prices, constantly on hand, Thirteenth Street; mar 12 neighborhoods are oftentimes miles apart. The J^*Coods delivered free of charge for deliver}'. Thirty-fifth street and Broadway, by that Napo- have a bleached^ underdone look, and an express- COTTAGES AND COTTAGE SITES, church is some ten miles distant from Groat Falls, ap 16-ly Wholesale and retail (lealer in Cigars and Tobacco- also O LOW HORSES MADE FAST AND FAST leon of advertiser«, Baron Helmbold. It is, with- NEAB THE CITY, FOB SALE. DREW & CLARK, O HOBSES MADl! FASTER.—Including all success- ion that reminds yon of a light-complexioncd per- and is the property of the Episcopal denomination. manufacturer of the Cactus, La Manola, and Stockton out exception, the most magnificent medical pal- mar 26-5t Cigars. The trade supplied at factorv prices COUNSELORS-AT LAW, ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIM- ful secrets of professional horsemen, exposures of fal- son with his eyebrows and lashes 6iuged off. I The building" is fourteen steps by twenty-two BOOKS AND STATIONERY. mar 19-tf lafiious theories and faulty appliances, tricks of iockovs "aee in the United States, and perhaps the world. feel an insane desire to throw mud balls at their ANTS, AND SOLICITORS OF PATENTS, and frauds of the turf. A guide to breeding raisin'", in size, and externally appears to be two ordinary pOWING'S PATENT and training trotters, as well as developing and im- Can you tell me why these dealers in drugs are immaculate whiteness as I pass along the white stories in height, and lias two courses of common Vj SPRING CRAVAT PIN, EN. F. FRENCH, Marble Building, 007 Seventh Street. proving speed of all horses. The system laid down in so given to ornamentation? What is there in STEAMSHIP LINE. this book is the one to which DEXTER owes his su- sidewalk. Even the glory of red brick would be OR DETACHASLE AND SELF-ADJUSTING JNO. T. DREW. sized windows. The roof is the usually designated B premacy. ROBERT BONNER (editorial in N. T ledger) medicine, wholesaii and retail, that calls for such MANUFACTURING •IEFPERSON I I.ARK. a relief. Sunlight, spilled through the leaves of hip-roof and rises much more abruptly than the I NECK'T^E FASTENER, mar 12-tf says : " A series of very interesting and instructive ar- a display of carving and gliding? Can any one Is one of the Greatest Novelties STATIONER. AT ERCHANTS' LINE OF STEAMSHIPS ticles." Only fifty cents, of booksellers or tree or vine, touches brownstone warmly and " quarter-pitch " roof so common. There are the -LTA BETWEEN answer tlûs conundrum ? • tenderly.* On these grave-stone fronts it is only | and most Ingenious devices ever I FIRS-CLASS • JESSE HANEY & CO., evidences only of two moderate attempts at or- BLANK BOOKS*MADE TO OBDEB. WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK. LADIES' HAIR-DRESSING. a 9 But, whatever ihajr be'-tl£ response, one fact is invented. P -» • 119 Nassan Stroct, tf.Y . added whiteness,. The lower million-thousand nament in the exterior of the building. The upper • With them a Neck-Tie can be | Office at L. C. Parke & Co.'s, ovideut, that the little,man with the big head and occupy wooden cottages on stilts, that not in- made without using a needle. 313 and 815 NINTH STREET N. W., Hereafter the fine steamships E. G. KNIGHT JOHN 1 FEW MORfTitOLTES tier of windows are rounded at the top, describing Five doors above Pennsylvania avenue, GIBSON and VALLEY CITY wUl make 'regiiar MISS SIBIE O'HARA, heavy columns, has built unto" himself a palace frequently walk off, with all their occupants, in These Pins can be readily attached to and detached, weekly trips between New York, Alexandria, Washing- a half circle. The water-table projects out as far from the Collar, and hold the Neck-Tie secure and al- ap a-lm* - Washington, D. C. s like unto which Solomon^In all lils glory could search of new sites. One meets them at every ways firmly to its place. ton, and Georgetown, as follows : • LADIES' HAIR DRESSER FOR again as usiial, and togive it a finish, two rows of HOUSE-FURNISHINO CFOODS" Leave New York from Pier 29, East river, every S offer no competition. In fact Solomon may here- turn, Jogging along quietly, as if they were merely tgr°Retall price 10 CENTS. ONE DOZEN sent by and bricks are laid, one-concave on the edge and the mall, postage pre-paid, to any part of the United States URDAY, at 4 p. m.; leave Georgetown every FRIDAY entlLDREN'S HAIR CUTTER, after hide his dimlnishedf head, unless he. follows walking opt for their health. Sometimes, when I on receipt of 75 CENTS. /^VGDEN'S HOUSE-FURNISHING STORE. at 7 a. m., and Alexandria the same dav at 12 in ' THE CAPITAL other convex, so as to resemble an oges, still greater reduction to wholesale buyers. For information apply to R. P. A. DENHAM, Agent -- (Lite with J. Hanney, of Baltimore,) the baron's example and advertises generally. thoy can't go out, they get "their hack* up," a | V 314 SEVENTH STREET. Mice and wharf foot of High street. Georgetown or at No. 1302 F Street, 2nd door from l«8th, The interior 1| not now what it was in other W. J. COWING & CO., ,t Exclusively articles useful in housekeeping. RE- Oan be had by applying to SIR G AI. ABAC. story at least. Patentees and Manufacturers, the corner of Seventeenth street and New York avenue WASHINGTON, D. C. day*. There was no gallery in the pa*t; there is mar 19-tf Washington. D C. FRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, BATH TUBS, J. W. THOMPSON, Ac. ftp 16-4t* "P ffiK President. j®~Braids,- Curls and fashionable Hair Work for E. J. JENKINS, ladle» constantly on hand. p 2-tf a 428 Eleventh si-