University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-15-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-15-1903 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-15-1903." (1903). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/475 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jolume 1; ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 1903. NUMBER 100 o.itiook In tho district Is unusually threw the shorts Into excitement. good. The dividend meeting was hold two weeks nbend of tho regular time. I De Witt Is the Name. Official Register Thoro was a general scurrying from I New Mexico Towns When you go to buy Wl'.ch Hazel hotiBo to house, looking for tho stock, Railroad Topics jmmmmmmJr Salvo look for the name Do Witt on OF NEWiMEXICO and loans nf It wore made nt as high every box. Tho pure, unadulterated nt i.uu a share for tho uso ovor night. Ib In making Do Tho advertising department ot tho of considerably over a mllo a mlnuta GALLUP. mining Interests and whero tho throe Witch Hazel used on do ii gold about 20,000 shares of the Snlvo, which Is Snnta Fo railroad hns sent out tho fol- wns malntntncd. Th routo from tho expect to mako their futuro home. Dr. Wltfs Witch Hazel Territorial Officers. In morning, when the price tho best salvo In tho world for cuts, stock the lowing prepared article relative to tho Mississippi to tho Continental dlvldo From the Republican. Sowers and Mrs. Aronhelm havo been Dolegato to Congress 11. S. Rodey, 0 points, ns to cover. bums, bruises, bolls, eczema and rose bears tried Iiwo special train which passed Is with much steep moun- I Mrs, J. M. Carman 1ms been quite residents of Silver City for years past. Albuquerque. Thoso who raided tho stock week plloa. Tho popularity of Do Witt's lurt through Aliraquerquo tho other nftor-noo- tain climbing Ili places. tick nt Long Ileacli, Cut., but Is now They wnl be greatly missed hero and Us many Governor Miguel A. utoro, aanta n a desperate attempt to cover wero Witch Hazol Salvo, duo to j In 1900 n remarkable run wns mado improving. their friends will wish them every worth- Fo. badly punished London sold by cures, has caused numorous W. Itaynolds, and by tho Peacock special from west to ShMds, who was formerly success In their now locntion. bo placed on the Secretary J. Santa got. All previous records for railroad iGeorgu less counterfoils to cublo the stock il.uy cast, Its avcrago speed being 41.7 at the briquette plant, ex- Dr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Ijiiio returned market. Tho genuine bears the name Fo. tlmo from Atlantic to Pacific coaot Solicitor Geoorai E. L. Dartlett, miles an hour between Los Angelca pects to urrlvi hero Sunday morning homo ulter a nlno weeks' vacation of 12. C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago. Sold ' w6ro broken on Frldny, August 7, Yellow-ston- Santa Fe, Walter Ilurko, a vory popular young In- Chicago. ;lth Ills mother from Philadelphia. trip spent In Colorado nud tho o by n. II. Drlggs & Co. nnd S. Vann when tho II. P. liwo special rolled and This train, however, Auditor W O. Sargent, Santa Fe. man, died nt Great Demi, down-grad- They will few days h'oro, then park. & Son. railroad to Los Angeles over tho Santa Fo nt had tno advantage of tho visit a 'ireasuror J. II. Vaughn, Santa Fe. Kr.s., Sunday night of nppetidlcltli, hoy will go to California for tlio bone, Mrs. Arthur S. Qoodcll returned Penitentiary H. 1:0G p. m. I from tho Rockies to tho Mississippi 3ANTA FE. Sunerlntcnuent of after only n few days' illness. Ho took valley. lit of his tnnthor's health. from Las Angeles whero she had O. Bursum, Santa to. ' Henry P. Lowe of tho Engineering spent several weeks enjoying tho Superintendent of Public Instruc- nick Wednesday of nst week, nnd bo The famous Nellie Illy special mado Tho cavalry competition ns to mark- Now Mexican. Company ot America, left New )ork sights of popular From tho tion J, Francisco Chaves, Snnta Fe. ng unable to go homo, wns tak tho trip from San Francisco to Chica- smanship Is taking place at Ft. Whip- tho California resort. o Tuesday afternoon, August 4, at 2:45, Ilorn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred L. en to tho home ot his swocthenrt, go In slxty-nlu- avcrago ple. Wodnoaday was the first day It. Nllcs loft for Philadelphia from Librarian Lafayette Emmctt, San Immediately upon hearing of his hours at an a girl baby. Mother and child Fo. whero ho died. A over a year ot 37 3 nnd thoso fiom Fort Wlngato scored which placo ho will salt during the ta llttlo daughter's Illness In speo.i miles an hour. doing woll. Jomnilssloncr of Public Lands A. ngo ho was promoted to n fatal tho distant By I.lpplncott, present mouth with IiIb family on a conductor Catch-- a comparison of thoso schedules as follows: Lieutenant A. Keen, Fe. I California city of Angeles. ' European Mr. will At the Methodist parsonage llov. Snnta nnd his prospects for future happiness a fair Idea may bo gathered ot tho third, score, 2G5; Corporal Honsor, tour. Nlles return W- - Ing tho Twentieth Century limited W. A. Coopor performed tho coremony adjutant Qoneral Whiteman, nnd gueces wero great, which makes rcmnrkablo ot tho Lowo spec- fourth, score. 2G2; Corporal Watson, to brant county about tho middle of Fo I over the New York Central and Inlco record Hint united In marrlago O. T. lledman Santa his I'l'ath n very pad one. ial. This achievement will go down fifth, score. 355 October. traveling Auditor atul Dank Exam- Shoro railroads, ho raced westward to of Newport, Aik., to Mrs. Eva .Curry In red letters in tno annals ot Prof. W. H. Decker, who will bo O. it. Smyth of Ixrdsburg has been iner C. V. 8afford, Safeta Fe. Chicago at nil avorago speed of 48.8 of Espanola. C. H. Wllklno, grand senior conduct principal of our schoolH this year, appointed by Governor Otero ns coun Uamo and Fish Warden P. D. miles per hour, arriving In Chicago on Judge Henry L. Waldo and daughter or of Order of Railway Conduct- 'arrived from California, where ho has ty commissioner for tho third district Otcio, Snnta Fo. i tho Wednesday forenoon. Hurrying from I Hollen nrrlved nnd aro em est b nt the Public J. 8. Duncan, Las ors, will visit Albuquerquo weak. ' lioen intending summer school. Mr. of Grnnt county, vlco II. G. Shafer, Printer this tho Shore to tho Santa Fo depot Tho Snnta Fo la still having some Palaco hotel. Miss Anna G. Mills of Vegas. Ho Is making nn official trip through Iako fDockor Informs us ho will movo resigned on account ot removal t'o In n which was being held in troublo Ib disposing of tho freight de- that City, sister-in-la- ot Judgo cab Jils Clifton, Arl.. Mr. Smyth will qualify Kansas the west. stroyed In transit during tho floods family hero from Albuquerque Waldo, Is with them. Judiciary. wnltl'ig for him, tho anxious father 'iext week. Wo extend a hearty wel- and enter upon the duties ot his office boarded tho special and was outward at Kansas City. The road now has Georgo Anton returned from a twen- (Supremo Court.) SAN MIGUEL COUNTY. come at once. twenty-thre- o several thousand dollars' worth ot to Mr. Decker and family. ty days' sojourn nt Jcmcz hot springs. Chief Justice W. J Mills, Ve- bound minutes after William E. Wntson, who hns been gan. reaching the "Windy City." Compos-- 1 "paper" for tho Sells & Downs' cir- Ho says tho Joinez country had good Will No Doubt Make a Good oyrup. manager of the Shannon company's Justice John R. McFIc, Showing nnd hotel-ca- r cus storod nt tho freight house, German rains during tho pant ton dnys, that Assoclato cd of coach "Rocket" Wo want to Impress upon mir read store at Motcalfo for somo tlmo past, SM.ata Fe. at the World's Fair. by a powerful Iron groy- - which the circus refuses to accept. grass Is high sheop nnd drawn ers that Hoscheo's German Syrup Is has rcHlgncd his position and Inst kneo nnd tlint and Assoclato Justlco F. W. Parker, At tho meeting of tho Lns Vogns t.niin.l ...11. tnnl,,A,,M tl...nn.. n ,tt The "paper" at the tlmo of shipment cattlo look splendid. ot on positively the only preparation on the week returned to his homo In Pinos Las Cruccs. board trail 9 Tuesday evening turoiiio, mo 10 special leaped weighed about thrco tons, but slnco vory quiet In po Associate Jusuco 13f S. Baker, Al- sania inrkct today that does roilcvo ana Altos, accompanied by his children. Matters havo been Hon Euseblo Chacon, on of the into tho rncc, with orders to mako no Its wetting it would tip tho scales at ure consumption. It contains tho Is considerably run down lice circles rcently and the docket of buquerque. world's Fair commissioners from San Mi. Watson Vacancy. Btops oxcept thoso to tnke water and thrco times that amount.
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