Eura sian Pre his tory, 6 (1–2): 167–198. PRE HIS TORIC AR CHAE OL OGY IN THE ZHUNGE’ER (JUNGGAR) BASIN, XINJIANG, CHINA Pe ter Wei Ming Jia1, Alison V. G. Betts1 and Xinhua Wu2 1 De part ment of Ar chae ol ogy, Uni ver sity of Syd ney, NSW 2006, Aus tra lia; pe
[email protected],
[email protected] 2 The Ar chae o log i cal In sti tute of Chi nese Acad emy of So cial Sci ence, 27 Wangfujing Road, Beijing 100710, China; wxh63114@ya Ab stract Xinjiang is a vast area of mountains and desert basins that formed the main route for contact between early China and the West. The southern Talimu Basin is well known for the remark able organic preser va tion there of burials and aban- doned settle ments. Lesser known is the north ern Zhunge’er Basin that lay across the route out to the Eurasian steppes. From at least as early as the Bronze Age it wit nessed impor tant trans missions of technol o gies and cultural influ ence, but at present the nature and tim ing of these is poorly under stood. This paper is a review of research to date on the pre historic pe- riods in the Zhunge’er Basin and the areas imme di ately surround ing it. The paper also provides a review of the problems that need to be addressed in the archae ol ogy, and par ticu larly the chronol ogy, of the region.