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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-15-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-15-1903 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-15-1903." (1903).

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o.itiook In tho district Is unusually threw the shorts Into excitement. good. The dividend meeting was hold two weeks nbend of tho regular time. I De Witt Is the Name. Official Register Thoro was a general scurrying from I New Mexico Towns When you go to buy Wl'.ch Hazel hotiBo to house, looking for tho stock, Railroad Topics jmmmmmmJr Salvo look for the name Do Witt on OF NEWiMEXICO and loans nf It wore made nt as high every box. Tho pure, unadulterated nt i.uu a share for tho uso ovor night. Ib In making Do Tho advertising department ot tho of considerably over a mllo a mlnuta GALLUP. mining Interests and whero tho throe Witch Hazel used on do ii gold about 20,000 shares of the Snlvo, which Is Snnta Fo railroad hns sent out tho fol- wns malntntncd. Th routo from tho expect to mako their futuro home. Dr. Wltfs Witch Hazel Territorial Officers. In morning, when the price tho best salvo In tho world for cuts, stock the lowing prepared article relative to tho Mississippi to tho Continental dlvldo From the Republican. Sowers and Mrs. Aronhelm havo been Dolegato to Congress 11. S. Rodey, 0 points, ns to cover. bums, bruises, bolls, eczema and rose bears tried Iiwo special train which passed Is with much steep moun- I Mrs, J. M. Carman 1ms been quite residents of Silver City for years past. Albuquerque. Thoso who raided tho stock week plloa. Tho popularity of Do Witt's lurt through Aliraquerquo tho other nftor-noo- tain climbing Ili places. tick nt Long Ileacli, Cut., but Is now They wnl be greatly missed hero and Us many Governor Miguel A. utoro, aanta n a desperate attempt to cover wero Witch Hazol Salvo, duo to j In 1900 n remarkable run wns mado improving. their friends will wish them every worth- Fo. badly punished London sold by cures, has caused numorous W. Itaynolds, and by tho Peacock special from west to ShMds, who was formerly success In their now locntion. bo placed on the Secretary J. Santa got. All previous records for railroad iGeorgu less counterfoils to cublo the stock cast, Its avcrago speed being 41.7 at the briquette plant, ex- Dr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Ijiiio returned market. Tho genuine bears the name Fo. tlmo from Atlantic to Pacific coaot Solicitor Geoorai E. L. Dartlett, miles an hour between Los Angelca pects to urrlvi hero Sunday morning homo ulter a nlno weeks' vacation of 12. C. Do Witt & Co., . Sold ' w6ro broken on Frldny, August 7, Yellow-ston- Santa Fe, Walter Ilurko, a vory popular young In- Chicago. ;lth Ills mother from Philadelphia. trip spent In Colorado nud tho o by n. II. Drlggs & Co. nnd S. Vann when tho II. P. liwo special rolled and This train, however, Auditor W O. Sargent, Santa Fe. man, died nt Great Demi, down-grad- They will few days h'oro, then park. & Son. railroad to Los Angeles over tho Santa Fo nt had tno advantage of tho visit a 'ireasuror J. II. Vaughn, Santa Fe. Kr.s., Sunday night of nppetidlcltli, hoy will go to California for tlio bone, Mrs. Arthur S. Qoodcll returned Penitentiary H. 1:0G p. m. I from tho Rockies to tho Mississippi 3ANTA FE. Sunerlntcnuent of after only n few days' illness. Ho took valley. lit of his tnnthor's health. from Las Angeles whero she had O. Bursum, Santa to. ' Henry P. Lowe of tho Engineering spent several weeks enjoying tho Superintendent of Public Instruc- nick Wednesday of nst week, nnd bo The famous Nellie Illy special mado Tho cavalry competition ns to mark- Now Mexican. Company ot America, left New )ork sights of popular From tho tion J, Francisco Chaves, Snnta Fe. ng unable to go homo, wns tak tho trip from San Francisco to Chica- smanship Is taking place at Ft. Whip- tho California resort. o Tuesday afternoon, August 4, at 2:45, Ilorn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred L. en to tho home ot his swocthenrt, go In slxty-nlu- avcrago ple. Wodnoaday was the first day It. Nllcs loft for Philadelphia from Librarian Lafayette Emmctt, San Immediately upon hearing of his hours at an a girl baby. Mother and child Fo. whero ho died. A over a year ot 37 3 nnd thoso fiom Fort Wlngato scored which placo ho will salt during the ta llttlo daughter's Illness In speo.i miles an hour. doing woll. Jomnilssloncr of Public Lands A. ngo ho was promoted to n fatal tho distant By I.lpplncott, present mouth with IiIb family on a conductor Catch-- a comparison of thoso schedules as follows: Lieutenant A. Keen, Fe. I California city of Angeles. ' European Mr. will At the Methodist parsonage llov. Snnta nnd his prospects for future happiness a fair Idea may bo gathered ot tho third, score, 2G5; Corporal Honsor, tour. Nlles return W- - Ing tho Twentieth Century limited W. A. Coopor performed tho coremony adjutant Qoneral Whiteman, nnd gueces wero great, which makes rcmnrkablo ot tho Lowo spec- fourth, score. 2G2; Corporal Watson, to brant county about tho middle of Fo I over the New York Central and Inlco record Hint united In marrlago O. T. lledman Santa his I'l'ath n very pad one. ial. This achievement will go down fifth, score. 355 October. traveling Auditor atul Dank Exam- Shoro railroads, ho raced westward to of Newport, Aik., to Mrs. Eva .Curry In red letters in tno annals ot Prof. W. H. Decker, who will bo O. it. Smyth of Ixrdsburg has been iner C. V. 8afford, Safeta Fe. Chicago at nil avorago speed of 48.8 of Espanola. C. H. Wllklno, grand senior conduct principal of our schoolH this year, appointed by Governor Otero ns coun Uamo and Fish Warden P. D. miles per hour, arriving In Chicago on Judge Henry L. Waldo and daughter or of Order of Railway Conduct- 'arrived from California, where ho has ty commissioner for tho third district Otcio, Snnta Fo. i tho Wednesday forenoon. Hurrying from I Hollen nrrlved nnd aro em est b nt the Public J. 8. Duncan, Las ors, will visit Albuquerquo weak. ' lioen intending summer school. Mr. of Grnnt county, vlco II. G. Shafer, Printer this tho Shore to tho Santa Fo depot Tho Snnta Fo la still having some Palaco hotel. Miss Anna G. Mills of Vegas. Ho Is making nn official trip through Iako fDockor Informs us ho will movo resigned on account ot removal t'o In n which was being held in troublo Ib disposing of tho freight de- that City, sister-in-la- ot Judgo cab Jils Clifton, Arl.. Mr. Smyth will qualify Kansas the west. stroyed In transit during tho floods family hero from Albuquerque Waldo, Is with them. Judiciary. wnltl'ig for him, tho anxious father 'iext week. Wo extend a hearty wel- and enter upon the duties ot his office boarded tho special and was outward at Kansas City. The road now has Georgo Anton returned from a twen- (Supremo Court.) SAN MIGUEL COUNTY. come at once. twenty-thre- o several thousand dollars' worth ot to Mr. Decker and family. ty days' sojourn nt Jcmcz hot springs. Chief Justice W. J Mills, Ve- bound minutes after William E. Wntson, who hns been gan. reaching the "Windy City." Compos-- 1 "paper" for tho Sells & Downs' cir- Ho says tho Joinez country had good Will No Doubt Make a Good oyrup. manager of the Shannon company's Justice John R. McFIc, Showing nnd hotel-ca- r cus storod nt tho freight house, German rains during tho pant ton dnys, that Assoclato cd of coach "Rocket" Wo want to Impress upon mir read store at Motcalfo for somo tlmo past, SM.ata Fe. at the World's Fair. by a powerful Iron groy- - which the circus refuses to accept. grass Is high sheop nnd drawn ers that Hoscheo's German Syrup Is has rcHlgncd his position and Inst kneo nnd tlint and Assoclato Justlco F. W. Parker, At tho meeting of tho Lns Vogns t.niin.l ...11. tnnl,,A,,M tl...nn.. n ,tt The "paper" at the tlmo of shipment cattlo look splendid. ot on positively the only preparation on the week returned to his homo In Pinos Las Cruccs. board trail 9 Tuesday evening turoiiio, mo 10 special leaped weighed about thrco tons, but slnco vory quiet In po Associate Jusuco 13f S. Baker, Al- sania inrkct today that does roilcvo ana Altos, accompanied by his children. Matters havo been Hon Euseblo Chacon, on of the into tho rncc, with orders to mako no Its wetting it would tip tho scales at ure consumption. It contains tho Is considerably run down lice circles rcently and the docket of buquerque. world's Fair commissioners from San Mi. Watson Vacancy. Btops oxcept thoso to tnke water and thrco times that amount. It Specifics, such as pure tar, extracts by will Justice Gnrcln's court contains but Assoclato Justice Miguel county nppcarcd beforo tho gums, etc., hard work, and tako a needed Clerk Joso o. Sena, Santa Fe. coal nnd to change engines and crews. be dried out, however, and mndo to M which havo been bo rest, which expects to return faw cases. Sanchez and Justlano Gut- board on behalf of tho commission Slghly endorsed for tho euro of after he District Court-F- irst leaving Denitjorn station, Chicago look ab good as raw. fjllftm'country- - ierrez, who arc chnrged with taking a to uso thotr In awakening Mughs, colds and consumption by the to the District (Counties ot Santa Fe, south- colt, tho property of M. V. Morlarty, a moro general tho the train ctruck out toward tho cai moment congresses, ino con- - Rio Arriba, Taos and San -- uan): Interest In matter Swiftly REFUSED TO CONSENT. y west, with a whirl and a rush. raptlve, Over-Wls- wero given n hcnrlng and hound over Judgo . Santa Fe. of Now Mexico's oxhlblt and cspo-clnM- wncther his dUcaso Is In Not John MFlc, rising to tho level of tho elevated o throat or lungs, must have rest In the sum of M.200 bond for their Clerk A. M. norgoro, Santa Fo. In having Snn Miguel county at Thero la an old allegorical picture roadbed, It was ou on Its way toward Missouri Will Not Submit to Increas- ght, and be free from tho spasm of girl grosE-hoppcr- ,, appearance beforo tho grand Jury, District Attorney E. C. Abbott, proporly represented. of i. scared at a gricf-strlckc- n ed Express racking cough Santa Fe. Jollct beforo tho pas- Rates. and In the moraine. but In tho act or hcedlossly treading A deed was filed In the olllco of the Mr. Chacon rovlowod tho history ot Communlcntloiis havo been received he diseased parts want rest, neallng on a Is paralleled by ho probate Second District (Counties ot Berna senger had had tlmo to scttlo down snnke. This clork nnd recorder tho past territorial exhibitions which rail-rh- ii d soothing treatment, pa lillo, McKlnley, Valencia and Sando for his long ride. Indeed, cannot by tho Missouri stato board of and tho man who apends n largo sum of for tho county of Santa Fo transfer hnvo mado llttlo protonso of sotting it ent needs fresh air. good food. etc. money val) bo said that he settled down at alt, and warohouso commissioners building a cyclono cellar, but ring to tho Now Mexico Fuel and Iron Indus-trio- perman Syrup will give free and easy Judge 11. B. Daner, Albuquerque. forth our natural resources and from all tho express companies doing neglects to provldo his family with a company a of land In precinct 3 for, In his anxiety to cover tho ground tpeciorauon in tno morning witn of Colic, tract Clerk W. E. Dame, Albuquerque. but consisted principally of business In Missouri In relation to tho bottlo Chamberlain's Cholera ct in the shortest poaalblo tlmo, Mr. ;ioedy permanent of Santa Fo county. Tho consideration Dl-trl- Attorney W. Clancy, bows nnd arrows, and relief. Small and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard r. At stuffed rattlesnake Lowo repeatedly urged that tho speed action ot tho board, which refuses to ottlcs. 25 cents: regular site, contain against bowel vic- was 1300 and the parties disposing of buquerque. pottery and blankets. lie stated that approve mug complaints, whoso bo Increased, and for a great sharo ot tho vchedute ndoptml by tho nearly four times aa much, 76 tims outnumber thoso of the cyclone tho property wero Francisco Lujan de Third District (Counties of Dona the commission did not Intond to turn cumpanlea mAklhg"ahlricroajio averag- cents. Q. Ana, tho dlatanco ho rodo in tho cnglno At all druggists. O. Orcon, a hundred to one. This remedy Is Donnvnnt nnd others. Sierra, Grant, Otero nnd Luna) Now Mexico's exhibit this year Into ing Wo,dbury, New Jersey. J. H. O'Hellly Judge F. W. Parker, Las Cruces. cni), the rumble nnu roar of tho about 35 rer cent in exprcis rates, overywhero rccognlzod as tho most Tho Jury commission to select Ju r, museum, on contrary, Iniet,-tlo- & o. Clork J. P. Mitchell, Las Cruces. but tho they mighty locomotive soothing, in a Tho companies declared tlio'r n prompt and rollablo modlclno In uso rors for tho Septombor term of tho expected to show to tho outside cap ot respecting for theso diseases. For by District Attorney W. II. H. Llew measure his troubled mind. tho notion ot tho R03WELL. salo all district court for Santa Fo county Cru-c- s. In ellyn, Las ital the advancement all linos of giant ten- - board, nnd stated that agents bad re- druggists. bold In office of Faster nnd faster tho o a session tho the District Attorney II. M. Turner, development which wo had made, and ceived Instructions to keep tho old U"j Register. clerk of the court nt tho conn wheeier flow. Faster and faster tho From LAS VEGAS. district Counties of Grant nud Sierra, Silver tho manifold opportunities for the local way stations whizzed by tlio tariff In effoct until furthor notlco. It. King of Sawyer, ty court house. Tho commissioners City. 0. Texas, arrlv- wlso Investment of capital In Now windows In an Indistinct blurr. Cross- Tho Incrcaso ptoposod was upon pack Iru hero to mako this city his home. were: It. J Palen, Snnta Fo; John F. Fourth District (Counties o! San Moxlco. Ho Mrs. S. E. York III. lady stated that Commission ing tho stato of Illinois in a space of ages weighing 100 pounds or less, Bio Is a nephew of W. M. Kenny of is Tho Pfluegor. I.nmy; nenlto Poa Miguel, Ieonard Wood, Quay, Mora, er Porterfleld of Silver City had 1 1111 tlmo heretofore unoqualcd, apodal and tho companies havo requested hl place. drovo to Mineral tho other day Jaquo. Tho venires for grand and potlt Col rax and Union): tho Juage W. Mills, I .as Vegas. chargo of tho collection nnd disposi- railed across tho Mississippi tho commissioners to glvo them a Deacon J. Williamson, who and was caught In a heavy rain storm. jurors wor selected nnd turned ovor J. at Fort J. loft Cleric S'ccundlno Romero, Las Vo tion of nil exhibits and urged that all Madison, clipped oft a ot town, hearing beforo tho matter Is closed. liero soma days ago Virginia She got wet through and Is suffering to tho clork servlco by section for with for the sheriff gas. parties who could contribute speci- traversod tho northern part ot the This will bo done, though no rato tty burros, has been heard Ho from tho effects. of this county. . from. District Attorney S. D. Davis, Jr., mens ot vegetables, grains, fruits, utato of Missouri, bridged tho broad has been fixed. The Incroaso, If per- at nls old homo In Fiucastle, Va. Tho nxt meeting of tho territorial Ha Counties of San Miguel, Mora, Leon- building stone, oro, llvo stock or any Missouri Kan- mitted nt all, upon packages bays ho lost one baby commissioners ot tho Louisiana pur- Vood Quay, Vegas. river and steamed Into under burro nnd sold Croup Instantly relieved. Dr. ard and Las thing included within iho boundless sas City depot. 100 pounds would majority no en route ho chase exposition will bo held In Las District Attornoy J. Leahy, Coun union effect tho nnd thinks can read' Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Perfectly scopo of a world's fair's compass scarcely of porsons who ship by express. My dlsposo of tho balance. Vegas tho latter part of tho month. tics ot Colfax nnd Union, Raton. With a halt in Its wild safe. Never falls. At any drug storo would communicate with W. C. flight It was off over tho rolling It Is believed roquost a If W. H. Strickland, who Is working Tho district clerk recorded a Fifth District (Counties ot Socorro, that tho for Colfax county ot Hat-th- o Lincoln, Chaves, Eddy prlarlo land of Kansaa and on toward heating mndo by the express compan- it tlio well-borin- machlno on A. D, suit from and Roose AGRICULTURAL climbing ies Jarretts ranch, tho misfortune Klncndo vs. M. William Klncado YEAR BOOK. velt): Colorado, tho moans that they will Insist upon nal Judgo Vacancy, Socorro. TERRIBLY CRUSHED. grado as approach-eo- . o got one linger and tho thumb mash of itaton, on tho grounds of cruel and tho Rockies woro tho advanced rates and will offer ar- Clerk J. E. Grimth, Socorro. On on spon, guments d on oi his left hand by getting his Inhuman treatment, abandonment, Hae Little to Say About New Mexico, and It not only main- to show why they should bo etc. . District Attorney A. A. Scdlllo, Pedro Montoya Caught Between En- taining tho schedule laid out, but permitted or a hand caught In tho machlno. He ro-- But Will Do Better Next Time. county or Socorro, that achedulo will ho A Socorro. gine and Wall of Round House. gaining with every mllo ptvod tho proper medical attention remittance of $220.05 was sent by Tho yearbook of tho department of District acrney W. II. H. Llow- it flew. submitted with an Increaso not so tho probate Pedro Montoya, an engine wiper nt La was a. m and Is getting along nicely. clerk to James C. Davis, agriculture for tho year 1902 Is out eliyn, County of Lincoln, Las Cruces Junta reached at 9:10 pronounced. The commissioner aro attorney to tho Las Vegas round huoao, was August 0, veering John H. 0111 of tho RosweJI Produco In fact, Emma Sllva, who and bolnt," distributed. It had llttlo District Attorney J. M. Hervoy, nnd toward tho also preparing a schedule. has recently ago, caught between an engine nnd tho southwest tho special soli-(ud- o & Seed company, received 28,000 to becomo of the above or nothlnc In IL thin venr rofnrrlnir In Counties of Eddy, Chavea and Roose split tho sum being Cu- Koswoil. wall of tho round house at 4 o'clock mato cases. Tho 28,00 cases will tho amount duo from New Mexico, nnd Dologa'.e Rodoy velt, of tho Colorado and New Mexico LAST SPIKE OF SILVER. In- wtit-ornrs- Grcgarlo Wcdncsdny morning, and so badly s, plunging Albuquerquo mako 7,000 crates. Inls shows Mr. rator Varcla. complained of fact. Tho secrotary Into Judgo Booth, tho reputed mayor that Federal Officers. jured thnt his recovery is considered nt 5:37 p. m. From Albuquerquo pills faith In our tomato crop. Tho of replied to him In tho following letter, Was Driven on the Santa Fe Central Is enjoying M. nlinost an Impossibility. straight west, crossing Icasos came knocked down and ho has Ellznbcthtown, a few which shows a good Surveyor General O. Llewellyn tho desert of at Kennedy Yesterday Afternoon at that deal of work 'Montoya Jumped on Now Moxlco la machlno to set them up. days' visit In Laa Vegas, which he on faanta Fo. tho footboard and Arizona, surmount- 4:10 o'clock. behalf of that department Is now Collector of Internal A, of ing James Hamilton returned from n spends with his old cronlos ot tho Rovonuo a switch cngino Just as It crossed tho range of tlio Glorleta moun- Gonernl Manager W. S. Hopowoll going on In Now Mexico, nnd will bo L. Morrison, Santa Fe. coming trip to Plnoclo club, now established In tho tho turn tablo out of tho tains, tho train reached Sellgman In and a party of twenty-liv- e Chicago and Pittsburgh. Ho continued hereafter: 11. about left now Montoya bulld'ng on United States Attornoy V. Chll round After crossing tho western Arizona 4 n. m., August 7. iMnght a flno thoroughbred French tho plaza. "Hon. n. S. Rodoy, house tnblo at tho Santa Fo dopot at 2 o'clock yester- Vigil Albuquerque, N. dcrs, Albuquerque. engine passed to Leaving It stallion In Chicago and will havo it itnnstaclo was arrested and M.: Assistant Out ted Stntcs Attorney the closo tho wall of hero climbed tho Williams day afternoon In a cabooso for Ken- fined $25 for an attempt, to break Into tho building, Montoya had no sooner rango and entered tho Golden state brought hero. Tho stallion was ex "My Dear Itodoy I havo your favor W. U. Held, Itoswen. nedy, whero at 4:10 o'clock tho last tho photo tent of J. II. Martinez Sat- stepped on tho board than tho cnglno across tho Colorado river. ported from Franco and had not been of the 4th of August and am glnd to Assistant United States Attornoy rail was laid and tho laBt splko driv- urday night. Ho cut a nolo In tho 12. Li. Aiodicr, Albuquerque reached tho wall. Tho man was caught At 1:00 p. m on Friday, August 7, pit America but four days whon Mr, know thnt you llko tho yearbook. It en, thus making complete connections back door of tho structure nnd wna United States Marsnal C. M. For- - bis arm was torn off nnd his head tho train rolled Into I)s Angeles ten Hamilton bought him. is a volumo In which wo record tho between Snnta Fo and Torranco on Messrs. Hnrt Uuyer, nay Epporson. about to climb through when discov- aker, Albuquerque. and shouldor wero terribly crushed. hours ahead ot tho achedulo as origi- tho Snnta Fo Central railway. Mayor prominent things wo hnvo dono, hut Register Land Offlco M. R. Otero, lueslio Audrnln, Cattlngham ered by Frank Guorln, who rooms In Ho wns takon to tho hospital, whero nally planned, tho dlstailco from Chi- Sparks, reproaontlng city drover it docs not pretend to deal with each banta Fo. cago tho ot 8anta fed. Grass, Sam llrame, W, Majors and tho E. Komoro hoso house adjacent. locality. his arm wns nn.putnted at tho shout to tho Pacific coast (2,205 miles) Fe, drovo tho last splko which was ot Tho following Tho nrtlclos found therein Receiver Land olllco Fred Muller, having been covered at an avcrago M. Kline, of tno Kcswell band, spent suits were tiled In tho refor to Banta re. der. Tho clime's for his rocovory aro of puro New Moxlco silver, manufactur- olllco of tho tho Industries common to very slight. 42.6 miles per hour, beating tho tlmo Bunday at tho Great lakes flsumg, district clerk: Tho San Now Moxlco Register Land Olllco N. Galles, Las ed by tho Jewolry firm of 8. Spits Miguel Natlonnl bank vs. nnd all tho other dry of the banta Fo's California limited by nmi great aro tho fish stories thereof, lcnndro states. Wo hnvo consldornblo unices. and presented with Spitz compliments CnBaus, sheriff of Ix;onard Wood work Rocolvor Land Office H. D. Bow Land Office Business, Juteon hours nnd 'vteen minutes. ( Is salo that 250 pounds of various going on in Now Mexico, havo had, to tho railway company. Attor hav- county, for tho replevy of nlnety-flv- o man, as Cruces. following Wnllo ho wna still this sldo ot tho kinds ot fish wero lauded by this par and shall In tho futuro. Iho homestead entries ing beon driven In, this splko will bo ty. goes to Bhow head of cnttlo and thrco horses taken Register Land Offlco Howard Lo- - wero mnxl at tno fodorol land ofllco In Rocky mountains, It was known that It that tho band "Hoping you nro enjoying your va- drawn, suitably engraved and kept In by him under an execution ngalnst Iand, Roswell. Arguollo, ICO Mr. Lowe's daughter had passed away. IjoyB in addition to being good must I Santa Fo: Ramon Ocato, tho archives of the company for all dam-nge- cation, remain Rocelver Land Offlco D. L. Chas. Cause, nnd also for $2,000 s; Guyer, acres In Mora county; A. Colo, Messages woro hurried ahead ot tho elans, aro also expert fltfliormcn. "Very cordlnlly, itoswen. Alvln time to como. also that of Chas. Ilfeld vs. Wm. Mountalnnlr, 1C0 acres Jn Valencia special. As tho wires wero down, tho "JAMES WILSON, Register Land Offlco-7-- W. For, As thero was but ono cabooso avail- Alton, Hoehno on nn open account for $300. county: Patricio Romero, Santo. Rosa, sad word was not received by Mr. Mrs. Molllo nf Rnnth Fnrlr "Secretary." Clayton. able, tho members of tho party had to lCv.. snvn Tho funernl of P. Towner was -- In Lowo until ho had reached La Vogas, ahn ban nrnvimtivt nHnrVa J. Jlcartlla Indian Agency- - .II II, lt0 acres Ixsonard ood coun'y. bo cut down on account ot lack ot cholera by Cham-erlaln- 's held Thursday afternoon at homo Now Moxlco. if morbus taking tho Jounsop, Superintendent, Dulco. upace, sovoral federal and territorial Stomach and Llvor Tablets ot Edward French whero tho death The Perfect Llvr Medicine. Navajo Indian Agont Q, W. Hazy- Joo Newman, who Is to appear In In splto ot hla disappointment, how-ove- r, Mrs. M. officials, Mayor Sparks, members ot When Bhfl fait an attank cnmlnir nn. occurred. Tho Ilov. Frank C. Ward A. Jolloy, Noblo, O. T., ion, uanup. Albuquerquo with his talented com- Mr. Lowo express; his grati- writes: "I tho city council nnd city officials, 3uch attacks nre usually caused by conducted tho funernl services, Tho have used Herblno for a Mescalero Indlnn Agoncy J. 8. Car pany, under tho auspices of tho tude to tho Santa Fo officials who had a numbor of years, and choorfully roprosontntivo of tho Dally Now Mex- uuiKcsuan nnn innsn nra remains wero taken to Springer for tan roll, Superintendent, Mescalero. Knights of Columbus, hns many per- - tried to tho utmost to assist him In recommend It na fhn mnit llv. Attorney Pueblo J, ican, of tho Santa Fo railway of usi wnat is needed to cleanso tho burial, accompanied by Mrs. Towner for Indiana A. soiip! friends In this city. Ho helped hla trouble and itomaeh and ward oft tho approach- - er modlclno, and tho greatest blood pu- - Abbott, Santa Fo. tho Denver & Rio Grando railroad, a and thb sister of tho deceased, Miss , Institute ot "Tho tlmo mado by tno Lowo special UK attack. Attacks nf lilllnna rnlln nnor. u ib a mcdiclno or positive mor-It- Superintendent Pueblo Indians to tho local council tho committee from Ida Townor. Tho aged fathor of tho order and is pleasantly I3 an achievement ot which wo nro tho board of trade nav DO nravnntort in fhn n.nmn vhv and fully accomplishes all that Is North of Albuquerquo Clinton J romombercd and tho offlco force of tho Fo deceased Is vory III at Springer. Mrs. claimed for It, "Malaria cannot by many Albuquerqueans. Ho is a Justly proud," said Passonger Traffic Santa or saio uy an druggists. find a crandall, Santa Fe. Contrnl railway wero all who could bo Townor will return to tho city to closo lodgmont In the system wnllo the llvor Suporlntendont Pueblo brilliant all around follow his Manager Nicholson of tho Santa Fo, Indians and at accommodated on occasion, Gon- SILVER CITY. up tho business affairs of her lato hus is In perfect ordor, for ono of lta func- south and West of Albuquerqui Is ono very "Our only regret is tho extraor- this traction of tho best and that ernl Manager Hopowoll proposes to band. tions Is to prevent the absorption of Qoorgo K. Allen, Albuquerquo. most thoroughly enjoynblo on dinary speed could not avail Mr. Lowo producing tho run a largd Fo from tho Indonendont. J. J. Ludl writing from Montoya un fevor poisons. Herblno la a Superintendent of Forest Reserves road. as iio hoped It might." excursion from Santa most efficient regulator. 50o 1. to Torranco as soon as Mrs. William Cassman has arrived dcr date of August 10, says tho dis llvor at J. u. Jianna, uanta tc This crossing of tho American con tho road can II. O'Reilly &Co. bo put in shpa for heavy trains. Af- n bilvor City froth Tucson nnd Joined was visited night by tlnont In soventy-tnrc- o trict tho before CALLED THE BLUFF. A contract wat. awarded bv tho Rat hours and driving lor husband hero. oxtro-- twenty-on- e ter tho of tho last splko soma nn heavy rain accompanied by T'.to other morning In attempting timoro & Ohio Railway company for minutes establishes a rec Miss Irma SchuU of El Pano Is pleasing spocchos wero mado, congrat- tho an electrical display of unusual mag lo couplo some cars, Ynrdmaster II. A. Canadian Pacific Teaches a Lesson to additional pasaengor equipment, In ord for tho trans continental trip that uest of hor sisters, 13. Dillon ulations exchanged, and tho party re- Mrs. II. nlflconco. The thunder, tho writer Miles of Roswoll got his hand caught tha "Raiders." volvlnir an expenditure of about 1G00. will not bo surpassed for many days nnd Mrs. Honrletta SchuU, In says, turned to Santa Fo about 6 o'clock In this was tho heaviest ho over heard between tho draw heads, sustaining a Canadian Pacific directors In Mon 000, and with this new rolling stock to come. Whon It Is considered that ilty. In llfo. vory. brought the ovonlng. his Tho soli Is in excellent ugly and painful wound of his troal Increased th odlvidond rato tho company will bo onulnnod to han- - tho tlmo was down to this Lr, George II. Sowers, neconinan. condition, and thero Is now an excel arm and hand, company sur- remarkably low figure only by extra- Tho tho stock from 5 to 0 por cent Thlii dlo tho World's Fair business to and Is by Mrs. Ilay Aronhelm and son, lent prospect for good grass. Deforo geons, DrB. Joynor ordinary speed on tho lovel prairies It atatod that Harry T, --stay, nnd Yatoj. took action was not made publlo until after from St, LouM tioxt year. The order oporator for Chacala, state of Durango, table-land- s, formerly at El Paso, haa Ed tho rain, tho ground had been very him in chargo and dressed his wounds. tho exchange had closed, and when covers forty rasscngor cars nnd for and tho broad sonio Idea whero tho doctor has valuablo dry grass was of tho ho gono from 8nu Francisco to his old and the parching. Tho At last accounts ho was resting woll. It bocame known in Wall stroet It ty baggage nnd postal cars. tremendous strain mar gathered. For long distances a speed homo lu Kansas City. ltl1 i ,0IM,r,, nrtlatn who hnve not EDITORIAL NOTES. lived In In l various plncoj that state T v 4 Ul) lltljtli istoml will hnvo to undergo nn oxnm- - before going to Arlzonn, prove In SHIN Inntlnn to tnclr competency. In Itccont events Wall street lend to Tom Uulo wants peo- DISEASES ZC7ZG itl. .(.JIT I'tiblUhum. the conclusion that not only hnve the Johnson of the LETTER LIST. the hnilfiNarlora of tne mate hoard at ple of be- I a m been thnt state to applaud him . Albany n barber's chnlr will ho placed .is shorn but that the bulls Ami while nlwnyn - Sus-- iptl" Aates. well, cause he proters to stay nt home nnd not painful arc no;j;rnvntlnR- licyonil expression With have lost their hums as ; n August lf. mid applicants for few s thev .ue worse in i'iti-- nr . . uftr tnlk politics go to Kurope exrM't spring nnd nttmuR-- when the nyMeni pt .10.00 arncus Veil-zuel- rather thnn begins admission will hnvo to demonstrate Journal states that t Will nK HI Remaining In post Al- . . . 2.00 or Mr. nev- lllllllin ir till tho ofllce at A. .i tvu your. "hns put aside the sword ." the seaside. Hut Johnson I (To roil 'hut they luiow now to shnvo and out is react in r .mil tiiakittg-e- iti with Kcanniu of tho honili buquerque, M.f August 8, Hb next revolution will proba- er hns necn nceused of mgg ig deep anil race for ever n your, tt not is. 1003: i..ilr. a cITr i ts off annayin-- r wni onlv Poisons calling DANCER OF EATING ANYThlNG. bly bo fought with confetti, holes In which to hide hL virtues tt to throw nmi .Wilful but vory for or sending for the poisons that have . nuil I ilUtlked to no out In thtj these letters please stato 'I he ohomkHl experts mill food test- The grass season Is holding nut from the public. trnnt-i- where they depart nt LOST WOMAN. very well grazing In ncctiiiitilntcilihiriti'rthe I trljd nt leutt n doznn konp nnd nlviin had been receiving tnnll, also mention ers nt th nftrtcultiirnl nisnt and cattle nre The Kcnrsnrge Is ordered to return ....v...... very imicn wnrnml men grent luxury lor the middle of August winter. Then boils anil until I rflntl In Mm ti,ki,n. uicoiirniricir.r dato of ndvertlElng. WMiiiiiRtnii. hnvln the Wr.-ippe- r ' across the with her best She Had on n Red and It Was Atlantic foot rrtshes a n il u ii against ntliniilntinpc drinks mid the which Is usually m dry ns n sermon. pimple, viii mi vno u ro or a. a a, I Free delivery of letters nt tho resi- Cut Very Low. j loremost to see If she can duplicate of every con- had llttloir faitli ni But but tluterminoit y crjptintis to dence of addressee mny he by women Ice irenni anil evory-Ixid- Trinidad. Colo., will soon hnvo elec- some ot the Oregon's performances. irlvo it a month's fnlr trial at Ion at I secured Hnrly a ceivable make u this morning, while cortalu tric street enrs The people voted to kind is! ,, .uuii iiiiiiv-'- n observing the following rules: nRiUiwt Iced tin in hot weather, wo In gentleman residing on the Highland capi- First show our friends Kurope their njipe.irnticc nnd grnnt a franchise to n party of i Direct lottors plnlnly to utrpel num. now comes to with a whole ' . I, 1 m . .. ; U .1 " my BKin the front wns coining to work l1 the boat and then we show them what .:'!'.. v . il... o . i. IV.. "niiia his on this talists nt nn elect n n held on Thurs- I.'...... v...... v..iir " - - .." wii nn n umiy , i ii in wan u year her. lot of prohibitory rot The dlnpo of the railroad track, he found a wo sue cnu do. Nothing like object les- of nffot-ul-1 1 havonoverlind nny troublo slnco day. twill tvli.'H skill Give nnme, nnd an- germ theory land People eat wandering nlnilofsly In vl sons. Miss wrltor's request rant limn the It Is not the longest pole that cntch iliscnscH- - Nettle tash. okkhva Iirioob InitMiv'p, eminent of tho Minnonpolu, Minn swer to bo directed accordingly. flh. tor out elnlty of Udlth street nnd Itnl.rond es the biggest trout hut me fellow Mnjor O. 0. Myhrc of the New Poison Oa anil Ivy, n"o.7th at.. avttnuo. woman hnd Advertised matter Is previously held muddy Missouri and tturrtvo. Dor The born drink who comes back from the mountains .Mexico National Ounm, has been nnil audi other skin troubles ns usually remain quiet clnrinjr colli pro- lute dur'ng night, nnd tnk-I- weather one week awaiting delivery. ment nnd rhlckeim are larauly tho the after with the most clover Ho for the news- ter- break out nfrcsh to torment nnd by , , he- - strongly Indorsed throughout the distract their fi.trful burning-- itching-y- gener- home mule companion, who -. Advertised matter Is held two weeks duct of the Imrn ynrd. We have paper reporters. ritory for appointment ns United and Htint-ing- A course of S S S. now will purify Is tho sIfo had on a .tag. sho Inst her hear In s n, before It goes to tho dead lettor offlco ally iiiKHied that to perfect nceordance with Instructions States nt Chihuahua, Mexico. nnil enrich file blond, reinforce nnd tone up gen- Irtts nnd could not tell which way to Dls-- , consul the nt Washlnglon D, C. chemistry of nntiire that before It will from Chief Justice W. J. Mills, .Mnjor eral system nnd stimulate travel. She made known her condl-tln- Leahy noti- Myhrc Is a resident of Silver the sIucki'sIi circulation, lot nnythln deleterious Into the fibre trlct Attorney Jerry has thus wurditifr off the diseases Ladles' List. to the gentleman nforceald, nnd fied nil businessmen nud Institutions City and enjoys nn excellent reputa- common to spring nnd Magdale- - of vegetables It will kill the plant It- skin, with Haiders, Mortimer, Chas, J. bolnit of a benevolent nnturo, took In Itnton thnt commencing with Sun- tion. suntnicr. The eood blond to nourish it. nn self Now we are told even ly a mem- !. ins smooth nud soft and free of all disfiguring-- Melntyre, W, J. pity on the womnn nnd turned her day, the Sunday closing law enncted The rejection of S.O00 applications renin eruptions. llcneftel, H. K. Nixon, B. 11. ber of the deportment "r agriculture. d toward tho depot. Sho then by the legislature of New Mexico will Send for our free book on diseases of the skin nnd write us if you desire Ciark, L, for pensions ny veterans oi Span- . Blanche tlnnrke, Plertn Unit there iff In entlng viiaots-lile- ' me west on Hnllrond avenue nt a medical advice or any special information. This will cost you dnner he enforced In Itnton. ish nnd Philippine wars In the past nothing-- Carpenter, Minnie Romero, nortollta, whh ' an not In healthy 'Ively jsalt. nnd It Ir lenriind that hci nBBeri.o'js mined Numerous mndo recently battle-s- Duckery, - year indicates thnt the nrand oh. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., GAm MollndlnSandoval, Andrelll- noil. an ihnt if tiie oll Is no properly 1mph i od wrapper, cut very low. flut to the effect that the worst Is over In ATLANTA, T. ta carred pension attorneys of Wash- ' proparod germs will ill lop In terod In the onny morning breczo to ..nil street, that the climax has been Onrcln, LlbradltaSchubert, Isabclltn, disease ington will all guns on Contributed. police court morning the delight of a group of early hlni readied In Ihiuldai.on, thnt tho crisis train their this nnd placed do Taussalnt, j th" growing veactntiles. The following by n Knttlo Ihnt wore nMomhlpd nt the depot In .ie finnnclnl situation has been Commissioner Ware liefore January 1, lines, written miner bond. Oreen, Fnnnle Thompson, Molllo 1 Th Citizen hns been requested to passed, that the storm hnti been PJ04. talented Albuquerque lady, were read The trouble began over some dim-cult- y Mrs. William Antor ban decreed that Onrcln, Cruclta Thornton, Edith ! Veep namos out of print. weathered safely, seem powerless to Tho tlesta of the Santn Clarn In- nt a recent "(lower mission" meeting regarding tho union of which Haygood, WIinurF VIJII, no longer he any nuts or Hlpshor Is secretnry. Francisco there shall stop the continuous nnd steady de- dians will occur Wednesday, August or the W. C. T U.: It appears that Howell. Knto Wlllson. N. C. 3 clique In Newptnt society If the social of Mr. Hopkins wna doing somo neglected ST. JOHNS. cline in the vnme securities. 1'.'. nt me Indian IIIago two tulles Hnvnvnugh, Mary Wallnce, Jane prcxtlKo of the fnmoiig Ameilran re- The special dispatch from Lns Ve- The shndows my along Hrondway, duty of the secrttnry's office and lllp- Men's List. From the Herald. this side ot Ktipanoln. It Is expected sher iiecnmo enraged sort Ih to he maintained. In tho. Inv- gas to The Citizen, relative to the 'Twos nenr the twilight tide; and mndo sever- Allen (1 that the Denver & Itlo Cmmle will al of Dcllcatnssenlluch, A. itation lint for her grand hall tonight hot llnrth nnd family are spending a murderous nssnult of 'Prof." McNnry And slowly there a lady fair threats what he wotiat do. Mr. Co. 2 Llndcrmnn, Lns run ft special train from Santa Fo to Hopkins fearing his llfo In danger, Ed. Iiiim Included everybody who Is few days at the salt lakes. and Allen on the editor of the Was walking In her prldo. Acossn, Pedro Ma. Lnndis, A. T. she Vegas so to accommodate the people who desire consulted tho marshal was advis- with Miss Lottie Sherwood, who has been Advertiser, was true as A yellow rose dropped and Arehoeguc, Sumtil-Montnll- Jose spending the summer there fact that the castsido sheet reproduc- to attend. at her feet ed to have lllpsher fllo a peace bond. whom nlie has an acquaintance. As working nt Flngstaff, returned home. So coldly flung nslde: do Morgan, C Snow-flak- ed it In full. course, "Prof." The two new submarines, Adder bIio Is considered the renl leader of 'nmes Pcarco nnd wife of C Alono walked she, but vlcwlessly HOW'S THIS? Atrover, 8abnstlon.Munger, H. M. through Charles dates Ward, the voluminous and Moccasin, have been Indulging In Arlsmnn, W. D. Merrcnl. Leonard society, Is regarded very passed the city on their dog-na- y Walked spirits Wo offer ono hundred dollars re- the matter as writer on subjects, had to mid practice with torpedoes, and while at her side. Rurr, Hugh 2 McMillan. W. I). Is way to New Mexico. . ward for any caso of catarrh can- Hlgiilllcnnt, nnd taken to mean that a few comments, principally lies they only the target once, yet that Ualloy, H. K. Mace. William J. I). Newman, n prominent sheep-ma- This Is the era of the space filler hit tho "Peace", tho street beneath not bo cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. sho disapproves decidedly of what nre fact that they frequently landed the Dergmann, C. E. Mnrtlnez, Pedro 2 commonly hnnwn as faoelal barriers. of Flngs.aff, wns In the city this and he Is working overtime these silly her feet, F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. llrlstlcr, C. A. Miller, N. II. week He days prior to presence of the missiles within a few miles cheers up And Honor charmed As her daughter-ln-lnw- , .Mrs. .lohn Ja- Is Inking n Inrge herd of Just the tho air. We, tho undersigned, have known F Ruck. L. F. Mnrtln. Charllo sheep, which In lodestar In dog-day- s editing tho pa- the nnvy Immensely. The golden rose by woe Is In mourning, Mrs. As-tor'- s ho purchased New crushed Its J. Cheney for tho lost 16 yenrs, and Ilarricntls, Jose C.Mcndosa, Florenclo cob Astor, pers with a column of rot on subjects 1311 S. Perkins has retired from the daughter, Mrs. M. Ormo Wilson, Mexico, to FlngBtn.i nnd from there he Perlutned the evening hellove him perfectly honornhlo In all Rraum, Jamea Naylor, Geo. D. thnt ought to be covered by a stickful. St. Johns, Ariz , Herald, having sold N. L. will with her. ball Is ex- will go to 1'hocnlx for tho winter. all nstlr who looked on her business transactions nnd financially Rlackbtirn. Ortiz, Santos receive The The Citizen hns never fnllen Into the the plnnt to Floyd S. Cennlng. The ino, grandest Sam Saffel of Springervllle, left for Proclnlmed her good as fair, ublo to carry out any obligation mndo Chavez, Martin r Alqtiedudodo pected to he the function of dlsreputnble habit of using a column new editor nnd proprietor announces Crewdson, C. N M. A. his home Saturday. It will ho remem- of space to tell a story worth only ten And nil Cod ever gnvo to her by their firm. tho season. the paper will be Chavez, Domlnlclo Plckardo, Guada-Collin- s, bered that Mr. Saffel was Bhot In the Hues. Brevity Is soul of common with She kept with clic v enre. West & the special Trunx. Wholesale Druggists, Kolit. ltipo nark about a month ngo while on his sense In journalism and wc dropped "no friends to serve and no Toledo, O. DYSPEPTIC MILLIONAIRES. enemies to pmilsh.' Now walking there was one moro fair Curley, Will Pepper, Prof. O. H. way Magdnlenn, M., ninny years ago, Marla-Puckct- It seems to ho the fate of Now to N. by some tne voluminous habit Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Cnndclnrla, t, T. E. Is Is not a printer or nn A slight fjlrl, Illy pale, York millionaires to he dyspeptic unknown coward. While here no was Multum In pnrvo tho watcn word of Tnere editor Druggists Toledo, O. nl Armljo Piatt, J. L. Spring-Hel- d And she unseen company Vntidorbiit wns under the enre of Or. Woolford. Journalistic success In this speedy in the tinlted States,' says the had Cook, Henry L. Robins, The late Cornelius age. To make Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnkon Intern, Jessie compelled to live on brend nnd milk Keamor Ling, Apache county's dis- Kcpubltcnu "who uoes not know the spirit quail. chavez, llnllstio Rnnkln, Tho government of Mexico has set wnnt nud nllv, acting directly upon the blood years; so Hrnadwny o that tne big plant nt Washington is Twist scorn Eggleston, for was Charles trict attorney, nnd J. N. Hllyeu, jus-tlc- nnd mucous surfaces of the system. W. H. Hours; nnd John I). Rockefeller Is out to conirol the railroads of the the most extravagantly conducted She walked forlorn, and nothing could thews Uondoval, Severo of the peace at Springervllle, re- country, from fr'om Testimonials f.cnt free. 75c per creoited with ft desire to exchange not the outside hut printing In avail, Prlco Enfield, Win, E. Sanchez, Pincldo turned fiom I'rescott where they hnve the Inside. It has recently bought a establishment tho world." bottle. Sold by nil druggists. 11,000,000 for tho ability to eat when St. Louis nas adopted a new No meicy now can clear her brow, (lonzales, Pedro Shaw, Wra. C. been serving on tho federal trial Jury. largo block of stock In tho Mexican rule Hall's Fnmlly Pills are the and what ho pleases. And now the whereby members of her police force For ten world's peaco to pray. best. Hotiscn, Oi.rlsteneSalz, Juan mightiest gourmet of all They camo over from Concho with National and one of the governmental Howard, A. D. Salazar, E. A. them hns nre required to hnvo chest measures fallen. John W. Ontes, nlmost as llenlgno Lopez, member of the hoard purposes Is the prevention of consoli- For tho forgiven by PRETTY GIRL ANGRY. Henrj. Mack Schcdra, Elauterio, Mcxlcnn equal to waist measures. sin Christ In for his ability to devour three or of supervisors of this county. dation between the Nntlonnl their That's Henven Heye, Carl Shirley, P R. nnd the Mexican Central. It is also a cruel rule for a city containing such Because Snap Shot Picture of Herself four pounds of beefsteak nnd drink Antonio (lonzales, tho genial mer- Hy mnn Is cursed nlway. Harrison, Dr.W, H.Turner, Roht. novcrnl bottles of chnmpngno on deemed wise, against war nnd other mngniflcent breweries. Was Used for Advertising. Harrison, S. W. Wm. at chant of Salt N. M wns In contingencies, government The road so bright, the rose's blight Waldron. olttlng ns for -- .s skill as a manipula- thnt the Al iiiqucrqun is sorely In need of nn "Yen," said a Phoenix mnn, "thore Inglls, White, Wm. town tho first of the week intending to a in own- Mored her prn tor of stocks, Is reported to bo a should have hand the nctunl electric street railway line, nut tho sinful heart to wns a report current thnt the parents John'son, Carl E. 4Wurtz, J W. business matters. .Mr. Gonzales says ership and ovory-da- y conduct of the She stooping, prest It physical wreck. According to tho people will oppose nny "subscription" to her breast, of a well known Phoenix young wo- Kirny, John A. Worley, Ed. press dispatches, ho hns lost sixty that a rnllrnod Is sure to come through roads. It remains to be seen whether And stnggard on her way; rvllno, ad- scheme. It Is about time these sub- man wcro about to Institute suit Frank pounds this summer, his face Is Salt Lakes fn the near future nnd the Mexican Idea will give all the And all astir who looked on It. W. HOPKINS, vantages claimed. scription enterprises nre turned down. her agnlnst tho Santa Fo Hallway com- drawn nnd emaciated, he Is In con-sla- when It does conio they will have n Their did new skirts draw away. pany damages, hav- Postmaster pain, nnd Is under the watchful chance to market the salt which Is a This city must have tho Albuquer- Tho president ot the Steel trust for that company que Is n good thing. will receive but $7C,000 a year ing utilized n rare of n physician nnd trained nurse good quality. With n railroad through I'astern. It for his Hut the rose so lulr lay nestled there uinp shot of tho fair Tho New Mexico Territorial Fair all tho time. Of course, there arc n there It would he an easy matter to Yesterday was an Ideal New Mexico services, but will get something more And brightened all tho way. schcot teacher as she emerged from association nro sprendlng themselves few poor men who hnvo dyspepsia, find a mnrket for any nmount of It. day, and the mountains teemed with out of tho profit shnrlng scheme, so A smile shows on her faco so wan tho surf during her outing. Tho en- this year, says the Gallup Republican. but they nro uiihonor"d and unsung. city people. that he may lie nhle to get along. "Two broken flowers" she said. larged pictures on your city hill hoard They nro out this early date getting names never get Into the pu- Their LABOR LEADER ACCUSED. The grent A.oqul snak dance Is ad- Whent harvesters In Kansas have The morning's down looked down up- have been noticed enough to become their advertising car on the road. Gal llers unless they take somebody's vertised to occur on August IS. Take not even heard of a slump in Wall fnmlilar to everybody, homo peoplo lup should enter tho baseball tourna patent pills nnd In L. on write testimonials J. Curran, President of Freight stage street, and If they strangers ment and tako homo thnt 1600 first, prnlHo thereof. At nny rate, they nre Handlers. Under Suspicion. at Holbrook. shoulu read about A rose nnd n woman dead. and nlike. And now It is Senator Uormnu who It they would nt once conclude to let Ilyrne, general pnsscugor prize. Tho boys havo plenty of time, of little consequence. Intrigue ns tho result of tho settle' It seems full sad In this world so glnd "J. J. tn cot In cnml nrnctten nn Hie fnlr In occupies center of that rock Its own agent ment of the freight hnndlors' strike tho the democratic stretl boat. Thnt flowers should die that way, of tho Ranta Fe, took a fnncy not held until October 1J to 17 IticluJ JUDGE SMITH DECLINES. hi tho warehouses of tho J. V. Farwoll stngc. Who'll be i.ic next? Times have changed. Tho country That thj sin forgiven by Christ In to the photograph when It wns shown Ire. used to become hysterlcnl Judge A. fl. Full, of Las Cruces, company. Chicago, Is now charged Six of General JlaJ's wills have when Wall Heaven, to him nnd ho forthwith used It moro passed up the road for Santa Fe yes- against L, J. Curran, president of tho been found, nnd there arc still a dozen street felt panicky. Now the country Hy mnn should he cursed ulwny. particularly on account of the pose. RATON NOTES. terday morning. At the local depot he International Union of Freight Hand- feather beds to bo searched. wnlts until t hears from the cereal And the rose's glow nnd the woman's It Just happened to be caught nnd It lers. Mlchnol stated to The Citizen that there wns J Walsh, acting as Mine. Adelaide Paul's llrst tee for belt before It has a spasm. woo enmn handy to tne road as nn ndvor-Usin- g Short Paragraphs About a Good NorthJ u rumor In circulation In southern xpokesmnn for ten momhers of the singing was a pound of candy. A "religious pope," not a "political ern Town, Freight She Should thus nave passed away. cr.rd. In ono sense It adver- New Mexico Judge would Handlers' union, who, slnno pope" Cnr-dln- L. S, n that Smith has been a sweet singer over since. was what was wanted nnd MHS. (!. 15. tises Arlzonn, whose people tho const Preston returned from husl not accept the Judgeship to the Fifth the settlement of tho ttrlko agnlnst WILSON. noss trip to Denver. I Douglas is the coming metropolis of Sarin's selection wns a wise resort managers deslro to of territory. ho Fnrwell company last month, hnve have visit Judicial district this The Arizona. The addition to the movo. ARTHUR WAS RICH. for tho of Mrs. William Aird of Topcka, Kas. news Is now confirmed In the follow- hrnn employed nt the company's west latest summer. Thousands Mile town is a "gusher'' of puro artesian The Corbett-Jcffrle- s fight Is forging arc Is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Parker. ing special dispatch: warehouse, 153 West Adnms His thero now," concluded tho street, claims water. rapidly to thu front nnd for the next Saved Salary and Accumulated visiter. Miss Mlnnlo Wolfe returned fron "Itnstlngs. Mich., Aug. 7 J.idgo thnt Currnn hns entered a Fortune. Topckn, where has visiting? Clement M. Smith, who was Into nn ngroement with tho FnrwcU Mining is on tho Increase, nnd cen- two days tho public will have to lis- An eastern womnn not long ago sho been recently Tho estate of the Into P. M. Arthur her parents. appointed associate Justice of the Su- 'ompnny to furnish freight hnndlors tral nud southern New Mexico moun- ten to the big I's and liti.e you's. won n stilt from n corset compnny In Is probably worth from $100,000 to Mrs. Daniels left for her homo I preme court of Now Mexico by Presi- for $10 n wook, notwItliRtnndlng thnt tains nro being exploited qulto exten- The New Mexico Association of the sum of $215,000. That company nag tho wage JlfiO.OOO. His wealth was In Cleveland Missouri, nftcr several weeks' visit dent Roosevelt, decided to decline minimum under nn agree- sively theso dnys. Firemen will hold an annual conven- had secured a photogrnph of this tho appointment and has so Informed ment mndo .Tu" 7 between tho union renl estate and a limited amount of with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Cumf Hear canyon, Coyoto canyon nnd tion in Santa Fe on September 2, 3 woman nnd reproduced It In mlngs nnd fnmlly. f tho nttomey-genera- l nt Washington and the company Is $11 n week. gilt edged securities. Although n Camp Whltcomb, near-b- y summer re- and I, nnd tho firemen of this city the pictures mndo In connection with Claude Rhodes arrived, from Fori nnd United States Senator Julius ( Walsh snys that with nlno other liberal man In his expenditures he men sorts, nave been well patronized by should attend. tholr mako of corsets. Tucson Citi- Worth, having been summoned byj Hurrows of .Michigan, who hnl much ho entorod the employ of the Far- ncor speculated nnd his wealth rep- to do Jirdge woll compnny nenrly Alhmiucniue people to far this season. For the llscnl year ending Juno 30 zen, telegrnm. His wife, who has been with Smith's appoint- three weeks ago, resented n steady Increase yenr ment. Judge nnd Mis. Smith recently "xpeetlng to receive the regular scalo Marshall Field who, probably, has cotton wns king among tho exports, from visiting Mrs. M. Allison, Is qulto III. to year. Ho gnvo money to M. made n trip through tho territory, of wages provided for by tho union, triune moro money in tho mcrcnntllo -- ue olllclal value rends $31C,'.'00,000, much his Police Court. Mrs. F. Curtis nnd dnughter, Mlst during nvo-nu- e dis- M. Long Btopplng ut Santa Socorro, Carls- but that last Piiturdny when they re- liuslness than nny other man in Chi- compared wlm $lCl,r00,000 for wheat "oiih his llfo. His Euclid Mariano Garcia was drunk nnd Clurn, Miss Adklus, Walter orderly. Ho was by Mohcnlo of spent bad nud Hoswcll. nnd were highly ceived their pay for two weeks they cago, Is advertising n of In and $110,700,000 for products of tho. residence cost him J50.000, nnd its censured tho nnd Iestcr Trinidad sale furs court this morning, being n In guests 1) pleased nnd favorably Impressed with found that thoy had been receiving August. hog. tltlo is clenr. His cstnto wns almost hut a hard day Raton tho of Mrs. J. what they saw Hut owing to person- only $10 per neck, worKing mnn wns rclensed on a prom- Curtis and daughter, Miss Flora Whit nnd Immediately It Is noted that Colonel JJryan Tho movement of settlers to tho entirely accumulated from his salary al reasons and the request of mnnv of protested to Superintendent of male ise to bo good. field. Hatch to during past year on- wisely Invested. Mrs, Cnrollno Ar- hlB Mlehlgun friends, Judge Smith tho department In which they wore another contriuution democratic northwest tho hns J. F. Illchnrda, who worked for Miss Mamlu Coylo, daughter of Mrs two-third- s thur Is mnde olo legatee In as above. employed. harmony last week at Urbana, Ohio, ly been about as heavy as her late Trnnsfcr company John Coylo, left n week ngo for Lafi took action He was a can He Informed them that nn husband's will. dldate for a recent vacancy In of understanding by calling Mr. Cleveland a "bunko In PJOl', owing to tho ndvanco In the as a wngon driver and hns been em- Vegns, and word comes from there the existed between tho ployed lico of United States district Judgo in c ompany and Cm ran under Cur stcerer." price of land. Tho total for the yenr nt other things about town, thnt the young lady was married the which MOQUI SNAKE DANCE. went on a sprco Michigan, but tills was given to an- nn was to furnish mon at $10 a llonrke Cockrr.n says Cleveland will is 130.000, of wnom 45,000 went to last evening and was same day to Oeorgo Cooksle of that qulto a nulsanco. Ho owned up to the other appilcnnt. Judge Smith Is now week. Tho ten men refused to nccept he elected If nominated. Ttourke's on Cnndlla. It Will Occur at Village on Tuesday, placs. holding the position of hi explanation court llko a mnn and paid $5. Lltlo Claude Sporry, eldest son ol Judge of the nnd went on strlko, Bafo ground. It inkes a two-thir- vote SheiilT James Hunter of Alamogordo August 20. llftn circuit of the state does not nnd proceeded to Last night, when tho ring thieves Mr. and .Mrs E C. Sperry, had hit and tho West Adnms to nominate In tho democratic nation-n- l says the reason the territorial Insane This great nnd ceremony care to resign this to accept the New treet warehouse, where thoy sacred of wcro captured, Klchards said that ho face qulto severely burned by tho ox learned convention. asylum Las Vegas is overcrowded the Moqtii Indinns, which woui.i ho down and hear It Mexico position." thnt their places had been filled hy- it attracts tho trial It plosion of somo powder with which he men hold In by After nil, tho crisis In Wall street Is ttio fact that there nro too many thousands of people every year to the was to bo held this morning, and sine was playing. Fortunntcly his eyef lendlnoss President enough ho wag THE OVERWORKED RICH. Curran nt the odlces of tho Freight nppeara to have been merely the private patients In tho Institution. In reservation will ho hold on Thursday, was. Ills trial noxt. wero not hurt, and the Injury to the' squeezing or over-wntere- d consequence, Malshon-gnov- Tho discovery ll"?,!!?' ZUll",' ino strikers nro out some territorial patients have August 20. at tho village of l fnev, whllo pnlnful, ts healing rnpldly that fashionable life, ...... I . to Tho Phoenix On.etto says: Two of . fc . ....i.i.iiif, i ii nun stocks. The country at largo has felt suffer. on the Moqul reservation. Let- J. R. Van Houtcn camo In from hU luniui'iii i reiiirn the rock camps on & no Inconvenience. It Is Philadelphia In- ters have already tho Phoenix Cerososo cattle ranch Tuesday and as well as for young girls can hardly estimated that been received from tion of x do!-lar- Eastern hnvo been shut down for tho his action w'll be lomnmlort Canadian loyalists don't want the vestors have lost fifty-si- million s people nil over country who wnnt loft for homo Wednesday, going by rat ho called startling. The surprising says the Walsh that Curran will not be so stntiio of (leorgo Washington placed during tho past eighteen montliB to witness It. rest of tho hot weather. Doth thoso as far ns Springer. Mr. Vnn Houtoi, thing would ho to find a physlelun who fcrtunnte In case as he was camps wcro near Hays grass this when In St. Paul's. There always was some- through the fnll In tho prlco of stocks Supervisor It. C. Cresswell received tho Buttcs on thu tho was never moro lux considered the ntmosphero of the sum - ' I'lnns for his overthrow were made nR Oila tirlnnt on tho Ponll than It Is at pros thing about (5eoro that tho Canadian and bunds. The monitors In stock a letter from Dr. (. A. Dorscy, with above Florence. Fifty head of mer capital of tho dollnrocracy holc - n result of tho fiasco In tho Chicago k stock hnvo been brought to this city, ent nnd that tho cattle aro beautiful A11: loyalists did not like. have had a bitter lesson during tho the Field Columbian museum, of Chi- some for anybody. strike. nnd ly fat. Range. One of the most Interesting features past two years. cago, who has engaged rigs from Mr. will probably bo taken north with- When n raco norso or n stock brok- - in a few days. Tho work will ho Mrs. J. W. Decker and dnughter of the r.pproaciiitig fair will bo base- Investigations are being conducted Cresswcll's stables and will bring a taken Miss LnRue, of Scgundo, Colo,, whe or or n preacher has boon under d tip In tho As laying ball Territorial towns of New Mexi- nt tho Smithsonian Institution with a party from the cast. They will Jeavo fall. track has have been In the city visiting thell high pressure he needs com- - been suspendod ' co and Arizona, including HI Paso, view to making moro nccurato pre- for Malshongnovl on tho morning of this other work can cousins, Mr. nnd Mrs. A O. Taggart plcto relaxation. Kven a g locomotive will have teams entered. dictions of conditions, tho Ifith. Mr. Creswoll he dropped without nny danger of left on their return homo. has to he laid off to weather For has also other irom tlmo time,, Among the candidates for posi- tho snke of sorely parties to tako out. the construction of tho road. The morrlnge of Miss Flora Morrow and a razor will not shave every day the tho nbuscd weather tion of associate Justice of tho su- man, It Is to lm noped This great ceremony Moquls and Thomas Hill took place at th( forever Kodol tho experiments of the On tho first of a new sys. This is the philosophy of the tho month Episcopal pnrsonngo, preme court of New Mexico now va- will ho successful. will ho witnessed ny peoplo from Methodist Rev slimmer vacation. far torn of nlr signals was put In o fleet Armstrong officiating. The bride Is r cant nro mentioned tho following; Without questioning whether tho and near. Hut In fashloiiahlo society tho ten--, Dyspepsia Curt on tho Southorn Pacific system, somo nleco of Mrs. D. Collins nnd tho groorr Captain W. C. Held, assistant United new blood we are getting Tho dance at Wolpl will ho hold on slon never rclnxea. Tho sunimer'a from tho of which bother tho local men, as they a woll known brakemnn. They wll Stntcs attorney, Itoswell; W. R, Kel- enst and south of Kuropo bo good or Monday, August 17, outing nt Newport Is no outing at all Digests what you ea nro dlfforont to thoso that havo been reside In nnton. ly, Socorro; k. M. Turner, tcrrlUirlnl bad, It Is about time to check Hood Livery accommodations bo ob- It Is simply n move from one palace This preparation contain nil of the tho can In use. all along. Among tho chango E. II. Ilrowno of Kansas City, Kas. nttorney for flrnnt and Sierra coun- of Immlt-raut- s a llttlo until wo can get tained at Wlnslow Holbrook. visited with his sister, Mrs. C. N to another with tho same round of dltfeslunu and all kinds ot and (s a change In tho numbor of times nn food. Rlvcs Instil nt relief and never ties. Silver City! Judgo Luis Sulz-bach- time and chanco to cdticnto Tho Moqul Indians will hold ninclavell, and continued on south tc dress parade functions, nttended by It tho their Inspector mutt blow tho air whistle falls to cure. J t allows you t 'eat all or Kansas City, Mo., nt present swarms of tho Inst few years. nntolopo danco August 17 anil Las Vegas, where ho will visit roln tho same people, with the same for food you tho to get tho englncor to set or rolcaso the want. Tlioinostm nsltlvo nn associate .Justice of the supremo Tne test of automatic machine guns snnko danco on tho day following. It tlvcs. He was accompanied by hit wie same inte hours, tne samo Ftomucim can vy tho brnkos. Heretofore It has boon son who main, take u iuiis.0 iiiiiny court ot Porto Hlco ond ror many under the auspices of tho war depart- will ho hold In tho neighborhood ot Lawrence has been hero foi extravagant toilets and tho same mer- - thousands of dyspeptics huvo been tho rulo to blow the whlstlo twice, about six weeks. years n resident of Now Mexico, It ment, which began yesterday Wash-Ingto- Kcarn's canyon. rush, No P"re',ttfItcrc,vcrh,t' 0,80 nt but In future It will bo necessary Dr. William M. Ogle and Miss Mar cllcss wonder some leaders ! (ulIe; Is to understood that several other New will bo followed at- n-- -- .. ,.r 1 1... 1 1. ""equalled Child,J with closo -- 1 1 ..I rnrM n T.l or the route art talking of retiring to , wjlh Mexico lawyers aro blow four times. 1 1 .IIUWIIIKUI, UU11I III 4 J1IIIUIU0. country. woak stomachs thrive on It. active candidates. tention in nrmy circles. Tho test Is Threatened the Live of Members of Colo., wore united In mnrriaco Tuo x eatate In Ue real Firfltdosorelleveti. Adletunnecessary. Miss Sharlot M. Hall, who to Union. lives at determine tho design of automatic Last Saturday afternoon, whllo tho nay, August 4, at tuo .Motnodist Hpis-- i Orcnard ranch, Dewey, Ariz., Is tho machine gun best adapted for the re- J. M. lllpsher, a colored barber em- copal church In this city, nor. 8,000 barbers hnvo no. work train englno was standing at Ml More than Big author of a now poem entitled "Santa quirements of tho military service, tho ployed at Tcssler's barber shop on Armstrong performing tho ccetnony ,.lled York state of tho Santa Fo round house, El Paso, a to tho New hoard Fe Trail," Miss Hall has startled design of mount and pack outfit Hallrond aventio, yestordny threaten- Dr. Oglo Is physician for tho Colorndr, examiners for registration .""STbnti.totueroauisi2HUmi.-ibuc.ttx-frovmS? hot ed to take llfo D, I), water glass hunt and a piece of glass barbers' circles Iptely with her poems adapted for field service ques- the ot Hopkins, a Fuel nnd Iron company nt Prlmero, H. O'KUlly Co, a, H, and tho whlto working flow Into tho cyo of the fireman, nnd certificates under the law passed by J and which rank with tho best of western tion of supplying larber In tho same Tho brldo Is an accomplished younl ItlUrlggR ammunition for shop, and other members ot Har- tho escaping steam scalded tho engi- the last legislature. After August & Co. verse. Miss Hall Is n Kansas girl theso guns. tho inuy. prominent In church and soda and bors' union, and was taken beforo tho neer slightly. circles. Gazette. Is Ortiz Fo an Increase; An- -' Brown, pianist, each of whom an KINGMAN MINING, of bantn. for nrtlst In her .inc. Miss Hurnnp has a t nlo Rolbnl of Hdefonso for an soprano volco of remarkable range, power and sweetness and has a most I Land Office Business. j riVailro&d charming personality. Shu sings songs New Mexico Towns Topics Miners and Prospectors Happy Over Tho following homestead thai evcryono thoroughly likes. Miss entries lllxlcr, tho, boa enjoyed tho hnvo been filed In tho United States Ban Granite Gold, pushing they saw best advantages In this country and In laud ofllco: Juan Armenia of Snntn SANTA KE. structor of tho tearhers' Institute to Superintendent Lamport of the 8t. were tho car. When Europe In perfecting In her fright- - herself Fo. 1G0 ncres In Mlguol county, .io held here this month, opening Mon- Louis division of tho Missouri, Knutni tho train coining they woro ho cuoscn lino of worn. She studied In San Nov; hla on eel woro got being tho N. ,4 of tho NE. Vi of sec- From the Mexlcin day tho 17th and Texas railway, has resigned that they unahlc to llcrlln for some years, and since re- position. of SOME RECENT DISCOVERIES. 7. nnd N. of NW. V, of Alejandro Hnca has rciurnc. to his Mr nnd Mrs. Murphy will their load off tho trnck and out tho turning to America has hnd consider- - tion tho tho Thomas traveling engl- - way. was en- - 8, T. N., R. 13 E. home nt Albuquerque after a visit John A. Hoss, .no Engineer Tholln on tho nblo concert experience ami com- - sretlon It James start frr San Frnurlsco to nttond tho en- - sho lfiO of a few nays. noor and superintendent of road glno and says that ho was running pares favorably with tho est lady vlo-- Oscar Ncofus of Connnt, ncres of here brand Army of the Republic reunion. glncors, was In tno city on olflclal ovor forty miles an hour when ho saw In al,l'clnl Correspondence, land In Snn Miguel county, being tho It Is understood thnt the ptnplo of They expect to bo absent nbout ono - llnlstR tho country. Miss Talbot, duty. Ho wna at tho local shops yes- tho car, and was not nbla to slacken who appears In monologues nnd char-- Kingman, Arlr.., Aug. 0. Look for NW. V, of tho SE. i and tho SE. VJ CcMilos nro anxious thnt a public month Miss Nona will accompany turday. speed n groat deal heforo no Btruck Is Mo-clev- of tho SE. 4 of section 21, nnd the actor Impersonations, Is exceedingly gold In tho grnnltol That tho brldgo be constructed over tho (Jails-to- o them ns far as Cruccs. Thos. Livingston, a moulder of tho It Tho collision, however, did not county prospector s shibboleth, SW. U of tho SW. Vi of section 22, nnd gets on good terms with nn havo at that place. C. N. Heals waslsIn town Wednesday Albuquerque Foundry, loft yesturday emtio a groat dual of damago, nno of Heretofore ho was hunting gold In T 12 N., R. 24 E. nudlcnco at onco. Miss Drown Is a on business. He has disposed of his morning for Pittsburg, i'n., where ho tho rails being Jammed through tho pianist, whoso solo work Is remarka- quartz, but that Is all changed. A new Flnnl proofs woro mndo In tho Oeorge R. llaltey, trustee for tho will Join his family. Ho expects to cylinder head, thereby disabling tho ble for Its brilliancy and ndmlrablo eta In mining hns dawned upon him. United States land ofllco ns follows: mines nt Hamilton ou the Pecos, will Interests and will soon go to Doug-las- s, In accom- - Casing return hero throo months engine, and tho pilot was somewhat tccnnlaue. t'bo Is also an aocompnn-1s- t Now It la tho black granite which ho Vlctorlo of Springer. lfiO ncres move his family to tho Capital City, Ariz. Mr. Heals has long been a panled by his family. mnashed up. No, 2 which follows soon of raro talent nnd plays with case, seeks. In Colfax county, Ing tho E. Is of tho and has secured a residence here. prominent citizen ot the county, nnd President Hurt of tho Union Pacific, GG7 by SR. i,', nt 4 nnd SE. 4 of aftor brought tho trnln to Nowton. grace and good Judgment. It wns all brought about Colora- section tho II. has a great many trlmnls who wish dl- - descr-rector- Hugh Phillips, forcmnu of tho has returned to Omaha from tho Tho Greeks, as soon as thoy s' Vory enjoyable features of tho pro- do mining men. Tho wonderful out- tho SW V, of section 3. T. 23 N., R. him unbounded success our In Now Mexlcnn bindery, Is very sick at in Bister meeting Now York, nnd has tod tho car, ran like wild Indians gram arc "A Matrimonial Advertise- put of the Gold rtoads mine, which hoe 20 E. Jose do Jesus Vigil of Wngon territory. M. suf-fcln- g emphatically denied tho report that through tho fields, beating tho nlr ment," nnd "Molly O," two sprightly produced tho mngnlllcciit sum of ISO,-Uu- Mound, lflO ncrcr In Morn county, bo tho noinu of Charles Stauffer, lie Is to bo succeeded as head of tho fight-Unio- n from wth tholr arms like they woro IIUlo comedies arc brightly and In a run, brought n Ing tbo NW. ", of tbo NW H ot sec- mountain fever. LAS CRUt-E'- J. by Odolt of that Pacific Governor K i,mbl0 boos. Thoy no doubt Binnrtly written, nnd which never fall new element Into tho field. Thoso tion 13 nnd tho E. of tho NE. V, Richard Oreen, Jr.. who wns opera York. poctod to bo thrown In prison for their to men had none of thu set Idcns of the and the NE of the V, of sec- - keep nn audlcnco ghly amused. SE. ted upon, suffering tho amputation of From the Republican. Col. Sarauol F. bray, general west- cnrcei.siic88. However thy goon Tho company appears for one night old lino Mohnvo county prospectors. tion 11, T. 20 N., R 2.1 E. cm freight agent of the Poiisylvnnla, thu middle linger of the right hand, Is Mrs. J. F. llonhnm Is visiting In Al- ovoronmo tholr fears nnd roturnod to only. Reserved sents will bo on salo Thoy had Cripple Creek boforo them resting easily today. buquerque thin week. has attained tho ago limit of 70 years, tho sccno of tho wrpck hn(, trIed t0 at Matson's. and wcro looking fur gold where they Sutrrliin fir tb nn"' i tti?in nnd will retire under tho company's oxpnn mttors to Conductor Rcsse found It. Ellas T. Lucero, wife nnd mother, of O. C. Townsenu returned from a pension rules on December 10. He has mino-seeKcr- trip to Denver. ln thc,r nntlvn tnneiii.. Tho affair. SILVER CITY NEWS, Ono of thoso on tho SUIT filed Tor injuries, Espnuola, who nnvo been visiting boon with tho Pennsylvania since tll0(1Kh startling still hunt for a good mine, was taken Colonel W. H. H. Llewellyn return- 18b.j eomowhnt at first, friends and relatives ln this city for n v DU..uu v .... u. turno,i 011t l0 i,0 aut amusing to tho to see an old prospect three nnd n half week, loft for their home. ed from n trip to Roswell where ho and contemplates writing war rum I passengers. Local and Personal Paragraphs Culled miles from Kingman. The ledge had Fifteen Thousand Dollars Damages acted as master in an Important legal Asked From El Paso & Southetst-e- nlsconcus of that conlllct. From tne Enterprise, produced somo gold, had been sam- The commissioners to select Jurors ".180. Tho will of tho Into P. M. Arthur, Road. for approaching term of tho Unit- BRUNO DIECKMANN. Max Schutz, the pioneer merchant pled nnd. turned down times without tho W. u. Godfrey camo up from El grand chief of tlio Ilrothcrhood of Lo- - I this city, will retire from business number, but tho Colorado man went ln tho district court yesterday a ed States court for tho first Judicial - Qlvn Paso and left the next morning for comotlvo Engineers, was filed for pro- Assisted by Local Talent Will a January 1, 1001, nnd will bo succeeded nosing nnd found n strip of eavv damage suit was filed ngnlnst district which be hero 2. around wll convened Organ, where All property Is Concert on September d rhe El Pnso & Southwestern Railway he has several men at Into at Cleveland. tho by his son Halo and ncphow Julius black granito paralleling the on September 1 next, was lu session to wife, Bruno Dleckmnnn, ouo of Albu-I- s ompnny, Bays SI work on the Merrlmno mine, left his Caroline Arthur, who Schwnrtz. The Htylo of tho firm will quartz vein. Despite the assurance of tho Paso Times. The venir- querquc's nn-th- nt the court house, selected tho named as executrix. A requeBt In talented musicians, has bo Schwartz & Schutz. the owner of the claim "there trt'on has bo,n Instituted my Manuel Henry Sloes hns been appointed - no give that es nnd turned them over to tho clerk l will nsks that nouo of tho proper- noiinccd that will a musical A. F. Wltzol. lessee of tho IJaitlc was nothing in ..." ho secured a sam- nndelnrla, who claims thnt his plno school director for tho Lns Cruccs dis- ly bo sold. Tho will Is very brlof and concert nt tho hnll on Wed-ther- e "ins been permanently Injured and of the court. Tho commissioners were ' mine nt Chlorldo Flat, will ship fif ple. When he got his assays the trict by Scnooi Superintendent Albert nesday, September 2. 8 o'clock, Esqulbel, county; Is nothing to Indicate tho valuo at - quartz that he has boon rendored a cripple for Perfecto itlo Arriba young teen tons of silver ore to tho Shnm- went $5 nnd tho black granite J. Fountain, vlco o. P. Ascnrato ot the estate. This musician took lessons at ock smelter, nonr Plnoa Altos Mr. 500 to the ton. Ife. As a causo of action tho plain-f- f Clrnnt Rlvonburg, Santa Fe; Richard It la that at tho meeting of t"o private conservatory of Prof. J. alleges negllgenco ngnlnst Oreen, state Wltzol hns a force of men working Ho went back to Denver, enlisted tho rail Cerrllios. C. H. 0111. superintendent tho stockholders of tho San Antonio j nd Frnnzlsco, a pupil of tho old way company nnd employes. Ho of tbo steadily on IJaitlc, Is getting capital, returned to Kingman, paid Its Hennctt-Stephonso- country, Los Angeles, thu and In thu ense of Lconnrd Skinner vs. n nnd Momphla and Aransas Pass rallwav coinimnv. nt nnd his work good astonished prospector $8,000, ifks for n Judgment of $15,000 nnd on n violin, tutorship of results. the the Frnnclsco Monies, protest Involving mines, nnd daughtor, were down to bo held at Austin, Texas, on August under tho that uc- - price asked his claim, "osts of suit. from gifted professor, mnilo Uruno W. S. McLaughlin, tho export for and then tho right of MunteB to purchase cer- 15, tho necessary authority will bo lias mining mnn Nncoznrl, quietly went to work to securo moro In his p'tltlon Cnndelnrln alleges Organ for several unys this wvek. quite a favorite In tho miiBlenl circles cnunlnnt nnd of tain coal lands Fo county given for extending tno road to Tain Mexico, family nnd numer ground, lly location and purchase the 'hnt on the 7th of Juno Inst ho was om in Santa Colonel John Hepnn and F. H. Kent, ptco, Mexico. ex of this city. After tho abovo concert, visited his which was register Construction of tbo ous friends In tho city this week. Mr. now people hold moro than a hundred nloyed by tho defondnnt company load. and before tho and a Cincinnati capitalist, camo down tension Hint Is to bo bulk from Alice, tho young violinist will leave Albu co-a- of- McLnughlln wan qulto delighted to claims. ne ' en engines In El Pn,o. receiver of the United States land from thu Gold Camp and left lor El Texas, to a of querquo for New York, nnd from that - llrowns,ile, distance enjoy several dnyB of Silver City Of course BUch activity could not For this purpesn n derrick and buck- llco sometime ngo and was decided In Paso. 160 Is nlrcady In progress. An-- 1 city ho wil1. sail Europe. Ho will miles. Ur montliB of pass unnoticed. Tho Klngmnn pros- Ms were used. The petitioner stntos lavor of Monies, oklnucr will nppeal plication will bu mude Moxlcnu enter tho Royal Acndemy of Music nt aftor several extreme to tho ly In pectors awoke from their lethargy, that while bp wnR stooping down load- from egncrnl FARMINOTON. government (or a concession for tho Rerun, Gcrmnny, for a three years' hot nnd dry weather Mexico. this decision to tho land Karnswcrtii or tno silver uuy and the oxodtib to tho bins begnn. The ing a bucket with coal tho cablo at- otllce. Attorney Henjninln M. Rend Is proposed Tnmplco line. It will con course, and his director will bo tho win wna to From tho 'i lines. Mercantile compnny returned from a tnlo of "black grnplto" told ono tached another bucket, weighing now preparing his answer to Skin- noct wltn tho Moxlcau Central at celebrated Joachln. Mrs. Hlmoo will no f'00 gave way, plnln- - trip on tho Lower OI!n, which oxtond-e- d day; the next day sort of vehicle, about pounds, and Juno Roberts returned homo from a Tamplco. bo tho nccompnnlst at tho concert on or riding anlmnl, coulu bo had for love tiff was by said bucket ner's appeal. September 2. program as far as Duncan, While absent struct tho two weeks' outing In tho mountains Fun will bo nor money. The male population. crushed t tho ground, receiving May Die. published later. Mr. Fnrnsworth purchased fifty head csJ md The Socorro Chieftain says: Jim nround Rockwood, Colo. . a scattering of females, turned out en Injuries of fine beef Tho gentleman he above stated. Herry homo Thursday ! Howard DcLucho of Jowctt, was up A laborer by the namo of Onrcla em- masse for tbo gold fields. All old J. A. arrived from Mr and Mrs. John Rrndy. residing says tbo country around Duncan Ib the Lowe appears as tho plaintiff's 0,1 snys dls-- ployed in tho locnl ynrds, wns crushed claims, long since abandoned, were ittorney. Helen. Ho had been acting some tlmo hiiBlnoss. Ho his school on South Edith street, hnvo purcbas vory dry nnd hadly In need of rnln. u 1,1,11(1 n ow bciqoi between two cars before noon today relocnted. Tho water holes were as time keeper on tho Albuquorquo & , lr"'L wl" and ucs at tno St. Joseph's Hospital cd a fine rosldonco lot ndjolnlng thcli J. R. Rontmnn has been nppolntcd bouse this fnll, either ot Btono or present homo, nnd It Is ranger of class 2. on tho Gila re picked up as bonanzas. Miss Jean Hornnrd, sinter of Mrs. Enstorn tho suspension of con in a critical condition, Tho circum- undorstnc As moro proof brick. that thoy will soon a serve. Ho Is expected to arrive in a that tho Colorado E. H. narsch, Is hero on a visit from structlon work left him wlthojit n Job. stances surrounding tho accident erect thereon men mean business it can bo cltod Dennis Cunnnlnghnm of the La could not bo learned. hnndsnmo rcsldcnco. few days from llorea, Ky., vhoro he Port Huron, Mich. Tho yuong lady He thinks of going to Arizona soon. linn boon a school ot that such a man as Dennis Sullivan, will several months. Plata, will leave for Hutte, Mont., student nt the wuter-work- remain owner ot vis-- It forestry. He Ir an experienced ostl-mato- tho Denver Saturday nbout tho 1st of Septomber, for a LIKE THE SHOP LAND SALES. RING THIEVES, gaB plant, million and a halt olllcc The city council met last THE PIPKIN MURDER, of tlmbor and will bo used In light in special session for tho purpose with his daughters. Ho oxpects to capacity by Supervisor McCIuro. building, one of tho largest banks, and bring ot name him. Hundreds of Houses In Washington, that been King of taking up tbo electric street car two t.ieui with Mr Mrs. S. Maugor aro hns nt a D. C, Are Knocked Off. and R. bask man hotel franchlso, tho promoters not Shorlfi J. E. Elmer and family re- In n baby for iwo weeks while his but were Nearly one n north- ing tbo smiles of hnndsnmo prospectors turned from a two weeks' outing ln hundred houses Galled at Maynard's and Soon round boy laRt Friday after- were ln tho field locating rendy to report. An adjournment was Two Suspects Have Preliminary Hear Washington, 1). woro Bold which arrived wero tho Dolores country. They went ns east C, at noon. Maugor Is present In claims. There fortunes hero taken, subject to tho call of tho mayor. auction. will bo sold Mr. nt which tbo silly citizens of Klngmnn far as Duntuii on tho West Dolores. Another lot and Themselves Under Arrest1 Snntn Fo, whore he Is mnnngor for tho E Hramford, a brother of Mrs. H. ing at Gallup, w 11 bu n Bitlo overlooked, nnd wise men of there each day until ml to town, but uud tho Ruppo of city, succumbed yester Mr. Elmer killed ono deer and caught live ea boon disposed Suumount lltlon thnt Denver enmo and took this about sqiim have expects to In Silver City In n them. ngo all tho fish they could cat. His moth- pur- arrive outcome of ox- day to Injuries rerolved a week of. Tho houses are on ground few for n fond gaze upon Whatever uo tho er and brother, Judd, returned with POUND OVER TO GRAND JURY. dnys his will bo, Ib gold In while working In the CnrOingo coal WILL BE ADMITTED TO BAIL. chased by tho Pounsylvanla railroad Mrs, Maugor Is a daugh- cltement there the him. ?on nnd heir. iilncK granite." It does not an mines. Tho remains were burled at tor a site of tho new union station to ter Supervisor nnd Mrs. McCIuro. take Polk Pipkin has returned from a tor Capitol of assay, nor a magnifying glass to sec San Antonio yesterday nftornoon. built nt North street and trip to McKinley county, where ho Massachusetts avenue. Some of tho Two natives, wuo aro registered on BELEN BREVITIES. It. Four years ago tho Magulre boys Dr. J. W. Elder, tho city physician, District Attorney Clancy, who was house aro brick and stono residences tho pollco couu docket as Todoro well-know- n prospectors In this partlc- hns gone to Pennsylvania to visit rol at Gallup attending tho preliminary went to Investigate tho killing of his nrtil ntliipa fpiintn rPhi ular field, made tho discovery of son, Emmett Pipkin, which occurred mi inftt u lining v.uii,ih.a,intrnirna iu Illcscas nnd Frnnclsco Lagos, chare Some Interesting Paragraphs From first stives and friends. trial of two men Accused ot murder, utiiun c,t the peculiar ore. Hut their find wns 12th of Box S purchasers buy thorn for tho material with larceny of store, woro boforo Cut-Of- f returned to the city Inst night. Tho nbout tho juno at tho The Santa Fe Town. In quantities. Is now and glvo bond that thoy will bo re- Junge Horchert this morning, nnd limited It DID ROCK ISLAND GET IT7 mou nro Abran Garcia and Frnnalcso ranch. He thinks the murder wns ev- moved within thirty days. Tho now woro lound over to nwalt tho sitting Special Correspondence. claimed that wherever tho granite Martinez, nnu thoy wore by idently the work of Mexicans Instead Aug. 8. Illg arrested station will con $11,000,000 and, ac of tho next grand Jury under $200 Helen, N. M., Fiesta and tho black nva form n contact, Sheriff W. A. Smith charged with tho of Navnjoes. gold-bcnrln- May Secured Large Block of uond ench. Thoy failed to furnish Celebration ln Helen! tho now material Is Have cording to tho bill passed by congress ierc Mexican Central Stock. murder of Emmot Pipkin, a general authorizing Its construction, It must bond. The public schools of Helen will op found. A "roof" Is Bald to extend merchant ana near Zuni, across country, plainly Ono ot tho features of special lm Indian trader SOCORRO. bo built along tho general plan ot tho Hlescnfl nnd LngoB wcro arrested en Sept ember x3t. tho traceable on or about Juno 13. It was developed G eight miles, will portanco & govornment buildings. last evening shortly after o'clock nt The Uelen fiesta will bo held Au for that make South In the Evnnsvlllo Torro at tho preliminary hearing that Pip- From tbo Cbloftnln. by Africa ashamed of Itself. tho Jowolry Btoro of T. Y. Maynard gust 14th lGtn, and Judging from Hnuto deal Is seen lu tho fact that kin a few days boforo ho was killed, Mny & Yunker hnve dissolved their Chief Pollco McMlllln, and Pennsylvamans En Route to San of suspected of Hooley & Company, by whoso fnlluro had secured about $ 100 In silver coin partenrshlp In livery Mr. neing ring thieves. Thoy purchased a tho oxtensivo preparations which nro tho business, Francisco. already way, tho celebration of SUGGESTS POSTPONEMENT, tho Rock Island has boon enabled to to pay for wool to do purchased from Yunker retiring. special of con ring at tho Maynard store nnd during under money dis- Die train Pullmans, securo another link In the chain of Its tno Navajo Indians. This manager Ab talnlng Pcnnsylvanlans on to nt tho tlmo tho purchnso was being mado tho Saint's day will bo mora elaborate appeared, could bo Nathan Hall, for the routo system, by utilizing Chicago & or rather not tend tho nntlonal encampment of tho llttcd two. Tho rings wcro missed than ever beiore. the found when a search wna made for It bey Mining Compnny, was In the city and tho pollco woro engaged Eastern Illinois, which la a subsidiary from Canyon. Grand Army of tho Republic at San notified. Tho Rands have been for tho Colonel Borradalle Wants Encamp after Pipkin's dead body was discov- Water frmncisco, will bo In Albuquerque, thlovcs becoming a llttlo suspicious, occasion and tho tlmo will bo taken road of tho Evansvlllo & Torre Hnuto, ered, and It was hinted thnt tho two Prof. O. R. Smith returned from iiiesoay, August 11, at 7:1G p. m. On roturnod ono or tho missing rings to up with athletic contests, dancing, also controlled a largo sharo of Moxl men arrested know something about Mngdalona. Uo had been engaged the tray would probably ment Delayed tor a Week, the train will be Commander-in-Chie- f and havo re and other amusements galore can Central and It Is bollovcd that tho the murder nnd the disappearance of several days In engineering v.ork lu turned out was Imbedded Thomas J. Stewart, and staff, hlmsolt tho ouicr. it On account ot the Increased hotel Rock Island has secured control of the money. It was also shown nt the tho Graphic mlno. 200 In a ball or shoemakers wax. Tho a Pennsylvania!!, and some other facilities, largo usually this road also, says a Chicago dls bearing that Pipkin was shot In tho Hon. and Mrs. H. M. Doughorty will boys, who woro blue wax and ring woro found In Lagos' tho crowd of ho wna stoop of tho tho from upon will be HE GIVES GOOD REASONS. patch. center tho head, as if loavo week for a vaca- tho Keystone stnto, with forty battle-Hag- s pocket. this occasion, ing over nt sometime this & Hnuto rail tho tlmo tho murderer of Posts 2 and 8, Philadelphia, In searching tho men tho pollco dls well taken care ot and aro Invited to The Evansvlllo Torre fired tne fatal bullet. When Mr. tion In California. They will visit va nnu Post 128 of Allegheny City, escort covered a number ot silk handker pay us a visit. road Is a part of tho socallod Evans- of rious points of Interest. Colonol Borraualle, of Clancy left Gallup, tho Justice the ing opnrtmont Commander Edwin chiefs and a largo number of r'ngs Tho Valencia county teachers' I nstl the National vlllo routo, which comprises three pence In Tho Cat Mountain mill that has tluard of Now Mexico, morn- had not rendered his decision Walton staff. concealed In Lagos' hat and ono ring will ou said this companies tho Chicago & Eastorn III- - case. It Is qulto likely In process of construction under and tuto conveno at Lunas tho ho would Adjutant Gen- the Garcia and been ho Pcnnsylvanlans will bo given a and a couplo ot knives ln Dlescas' ing that writo & li ac- i evening of tho 8th of August. eral Whltemau, suggesting that tne Inols railroad, the Evansvlllo Torro Martinez will held to await the Professor Hcrrlck for sovernl months, warm reception horo. Tho commltteo pocket Hr.uto and Evansvlllo & tion ot tho next grand Jury of Me wns up Lagos said In court this morning On Saturday evening tho Uachclor encampment bo held tno weoK follow railroad tho started for business. In chnrgo of tho arrangements, sclce Klnlcy county, being to ball, grand-daughter- girls of Helen gavo a-- most enjoyable ing ..tugust regardless Indianapolis railroad. Tbo total mile admitted Mrs. S. F. Cooper and ted members of u. Warren Post thai ho wns from Clifton. Ariz., and 2d, of whether Hay-Da- y car- age lines Is over 1,040 Mablo 6, Now Moxlco, aro that mo rings wcro given him by an danco at the club. or not camp utensils and ball of these threo Laura and Horrlck, wore iNo. department of postpone- country through DEMINQ. Levcritt Clark, A. iiarsch, E. 8. Stov othor Moxlcan at San Marclal. Ho Paul U. Dalles has Just returned tridges havo arrived, Tho miles and tho which tho guests of Mrs H. R. Harris on ment of tho from tho 17th to the In produc- er, J. M. Mooro, David Den nam and claimed that this Moxlcan was from trom a business trip to Albuquorquo, into they pass Is fortllo nnd rich From the Headlight. their way to Innslng, Mich. J, v. Edwards. Denver, but this story is very unlike The yung pcoplo of thlB placo nro iM Is thought nuvlsablo on account ot tion, while along tho linos arc Btud P. N. Yunkor met with a severe ac- Fo pay-da- y coining on Mrs. A. J. Kelloy and Miss Nina ly nnd Is glvon llttlo credit by tho po to keep things going In a oiinta railway tied busy cities and prosperous towns. cident a fow days ago. A hoavy door determined tho loth, which, with the fow days fol- Clnrk went up to Faywood and nreTjn RAILROAD OFFICIALS. llco. Ulescas, or Vlescas, as It Is spell social way, and they out In Tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois, tho fell upon tho of ono ot his legs, ed on a letter found on his person bo turned lowing immediately niter, Is tho bus- Joying their outing Immensely. cn.i straw-rid- e of system, Is now bruising nocrly break- Messrs. Andrews and Hopewell In the sayn that ho Is from Juarez, Mexico, full force for tho last even iest period Oi tho mouth for tho mer- mnln branch tho Mrs. John Dockrt and youngest It terribly and City Today. nnd wiw on his way to Rolen, whoro ing. A good tlmo was reported. chants hero ana at Vegas. Tho controlled by the Rock Island syndi- son, Carl, left for San Francisco for ing the bono. Senator W. H. Andrews, president ho would seek employment nt railroad Much of tho material for tho now Colonel also Bald that tho encamp- cate and tho acquirement of tho Torro a fow weeks' visit with her mother Dr. Charles R. Keyes returned from Albuqunr wna bo held express or tho Snntn Fo Central and work.. Thoy claim to havo been to- railroad brldgo across tho Rio Grande ment to for tho Haute lino Is considered nn important and othor relatives. a trip ot sovoral days' duration In tbo quo Enstorn railways, and Hon. W. S purpose of drilling and instruction, pur- gether two days and met nt San Mar at Uelen Is arriving dally and it is ex step in the policy of extension Mrs. Frank Wymanu, who has been northern part of tho torrltory. Ho will Hnnnwoll. cnnernl mnnntrnr of snni clal. begin In una that ns .up bread could bo pur- by system leavo Tuesdpy morning for a week's pected mat work will on It camp sued tho Ilarrlmnn of visiting at Granito Gap for tho past roads, arrived hero last night from a Thoso Btorles may bo true, but ono near chased baked a few largo kettles absence ln Arizona, On this trip ho Mnnznno tho future. would do all tho cooking necessary. monta where Mr, Wymanu Ib superln trip Into tho nnd Gnlllnns thing is certain, nnd that Is, ono or tho will go oft tho railroad eighty miles, ranges of mountains. They wcro out other of them .inn been at Trinidad General Haldwin Bald when bu was tending tho working of his mines, ro-- four days and woro accompanied b and Denver. Papers fonnd among tho ELKS' OPERA HOUSE, at fctnntn Fo that ho would havo at HERE FROM BELEN, turned home Inst Saturday night but will mako the distance In four Attomoy II. M. Doughorty nnd Mln effects taken lrom tnctn, when arrest' least two companies of regulars nt tho Col. P, R. Smith expects soon to hours by nutomoblle. pas- Ing Engineer Charles R. Kcyos of So ed, show that and It la bollovcd that encampment and a United Mates o U- commence tho erection of a $10,000 As John Oreonwald, Jr., was corro. tho plunder found in tho possession ot lcer .n chargo, but It Is not known as building on tbo comer of Sliver nven sing In front of h Crown mill ono yet when this promise will bo fulfilled. Senator Andrews said this nftornoon Igos wns stolen In cities and towns Albu- - Hon, Carl Dalies Talks About Big uo Btreet. When completed day this week, a spent rlflo bullet Work Progressing Nicely on Ono thing cortnln Ib tho Natlonnl and Pino that tho trip war mndo for tho purposo to tho north, Two ot tho rings found that bo by struck the brick wnll just In front of Tiffany gold nnd Guard will turn out 250 strong and tho bunding is to occupied tho of Investigating tho quantity and quail aro tho kind consul 14-1- 5, walk. Play House, encampment Feast There August ..oau and Trust Company, which Is him nnu fell to tho ty of tho Iron deposits of tho Onlllniu, erod valuable Ino ring stolen from auerque's thnt tho will bo a grand Horry city, Maynnrds success. soon to be started In this city Mrs. JaniCB F. of this range. Tho deposits thoro aro qui Mr. storo. but recovered aftor a visit of threo weeks with her nnd In somo portions very was a valuable Bet ring, valued at $75 Allowing n pound of bcoi per man a Tbo Florida Mining and Milling extensive many friends In El Pnso, has gone to Is pos WILL SOON BE FINISHED, day, tho encami inent will consume nt PREPARING FOR A CROWD. Company ot wnlcu o, j. Smith Is man rich. Tho senator said mat i Doming to daughter, blhlo that a road will bo built froiv MU8ICAL CONCERT. least soven beoves during tho week. nger, aro talking very rtrongly ot put- visit her Mrs. tho Santa Fo Contrnl Into thoso moun Allowing a loaf and a half or bread tlnir in n smelter horo at Demtnt? nnd Clpriano Hnca and lamll). Mrs. Her-- Given by per man a uay tno encampment win tnlns, and It Is baroly posslblo that To be Knights of Columbus Uy 20th of Hon. Carl A. Dalles ot nelen arriv- It would be woll for our citizens to 'Y 0XP'ctB return homo In about August 24 the this monta, tho consumo almost 4,000 loaves. ' Albuquorquo will somo day become an at coiumbo Hall. be In glvo gentlemen support two wceks- - Albuquorquo Council Knights of Col building ot tho Elks' opera house will Thoro will bo a flutter ot excite- ed yesterday morning nnd will these all the lion city rivaling Pittsburg. I Clpriano Haca of Demlng was In From appear- - In ot Mead- Ho saya nnd encouragement they can lu this Fo to umiius has arranged for tho havo advanced to such an extent thnt ment llnnnclnl circles tbo tbo city until this ovcnlng. he, company tho Santa Contrnl near Wlllnrd ow City, amount of Increas- matter. As sttro as we get no town. Thursday ln with tho Iron deposits In tho GnlllnnB Is a anco of tho Joseph Newman company tho auditorium section, or that part ot when this Helen Is tualUnK great prepara- 21 ed Is announced as having that aro suro to follow, R. U Baea of Santa Fe, accompanied distance of triflo moro than twonty nt Columlto hall, Monday, August tho building to bo only two stories, business smelter here others (.own. . prob- for tho annual ucsta which will John Hrockmau, a Los Angeles mil- mlloa through country Tho organization Is said to do ono will oo ready for tho roof. Contractor droppoa Into mat will tions nnd a almost ably supply on to occur August 14 and 1C, and that lionaire, to San Acaclo to exnmlne tbo Mrgin in tno way of dovolopmont. ot tho brightest nnd clovorest on tho Strong says that tho four brick walla diminish tho hand thoro HILL8BORO. delightful program will bo ready story Btich an extent ns to create a bread program arranged Is qulto elabor- recontly developed copper prospectn Sonator Andrews will bo In tho city rond. It presents a laid for tno third tho rich In variety and refined In quality Joists and that tho third story will go famino. ate. It Is tho annual cclobrat'.on In From tho Advocate. at that placo. ftovernl days on mntters of business l . r . l. i . . ... 1 program i will ,ln nonr a In whlcn laughtor, enjoy right up and then, tho truss Is an easy honor oi tho patro:. saint. Services Dir. iiiiu .urn. uuuriL-- i iwiui'muii and tho futuro, establish nmusomcnt reign merrily mater. is llttlo but what OFFICIAL MATTERS. A damngo suit was filed In tho dls-t- o nis own private omco horo. incnt and Thoro doubt will bo hold In tho church of tlio Vir- aro down from Chlorldo. They Intend two ana quarter Is now play-hous- o will bo finished El Pasgo by tho attor- - Dr. Koyos and Attornoy Dougherty for a hours. It tho gin Mary. Thero win bo racing and romaln hero for several weeks. trlct couit at by O. R. Smytho Iiuh boon appointed by Chlca-Bol- d headed Joseph Nowman, a come nnd equipped by fair tlmo. It toward Messrs. Billiard & Conaboy have noys of J. 8. McCannay vs. tho hnvo roturnod to Socorro, dian ann song writer, who has sung tho part of September It is Governor Otero us county commission- - dancing and athletic contests. latter propared to out their lease on the Union an- - bo, Rock Island & Pacific, to rocovor Third district of Grnnt coun. Tho pccplo of Rolen aro ' HARPOONED THE LOCOMOTIVE In every city ot promlnonco In tho found that tno cntlro building cannof. or for tho 30,000 alleged to oo duo for personal energy will bo confln-.ty- . vlco II. O. Shnfor, resigned, and entortnln t',000 people and this year's nox to C. N. Titus and W. J. Reny. coiiit. and from Now York to San bo finished, all injuries sustained. It Is claimed In hla Result of a Collision with a Carload Francisco has been praised for his od to tho auditorium. This will guar--1 will ontor upon tho duties of his fiesta will exceed any provIoiiB. On ac- Tho now proprietors took possession I plaintiff was of Steel Ralls. originality, for tho high order of his Its readiness and tho visiting flee at onco. count of tho growth of tho town of on tho first. petition thnt tho staudlnu Tho Republican humor, and for tho pleasing effective public a good play-hous- nnd a poop I Pension Examiners. Francisco Luna y Oarcla, suporln- - on n cnttlo train, when a freight train Nowton Kansas Helon tho past year accommodations ' says: Train 567 morning ness with which ho sings and recites Into tho finest opera houso in tho I Tho board of ponslon examiners met of public schools of Sierra backed Into It and throw him to tho yesterday not as llmltod as thoy woro tendont ' o thoro ar sirucic a nana car noar liurton Other members ot tho company nro southwest. Tho principal girder of at Santa Fo and exraainod three up-th- ago, tho holding county, was In town tho early part ground from the top of tho car. Tho uurnap, soprano, ualcony placod In post- - pensions. applicants a year at tho tlmo of which wns loaded with rails. A gang mibb na Miss car has been ulicsnts for Tho op- tho week on olllelnl business. Miss plaintiff claims further that his splno - of tho last fiesta. It will bo a good of of O reeks who aro working on tho lotta lilxier, vlollnlBt: Miss Sada Tal tlon. Tho auditorium Is rapidly tak- wero: Pablo Candolnrio ot Sapollo In- - Injured permanently. the, cut-of- f town. Cora Miller hns been appointed was street gang In that neighborhood, hot, Impersonator, and Miss Inoz ing form. for an original ponslon; Clemonte P, portunity to visit Tnxes, $2.5C; pennlty, 13 cents; costs, bounded north by J, Chnvez, south by Vnlue personnl, $530 Lnst hnlf tax- west by P. SnfTchcz. Value of pcrsottnl 100 varas: bounded north by J, Lu- by road. Taxes, $5.48; penalty, 27 70 cents; totnl, $2.39, 11. Pndllla. enst by road, west by th( es, $8.44; penmty, 42 cents; costs, 70 property, $80; taxes, 37 centn; penal- ccro, south by J. Aldereta, cast by cents; cost, 36 cents; total,. $6.10. Delinquentjax List ItitlEGO, RAFAEl Und bounded some. Valuo personal, $40. Tnxes cents; total, $9 60. ty, 2 cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, 74 road, west by M. Munis. Lund 67 by PENA, AMBROCIO Land 60 by 80 nortn by road, south by 8. Orlego, $1.40; .pennlty, 4 centn; costs, $105; PADILLA, ANTONIO JOSE Land cents. 260 veras; bounded north by J. ;, yards; bounded north by F. Chavez, by CHAVES, LORENZO 300 by Nnu-ne- by M. Cooton, west by Mori-- ( totnl, $2.55. 140 by 180 ynrds: bounded north IJind south by rond, enst by N. south by same, east by public road, Notice Ib hereby given that thi fol- east 8. 300 vnrns, by gnge Co, Taxes, $13.9; penalty, 69 CHAVEZ, M. & V. Lnnd 08 by 07 S. Snnchez, south by rond, enst by Pa- bounded north road, west by B. Pndllln. Vnluo per- west by F. Chavez. Vnluo personal, lowing Met contains tin; nnmcs of tin1 per- by J. by road, west cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $14.73. yards; hounded north by public rond. dllla estate, west by road. Valuo south Chaves, east sonnl $25. Tnxes, 91 cents; costs, 70 $20. Tnxes, $1.35; pennlty, 5 cents; owners of nil property upon which $20. 73 cents; penalty, by same. Vnluo of personnl property, 4 costs, 35 $1.70, GUTIERREZ, L J I). Personal south by rond, enst by snme, west pub sonal. Taxes, centB; pennlty, cents; totnl, $1.05 centB; totnl, the tnxes levied in tlio year 1902 4 36 cents; total, $1.12. $10.00; tnxes, 3 centn; pennlty, 3 SANCHEZ, M. 100 by. propes ty. $475. $21.70, pen- He lnnd. Land 140 by 250 ynrds; cents; costs, 8AVEDRA, PERFILIO Lnnd 34 by JOSE l.rnd In nnd for territory of New Tnxes. PADILLA, JUAN A Lnnd 80 by cents; costs, 36 cents; totnl, 75 cents, 400 by P. V. tho alty, $1.09; costs. 35 cents; total, bounded north by J, A. Chnvez, south 60 vnrnn: bounded north by T. Gnbnl- ynrdn; bounded north Snn'. Mexico, county of 200 ynrds, north by Arnnnl, CHAVES. ALBINO Lnnd 420 vnrns, chez, by Chnvez, by riv- Ilernnllllo nn! $2.1 14 by M. Chnvez, enst by river, west by bounded don, south by J, Ansurcs. enst by riv- south J. cnet south by snme. enst by J. Montoyn, bounded north by A. Rodriguez, south er, west by rond. Lnnd 90 by 300 city of Albuquerque, amounting DE--Lnn- 170 by 300 ynrds; by 190 by 184 vn- LAWRENCE, L. G. d 93 by rond. Lnnd bounde by M. Bncn, enst by rond, west by er, west rond. Lnnd to 125.00, .iiivp become by F Chnvez, south by J west by M. Pndllln. Value, personal rns; bounded by S, ynrds; bounded north by F. Hubbell, less thnn 105 feet; bounded north by J. north J. $8.03; penally, Arnnnl. Tnxes, $14.60; pennlty, 73 north Snnchez, together n description h Pndllln. enst oy rond, west by snnv property, $340; taxes, south by P. Annyn, enst by M. Sotoro, south by P. V. Snnchez, enst by river, with Gutierrez, south by road, east by 40 35 cents; centn; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $16.08. , 135 by 195 ynrds; north ennts: costs. totnl, $8.78. by P. Annyn. 50 by 376 west by rond. Lnnd 120 by 250 ynrds: of tho property, nml the nmount of Fourth street, west by Sisters of Chnrl-- Lnnd bounded Y CHAVES. GABRIEL A. Lnnd 50 by west Land F. by M. Chnvez PADILLA. JOSE MONTOYA bounded P. V Snnchez, south by J, F. tnxes. pcnnltlcs nml costs due opposite ty Value personnl property, $185; by J. Chnvez. south J. GO 100 vnrns, bounded north by L. Chnv- varns; bounded north by S. Bncn, F. A. Lnnd by 200 ynrds, bounded north Hubbell, enst by river, west by Mora-go- .. each name nml description, together j pennlty, 31 cents; enst by rond, west by Hubbell es, by C. "Chnves, enst by south by Elsemnn Brothers, enst by Tnxes. $0.75; by J. Chnvcs, south by B. J. Mnrlnno, south rond, Vnluo personal, $135. with n separate statement of t tic taxes $7.44. Vnlue personal, $20. Taxes, $1.38 by punllc lnnd. Vnlue personnl rond, west by Arnnnl, Lnnd 100 by Tnxes. last costs. 35 cents; totnl. enBt ITy J. Sanchez, west by E. San- west $4.31; 21 22 costs, $1.40; 600 vnrns; by C. Cnr-rcsln- hnlf, pennlty, centB; costs, due on persona! property, where the LUNA. EMILIO I)E Lnnd CO by pennlty, rents; tntnl chez. Lnnd t0 by 300 ynrds, bounded property, $20; tnxes, $1.64; penalty, 8 bounded north snmo , $1.05; totnl, $5.67. several taxes aro due from the 700 bounded north by M Gon-- $0.00. by II. Chnves, Bouth by U. Pn- cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $2.07. south by Hcrrern, enst by J. yards: north NO. 14. owner or owners: south by I. Romero, enst by CHAVEZ, MRS. MARIANO Lnnd by B. Chnves, by rond. GABALDON, E. Land 30 by 15 va- R. Chnvez, west by rond. Lnnd 140 by PRECINCT zales. dllln, enst west APOLONIO Lnnd 160 PRECINCT No. 3. railroad, west by accqula. I .und 18 by 150 by 176 ynrds; bounded north by Lnnd 60 by 400 ynrds, bounded north ras, bounded north by J Jnrnmlllo, 700 vnrns: bounded north by Lns OAnCIA. Y 7C pcrsonn;, $25. CHaVEZ, OAHCIA, H. Land 150 bounded north by M Hcnn, J. A Chnvez. couth by M. Chnvez, en by O. Apodncn, by south by M. Gnrcln, enst by river, west Bouth by M. Annyn, east by nce- ncres. Vnlue Tnxes, ! yards; south J. Snnchez, by 300 yards; hounded north by 0. soutn by M. Montoya, cast by railroad, by river, west by rond. Vnlue person enst by E. Montoyn, west by rond. by rond. Innd 80 by 233 vnrns, bound- quln, west by road. Vnluo personnl, $1.10; pennlty, 5 cents; costs, 35 Gutlcrrcs, south by (J. Montoya, east by rnlirnnd. Land 0 by 500 nl, $50. Tnxo. 91 cents; pennlty, 4, Value personnl property, 70; tnxes, ed north by J. Apodncn, south by Albu-querqu- o $70. Tnxes, $5.11; pennlty, 25 cents; cents; totnl, $1.60. ' wist (In pre- - by C. W. Lewis, west by 1. Gutierrez. yards; bounded north, by M. Sena, cents; costn, 35 eents; totnl, $1.30. 73 ccntB; costs, $1.05; penalty, 04 Lnnd company, enst by S. Ap- coBts, $1.75; totnl, $7,11. PADILLA. PLACIDO Lnnd 8) Vt by Taxes, $7.30; penalty, 30 cens; costs, south by J. Harelu, enst by P. Mon- CHAVEZ, JOSE M. Lnnd 100 by cents; totnl, $1.82. odncn, west by R. Gnbnldon. Vnlue PRECINCT NO. 10. elnrt ncro; bounded north 3C J8.01. personnl property, $50; tnxes, $9.13; man, ny ny ucu-- cents; total. toya, west oy snme Vnluo of personal 100 yards; bounded north by rond. SANCHEZ, RAFAEL Lnnd 80 by ACUNA, MANUEL E. House; vnl-u- o ediiiii n. unrein, I'liri M Y 7B 40 70 to- quln, by Y Vnluo person- CHAVEZ, OAHCIA Lnnd property. $130. Taxes, last tin.., $1.00; sonth by C. Pndllln, enst by rond, west 100 ynrds; bounded north by C. Turl-ett- pennlty, cents; costs, cents; personnl property, $265. Tnxes, west Senn. by 300 yards: bounded north by 0. penalty, 5 cents; eoftB, $1.05; total, by F Chnvez. Lnnd 160 by 360 ynrds; south by J. Chnves, cast by ace- tnl. $10.29. $3.83; pennlty, 19 cents; costs, 35 al, $45. Taxes, $219; pennlty. 11 Gutierrez, south by M. Montoya, east $2.10. bounded north by A. Pndllln, south by qula, west by J. L. Chaves. Land 100 GABALDON, CAMEUO Lnnd 30 cents; $4.37. cents; costn, 36 cents; totnl $2.65. Gnl-nldo- totnl, Snn-cne- by 11 by P. by M. Chavez, wchI by came, value U. 50 by 150 rond. enst by M. Pndllln, west by M. by 100 ynrds, bounded north by B. vnrnB. bounded north APODACA, MIGUEL Lnnd 140. PRECINCT NO. LUNA, JOSE Und south by J. P. Jnrnmlllo, 2. personal property. $G5.00. Taxes, ynrds; bounded north by S. Garcia, Pndllln. Lnnd 30 by 300 ynrds; bound- south by P. Turlettn. enat by riv- cast ncres. Vnluo personnl, $85, Tnxes, DURAN, JOSE P. Personnl proper- 3!) 35 by river, west by pre- 17.85, penalty. cents; costs, by A. Sanchez, ed by I. A. Chnvez, south by M er, west by nrroyn. Valuo personal roal. Land in $2.74; penalty, 14 35 ty, $110; tnxes, $4.22: pennlty. 21 south by T, Garcia, east north 300 COO cents; costs, cents, total .$8.69. 250 by west by public property, $135; taxes, $3.72; pennlty, cinct No. 5: by varas, bounded cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $4.78. west by R. Sandoval Lnnd 22 by Pndllln, enRt rond, by by cents; totnl. $3.23. COHDOVA. ANTONIO Land 100 lnnd. Vnluo personnl, $40 18 cents; costs, 70 cents; total, $4.G0. north 8. Gabaldon, south river, NUANEZ, FRANCISCO-Ln- nd 200 ynrds; bounded north by S. Snnchez, Tnxes. by Douglns, west by Vnluo .FRANCES. FRONCES Illld 160 by 1000 yards; hounded north by J. $1.73; 9 cents; costs, $1.05; SANCHEZ, SILVERIO Land 30 by enst river. by 300 vnrns, bounded north by OJo do south by C. Cnndnlnrln, enst by nee pennlty, of personnl property, $65; taxes, $2.82; ncres. Vnluo personnl, $30. Tnxes, Maldonado, sonth by P. hamora. oast $2.87. 35 ynrds, bounded north ny C. Morngo, 9 IOr Alnmltos, south by L. Ccno, cast quln. west by A Gnrcla. Land 0 ynrds; totnl. pennlty, 15 cents; costs, 70 cents; to- $1.83; pennlty, cents; costs, 35 by accqula, wtst by river. Taxes, south by L. Snnchez, enst by T. Mon- ; by public road, west by Cuchllla. bounded north by M. Martin B.outh by CHAVEZ. ANTONIO JOSE Lnnd tnl, 3.G7. cents totnl, $2.27. Ia $5.CC, penalty. 28 cents; costs, 70 toyn, west by i 34 Houbc Personal property, $G0; tnxes, J. Snnchez, enst by J Apodncn, west 100 by 125 vnrns: bounded north by Cnstorlo. Lnnd DON, ARAGON, JESUS MA Lnnd 160 cents: total, $0X1. by 100 ynrds, bounded north by J. M. OAUAl FRANCISCO Land $1.40; pennlty, 8 cents, costs, 70 bv A. Gnrcln. 30 by 000 ynrds; Bouth bv R. Sanchez, enst by nce 1 15 ncres. Personnl property, $245. Tnx- MARY E. 57 acres: rond. Montoyn, by rond, by nce- 04 by vnrns, bounded north by J. cents; $2.24. EAGLE. Und. north by M Senn, south by R. by Lnnd 125 by 150 enet west es, $11.09: pennlty, 66 cents, costs, 35 totnl, north by Lucoro ct nl., south bounded quln, west rond. quln. Vnlue personnl property, A. Bncn, soutn by E. Armljo, enst by REDONE. CLETO Value .personal bounded Gnrcln, rend, west R. Gnrcla. by A. $00; cents: total. $12 by L. 8. l'ercn, east by rallrond; west cast varas: bounded north Padllln taxes, 55 cents; penalty, 03 cents; owner, west by ncequla. Lnnd 61 by property, $160; tnxes, $6.48; penalty, Vnluo personnl, $140. Taxes, $; by rond, by ncequla, west 100 vnrns, ny CANDALERIA, LORENZO Land by arroya. Personnl property. $3.50. south enst costs, 70 cents; totnl. $1.28. bounded north P. Lobnto, 32 cents; costs, S6 cents; totnl, $7.25, pennlty, 11 eents; r.oats, $1.40; totnl, 200 by 000 vnrns; (J. Mar-tin- 160 acres. Valuo personal, $35. Tax- Taxes, $10.43; pennlty, 82 centn; by rond. Lnnd SANCHEZ. JUAN Y PENA south by Snnchez, enst by A. RUIZ, MARIANO Lnnd 20(1 by 200 $3.55 by public lnnd, south by Iand west by Lnnd 259 by 476 es, $1.64; C03ts, 35 cents; penalty, costs. 35 cents; tntnl, $17.60. bounded north 60 by 200 ynrds, bounded north L. Pn- rond. voraB,"boundcd north by N Morgan, ,1. M. by went by J. vnrns, by 9 cents; total, $2.08. GARCIA. FRANC. 32 by 800 LUNA. ANTONIO JOSn DE Lnnd Chnvez, enst river, dllla, south by J. Montoya. by B. bounded north P. Snnchez, south by arroya, east by C Sanchez, Und $S0. east soma by C. by GARCIA. AMBROCIO Land 1C0 yards; bounded north by R. Cordorn, 55 by 500 ynrds, bounded north rond, Turrletn. Vnlue personnl, Tnx Montoyn, west by J. Montoyn. Gnbnldon, enst ncequliy west by nrroya. Value personnl prop- 10 west by river. room acres. Value personal property, $220. south by M. Mnrtlnez, east by hills, south S. Sanchez, enst ditch, west es, $2.01; pennlty, cents; costs 60 by 100 ynrds, bounded nortn by J. Three house. erty, $G5; taxes, $4.20; penalty, 20 $.1.1(1 Vnluo personnl $7.48; pennlty, 37 costs, by ncequla. Land 10 by 800 Ii'IIb. Lnnd 10 by 400 ynrds; bounded $1.05; totnl, Montoyn, south by J. Mnrlnno, enst by property, $55; taxes, Tnxes. cents; cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $4.75. west $1.14; pennlty. 20 cents; $1.40; 35 cents; totnl, $8.20. ynrds; north by I'. Pals, north by T. Gnrcln. south O. Candcl- CHAVEZ. JOSE Y APODACA Fi Pndllln, west oy hills. 20 by costs, SANDOVAL. VENTURA Land 160 bounded ' Isnd, $5,74. (Last taxes.) OAHCIA. SANTIAGO Y DELUSQ- - by R. Cordova, by hills, aria, east hills, west O. Candelarla. Lnnd 200 by 250 vnrns; bounded nort 200 ynrds, bounded nortn" by totnl. naif acres. Vnlue personnl property, $105; south east road, GARCIA. iTr.0RO 64 by UES Improvement on government west by acequln. Personal property, Valuo personal. $50. Tnxes, $14.05: by J. A. Turlcln, nouth by M. Chnvez south by II. Morngo, east by F. Chav- C Land tnxes, $9.67; pennlty, 48 cents; costs, 1250 varas, bounded north by A. Ana-y- Valuo personal, $190. $1.10; pennlty, 6 cents; pennlty, 70 cents; costs, 70 cents: to- enst by river, west by Pndllln. Lnnd ez, west by A. j. Chaves. Land 30 by land. Taxes, 35 rents; tntnl, $10.60. $60.00. Taxes, south by M. Snnchez, cast by Arn- $1.10; pennltv. 5 cents; 35 70 total, $1,SC, $15.45. 125 by 220 varan; bounded north by A 200 ynrds, bounded north by M. Pcna, costs. SEBONI. CLETO Vnlue personal costs. cents; tal. nnl. west by P. Snnchez. Land 20 cents; total, $1.60. GONZALES, Lnnd 75 by LUCERO. FELIPE Lnnd 40 by 1.- - Chnvez, Bouth by J. M. Chnvez, enst south by J. Mariano, east by old river, property, $100; tnxes, $1,05; pennlty, PEDRO ncres, bounded north by M. Sanchez, Y M. Mnr-tlne- by D, Ro- by river, west by J. Turrletn. Land wesrby liills. property. HERERRA. BICENTE GARCIA 20 cents; costs, 35 cents, totnl. $4.00. 600 yardB; bounded north by 000 ynrds; bounded north Personal $25; somn by same, cast by same, west by by by M. mero, -- ond, railroad, west 60 by 150 vnras: bounded north by J taxes, $3.70; pennlty. 19 cents; costs, Lnnd 100 ynrds; bounded north by TAYLOR. W. II. Lnnd 100 by 100 Bouth F. Martinez, cast south oust Grant lnnd. Lnnd 100 by 270 vnras, by by same. Personal' S Gnrcln. Vnlue personnl, $90. Lnst Padllln, south by M. Chnvez, enst by $1.40; totnl. $5 35. owner, south J. Gnrcln, enst by vnrns, bounded north by ncequln, south Gonzales, weft bounded north by P. Armljo, Boutn by by per- property, $90.00, Taxes, $2.01; pen- hnlf $1.05; pennlty, 9 centn; ii. Montoyn. west by M. Chavez. Land TURRIETA, JOSE C Lnnd, 30 by snme, west J. Herren. Vnluo by public road, cost by same, west by inxes. A. Snnchez, enst by rond, west by P. $160. 60 11 35 70 by 100 varas; bounded north by M. 60 yards; bounded north by C. sonnl, Tnxes, $10.22; pennlty, F. Samora. One house. Value person- alty. cents: costs, cents; total, costs, 35 cents; totnl, $2.09. A i nil Jo. Lnnd 6 Chnvez, south by B. Montopn, by Mariano, ny by ncres; hounded north cents; costs, 15 cents: totnl, $11.07. al property, $15; tnxes. 18 cents; pen- $2.47 MARTINEZ. TRANCITO Lnnd 22 east south river, cast A. J. by by D. M by 100 by Snnchez, by B. Montoyn. rond, south .,ctzgnr, enst LUCERO, LORENZO Lnnd 160 nlty. 9 cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, OAROIA. FRANCISCO Lnnd 90 by by 400 ynrds: bounded north by D. Es. ncequln, west rond. Lnnd west Vnlue by by D. M. loo vnrns; by personnl property, $70; acequln, west Metzgnr. ncres. Vnlue personnl property, $120. 52 cents. 350 varna; bounded north by M. Mar- palln, south entrance, enst ditch, west bounded north ncequln. tnxes, $1.55; Vnlue personnl property, $66; tnxes, south by public lnnd, oy A. I.n-bot- pennlty, 07 cents; costs, 35 cents; to- Taxes, $1.38; pennlty, 21 cents; costs. tinez, south by M. D. Oonzales, east A. Pearea. Lnnd 27 by 99 ynrdB; cnBt $8.87; pennlty, 41 $1.75; by II, 150 by tnl, $1.97. cents; costs, 35 conts; totnl. $1.94. SKINNER. LEL1A Vnlue personal by M. Martinez, west by P. Gonzales. bounded north by .1. C. Luccro, south west Padllla. i.and $10.06. 160 vnrns; by totnl, LOBATA. JUAN Lnnd 100 ncres. property, $170; tnxes, $0.21, penalty, Value personal property, $40.00. F. Mnrtlnez, oast J. M. Mnrtlnez, west bounded north rond. PRECINCT NO. 7. OURULE, DONACIANO Lnnd 114 south by M. Chnvez, by Personnl property. $3.45. Tnxes. 31 centB: costs, 15 cents; totnl, $6.87. Taxes, $1.83; pennlty, 10 cents; costs, Mnrtlnez. Vnlue personnl, $30; enst river, GARCIA, FELIPE I,nnd 90 by 300 Albu-querqu- o by 298 vnrns, bounded north by $14 42; 72 35 SKINNER. LEONARD Lnnd 250 by 35 cents: total, $2.28. taxes, $G.57; pennlty. 33 cents; costs, west by A. Harela. valuo personnl ynrds, bounded north by public land, cents; costs, Lnnd compnny, south by C. $15.49 400 vnrnB; by $70. Tnxes, $4.02; pennlty, -- 0 centB; south by same, east by J. M. Santo!-lana- , cents; totnl, hounded enst Martinez. MARTINEZ, DONACIANO Land 70 contB; totnl, $7.00 Candelarla, enst by ditch, west by pub- weBt by personnl fO 100 by M. 75 costs, $2.10; fetal. $0,32. west by publlo land. Lnnd 25 by MALDONADO. JOSE Lnnd 160 mountnlns. Vnlue by varaB; bounded north MONTANO, FILMBNO Lnnd by lic lnnd. Precinct No. 14: Land 160 property, $170; $13.51; M. CHAVEZ, D DE PADILLA Land 100 ynrds, bounded by public acres, vnlue personnl property, luG tnxes, penalty, Garcia, Bouth by J. Luccro, east 1.000 vorns; bounded north by M. north ncres. Vnlue personnl property, $150; 68 .15 00 by 00 vnrns; bounded north by C. Innds, south by owner, enst by rond, Tnxes. $2.74; pennlty, 14 cents; costs. cents; costs, cents; total, $11.54, by public road, west by J. M. Luccro. Snnchez, south Q. Candelarla, enst A. tnxes, $10.89; pennlty, 54 cents; costs, NO. Turrletn, Eouth by N. Chnve, es-- t bv west y L. Jnrnmlllo. Vnlue personnl 35 cents: $3.23. PRECINCT 28. Land 20 by 150 varns; bounded north Samara, west Q. Cendelarla. Value $1.05; totnl, $12.49. totnl. DORBOn, 60 ditch, west by J. N. Chavez. Lnnd 120 property, $30; taxes, $3.94; pennlty, MALDONADO. PRUDUCIO Lnnd PEDRO iJtnd by 270 by P. Martinez, sonth by T. Garcia, personal, $90. TaxcB, $0.02; penalty, OURULE, EPIFANIO Lnnd In pre- vnrns, bounded north by R. Gnbnldon, east by ncequla, west by railroad. 30 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, $6.07. by 200 vnrns; bounded north by R. 45 cents; costs, 70 cents; totnl, $10.09. cinct No, 14, niu ncres. Valuo person- 160 acres, Vriliin ttnrannnl 13Fi Tnt. Pndllln, by by N, GUTIERREZ, JUAN es .8.1; 10 35 ' Land 10 by 200 vnrnB; bouned north SANCHEZ IS1DRO Land 28 1' south Indinns, enst MORILLA nl property, $5u; tnxes, $.(2; pennlty, penalty, cents; costs, nhi,M t. unm by T. Garcia, south by P. Mnrtlnez, 360 ynrds; bounded north by A. Gar Pndllln. Vnlue personnl, $40. Tnxes. Improvement on government land. 20 cents; costs, 35 cents: totnl, $4.67. cents 16 Tnxes, $9.13; pennlty, 45 cast by ncequia, west by J. Mnrtlnez. cia, south N. Snnchez, enst, J. Snn- $3.00; pennPy, cents; costs, 70 cejits; costs, GURULE. JUAN ANTONIO MONTO n, JUAN C Land 160 ..,. nn,rnnP ,lV i i cents; total, $3 92. 35 cents; totnl, 10.93. Value personnl property, $70.00. chez, west rond. Lnnd 28 by 250 yards; In precinct No. 14, 160 acres. Value ncres. Vnluo personal property. $40, chez, enst nnd west'.,by F Snnchez.s' 30 by vn- - Taxes, $2.28; pcralty, 12 cents; costs, bounded north by C. Gnrcln, fcouth I LOPEZ, JESUS Land 30 PRECINCT NO. 8. of personal property, $10; taxes, $2.74; Taxes, $1.64; pennlty, 9 cents; costs, Vnluo personnl property. $25; tnxes, roan; bounded by II. to- $105; total. $3.45. F Hustnmnnto west by road east by north Chavez ORIEGO, NICOLAS Lnnd 40 by penalty, 12 cents; costs, 35 cents; 35 cents; totnl. $2.08. $1.83; pennlty. 10 cents: costs. i0 MONTANO. JOSE Y CANDE-LARI- ditch Land 10 by 250 yards; bounded Houth by snme, enst by R. Padlllp, 190 yards, bounded north by C. Cnnde-larl- tnl. $3.21. ORTEGO. OSTELANO Lnnd 200 cents: totnl, $2.63. , ny u. unnvez. by by 30 Land 82 by 300 vnrns; north by F Garcia, south by R. Snndo-vnl- west i.nnd 35 by 140 south J. Pndllln, south by A. JARAMILI.O JUAN Land 120 by vnrns; bounded north by M. CASTILLO, 1LVMON L. Innd 128 bounded north by P. Gnrcln, south by onst by rnllrond. west by F. Gnr- vnrns; bounded south by V. Chnvez. lnrlu, south by F. Pndllln. enst by N. 300 vnrns. bounded north by J. M. Jnr- Morn, south by J. Bunnnblues, east by 500 vnrns, bounded north by J J. E. Gnrcla, east by C. Luccro, west cln. Lnnd 28 by 100 ynrds; bounded east by river, west by acequln. Lnnd Mnrtlnez. Land 50 by hit ynrds; nmlllo, south by road, east by R. Gabal- by the mesa, west by same. Land 160 south by C. W, Lewis, east by by A, Sandoval. Vnlne personnl prop- north by J. Rodnrte, south by sarao, 140 by 160 vnrns; bounded north by bounded north by C. Pndllln, south by don, west by Arenal. Iind 190 by 190 by 100 vnrns; bounded north by M. Arnnnl, west by ncequln, Vnlue per- erty, $40.00. Taxes, 37 cents; pennlty, enst by ditch, west by snme. Land river, south by M. Montnno. enst by A. Gnrcln, enst by F. Pndllln, west by varns. bounded north by R. Gabaldon, Romero, south by A. Romero, east by sonal property, $30; taxes, $1 10; pen- 2 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, 74 30 by 115 ynrds; bounded north by F. river, west by ncequla. Valuo person- . Gnrcln. Lnnd 44 by 44 ynrds; bound- south by R. Armljo, enst by road, west M. Luccro, west by A. Romoro. Val- alty, 5 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, cents. Gnrcln, Bouth by Q. Espnulln, enst by al, $50. Tnxes. $110; pennlty, 5 cents; ed north by road, south by R. Gnrcla, by acequln. Vnltia personnl property, ue personal, $60, Taxes, $2.66; pennl- $l.w. PEREA, MANUEL Land 30 by 200 rond, by Vnlue personal, costs, $1.05; totnl. $2.20. east by C Gnreln, west by It. Gnrcla. $30; tnxes, $1,83; pennlty, 10 cenU; ty, 13 cents; costs, 70 cents; total, CHAVES, M.TEO Ijxnd 160 by 200 west river. Value 70 vnrnB; bounded north by R. Montoya $30. Taxes, $10.40; penalty, 52 cents; MONTOYA. IIUSTADO Lnnd 70 personnl, $9o. Tnxes, $10.69; costs, cents: totnl, $2.63. $3.39. vnras, bounded south by Mo y Armljo, 80 penalty, 52 cents; costs, LUCERO, Y 250 by 350 south by M. TruJIIlo, enst by J. Mon costs, $1 75; $12.07. vnrns; bounded north by L. Pndllln. $1.05; total, JOSE PEREA. PEDRO Y ESPINOSA east by acequla, west by t. Candelnr.'a. total. $12.10. vnrns, by publlo tnno, west by R. Montnno. Lnnd 20 SANCHEZ, ANDRES Land 28 by south by R. Morn, enst by J. Snnchez. bounded north rond, Lnnd 40 acres. Valuo personnl, $140. Value personnl property $100, tnxes. MANUEL 60 by by by 300 vnrns; bounded north by Joe 500 varas; by Y. Snn vnluo personal. $60. Taxes, $5.81; JARAMILi.O. Und south snme. enst N. Lucero, west Tnxes, $1.46; coats, 35 cents; pennlty, $10.95; pennlty, 55 centB, costs, 35 bounded north by 100 yards, lioiinded north by C. by ncequln. Value personal property, Eagle, south by J. Gutlerrcs. cast by clies, by public road, by M renolty, 25 cents: costfl, 35 cents; to- J. 8 cents; totnl, $1,89. cents; totnl, $11.85, south east Snmorn, south by public lnnd, enst by $85; tnxes, $1.28; pennlty, 6 cents; J. Antonio, west by J. TruJIIlo, Per- Snnchez, west by snme. Lnnd 162 by tal, $6.14. QUINANTA, REYES Vnluo person" CHAVES, VENCESLAO Und 100 ncequln, west by J. C. Snmorn. Vnlue costs, 35 cents; totnl, $1.69. by 300 sonal property, $70.00. Taxes, $8 03; 1,800 varas; bounded north by Gon MONTOYA, DOMINGO Land 100 nl, 40. Taxes, $1.46; ponnlty, 8 cents; vnrns, bounded north by Anto- V pueonal property, $75;tnxeB, 91 cents; MARQUEZ, OEOItaE Lnnd 40 by Iolw-to- , pennlty. 40 cents; costs, 70 cents; zales, public road, east by en by 200 varas; bounded north by D. costs, 35 cents; total, $1.89. nio Jobo Chnves, soutn by M A. south pennlty, 04 cents; costs, 35 cents; 60 vnrns, bounded north by J, de la by nf by total. $9.13. trance, west by M. Gonzales. Land 84 Sanchez, south by Grnnt, enst by L. ROMERO. DONICIO Land 100 eaflt lis. west Antonio J. totnl, $1.30. Lii7. Sanchez, south by J. R. Huntley, Chnves. 100 by 100 bound- PEREA, MAX A. Land 40 by 300 by 180 varas: bounded by R Contrnrcs, west by L. Pndllln. Lnnd acres. Value personnl, $240. rnxes. Land vnras, north NUANES. ROMAN Lnnd 100 by enst by B. Snvcdrn, west by rond. ed by by varns; bounded north by J. Sals, by C 50 by 300 vnrns; bounded north by N. $10.59; pennlty, 10 cents; costs, 35 north Antonio Chaves, south Sandlval, south Salazar, cast by 125 ynrds, bounded north by public en- Vnluo personnl property, $80; taxes, by south by J. D, Luccro, east by J. D. Carabajal. by Apndncn, south by P Snnchez, enst by cents; totnl. $11.10. 'euro Perea, cast P. Gnrcln, west R. west n Romero, trance, fouth by Nuunes entrance; $1 10; penalty, 5 ccnts;costs, 35 cents; by B. Spitz. Vnluo personnl property, Plas, west by ncequln. Land 23 by 400 70 by 300 a .Montoyn. i.nnd 30 by 50 vnrns; SANCHEZ, LORENZO 160 Land varas; bounded north enst by A. Cand'nrla, west by Nuanes total, $1.50. $510; tnxes, $22.19; pennlty, $1.10; varas; bounded north by J. D. Sins, by V. bounded south by L. Pndllln, enst by acres. Valuo porsonnl. $55. TaxoB, O. Garcia, routh by Salazar, east entrance, i.nnd 50 by 500 yards, PAGE, URBANO Land 52 by 112 costfi, $1.05; $24.20. south by n. Lucero, east by rail- I). F. Pndllln, west by B. $2.19; penalty, 11 cents; costs, 35 totnl. by R. Cnrnbnjnl, west bv Romero. Snnchez. Tnxes, lioundc.i north by Cramer, south by A. vnrns, bounded north by ncequla, Is road, west by owner. Lnnd 100 by 91 cents; 4 cents; total, $2.05. FROST, MAX Snld lnnd sltunted Valuo personnl. $195. Tnxes. $18.43; pennlty, cents: costs. Pcrcn, by ncequln, west by A. Gnr- south by owner, by 100 vnrns; by V. Sins, $1.40; enst east T. Lucero, 80 on tho precinct of Atrlseo grant In Ber bounded north pennlty, 92 cents; costs, $1.40; totnl, totnl, $2.35. cln. Vnlue personnl property, $85; west by R. Lnnd 80 by 100 TAPIA. DEMETRIO Land acre (south by same, by 'MONTOYA, Sanchez. Value personal, $65. $9.67; nalillo county, commonly known as La enst railroad, west EUTEMIO Lnnd 40 by tnxes, $1.04; penalty, 08 cents; costs, vnrns; bounded north by Albuquerquo Taxes. Vegn, formerly Q. prop 185 pennlty, 48 cents; 35 to- of Juon Chaves, who by Cardova. Vnluo personnl PRECINCT NO 6. vnrns; bounded north by rond, 70 centB; totnl, $2.42. Land compnny, soma by owner, enst costs, cents, snmo crty, $130.00 by tnl. $10.50. donated the to his son, Miguel Tnxes, $3.79; pennlty, APODACA, EULOJIO Land 80 by south nme, wot by J. Sanchez PEREA, ANDRES Land 3 acres, by ncequln, west by M. Snnchez. Lnnd Antonio Chnves, 20th day 19 cents; costs, $5.03 Lnnd, 35 by 100 VALENCIA, JACOBO Lnnd 160 in tho of $1.05; totnl, 300 yards; bounded north by S. Podlb vnrns; bounded north bounned north by J. Olguln, south by GO by 100 vnras, bounded north by pub September, 1825. $3.65; pennl- by ncres. personnl, $20. Tnxes, TAFOYA. TIVARCIO Lnr.d 25 by la, south by J. Montoya, enst by old ncequln, south by Grnnt, enct by C. R. Nuanes, enst by ncequln, west by lic road, south by li. sabedrn, enst by Vnlue Taxes, ty, lo cents; costs, $1.05: totnl, $4.85. Moyn. west by 91 4 35 75 ynrds; bounded north by J. Pals, river, west by J. Mnrlnno, Lnnd 50 by J. A. Pndllln. Personnl Estcro, Lnnd 2 ncrcB, bounded north Rio Grande, west by rond. Value per cents; pennlty, centB; costs. GARCIA, VALBlilO 20 by 50 prnporty, $25. 91 pen- cents; $1.30. Und south by J .M. Lucero, east by hills 80 yards; by Taxes, cents; by A. Hall, south by Ilfcld Brothers, sonnl property, $80; tnxes, $4.02: pen' totnl, vnrns, by Gnr-rl- bounded north road, 4 hounded north Frances west by rond. Taxes, $1.83; penalty, Bouth by O. Moya, by M. Apadncn, nlty, cents; costs, 70 cents; total, east by acequla, west by Estcro. Land nlty, 20 cents; costs, $1.05; total, $5.27. PRECINCT. NO 11. south by Mn. Jnrnmlllo, enst by P. east $1.05 9 cento; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $2.27. west by snme. Vnlue personnl. $40. 4 ncres, bounded north by A. naya, i'AOB, CAN DIDO Land GO by 260 BEROAS, JOSE A. Land bounded Cnndelnrln, west uy snnd hil!s. Lnnd MORAOO, 18 300 PRECINCT No. 4. Tnxes. $3.29; pennlty, 10 cents; costs, JOSE C Lnnd by south by J. Ruppc, east by road, west vnras, bounded t,y U. Pago, south by north by F. Apodncn, south by U. Mctz In mnln ditch of Atrlseo. Vnluo per- 11. vnrns; by C. ALLEN, W. Lnnd 7 aeres, 70 cents; $4.15. bounded north Apndncn, by j. m. Lucero. Land In precinct No. public road, enst by ncequln, west by gnr. enst by river, west by F, A. Hub-bol- l. sonal property, $285; tnxes, $10.20; totnl. by MornRO, bounded north by Yrlsarrl. enst by APODACA.MAXIMIANO Lnnd 100 south B. enst by M. Apn- 35. 30 by 200 ynrds; bounded north v. rngo. Lnnd 70 by 260 vnroa, bound Valuo porsonal, $85. Taxes, pennlty, 50 cents; costs, 70 cents, to- dncn, by B. Montoyn. Fourth street, west by Joe Provlnger by 250 ynrds: bounded north by rond. west Lnnd 90 by ditch, south by J. Smith, enst by M. ed north by J. R. Snnchez, routh by O $1.90; pennlty, 10 cents; costs, 35 tnl. $11.40. Taxes, $5.48; penalty, 27 cents; costs, south by 8. Sanchez, east by Arnnnl by 200 vnrnB; hounded north by rond Cnndelnrln. west ny ncequla. Valuo Sanchez, cast by ncequla. west by Al cents; totnl, $2.35. OARCIA. Y CHAVES JOSE Und 3& by F. cents; totni$o.i(t. west by E. Apodncn. Lnnd 00 by 40 south Snnchez, enst by C. Snn- personnl property, $15; tnxes, $1.78; buqucrque Land company. Value per CHAVEZ, DELQRIS Lnnd 40 by 50 by 100 varas, bounded north by M. DA II A, 100 by per- EL EULIJILO Land ynrds; bounded north by J. M. Montn chez. west by public rond. Vnluo pennlty, 23 cents; costs, $1.40; total, sonnl property, $135; tnxes. $2.26; pen 100 ynrds; bounded north by A. Chnv- Jaramlllo, soutn by public road, east ion varns; bounded north by S. Rnrela no, south by C Morngo, enst by publlo sonal, $200. Taxes, $9.93; pennlty, 50 $6.41. nlty, 11 cents; costs, 70 cents, total, oz. south by F. A. Hubbell, enBt by uy Bcnlgno Gonzales, west ny foot Bouth by by V. 8. Harela, enst Guodu road, west by E. Apodaea. Valuo per cents: costs, $2.05; totnl, $11 48. ROMERO, .MRS. L DE GUTIER- $3.u. ditch, west by road. Vnluo personnl, hills. House. Value personal prop- lope, west by public rond. 54 Lnnd sonnl, $80. Taxes, $4.38; pennlty, 22 PADILLA, LUIS Lnnd 300 by 300 REZ lnnd 35 by 375 vnrns, bounded SANCHEZ, MIRAMON Lnnd 50 by $105. Tnxes, 91 cents; pennlty, 4 erty, $245; taxes, $4.07: penalty, 20 by 540 vnrns; by Gull by 100 bounded north rents; costs, 70 cents; $5.30. vnrnB; bounded north by rond, south north J. M. Cnndelnrln. south zy M. vnrns, bounded north by road, cents; costs, 35 cents; total, $1.30, cents; costs, 70 cents; totnl, $4,197, Ion, south by P. Armllo, by rond totnl, by east RARELA. MANUEL Lnnd 20 ncequln, oast by rond, west by P. Gutierrez, enst by acequla, west by boul. by v. Snnchez, enat by road. CHAVEZ, ADOLFO Lnnd 60 by 100 JAItAMlLLO, PEDRO Lnnd 200 by west by N. Armljo. One houso. by by mo 7nrds; bounded by L. Mariano. Land 30 by 120 varas; same. Land 19 by 425 vnras, bounded west P. Snnchez. innd 100 by 200 ynrds; bounded north by R. Chnvez, 200 vnrns, bounded north by A. Mon- Value of personnl property, $115, north Pa by M by vnrns, by toyn, by checo .south by II. Montoya, east by hounded north by T. Lnbato, south by north Gutierrez, south snme, bounded north Albuquerque south by J. Chnvez, enat by ncequln, south it, Gnbnldon, enst by Last half taxes, $5.95; penalty, 29 R Monrngo, enst by P. Mnrlnno, enst by ncequln, weBt by T. Pndllla. Laud compnny, south by ncequla, east ncequln, west by A. Montoyn. Land 20 ts, r. I'niltlin, west by public rond. Land west west by rond. Lnnd 50 by 100 ynrds; cent8:-co8- $7.29. iMiA 204 by by V. by by GO ii.ud; totnl, 33 by 100 ynrds: by by rond. Land 200 by 00 vnrns; 400 voras; bounded north Page, west Entrnda. Valua bounded north by A. Chnvoz, south by varas, bounned north, south, enst HARELA, PONCIANO Land 17 bounded north S by P. Gnrcln, by P. Bndnrncco, personnl property, $1,680; nnd west by P. per- Rancher, somh by V Pndlllo, east by bounded north by R. Montoyn. south south tnxes Inst snmo, enBt by ncequln, west by J. Jnrnmlllo. Value yards; hounded north by entrance, by E. Montoya, by B. enst by Estcro. west by C. Montoyn. hnlf, $18.88; pennlty, 95 cents; costs, sonnl property, $55; taxes, $7.-t8- ; pen- acequla. west by road. Land 00 by 100: west Montoyn, Chavez. Land 80 by 130 ynrds; bound-e- d south by A. Hellweg, enst by Krnnt, I Value personal property, $525; lnst $1.06; $20.88. alty, 37 cents; costs, 70 cents; total, bounded north by F. A. enst by romr. Vnluo personnl, $50. total. north by A. Chnvez, south by F. A. west by A. Cbnmlsh. Vnluo personnl Hubbell. south linn tnxes, $8.55; pennlty, 42 cents; SANCHEZ, GABRIEL 100 by $8.56. by acequla, east by A. by Taxes. $1.95; penalty, 10 cents; costs, Lnnd Hubbell, enst by ncequla, west by road property, $190. Tnxes, $9.89; pennl- Ubnto. west costs. $1 10; totnl, $10.37, 300 vnras, bounded north by new LvBATO. MANUEL ATOCHA-U- nd .1. $1.05; total, $3.10, (Lnst half taxes). ditch. Taxes, $10.95; penalty, 5i ctns; costs, ty, 50 cents; costs, 70 cents; totnl, liareia. valuo personal, $20. Tnxes WEBSTER J H. & W. S. HOPE- south by P. Snnchez, enst by road, 30 by 60 varas, bounded north 73 cents; pennlty, 4 PADILLA. MANUEL Land 35 by $1.05, totnl, $12.54. $11.09. cents; cot WELL- 0 by prop- by 300 varas; bounded north by M. Mar- Lnnd ncres and west ncequln. Vnlue personal CHAVEZ, FRANCISCO 2ND Lnnd Vcnccslno Chaves, south, east and II U 8 T A M A NTE, FRANCISCO i.ur: totnl, $1,82. vineyard Iyln of F. Hunlng. erty, $1,095; taxes west by iano, sonth by rond, enst by J Snn- north hm half. $20.75; 150 by 400 ynrds; bounded north by Antonio J. Candelarlo. Und Land 23 by 300 vnrns; bounded north CASTERNA. JESUS Lnnd 40 by Tuxes, $5.81, penalty, 30 cents; costs, penauy, $1.03; costs, 70 cents; total, 27 by 40 varas, bounded north by Fran- 4'J chez. weBt by rond. Lnnd h0 by 300 F A. Hubbell south by N. Chnvez, by C Garcia, sonth by M. Gonzales, ynrds: bounded north by V. Mon 35 cents; $6.49 $22.08. cisco Gnllegos, by Can- toyn. vnrnH; bounded north by B. Chnvez, total. enst by river, west by 460 south Salvador cast by rond, west by acequla, south by M. Snnchez, enst by PRECINCA NO. 0. SANCHEZ. MATEAS Land. 190 by road. Land delarlo, cast by Atrlseo ncequla, west, Und puiuic south by B. Padllln. enst by B, Chnvez by 400 yards; bounded north by Gut- In by 600 varas; UAinded north by J. roan, west by E. Montopn, BACA, SALVADOR Lnnd 50 by 355 -- .00 varns, bounded north by C. P. by J. F. Cnndelnrln, Vnluo pcrsoual 30 ny 100 west bv rond. Vnluo personnl, $160. ierrez, south by N. Chavez, by B. Luccro, sonth by J. TruJIIlo, enst by Lnnd ynrds; bounded north varns, bounded by S. Rodoy, , snncnez, by by east property, $10; tnxes, $2,56; penalty, uy v. TnxcB. $5 84; pennlty, 29 cents; costs north 3. south 8. Sanchez, cost rood, by T. acequla, west by rond. Lout half tnxes, Hnnciicz, nouth by Isletn grant south by P ftnvcdrn, enst by Chav-en-, oy ny west Gutlrrcz. Valuo per 12 centB; costs, 70 cents; total, v. 70 conts; total, $0.83. r. river, wesi i.onius. i.nnd ivi $3.o. $4.50; pennlty. 23 cents; costs, 70 east by Montoyn. west by V. Snn west by Arnnnl. Lnnd 140 by 600 450 vnrns,bounded north by rond, south sonal, $100. Taxes, $7.30; costs, 70 LOPEZ, FRANK S. Land 100 by PADILLA, ANA8TACIO 00 centB; 35 cents; total, $5.49. etiez. Vnluo personnl. $20. Tnxes Und vnrns, bounded by C. Baca, by D. Gnllegos, by D. Sedlllo, pennlty, cents; totnl, $8.35. 250 varns, bounded north by II. Gabal- 16(1 vnrnn; bounded north by J, A. Pn north cast CANDELARIA. QURINA DE OAR-CI- $3.47: ponnitv. is cents; costB, 70 south by P. enst by west by acequla. 100 by 100 vn- CHAVEZ. CANDELARIA Y E. don, south by road, west by dllln, south by V. Chavez, by snvcdrn, river, Land cast and Land 13 by 500 ynrds; bounded cents; totnl. $4.36. east west by snme. Lnnd 100 by 300 vnrns, rnH, hounded north by M. Chnvoz, Lnnd 375 bv 378 yards: boundod north T anbaldon. Land 90 by 300 vnras, VIDAI-L- nnd Ornnt, west by J. M. 00 by north by A Montnno, south by Mon- CHAVEZ. 200 by 200 Pndllla. Land bounded north by M. Bacn, south by south by J. M. Qallogos. by F. Chavez, south by R. Ortiz, oast bounded north by rond, by J. by 70 vnrns; by nce- east J. south J. tnno, east by hills, west by Val- ynrds; bnundel north by J Snnchez bounded north Rodey, by west by M. Sanchez, west by perso ny roaa. west by v. Poroa. vnluo per. by Inke. quln, by enst Arnnnl, road. Value 8nnchez, east F. Sanchez, ivesl by ue personnl property. $20.00 south by Ornnt, enst by A. Sedlllo south Pndllln, west by V Snnchez Vnlue of personnl property, property, tnxes, $10.06: pen soiml. $100. Taxes, $10.43; penalty, P. Annya. Valuo personnl property, Tnxes. Chnvez. 200 nal $ioo; $5.29; pennlty, 2C cents; 35 west by J. Contrerns. Lnnd 33 by 100 Lnnd vnras; bounded $100; taxes. $7.30; pennlty, 37 cents; alty, 80 cents; costs, $1.05; 82 centn; costs. 36 cents: total $17.00 $55; tnxes, pennlty, 48 costs, by by total, $9.0; cents; rents: totnl, $5.90. yards; bounded north by M. L. Pntlll south rond. enBt snme, west by costs. $1.05; total. $8.72. $17.01. CASTILLO, MAN..UELA, MRS. costs, iO cents; totnl, $10.85, river. Lnnd 100 by 200 vnrns; CHAVEZ. MELQUIADOS Land 7 In. south by public rond. enst by river, bounr. BACA, CARMEIj Land 100 by 600 SANCHEZ. NICOIAS Land 40 by Land igo by 150 yards; boundod north MONTOYA, ABRAN Und 200 by by 33 ed north by V. Chnvez, pouth by J. M. by M. acres. Lnnd 3J0 by 1500 vnras; liound-c- d wett ditch. Lnnd by 100 ynrdB; varns, bounded north by C, Snnchez, 213 varaB, bounded north by G. Apo- - J. Chavez, south by B. Soto, eaBt 300 vnras, bounded north by Jesus Ar- noru by Cunrta, south by Cuchllla, bounded north by J. Sanchez, south by Chnvez. enst by V. Pndiiin, west by south by M. llaca, enst by C, Itnel; dnca, soutn by Guruio, cast by pub by rood, west by R. Sanchez. Vnluo mljo, south by B. Montoyn, east by A. hlllM. t. oast by nrroya.wcst by Cuchllla. Taxes, J Pndllln. enst by public lnnd. west Taxes, $1,83: pennlty, 10 cents; west by Aranal. Taxes, $3.05; pennl-ty- , lie rond, west oy A. TruJIIlo. Valuo personal, $50. TaxcH, $2.19; ponnlty, Sanchez, west by R, Armljo. Land 60 $0.21; penalty, 31 cents; costs, 70 by hills. Value personnl. $95. Tnxes costs. $1 40; totul, $2.33, 10 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, personnl property. $295; taxes, $9,74: u conts; costs, 3& conts; total, $2.65. by 200 varas, bounded north by A. San- cents; total, $7.22, $4.72, pennlty, 23 cents; costs. $1,05; PADILLA, MARIANO Lnnd 70 by $t.i9. fUKM penalty, 49 cents; costs, 35 cents; to MUNIS. JESUS-La- nd 45 bv 132 chez, south by P. Jnrnmlllo, cast by GARCIA, SALVADOR MANUEI totni, in. 160 vnrns; hounded north by J. M. BACA, ROBINSON Land i40 by27 tal, Jill. is. yards; boundod north by J. Hubbell, snme, west by accqula. Land bounded Chnvez, Land GO by 100 varns; bounded north CHAVEZ, JUANA M. Lnnd 200 by south by A. Chnvez, east bv vnrns, bounded north by P. Armljo, SANCHEZ, AMBROSIO Und 05 by bouiii ny u. unrein, east by rond, west north by N. Apodaea. south by crant by It. Candclaria, sonth by T. Outlez-rex- , 200 yards; bounded north by rond rond. west by A. Apodncn. Vnluo per- south by rond, enat by snme, west by 210 varas, bounded north by P. Garcia. by J. O. Hnbboll. Vnluo personnl. $80. limits, enBt by Barcla, west by nee--! east by D. autlorrcst, west by nce- south by rond, enst by M. Pndllla, west sonnl, $80, Tares, 73 cents; penalty P. Armljo, Tnxea, $3,G5; pennlty, 19 south by F. A'podnca, cast by J, B. Gar Tnxos, $2,92; ronnlty, ID cents; costs, quia. Vnluo personal property, $00;' qula. Land 60 by 200 varas; hounded by road. Lnnd 200 by 360 yards; 4 cents; costs, 36 eents: totnl. $1.12. cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $4.19. cia, west by road, value personal prop .15 cents; total. $2.65. taxes, $10.37; pennlty, CI cents; costs, north by ht. Yrlsarrl, south by R, Sa- bounded north by by rond. south by J PADILLA. S1LVESTRE Lnnd 20 BALLEJOS, JUAN Lnnd 80 by 80 orty, $90; taxes, $2.01; penalty, 10 PADILLA, AVEI.r-Ln- nd 50 by 150 $1.05; total, $11.93. mara, eust ny public road, west by Padllln, enst by C. Chnvez. west by by 38 vnrnr: bounded north by rond varas, bounded north by T. Sanchez, cents; costs, 36 cents: total, $2.46 yarns bounded north by rond. south 8AVEDRA, ANASTACIO Und 100 owner. Value personnl property, $95, J. Snnchez. Land 7C by llff ynrds; south by M. Chnvez, enst by rond. south by R. 8. Qurulc, cast il' road, SANCHEZ, ANTONIO Land 68 by by ncequln, cast by A. Jnrnmlllo, west by 400 vnras, bounded north and south F by J Armljo, cast by J. M. Jaramlllo, Snnchez, soirh by P Lucero, east by Precinct No, 5. $13.76; pcnnlty, 58 cents; costs, 40 Snrraslno and tho small piece of cents, total. $11.23, Value persona' 1240. Tnxes. $21,53: west by J. Mora. Value personal prop- ditch, west by P. Samora. Land 50 by WBRSTBR, J. H. & W. 8. HOPE cents; total, $14.73. land on which It stnnds. Valuo per- SARRASINO. MARIA. NIEVES penalty, $l.r.., iota, 35 cents; tptal, erty, $P0; taxes, $u.C3; penalty, 43 200 yards, bounded north by R. Lucero, WELL 16 0 ncres and Tin-yar- WHEELER. W. H. Lots 1 nnd 2, sonnl, $00. Tuxes, $12.87; penalty, G4 Ijind bounded north by J. Chavez, $14.05. cents; casts, 35 cents; total, $9.40. south by A, Lucero, cast by hills, west lying north of F, Hunnlng. block 6, northern addition. Vnlue cents; costs, 70 cents; total, $14.21 south by J. Sanchez y Maya, cast by McLEAN, 25 by 125 by JOHN Land SANCHEZ, JUAN J. Land 72 by river. Land 10 by 300 yards, bound- Taxes, $5.84; pcnnlty, 30 cents; costs personnl, $50. Last half taxes, $8,67; ARMIJO, GAUREL Land 72 by 182 road, Taxes, $20.76; pennlty, $1.10; vnras; bounded south by Apodaca, 712 varus; bounded north by l'ollto ed north by public Innds, south by 35 cents; total $0.49. pennlty, 43 centr, costs, 40 cents; to- fect; bounded north by 8. Vnlcncla costs, 36 cents; total, $22.20. east by rallrooil, wont by alloy. Valuo by by A. same, by Atmlju, south P. Chavez, end cast and west same. Valuo Precinct No. 10. tal, $9.60. sonth by rond, cast by Gnrcla'a en- 8ESMA. CIRILO Land 65 by 85 personnl, $50. Taxes, $13.04; penalty, Romero, west by P. Chavez. Land 50 personal property, $1,105; taxes, I.ORATA. JUAN Lnnd 160 ncrer R 7 to 12 In trance, west by J. Y. Onrcla. Valuo feet; bounded north by A. Moyn, south CO cents; costs. 35 cents; total, $14.05. by 150 varas; bounded north by P. $84.10; penalty, $4.20; costs, $1.40; to- YEWELL, H. Lots Personal property, $3.45; taxes, $14.- C, nurnn nnd Alox personnl, $40. Tnxes, $1.66; pcnnlty, by M Ilnmin, east by V. Moya, west Sanchez, south by M. Sanchez, cast tnl, $89.70. elusive, block MONTOYA, A VAN Land 58 by 000 42; pcnnlty, 72 cents; costs, 35 cents; nndrln nddltlon. Tnxes, Inst half. 9 cenrs; costs, 35 rents; totnl, $2.10. by road. Land 27 by 270 varas; varas; bounded north by H. Darella, nnd west by P. Uarcla. Land bound- PRECINCT NO. 4. by Sammln, by MANUEI In totnl, $15.49. $13.08: scnnlty, 66 cents; costs, $1.20; ARMIJO, MARIANO G. Lots 7. 8 bounded north south south by O. Rnrelln cast by hills, west ed north nnd south by F, Snnchez, liONZALES, Land V. Moya, cast by R. west precinct No. 3, 28 by 2,000 Precinct No. 12. totnl. $14.91. and 9, block 6, Armljo y Otero nddl- J. Duran, by ditch. Land In Precinct No. 28, cast by public rond, west by F. San- ynrds, by V. Moyn $2.29; pcnnlty, bounded north uy hills, by Da ANAYA, ANTONIO Lnnd 10 by PRECINCT NO. 20. tlon. Tnxes, $5.82; pcnnlty, 29 cents; Tnxes. 225 by 400 varas; bounded north by chez. Value personal property, $85. south J. 11 cents; costs 70 cents; totnl $3.10, znn, by M. Yrlsarrl, west by ace- 300 varns, In city. Vnluo personal AOAM8. 11. P. Porsonal property, costs, CO cents: totnl, $6.51. J. A. Jaratnlllo. south by II, Montoyn, Taxes, $2.01; pcnnlty. 10 cunts; costs, ent CARl-L- $70, Tnxes, $6.88; pennlty, 35 SNYDER. ots 2 nnd 3, Ar-mlj- $1 05; total, $3.1G. qula. Land In precinct No. 13, houso cents; $100. Taxes, $5.82; pcnnlty, 29 cents; AYERS. PREJEUES DE I.. Lnnd enst by I. Jnrnmlllo. west by R 35 $7.58. block 75, Terrace Tnxes, 8ARRACINO, CLEMENTE nnd land. Land 110 by 800 yards, costs, ccnta; totnl costs, 35 cents; totnl, $6.46. It, Precinct No. 35, 19 by 200 vnrns: nddltlon. Value personal, $00. Taxes, Land ny 42 cents; pennlty, 3 cents; costs, 10 100 by 1,000 vnrns; bounded north by bounded north M. Yrlsarrl, sonth by CAMPFIEI.n. GEORGE North hnlf AULD. J. Lot 1G, block 20. N. M. bounded north by II, Montoyn, south $15.73; pcnnlty, 70 cents; costs, $1.05; M. by by 1 cents; totnl, 85 cents, $17.57. M. Jnrnmlllo, south by M, llaca, cast illedsoe, east ncequln, west lots to 6 Inclusive, block 7. N. M. Co. addition. Last half tnxes, $2.- - by J Lopez, cast by entrance, west total, 60 by 200 by Arannl, by Valuo per- 'i. Gutierrez. Lnnd ynrds, T Compnny nddltlon. Vnluo person 91; pennlty, 14 cents; costs, 20 cents; by ditch, Taxes, $2.49; penalty, 15 WHITING. CALVIN West half of MONTOYA, UUSULO Lots 3. 10 west hills. bounded by F. Montoyn, sonal property, $20. Taxes, $8,03; pen" north south al. $120. Lnst r.nlf tnxes, $22.33; pen- totnl, $3.25. cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $2,99. north hnlf of northeast quarter, Sec and 11, block 2, N. J. Sanchez addi- by T. Gutierrez, east by ncequln, west 17. 10 4 nlty, 40 cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, nlty. $112; costs, $1.20: totnl, $24.65. RANDOM AND VENTURA Por IIACA, SANTIAGO Land bounded tion Township N., Rnnge E., tion. Tnxes, $4.91; penalty. 25 cents; by hills, Lnnd 40 by 2.000 varas. 10 $8.78. COLUMBINE, MAURICE Land 60 sonal property, $200. Taxes. $11.63: north by rond, south by L. F, Killing ncres. Northeast quarter of tho costs, CO cents: total, $5.79. Land 132 by 2,, 0 vnras. Land 46 by southwest qunrtor of Section 15, SENA. MARIANO P. Land 28 by by 285 feet In UDern. Tnxes, $1.76; penalty. 68 cents; costs, 35 cents; enst by J. Grlcgot, west by J. Ortiz I'OLSON, MAr.r-t.- ntft 5. 700 vnras. Lnnd 56 by 100 varns. Township 10 N., Range 3 E 40 acres. south 57 vnras; bounded north nnd south by pcnnlty, u cents; costs 35 cents, total, totnl, $12.66. Vnluo personnl, $290. $5.81; C, C. Land 1C0 ncres. Lnnd 100 by iu() yards, Tnxes. Southwest quarter of nnrthenst half block Simpler addition. Desldnrlo Cnrnbnjal, cast by Jose F. $2.19. HRYAN. R. W. D. Lot 6, block 10. pennlty, 29 cents; costs, 35 cents; to the $3.5(1: penntty, 17 costs, bounded norm by T. Gutierrez, south qunrter of Section 19. Township 10 Taxes, cents; Candelarla, wont by O. do Whiting. CUT1NOLA. PASCUEI Lnnd 38 II. II. nddltlon. Tnxes, v- - 45; pennl- tnl, $6.46. 41) cents; total, S4.13. by M. Yrlsarrl, east by ndls. west by N., Range 4 E.. 40 acres. Taxes. $1.-9- Va.uo personal property, $20. Taxes, by Ro- ty, 7 cents; costs, 20 centB; totnl, Fourth street. Innd In precinct No. 19, 147 feet; bounded north by J. ROWLAND. JOHN All of block 20. ponnlty, 25 cents; costs, $1.05; QUINTAN A, JOSH I). Ijtnd 50 by $12.59; penalty, G5 cents; costs, 35 300 ny 450 ynrds, by mero, south nnd enst by P. Cnnno, $1.72. 11. ft L. nddltlon Tnxes, $5.00; pcn- 100 personal property, bounded north 34 totnl. S6.2S feet Value cents; totnl, $13.59. . . west by rond. Taxes. $14.54; pennlty. CANDELARIA, JUAlr Land by 25 bancbto, south by j. Castillo, east nlty, cents; costs, $4.80; totnl, ZEIGER (c DODD Land bounded $75. Taxes, 99 cents; penalty, 5 NO. 34. by ncequla, west, by Quatl cents; costs, 35 cento; total, 600 vnrns; bounded north by E. $10.11. PRECINCT anel. Value by north by Springer, ct nl, south by ccots; costs, 35 rents; totnl. $1.39, APODACA. SOTHLA Land 2 personal property, J26. Lnst half 115.26. Nnuncs, south by F. Hunlng. enst IIRIOGS, C. A. Lot 7, block 7, II. & Vnlue Rodey nnd others, enst by Grant line, SANCHEZ. JOSE S. House and .1. Apodncn, taxes, 11. rond, west by ilvcr. personnl L, $2.08; pennlty, acres; bounded north by $J..j7: penalty, $1.05; costs, OAUI1ER, V. Houso and lot. nddltlon. Tnxes. f west by Kent. Illork No. 1, Romero lot. Taxes, $5.93; penalty, 30 cents; nce- $2.86; total, $37.47. $10. Lnst hnlf taxes. $4 02; penalty. 20 cents; $2.38. Bouth by Co. cf Albuquerque cast Vnluo personnl property, $25. Taxes. cents; costs, totnl, addition. Tnxes. $8.30; pennlty, 40 costs. 30 cents; total, $6.63. 55 by RODARTE, JUAN A. Lnnd 40 by 0 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, quln, west P. Oobeldon. Land $18.04; pcnnlty, 91 cents; costs, 38 CERVANTES, JULIAN Personnl cents; costs, 55 cents: totnl, $9.25. VAIO, JOSEPH Lam. Sf. by 150 400 yards, by M. Gon-znle- $4.57. 63 20 vnras; hounded north by II. Morn, bounded north cents; totnl, $19:30. property, $15.00. Tnxes, cents; feet; bounded north by O. Apoilacn, II. Mora, south by entrance, east by nce- COLLISTER, MARY Lot 8, block 2 35 cents; PRECINCT NO. 5. south by public rfd, enst by DRAWVER. TAUL E. Lot 10. pennlty, cents: costs, south by J. Apudacn, east by H. Ar-mlj- qula. west by river. 160 by GOO R, Unco & Armljo addition. Taxes ALRUQUERQUE IlltICK CO. we.-- t by Torras; also ono house. Val- Land of block 11. M. totnl. $1.00. by $13.83; yards, bounded north by I. Sanchez, north hnlf block J. n $9.88; penalty. 60 cents; costs, 20 Rrlck plant, comprising machinery, west river. Taxes, ue personnl property, $35. Taxes, 37 & R. Vnluo CHAVEZ. ANTONIO Y S. Land C9 to- south by J. by Gar- addition. personal, $60.00. cents: total, $10.58. building, etc., nt Abnjo. Vnlue per penalty, cents; costs, 35 cents; cents; penalty, 3 cents; costs, 35 Gonzales, east i. In Precinct No. 28, 180 by 180 vnrna; $14.87. cia, west by acequla. 30 l.y 500 Last, half taxes, $11.14; penalty. 66 POWELL, S. 11. Valuo personnl, sonnl, $500. Tnxes, $19.75; penalty, tal. cents; totnl, 75 cents. Land hounded north by A. Romero, sonth by BOO ynrds, bounded north by V, Snlazar, cents; costs, 40 cents; totnl, $12.10. $50. Tnxes, $2.91; penalty. 14 cents; 9. cunts; costs. 35 conts; totnl. $21.08. YR18SARI, I J. Land 108 by RALDOSSONE, POLICARPO 20 R. Onbeldon, enst by ditch, west b;t J. D. south by J. Garcia, cast by acequla,, DURAN. ANNA MARIR Land costs, 35 cents; total, $3.40. AKERS. MRS. L. Lot No 3. Bouth varas: bounded north by Mitnlz, Land 15 by 30 ynrds; bounded north by 160 vnrns; bounded north by rond, A. Montoyn. Lnnd In Prerlnct No. 28. south by J, Outicrrex, east by ncequln, byF. Scdlllo, south by rond, cast by S. west by J F. Gallegoa. Vnlue personal CRAMMER. LIZZIE East half of 66 by 400 ynrds; bounded north by hnlf of Lot 4. block A, Simpler No. property, $200; taxes, $77.60; penalty, scuth by acequla, west by Lucero. lot 4. block F, Armljo No. 2 addition. nddltlon. Lnst half taxes, $7.90; west by river. Taxes, $2.97; penalty, Onrcla, west by S. Apodnca. Valuo 100 100 A. Montoyn, south by Mrs. Jaramlllo 15 $3.80; costs. $1.05; total, $82.47. Land by ynrds, bounded Lots 11 nnd 12. south half of lot 10 pennlty. 10 cents; costs, 40 cents; to- cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $3.47. personal property, $135. Taxes, $128; Lorn-hnrd- east by Arannl, west by acequla PRECINCT NO. 9. north by Aloxnndrln, south by block 17, Enstern nddltlon. Value or $8.70. PRECINCT NO. 35. penalty, 7 cents, costs, 35 cents; total, Valuo, $76, Taxes, $4.56 tal, .- SANCHEZ, 200 cast oy hills, west by nrroyn. $17.- - ARMIJO. CARLOS O- Land 100 by lOMAH Lam! by personnl, $135. Last hnlf tnxes, 22 70 AMRS, T. G quarter of $1.70. 30(1 Valuo personal, $40. Taxes. $17.03; pennlty, conts; costs, cents Noittiwest 360 varas; bounded north by I. Ar-mlj- 00 vnrns, bounded north by O. San- 01; penalty, 85 cents; costs, 80 TownBhlp 10 CAYASO. ESTAVAN M. Land penalty, 85 cents; 70 totnl. $5.48. Section 28, N., Rango by Fntbers, by 8, chez, south by road, east by road, costs, cents; cents; I south east by 100 yards; bounded north by J. M. west totnl, $18.62. CHAVEZ, MANUEL Lnnd 50 by E.. 160 acres. Taxes. 122.12; pennl by road. Land 100 by 300 varas, total, $ DAVIS, C. C. LotB 7 nnd 8. block Alexnnder, woH by Fathers. Land 40 by 200 Al-- ty, GO 35 totnl, Montoyn, south by M. Morn, east by ELLSWORTH. ED 73 by 257 feet; bounded north by D. i cents; costs, rents; by 300 vnras; bounded north by R, bounded north P. Armljo, south by Land 2, Lewis & Slmmands nddltlon. Vain" $23.07. bills, west by arroyn. Value personnl road, cast by west by hills. taras; bounded north by J. Armljo, bllnr, south by A. Gnrcln, enst by road Armljo, south, by Fathers, east by oad. Land personal, $50. Last half taxes. $13. - 19, property, $120. 73 cents; pen- J l west by ditch. Taxes, 21 cents; pen- APODACA, RAFAEL M. Lot Taxes. 3(0 by 500 vnrns, bounded north by A. sr.uth by M. It. Sedlllo, west by road. 68 40 ncequln. west by C. Armijo. Value 4 75; penalty, cents; costs, cents; block 2. N. J. Sanchez addition. Val alty, cents ;cost, 35 cents; ttotnl, Romero, south bv M. Sanchez, by Lot block 3, northern Last nity, i cents; costs, 36 cents; total personal. $45. Taxes, 21 cents; penal- east l. auoitlon. totnl. 1H4.8.1. S5 uo personal, $15. Taxes, $6.52; penal $1.12. i . Armljo, west uy Iomna. Land 100 half tnxes, $4 30, pennlty, 21 cents; cents. ty, 2 cents; costs, 70 cents; total MANUEI In DUNLaP. MARY C Lot 16, block CARAIIAJAL, ty. 33 cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, GUTIERREZ. Land by 400 varas, bounded north by H. Gar-cl- costs. 0 ccnU; totnl $5.77. MRS. VIVIAN Lnnd 93 cents. GO 5. N. M. T. Co. addition. Last hnlf $7.?0, Alnmltos, acres, land in Oja dc south by Ilallegos, east by J. Ro- GARCIA. CLARA - - SIMPSON bounded north by acequla, south by RAOA. ISIDRO Land 42 by 157 8 j. tnxes, $5.81; pennlty. 29 cents; costs, NICOLAS Lnnd 25 by Morrelo 40 acres, land In Chlllll mero, 100 by .A) vnraa, bound- Lnnd 26 by 80 Montoyn, east by rond; west by W APODACA. vnras; bounded north by Totl; feet; bounded north 20 cents; total, $6.30. 35 by A. south acres. Vnluo personal property, $125. ed north by roaa, south bj N. Snbedra, nnd sonth by owner, nnd M. de Armljo. Personnl property, yards; bounded north Gnrcla, by A. Vlvlnnn, cast by ncequln, west enst west EtQIIT SPOT SALOON Personnl. by by C. Taxes, $4.47; renalty, 23 ccntH; costs, eaBt by road, west by J. U. Sanchez. by $60. Tnxes, $1.46; penalty, 7 cents south Simpler, enst Apodnca, by A. Vlvlann. Taxes, $2,08; Lombnrdo. Taxes, $23.36; pcnnlty $100. Tnxes, $5.82; penalty, 25 cents; by Lnnd 60 by 50 yards; costs, $1.05; total, $5.75. Valuo personnl property, $1,4G6. Tnxes. $1 17; costs, 35 $24,78. costs, 35 cents; totnl, $1.88. west river. 35 cents; totnl, $2.53. cents; totnl, costs, 35 cents: totnl, $6.42, by M. Apodncn. GUTIERREZ, MARTIN House and (Inst half), $41.2o; penalty, $2.00; EDWARDS, WILLIAM LanO bounded north enst CHAFER, N. M. 10 by 72 uahuia. miuukIs Houso nnd lot. FISHER, F. W. lA)t 10. block 8. H. by ditch, west by N. Apodncn. Vnlue Land lots Land 75 by 200 varas; bounded costs, $2.10; total, $45.36. Value personal, $26. bounded Moith by Gnrcln, south by vnrns; bounded and by, Taxes, $4.25; It. nddltlon. Tnxes, $23.26; pennlty, personnl, $10. Tnxes, $1.98; pcnnlty, north south north, south, east and west by Innd pennlty. 21 rond, eaBt by ncequln, west by Racn, It. Chnvez, enst by ncequla, west by PRECINCT NO. 11. cents: costs, 35 cents; $116; coHts, 20 cents; totnl, $24.26. 10 cents; costs 70 cents; $2.78. grant. Lnnd 15 by 20 vnras; bounded Hnbbcll, F. Land 600 by 800 total, $4.81. Tnxes, $12.46; pcnnlty, 62 cents; costs totnl. road. Land 96 by 920 J. GARCIA. JUAN Houso nnd lot, APODACA. JESUS MOLINA Y feet; bounded noi th by public Innds, south by J. F. ynrds, by 66 by R 35 cents: total, $13.42. by Chavez, by bounded north Hubbcll, GARCIA. MOSES Lnnd 100 enst of Unreins road. Value personnl. Lnnd 140 by S00 north ct al. south J. J. Gnrcln, enst by A. Gulterrez, west by by by GARCIA. SIMON tJtnd In Precinct varas; bounded north Mnrqulz, by south same, eat road, west by ynrds; bounded no'tn by acequla, $70. Tnxes, $19.49; pcnnlty. 98 cents; by Apodncn. by L. east and west road. public land. Vnluo personnl property, F. Chaves. Ijtnd. 100 by 300 yards. No. 12. 26 by 160 feet; bounded north south Sedllln, oast 413 by 900 south by road, east by road, west costs, 35 cents; total, $20.82. by acequla, west by Lnnd 60 Land feet; bounded uorth $5. Tnxes $2.66; pennlty, 13 cents; bounded north by iiy by 12 by S. Alexandria, south by A. Anaya, river. by road, by N. road, south same, acequla. Lnnd by 50 fer',; GARCIA. RENTURA Land In Pre by 1000 varas; by N south Chavez. rO"t costs. $1.05; totnl. $3.74. east i.y same, west by snme. Lnnd 200 enst by road, west by ditch. Land In bounded north by C. Chavez, by L. bounded north by Zlrhut, south by cinct No. 17. Lnnd 116 by 600 varas; M. Apodncn, south by F. Apodnca, enst west Chavez. JARAM1LLO, I1ENIGNO Improve by 20(1 ynrds, bounded north by J. M. rond. by F. nurns. by Precinct No. 31, 140 varas; bounded Taxes, $10.38; pcnnlty. 12 enst west D. bounded north by A. Gnrcln. by 1 16 by cents; mont on government land. Vnluo per- snnchez, south by ditch, enst by J. south north by M. Gnrcln, south by J Rnca, hills, west river. Land $1.05; river. Onrcla. Valuo personnl, $50. Tnxes, by A. C. Dcnaca, by V. 17 costs, totnl. $11.05. sonnl, $400. T(,xea, $14.43; penalty, west by rood. Lnnd 100 by 200 east Garcia enst by Grant, limits. Land In vnrn" In Prerlnct No. 2; bounded ynrds, 10.46; pcnnlty, 32 cents; costs. 70 west by river. Land In No bv ft. Apodncn, by CONTRARES. PIBDAD do G. 72 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, $15.50. nounucu y Precinct Precinct No. 13, 50 by 142 vnrnB;' north south snme. CO CO narth F. Hubbcll. south cents; total $7 47. 17; by by Innd by yards; bounded north LUCRRO, REYMONDO Patent by J. .. by river, bounded north J. A. Garcia bounded north by S. Aloxnndrln, south enst bv river, west hills. Land 60 youth Sanchez. eat west OASKIN, ALFRED Lots 22 to 24 SOU r by P. Contrnrcs, and east by GO south by A Racn, east by J. A. Gar- by vnrns bounded north by T. lnnd, 100 acres. Lnnd 40 by varns; by Mctzgar. Valuo personal proporty, Inclusive. hlo;k 23, Peren by Mournln Rond, east by S. Alox P. Contrares. west by acequla. Valuo by nddltlon. cia, west by A. Baca. Lnnd In Pre- Hererrn. south by Rrntlnn. enst by bounded north by n. Mora, south zz&; taxes. 133.99; penalty, $1,70; personal, $25. nndrln, .vest ny road. Land, 18 vnras; personnl, $10. $3.32; pennl-cost- s. Value Taxes, $7.16; cinct No. 17; bounded north by I rond. west by river. In Precinct No. Taxes. public rond, eat by 8. Garcia, west by costs, $1.40; totnl. $37.09. penalty 37 cents; costs, CO bounded north by F. Poren, south by ty, 16 cents; 35 cents; total ccntfl; Mnrez, south by same, eaBt by V. 26, Lots 5. 6, 11. 12. block R, .1. Apo-dar- n 8. Apodaca. House. Valuo of person- PRECINCT NO. 14. tctnl. $8.13. O. Chnxcz, enst by Grant lino, west $3.38 $2G0, 51 Garcia. Lots 9 and 10, block, O. J. nddltlon. In Precinct No. 26. nl, Tnxes, $10.39; penalty, HRRRERA. JUAN . Land, bound- JARAMILIX). 25 by railroad. Value personnl, $85 FOUNIRR. WILLIAM Land ESTEVAN Land Appodncn nddltlon. Personnl proper- - l ot 7, block 16. Eastern nddltlon. cents: costs, 70 cents; totnl, $11.00. ed north by J by San- 80 Tnxes, $7.08; penalty, 35 cents, costr tinea, south J. by feet; bounded north by Prelsts, ty, $26, Lnst half tnxes. $18.11; pen- Sheep. Vnluo personnl property. $440. bounded north by Wright, south by MARTINEZ. JOSE F. Land 200 by chez, enst by Arannl, west by OJo del $1.40; total, $7.83. Indlnn Schooi. by scuth by C. Ornndo, enst by ncequln, nlty. 90 cents; Last tnxes, $16.89; SO enst Fourth street 300 vnrns. Taxes, $7.G7; pennlty, 39 Rio costs, $1.45; total, CESARIO 60 by half pennlty, Pucrco. Landed bounded north vest by broadwny. Vnluo personnl !0.40. GONZALES. Land J2.40; Vnluo personal, 8245. Taxes. $13.49: cents: costs, 35 cents: totnl. $8.43. by by 60 vnrns; by road, cents: costs. totnl. $19.09 J. Herrern. south P. Armljo, east $70. Taxes. .13 67; penalty. 88 cents; GIRRS, bounded north RACA, Lnnd pcnnlty, 67 cents; costs, 35 cents' MORA, ANASTACIO MA. Land 100 by west by road. Ono house, WILLIAM Value personal south by rond, east by Totl & Oradl. PAP'.O bounded Arnnai. costs 35 cents; totnl $14.90. property, $160. Taxes, $8.73; pennlty north by J. Chnvez. south by road, totnl, $14.41. by 150 vnrns, bounded north by Chlllll Value personal property, $1120; taxes, weBt by A. Martinez. Valuo personal CARLOS y JT1UIZ 40 MARTIN. JOAQUIN Lnnd 12 by 45 cents; costs 35 cents': $9.53 by P. Apodoca, west by LOPEZ. Land grant, south by P. Schubert, east nnd pcnnlty, 11.40; total. $180. Tnxos, $7.47; penalty 38 cents east J. 50 H&.zi:; cosis, 2nn yards; bnended north by J. M E, 30 by personal. $20. by varas; bounded north by road west by Chlllllll Krnnt. Land 50 by 100 totnl, $48.9. HILTON, ARCHIE Land 154 35 cents; $8.20. Vn'uo Tnxos. nurnn, by M. by , costs. totnl, south by acequla, east by L. Lope south Mnrtln. enst feet; by nve-nue- $10 8"; pennlty. 54 costs, u5 varas, bounded north by U. Mora, PRECINCT NO 22. bounded north Atlantic GR1EGO, Y ANAYA 2L' rents: pcequla, west by Voso. Valuo per by JOSE Land 76. west oy J. Lopez. Land .i0 by 5( by D. cant by nrroyn, south Torllno. enst by Wnlsb V totnl. sn south J Mora, CARPENTER, J. R. Und 160 sonal. $25. Taxes. $17.(4; penalty. by 240 varns; bounded lorth by cef: vcrnn; bounded north by L. Lopez, west by public rond. Vnluo personal acreB. Land 60 by 60 vnras, west by Ives, ot al. Tnses, $5.82; IULLF.Y. PETER '.and 32 bv 245 bounded 88 cents; 36 ccnta; $18.97 Arias, south by F. Duran, east by J. j south by M. Lurero, east by property, $SF; taxes, $1.35; penalty, cosls. total, penalty. 29 cents; costs, 35 cents; to vii'ps: boundo-- north jy I Lopoz. road north by Juan Olgutn, south by Jesus McCUTCHRN. Printing office Romero, west by F. Arngon. Valuo west by R. Sedlllo. In 7 ccntsc; 70 J. tnl. $6.46. south by A. Montoyn. enst by same, Pre costs. cents: totnl, 12.12. Garcia, east by arroyn, west by public nnd personal, personal $60. Taxes, $4.67; ponnlty, cinct No. 22, 100 ynrds to rood, by cutflt furniture. Valuo JASPER. W. V. Lot 12. block west by acequla. Land 67 by 10 mountains; MORA. HARTIAHA Land 500 by Land 200 200 varas. bounded $250. $14.54; 7" 1? 23 centB; costs, 35 cents; total, $E,15 by by ar-- by Taxes. pennlty. II. H. nddltlon. Value porsonal. $25 vnrnn; bounded north by R. Gutier- bounded north Grant, south 800 vnrns, bounded north, south, enst north Juann Carpenter, south by cents: costs. 36 cents; totnl, $15.01 JUDD, F. L. Lnnd bounded north royo .enst by R. Gnrcln, west by Ijind 50 rond, by by Last hnlf taxes, $3.58; penalty, 17 rez, south by R. Lopez, enst by snme, J. nnd west by Grant. House. cast Canuto Sanchez, west 'METROPOLITAN HOTEL Per by M. Chnvez, nnd west by snme, Gnrcln. Land In Preclrct No. 22, C5 by 500 Land 300 by 100 vnras, cents; costs, 20 cents; total. $3.95. west by R. Gntlorroz. Value personnl. varas, bounded north and south Mcoins. bound $100, Tnxes, $10.S3; pennlty, 52 cents; costs, by 65 o, by sonnl property, Taxes. $5 82 JONRS & proper $75. Tnxes, $14 82: ponnlty, 71 cents; varns; bounded north by by Krnnt, east by F. Mnzome. west by cd north public road, south by Me 29 LEWIS Personal 35 cents; $11 25. penalty. cents; costB, 35 cents; ty. $400. pen- total. costs. 70 cents; totnl. $16.20. south by Grant, enst by D. Gnr Vnlue personnl property, $470; Clellnn, enst by Junnn Carpenter, west , Lnst hnlf taxes. $11.63; Grant. total, Iti.-tfi- LOI1ATO. EP1TACO 10 by cla, west by J. Gutierrez. Taxos, 40 cents; ny nrroyn. nlty, 58 cents; costs, 35 cents; total, Lnnd RARRRRAS, TRINIDAD Iind 30 taxes, $18.21; pennlty, costs, Three resident houses MORRRLLI RROTHERS 75 vnrns; by $7.67; pennKy, 38 cents; costs, $1.40; $1.05; costs, 70 Vnlue personnl property, $1,695; taxes, Persona! ?12.CG. bounded lorth road, by 125 varns; bounded north Vy SI. cents; totnl, $19.50. proporty. $100. Taxes, $5.82; pcnnlty south by Fathers, by O. total. $9.35. SALAS, ADOLFO Lnnd 65 by 200; pennlty, J4.4G; costs, $1.76; to LRWIS. JOSR L. Lots 1 nnd cast Itbato, Chnvez. south by Simpler, east by 29 cents; costs, 3d cents; $G.4G west by Ijind 67 by 600 Tax-ob- , LUCRRO, FREDERICO Lnnd 1 vnrns, by public road, tnl, $95.45, totnl, block, T. A. & P. addition Vnluo Fathers. railroad, west by P. Onbaldon. bounded north OaRNDINR, G. Lnnd; bounded varas; bounded north by A. Annyn, by 60 varas; bounded north by H, Gar- south by public trail, enst by Cruz KELEHER, MRS. D. Southwest personnl, $35. Last half taxes, $G.78 $3.60; ponnlty, 18 cents: costs, 35 rorth by Morrolll. south by Wnshln' south by M. Sanchez, enst by river, cia, south by P, Vcnevo Ins, west by Mayo, by Mora. quarter of tho southwest quarter, sec penalty 34 cents; costs, 40 to-tn- cents: totnl $4.09. west F. House. Value ton avenue, by cents; peisnnnl, $26. personal property, $405; taxes, $20.81; tlon 15, township 10, range 5, 40 ncres enst P. Walsh. Lam' $7.52. west by road. Vnluo personal, $20. HECKER, MRS. ANNIE Houso rond. Vnlue Taxes, 48 by 80 5 $4 15; ponnlty, 20 cents; costs, 35 pcnnlty, $1.14; costs, 70 cents; total, Northwest qunrtcr of the northNvest feet; bounded north by MASON'S RARBRR SHOP Rnrsnn. Tnxes, $1.25; pcnnlty, cents; costs, nnd lot, Islctn. Vnluo personal prop by en 70 cents; $2.00. cents; $4.70. $22.05. qunrter section 22, township 10, south owner. hi al property. $100. Taxes, pen total, erty, $150. Taxes, $19.75; pennlty, total. Rroadwny. by $.82; MARTINEZ, C. DR 12. &AMORA, NICOLAS Land 25 by range 5, 40 acres. Value personal prop wot Gentile Lnst hulf any, 2'j cents; costs, 35 PRTRONILA 99 cents: costs. 35 cents; totnl, $21.90. PRECINCT NO. raxes, 110.72; 58 ennts; total 300 by 700 vnrns; R. ARMIJO 25 vnras, bounded north by public erty, xao; taxes, 125.28; penalty, $1.27; pennlty. cents; costs 0.1 tl. Lnnd bounded north CANDELARIA, PRRFILIO Land J. Land, bounded north 70 cents; totnl. $17.25. by Jose Romero, south by A. Garcia, 59 150 by M. Contreras, by R. rond, south uy A. Sals, enst by A. Gar- costs, 7U cents; totnl, 127.26. McATTER. M J. Lots 9. 10. 11 by varas; bounded north by south J. Mnrks. PALACE SALOON prop- east by J. A. Leo, by by snmo, by cia, west by Callezon. House. Value PRECINCT NO. 28. Personnl nnd 12. block 35. N. M. T. C.n. n.Ml west Grant P Yslrrl. south by A. Snnchoz, east east west ncequla. Land erty. $200. Taxes. $11.63; limits. Tnxes, $4.15: pcnnlty, fO by M. Orlego, personnl property, $110; tnxes, 37 JARAMILLO, MANUEL ANTONIO penalty, 58 uon. Taxes, jh.51: nenn tv. 7.i by Grant, west by A. R Stanton. bounded north south by cents; as 112 66 cents; costs, 36 cents; totnl, $1.70. M enst by by cents; pennlty, 3 cents; costs, 35 i.anTJ 200 uy 500 yards, lounded costs. cents: total. cer.tsjcosts. SO cents; totnl, $1G,06. Value personnl, $125. Tnxes. $13.43; Gnrcla, acequla, west cents; total, 73 cents. north by estate of J. A. E. Jnrnmlllo, SANDOVAL, ARAN Lnnd 10 by MARTINEZ, ANTONIO Lnnd 60 ponnlty, 07 cents; costs; 35 cents; river. Lnnd bounded north by S. Apo- i MRDLER. SARAH E. SHUUHHT, PEDRO Land 600 by south by Joe Garcia, enst by public ou varns: bounded north h' Alnv. Lots 16 am' :b 50 vnras; bounded north by road, totnl. $14.46. dncn, south by O. Orlego, east by east hnlf 17. block I. & . by 100 by nndrln, south by H. M. A. P nibiltlnn south by Oon.eles, enst by rond, west snme, by varns, bounded north, south, cast road, west hills, .ond 600 Martinez, east Taxet,. $20.36; CHAVEZ. RAMON Lnnd 42 by 104 west J. Lucero. Land, nnd by innd grant. House. Valuo yards, bounded by A. by Alexandria west by rond. Lnnd pennlty, $1.00; costs. by P. Gonznlos. Tnxes, $(1.23; pennl by S. Tnfoya, bounded north by owner, south by A. west north cstnic of J 40 cents: totnl. 121.76. feet: bounded north personal property, $120; tnxes, $7.40; B. Jnrnmlllo, south by C. Sarraclno, 132 by 485 feet; bounded north by ty. 32 cents; costs, 35 cents; totnl, south by R. V. 8nlnzar, enst by Grants, Orlego, cast by M. Orlego, west by MONTOYA. L. Do PFErFFRn I nt to- ny Obermnn, by $6.90. 125 ono-olgh- tn penalty, 37 cents; costs, 70 cents; enst Arannl, west by public road. south Anaya, oast by 7. west by nlloy. Value porsonnl, $16. pcequla. Land, ynrds square, M. block A. Armljo No. 2 One-eight- tal, $8.53. Innd 80 by 600 ynrds, bounded Martin, W03t by road. Land 25 by nddltlon MARTIN, 50 by 15.93; 30 Interest. h undivid- north Valuo $25. VINCENTE Lnnd Tnxes, pennlty, cents; costs 50 yenrdB: personal. Tnxes. 14. sr.? One-eigh- Notice Is further given that '.ho un- by Manuel Jarnmlllo, south oy Sisters bounded north hv P. r.nn. 50 varns; bounded north, south and 35 ccnta; total. 50.58. ed Interest in n ton room house. th pennlty, 21 cents: costs. 20 ennts : dersigned tnx of Charity, cast by west by dolarla. south by F. Martin, by by five-- collector for llern.illllo road, east $4.66. east by P. Candelnrln, west rond. CHAVEZ, JOSE F. Lot 15. block undivided Interest in pieces county, will on tho Monday ol oetnto of J. A. E Jarnmlllo. Lnnd 25 r. uanuoinria. west by road. Vnluo tctnl. Vnluo personnl, $20. Tnxes, $4.98; I, N. J. Sanchez per of lnnd. Undivided Interest In first MARTINEZ. MIGUEL 7. addition. Value Rornnvo 1903, pul-H- by 80 ynrds, bounded nortn by F Gut! personnl, f 110. Tnxes, $5.17: pcnnlty Lot hlnrk pennlty, 30 costs, 35 cents; $40. $1 68; 8 Montnno grant. Ono qunrter 50 'vn- October, offer tor sale nt 6, Lewis & certs; sonnl, Tnxes, pcnnlty, of auction tho front door of thu orrez, south ny estnto of J A. E. Jam a cents; costs, totnl. S6.57. Slmond's nddltlon. Tnxes. totnl, 6.63, cents; costs, 20 centB; $1.80. ras In Rnnches Snn Mateo, weBt at ii.uo: 5.10.25: 31.00; totnl, de of ot county, In man- rnulo, enst by J. F Cttndolnrln, west SCIANI, DONACIANO Lnnd 28 l pennlty, costs, 20 cents; McOUINESS, WILLIAM Lnnd Rio court house said the totnl, $21.45. CHAVRZ. FREDEniCO Lot 17. tho Grande, with portion of grove ner provided by law, the property set by public road. House, six rooms, 300 .i rect; noumiod north by J. M. Ilaca bounded north by Fnthors; south and block R, Simpler nddltlon. Value nbout 40 ncres. Lot F, continuing vlnps. by A, M. one-eight- forth and described In the foregoing Brnpo Interest In Montano south C. Grande, east bv road O'DONNRLL, Lot 7. block 32, enst by street, west by Romero personal. $60, Taxes. 60 cents; penal nbout 135 100. h Is nbout ono list, or so much thereof as may bo nee grant. Vnluo personal property, west by C. A. Grando. Tnxes. 13.49: N. M. T. Co. nddltlon. Taxes, $2.91; Taxes, $12.45; pennlty, 60 conts; ty, 3 cents; costs, 20 conts; total, nnd flvo clgbth acres. Lot G, contain- 17 - penalty, 14 essary to realize tho respective i,.'su; inst nnir tnxes, 39.59; penal pcnnlty, cents; costs, 35 cents; to- cents; costs, 20 cents; costs. 35 cents; totnl, $13.40, 83 cents. ing about ncres, one-ulgbt- h Is ty, $3.25. amounts due, nnd that said salo will $1.97; costs, $2.35; total, $43.91. tni, ji.ui. totnl, McKIMM. C A. Lot 13, block 7 RICKS. HENRY Lot 7. 8 nnd 9. nbout one nnd one-hal- f acres. Lot H, ex- No. 34. W. A. 8, one-eight- bo continued from any to day, not Precinct SCHAFER, CHARLES Lots 22. SAUNDERS. Lot block 17 Crosson & Kennedy nddltlon, Valuo block 38. Rnstern nddltlon, Vnluo rontnlning about 16: h Is ceeding sixty dnyfl, until nil ot snld IlllIESACHER, & MeLAUOHUIN nnd 24, block 5, northern addition H. H. nddltlon. Lnst hnlf taxes, $14. personal, $50. Taxes, $6.23; pennlty personnl, $60. Tn :ob, $10.82; pennlty, nbout two nrres. Lot I. contnlnlng 51; 72 property has been disposed of. Personal, $1,000, Tnxes, $40.50; pen- Last hnlf tnxos, $10.12; penalty, 61 penalty, cents; costs, 20 cents; 32 conts: costs, 20 cents; total, $6.75 14 cents; costs, 60 cents; total, $11.50. about 6 one-eight- h Is nbout FRANK A. HURHBLL, alty, $2.00; costs, 35 cents; total, cents; costs. 60 cents; totnl. $11.22. totnl. $16.40. PERRA. PEDRO Houso and lot ORANITO, RAFAEL Lots 1. 2 and thrne-qunrter- s neres Lot J. contain- Treasurer nnd Collector of $42.86. SPRINGER. RAFEL Lot 1, block SCHAPPER. MINNIE Lots 7 nnd Vnluo personal property, $150. Tnxes 3. bio k 1. N. J Snnchez nddltlon ing nbout 0 one-eight- Is about 8, 1 three-quarter- Uernallllo county, Now Mexico. JARAMILLO, P. & F. Improve- 1, II. & L. addition. Last half taxes block C, A. & P. nddltlon. Lnst SI cents; pennlty, 4 cents; costs, Lots nnd 2, Rlock A, Simpler nd s acres. Lot K. contain- First publication August 15, -- 903. ments on govornment land. Vnlue of $5.81; penalty. 29 cents; costs. 20 hnlf tnxes, $5.82; penalty, 29 cents; 35 cents; total, $1.22. dltlon. Valuo porsonal, $35. Taxes, ing nbout 4 one-eight- Is about ; personal property, $1880. cents; JO. 40. costs, 35 cents; total, $6.46. PERRA, DAVID Lnnd 25 by 48 $.1.70 pennlty, 19 cents; costs, $1.00; ono-hnl- f ncre. Sheep. Cnn-o- n NOT LESS THAN 525.00, Taxes, total. Interest In $89.92; penalty, $1.50; costs. J5 cents; SERRA, OIACENTO West qunrter SHEMAN, W, M. Valuo of person teet; bounded north by I. Poren, south Intnl. 14.95. Snn Dlego grant. Personal proper- al property, $100 by C by 29 Notlco Is hereby given fol- totnl, $84.77. lot (., block 1. Ilelvedero addition Taxes, $5.82; pen- Glrord, oast Priests, west H1LRERT. SATURNINO Land ty, $1,530. Taxes, $43.25; penalty, that tho nlty. 29 by 38 112 lowing list contnlns tho names of Precinct No. 3. Tnxes, $8.73; pennlty, 42 cents; costs conts; costs, 35 cents; total road. Land by 12 feet; bounded feet, vnrns; bounded north by $2.1C; costs, $5.95; total, $61.36. tho $6.46. I, M. owncra of nil property upon which tho EAGLE, MARY R Lnnd 57 acres; so cents; total, 19.36. north by Peren, south by owner, Tafoya, south by R. Salazar, enst M. M. Rocker Lots, 19 to 24 Indus-Ive- . enst by by V. by R. taxes levied in tho year 1902, In and bounded north by Lucero ct nl, south TRUJILLO, NICOLAS Land 50 by STING LR, J. II. Lot 5, block 26 Fathers, west Snntil Rarto, west by Third street. Rlock K. M. R. & R. nddltlon. for the- territory of New Mexico, coun- by L. S. Pcrea, east by R. R., wost by no reet; bounded north by P. Cnno, H. H. addition. Lot 1, block 37. enst lanes. Vnluo personnl, $30, Taxes Taxes. $3.16; penalty, 15 cents; costs, Tnxes. $76 07; ponalty. $3.S0; coats, 10 35 ty of Uernallllo and tno city of Albu- nrroyn. Personal property, $350, south 1 J I. Gnrcln, enst by E. M ern nddltlon. Last hnlf taxes. $12.35; $1.87; penalty. cents; costs, 70 rents; total, $3.60. $1.20; total, $81.07. querque, amounting to moro than $25, Tnxes,, $16.43; pcnnlty. 82 cents; Gnrdn, west by rond. Taxes, $2.91; pennlty, 62 cents; costs, 40 cents; cents: totnl. $2.67. JARAMILLO, P. Do O. Lot 9, DORSON, 13. W. Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. have become delinquent, together with coats, 36 cents; total, $17.00. penr.ltv u centB; costs, 35 cents; total. $13.37. ROMERO.FELIX Lnnd In Precinct block 2, 8. Apodaca addition. Vnluo Rlock 54, N, M. T. Co. addition Per- a- description of tho property tho Precinct No. 6. ;mo. STOVER. R S. nnd 8. G. Lots 17 No. 35, 40 by 160 vnras: bounded personal properly, $25 Taxes. $5.93; sonnl property, $400. Tnxes. $84.21; nnd total. by ;io amount of taxes, penalties nnd MONTOYA. EUTEM IO Lnnd 40 by JOSE M. Lnnd 34 bv nnd 18. block P. A. & P. addition north A. Candelarla, Bouth nnd penalty, cents; costs, 20 cents; to- ponalty, $4.21: costs, 80 costs TRUJILLO. by cents totnl, duo opposite ench nnmo nnd descrip- 185 vnraa; bounded north by road, GO feet; bounded north by strcot Tnxes, $2.33; pennlty 12 cents; costs, east Manuel, wost by acequla. M. i.43. $89.22. Lnnd in No, 35, 39 by 136 KR.RAMRR, S. 8. Ono-hnl- f tion, together with ,t separato state- south by same, west by J. Sanchez I south by J. C. Chavez, by STOVER, R. S. nnd 8. O. Ix)ts 7 "roclnct ncro of HOPKINS, R. W. Lots 293, 294 and east street varas; $3 ment of tho taxes duo on personnl Land 36 by 160 vnrns; bounded north west by alloy. Valuo personal. $30 and 8, block T. A. & V nddltlon. bounded north by J. Lorenzo, land. T.!xes. 95: pennlty, 20 cents; 295. block 27, Atmljo Rros.' nddltlon. south by road, east by nrroya, by 35 proporty, whero tho several taxes nro by ncequln, noth by Grant, east by C. raxes, 115 99; pennlty. G9 cents nnd 14. block X. A. & P. addition. wost costs. cents: totnl. $4.50. Personal property, $275. Taxes, $39.1 4 ; 12 ncequln. Land 33 by 67 varas; LOPEZ. CRRSRNCIO Lnnd 50 by dun from tho snmo owner or owners: Moyn, west by A. , costs, 35 cents; Taxes, $2.33; pennlty, cents; costs, penalty, $1.66; costs, CO J. Pndllla. Personnl totnl, $17.03. by - vnras. cents: total, PRECINCT NO. 3. property, $25.00. Taxes, 91 cents; WENDELL. FRANK Lota 17 nn tu rents; torn, f2.r. bounded north J. Cnndolarla. south rersonnl property, $85 $41.40. by road, east by Tnxes, $11.C6; 59 LUCRRO, FRANCISCO Land 150 pcnnlty, 4 cents; costs, 70 cents: 18, block 4, Armljo y Otero nddltlon VIGIL, EDWARD Lot 2, block P J. Cnndolnrin. west pennlty. cents; NEIIER. G. K. Lot 17, block 15, by 4,000 I uaca & by J. Reborns. Vnluo porsonnl, $30. costs, jo cents; total, 57. yards, bounded north by F. totnl, $1.65, I Valuo porsonal, $25. Lnst half tnxes Armljo addition. Personal sis. N. M. T Co. addition. Last half proporty, 525. Last half taxes, $13. Tnxes, $14.53; pennlty, 71 cents; LOPEZ. TRANQUtLINO Lnnd $159.93; by 300 taxes. pennlty, $8; costs, 20 75; penalty, 09 cents; costs, 55 costs. $1.05; total, $10,29. vnrns; bounded north bv T. O conts; totnl, $16S13. cents: Apodaca. by totnl. $14.98. RORERTSON, R. E. Northeast south P. Apodncn, east by MEDLER E. L. Lot 1 2 nnd 3; qunrtor of 15, 10 by WlillNISK, LEWIS A. 17 ectlon Township N., hills, west Tapla. Taxos. $2.45; block 55; N. M, T. Co. addition. Per- Ixt Rnnge 3, R 160 per- 13 70 block V, A. & P. addition. Valuo of acres. Valuo of penalty, cents; costs, cents; to sonnl property. $170. Taxes, $36.95: $35. $5.19; 2P tal, I3-J- Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic personnl, 1100. Tnxes, $20.25; penal- sonnl. Taxes. penalty, penalty, $1.70; costs. $1.20; total, conts; costs, 35 centB; $5,80, LOWDIN, RDWIN ty, $1.00; costs, 20 cents; totnl, $21.46 totnl, Laiul 25 by 125 $38.91. hm ttoo4 25 Average Annual One Half Million SALAZAR. REGINA V. Land In varas: bounded north by 8. Apodncn. tht yn. Sakt ovsr mi PRECINCT NO. 13. O RHAR, MRS. H. C Lot 9. block monm, tt Precinct No. 5, 9 by 30 vnras: bound- enst ny railroad, west by nlley, 25, 11. H. ikxm recortf or nwnt No No Pay. ALnERS. M. L. In addition. Vnlsa of personal tus aMal to you? Cure, 50c. Homcsteml ni,t ed north by J, Poren, south by rnxes, si.98; penalty, 9 wHh wary keM 1 CmC Mock MHs. Albuquerque, being road, cents; costs property, $50. Taxes, $28.97; penalty, . T Mdtfte ot Crw's Root Liver nvo of tho ndobo east and west by A. TruJIIlo. 35 rents; totnl, $2.42. nouses ns Taxes Known hnvlng boon of Mrs. $10.37; pcnnlty, 51 cents; coats, 35 McOUMRER, O. W. Houso and lot. (Continued on pagt elsht.) a visit to Califor- work nnd by pnssongers In goUing on COMPLETELY EXONERATED, tension until October 1C, of tho tlmo BY LIGHTNING, left via I'hocnix for COPLEY IS RECEIVER, STRUCK nia. anil off cars, etc., bring tho totnl num- within which n number of railroads up 827 and complete safety equipment. J. K. Hum ti left for Soatttlo, Wash., Judge Qoggln Appoints Him In Trim- ber of casualties to killed Major Appel and Captain Powell Ac- must their whore, ho expects to cngago In busi ble Tran"fer Company Case. 11,481 Injured. quitted of Charges PreferredAgalnst The commission will meantime con- rc-- chows a collision In sider the further extension of tho lnw Will Craig Still Alive, But Had Tus- ness. However, wo expect him to j Judgo Ooggin Into yesterday after- Tho bulletin Them. turn before many months to again noon nppolnto.l Winchester Cooley, as- which twonty-tw- o passengers wore T. F, Fnrnsworth, who hns boon In and tho qucUlnn of tho location of sle With Electricity. tako up his nlodo in Flagstaff. sistant cashier of tho First National killed nnd a c lllslon of two freight Denver the lnit ten days ns a witness grab Irons on engines. Among tho On last Thursuay evening at tho bnnk, an receiver In tho settlement of trains In which twelve employes woro In tho trial htought npnlnst Major ronds grantoj the extension nro tho home of the brldo in Flagstaff, Charles tho business of tho Trimble Transfer killed. Many Items In tho tabulation Appol, formerly commnndnnt nt Fort Pennsylvania, Kilo, 8nnta Fo, Denver News. Unyard, Cnptnln Powell, quarter- II. Cory and Miss Milllo Hlbbcn were company, says thu I'l Paso show an npparcnt Increase as com- and & Hlo Grande, Colorado ft .Southern HAPPENED IN GRANT COUNTY. was upon tho application master nt tho name post, returned on united In marriage. I lev. George This dnuo pared with Rlmllar Items In tho pre- nnd Iloston ft Mnlne. of C. for a recolvor. the dolnycd train Wodncsdny ovcnlng per- Grant Klnnan ceding but this Is partly ex- - Tho Colorndo Southorn wnnted tlmo !glo of tho Presbyterian church, Tho was begun In Judgo Goggln's bulletin, nnd anys thnt both gentlomcn came off enso plalnod by for equipping power driving wheel Lightning played queer pranks with formed tho ceremony. court Wednesday afternoon and con- tho fact that tho commis w'th flying "olors, having been com- now complete re- on gauge the. son of Wllllnm Craig, When It comes to a wool scouring tinued until lntr Thursday nftcrnnon. sion secures more pletely exonerated of tho chnrgos pre- brnkos narrow poRRongor Iajiio plant what is matter with Flag-staf- Cooley filed his bond turns of accidents than hnvo hereto ferred ngnlnst will bo wol-com- o nnd the Snntn Fe wants tho tho ranchman residing near tho g Ilccnlvor and them. This Mountain, Monday afternoon, snys This county linn more sheep is very much like the blowro-in- Icok Immodlntc chnrgo of tho com- fore boon mado by tho railvood com- news fo the gentlemen's friends requirement of grab Irons on fronts or 4 of n (lower. Its beauty nid pany today. panies. number of collis- In this city, who, however, have folt Ides of locomotives dispensed with. tho Silver City Enterprise. About than a., of tho counties In tho terri- depends entirely affairs The total In young Craig perfection Tho plaintiff In the enso claims a nnd wo 2,831, of perfectly confident Hint both offlcors Tho nppeal of o'clock the ofternoon. tory combined. Tho conditions arc upon the caro bestowed upon ions derailments the other roads related started to lead n horso to pasture. A very favornhle here for such nn enter- mothers half Interest In tho company. Ho which l.fifiO woro collisions nnd 1,181 would bo ncqulttd, Captain Powell to tho equlpmnt of r0 por cent of the Its parent Expectant Is to Hnynrd, whllo thunderstorm was raging nt tho time prise. tho tollderext care. the property worth $4,775, dornllmentH. Thero 291 collis hns returned Fort cars on all trnlns with nlr brakes. hoy should have Mnjor Appol will go Philippines. and when tho hnd almost reached should till worry besides $1,800 duo on accounts. Tho ions nnd 125 dornllr.ients affecting to the pasture, n lightning struck They concern to nbout Sliver City Rntcrprlse. tho holt of (rom the Sun. and anxiety. They should cat debts of tho amount pnsscnger trains. Tho dnmago to LEGAL NOTICE. a rock, sorernl feet away from him. John Sknggs w.a In town with a plenty of good nourishing food $1,830.40 duo the First National Hank, Craig says ho hear- $100 $600 ears, engines nnd ondway by theso Death of Little Girl. loung remembers load of lino lleavor creek peacheR, due n bltckBtnlth and due In tho District Court of Sandoval flash g accidents nmountci to $2,191,040, Thursday nt Snndoval the county ing tho crush and seeing a vivid will fro a long way toward preserv-In- to Trimble himself for his but. County, Territory ot Now Moxlco. of light and then lost consciousness. Mrs. A. V. Jurdcn left for Ixs An- beauty sent of tho now county of Snndovnl, their health and their daughter Gu- Maria Cnsados do McDonald and An Two Chinamen who run a truck farm geles, whero i:ho expects to spend tho as of one to ONLY A FLESH WOUND. Dysentry Cured Without the Aid of tho of Ignoclo well as that the little prominent up- tonio A, Vigil, Plaintiffs, vs. Fran- on the ranch, the holt strike tho next threo months. come. Hut to bo absolutely ire a Doctor. tierrez, a citizen of tho Tol-fre- per rock, glance away and h.t tho boy, K. M. Doe and wife nnd I.. II. o of a short and painless labor they John P. Kennedy. Station Agent at " I am Just ur from n hard spell of Hlo Grande valley, was poisoned cisco Montoya, William H. Popo, J. cntlng Ml-gi.- knocKlng him to tho ground. They and wife, left for a few dnyfl' out- should use Morlarty, Accldently Shoota Himself tho flux" (dysentry) ays Mr. T. A. (y bread nnd rnt poison. Sho P. Victory, tho unknown heirs of In-- s dleu within n fow hours taking rushed to the spot, picked up the .In the A'm. Pinner, a wfll known merchant or nftor Montoya, deceased, tho un- ing at the Thompson ranch on Oak the poison. Tho funernl was held this nslhle form of tho lad ant" carried Creek Word wns received yesterdny that Drummond, T'jnn. "I used one small known heirs of Santiago Montoyn, m house, regained bottln of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera morning from tho homo. h to the ranch He James C. Simpson nnd Mrs. Post of John P. Kennedy, agent for tho Santa decensed, nnd nil unknown owners In about half an hour, Mother's sta- nnd DlnrrhocA Remedy anil was cured t scloiiBness Fe Central railway nt Morlarty Prevented. of tho lands hereinafter described, go (lalesburg, III., friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. n ( Suicide li ' was compelled to lo bed, where tion had nccidontnlly shot himself. without doctor. consider It the No, 7. -- F. W spent Tuesday here. The startling announcement thnt Defendants h- - omnlncd the following day. He Is Slsson, Tho report was Investigated nnd found best cholera medicine in tho world." way Friend! a pruvcntlvo of suicide had boon dis You, tho above named defendants, n up ft nil aside from Thoy were on their home from a Thoro Is no neod of employing n doc- and around to be true, but the wound Is only a covered will Interest mnny. A run nnd ench of you, aro horoby notlflod pa.ns and burns on his body and a trip to California. reajtilartr of tor when I his remedy is used, for no 4tirlng the months fle?h wound nnd will not Inconven- down system, or dospondency Invar- thnt tho nbovu named plnlntlffs havo F . ral stiffness, Is feeling , woll as who had occnslon to Thin Is a slmplo liniment, which very long, doctor proscribo a bolter medl- Thoso hav ience Mr. Kennedy If ho has cn'i iably preccda suicide and somothlng commenced their action ngalnRt you v . r pass Verdo say no hnd A chargo of clno for bowel complaint In nny form over tho road that it I vinor to tho muscift nn luck. shot from hns bcon found thnt will provent thnt the abovo nnmed court, being fluid played several y preg- i ho olectrlcnl Is In excellent condition. Mntt Wake-l- prevents nil of the imcomlnrtsof a shot gun entered the fleshy portion cither for children adults. It no7or condition which mnkos sulcldo likely. u pranks wit., tho boy's clothing. nancy, wlncli women tued to think falls anil Is pleasane to tako. sale cniiRo number 7 on tho docket of said "r Ir overseer of that road and ho Is were absolutely neceisary When of tho left arm abovo tho forearm, t lor At the first though of self destruc- court; tho general object of said 1, i ntcrcd mp right side of the head, Is Is no blcopR by nil d 'ugglsts. that doing good work. Mother's I'rleml used there and penetrated tho musclo, hut tion tnko Rlcctrtc Hitters. It bolng n said nctlon is to sccuro tho partition im-se- d ovor the loft side of thu body, dinner whntever. did nny largo blood II. nnd of Seattle, Wash., Uet Motner's I'rlenJ at the drug not sever vessels, groat tonic nnd ncrvlno will strength- f ostnto i, red the right leg. passed to the I.utro wife nor Injure bono. Surgical nld wns JOINT STATEHOOD. tho real hereinafter des of store, VI per linllle. tho en tho system. It's also a great Sto-- cribed, according to the rights of tho h t leg and out to the ground through nro here for the benefit tholr health. Riimmoned. wound wnR drcRSpd Tilt DRADnriO lUGLUIOK CO. th rmch, Liver nnd Kldnoy rogulntnr, several owners nnd to rcqulro ti n toe of the shoe, the end of which They have a comfortable tont 'erected nnd Mr Kennedy Is reported to be Doiegnte Wilson of Arizona mid thereof or ATLANTA. OA. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by on nnd ench of you to comu in nnd was torn off. Tho loft side of tho nn the hillside In the cast end town Writ, Fin fce4." P.for. la resting easily. Dolegato Hodoy of Now Mexico had u powder-burm-- nil druggists. set up prove your In- bony looks as If It had been nnd will try camp life for nwhtlc. Mr. Kennedy early yester meeting olllco lu UiIb or respective stnrted nt the hitter's terests in nnd to said promises or bo while a strip of skin several Miss Cornelia Hnrtwoll of the North-Arizon- a day morning down tho railroad from vlow SANTA FE CHIMNEY 8HOOK. right leg city Inst Saturdny with a to hav forever barred; nnd In enso partition Inches wide. Is torn from the Francis-co- . his station nnd took with him n shot knee, wnoro It passed to the Normal, left for San ing uu underrit.mdlug as to how they of snld premises cannot bo hnd with- to the go Seat- ed on some mining clnlms tho notices gun, presumably for tho purpose of Big Story About the Earthquake at watch-chain- , nnd from that placo will to should net on thu statehood question out Injury left leg. A which the Informing tho putdlc of the Intention shooting Ho San Berdo. mntcrlnl to tho Interests wearing, was tle, Wash., and If time will permit, she birds. left tho track nnd tho coming bchbIoh of congress. of tho respective owners, then for a young man was broken of owners o ....tent the same. In pnsslng through n wlro fonco in ut Thoro wns an carthquako nt Snn a hundred pieces, whllo tho watch may go to Alaska .icfore her return In tho Arrangements hud been mado to hnvo snlo of Raid premises and a division Into Surveyors W. V. and deorgo way discharged tho gun with Dcrnnrdlno, Cnl., last Thursdny and case was melted. I'he loft shoo was September. Jones Delegate McGuire of Oklahoma also of tho proceeds thereof betwoen tho W. King returned to Snn Mnrclnl from the result ntatod above. speaking of It the Snn unrnardlno Sun respfcJtlvo torn Into silvers, but enough remains Dr. Kendrlck Chnrlcfl Ilabcock as- Mr. Kcnnody Is n brother to Miss present nt the meeting, but nt tho Inst parties according to tholr to Jarlllas, Otero countdy, where they says: rights nil proper equltnblo ro- of the pieces containing tho eyelets sistant professor of American history Grace Kennedy of Snntn Fo. Miss moment It turned out to bo impossible nnd for they wero driven out, sover-n- l surveyed eight mining claims for pa- boys on tho night forco nt the ller. show thnt in tho University of California, has ac Kennedy Is at present on tho Pecos tor him to come. Therefore, thu other 'The of entering the boy's Instep, tents. Fo shops havo nil sorts of Said renl estate- - In Bltuatcd In the t.iem cepted a to the presidency of the reserve tho guest of Mrs. Pago B mnilu report Snntn tnles penetrating very neon. A patch of ell m. two delegates met nnd a County of Snndovnl nnd territory of University of Arlzonn. Prof. Ilabcock The Territorial fair Albuquerque, Otero. to toll with regard to Thursdny oven leatner about nn Inch square Is mis- to to him of their conclusions. Now Mexico, and described as follows 11. Minne- October 12 to i7 Inclusive, promises ing's earthquake. Tho tremnelr cut portion of tho Is a h., of tho University of question was discuss. t: sing, while tno Iront ccllpso all previous efforts of tho as- LADIES' WHIST CLUB. Tho statehood up nil sorts of nntlcs nbout tho yards, Hole, where the lightning passed out of sota, and nn M. nnd Ph. D., of Har- od ovory point of vlow conceiv- A tract of land known ns sociation. In addition to tho regular from but tho most vivid Instance of Its In te tho body. Is torn away. vard. Met Yesterday Afternoon at Residence able, ami tho final agreement between 'Miguel y Santlnga Montoyn I.nnd wns leading features on tho fnlr grounds tho purs- George fliienco over matter is tho ono with The horso which Craig John I.oy Is In town this week nurs- of Mrs. H. Frost. Nuw Mexico and A'izoun is that there Grant." also known us tho "Ilosquo time, was hw..y stunned but es for which have been almost doubled Mrs. George H. Frost wns hostess to reference to tho big siuoko stack - nt tho ing a sore hand. Ho wns ongiiged In will be no bill for joint statehood of Grnndo Land Grant," nnd mon- seriously Injured this year, tho contract closed with tho tho Indies' Whist club and a few In stnttonnry en thirty-fou- r not unloading hay with what Is known as Introduced by tho which arisen from the urlng from east to west Altogether it was n most narrow Southern Carnival Comfmny assures a vttcd guests nt her homo on South tho two territories glno nnd which is visible for blocks hundred (3400) vnrns, and from north will a horso fork at his rnnch one day last yesterday deiegntes, that It It comes at nil It es ape and one, no doubt, that continuous performance from morning Second street afternoon. around. Sovcral of tho men wero to south sixty-si- x hundred (CG00) memory. week, when ho wns unfortunnto Tho was most delightful nnd be permitted como from con- long remain In tne lad's till night Apparently nnyono that weather will to working In the open when tho vnrnB, and bounded on tho o.iRt by enough to gel the little finger of his adjourned Inviting In- out goes to Albuquerque this fall will find tho Indies to tho gress Itself. Oklnhomn nnd tho the Rio Puorco. on tho weHt by n All You right hand caught in a pulley and In- lawn of tho yard. Whist, du shock enmo nnd each of them Is ready Ert Want. Snn Frost dian Territory Joint statehood was smnll hill called Angostura, on tho , re- plenty of amusement. Mnrclal plicate-progressiv- to tnko a solomn oath that tho brick Person-- troubled with Indigestion juring tho finger so badly as to was tho gamo nnd not discussed nt all, lu tho absenco north by n point of the mesa called all they want will send a crowd this year as tho at was played six tables. Several chlmnoy Hwnyed back and forth four or Dyspepsia can cat quire amputation. from of Dolegato McGuire. Ilosquo Grande, and on tho south by If thoy will tnko Kodol Dyspepsia tractions aro such that they nre sure sets wore played and refreshments ench way. '.No Jokln',' said ono William It. Page was In from the Wll-foil- , feet tho Innd ot Militia Lieutenant Josti sto- great of people. Arizona, according to Dolegato Cure ThlR remedy prepares the Grand Canyon copper mines this week to draw a number wero Bcrvcd nt the card tables. At of tho rc'.ntors as ho told tho oxporl Gnrcln, and cnntnlnng, nccordlng to mach for the reception, retention di- each pinto was lam a boquot of swcot Is unalterably opposed to joint Ho says development work on Dolo-gat- once to n reporter yesterdny. 'Why, tho olllclal Hiirvey thereof, 29G7.574 gestion and nsRimllatlon of nil of tho the P hyslclnns and Druantsts. peas, which tho ladles carried away statehood with New Mexico. u mines Is progressing favorably and delightful afternoon, once It swayed over bo far that wo ncreR of land, nccordlng to tho of wholosonm food thnt may be eaten, Ford nnd Sturgeon, a prominent as souvenirs of a Itodey Is also opposed to Joint " ficial purvey by organs to that new and satisfactory develop Itocky Ky could see into tho top of It. tho unltod nnd enables tho digestlvo lrug firm nt Hill Station, statehood, but does not go sa far ns Surveyor of Now Mox- mcnt of ore deposits have been made. by O. A Woman Killer. States General transform the samo Into the kind of .rlto: "Wo woro requested Dr. Dolegato Wilson, and contends thnt It You Know What You Are lco, to which Is hereby gives strength. The com puny will commence work nt It. Snlgloy to Horblno for J. A. J. Montgomery. Puxlco, Wnyno Taklnu reference blood that health and send for the mnttor of Joint statehood for New When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill mado for moro particular description. Sold by H. 11. llrlggs & Co. and S. once on S00 below tho benefit of our customers. Wo or Co., Mo., writes: "I nave littlo twin ntiothcr tuni.el feet Moxlco and Ar'7onn ib forced upon tho Is plainly nnd being known In tho office of said Vann & Son. their deepest workings. lorcd threo dozen In December, nnd girls, who have been bothered with Tonic, becnuflo tho formula two territories by congress, and thoy printed on every bottlo showing that it Survoyor General ns reported No. 100. John T. Dennis of Phoenix, came up wo nro glnd to say, Hcrblnc hns given worms nil tholr llvos. I tried every you great wo can get nothing olso, It ought to bo is simply Iron nnd qulnlno In a taste And nnd each of yoi' nro further HOLBROOK. from that city to spend several weeks such satisfaction that have thing to relievo them which fnlled un notified plaintiff's nttorneys nre duplicated order threo times, and submitted to n vote of tho pooplo of less form. No euro; no pay; 50c. thnt here. Ho says there Is no plnce lileo this til 1 used White's Cream Vormlfugo; McMllIon nnd Knynnhls, whoso post- - From The Argus. today wo gnvo your salesman tho territories, so thnt they would get Flagstaff In tho summer time, nnd ho tho first two doRes brought four ofllco nddrcBS Is Albuqucrquo, Now Miss Maggie Jcrvls Is vising friends another order. Wo bog to sny Dr. G, a chanco to mv whether they will nc ORGANIZATION EFFECTED. usunlly spends his vacation hero. Mr, worniB from one of them, tho next Mexico, and unless you nnd each of nt Plnta. Snlgloy takes groat pleasure In cept It or noL Dennis Is a member of tho Phoenix two doses, twelve, ono of them mens Stockholders of the Demlng National you enter your nppearanco In said Schuster came In from St. recommending Horblno." 50c bottle Tho wholo conference of tho dolo- - dny lien city counc'l, hnvlng been elected by a urlng twelve Inches; tho othor child Bank Meet and Elect Officers and cause on or before the seventh of JOllIlR. nt J. II. O'lllclly & Co. gates did not assume to take perma September, 1903, Judgment will bo hnndsome majority over his opponent wns only relieved of four worms. It Directors. Al. Stevenson enme down from uent action, each contending that tho rendered against you nnd each of you nl the election last spring. DROWNED IN COLORADO RIVER. Is a oxcellont medlclno." White's Last Wednesday those of the stock' Al. says that his business Is most people should bo tho Judges of what by default. J. C. Wtllinms writes thnt ho Is now Crcnm Vermifuge Is good for children holders of tho new bank to bo cstnb (District Court) W E. DAME, very good of late. Weil-Know- n they want. locnteu In Aberdeen, Wash., where he Two Citizens Meet Death only destroys worms, holpR llshed In this city, who wore In town C. H. came In from tho west. It not It Tho delegates In tho presence of a (Seal.) Clerk of Said Court. Means l, In Muddy W invH employment In a saw-mil- running the Swift and Waters. to off met at tho olllco of Attorney A. Mr. Means Is here for the purpose of tho child perfect growth, wards fow prominent citizens who happened nn clger, with wages nt $3.50 per day, week ago last Monday Charles & Pollard nnd consummated nil nocoH buying Inmbs. sickness. 25c at J. II. O'lllclly Co to bo present, entered into nrguments Administrators' Sale. Ho says work Is plenty nnd wag' McLean of FlngRtnff went out to thu snry business to farm the bank, ny Ike Thompson came down from St. that pro and con ns to the merits and ills In the mnttor of tho ecstato ot Mar es good enrpenters receive $3 to 4 canyon to relievo Peto McGoiilglw, OFFICIAL MATTERS. laws wero ndoptcd, ofllcurs nnd direct Johns the tlrst of tho week, and start- advantages of Joint statehood. It tin E. Callan, deceased. per day nnd common Inliorcrs J2.25 who hud been acting us watchman at ors of tho Institution elected nnd nil ed to driving the Holhrook of Territorial Treasurer J. II. Vaughn might hnvo bci-- well It tho argumont Notlco Is hereby given that tho un division He lines tho country and says tnnt It tho Hrlght Angol Crook Power com business thoroughly attended to. the St. John's stage line. received thu following funds: From could have been preserved, for It dersigned, administrator ot tho cetato Hows with milk nnd honey. pany's camp on the north side of the Tho officers aro: T. M. Wlngo. pros Cullon, filed In Hermnn G. linen, collector and ex-of- might bo some tlmo. cor of Martin E. has tho Miss Kemp of St. Johns, who has canyon, News. Mc- - useful It prosl jays tl.o Williams clo treasurer of Socorro county, taxes Idcnt; Frank Thurmond, vlco Probntn Court of nornnllllo county, a been prepnrlng for titichlng at the Cured Paralysis. Gonlglu mot McLean at Cameron's tulnly was pretty exhaustive. Hon. dent; J. J. Dennett, cashier. final report of all his acts nnd doings Normal Flagstaff, wns visiting for 1902, $529.34. V. S. Hopewell, cvhnlrman of the at her W. S. Ilalloy, P. O. True, Texas ennip nt the I ml I an Gardens nnd start- Directors: T. M. Wlngo, Frank ns such administrator and tho said R. D. Notaries Appointed. of New slBter, Mrs. Clreer, a few days writes: "My wlfo hnd been suffering ed to take him across the river nnd democratic central committee Thurmond, J. J. Bennett, A. J. Clark, Probate Court has fixed Monday, tho Governor Otero appointed tho fol Mexico, an oxbaustivo argu this week. flvo years with paralyse In her arm show him where tho camp was located, made A. W. Pollard. W. II. Greer. S. 8 7th day of Boptembor, 1903, ns tho II. D. Qreer moved lowing notaries public: Howard II mont n point of vlow, day upon which all objections to said has his family to when I wns persuaded to use Hal lard's Ho stated at Cameron's that ho would from democratic lilrchflold nnd Volnoy Hector. Holhrook and will make his headquar- Hetts of Sliver City, for Qrnnt county, nnd seems to bo of tho opinion that report and final account may bo heard, Snow I.lnlmont, which cured hor all probably return samo evening, Tho s of the institution nro placo. that Tills is a reappointment. Siegfried pnrty Now Moxlco and tho application of the undersigned ters at this Mr. Greer Informs right. I hnvo also used it for old Horcs hut tho next dny passed and ho did tho democratic of now most comploto nnd cover all do us that he has driven his cattlo down Sollgman of Ilernnllllo for Sandoval would havo no objection to joint state to bo discharged as such administrator froBt bites and tkln eruptions. It doos not show up. Nllos Cameron then be- county. tails that should go to make an or mny bo disposed of. All parties In here and will hnvo bcof in n moro con- the work." 25c, G0c and f 1.00 at J. It came anxious, and taking several hood. He seems to think that his gnnlxatlon of this kind, not only effect Interest nre required to tako notice nc Land Office Business. party n pretty good venient order than before. O'ltlolly & Co. sticks of dynamite with him, wont would havo show lvc, but secure in overy way to Its cordlngly. A great Tho following business was transac- carry In deal of interest is being down to tho river. Ho could sco to tho Mate, and he contends trons. Demlng Headlight. OSCAIl O. ANDERSEN, manifested In tho cow boy tournament A Successful Sheep Raiser. ted nt the United States land office: that there nro moro democrats In Now Administrator. 208 where thu boat had been pushed off, HomcHtend entries, Chavez of to be held In Allmqucrquo during the Thu lato purchnso of high class Juan Mexico than there nro republicans nnd The remains of William L. Edward Dolnlno In by but no trace of It nor the men wns to de 160 of In twenty-thir- d mutual Now Mexico rums Ohio Mr. Davidson Puerto Luna, acres land combined In Arizona, nnd Ter be seen on the opposite bank. Hero democrats who died suddenly yesterday appar SURLINGAME & CO., ritorial fair, October li; to 17 Inclusive, of New Mexico lemluds tho American Leonard Wood county, bolng the SIC. therefore, welfare of dem. ently woro E.E. Sheep tho wallB aro close together and tho that, tho the from heart dlseaso, Intern Tho 2.000 in prizes Is very Ilrecder for the hundredth 4 of See. 13. T. 8 N., It. 20 B. cernts Now Mexico ought to bo con ed at alrvlcw cemetery this after ASSAY OFRGE-- ohv attractive time of tho phenomenal fortuno at current very swift. Cameron saw tho of i to cow men. On mineral application No. 138, Al- Doth Dcicgaio Itodey noon. Tho funeral was held trom tho tending level headed shoep rnnchlng mon s burroB feeding on the other Hidered. he nnd Ititabllsned lo Colortdo.1866. Samples by mall or Charles Fries of Cleveland, Ohio, bert Guyer and Thomas Whnlcn of made arguments Intended to disabuse tho chanel of Undertaker A. ITorders express wiUreceWe prompt and carclul attention In thu range states nnd territories. sldo of the river and knew then that Mrs, and Kt'gar Keller of New York, wero C'errlllon. made application to pur- tho mind of Dolegato Wlloon of certain uocaascd hns a mother, Snr &SHthIiIHm dozen years ago young Davidson left they had not lenched tho other sldo ah FJ. Kdwards, living Now Hod Mi "v'u'Hr.'c'Dr who to pctrliled money chase mliiernl claims known na the preconceived had at tourists went tho for central Ohio with bnroly In safety, as the animals would hnvo notions tho latter ford, Mass. Ho was formerly employ- ests Sunday. Mr. Is In dry onough pay his to New Mcxl Whnlcn group of mines and situated to people Fries tho to faro with reference tho nnd the ed ns n camp cook on tho Santa Fe rT3-IT3- S Lawranaa Daoyar. Colo. been taken on to the camp. Ho ex in T. 15 N , It 8 E., containing St., goods carpet Clove- - co, landing In territory with but nnd tho Mexico, Is cut-of- nnd business In that ploded tho dynamite as a signal, but conditions In New and it land, nnd Mr. Keller, who Is nccom to in his pocket. Only six yenrs ago Whnlcn, the Sliver King, nnd tho Maid safo to say that Delegnto Wilson wont received no response. Word wuh tolo gold-bearin- panled by IiIb wife, whllo on tho tour, he Btarted In tho sheup business for of Krln claims. The property is nwny with his lilens as to New Moxlco RIDICULE THE 8TORY. 10,000 graphed to the missing man's relntlvcs Is an of prominence throughout himseir. and todnv ho owns nnd is loented In Santa Fe wholly artist breeding owes goes to Flngstaff n search party organ- certainly much modified, If not Denial of Santa Fe Sale by Of the cast. and back his nt nnd county, In tho Cerrlllos mining district. out Usual obi home In Ohio to buy 200 rams for ized, which reached the rlvor Tuesday chnngeii. He perhaps found that ficers of the Company. Now Mexico is hankering service In his cwn Hock. Mr. David of this wook, but n thorough search A Woman's Complexion not after OITlclalH of tho Snntn Fo ridicule the FLAGSTAFF. of young Is to having Arizona tied up with It as a unyaMio, nitua ninnna. son Is ono of hundreds men failed to reveal the whereabouts of tho It rank foolishness to attempt report telegraphed from New York COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. In tho west grown opulent In tho shee missing men. McGonlglo wns n cons remove sallownesa or gTcaslness of Htntc. and thnt of the two, New Moxlco that tho llock Island's now bond Issuo Send your business rilrevt to VTnalilnalop, j From tho Gem. business In n comparatively short tho skin by the use of cosmetics, or hns tho most to lose. of $250,000,000 Is for tho purposo of SHTes time, costs less, ueuer semen. wlfo of Maine were In of Charles McGonlglo, forcmnn for Mr mcUm ts V. S. rWat OSes, rrtliBla- - lien Crowe and time. It Ir mainly a matter of nppll "local" treatment, as advocated by the It developed In nrgument a securing Altv-- i railUftUl tho Arizona Lumber & Timber com tho whnt control of tho Atchison, To .rv uBiftAtlaal Mil.. fat at Sal Dattat here Monday. cation, good maragemont nnd sticking "beauty doctors." The only safo and great stato tho two territories would noka & Snntn Fo. biaean rrUQNAL AmMTION OIVtH-- tS TlaM i btialnosB, pany of Flagstaff, and mado his homo euro way n woman can Improve A IJ. Macomber returned from to one's Denver Field and that be If joined, and thnt thoro nro 'The mnjorlty of our holdlngR," said tic., list trx. falnti cretins uroua X. i M. Farm. with William Frlodloln, from whom her complexion Is by purifying and en- - company, pro ncaiTS spsiiai BSUCf. wiuok rwt, u.lrt.nay business visit to Sunta Fe, N. good many things thnt can bo cited In nn offlclnl of tho "nro Mrs. John X. McDonald of Williams thoso particulars woro gleaned, he ricning the blood, which can only bo tcctcd and no ono Interest can sell AGE It com as, Watch for a Chill. nccompllshed by keeping favor of Tho delegates had a UlwUaUaINVENTIVEyfU-Ur- TtwA U visiting Mrs. Dr. D. J having wont to tho canyon to satisfy tho liver control, Thoro nro sovcrnl thousand ll.a her sister, However slight nt thU tlmo of year healthy anil The liver la the plote understanding that thoy would Uraunen of thU city. hlmsolf of tho awful truth. active. stockholders nnd tho preferred stock IE. G. SIB6ERS. and In this climate, it Is tho forerun It Is thought tho current probably seat of dlseaso and blood pollution. work In perfect harmony, nnd thoy is mostly In strong boxen of Investors WASHINGTON. D. C J Mr. and Mrs. Henry heller have Green's August acts directly on plnco tier of malaria. A disposition overturned tho and they were Flower now know that tho only they with little left on tho market. Tho Leen enjoying farm life for several boat tho liver, cleanses and enriches the congress, ynwn, and nn alt tired out fooling drowned In tho rapids a distance will over disagree Is when if voting powor is vostcd in both com weeks on their farm south of town. short blood, purifies complexion. also d. ovon comes before tho chill. Harbin tho It It shnll, undertakes to join tho two mon nnd prefor-c- Tho only way to 60 YEARS' Mr. J. N. Spears and Miss Mamie below. cures constipation, biliousness, nerv EXPERIENCE by prompt stliniilntlvo action on territories ns cno state acquire control is to buy It In tho opon Klernan wero married in Flagstaff, Its This Is tho name placo at which T. ousness, ana induces refreshing sleep. thu malaria gorms Delegate Itodey contends that tho market. Tho dividend on common I- -. tho llvor, drives A Fleming hnd such a narrow escape A single bottlo of August Flower has Judge W. Qulnlan performed the nntlpnthy In both territories now to stock Is moro than earned nnd vro nre marriage ceremony. out of the system, purlflos the blood a fow years slnco, when Russell was been known to cure the most pro- not looking nny reduction; In fact cosey dys- Is not ns largo as for tones up tho system and restores drowned. HU body, or a body suppos- nounced nnd distressing of joint stntohood is would bo no posslblo oxcuso for Miss Ilesslo Dagg, one of tho grad pepsia Indigestion. Now Ib Is thoro health. GOc at J II, O'ltlolly & Co ed to bo his, was later found on n sand and trial site supposed, and thnt thero cnusod not pcylng It." uatcs of tho class of '03 of the Normal bottle, 25 cents; regular site, 75 cents. by lack of knnwedgo and Information place, homo bar somo distance down tho rlvor, and school at this left for her 8AN MARCIAL. At all druggists. O, O, Green, Wood- on tho subjoct, nnd that n sixty dny COLD IN ONE DAY at Jerome. a watch will no doubt be kept nt tho bury, Now Jersey. H. O'lUelly TO CURE A Design J. ft campnlgn would wholy chango this L&xatlvo Dromo Qulnlno Tablets MIsa Julia Manning In discharging From the Deo. samo placo for tho appearance of those JO. Tako Copyrights Ac. Hchcy to bodies, ns thero Is a strong eddy at sentiment. All druggists rotund the money if Anrm sending a skelrh nl d 'Tlr-lln- mat tho duties of Miss Yotta Manning in Fred bado farewell his Dolegato quicklr nor nwntnn free whether ar Tor point. The Accident Record. Wilson was entertained at falls to cure. FJ. W. Grovo's signature lii.inllnn i nruliablrpnientalila. rnmmimlr tho postoJIlco this week durlns tho many frlonda horo and departed thnt Ilandt-nnao- I'atents Thu commorco commls Mr. nodoy's houso, with othor gontlo-men- , tlonsalrlclirrniiUiteiitlitl. patents tho Canyon. Wlnslow a fow days ago. Did the men escapo to tho bnnk nt a Interstate sent iron. (rdMt aeen'r fiirseouriiiir tatter's absence at Grand s!on has given a report of railway accl nnd left Saturdny evening for his TIME IS EXTENDED. I'atents tasen throusli tlutin X Cc reeel Hugh Campbell of the firm of Camp- Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Shollcnberger left point bolow, there Is little possibili- tfitul nuttrt, nllhuut cbre, In In dents in tho Unltod for tho homo In Prcscott. Ho goos to Lob An & Francis, shoep growers of this town for the Pecos country, whero ty of tholr getting out nllvo, as the States bell threo months ending 31, 1903, gclcs next wcok to nddrets a meeting Santa Fe and Other Roads Securs Scktttific Jlmerlcatt county, returned from a business visit somo ten dayc are to bo spent In an walls are almost perpendicular nnd March It shows that during quator thoro there on the statehood question. Ho Safety Equipment Concessions. A handtomulr lllnstratM weeklr. iJirsosl ett 1b New Mexico. effort to keep cooUund secure recrea they would starve beforo help could that ruiatlun of anr selentllta Journal, Terms, M wero 300 persons and 2,834 In Impressed the Now Mexicans as a man Tho Intorstato commorco commls reari four rumtl, II. Hold bjall newsdealers, A. N. Toylor, principal of the tion. reach thorn. Thus Is closed another killed Prof. jured In accident's, including of ability and rertclnly of good com sion, says a dispatch from Washing school ut this placo, accom- Surveyor O. W. King went out to chapter in tho silent tragedies In the train Normal thoso sustatuod by employes while man sense. ton, ordered ncothor tomporary ex J panied by his wlfo and little daughter, the San AndrcaB this week and plac groat gorg. nt matters nnd open hospitality nre no permanent accommodations at For Drunkonneti, Oplam, proving the telephone service, recent-- 1 MONSTER JAGUAR. musical ONE LUNG BEAR CANYON RESORT. his then ranch home. the Mokl villages except n few rooms Morphina and ly purchased by him from Rand j at gone and yet remaining lung k Convict No. 1CG8, otherwise known May le the or houses that can bo rented from tho other Drug Using uagg. re- will be amply sufficient to suitnln a vigor .Moru new telephones wero as Salamon Hernandez, walked out ot Mokls. Provisions must bo taken Km IheTobacco Habit ceived this week and they will soon beyond out vitality As n general thing few peo- Outfitting can bo the convicts' camp the Hot use of both is iiiong. done at Win ind Neurasthenia. bo put In by Dick Wlggln. Tho lino Seum to Be Thrilling Encounter In the Chiraca-hu- a Springs, ple make more lungs than slow or Canyon Diablo. Campers and Visitors nnd hasn't been seen since. equivalent to a healthy use of lung. Cm- - THE KEELEY will be Into country. Tho escaped prisoner was sent up otic extended the Mountains. These facta are all In the favor of the A Hecord Breaker. INSTITUTE, Krentz & Wolff will hnvo a phono nt Enjoying Themselves, from Doming for petty larceny. He Is man woman with weak lungs, even Strictly ure or It Is said tho greatest OatlMaltil Dwlght, Ilk their rnnch, and Fred M. French will from Old Mexico nnd it Is thought will when disease has strong grip on thnt and a then. quickest permanent ndvortlsing suc also be able to communicate with mako long tracks for tho border. As ainny n person holder In the Kl Paso & Southwest- ho mucn longer sorve cess on Is of town by having one on his ranch. A BRAVE HUNTER, hadn't to the living in health record thnt Cnscarcts, ern railroad nnd senior pnrtner of A SPLENDID MOUNTAIN SPOT' authorities won't he so much concern- to day has the Candy Cathartic, which have been Misses Dessle Kclsur nnd Georgia tho firm of Phelps, Dodge & Co,, who ed whether or not tho stops being tak- lungs marked by advertised In ovory way, but Mclntyre, two prepossessing young la- en to rernpturo him provo henled scars own the Copper Queen nnd various A special dispatch (ram Phoenix, successful the chlofly In nowspnpers for about six dles of Arkansas City, Ark., who are canyon. In Snndln moun- Ho will doubtless provo n difficult of disease. other noted mining properties In Ari- ticar the Arlr.., dated August 15, says; years. In time tha sale of Cns mulling a tour of the country, stopped homhru to catch Dr. thnt zona. Th otelcgrnm did not state tains and within three hours' drive of I'nticho Yliorrn, a Mexican hunter Pierce's carcts has grown from nothing to over over hero to seo Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Golden Medlu.1 Mr, Dodge 1b well-Know- niong the border for bis a when the funernl of would Watts, former residents of Arkansas the city. n popular mountain resort Potent Pill Pleasure. Discovery makv.s ono million boxes month. This tnko ploce. daring, )ns startled the boldest hun- wonderful record Is tho result of great City and whero Mr. Wntts held a rail- this summer, nnd the cimpcrs, ters ly his latest uecd of bravery. Tho pills Hint arc potent In tholr weak lungs nnd pleasant I are strong. It cur.s successfully mado known. Those road position. He Is now stenograph- who hnvo been pnst few Taking his fife In his hands, he en- nctlon neffect merit Burdock Illond Hitters gives a man out there tho Llttlo Knrly lllsors W. H. Phil-po- t obstinate, dcc,-scate- il who tried Cnscarcts as a direct result a clear head, un active hraln, a strong er for Dlsvlslou Master Mechanic wookB, the canyon Is visited every tered tliu cave of a monster jaguar, coughs, Drury. thu fiercest ot wild Leasts In Arizona, of Albany, On., says "During a of advertising, wero pleased and rec- vigorous body makes him fit for the Misses Keser and Mclntyre, Sunday, provided the tiny Is fine, by a bllllnus nttack I took ono. Smnll as It bronchitis, bleed- nccompnnlcd by and slew thu animal nttor a thrlllltig ing lungs and ommended the nrtlcle to their friends, bnttlo of life. Mr. and Mrs. WnttB, large delegation from the city. Such was It did mo more good than calomel spread went to tho Grand Canyon Friday wns encounter. blue-mas- other conditions, until Its fame was to become the case yesterday, for the day s or any othor pills I aver Accompanied by another Mexican which, if neglect- universal. CONSIDERED A JOKE. morning. In the mountnlns appeared as If "made iiunter, Yhorra rodo Into a canyon In took and nt tho same tlmo It nffoctcd Wlnslow will soon hnvo a uniform- me pleasantly. I.lttlo Knrly Hlsors are ed or unskilfully tn order." so nice nnd pleasant, and tho Clilrnealuia mountains, vvhero they treated, find a THROUGH A CEMETERY. Proposal for Denver Short Line Is Re- ed and well-drille- company of young many took advantage of the nay and Bpieu the Jaguar crouching on tho ccrtnlnly nn Ideal pill." Sold by n. H. fatal & termination garded as Preposterous. soldiers. The Order of American Hoys hied themselves resort. sldo of thu hill, beiore they could Drlggs oo, nnd Sf Vnnn nnd Son. consumption. to this in Threatened Fight Averted Between Railroad men who know the situa- hold a musing meeting nt the home of book enmo ralso their rilles, the animal dodged " I had lcen troub- The Citizen's note In DIED OF BURNS. Rock Island and El Reno. j Mrs. Dunklin on Wednesday Into a cave. Tho lain .era mado a fu- led with limit tion pietty thoroughly, are enjoying a evening good play, and the following names ea ami pleiirl"v For tho present nt least tho threat-- : laugh nud it was decided to funds to tile uffort to mnoko out the jaguar, for a of hearty over the repeated stories raise were plnccd upon It of people found Mrs. Ahthur McDowell Succumbs to mimtier He-- 1 and, while waiting hovomI hours with year ami Hie trouble ened clash between the city of El which aro printed In New Mexico pa- send for uniforms nnd other military In tho canyon yesterday. the Flames From Camp Fire. iintl almost tjeconie no nnd the ltock Island railroad, on carbines pointed to thu entrance pers regarding new lino be- equipments. The club hns selected 1. . . their I. chronic "wrlltiA. R. the short At Spring No. ant Saturday Mrs. Arthur McDow- account of tho ovldent determination drill-maste- r, to tho co e, tho daring hunter grow Itlam, of Itovre, la. tween Denver nnd Kl Paso, which Is to Night Odlcer King Henley ns tho W. K. Unwllns, wife and children. ell was working nliont the camp tiro "Iintl ntveral ktnda of tho company to run Its tracks 'inpatient and deemed, dcsplto his ho placed In operation whon the Snntn and this afternoon he gnvo thu Tne little daughter. Miss Hose, Is sick, companion's urgent expostulations, to near the family tent In tho onRtorn of medicine from different phyaiciana without arrosB tho city cemetery, and tho much benefit. At tent wrote to I)r R, V. Plerc Fe Centrnl Is completed, says tho El boys their first lesson. As Mr. Henley and tho trip wob mnde lor her benefit. beard thu lion In his den. part of tho city, wlion her skirt caught and rot hit advice, ami began nsInK hit 'Ooldtn equally Btronr opposition from the e Paso was was tho famous Hough Riders and Ho put ono In holster fire, and before help could bo given Medical Dlaccrcry I have iikU twenljr-fiv- citizens to thnt plan, Is nvcrtcd, tho News. Mr. llawllns returned to tho city In a bottlca. When I commenced taking It I hail no Is at his belt. Wltn n pistol In his steady sho sustained fatal burns. Mrs Mc- two sides having reached an agree- They say that It would bo utterly well versed in military tactics, ho the evening. appetite, my ytem wan completely will hand aud u branch of blazing ocotllla Dowell, being nlrendy paralyzod on hail no amul'.ini to ilo anything. Now I feci ment. The road will run through the Impossible to have a line of through mako of tho O. A. H.'s an organ- Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Albers, Mrs. T. In crawlet" on ono side, was practically unnblo to belter than I Mil before I gol tick, Have a kx1 unplatted part of the burying ground. tinlns from Donvor city vln ization that will perform all the dim-cu- A. his left, ha his hands appetite and tm able to ilo ray work. I to this Anderson, Miss Paulino Schneider and knees into the lair. When ho holp herself, and could do llttlo to rrcommend Dr Tierce' Golden Medical Thnt much wn3 reached at a meeting Denver & Itlo Grande connections, as evolutions. Thu club Intends to and Mrs. I. L. Plummor. Mr. Albers made IiIb way past tho first curve In fight tho Hames. Dr. C. M. Whlcher DUcovery to all who are afflicted aa I wat." of tho city council nt which every there Is n stretch of narrow gauge Increase its membership, and as the was called and responded at once, was present exrept one, and Mrs. Plummor returned to the the cava he wuh brought In full view but Those who suffer from chronic dis- councilman track from S.iutn Fe to Alnmoosa. boys tako great Interest In It, tno O. city In evening. saw the burns must provo fatal eases nnd nil voted affirmative, on tho of thu durco glarn of tho wild beast, that are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, in tho the It would a A. H.'s will In the near future bo not- A eyes nnd her to hos- by All correspondence proposition. company be lmpo;u!o to run E, Maharan, wife and children. pair of stood out In tho dark directed removal thu letter, free Tho railroad ed, fhey aro n patriotic lot of young ness Just boyonn like two red coals of pital, where she dlod a fuw minutes strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. agrees to pay Ul lleno $1,500, tho con- through train over the roads from Geo. Johnson, wire nnd daughter, encourngc- - fire. The beast was In a crouching after C o'clock tho same evening. So Pierce, IluiTalo, N. Y. demnation sum, for tha land taken, Denver to Snntn Fe, unless n hoUt gentlemen nnd deserve with Mrs. Frederlckson and dnughtcr, attitude, and preparing to spring on sovoroly wnB the lady burned that sho Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist tha thnt sum to bo deposited with tho wero employed to elevate at Alamoosn ment. Gustov K, Oustafson and Otto Newlan-dor- , luo invader. suffered llttlo pain, and passed away action of the " Discovery." clerk of the district court. Represen- so that the nnrrow nan go tracks could Vborrn's firm arm steadied tho bar- almost as one falls asleep. tatives of the company attended tho be substituted. Kczoma, scald hend, hives, Itchiness J. H. Henrrup and wlfo, J. U. Forger rel of his pistol, no pulled trigger, Mrs. Mary Hrown, of do- - council meeting nnd tho resolu- of the skin of nny sort, Instontlv re the mother the Ing word us do visitors, In n nftor Then when the end of tho nnrrow nnd wife, nnd Charles Gomrtc-l- and and tho cave tilled wltn smoko. Tho censed, who lives In Dcnlson, Tox., the harsh tion pnsscd, left npparcnty satisfied Moved, permanently Donn's tone, ns majority gnugc wns reached broad gauge cured. Wlfo. This party returned to tho city ball struck between thu eyes of tho was toiegrapnod for and nrrlved Sun "Tuckson." Tho of with tho outcome. Tho case has been Ointment. any drug store. "Too-son.- tracks could replaced At In evening. jaguar, but glanceu, and tho madden- day ovonlng, not knowing until sho people pronounce It softly, ns " under consideration since May 1, and l) beneath the the I train. Tho narrow gauge at present Dr. nnd Mrs. Francis Crosson, Mr. ed "cast made a lungo toward tho renched Carlsbad that her daughter However, it Is generally accept- now on In the territorial su- WILIIAM3. burning fagot. Tho Mexican was not was dead. ed opinion among old resldenta of premo court. does n business of about ono train a and Mrs. W. T. McCrelght and Miss - day, and a nt so It Is there, and before thu smoke cleared The funeral occurred Monday morn- this vicinity that the word Is of Indlnn mixed train thnt, From the News. earing. They also returned to tho End of Bltte-- broad-gauge- away another ball craohed through ing nt the hosrltol, whore brief sor origin. Is n story Tight. thought that ui.Iess the road Is d city y moonlight. There going that a "Two physicians had a long nnd Dr. O. S. Hrown ot Wlnslow visited tha jaguar's skull and tho animal fell vIccr wero hold under direction of mnn named Took stopped at a well thero vlll he somo degroo of At Spring No. 2. back on his haunches. Rev. W. M. stubborn fight wltht nn nbeess on In Williams this week. Fnlrly, with Interment In In or near town In early years and slowness In tho handling of t riffle ov- At spring No. 2 the following were Tho hunter thought he had killed It, city cemetery. my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes MTs. Clara Johnson and Mrs. II , W. tho The nttondnnco helped agua er tho "short lino." found enjoying themselves, there be- and, with tho burning ocotllla to Il- nt tho obsequies was large, showing himself to and that fact of Du Pont, On. "nnd gave mo up. Cono departed for an outing at the gave "Took-son,- " ing two parties: luminate tha cavern, ho forced a loop how deeply tho pnoplo felt with the rise to tho expression Everybody thought my tlmo had oy of Colic After Physician's William Smoot ranch. I Cured Mrs. H. W. Hopkins son, Mrs. around ono of thu animal's loreleet young husband nnd mother. as applied to the old pueblo. come. As nt last resort tried Dr. Had James Walsh returned to Ins ranch nnd Treatment Failed. L. E. and started to drag him out. Tho circumstances attending this King's Now Discovery for Consump- My boy when four years old was north of Peach Springs, a few Werner and daughter, Miss Ollvo Save Children. I wns after Tho beast needed no urging, how- death wero particularly snd. Mr. and the tion. Tho benefit received strlk taken with colic nnd cramps In his days spent In tho city. Herrold, Charles W. Mehan and "la ever, and, recovering from Nlnety-nln- o of every ono hundred Ing nnd I was on my feet In a few Hesse!-do- his dazed Mrs. McDowoll enmo to this city some stomach, I sent for tho doctor and he In tho near tuturs Joseph Johnston dy," Frank Jones and Wallace condition, ho followed his assailant. tlmo ngo for tho hcnlth of wife, diseases that children havo are due days. Now I've ontlrely rngaincd my Injected morphine, Jr, the to disorders of tha stomach, but tho child kept will extend Ills building now occupied When tho mouth of thu cavo wtis who was but llttlo more than a girl, and these health." It conquers all Coughs, Colds getting worso. I then gave him half Mr. and Mrs. P. Schcclc. Mr, and reached, tho Jaguar gathered himself disorders aro all caused by Indigos-ton- , and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by by tho Curio through to Railroad av- being only 19 yr nrs of ago at tho time a teaspoonfu. of Chamberlain's Colic Mrs. A. D. Wick, Ed. Qulekel nnd to pounce upon his enemy, but lell of her death. coming horo, Kodol Dypepsla Cure Is Just ns all druggists. Prlcr GOc and $1.00 enue. Sinco Mr. good Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Itomedy, and son, Mrs. N. Menard of Topeka, Will over dead. McDowell had for children as It Is for adults. Trial bottlca frco. In Another largo deal took place cared for hor with a half an hour ha was sleoplng nnd iam Morris, Havanle, Charles Mey- tenderness challenged deep- Children thrive on It. It keeps their when Georgu Douglas sold his ranch J. NEW UNION 8TATION. that tho sweet encourages GOLDEN NEW 8. soon recovered. F. h. Wllklns, Shell ers, Henry est respect of nil who observed. Ev- little stomachs and Lnkc, Wis. Mr. Wllklns Is bookkeeper and cnttlo to C. M. Wolf, tho price be Jr., and Frank Scheck. erything could ndd happi- their growth and development. Mrs, Uoth parties returned to the city In Santa Fe Central and El Paso A. Rock thnt to hor Mining Paragraphs About Mines and for tho Shell Lnkc Lumber Co. For ing $20,000. ness wns quickly nnd gladly Henry Carter. 7'o Central St, Nash by the evening Island Will Erect Such a Depot at dono, nnd says: "My boy Prospectors of the District. salo all druggists. Miss lCllza Mclntryo returned from thero was ovory prospect of even- ville Tenn., little Is At Spring No. 3. Torrance. hor now tfcrco years old Special Correspondence. Flagstaff, where bIio has been employ tual recovery. willed It and has been PENSIONS FOR EMPLOYES. 1 Senator W. H. Andrews, president Fate other- ed ns stenographer In Hoomer's Camp ro. Mrs. Joseph wise, however, nnd It suffering from indigestion even since Golden, N. M., Aug. 10. Col. H. S the Arizona of the Santa Fo railway, ac- accident ended I Snoup, MIbs M. Slump, Harry Shoup, Central all. Mr. McDowell, ho wns horn. havo hod tho best dot Farley, manager of tho Interstate The Southern Pacific Retires Thirty. Centrnl bank for some weeks. companied iy Chief Engineer A. O. who Is a valued Miss M. Pazel, William Wesco and employo of tha Cnrlsbad tcro In Nnshvlllo, but failed to do him Mining compauy, Is looking over the Five Men and Several Others Are to Albert Lclisch, J. D. Itnudebaugh Kennedy and John H. Harris, super- Hardware any good. using, ono of Paul Mlllenbnugn. Tho dog "Toser" and ltopatr company, entirely de- After bottlo property. Follow. and William Soudcr returned from intendent of construction, left Santa wab I company's wns In camp. Kodol ho Is a well baby. recom Thlrty-fiv- o this Some returned to C voted to his wlfo nnd fools her death con- employes of the South- Prescott, where they wero acting as Fo Thursday evening at o'clock for mend It to nil Bufforors." Kodol dl Gcorga Alexander, who has tho tne city In tho evening; others re- keenly. His mnny friends feel with ern Pacific company, who havo out- trial Jurcrs. Konncdy, at which station they took a gests what you cat makes sto- - tract for sinking the Hnsolton shaft him. though In n casa ilka this thero and the worn Art Humphrey, ono mained. spoclal .train for Torrance, arriving mach sweet. Sold by D. H. Drlggs & for tho Argo Mining company, reports tholr usefulness, hnvo boen re- at time a resi there during the night. Yesterday Is llttlo that can bo said or dono to tired from nctlve servlco and plnccd dent of Williams, but recently located Constable nnd Mrs. James II. Smith, Clvo comfort Cnrlsbad Argus. Co. nnd S. Vnnn & Son. of having found somo vary goou gold Walter Woods and wife, Charles morning 7 they con- t nnd at o'clock held a ora at tho two hundred and twenty-foo- on the pension list. According to 'n C'n'tfornla, stopped over here the ference with Superintendent LOSE INCREASE. Hurgctto were found comfortably fix General A THEIR lcvol. thoso who nro familiar with tho plana Ihbt of tho week on his way east to ...artin of tho El Paso & Northeastern Sure Cure for Diarrhoea. ed. Constablo Smith returned In thu Coming ns In of Mining com of tho pension bonrd, six genornl of- visit the old homo In .Michigan. railroad during which It was decided it docs, tho busiest Employes of the Pennsylvania Rail- The mill the McCado evening after a late supper. season, wlion a mnn enn lenst nfford pany up to mill ficers of tho company will soon follow John H. Stetson, Jr., end Miss Pot-u- r to erect a commodious union depot road Object to a New started this forenoon At "Camp Hear": C. C. Seemullor to lose time, a sure nnd quick Order. these thlrty-fiv- o employes Into of Philadelphia, visited here sev- and eating bouse at Torrance. Plans cure for several tons of ora from tho Old Re retire nnd wlfo, W. H. Cobb, son daugh- diarrhoea Is very desirable. Anyone Following tho 10 per cent Increase ment, with pensions. Most of eral days this week, also going to the and for this building wcro discussed and liable mines in tho Ortiz mlno grant, those wero who hns given It n you granted to tho employes of tho Penn- Ada-mnn- a ter found. ndopted. Passenger trollle arrange- trial will tell This run Is made to test tha oro for nlroady rellred nro subordinates. canyon. They had stopped off at 101 that tho qulckost, surest and most sylvania railroad system, notice has Camp Dsoez F. W. Spencer, wlfo ments between banta Fo and Paso any free gold It may carry. The goneral ofllcors who are slated to visit tho potrlficd forest and weru pleasant romeOy In use for this di- been served on many of tho men and children, Austin Whittlesey nnd discussed and It Is understood that Leonard Skinner, tho old San An for early retirement arc Joseph L. later will return to tako In the Moqul sease Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholorn 1 Misses jamlu Richards and Carrie that close train connection between dating from August they will bo laid Wllleott, secretary of tho Central Pa- snnko danco. 121 nnd Dlarrohca Remedy. Thero Is tonlto mill mnn, spent several hours tho Santa Fo Central and tho Paso ni off ono day ovory month at their own cific, Southern Pacific and other roads E. T. Phclnn received a letter from Newell. & ltock Island will bo made Tor- loss of time when It Is used as one In town taking soma largo orders for Frank Fulmer, hand at expense, says a dispatch from New In tho Bystem: Capt. N. T. Smith, C. A. Day of ban Francisco, stating the second deal rance. Tho dlstanco between Santa or two dosos of It will euro any ordi- lumber to bo delivered to different er, with his wlfu children aro In nary attack. It novor York. treasurer of tho Southern Pacific that botn he and Jack Hare wero com- and Fit and El Paso via tho two roads falls, not even parties In town. He also got tho con camp lor a couple of weeks. 319 In tho worst sovoro nnd dangerous Hitter complaint hns followed the company; T. H. Goodman, genornl ing out again this fnll for a good named Is miles, 21 miles less than tract to furnish tho Gold Bullion with M. M. tho railroad mileage enses. For salo by nil druggists. order, as it is declared that Its enforce pnssongcr ngnnt of tho hunt. Ho Bays they had a fine time Dutchcr and wife, and Oscar between Santa lumber. Southern Pa E. wlfo nnd spent Fo nnd Kl Paso via tha Itlo Grande di ment will practically rob tho employes cific! Jeromo Madden, land ngont of last year, and want to Join tho same Skinner, children GALLUP QLEANING8. O. N. Protzman of the Pine Tree the day at spring No. 3. vision of tho Atchison, Topeka & of the Increase so recently granted. the Southern Pacific company; J. M. gnng again. gulch tins been doing tho assessment A. V. llayaen has big tent Santo Fo railway. Between Denver Interesting Notes From the Capital Tho first men to receive the order Hnnford, paymaster of tho Southern C. M. Wolf sold his rnco horse, a at nnd Kl Paso via tho Kl Paso & ltock work on his claims and has mado qult these springs, anu tho newspaperman Town of McKlnley County, wero the ferry hands. Tho dockmen, a strike of free gold oro on the Sham Pncltle company, nnd E. Hlnok Ityan, Ilnldy, which won first placo In the Island and tho Santa . o Central and free-for-a- thu following thu Hay MrH. J. W. Hnylls Is reported on tho porters, ticket sellers and bridge mon tnx attorney of tho Southern Pacific big event hero on July I. It found at den Denver & Itlo Grande railroads the rock lode. Preparations to mako a camp: Mrs. Hayden, Misses Winifred sick list this week. must nil tako ono day off a month, company. Is understood Daldy will bo trained dlHtauco Is 51 miles less than by the James .Moloney returned from his run on the Mexican arrastrn will be nud Gladys Hayden, Clifford Hayden, Itlo Now Mexico whllo the others will bo forced to All nro over the pension ngo limit and entered in tho races at Albuquer Urnnue, nnd Colora- prospecting trip In Arizona last week. mado In a few days. .Miss Julia HroiiKon, Frank Uronson, do divisions of tho Atchison, Topoka double up and do their work. They of 70 yenrs, and all havo been In the que. Tho purchase was mado by The '.co plant had to shut down Mon Samuel Miller and Misses Elsie Fra-zle- r. and Santa Fc. nre paid average $48 When you Want a physic that Is service of tho company moro than tho Charlie Dlmmlck. tin, night on account of a break down. an of about a Mr. Hayden wn also thero yes- nnd mild and gentle, easy to tako and cer- proscribed twenty yenrb. Tho pensions Sovernl of tho boyn from Williams 8ocorro County at the Fair. K. A. PInny nnd fnmlly roturnod month, a proportionate amount terday. He In evening tain to act, nlwnys uso Chamberlain's paid will bo on a 10 per who wero at Prescott wcro present nt returned the county rep- from Los Angeles yostordny on will bo deducted from tholr wages. basis of cent Socorro should bo well Stomnch and Liver Tablots, For sale avcrago hanging of to the city, resented nt of tho Illness of Miss Mno, who Tho baggagemen between Jersey of tho salary of tho last ten thu tho Goddard murder tho territorial fair held at has typhoid fover. by nil druggists. yuars. era. Dr. Tyroler brought up a piece "Dow Drop Inn" is tho Whitney Albuquerque. October 12 17, Inclu- City nnd Pittsburg have all been noti- enmp. C. to An Indlnn woman, whllo riding a of rope used, which has beet placed company's Yesterday, D. sive. Prof. F. A. Jones, formerly of fied. There are 2.500 of thorn, while YELLOW KID MISSING. T. pony near Llttlcwntcr July 21, wns Puts an End to It All. with J. 1). Jones' cxtenslvo collection ioff and family, Mrs. S. Francis this city, who Is In chnrgo min- "00 trnokmen between Jursey City A grlovous dniighU-r- , of tho struck by lightning nnd both wore In- One of Demlng's Ball Players Causes wall oftimes comes as of curiosities nt tho Cabinet. and Miss Ethel and son, eral exhibit, promises stantly Is and Nowark aro victims of tho snmo a result of unbcnrnblo pain from ovor tho best exhib- killed. It reported thnt both Alarm. Fred Schey, brother of L. Schey, Walter, besides William Hryco and it of minerals ever gotten togothor worn torn nil to pieces. order. These, It Is snld. are only tho tnxed jrgnns. dizziness, backnehe. In John A. Stcnson, ono of tho ball clothier and haberdasher, arrived from family. Tho Francis family returned the territory. Miss Nelllo Spears returned from flist, and that gradually tho entire Liver complaint nnd Constlpnton Hut to the eft In tho evening. players who came to this city Sunday thanks to Dr. King's San Mnrclal, N. M., and will have Tho fruit exhibit also promises to ho Los Angolcs last week to tnko charge system .111 be nffeted. Now Life Pills At the Falls. of tho county treasurer's office whllo with the Doming aggregation of Yel- thov put nn end to It nil. They nre charge of tho storo during Leo's vaca on a grand scale In fact all the ex- Whllo the loss to ench man Is com- A. Simpler nnd family, P. Han-la- y Mr. Spears Is visiting In tho east. Mr. low Kids, disappeared very mysteri- gentle but thorough. Try thorn. Only tion, which ho expects to spend on the nud hibits should In ovory re- paratively small, amounting only n bo first class Spenrs will leave sometime next week. to ously last night, and nothing has been 2D c. Guaranteed by nil druggists. const, leaving for Snn Francisco, and family have been In camp tho spect. Thq sports any- few dollnrs n company will exceed Ed. Hart Informs us thnt his family month, tho will heard of him, nnd, although diligent whero ho will tnko In tho big fight past few weeks. They will break thing over nttomptod. gain almost $1,000,000 yenr WINS LOW. Tho association had a very nnrrow cscapo whllo on a by tho Inquiry has boon mnde, It baa thus between JoffrleH and Corbett. camp today, and move back to tho offers $2,000 in parses cow boy wny move. for tho their to Los Angolcs laBt week. far came to naught. From tho Mall. city. The falls is known as "Pulpit tcurnpir.c alone. Most cow- Nos. 3 and 4 ran Into each other be Tho forry men, tho Old Board of Hock." of tha trackmen nnn This morning Thomas Hudson, mnn. W. W. Perkins, the Bhecpman, wns Supervisors Sued. boys In Mexico will tween Needles nnd Molon. killing beggngnmen nre not Capt W. 11. Hardy, a enter this contest organized, and nger of tho term, called on Chief of In from tho rango for a few dnys citizen nnd tnx three tramps smashing things up how-cvo- Tho horso races aro of tho highest and have no recourse. Individually, r, payor of this county, has brought J, P, Konuedy. agent ot tho Santa In Police Wootton t got the assistance Win, Campbell, tho sheepman, suit order. Tho two $1,000 general, but Mrs. Hart and children they this and ngaliiBt M. Fo Central at Morlarty, who was re- stako races escaped uninjured. nre protesting ngnlnst ot the city officials to help find his lost brother of Colin Campbell, passed Scnnlon, J. II. Johnson will bo especially interesting. Chief-tnl- declaring Is A. cently Injured by tho ex- Sheriff W. A. Smith and Doputy order, that It an attempt mnn. through from Flagstaff. and William Neat and their bonds accidental on men plosion of a gun wns handl- tho part of tho company to bring well-know- for thousands of dollars, money which he Fiahlvo left Saturday In Interest of Hudson reported that StenBon hud Jack Stawart, n up- - a nnd misappropriated ing, has gone to Fo treat- tho Pipkin enso. trav- tho scale of wages back to tho stand- o by thorn during their Santn for LA8 VEGAS LACONICS. murdor Aftor about $40 In rroney on his porsnm dispenser of liquid refresh' eling nlnoty-flv- o In complaint ment. Mr Kennedy arrived Sat- about miles they re ard forco before tho 10 per cent when last seen and Is Inclined to the ments, has been cngnged by Tom terms of ofhe. Tho recites thoro Monday ovonlng Henry lies an even ono hundred separate causes urday evening nnd Ib a guost tho Clippings From the East Side turned with opinion that ! has been foully dealt ser and Is on tho night Ho nt Snmplo nnd Abrnnt Garcia, whom tnev shift at the of Clalro. Tho Injury, whllo painful, Is Thoso who havo given tho matter with. tel Navajo bar. action and covors about eighty typo Eduardo Martinez, Jr., Anton Chlco, arrested at Los Plnetns nnd Francisco written iiagos. K. M. of not serious. The chnrgo of shot en- more thoughtful nttontlon bollovo thnt Chief Wootton thinks, however, that J. Fry went to California nnd Mrs Sanford Pros will wed on Mondny tho daughter of Martinez, who wns arrested at Atar cott Is attorney complainant. E. tered tho fleshy portion of the arm, quo. Henry Sample tho company Is frightened by tha con- tho young man wns up very late and Fry will Join him lntor on. Mr. nnd for Kllseo Armljo. Miss Petra, tho cere- had n hearing E. Elllnwocd hns been engaged by nnd penetrated the biceps muscle, but mony Tuesday, but It will bo continued dition of the Wall street market and found sleeping qunrtcrs somewhere Mr, Fry carao hero from Kentucky the to take place In the morning nt Inter. defeneo and the suit promises to bo did not sover nny of the larger blood tho District Attorney Clnncey will arrive that tho officials will soon tnko other nnd will bo located in due time. El tu visit Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Jones, tho church of tholr town. Dometrlo wnrmly of vessels or injure the bone. Sllvn and wlfo, tho a tomorrow nnd then the two Mexicans measures to lesson tho expenses of the Paso News. parents cf Mrs. Fry. contested. Tho trial this latter slstor of causo will r.robably enlighten peo- the groom, will go down from Las Ve- will have a hearing. K. K. Scott Is road. Tho dnvr. on the ranch Hon. the Death of J. X. plo of county The Wllllnms News snys: Arthur gas to bo In attendance. defending Abram Garcia. Republi- Conductors nnd The Penalty, Woods Is this regarding the man brakemen nnd A thing at Hay lake, an cxpcnslvo Harroll .Monday F. H Pierco received a message can. In llttlo sometimes rosults In ner In which tholr money hns been returned home from clerks tho Pennsylvania offices are death. Thus n mcro scratch, Insigni- and substantial affair. It will havo a a trip to Albuquerque, stopping from his wife, who was cnllod 10 wondering great squandered by tho old board of super. nt No such thing as "summer com whon tho order will strike ficant cuts or puny storage capacity and tho rush , Louisville, Ky., by a very serious Ill- bolls havo paid visors. Kingman, Ariz., Miner. N. M where ho has a contract plaint" them. What higher em-ploy- of storm waters will not nway, ness of hor sister, Miss Suo Watklna. where Dr. Fowler's Extract of these paid tho death penalty. It Is wise to have tear It for thu Snntn Fo, and also putting In Mrs. Pierco had reached hor mother's Wild Strawberry Is kept handy. Na will do is problematical. That Ducklen's Arnica Snlve over handy. for It was built to stay. The railroad school, a new and vol a tiny at Wlnslow. Ho, like a numbor homo to find hor sister vory low. Only turo's remedy for ovory loosonoss of tho officials aro Impartial In Issuing It's the best Salvo on earth and will Rev, Norman Howard nnrtlott, well-know- n liable application of technics! cducn of others who have made trips prevent fatality, whon Tiurnes, Sores, each slight hopes of her recovery aro onter-talnc- tho bowels tho order Is shown by tho fact that horo, died nt Montreal, Cana tlon, has established Itself ns far west wny ovor th says Ulcers and Plies threaten. Only 2Gc, line, Williams Is ns Tho news will do received Superintendent of Ferries da, on July 22. Tho funernl was held as Indianapolis. Tho capital Is $10,000 In Origin Carrol will at nil drug stores. good a business way as any town with sincere sorrow by tho young la- of the Word Tucson. hnvo to suffer with IiIh mon. ot Ellcnsburgh, N. Y whero his moth nnd tho directors aro promlnont rail- along dy's many Lns It Is tho general the line nnd much better than Veens friends. belief of those who DEATH OF WILLIAM DODGE. cr resides. Mr. Hartlett was pastor ot road men. It Ij planned to havo about some. James II. Crayons of Kansas City, havo Investigated The Mokl Dance. Into tho matter that Snaka tho M. E. church of Wlnslow in 1807. twonty-flv- o Instructors In this school, Mo,, with his wlfo baby stop- Phelps-Dodg- e nnt, are the origin of tho word Tucson came Tho colebrated Mokl Snake danco Head of the Company, Miss Nelllo Davis, accompanied by whom possible phases ping In tho city a de- no under all of rail Walter Douglas and party nro In El few days, being from tho Indians who expressed It win noid nt Mlshongonvl, August Owning the E. P. & 8- - W. Road and Miss Housh, tained hero on account 11 Ottlo has returned from reading will be given by instruction. Paso In the El Paso & Southwestern of tho Illness "Cruko-zon- " or nnd nt Wolpl probably two days Many Mines, Away, at tho child, who black spring. Several Passes tho coast. Tho two ladles aro from In tho Carnegie Polytechnic Instltuto private car "Nncozarl" and will remain Is recovering from years ago a wrltor to cm. lator. Tho Wolpl danco Is tho most n recent sevoro Illness. Mr. Cravens tho Tucson Interesting A telegram received In EI Paso liy Emporia, Kas., for which city Miss which Is bolng established In Pitts- In that city sovernl days. Mr. Doug. gnvo It as his opinion for tourists. Tho nearest will ho well vetnomborcd horo ns tho ten that Tucson stations on the Santa Fo aro Canyon the local officials of the El Paso & Davis left Monday evening, Mrs. Itlloy burg, It Is proposed to provldo courses Ins Is tho resident manager of tho meant "UiacK mnnagcr nnd part owned of tho wator," tho Indian of Diablo and Wlnslow, tho means of Southwestern stated that William Wnlcott, sister of Miss Roush, has In locomotive engineering, etc., In ad- Copper Queen Mining company and Romerovllln ranch bolow town, and by which was "chugo suntlc." transpuortatlon being by team requir- Dodge had Just died in Now York been entertaining the ladles. dition to tho usual engineering branch, El Paso and Southwestern railroad, his splendid Mnnv nlil.Hmnr naretat In nM.nM.aMM volco, his Interest In nil ing two days In each direction. Thero City. Mr. Dodgo was a heavy stock-- A. J. Hcndorson Is extensively Im es. with headquarters nt nisliee, Ariz. Highest temperature, 80; lowest, 6C; j A M Grlcgo; land In precinct No. 26; South lot 4, block 20, Eastern ad- pennlty, 4 conts; costs, 20 cents, to tal, $1.07. rain, trace. iniiii uy i leei; nounaeu on nortn r Delinquent Tax List .i dition. Taxes, $1.76; penalty, 8 conta; LAND vnt roim M. C. Ncedhara: Good by A. nnd P, addition; south by Stick- 20 GRAN'iS. costs, centa; total, $2.03. Lot No. 11, block No. 31, - UNKNOWN WEEKLY CROP showers during the week. A hall ler; east and west A. a nd P. a ddltlon; Rrowno- OWNEIlb OF CANON South Vt lot 7, block 19, Eastern ad- wen t LAii a 83 DB CARNUAL LAND lnnd in precinct No, 26; j by loo vnr-as- : auuition. Tnxes, cents; GRANT Tho storm on tho 0th did somo damago to dition. Taxes, 8 4 - (Concluded from page Ore.) bounded on north by F. Apodnca; $1.75; ponnlty, cents; penalty, conts; costa, 20 conta; to- possession, right ot posscaslon, and BULLETIN crops. An average second cutting of I i south bv Hfimn' rnm liv rnml- - tvnal l.v costs, 20 cents; total, $2.03, Mil, fl.Ut. all Interest or equity of, in nnd to nil nlfalfn Is liolng secured. crop ' Fruit 11.45! costs. .40 cents: total, $60.82, I F Apodaca; lot 0; bloeK D, J. Apodaca Lot 1, block 10, Eastern nddltlon. Lot No. 12, block No. 31, Rrown-- that grant or trnct or land known nnd will bo light here. Highest tempera-turo- , SANDOVAL, HlLARlO Land in addition; Innu a precinct No. 5, lui-- ! Taxes, $1 75; pennlty, 8 cents; coats, ll & Lnll's addition. Taxta,83 cents! cnueu tho Cntion do Cannial land UnltH States Ueparttuont of Agrlcul grnnt, Rernnl-lll- o 07; lowest, 40; rain, 0.05. precinct No, 5, GS feet from road to provemem on government Coyote 20 cents; total, $2.03. , , penalty, 4 cents; costs, 20 conts; to- situate In 1.10 county of 1 turs, Ciiaiata and Crop Dullctln o. M. H , Mflflncvn I ... U I...... $1 nnd territory New com- It. AUDI NOR river; uounded north by Apodaca; no. wjio lu .M,.l.tal... (MUCH Lot 4, block 18, Eastern nddltlon. tal, 07. of Mexico, ...uiunivu, prising containing 8,798 the Wsatfcer Uureau, New Mexico Section Director, south by M. bernn; east by road; west I, S, Apodaca addition, lots 1, 2, 3, and Tnxes, $1.75; jenalty, 8 cents; costs, Lot No. 7. blocK No. 32, Hrownowell and ncres, I ; more or less, composed grazing Section. by river. Lot 17; biocK ii., si. is. aim niocK z; b. Apodaca addition, lyota 20 centa; totnl, $2.03. c 83 centa; und of MUST QUIT audition. Taxes, 'unds of 30 FLIRTING. R. addition. Lot 10, Mock II. M. nnd II u nnd 4! block 3: H. Atiodnca addition? to-tn- the value of cent per ncr. Santa Fe N M , Aug, 11 In goner- North frnctlon 10, 18, pennlty, 4 centa; cor.ta, 20 centa; l. 20; block 2; Armljo entile. lot block The said lands nre by tho le- al the pant week has continued liot addition. Lot Value personal, $200; Taxes, Eastern addition. Taxes, cents; Jti in. claimed & I, Hrothcrs addition. Sheep. Value per j gal representatives or Pablo Crcspln Queer Order Issued to C. E, m;u; penalty, coats, 6.3r; ponnlty, C conts; 20 l.ot No. 8. block No. 32, Hrowncwoll and dry, liut thero have been some . costs, centa; total, al Trainmen. sonnl, $1,590. Last hair taxes, 53.35; total, $168.05 & Lnll's addition. Taxea, 83 cents; ct and nro owned by somo person or light, scattered showers, hut not audi $1.24. I persons A bulletin prohibiting flirting hn penalty, 2.60; costs, $1.30; total, PRECINCT NO 13. penalty, 4 cents; coata, 20 cent8; to- unknown, nnd nro owned and clent for the needs of vegetation nnd 57.31. South fraction lot 8, block M East, $1.07. claimed by several persons having or been posted in Im- form-erl- y tnl. growing la drying up tho books and at . 74 ALRERS, L. U. Ilomoslcad ern nddltlon. Taxes, 90 pen-an- clniming crop. Grass SYMINGTON, TERESA.Lots cents; Lot No. 9. block No. 32, Hrownowell undivided Interests therein. portant points on tho Torro Hnuto known as Stover Plncc. Value C centa; costa, 20 For or Imdly on the stock ranges, and good atul6; block 7; and Hrothcrs' centa; total, & Lull's addition. Tnxes, 83 centa; a more complete description tho division of tho ft Ill- Ar-- personal, $100. Taxes, $58.10; penal- rains are badly needed to mako fall Chlcr.o Eastern addition. tata 05 and block 8; ! $1.24. 4 anld land refofenco Is hereby given .; ty, $2.00; costs, 36 cents; total, $00.35 pennlty, cents; costs, 20 centa; to- and winter grazing. In somo locali inois. The bulletin rends: mljo nnd Hrothcrs' addition; lots 382, Lot 0, block M Eastern nddltlon. tnl 11.07 nnd Hindu to the description nnd boun- 383 block ALRERS HHOTHERS Personal daries on file In ties the stock water Is about all gone, "Complaint lias been mado that and 381; 33; Armljo Taxes, $1 10; pennlty, 6 conts; costa, Lot No. 10, block No. 32, Hrownowell thereof the office of 100; Arml-- property, $1,770. Taxes, $80.21; pen the surveyor general of Now nnd unions rain comes soon will somo of our trclnmont.ospcclnlly somo era' nddltlon, lot block 17; ' 20 cents: total, $1.45. & Lnll's nddltlon. Taxes, 83 cents; Mexico, thero jo 3, 4 5 ally, $4; costs, 35 cents; totnl, $84.50 which said description of thoso employod on tho Torro Haute and Hrothcrs' addition, lots South fraction lot 2, block M. East-c- ponnlty, 4 centa; costs, 20 to- nnd noutidnrlcs bo much suffering. All reports Indi 0; HADARACCO. JOE Land 3 cents; are hereby mane n pnrt descrip- division locals, aro In the habit ot and block u X. M. i'. Co. iaat halt ncre addition. Taxes, 00 cents; pen- tnl. $1.07. of this cate that stock In gcnornl Is still In taxes, $45.07; penalty, $2.25; costs, bounded north bv P. Crnvnlnl. until, tion. Tnxes, $96.3(; ponnlty, $4.81; flirting with tho Indies rosidlng along nlty. 5 cents; costs, 20 cents; totnl, Lot No. 11, block No. 32, Hrownowell excellent condition. As a rtilo there 2.80; 50 Z by Mountnln rond, by costs, 35 cents; $101.52. totnl, east road, west $1.24. & Lnll's addition. Tnxea, 83 cents; totnl. Is Bt 111 n fair supply of Irrigation wa- our tracks at West Montezuma and WEAVER, W. M., Assignee y ucequin. i.and in precinct No. 12: UNKNOWN OWNRKS Ixit 0. block M , Eastern nddltlon. ponalty, 4 cents; costs, 20 conta; to- OF ELENA Hlllsdaln. Tho offenders nro llnblo In vn-,ra- 50 by 100 ter In tho streams rwlng to tho show I uand precinct No. 0; 307 by 731 feet; boundod north by A OALLEOOS LAND GRANT Tho M Taxes, $1.10; ponalty, 6 cents; coats, tnl, $1.07. lo-- to get themselves Into serious trouble on nortu by Gentile, by O. In- ers In the mountains, hut In some J bounded railroad; south Clifford, enst 20 centa; totnl, $1,45. Lot No. 12. block No. 32, Rrownewoll right or posacaalon, nnd nil If the practice Is continued. A word ny enst acequia; by Hroadway, west by A. M. - or In ralltleo the streams are falling and souiu j. uutierrez; iy Oo.ullc South fraction lot 2, M., & Lnll'n nddltlnn. Tatm 111 rnnto- terest equity ot, nnd to nil that to Is west by railroad. Lund In precinct lot 12, block 2; H. H. block East grnnt or or even tho wells and springs are drying tho wise sufllrlcnt. addition, ono em nddltlon. Tnxea, 00 conts; pennl- pennlty. 4 centa; costs, 20 cents; to- tract land Known nnd call- No. 12; bounded on north by D. Gar- lot, southwest corner 3rd ed the Elena Gallegos grnnt, sit- i! Wheat harvest Is about finished "S. HUFFMAN. street nnd ty, fi cents; costa, 20 cents; tnl. $1.07. land cia; south by acequia; west. Perea ad- TIJorns road. Land In precinct total, uate In tho county ot ir-- Ni $1.24. Lot No. 7, block No. 33, Rernnllllo nnd lr northern sections; tho crop Is r 'Trainmaster." 13 14; 12; Rrownell dition, south half of lots and one lot, southeast corner 4tl So 83 territory ot Now Mexico, comprlalng .ular hut generally qulto fair. In block N. M. Lot 3. block M Eastern addition Lnll's addition. Taxes. centa; 8; T. co. nddltlon. Taxes, street nnd pre-cln- and containing 35,084.08 ncrea, moro TIJnras road. Land $1.19 : penalty. 4 conta; cocta, 20 conts; to- tli. San Juan valloy a green bug has $75.77; penalty, 3.78; costs, $1,20; to- 12; Tnxea, penalty, 5 cents; costs, or leas, WELL AGAIN. ono lot northeast corner Bt 20 tnl, $1,07. and composed of grnzlng lands gently damaged crop. $80.75. conts; totnl, $1.24. tho vnluo 30 tho totai tal. street nnd TIJorns road. Valuo per Lot No. 8. block No. 33, of of cents per ncre, Tho Second wEINMANN, J A 2; bloc sonal, $185. North fraction lot 4, block M., East- Rrownell anld lands arc by legnl alfalfa lias generally been tat Taxes. $78.00; ponnltj, ern & Lall'a addition. Taxes, 83 cents; confirmed the p 1C, N. M. T. Co Taxes, pen-all- $3.01; nddltlon. Taxea, $1.19; penalty, representatives "tired In very good condition and $21i.I7; costs, $1.05; total, $83.88. ponnlty, 4 cents; costo, 20 to- of Donaclano Gurule $10.87; coats, 20 6 cents; costr 20 cents: totnl, $1.45. cents; nnd nro by per- yield Is M, of Bad cents; total, MOORE, H. W. acre-bound- owned somo person or tae alout average. Irrigated Maurin Cured a Case of Land 35 South fraction lot 3. block 50, East- tal. $1.07. $128.54. north by L. sons unknown nnd arc owned or claim- (npg continue a very good growth, Hunlck, south by ern nddltlon. Tnxea, 79 centa; pennb Lot No. 9. block No. 33, Hrownowol' PREC.NCT NO. 2G. Blfters, east by & ed by several persons having or claim- but unlrrignted fields, especially corn, Rupture, rond, west by Mon- - ty, 4 centa; costa, 20 cents; tail's addition Tnxes. 83 conta: & KICI. I.HUMAN !?,Sno- Vcl" total ing undivided Interest therein. For a b iks very badly. Grasshoppers nro HRANNaUGH - n,r80'"l. $105. Taxes, $1.03. penalty, 4 cents; costa, 20 centa; to- Merchandise. Value personal. $buu. pennlty, $1.45; moro complete description of the said doing considerable damage In tho costa, 35 cents; Lot 4, block 50, Eastern nddltlon. tnl. $1.07. Innu. Taxes, $34.00; penalty, $1.75; costs, totnl, $30.65. No. 10, No. 33, voloronco la horeb" given and Klo KANSAS Taxes. 99 cents; ponnlty , 5 cents; tat bock Hrownowell northern Grande vnlloy. Knrly CITY SPECIALIST, 3u cents; total, $37. & mnilo to tho description and bounda- peaches UNKNOWN OWNERS. costs. 20 oents; totnl, $1.21. tail's addition. Taxes, 83 cents; and apples, plums nnd pears, CHANDLER, A. E. Lot 11, block ponnlty, 4 ries thereof on fllo In the odlco of the Lof No. 8. block No. p., A. nnd P. North fraction In! r. IllnoV RO V.nat conta; costB, 20 conts; to- nre very Irregular In yield, hut tho 3 I,o wis No. 1. Lot 5, block R, II. H. tnl. $1.07. surveyor gonernl of New Mexlco.whlch addition. Taxes, $7.27; rcnnlty, 36 ern nddltlon. Tnxea, 79 cents; penal anld quality of the fruit is very good. Mr. M. Maurin, tho South Second South, Taxes. $23.85; penalty. $1.20; No. 11, Drowno-wel- description or boundaries are cents; costs, 20 conta; total, $7,83. ty, i cents; costa, 20 cents; total, Lot block No. 33, l hereby Tho following remarks nro extract- street shoemaker, has returned from costs, 40 cents: total, $2o.45. & Lall'a 83 made a part of this description. Fraction Lot No. 13, $1.03. nddltlon. Taxes, Taxea, ed from the reports of City, Mo., CRAMMER, C E Land GO by 504 block No 0., centa; pennlty, 4 $384.16; ponalty, $10.20; costs, correspond- Kansas whoro ho spent sov A P. pen! South fraction 9. 50, cents; coata, 20 35 yards. Hounded nortn by P. Nauncz; and addition. Tnxea, $3.49; lot block East- cents; $1.07. conta; total, $403.71. ents: oral weeks under treatment for rup 17 ern addition. 79 pennl- totnl, south It Nauncz; ens acequia; west Ul'i'l Co'! costs, 20 cents; totnl, Tnxes cents; No. 12, UNKNOWN OWNERS OF TOWN Andrews A. 8. Warren: Hot nnd ture. Mr. Mnurln was a patient of $3,i6. ty, 4 cents; 20 Lot block No. 33, Hrowno- I. Galleon. Lots 3 and 4, block 45, co.ita, cents; total & OF ATRISCO LAND GRANT Tho dry; springs nnd wells falling. Not a Ernest Henderson, M. I)., who mnkes $1.03. well tail's nddltlon. Tnxes, 83 possession, right Hnraila addition. Lnitj half tiixcs, Fraction lot No. 14, block 0 A. cents; penalty. 4 20 of possession, and nil cloud in the sky and vegetation burn- it speclnlty of hernia nnd I.ot 10, block 50, Eastern conts: coats, Interest or equity of, In diseases and $25.48; penalty, $1.27; costs. 75 certs; P. nddltlon. Taxes, $1.75; penalty, 0 addition conta; totnl, $1.07. nnd to nil Hint ing up. Tnxes. 79 4 cents-cost- s, grnnt tieats both men and women. Mr. totnl, $27.50. cents; costs. 20 cents; cents: penalty, No. 7, or trnct of land known nnd call- total, $2.01. 20 cents; tat block No. 34, Rrownell & ed tho Allert H. W. Hanson: Hot and dry Mnurln snya that his trip to Kansas DENING, MRS. A. E Lots 18 and No, totnl, $1.03. Tnxes, Town of Atrlcco land grant, Lot is, mock V., A. ann P. nddl- South frnctlon lot 4 1WW n Pnnt. tail's addition. Si centa; pen" altunto In tho county weather continues excepting ono light City was wore of a pleasure trip than 10; mock 31 N. .a. 1. Co. Taxes, tlon. nlty. 4 centa; costa, 20 of Rernnllllo and Taxes, $4.56; penalty. 22 cents: ern nddltlon Tnxes. $1.75: penalty cents; totnl, territory or Now Mexico, shower. Too dry for planted crops to ono of pain and worry, as Is tho usu- $ 2; penalty, $2.3; coats, 40 cents; costs, 20 $1.07. comprising cents; totnl, $l.'is. 9 conts: costa. 20 cents; $2.04. nnd containing 87.J28.72 ncres. moro very well, poo: sanl-tnrlu- total, 10.25. totnl. do and prospects for a al caso, whoro ono goes to a Lot No. 7. block A., Juan Armljo ad- Lot No 8, block No. 34, Rrownell & one-ha- lf Lot 12. block 1" Enntnrn nil.lltlnr, or less, nnd composed or grazing crop ot wild hay. Highest tempera- FOY, WILLIAM. Fifteen nnd Lnll's nddltlon. Tnxea. 83 conta; pon- lands or hospital for treatment. dition. Taxes, $1.39; penalty. 6 cents; Taxes. J3.49? nnnnltv. 17 rnntu mat a or the or 30 ture, 100; feet: lot 10, block O. A. ft P. 20 nlty. 4 centa; coats, 20 cents; totnl, vnlue cents per ncro. Tho lowest, C2; rain, 0.65. Ho found accommodations ngrooa-bl- o costa. cents; total. $1.65. 20 cents; $3.86. Value personal property, $25. Lot totnl. $1.07. snld lands are contlrmou to tho legal A rn bo la A. M. Richardson: Still and Inexpensive, nnd tho treat- No. 10. block No. 1, s. Apodaca North fraction lot 11. 1innV r.n representatives of Taxes, $32.57; pennlty, $1.C3; costs 40 addition. pii. Lot No, 0, block No. 34, Hrownowell tho Town of Atrlsco hot and dry; vegetation drying up. ment Taxes, $2.37; ponnlty, 11 ern 79 'penal- - nnd nro owned by per- nnythlng but severe. When Mr. cents; total, $34.60. addition. Taxes, cents; & Lnll's Taxec, h3 some person or cents; costs. 20 cents; $2 4 addition. cents; Corn crop will bo short. Stock water Mnurln One-hal- f total. 68. ty, conts; costa, 20 sona unknown, and are went to Knnsns City he was JOHNSTON. JOE T. of fenta; totnl ponnlty, 4 20 to-tn- l. owned and Lot No. 5. block No. 2, S. Apodaca cents; costs, conts; by on the rtnge is drying up. Highest In n deplorable condition, now southwest V,, section -- 1; township It) $1.03. $1.07. claimed aevernl perabna hnvlng or hut addition. at G. Tnxes, $2.37; pennlty 11 3. claiming temperature. 07; lowest, D3; no rain. considers a well N., range 3 east. Lots 4, 5 and South frnctlon lot liWU in Lot No, 4, blocK No. IS, & undivided Interests (heroin. himself man. He cents; costa. 20 cents; totnl. $2.68. cm Hrowiicll For a more completo Description Doreey Will C. R.irncs: Light local speaks nothing but words of praise South 12V4 feet or lot .1, block 4, Lewis nddltlon. Tnxes, 79 centR; ponnl tali's nddltlon. Taxes. 83 cents; pen- of tho Fraction S. lot No. 2&7, block No. ty. 4 cents; 20 anld tract of land Is hereby showers hnve brightened up the groRs for Dr. and Slmonds addition West halt of 21. costa, centa; totnl, nlty. 4 cents; costs, 20 ccuta; total, rciorencc Henderson's treatment, and lot 3. block No, 2 Armljo & Rron.' nddltlon. Taxes, 1.!U, given nnd mudo to the description n little but there has ueon no general F. Arml' addition. $.1.10; $1.07. and tho euro In his case was certainly penalty, 18 - boundaries on In Lots 1, 2 and 3. RIck 1, Lewis or East- cents; costB, 20 Lot 4. block 49. Rnntnrn nil.lliln- Lot No. 6, No. thereor lllo tho olllco rnln. Irrigation wnter Is plentiful In mnrvolous. is cents; totnl, T.87. block id. Ilrowncll & or Tho doctor locnted at ern addition. Value of personal, $00. Taxes. 99 cents: nnnnltv r. S3 pen. the surveyor general or Now Mexi- most cases, and Irrigated crops look 103 Fraction lot No. 460, Lnll's nddltlon. Taxea, cents; co,, West Ninth streot, Kansas City, Last half taxes, $G2.58; penalty. $3.12; block No. 15 coats. 20 cents; totnl, $1.24, 4 which said description nnd boun- well, but rain must come In Armljo & nlty. centa; coata, 20 conta; total, tho next Mo. costs. $1 05: total, SC7.G5. Bros.' nddltlon. Taxes! North frnctlon lot 5, block 49, East- daries aro hereby mai,o a part or this few days If wo $2.01; ponnlty. 15 $1.07 nro to have a good MEDLER, EDWARD 82 cents; costs, 29 ern 9 ponnl-ty.- description. Taxes, $005.b3; North nddltlon. Tnxes, centa; 4 Lot No. 6, block No. JS, Hrownowell pennlty, winter feed for stock. 10 24 cents; total. $3.26. $45.20 ;costs, 35 cents; Stock of all feet; lots to Inclusivo; block 22; cents; coats, 20 cents; total, $1.03. & tail's nddltlon. Taxea, 83 centa; totnl, $961,57. kinds looking Calf OUR N. M. T. Co. 50 root; East half lot No, 27. block No. 7 lino. crop even IRRIGATIONISTS. addition, south, South fraction lot 9. block 49, East-er- n pennlty, 4 cents; costs, 20 cents; to- 13, 11 I. ad- Armljo & Rros.' Taxes' Notlco Is hereby smnllcr than expected. Brandings lots am. 15; block A. ft P. addition. nddltlon. Taxes, 70 cents; penal-ty- , tal, $1.07. Mrtbcr given that $3.49; pennity, 4 tho underalgned, tax Her-naln- lo generally finished. dition. Taxes, $110.21; penalty, $5.06; is cents; costs, 20 cents; costa,' 20 centa; No. 7, block No. 18, collector for costs, colita: totnl. $3.S7. total. tat Hrownowell county, will apply Kl Itlto P. Lopez: Very part of $.80; total, $Lu.07. $1.03. & tail'H addition. 83 to tho dis- hot Have Given Old Lot 78. bloek Nn 7 Taxes, ccnlv, trict court In nnd for snld the week, on hou good up Elephant Rulte PRECINCT NO. 26. Lot 10. block 40. F!nstnm n,l Hllnr. ponalty, 4 conts; 20 to- county, on with 's rain on nddltlon. $7.27; costs, cents; tho tweirtli dnv of inni - A MEDLER, North, 23.8 Taxes, ponnlty, 36 Tnxes. 09 cents; pennlty, 6 cents;' tal, $1.07. the 7th. good crop of second alfal- SOPHl. a judgment nirnlnst tho Iniuin ronl ,atnt Dam Proposition, rcet or lots 1J to 16 inclusive; block uiua, iusib. cenia; total, $7.83. l'ubih, cents; toini, Lot No. 8, No. 18, fa has been secured In lino condition. Lot No. 6, itbldck block Hrownowell and personal property 30; N. M T. Co. addition, north 02 No. 1. Armljo & North fraction lot 11. block 49, & Lall'a addition. Taxes, 83 cents; described In Corn growing well. Harvesting whent Hroa. addition. East mo lun-guin- together feet of lots 13, 14 nnd 15; block I; A. Taxes, $1.45; ponnlty em addition. Tnxes, 79 conta; penal- pennlty. I centa: costs. 20 to usi. with coata alKiut finished. 7 centa; 20 cents: nnd penalties, and for nn nll & P. addition. Taxes, $88.08; penalty, coatB, cents; total. $1.72. ty, 4 centa; total, $1.03. tal. $1.07. order to O WANT NATIONAL RESERVOIR. - No. tho Frultlaml J. Collyer: All crops $4.S4- costs, $1.40; total, $04.42. Lot 7. block No. 1. Armljo &. South fraction lot 3. block 48, East- No. 9, No 8amo to satisfy said Judgment; doing Rros. tat block IS, Hrownowell mm no well; whent Is rut and second PEARCE. O. ii. Lot 12, block 15; addition. Taxes. $1.45; ponalty. ern nddltlon. Tnxea, 70 cents; ponnl- & addition. Tnxes, K3 cents; aim, win witnin thirty days II. 7 conts; 20 tail's nftor tho rendition nf uni.i in,iimi,t alfalfa is reaily to cut. Owing to II. addition, lot 11' block 15; H. II. costs. cents; total, $1.72. ty, 4 cents; costs, 20 cents; total, ponnlty, 4 cents; coats, 20 cents; to- damp Tho peoplo of Now Mexico, who are addition, west halt 7; block 1G; H. Lot No. 8, block No. 1, $1.03. ngalnst property described In said list and rnlny weather grasshoppers lot Armljo & tal. $1.07. r In - Hros. mm niii-- iinving given and green chinch (?) bugs show- Interested benefiting undor tho lr- H. aifliltlon, 10 feet, lot 8; block 10; H. addition. Taxes, $1 45; penalty Lot 4, block 48, Eastern Lot No. 1. block No. 17, notlco by a nre 7 ' addition. Hrnwnewoll uivnu inn posteu ing up. ilgntlon net pabsed by tho last con- - II addition, lot 1, block ti; A. & P. ad- cents; costs. 20 cents ;total, $1.72 Tnxes, 00 cents; ponnlty, 5 & 83 nt tho front door of Abundance of Irrigation wa- conts; tail's addition. Tnxes. cents; tho till I till tlC In which dition. Taxes, half, $41.34; penal- Lot No. 0. block No. 1, 20 4 ihn .lUlrlnt ter. Highest temperature, OS; gross, aro maturing their plans last Armljo A costa, conta; total, $1.24. ponalty, Jcents; costs, 20 cents; to- lowest, ty. $2.12; costs, Rros.' - court for said county Is hold, at least 42. to dam up river somo point be- $1.00; total, $4.4G. addition. Taxes, $1.45; penal- North fraction lot r lilnnk- ill l.'nut. tnl. $1.07. the at ty, 7 - ien unys prior to or PBARCE, F. L Lot 7; bloc 21; H. cents- costa, 20 conta; total, em nddltlon. Tnxes, 79 centa; penal Lot No. 2, hick No. 17, Hrownowell tho day sale, offer Galllnas Springs Jns. V, Whit-mor- tween Illncon and Anthony nud build H. for sale at llllbllo nnrtlnt, In front nf audition, lot t; block 21; H. H. ad- $1.72. ty, cenisc; costa, zu conts; total, & Lnll'8 addition. Tnxes, 83 cents; Hot nnd dry out threatening a canal which will put about 100,000 dition. Valuo i said building, the real estate and psr- - personni, $340; Taxes, Fraction lot No. 21. block No. A.. M. $1.03. ponalty, 4 cont8; costB, 20 conta; to- rain. Highest low-ea- t, acres of arid land under cultivation, penalty, aonai property In emperature, 90; $7.i; $.,,; costs, 40 conta; H. nnd R. nddltlon. Taxes. $7.27; pen- South fraction lot 9, block 48, East- tal. $1.07. tiescrihed this notlco says against which mi l til tin 59; no rain. tho El Paso Times. total, $82.01. alty, 36 cents; costs. $7.83. ern nddltlon. Taxes, 70 cents; penal- Lot No. 3. block No. 17, Hrownowoll mil tnnv ran. Golden It. M. Cnrley: A AUornoy II. 11. Holt of Las Crucos ty, 4 centa; 20 dored for tho amount of , penal- - heavy REHDER. MArtY R. North, 02 feet Fraction lot No. 22, block No. A., costs, cents; totnl, ft tail's addition. Taxes, 83 cents; nee anu shower on 2d was In tho city, and In talklug with of 1, 2 3G, M. I). $1.0$. penalty. 4 2U costs auo tiiercon. the has made everything lota and 3, block north 02 nnd R. nddltlon. Taxes, $7.27; conts: costa. enntn: tn. A look green a roportor for gavo somo 1, 2 3, 37, M. ponnlty, 36 10, block 48, $1.07. IllllltlPll on tho prairie, and thero tho Tlmos, foots of lota nnd bock N. cents; costs, 20 cents; to- Iot Eastern addition. tnl. Treasurer and 'of Interesting T Co. 4, 3G. tal, $7.83. Taxes. 00 cents; penalty, 5 centa; Lot No. 4. No. 17. Collector are fair prospects for a good crop of Information on tho subject addition, ots 3. bock H. H. block Hrownowell county, New gramma of aduitlon. Taxes, $122.12; ponalty, Fraction lot No. 23, costa, 20 cents; total, $1.24. & tail's addition. Tnxea, 83 centa; Moxlco. grass. New Mexico's Irrigation plana. block A., M. n. First publication August 15, 1003. $5.10; costs, $1.00; $128.22. and R. penal-ty- . North frnctlon lot 11. Iilnnk 4R Rnat. pennlty, 4 conta; coats, 20 cents; to- Hobart W H. Hough: High, dry-In- g He said that for tho past thrco or totnl. addition. Taxes, $7.27; B. 2. 36 orn addition. Taxea, 70 centa; penal tnl, $1.07. winds during tho week. Harvest- four weeks a party of civil engineers REINHART. '. Lot block E. conta; costs, 20 cents; total, WORK HA8 COMMENCED. A. and P. n. ,ot 7 and 8; block J. $7.83. ty, 4 centa; costs, zu conts; total, Lot No. 5, block No. 17, Hrownowell ing wnoat continues; much of the under Engineer Reed, a man of much & A. and P. addition, lots 20 and 21, Du-ra- n $1.03. Lall'a addition. Taxes, 6.1 cents; crop Is cxperlenco Fraction E. lot No. 7. block A.. shrunken. Corn, alfalfa and In this line, havo boon block I. A. and addition, lot 13, and Alexandor Smith frnotlnn lnt 4 l.lnntr 47 Pnet. penalty, 4 cents; coats, 20 conts; to- Active Preparations Being Made to vegetation In general surveying Bites addition. Taxes. being damaged reservoir down the block N. A. and P. addition, lot 15 and $1.76; pennlty. 8 cents; coats, 20 em addition. Taxes, 70 cents; penal tnl, $1.07. Erect Depot at El Paso. ly grasshoppers. river Vegas. 10. block Q 4 zu No. 6, 17, do-p- Ripening fruits aro from Las Whllo nil of A. and P. addition. Last conts; total, $2.03. ty, cents; rosta, conta; total, Lot block No. Ilrownwell The slto of tho proposed union ot voiy good. half taxes. $22..--; penalty, $1.12; $1.03. ft Lall's addition. Taxeo, 83 the available altos hovo beon looked S. 02 feet lot No. 6, block C , Duran cents; assumed quite a hualnoaa-llk- o ap- costa, 5, 47, East- 4 to- Hood II. A. Hood: Hot and dry; Into, Mr. Holt enys that tho Elephant $1.60; total, $25.25. and Alexnnder nddltlon. Taxes. $3.40; North fraction lot block ponalty, centa; cost, 20 cents, pearance by night yostorday, says A. ern addition. 70 centa; penal- tal, $1.07. tho Just right for tho feconu crop of hay Butto, the original site, Is considered TRUJ1LLO. AZORES East of pennlty, 17 cents; costa, 20 conta; to- Taxea, El Paso Nows. lot 6, block F. J. Apodaca ty, 4 cents; costs, 20 Lot No. 7. No. 17. whicn is being put up. Some whent is tho most feasible addition. tal, $3.86. cents; total, block Rrownewoll Value odf personal, $3.10. Taxes, $23.-7- $1.03. & 83 Tho outfit of tho Copies, Powers & ruined by a green bug "It la a Impression Fraction lot No. 12, block No. 4, tail's addition. Taxea conts; that hns taken mistaken which pennlty, $1.18; costs, 10 conta; to- Lot 10. block 47. Eastern nddltlon. ponalty, 4 conts; costs, 20 cents; to- O'Connor company, which hag boon In sap Northern nddltlon. Taxea. $3.49; pen-nlt- the out of tho head and prevented Bomo peoplo teem to havo," said Mr. tal, $5.12. Taxes, 99 cents; pennlty, 5 cents; tal, $1.07. Rolen, N. M., constructing 17 centa; coats, 20 conta ; tho Santa the grain from filling. Is Per-son- total, This being Holt, "that tho peoplo of Now Moxlco VENDOME HOTEL SALOON. $3.80. costs, zu cents: totnl. xi.?4. tat No. 7, block No. 17, Hrownowell Fo Central road, was camped on the cut for hay. Range la dry aro going property, Mnrtli fmntlnn lnt 11 lilnnlr 47 Himl- - & hut tbr after a dam on tho sarao $400. Taxes, $2J.28; Fraction lot No. 12 block Nn i u Lall's nddltlon. Taxes, 83 cents; grounds nnd moro than 100 men were la plenty of Irrigation wnter. plan Is penalty, $'70; costs, 35 cents; total, orn nddltlon. Taxes, 70 cents; penal ponnlty, 4 cents; to- that this section going nftor a. Spot. Taxes, $1.45; ponalty, 8 costa, 20 ijnto; busy arranging tho scrapers and fix-In- g La Luz ErueBt S. Swift: Tho tho International dnm. Tho two $25.ii. ty, i cents; costa, 20 conts; total, tal, $1.07. turn; costs, 2d conta; total, $1.73. $1.03. their tonta for tho next six or has moderated and we have schemes are utterly Independent of PRECINCT NO. 5. Lot No. 2, block No. 3, Northern Lot No, 8, block No. 17, Hrownowell eight months' occupation. Lot No. 8, block No, 30, Rrnwnewell ft nddltlon, 83 cents;-nonalt- had frequent showers during the ono another. Tho peoplo of Now Mex- I1ERTONI, RARTO. tand bounded addition. Tnxna tn ) nnnnltv tail's Taxes, Tho high south, Apodaca; It well & Lall's addition. Taxes, 83 4 cents: coats. 20 cnntu: to ground north of the tracks week. Alfalfa growing well. ico nro proceeding undor act cast, 2d street. Value centa; costa, 20 conts; totnl, $3.86. looka tho of personal, $300. Taxes, $35.55; penal- centa; penalty, 4 cents; coats, 20 tal, $1.07. like a Bmall sized tent city, nil Las Vegas Leon J. Thornhill: congrcas, which provldos for tho gov- Lot no, 3, block No. 5, Northern ad- ty, $1.75; costa, 35 $37-.6- centa; total. $1.07. No. 9, block No, 17, Hrownowoll tho omployos of tho company being Weather continues hot cents; total, dition. Tnxes, $3.49; penalty. 17 tat and dry, with ernment building of reservoirs upon UURULE, ... A. do, Not No. 9, lilock No. 30. Rrowno-wel- l & Lnll's addition. Taxes, 83 camped thoro, with Gunrdlan Land cents; costB, 20 centa; totnl. $3.86. cents; tholr cook outfit, considerable wind. Some light show tho cectlon to ho honollted thereby & Lall'a addition. Taxes, 83 ponalty. 4 20 to- bounded north by road; south by Lot No. 4, block No. 5. cents; costr, cents; blacksmith's camp and horso enmp. ers but not enough to do much good. pledging onough land to pay anmo; cast by L. by Northern cents; penalty, 4 conta; costa, 20 tnl, $1.07. for the do Sedlllo; west Tnxea, $3.40; penalty, 17 cents; Yeatorday waa given up to clearing Wheat and oats being hnrvested; anmo - river; 7 centa; total, $1.07. No. 10, No. 17, In ten years In annual Install- acres. Land bounded north by costs, 20 conta; total, $3.80. Lot block Hrownowell off tho ground, but today tho scrapers corn looks badly. Where Irrigated tho raonta. L. Sedlllo; south .y J Apodaca; east No. 10, block No. 30. Hrowne-wel- l ft Lnll's addition. Taxes, 83 cents; Lot No. 5. block No. 5, nd- and toama wore placod nt In oar-nea- t. vegetables are growing wo!!. by railroad; west by 2d street, Northern & Lall'a nddltlon. Taxes, 83 penalty. 4 conta: costs. 20 So. work "Tho Tonto basin schomo In Arizo t dltlon. Tnxes, $3.49; 1 rents! acres; 1.G5 acrea ponnlty, 7conts; cents; ponnlty, 4 cents; costs, 20 tal, $1.07. Mesllla PnrkR. H. Hart: Cooler na hag been worked out oi land; bounded on costs, 20 conN; $3.86. nnd It has by 11. total, cents; total. $1.07. Moro than 150.000 yarda of earth nro than last week, show-ors- . north Sedlllo; south by F. Perea; Lot No. 11, block No. 17, Hrownowell with three light been pledg- Lot No, 6, 'jlnck No. 5. nd- Tlrnn-nn- . ascertained that tho land enst by 2d street; by Norfthern Ijit Nn. 11. hlnnW Mn M & 83 to bo removed and tho gangs will bo No water In tho ditches yet al- weBt road; land dltlon. TnxeH. J3.49: 17 tail's addition. Taxes, conts; ed to tho government will only havo 5 acres; II, nnnnltv won t addition. Taxes, 83 worked steadily though plenty In tho river, crops bounded north by Sedlllo; costs. 20 cents; penalty, conts; costs, 20 cents; to- for tho noxt six and to pay back $17 ptf aero In ton years, aouth by R. F. P Perea; east by ditch; total, $3.86. cents; ponalty, 4 cents; costja, 20 tnl. $1.07. montlia to accomplish and vegetation suffering. E. 25 feet No. 7, 9. that end. Second edi- or $1.70 an acre each yenr. west by railroad; land 11 acres; boun- lots 8, block No. cents; totnl, $1 07. No. 12, block No. 17, 3. H. H. , tat Rrownewoll ting of alfalfa finished. Highest tem- peoplo ded on north by A. by addition. Taxes, $7.27; pon-nlty- IM No 12, block No, 30, Rrowno-wel- l ft "Our have estimated that tho Rarela; south 36 tail's addition. Taxea, 83 conta; James LooKon and Harlow Dennett, perature, 07; lowest, C9; rain, 0.10. V. Sedlllo; west by 11 cents; costs, 60 conts; total, & Lall'a addition. Taxes, 83 4 plan of Irrigation which they havo railroad; land $8.23. penalty, conts; coata, 20 centa; to- of the Raton shops, played Mlmbres Chanes Dennis: Hot nnd acres; bounded on north by A. Harela; cents: nnnnltv. 4 renin? rnnto 'm tal, $1.07. with the undor contemplation will tako In, In W. froctional 67 Trinidad ball team In garao dry but good signs of rain; no rain of cast by Eastern addition; west by T, feet lots No. 7, 8. conts; total, $1.07. tat No. 8, block No. 15, Rrownewoll tholr with round flguroa, 100,000 acres nnd the" 9. block No, 3, H. Rrowno-wel- Soprls consequence for twenty A. Gurulo; land bounded on north by H. nddltlon. Tnxes. Lot No. 7, block No, 31. l & tail's addition. Taxes, 83 centa; last Sunday, Trinidad defeat- days, nnd cost por aero will, ho com $7.28: .1R runts- - r.n thereforo, road; aouth by J. ncnaltv. rnota & Lall's addition. Taxes, 83 4 ing Soprls by a scoro ot 15 to 1, Lea-so- n grass la drying up. Second allalfa Is Apodaca; east 2d centa; pennlty, cents; coata, 20 centa; to- paratlvoly small Btreet; west by road. Taxes, $45.16; total, $8.23, cents: nonaltv. 4 centa: rnst in tal, $1.07. nnd Dennett both mado homo secured In good condition. Corn look- 8, "It la also n mistaken Idea to think penany, $2.25; costa, $2.86; total, $60- Lot No. block No. C, H. H. Bouth cents; total, $1 07. Lot No. 19, No. tuns. ing well. Crop prospects In general - addition. blcck 29, Hrownowoll that tho building of a rosorvolr at the Taxes, $7.27; penalty, 36 Iot No. 8, block No. 31, Drowne-wcl- l & addition. Taxea, 83 conta; A. R. Gibson, promoter are fair. Fruit will be a short crop centa; costs, 20 & tail's of Sun Elophnnt Rutt slto will hlndor tho GURULE. T. a. tand 50 varaa to centt.; total, $7.83. Lall's nddltlon. Tnxes, 83 ponnlty, 4 cents; coats, 20 centa: to- mount, but of good quality, Lot No, 1. cents: 4 tont city suburb of Santa Fe, building of tho International dam at grant llmlta; bounded on nortu by P. block No. E., II. II. South nonaltv. centa: rns !n tnl. $1.07. Is -- In tho city on. business. F. H. Mitch-o- il OJo Cnllente A. Joseph: Tho dry, Yrlsarrl; aouth by A. Sanchez; cast addition. Taxea, $7.27; penalty, 36 cenU: 'otnl. $1.07. No. 11, Mock No, 29, Drowno wol El Paso. Tho opinion of most all sc! cents; NO. 9. tat ot this city Is also hot weather continues but there Is by grant; west by road; land 3 acres; costa, 20 centa; total, $7.83. Lot block No 31. Ttrnwnn. ft Lnll'a nddltlon. Taxes, 83 conts; Interested In entitle minds Is to tho contrary. They LOt No. r, l, Mn well & tho promotion ample water In the streams. Itounded on north by Dell street; south 9 nMi Lall'a addition. Taxea, 83 conta; ponalty. 4 conts; 20 to- of tho "tont city." Grass say that at flood times tho amount of coats, cents; on tho ranges need rain badly. Wheat by Trumboll avenue; east by Johns tlon. Taxea, $3.49; penalty, 17 conta; punauy, 1 coins; costs, 20 cents; to- tnl, $1.07. Harry Ovorman has beon appointed water in mo Rio Grando Is nlwayH v $1.07. crop Is excellent, and other crops streot; west by Wlli.ama atrcot; land uunio, cont8; totnl, $3.86. tnl. tat No. 12, block No. 29, Brownwoll clork to Car Foreman Taylor at Ra. mora than Hufllclont for 50 anu 250 varna; Lot No. 17. block No. 10. block Nn. 31. rtrnwnn. moat promising. Stock In twlco tho bounded on north by No. 10. Peroa addi- ft Lnll's addition. Taxes. 83 cents; ton, vlco Frank Chlchoator, resigned, excellent now In i--. Vigil; by tion. Taxea. I1.7S: R well & Lall'n nddltlon. Taxes, 83 conta; 4 condition. number of dnma contemplation south L. Uaca; east by 8. nnnnltv Knnt.. penalty, cents; costs, 20 onta; to to accept a position In Puoblo, And, then, the conservation of tho Apodaca addition; west by river. Land coBts, 20 cents; total. $2.03. Santa Fe U. a. Weather 4 D llureau: Ttatcr abovo will naturally Incroaso nnd feet; bounded on north by E. Lot No. 18, block No. 10. Peroa nddl. Continued hot and dry; bright morn-lag- s Vigil; by X1.7K fi tho precipitation and tlinro will he south i Apodaca; east by lion. Tnxea. nnnnltv .onto. but cloudy afternoons. Some ditch; west by road; In costs, 20 centa; more water below than thero would land precinct total, 92.03. Is ripe and some oats havo bean No. 9; 40 by 250 varaa; no. 29, 10, ad- - wheat otherwise be." bounded on loi block No. Porea To Cure a Cold in cut. Cecond alfalfa a good crop. north nnd Bouth by R. Sanchez; cast ditlon. Taxes. 11.75? nnnnltv fi mni. One Day Zzsl by ' Fruit lrregwlarjrfind acarco but of City Attorcey Stlcglo road; weat by N. Daca; land In pre- conta, 20 conta; total, $2.03. John If. has No. 46 G4 T Tk. Bromo gwUty. Irrigation water becom- cinct 8: bv vnrna: Imiinrtnrf Lot No. 30 blnnk.Mn 10 Ann,lj. Lutfive Quinine TaUttt. A oa every fair returned from an outing In tho on M. ing searee; max ditches aro dry. north by Marls; South by M. addition. Taxes. $1.75: penalty, ft Garcia; eaat by O. Thomas; west by cents; costa, 20 cents; total, $2.03.