Columbia, South Carolina: an Historical Overview
City... wide Architectural Survey & · Historic Preservation Plan Columbia, SouthCarolina John M. Bryan& Associates PatriciaRojas and DanielBilderback, SurveyCoordinators, RecannaissanceIntensive and S uroeys, PhasesI andII StephenSkelton, RecannaissanceIntensive and Surveys, Phase I Jenny Dilworth, JenniferVaughan, Michael Fenton, IntensiveS urveys, PhaseII Thomas Downey,Research Inventory and KatherineRichardson, HeritagePreservation As.5ociates, HistoricalOverview and Neighborhood Histories •••• Funded bytrie State Historic PreservationOffice SouthCarotina Department of Arch� and HistDfyand the Oty 1993of Cok.Imbta, The�11w1 is the ll.ti;,ai:-i rJta�I'm &wv:ied in l)l!rt with f".eds8IIlle._,... furafrom Park SeMa,. � 11the ir.u. Indlll(ffilMl&ed bylhe SolihDl!pnnent Qwalirwi Hiloy. rJ�111d �- theainmre Ind opnoraoot do _,.,, raleO lhe..,... or policiesIlle rJ rJ � lhelnllnlr. rcr dolll 'hs ITl!!l1lion rJ nderwn111 or IJll"mll:l't:il produ:1a alllliUll obe,e, a or A1Xffl111111 idalioi• 11)' lhe � rJlhll Dedicatedto KirkmanFinlay whosevision as a memberof City C-ouncil, 1974-1978 andMayor of the City ofColumbia, 1978- 1986 hasdone much to shapethe cityscape •••• City-wide Architectural Survey & HistoricPreservation Plan Columbia, SouthCarolina SurveyArea: 423 scµae miles bounded by the cityJackson) limits(exducmgE.Im.wod�GranbyendFort Recoonais:sanceSuvey- c. 33.000 strucn.res lntMsilleSurvey- C. 3,000 structures PatriciaRojas and Daniel Bilderback, Suroey Coordinators, Reconnaissanceand lntensitie S urveys, Phases I andII StephenSkelton, Reconnaissanceand Imen.swe S unieys, PhaseI JennyDilworth, Jennifer Vaughan, Michael Fenton, IntensiveS uroeys, Phase11 ThomasDo wney, ResearchInventory and KatherineRichard.son, Heritage Preservation Associates, Historical0tm,;euJ and Neighborhood Hiscaries JohnM. Bryan,Project Drre.ctor September25, 1991 , March15, 1993 CJTYWIDE ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER PREF ACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INfRODUCTION 2 1.
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