—II Ding HouLeyden)

The family was established by A. L. DE JUSSIEU (Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 18,

later R. BROWN 1811, 486, as Hippocraticeae) and three years created the family Celastraceae (in Flinders, Voy. Terra Austr. 2, 1814, 554, as Celastrineae). BROWN was well aware that his new ‘order’ (family in our sense) closely approached Hippocrateaceae and hinted at the

Possibility that they might be fused later.

This indeed effected P1. who was by HOOKER f. (in B. & H. Gen. 1, 1862, 358), reduced

to Hippocrateaceae a tribe of the Celastraceae. Still up till the present there has been no un-

animity of opinion on this question. Disagreement with HOOKER’S vision started with MIERS

(Trans. Linn. Soc. 38, 1873,319-330) in his elaborationof the South American Hippocrateaceae;

reviewed the history of the two families and ably summarized their general characters,

Basing himself on literature and new observations he put forward eleven points of difference f or their distinction. However, many new genera and species have been described since 1873

Which have obliterated many of MIERS'S arguments, and recent specialists agree that, if any, only few characters do hold.

Loesener, who kept the two families apart (in E. & P. Pfl. Earn. 3, 5, 1892, 189-230; ibid. E D. 2, 20b, 1942, 87-231), in discussing the African WELW. (Notizbl. & e rl.-Dahl. 13, 1937, 563-577) remarked that the chief difference between the families would

e : isomerous in Celastraceae and anisomerous flowers in Hippocrateaceae. In passing 11 may be noted here that, in absence of , he referred Campylostemon, which possesses 5

stamens, to the Celastraceae.

In his comprehensive work on the American Hippocrateaceae (Brittonia 3, 1940, 341-555) C. SMITH found the isomery obviously not an absolutely discriminating character as he

re duced MIERS (3 stamens) to MIERS (with 5 stamens), stating that the

c°mbined genus is a very coherent one. In his opinion the most important characters separating

Hippocrateaceae from Celastraceae would be: (/) stamens inserted within the disk (not outside

11 °r fused with in of Cheiloclinium and it), (it) stamens 3, except two species (not 5 or 4), (Hi)

a nthers clefts dehiscing by lateral, apical, or extrorse (never introrse).

In in connection with the Brassiantha 1941, publication of the new Hippocrateaceous genus

from New Guinea, I. W. Bailey & A. C. Smith (J. Arn. Arb. 22, 389-394, t. 1) stated

properly the only differentialcharacter left seemed to be the place of insertionofthe stamens an d added that if that two should be considered they were so, the separation of the families aftificial.

In this it is Thw. respect very interesting to note that the Indo-Malesian genus Kokoona

classified in of which inserted within originally Hippocrateaceae on account its stamens are ttle disk, and this was admitted also later by Miers, I.e. Later authors have arranged it, however,

Unanimously with the Celastraceae, because of its arboreous habit, capsular fruit, and isomerous st amens. Properly it should be marked as a transitional link.

The African has genus Campylostemon has also proved to be such a link, since Lawalree

the structure of its fruit (Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 18, 1947, 250-254). Its flowers fit

Ce lustraceae and are isomerous, but its capsular fruit is similar to that of the ®r °up. LAWALREE found the fruit characters more important than the isomerous stamens and

Preferred to arrange Campylostemon with Hippocrateaceae ofwhich he broadened and redefined

e family concept. He was aware, however, that all the differences listed in his diagnosis are only quantitative and needed further study. Tfom this succinct review it appears that Celastraceae and Hippocrateaceae are connected by

intermediate genera and species which obscure a sharp distinction. This is corroborated die data which emerge from auxiliary data derived from palynological, anatomical, and tle motaxonomical observations.

(0 Part I was published in vol. 6 (1963) 227-291. 389 3 390 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

ERDTMAN stated that pollen grains ± similar to those of Hippocrateaceae occur in Celastra-

ceae (Pollen Morph. PI. Tax. Angiosp. 1952, 105, fig. 52A and 204, fig. 121B).

to METCALFE & CHALK found the anatomical characters of Hippocrateaceae very similar those of Celastraceae and concluded that the two families are very closely related (Anat.

Dicot. 1, 1950, 387-404).

characters of HEGNAUER concluded that as far as phytochemical are known the separation from that 230). Celastraceaeand Hippocrateaceae seems hardly justified point of view (this vol., p.

Summarizing, it appears that the overwhelming evidence is in favour of accepting one natural family, Celastraceae a name which has been proposed for conservation by BULLOCK (Taxon 7, , 1958, 10, 18).

Taxonomic position of the genus

There is controversial opinion about the inclusion of Siphonodon in the family, largely because of the interpretation of the , and more in particular about the question whether the central appendage found in the apically hollow pistil represents the style which HOOKER doubted be-

I cause of it being covered by a cuticle. On this question have recently given a survey (Blumea

12, 1963, 36-37). CROIZAT raised it to the rank of subfamily (Lilloa 13, 1947, 41, 43) and of GAGNEPAIN & TARDIEU-BLOT to family rank (Nat. Syst. 14, 1951, 102). But this change rank does not involve its exclusion from the . In fact, HUTCHINSON retained it IN close proximity to the Hippocrateaceae. Wood-anatomicaldata do not provide specific clues as this anatomy is rather heterogenous in Celastraceae. Palynologically, ERDTMAN is inclined to support the creation of a new family, but it may be doubted whether sufficient dataare available- be It would seem to me that a consideration on the taxonomic position of Siphonodon cannot divorced from a consideration of the Papuan Brassiantha and the Australian genus Hedraian-

in thera which also possess an apically hollow pistil. An apically hollow pistil occurs also unrelated , e.g. in Erycibe (Convolvulaceae).

Emendation of family circumscription

of the considerations above the In consequence given provisional family description needs a emendations, viz: add to the characters of the calyx:—'in some Salacias slightly, irregularly not 3-5-lobed in the apical part and then circumscissile at the base, or lengthwise splitting, or lobed'; and add to the characters of the cotyledons:—'or massive (), free or united •

Germination.N. Halle (Mem. Inst. Fran?. Afr. Noire n. 64, 1962, 38-40, f. 22-24) made

found that observations on seed germination of some species of the former Hippocrateaceae. He and species with wingless seed and massive cotyledons, or winged seed with united cotyledons a thickened marginal ‘nerve’ have hypogeal germination; he found this in Salacia (2 spp- seed observed), (1 sp.), Simirestis (1 sp.) and (I sp.). Species with winged with thin 'nerve' a marginal and free cotyledons are epigeal: (1 sp.), Apodostigma still (1 sp.) and Campylostemon (1 sp.). The data of seed germination in the Celastraceae are inadequate to be evaluated taxonomically at present.

Generic delimitation in ' ' discussed in detail Hippocrateaceae as accepted here I have in a precursory paper (Blumea 12, 1963, 31-38).


(based on flowering material)

1. Stamens 5 or 4.

2. Pistil not hollow in the apical part.

3. Leaves spirally arranged or alternate. . P cta 4. Leaves with cross-bar veins between the nerves. thickened at the apex beneath.

contorted. Styles 2, free or slightly united at the base. See vol. 6, p. 280 ... 9.' rare y 4. Venation reticulate. Petiole thickened the beneath. Petals imbricate, not at apex usually valvate (Perrottetia). Style simple.

The of the in the in I.e. erroneous- (1) numbering genera key part I, 231-232, was, unfortunately, Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 391

5. Petals always larger than the calyx lobes and usually different in shape, imbricate. Overy 3-4- celled (2-celled in Maytenus diversifolia).

6. Ovary (2-)3-celled, each cell with two collateral ovules.

7. Ovary free from the disk. Ovules with a cup-shaped aril at the base. Scandent , always

unarmed. See vol. 233 1. Celastrus 6, p.

7. Ovary usually partly immersed in the disk. Ovules without arillar cup at the base, though the

seeds are arillate. Erect (sometimes scandent?) shrubs or small trees, sometimes spinous.

2. See vol. 6, p. 238 Maytcnus

6. Ovary 4-celled, each cell withe. 10 ovules arranged in two series. See vol. 6, p.243. 3. Xylonymus

5. Petals usually similar to calyx lobes both in size and shape, usually valvate. Ovary 2-celled.

See vol. 6, p. 288 12. Pcrrottctia

3. Leaves decussate or opposite.

8. Petals slightly united at the base (very rarely free. e.g. in Microtropisfiliformis). Disk proper ab-

sent, filaments united atthe base into a ring or short tube,by some interpretedto represent a disk,

usually united with the petals. See vol. 6, p. 272 8. Microtropis

8. flat the and coherent with it in Petals free. Disk conspicuous, fleshy, cupular or (covering ovary Glyptopetalum sp.), free from the petals.

9. Ovary 3-, or 4-5-celled. Ovules 1-18 in each cell.

10. Ovary 4-5-celled.

11. Ovules 2 in each cell. See vol. 6, p. 245 4. Euonymus

11. Ovule 1 in each cell. See vol. 254 5. 6, p. Glyptopetalum 10. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules (4—6—)8—18 in each cell.

12. Petals contorted, without appendage. See vol. 6, p. 258 6. Kokoona

12. Petals imbricate, usually with appendages on the inner side, very rarely naked. See vol.6,

p. 262 7. Lophopctalum

9. Ovary 2-celled, or 1-celled by abortion ( Pleurostylia). Ovules 2 in each cell.

13. Disk more or less flat. Anthers subglobose and rounded at the apex, connective invisible on

the dorsal side. See vol. 6, p. 284 10. Cassine

13. Disk cupular. Anthers ovoid and short-apiculate, connective distinct and broad on the dorsal

side. See vol. 6, p. 287 11. Pleurostylia 2- Pistil hollow in the apical part (best observed in a longitudinal section of the flower). 14. Cavity of the pistil without a style-like appendage. Petals valvate. Disk composed of 5 pulvinate

glands contiguous at the ends to form a pseudocontinuous annulus. Stamens inserted inside the

disk 13. Brassiantha 14. The hollow cavity with a cylindric, style-like appendagearising from the bottom. Petals imbricate.

Disk united with the disk the ovary. Stamens inserted outside 14. Siphonodon ' Stamens 3, rarely 2. ' 5 5-lobed anthesis. - Calyx distinctly even at very young stage, spreading at 16. Flowers in axillary fascicles 17. Salacia

'6. Flowers in terminal axillary cymes, or thyrses, or panicles. 17. Inflorescences with short, supplementary branchlets in the dichotomies or in the axils of branches. Disk inconspicuous 16. Reissantia 17. Inflorescences without short, supplementary branchlets as above. Disk conspicuous. 18. Petals subcoriaceous when dry, densely puberulous outside, subvalvate or the margins slightly

overlapping 15. Loesencriella

18. Petals thin, rarely slightly fleshy, glabrous, imbricate, the margins much overlapping.

17. Salacia 15- almost unlobed lobed the anthesis Calyx or slightly, irregularly at apex, during breaking trans-

versely along an irregular line near its base, sometimes irregularly splitting lengthwise, rarely the

Whole calyx unlobed, saucer-shaped and persistent 17. Salacia


(based on fruiting material)

' capsular, dehiscent.

• Fruits with 3 divergent, follicle-like parts. Seed with a basal wing.

“• Cotyledons united, at least partly so 15. Locsenericlla

Cotyledons free 16. Reissantia

otherwise. Seed the ■ Fruits wingless, or with an apical wing (Kokoona ), or the wing surrounding

seed proper (.“Lophopetalum).

Leaves with crossbar-like veins at beneath. See between the nerves; petiole thickened the apex vol. 280 9. Bhesa 6, p.

Leaves with reticulate thickened the beneath. veins; petiole not at apex 5- Leaves spirally arranged or alternate. 6. Fruits less than 1% cm long, 3-celled (very rarely 2-celled). 3 392 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

7. Seeds the aril. Scandent shrubs. See vol. 233 J. Celastrus completely enveloped by 6, p. .

7. Seeds only at the lower half or at the base enveloped by the aril. Erect (sometimes scandent?)

shrubs small See vol. 238 or trees. 6, p. 2. Maytenus

6. Fruits 2Y2-6Y2 cm long, 4- or 5-celled.

8. Fruits 5-celled. Seeds 2-4 in each cell 13. llrassiantha subglobose, 5-sulcate, usually . .

Fruits 4-celled. Seeds in each cell. vol. 8. oblong, 4-angular, c. 10 See 6, p. 243 . . 3. Xylonymus

5. Leaves decussate or opposite.

9. Fruits 3-5-celled, loculicidally dehiscent, usually 3-5-valved, 3-oo-seeded.

10. Fruits usually 4-5-anguIar or -lobed, 4-5-celled, occasionally 1-3-celled by abortion, each cell

1- or 2-seeded. Seeds not winged, completely or incompletely enveloped by aril. 11. When the fruit dehisces its axis splitting completely together with the valves, leaving no

columella. Seeds usually 2 in each cell, attached to the top or base at the inner angle; raphe

not branched. See vol. 6, p. 245 4. Euonymus

11. When the fruit dehisces its axis splitting or not, but remains free from the valves. Seeds only

1 in each cell, hanging from the top of the persistent axis; raphe branched usually at the

morphological base of the seed, the bands ascending on the other side towards the hilurn.

See vol. 6, p. 254 5. Glyptopetalum

10. Fruits 3-angular, -lobed, or ± winged, 3-celled, each cell usually 4-12-seeded. Seeds winged;

no aril.

attached at their at 12. Seeds base, wing the apical end. See vol. 6, p. 258 . 6. Kokoona 12. Seeds surrounded attached the See vol. by a wing, laterally at ± centre. 6, p. 262. 7. Lophopetalum Fruits 9. usually 1-celled, splitting onone side, usually 1-seeded. See vol. 6, p. 272. 8. Microtropis

1. Fruits drupaceous or berry-like, indehiscent.

13. Fruits with a lateral, persistent style. See vol. 6, p. 287 11. Pleurostylia

13. Fruits with terminal its with the end a persistent style or scar, or a depressed cavity at upper (Si- phonodon).

14. Leaves alternate; twigs zigzag. Fruit a small, globularberry. Seeds muricate-foveolate or tuber-

culate. See vol. 6, p. 288 . 12. Perrottetia Seeds 14. Leaves decussate, opposite, or spiral; twigs not zigzag. Fruit otherwise, always larger.


15. Fruits 1-2-seeded. See vol. 284 Cassine obovoid-oblong or broad-ellipsoid, 6, p. ... 10.

15. Fruits subglobose, few- to many-seeded, sometimes 1-seeded in Salacia. 2 16. Leaves decussate or opposite (except in S. vimeria and sometimes in S. chinensis).. Stamens

distinct at the small or 3, persistent or leaving scars base of the fruit. Climbers, shrubs or rarely

trees 17. Salacia fruit. 16. Leaves spiral. Stamens 5, caducous, and their scars usually not distinct at the base of the

Tall trees 14. Siphonodon


A. C. SMITH, J. Arn. Arb. 22 (1941) 389.—Fig. 23.

or Small tree. Stipules small, deltoid or ovate, caducous. Leaves alternate spiral. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, rarely cymose, few-flowered. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx lobes imbricate. Petals valvate. Disk extrastaminal, fleshy> annular-pulvinate or slightly cupular, composed of 5 pulvinate glands contiguous

s-s mf ± s 1 X • • 1 disk; at the ends. Stamens 5, erect, inserted at the inner side of the notches of the anthers basifixed, dehiscing by a transverse slit, ± extrorse. Pistil hollow in the y truncate. base confluent with upper 3 , apex Ovary 5-celled, short-conical, Ovules or disk; style none; stigma inconspicuous. 2-5 in each cell, superposed biseriate. con- Fruit capsular, subglobose, loculicidal, after dehiscing leaving a spicuous, club-shaped columella. Seeds (l-)2-4(-5) in each cell, completely

e rip > enveloped by an aril when young, leaving an opening on one side when albuminous; cotyledons flat, foliaceous.

Distr. Monotypic; Malesia: New Guinea.

Ecol. In lowland sometimes found at forests, 1800-1900 m. { ' Notes. A. C. Smith & I. W. Bailey Arn. Arb. full the ra° (J. 22, 1941, 389-394) gave a account of 393 Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou)

Fig. 23. Brassiantha 2 b. X and mature pentamera A. C. SMITH. a. Habit, X /3, flower, 8, c. young

stamens x 16, d. flower, calyx lobes, petals, and anthers removed, x 16, e. ditto, in section, x 16,

2 2 2 f. frui x 2/3, ditto, longitudinal and cross-sections, X i. seeds, X / j, columella, X t, g-h. /3, 3 , /3 (a-b.

d-e BRASS 8954, c BRASS 8889, f-i BW 5513, j NGF 9587).

and anatomical characters and of the taxonomical affinities of this I Phological interesting genus. can

that Brassiantha must be quite closely allied to the monotypic Australian genus Hedraianthera p - v. ■ • M. (Fragm. 5, 1865, 58) by the alternate or spirally arranged leaves, few-flowered, paniculate

nflorescences, divaricate anther-cells, pistil hollow in the apical end, a 5-celled ovary of which each cell plains several ascendent, superposed ovules, the sessile stigma, and capsular fruit which has evidently columella after dehiscing. The chief difference between these two genera is, as far as I know, found in

t* 1e insertion ofthe stamens, and in the seed: in Brassiantha the disk is fleshy, composed offive

""'vinate glands contiguous at the ends, the stamens are inserted at its inner side before the notches of

® Hedraianthera , disk, and the seed is more or less completelyenclosed by an aril; in the disk is rather

n of and the y" > annular, 5-notched, the stamens are inserted just beneath the outer margin the disk, has a caterpillar-like aril attached on one side. he FI. 1 J„ . of Hedraiantheraporphyropetala F. v. M. 1865, F. M. Queensl. 1, type„ 5, 59; Bailey, r r . r (Fragm. i 256; Compr. Cat. Queensl. PI. 1913, f. 77) was collected by J. Dallachy (SM., type in MEL, 0 lypes L & at I am to Messrs J. H. WILLIS and ,, in K) Rockingham Bay, Queensland. very grateful with ' EVERIST, Australia, for kindly sending us the material of type and later collections together ■"uable data of Hedraianthera. In a letter addressed to Dr VAN STEENIS, dated December 5th, 1963, 3 394 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

of Mr EVERIST stated that Mr L. S. SMITH after making a more detailed examination of the material

Hedraianthera and Brassiantha in Brisbane agrees that these two genera are distinct.

As to the fruit of Hedraianthera, VON MUELLER described it, from immature material, as smooth;

however, it is corrugate outside. The mature seeds, from a detached open fruit of a subsequent collection

have the made in the type locality, sent by Mr WILLIS, along raphe a most peculiar caterpillar-like 1942, thickening which is obviously the aril as described by LOESENER (in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20b,

125); they match with those of a young detached fruit ofthe type and are albuminous with two foliaceous

cotyledons. This rather surprising kind of aril is, so far, not known in any other species of the Celastra-


3 1. Brassiantha pentamera A. C. SMITH, J. Arn. acuminate. Disk /4-l Vi mm 0. Stamens vefy Arb. 22 (1941) 390, t. 1.—Fig. 23a-j. short; anthers ± triangular, cells separated by a

Small tree to 10 20 when or up m by cm 0. conspicuous connective, slightly oblique

Branchlets terete, light to reddish brown. Leaves -l Fruit young. Ovary >/2 mm long. subglobose,

chartaceous to subcoriaceous, elliptic to elliptic- 2/2-31/2 cm 0, 5-suIcate, red. Seeds slightly falcate,

lanceolate, ovate, or obovate-oblong, 4-12 by or ± ellipsoid, sometimes slightly planoconvex,

1 base 12-15 7-10 aril hilum long, Y2S cm; cuneate to attenuate; apex by mm; orange; very

acuminate; marginentire; nerves 4-9 pairs; petiole along the whole length of the seed on the outer

3-10 mm. Inflorescences usually in many leaf side. and axils, 1/2-2 cm long; rachises, peduncles and Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Hollandia

pedicels with elastic threads shown on breaking. vicinity, and NE. New Guinea).

n Peduncle 0-1 cm. Bracts triangular, 1-1 !4 mm Ecol. In primary and secondary forests, | in long. Pedicels 5-8 mm. Flowers red West New Guinea in lowland 100 or purplish up to m, red. at Calyx lobes triangular, mm long. NE. New Guinea 1800-1950 m.

Petals ovate, by short- l%-2'/2 %-l y3 mm,


Griff. Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4 (1844) 246, t. 14; Loes. in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2,

20b (1942) 195; Ding Hou, Blumea 12 (1963) 36.—Capusia Lecomte, Bull. Mus.

Hist. Nat. Paris 32 (1926) 95, f. 1-2.—Fig. 24.

Trees. Stipules minute. Leaves spiral or alternate. Inflorescences axillary, cymose,

sometimes only one-flowered. Peduncles present or 0. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx stand- lobes imbricate. Petals imbricate. Stamens 5, sometimes alternating with 5 Pistil nodes; anthers latrorse, connective distinct and broad, separating the cells.

e half-immersed, adnate to the disk, the upper half hollow and with a style-lik column rising from the bottom. Ovary many-celled, cells irregularly superposed.

or Ovules 1 in each cell, anatropous, attached towards the inner angle, oblique Seeds pendulous. Fruit drupaceous, hard, with numerous bony, 1-seeded stones.

flat, albuminous; testa membranous; cotyledons flat, free.

Distr. Species c. 7, distributed from SE. Asia through Malesia to Australia. Fig. 26.

Ecol. In forests from lowland to up 1375 m.


filaments ]. Central column of the pistil obtuse at the top. Calyx lobes smaller than petals. Stamens with united celastrincus at the lower half or at the base 1. S. large 1. Central column of the pistil peltate at the top and covering the tips of the anthers. Calyx lobes than the petals. Stamens usually free 2. S. peltatu

r 1. celastrincus GRIFF. Calc. Koord. Minah. MeR Siphonodon J. Nat. text, p.p.; (1898) 396; ' n Hist. 4 (1844) 247, t. 14; HOOK./. Trans. Linn. Philip. J. Sc. 3 (1908) Bot. 239; Koord- > Soc. 22 (1844) 133, t. 26; HASSK. Nat. Tijd. N.I. JunghuhnGedenkboek (1910) 175; Back.School • I 10 (1856) 150; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 592 (1911) 238; Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verz. (191 5- (‘Sophonodon’); Laws, in Hook. /. FI. Br. Ind. 1 Fam. 158, 5; Koord. Exk. FI. Java 2 (1912) FI. Gen- (1875) 629; Kurz, For. FI. Burma 1 (1877) 254; Merr. FI. Manila (1912) 302; Pitard, fcn FI. For. Coch. f. Merk- Pierre, 19 (1894) sub t. 312A, in I.-C. 1 (1912) 906, 114, 9-11, p.p.-, ‘ Aug. 1964] Celastraceae—ii (Ding Hou) 395

Fig. 24. Siphonodon celastrineus GRIFF, a. Habit, X 2/3, b. opening bud, X 4, c. young flower, with petals 2 removed, X 8, d. ditto, section, X 8, e. petal, X 8, f. stamen, X 8, g. fruit, X /3, h-i. ditto,

2 longitudinal and cross-sections, x /3.—S. peltatus DING HOU. j. Flower seen from the top, calyx lobes and petals removed, x 8, k. stamens, X 8, l. flower, in section, x 8 (a-f SAN 18729,g-i KOSTER-

MANS 5860, j-l CARR 13908).

fh'Hp. incl. 2 (1923) 485, var. acuminatissima grey-greenish when dry, ovate-oblong or elliptic-

R"ERR. et var. subglobosa Merr.: Craib. FI. Siam. oblong to -lanceolate, 4-23 by 3 Vi-9 Vi cm; base

n 1 £ - (1926) 293; Rehder, J. Arn. Arb. 14 (1933) cuneate or round; apex acute to acuminate; mar- Loes. in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) gin usually crenate, sometimes remotely or ob- 196; Tardieu, Suppl. FI. G6n. I.-C. (1948) 824, scurely crenulate, rarely entire; nerves 6-10 pairs;

P-P —-S. pyriformis Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 3 (1908) petiole Vi-2 cm. Inflorescences cymose or um- “°t- 240; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 485; Loes. in E. & belliform, (l-)few(-oo)-flowcrcd. Peduncle Vi-1V2 “• Pfl. Earn. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 196.—.Xanthophyl- cm. Pedicels 5-11 mm. Flowers cream-white; lum subglobosum. Elm. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 5 (1913) and sometimes containing reddish „ calyx petals

incl. var. longifolium ELM.—S. pyriformis brown cells or spots in the tissue. Calyx lobes

var. parvifolius Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 27 (1925) 33. reniform or subrotund, 1-2 mm long. Petals ovate, F >g. 24a-i, 25. 2'4-3Vi by I %~2 Vi mm, obtuse. Stamens c. 1 mm;

Tree 35 90 with filaments united the lower the up to m by cm a, very rarely flat, at Vi or near uttresses up to 1-1 '/i m high (fide Kostermans base; anthers usually perpendicularly bent inward j472 ■ & 13487). Leaves chartaceous to sub- in bud. Pistillar body usually ± semi-globose,

°fiaceous, sometimes coriaceous, olivaceous or sometimes ± short conical, occasionally with 5 3 396 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

15080; Fig. 25. Siphonodon celastrineus GRIFF., Bulolo logging area, New Guinea, 900 m alt. (NGF

photogr. P. VAN ROYEN, 1962).

the surface. Fruit limestone the Wai Bussa Fowata radiating ridges on upper green slopes along near as- or yellowish green, broad-ellipsoid, globose, between 40-90 m as a dominant in forest, edule, sometimes slightly obovoid or ± pyriform, sociated with Vitex cofassus, Pangium Nauclea 3-61/2 by 2-6 cm. Intsia (scattered), Pometia, Ficus, and

(BLOEMBERGEN, 1939). Vern. Java: danoklot kĕpu, karangasĕm, tèdjo, wanitan, wĕlaham, J, ki putri, ki singuguh kaju, S, langghadeung, Md; Lesser Sunda Is., Flores:

oëkapa, Endeh I.; Borneo: kalantaid. North

Borneo, tulang, Dajak; Celebes: indohe hapoeté, Muna, kalawalan, Menado, kapupukina, Munal

Moluccas: tua, Sula Is.; New Guinea: aruai,

Japen,mobiek,pieh, Kebar lang., uwoga, Orokaiva


Notes. The shape and size of leaves and fruits I n are very variable, even in the same collection.

the herbarium fruits in are, most cases, detached,

fruits show holes and deformed some very large are available, Fig. 26. Distribution of Siphonodon celastrineus by insects. Only few flowering specimens

GRIFF. it seems that the flowers fall off easily after drying- o> It is desirable to have them in different stages

Distr. Widely distributed but scattered in , development, preserved in liquid for further study

Burma, Thailand, Indo-China, and throughout of their variability.

Malesia. Fig. 26. There are three specimens cited in the original

Ecol. In from the lowland 1375 of S. i.e. ELME* forests, up to description pyriformis Merr., (not and m; found on limestone in E. Kutai and Java, also 5985 (lectotype, US), FB 5141 seen), er to it would diff collected on level clay soil in W. New Guinea. 2875 (US). According MERRILL,

from its However. In Sula Sanana I. (West Moluccas) it occurs on S. celastrineus by pyriform fruit. Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 397

ave seen pyriform fruits in several specimens of cream-coloured. Calyx lobes very broad-ovate or _

S. celastrineus, e.g. Koorders 1122/3 (BO) from suborbicular, c. 4 mm 0, ± entire, with 3 faint, , Ji >ya. My hesitation to reduce S. pyriformis to S. slightly branched veins. Petals suborbicular, c. 3 celastrineus was overcome by the examination of mm 0, rather fleshy, the marginal part thin and two flowers showed that on ELMER 5985 which transparent (when dry), wavy. Stamens ± free, the floral characters are exactly similar. or some of them slightly united at the base;

I filaments flat, broad-oblong, c. mm long;

Siphonodon peltatus DING HOU, Blumea 12 anthers deltoid, perpendicularly bent inward, the

(1963) 38.—Fig. 24j-l. tips under the peltate apex of the central column. Tree c. 27 Pistil near the m. Leaves~ chartaceous, olivaceous or flat, round, slightly concave center, .. “ght brown above, light brown beneath, oblong- the central column peltate at the apex. Ovules

0vate, 1 by 5-61/2 cm; base round or acute; arranged on one level (?). Fruit unknown. aPex (all damaged) probable acute; marginentire; Distr. Malesia: SE. New Guinea (Lala River), nerves 6-8 pairs; petiole '/2-1 cm. Inflorescences once collected.

Ecol. forest 1650 Wndensed. Peduncle very short or obscure, some- In at c. m. hmes 5 Pedicels Flowers up to c. mm. c. 2 mm.


c. Smith, Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 438; Wilczek, FI. Congo Beige 9 (1960) 148;

Walue, Mem. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire n. 64 (1962) 103.—.Hippocratea auct.,

Hg.28. sometimes . Liana, or scandent rarely erect shrubs. Stipules interpetiolar or ±

"hrapetiolar. Leaves decussate. Inflorescences axillary, dichotomously cymose.

deeply 5-lobed. Petals 5, usually rather thick, subcoriaceous to coriaceous

dry, subvalvate or the margins slightly overlapping, usually acuminate,

® n tire, puberulous on the outer surface, sometimes glabrescent. Disk extrastaminal, es hy, simple and annular-pulvinate, rarely double with the outer part cupular ari d extra-Mai. the inner part forming a kind of receptacular androgynophore (in S PP-). Stamens 3, inserted at the base of the free part of the pistil; filaments linear, re flexed at anthesis; anthers transversely dehiscent, extrorse. Ovary half-immersed, ? 0| hetimes superior, 3-celled; style distinct, slender; stigma obscure. Ovules 4-12 n e ‘ ach cell. Fruit capsular, consisting of 3 separate, divergent, dorsoventrally a fiened ‘follicles’ each dehiscing along an inconspicuous median suture into 2 avicular || valves. Seeds usually with a basal wing, the wing usually membranous, ]th l submedian (raphe) and 1 marginal ‘nerve’; endosperm 0; cotyledons

sometimes only partly united.

s tr. About 26 in Asia and southeastward far the New Hebrides; in*?' spp., tropical Africa, Malesia, as as

Malesia 4 spp.

c °l. In in Malesia from the lowland 850 m. forests, up to c.


I. Tl uPPer Vi-Vs of the petals on the inner surface and disk at the top distinctly pilose. 2 t> , Pericarp usually thin-leathery, after dehiscence the sutural margins slightly reflexed. Seed proper very n 3 i arrowly oblong-ellipsoid, 3-4'/2 by V2- / cm; most part of the wing unilateral, 3-5>/2 by Ys~ A cm, r ather thick and and not transparent when dry, the submedian marginal nerves inconspicuous, 1. L. macrantha j ' rather reflexed. Seed broad- ericarp woody, after dehiscence the sutural margins not proper very

1-1 by wing ± at one end of the seed, c. 3 by membranous and ± ®">psoid, y3 % cm; I'/j cm,

the submedian and marginal nerves conspicuous. 3 transparent, Leaves acuminate. Anthers and filaments glabrous. usually elliptic-oblong or -lanceolate; apex 2. L. sogcrensis 3 Leaves obtuse rounded. Inner surface of both the filaments at broad-elliptic to rounded; apex or me apical part and the base of the anthers papillose or puberulous 3. L. cumingii 3 398 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

after dehiscence the sutural 1. Inner surface of the petals and disk glabrous. (Pericarp thin-leathery, 3 Seed or ovate-oblong, 1-2 by '/2- wing at one end, margins slightly spreading. proper elliptic- /4 cm; with conspicuous submedian and membranous, ovate to ovate-oblong, or elliptic, 2-4 by cm, marginal nerves.) 4. L. pauciflora

1. Loeseneriella macrantha (KORTH.) A. C. SMITH,

Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 439.—Hippocratea macran- tha KORTH. Kruidk. (1842) 187, t. 39; MIQ. Fl.

Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 599; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-

Bat. 4 (1869) 153; ROLFE, Kew Bull. (1918) 47,

Fl. Mai. 1 excl. excl. syn.; RIDL. Pen. (1922) 455,

MERR. En. 2 LOES. in syn.', Philip. (1923) 486;

E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 213; AMSHOFF,

Blumea 5 (1945) 486.—Hippocratea hasseltiana

MIQ. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 154;

BACK. Schoolfl. (1911) 236.—Hippocratea trilobu- lata RIDL. Kew Bull. (1938) 241. Liana. Stipules ± intrapetiolar, lanceolate, 27. Distribution of Loeseneriella macrantha 2 Fig. /}-l mm long, the scars united in a ring on the A. C. SMITH older branchlets. Leaves chartaceous to thin- (KORTH.)

coriaceous, sometimes shining above, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, ovate-oblong to lanceolate, Vern. Malay Peninsula: akar bintong, akar sometimes akar North broad-elliptic or -ovate, rarely obovate, china, mata pĕlandok, gambir ayĕr, M;

(5>/2-)10-20>/2 by (3-)5-8 cm; base obtuse, Borneo: bohan kutongan, Bajao Sporna. short-acuminate cuneate; apex acute, to acuminate; SMITH. margin subentire rarely slightly crenulate; nerves 2. Loeseneriella sogerensis (BAK. /.) A. C.

6-8 pairs; petiole >/2-l cm. Inflorescences some- Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 439.— Hippocratea sogeren- times 1-6 cm to 5 times Bak. J. Bot. 61 10. ramiflorous, long, up sis... /. (1923) Suppl. 111 1 rn branched, usually glabrous rarely sparsely light Liana. Stipules triangular or deltoid, c. ring yellowish puberulous; sometimes flowers on a long, ± intrapetiolar, the scars forming ± a short-shoot with bracts reduced branches. subcoriaceous t° young, axillary or on the older Leaves -lanceolate leaves and such shoot resembling a thyrsiform coriaceous, elliptic, elliptic-oblong or inflorescence. Peduncle -3 Bracts 5 -11 cm; base y3 cm. deltoid, rarely ovate-oblong, l/ 2 by

1 mm Pedicels 5-7 the central one crenulate c. '/2 long. mm, cuneate; apex acuminate; margin to l 10 mm, sometimes with nerves 5-9 -\ cm. Inflorescence* usually longer, up pairs; petiole /2 elastic threads shown Flowers l on breaking. green 3 or 4 times branched, l /2 -2V2 cm long, dense*?

lobes Peduncle 1-2 Brad or yellowish green, rarely yellowish. Calyx puberulous, ferrugineous. cm. nn11 deltoid, 1-114 mm long, puberulous outside. triangular, 1-114 mm long. Pedicels 1-3 ' o Petals ovate-oblong, 4 ,/i-6 1/i by 1 % —2 */2 mm, Flowers yellowish. Calyx lobes semiorbicular tn the half on densely pilose (uniseriate hairs) on upper triangular, %-l mm long, puberulous 2 4-5 or /j inside and on the margins. Disk annular- outside. Petals ovate-oblong to lanceolate, afl 1 -3 mm mm high, the 1 i/ -l yA pilose on the V2-I/3 inside pulvinate, y3 0, y 3 -2y2 2 mm, upper

' basal part before the calyx lobes slightly extended on the margins. Disk annular-pulvinate, 114 .

outward and 1 -2 the top. obliquely downward, pilose (uni- mm high, Y2 mm 0, short-pilose at 1 seriate the lobes sligh*? hairs) at top, very rarely glabrous when the basal part before to the calyx 1 young. Stamens c. 2 mm. Pistil 1-2 mm emerging extended outward and downward. Stamens V}' from the disk. Ovules 4-6 in each cell. Follicles from the dis mm. Pistil I-IV2 mm emerging ' ovate- or elliptic-oblong, obtuse at the apex, 5-8 Ovules 6-10 in each cell. Follicles obovate, c -, I vin ® incl ' by 2-3 V2 cm. Seeds (incl. wing) obovate-oblong, by 21/2 cm, pericarp woody. Seeds ( . 1 c 31/2-6 by '/2-I cm. ovate-oblong or lanceolate, 3>4-4 by 16 .„ 1 Distr. From New Ireland (W. coast), the Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Sogere, Kanos

Solomon Is. (New Georgia group), and the New Lower Fly R., and Milne Bay Distr.). g f0 Hebrides (Santa Cruz group) to Ceylon; in Ecol. In lowland forests and along mang

Sumatra Riouw Malesia: (Indragiri, Palembang), swamp.

(P. Durian), Malay Peninsula (Perak, Selangor, Notes. The type of L. sogerensis is Forbes 4$[ similar those Pahang, Johore, Singapore), Banka, Central Java (BM, L); its flowers are quite to

(Kediri and Kinderzee), Borneo (North Borneo, L. macrantha. BAKER stated it to differ front

Banjermasin, and Sarawak), SE. and Central latter by the shape of the leaves and the colour usually snta Celebes (Kendari and Latode), Moluccas (Sula Is.) the flowers. Besides, the leaves are ® and New Guinea (throughout but scattered). and distinctly crenulate, the inflorescences rat Fig. 27. densely rusty the puberulous, pericarp r me Ecol. In lowland forests 400 also found and the seeds up to m, woody, possess a prominent in river flood end. plain, riverside, and mangrove branous wing attached at one . forests. cell is varia swamp The number of ovules per quite vary Galls. Insects galls on leaves (BRASS 13920). in this species and is sometimes found to 399 Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE— ii (Ding Hou)

Fig. 28. 2 Loeseneriella pauciflora (DC.) A. C. SMITH, a. Habit, X /3, b. bud, X 4, c. diagram showing

of d. of flower in arrangement petals, tips petals, x 8, e. open flower, x 4, f. section, petals removed, 2 2 x 12, g. fruit, X /3, h. dehiscent follicle, immature, in centre adhering seeds with basal wing, X /3


Ona specimen, or even in one flower. by 2'/2-7 34 cm; base rounded, obtuse, rarely

cuneate; apex obtuse, rounded, rarely emarginate; Locscneriella bi cumingii (Laws.) Ding Hou, margin crenulate; nerves 5-8 pairs; petiole 3-4

lu " mca 12 32.—' mm. 2-4 times cm is (1963) Hippocratea cumingii Inflorescences branched, 1/2-4 in Hook./. FI. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 624; King, long, light brownish puberulous, sometimes /As Soc. - Beng. 65, ii (1896) 358; F.-Vill. Nov. glabrescent especially on the peduncles. Peduncle

(1880)47; Vidal,Phan. Cuming. (1885) 103. 1Vi~2Vi cm. Bracts deltoid, c. I mm long. Pedicels Flowers V. Hippocratea macrantha (non Korth.) Rolfe, 3 Vi-41/2 mm. greenish yellow, or green. 4.7 Bull. (1918) 47; Merr. En. Philip. 2 (1923) Calyx lobes triangular, c. Vi mm long,puberuious P Jn,.’ ro Cuming 1725.—.Hippocratea trichopetala outside. Petals lanceolate, 4'/2—5 by 1V3-I >/i mm, RR - Philip. J. Sc. 13 Bot. 21; En. Philip, pilose on the upper inside and on the mar- 2 , (1918) Vl~Vi i 486. Disk I 1 -2 ®23) gins. annular-pulvinate, c. mm high, >/2

indent shrub. triangular or lanceo- mm 0, at the slightly 5-notched at l 4j Stipules pilose apex, Vz~\ b ’ mm long, spacious. Leaves coriaceous, the base. Stamens c. 2 mm, the inner surfaces of to . a d-elliptic or rotund, sometimes ovate, 3-11 both the filament at the apical part and the base 3 400 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

of the anther papillose. Pistil c. 1 mm emerging excl. syn.—1Hippocratea nigricaulis RIDL. J. Str. for from the disk, sparsely pilose towards the base. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 75 (1917) 20, new name

Ovules 8-10 in each cell. Follicles oblong, 0V2 by Hippocratea macrantha (non Korth.) King;

Pen. l x /i cm. Seeds (Jncl. wing) lanceolate, 4|/2-5 by Rolfe, Kew Bull. (1918) 47; Ridl. FI. Mai.

1 RlDL- I'A-l'A cm. (1922) 455.—.Hippocratea brachystachys

Distr. Malesia: W. Sumatra (Batu I.), Malay Kew Bull. (1938) 241.—Fig. 28.

Peninsula and and (Selangor Malacca), Philippi- Liana, or shrubby creeper. Stipules triangular, sub- nes (Luzon, Samar and Panay). or a series of filaments, c. 1 mm long. Leaves

Ecol. In lowland forests along streams and on coriaceous or chartaceous, ovate-oblong, ovate,

limestone. broad-elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 3'/i-16 by 2-9

Notes. LAWSON in the of base original description cm; obtuse, cuneate; apex acute to acuminate,

his new species Hippocratea cumingii cited only sometimes obtuse and slightly apiculate; margin

—Distrib. This 3-7 'Malacca, GRIFFITH. Philippines'. crenate to subentire; nerves 5-8 pairs; petiole 1-4 refers to GRIFFITH 906 (K) from Malacca and mm. Inflorescences axillary and extra-axillary,

CUMING 1725 (K) from the Philippines, which I times branched, few-flowered, densely reddish

very could examine at Kew. Since then, additional brown puberulous, 1 >/j-4 cm long, sometimes

2 c- material has been available from the Malay short. Peduncle /}-2 cm. Bracts triangular, of Peninsula, Sumatra, and the Philippines. 1 mm long. Pedicels 2-5 mm. Flowers yellowish, w

The fruit characters are derived from a collec- lobes semi-orbicular, or deltoid „green. Calyx

tion of Boerlage from the Hort. 2 -l brownish outside- {s.n., L), Bog. /3 mm long, puberulous

of unknown it bears both flowers and Petals 3-5 Disk provenance; ovate-oblong, by 1 Vs~2 mm.

are high- mature fruits. The flowers of this specimen annular-pulvinate, 1 V2-2V2 mm 0, c. 1 mm , of out- similar to those other specimens. sometimes the basal part slightly extended

Stat"' wards or downward and slightly 5-anguIar. th e ■ 1. Loeseneriella pauciflora (DC.) A. C. SMITH, ens 1 '/2-2 mm. Pistil 3/4-2 mm emerging from eS Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 440. Hippocratea pauci- disk. Ovules (5-)6(-8) in each cell. Follici

flora DC. Prod. 1 (1824) 569; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. obovate to obovate- or elliptic-oblong, 54 1, 2 (1859) 600; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 l'/i-3 cm, emarginate or obtuse at the ape ’ suture (1869) 154. incl. f. minor Miq. elf. novoguineensis pericarp thin-leathery, the margins of , er WARB. Bot. Jahrb. 13 (1891) 366; VALETON, slightly after dehiscence. Seed prop MIQ.; w spreadingw wing Bull. D6p. Agric. Ind. Nderl. 10 (1907) 30. elliptic- or ovate-oblong, 1-2 by V2-V4 cm;

Salacia javanensis BL. Bijdr. (1825) 219; MIQ. ovate to ovate-oblong, or elliptic, 2-4 by Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 151, excl. cm.

KOORD. Exk. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 527. Distr. Thailand and Malesia: NW. syn.\ Hippo- (scattered) 5 cratea rigida Span. Linnaea 15 (1841) 178, non Sumatra (Simalur I.), Malay Peninsula (Peril ’ Selangor HAMP. ex LAWS. 1875; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 Perak, Kelantan, Trengganu, Pahang,

(1859) 600.—Salacia griffithi LAWS, in Hook. /. and Penang), Java (Bantam, Preanger, Nus* er Fl. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 628; KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. Kembangan, Banjumas, and Kangean), Less 5 65, ii (1896) 364; F.-VILL. Nov. App. (1880) 47, Sunda Is. (Timor), Borneo (Sarawak), Philippi^ 5 Merr. En. 2 487.— and Masbate Celeb^ pro nomen', Philip. (1923) (Luzon, Sibuyan, I.),

" Moluc Hippocratea macrantha auct. non KORTH.: KURZ, (Gorontalo, P. Muna, and Pangkadjene),

J. As. Soc. Beng. 44, ii (1875) 164; For. Fl. Burma cas (Talaud and Sula I.), and New Guinea (AT**’ at 1 (1877) 257; KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) Vogelkop, Sorong, Wakoli, and Radjah Amp 357.Salacia perakensis KING, I.e. 364; RIDL. Fl. L).

457. Ecol. forests from the lowland c. Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) Hippocratea obtusifolia In up to

(non Roxb.) Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verz. (1911) m, sometimes found on limestone rocks. Fam. 159, 2; Koord. Exk. FI. Java 2 (1912) 527; Vern. Sumatra: olor balijan dotan, SimalU” Merr. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 486; Holthuis & Malay Peninsula; akar china ; Borneo: bohan

Lam, Blumea 5 (1945) 205; Amshoff, I.e. 518. kutongan, Bajau E.C.; Moluccas: poenclángi,

Hippocratea lawsonii ELM. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 7 Nenusa.

(1915) 2688; MERR. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 486,


Hall£, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 30 (1958) 466; Mem. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire n■

84.—. excl. 29. (1962) Hippocratea auct., p.p., typ.—Fig. sometimes small decussate Lianas, scandent or erect shrubs, rarely trees. Leaves some' very rarely associated with some subopposite ones. Inflorescences axillary,

times crowded on short shoots, dichotomously cymose, or rarely paniculate* axils usually with supplementary branchlets in the dichotomies or in the or branchlets. Flowers small. Calyx lobes 5, imbricate. Petals 5, imbricate, erect Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—n (Ding Hou) 401 suberect at anthesis. Disk extrastaminal, inconspicuous, most of it usually united with extended like the ovary, the uppermost part slightly outward ± a rim.

Stamens 3, inserted at the base of the free part of the pistil; anthers transverse- oblong, extrorse. Ovary 3-celled, its free part globose or obscurely 3-sulcate; style short; stigma obscure. Ovules usually 2, rarely 4-8 in each cell. Fruit capsular, insisting of 3 divergent, separate ‘follicles’ which dehisce along an inconspicuous

Median suture into 2 navicular valves. Seeds with a basal, ± transparent, mem- branous wing, the latter with a distinct submedian and a thick marginal ‘nerve’; e ndosperm 0; cotyledons free (always?).

D istr. Species 7, in the Old World tropics ofCentral and West Africa, and Indo-Malesia; 4 ofthem in Malesia.

Ecol. In Malesia found in lowland sometimes 700 chiefly forests, up to m.


• Inflorescences dichotomous-cymose, usually with supplementary branchlets in the dichotomies.

Flowers -1 mm). Petals oblong, by mm. Stamens glabrous. Ovules 2 in pedicelled (y 3 1-1'/i V4-V2 each cell. Scars of stipules separated 1. R. indica

Flowers almost sessile. Petals obovate, 2(4-3 by 1-1'/a mm. Stamens papillose. Ovules 4-8 in each

cell. Scars of stipules ± fused in a ring onthe older branches 2. R. cassinoides I Inflorescences ■ thyrsiform or paniculate, occasionally with short, supplementary shoots in the axils °f branchlets.

floral covered with rust-coloured and uniseriate hairs. Inflorescences and parts densely papillae

Petals spatulate (3-3(4 mm long). Stipular scars ± fused in a ring on the older branches.

3. R. fcrruginea Inflorescences • glabrous. Calyx and petals only papillose. Petals oblanceolate or obovate-oblong

(2(4-3 mm long). Scars of stipules separated 4. R. grahamii

ij.Reissantia indica (Willd.) Halle [Bull. Mus. fimbriate, sometimes just a series of short filaments 'St. N at _ p ar i s 30 (1958) 466] Mdm. Inst. Fr. along the branchlet below the petiole. Leaves

Blumea 12 to re "• 64 (1962) 85; Ding Hou, chartaceous, ovate, broad-ovate,elliptic elliptic- (19 | Hippocratea indica WlLLD. Sp. PL oblong, rarely obovate, or broad-elliptic, 3 Vi-1 3 ,, 17 i Roxb. PI. Corom. 2 base cuneate; short- 97) 193; (1798) 16, t. by 2-6'/i cm; apex acuminate,

FI. Wall. DC. Prod. nerves 5-8 , Ind. ed. 1 (1820) 169; -apiculate; margin crenulate; pairs;

Bl. incl. 5-8 2-6 (>824) 568; Bijdr. (1825) 219, var. petiole mm. Inflorescences cymose, cm evonymoides Bl.; Roxb. FI. Ind. ed. Carey 1 long, sometimes very short, usually with sup- 2) W. & A. Prod. 104; Korth. branchlets in the dichotomies. Pedun- l; 165; (1834) plementary rui dk. Flora 31 Hassk. cle sometimes 3 Bracts pj (1842) 185; (1848) 580; very short, up to Vi cm. 848 En. PI. sometimes (!»<• ar- (I ) 230; Thwaites, Zeyl. triangular, c. Vi mm long, laciniate, 858 ) V 52; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 599; fimbriate at the base. Pedicels Vi-1 mm. Flowers nn Mus. incl.- Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869)f.152, light yellow or greenish yellow, small. Calyx thin, timorensis in FI. Br. Ind. both almost divided to the — Miq.; Laws, Hook./. on 1 ( papillose surfaces, 2 624; Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 44, ii base, lobes triangular, /i rnm long, slightly j 6. (1875) Vi- : p or. - V, FI. Burma 1 (1877) 256; Vidal, Rev. PI. erose. Petals ± oblong, 1-1 Vi by Vi Vi mm, P'Pp- For. FI. Coch. 19 papillose on both surfaces. Disk with the free (I»q' (1886) 89; Pierre, As. ii the thicker. (Iso 1- 302A; King, J. Soc. Beng. 65, part opposite stamens slightly Stamens ®) 1 359; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. (1906) Suppl. Vi-1 mm. Free part of pistil flask-like, c. Vi mm j,’ Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verz. (1911) Fam. 159, long. Ovules 2 in each cell, inserted at the base. b j’ *ck. Schoolfl. (1911) 236; Koord. Exk. FI. Follicles elliptic- or obovate-oblong, 3-5 Vi by a 2 ! FI. G6n. I.-C. 1 1 valves 8 9 (19J2) 526; Pitard, (1912) Vi-1 Vi cm; pericarp leathery, c. Vi mm u“;Ap.; Merr. Sp. Blanc. (1918) 236; Ridl. FI. thick, the sutural margins slightly spreading after 3 Pe«- (1922) Philip. 2 dehiscence. Seeds (incl wing) /i-3'/i by 1 (|o, 1 455; Merr. En. . 2 cm, ) J. Bot. 62 seed 1-1 \jp 485; Rendle, (1924) Suppl. 23; proper broad-elliptic, or elliptic, Vi by aR & - Chun, Sunyatsenia 5 (1940) 112.— Vi-Vi cm. in h'uHippocratea volubilis (non Linne) Blanco, FI. Distr. Widely distributed but scattered p * 0837) 27; ed. 2 (1845) 20; ed. 3, 1 (1877) 37. India, Ceylon, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, S.

(lg. -■ indica A. C. Smith, Am. J. Bot. 28 China (Yunnan and Hainan), and Malesia: 41 ) Sg 440; J. Arn. Arb. 26 (1945) 175; Tardieu, Sumatra (Taliabu and Mangoli), Malay Peninsula 1 [P - FI. G6n. l.-C. 1 (1948) 817. (Perlis, Pahang, Penang, and Singapore), Java Iar trj„ >a, sometimes a small shrub or tree. Stipule (throughout), Lesser Sunda Is. (Lombok, Sum- n 6ul ar c. mm or bawa and Borneo and , y2 long, 3-lobed, laciniate Timor), (Bundu Tarat), 3 402 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

Philippines (Luzon, Lubang I., San Mateo, and papilla-like hairs. Pistil 2 /}-l ram emerging from Mindanao), and Celebes (Gorontalo, Kendari, the disk; stigma obscurely 3-lobed. Ovules 4-8 in

Pangkadjene, Bonthain, and Lelewao). each cell. Follicles ovate to elliptic-oblong,6 j/j-B V2

2 nun Ecol. In rain- and monsoon-forests, on ridges, by 2>/2-5 cm, the valves rather woody, c. /j

in sometimes found lime- thick. Seeds 6-7 1 seed secondary forests, on ( incl . wing) by Vi- 3 /4 cm. to stone, from the lowland up 650 m. proper ellipsoid, 1 >/£-2 by %-l cm.

Uses. According to HEYNE (Nutt. PI. 1927, Distr. South Peninsular Thailand (Nakawn

985) the sap of the stem is drunk for treating Sritamarat)and Malesia: S. Sumatra (Palembang). Is- fever. The leaves, slightly scorched and seasoned Banka, W. Java (Mt Salak), Lesser Sunda

with sambal, are given to eat to women in child- (Timor), and Borneo (North Borneo and Sara-

bed, and compounded with adas-pulasari (Alyxia wak).

sp.) are used for poultice in treating rheumatism. Ecol. In lowland forests up to 480 m.

Vern. Java: (areuj) mangèndèr, hóëh tútung, Vern. Java: (areu) mangèndèr, s.

ojot tju-tju-rian, S; Borneo: saripangil, tutok otik, Note. I have seenonly 3 collections with fruits, Vi Dusun. in 2 of which the follicle is elliptic-oblong, 6-8 n Notes. Hippocratea volubilis described by by 2 >4-3 cm, and c. 2 >/2 times as long as wide; >

MERRILL the of beccarii it 7 by BLANCO was not a new species as erro- type Hippocratea is ovate, 1/)

neously concluded, but merely the identification 5 cm; this is not correlated with floral differences-

of a Philippine as Hippocratea volubilis, as indicated by the reference ‘Lin. ibid.’ at the end 3. Reissantia ferruginea (KING) DING HOU, Blumea J- of BLANCO'S description (1845). MERRILL referred 12 (1963) 33.— Hippocratea ferruginea King, Mai- this record with doubt to Hippocratea indica, and As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 357; Ridl. FI.

though the inflorescences are described as race- Pen. 1 (1922) 455.

20 111111 mose and the fruit as obliquely cordate I agree Liana up to m. Stipules triangular, c. Vi r of it. ° this is probably the best disposition long. Leaves chartaceous, ovate, obovate,

e* Under the vernacular names of Alor sta (SF elliptic, 7-10'/2 by 3%-5 cm; base cuneate; ap

10416) and Serapat akar (SF 13405), BURKILL & acute, obtuse; margin entire; nerves 4-7 pairs> some' HANIFF (Gard. Bull. S.S. 6, 1930, 184) identified petiole 6-8 mm. Inflorescences. paniculate,

these collections ?indica and times 5 densely two as Hippocratea ramiflorous, up to cm long,

derived the information of medicinal uses. I covered with rust-coloured papillae or uniseriate

2 long- examined the collection SF 13405 (SING) which is hairs. Peduncle 1 Y2-2Y2 cm. Bracts /} mm w a shoot and to Rubiaceae. Pedicels 1-1 mm. Flowers ' sterile young may belong Yi . light greenish yello rust' The identity of the other specimen, SF 10416, Calyx and petals densely covered with

which has not yet been found, is still doubtful. coloured papillae and short-uniseriate hairs lobe5 ,v/ the uuiti surfaces. peciallypw\,iaiij onuii uiv outer suuauta. Calyx 1 2. Reissantia cassinoides (DC.) DING HOU, Blumea triangular or ovate, c. % mm long, marS'j

laciniate or short-fimbriate. Petals spatula*?* 12 (1963) 33.— Hippocratea? cassinoides DC. 2 wd 3-3 >/2 by c. usually Prod. 1 (1824) 569; MIQ. FL. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) /i mm, boat-shaped, Free of disk slight!/ 600. indica Span. erase margin. part wavy or Hippocratea (non Willd.) „ den®*** Stamens c. 54 filaments Linnaea 15 (1841) 179.—."'Hippocratea glaga 5-angular.. .. mm;

covered with papillaeor uniseriate hairs Korth. Kruidk. (1842) 186, t. 40; Flora 31 (1848) outer on the surface. Pistil c. Vs mm emerging 580; Walp. Ann. 2 (1850-51) 193; Miq. FI. Ind. from the disk. Ovules 6 in each cell. Fruit unknown; Bat. 1. 2 (1859) 599; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. an Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Penang) 4 (1869) 153; Back. Schoold. (1911) 236.—jHippo- SE. Borneo (W. Kutai). cratea beccarii TUYN, Blumea 10 (1960) 139, f. 3. Ecol. Lowland forests, to 450 m. Liana. Stipules ± intrapetiolar, triangular, 3- up lobed, or laciniate, c. % mm long. Branchlets H01,1 occasionally producing rootlets, sometimes with 4. Reissantia grahamii (Wight) Ding

2 buds in a leaf axil. Leaves chartaceous to sub- Blumea 12 (1963) 33.—Hippocratea grahamii Ind. < 31r coriaceous, elliptic- or ovate-oblong, sometimes Wight, 111. Ind. Bot. (1839) 134; 1c. PI. j Ind- 7-15 3-8 base obtuse 2 Laws, in FI. Br. broad-elliptic, by cm; or (1840) t. 380; Hook./.

sometimes 624.—. salacioides KortH' cuneate; apex acuminate, apiculate; (1875) Hippocratea F MiQ- margin entire, or remotely, slightly crenulate; Kruidk. (1842) 188; Flora 31 (1848) 580; J Lug* nerves 4-6 pairs; petiole 8-13 mm. Inflorescences Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 600; Ann. Mus. Bot. M'Q' dichotomous-cymose, 4 , /2-8'/4 cm long, usually Bat. 4 (1869) 153.—.Hippocratea zippeliana with short, supplementary branchlets in the Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) J- dichotomies. Peduncle cm. Bracts triangular Hippocratea megalocarpa MERR. Philip. 48&- Flowers Bot. En. 2 or deltoid, c. 1 mm long. pale yellow or (1918) 20; Philip. (1923) )7 SC- W yellowish green, almost sessile. Calyx fleshy, Hippocratea ellipticarpa. Merr. Philip. J-l na Kokoo mm Enf 485.— divided almost the lobes V2-I _2 -i to base, deltoid, (1920) 275; Philip. (1923) 2 long, slightly erose at the margin. Petals fleshy, luzoniensis Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 27 (1925) Loeseneriella zippeliana broad-elliptic, obovate, 2'/2-3 by 1-1 '/2 with (‘Kokoonia’), ex char.—-j rnm, Pristi- 440.—-J slightly indexed margin, densely papillose on both A. C. Smith, Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) Arb. 26 (19^ surfaces. Free part of disk slightly 5-angular. mera grahamii A. C. Smith, J. Am.

Stamens 2/}-l mm; filaments densely covered with 178.—Fig. 29. Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—ii (Ding Hou) 403

Fig. 29. b ditto lobes DING HOU. a. x flower, x c. Reissantia grahamii (WIGHT) Habit, 2/3, 4, , calyx

etals X d. style, X e. and old anthers seen from X flower in section, removed, 16, 16, young top, 32, f. with basal 2 ZIPPELIUS JAHERI section, petals removed, X 16, g. seed, wing, X /3 (a-f s.n., g s.n.).

lar >a filaments or scandent to 25 m. Stamens c. ]/} mm; papillose on ,fj shrub, up Stipules usually n ® l ?* ar c - Vl mrn Leaves subcoriaceous the outer and sometimes also the inner surface. to > long. < Or aceous broad-elliptic, elliptic, elliptic- or Pistil c. mm emerging from the disk, triangular, 0v- i ' > >/j at (5 “■■oblong, slightly obovate, or suborbicular, c. % mm 0 the base. Ovules (4-)6(-7) in each ,S ~'9'/ base cuneate or cell. Follicles 9-13 r by (2'/2-)5-10 cm; obovate-oblong, by 3!/2-4'/2 0u 2 acted; apex short-acuminate, sometimes obtuse cm; pericarp ± woody, valves c. 1 >/2 mm thick. r ° uniled Seeds n : margin entire or remotely crenulate; ( incl. wing) oblong-lanceolate, 6-10 by erv es 4 3 5-6 pairs; cm. l cm; seed or ovate-oblong, petiole / 6 -l!4 Inflorescences A-2% proper elliptic- cu 'ate l * ' or thyrsiform, (3'/2-)10-14 cm long, 2-2>4 by Vt- U cm. and Anda- flowered. Peduncle (l-)5-5'/2 cm. Bracts Distr. India (Concan, Sylhet, S. mm long, laciniate. Pedicels Vi-VA man), Upper Burma (Mingin), Thailand (Nu tlowers pale yellowish green. Calyx almost Song, Makum, Muang Pua and Watana) and 4|V j' cd d to the base, lobes suborbicular, rarely Malesia: West Central Sumatra (Mt Singalang), e| ( d ~l 2//} mm * ong erose or laciniate. Petals E. Java (Besuki and Kediri), Borneo (Kapuas), °bovI ’ ’

ate ' 0bl° 1 tisy n g or oblanceolate, 21/2-3 by mm, Philippines (Palawan, Mindoro, Luzon, and y w * t *1 Guinea '''Srd ' n^exed margin, slightly curved in- Mindanao), Moluccas (Kai Is.), and New a t S. anthesis, erose. Disk sometimes slightly (Sorong, Ramoi, and Milne Bay). 4|l »hlar and the alternate with the Ecol. Lowland 700 angles petals. forests, sometimes up to m, 3 404 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

once found on limestone. recorded as 2. However, I have dissected some

Note. In the original description ofHippocratea flowers of the type specimen and found mostly 6,

salacioides the number of ovules in each cell was sometimes 4, 5, or 7 in each cell.


LINNE, Mant. (1767) 159; LOES. in E. &P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 217; A. C.

SMITH, Brittonia 3 (1940) 423; WILCZEK, Fl. Congo Beige 9 (1960) 181; HALLE, 1 Mem. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire n. 64 (1962) 151.— Johnia ROXB. Fl. Ind. ed. Wall. 8 (1820) 172; Fl. Ind. ed. Carey 1 (1832) 168.—Salacicratea Loes. Nova Guinea

(1910) 281; A. C. Smith, Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 441.—Fig. 32—33, 35—36. usually Lianas, scandent or sometimes erect shrubs, rarely small trees. Twigs

terete and greyish. Leaves decussate, sometimes subopposite, rarely spiral. Flowers

in 5-lobed, axillary, fascicled, or cymes, thyrsiform or paniculiform. Calyx deeply

in in then or some species slightly irregularly 3-5-lobed the apical part and

circumscissile at the base or lengthwise splitting, or not lobed. Petals (4-)5(-7)> sometimes half the innermost 1 or 2 slightly irregularly cleft or lobed in the upper Disk intrastaminal, fleshy, annular-pulvinate, sometimes truncate-conical or

flattened, rarely cupular. Stamens 3 or (in S. erythrocarpa and S. forsteniana)12; inserted at the base of the free part of the pistil, usually reflexed at anthesis! filaments subulate, usually broadened towards the base; anthers transversely rarely oblong or ellipsoid, or ± reniform, sometimes ovoid, transversely or

lengthwise to obliquely extrorse, or apical-dehiscent. Ovary partly or completely a immersed in the disk, the free part conical or triangular, 3- or (in S. erythrocarp

e and S. forsteniana) 2-celled, gradually narrowed into a distinct or obscure styl >

stigma obscure. Ovules 2-8 in each cell, axile. Fruit drupaceous, subglobose>

1-3-celled; pericarp coriaceous when dry. Seeds 1 to several, embedded in

ginous pulp; cotyledons massive, free or united.

Distr. It is difficult estimate the number of in this because of Pantropic. very to species genus ® different the delimitation. A. C. Smith recorded 29 specl opinions regarding generic (1940, p. 424) kno^O' for the New World. There are about 90 species in Africa (c/. Halle, 1.e.). In Malesia 29 species are Fig. 30.

Fig. 30. Distribution of Salacia in Malesia.

Species density indicated in each subarea, en-

demics above the hyphen, non-endemic below it.

e Ecol. In Malesia in and in freshvva' forests thickets, sometimes found on limestone, occasionally swamps, from sealevel to 1800 m. up ts the ro Uses. The fruits of some species are edible, a little flesh coating the seeds. A decoction from Nutt- of a few is used for medicinal Diet. HEYNE, species purpose (c/. BURKILL, 1935, 1942-1943; 1927, 985). E Morph. The morphological status of the edible flesh coating the seeds (actually the endocarpt. Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 405

designated is known It could be tissue from either from as 'pulp', not to me. mesocarp or endocarp, or both of them. The peculiar thing is that in herbarium material it forms thin loose lamella-like appendages a 'tachedto both and Under the the lamellae exocarp endocarp. microscope appear parenchyma-like cells, e -g- in 5. leucoclada (CLEMENS 29599). It has been well observed in S. leucoclada, S. laurifolia, and S.

0 blongifolia. This uncertainty can only be verified in fresh material at various stages of development. In some species, e.g. S. oblongifolia,. , the floral parts contain sulphur-yellow particles in the tissue; a ...... Papuan species, Salacicratea glandulosa, is even named after this property (see under 6. S. papuana). 1 am grateful to Dr Maas Geesteranus who has examined the material; he said that the sulphur-yellow Particles are dried latex dissolving completely in KOH (10%) solution and are obviously a kind of kautchuk. Note. The fruits of several species are unknown; this made it difficult to frame the key.


Flowers in ■ distinctly peduncled cymes.

5-lobed in ~■ Calyx distinctly even very young stage.

->• Cymes lax, rachises or internodes distinct. 4. Disk annular-pulvinate, 1-2 times as wide as high. Bracts without colleters. Fruits subglobose,

2-3 cm 0 1. S. korthalsiana 4. Disk flat, 3-4 times as wide as high. Bracts with colleters inserted at the base inside. 5. Calyx without colleters on the inner base, lobes always distinctly imbricate, apex obtuse or

round, very rarely slightly acute.

6. Calyx lobes ± reniform, entire. Disk with a thin, rim-like extension at the base. Ovules 4 in

each cell 2. S. cymosa

6. lobes broad-ovate laciniate. Disk without such Calyx very or -obovate, erose or slightly

extension. Ovules 2 in each cell. Fruits globose, 4-5 cm a 3. S. subalternifolia 5. Calyx with fimbriate colleters attached on the inner base and protrudingfrom the margins, lobes

separate from each other at least in open flowers, apex acute .... 4. S. blepharophora 3- Cymes condensed, rachises or internodes invisible. Disk orbicular, usually flat, sometimes slightly

convex in the central part, %-'/2 mm high, 1Y2 mm 0. Fruits subglobose or very broadly obovoid,

4-8(-12) cm long, slightly contracted at the base 5. S. oblongifolia 2 - Calyx almost unlobed, or slightly, irregularly lobed at the apex, breaking away transversely along

an irregular line near its base during anthesis, sometimes irregularly, longitudinally splitting.

'• Calyx the and the basal like dehiscing transversely near its base, upper part calyptra-like, part ±

a associated with narrow ring remaining below the petals, very rarely some longitudinallysplitting

ones. 8- Flowers with 3 stamens and ovary 3-celled. Anthers obliquely dehiscent. 9. Flower-buds thickened broad-ovoid, or ovoid, or conical, 2'/$-5 by 2 1 /2~3 1/i mm. Calyx in the

apical part (c. 1 mm in length) seen on a longitudinal section.

10. at end inside S. Calyx with free membranous tissue or in a mass the apical . . 6. papuana

10. Calyx without such free tissue as above 7. S. sororia 9. Flower-buds subglobose, c. l'/2-2 mm 0. Calyx evenly thick seen on a longitudinal section.

8. S. lcdermannii

8. Flowers with 2 and 2-celled. Anthers dehiscent. usually stamens ovary transversely

9. S. forsteniana 'F Calyx not lobed, or splitting irregularly lengthwise, and persistent at the base of a flower. H. Cymes lax, rachises or internodes distinct. Calyx splitting at anthesis and remaining at the base

of a flower. Anthers slightly obliquely dehiscent 10. S. intermedia 11. Cymes condensed, or flowers almost fascicled. Calyx not lobed, saucer-shaped at the base of a

mature flower. Anthers transversely dehiscent 11. S. tvcnzelii I Flowers tubercle '. in fascicles, or on a very short, axillary, bracteate or peduncle. 2. Calyx in the mature flower erose but not lobed, saucer-shaped 11. S. wenzelii 2- Calyx distinctly 5-lobed.

Stamens 2. 2-celled. Fruits cm 1-seeded 12. S. J3. Ovary globose, 1-1% 0, ... erythrocarpa 'F Stamens 3. Ovary 3-celled.

'4. Disk in mature flowers thin, cupular, sometimes stamens inserted on the ovary at some distance above this disk, the interval resembling a short "gynandrophore". Ovules (2-)4 in each cell.

Leaves large, yellowish when dry. Fruits broadly ovoid or subglobose, usually 5'/2-6'/2 by

5-5 13. S. y2 cm macrophylla '4. Disk rather fleshy, flat, discoid, or annular-pulvinate, no interval between disk and insertion of stamens. Ovules usually 2 in each cell (4-5 in each cell in S. marginata). 15. Disk flat, slightly concave or discoid, or slightly convex towards the center, 4-7 times as wide

as high.

16. Disk large, 3'/4-5 mm 0. 3 406 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

17. Pedicels 1 -2 cm. Calyx lobes slightly Disk sometimes obscurely 5-lobed. y3 erose. suborbicular, 14. S. longipediccllata

17. Pedicels ltg~V2 cm. Calyx lobes short-flmbriate. Disk distinctly 5-lobed.

18. Branchlets sharply 4-angular. Leaves distinctly serrate-crenate. Petals suborbicular or

3 2 3 mm. Ovules 2 in each cell S. castaneifolia broad-elliptic, by /4-3 4 ... 15.

18. Branchlets terete. Leaves entire. Petals ± oblong, 6 by 4 mm. Ovules 4-5 in each cell-

15. S. marginata

16. Disk rather small, usually less than 2 mm 0. size 19. Disk convex at the central part, thin and rim-like at the margin. Calyx lobes unequal in and shape 17. S. grandiflora

19. Disk thick on the margin. Pedicels 20. Disk with a thin, membranous extension at the base just beneath the margin. lenticels. without elastic threads shown on breaking. Branches usually densely covered with

18. S. verrucosa

20. Disk without the extension as above. Pedicels with elastic threads shown on breaking-

Branches rather smooth 19. S. ovalis

15. Disk annular-pulvinate, usually higher than wide, rarely twice as wide as high or less.

21. Anthers short-apiculate,± longitudinally dehiscent. Fruits subglobose, c. 6(4 cm 0.

20. S. leucoclada

21. Anthers dehiscent. obtuse, transversely, very rarely slightly obliquely

22. Disk 2-3 mm wide. Petals usually ovate or broad-ovate, 3-6 by 2'/2-4 mm.

when surface 23. Leaves bluntish, greenish dried, upper finely prominently reticulate-veined. 0- Disk annular-pulvinate, apical end almost as wide as the base, c. I mm high and 2 mm

21. S. vcnosa

23. Leaves almost brownish when surface always distinctly acuminate, dried, upper smooth.

Disk narrowed towards the 1 -2 and 3 mm conical-pulvinate, gradually apex, /2 mm high 0-_ 22. S. maingayi

3 3 22. Disk 4-l /4 mm wide. Petals usually oblong or elliptic, l>/4-3>4 by 1% mm. S. 24. Ovules attached at the central of the axis. Fruits 2%-4 mm known in part y3 0 (not nitidissima).

25. Flower-buds broad-oblong, usually angular. Petals slightly keeled.

Disk with thin rim-like 26. a narrow extension a little above the base. Fruits rugose. Leaves

usually entire or subentire.

27. Leaves especially the old ones with elastic threads shown on breaking. Calyx entire-

contracted the base. 23. S. laurifolia Fruits globoseor subglobose, 2%-3!/2 cm 0, not at

27. Leaves without elastic threads shown on breaking. Calyx glandular. Fruits broad-

obovoid, c. 41/3 by 3% cm, contracted at the base 24. S. exsculpt® 26. Disk without the rim-like extension as above. Fruit smooth. Leaves usually distinctly

crenulate 25. S. euphlcbia

25. Flower-buds Petals smooth. Disk 1 1 globose, not angular. mm high, y4 mm 0, wider base, gradually narrowed upwards 26. S. nitidlssima

24. Ovules attached at the top of the axis. Fruits small, 1-1 •/£ cm 0. viminet* 28. Leaves spiral or sometimes subopposite. Flowers brownish 27. S.

28. Leaves decussate, rarely associated with some subopposite ones.

29. Petals distinctly yellowish marginate, 3-4 by 21/2-4 mm. Disk 1 mm high, 1-1 Yj 1,1111

28. S. chinensis

29. Petals not 2 Disk _i mm 0- yellowish marginate, c. by 2/3 mm. c. 2/3 mm high, 2/3 29. S. kalahicnsis

1. Salacia korthalsiana MIQ. Ann. Mus. Bot. S.S. 6 (1930) 184. srnal Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 152; KOORD.-SCHUM. Syst. Liana up to 18 m, rarely erect shrub or long- Verz. Fam. BACK. Schoolfl. 10 (1911) 159, 1; (1911) tree up to m. Stipules triangular,c. Vi mm ° r 237; RIDL. Fl. Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) 457; MERR. PI. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, elliptic-

6 /T' Elm. Born. (1929) 171; LOES. in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ovate-oblong, sometimes ovate or elliptic, i by ed. 20b 226.S. G. sterile material 32 2, (1942) radula (non DON) 26'/i by 3-13 cm (in up to

DIETR. ex HASSK. Tijd. Nat. Gesch. Phys. 11 14 cm); base cuneate, or obtuse; apex acuminate- crenulate- (1844) 190; HASSK. PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 231. cuspidate; margin remotely, slightly

' Inflow5 S. sinensis (non Linn.) Blanco, FI. Filip, ed. 3, 1 nerves 6-11 pairs; petiole Vi-1 Vi cm.

t. excl. descr.— sometimes ramiflorous, (1877) 86, Hippocratea obtusifolia cences cymose, axillary, crowded o (non Roxb.) Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 1 (1906) Suppl. 1-2 in a leaf axil, 1-3 cm long, rarely

86.— MERR. shoot with reduced leaves brae S. philippinensis Philip. J. Sc. 7 (1912) a young or 8-' to Bot. 291; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487; LOES. in E. & simulating a thyrsiform inflorescence up deltoid, c- P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 226.Hippocratea cm long. Peduncle 0-1 Vi cm. Bracts Flo"’e obtusa RIDL. Fl. Mai. Pen. 5 (1925) 299. 34 mm long. Pedicels 41/2-12 mm. bas r BURKILL & Gard. Bull. the Hippocratea sp. HANIFF, yellowish green, slightly concave at Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 407

floral parts containing sulphur-like particles. species to D. DIETRICH (Synopsis Plantarum, Calyx deltoid lobes or suborbicular, %-1 mm 1839, in which there is no such name as S. radula), •ong, obtuse, margin slightly erose, laciniate or or refer to the name S. radula G. DON (Gen. Syst.

short-fimbriate. Petals ob- I have broad-elliptic, -ovate, 1, 1831, 628). not seen any specimen an- ovate, or oblong, by 1V2—2% mm, obtuse notated by HASSKARL as S. radula but from his , or rounded, entire. Disk annular-pulvinate, t/J-l detailed description there is no doubt about its root covered with fine high, c. 1% mm 0, usually identity. BACKER, l.c., rightly reduced it to the

truncate the the tissue Papillae, at apex, opposite present species. the calyx lobes slightly extended outward and

downward. Stamens 3, 1-1V2 mm; anthers ± 2. Salacia Leaf]. Bot. 5 cymosa ELMER, Philip.

transversely dehiscent. Pistil mm 1 emerging (1913) 1792; MERR. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 486.— from the disk. 3-celled. Ovules in Ovary 2(-3) Fig. 36i. ®ach cell, attached the inner at upper angle. Climbing and sprawling shrub. Stipules trian- uit 2-3 0. Seed y subglobose, cm 1, subglobose, gular, c. '/2 mm long, entire. Leaves subcoriaceous, t/3-2 cm 0. shining above and rather dull beneath, elliptic- Distr. Peninsular Thailand and (Talang) or slightly ovate-oblong, 8-15 by 3-7 cm; base Malesia-. Sumatra Malay Peninsula (Palembang), cuneate, slightly obtuse, or rarely rounded; apex ’Pahang, Johore, and Singapore), Java (through- acuminate; marginsubentire, sparsely and slightly put), Lesser Sunda Is. (Bali), Borneo (Kuching, crenulate; nerves 5-6 pairs; petiole 1-1 Vi cm. In- Borneo, Blu-u, and Mt Medadam), p• Kutai, florescences paniculate-cymose, on axillary bra- Philippines (Palawan, Luzon, Romblon, Bohol, chyblasts, up to 2 cm long. Peduncle obscure. “‘bran, Cebu, Panay, and Mindanao). Fig. 31. Bracts deltoid or ± reniform, 1-1 '/2 mm long,

with laciniate or subulate colleters inserted at the

base on the inner side, margin laciniate or fim-

briate. Pedicels 3-4 mm. Calyx lobes ± reniform,

>/2-l mm long, entire. Petals broad-elliptic, or

-oblong, 3-3 Vi by 2-2*4 mm > entire, slightly

contracted at the base. Disk fleshy, orbicular,

flattened, ± convex at the central part, 1 !/2-2 mm

0, Yi mm high, when dried with a thin yellowish

rim. Stamens 3, c. % mm; anthers transversely

dehiscent. Pistil c. 1/3 mm emerging from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 4 in each cell, attached

at the top inner angle.

Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Palawan), once


Ecol. In thickets at low altitudes.

3. Salacia subaltcrnifolia Merr. & Perry, J. Arn.

Arb. 20 (1939) 236.—Fig. 36d.

Liana. Stipules laciniate, inserted obliquely on

the branchlets just below the articulation of the

Fig. 31. Distribution of Salacia korthalsiana petiole. Leaves sometimes also associated with

MIQ. subopposite or even subalternate ones, shining

on the upper surface, elliptic to elliptic-oblong,

Ecol. In and 9-15 base forests thickets, sometimes oc- by 4'/2-8 cm; cuneate; apex acute, r ln 8 on limestone in E. Java found in sometimes , £ rocks, obtuse; margin remotely crenulate; 5-7 forest, 50-1400 m. nerves pairs; petiole 4-6 mm. Inflorescences Leaves with insect galls. axillary, paniculate-cymose, sometimes branched Us es. The plant under the name ‘akar bĕting’ from the very base and then seemingly more than 17583, Sing) was identified as Hippocratea one in a leaf-axil. Peduncles usually short. Bracts by sp. Burkill f" & Haniff (l.c.). It is said to be used triangular,c. 1 mm long,laciniate, short-fimbriate, r extract root cracked lips. An from the with or erose on the margin, with filiform or laciniate ate r is drunk (cf. Burkill, Diet. 1935, 1177). colleters inserted at the base inside. Pedicels 5-6 Ve rn. Mai. Pen.: shown Pĕtja pinygan, Palembang; mm, with elastic threads on breaking. ak ar bĕting, akar mĕnjéla, M; Java: a‘roy kúluk Flowers greenish yellow. Calyx almost divided to l’ökük, S. tjantĕl wĕsi, J; Philippines: aropit, Tag., the base, lobes very broad-ovate or -obovate, bagi, -l obtuse balagin, Tagb. y 3 mm long, or rounded, or slightly - . N °tes. cited collections of the laciniate Miquel the Kort- acute at apex, erose or slightly at the

Ls ' [s-n., L) and- Junghuhn (s.n., L) with the margin. Petals elliptic, oblong, or obovate- orj"r , , , 8lr>al description. Since the epithet is ‘korthal- oblong, 3 by I'/j-l % mm, obtuse, ± entire, with

siana’I have chosen the collection distinct 5 veins tk Korthals as or more longitudinal slightly ec J totype. elevated on the outer surface when dry. Disk

- I.c., attributed S. radula to ‘A. DTR. fleshy, flat, suborbicular, slightly concave at the 69 1.3’. He might have intended to ascribe the central part, c. 1 Y2 mm 0, c. Yl mm high, the 3 408 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

extended outward into ii basal part slightly a nar- S. campanuloidea KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65,

thin rim. Stamens anthers RIDL. Fl. Mai. Pen. 1 457. row, 3, c. */2 mm; (1896) 363; (1922)

transversely dehiscent. Pistil slightly emerging S. viridis CRAIB, Kew Bull. (1926) 352. —S. amen-

from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each tacea Ridl. Kew Bull. (1938) 239.—.S. klossii

4-5 cell. Fruit globose, cm 0, pericarp 3 [ /i mm RIDL. I.e. 240.

thick, the inner surface with irregular meshes. Liana up to c. 30 m. Stipules triangular, laci-

Seeds suborbicular, ± planoconvex, c. 2 Vi mm 0. niate. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous,

Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Lower Fly R. elliptic-oblong to -lanceolate, broad-elliptic, or

and Middle Tor R.), twice collected. obovate, 6-17>/i by 2>4-7 cm; base cuneate, or

Ecol. In lowland short-acuminate forests. obtuse; apex to cuspidate; margin

Notes. This is related crenulate 5-10 species very closely to or subentire; nerves pairs; petiole condensed S. cymosa of the Philippines especially in the 8-17 mm. Inflorescences axillary,

characters of the disk. However, the ovules are cymes, very short, usually less than 1 Yi cm long,

two in each cell in the present species, being 4 in internodes of the rachises invisible, few-flowered,

S. short obscure cymosa. usually appearing as a very or bracteolate The phyllotaxy of the present species is not peduncle bearing 2 or 3 slender

branches. deltoid, 1 mm slightly constantly subalternate or subopposite. The Bracts c. long, the Pedicels Flowers duplicate of the type (BRASS 8066, BO, L) in the erose at margin. 3-4 mm. floral Bogor Herbarium and a specimen collected by yellowish or yellowish green, parts usually the GJELLERUP (731, L) have opposite or decussate with abundant sulphur-yellow particles in

leaves associated with some subopposite ones on tissue. Calyx lobes ± erect at anthesis, triangular, or the same branch. or ± semi-orbicular, Y2-I mm long, erose glanduliform at the margin. Petals unequal, the

inner smaller than the rather 4. Salacia blepharophora DING HOU, Blumea 12 one or 2 others, by (1963) 35. fleshy, ± oblong, or broad-obovate, 2-3

1 —2 thin and erose. Low liana. Branchlets verrucose. Stipules del- Y2 mm, obtuse, margin slightly

Disk the outer margin toid, c. 1 mm long. Leaves subcoriaceous, shining usually ± flat, orbicular, thin and sometimes rarely convex above, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, rarely obovate- turning upward, at the central caused the abundant obiong, 4-13 by 2-5 cm; base cuneate; apex part by sulphur- like 1-1 high- obtuse, acute, or short-acuminate; margin ± particles, mm 0, V3-V2 mm

Stamens mm. Pistil mm emerging entire, or obscurely crenulate; nerves 4-8 pairs; 3, V2-IV2 Y2-I In petiole 5-7 mm. Inflorescences axillary, short, from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules (3-)4(-6) very each cell, in two series. subglobose, or paniculate-cymose, or on an axillary brachyblast, Fruit broad-obovoid, by 3V2 cm. 1-2 cm long. Peduncle very short (up to 3 mm) or 4-8(-12) —4V2(—7) red- 2 slightly contracted at the base, pinkish or 0. Bracts triangular, !/2- /3 mm long, lacerate, V2 Seeds or 1 I with fimbriate colleters inside. Pedicels c. 5 mm. ± ellipsoid subglobose, Y2-2*4 by Calyx short-cupular, with fimbriate colleters cm, covered with dried pulp. and attached the inner side Distr. Central and Peninsular Thailand, at base on the and pro- Siberut truding beyond its margin, lobes spreading and Malesia ; West Central Sumatra (Asahan,

and Peninsula Penang, separate from each other at anthesis, triangular, I., Taram), Malay (Perak, Java and Johore), North and West Borneo, and Vi-1 mm long, acute, ± entire. Petals persistent (?), broad-oblong, rarely broad-elliptic, obtuse, (W. part, Madiun, and Besuki). rn> Ecol. In forests from the lowland up to 1000 entire or slightly erose, 2-2% by 1%-1% mm. in sometimes found on sandstone (Taram), Disk fleshy, flat, orbicular, c. 2 mm 0 and c.

the the base forest (Johore) and in forest (Bor- Y2 mm high, tissue at slightly pro- swampy peat

truding outward like a thin rim. Stamens 3, C. l/2 neo).

Vern. Java: kikopi, mm; anthers transversely dehiscent; free part of areuj langari, ki-hapiet, treng manggong, tjun-kankan or tjun-kaukĕn, the pistilpyramidal, c. Vi mm high.Ovary 3-celled. s. Ovules 2 in each attached the inner langari, cell, at upper Gal is. Docters Leeuwen angle. Immature fruit slightly triangular. van (Zoocecid'* kind5 Distr. Malesia : Central Celebes (Matana 1926, 329, f. 591 & 592) recorded two ,® K found in the disk-h Lake), once collected. leaf-galls present species: (i) unknow swellings U/t-2 mm 0, caused by an Ecol. In thickets along a lake, 400 m. leave animal, developed on both surfaces of the tip* and (ii) the leaf-blade curved and rolled 5. Salacia oblongifolia BLUME, Bijdr. (1825) 220, touch eac caused by thripses, so that the margins non G. DON, 1831, nec OLIVER, 1868; MIQ. Fl. of 8 al other. I have also seen these two kinds Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 598; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-

on some occurring _ Bat. 4 (1869) 150, t. 6, incl. f. latior MIQ.; KOORD.- specimens. f0NV Note. BLUME erroneously described the SCHUM. Syst. Verz. (1911) Fam. 159, 1; BACK. ly out having 5 as already Schoolfl. (1911) 238; KOORD. Exk. Fl. Java 2 stamens, pointed MIQUEL (l.c. 1869, 151). (1912) 527; LOES. in E. & P. PFL. Fam. ed. 2,

20b (1942) 226.S. melitocarpa BLUME, Bijdr. 12 Fl. Ind. Blumea (1825) 220; MIQ. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 599. 6. Salacia papuana (Loes.) Ding Hou, Nova S. lanceolata TEYSM. & BINN. Nat. N.I. 25 Salacicratea Loes. Tijd. (1963) 34.—, papuana 6 (1863) 424; KOORD. Exk. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 528. Guinea 8 (1910) 282, t. 65; in E. & P. Pfl. Fam- • 409 Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—N (Ding Hou)

Fig. 32. Salacia X 2 b. X sororia MIQ. a. Habit, /3 , flower-bud, showing calyptriform calyx, 4, c. ditto, showing calyx transversally splitting near base, x 4, d. petal, x 4, e. exterior and interior view ofstamen, x 8, f. flower, after calyx split circumscissile near base, petals removed, X 8, g. ditto, in section, X 8.

S. DING HOU. h. 4 BRASS h RÖMER — papuana (LOES.) Flower-bud, X (a-g 28536, 86).

20b I’ (1942) 216.—.Salacicratea glandulosa A. C. anthesis; anthers obliquely dehiscent. Pistil c. sm 'th, Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 441.—Fig. 32h. 11/3 mm emerging from the disk. Ovary 3-celled.

Scandent shrub. Stipules triangular, sometimes Ovules 2 in each cell. Fruit globose, c. 2'/2 cm o, obliquely inserted just below the articulation of 1-seeded (always?). Seed subglobose, c. 2 cm o, ’be meshes rather smooth inner petiole. Leaves subcoriaceous, elliptic- or with reticular on the jAate-oblong to lanceolate, 7-20 by 2!/j-8 1/3 cm; surface of the pericarp. ease obtuse, acute; apex acuminate; margin entire Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Andai, Lorentz but undulate,sometimes sparsely crenulate; nerves R. region, and Morobe Distr.).

pairs; petiole %-! /} mm. Inflorescences Ecol. In the Lorentz R. region in riverine axillary, dichotomously cymose, 3'/i-5 cm long, forests, in the Morobe District in hill forests at eduncle l%-3 cm. Bracts ovate, 2-3 mm long, 1500-1800 m.

°btuse. Pedicels 2-5 mm. Flower-buds broad- Note. A. C. SMITH derived the epithet glandu- oyoid, 3-5 by 2*/i-3Vi mm, gradually narrowed losa from the gland-like occurrence of the sulphur- OWards the obtuse top. Flowers yellowish green. yellow kautchuk particles in the floral parts.

J-a/r* calyptriform, splitting transversely near the

ase. Petals 5(-7), ovate to ovate-oblong, or ob- 7. Salacia sororia MIQ. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.- °n8, Salacicratea A. C. 3-6'/2 by l-IVi mm, entire, or the innermost Bat. 4 (1869) 151. sororia one or two lobed Am. J. Bot. 28 441. Salacicratea slightly irregularly at the upper SMITH, (1941) alf. Di brassii l.c. sk annular-pulvinate, 2'/2-3 mm 0, A. C. Smith, 442.—Fig. 32a-g. 4-134 rnm high, slightly broader at the base. Large rambling shrub or liana. Stipules trian- 'omens 3, 1-3 mm, slightly apiculate, erect at gular, c. '/2 mm long, with colleters inside. Leaves 3 410 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

from the 1500 chartaceous to subcoriaceous, elliptic- or ovate- secondary forest, lowland up to m.

oblong, sometimes broad-elliptic, 3'/$-ll(-27) by Vern. New Guinea: horowa, Orokaiva lang.,

3 1 2) base cuneate; short-acumi- warren /4-8(-l cm; apex , Papua. of nate; margin ± entire, sometimes obscurely Note. The type Salacicratea sarasinorum

obsolete collected repand with sparse, callose-tipped crena- HARMS was by SARASIN (1267, not seen) during tions; nerves (2-)6-8 pairs; petiole 6-14 mm. near Loka, Celebes; this was lost at Berlin

Inflorescences axillary, cymose, dichotomously the war. From the description, locality and some

to its 1-3-branched, 2-4 cm long. Peduncle l-2'/2 cm. collections from that area, I have concluded

Bracts deltoid or triangular, ~l mm reduction. y2 long.

Pedicels 4-11 mm, with elastic threads shown on

breaking. Flower-buds broad-ovoid, rarely - or 9. Salacia forstcniana Miq. Ann Mus. Bot. Lugd acuminate subglobose, (2*/fj-)3-4 by 2>/£-3 mm, Bat. 4 (1869) 308.- S. diandra MIQ. ibid. 151,

or rarely obtuse. Flowers green. Calyx calyptri- nom. illeg., non Thwaiths 1858.— Salacicratea the form, transversely splitting near base, some- kraemeri LOES. Bot. Jahrb. 63 (1930) 275. times longitudinally splitting. Petals (4-)5(-6), Salacicratea diandra (MIQ.) A. C. SMITH, Am. J- 3-4 entire. Disk ovate, by l%-2% mm, ± an- Bot. 28 (1941) 441; LOES. in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed.

1-1 mm 2-2 mm 0, nular-pulvinate, high, '/2 2, 20b (1942) 216, comb, illeg.— .S. kraemeri DING at the base. Stamens c. \-V/2 slightly 5-angular 3, Hou, Blumea 12 (1963) 34.

mm; anthers obscurely apiculate, slightly obli- Scandent shrub or liana. Stipules triangular

quely dehiscent. Pistil c. 1 mm emerging from the mm or— lanceolate, . Leaves subcoria- , %-l,, long.=. disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell. Im- ceous, ovate to ovate-oblong, elliptic or broad- mature fruit globose. rarely elliptic, 6Vi-15'/2 by 3-9 cm; base cuneate, Distr. Malesia: Moluccas (Sula Is.), New obtuse; apex short-acuminate; margin entire; Guinea (Normanby, Aru Is., Hollandia, Sepik nerves 6-8 pairs, petiole 1/2-2 cm. Inflorescences and Sogeri region), and Louisiades (Sudest and 2-4 axillary, cymose, IY2-6Y2 cm long, usually Rossel Is.). times dichotomously branched, sometimes an Ecol. Forests and thickets, from the lowland up axillary shoot with reduced leaves or bracts

to 950 m. resembling a thyrsiform inflorescence. Peduncle

3 cm. Bracts triangular. c. x/i mm entire _ long, ,,

8. Salacia lcdermannii (LOES. ex HARMS) DING or slightly erose. Pedicels 1/2-1 cm. Flower-buds

mm, Hou, Blumea 12 (1963) 34.—Salacicratea leder- broad-ovoid or subglobose, 2-AYi by 1 1/2-2

mannii LOES. E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 20b or sometimes obtuse. light [in 2, apiculate Flowers-

Notizbl. Berl.-Dahl. 15 (1942) 216] ex HARMS, green or yellowish green. Calyx calyptriform,

— dehis- (1942) 676. Salacicratea sarasinorum HARMS, I.e. narrowed towards the apex, transversely

677. cent near the base, rarely irregularly lengthwise

Liana. Branchlets usually angular. Stipules del- splitting into 2 segments. Petals 5 (-7), ovate ot

toid sub- 2-4 1 entire Disk or triangular, c. '/£ mm long. Leaves oblong, by t/J-2‘A rnm, or wavy. 2 0> coriaceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 3$4-17*/4 by annular-pulvinate, /3-l% mm high, 1 '/)-2 mm

2-7 base cuneate short- broader and the finely cm; to attenuate; apex slightly 5-angular at base, with acuminate; margin crenulate, rarely subentire; papillose. Stamens 2, very rarely associated . , mWi nerves 6-9 pairs; petiole 3-8 mm. Inflorescences some flowers containing 3 stamens, '/t-l

axillary, dichotomously cymose, cm long, short-apiculate, erect at anthesis, the connective

the flowers usually crowded at the end of the first usually separating the thecae; anthers dehiscing

2 emerging fork, sometimes an axillary flowering branch with transversely or ± at the Pistil c. /i _ top. in each reduced leaves or bracts resembling a thyrsiform from the disk. Ovary 2-celled. Ovules 2

3 inflorescence. Peduncle 'A-l'A cm. Bracts triangu- cell. Fruit globose, c. 2-2 A cm 0, 1-seeded (a*“ rather lar, '/2-1 mm long, erose, with colleters at the base ways?). Seeds globose, I V2-IV4 cm 0,

inside. Pedicels 4-6 mm. Flower-buds subglobose, smooth on the surface.

1 Flowers Distr. Micronesia and Malesia- >/2-2 mm 0. green. Calyx calyptriform, (Palau Is.) at Am- pointed the apex, splitting transversely near the Central Celebes (Malili), Moluccas (Ternate, I- base, rarely associated with some flowers in bon, and Morotai) and New Guinea (Waigeo which the calyx is longitudinally dehiscent. Pe- and Normanby I.). 700 m> tals 5 (or 6), ovate, 2-4 by 1'/3-2 l A mm. Disk Ecol. Forests, from the lowland up to c.

3 annular-pulvinate,c. A mm high and 1 A mm 0. once found on limestone cliffs.

Stamens 3, c. %-l mm; anthers obliquely dehis- Vern. Moluccas: gumi ganèm, Ternate. the 3 two collections in cent, obscurely apiculate. Pistil c. A mm emerging Note. Loesener cited 1 from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each original description of Salacicratea kraemeri fro'J cell. Fruit c. cm dark olive Palau viz KRAEMER s.n. and Lhdermann 14096- globose, 2'/2 0, green. Is., and Seed 1, globose, c. 1 A cm 0. These specimens were lost during the war the Distr. Solomon Is. (Owa Raha I.) and Malesia: have not seen any duplicate of them. From clearly C0 Celebes (Buton I., Kabaena I.; and Loka, sec. detailed descripton, this species is ”J LoeseneR HARMS) and New Guinea (Jappen, Lala R., specific with S. diandra, and in 1942 latter- Isuarava, Western Highlands, Morobe Distr., and himself reduced his own species to the homony 111 Northern Div.). Because S. diandra Miq. is a later

Ecol. Rain-forests, sometimes in thickets and Miquel proposed a new name. Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 411

Fig. 33. Salacia intermedia DING HOU (cult. Hort. Bog. sub n. VI. B.5, from Celebes).

!?• Salacia intermedia Ding Hou, Blumea 12 coriaceous, rather shining when dry, elliptic or (1963) 34.-S. diandra MIQ. /. lanceolata Mio. or ovate, 8>/i-14(-20Vi) by 4Vi-7 * broad-elliptic, nn - Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 151, non S. (-11 Vi) cm; base rounded; apex short acuminate; lanceolata Teysm. & Binn. 1863. —Fig. 33. margin entire; nerves 5-7 pairs; petiole 8-15 mm. Shrub (taken from cultivated plant). Stipules Inflorescences cymose or umbelliform, 2Vi cm

c. •/$ mm long, slightly erose. Leaves long. Peduncle 4-10 mm, sometimes obscure, the

lanceolate flowers in fascicles artaceous, to narrow-lanceolate, appearing on very short, narrow-elliptic, 12Vi-17Vi by 3V4-414 densely bracteolate brachyblasts. Bractstriangular, 11 J ’ mm erose. mm. apex acuminate; base cuneate, or obtuse; Vi-1 long, slightly Pedicels 6-14 ar gin at the subentire or faintly and sparsely crenulate; Calyx slightly concave base outside, enve- jves 6-9 pairs; petiole Vi-1 cm. Inflorescences loping the floral parts except the top at very young a jj.'lary, cymose, 2-4 Vi cm long, 2-4 times stage, saucer-shaped at the base of the mature lc ho(ornously branched. Peduncle Vi- 2Vi cm. flower, 2Vi-3 mm o, margin ± truncate, slightly g rac ts lobed and triangular, mm long, glanduliform at erose or short-fringed, rarely irregularly t , Vi-1 e margin, with colleters at the base inside. reflexed. Petals ovate or broad-elliptic, 3-4 by p

C' S with slightly Disk fleshy, annular- mm F'ora' parts sulphur- 2-2'/i mm, erose. Veil ’ l°w particles in the tissue. Calyx Vi-1 mm long, pulvinate, 1 Vi-2 mm a, c. 1 mm high, slightly *n young almost globular and undivided, the contracted at the middle, papillose. Stamens 3,

Pica! 2 margin ± glandular and sometimes ir- /j-2 mm; anthers transversely dehiscent. Pistil U 1af '? r ly slightly 3-5-lobed,the lobes bent inward, 1-1 Vi mm emergingfrom the disk. Ovary 3-celled. er in each irregularly slightly splittingor deeply divided. Ovules 2 cell, pendulous. Fruit depressed- p yellow, broad-elliptic or ovate, 3-3Vi by globose, c. 3 cm o. Seeds subglobose, c. 1 Vi cm a. /4 ~2 obtuse or entire or Distr. Malesia: _ mm, acute, slightly Philippines (Luzon, Leyte,Cebu Disk annular-pulvinate, %-l by 1 Vi- 1 Vi and Mindanao).

s at anti’ ' ightl y 5-angular. Stamens 3, c. 1 mm, erect; Ecol. In forests low altitudes. rs obscurely apiculate, slightly obliquely d erythrocarpa K. SCH. in K. Sch. & Pistil c. Vi rnm emergingfrom the disk. 12. Salacia ar J' y 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell. Very im- Hollr. Fl. Kais. Wilh. Land (1889) 70; in K. Sch. a* Ure fruit globose. & Laut. Fl. Schutzgeb. (1901) 413; A. C. SMITH, Malesia: Celebes (Gorontalo, Bonthain Am. J. Bot. 28 (1941) 441; LOES. in E. & P. Pfl. Pangkadjene). Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 220. tcP °l. No Liana 20 small shrub data available. up to m, rarely or tree up

to c. 6 m. Stipules triangular, c. '/2 mm long.

wcnzelii Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 13 (1918) Leaves chartaceous, elliptic, broad-elliptic, elliptic-

23; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487.—Fig. 36h. or obovate-oblong, 3(4-13 by 2V3—5'/2 cm; base

c shrub 4 Leaves subcoriaceous andent c. m. to cuneate; apex acuminate, short-cuspidate; margin 3 412 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

459.— crenulate; nerves 6-8 pairs; petiole 3-8 mm. specimina; Ridl. FI. Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) 369, Flowers dull or greenish yellow, axillary, fascicled, S. lawsoni King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896)

or onshort bracteolate tubercles. Bractstriangular, new name for S. ovalis Laws. —iS. oblonga (non

Yl-l mm long, short-fimbriate. Pedicels 2-6 mm. Wall.) Rendle, J. Bot. 62 (1924) Suppl. 23.—

Tardieu, Calyx lobes triangular, c. >/2 rnm long, short- Siphonodon celastrineus var. integrifolia fimbriate. Petals broad-obovate, l%-2 by 1-1% Suppl. FI. G6n. I.-C. 1 (1948) 824.—S. amplifolia

keeled with Chen & Act. 7 mm, sometimes slightly outside, Merr. ex How, Phytotax. Sinica

reddish brown pigment in the tissue, sometimes (1958) 55, t. 18, f. 1 & 2.—Fig. 36e.

slightly contracted at the base and with one or 2 Liana, sometimes shrub or shrubby creeper.

2 long, depressions near the apex inside, margin erose. Stipules triangular or reniform, %-/} mm

Disk fleshy, annular-pulvinate, slightly broader at erose or__laciniate. Leaves subcoriaceous, some*

the base (in young flowers the disk slightly, times shining, elliptic to narrow elliptic-lanceolate,

narrowed towards the ofthe lanceolate nar- gradually apex pistil), obovate-oblong, broad-ovate, to sterile 1/2-1 mm high, 1-1'/j mm 0. Stamens 2 (once row-lanceolate, 7 1/2-34 by 4'/2-13’/2 cm (on 2 cuneate. found a flower with 3), c. /j mm; anthers ± branches up to 43 by 16!/2(-20) cm); base

transversely dehiscent. Pistil c. x/i mm emerging attenuate, obtuse or rounded; apex acuminate, entire from the disk, compressed. Ovary 2-celled. Ovules cuspidate, rarely acute or obtuse; margin

2 in each cell. Fruit globose, 1-1% cm 0, bright rarely remotely crenulate; nerves 7-14 pairs;

red 1-seeded. Seed Bracts 1 long- or orange, usually globose, petiole Y2-2 l/i cm. triangular, c. mm

erose. Pedicels 6-10 mm. greenish Va-I'A cm 0. slightly . Flowers light Distr. Solomon Is. (New Georgia) and yellow or pale yellow, or whitish, sometimes short Malesia: Celebes (Minahassa, Nuha Distr., rose, pink or red, in fascicles, on very

Malili, Baton, Watten Sopeng, and Kendari), axillary bracteate tubercles, sometimes ratin'

1 long> New Guinea (Hollandia, Fly R., Andai, Western florous. Calyx lobes triangular, c. mm , laciniate- Highlands, Augusta R., Kaulo, Saugueti-Aitape, acute or obtuse, slightly erose, rarely

" Morobe Distr., Koitaki, Kokoda, Milne Bay Petals ± erect at anthesis, broad-elliptic, elliptlC

r >1 Distr.). oblong, ovate, broad-ovate, 1-3 by Vi-2 m ’

Ecol. from obtuse. Disk Forests, the lowland up to 900 m, acute or thin; roundish, developing 3. also found limestone. from discoid to 1 -2 Stamens on num uiscuiu to cupuictr,cupular, i */2—y 2 z. mm u.0. aiurncn* disk, Vern. SW. Celebes; ampaërae, Watten Sopeng. 1-1 Yu mm. Pistil c. Yl mm emergingfrom the ® pyramidal at the base and narrowed into

cylindric style. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules (2-)4 13. Salacia macrophylla Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 221, each cell. Fruit — broad-ellipsoid or subglobose, non Miq. 1851; Hassk. Tijd. Nat. Gesch. Phys. d 5 sometimes 8 cm 11 (1844) 192; PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 233; Miq. FI. l/2-6Y2 by 5-51/2 cm, up to more in (cf. or red. Seeds 3 or Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 598; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.- Hhyne, I.c.), orange each fruit, white, ellipsoid, 2-3 by 1-2 cm. Bat. 4 (1869) 148, inch var. angustifolia Miq.; _ , ,n Distr. distributed but scattered Bot. Jahrb. 13 Koord- Widely Warburg, (1891) 366; * 5 India (Concan and Andamans), Burma (Ten# Schum. Syst. Verz. (1911) Fam, 159, 1; Back. a serim), Peninsular and SE. Thailand, lndo-Chin School!!. (1911) 238; Koord. Exk. FI. Java 2 (Cambodia), Malesia: Sumatra (1912) 527; Heyne, Nutt. PI. (1927) 985.—,S. Hainan, through s I -’ Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda macrocarpa Korth. Kruidk. (1842) 184; Flora 31

14' and Celebes to New Britain (Massawa). Fig- - (1848) 579, non Welw. ex Fritsch, 1901; Miq.

FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 598; Ann. Mus. Bot.

Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 150.—S. celebica Blume, __ Rumphia 4 (1848) 19, t. 178C, f. 1; Miq. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 149.—Microtropis?

coriaceo Wall. [Cat. (1831) n. 4338]ex Ettingsh.

Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. M.-N. Kl. Wien 13 (1857)64,

t. 4, f. 12; Merr. & Freem. Proc. Am. Ac. Arts Sc.

73 (1940) 306.—,S. buddinghii Scheff. Flora 52

(1869) 306; Nat. Tijd. N.I. 31 (1870) 16.—,S. flavescens Kurz, J. As. Soc Beng. 41, ii (1872) 300; Laws, in Hook./. FI. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 627;

Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 44, ii (1875) 163; For. FI.

Burma 1 (1877) 260; King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65,

ii (1896) 368, incl. var. dumosa King; Ridl. J. BL. Fed. Mai. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 86; FI. Mai. Pen. 1 Fig. 34. Distribution of Salacia macrophylla

(1922) 459; Burkill & Haniff, Card. Bull. S.S.

6 (1930) 185; Loes. in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, Ecol. In lowland forests, near the coast.

20b (1942) 228.—,S. ovalis Laws, in Hook. /. casionally occurring in freshwater swamps,

FI. Br. Ind. 1 S. to I2W* (1875) 627, non Korth. 1842.—, on limestone rocks, sometimes up Meng6a,a- kamputensis Pierre, For. FI. Coch. 19 (1894) t. Vern. Sumatra: paling manwa, hĕmpĕdal in FI. G£n. 905. 3I2B, text; Petard, I.-C. 1 (1912) pasoo krumbing, Banka; Mai. Pen.:

* sĕdang, S. prinoides var. macrophylla (Bl.) King, J. As. itĕk, kĕtimbong, nasi sĕjuk, (pokok) areuj Soc. ii Java: Beng. 65, (1896) 367, pro nomen excl. sĕpapat, M; Natuna Is.: marot, M; , Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 413

ki Ecol. Lowland hill forests 150 kĕtjipot, aröj gauggarangan, aröj mata pötjang. up to m. djĕroik, kĕtjipot, kidjeruk, ki-konèng. ki-tèllor, Wata pötjang, ralasari, trĕng kipĕnti, s, katjipot, 15. Salacia castaneifolia Ridl. Kew Bull. (1938) ketjiput, Md.; Lesser Sunda Is.: gĕdĕblag, Bali. 241.

Uses. A decoction from the roots is used in Branchlets sharply 4-angular. Stipules trian-

1 Pahang after childbirth. The ground leaves are gular, c. mm long, laciniate. Leaves subcoria- applied for belly-ache and also used as a poultice ceous, elliptic-lanceolate, or lanceolate, 14-19 by

against i.e. the flesh round the 4 base eczema. The fruits, 1/2~6 i /2 cm; cuneate to attenuate; apex

sweetish and edible Nutt. seeds, are (c/. Heyne, acuminate; margin serrate-crenate; nerves c. 12 PI- 1927, 985; Burkill, Diet. 2, 1935, 1942). pairs; petiole 1-1'/j cm. Flowers fascicled, a few Notes. A fairly common, widely distributed in a leaf axil. Pedicels 2-5 mm. Calyx lobes (from variable in and deltoid species. Its leaves are very shape flower-bud) or triangular, (4-1 mm long,

size. disk is discoid short-fimbriate. Petals The usually or short-cupular green, fleshy, subrotund,

and flat when sometimes it is rather young; con- or broad-elliptic, 3>/2-4 by 2(4-33/4 mm; margin tacted at the base and seems to be carried by a thin, yellowish and transparent (after boiling), short stalk or ‘androgynophore’. entire or slightly erase. Disk round, fiat, 3-4 mm

The 2 colour of the flowers is usually recorded as 0, slightly convexnear the central part (Vi- /} mm

greenish yellow or pale yellow, or white; however, high) and gradually, slightly thinner towards the has !f also been noted on several specimens as margin. Stamens 3, c. 1 mm; anthers slightly light rose, pink or red (c/. Bunnemeijer 6083, obliquely dehiscing. Pistil c. 1 mm emerging from

Curtis 2653, Hume 8785, Kep 6776 & 24156, the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell, and Mat 5994). pendulous.

that had JWarburo (1.e.) stated Naumann Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak), once

observed it in western New Guinea and he himself collected. Jound it in fruit at MacCluer Gulf (SW. New and Finschhafen Kaiser Wil- guinea) (former 16. Salacia marginata Ding Hou, Blumea 12 oelrnsland). the Though present species quite (1963) 35.

hkely occurs in Guinea and have even New 1 seen Liana. Stipules triangular, c. '/£-1 mm, eraseor ‘'specimen collected Schlechter by (13727, BO, laciniate. Leaves coriaceous, rather shiningabove, “M) in New Britain (Massawa), no material is ovate to ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong, rarely collected in the Moluccas and New Guinea. obovate-oblong, 9-19 by 5-81/2 cm; base obtuse The of S. Pierre is Pierre type kamputensis or cuneate; apex acute; margin entire; nerves 6-9 4065 (P) anci the type of celastrineus Flowers Siphonodon pairs; petiole ± terete, 1(4-2 cm. green- var. Tardieu is Poilane 14646 (P). few short integrifolia a on an axillary brachyblast or j. _ ish, °oth of them from Cambodia and in fruit. 1 are peduncle (c. I */2 mm). Bracts triangular or del- have examined the specimens and they 1 Pedicels type toid, c. mm long. 2>/2-4 mm. Calyx ev, to the dently belong present species. lobes ovate, 2-3 mm long, short-fimbriate. Petals I have examined collections from several ± oblong, thin coriaceous when dry, 6 by 4 mm, •ainan in the Paris Lau Herbarium, viz 451, obtuse; margin rather thin, yellowish when dry. 44 , 7, 3252; Liang 61577, 61774 in K), 5-lobed. 1738, (also Disk fleshy, flat, c. 5 mm 0, (4-1 mm high, and three of them have been cited with the original anthers Stamens 3, c. 2 mm long; transversely Ascription of S. . They clearly belong amplifolia. dehiscent. Free part of the pistil pyramidal, c. 1 0 the present species. mm high. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 4-5 in each cell.

Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Palawan: Puerto

longipcdiccllata Ding Hou, Blumea 12 Princesa and Mt Victoria).

U963) 34 Ecol. Lowland forests, from sea-level up to Liana. Stipules triangular, c. 1 mm long. Leaves 100 m.

Nartaceous to thin-coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, '24 by 6-10 cm; base cuneate or obtuse; apex 17. Salacia grandifloraKurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 41, Cu minate; margin ± entire or slightly crenulate; ii (1872) 300, non Peyritsch, 1878; Laws, in erves 6-9 pairs; petiole 8-10 mm. Bracts trian- Hook./. FI. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 626; Kurz, J. As.

®u|ar, 1 Pedicels ii For. FI. Burma 1 c. >/2 mm long. 1 (/j-2 cm. Flowers Soc. Beng. 44, (1875) 163; r in een, axillary fascicles. Calyx lobes sub- (1877) 259; King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) rbicular or sometimes triangular, 2-2(4 by 2-3 365, incl. var. longifolia (HOOK. /.) KING; RIDL. slightly erase. Petals rather fleshy, sub- J. Fed. Mai. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 86; Fl. Mai. Pen. 0 rbicular, or broad-obovate, 4-6 by 4-6 mm, 1 (1922) 458, f. 45; HEYNE, Nutt. PI. (1927) 985;

■Shtly contracted at the base; margin rather BURKILL & HANIFF, Gard. Bull. S.S. 6 (1930) 185. ln « > yellowish in Hook. (when dry), wavy. Disk fleshy, -S. longifolia HOOK. f. ex LAWS, /.

sometimes illeg., non WALL. 3,*> suborbicular, slightly 5-Iobed, Fl. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 626, nom. 2 ~4!/i mm c. mm high. Stamens 1832. S. scortechinii KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, 2 0, V2 3, c.

anthers transverse-dehiscent. Pistil c. 1 mm ii (1896) 364; RIDL. Fl. Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) 457. er from 1 ging the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 Liana or scandent shrub, rarely small tree. n each cell. Branchlets sometimes pubcrulous, usually whitish u i> istr. Malesia: Borneo (Sandakan and W. when dry. Stipules triangular, c. '/2 mm ' on g. K 9tai). Leaves sometimes spiral, subcoriaceous to coria- 3 414 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

35. Salacia Hort. sub from Fig. verrucosa WIGHT (cult. Bog. n. XVII.G.74, Sumatra).

ceous, usually shining on both surfaces, elliptic- marinda).

or -lanceolate, Ecol. In from lowland to 750 oblong, narrow oblong-lanceolate, forests up nj. Ma'- ovate to ovate-oblong, oblong, very rarely obovate Vern. Sumatra: andor solpu, Tapanuli;

2 base Pen.: akar -oblong, 7-34>/2 by l /$-ll 1/2 cm; obtuse, (akar) mĕmpĕdal ayam, pudal ayam,

mĕmbatu cuneate; apex acuminate, short-acuminate, or ampĕdal ayam, hĕmpĕdal ayam, pasir,

acute, very rarely rounded; margin entire, some- mĕriku, masi sĕjuk, pĕdal ayam, sĕrapat. after times sparsely, slightly crenate; nerves 6-12 Uses. A decoction from the roots is used

6-15 childbirth. round pairs; petiole mm. Bracts triangular, c. I mm The fruits have a sweetish pulp Diet- long, laciniate at the margin. Pedicels 3-6 mm. the seeds which can be eaten (c/. BURKILL,

Flowers whitish or yellowish, 3-6 or rarely more 2, 1935, 1943; HEYNE, Nutt. PI. 1927, 985).

bracteolate Notes. have chosen fr olT1 onvery short, axillaryor extra-axillary, I MAINGAY 400/2 L)- tubercles, sometimes ramiflorous. Outer 2 calyx Malaya as the lectotype (in K, isotype in lobes deltoid KING as smaller, or ovate, 114-2 mm long, The type of S. scortechinii was cited by one the inner 3 suborbicular, sometimes slightly sub- SCORTECHINI 1848 (BM, SING). There is

reniform, 2-4 mm long, short-fimbriate. Petals collection of SCORTECHINI in the Kew Herbarium

spreading at anthesis, obovate, or obovate- with the same field label and KING'S annotation bearing elliptic, 4-7 by 3-6 mm. Disk brown when fresh, as the above mentioned two specimens but suborbicular, '/2-1/4 mm high, l%-3 mm 0, the number '848'.

fleshy, flat, convex in the central part, thin and rim-like towards the 2 Salacia 111. Bot. margin. Stamens 3, VS- /3 18. verrucosa Wight, Ind. [ Ind. 1 mm; anthers transverse-oblong. Pistil c. >4 mm (1840) 134; Laws, in Hook. /. FI. Br. 877 ' emerging from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 (1875) 628; Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 44, ii 0 r&- in each cell. Fruit For. FI. Burma 1 Ridl. J- orange pink, 2>/2-5 cm 0, 163; (1877) 259; rugose, subtended by the persistent calyx lobes Mai. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 86; FI. Mai. Pen. 1 r‘- and petals. Seeds 2 or more in each fruit, broad- 459; Merr. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 488; Craib, ° an- 1-1 Siam. FI. ellipsoid, V/i~2 by y2 cm. En. 1 (1926) 292; Tardieu, Suppl. ha Distr. India excl. polyant (Andamans), Burma (Mergui), I.-C. 1 (1948) 823, syn. —.S.

Peninsular Thailand (Nan Chut), and Malesia: Korth. Kruidk. (1842) 182, non Steud. Sumatra (Tapanuli), Malay Peninsula (through- Flora 31 (1848) 579; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2

*- out but scattered), and E. Borneo (W of Sa- 579; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 415

King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 367.—,S. mm. Bracts triangular, %-l mm long, usually kunstleri KINO, I.e. 368; Ridl. FI. Mai. Pen. 1 fimbriate. Pedicels 5-11 mm, with elastic threads ,

0922) 460.—Fig. 35. shown on breaking. Flowers yellowish (once

Liana, sometimes erect shrub, rarely a small noted), several in fascicles on axillary, short, tree up to 6 m. Branchlets usually densely covered condensed bracteate tubercles. Calyx lobes

tytth lenticels, rarely rather smooth. Stipules triangular or deltoid, Vi-Va mm long, laciniate

c. 1 mm long, erose. Leaves sometimes or short-fimbriate. Petals suborbicular, or broad- associated with some spirally arranged ones, elliptic, 1 1/2-21/2 by 1 mm, slightly erose,

ai I ’taccous, shining above, elliptic to elliptic- slightly contracted at the base. Disk discoid, 1-1 sometimes broad-elliptic, or obovate, 8-1814 by Yz mm 0, c. */s mm high, slightly cm 7~6 (on sterile branches up to 24 by 12 cm); 5-angular. Stamens 3, c. % mm; anthers trans- ase cuneate, obtuse; margin crenulate or sub- verse-dehiscent. Pistil c. Yz mm emerging from ®ntire; nerves 6-10 pairs; petiole 3-10 mm. Bracts the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules (l-)2 in each cell. eltoid, c. y2 mm long, short-fimbriate. Pedicels Fruit subglobose, 2-3 cm 0. y '“4l/2 mm. Flowers pale dull green, or greenish Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (East Coast), Java

™l°w, many on a short, axillary, bracteate (Djakarta, Pasuruan, Kedungdjati, Besuki), Phi- ubercle. Calyx divided almost to the base, lobes lippines (Mindoro, Luzon, Panay and Mindanao), eltoid, or suborbicular, c. 1 mm long, obtuse, Celebes (Pangkadjene, Menado, Ko-Walowa, and

‘?htly erose or short-fimbriate. Petals broad- Malili), and Moluccas (Sula Is.).

2-3 rather Ecol. In and forests from lowland 'Ptic, or obovate, by 1 V£-2 mm, thickets up ly e ?hy, obtuse, entire, with obscure, longitudinal to 1200 m. e >ns. Disk suborbicular, flat, slightly concave Vern. Sumatra: gurach batu, Asahan; Phi-

cer>tral mm mm olang, t? . part, 154-1 '/2 0, c. >/j high, lippines: matang Tag. e tissue . at the base slightly extended outward to a narrow membranous rim. Pistil c. mm ■/$ 20. Salacia leucoclada RIDL. Kew Bull. (1938) from the disk, Ovary 3- citing pyramidal. 238.—S. litseifolia RIDL. I.e.

Stamens 3, mm; anthers brown ' V2-V4 Liana. Branchlets whitish or cnl slightly light loured at the base. Ovules 2, inserted near the brown when dry. Stipules triangular, c. 1 mm er ang * e at base. Fruit subglobose, c. 2 !/ cn? 2 long, slightly erose. Leaves chartaceous to sub- , 0, red. Seeds slightly planoconvex, l’/ 2-l% coriaceous, rather shining on both surfaces, V2 cm. elliptic-oblong to -lanceolate, 4>/2-20 by 1 V2-6 * Str * nc^a & Khasia Thailand (Assam Hills), base (sc ' cm; cuneate; apex acuminate, apiculate; atter ed), Burma and Mergui), I , (Tenasserim margin entire or sometimes slightly crenulate; 0 (Laos and and Cochinchina) mm. triangu- Su Malesia: nerves 3-7 pairs; petiole 2-3 Bracts also in Banka and Billiton), (Indragiri, c. 1 mm short-fimbriate at the margin. ai lar, long, ay p enj nsu| a (pera ic> Kelantan, Pahang, and Pedicels 1 l /t-4 mm, with elastic threads shown on n6kawi Is.), Borneo (Sarawak, North Borneo, q breaking. Flowers axillary or ramiflorous, 1 or 2, amatton, Martapura and P. Lampei), sometimes several in fascicles, usually on short PP nes (Luzon)> an the strength of Vidal 2402, 2403, and 24qj the base, iyj-1 % mm 0, IV3-I % mm high, f Luzon. 1 Ceron’s rom have not seen sometimes narrowed the and Pubr slightly at apex base, 1Cat on but these collections of Vidal Cr4 > are ' rather smooth. Stamens 3, 1 Vi-2 mm long; rec tly identified. 2 anthers free at the lower longitudinally / } , ±

dehiscent, short-apiculate. Pistil 1-1Vi mm Salaci P|1 a ovalis Korth. Kruidk. (1842) 182; emerging from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules ra 3 1 579, non Laws. FI. in each cell, inserted at the central of J„d (1848) 1875; Miq. 2(-3) part °at. l) 1, 2 597; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.- axis. Fruit c. 6 Vi cm 0. a, (1859) subglobose, rusty green, 4 (1869) 149; Amshoff, Blumea 5 (1945) Seeds planoconvex, c. 3 by 2 densely covered s l9._. cm, S. of roxburghii {non Wall.) Vidal, Sinopsis with a layer (c. 3 mm thick) pulp.

t. 3ID; Merr. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Lundu, Mt S. integrifolia_ Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 1 Kuala Belait Distr.; Mt Kinabalu; S. S . Mulu, Un . (1906) 1 85; (j ' En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487.—Fig. 36f-g. Borneo: S of Kuala Kwajan). nu ai0n^ up to 12 m. Stipules laciniate, attached Ecol. In forests from lowland up to 1590 m. of.i® branchlet just below the articulation Note. RIDLEY described the flowers of S.

ne ' of the o Petiole. Leaves chartaceous,' elliptic-oblong, as sessile. However, the duplicate t1 All- . litseifolia ®''Ptic, Sarawak Si/ ovate-oblong or obovate-oblong, type (HAVILAND 871, K, SAR) in the 2-5 base flowers still ha by cm; cuneate; acumi- Herbarium has distinctly pedicelled te . apex Ptafgin the be fetjj' usually entire, very rarely slightly, attached on specimen. It might possible te| y crenulate; nerves 4-7 pairs; petiole 3-7 that the specimen which RIDLEY examined had 6 3 416 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol.

ter- S. subal Fig. 36. Salacia maingayi LAWS. a. Habit, X 2/3, b. flower, X 4, c. ditto, in section, X 8.— x MERR. & PERRY, d. in 16.—S. BL. e. Flower, in section, nifolia Flower, section, x macrophylla 16.h. R. ovalis KORTH. in 16.—. MER S. f. Flower, x 8, g. ditto, section, petals removed, x S. wenzelii

X 8 (a-c Flower, petals removed, X 8.—S. cymosa ELMER. i. Exterior and interior view of bract, 12997). 3288, d GJELLERUP 731, e DILLEWIJN 606, f-g KOORDERS 28743β, h WENZEL 1534, i ELMER Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 417

very detached flowers with of cross-section young flower-buds or Fruit (only a piece seen) c. 4 cm Pedicels broken off. 0 (c. 6 cm long,fide Ridley). Seeds several in each

fruit, ± oblong, c. 3 cm long, ± triangular on

21. 2 wide. Salada venosa Ding Hou, Blumea 12 (1963) cross-section, c. cm 34.— Malesia: Peninsula lawsonii Lead. Bot. 8 Distr. Malay (Perak, Hiptage , Elmer, Philip. , and and 0915) 2751, non S. lawsoni King, 1896. Malacca, Penang Singapore) Borneo

Scandent shrub. Stipules triangular. Leaves (Sarawak and North Borneo). thin-coriaceous, rather shining, elliptic-oblong, Ecol. Lowland forests, in ravines, sometimes 6-13 by base on hilly rocks, to 300 m. 22/j-S cm; cuneate to attenuate; up aPex Note. The of S. Maingay 398 bluntish, sometimes acute; margin entire; type maingayi, nerves rather branchlets, smaller ovate 5-8pairs; petiole 3-7 mm. Bracts triangular (K), has young c 1 leaves while the of S. - mm long, short-fimbriate or erose. Pedicels (4-5 by 2Vi~3Vi cm) type 6 Lobb has older mm, with elastic threads shown on breaking. lobbii, s.ii. (K), branchlets, elliptic

Flowers few in fascicles. leaves by 3-5 cm). This green, axillary Calyx lobes to elliptic-oblong (7-11 described them triangular, 2/3 -1 mm long, obtuse, short-fimbriate. may be the reason why Lawson

two at the time. Addi- Petals broad-ovate, -elliptic, or suborbicular, as distinct species same 3i /2-4 tional collections show that these characters by 3-4 mm, entire. Disk annular-pulvinate, are

c I but that the floral characters are con- - mm high, c. 2 mm 0, slightly narrower and variable,

truncate stant. Ridley l.c.) already reduced S. lobbii at the apex. Stamens 3, c. 1 'A mm; (1922, others a ± transversely dehiscent. Pistil c. 2 mm as synonym. e merginK from the disk. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules . . =—o *■ *n each cell. 23. Salacia laurifolia STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot.

Distr. Malesia: Prov. of 4 141.— S. beccarii RIDL. Kew Bull. _ Philippines (Luzon: II, (1894)

Sibuyan; Leyte). (1938) 238.

Ecol. In lowland forests and in sandy gravelly Liana. Branches light greyish, terete sometimes

ground the wooded 225 mm along banks, up to m. 4-angular. Stipules triangular, c. 14 long,

Note. From the floral structure of the type laciniate. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, iElmer 12551, BO, K, L) and the characters ofthe usually the old leaves with elastic threads shown

and flowers of Merrill 2401 (K), it is clear on breaking, elliptic-oblong, -lanceolate,

at Salacia. -l . this species belongs to Its leaves lanceolate, rarely obovate-oblong, 6y 2 8>/2 by

those of lawsonii Elmer cuneate to sometimes —viw mujv ui ntj/f/vwmivmHippocratea lurrdvuM 2V£-8 cm; base attenuate,

Loeseneriella based ELMER acuminate pauciflora), on obtuse; apex to cuspidate; margin 2241 (80, BM, K, L, P), in shape and densely subentire, or remotely, slightly crenulate; nerves R et| culate venation, deltoid, and MERRILL erroneously 6-8 pairs; petiole >4-1 Vi cm. Bracts fleshy, e duceii hat this mistake short-fimbriate. Pedicels to t Spec i eS; was or ovate, c. 1 mm long,

Perpetuated by JACOBS in this Flora, vol. 5, 136. or yellow, in p. 2-3 mm. Flowers greenish, dull

fascicles on short, axillary, bracteate tubercles.

2 Calyx lobes deltoid, 'A- mm long, ?*• Salacia maingayi Laws, in Hook. /. FI. Br. fleshy, /) erect, I obtuse and Petals spreading at (1875) 626; King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii entire. slightly thinner the margin, Ridl. FI. Mai. Pen. 1 461.— anthesis, fleshy, near slightly „ 363; (1922) in 2 by S. lobbii Laws, in FI. Br. Ind. 1 varying size, oblong, 1/3-2% mm, , Hook./. (1875) King, entire, obtuse, slightly keeled, sometimes slightly S.J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 370.— in cross-section, the overlapping megasperma Ridl. Kew Bull. (1938) 237.— triangular P, 8- 36a-c. margins pressed on the ones below, or fitting in a of the shallow on the dorsal surface ones , Shrubby creeper. Stipules deltoid or triangular, groove 3 below. Disk broad-oblong, 1-1 Vi mm high, /i-l mm long. Leaves subcoriaceous, shining, obtuse the the base slightlyextended 'Ptic-oblong, sometimes broad-elliptic, rarely mm 0, at apex, rim. Stamens outward and forming a narrow 3, (4-)7-16i/2 by (2Vi-)3i/4 -7 cm; ase anthers c. i/ mm; slightly obliquely dehiscing. cuneate, or obtuse; apex acuminate to short- 2 Us Pistil c. ■/} mm emerging from the disk. Ovary Pidate; margin subentire; nerves 5-8 pairs; ll attached the ole 3-7 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell, at mm. Bracts triangular,c. Vi mm long, S|. central of the axis. Fruit or sub- tly erose with filiform or laciniate colleters part globose att . 2 3 cm outside. Seeds ‘ached on the inner surface. Pedicels rather globose, 4-3'/2 0, rugose

ut cm densely covered with with elastic threads shown on subglobose, 114-2 0, > 8-13 mm,

Flowers ochraceous pulp. yoking. waxy pale green, or Distr. Malesia: Borneo Mt Kina- somet > mes greenish yellow, usually 1 2 (Sarawak, in . ’ or a leaf balu, Sandakan, Batu Mili, and W. Kutai). axil. Calyx lobes fleshy, triangular or Ecol. Primary forests, from the lowland to pip-orbicular, c. 1 mm long, slightly erose. up 1500 q'uls rather fleshy, ovate, broad-ovate,or elliptic, m.

2*/i-4 mm, obtuse, entire. Disk conical- Pul 3 1 24. Salacia cxsculpta KORTH. Kruidk. (1842) 183; v>nate, c. mm 0, Vi-2 mm high, truncate at e 2 apex. Stamens 1-1 anthers Flora 31 579; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, (1859) 3, Vi mm; trans- (1848) Ve dehiscent. 597; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 149.— f‘sely Pistil Vi~l V* ntm emerging Ind. 1 the disk, pyramidal. Ovary 3-celled. Ovules 2 S. rubra LAWS, in Hook./. Fl. Br. (1875) e ach attached J. As. Soc. 65, ii (1896) 370; cell, at the central part of axis. 627; KING, Beng. 63 418 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol.

2 anthers trans- RIDL. Fl. Mai. Pen. 1 460. —S. wrayi KING, /i mm a. Stamens 3, Vi-l mm; (1922) c. , dehiscent. J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 367; RIDL. Fl. Mai. versely or sometimes slightly obliquely Ovary Pen. 1 (1922) 460. Pistil c. Y) mm emerging from the disk. the Liana. Branchlets usually whitish. Stipules 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell, attached at

3 of the axis. (broken) triangular or reniform, V3- 4 mm long, laciniate central part Fruit subglobose,

or short fimbriate. Leaves chartaceous to sub- c. 23/4 cm 0, smooth. and coriaceous, rather shining above, elliptic to Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak (Mindoro and Min- elliptic-oblong, 5-9 by 2V2—4 cm; base acute to Selangor) and Philippines

attenuate; apex acuminate; margin entire or sub- danao). altitude up entire; nerves 5-8 pairs; petiole */}-% cm. Bracts Ecol. In thickets and forests at low

triangular, !/2-% mm long, short-fimbriate. to 150 m.

Pedicels 2'/i-3 mm. Flowers yellow, axillary, fas- As- cicled. Calyx lobes deltoid, c. */i mm long, fleshy, 26. Salacia nitidissima MERR. J. Str. Br. R-

glandular on the margin. Petals ovate-oblong, Soc. 86 (1922) 325. keeled long- 1 /2-2 by %-1 mm, slightly outside, Liana. Stipules small, triangular,c. 1/3 mm rather obtuse or acute, rarely slightly erose. Disk round, Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, rarely short-cylindric, c. Vi-Vt nun high, %-l mm 0, shining above, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic, cuneate, with a narrow rim at the base, truncate or slightly ovate-oblong, 51/2-14 by 2-6'/2 cm; base

at the Stamens mm; anthers nerves 5-9 concave apex. 3, c. l A apex acuminate; margin subentire; dehiscent. Pistil transversely c. Vi mm emerging pairs; petiole 7-12 mm. Bracts triangular, 1/2-7 from the disk. 3-celled. Ovules in with Ovary 2(-3) mm long, slightly erose. Pedicels 3 mm, Flowers each cell, inserted at the middle of the axis. Fruits elastic threads shown on breaking. lea broad-obovoid, c. 4 by 3'/3 ± stalk-like, brownish 1-3 in a 1/} cm, yellowish brown or green, seitit' contracted at the base, rugose. axil. Calyx lobes fleshy, triangular or Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Asahan and Singa- erose- orbicular, '/-I mm long, entire or slightly broad-elliptlC lang) and Malay Peninsula (Perak, Malacca, Petals rather fleshy, elliptic or ’ Penang, and Singapore). 3 annular- 2- by 1'/i-l / mm, entire. Disk a Ecol. In from the lowland to 1000 3 broader forests, up m. pulvinate, c. 1 mm high, c. I / mm o, Mai. 3, Vern. Sumatra: kaju baringin, Asahan; the base, gradually narrowed upwards. Stamens c- akar M. Pistil Pen.: mata kuching, c. % mm; anthers transverse-dehiscent. Notes. In the original description of S. rubra, OvaO 1/2 mm emergingfrom the disk, pyramidal. 0 LAWSON cited only 'Malacca, MAINGAY'. There 3- Ovules 2, attached at the central part

are two sheets of MAINGAY'S under that name in the axis. .

K ual the Kew Herbarium; MAINGAY 1525 (lectotype) Distr. Malesia ; Sumatra (Riouw: , an has two small branches and of them bears one a Belilas) and Borneo (Sibuga near Sandakan detached fruit mounted the from near pedicel Peak of Balikpapan). 0 which it obviously broke off; MAINGAY 398/2 has Ecol. In lowland forests and also found

three branchlets with detached leaves. Each some limestone at 600 m.

two of these specimens has a small package con-

fruits under the number MAINGAY 3407 726 taining 27. Salacia viminea Wall. [Cat. (1831) n. |

mounted on the sheet. 6- ex Laws, in Hook./. FI. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) ’ The of S. wrayi, WRAY Jr 2542 (K), has type King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 362;

both flowers and fruit; the fruits, which are FI. Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) 456. . u distinctly rugose, broad-obovoid and contracted vine. Stip Scandent or rarely erect shrub, or

the base, and the leaves are similar those of at to small, triangular. Leaves chartaceous, usua S. rubra. The flowers of S. well match associated W' wrayi very spirally arranged, sometimes also those of the species, the of which has to elhP present type opposite or subopposite ones, elliptic ' fruit. no lanceolate, sometimes ovate-oblong, 5-14 niarS base attenuate; acuminate; 2-6>/ 2 cm; apex .

’ 5-9 al 25. Salacia euphlebia MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 13 slightly crenulate to subentire; nerves P 2 mm lo (1918) Bot. 22; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 486. petiole 3-5 mm. Bracts triangular, c. /j Flowers Scandent shrub. Young branchlets slightly slightly erose. Pedicels 4-9 mm. Cfl/ angular. Stipules triangular, x /y- x/i mm long. fascicles on axillary, bracteate brachyblasts. or er Leaves chartaceous,elliptic-oblong and lanceolate; lobes triangular, 1/3 mm long, glandular °v or 10-21 by 4-6% cm; base cuneate, obtuse or on the margin. Petals broad-elliptic, ’

acuminate obtuse. Disk annul* rounded; apex to acuminate-caudate; 1 2/3-21/3 by H/3-11/2 mm, 0, s margin distinctly or rarely obscurely apiculate- pulvinate, '72-2/3 mm thick, c. 1 mm ,‘®

6-8 at Stamens 3, crenulate; nerves pairs; petiole 3-8 mm. broader the base, papillose. /.i/,' A Bracts short- anthers Pistil - triangular, c. % mm long, slightly transversely dehiscent. s 3-celled. fimbriate. Pedicels 1-3 mm. Flowers greenish emerging from the disk. Ovary Ot'

2 0, yellow, in axillary fascicles on a very short brac- 2 in each cell. Fruit globose, c. cm !' sc^,j ed with teolate lobes Seeds cm covered brachyblast. Calyx triangular or globose, c. 11/2 0, deltoid, c. •/£ mm long, slightly erose at the mar- pulp* , rhina Indo-t- gin. Petals rather 1 -2 -1 Distr. Burma Siam, fleshy, oblong, /2 by >/3 (Mergui), rounded. Disk short and Malesia: Sumatra mm, cylindric, c. 1 mm high, (Cambodia), (Siberut, Aug. 1964] Celastraceae—ii (Ding Hou) 419

Hugit, and Asahan) and Malay Peninsula (Perak, short-acuminate to acuminate, sometimes obtuse;

Irengganu, Pahang, Penang, and Singapore). margin entire, or slightly crenulate; nerves 4-10

Ecol. Lowland 350 forests, up to m. pairs; petiole 1-1cm. Bracts triangular,

slightly erose. Pedicels 5-10(-18) mm. Flowers

28. few LINNE, Mant. 2 (1767) 293; yellowish or yellowish green, to many in GMEL. fascicles bracteate in Linnb, Nat. Reg. Veget. ed. 13, 1 (1791) on axillary tubercles, some- •°7 times ramiflorous. lobes semi- (‘sinensis’); repr. in 1 (1796) Calyx triangular, ,, Syst. Veg. 107; 2 orbicular, long, obtuse or “Unco, FI. Filip. (1837) 26; ed. 2 (1845) 19; ed. Yz- /} mm rounded,

1 slightly erose. Petals ?„•_ (1877) 36, excl. t. 86.Tonsella prinoides broad-elliptic, -ovate, obo-

or suborbicular, 3-4 by obtuse, Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schr. (Act. Acad. vate, 2'/2-4 mm, ur with reddish brown in the tissue of the — pigment - fieri.) 4 184 not _ (1803) (type seen). central the Tonsella chinensis (L.) SPRENG. Syst. 1 (1824) 177. part, marginal part yellowish when dry, sometimes the the - DC. Prod. 1 marginal part at base reflexed .S. prinoides. (1824) 571; Bl. °‘jdr. and the Disk (1825) 22; W. & A. Prod. 1 (1834) 105; petals seemingly unguiculate. annular p AN. -pulvinate, V/i-2 mm c. 1 mm high, slightly ? Linnaea 15 (1841) 179, incl. var. timorensis 0, contracted at the central the Korth. Kruidk. (1842) 184; Hassk. Tijd. part, narrower at Hat. slightly lobed and extended downward Gesch. Phys. 11 (1844) 190; PI. Jav. Rar. upper part, at the base, usually the US48) 233; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 597; papillose especially at

nn lower half. Stamens 3, c. 1 Yi anthers trans- . ’ Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 148; Laws. mm; n when * Hook./. FI. Br. Ind. 1 (1875) 626; Kurz, J. As. versely dehiscent, slightly oblique young. 0c Pistil 1 from the Beng. 44, ii (1875) 163; For. FI. Burma 1 c. mm emerging disk, triangular. ,. - 3-celled. Ovules 2 in each inserted H877) 260; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 47; Ovary cell, at 1d the inner angle. Fruit sometimes al, Sinopsis (1883) 20, t. 31, f. E; Phan, upper globose, p red fuming. (1885) 103; K. Sch. & Hollr. FI. Kais. broad-ellipsoid, 11/3-2 cm 0, or orange-red when 1-seeded. Seeds 1-1 j7*fh. Land (1889) 70; King, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ripe, usually globose, Yi cm 0. 11896) 366, incl. var. macrophylla quoad speci- ? 'w Distr. Widely distributed but scattered in i , non quoad nomen; K. Sch. & Laut. FI. India, Ceylon, Burma, Thailand, Indo-China, chutzgeb. (1901) 413; Loes. Nova Guinea 8 1 China and Malesia the 910) 281; Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verz. (1911) (Hainan), throughout to Carolines (Yap and Palau), N. Queensland £am, i5 9> 2 ; back. Schoolfl. (1911) 237; Koord. (Cape xk York New Solomon FI. Java 2 527; Merr. FI. Manila Peninsula), Britain, Is., and , - (1912) 12) as far as Fiji. Fig. 37. k, 303; Philip. J. Sc. 11 (1916) Bot. 286; Sp. “ anc. (1918) 236; En. Born. (1921) 355; Ridl.

f, 1' Mai. Pen. 1 (1922) 459; Merr. En. Philip. 2 23) F/ 487; Rendle, J. Bot. 62 (1924) Suppl. 23; Philip. J. Sc. 29 (1926) 388; Loes. in E. &

-• p fl- ed. 20b 228.— Fam.— 2, (1942) S. ]V , , patens r E Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. ’ Nat. Paris 3 (Isi ,34) 44i ■ Herb. Timor. Descr. (1835) 1 13, non

■ana & Planch. 1872; Steud. Nom. ed. 2,

J'844) 492; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 598.— Comocladia serrata FI. Filip. 30. - Blanco, (1837) Zipp. ex Ann. Mus. S. evonymiflora... Miq. Bot. I „ v —.

4 (1869) 149.—,S. Wall. r r latifolia at l , - 0 831) n. 4222] « Laws, in Hook./. FI. Br. 1 (1875) 629 KlNG J As Soc Seng- 65, ii (iso > ’ - - - 366; Ridu J' Fed ' Mal - St - Mus - 10 ( 192°) Fig. 37. Distribution of Salacia chinensis LINN., 86 c SI. ’ Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 459; Amshoff, Blumea also in 5 Fiji. (l9 45) 518~—.S. naumanni Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 7 (i S8 , ) 464; Gazelle Ecol. forests the hi, Forschungsr. 4 (1886) In along seashore and sandy -9?nerog. t. descr. _ 36, 13, ex ... &pl.; Kanehira, FI. river banks, in lowland primary forests to , _, up Cr ones. p„ (1933) 195, f. 82; Loes. in E. & P. 450 m, once recorded at 900 m in Ceylon.

' ■ Pam. ed. 20b 2,_ (1942) 228.—,“S. littoralis Vern. Sumatra: akan mata I?. 7 N pĕlanduk, Pariman, Ack V - FI. Bat. I (1907) 305.—, I _ _ _ „ S. ovalis (non N. Mai. Pen.: daun rakiat v-rl pĕlanduk, Sum.; puyu, Rth-) Koord.-Schum. Verz. Fam. ki 15q Syst. (1911) kĕchil, M; Java: (areuj) djahah, kĕtjipot, tĕlor, 2; p, > Back. Schoolfl. (1911) 237; Koord. Exk. ojot lĕma, kamander konèng, S, “ treng katjipot, ■Java 2 (Iq. (1912) 527.—S. socia Craib, Kew Bull. mala tjawelan, J, Md; „ , kantijl, wangon, ketjiput, y2fi) 352.—,Salacicratea kraemeri Lesser Sunda Is.: to.,,, (won Loes.) anok, Alor; Philippines: matang- n ehira, FI. Micrones. f. 83. Moluccas: wolè Hal- | (1933) 196, úlang, Tag., ope, lg.; sèroso, ana Sti' . > scandent shrub, or rarely a small tree. maheira; New Guinea: adé-adé, S. New Guinea, deltoid or reniform, V3-V2 mm long. andian, Papua, kwangoer-patoe, Aru Is. s s ubcoriaceous, rather Galls. bt0^ discolorous, ovate, A leaf-gall is caused by an aphid. The ' e *liptie, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, obo- leaf blade is rolled or folded VAN vat up (DOCTERS g rare| y suborbicular, or obovate-oblong, LEEUWEN, Zoocecidia 1926, 330, f. 593). K °y l base Notes. The chinensis into 34-9*/2 cm; cuneate; apex acute, epithet was changed 3 420 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6

sinensis by Gmelin (/.c.); it was not that of a new S. minutiflora Ridl. Kew Bull. (1938) 238, non

species, as Gmelin cited the literature of Linne. A. C. SMITH, 1939.

Blanco applied S. sinensis for his plant, citing Scandent shrub. Stipules lanceolate, '/£-1 mm

GMELIN in the second edition of his Flora. long, sometimes laciniate or short-fimbriate at

MERRILL (Sp. Blanc. 1918, 236) correctly inter- the margin. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, or

preted Comocladia serrata BLANCO and S. sinensis ovate-oblong, 6-14'/2 by l%-5 cm; base cuneate;

S. DC. S. short-acuminate margin as belonging to prinoides (WILLD.) (= apex to apiculate;

chinensis LINNE); the characters given in BLANCO'S crenulate; nerves 4-7 pairs; petiole 3-7 mm.

3 are rather clear. Plate 86 in BLANCO'S Bracts triangular, obtuse, c. mm long. Pedicels descriptions /4 an Fl. Filip. ed. 3 (1877) prepared by F.-VILLAR & 4-4. . >/2 mm. Flowers several in fascicles on

NAVES named S. sinensis is, however, S. korthal- axillary, short, simple or sometimes once branch-

siana MIQ., as shown by the ovate-oblong leaves ed, bracteate brachyblast. Calyx lobes ± deltoid

and inflorescences. or mm short- cymose suborbicular, c. % long, glandularor 2 The description and drawing of Salacicratea ciliate at the margin. Petals broad-elliptic, 1 Vi" _ kraemeri in KANEHIRA'S Flora Micronesica 2 contracted the LOES. by /j-l mm, obtuse, slightly at with (1933, 196, f. 83) do not fit to that species, but base, margin lengthwise reflexed at anthesis,

match rather well S. chinensis L., because of the 5-8 longitudinalveins elevated on the outer surface

c- fascicled flowers (not in cymes), 3 stamens (not 2), when dry. Disk fleshy, annular-pulvinate, 3-ceIled- and the 5-lobed calyx (not calyptra-like). 2/i-l mm 0, c. % mm high. Ovary

1 BRITTON (in Forbes, Wand. 1885, 502) identified Stamens 3, c. mm. Pistil c. Vi mm emerging

two collections of FORBES (3804 and 4075) from from the disk. Ovules 2(-l) in each cell. Fruit broad- Timor as S. patens DECNE. According to Dr VAN subglobose, c. 1 '/$ cm 0, red. Seeds , , STEENIS, one of them, the number 3804 (L), is ellipsoid, c. 9 by 7 mm, slightly planoconvex- Glochidion Of the other Distr. Malesia: BanjU" sp. (Euphorbiaceae). Java (Palabuhanratu, collection I have this also G. and Borneo not seen any material; mas, Gombong, Banjuwangi), “ Celastraceae. Kalahien and Mt an may not belong to (Sarawak, Kinabalu), Philippines (Palawan, Mindoro, Luzon, Saniah

29. Salacia kalahiensis KORTH. Kruidk. (1842) 183, Guimaras, and Mindanao).

Flora 31 Fl. Ind. Ecol. In forests from-the lowland to c- t. 38; (1848) 579; MIQ. Bat. 1, up

2 (1859) 597; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4 (1869) 1200 m.

149.—S. subscandens ELMER, Leaf). Philip. Bot. 5 Vern. Java: areuj kamander konèng, S. (1913) 1793; MERR. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487.—

Dubious and Excluded

Hippocratea bojeri TUL. Ann. Sc. Nat. Bot. IV, 8 (1857) 92. ,

This species was erroneously listed in Ind. Kew. as from 'Malacc.'. It is an African (Madagascar

species (cf. H. PERRIER DE LA BATHIE, Fl. Madagascar, Fam. Hippocrateac., 1946, 22).

based 011 Kurrimia pulcherrima (non WALL.) BAKER /. J. Bot. (1924) Suppl. 22, a record from West Java,

FORBES 566 = Elaeocarpus oxypyren K. & V. (Elaeocarpaceae).

,AFL Solatia bartletti RIDL. Kew Bull. (1938) 239, is according to kind information of Mr L. L. FORN '

Kew = Anacolosa frutescens BL. (Olacaceae).

'' a' 1 Salacicratea australis LOES. PFL. Berl.-D [in E. & P. Fam. ed. 2, 20b (1942) 216] ex HARMS, Notizbl. 15 (1942) 676. eR Distr. Malesia: New Guinea: Kani Berg, R. Schlechter 17257; Waube Bache, R. SchlecH1

17257. th® The two collections cited above Berlin and I have of were destroyed at not seen any duplicate The indicated too to It may characters in the original description are concise place this species.

related Salacia sororia, or even be conspecific with it. to Miq. „

Harms mentioned also Australian collection: the Herbert an Queensland, Cooktown, on way to ’ certain? Warburg 19049. Because of the insufficient flowering material, he could not identify it with have S. disepala I not seen the specimen or any duplicate ofit. So far, there is only one species ofSalacia, menti° n (C. T. White) Ding Hou, known from Queensland bearing a calyptra-like calyx. The specimen

ed above may belong to it.

Celastrus stylosa WILLD.; F.-VILL. NOV. App. (1880) 47; MERR. En. Philip. 2 (1923) 482. Gymnospora neglecta Wall.; F.-Vill. I.c.; Merr. I.c. 483. Hippocratea arborea Roxb.; F.-Vill. I.c.; Merr. I.c. 487.

Salacia oblonga Wall.; F.-Vill. I.c.; Merr. I.c.

Salacia roxburghii Wall, ex Laws.; F.-Vill. I.c.; Merr. lx. 'TH®R nel The five listed for the There is names above are evidently misapplied Philippines by F.-VILLAR.

description nor specimen cited for any one of them. Aug. 1964] CELASTRACEAE—II (Ding Hou) 421

Nomina nuda

for reference these unvalidly published names, which have been mentioned in literature, are listed here tnstead of in of placing them the synonymy species concerned.

Hippocratea timorensis SPAN. Linnaea 15 (1841) 178.—This name was listed in the Ind. Kew. but does not occur in the cited work.

Hypsagyne ex name JACK BURKILL, J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. 73 (1916) 219, 221, 247.—This was mentioned BY JACK in a letter to N. WALLICH. According to MERRILL, J. Arn. Arb. 33 (1952) 227, it is Salacia L.

Johniasumatrana — . Jack ex Burkill, J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. 73 (1916) 221. —This name was mentioned by Jack in a letter to N. Wallich. According to Merrill, J. Arn. Arb. 33 (1952) 228, it is Salacia prinoides

(WILLD.) DC. = S. chinensis L.

Salacia alternifolia SCORT. MSS. in Herb. Calc., non HOCHST. 1844. —KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii

cited this in the of WALL, U896) 362, name synonymy Salacia viminea ex LAWS.

Salacia cerasiformis TEYSM. & BINN. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1866) 219.

Salacia coromandeliana TEYSM. & BINN. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1866) 392 = S. chinensis L.

Salacia triplinervis LLANOS, Mem. Acad. Cienc. Madr. 3, 4 (1857) 500; repr. in Blanco, Fl. Filip. ed. 3, 4'l (1880) 101; MERR. Sp. Blanc. (1918) 236; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 487.—1 agree with MERRILL (I.e. 1923) 'hat from the specific name LLANOS'S plant can not have been a representative of the Hippocrateaceae. Macanea arborea BLANCO, Fl. Filip. (1837) 431, according to MERRILL, Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 233;

Sp. = Blanc. (1918) 146; En. Philip. 2 (1923) 165 Alphonsea arborea (BLANCO) MERR. (Annonaceae).


S°rne additional collections have caused a slight extension ofthe generic range ofthe genus Glyptopeta-

lumand Blumea 12 65. see p. 256, (1963) P- 256 line 5 from top add to Hainan: and Kweichow, and add to line 6: Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor). . P. 258b G. marivelense (ELM.) MERR. A new collection has been made in Timor by CINATTI ( n. 340 In L), but the material is in fruit and therefore only tentatively referred to this species.