AND FAMILY Cover: Zeki Kuneralp on His Way to Buckingham Palace to Present His Credentials to Queen Elizabeth II in January 1964
AND FAMILY Cover: Zeki Kuneralp on his way to Buckingham Palace to present his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II in January 1964. t t . (c,< y f% L'L ZEKİ k u n e r a l p 1914-1998 A Tribute by Friends and Family Zeki Kuneralp, diplomat: born Istanbul 5 October 1914; Turkish ambassador to Berne 1960; Turkish ambassador to London 1964-66, 1969-72; Secretary- General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara 1966-69; Turkish ambassador to Madrid 1972-79; married 1943 Neclâ Ozdilci (died 1978; two sons: Sinan and Selim); died Istanbul 26 July 1998. He has published Die Konkurrenz internationaler Schiedsgerichtsbarkeiten, Bern 1938; Sadece Diplomat-, Hatırat, Istanbul 1981; (translated into English by G. Lewis as Just a Diplomat, Istanbul 1992) İkinci Dünya Harbinde Türk Dış Siyaseti, İstanbul 1983; Arzederim. Bir Büyükelçinin Bakanlık Makamına Yazıları: 1955-1979, İstanbul 1995; Dağarçığın Dibi: Yaşlılık Düşünceleri, İstanbul 1995; Les débuts de la soviétisation de la Roumanie : Témoignage d'un diplomate turc, Istanbul 1995; İkili Rapor/Rapport des Deux, Istanbul 1997; A Footnote to Turc-Greek History: The Keşan-Alexandroupolis Talks September 9-10, 1967, Istanbul 1998 and edited Ali Kemal, Ömrüm, Istanbul 1985. On October 14, 1998 the Anglo-Turkish Society in London held a special meeting to commemorate the memory of Zeki Kuneralp. The following speakers took the floor in that order: David Lane, Chairman of the Anglo- 1 urkish Society; His Exc. Mr. Ozdem Sanberk, Turkish Ambassador to the Court of St James; Sir Bernard Burrows, former British Ambassador to Turkey; Patricia, Lady Jellicoe; Sir Peter H. Laurence, former British Ambassador to Turkey; Sir Antony Acland, former British Ambassador to Spain; Professor Geoffrey Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Turkish at Oxford University; Dr.
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