Individual Investment Sale of Three Prime Office Properties Project Triangle Copenhagen, Denmark Contents

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Individual Investment Sale of Three Prime Office Properties Project Triangle Copenhagen, Denmark Contents STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STRICTLY INVESTMENT TEASER Individual Investment Sale of Three Prime Office Properties Project Triangle Copenhagen, Denmark Contents 3 Overall Introduction 4 Kongens Nytorv 6 7 Bredgade 40-42 10 Bredgade 45 14 Location 16 The Process 17 Contact Details STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 Kongens Nytorv 6 Overall Introduction Bredgade 40-42 CBRE has been instructed as exclusive advisor to investigate a disposal of these throphy properties comprising office accommodation in the absolute centre of Copenhagen. Additionally, two of the properties have parking spaces on the site. This is a unique opportunity to acquire high quality and commercially successful, fully let office properties with historic character and architectural merit situated in the heart of Copenhagen; the capital city of one of Europe’s most stable economies. The Vendor of the Property is Tryg Ejendomme A/S, a fully owned subsidiary of the insurance company Tryg Forsikring A/S. As a part of Tryg’s strategy to further focus on their core business activities and optimise their property investment strategy, they have decided to investigate a disposal of five office properties. Besides the disposal of these three very attractive office investment properties in central Copenhagen, they have also decided to investigate a Bredgade 45 disposal of the company’s group headquarters in Ballerup, Denmark and the Norwegian office headquarters in Bergen. Please refer to the separate investment teasers for each of the head - quarters, and please note that neither the headquarters nor the three investment properties constitute a portfolio. Potential investors are requested to submit indicative non-binding bids on each of the individual properties; however, a disposal of the properties to one investor is preferred. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 3 Kongens Nytorv 6 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 4 Kongens Nytorv 6 THE PROPERTY The Property at Kongens Nytorv was built in 1896 with Christian Arntzen as the architect. It was erected for the insurance company Standard, which later changed its name into Skandinavia. The site area is 1,738 sq m, and the Property has five diverging storeys, excluding basement. The facade is equipped with pillars larger than one storey, and the front building has retained leaded windows with various colours towards the courtyard. Inside the courtyard is a small pond with carps and good possibilities for bike parking. The tenant of the entire building is The European Environment Agency (EEA), which is an agency of the European Union. Their task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. Furthermore, EEA has a lease in the neighbouring property (no. 8), why there has been made an opening between the buildings. The Property is worth of preservation. KONGENS NYTORV 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K Title no. 206 Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 5 Kongens Nytorv 6 INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS • This very prestigious Property was built in 1896. In total, it provides approximately 7,200 sq m of office accommodation. • A large-sized office property with excellent accommodation layout with future flexibility for further large or small size multi-let units. There is a potential conversion into e.g. hotel. • The building is in a high state of repair. • This is an attractive investment opportunity producing stable and secure cash flow with indexation. The property has been fully let to The European Environment Agency (EEA), an agency of the European Union, since 2002. • Easy access by public as well as private means of transportation. In 2019 the new Metro Circle Line will open in front of the Property and provide access to all metro lines. • Very attractive micro location near popular recreational areas and within the main shopping pedestrian street Strøget. • The commercial property market in Copenhagen is strong with increasing prime rental levels, low and declining vacancy rates and high property investment liquidity. • The Danish macroeconomic environment is solid with Denmark receiving AAA credit rating. KONGENS NYTORV 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K Title no. 206 Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 6 40 42 Bredgade 40-42 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 7 Bredgade 40-42 THE PROPERTY The complex is built on a site area of 5,106 sq m on the corner of Frederiksgade and Bredgade. No. 40 is a modern office property built in 1956 in six storeys, excluding basement and top storey. It was awarded in 1960 by the City of Copenhagen. The Property has further been refurbished in 2009. The building of no. 40 has basement parking with 20 parking spaces and two garages. Furthermore, there are six parking spaces on terrain – equally split between no. 40 and no. 42. The iconic building at no. 42, also known as ‘Bernstorff’s Palace’ was built in 1754 in four storeys. It was built as a counterpart to Dehn’s Palace, which is located on the other side of Frederiksgade, to mark the entrance to the royal palace Amalienborg. Bernstorff’s Palace has also been owned by members of the royal family as well as functioned as a domicile for the Supreme Court before the insurance company Baltica (now Tryg) acquired the property in 1921. In 1958 the property was refurbished and the garden was established. The Property has continually been kept in repair. The premises of approximately 13,200 sq m are today rented by the Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (primarily no. 40 and a small part of no. 42), and the anchor tenant of no. 42 is the Eastern High Court. No. 40 is worth of preservation, whereas no. 42 is listed. BREDGADE 40, DK-1260 Copenhagen K Title no. 176 Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København BREDGADE 42, DK-1260 Copenhagen K Title no. 177 Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 8 Bredgade 40-42 INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS • The Property provides approximately 13,200 sq m of office accommodation and approximately 20 underground parking spaces. • A large-sized office property with excellent accommodation layout with future flexibility for further large or small size multi-let units. The buildings are in a high state of repair. • This is an attractive investment opportunity producing stable and secure cash flow with indexation. The property is fully let to The Danish State since 1996 and 2002 respectively. • Attractive micro location near popular recreational areas. The neighbouring building is the Amalienborg Palace, the residence of the Danish royal family. • Easy access by public as well as private means of transportation. A new metro station facing the Property will open in 2019. • The commercial property market in Copenhagen is strong with increasing prime rental levels, low and declining vacancy rates and high property investment liquidity. • The Danish macroeconomic environment is solid with Denmark receiving AAA credit rating. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 9 Bredgade 45 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 10 Bredgade 45 THE PROPERTY The Property has a site area of 2,025 sq m and constitutes Bredgade 45A-C. It was originally built by Philip de Lange in 1729- 1730; however, Vilhem Dahlerup made a huge refurbishment in 1880. The building has approximately 4,480 sq m and has previously been used as residential units, which also makes it suitable for several tenants today. Only two residential units remain, the other areas are used for office purposes and restaurant (ground floor in 45A). The courtyard has 19 parking spaces, which are used by the tenants. The Property is currently occupied by the Agency of Higher Education and seven other various tenants. The Property is worth of preservation. BREDGADE 45A-C, DK-1260 Copenhagen K Title no. 186 Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 11 Bredgade 45 INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS • In total, the Property provides approximately 4,480 sq m of office accommodation and surface parking spaces in the courtyard. There are also two residential units with a total area of approximately 370 sq m and a restaurant of approximately 150 sq m. • A large-sized property with excellent accommodation layout with future flexibility for further large or small size multi-let office units. In addition the property represents a strong future potential for partly conversion into residential units. • The buildings are in a high state of repair. • This is an attractive investment opportunity producing stable and secure cash flow with indexation. The anchor tenant is The Danish State occupying approximately 75% of the total area. Occupancy commenced in 1990, 1995, 1996 respectively. • Easy access by public as well as private means of transportation. A new Metro station will open just by the Property in 2019. • Attractive micro location near popular recreational areas. • The commercial property market in Copenhagen is strong with increasing prime rental levels, low and declining vacancy rates and high property investment liquidity. • The Danish macroeconomic environment is solid with Denmark receiving AAA credit rating. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 12 Finland Location Sweden Common for the three trophy properties is their With inspiration from Paris, the buildings in the There is close proximity to the main arterial routes fantastic location in the centre of Copenhagen. The area were required to meet certain standards for that link the city centre with the main motorways inner city is characterised as the oldest neighbourhood the purpose of attracting the wealthy citizens and leading to the south, north, east and west. Metro and of the city with small, idyllic streets and crooked representing New Classicism in Copenhagen. buses are operated from Kongens Nytorv but there houses. At the same time, it also has the most popular are also bus stops leading north from the properties attractions, the political and historic centre, a myriad of FREDERIKSSTADEN at Bredgade. Moreover, a metro station named great shopping streets and restaurants. Frederiksstaden houses the properties at Bredgade. ‘Marmorkirken’ will open in 2019 just next to the It is neighbourhood of Copenhagen named after properties at Bredgade. KONGENS NYTORV King Frederik V.
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