Summary record of a meeting ox tiio Council held at the Permanent Headquarters, Paris, TZoTT or Wednesday, 6th September, 1967 at 10.15


Chairmans Mr. Manlio Brosio


Baron J, Papeians de ! Mr. Christian X. j Mr. R. Busch Morchoven Palamar I 1 PORTUGAL GAN ADA ICELAND I j Mr, P.P.B. de Sousa Mr. J.E.G. Hardy ; Mr. H. Sv. BjBrnsson I I'crr.r j : DENMARK ! j Mr. H. Hjorth-Nielsen | Mr. A. Alcscandrini | Mr. Nuri Birgi


! Mr. J. Schricke ! Mr. P. Mort2 ! Sir Bernard Burrows 1 i GERMANY I N B T HERLANDS 1 UNITED STATES

Mr. D. Oncken * Mr. H.N. Boon ! Mr. Harlan Cleveland INTERNAT I ONAL__ STAFF

Assistant Secretary General foi Political Affairs: Mr. J. Jaenicke

Executive Secretaryn The Lord Coleridge

Chairman, Committee of Economic Advisers; Mr. A. Vincent


Military Committee Representatives Major G-eneral W.W. Stromberg

NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE & Item VIII. VII. III. VI. II. IV. IX. X. I. V. Death of General Reijnierse General of Death ewe h ot tatc oni and Oouncil Atlantic North the between Malta non-proliferation Dato of the next meeting next the of Dato NATO countries’ countries’ NATO Zone Soviet the and countries European eatr o r PalaiaasMr. of Departure report final - Organisation and Logistics Production SIDEWINDER NATO Twenty-second session of United Nations Assembly Nations General ofUnited session Twenty-second the North Atlantic Assembly Atlantic North the fGray: oit oe f Germany of Zone Soviet Germany of : Question of institutionalising relations relations institutionalising of Question subject! political on Statements of the Board of Directors of Board the of countries Economic review of individual Eastern Eastern individual of review Economic rd wt Communist with trade OTN D CONTENT Subject Paragraph Nos. Paragraph AO SECRET NATO AO SECRET NATO 0-P 1 55 -31 7 79 - 77 76 - 73 7 6 - 5 6 4 6 - 6 5 072 )0 3 - 1 8 - 4 9-30 80 l ( 67 ) ^ P& M

-3 - N A T O S E CRET -> g-hO/tB 6 I NATO UNCLASSIFIED J 1• DEATH OP GENERAL REIJNIERSE to 01 1. The CHAIRMAN the following statements w hi to "You all know that General Reijnierse, the General q Manager of the NATO HAWK Management Office, died on Sunday m after a long illness. Services are being held this morning 1 . in Paris; I have asked Mr. de Vries to represent me at them. w M "General Reijnierse held the post of General w Manager of the HAWK Management Office ever since the g* establishment of that office in 1959. The HAWK programme was ^ one of the largest of its kind, involving, after completion w of the original task, a great number of developments. w o General Reijnierse brought outstanding leadership to it and J worked earnestly and unceasingly to promote fruitful w co-operation among the participating countries and to achieve p the maximum results of such co-operation. As the guiding ^ figure behind the programme for eight years, he deserves a h major share of the credit for its undeniably great success, pq We may say that he leaves us after having substantially J? concluded inis task with NATO. Pi 1 "I am sure that, in paying tribute to his many m qualities, I speak for the Council as a whole and that in h lamenting his loss, I speak for his many friends at NATO." h W 2. The UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE said that he had C had the privilege of honouring General Eeijnierse about a q year ago with a United States award in recognition of his g work for the HAWK programme. The programme was in fact \ General Reijnierse, and would not have been possible without § him. His absence would be keenly felt. Up to the end, until £ prevented by illness, his personal and professional contribution had been, so to speak, a monument, and well- w ui deserving of such a highly intelligent and popular person. C u* 3. The NETHERLANDS REPRESENTATIVE said that he was p profoundly grateful to the Chairman and the United States Representative for their words of sympathy and admiration for G-eneral Reijnierse's work, which he would convey to Mrs. Reijnierse and to the Netherlands Authorities. It was very difficult for him to say something about General Reijnierse, who had been both an able compatriot and for the Netherlands Delegation, a weui-:ia:.'tod friend. He personally felt his loss deeply.


11• STATEMENTS ON POLITICAL SUBJECTS : NON-PROLIFERATION 4. The UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE commented on a folder containing five papers which had been circulated to the Council. He then made the following statement:- "Mr. Chairman:

I am instructed today to resume our continuing consultations on the non-proliferation treaty. As you know from our reports in the interim, there have been a series of developments in Geneva since the Council discussed and saw no objection to our seeking Soviet agreement on the difficult Article III and tabling a draft with that article blank if we could not bring the Soviets around to accept the views of our Allies as worked out around this table and in bilateral consultations in our capitals. We did of course table an agreed draft in late August, as we reported in advance to other Delegations here.

At that time the Soviets were still standing pat on their own draft Article III and rejecting the draft that represented, as best we could, the views of the NATO Allies. None the less,, as we previously had agreed among ourselves, the co-chairmen announced that bilateral negotiations would continue - the hope being that this would help forestall the non-aligned at the ENDC from tabling their own drafts which we expected would b§~rJhhelpful, especially from the viewpoint of members of EURATOM.

Bilateral negotiations did continue., We have reported to you on the formal meetings between the co-chairmen and these were supplemented by frequent and sometimes exhausting debates at the staff level and informal talks in the corridors.

Because these were repetitious and frequently very technical, I shall not detain you with a detailed rehearsal of them. But because the details of a slow evolution in Soviet positions may be interesting to you and to experts in your capitals, we have prepared a statement;, as a supplement to our previous reports on individual meetings which, may help all of you study the course of tho negotiations over the whole period since we last consulted formally on this subject.

From our side this has been a process of patient explanation of the rationale behind the various contested points in our draft, especially those which bore upon the rôle of EURATOM in an acceptable safeguards system. Prom the Soviet side, it apparently has been a process of slow education.

- 4 - NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE which which h seil neet of interestEURATOM. special the draft a new presented thereupon He States.Unites theby made explanations the through problem safeguards the att cnut ul ih u lis nti lts chapter latest on this our Allies with fully consult wantto coming inthe doinghe shall we as closely, it examine to want ppopl h hed o u otnig oslain onthis consultation continuingour of threads the promptly up to consult with its Allies. with consultto this subject at this time. this at subject this no con tepolm srse yteUie Sae and States the United by stressed problems the accountinto intoinsight .Friday agreater gainedhad Delegation histhat lis on objectionable. found Allies nextthe during governments your by consideration for basis oenet tene fruuulpeatos gis las on leaks against precautions unusual for need the governments wantwould States United the meantime inthe and instructions nte ogad opiae soy fti tet. u a a as But of treaty.this story complicated and long inthe shall we conclusions, ownmature our reaching Before days. appraisal. respective their upon impress to colleagues askmy today.subject distributed. technicalities, anddetails dowith to have ourversion accepted our and we draftwhich Soviet previous the in formulations course, of will, ourgovernments of All proposal.Soviet onthis publicity premature gone*have mayinternal farprocesstheir clearance of how Regardless onoutMoscow. strictest inthe beheld draft Soviet the thatrequested ou t fcs oa o-h esnilypltcl problems,political essentially on-the today focus toforum which memorandum the in covered are again and these and positions fromthe departure large a very represents with, share to want days, wefew our oncetentative at you must Itherefore interest. Allied no serve could draftSoviet claimed, it andconfidence tried not had Delegation his that seilyte usin psd o h ebr ofEURATOM. themembers for posed questions theespecially e adws nefr b h Sve eeaint taketo SovietDelegation tho by effort an saidwas he masdrPse ele ol hth ol seek would onlythathe replied Poster Ambassador Mr. Chairman, my Government is still studying the studying isstill Government my Chairman,Mr. n tigi vr cer te oit proposal Soviet the clear: very is thing One This is the reason why my Government wants to pick to wants Government my why reason isthe This I should add that Ambassador Roshchin urgently urgently Roshchin Ambassador addthat shouldI In the end Mr. Roshchin told Mr. Poster last Poster Mr.told Roshchin endMr.Inthe I thought it would be m.ost be itwould I thought political inthis useful now have Soviets onthe which points ofthe Several AO SECRET NATO C-RT67T56 AO SECRET NATO ril III Article vie have DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN^LECTURE PUBLIQUE negotiations in Geneva was that the sticking point for the for pointsticking the that Geneva was in negotiations new Soviet proposal expressly permits agreements with the with agreements permits The expressly proposal Soviet new for members.EURATOM problem ofthe substance the meets eoit ihIE hog UAO. ht cul arrangements actual What EURATOM. IAEAthrough with negotiate states.... non-nuclear by concluded betoagency Vienna EURATOM which they are not prepared to bestow. We believe thebelieve We prepared arenot they which EURATOM on blessing ofpolitical form a constitute wouldkind of language intreaty recognition explicit an wasRussians nuclear explosive devices" - the central obligation ofthe obligation central the - devices" explosive nuclear other or weapons nuclear to uses peaceful from energy nuclear members.EURATOM not appear in the new Soviet proposal, the door stays open for open stays thedoor proposal, Soviet new inthe appear not negotiations.those upon depend would eventuate would rbby et ht oit intr olnug ofthatlanguage to signature Soviet a felt that probably hs xldn h ipsto o uhsfgad fray other any for safeguardssuch of imposition the excluding thus of request the at safeguards, "toapply agency that authorises practice. to which they and we have already agreed, to meet the points the meet toagreed, already have andwethey towhich as EURATOM IAEAthrough with deal to ofEURATOM members the to countries EURATOM permitto language its it understands that Geneva in SovietDelegation the by informed been havewe And arrangement..." or multilateral anybilateral to parties,the purpose. - treaty" this under assumed obligations ofthe fulfilment the context.inthis treaty of purpose tothe relating draft Soviet new inthe points IAEA ofthe statute The IAEA”. ofthe statute inthe aeurs ytm ohrta AA ie, UAO. They i.e.,IAEA, EURATOM. than other systems safeguards co-chairman ofthe course intho gradually emerged found their way out of the impasse with a formulation ?/hich a formulation with impasse of outthe way their found aeurswihse o frt edn ob avnaeu to advantageous tobe reading first on seem which safeguards uh Esnilywa ses ohv apnd s ht the is that happened have to seems what Essentially such. Soviets have drawn language and ideas from the IAEA statute, IAEA fromthe ideas and language drawn haveSoviets Soviet Delegation is Soviet Delegation f cneno UAO ebr. ned tee r several are Indeed,there members.of EURATOM ofconcern or not in principle, a EURATOM rôle is a necessity in a isnecessity rôle aEURATOM principle,or in not AAsfgad i "ihave o rvnigdvrin of diversion preventing to a "withview issafeguards IAEA "either individually or together v/ith ortogether "eitherindividually provided as otherstates ecuie ups" fIE aeurs s vrfcto of "verification is safeguards IAEA of purpose""exclusive n o h itrsig n oeu niain thatindications andhopeful interesting ofthe One And.have Soviets theisthat impression first our h Sve dat pcfe ta h cetne of acceptance the that specifies draft Soviet The hswie xlct eeec oERTMisl doesitself toEURATOM reference explicit Thuswhile h Sve dat pcfe as ht the alsothat specifies draft Soviet The now pruddta, hte hylk itlike they that, whether persuaded 6 NT SECRET NATO -6- 6- -6 ÜLU67736 AO SECRET NATO \ NATO SECRET CART67)5é Further5 the Soviet draft appears to clear the way for EURATOM members to conlude, if they choose, that the EURATOM safeugards system is a means to fulfilment of their treaty obligations, and the text provides that the purpose of accepting safeguards is for "vérification” of this fulfil­ ment - in this case, verification of the EURATOM safeguards system, which was essentially the concept we came to here.

All in all, as far as we can determine so far, the Soviet Delegation's proposal appears to accommodate the concepts about a safeguards system which has been considered important by our Allies in the course of our previous consultations in this Council.

There are a couple of other points which I think deserve notice in this first review of the Soviet proposal this morning.

For one thing, it contains a two-year implemetation period after the treaty enters into force for negotiating agreements with IAEA. You will remember that our own draft proposed a three-year period, but the former Soviet draft provided only for immediate application of the IAEA system. As to what happened at the end of the period set for negotiation, you will note that the Soviet draft adopts the view of a number of NATO Allies by omitting any specific sanction in the event negotiations ars not completed within the deadline.

For another thing, the Soviet proposal accepts the substance of the US language, inserted at the request of our Allies, to the effect that safeguards should not hamper economic or technological development, or international co-operation - including "international exchange of nuclear material and equipment...”

Mr. Chairman, there are more detailed explanations of these and other more technical points in the memorandum.

Beyond these comments on the Soviet draft, which . are spelled out in the memorandum we have distributed, it might be useful to say just a word about the negotiating situation as ox today.

As you know, the date for the opening of the General Assembly is approaching. We feel it is important to have a complete draft on the table at G-eneva, if at all possible, before the ENDC recesses and in effect moves to New York. The Soviets, after seeming to be tempted by a recent manoeuvre for an early recess, have since indicated that they are prepared to stay on in Geneva into October to see if we cannot make some further progress.

- 7 - NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ahr spot rmmn o-ula tts I is It states. non-nuclear .support many from gather the viewpoint of members of EURATOM. of ofmembers viewpoint the whatever detail seems desirable, the substance of this new new this of substance the desirable, seems detail whatever We meeting of the Council on Wednesday, Wednesday, on Council the of meeting hoped, Permanent he that today, welcome be would consultation. this of urgency the to add to uncertain Council. this in consultation advance of subject further the be that hope would I intention. Italian the safeguards the dropping considering be may allies its and US rmt ecin nte oni t to e oit proposal. Soviet new tho to Council the in reaction prompt from think, Iwould especially, - helpful not decidedly which initiative, Representatives would request instructions urgently for the for urgently instructions request would Representatives Geneva.” in Delegation Soviet the from proposal naturally urge his Authorities to give him the possibility possibility the him give to Authorities his urge naturally sufficiently is negotiations Geneva the of round this not was this that realise we though NPT, the from article the that ENDC at statement reccsnt the Italian from draw reactions that are possible in the course of the next week week next the of course the in possible are that reactions esnlyh ddnt hn hs a afra pooa. He proposal. formal a was this think not did he personally final their have would they that sure not was he though a of feasibility the to ourselves address now should ntaie o hs ujc fo ihnte line could Alliance the within from subject this on initiatives eevd h rgt o omn ltr nis status. its on later comment to right the reserved date. that by ideas of duration The end. that to consultations our completing ow mytk u i h Cucl ek rmtdy in today, from aweek Council the in up take may sowe Geneva referred to by the United States Representative Representative States United the by to referred Geneva colleagues will be able to obtain the most definitive definitive most the obtain to able be will colleagues eteet x h sfgad qeto, esi that said he question, a date later safeguards a to the ox postponing of settlement possibility the concerning September, 13th Wednesday, on consultation continuing of see . h COUNCILS The 8. 5. The CHAIRMAN said that while preliminary comments comments preliminary while that said CHAIRMAN The 5. . omnig nte eet tla Saeet in Statement Italian recent the on Commenting 7. 6. The ITALIAN REPRESENTATIVE said that he would would he that said REPRESENTATIVE ITALIAN The 6. ntigt b gie b neesr dly in delay unnecessary by gained be to nothing e r cnend iiov/ever, concerned, Swedish are the We that We are also concerned by the inference some may may some inference the by concerned also are We n n eet M. h.ra, eblee ht we that Cha.irman, believe Mr. we event, any In I therefore would earnestly hope that ay ay that hope earnestly would Itherefore ht meeting. that and September, lath Wednesday, for Agenda tho that Permanent Representatives should seek seek should Representatives Permanent that umte tdywt iwt te most the to view a with today proposals submitted the of regarding degree opinion final maximum the governments their from on placed be should subject this that agreed rifl usatv dsuso psil at possible discussion substantive fruitful wo tried but failed to head off, will will off, head to failed but tried - - AO SECRET NATO .-8- 8 NAO SECRET ATO N -8- 13th September. C-R( C-R( 67 )36 DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE North Atlantic Council to undertake an appreciation of the of appreciation an undertake to Council Atlantic North Kingdom defence agreement with Malta, the United Kingdom Kingdom United the Malta, with agreement defence Kingdom prospects economic onthe place take should studies some Maltese for reduction the the delay to agreed had These satisfactorily; Kingdom United concluded been Malta. in had forces negotiations Kingdom ofUnited reduction the the by approach joint the of advised were Representatives Kingdon-Maltesc discussions and the existence of the United United the of existence the and discussions Kingdon-Maltesc for proposals on Malta with negotiations Kingdom United the procedure. possible and it, regarding the proposal, position this of Kingdom origins United the on comment to wished March. last ofMalta". security the ensure to and threat appropriate procedure to be followed for this study, which which study, this for followed the on be to agree also procedure should they appropriate invitation, joint the accept time, and it had also been agreed that further United Kingdom- Kingdom- United further that agreed been also had it and time, the "inviting Kingdom United the and Malta of Governments hs rpsl o h Cucl H hpd ht h Cucl could Council the that hoped He Council. the to proposal this United the ofboth light the in and study, aNATO for proposal of course the in arisen had NATO by study a of suggestion The in held Kingdom United the of that and ofMalta Government be would invitation an such that aware been time some Malta, external of against particular security with the to reference Mediterranean, the in situation strategic should, when completed, be reported to the North Atlantic Atlantic North the to reported be completed, when should, ge ta agnrl td o hs aue hud e are out. carried be should nature this of study general a that making inagree Government Maltese the join to agreed had Government Malta. for the between talks of series the following forthcoming, assessed the counter to required forces the and aggression MALTA III. Council. pnte discussion, the open ouet: PO/67/626 Document:: 2 H ivtd h Uie KndmRpéettv to Représentative Kingdom United the invited He 12. for had Representatives Permanent that sure was He 10. 3 Te NTDKNDMRPEETTV si ta he that said REPRESENTATIVE KINGDOM UNITED The 13. 1 I emnn Rpeettvs ee rprd to prepared were Representatives Permanent If 11. 9. The CHAIRMAN said that in PO/67/626 Permanent Permanent PO/67/626 in that said CHAIRMAN The 9. 4 Te ats Gvrmn hd eetyrvvd the revived recently had Government Maltese The 14. ~ 9 - AO SECRET NATO AO EC SE NATO C-R(67)36 AO SECRET NATO e k T DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE iiayAtoiis wo e sgetd h Sceay G-eneral .suggested Secretary he the whom Authorities, Military Secretary the invite to be would proceed to way best the that would become part of a larger subject, i.e. that of the of that i.e. subject, larger a of part become would the undertake to agree to Authorities his for possible it make received had He Government. his to Council the that suggested he Briefly, Mediterranean. the would strongly favour a study of security conditions in the in conditions security of study a favour strongly would be should aspect military the that considered Authorities his Authorities would wish to study certain points carefully carefully points certain study to wish would Authorities his in Malta of position strategic the affecting views political should consult; at some stage the views of the Maltese Maltese ofthe views the stage some at consult; should manner. appropriate most the in study a out carry to General rbe eaae bt t hud e on i id ht t was it that mind in borne be should it but separate, problem Malta. to reference particular with Mediterranean proposal. the approving before to, background the explain to Representative Kingdom United the these for arrange to General Secretary the invite should Government ol suy ntena future, near the in study would security Maltese the of study tho keep to better be probably question this weeks coming the in that felt Authorities His n sgiiac o, h pooe suy H togt ht the that thought He study. proposed the of, significance and comprehensive a have to order in them synthesise to and studies Clearly it would be necessary to have advice from the NATO NATO the from advice have to necessary be would it Clearly approve the proposals by the United Kingdom Representative. Kingdom United the by proposals the approve a to agree would Authorities his that as them, thought and rapidly request as possible would he that but instructions, had v/ould study A be conclusions whose Rome, in begun been Council. the already the to thereafter bade that should, and referred study,question be his completed His had General General. Secretary the to entrusted be should it that had he until view definite a express not could he but would study, Representative Kingdom United the by made now statement interest great of was ofMalta question the aware, was Council Council. the to again brought was matter the when review a part of a larger issue which the United States hoped NATO NATO hoped States United the which issue larger a of part a Authorities his that doubt no had he that said instructions, Secretary- the once Committee Planning Defence the by studied agreed and study a for suggestion Kingdom United the approved instructions, obtained created there by the penetration of Soviet forces. In view view In forces. Soviet of situation penetration the new of by the and there created Mediterranean, the of security study. Council. the to forwarded of the special arrangement between NATO and Malta, it would would it Malta, and NATO between arrangement special the of 15. Without going into detail at this stage, he thought thought he stage, this at detail into going Without 15. 18. The ITALIAN REPRESENTATIVE said that his Authorities Authorities his that said REPRESENTATIVE ITALIAN The 18. the as that said REPRESENTATIVE NETHERLANDS The 16. 17. The PORTUGUESE REPRESENTATIVE said that he thought thought he that said REPRESENTATIVE PORTUGUESE The 17. 19. The TURKISH REPRESENTATIVE said that he was without without was he that said REPRESENTATIVE TURKISH The 19. 20. The GREEK REPRESENTATIVE, who was also without without also was who REPRESENTATIVE, GREEK The 20. 1 TeUIE SAE RPEETTV ad ht e could he that said REPRESENTATIVE STATES UNITED The 21. hud emd aalbe adteemgt lo be also might there and available; made be should 10- 0 -1 -10- instructions to invite invite to AO SECRET NATO C-R(67)16 AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE b teNT iiayAtoiis scnl, apolitical secondly, Authorities; Military NATO the by t b lne ih h staini h eierna, u, as but, Mediterranean, the in with, situation linked the be « a rvosy nomd h iiay omte ad HP o the of SHAPE and Committee Military the informed previously had request by the United Kingdom and Maltese Authorities for such such for Authorities Maltese and Kingdom United the by request a rvvd h rpsl o aNT suyfrtybcue of because firstly study NATO a for G-overnment proposal Maltese the the that revived except had add to further little had Representative. States United Maltese anxiety regarding the United Kingdom proposals for for proposals Kingdom United the regarding anxiety Maltese International Military Staff thought that the study should be should study the that thought Staff Military International Kingdom agreement to defer the reduction. The United Kingdom Kingdom United The reduction. the defer to agreement Kingdom ntae ato nti sbet n a sgetd o HP, on SHAPE, to suggested had and subject already-this on had Staff action initiated Military International the Council, Representative the UNITED KINGDOM REPRESENTATIVE said that he he that said REPRESENTATIVE KINGDOM UNITED the Representative an informal staff basis, that preliminary ?/ork begin. The The ?/ork begin. preliminary that basis, staff the informal from an directive a of anticipation In study. strategic a He thought these were now amply provided. study. amply the now were regarding these explanations thought He further desired Authorities the United Kingdom proposals, Kingdom United the the by to referred factors new the of because all-embracing felt that the Maltese interest interest Maltese the that felt United the by allayed largely now Malta, in forces reducing as Malta, in interest a NATO for arrangement standing the proposed study. He, as Secretary General, would adopt the most most the adopt would General, Secretary as He, study. proposed two G-overnments to NATO, and secondly on account of the initial initial the of the by account on approach joint secondly the and of G-overnments NATO, two to paragraph first the in to referred G-overnment to be heard. The security problem of Malta should should Malta of problem security The G-overnmentheard. be to rae nlec o xre y oit forces. Soviet by exerted now influence greater assessment, whioh. would also cover the general strategic strategic general the cover whioh. also advice would assessment, of provision firstly, include to procedure, appropriate not could who delegations those by confirmation to subject that Netherlands the that but raise effect to the to above, objections no recorded had he that deputy(l) his by statement the hudb ae ewe h to tde: nte n ad the hand one the on studies: two the between made be should prv fral tdy te oni sol are o the to agree should Council the today, formally approve suggested by the United States Representative, a distinction distinction a Representative, States United the by suggested iuto nteMdtraenwt seil eeec t the to reference special with Mediterranean the in situation situation; and thirdly, provision for the views of the Maltese Maltese the of views the for provision thirdly, and situation; euiy fMla ad nte te agnrl seset f the of assessment general a other the on and Malta, of security justifiable. (l) who represented the Netherlands Delegation for the early early the for Delegation Netherlands the represented who (l) 22. The MILITARY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE stated that he he that stated REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE MILITARY The 22. 24. In reply to the question by the Netherlands Netherlands the by question the to reply In 24. approve oould he that said REPRESENTATIVE GERMAN The 23. part of the meeting. the of part 25. The NETHERLANDS (PERMANENT) REPRESENTATIVE confirmed confirmed REPRESENTATIVE (PERMANENT) NETHERLANDS The 25. 26. The CHAIRMAN, summing up the discussion, suggested suggested discussion, the up summing CHAIRMAN, The 26. 11- 1 -1 11- 1 -1 was bt raitc and realistic both 7[3 6 ë T T C AO SECRET NATO AO SECRET NATO -12- NATO SECRET TPR(67)36

27. He invited confirmation of agreement within the next week in order that he might then begin his study.

28. The PORTUGUESE REPRESENTATIVE asked whether it was the United Kingdom intention that the results of this study should thereafter be talken into eIOoount in determining the future level of United Kingdom forces in Malta.

29. The UNITED KINGDOM REPRESENTATIVE said that this was not the case, and that the foroes question had already been settled with the Maltese Government. The results of the NATO study would be communicated to the Maltese Government, though it could not be foreseen what that Government would do with them.

30. The COUNCIL:

subject to confirmation by the Netherlands, Greek, Portuguese and Turkish Representatives, approved the proposal by the Chairman in paragraph 26 above.



Reference: C-R(67)25, Item II Document: 0-1(67)48

31. Tbe CHAIRMAN recalled that in the course of its meeting of 7th June, the Counoil had had a first exchange of views on the proposal for the transformation of the NATO Parliamentarians' Conference into an "Atlantic Assembly". It had decided to ask the Political Committee to study this proposal more thoroughly. The Committee had devoted four meetings to this subject and, as a result of their thorough discussion, it had emerged clearly that the governments considered this question as rather delicate.

32. In fact, the creation of some sort of Atlantic Parliament, even if its rôle was to be of a purely consultative nature, would run the risk of causing certain difficulties in the Assembly's relations with the Council. It was also to be feared that certain security problems would arise, as was the case with the WEU Assembly.

33. Moreover, the financial aspect of the problem should not be overlooked. The proposed reform would certainly . translate itself into expenditures which several member states would find considerable difficulty in assuming.

-1 2 - NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 3. Therefore 38. Parliamentarians the not or whether question the with faced ü ` ^ o h Cucl hud ec t te alaetras wishes. Parliamentarians' the to react should Council the how NT CONFIDENTIAL NATO • ' 0gT 3 ^^ )36 0~gTT7 ' v ' preliminary reactions at this meeting. The Council might then then might Council The meeting. this least at at tohave reactions glad be preliminary would he and Council the before Parliamentarians. The report by the Chairman of the Political Committee was now now was Committee Political the of Chairman the by report The uhrte fud t ifcl t smahs wt the with sympathise to difficult it found Authorities Parliamentarians' Conference unanimously adopted a resolution resolution a adopted unanimously Conference Parliamentarians' guidance on how best to proceed further. Council's proceed to the seek best to how on wish guidance Committee's the in expressed was had it after Committee the in reached impasse the reflected Parliamentarians themselves had quite clearly expressed their their expressed clearly quite had themselves Parliamentarians "to report Chairman's the ox7 paragraph in recommendation between the Oouncil and the Atlantic Assembly. This situation situation This Assembly. Atlantic the and Oouncil the between clearly Advisers Political of Committee the of Chairman the the with relations good of account maintain take to would need which recognised the solution acceptable an find to try Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Ministerial Council meeting meeting Council Ministerial the at Affairs Foreign of Minister ebr f h line o ae hs oiie iwad to and view positive this take to Alliance the of member seby n cnann sm proa togt aedn the amending thoughts personal some containing and fact (The Assembly Council. the with relations their change to wish Council". the and Assembly the between relationship the in Parliamentarians the "that based was : recommendation developments pending proposal the of examination further defer paper circulated by the President of the North Atlantic Atlantic North the of President the by circulated paper outline the approving relationship, this in change a favouring change a favouring in unanimous tine this at not are themselves this which on with, or motive the circles”, Parliamentary in addressed itself to the question of the future relationship relationship future the of question the to itself addressed ecm a togrrl fr h alaetras ntewr of work the in only the Parliamentarians the not was for rôle Netherlands stronger The a welcome Conference. theParliamentarians' in interest positive a the took 1967, March, 22nd Government of Netherlands General Secretary the to letter between the Assembly and the Council (they clearly were) but but were) clearly (they Council the and Assembly the between proposals formulated in the resolution adopted by the NATO NATO the by adopted resolution the in formulated proposals December in original draft charter, did not change the original position position original the change not did charter, draft original a of informally note took Council the date later a on that the that deny hardly could one governments steps, member necessary the recommending take and to effect this to charter a of the Alliance. the themselves were in favour of a change in the relationship relationship the in change a of favour in were themselves Conference.) Parliamentarians' NATO the by adopted 4 H ddnt iht iss o hs difficulties. these on insist to wish not did He 34. 35. The NETHERLANDS REPRESENTATIVE said that the report by by report the that said REPRESENTATIVE NETHERLANDS The 35. 36. While admitting this situation;, the Netherlands situation;,Netherlands the this admitting While 36. 37* Considering the fact that the Xllth NATO NATO Xllth the that fact the Considering 37* 39» For reasons already expressed by the Netherlands Netherlands the by expressed already reasons For 39» 1966 and repeated in the Netherlands Representative's Representative's Netherlands the in repeated and 5 at the present stage the Council was not was Council the stage present the at -13- NATO AO SECRET NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISEof Chairman the by Council the to report the in reflected were EN ^ LECTURE PUBLIQUE • h Chairman. the >• cutishd hi onrltosis ihPrimnain, and Parliamentarians, with relationships own their had . countries etns f h oiia Cmite Anme o tee views these of number A in Committee. matter this on Political the of views specific meetings some expressed already had hnti peiiay usinhdrcie apstv answer, positive a received had question preliminary this when a acpal t alAle oenet. fewrs i and if Afterwards, governments. Assembly the with Allied all to relations acceptable was formalising to view a with resolution answered was whether or not the idea of adopting a Council Council a adopting of idea the not or whether was answered to be embodied in such a resolution. Meanwhile, his Delegation Delegation his Meanwhile, resolution. a such in embodied be to the Council might wish to address itself to the technical details details technical the to itself address to wish might Council the oe omlsd eainhp ewe te alaetras n the and Parliamentarians the between relationship formalised more that_ Committee. met in in November. What was essential was to avoid avoid to was essential was What Parliamentarians November. the in before Brussels in met undertaken be might action of kind no agreement, but he would find it difficult to put up with a with up put to difficult it find would he but agreement, no the was it that Representative Netherlands the with generally private meeting of the Council should be held to discuss what what discuss to held be should Council the of meeting private y h Cucl fr xml arslto, ahr hnb a by than rather resolution, a example for Council, the by member All problem. the with deal should which Council Authorities were basically in favour of more closely closely more of favour in basically were Authorities by that to or proposal Netherlands the to either objection no reply. to busy treaty. He appreciated that there there that appreciated He action executive by about brought be treaty. best might This and Council. closer a see to wished branch executive States United the be particularly delicate so near to 1969. He said that he had had he that said He 1969. to near so delicate particularly be too was Council the that idea the Parliamentarians the giving etogt ht n sol crfly td tepooa b the by proposal the study carefully should one that thought He by his Ambassador in the Council on 7th June, the German German the June, 7th on Council the in Ambassador his by a that suggested He all. at problem the to itself address ehrad Rpeettv, u ta i wudntb es to all. easy to be not acceptable would it solution that a but reach Representative, Netherlands was there which in situation a with live could he and question, ntttoaie AO seby Te raino sc an such of creation The assembly. NATO institutionalised would which Parliaments, to reference themean to would this a modification of least at creation treaty; require the that would ■ thought institution He new a difficulties. was practical 1966 strong but November in initiative, interesting an Parliamentarians the before placed charter to Council the get to possible not was it which in situation also that of the additional duties and functions of the Council. Council. the of functions and but duties functions its of additional the question of that the also only not raise would assembly an have to that possible but be NATO, would of it work the whether with doubted they Parliamentarians the associating 0 A ti jntr te udmna qeto sil o be to still question fundamental the juncture this At 40. 41. The UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE said that he agreed agreed he that said REPRESENTATIVE STATES UNITED The 41. 42. The ITALIAN REPRESENTATIVE thought that the draft draft the that thought REPRESENTATIVE ITALIAN The 42. 43. The GERMAN REPRESENTATIVE recalled that, as indicated indicated as that, recalled REPRESENTATIVE GERMAN The 43. -14- -14- he pointed out that there were were there that out pointed was no agreement on this on agreement no ÏÏL O SECRET TO A N AO CONFIDENTIAL NATO AO SECRET NATO r ^( 67 ) 55n DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ersnaie o apiaemeig f h Oouncil. the of meeting private a for Representative a sbitd hs usin o neetdPrimnain as Parliamentarians interested to question this submitted had received a telegram informing him that the Turkish Government Government Turkish the that him informing telegram a received recommended in the report. He was was He information. report. the in recommended Authorities were very conscious of the difficulties involved and and involved difficulties the of conscious very were Authorities Representative. States United reflection. for time more Parliamentarians ntutd o prv te eomnain i aarp () and 7(a) paragraph in recommendations the approve to instructed and realistic, governments was by conclusion consideration this that that fact thought that He face must one that report. the etn; e nie sgetos rmte Chairman. the from suggestions invited he of meeting; meeting aprivate whether doubted proposal, States United to ready were they that but progress, rapid of hopeful not were of useful discussion in the Oouncil. He had accordingly "been accordingly had He Oouncil. the in discussion useful of meeting of the Council, whose utility he was somewhat inclined inclined somewhat was he utility whose Council, the of meeting n yPrimnain a o sfiinl aue t allow to matured sufficiently not had Parliamentarians by and of 7 paragraph in conclusion the to itself address today should eiaentr o tepolmh spotd h pooa b the by proposal the supported he problem the of nature delicate Parliamentarians and refer it back to the Council to see what what see to Council the to had. back it progress refer and Parliamentarians a kind could was, therefore question The Parliamentarians. by agreed. be might which study further any in part take relations. As there was no agreement today the Oouneil should should Oouneil the today agreement no was there As relations. decision formal a to or treaty the in change any to opposed was b o h gons ht hyvol gv gvrmns and v/ould governments they give that grounds the on (b) ht ihr h Cucl hudme aani rvt ssin or session private in again meet should Council the either that institutional, the clarifying to view Parliamentarians a the with with talks themselves further have to or doubt, toprivate a hold to either accordingly were alternatives The simply one should or envisaged, be institutionalisation of present the than further question the take could Council the the Parliamentarians and the Council. He therefore suggested suggested therefore He Council. the and Parliamentarians the the refer to Merely conclusion. a defer to how consider desire for further time to study the problem. the study to time further for desire the with question the discuss should Staff International the between relationship effective a more reach to was aim agreed difficulties. create would Parliamentarians the to back question that goal, modest amore consider and show the Parliamentarians that the Council was frank in its in frank was Council the that Parliamentarians the show and commonly- The involved. problems financial and security, 44 45. The TURKISH REPRESENTATIVE said that he had today today had he that said REPRESENTATIVE TURKISH The 45. 46 7 TeBLINRPEETTV si ta i iwo the^of view in that said REPRESENTATIVE BELGIAN The 47. 48. The UNITED KINGDOM REPRESENTATIVE said that his his that said REPRESENTATIVE KINGDOM UNITED The 48. 49. The NETHERLANDS REPRESENTATIVE, commenting on the on commenting REPRESENTATIVE, NETHERLANDS The 49. 50. The CHAIRMAN said that he thought the majority view view majority the thought he that said CHAIRMAN The 50. . He supported the proposal by the United States States United the by proposal the supported He . . The DANISH REPRESENTATIVE thought that the Council Council the that thought REPRESENTATIVE DANISH The . been made been Ti wudke te ilge open dialogue the keep would This . -15- -15- of now improving practical practical improving awaiting further further awaiting AO SECRET NATO AO CONFIDENTIAL NATO 671/6 ( R - C AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE > xrse dut s o h dsrblt o aCucl resolution, Council a of desirability the to as doubt expressed to submitted be should which solution a •> for proposals at arrive +, his Government had not changed since 7th June. His His June. 7th since changed not had Government his uhrte sil odrdwehri wsueu t dsus a discuss to useful was it whether wondered still Authorities Parliamentarians effectively and relevantly to the Council Council the to relevantly and effectively Parliamentarians could Parliamentarians the with relationships closer that view to order in privately, meet to Council the for useful be might before, and questions relating to the détente would arouse arouse would détente the the towhich than in relating aperiod higher be into questions would and moving was discussions before, its Council of The content the for political Council the in support wide useful. bewas There treaty. NATO the of meetings many in consideration for call might which resolution which might be might which resolution tws hrfr ncsay o eae h wr o the of work the relate to necessary therefore was It He November. in Parliamentarians the of meeting forthcoming present a paper for further discussion, further for paper a present through the Secretary General, whose action could be so discreet discreet so be could action whose General, Secretary the through h Cucl o ge bfr Nvme o asaeet that statement a on November before agree to Council the Committee. Political the and Council with the Parliamentarians, and requesting to the International International the to requesting and Parliamentarians, the with s o vi ecuaigtePrimnain t aot a adopt to Parliamentarians the encouraging avoid toas possibility The Parliamentarians the with relations stage. improving of this at existed raising Alliance avoid the to in preferable difficulties be not would it whether and icsin. e huh ta i sol o b dfiut for difficult be not should it that thought He discussions. form some the that before however, possible hoped, be He might Council the by decision internal of and involved. interacting issues varied, domestic the into insight more acquire treaty, the of nature very the to related was which question the common intention of member countries to improve co-operation co-operation improve to and countries treaty themember of modifying intention avoid common to the need the stating resolution considerable interest both among the public and in parliaments. parliaments. in and public the among both interest considerable the of text the with tampering no he should there that agreed the Chairman, suggested, and it was agreed, that he should simply simply should he that agreed, was it and Chairman, the suggested, course. due in Council the lsr eain wt te alaetras ee desirable. were Parliamentarians the with relations closer Staff to contact the Parliamentarians on this basis in order to order in basis this on Parliamentarians the contact to Staff draft a present might he which in meeting private short 51. The FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE said that the position of position the that said REPRESENTATIVE FRENCH The 51. 2 TeUIE SAE ERSNAIE huh ta it that thought REPRESENTATIVE STATES UNITED The 52. 5 I cnlso h COUNCIL: the conclusion In 55. hold a might Council the that suggested The CHAIRMAN 53. 4 Atr icsini hc anme o speakers of number a which in discussion a After 54. reply to the Parliamentarians for mid-October. for Parliamentarians the to reply about in the at Chairman the of calldiscussion ged ome i rvt ssinfr further for session private in meet to agreed otih' tm, ih iwt peaig a preparing to view a with time, fortnight's a even 16- -1 -16- togr hnls ers and year’s, last than stronger AO SECRET NATO AO CONFIDENTIAL NATO C - R ( 67 67 ( la R - C b AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE •( DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ’ the report, the increased trade of the Zone with Western with Zone the of trade increased the report, the ’ NT CONFIDENTIAL NATO • ' ilaRToTTTg ' ■ ' V. ECONOMIC REVIEW OF INDIVIDUAL EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN EASTERN INDIVIDUAL OF REVIEW ECONOMIC V. atcpto o eprs a at fte eod eis of series second the of part as experts, of participation the on Advisers Economic of Committee the by report a them meeting of the Economie Committee, was fully endorsed by his his by endorsed fully was Committee, Economie the of meeting rdciiy I a nurd rwn eii i t trade its in increasing an todeficit covered growing a being was incurred had which It world, free the with productivity. the with held Policy of Economic session Soviet on special a of Sub-Committee basis the the on prepared been of had report field the in years three or two last the over developments rtcigfe acs t Berlin. to access free Germany protecting of parts two the between ties last the of one weaken of account short a gave which Germany of Zone Soviet-occupied weaken one of the last ties between the two parts of Germany Germany of parts two the between ties last the of one weaken the of expansion the by trade intra-German for posed problem Germany. of Zone Soviet the in developments economic of picture ht h dvlpet fWsencutis taewt h Zone, the with trade countries’ Western of development the that Germany. of Zone Soviet the and countries This trade. foreign and expansion economic reforms, economic a iprat oh o emn ad o e AOAle, .. the i.e. Allies, NATO her to and Germany to both important was nr-emn rd pae avtl oe ntee endeavours. these in role a vital played trade Intra-Oerman would trade, intra-German of point expense the the at stressed report achieved The were it if on dependent Union, Soviet heavily the remained Zonewith trade the West, the with trade of European Eastern in developments economic of examinations Government. He recalled that in the statement on G-ermany on statement the in that recalled He theon during Government. formulation The discussed been had which report, the in subject Berlin. to this access free protecting for intra-German on dependent less be to trade. order in countries policy Western deliberate a to in attributed be indicated As might countries industrial Zone. Soviet the with Allies NATO of trade Sub-Commit 'whichclear a the tee, of gave work excellent the extent by export credits, but, despite a fairly rapid expansion expansion rapid fairly a despite but, credits, export by extent labour rising of result a as progress economic significant the two parts cf Germany had been particularly stressed. stressed. particularly been had Germany cf parts two the could trade intra-German of expense the at Zone the with trade other with trade their expand to Authorities Zone the of of means the of one of effectiveness the reduce andmight dpe y h NT iitr o 6hDcme, 96 the 1966, December, 16th on Ministers NATO the by adopted instruments the of one of effectiveness the reduce andmight encouragement of human, economic and cultural contacts between between contacts cultural and economic human, of encouragement AND THE SOVIET ZONE OP GERMANY? 'SOVIET PONE OF GERMANY OF PONE 'SOVIET GERMANY? OP ZONE SOVIET THE AND ouet C-M(67)45 Document. 56. The CHAIRMAN said that representatives had before before had representatives that said CHAIRMAN The 56. 57. During the period 1965/1966 the Zone had achieved achieved had Zone the 1965/1966 period the During 57. 60. He wished to single out one point of the report which which report the of point one out single to wished He 60. 59. TLe GERMAN REPRESENTATIVE expressed appreciation of appreciation expressed REPRESENTATIVE GERMAN TLe 59. 61. In this context he emphasised that an expansion of expansion an that emphasised he context this In 61. 8 H ivtd comments. invited He 58. 1- AO SECRET NATO -17- -17- AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE uoen H oe ta i uue uhtriooymgt be might terminology such future in that hoped He European. the Oouncil, as l!an Eastern European Country". The Soviet Soviet The Country". l!an as European Oouncil, Eastern the However, the share of suoh trade in the overall trade of NATO NATO of trade overall the in trade suoh of share the However, the other part of Germany described, as in the document before before document the in as described, Germany of part other the been some increase in member countries’ exports to Communist Communist to exports countries’ member in increase some been emn: oit oe f Germany”. of Zone Soviet Germany: Review "Economic read should which document, the of title the which had on several occasions shown interest in East/West East/West in interest shown occasions several on had which great change in the basic pattern of this trade. There had had There trade. this of no been pattern had basic there the in 1966 change year the great in that indicated findings COUNTRIES COMMUNIST WITH TRADE COUNTRIES1 NATO VI. fIdvda atr uoenCutis n te oit oe of Zone Soviet the and Countries European Eastern Individual of avoided. report. a more exclude not did Vfh.ile, Committee the future, the for report prepared by the Committee of Economic Advisers on NATO on Advisers Economic of Committee the by prepared report trade developments. It did not call for any particular particular any for call not did It developments. trade not did it past, the in than trade this in increase rapid country. to country from varied course, of figure, this countries' trade with Communist countries. The report’s report’s The countries. Communist with trade countries' action, the Council being invited only to take note of the of note take to only invited being Council the action, countries, as well as in their imports from this source/ source/ this from imports their in as well as countries, Zone was, of course, neither a country or indeed Eastern Eastern indeed or country a neither course, of Zonewas, expect any spectacular development. spectacular any expect 3.5 about modest: was rise, slight a of spite in countries, 6. h CUCL „ COUNCIL: The 67. ' . NATO RESTRICTED . RESTRICTED NATO . 62. He stated incidentally that it was puzzling to hear hear to puzzling was it that incidentally stated He 62. ouet 0-M(67)53 Document? 63. The CHAIRMAN pointed out that there was a misprint in in a misprint was there that out pointed CHAIRMAN The 63. 4 Te COUNCIL: The 64. 65. The CHAIRMAN said that C-M(67)53 was the fourth fourth the was C-M(67)53 that said CHAIRMAN The 65. 66. The report was for the information of the Oouncil Oouncil the of information the for was report The 66. (1) noted the Economic Review of Individual Individual of Review Economic the noted (1) (2) noted the statement by the German German the by statement the noted (2) / took note of the report by the Committee Committee the by report the of note took / Representative. Soviet the and Countries European Eastern fEooi Avsr (C-M(67)53). Advisers Economic of oe fGray (C-M(67)45); Germany of Zone 1- AO SECRET NATO “18- -18- NT CONFIDENTIAL NATO ■ C~R( C~R( 67 lib AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE NT CONFIDENTIAL NATO * *' 2 cnrtltd l cnendo the on concerned all congratulated (2) (aP73 ^ (laRP67)36 • VII. NATO SIDEWINDER PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS ORGANIZATION - ORGANIZATION LOGISTICS AND PRODUCTION SIDEWINDER NATO VII. Production and Logistics Organization, As the Council would would Council the As Organization, Logistics and Production oitc Ognzto a cae o xs, e a sr ta the that sure was he exist, to ceased had Organization Logistics programme. remember, this Organization had been placed unto liquidation on liquidation unto placed been had Organization this SIDEWINDER remember, NATO the of Directors of Board the by report final the rjcs adhdbe nqe nicuignn cutis all countries, nine including in unique been had and projects, 31st December, 1965. This liquidation had now been completed. been now had liquidation This 1965. December, 31st Organization in carrying out its co-ordinated production production co-ordinated its out carrying in Organization of whom had participated actively. Both the management of the of the deserved management the well Both representatives country the and Organization actively. participated NP10 had the whom of of remarkable most the away in been had Organization 2h etme a 01 am t dsus h Aed f the of Agenda the discuss to a.m. 10.15 at September 12th ASSEMBLY UENERAL NATIONS UNITED OP SESSION YI11.TWENTY-SECOND C-M(67)52. to note cover the of 5 paragraph in suggested action all congratulate to opportunity this take to like would Council opiet ad them. paid compliment SIDEWINDER NATO The tlie by Chairman. statement congratulatory ocre o te aifcoy eut ahee y the by achieved results satisfactory the on concerned forthcoming meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. General Nations United the of meeting forthcoming suggested that the Council should meet on Tuesday, on meet should Council the that suggested ouet C~M(67)52 Document; DIRECTORS OP BOARD THE OP REPORT PINAL 68. The CHAIRMAN said that document C-M(67)52 contained contained C-M(67)52 document that said CHAIRMAN The 68. 0 H akd hte te oni ws ed t tk the take to ready was Oouncil the whether asked He 70. 1 TeUIE SAE ERSNAIE ecmd the welcomed REPRESENTATIVE STATES UNITED The 71. and Production LIDEWINDER NATO the that noting Before 69. 2 Te COUNCIL: The 72. 73. TLe CHAIRMAN said that the Political Committee had had Committee Political the that said CHAIRMAN TLe 73. l to oe f h ia rpr o the of report final the of note took (l) made in paragraph 2 of the cover note note cover the of 2 paragraph in made Logistics and Production SIDEWINDER NATO Organization (C-M(67)52) and of the points points the of and (C-M(67)52) Organization thereto thereto ; successful completion of the NATO NATO the of completion successful IEIDRpouto rgam. . programme. production SIDEWINDER - 19 - 9 1 - - AO SECRET NATO NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO AO SECRET NATO DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE eeainmgthv sgetos omk eadn the regarding make to suggestions have might Delegation Vietnam, the United Nations and the Middle East, African issues, issues, African East, Middle the and Nations United the Vietnam, to the Council as early as possible. as early as suggestions Council the procedural subject present this on delegations discussion begin should who agree to and etc. issues, and disarmament Nations United the as such questions group to desirable organization of this discussion. For example, it might be might it example, For discussion. this of organization nec ftee akg items. package these of each on vous avez toujours représenté avec grande dignité et autorité autorité et dignité grande avec représenté toujours avez vous IX. nmi vte éat vu 'vz ci: e pi i a quelque a y il "et puis écrit: m'avez vous départ, votre mois un les où Ici, assemblée. notre de sein au pays votre de quelle place avec dire et départ votre laisse que unanimes regrets vous Hellénique Royal Gouvernement le ans cinq de près depuis osue mté u j rsespoodmn. as 's aussi c'est Mais profondément. je ressens que amitié dire vous une de nous besoin pas jen'ai Personnellement, l'amitié". désenchanté. apparemment ton un donner parfois aimez vous fidélité sa de fort portait se qui pays d'un intérêts les „ adieux. des moment le venu est nous pour et confié, avait ortu sjt c gû rfié e c srexpood qui à profond serieux ce et raffiné, goût ce sujet, tout pour a. chacun cédait ’homme,le l diplomate le travail le lorsqu'après collectif, au mode conjuguer se doivent nationaux intérêts toutes circonstances, et comment autour de lui s ’est tissée entre entre tissée ’est s lui de autour comment et circonstances, toutes la sumarquer avez vous efficacité quelle avec distinction, occasions cernait la réalité des problèmes qui nous confrontaient confrontaient nous qui problèmes des réalité la cernait occasions avec leur Président comme principal point d ’attache. C'est C'est ’attache. d point eux entre principal comme Permanents Président leur avec Représentants les lie tout, de dépit en aussi fûtes vous Mais l'Alliance. à indiscutable et constante obe ja apéi l cnor qe osm’vz pot en apporté ’avez m vous que concours le apprécié j'ai combien hs d pu, ulu coe u dpse apltqe t qui, et politique la dépasse qui chose quelque plus, de chose . Et hellénique. toute sobrement clarté une s’exprimait qui limpidité, une synthèse avecet de esprit cet apportait ety enmaintes qui celui débats, nos de général plus plan le sur se plaisait à retrouver cette clairvoyance, cet intérêt cultivé cultivé intérêt cet clairvoyance, cette retrouver à seplaisait EATR FM. PALAMAS MR. OF DEPARTURE 4 TeUIE SAE ERSNAIE ad htMs s M that said REPRESENTATIVE STATES UNITED The 74. 75. The CHAIRMAN said that he would get in touch with with touch in get would he that said CHAIRMAN The 75. 6 . h COUNCIL? The 76.. 7 Te HIMNmd tefloig statement: following the made CHAIRMAN The 77. vc e osi sahv pu os emna que mandat le vous pour s'achève Conseil ce Avec o hr hita, osu osmae anné ly a y il annoncé m'avez vous lorsque Christian, cher Mon les simples, très mots en exprimer, voudrais Je Mniu ’Ambassadeur, l "Monsieur ersnaie n te Chairman. the and States United Representative the by statements the noted 2- AO SECRET NATO -20- -20- AO CONFIDENTIAL NATO C-R(67)it C-R(67)it NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO AO SEORET NATO ~ DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ne lui aurait pas permis de dire tout le bien que le Conseil Conseil le que bien le tout dire de permis pas aurait lui ne chance". etbonne revoir nu dire vous pour Potomac, et respectueuse une garderons et moi femme na qui à et grecque, cette de autour aujourd'hui 'exprime s qui pairs devos celle ieDynet culeet bet t dn s aes, le sagesse, sa dans et, absent actuellement est Vice-Doyen du rives les vers deux les tous accompagnent vous favorables, été a d'une vous quiconfiée responsabilité la par reconnus exceptionnels hospitalité traditionnelle la à éclat son vos tout à donner côtés sigracieusement sût qui Palamas Madame à aussi vont Ils o q'l otet orsod nirmn e pnés età pensées mes à entièrement correspond contient qu'il mot tout lire vais a il dire, le pouvant Ne Christian. cher mon devous, pense vents des comme pensées, ;nos et distinguée si carrière affection. sincère voeux. nos et regrets nos vous vers convergent où table, e sentiments. mes sachant chargé,a ilm'en et message son lire en de demandant fonctions leur leurs quitter à prochainement appelés sont qui notre effet, En ainsi. m'exprimer j'ose si techniques raisons des purement peur absence, son en de lire demande m'a qu’il ’est la, c et du 'message l'écrire àraison songé d'affection ac qe 'uasvuuqe e aoe éoune qe je que éloquentes paroles les que voulu j'aurais aussi et que tous parce regrettons nous que départ d'un s'agit qu'il le suivre pouvoir de bonheur le ont qui ceux parmi suis je que Collègues des ceux de tristesse la à ajouter voulu pas n'a Doyen qui défaillante vcix une après court Il collègues. sesde d'un Conseil à Bruxelles. à Conseil vcmi e lspop realseet Mi, a ilus je ailleurs, par Mais, etablissement. r prompt plus le moi avec e c qi mot tu d sie t 'xrmr vc uoié ; autorité avec l'exprimer et suite de tout importe qui ce ner oe e on n scèe aifcin e e es u chaque que sens ce en satisfaction, secrète une donne me Doyen ert sn ecr pu gad dn 'curne ac que parce l'occurrence dans grands plus encore sont regrets osvu aoe u e at elr c esg d notre de cemessage lire de fait le que avouer vous dois tous souhaitez vous sûr,suis j'en qui,à- auteur leur de laisser dans l'ombre ce qui importe plus peut-être pour l'avenir pour peut-être plus importe qui ce l'ombre dans laisser Discer­ difficiles. temps des sage un être su a Palamas Christian 8 Te UKS ERSNAT pk a flos : follows as spoke REPRESENTANT TURKISH The 78. Tous vos amis se réjouissent de voir vos talents talents vos devoir réjouissent se amis vos Tous J'.avecparce devoir ; ce d'abord accomplis respect départ le manque Doyen le fois, première la "Pour Voici maintenant le message message le maintenant Voici O erte ojus evi atru ae Ces sage. un partir devoir toujours regrette "On î d a a n o a s s e A e à l'heure aient pu sertir de la bouche même même bouche de la sertir pu aient l'heure pi ersneue ovle tp d'une étape cpui nouvelle une représente 2 - AO SECRET NATO - 21 - 2 - 21 - i c RATO UNCLASSIFIED RATO M (C'?V3y AO SECRET NATO ... DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/.ISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nci uprr.t e 'bé cgi, uMse Avr : ’Anvers d au Musée portro.itdu Scaglia,coin un l'Abbé de iso uueu ucspu rn, i 's osbe que possible, c'est si grand, plus succès un future mission dons inscrite a Dijck van que phrase petite la dans Résumons-les aae aaa éatlacelat sourire. l'accueillant était Palamas Madame le eamrele je us û, as npse aussi poste un dans sûr,suis j'en merveille, fera Elle ce vertus, ces ; toutes l'absolu do sauve qui et l'essentiel sauvegarde qui fermeté- proportions la descôté à sensun ; donne plaisant qui un l'humour de ;sens un préparer attendre, uecno aiu. oos ae tranquillement. sages Soyons sapimus. Quiescendo voix de 1 'amitié. Je suis d'autant d'autant ému j'ai toujours plusque suis Je 'amitié. 1 de voix voit Conseil le mélancolie, Avec ici. connu a qu'il celui ; agir, solutions les mûrir fait temps le que sachant en e cnin a tue ac q'le dbret om l’eau l comme débordent qu'elles parce toutes pas Il ne contient les de qualités. tant de reflet le est Conseil,du nom au Conseil, au exercées a grec collègue notre que celles sont 'lg qevu ee d ‘rnne, lg qe enetm pas je ‘prononcer, den'estima que élogevenez vous que l'éloge oser tMdm Boi d toute de Ponte lu ont nous qu’ils Brosio etMadame Monsieur d'espoir". éclair etun regret duquel fond au lemiroir est en il nais fontaine, d'une claire dont charmant couple etun irremplaçable collègue un s'éloigner sa dans Palamas Christian à souhaitons etnous important montrée au cours de notre séjour à séjour Paris. de notre cours au montrée de soupir un degratitude, témoignage estun signature chaque militaire ou administrative. Disons tout au plus des impressions impressions des plus au tout Disons administrative. ou militaire tout Avant l'OTAN. de amis mes tous de affectueux souvenir le tristesse etma je quitte, que amis quinze sont ce moi pour Conseil, du collègues étaient mes avec rapports mes que trouve el atcpto u rvu e eCnel edn ls do plus pendant Conseil ce de travaux aux participation la de partent. toujours garderai Je quinze. pnr multipliée dire ainsi pour est ami, d'un prive vous départ Simon d'amitié. rapports des la exprimé est pense par niais mérité je réellement quiêtre sagesse des gouvernements ni de la compétence de la technocratie technocratie la de compétence la de ni gouvernements des dela. nisagesse prévaloir se haute peuvent ne qui personnelles doute que conclusions les résument se quoi en demande jeme ans,cinq au niveau de l'humain,de niveau au d'accueillir avec toute l'indulgence qui est due à ceux qui ceux à due est qui l'indulgence toute avec d'accueillir je voudrais remercier, en mon nom et celui de ma femme, dema celui et nom en mon remercier, jevoudrais je pourrai tirer de mon expérience, conclusions, sans nul sans conclusions, expérience, demon tirer je pourrai 9 M. AAA rpida flos : follows as replied PALAMAS Mr. 79. Cette sagesse tranquille, Washington va la recueillir. recueillir. la va Washington tranquille, sagesse Cette Le "silver bowl" cgae je présente à Christian Pal cgaebowl"Christian à "silver Le je présente amas, "Monsieur le Président, j'ai été profondément ému par par ému étéprofondément j'ai Président, le "Monsieur "Au moment de tourner une pat/e,une tourner de crai "Au moment celle moi pour fut impressions 2 - AO SECRET NATO - 22 - 2 - 22 - u j os demande je vous que NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO C-RÇST)yf^ AO SECRET NATO 23 - NATO SECRET C-Rf67T36


"Nous avons tous connu, au sein de ce Conseil, des moments difficiles. Mais peut-être les plus difficiles ont été aussi les plus réconfortants. Je pense à la crise de Cuba qui a fait 1 ’unanimité autour de cette table. C ’est un événement que trop souvent on oublie mais qui marque, cependant, dans le sens positif, la vie de cette alliance. Le beau temps sonne l'heure des relâchements et de la fantaisie. Ce n'est que lorsque l'orage gronde que l'on sent le besoin de se mettre à 1'abri.

"Moi-même, dans l'exercice de mes fonctions, j'ai connu l'épreuve de controverses politiques aiguës. Chacun de nous est tenu de défendre les intérêts de son pays. Plais au sein de ce Conseil, dans la conscience de tous ceux qui y par­ ticipent, la corde de l'intérêt majeur de l'Alliance est sensi­ bilisée à l'extrême. Si bien que tout en représentant nos gouvernements nous sommes aussi les représentants du Conseil auprès de nos autorités nationales. Si l'intérêt collectif ne prévaut pas toujours sur les intérêts individuels il n'est pas moins vrai que l'Alliance Atlantique représente un grand pas dans le sens de l'interdépendance entre tous les peuples, même entre ceux de l'ouest et ceux de l'est. Personne, plus personne, ne pourra échapper au sort qui sera non plus celui de quelques-uns, mais bien celui de tous. Et cela., parce que la sécuritéj en tant que notion militaire, n'est plus le fait de l'indépendance mais bien de 1'interdépendance.

"Le Conseil Atlantique a le grand avantage en tant qu'instrument collectif d'amortir les chocs. Nous faisons notre possible pour éviter, ou tout au plus pour limiter "la. casse". Car tout se passe sous le signe de l'amitié qui nous lie les uns aux autres. Parfois des nuages assombrissent l'horizon officiel, alors l'amitié, le fauteur personnel veille. Je suis reconnaissant à tous mes collègues de leur comprehension et de leur aide.

"Les Représentants sont bien moins permanents qu'on le dit. Ils partent. Le Conseil, lui, il reste, il continue. Et si au fil des événements il change, ce n'est que pour mieux continuer. L'aventure se développe à l'image de la vie même. La participation à l'Alliance n'est paIO figoe dans l'immobilisme. S ' ü y a des dopants, il se peint bien qu'il y ait aussi des retours. L'aller-retour reste toujours une des meilleures peropec tives du voyage.

"Et puis encore, pourquoi ne pas le dire. Sur le plan politique, l'Alliance, qu'on le veuille ou qu'on ne le veuille pas, constitue désormais une réalité avec, laquelle nous sommes

- 23 - NATO SECRET DECLASSIFIED/DECLASSIFIEE - PUBLIC DISCLOSED/MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE as e es u nu laos ojus at as e sens le dans fait toujours l'avons nous que je pense Mais epc uul enspy, orlsul i et sete de essentiel est il lesquels pour pays, nos de mutuel respect restez, vous etvous, pars, qui moi c'est puisque éloge, votre Mais permettez-moi de vous dire, en ce moment, toute ma pensée, ma toute cemoment, en dire, devous permettez-moi Mais nouvelle, dimension d'une politique pensée notre enrichi a Elle éevrl osblt d l oprto 'vnr L'attitude l'avenir. à coopération la de possibilité la réserver de et conseils bons ses de occasions j'ai plusieurs à Moi-même, profiter pu conscients. tous sommes en Nous commune» l'oeuvre personnalité, forte sade raison en Staercke, de l'Ambassadeur rendus, a nous qu'il services les par Brosio, ’estManlio que collègues. de C mes celle aussi est sûr suis j'en qui pensée Conseil. ce de tête la à longtemps pour encore l'espérons nous cause la à attachement votre par activées et compétence haute opinions les respectant en Tout tous. connaissons nous que clairvoyance, la dévouement, le dont celui trouvé a l'Alliance Mais reconnaissante. pensée notre adressons leur Nous poste. l'avenir. pour celui tant politique, horizon notre élargi déjà a l'Alliance urs uCnel nu aos ls 'n fi "rié e fer". le "croisé fois d'une plus avons nous Conseil, du auprès Mais protocolaire. point un préséance, une titre, un c'est prier vous je voudrais Staercke, de deMonsieur discours le faire pour venu encore pas n'est moment le que sais Je prévalu. que lePrésident, Monsieur personne, en votre bien c'est ceà brillamment servi ont éminentes personnalités des Déjà garantie une avantage, estun cela et dimension, quatrième d'une hostiles, ou même réticents favorables, soyons nous que sportif, dans un esprit de bonne volonté, et surtout dans le dans surtout et volonté, bonne de esprit un dans sportif, fonction en une doyen de rôle le transformé a choses des l'Alliance, de inégalée expérience son de et talent grand son de absence son en deprononcer aimablement si charge être devous Atlantique, l'Alliance de mérité a bien ’une fois d plus ont et écoutées été toujours ont l'Occident, une sur édifiées personnelles, opinions per­ ces Et opinions sonnelles. de vos courage le eu toujours avez vous autres des d'accord, pad ou d'accord soyons nous Que compter. de obliges tous e us éclairées. sesvues à importante, combien et contribution, en une substance,de Doyen, Le chaleureux. plus les clé remerciements mes exprimer lui de etmatériels spirituels intérêts des défense dela difficiles heures les franchir à aidée l'a sagesse, haute et la Général. Secrétaire son de l'institution de niveau nu c'est succès 'outre-atlantique. d alliés denos celui que européens alliés des "Monsieur l'Ambassadeur Birgi, en vous remerciant remerciant en vous Birgi, l'Ambassadeur "Monsieur Mi l o 'line a. grand plus l'Alliance son où là enregistré "Mais "Mon cher Birgi, au cours dos années que j'ai passées passées j'ai que années dos cours au Birgi, cher "Mon 4 AO SECRET NATO - 24 - 4 - 24 - NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO A O SECRETNATO - 25 - NATO SECRET c-rT£T)W^~ NATO UNCLASSIFIED que vous avez adoptée a été d'une grande utilité aussi bien pour le Conseil que pour les deux gouvernements en cause . La ferveur maintient la vio ; soûle l ’indifférence tue.

"A l'occasion de mon départ, je voudrais exprimer ma vive gratitude au Secrétariat international et tout particu­ lièrement aux interprètes ainsi qu'au Général Stromberg en tant que représentant du Comité militaire, de l'aide précieuse qu'ils m'ont accordée pendant mon séjour à l'OTAN".



80. Tuesday 12th September 1967 at 10.15 a.m.

OTAN/NATO, Paris, (16e).